EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1015, LOCOMOTIVE STOCKS WERE FEATURE IN ANOTHER MILLION-SHARE DAY IN WALL STRE 12 '' v i I it '. B mi r I m n H If fe INTEREST CENTRED IN LOCOMOTIVE SHARES Good Advances Mndo by Ameri can and Baldwin Public Demand Still Large. NEW YORK, April i5.-Mllllon-ohnro lays are becoming quite common on tlio Stock Exchange, nnd today more than this amount changed hnmls, with tlio public ngnln the largest taker, ilcmarut from outside sources beltu laigc. Dur ing the morning session thcio unn some Hesitation and uUlte a little realizing, Init offerings were well token and the market showed good absorptive povvor. Some concern was tell In the Street over reports that Japan had established a I riavat base. In Loner California on Tur- i tie Bay, but when this was denied fiom Washington and from the Japanese em bassy at the capital, tlio market rallied sharply and demand became lnrce. kooiI slzcd advances being mmlo 'throughout the list. It was denied by the Japanese Embassy that Japan had am Intention ot securing a naval base on tlio .Mrvlimi coast. Total sales wcro Stocks, fl.27S,G00; bonds, $4,000,000. As an explanation ot tho hesitation of the market In the morning nesslon tho street offered the advance In the prlcen of grain In tho Chicago pit, saying thai this probably meant the prolonging of the war. Chief Interest todnv centred In the shares of the American Locomotive Com pany and the tlaldwln Locomotive Com pany, tho former; advancing morn than eight points and the latter more than seven points. The rise In American vvm based on tho report that tho compani had closed a big contract with tho Itusslan Government for war material". There were also reports that Tlaldwiti would re ceive somo of the contracts being given out by the European Povvcri, but this was denied by an olllclul. Railroad stocks wcie Inclined to heavi ness, but maintained a level above tho closo of yesterday No sales of Penn sylvania were recorded on the tape In tho morning session and did not open until the afternoon session. Strength was shown In the Intcrborough Metropolitan Issues, the common at one time being up a ull point and tho preferred more than 1'- The explana tion of the strength was the old report that dividends weie to bo resumed on the preferred stock Tho repoi I hud it that, thero would be a stipulation that the preferred sharcholdcis would aban don the dividends that have been piling up during the last few j cars. An mro announcement of u plan was expected United States Meel showed heaviness during tho morning, but around midday advanced up to the flnnl of cstpnlii . Bethlehem Steel again devoted the day to jumping around In an Irregular fashion. After being H points above It fell be low yesterday's final. The market closed irregular The iiuarterly report of the Lacka wanna Steel Company for the period end ing March 31 was a discouraging docu ment as far ns tho Income account was concerned, but It did show a substantial Increase In ordor on tho books. The In come was but $27,432, against $154,Mti In tho same period last year, while the total In- uumc lur ilie iiunim vvuh tu.viu, umimsi Kuctm. incre was a ucncit or smo,ij, compared with $143,207 last nar Unfilled orders wcro S3,0i2 gross tons larger, that Item standing at 223,010 gross tons, which Indicates that the steel trado Is gradually becoming better New York Stock Sales JlMVaCo'd Mines. M!