Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 16, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1
"srM-'"1'TkP- r-w -?- t"T" -"ttlTn wf-'jpjS- 'iF"WV f$i$w 'yg'tvmmim "'fsmf FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA Uamtmn NIGHT EXTRA PJJILADELP1L1A, Fill DAY, AL'HIL 1(5, l!Hi. OortmaliT, I01R. nt Tint rosuc LtMti CouraNt. PRICE ONE CENT , 1 - Law gS. vSkk' IRITISH BATTLE WITH TAUBE ! Laaa I71717T TO AID 17AI T AIinriiTfi l)) riaiii in mil rujuLUVVimi , ZEPPELINS' RAID ON LONDON n Taubes Bombard Two Tpwns in Latest Invasion Dagenham, Within City Limits, Shelled by Airships Which! IvVisit Twelve Places in Essex and! Suffolk Woman and Girl Injured f and Several Fires Started. EX-DIRECTOR NORRIS SAYS ADIEU TO OFFICE FORCE Xo snonri ft The lona'Uitcalrneil '.epplcln inld on London hai shifted M .11 ...Mil. f.ntllhrf A. wt .tntli Itt'Itll. I (hC tlirCC ACPVeilHlt IUMIW. '""" " "t" '""Iflfl Illbfl" limy iin 1..1 fiiMimctrcr inn Taubes urif slyhtcd off Maryulv. I'lirerslimn j gHHiipbourin; ! miles fiom London, ueie hanihoidcd, Wf ttrltlth aiitilor.i pursued the Taubes, and a but Hi' U n, nflHsli nl'IIIOI'.l pur.llirti nil i.im.i.i, "" .1 i.iim 417.fi, ,,ri in mi mi B -Uncased bll thousands. An unconfirmed rcimrl siiyt one of the laubcs imiinif to enrth bll il't-' i"0'- ' "v lawers en used little dnnmie. ai . ....l fit ,iMfWi Hurt y.l'lllirllll'a iltntltifil I l.iftf.tili.ti.i ...iff.... IB IllC MOrlllHlV Mil", in ...-. - ...,.,. - ..;,.........,, .......... '"' limit's 0 (licatcr London, iras shelled. The other Inirni under lire ireic j A tcoman nn n in iccrr sunnily injured, icime, fires, Me I'"1''4 TWO STATES PAY TIU BUTB TO DEAD NEWSPAPERMAN if ...- ...iff Nllftolli. i? " j ti:nnnn dmnauc. tunc .iatcrf. YcMcA Minn. ....-,- ....:,. ,., ..,., , .., ,,. .,, F Colin Zeppelin IS icporit" '" ''-' w...,, , ic iimmm on iixi K .t. nero Imsc at CllXlOfCII. I lW """ - S LONDON. April 16. L the thlid time WUI.IM lc3S than 40 f -1 nfr hnve croRseu tne MJtthbeanii nrlnn two of the 5 ! nf crnoon upon SlttlnBliourne, f Kent, after lit at l.ombar.lli.B Kaver- h'm- .,.. n,l nnrtliwttrd townul St. cnBaBert by three Hrltlsh avla fl' the aviation enmp at Chatham. kM ihrn spun """"- ? nconfl m 1 report f.'om Chatham :l,E" '( the C.ermnns has been liUt down b! "W -hot. lire,, by the C.Ws afternoon Antl-alrcraf I", n.i unnii hoi- and Mc uippen ."". ."" "..: n Commerce and Industry Bow Heads at Colonel Nelson's Funeral. KANSAS CI'l'V. Mo., Apill lfi. Till! hlRht-at tribute within the power of two States to Rive to nny man was paid to the late Colonel William It. Nelson, pub lisher of the Kansas City Star and the Kansas City Times. In honor of the man whose life was consecrated to the fllrUKfile for social Justice and economic c(iilty, business houses tin oiighout the I city and many over Missouri and Kansas llrttly. Crowds Rat"""' ,n j' ,eev" I close.l their doois ilurlnK the funeial hour kir Into cheers, bcllovliiB tne inuue Sdbeen lirouHlU 'low"- 'rl,c n"mnn' nni1 tlle '"' "'most to a man. did bom- A veritable garden of flowers greeted the former Director of Wharves, Docks and Ferries as ho visited his office in the Bourse Building today, and in view of this surprise he spoko of his appreciation to the employes of the department. "I have spent many happy hours in this department." he said. "The relations of those associated with me in my work as Director had always been pleasant. I leave the department in the best of hands, and am sure thnt harmony will continue and the same interest will be shown my suc cessor." John Meigs, the new Director, is seen alongside Mr. Norris. The new Director received many floral tributes. SLAVS SWEPT