f EVENiyq LlBOER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, 'APRIIJ IB, 19tS: Q &'. ,914' lhe I,ob,,s-M"r" """a '$: gYNorsts. i .... .1 - Mln fill. fSM p'.Bl.'ff kno "ill. Molly .vtarlpK U "t " he VcMdnnt nf th- trnclon finpny. -"-, mr8 Heft (llldcr, whom pfJ5 :-", A POOH AS til" tnKancillilll ""' ""-J slcdse "l nesntlnllcm with " jroup "h Vino under Marley. Hun vHWrl0Jt) lm"to" who Iml ho.Utht SfVh? old linn, under pr.mile n a 'y.I.iih it forced I" I"' nii. "" VK.L'i Zt 'an.1lvM.SrJ honr tlrtufihier is nrrw .-- a - Mnlll- Mir CV. i Km;i."f. ?'.?i1-" :xh" '.nvn ; -n.ii ' stMBA. II Vii" "..,. . I.i. nn,n ll-flV. IIP - . . Il.l Ullfl "IC -- - - .. .!.! I', Win. K", .,. t uiii rniiirni or noin lM" "lli "" company for a small fitiAPTBll XXlV-(Cniltlmiod). utit6 favored lilm with tho tic-p.ltirili.ii .ft chuckle, nt himself. Imt Hint was -ffuver l"i" l"l,,rrt "" V ?,"", ,,'1.8 ft .. He'll co to Hwiuerlntnl. nil rtsltt, W "lie.... wn his residence tut no ii!-' smllr-d. " war llhc tho ttrlmiico faf a mnn I" tho electric I'linir. R '-But the worst i yet to como." per- L MM ITCIlalX, UCKIIllinil- "' ""- " filri luBUbrloiifl enjoymnit In the Inter- Kill i mo that .TmlBo Lansdulr positively UMci thftt nppolnlment ns nttornoy for K tntl-flty movement. If he Kittys on ft! btnfih. HIBC 'intHlnR on earth wilt ;t,. vou rlRht. AVlth nil your power. timi all your influrmf, nml nil your IJuiHdv nnil nil Jour frlemls, you can't iKay from Mint trial: ami If you Tii. nnmn to a show-down iney n koi vl Tho hest you can ilo will ho two rrs away from tho sunshine. When you eo out for n walk, you'll hnvo your !:.. ii,n slinnltler of tho mnn lit (front of you. nnd when you t;ct Imck Into t Occident you won't have cnoueh of ihs organization left to net ns pall U&rtte." ' Stodgo's chin snnlc a Utile lower cm Yt cellar. Ho had never permitted tho filu'dow of defeat to touch even the hem K hi. fnnt. but now Ub dimness seemed Vrr closo to him. and In thnt shade I,1.pa Hiin a Chill. F.,AiJolph hrousht In a' letter, a stpiarn rMi envclopo which looked strangely nt of nlaco on tho edgo of n beer tray. S Bndlx took It. sent Adolph out with cpen It, but tho flap was sealed with a fuiclfully wrought monoBram stamped In cold scaling wax. and lifter a moment of reflection ho passed It silently over to his chief. ijttdge opened It mechanically, and t:tv out n neatly engraved caul, which riid ss follows: MP.. II. PllANKIi'V M.iKI.EY 1 . . -w .-nfT.Tfll. 'PIT I,. KNf.AO MBNT op ins PAUOiiBn. KTIIEtiVN, to Jtn. ai.ueut t.. r.Liniin. PEIedKo slipped that rtnnouncement cumiy in ma ijui:if., i..i v.,.,- tn his nltcher on the table. Whatever his Idea concerning that may have been ho changed it. for. his eyes slowly ills tfndlng, ho reached out and grabbed tho pitcher, and suddenly there was ft splin tering crnth. Ho had thrown tho pllch "ir, with Us contents, straight through the window, glass i.nd nil! All oft with the roses, en:" surmiseu Etndlx, considerately conccniinR nis lympathctlc knowledge or the nun jrhlch had been lnlllcted. I"Nbw!" roared Sledge. "They sent mi tome damned pink ones!" W CllAl'TEU XXV. TUB QUAIUtlSL.. WTer,Ar'A,a fir at tlnn tnWIU'll 'pIckiliK up the beans" was to send Ucndlx down to round up the third ward, nnd then to lock himself In tho president's room of tho first Natlonnl for mi hour, nt tho end it which time he hent for Uavls. "1 want seven hundred nnd Ilfty thous Wd dollars," ho dlrcrted. i'-'Vci, sir," hesitated Mr. Davis: then he added npologctlunlly: "You know wo Sped tho liank Inspector to surprize us Jiy after tomorrow." InVIra him to put It off ten days," or red Blcdgc. "1 suppose you'll fix us up with a tem porary acknowledgment of some rort, and bo ready to turn over somo securi ties In that time." r!"Any way you say," agreed Slcdg" In djiferently, nnd fell again to such deep Suilng that ho did not hear Davis' elab orate explanation ot how tho thing would H managed. JPrcientiy Davis, who carried a peni tentiary eentenco to bed with him ovcry Wht in case anything happened to Sledge before morning, brought him tome lifers to sign, anil tho felony was lom-glUed-slmply, neatly, and with no ap parent effort. ISledge, bearing his certificate of deposit, Sent over to the Merchants' Hank, here he transacted a llttlo equally ex peditious business with President John on, who, with his forehead corrugated e a washboard, took Slcdgo's check, M gave him a receipt for It; then the g went to sco Itozzam. prou sold thoso franchises yet?" ho iemanded, g.Vot yet," replied Bozznm. "Hut I'm J?Ing to. Look hero. Sledge, why not be Iteyonabla about this thins? Fifty thousand Is all wo can get. Why not IH4 It. Blvo us our fifth, and let us get IS?y. We're disappointed, hut we're IJt faying anything." ffeui na"E UI,!" rasped Sledge. "You IK!? Bendli you had a right to sell it. Ja was going to. Why didn't you?" Ifc,, win walling because I wanted to IK, lth your consent." wedge chuckled. mou mean Marloy was afraid to buy UkUl I agreed." HJ ivould rather have you satisfied," ywuttea Bozzam. BwtVi.aln ''" announccd Sledge. "We Rjfot at all?" asked Bozzam, revealing riS " worry under which he had la-lfevf.iv-er slnce tha meeting. .-,, ' DlK u" tor yur Btoelc." IR?am merely blinked, This wan a fSIi Un5xPte that ho could scarcely pSSk S2 beitMoreovor' " waB a bl0V7 ftP'g UP?" he rnlntlv r0on(n.i M.'.ihu?red thousand cash." Sledge Pled. ! H..n, ir . . . T tMlliini A?.m Jo'"i"n. the secretary of 5Wnie.?lty RaP,d- Transit Company. ?'nB that Benlamln v bi..i.. i,rt ii&I'-.'l ,.'unlr"1 and fl"y thousand B,av?v.as,, for "even thousand five Imn- Ir-'H. 8i0ck ,n that ,lve corpora- SinVK wn 0n8 lon8 certificate for "? umount. ooat mean that you're golnE to zzam i.. j . vu..,,,n(,j, uu j iuu $ Incredulously questioned. am m"oj " ,n the hanit- MaUe Bod' H J.eIf J11 c'ru'atlon stopping. 