-.Chlnier . . .. ..CiiatTrrsp: An Siramaled topi: Am Arjr Chcmlcn.. .. Am Heet i-ujar Am Can Am Can nf Am f'ar&Pilr Last dost. High. Low. Close. tl M i'i i it olf 1 !l 2 4 ;v ii 'Hi r,n (, is '' 4 i I 4 ,.s 815 hi ir., 03 'MS ') New York Bond Sales lis Am Car . Kdy pf 113Ji It )i ItiVS WM us Do i a j 7oH in. j NEW YORK CURB Bndtii Copper nrltlsb-Amtrlcan Tobacco, ulil BrltlstvAmcrlcan Tobacco, new.. Goldneld Consolidated Greene Cananra .a Rose . Lehigh Valley CI S<s Klnfsslnc Otis Elevator Otla Klevator pref Hiker-liegeman merlins Gum Tobacco Products United Clear Stores . . t'nlted Cigar Stores pref .. United Profit Sharing, new World Kllm Yukon Cold nn I.TO'1 on . si : l . 57 .103 .110 ;S ,'m t c'i'i I'louncu wi )Jh 0) ' niton Oil ill ol'i M iVmEjnrf Ot 1)5 Da i Am li.t.cv Leather . , i Jj bii H I Am Hide Loap.i!..,.. M .So M It I American lec iii ;H ' XI Am Linseed 1 , iW 1H4 1 Am Llmccd pi M j Am Loiotnolivo 11 , I Am loconiotirdpf. .... j, 1 Am Malt iji I Am Malt lit 2J Am Smelting 71 H Ani Smelting pf lu.i Am sucat 1HI Am Sugar pf 1U Alii Mm foundries 1 i Atn'lil&'U-l 11(1 Am Tobacco L'.ji Am Woolen u5j Am Woolenpf b'lli Anaconda Copper U Atthijon lo.'tj AtchT&SKpf "J Untilwtn loco 4V)l Baldwin Loaipf 1U!) lltiillnioiei. Onto tl)i llaltln 01c &. Ohio p( .. ,(), Dalolillas Mining 1 lit tblolicin steel J3J Bethlehem Meel nf 1 1 1' lit Urookljii Lnlon uaj. .. .120 Hicokij 11 K.ij liau . , l',$ Huttcrlckto LU CaM'etiuIeum toll Cal Petroleum pt -14)5 Canadian Paciiic lush Cent LcathcrCo 7u Cent Leather Co pf ,..10J ChtsVUbio (i'i ClilnoCoppef -IPs Chlc.V titcat Wet ... V1H ChlcacoOtWcst p. a.. ,ii)j ChlcMlli bt P U-li CfalcMU&btP pf ....PJ7 Chlc&Notthejt 1.0 CCC&ML 'M th Irs co It 1 a. Pacific . .! Cluctt Pcabodj pref. ...101 Coll'uet & iron U'.'Ji ConolldatcJ Uaj 1L'1 l.ui l-'l Continental Can pf ... lli Uls OUi Corul'roducu U't ln-i CornProducUltcfpr ., 7C?i "b'i Deli. Hudson 151 Hi) DcnS-HIo Orande .... H LH Detroit Unlltd 5r.!i 01 rltlnalwt:i.uiit,ib .... Oh !).' trie 2o)i U) Eilolrt pi 44 JuU' ErlcSdpi .1, d-i'a redM &:; ojj i-1 Gen Chemical 0j 2()o Crnetal 1, cctric H'J'i lol I (jeiicial Molorj 14 .i-j lii.H General Moton p 10 J 10- CcodrlchCo alii '!' Goodrich Co pr lOJJi 1UJ Gicat o:tbcn pf 4 1J rlOH Ctiaortuun Ure. cti '.t'a lnj (iiiccinliMn ('tpl'.i .. "4 "h HocUnu alley US 112 lllll.bls.ci,llui luJ 11 is i lntllatv NJ ldl'i 10. IntciLoro-.Mct ,04 '11 Inteiboio-Mct pf 7uJf Interna tio.ial Paper ... 