BACK JITNEYS COST P RL j NELSON W. ALDRICH IN NEW GALICIAN FIGHT YEARLY REVENUE LOSS DIES OF APOPLEXY BY AUSTRIAN ADVANCE EXCEEDING $250,000 IN NEW YORK HOME Sw"r. nulckly recovered his balance Ind ascended iiKaln. disappearing- in Siterly direction I 1UTTI.K W0 l-'KKT HIOH. Irieports to the Admlialty early this nft Won contained no confirmation ot the r;.L..V,l mnture of one ot the German llirdmtn. These dispatches declared a Wrilllns battle 2000 feet above the rall-RS-ylcadlnK fiom SlttliiBhourne to Sheer- IT.. .. rciinrted hv VlllaKCS IlloilB the ASute, the Knsllsh aviators attempting to HTtoft the aernmn' escape to the .North Sea tthe dockyards at Hhccrness and the British aviation station at Catham are ktlleved to have been the main objective 5llhl nowest all raid. The Germans alBo tttunptrd to diop bombs on the camp 'nf th Ttnvnl Dublin Fusileers, near blt- Jtlnjboume, but were driven off by a hot Are, after hurlinB one explosive In in orchard "00 yards from tho camp. In neither of the Kent towns um- ded this nfternoon was ineic nn ilc, accordiiiR to reports to the Ad illy. At Kavcrsham the populace led Into the streets and watched the ib with the sreatest curiosity, nits on hnink. nxnlodlnc near n hedBc at ootsklrts of l-'avcrsham, were quickly ilted and placed on exhibition in a lOD. .TheTaube that Hew over Slttlngboume Irst dropped bombs from a Brent altitude. en, awlnghiR hi wide circles, it ie- Tcended to a helKlit of BOO feet. One ;bomb fell. In a stone quairy, but did no damage. yrhree Zeppelins took part In the earlier I'pncluiinl (in rage I'our, Chimn i'our ase to Hie plain newspaperman, whose activities ii tho Interests of the plain peo ple broiiKht innunioinhlo and Incalculable benetltM. While eminent men of two States eulo gized the dead leader commerce and In dustry stood still. The mamiKcinent of the Metropolitan Sticet Itailway Com pany, not nlwnys a friend of Colonel Nel son's while he lived, halted all lis cars for live minutes and the tens of thousands of pussenRers bowed their heads as if they were In church. . . Governor Aithur Capper, of Kansas, publisher of the Topcka Capital, and J.leutehnnt Governor W. V. Morgan, ot Hutchinson, publisher or the Hutchinson News, closed their newspaper plants dur ing tho funeral hour. Scores of smaller newspapers did likewise Kor the day all but the noon editions or Colonel Nelsou's evening newspaper, the Star, were annulled. F. J. HEPPE STARTS BIG FUND 0R POOR l THE WEATHER jjfcLOUDV (These dajs of far-off nzuie skes ppAna un that shines so wnrm ipi in with deep and pained surprise fam make us wish for storm. IjjOr when the weather Is too nice, HWhat shall U.A ivrlta tt It IWhen all our sayings cut no Ice, jnen aunshlne dulls our wit. But It the lain should sing Its song PAnd spoil a "perfect day," Igji 10ft for us to string along ju blurt at feeling gay. FORECAST UPr Philadelnhia mid vicinity VsHh cloudu tnninht mill Sntiirilau: JiniHct change in temperature; yU to moderate variable winda. lor details, see page 2, I Observations at Philadelphia SUfim!-- ' nn ,n ftMure , ..." ,. 48 J,2i Soulhnest. 4 miles fiW: Clear SISESK "" - "ou Z' aawui tmMrVt"ur" I:;;.-;.'!;:;;!;;:;!; a . 4UinUm l,ninrahi tl On till- PnrifiV f'mol nS2c"C0 -Weather, cloudy. Tenip.'oa ISfePl! Weather, clear. Temp. 63 Almanac of the Day mi. RSj,!.lomofrow . 8:20a. in. B:14 d. m. Lamps to Be Merited ami other vehicles 0:53 p. in. The Tides I'OItT RICtlMONI). t ! . . tt.V.tVr ,. JSP-- atr tomorrow . . ,.!"!!!.'!.'u;0 a! nu .t-HKUTN'lT BITIKKT WIIAIll.' ' fcattr Itflfi n ,n ..f.'5r. loaiorrow 3:sl a. in. ;r igmorrow U:32a. ra. IIEEDY ISLAND. I.. k ;r ,.,. .S:?s - ""'tari, ' .'." 