9 t let go!" he blurted, In acute iSfe not!" om Di.j ,,... .... HFiien.; i. .. "'fi1"' .""" " , ..v H ,u """'I i nini vinuie 1i. OU cheap crooks thoucht vnn POUble-croSS me. Yoll hsucht ln.lr Qhder'a name Vmi iiutu.1 ir- gh ti. buy tOIltrol Anv va vnn VOW lose ' fly tfft V4, u n.t I. rn... .. ,- ?mm anrj ...nitcil it. and turned it tw J,,,.. at fliu hatti.m 1 '""Ji VklVi. rp in th '"" Menu" nii. tw'JhihSti of Tom Heii'tl. "I" hnich- ' h,n- ilnl Pin n " " mm "'1,r "."'l ml,,.cr i ..- t,niam ii,i. KTALE OF "RED A attmoxA" w.vxvx xjvvi und I'UiilTlUS By GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER Author of "Get Itich Quick WnlllnRforit." in every particular, and ho ndmlied It. ni,n. b.ollev , "VcrythiuK they tver MU1 .i i Knu , h nckhowlc ilrfed, nh.l lauBli. m. rMi"y- .".NmVl ,elH Pl ,l0WI1 " ii.r- .' eiJ.?c ,Iovv ctm wo comptomis6 this mess?" "N'oilinff (loins. No tou1)lcerof8Di' ever Rcls away from hie." , '?" V0 ,)0cn told," commented 1W. '"" (!m" -l haeii appreciation of omo tihliliited Jole. "it teems to me .Vs. no,wtii to Mooilson." nlid he toticheil n hell. A Bill entered. ill'?.0"11 Jtr'. loo'Boh in, please," said UoMttm, nnd flictlgo looked nt hl wnlch. -Mr. .Moodson arrived, nnd took a cliitlr opposite MedRo, und on thu other side or iiotzam, his mouth so tightly closed tlint one wondered how ho could Induce himself to oat. Ilo looked nt his wntch. but hold tho fnro toward him llko u poker mini, and dropped it stealthily hack In ins pocket, as If he feared that some one might get tho tldio of day nwny from him. "I'Vo a nileer llllln hH4ln rn .,. Jloodaoti," said Bozznm cheerfully. ".Mr! sicugo has determined to tnako a bona Jldo company out of tho Itmg City Itnpid 1 rnnslt, and, of course, will not soli the franchises. u0 ma ))Ut up llIs B0Vcn hundred nnd ntty thousand dollars, nnd requests Us to put up our two hundred iiiousnnu to completo tho rnpllntlzatlon, Ho knows that you llnnnced the drama at tho recent stockholders' meeting, that you bniih'lit a thousand shares of slock for tlilrty.flvo thousand, and loaned fifty thousand on two hundred thousand dol lars' worth of Mnrley's. Now, hero Is the caso In a nutshell: If you put up the two hundred thousand dollars to pay for the stock in this now company, It will drive the other one out nt business, and you cm get half n cent a pound tor your clghty-ilvo thousand dollars'' worth of stock ccrtiiicntcs In tho old company. If you don't tnako good on this subscrip tion, you get exnetly tho same pilco for your old slock nB you would If you did. Now, what is tho answer. In view of tho fuel that Mr. Slcdgo Is nbsolutoly Im placable, nnd moans to do us hnrm? t shall leave you gentlemen to discuss the question." Ilo left tho two cxpcits In silence, fac ing each other glumly ueross his desk,. una went into the adjoining room, whero ho surprised tho mock llttlo stenographer ny sinking on tho arm of a bench and laughing noiselessly until ho glow purple. In tho face. v Timbers enmo in, looking much dis tressed for a fnt mnn, and surveyed Boz zam in astonishment. "Slip mo tho good one," ho begged. "I need a laugh worso than I ever needed a drink on tho fourth of Jnnunry." "Wlo've stung Moodson!" snorted Boz znm. "For thnt matter, wo all get stung, but I'm willing to lose my end of It in older to seo that inhuman ghoul got his." Timbers grinned to his full capacity, which was much. "1 didn't know you hated Old Gloom as bad as I do. Where did ho go to die?" "llavo a look," offered Bozznm, point ing to tho frosted-glass partition. tu a corner ot ono of tho panes there was a lltlln clear space, mrulo by thu scaling ot tho glnss, nnd to this Timbers applied his eye. Moodtron's face had turned a sallow yellow, nnd had taken on an cxpiesslon as If ho had Just swal lowed quinine, but beyond this ho hnd not moved, and neither gentleman had said a word Sledge, sitting In comfortable en joyment, waiting, and Moodson suffering' intense contraction of all his vital organs. Timbers leaned against tho woodwork to chuckle. Bozzam drew him kindly away. "Let mo look," he requested. "Besides, you're, shaking tho partition." In quiet Joy, ho watched tho wordless duel within for a moment, and then ho suddenly turned to tho meek llttlo ste nographer, who was placidly reading, and asked hor to call up Mai ley. "What do you want with the Huff, in this pathetic hour'.'" Inquired Timbers. "Hand him I1I3." snickered Bozzam. "Why does anybody KCt fussy with Slcdgo? Ho turns cno llttlo trick, nnd unwhlskcrs tho wholo lnmeh of us, clear down to tho village henrtbrcakcr." "Kaney jicrt?" guessed Timbers, "Whero docs that barber'3 prldo como In?" "I don't think son-in-law pull3 off his amusement park, does ho?" Bozzam re minded him, reaching; for tho telephone. "Hello, Mnrley!" he called. "I'm sur prised to hear your volco." "Why"."' Inquired Mnrley stiffly, being constitutionally opposed to nnythlng In tho naturo of lllppniu .', nnd being al ways sevcro with Bozzam for that very reason, "Because, you're dend." Bozzam In formed him. "Hadn't you heard it yet?" "I don't understand you," reproved Marloy. "I'm very busy just now, -Mr. Bozzam." "What's tho use.' laughed that gen tleman. "Nothing you can do will savo your scalp. Slcdgo has Just decided not to sell thojo franchises at any price." "I thought you wcro tho duly author ized ngont. or. powor I to act," protest ed Marloy. "I was, as long as It was a phony company." explained Bozzam. "But Slcdgo has Just played n low-down trick on us." "How could ho? What has ho dono?" "But up his money. Made tho com pany legitimate. He's going to build." Mnrley surprised Bozzam. "I had expected that." he calmly an nounced. "Supposo ho does?" "Ob, nothing." answered Bozzam, with a wondoilng glnnco at Timbers. "IIo'll Just put you out ot tho business, that's all." "I don't seo how." Insisted Marloy. his volco now pompous again, "ion must remember. Mr. Bozzam. that I am now In absolute control of tho rtlng City Street Hallway Company, and can use, to tho advantage of tho company and of myself, for tho first time In my career, my training and ability In management I fancy that I can protect myself, even" against strenuous competition." 