jJRWWirtSflpyswwytd 33VENING LBDGER PHIUADBI;PHIA THURSDAY, . APEIB 15, 1915; 13 'ww)JWiirtfcBwi.j j CLASSIFIED RATES nAtLY AND StNDVT eJSr.r.ia.erJKs prat ",, .ftnn in il rrit . j'5u mr nun ffSffitfW.a0' ..'.".". ."".:. 100 Perllne tions I" n Ttiis SIZE TYPE (or like this) ' ,.-, in All clfl'lncntlonn except Help . J "5.1J2 wanted. Lost nnd Found, Per- Wll.';iiin end Rooms. WKrinVertlan . . .... , 2fle rr lino 17'iepcr lino lfsc per lino IS.' IB.si S- i . .. , ,,,. S ., n A A ft fit -,.. EA. r.Vri7 to tlie Inch. II fttlffl ftl"e M,pa, "' "K nivuDuitiimii, "." .. rvrinnaHhcr naner ?W'.r4::::::::::::::: ?1.W t ""' tvAlt.r ONLY n liffect December t, flM. COMBINATION RATI. , M InKrtlon In roth m morning nnu evening ;' PUBLIC LEDGER rMonNINOV i' inmiMr t urvntJD rBVJ-NINO) VAM four cents per lino net to rales given &- ... s.--.. ,iptl AN o U w lw.n iiA.tii.i E'E-tei?r. IN THD. ITIIl.tC. I.13DOKH Al. AK iNsniiTno in thu. dvuning ;&. WITHOUT ADDITIONAL. CIIARUL'. ' There is a, drug slorc ,lcar 'ollr honie tliat will attciu j-tufcti ivmn ds at office rates. HELP WANTED PEMALE r TrriNED LADY to s"U Turkish towels. f Ai" f. "n.tucst, H 0.'.0, Led. Cent. U rtfiUnnilMAID wnnted, Protestant; best ref. F c2Jiti! "wo In family! bcBt wages. Phono J , ff,m.ntown HIT. 1 7mt.t).VUnBn, Ocrman, for two children; ref . C.V.ns ret?. Led. Dr., 0T89 aormonlown nvo. " JVSlIC VVBnlOll l1 ITI. i IUIIlIVU'IH W.lllU iXmin for cook In family of II. no washing; ' Im l"n or Scotch rrolestnnt preferred: ref S. !xJs rcaulred Apply loduj, between 3 t JnTS27 BPJih st TBoKrciiAOTinilMAlU and WAtTIlS3-S tnc'rleneed, competent, Fettled women Tor ' infill family In Gcrmantnwn, must lutvo ret ' mnee. ApplyJfi?JVAI,'lnu,-1'no- Kvn. AND WAITRRSS. ProtoetsntB, perinn- Milt positions. Apply today, before 11 n. m., in Tulpehocken si Gormntitown. Carfaro ! ?' ni ehnmbermnld. fomllv of two. small" tuiiiit: light wwk, ivnt -a tnndemlo Address, "th wtilciilar-. I'Ji-'enklnlojvn ; p. 1 FooK Ktperlcneed while slrl for mokltii,- and SitalrPi work, Binall family, Rood mines. iH ranr i , rnoK wanted n a prliato fa f M, Apply 121 N. 10th ini II o'cloek. TKato family; referenco at., lietttron ti DncsaarAicirna Competent skirt flttera and drapers! trood vy, short hours. Ion? boasonfl; first cUfS references required. Apply, nil we"k, before 10 a. m., Krcneli Dress truklnc Shop, third lloor. Market nt. STnAwnriiDan & clothii-jr F QiriL, eiperlencerl, for cencrnl linusunnrk; m reffrenca requl d. sleep In. iti')Plno jt. ' GOOD LAlAVDltKi-H mid uiisTnlri innld, neat whits woman, 1'rcitestant, In ndult rnmlly of ', to. rhono Oak Iim lim 1. or call "IS j Kenllyorth avr . onk Lano Park. bOUSBttOUK Wanted, n whlto I'roicBtant woman, ou m tv jliviu iiiii, jur nCiK'iiil uuiiau- ircrx; no wanh'g, ref. req. Apply -.'.VI S. flirt. i HOUSKftOllK Olrl to nislst: willlnic to goto coanlry. Call, after 1 o'clock, IW07 N. 7th h. , treet fl Mrujqnvnillv llernmn rlrl for flm.lll fnmlU : ". rood naces. I LMit. I.edKer ffflre ' LUNPIU!i "hue. for .Monclnvs und luro- data In suburb"- if ief. L 'Jl I. Led Off. OPERATORS! on ,ifl partB of ahlit waists, nlllis and cotton. Tho Jlartdorn-Merz Company, , M and Ilrnwi V fiif C"Oll HM A X? Arn It-. -fiAa-Anft--. ft-,--. nt--AM ? for Sat nftH S. Nlodermnn, IMP Chcatnut Bt. J1 BTENOdflAPlinU Must havo nt lenet "j yeaffl1 r mhU-iaa flnla osjlnv'tt tf faiiwfiiia -i 1 1 1 t-t rA'JHIH-t DIOIU CKlllll J I 1-lVI'llllil ll'Kllk'4 Vlcler lypewrller. II 'lp. Ledger Central. BTEVOnilAPIirrt", bookkeepers nnd clerks r leeklni; good posltlona Lomiult Mis? Dean. v- ledger CMiiral Sho will Irlp ton to localo & a peaPIon thrnuch tho Commercial Depart u. tnent a free Ecnlco to ledger adicrlUers. Wanted, port swAiiTiuioiti:. two nrst- i ciass rroiesiant gins; must do goon cook una rrlmmbennald nnd waitress; none but flrst- F ciaas need apply: best reference. GO-tu t?pruco tat. Phf.ne Prisma I'I71 P. ,'ANTED Nurwo Iwhltt) to tnh- entire rh-rff-of !IS.ycar-old child. Apply between 12 and 1 o'cloek. 