1,'tbi. m." WtKKWATBn fc. ' .... U9- Mi- w 'l lo nnm bi K Kt . """ winurrow U JI a. m. Head of Piano Firm Deposits $50,000 as Foundation of $500,000 Goal. Muscovite Menace on Cra cow Removed and Pas sage to Dukla Halted. Kaiser's Offensive Re newed in North Poland. Klorcnce .1. Heppe, picsideut nf C. .1. Heppe & Sons, piano meicliants. 1117 Chestnut sticet, today deposited $50,000 with tho G Irani Trust Company, which he said was a gift to tho poor nf Phila delphia, lie said ho would continue to deposit various sums of money ycaily until the fund reached the sum of $500,000. The fund started by .Mr. Heppe will be known us the Heppe Memoilnl Fund. In announcing his contribution, Mr. Heppe mild that he wished to create u perpetual fund from which poverty stricken Phlladelphlans could secure' Im mediate aid, Na part of the principal of the fund is to be touched only the interest mid Income. iUe Iloaid of Managers of the Heppe Memorial Fund will be composed of Mr. Heppe's wife, Mrs. May Frances Mc Dowell Heppe; his daughter, Miss Frances Virginia Heppe. and his son, Florence McDowell Heppe. A part of the JjO.OOO donation will b used in purchasing groceries, wearing np pai el, medicine and other things. The gift came as a surprise and created con siderable favorable comment among of ficers of the various different charitable agencies. I'.r.simiptliin nf tlio Slav ini'vo nnuinst Cracow Is Indicated by nn Austrian admission that Russians have rruch'ecl ('l'3.ktiwlco. In West (allclnTl'iiii ' tile BIiilu, and 50 miles southeast nf Cra cow. The attack here was repulsed, Vienna says, and Russian advance upon Hungary through the Dukla I'nss. 40 miles south, has been checked. Kluv nppositinn Is tenacious in tho new trans-Carpathian battle zone. Tho neiinan offensive in North and West Polnnd has been vinrously re new pd mi tho testimony nf official I'etrogrnd reports, which niuinuiico that hostile advances nt Mlawn and OsjliwIU have been linHeil. Fighting1! appatently. is general on tho Rbbr Xiuew front, while west nf the Vistula the Russians hnvo launcliorf a drive to dislodge tho Poland Invaders from tho Hzura River. Kiuindzen, in the Sneli ni'zew region, bus been oci'iipled. Tin- Berlin otllclal bulletin hints nt interesting developments In North Poland, where more than 1000 pris oners were taken ueur Kulwiiria, west ot the Nlenien. Renewing their offensive In older to open their way for an attack against tho Oerniau position at Lille, French and British troops are uttncUltig tho German lines bPtween Arras and I-n Rassee in an effort to gnln control of tho Arras-Lillo railway line. Drivers Form Permanent i Former Senator One of j Association, Establish Foremost Students of i New Lines, 'and Plan Financial and Economic hnhhv fir. Htirrishurir to Attairs his nnntrv -.. 0 -- . BULLETINS GAME BOTfNTY TiTLL STPNF.T) HAItTUSUUUG, Ta., April 16. Governor JlrttmbnuKli nnnounr'1 thlp afternoon thnt lie had signed the new game bounty measure and has vetoed the Mearltlc bill making it a nitsdemennor to Issue a check on it bank whero there is not sufficient funds to the credit of tho drawer to meet it and to refuse to make good the amount due. At tho same timo he announced the veto of two other bills' and the tippiovnl of tevcii mcutmrcs in addition to the bounty bill, CHAR'S CARPATHIAN CAMPAIGN FAILS, VIENNA SAYS VIENNA, April 10. "Tho most gigantic battle in the history of tho world has icsultcd in tho complete defeat of the Russians attempting lo cross tho Carpathians," said an official stutomont from tho Austrian "War Offico tonight. RUSSIAN CONSUL SLAIN BY PERSIANS CONSTANTINOI'IiE, April 10. The Jlussnrtn Consul at Kir mansluih has been murdered by "Persians, according to advic.es