'aood-hy, old friend," said Bozzam, in his tremolo. "You may not know what haB happened to you. but I do, and I'll send you a bunch of lilies In the morn-Ins-" ... Ha turned from tho telephone in numb amazement. "He actually doesn't know he's hurt." ho puzzled. "He's been president on his own vote Just long enough to get en largement of the coco. How's the quar rel?" "Pierce!" grinned Timbers, turning from tho pcephcle. "Sledge has Just looked at his watch, and any minute now I expect to sco Moodson movo a toe." "They're wonders, both of them, en Joyed Bozzam. "I'm still admiring how many of ua eecond-rcte yeggs Sledge nailed to the wall with this one plnj Moodson and you and me, fancy Bert, and Mat-ley, and about a million poor lollops of stockholders." "That stock would make good cigar ette lighters," agreed Timbers, "Jf Moodson hurries, though, lie can sell the shares he put In nilder's name. 'But lie can hold the bog for the fifty thousand ho loaned Jlirlty. I don't know how S16dge wlU do it, but he'll make that stock worth nothing a share and put n curse on whoever hods It." "Hushl" warned Timbers. "I think Sledge is reaching; for a cigar. No. It a only hi watch. That's twice. Boaam crowded hint away from the PFive minutes more psMd Into eUr ..... -.i ,h, .iipnt wonders stUl at ruJted 1 the srlfsafne snot: then Sledge SwtMsg,,, sundry cot w oul 0I tu ROSES door, nnd went down to tho depot, nnd took the 2:H0 train for the State capital. (MIAPTKIt XXVI. MtUANfllNn A MTTMJ 1'UOTKCTION c I'OII THK PKOl'LK. That slcillng friend of the populace. Hint stalwart defender of tho rights and the inmnls nnd tho welfare and tho purses of his ndmlrlng constituents. Hint Vociferous cholcn of tho people. Stnto belinlor Allerlon, was discovered by Wedge In the net of serving tho public Ihlct'osls by playing poker In the rooms of Assemblyman Buckley: nnd with these IWn conscientious patriots, deep, also, in the exercise of their duties to tho com monwertlth, were tho very men Sledge wnnled in see: l-'innehlse Wnlters, who was heavy set without being fnt, nnd who looked like a prosperous shoo mer chant; nnd old Top Orcshnm, tho red eved administration wheel hnrso from T'lekerel County: nnd Cnlvin T, Luther, the tnlnlslerlnl-tnoklng profanity expert; and Cap. Dlgalesby, tho avowed nnd pro fepsrdly bitter enemy of Sledge, whose every white whisker wan needed ns a rnlendar for hli many honorable scars of forensic battle. It was Cap. Mpglesby who wns the tlrst to hnll the visitor ns ho entered tho door "Hello, malefactor of great wealth," ho called. "Have you a spnro queen ot ctube nbotlt your person?" "I'm shy on queens." confessed Sledge, looking down with mdirterenco nt the patno ho plnyed so Indifferently. "Buck ley, I'm dry." "Beat you to It, old man," replied Buckley enally. Ho wns a spnro person. With tho nentlv combed nnnearnnen nf n dancing mnstcr, hut with Intensely clear oyos nnd deep crenses In his checks. "I sent word to tho bar nn soon ns tho phone announced you. Your stein will h right up." "Thanks!" grunted Sledge, nnd con siderately fell to estimating tho Jackpot. Allertou, a smooth-featured man with a good forehead nnd a smiling eve. picked up tho two cards which had been dealt him, compared them Jurtlelnlly with the three hr held, folded them together with minute care, nnd lucked them nently under tbn deck. Looking up. he rnlight the coldly disinterested eyo of Sledge, livery man of lhe six at the table tried tl.nt samn thing, but Allerton was the only nn who succeeded. Sledge, paus ing to Inspect carefully tho bountifully nrrnnged sideboard, moved Into tho nd Jnlnlng room. Allerton nroso from the table. "Leave me out for a couple of rounds," he Biigcesteil. "Buckley, watch my stack. There's twonty-tbree ilftv In It. nnd Top Groshani'n pile Is mighty low." Pop Oreshnni'took 10 blueo from Allor tnn's assortment, and ndded them tn his own. "Charge me 10 from your friend's treasury, Buckley." ho chuckled, with n playfulness intended to conceal his renl satisfaction. . "Well, what's new?" nsked Allerton, closing tho door carefully behind lilm, and sitting on the edgo ot Buckley's bed. "Street car business," returned Sledge. "I seo we have two companies clown home," remarked Allerton. "Which ono are you In?" "New one. Seven hundred nnd fifty thousand." "Whew!" whistled nifney Involved?" Jllorlon. "Any "All cash," Slcdgo told lilm. level." "On the "You must hnvo n good outlook," won dered Allerton. "Naw!" repudiated Sledge. "It's rotten! No franchises." "f tlioupflit you held easily salable ones, from what f saw In the papers," puzzled Allerton. "Tf you hnven't, however, vou riii, easily got thorn from the City Coun- "Tbey'ro nn Rood." Insisted Sledge. "Short terms." "That's right," agreed Allerton, begin ning to seo the llKht. "IVanchises In thin Stale can be granted for :r years anil nre renewnhlo, In 10-ycar periods, nt tho option of tho City Council. I sup peso your now franchises nro for :n