2220 Hnrm o yt. v 1'ANTK1). at once, relisblo white woman for l souenorK ror aununer. lia; Yknsmngton IV ate. Uaddnntletd. N. .1. -..WANTEVK-ltcHponslhle inl,ldle-nged woman, v mnt nouewora ine nccuing Home preferred. it. i sii. wiiKrr i' rp VpUNO WHITE ami. ns chambermaid; must M handy with needle; references till! North Groaa si. HELP WANTED MALE ADVEIlTISINn solicitor for monthly maga ilm of 100.OX) circulation; only those who . willing n .,. .T.I.. .. ..... l -""'" iu lllll Ull 11 cuiiiiiuiTHinn PON1S VM ned apply, a good opportunity for tho right -.,. in ii-ucr uHiiiff tor pariicuinra picaso I&cotloa axe, experience nnd reference. P. P.. P. O. Hox 1077. New York. pVEIVriRLVO Bollrltor wanted: call ntttrTE .. 1140 Heal Katato Trust Building. AUTOQfOniLR salhs. Afrna- iXSfP h&9 .ACQDAI.NTANCn AMONC I'ltnSDNT OWNRIIS IN PllILADHLPHIA AND NI5W .inil ?J'-X?F'?I,AaSKn OPPOrtTUN- JJ-JCKaT11 fast-ohowino coit- 'OllATIDN TO JIAKH SPLKNDID SPt. IN NON-COMPETITIVI3 PIDLD; ONfY AIIOIIKSHIVI HIQII-CLXaS mkn ofi.iiiison: AL'nr and MiArtACTnit uoN- SlDBnBD WHAT IIAVB YOU r r PrJ,4I,iUTO'NcraL.i-- .".;". iii- i i-i uurt eiiL.r ilAX. WRITE; DO NOT CAIJ.. ",i'A1 T1ID AUTOl BALVAOI5 AND SALES -J.r.n,llJiAPr'LI'HIA iiitANcir MU.17-10 WAIUHNGa-ON AVI l-VJIll'UI(A'UU WE. OABTNETMAKEnH WANTED Wust b xperlenced n flni cabinet work na do hand sanding. Brlnr tools. Tiyaleil examination necessary. Apply ICTOnTALlCINO StACHrNlJ COMPANY. Application Office, IS Market street. Camden, New Jersey. "s22 ArrA 11 v"t," '" "rlTl machine" B WiSnf,i' " I-ArrVANri:D-LaTge Svnoufri v1."1 " in iclecllon of abor. man V M Jhoila b. "ficr.mane.n,ly' ot tne 'actory I Woter who ibnii, "'ect men of proper i ,,l rirlous eia.ui havS tho training for JsiiuA w KiIPPTlFt-iii " - . & TM ?IVPm,1lT,IE 'and houiemari laiivKniifia 8 ' liouw In auhuVf;. .,akn,en,,r"?na lafldg PaUrLacal"rine Company, 25th and IihC??T5 wantedimu.t hae factory ex." s-SSifikK I"k.t tri:r?.Sli.?"'V"""?" "" ' .-... ..gw Ktm Jeriiy. WATErt nuBDKna wanted Uuit have factory experience on fine cabinet work, (utnlture or plare. PJ-reicil examtnitlon neceaurr. Apply JCnOR TAUCINQ MACinNB COMrANT Appllcatlon Office, 2S Market it.. urnflen. New Jersey. HELP WANTED MALE Bt"llir,..ri;'liBKTt,'lW onnff"tnn wanted In in yX2iJi: "".'.'"" " pacKinu ana nnin IX.J2 i...'"y T'lK.tWto ae, exr. ifSXJ'lte'ZSlP&i Additea 1, is erlenro and Idger,7th and Oxford S.H, llrnnch with '?r7u?,mrcttnt.too1k,'erer. coneraant SVni S ."if,"0","'' ,n 'tielfin echni!9 n-pt. or a national bank, J tig" Led, Ctrl. ?n o?,.JIA.N";?P,,P9 ,ot nt dltlnfeclant fSr h K ?nd lnltutlon: pcod opportunity Sm f5llt0UnRtn,n ,0 bul'a "P Bood bun. i.ci5..l0f.!!"r""i,lva riferonct. Addrees J '''. , Lodger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE Jin?'E?n 1011 ' n. tacancy for n book keeper, ittnoicraphor or rlcrk of any kind, fiU.VP w'nut ?000. Mlas Dean, Ledger iiS.1 i"r;i M,il '1" l,Br 'our necda. Bho hna iirri...! luaiincaiiona or nich-nrailo pftlenecd joung ladles In every lino of J''""', and mil icnd jou a competent n nil jour noli on. Vhls Is a frco scrM ex bus! nlrl to Ledger arhertlBcr'a freo Bcrueo to DOOKKCBrBIl IliiBlness woman with ex eeutlvo ability, D. K, bookkeeiier and IjpIbL ?."'", poMtfon of trust, boat references. . 11 84, Lodi r Central. nooiCKKCPnu and typist! four years' experl fncie; rMort "oM ork- O 8IS- Ledger Cen- BboklCLDPint, experienced. lth knowledgo of typ6rltlngjJjMt icf. P Pin, Led. Office, IJOoflO:Kl.WiI oKofnconorkrFnowreago o( stenography, exe. lefeiencc. II 12, l.cd. Con. CIIAMnifllt.MAID, jourig swTfr woman; sub- iirb3prcferred L '.ul, Ledger Office. Cl.A3SliCll.MAllnd Hnltrc-ireompetcnT"and reJllablo, reference. Phone Poplar Cuaj W. CltlLrmUN'S WKAh-Woman nrcustomed to making children's wear would llko to mako children's dresses and underwear with smock ing nndfeathcrslitchlng. C 307, Ledger OIL CLUItlCAL work or typewriting; knowledge of Btenog.; willing worker. It 55S, Lodgerj'ent. CO.n'AIo"Nr-Iterined"wnmnn wouldniako her self useful In household act as secretary or toko caro of ennvaloirent; would trael. U 2Ji. LcdgcrOfrlco. COiIIMNIo.V-C'hcerfutlnlelUgenrjieroiide7 slrrs position ns companion to elderly lady; good reader 1201 Olrard avo; C'ljIi'ANToN or mother's hcTFer, refine 1 worn on, experienced, dcslroi pos. J 1 III, Led. Cent. COOIC wants position In" BtnalPfamllyPbcst leferenep. Hit N. Wllllngton b t OOOKINCI nnd downptalra wor't. for either city or loiintn-! rererenco. Slut N. Clarion si (PUIinndyork) IiltKR-JMAKHTl from Now York desires cn .B0geinents, adinmod styles. Ph. Wnl. -iwil! W. flltSTCLARS Herman-Hungarian cook", with ref. Ml N. 1.1th st llelljJhJ!Valnut717.'tV. OIHL. Pollsii. wishes gen, hwk ; pfnln cook; speakH ligllsh l29Jllrtinerst.,Nlcctown. Ulltl. wrslies' chimUerwor'le on Old Yprlt roact lino. f-A'l Oermnntown avo GOVratNnSd, llnR-r.Tot.: fully qunllllej teneh ermUBlc. klnd'en; sal. HO. I. 210, Id. Off. aOVEnNHSS (nursery) or mother's hnlpcn can teach muBlo, J 140, Ledger Central. iNTANTH NUItan Tako entire chorgo from birth; beBt rotercnees. 