received. BRYAN LET PAPERS ASSERTING SWOBODA'S INNOCENCE WASHINGTON, April 1(3. R. K. WcXea submitted to Secre tary Bryan today documents he said proved Raymond Swobodu innocent of attempting to destroy the liner La Tourninc, aa churged. Jlrynn nreed to foiwnrd tho information to Ambassador Sharp. LATE BARON ROTHSCHILD LEFT $1200,000 LONDON, April 16. The late Nathan Mayer (Baron Roths child) left an estate of $12,500,000, according to a profesional estimuto sworn to today. FIIBNCFI CKUISER DESTROYS TURKISH BRIDGE PARIS. April IK. Ships of tlie Anglo-Flench tlect. that are attacking Turkish foits 1110 extending their upeiatlons. The following official announcement was given out hv the .Mlnlviiv or Marine today: "Vesteiday morning a Fiench cruiser destroyed the bridge connecting the Interior lailioad of Syria with the town of St. dohn of Acre." Fight Hostile Legislation JI'I'XUY TARIFF City Hull to from mid IVfitnond streets, a cents. llroad and Diamond lo .7.W mid JfrtMMiirf streets. .' vents.' - ,-- Vltu Hull to Xnttonnl Leawe Hall Park. 10 cents. Oily Hall to llroad street and Uric avenue. 10 cents. Ully Hall In the Xorllivast lloitle vard. I't cents. City Hall to Rhlbr I'ark, 2.1 ,euls. City Hull lo points north of r.nulevarri, nccordlny to distance. City Hall to Mnrhcl sheet fel lies, .1 cents. City Hall to llroad and Nliuuli sticcts, 5 cents. Has Ever Produced. The ubhiultous Jltuoy nppnicntly lias coino to sta that Is, of coulee. If Coun cils at the Instigation of the P. II. T. or the taxleub companies, do not adopt uu luuocent-lnoking mensiire which wllldilvc It fiom tlie stieets. While the Rnpld Trans.t I'oinpauy Is keeping tubs on the Jitneys by luspecloi sleutlis stationed at shady niueis wltli pad and pencil, and wldle the tiixl com panies piofes to tieat tho little cars with contempt, and at the same time aienwaie of their exact number anil earnings, the Jitney dilvcrs have consolidated tlieui selvtfj into n iiernuiiient organisation, ndopted b.law, appointed a committee to consult with the police depaitnient on traffic regulation, adopted a iinlfoun ss tern of charges, mapped dcllnlte loutes and are planning a complete system of automobile tianslt to leach all important sections of the c 1 1 J - They have "barred" women drivers ami adopted a pennant, which can easily Other War News on I'ajje 1 Cunrludrri tin Pace Ti, Column SKW YORK. A pi II li'.. Rx-Scnntor Nelson Wllmarth Aldiich. of Rhode Is land, died todaj lit his homo bcic, SOS rah avenue,, rollnwlng a stioko of apo ple.sj. Ho had not been in good health for a number of mouths. He was 71 ye.us old, and was born at Foster, R. I,, November 1. 1SII. His home was at Warwick. R. 1. Mr. Aldrich suffered the stroke yester day afternoon, but it wns thought lie was lecovcilng. The stioke was pre ceded l an attack of Indigestion. Dis. John S. Thatcher anil, Hailan M. Thomas responded hurilcdly to calls from tin- family, and succeeded in mak ing Mr. Aldiich lempoiarllv comfoi table. He passed a full ly favorable night, hut died suddenly at 10 o'clock today, Just after Doctor Thatcher had left the lesi deuce. Willi Mr. Aldiich when Hie end came were his wife. Ills daiighlei. Miss l.uc T. Aldrich, and ids son, Wlnthiop. Ills other daughtei. Mrs. John D. Rockcfellei. Jr., was hastllv summoned, hut did not leaeli the bedside, ii Is slated, until after her fattier had died. Senator Aldrich letiied from the Senate March 3. IS1I, after seivlng in Congtess fiom Rhode Island in both Senate and llnuso for many e'.us. He wns cele brated principally for his part in financial reforms, im the author of the Aldrich- Vicclnud euirency act ami as I he co author of Hie I'aMiP-Aldrlch tariff