10 Int Paper pi oijs Int&teamPump -! lntbteainl'ump pf ... U)j lutlrjwoncoppur .... SOVj KanCli) -soutncra .... '!.' Kreseso pf 10S Lack steel 7 LaVeKileA West 7h Lake Krle & West pref. 21 Ltl.ltb -uey .. . .142 Lleceti. M'lobpf ....ii. Aakcl Lone Island IIO'i . J" j Lcott-Vi iks llss 2d pref 1 1 I l.ctil'4. Na., miic . .. 1 U'-s ID Vi u 'H MIX .4 114 :i i 40 j U. 4 !3i 10 2i 41 . '. 1 4 Elt 71M 10a HO't IIWJS I0SK HI 114 111 . 214 AH j22"j 120i 2j1 2.J') .0! 10 4 i2 . Hi bb)i .0 lorii 102 111) VI.) 101 10J (Wi 70V4 J " 131 in u. ii'i ;.oi, Wh 4a 10b :sx 104 iUii 41 V1K yu, U1H 12. i 120 1 :n 3 H 100 vJoj inii .Makn (JoM cv hi '(ii Xinti Agr .11 Mil Ainrr oi (ill .'m . Koi) .vtwT Sindt.Sec Co Lt-iu Anwr "lei (It s lnMi rtimr 1 rl cit I'is Vii Armour t!o 4tis r( AuhlMiii adj is I. Ill IP All'lllMHI r 111 l".'i' villi .Mill Full l -III lli (I tl it Allan to i.lm Inr 4n MJt liau m Ohio .Pis txiiU Halt .V Ohio 4s turn 11 nt : Wi cv b ., TtIM) II.S.M l I,BW Is 4MII Ittlt ei O S1 ,1MS 1'ouo netli Htl 1st Os IILiUI llft.i ,lrtl nd : iMIl HtUOKIl Itlip ir is IS iri. Mich lion. ( lose III ikit, lot', ss llj'l IIJ ( H4i 1 (!-'( tn.'j lit 'a 110 MIH ll fiHIt 10J uU 71 I 1CS 12.JJ -'4 u2i IS'l 47 lOUJi .0 10.1 41 '4 la ll'i 4U in 127ii 1:12 31 100 tv la! 7oU ICO . 01 M 27- 43' 1 12 2d-'-j 14 1..J. 102 fil i 10 Hi 2M 1.1)5 210 U1 8.' . .Ui 102, 0J 47 10J C! 70t 1 12 111 12 .' ll't u lb 'a lCS'i Mf 10. m 4I4 12)3 ::4J OJJ. 127H r,i ;n 1C0 4 t vi:.u 04 h 14?! 7h lull Wi 01 !)H :s 1 41-d :.Vi 12 202H laU'i lsn 10J oHi 102 Vill linmKn Hun lr 04 liinl liinh icrin Itlug !'H "rftKt ( nl l4drt ,v tvir ,"m 4h 0 Cent Leather 1st in . L'll.tO Cent 111.' 1H la . IMOO this A! ohio (.v 4'aB ii '" 1 lies fe onto i.s tliuo 1 In Cant III i.s IIOO I'll! Ot V0lt 43 ..IjiM fhl II A. q J.ant l. 101 (I l hi IUO cell J11 Ti'iOi) f Jt A. Ht P cv ' rct.tW'j iimu i' ,u a. i r iu 4'ss . ivit Jt1 .u A Ht r ih UUI V ii c SU I' cv 4(ta. lOIKl r I' A Kt I. iren .'at (SIM 1 on (i.i cv iu Itw torn Prod ,"r lull I'M! letrolt inltod 4is.,s liwt lull 'out Pond 4ifcs IK 11 Lorlc com 4s tcr A. iiadt i.ne com Is Ser u iJU (Irmi n,i U . . 1uw ll'id ,1 Man In fl .. IVr, I..1KHI Hurl Mnll ltd fis 7(4 mid lloi-k nl 1st Pds.. 114 V.Wi lon (mi tin I Kl 4s.. fll Kill" 111 1 cut 4 11I.M . . w; niotit Ins con iv lis . ...U'.., IiMxi In cv nt ilil id 8 'lli.l'.'.Vi 4.'uoi Inlrrb Jlrt 4iss Tsi, luiO llHrrnl Parer tit Ss . mi 4U0O Jnt nnv iter mi Un. TKt tU(M K (' Pt B At M 4s.. ti'la '.'llMi hmi t Ity Ko fu. . . lilij I'f" LIB Jl 'J 78 1.', lUrti t.orlll.iro 7 .. iSij 1 .vkx eel 1.11 us . 101 t Kin .Mo I. a M u r ird 4s .V,', l.(j l.n 1 i in . . .. ft 1 4 .KMI Vl" I'c 1 ., . . 47', pit," Mi) I'm r.a IlCII . iisi, vtJO viu rac loo its 101 lilrl saij Hi , I8 111 . I'M III 7i .0ij I'lli 0ui U7' ai'l .ILVi . HI Sll, Ulf. ID ...UUU 1 1I . 1 11 in 1 i J KiV ti '1 llllN 1(4)4 s , Inn lid'. j ill's MN Ml Ul'4 HI1!! I IK! lffJ mli Wi m t'l'i HO'j HOI ViU MIt, 711 711 III.' lltt M's H ' H11H lA 101 1 ll.Pi M s din II- i H M t M i ?. HI Ki.1 i lUl9! nt) in 71 71 tin', duai HP. Ill's 14J'4 lt.ll HU'i itHs Hi U7 ( saH ?S'i Ill's 111 li.l HI 71 i.i iHJ, SSI4 (CC 3 1 ii a li()ij t(,U'a Hi' j 17 '4. 