years." "I'h-litmh!" assented Sledge. "That's when tho profits begin. " "I'm- both tho company nnd Its onieinl friends." smiled Allerton. "It's rather n good provision, ns far ns ho public Ih concerned, however. It gives the pcnplo a voice." "Why?" demanded Slcdgo. "They only ride." "And pay," amended Allerton. "Wn talked this over before, at Waver'n house nnd nt your office. I think I cnlleil at tention to tho fact lh.it tho people wcro beginning to expect a consideration for sueu vniunnio property ns franchises." "They expect n private cm- for a nickel," claimed Sledge. "Wo need fran chise legislation." "It's a dangerous thing to trickle." oh Jcetcd Allerton. "Tho voters nro begin ning to hnvo Ideas nhnut such things." "That's why wo hnvo to work quick," Sledeo Informed lilm. "What do you want?" nsked Allerton. "Klfty-year franchises free." "Good lord!" exclaimed Allerton. "Why, Sledge, tho man who would proposo that might Just ns well retlro from politics forever." "Sure!" agreed Sledgo, Tho Senator stopped with n shock nnd reflected. "Tho street enr interests In the Stato nro large, that's a fact." ho acknowl edged. "Oreat game." approved Sledgn. "I want slock all over tho State. You'd better Invest." "It might ho attractive." considered tho Senator. "How much stock do you think I should secure?" "Million." Even tho seasoned Senator, used as ho was to private and personal discussions Involving comfortable figures, was startled at the Bound of that word. "That listens very ohecrfully," ho con ceded. "Do you suggest that Ibuy up thnt amount of stock for myself In the various streot car companies of the state, or that myself nnd friends should club together for that amount?" "Hundred .thousand extra for them," responded Sledge, with the promptness of a man who has dono all his figuring beforehand. Allerton spent some minutes In quiet thought. "There's the legal business, too' Sledgo reminded him. "That's so," agreed Allerton: "An at torney who is also a large stockholder could control that clientage. Supposo I see Buckley about this? Send hlin In. will you?" Appreciating the convenience of hav ing no witnessos to conversations which so Intimately concern the serving of tho public, Sledgo loafed out, and stood non chalantly over the table. The five men looked up at hint keenly, but Sledge was staring into wap, jJiggiesuya hand. Buckley finished his deal, nnd glanced up agnln. Ho immediately arose. "Take my hapd, will you, Sledge?" he begged, and he removed Sledge's stein from the sideboard to the table. Sledge sat down and fingered Buckley's chips while he drank at Ills beer. "Hope you break him," observed Cal vin T. Luther as he presently dealt the cards. "Buckley's too all-fired lucky, and I think he plays crooked, myself," "House Committee!" yelled Franchise Walters. "That's unolubllke language." Sledge looked at his cards, and put In chips, and drew, and bet, with the air of a man who Is confirmed In the opinion that the general average will "get" a square player In the end, no matter how be guards himself, and, since not oaring whether ho won or lost Buckley's ohfps, he bet the same on a flush as he did en a pair of deuces. He had increased Buck lsy's stack slightly when that gentleman returned. Sledge was about to rite, but Ut. Uey sat in AUerton's pUi e Instead. "lieep your seat. Sledge," b observed. ns ho nodded to Cap. Dlgglesby, Slcdge'n bitterest and most relentless foe on the floor of tho House of ItcprCscnlntlvcs. "Yes. keep It five-handed," urged Plgglesby "t wnnt to strctrh my legs n few minutes, and a four-handed poker gnmo Is about ns exciting as a prayer meeting." Dlgglesby walked around tho room two or three limps, and looked nt tho patriotic ttlrtltfrtn ...III. ...1.1.1. .u- ....111. ....... Plentifully decornted for tho benefit of ' Buckleys earnest constituents, then bo sauntered Into the hall, nnd stretched his legs Into the next room, whero the Sena tor, In deep thought, nwnlted lilm. Dlgglesby relumed to the poller gnmo by nnd by, nnd, ns he snt down, smiled cheerfully nt Buckley. Buckley, who had been playing casino, seven-tip nnd pinocle with his poker cards, and making n mad havoc In Allerton's chips In consequence, Immediately drew a pair to his triplets, and "bet his bend off" with keen zesl. Dlgglesby gave no sign or glnnce nl Sledge, but, nevertheless, nfter another deal, Sledge niose stolidly from the tnhlc, nnd, without making any bones about It, walked directly Into tho liedionm. Al or ton wns lounging In a cushioned window still, smoking n cigarette, and with his foot pushed the bier leather rocker around to a more Inviting position. "The old veteran found n wny," ho comfortnhly explained. "If wo attempted to railroad n bill empowering tho grant ing or ou-yenr franchises without re muneration, it would bo snowed under so quickly Hint tho teller couldn't keep track of the voles. Thcro nron't ten men In the rnpllol building would daro go homo to their constituents If they sup ported such u measure." "Sum not," ngretd Sledge. "Thai's tho Idea," assented Allerton. "Brstilctlvo legislation. Tho peoplo nre Htio.tR for thnt Just now. nnyhow. Dlg gloBby's Idea Is to call the net 'A Bill for the IMotectlon of Municipalities Against the Monopolistic Perpetuity of Street Cnr Companies."' "Grent!" approved HlcdSc. "It sounds fierce It they get It. 1 don't myself, but I know Its ngaliiHt the monopolies. "It's nlinost harsh with them," drjly commented Allerton. "The bill will le strlct the car companion to a painful degree. It will make It a penal offense on the part of tho olllcers to bund a company for mnia than Us capitaliza tion." Sledgo chuckled. "Tho bankers' convention