2111 N. Ilorton. LADY'S MAID wants place; Is first class; good paekrr nnd teacher, good refs. from last plnie .1 142, Lodger tVntrnl MrvriU.Tl ANI SON (ndulll dealTo mro of home or apartment during nboenco of family. t 141. Ledger Central NL'flhf;, graduate, wishes pennnnent tosltlon; nenous nnd mental eases n Bperlnlly doc tor'a refcrenre. II 210, Lodger Central, NURSKRY governess of companion, cxp., oa pablo of giving massage. I'liono Dick. GOiU. 1'OI.lRft r.TRL wnnls housework, plain "iok; speaks Kngll-h. 1741 Dniiuton Rt , .N'lrclown. I'OLIfli Ulltl. wants tiouM-nork. plain cook; speaks Kngllsh. lf(X Junlatn slNjcetoOTi. POLISH out!, wants housework, speaks Lug- l"h,2fll'ij!livlsjit . Nlcetown. PltArriCAL nurfe, companion or caro of llneii room In liolel HJ;", Ledger Central. KPANLSIl WOMAN, irlcldlo-nged. wishes Ilg'llt ilntlcH In household: sleep home. Olsil Vlnn st. sniNOGltAPIIIIIl and bookkeeper wantH po sition; Intelligent, quick, accurate; molerato salary; 8 years' reference present employer. L S5S, Ledger Central. STHNOOrtAPHllR desires pos. where accuracy nnl neatness aro necessities, would consider mod. nal, wllh op . ref Il.lx'dger Off. SPKN'OGKAI'imn Dill clerk. nsiIstanF book keeper: S enra" nnnufg experience, enihiblo ortlco assistant. 11 140. Ledger Central. RTIINOOrtAPHUrt ,r. years' experience. Insur- nnre and com : competent 11 4 I. Led. Cent. BTIlNOdltAPllEn, leglnner; some experlenco; iln neat work: willing. II 7.il, LedKcrJJcnt. Sn-JN'OilltAPirnrtand office assistant: 2 years thorough exp II fllfl, Ledger Central. STIJNOOHAPfruH, experienced: moderate sal- ary. 1711 Chestnut. Phono Spruco GTir,2. STIVNonitAl'IIDR Aocurnto'iind dependahfo; graduate: energotlo worker. 1 1 i.Tfl, Led Cent TWO GIRLS wish iplaces togother, chamber maid nnd waitress, experienced nnd refer ences: willing to le.tio city. Call 2S9 XV. Hnlrea st.. Oermanlown. WANTRD llv a joung lady, position na goierness or companion; can teach IZngllsh, rreneh, Oermnn nnd music. Add. lliflo Green. WOMAN of HO. experienced on telenhone ex change, gencrat office, clerical and detail work, also proofreading, desires position, 131, Ledger Branch. n?d nnd Market. YODNCI WOMAN, experienced In linen room of large Phlla, hotel, city or country: good seamstress, best lef. L 20. Ledger Office. YOUNG LADY, seminary educat'n. goodpen man, deg. clcr. work, add. .etc. J SO, Led. Cent SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE A HUSINLSS man. thoroughly familiar wllh arlous drrnrtmeuts In tho manufacturing nuslness. both Gales und offkc, bkp., credits, eoriopondnce, etc., desires a connection; Inter'w will prove my ability. It 7,Vi,Lcd.Ccut. ACCOUNTANT, oxperlenecd In corporation ac counting, at present omploed with firm of publlo accountants, desires change; excellent references. J 14S. Ledger Central; ACCOUNTANT, varied experience, wlli ln struct or audit part or full time. C 320, Ledger Office. BOOKICnUPCn, capable, experienced office man, competent to manage; moderate salary; best references, II 14U, Ledger Central. SHjliKIdSUl'l-rt, thoroughly experienced, nil- ilttng, cooks openea, ciosen, written up, clay or evening; moderate rates. Hall phono woodland 3UH .X. IiOOKKi:i:Pi:n or asalstant Young man (2l. )eara experlenco; reliable, accurate, quick at figures: referenco. J 144,Iedger Central. BOOlCKBtJI'liRrsi), well recommndoil; qulck hut cnroful: 6 ears' experlenco; will accept clerkshtp; typpt. 1IU57. LedgerCcntral. IKiOKKI.r:PCR Managing ability; thorough varied exp., elnin char. Manager. 5110 N.lOth BOOKKRllPHR. 