711 74 '1 HI HI .11 HI KPt M1 131 l'-'l 1S4 Kl P 7M, sn si 1 77 7? 'lh T'j KPa nt i 1 l-'lij 11 h K), t'.. lOl'i 101 4 CAMBRIA STEEL SHARES SCORED SHARP ADVANCE PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Baldwin Locomotive Rose on War Order Rumors Denied by Company Officials. Ill' 11 V lll V lTIOiio x .!C410 N 10(0 . 7rxn n It Kill N -nfjo N .((Oil N 1'flOH N 7I1IIO N 100(1 - 2MI N fKI ,V Air Urnl.e ivt 0a. t n's ft 1. v x. City rlty COv rttv N it V Itwv V Hhv II I 'if llllil . ii ud :ts lijs IH..I 48 1 , J I 4(Js HUM .1 II Its ref 4s... ml J V Stale 4s y Slnto 414s .. V Tel sen P58 If OO N'frl .( Vt 1'iviih crnin nr Pne prior 4s ."100 Vof Pnc ecu Ss lilts 1 Nor Par ta 1110 (ire .1 (Vvl ,,3 SftW IVtira tv V,b . .. .WO Pftiiia cv m .. .. 2(i(.() I'nl Hi t-erv X .1 :.s iliiCo Itnv Con Topper M hkii ttciirllnii pn 4s mis) IVp Cuba -. pini mii'i Itocl Islimd 1"(0( Pork IbIioiI 14 l ViH'ii Urn k Islainl ' I hi t I. I .'I A Si Is.. ( II Rl I.IMa. So rs I'll 11 S I. Ai 8 I urn "is ;iJ41 spiimnnl A I. mM :, HKXi ."i.inh Hrll :m 14ri(i Fnmh I'i' i 4s S.S inoij . ill's vn HI J, ini .101 . 72H .loo's . !l7 . Hli'i . SM4 . IU1, . Ii I imi KS .ion K'lU . U . 01 IIS T(l' (17 07 . lilt ion , . (17 ri7 si KPs ft I 47'. IIJ's 1111 HP , S( too Tsi, VJl niv, pus HP's II'I -1 101) is mi's mi's M ij HI'' lon4, iro ini'd S-H II .', a 1 no s- 7l"4 'ii nf, tfl unv, lliVh, l'7'i -J'v !'l (171, M', I7'4 VI', H.l'. I'lli j ss lni'j Til's VI tl l mi'. ti'iS lin Ws U'OV, Ull's HI', .si", 1I" r,4's mi's iinH 1IJO ll'i isi, n . in it M" TO', i.imi 11,(4 tin IliflVi (!7 rollowlniT Hie BtrciiKtli of American Ixicomotlvo Bhnres In Wnll Btreet there vvrts tlcmnnit hero ns well ns In New YorU for Unldvvln Locomotive sharci. Ittmior Imd It that tlilD flim ml-;lit receive orders for war tniinltloiiH such ns those obtained ., tlio Ameilcnli Coinpnliy. At piesent the phnt la rtintiliiK slntk, bo that unless some such development Is In tho nlr thero seems to bo no renl teaton for tho rise In tho shnlcs except tho hope of future business ovp.iusloh. Tho company nt incsLiit Is operating nliout 23 per cent, of cnp.iclty. An olllclul ot tlio company to ilny stiittd thnt no vvur orders hnd been ticilvcd nnd none vveio In sluht, so far us ho Unevv. Tho stock roi,o from 41 to 45 here, but went higher, In New York. At the closo 47 was bid for it. Philadelphia Kli'ctrlc 1 tiled llrtn, but was less active than In recent sessions. Tho iinnual upon showed s." per cent, earned on the capital stock oriiIiisI SB per cent In 131.1. Cumbria Steel vvns one or tho strongest local Issuds, ndviincliiir fiom WVj Insl iiIrIU to nliovo 49 despite somo irrpRiilarlt) In t tilled Slates Htecl. Sales of Cnmbilti before noon iiKJtcKUtcil "TOt sliatrs Ptilted flit'i lmpiovcmcnt hiis n, rhndo hleher Tho ntinunl inectlnp; will Ii he il Mnv 3 I'eiinsvU'aiilu and Itciiil Inj oie strong spot" tn tho final tleallnss I'nlted States Steel heennio buoyant wheic.m Cambria cased o' r 1. ntollt-l il-ltm s ile. Rapid Tianslt moved