will Indorso Hint," be said. "Tho bill will prevent street railway companies from running open or sum mer ears when the thermometer Is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. It will prevent the tunning of winter cars without dmiblo glnss protection for tho mntnrmen. It will bo made Illegal to have moro than nnu strap in every 13 Inches of pace. It will bo mndo Illegal for a full car to inn by n slgnnllng pedestrlnn; and It will be mndc lllegnl. nlthough this will bo scattered In three or four places In the hill, nnd surrounded with a lot of ambiguous lnugunge, for any franchise to bo Ri-nuteil for as lung n period ns 50 years. " "That's the tnlk," nodded Sledgo. "ile ntiiitlve leuislntlnn." "I thought you could got nlonir with IT ye.n-s .mil tl months," stilted Allerton. "Moreover, I think we onn frame the bill to protect tho people." "Can you slip It through?" "Dlgglesby thinks so; nlthough he agrees with mo that, about six months nfter It's done, somebody will explain It so that tho voters will understand It, and the man who fathers It will have his nnme chiseled alongside Benedict Al nold'H." "He's dead." commented Sledge, with keen philosophy. (CONTINCBD TOMOfirtOW.) Celebrating the loth year of Its exist ence ii idI i nlnri'loiitnlh the tot li .vein of service from Dr. William Wallace Ull ihrlst, the Mendelssohn Club last night gave the second nf its subscription con certs and ihotrd that conceit to the works of Doctor Gilchrist. With the as sistance of tho Philadelphia Orchestra it was ablo to present to Philadelphia a well-rounded selection ot tho works of Its noted and notable composer. Thcro have been few local composers, and fewer still such 1 1 Unite as this one. The evening began with n musical set ting of tho club's rather extended motto, which was written by Doctor Gilchrist himself. Two part-songs (to words of Sidney Lanier), two tenor solos, u setting nf tho UOth Psnlm nnd a symphonic poem tin G major), completed the program. The singing of the chorus was spirited in the rendition of the Psalm, but in tiie part-songs It scorned nt times that s-omo-tbltig of vlunr bad been anei Hired to at tain the delicacy, anil tho discretion, which aro the peculiar virtues of this club. Mr, Nicholas Douty, first as soloist nnd later In tho quartet of tho Psalm, had somo dllllculty in persuading himself to sing tho words sot down for him to sing, nnd mndo his own variations on Heine and tho Bible. Ho sanrf, none tho less, with Intelligence and spirit. Mr. Kdwln Hvnus, heard recently in oratorio, was his robustious self In tone, and powerful enough In drainatlo climax. Miss Mario Zimmerman was the delightful soprano, and Miss Mario Langstou the flno con tralto, who complotcd tho quartot. It Is somewhat difficult for the reporter to give any adeqijnto Impression of the music, pot- se. nf Doctor Gilchrist. Tor, with the orchestra testing the unfamiliar acoustics of nn extended apron beforo the proscenium, the reporter found hlrnEcIf, t'nrough borne caprice, almost under the orchestra's feet. With the result that be heard moro sound than music. Yet no Infelicities of situation could conceal, though they might distract from, tho Impussloned climax ot Doctor Gilchrist's symphonic poem, nor the more hig'nly sustained, moro freely and 'more conclu sively expressed climax of his setting for tho fOtli Psalm. These climaxes, tho or chestral motif which comes and recurs In the Psalm, and the daintiness of his part songs, aro the moro obvious, and certainly the more pleasing, nf first Impressions. It Is not to bo doubted that there were profundities (and tho power of contra puntal construction indicated everywhere an ability to express profundities), but this was, not, apparently, the time fur them to bo revealed. "What's DoingTonight?' I .rS I Clover Club dinner, Bsllevue-Stratford: T o'clock. Jitnev drivers' orEanlzfUfn meeting, 1I0 Hutchinson atrcet. 7 o'cl. rmiy sunuay tnasn-mminir, Y M. c A ; t o'cluck. nermantonn l-oyji lesion coin uimiversary reunion all day: majs-onetlui;. Academy of Muilc; 8 o'clock, Chester Aoune Imorovement Association. annual dinner. Hotel Adelphla; 7 o'clock, g Lecture, "Control end Protection of Klcotrlo Syatem," Dr. Charles P. StelnmeU. Franklin Irulltute; 8 o'clock. Free. Market Street Merchants' dinner, ningham Hotel; OM o'clook. Lyceum Institute, Keneieth Israel Alumni Ball; 8:15 o'clock. Hi-owning Society. New Century Club; 8 o'clock. Nuimcu' Club of Philadelphia, card party and dance; Ashtr's. Schoolinn'a week, Unlvtnlty ot Penniylva rla; 6 o'clock. Free. Addrsas, "The Navy as a Peacemaker." Ed ward Breck, of Navy League ot U. S. A., I'hUomualan Clubr 8. IS o'clock. t . Local option inaM-rneellnc. Chambert-Wylle I'muylerian Church; 8 o'cloek. Fr. Burattga meatlng. Vara Memorial Churchj 8 o'clock. Free. ... Team Owneia' Auoclatlon, Daur; 8 o'clock. Annual meeting. Hound Table Worker Among Colored People. 023 Locuat street) 8 o'clock. St. CUmtntrf (PaichallvlUe) Church Im rrovuneat AsMplatlon. euchre and dance, Lu Li TempU, Surlng Qarden etreet cajt of Broad: a o'eloek. . , , Dinner, reiuuylvanla, Qaa Auoclatlon, Hotel Adelphla. 0 30 o'clock. . . . Law Club ot the Unlverrity of, Fennsylva,. nu. dinner. Hotel Adeipma, j o-cioea. AJVVlU.v, l J, Mui.a a.a.v atil' f'nri Boiar: Warner Ifree InatlluU of 0VI cieace. 