law. Ilc was line of the foremost students of financial and economic affairs the United States lias ever piodticed. During h'.s long term hi public ollice he was Identi fied with many Important political issues, the chief of which were the tariff and monetary reforniM. .Mr. Aldiich had been made chairman OLD .MAN FALLS DKAD FROM HEART DISEASE CieoigH Hiown, HO jeais old, or Jills Monmouth stiect, fell dead today, at Trenton avenue and Huntingdon street. The body was found b Sergeant Murdoch, of tlifl Trenton avenue and Dauphin street station, and taken to St. Mary's Hospital, where Doctor Crews said death was caused by heart failure. Brown Is survived by a wife and tluce daughters. ' . . .MUNITION MAKERS MAy.SXUU.J'BJpCABa- NHW VORK. Apill It!. A general strike or munition makcis. urged at a big massTineetlng at Cooper Union today, waH the subject or considerable. dls cusslon In labor circles. The meeting adopted a resolution lavorlng the authorisa tion of a committee of three to islt labor centres of the belligeients to confer on methods nf ending the war. RUNAWAY HORSE INJURES BABY Joseph Chester, il months old, of 131.1 South ulith street, is in a critical con dition in the Polyclinic Hospital today, as the result of being struck by a runaway horse. He is suffering fiom a fiactiued right leg and internal injuries. John McCoach. of J0J5 Dickinson sticet. tile drixer of the wagon from which the horse bloke awa), was held under JlIOO ball by Magistrate Uriggs pending the resdlt of the child's Injuilcs. SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY SEEKS DEATH IN OCEAN ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. Apill HI. Homeless and despondent. Russell Penning ton, 17 yenis old. of llutTalo, tried to end his tumbles by plunging Into the ocean at Tennessee avenue, hist night. He was brought ashoie after a tight and sent to Jail. When lestorcd, Pennington said tne attempt had been his thinl effort to die and that he will make no more. Cum hidril un 1'ufie Two, Ciiliimu Two LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY HKTS JIUtiK OUDKlt FPU MUNITIONS Contract for Russian Government Said to Be for ?G5,000,000, NEW YORK, April 16. The American Locomotive Company has closed 11 con tract for J65,0O0,0OO worth of war inateilal. principally shrapnel. It Is said that the order came from the Russian Govern ment, Other teports said the contract was for from $30,000,000 to $10,000,000. Tills fact, made public today, no doubt was responsible for the rise In the stock on the StoclTExchanse today. The stock sold at 68V4 up 18',s points, following up the gain of 10 points made yesterday. After the opening rise a break of 11 points was made to COti. but the buying again became urgent and another upturn followed. EMPLOYER CENSURED 1 1 1 ' 1 ' Coroner Upbraids Manufacturer for Death of Boy. Coroner Knight censured Samuel Gteen, of 3237 Montgomery avenue, pio prletor of a dress manufacturing com pany at SOS Cherry street, t the Imiuest today Into the death of 15-year-old Mor rlr Moseu, of 539 Garrett treet. who was killed on April 7 b falling down an ele vator Khaft of the plant The Jury wanted to hold the manufacturer for cilmlnal negligence, but the Coroner said that he was only to blame morally. YnuiiB Mos tell to his death when U-e elevator had been removed lo another floor without the eutraiue 00 ibe oihe. stoiy being pioperly guard!, according to the- police. STATE TO PROSECUTE IN ABDUCTION PLOT Postal Authorities to Testify Against Woman, Who Prom ises Sensation. Federal piosecntlon of .Mrs. Fiances Urnco. of Wfst Chester, fc- plotting the Abduction of Mis. Robert Hutler, was dropped today at a conference of As