20."2 yrs.' exp : familiar with offlcodetalla:referenco. II 8in, Led. JTent. UOOKKUDPKIt. U.1,"0 yrs exp.i familiar with credits nnd correspondence. J&l, Led.Cont. llOOIvKlinPER Aecumto: SO! highest refs ! not qfrnld ot work-. II 0.V). Ledger CentrnL ERiY. 10. Jelsh," bright, active, would Ilka to work In country; prlxato or farm; good ref erence. Juvenile Workers' Bureau. 1507 Arch, Telephone KaroiVHTor Spruce 11147. IJOY, strong, 13, Catholic, wishes position In country: ulther on prl-nte estate or farm; loferenco Juvenllo Workers' Bureau, 1M7 Arch Bt. Telephone Race 337 or Hpruce (1117. BOY, neat, quick: 2 yr, high schooleduca" tlon: offlco preferrad. II 7M. Ledger Central. DUSINDSS man, wldo exp.. correspondenceT Bales, desires connection wllh rellnblo ron rern: ran of handling office. II 810, Led. Cent. ntm.RU. IVigilsh. age .13: mgllsh and city references; thorough experience A. W lilt lyyust st. mats wages. CHAIirFI.UH Young married rnsn wishes position, good meehanlo! handles any mako of car. reliable and careful driver: highly .ecnnimende Baring IMP W. CHAIJfVkI'R Whits, single, sober and Indus, trlous, prlvsto or light lommerclal; good rf. from former employers, O 112.1, Ledger OffL CllXlIFPFJUH. eolured, refined, careful driver, mechanic strictly sober; will caro for lawn, lowers' Al reference. II 3W. Ledger Central. CHAUKFEUIt, single, white, wants position; "has M reference, C 114, Ledger Offlco. t CIIAUl'TEUR. mir'di exp. wllh Chalmers car; rtoownreD'gi careful driver. 1.207. Led. Off, CLERIC edectrical a'nd general bualnesa exp. ngea J., yearn, i. .,, " v"1"'. COACHMAN-GAnDHNEIt, slngls, experienced, all -a ru nrJllable; ref. 3424 Lancaiter ave. COLLKOll graduate wants position of any kind, rhanco for advancement: 21 years old! Industrious. C 23H. Ledger Of flee CORRESPONDENT, office details Young mar iled man (2T), wlih.3 years' experience! I "ear selling. J 1IW. Ledger Central. FAIUliNG HOY. 16. willing worker, wlahei sltuotlon, country: with either private farollv Slimr, Juvenile Workers' Bureau, 1607 T" . , , .... Ill IT n. mAn( A I1 1 . Arcn. le.epnu"" - "- " m- -. FLOnibT and gardener, flrat claas: good ref "JNjniiJron lane. Oermantown. QAnDBNER. married, strictly sober, wlahes nrlvats Dlacet greenhouis. aegetablesi life HnVe experience: beat reflRl Ledger Off, CLlfDBNEn-COACIIMA.N.understands work of gentleman's pUcei raising vegetables.floueri, etc." ref..ga lenbrookeave.. Jlryu Mawr. iATU3KNEn-cbA"CIIMAN. ilncle. ill-around; good on vegetable! good reference, c 30a. Leciger tiiufT- . aAIlDriNlilt-and orlt with long exp.; single, mmx-gStSh: iiOTEL CU-llK Vounjr . man. SO: city or M.VnrV. raferences. O 083. Ledger Central. APANswB cnei. siricux " . . '" ..JL .-..,. n in nvsrv hrandi. with 3a SJgr'J' exfi best 'city referenceT 13 per vS? to start. Yamada 308 N 18th at J.PAN1.SR eck poltlon butler, genera LJevlork. has geo.i reference end experl !T -Ukich.lll 15"' man-nilddXe-esed wants position, take care Miwo icnd generally useful not araid of WB-ki good ref V 328. Ledger Office ij cleaner, practlool Biarble ideeaeri bit Tq ; rifsTtBiates tlveir-T4a Falro't. SITUATIONS WANTED MAIiE OrTlrn MAN, fiaTbookkeepor.ftl present em ployed, desires change with greater oppor tunity, either Inalda or outside position. O J"5s?rDnc. OFTICR MAN. 20, accurate correspondent! tin- detstands hiring, directing male, female help; s'liing exp.. moil ai.ary, p B04, ledger Off. ornra managdii-accouxtant . Tlioioughly experienced In all branches of iron and steel business! practical bookkeeper, cost accountant, estimator, office man.ago tnent; aged no. married; A-l credentials. JL?,.J'derCentrnl. P-MNTDIl, first-class mechanic, wanla high- jiiuiorK ntnecko, 101,1 n. etn, I'lIILANTHIlOPIST, please glvo tepentant needy, matrlod man n chame, clerical oi licro.jijo,j.cdIlr.i;tli &JUontg'ry, PPItCHASlNil AOI3NT Dxperlcrieed In linn nllng supnliee for outside construction, s well as ofllco nnd shop, wishes to locnto in . Phlladelphli. M nf.2, ledger Central; SALRSMAN, for past 0 years sold direct to m II anj factory trado within radius ot M miles of Philadelphia, would llko to hear of nny perninneiit sales proposition on either n, commission, salary or salary nnd commis sion. ',n, Ledger Central. t5Al.llB.MAN Hlgh-Ktado rind man, "lino fol lowing among railroad", electrical company, wholesale hatdnaro nnd auto trado; has flno Reference. II UM, Ledger (antral. SAI.naMAN Former" manufacturer, fnmlllar JvlthatloU3 lines Q i;,o, Ledger CentrnJ. 