up a substantial fraction ns did 1 iituii 'I r.tctioii Tin1 head of 1111 Impoitant Chestnut 1 Hreet llrm. dlscus'lnu the possibility of hlhor money latei lesiillliiK rrom the hirsoly Increasoil actlvltv In the serur It.v uuirknts, snld this 11101 Hint; that, ill thoURh the last two weeks had hrouKht about ns Rood business 111 his house had over experienced In n similar period, his outstanding loans with Institutions had only Increased between forty and lllty thousand dollars. Ho explained that this was duo to tho fact that while somo cus tomers' accounts had larKOly expanded, others which had been awaiting Just hiich on ndviiucc to get nut of tho maiket had h'en llaultlatlns: thrli accounts on tho 1 Iso or Kcttlni; out of one sccuilt.v to Ket Into nnothei. CKAIiV AND FLOOR UllKAT. flecclpls, SO.OOi bush. Tht market niled ntin, With a fair export In quiry, hut millers hotvei! little Interest. Uuot tntlons cai lots. In esnort elevator-No -red, fpot, H.r.7fll.OO. So ire.1 Vesternn, l.i fff I W Pound lots. In esnort elevntor No red. soot sn.l April, 1 s4l.fHi,. No i red Western. 1 al'jSI CSI4. No 1 Northern !u luth JI.071IJ 7U. COItN. ftecelpts. 31(11 bush. The market wss nrm nml locul car lots were 14c rumier, but there vvss no change In export deliveries quotations Car lots, In etport elevator-No. 2 spot and April, 70'S77i,c j steamer. 7S 7(lc. , No a, 7lif75c. Car lots for local trade, as to loalton-No 2 sellow, RliffSPic , Jtt earn er yellow, 70HS0C . No a jellow, i''?c , No 4 vellow. i.'flTi'c , rample jellow. idWTlc. new cob, per 7(1 lbs 7S1T7-IC HATS. Reeelnta. K4.44T hush. Trade was quiet, but prices lined stead, guotatlonf No a while illMTdlc , standard while, Ol'i Jjtllc , No. .1 white, UlljiJtIJc. ItYi: nrm. We quote nt $1 I0W1.18 per bush , as to quality, In export elevator, nnd at l.0.-t71 14 for small lots of nearby Rrnln tn bags. I'LOCIt lUcelpts, 40,- bbls. and OOD.MO II 3 In socks Iheie vvns little IrndliiR, lit mill llmlta, were lirmcr We ipiiitc j'cr Jim lbs In wood Winter clear, fll Wflil i.it.ilo , straight, JU7.VTC7. do patent, .STMT 40. Kan sas wtralBlit. jute sacks. TflT 2.".. do. patent, lu'e sacks, J2v.iTriO, spring. Ilrt. clear. .(H.1.1 iii7. do, strnlglit. 7i7.i!-i, no, pntcnt. --!;" 7.7.1, do, favoilm Ininds, JsiiH'JI, cltv mills, rholce and Inniv patent. JS?(S2... cltv;, ml Is. rcrular prailea winter, char, HI WMin m, do., stnlgiit, f(t7.Mi7: do, intent, 7KI 10 Hill ri.Ol'lt was tiulct hut steady. We 31.010 neitrby nnd Western In wood at SO uUff .7,, as to qunlltv. PROVISIONS The market was quiet nnd somo kinds vvero weaker. WJntntlons City btef. In sols, smok ed and nlr-drlcil. J."'!I2i.c. . W'cstcrn beef, In nnts, imoked. 22(,o . ll hecf, knuckle' and lenders, sniokul nnd nlr-drleil. 2i8(-yc.i W estcrn brer, knui kle nnd lenders, sinoscu. Siil.'s beef hams $llfl.',2. pmk. tiimlly, J2ir,(lii.'.'. ham. H P. lured, loose, latfl lc.. nn skinned, loose. tJl4'il2itc., do. no.. smoked li!Mit,i,i- . other hams, emiiked, ilty lined, ns to lunnd and average, ll'i'iNr, linmi, smoke I. 