sistant Dlstilct Attorney J. H. Hall and Chief Postal Inspector Coitelyou. As sistant Inspectors Wynne, Hawksworth and Kernun attended at the conference. The gossips ot West Cheater, whose tongues have been wagging busily since the arrist of Mrs. Gtoce the night before last, were' not altogether disappointed, however, for It was decided that Mrs. Groce is to be prosecuted in the State couils. The postal inspectors, according to Chief Cortelyou, will appear againtt her. Another morsel of comfort for the gos sips lies in the charge of sending scut lllous, letters through the mails, now hanging over the head of Mrs. Groce. No decision has been reached by Chief In kpector Cortelyou as to what action will be taken on this charge. Additional ze'm was given the scandal today by the statement ot Mrs. Groce that she did not Intend to be a scape goat and would reveal plenty of Infor mation for the gossips of the town be fore the case was terminated. She Is still In the West Chester Jail. The ab sence of Squire Paxon, on a fishing trip yesterday, prevented her release on bail. Mrs. Butler has replied to the state ments of Mrs. Groce by accusing her of annoying the Butler family for the last three years. She accuses the woman of peplng in her windows, stoning the house and sending annoy Ins and Indecent letters to members of. the family. GEMS DAZZLE GIRL; I VILLA LOSES 14,000 "CAN'T RESIST THEM" IN CELAYA BATTLE Helen Hendrie, 13 Years Old, ! Obregon, Carranza Leader, Re Tells Magistrate of Taking i ports Complete Rout of Them Father Is Held. "Pancho's" Troops. "I Just couldn't resist those diamonds," sobbed 13-year-old Helen Heudiie, la the midst of a station house ciowd that was entirely sympathetic, including her ac cuser, todav. "Tioy weie lying on Mrs. Wler'a bureau lockets, pearls, necklaces and rlngs-I didn't want them to keep Mrs. Wler knows that." At this point Mrs. Doiothy Wier, who Uvea at 3SW Lancaster avenue, burst Into tears and took the little girl In her arms. "Of course, you didn't, dear," she said. "I knew you meant to give theni back," but Magistrate Doyle, at this unusual hearing, at the SJtlt street and Lancaster avenue Btatlou, thought the case had bet ter proceed, and said so. Herbert Hendrie. father of Helen, a clerk, lives at 316 North 3Sth street. He hub at the heating too, a pilsoner, "Well, what did you do with all these prctjy things after you had taken them J There must have been about $50 worth of them. So Mrs. Wler says. "I took them home and father saw me wearing them around the house. I want ed to see how they'd look. Father topk them." Hendrie was accused of selling the Jewels for what he could set for them, and was held under tJOO bail for court. Helen was sent to the House of Deten tion. As she was being taken from the station Mrs. "Wler threw her arms around the child's neck again. "I haven't a child of ruy own and she spent some time witli me two months aso. 1 liked her so I dont blame her and hope she 11 be fre soon (Ob. Helen, where w thw taking jou'i. but 1 did blame the father. I think he pifl her up to it." ERECT WIltELESS STATION IN FOUR MINUTES Mali) visitors nt tne Philadelphia Navy Yiiril today saw 200U marines, com prising the 1st and I'd Regiments, Inspected by the brigade commander. Colonel Waller. The men marched upon the parade giniind of the Xnvy Yard. Kuch member cairled equipment weighing almost loo pounds. Four men carrjed a complete wlieless initllt. The wireless station was erected in four minutes on the ground during the drill that followed. IWINTINOS STOLEN FROM HOME OF OSWALD CIIEW Valuable nil paintings, it became known today, liae been stolen from the home of Oswald Chew, nt Radnor. The