8 Philadelphia. Aero Club, leetur. by Jon H. I BtelaweM, Auto Cluli. SS Swlh 34 aucU I Si.S0 u'eliMitaL OTCIOCK Jipjsic THEPH GUESTION8 AND ANSWEH3 The Photoplay Editor of the Evening Ledger will he pleaied to answer ques tions relating to his department, Questions reltlng to family affairs of actors and actresses are barred abso lutely. Queries will net be answered by letter. All letters must be addressed to Photoplay Editor, Evening Ledger. Clinrlos Chaplin, Bssnnny comedian, Is declared to have the most valuable feel of any one In tho worln. He Iioh lust In sured each foot for KO.flOO, or $100,000 for tho pair. That Is, be q reimbursed h tho Insurance company Mt.OOi) fur the loss of either one, nnd I.Vl.ftm If be loses both. "My fret nre my fnt tuiie." snld I'ltnplln. "Vt'lint kind of n phmnpiny comedian d" .oil think I would be without my reet ; It would cut mo out nf my salary for the rest of my life." As Cluiplln Is the hlRhost-prleed come dian In the world, the insurance would not go fnr Inwards his salary. Chaplin ultlrs declnro Hint Chaplin's feel nre one of Ids most vnJunblo nssets. Without the Chaplin walk, the Chnplln kick nnd other nnllis he pulls off with his pedal extremi ties, they say It would not bo ti Chnplln comedy. it Is Ihose little tricks with his feet, ns well ns the comical facial expressions, thnt keep spectators In roars of laugh ter. These great clumsy-looking feet, that movo with deftnesa and quickness, spell fun. Kcllrrinnnn's Hivnl How to keep In good health Is a prob lem with motion picture arlresses, for they nro cnlleil on to undergo rigorous exertion nnd "do slunls" that would mmtp n rollege nthlete, let alone n pietty clrl Intent on keeping hrr hnlr shipshape nnd pleasing. Whatever thev do must not tire thrm. They have to conserve theh' strength In order to innho their not Ins fori eful nnd nppcnllim. In order to keep hcrseir lit Florence La Badle Tins tnken up swimming ns a regular form of exercise nnd goes to tho nnlntnilum every .lay of tho year. "I've nlwnys been fond of swimming," slio told her friends recently, "but It never oeeurred t-i me before to swim In tho winter. Of course I've nlwnys done lols of It In tho summer tlnio. But when cold wrnlher enme nix! 1 always felt Indlv when I stopped II, however, no matter bow many silly setting up exer cises I did In mv bedroom In the morn.ng. Then It suddenly oeeurred to me. Why not Bwlm nil the yenr round? So I go. to tho pool iiilly, and you've no Idea how flno I feel In consequence." Luhin News Notes A clear Idea of the magnificence of the homes and gardens of the milMnnnlrcs nt Newport. It. I., may bo obtained In the Lubln tlireo-reel drama, "A Bnmance of the Navy," which will bo released April ID. George W. Terwllllger, the author nud producer, took n speclnl company of Lubln players to the famous summer re fort to ninltn the pictures, nnd for back grounds be used come of the hnndsomes! estntes there ns well as tho big nnval station. Tho company that mndo the picture wns an especially strong one, nnd Included Orml llnwley, Louise Huff, Kdgar Jones, Karl Metcalfe, Herbert Fort lor, Keinpton Giecnn and Klennor Ba'rry. The Inst two weeks nl Die Lubln West ern studio nt Loh Angeles hnvc been most evading ones on the entlie force front the manager down through the long line of employe". With two big fe.ituies be ing photographed at the same time, with 2? THEATRICAL vs" J BAEDEKER AUKI.l'Hl "t'cB o' My Henit," with nn ox- tcllcnt enst. Iturlley Manners' popular and nmusiiig cnnied of tho Impetuous ynun Irish girl and uhut slip dors (o a fcihitn KnalHh faintly. Flint-iuto niuuscmcnt. .!.1S imnAD "Ttie Slri.l." wllh Klliel Hairy more. The story nf a uninaii who recovers from long jraia nf painlyals to find her hus hand nnd her host friend lovers. Mlaa Uaro; inoio exceptional; tho play, nnt :' Fi,'!!.i:BT- 'lietio nrnadway," wllh IJcorgo Cohnn, William Collier. A hie, busy aim though 11 seems Inipocslblo brainy "revue. ,,. ni ion. ai. ., nt nv.'.vt I in,- In thealri- dom ' S:1'"' OAItrtK'K "The Argylo I'nKC," with ftobert Billiard nnd Albert limning. A return en gagement of the familiar dctcctlvo melo drama, In which Mr. Illlllnrd hunts down h daring gang of i-hnlnala by tho nppioved mothnils or Mr. Hums S:15 I.YIIIC "Tho Haw).." with William Fnvers liam. Tcno p,ny of a liusband nnd wlfo who Hie bv chrntliig nt ciiidJ. Tho drama co in. -a from the discovery nf the knavery by the wire's loer. Mr. Fsirnliain, nsn'- nnys, distinguished S:'' WALNFT "The Duminy," wllh Bnipst Truox. A detective comedy. In which llnriipy, tho slum boy. turni sleuth nnd defeats n bnnd or kidnappers. A -f- show" nt halt thn prlco h:la VAUDfiVILLB. KI.ITH'S Catherlno Calvert In "To Save One Ulrl," Long Tack Sam und company. Joslo Heather and Henry I, Marshall, Tiovato, the 'Australlun Woodclioppers, Kramer nnd Morton, Toncy nnd Norman, l.uclllo and Cockle, presenting "Tho Human Itlrd": tha La, Vnrs and Hearst-Sellg News Weekly. NIXON'S (.HAND Bang fine Cheln nnd his J'ekln Mysteries. "Hoc" O'Ncll, Archer nnd Ilelford In "A Janitor's Troubles." Me llow an nnd Oordon, Mae Aubroy and I.s tolln lltclile: Charlos Ilcniilnglnn, "Tho Marvelous Mnnopedo" nnd laughing movies. WILLIAM PKNN THnATUI.