8ALI33 MANAOnu or nalesmnn, ?.2, wllh T6 years' record of auccessrul selling nnd offlco management: tan suppl sjtlsfnetory evl denco of abllltytnjiroIuce. J,7, I.odCont. STI-AfIITTI:n, Se, wants position nt undo or nnythlng l2l,LedBcr Qfllce. srF.NcxiltAPlinTt. bookkejperi fiiofonghly rrmpetent, accurate, willing worker: mod- ernto salary. HJill. IlgcrCentrol STIlNOrtRAPIir-n, aciMirste, Intel, beginner conscientious nnd hard wkr. 1IM5, Ix'd. Ccn. BTi:NdailAiPIIDIir2(l,'tnarrleil, 1 enrs' exii sqm selllng experience, c 102. Ledger Oft. STlfNOORAPHEll. 2, c jrs.' exp ; accurate quick, willing; ref J 42.IdgerCenlrnl. HTDNOntlA'l'ttEill, secretary, 11 ears' exp ! Al refs and testimonials. .1 14.1. Lol. Cent, STHNOGIlAPIlnlt-nsslst beokkeeper; exp : nm . refs ; modcrnlo sal, C .ICO, Led, Office. TOI'Vn MAN fl!) wllh execntlo nbllltv knowledge of Bales rronintlon. nble to, secure tho maximum erlce from offlco or mlos fnne, nt present employment sperlnllst for a itati-nal phllnnlhropln orgpnlyatlon which nrfonls limited opportunities for thee rom morels! qualifications, highest Indorsement, solicits correspondence. II r.'tl, lx-dgcr Pcn tral. . ioiJNO MAN, rrnduato PtilVi. Trades Kchool In electrlial construction: tirrfer electtlcnl or ni"hanleAl line, wllh rhnnco for adxnnce tnent A Chanav. 121 N nid st. Voi'NCI MAN. 2d married teehnlcnl enltego gridiiate, inn speak Hpnninh, dclrcs general rnniinerolal r nrk or drnuirbilrc; small tnlary tr start Jl, Ledger CentrBl. . YOI'N'I MAN, 2il. nt present employed, desfres position with mnnufnetnring or inerrantllo nrm- technh-al nnd general offlco experience. 2112. Ledger Office , , YOIJNO MAN. 3 enrB business experience, hns nude good, desires eonroellnn with nrm whero nhlllty warranta advancement. J (VS. T-edgor Central . YOUNG MAN. 24. now employed, will accept clerical or felling, whero portrnnency nnd nd vaneenient are assured. II 780, Ledger Cent. iOITNO MAN. 17. "good education, fond nf drawing, inme tnlrnt. delrrs work In nrchl tepfs orfh e 1I IJi2 Idcer Central ()l'.sTl",MAN (colored) wlshs noslllon. roda llsrener or walling. 11. Ilraiuh Ledger, 1 i 'i .indVennnrn YoT'N'fj MAN.'nged 20. high schoof education, desires pmltlnn II 7.11. ledger Central. VOniC NEEDED QUICKLY- Many urgent worthy cases nro still In the rnro nf ths Umergency Aid Committee, lm medlntn employiuent mut bo found, A few are meniloned below If you can help, refer to letter and number and send caro commlttco at Lincoln Building. 1T.MA1.I. CI.I.ANING wanted hv woman In northern part f cltj: best rcf. D.A. 117. CLDANING, wnshlug and ronlng wanted by respect whllo woman, WcatPhlJaI..A.llS. CLIiniCAlTwoilK er'lnxcstlErTlIng wanted by young woman; best ref. , 'A. IIP. GOOD SKWI.R wants work by tho day: best lef. EA.iS. LA.'NDltnSH tucda day' work badly: best ref. K. A. l.'.O. POSITION ns Uncn room mnid wanted by clp.ervlng whlto woman; homo at nights. J.. 1.1. POSITION In doctor's office wantedby joung eolorecl woman: best ref. V. A.JIM. WASHING to tako homo wanted by dcscr- Ing womnn. H. A. 144. WOMAN wnnto sowing at homo; best ref. K. A. lid. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTP.D. A MAN WITH JSOflO TO $.1000 to undemrlto a proposition where money Is nbsolutrly secure nnd pmllls nro very barge. Don't reply unless you mean business. L 312, Ledger Central. CARPET CLEANINO W1.3P P1I1LA. MONAnCII 8TORAGI! CO. 3c. PDR YARD. 3870-72 UNCASTi2R AVI!. CLEANING AND DYEING OST1IC1I Fl.ATlIDRS AND P.NCIFS C. LI; A Nl.l . I V I ,u. .vivii.iicj .-.iniu c iifinuc. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS bought for Bpot rssh. Room 303, Penn Mutual Hldg.i2.1 rhestnutst. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY rASIIIONAIILI- dressmaking; prices reason able; fit guaranteed; remodeling. M30 Chest nut, .vl'Hriinviii. itrtiu.Mifc .- .. ARTISTIC-dresses. Ilngerl frocks reasonable prices. Parisian models topled.ir.10 Walnut. DRUSSMAIvlNO tnught: Rhort. nrac. course. MCUQW C11.J ll .rK.-i'lK.' iuoc.'ini mjw, 1I11MBTITCIIINO done while ou wnlt. A. Reichard, 111'! Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. FOR SALE IVJIt BAI.- 700 frames nnd sashes, choap. 