thieves forced nn entrance Into the house by breaking the lock of the stieet door while Hie members of the family were out. Among the paintings taken was a portrait of Renjamln Chew mounted on a polo pony. The other paintings stolen were those of Robert Louis Stevenson and Richard Harding Davis. ' WASHINGTON, April 16. - Complete lout of General Villa, with a loss of H.oOO killed, wounded and piisojiers, in a two-day battle at Cela)a was leported today to the Constitutionalist agency heie by General Obregon. Obregou reported that the Villis'tas at tacked his fortified position at Celaya at 6 o'clock op Tuesday morning and con tinued the assault for 33 hours. At the beginning of the engagement, he Bent to the rear of his position 6000 cav- I air), 'inese weie Held In reserve until the Vllllstas, thoroughly exhausted, be gan to fall back. Obregon says he then rushed forwaid his cavalry, supported by two. divisions of Infantry- They cut to pieces the .at tacking force and captured whole detach ments at their guns. At 113 o'clock yesterday afternoon Villa's forces began a retreat, which soon became a rout. Thirty cannon, uninjured, were, qap turen by Obregon's men on the field. Over 5000 Mauser rifles were picked up and 6(00 prisoners taken, LIGHTED CIGARETTE BRINGS 112 FIRE ENGINES A lighted cigarette diopped 111 a pile ot oily waste lii a tool shed" In the rear of the litadlty Clittlr Works, Reach street and Susquehanna avenue, this morning bi ought 1'.' file engines to the scene In iesKinttj to a box call turned In by an un identified pel sou. The damage fiom the file was slight. MOVIK ACTOR BUNNY NEAR DEATH V NKW YORK. Apiil 16. Inhu Runny, whom corpulent body and facile physiog nomy Is known In millions of movie fans, was very low today. Ills physicians fear ho cannot last Hie luj. One of his fi lends lie.ud thnt he was dead and notified newspaper oltlcea to this effect,, but the rumor was unfounded. The Ivensingtonian Says; John King, the popular Ascension Club boy, is now in the hauling business and his motto is "Ketp Moving." LOST AND FOUND LOST Small diamond bar ln. t Stanley The atr. Vdaly vnlo. the 14th. ery flfc. eral nnard Jltiuia 171S Rlutabjvi (quart LXiaT small xotd box. laltltb V & U. b tHD Bruad and lHh on Cbcataui. It luru to luffis Spruit Suitable reward. Othtr lasttt& aditrttstmiHts on Pajjt If THIRTY FREIGHT CARS PASS OVER WORKMAN'S BODY "Jimmy" Gallagher, foreman for the Knterprlse Manufacturing Comply, was killed hi a Reading freight train today while hurrying across the tracks to work, at York and American streets. Thirty freight cai passed over lilm. lie was a few minutes late and failed to see the train approaching. He was 37 years old and lived at Phillip and Yoik streets. SWEDISH SHIP BLOWN UP; NINE PERISH ARfcROBEN, April 16. Nine persons ate believed to have perished when the Swedish steamship Folke was sunk oft Peterhead Wednesday night by a mtne or torpedo. Seven members of the crew were landed here last night by the trawler Fueber Prince, but the captain, seven sailors and stewardess, who were In an other boat, are still missing. The ship sank two hours after she was blown up. CHILI' BILLING TO A'CCEIT BRITAIN'S AP.OLOGY SANTIAGO,. Chili, April 16. Official announcement was made today that the Chilian Government would accept the apology at Unglaiyl for klnklst 'the German cruiser p.r.esden in Chilian waters and that the Inoldent whs vlojed. BANDITS SHOOT SALOONKEEPER AND GET L.OQT CLiiago. April 16. Two automobile bandits entered thtLsateen of Josepi) ' lialchuos today, shot and strioutrty wounded Balcauus when he rmfu4 to ofcey their order lo hold up his hinds, took $40 from the cash drwr and escaped, I