-IniDCrlal All Star Opoin I'ompauy. ultli Mine. Doree: Hnilth and Cook and Mario Urandnn In "Tho Milllniinlrca"; Ilruoka nn.l llowcn, "Hero nnd There In Vaudeville." with James Keleo nnd lilaticho Li'lghion: Uino and O'Donii'lt In '"Dip l.unatlo Tumhlers. little Mlas Jean and Charles Chaplin In "In the Park." CROSS KF.YS (second half of week) Alfred Laloll and nil Volkca In "A Dog of Fantasy"; luabetlo Miller and company, in Tha Now llonrdor": Schovanl Troupo of nrrobata. John F. Clark, monoloslst, nnd tho Manikins. NIXON --"The Lonesome Ijisslea." Mlm Mar. Jorlo Falrbinks In Blepemcnt," "Hetty," ranlaln Jack Oornett and son, Stuart and Keoley, Innes and Ilyan. and Spink and TnU' STOCiC. . AMF.RICAN-"The Common Law." wllh the resident conipativ, A drama made from tlio well-known novel of Ilobert Chambers of thn artist and tho model he espouses but doea not marry. nUjtuQ,Jr., CASINO Tho Uosey Toscy Olrls In "Tho Live Club " with Barry Hentlcy and Miss lllllla navies. OAYDrY The Fay Foster Company. TftOCADFnO "Tha Tango Qlrls." In eons, danco and quips. MINSTP.KLS. IHIMONT'S Dumont'a Minstrels In Jitney Bus" and familiar travesties, new Bonus and ballads. "The with Body of Drowned Jlan Identified The body of a man found In the Bela ware Blver yesterday has been Identified as that of W. J. Lynch, of 1S0O South ITth street. The Identification was made by a sister. SPUING HKKOUTS oof.a:n city, n. j. THE BREAKERS Only Boardwalk hotel. IC A. YOUNG. Mgr. Atlantic City, N. J. Leading high-class, moderate-rate hotel A I nPMARI E Virginia av. near Ueach. vator. sun parlor, pri. baths, etc.; iucllnt table, etg. dlnnara, orebtstra. Special $10 up wkty.l a up dally. Booklet. J. P. COPE. MODBKN' PANC1NO THE CORT1SSOZ SCHOOL 1B20 CHESTNUT ST. Ph0.?l- Locus 3194. THE C. ELLWOOD CAnPBNTKR STCDIO. U23 Cbeotnut Open Dally All Summer. SpeclalUliig tha very latest dances. SWIMMING jriAMQ BAWJTARV BWIUMINQ FOOL AUAftlO jxq g. EBOAD ST eFXUKtj0?NIKa SAX. KVU AfR. 11TU OTOPLAY - . ,Jlli A JWKSF !"' JS&Wfi i I C.EOKGE SOULE SPENCER Of the Lubin films. plans being mndn for another feature to follow Immediately, with a much In creased force of mechnnlcs preparing: buildings and special effects, with hun dicds of extras surging about dally In nit sorts of costume effects from pallors to plcluresqiln lndlnn nnd Algerlnn na tives, the studio Is (be busiest ot busy places. So much inteiest wns taken In tho work bv the neonle of the cll.v this week, thnt a speclnl sqund of policemen were required to keep hack the spectators nnd to preseive the artistic Icnces sur rounding the studio campus. One more star has been ndded to the forces of the Western Lubln Company nt Lim Angeles, tills time III the person of .luck Holt, who for several seasons toured the country In vnrlous successful roles on the legitimate stage. Answers lo Correspondents .T. U1.1CK.A ttlns. J. A. W. I'Mlo ilnjs' dlllRcnt scnrih fnlls t( lemil any ri-iu.l of the in-tor nf whonf )ou wine. iVihnia mime rentier amy kin.w Mini laeil i in- win or the pullilciil boss in I'nrlyii. Hlm-kwi IPs "The lllzli Hand." ft so, they shmilil loimnimlciito with Uio photoplay cilll'tr If you please. li.NB WHO IS INTRUIJSTI2D. Acnln nn cull Httpiiiliiti in the fuel tli.it hp will nut tinmvcr queries iilmut the rcrniml ninl family Inn of net. its. It concerns ciily themselves. III..U1YH. - WllllP met Klttv III ItlB t"s "Pml" cie Jl. U'llinn ninl I II Ma Sicilian. The i iFt ef SpIIk'h "TIhi rii.pr-lt" Is us fellows: I ay Thompson, Stella lliistpttn. Frnnk Coaklpy, r.uy olhrr, cnlnriPl M.inlnin. .tack MclxmnM; .lames Thompson. Siilttpv Smith: Mr. Ihnmp B.III. l.ueenlo llcaaerer; Wallace lllrlinrds, Scott liunlop. "K.XTK." The leads In America's "A Heart o. (Inlrt" wcro Ilnrry Von Meter nnd VMnn Illrh. 12LSIH i-.-Ornre Cunnpl wns liirn In Tnrls 1-rnii.p. April , ISM. nnd Kruncls Font's WrtliPluce In Portland, Me., tho date hclng Priitpmher i 1SVI. K. i'.-MniRiiprltp's two chums In Kalom's "Tho AiIvpiiiiiic nt lirler I'lllt" were Mar Eiierlln Pruning and Mnrv .Monro. In Vltn graph's ".Vpity or l,etty" It Has Dorothy Kelly Mho nrolo thp unto. Itnreiiinrr Theliy's sister In Victor's "The Hind liond" Is Pclrhinc I ricioiuc. I M.WlN'l!.-TIip ndiltcws of tho nim cmnn.'inlt.fl 1 ou mention nre ns follows: Masterpiece Film I nini'iinv, U13 AiicpIp. i"nl. : .Ipi.s'p 1.. LisKy r-raliiie I'lay nminniiy, t'lli West Sth Hrrot, . Npiv V,rl city. Alliance Films Corporation, r.n West lillh nrort. New York city, and World Mini Coi-pniiition. t::o Wet lillh HllPPt, New , Virk eltw ' TVM P."- Thp Vllnsrapli plnyer you tiipn- , Inn In Mill with the vitngr.iih romp-iny, hut i una not nppcared In any recent releases. "I'AI'A" AWAY. (JIltL ELOPES Parent Returns Homo to Find Daugh ter ant! "Hubby" Awniling Him. The absence of "pripn," who was In Bal timore, was seized as nn opportunity by two youthful lovers to elope to ISIkton, Md.. where (hey were married. They aro Harold llndlock, UOii Hiidilnn avenue, Camdeii, nnd Mlsa Amy Illiiehmiin. lfi years old, dnughter of W. L. Hinchmnn, nf No. 1 King's Highway West. Hnddon Held. Hearing of the elopement. I)r. K. M; Sullivan, of Woodbury, the bride's uncle, telegraphed to Mr. Hinchmnn. who re turned Into last night to find Ills daugh ter nnd her husband awaiting lilm. Young llndlock. who is employed by tho New- York Shipbuilding I'omp.iny. has known Ills bride five month?. KELlEr SHIP SAILS Saint KcntiRcrn Will Deliver Cai-p;o for Stricken Belgians. Mnio than 7000 tons of foodstuffs and clothing for tho relief of the stricken peoplo of Belgium left hero today on board the British steamship Saint ICcntl gern. This is tho seventh relief ship to leave this port. Among the supplies on board nro lTo.ono bushels of whent. Tho Faint Kentlgcrn will go to Biitter dam to deliver her cargo to representa tives ot tho American Commission for Belief of Belgium. Captain Itaugh Is In connnnnd. Ilo expects to mnko tho run in 18 days and docs not fear mines or sub marines. PHOTOPLAYS Piioclnnf ?f OPFJ'A 7omo o World's VUL&UIUI Ol. HOrSErjrinlrslVicroplqij Attn. 1:30 tn 4 :110 10c. 15c, 25c Higa. 7:30 to I0:,",0 -inc. i'.lc. n Few COo 2ND TUHMKMHH'S WUBK I). W. IIIIIFFITHS TheAvenging Conscience TVVifK IIAIl.Y AT 3 ANU I) P. M. PKH-'KlllH) tiy CUMLD1KS KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE MAIIKIIT STltLF.T AllOX K I0T1I DAILY AT 3. So. KVKNINUH, 7 A- t), Se, 10c. Lew Fields in "OLD DUTCH" "THE DEVIL IN THE DARK" AND COMEDIES OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF THEATRES OF Tns MOTION-PICTURE EXHIBITORS' LEAGUE INCLUDINd THOSE HOOKED TlinOUOH THE EXHIBITORS' BOOKING OFFICE, INC, 1339 VINE STREET CEDAR 0OTII STIIKKT AND CUtl ci-.li.Ui avknui: "lllark llui Nu. 0," "TIib L'nsren Terror," "The htreets of Make Belle)e," and others, EUREKA SOU Market rltrert SLI.i:CTi:i) I'ltOliHAM AnnalJiuglilln THE ORDEAL" " And3laryricUforiI SubJecL FRANKFORD '-'fgStAS! '"", THE SPOILERS n ADrtFN Flfly-lblrd Street and Varttvuii l.unsdouiiB Atrnua WILLIAM VAUNTS! lu SPECIAL SHOW GREAT SOUTHERN &$" "Tlllle's Punctured Itomanee" ultb Marie Dressier, Charles Chaplla nod Mabel Nor man. Matinee So. Kirulng lUc. IRIS liensluatoa und Allegheny Aics. ClIAHLFS f'HAl'MN la THE TRAMP JEFFERSON $&&. ROBERT TVAUWICK In The Man Who Found HinsslP 2000 WAR VETERANS HEAR LEADERS TALK OF LIFE OF LINCOLN General Nelson A. Miles and Admiral Chester Among Old Soldiers Here for Loyal Legion Meeting. I'bllndelphln, the birthplace of American liberty, has witnessed many scenes of uitr but today the city gave Itself no in "fncondlllonnl Surrender Grant" st vie to nn nrmy of more than 000 vetJ , ernn officers of the I'nlon army of th Civil War, who came to celebrate the I r.o,i. ....!...--.-.. n ,i.. . ii..-. i.. .in iiiiiii. ci p.ii y i.i Lie, imiiiuiiiK ut iiia Military Order ot the Loyal Legion ot ! tho I tilted States. They nre the guests of the Phltndclphla Commanders'. j The three days' celebration, which be gan unofllclnlly yesterday, will be for ni.illy opened tonight with a monster Jubi lee nt the Academy ot Music. Mnydr fllankcnbiirg nnd mnny prominent ofTI I rials hnvo promised to nttend, nnd the I Hireling undoubtedly will be ono of the most notnblo gatherings of wartime lead ers held In this city In many years. Mnny prominent Phllndolphlnns are doing nil In their power to make the cele bration a success nnd lo make the short slny of the visiting cnmmnnderles an enjoyable one. Loynl Legion members in c coining from 21 States. Mnny of them were captains and lieu teiiniilfl M yenrs ngo today, on April 15, IWi. when the news of Lincoln's death wns rerelved In this city. Nearly nil hnvn risen tn rank and a few are gen- erals today while a few are admirals. but nil mora than TWO hAve gathered rts brothers lu Hie "City of Brotherly Love" to nttend the 50th nnnleisnry celebra tion. Many of the visitors already have re ported for duty. Commandcrics from Wndilnglon and Boston arrived this morning. Included In the list or roll-tnll nre such men ns General N'ctson A. Miles, Admiral 'Chester, General Joseph S. Smith, General John C. Black, General G. A. Woodwnrd, Lleutennnt Colonel G. ('. Knlffen, commander of tho District of Colunibln Cotninnnilery, and Captain ThnmriH II. McKec. "Bullous" wete distributed In many of the leading hotels, nnd many ot the Loyal Legion members, or "companions," ns they nie called, nre billeted III the t'nloii League. The committee nt the I'nlon League Includes John W. Bubb, Charles L. Cooper, Thomas 11. Harper, Horace Neldc. Paul O. Llttlcfleld. J. K. Bnrr, B. F. Itittetiliouso. Louis II. Car penter. Arnold H. Ilord, John F. Conft wuy. K. Jf. Boyle. B. Franklin Belts. O. M. Boxbyshrll, H. G. Cnvenaugh, John W. Geary. George T. Lambert, William I. Nellson, Noah It. Swayne, Id, W. A. Wlcdcrshelin, Arthur B. Hucy, Edwin C. Pendleton. Minus uniform, gold nnd braid, hut wearing tho prized trlcnlorcd legion ro sette tho envy even ot European nrmy olllcers the stately veterans nro enjoying their "leave nf absence" wllh nnccdotes of dn.R gone by and with visits to his toric places. Few, perhaps, think Of the ftittlie, nt least todny or tomorrow, though the number of the original "com pnnlnns" Is gradually decreasing. There nm nboul WW now. It Is a consolation, however, ac one of the "companions" leinnrked. thnt direct lunle descendants aro eligible lo membership. Tho good work of tho Loynl Legion may thus go on. Tho feature of tho three days' celebra tion will be tho Jubilee In the Academy of Music tonight. One mass of color, and with "Old Glory" reigning supremo, the historic walls of the Academy will rock with patriotic and Inspiring nddresses and songs. The I'nlted Htntcs Marina Band, which Is In Philadelphia especially for the occasion, will play the "Jubilee." "Thn Assembly" nnd "To the Colors," while the Lnval Legion members, wearing formal evening dress nnd their full In slgnln. will stniul In dress pnrndo forma tion nnd give their simple but Impressive salute. PHOTOPLAYS READ Charlie Chaplin's life JJy VICTOR ENUANK IN Photo-Play Review WEEK OF APRIL 20TH SUBSCRIBE NOW SPECIAL OFFER Three Months . . . 25c All the best news of interest to the "fan." the Exhibitor and the Manufacturer, Handsomely Illustrated and Well Printed Get it fifty-two times a year for One Dollar. The Photo-Play Review Heal F.(nle Trust Illdg., Philadel phia, I'll. Walnut 3J7 EMPRESS 3SgSBT' TOM TERRISS in "THE CHIMES" and Charles Chaplin In SO MINUTl'.S QV LOVE und Others. LEADER Jl't Street and " Lancaster Avenue Krntta" The Cowboy and the Lady aa tonieuy nupjecle KEYSTONF south stiieet (l IJl vtIC HKL0W tenth "A MODKHN MAGDALEN" "THE 111.001) OF THK CHILDHGN" and Comedy Subjects PARK Idg Ave. S: "Dauphin St. t nsvrk jiaiinee, stj, uTg,. 7ns Liplolts of Elaine No. IS Anita hteviurt In "'rUoraluted IVotld RIDGE AKNl'K "T ' 18th ot. and THE LOST HOUSE und Comedy Pictures SOMERSET STIli KenaTngtoq-' Avenue Charles Chaplin in THE TRAMP A N D OT1IK US . TIOGA Th and venAnco """ a tl-VJ 8THKBTS Ml'TL'AL MA8TERVIQTKHK "rite Outcast" and Cbarle ChapUlu (n "The CUainplwtt" and Other KictUeat HubJtcU TULPEHOCKEN gffiS , ,BllAVAlC:NCirB