mwtwSwPS 3STO43 THURSDAY April 15, 1915 o 2xsb'jfy JMJiLm ..W.v,,l'v f A K4 SB5 W'WUM t -F f 1 Vd Is Ji: PERSONS AND SCENES IN DAY'S GRIST OF NEWS FROM HOME AND ABROAD AS CAUGHT BY THE CAMERM 1 ,.. . - ilKVLNCK CUTTER SENECA STANDING i!Y , ;?: ' 4E2iL ! fea.-A-' BPPB It has been almost exactly three years since the Titanic sanl; " tfcrV '3l;- ' " " $ I ilii&;' ' ' ' BPL " "y -' " ::'' .i '. nftcr crashing into one of these huge masses of ice, which tha ",' ,, jL :113 f' "' I jiij"'' '; - , " j BT "iS?' r ? ', - , i Seneca, accompanied by the Miami, is now hunting down and ' ' ' lill5P' - l$f! fB?t. ' - - -' 4 l&fe'.l '- :V---v'4''. .;.' Sk. CREW OF SENECA SETTING OFF DYNAMITE UNDER ICEBERG S i i:-C:7 ' ' 'V.'vilc.l .' . a i-' ' JplMp ' A boat from the revenue cutter is seen rapidly pulling away from the explosion. ' IB RED, WHITE AND BLUE TROUSERETTES FOR SPRING A costume which caused a great sensatfon at a recent fashion show in Now JTork. The "panties" are decorated with scalloped frills which bear tiny tassels, WAS AFRAID OF THE FURIOUS JITNEY BUSSES "Captain" Barnet, the well-known and justly popular midget, didn't dare cross Broad street till James McGowan, the kindly traffic policeman, escorted him across. Photograph by Brown Bros. BELGIUM'S CROWN PRINCE Recent dispatches assert that Leopold, oldest son of King Albort, has shouldered a gun and gone to the front, though ho is only 1 4 years old. iTATl'tTTE PORTRAYING THE "GIN MILL" AND "KING ALCOHOL" WHICH JIAS BEEN DEDICATED TO "BILLY" SUNDAY AND THE TEMPERANCE CAUSE The pictures show the front and back of the clay model executed by Jesse S. Anderson, popularly known as "Vet," a sculptor and painter of thu city It represents alcohol as a huge, brutal figure crowding a masa of wretched victims into bis boppr. At th left ol the right-hand picture is the "finished product."