211.. Vine st , McCullougll BILLIARP, pool, combination. iiuiiiu.IU,,, . iinim uuu Keafer. 320 Olrard avo. sold, rented, ex'rt INSTRUCTION RAGTIMH In 20 lessons. Call or write Chrlsteiispii Piano Kchuols, 3S2U Gcrmantown at., 1.120 "lasker Bt. MACHINERY AND TOOLS rLl.CTR!C MOTORS, now und Becond-hand. lvvkca-Wlialtii Co.t HU N. 11th tt. Phones. STORAGE HULIAIILP. KTORA(H-MO INfJ. PACKING. l.IlNO. 2lMO4 1 N. WITH OT., DIA 47W. WKSiT Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack PHILA. lng and shipping. I-mO Lancaster eve. WANTED Antique Furniture, Heather Beds, Old Gold, Silverware Ancient pictures. Ilrcanns; highest prices, rJtaIoneer.1102JocustPhoiWal.3K!U. ROOMS FOR RENT BARING HT U21S (The Chilton) To first floor rooms: suit dentist, doctor ur apart inents. Mrs. lulloMcCiuln,iugcr UROAD, N.I 1101Tv.V rooms and bath: furnT or unfum ; modern lorucr house, lurco ard porch, southern exposure, clectrlo lights, at tractive surroundings. Photo ut Led. Cent. TlRAHIS'l-llUF.T,i 1118-lThe llurt)Nevyly remodeled, elegantly fur.; electric lights, hot and cold mnnlcg water; rates reasonable, UltEEN, ll(P-Two roornai running water; completely furn.: housekeeping j reasonable. LOCUST, 4400 Large eecond-story room wltK buy window; adjoining bath; also pleasant thlrdotory room. Phone. PINE, 1312 Second-floor room! private bath; southern expoiure: erery comfort. , HPItUUrl. 1115 Very desirable vacancies! tautlfujljrJTJnlshed2. lloor, sTilUCl-. 1203 Attractive." tingle and double furn. vacs. southern exposure. Walnut 7133. WALLACE. B. li. COlt. 21ST-1 or 2 cheerful rooms III rci. yrics iwhib, I is u. nsiis, yut WALNUT. S70U Two nicely furnished, com munlcatlng front rooms and bath: board op'l. tVAUNUT. 4031 Attract'ly furn.; south. expos.: single or en suite: com, bathi phone. ' 1WABUINGTON, 812--neautlful rms, com. with bath could te fur, for bach, apt, wood 13,14 D. i3THB., 237 DESIRABLE FURN. ItCKIM IN nEFltYED HOME. WALNUT 7182 W. 13TII. S., 233 Newly furnished, next to batnt Irik iric ; reaiwunu.c'. i-qoflfl .vsiDue 1 1 ib. lTTII, N.. SSB5 Very desirable furn. 2d floor: single or en suite; private family; phone. S18T, B.. 400 Furnished or unfurn. rooms for gentlemen or couple: moderate prices; phone. 46T1I. 8., 128 Newly furn. rms : refined genT tlement electricity! near I Uarlng- 653 W. 62D. N.. 227 Private family hi"pleau.t 2d- Siy. rwq.M. iimmi vr wr. couple : noue. 52d and Sanson. Furnished , . rooroa; men only: meeJs. WEST BR VNCH shower baths: near L; ul) the Te c A. comforts ot heme. Phone Bl- loom i. Jey v eat 3-B. Suburban UVtaAUHuok Private feinilv can an. ammo date two gcoilemei. Ui .K rooius, wllh btea-tfaat. near tUUoa. L S4Q, Ledger Ceutj .WYNNBTLD34 floor fnrolihed front rooni, otter too--. rtKiss Oveibrwl- t08 W. BOARDING tlUP-STNUT. .IIOVerTiiaerFuTnrrooms.ln ref., eonr, location; 2d-8tory rront. back: also . single room: tablo boari, 1'hons, OtrtAltD AVD.. 1732--Atlrctlvely fufn. rooms, . single or com.; gentlemen, couple, rhone. LKllfntt. W. 1 4l91ft - n...liel rAAms. wllh board, all eonv.; phoioi new management. rowF.LTON AVIJ.. 0S09-Front sit, room: alsa mgle. rms.j turn,, unfum,, In nice home. rOW'nLTON AVU, 4037-Prlvalfl family hns Pleas turn room for refined people! phone. HArD, 311,1 Trained nurso hns pleas, home tor rer, people, desiring good accom.: special cars . of Invalids i.rldcly persons. I'reston 3.1 1 D ein.lIr,n' J110 - mTi5"w7firpntvATn BAT1I; OTIIP.It ATTIIACTIVE IIOOMS. SPItfri 1020 Cheerful slnglo and double rooms, private bath cxcUentablerionc. BPRUC... t02S-"0-Deslrahlo stme wllh private . bath; choice taMs board. Walnut 72M W. BPRUCr, 1221-20 (IlrlsmondM-rurntahed rms sinnie, en suue: private ntns. tniuoi ooaru. W'AI.LACi:. lS21-Well-furnlshed "Ingle and doulije rooms ex. table. Poplar 'I'U.'i A. WALN'tJT, 3P0V-Worm, pleasant rms : beaull .,.. fieisncnrnooi; oonru. Preston 0121 A. WALNI T. 4.1O.0-Nentlv furn. front room; southern expos . good table board. Prcs d.VMI, iuTlk, N . 121 Large sunny front rooms, cor nor house, other vacancies Lorust B22S D. 38TII, a, 108 Privnto rmnlly has handsomely furn, room: corner, excellent tnble, phone. 40Tli715., 7fX)-Prlvnln family ll.bnanl re flned gentlemen! convenient to city. Bar. 818. Riihurhnn ai.RMANTOWN. 2."3 W. Illttenhouse st . be tween Wayne, and Grenno Desirable rooms, slngloor com : homelike, tltn 1373 N. OAK LANU 701 Comfortable roomai near station; good homo table Phone ,1, W. APARTMENTS GOING TO SEND THE FAMILY TO THE SHORE THIS SUMMER? If so it is liinli time for you to rivc nctive tliouslit to a location. Till, year the demand will lie tuni-.iialy iitrpc and earlier than heretofore. Whether von want a furnished apartment or cottage or hoard and room at any hotel or private house Ledger Central can help you. A special investigator is now at Atlantic City and will find what you want if Lcdpcr Central docs not have it on file. Similar service can be rendered on other New Jersey resorts. Tell I.cd-rcr Central about your requirements now. There is no charpje. 11ROAD. N.. POI Two room, and bath, furn. or unturn.. modern corner home, largo yard, ir unturn., modern corner nouie. in torch. Boutheni exposure eloctilo I ci t porch. Boutneni exposure eiocinc imnts. nt trnctlvo surroundings. Photo nt Led. Cent, SPRING OARDI.N, lltlO-nxi-cllent npts In different houses: eomo fur'd klichenetles. " 1112 I'lNI. l'lrst fleer, two-room apartment with balh; sullnblo fhr doclorordontlat. West Philadelphia K.vrvsmi KT 4S2d Exclusive location. rooms, pain; narawooa uoors, c.eciric iignis, hot water, supplied with heat; rent 13 Small apartment In samo row, 4S42 Sansotn, it looms, hath; rent $.'. Clifford W. Miller. r.l W. Olrard ave. KITH ST.. S. 1W4 (near Chester ave.) -Five, rooms and balh, now, electric lights, atenm heat: !..: novel arrangement or rooi.is App. of janitor on premises, rn nineri 41.-. CillLIOS APAUTML.NrS 3218 Baring st Two flrst-clnss rooms, with private bath, suit able dentist or doctor or apartment. Mis Bell McClnln, mgr. Bell phone Pieslon G.1'17 1) sXTniitlT 2d atory apt . 0 rooms, balh, porch; unfurnished or comfortably furn. for housekeeping: light, nlry. Preston !'Im triD, N, 203Attrnctlvo second and third lloor apartments for rent, Lnnsctnvvnc, In. APAUTMLNl'S, modern In every way, refined location, near station: rent $2". lo $n per month. JOHN NAt i:V. 3.1 N. Highland nve.. 1 nusdowne. Pa Photo of npts at Ledger Cent. FURNISHED APARTMENTS b".IMII.irr-iMAY 1 OR A1TCH. ATTRAC- tivii ruiiNisnr.D apakt.mi3.vt. two ROOMS AND BATH: 10 MINHTHB SOUTH OP C1TY1IALI, JMIONpW'ALNL'T 201. PINE, H!20 Housekeeping apartment, 4 rooms nruhnt Phono DIcklnsonJtSM W. VUIATT, 12J2-2r(Kenwood) Desirable apis" irlvnto bull, also single rooms, running water, newlv renovate I; Bum. rites, phones, "l lf-lM"-; HI-An lcusi, 1213-18. Furnished i.V L . "f"8 : slnsleo en suite. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 21123 rtna., bath, kitchen, hot water heat: ref.; 2,1 lloor. $-0: 4 rins.. bath, kitchen, nil rnrrooms, t-ts. Diamond 181.1 W. 2.ID AND P1ND STS. (DtfLAN-UY APTS ) New, light; 4 to tl rooms; 1 and 2 baths; kitchenette: central location, apply janitor. ClIU.llN ST.. 11117 Clean, sunny, attractive, central, 3 rms , unfur., hskpg. flat, elegant bath; all convs.; very modArent.: owner. POPLAR APTS. 1R20 Poplar-Ilkpg. sulles private baths; first floor, 4 rooms, furnished. Cermnntovvn. SUBLKT tv rooms nnd bath, rtnt I3, will rent for $3S; KSISII Schujler st.. Germnntown, 1 nilnulo from Queen I.ne, St i , Immedlnle posbCsslon: permanent If desired; can bo ecen anv nine. Apply of janllor. GI.RMANTOWN Unfum. apt. nf 4 rms.. hath and private porch, 2d lloor. Ph. Otn. fllfi A. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY CUV.ll NT location for Bervlco Btatlon. garage, manufacturing and other purposes; N. J., cor. 23th and Spruco nts.; 32x100 frot: containing i! old dwellings; B street frontB; few minutes business and residential sections and rail- iojcIh. II. A. .lariman. iuiri npruco st. NEW JKItSEY B11NOAIX3W3. lots 23xlM); near trolley: over looking Delaware: National Park. Greater New Jersey Company. 3.1 B 10th. llnildnnfleld. N. J. HAVE 8DVDI1AL PINK PR0PURTIE3 at bargain prices. vvi. c.ahi. . jiauual,u. il rcaerai si., tauiuen. Wnndbiiry Helglits, r. ,T. SHVEltAL delrahlo homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonable puces, jonn aianew Cape May. N. J. COTTAOns. hotels, ants, for salo and rent: some bargains In building lota C. !arle Miller. 2IH ucean st.. enpa aiay. ;. J. PENNSYLVANIA -'ARMS 20 ACni.S ITult farm on P., It. & W. t. It.! J. it TIIUMI Von, West Chester. Pa. REAT. ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly payments of from 17 to J10U lor nouses iicui iium .cocs, c eiju.. H. 8. HEED, 717 Cheatnut at, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT City 2310 MONTL-OSD BT.-Range, bath, gas, til etc., six rooms, good condition! key at U.'H fl. 2'M st. ONLY S3 MONTH Three-story 10-room store and dwelling, m- tsortn tutu at. Stores anil Dwellings 831 CHESTNUT BT. More and basement, In quire on promises t. vv. qt.iit. orncES. nusiNESB hooms. etc. ONE-HALF OF OFFICII for rent, with tele phone service. 131U Commonwealth Building. ONE OFFICE of suite or desk room, central, ,02 Abbott Bldg., Broad and Race. ONE-HALF OF OFFICE, 1202 Commonwealth, Bunging Apply ..ui couiii.ouwt-icn mag. Professional Offices 13TII ST., B., 237-Physiclan's office: large furnlahed reception room: running water. WESr riHLADELPIIIA DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY To good tenant; Grtenway ave . 2100 South TL. ... t . .t- llrnl mw . iw - tvon front! 1 souare from Woodland ava. bud 1 in new boulevard, 8 rms., modern. Thos. It, Smith, 1638 l't Hrec.ao.ve, . ... xv.cam m ooa. SE.tSIIOKK Capo May. N. J. ITURNiailED cottages, ocean view, yll loca tions i rcaaooable. C. Earle MlUer, SIS Ocean at.. Cape May. Htone Harbor. N. J. STONK HAHUOR cottages, bungalows and apartments for rent funilabed. by week month or ioaaon at luodenite prices: all con veuUtees. Call, phone or wills for lllus umlvd buoklet S J K. Co., 813 It. . Trust Building PlillgdtlidiU MORTGAGES IW.00O JOB lhf AND 2lMOBrQAQd C38 Ileal Estate Trust Building. I, a i ii i 1 , , , , , ... . . , . ,. SCRAPPLE 1 f I ,. I . . . . More German Losses THE PADDED CELL f R W fyL3yii-3 vlfn k Olll HEvl AM )( TH-'R PAHS Vy "Mr lirother vvrllcs thnt lio'n found Tlfli pjJ 1 VvT" ps I Is - ( I ll I I i I one of tlinsn Uhlans' liGlmetA, and lie's 1 31 F$6! vA F "A f v ' if I I aTiri r?8teo London Opinion. J ICAM " T(J-sJ Sv?i'i--Vrl3tr-1 fflt "(-! "When linbv begins to talk, jnothor. I jar,. tag JcfsVrVS jl (lP'V(y.i ffr sl avoutdn't It ho terrible If ho should X--'' vK''cXvjvklf0C) rsvvli7 vt "XjrJ tuin out to bo n, German?" :$:5- ll I nrlSirtr 1 iVM'')- f' i i:--- H! L-D mil 1 I l A' il (J Olhcrwise Encased I fej-5jLs ! il I 73 I Alien-So Kitty tlhln't ping for ou Inst -, fc"vJ-ffay ' ' j-J .j-eso I nlKlit. Did jou )ii ess her? -". ----Tt---i- Jack I did, tlinl'R why sho didn't - - ""-- " -- - 3 w alntr. Uostnn Transcript. I--" -- "S " SONGS WITHOUT WORDS r mi 1 ShowlnB tho Boys Hovr to Play the Game v L: j fZ p 1 )CLL f - Ixindon Sketch. fN. j- SjCi - t. Bill I rend ns 'ow that 'ere 'Inden- ( X. !7Pn Q trP .O-'' ( Cn.. !J, kiirp; 'ns cot an inllsh wife. - "vV J " V V Air Alt. that accounts for 'Is ne'itln 0Wi W-i! .fe! Can't Do Everything 7 fs fci juihpx..ti -i rMlM v m - vV H 3 h x W IvC -sJ3 &5a . r- i cl l p v v - ) Em x "-s-r J J jy Kitty I.ovo makes tho world jjo --1--' S-F rrs U SlP round. V. V. o-51 V. v Dolly Maybe; but it cannot malte t. "- it ji j ; j tho eiigibio youns men go round. Only One ilisf:;::Wfl 5 VI '"" ' s- -?. i 1 ?!2i&z j: i Kl o' o f N if 5. hi2ZZZZZZ ft C Cty. izl w- if PIT mi liiplr-,BTrfii JS,ci 3Ji mj s5SsrSK .- I Stent Parent-Youn man, can you MsSlSrZif-'rC. jJfc&s35ZZi support a family? &y?QllU&Zr4zZ', 3ZM3m ". lJ Youns Man-I-er-only wanted Sarah. fifg-MBBg-5 (A-gasjiv.fe -fr--- 7. : W'xfPii??T3mSBs? Yankee If nomo ono were so ill-ad- WammiSSMri-' vised ns to call you a liar. Colonel, in Eiinrnia-Ts iflait vvlint lleht would vou regard the act? limed. Kentucky Colonel I would regard It Veteran (receiving; instruction in the art of aiming) I was always told as a ulninlv tin n form nf suicide, flnh. laallnn . .. -... . ,-., - .. . .. n- -..,.... ...... -- , . ..-, ooyf yuu Aims, .lavar iu ciuic.c uu nt i,gr u.io. Nevva. gSr Tftrvt. HIM OUT IF HB JEa-rV CRVS.IGOEiSMOT.HE -ft fSB IT TAKES A MAtli iiS?-- 0tlLYV(WTO6tTHm tVf nT A CHILD Cv V. lf uKPTorr. itTilin r y " v,ni V5 i CRV IT OUT TA S lBv- ( l M Eirvw' a fi ! ! ""t -, HM . s j S fiA ; wn( H-CLl Fk b& mkh Ja iff 1 r J I Js ' "" "j 1h jtV J me ka ,rv j m rk zw ri - f. er nP S y -3BR N t x v . ! T" I ffiS s h DJD IT EVER HAPPEN TO VOU?