'Western cured, l.i4H14t , no . boiled, boneless, 2.'2Jc. pltnlc shoul ders. S. P cured loose! 10tfln'c . do., smoked. lOUIO'sc . bellies In pickle, ac cording tn iivcrngi, loose ISUIIJ'iC , break- raat immn ns m ninmi nun nvcr.mi;. uii rurnl, liii1JI7ije , breakfnst bacon. Western mrc I. IMiVliiic. , lard, Western rellnoil, t en.es. tlfill'sc., do, do, tubs, IPpUc., urd, puro cltj, kettle rendered, In tierces, (llltijc lard, puro cltv, kettle rendered, In tubs, IIWIP4C VEGETAULLS rlioire slock vvns In fair request nnd gener erallv stendv , guptntlnns blle .ointoe. .Per bush -I'ennsvlcnnli, Vifiwlc.,. Maine. ...Mf.c.; New York, ns to qualltv, l.,olc.: vvlilie pota- I1JI .o. 1, 5.1 iiuifi,, u , ire, per nniiipcr TiOii ii.t. sweet a Nln 1 . 2 "t iiflptri ii i-iivn-i i-". s -.' ..-., . , , ti I ft. No 2, Sl.ftnrai.i.1: sweets, Jersey, per bill -No 1, T.lff I Ta. No 2, ?J(ir.'.fiO svjeets, Jeiscy, per basket, Tnc 511 2, onions, choice, per lou-lb. lag, $1 MVl.TS, rto medium, .per torf. Moilda, per Jl '.'3?M T.-i SI nifl, svect potatoes, ueliware, tier naniper - I.mge, il Wll 75. medium. 01 potatoes, Pastern Hhore, per bbl Norrolk, basket per bbi., 1 inr 1 Jlffl 7.". beans Plnrldt Mfl 1 :,n, do , Plorldn, gi .) Ml- peas, Plnrlilfl. pel tl. IMfncp. Texas, ner bush. do. Plorlda. ter basket. Plorlda, wax, per. basket. green, per nnsitet, n per bashel. 5.114. egg- k. ,.-.l.l. j.h l.nw ,'lrt 1 .O n.,rt, ,-.,,APa Piaill, 1IIIIIUII, l"l in,., 71,,., ,.u, UkiMiiu,., lorldn, per basket, !fl.iOT.i. squash, Florida, per basket, - 2Tii.1, peppers, Plorlda, per carrier, 211 2 beets, Plorldn, ptr 100 bunches, ?Wii, tomatoes, Plorldn, per carrier, SIO'l Vi. celery, Plorlda. per crate, tl B(IJ, do., New York, per bunch, .l.Vt.vie , asparagus, South t'nrollm, per hunrh. 2i)WI5c. , mush rooms, per 4-Ib basket. 0c ST?1 20. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET N'lIH' YOHK. April fi The cofTce mnrket was stendv nt tho opening Puturea were up 1 point In 1 point below the Hnal Joslcrda). iTiicn ioiiow . March April .Mnv June .lulv Vuirust Septp'nber dctobcr November I,pceiiibr .laniiaiv Pebrtiury Hid. jrirfered SnUs, llXl'J bags Today's (honing . 7.ii7 ill .Vliifl.i'li'f . iltsiifilUT . ..Oi ..-.is . 7.2Kl7.2(l . .IPitT..1i .47.40 . ..alflT.12 . 7 r.J7V . .7..VI csten1a's Close. 7 mv" ir nuivniu ft ii.von.io (IOOhII.OI 7 HHJ7.ll T ITrtT in T.2V'J7 in 7..l0fi7.:ii T.infiT.in 7.40WT 42 7 47(117 4S 7 .'Ml 7. 5(1 sl ISIS,, ' I ;ii 11L' 10 4 101 .'J 73)i IU yu m j lAVi 100 bli 21 -Mh 14-j Ml'4 7.!S Id .,0h IH U 30S' i:h 10U oil 8H il'Js 1-UJi uif ..0)t Mi U'l ua 101 L-l If) 'M Hi 9 30 '14H 103 a5 bH O'l 1 ! Ill l''1 17.,' IPs 71 yi SSl'j 11U ll'O JIH lJ4 MINING STOCK QOOTATIONS TOXOPAII STOCKS nid Jim Butler ,si MacNaraara n.-. Uldway P, Mlspah Extension no Montana, ' 40 Northern 8tar 4u Tonopah Itelmont 4',, Tonopah Extension .Hi Tonopah Merger 40 Tonopah Mlnlnc 7m llescue Eulallo. 10 West End TJ GOLDFIELiD STOCKS. Atlanta 41 lllue Bull 0.1 Booth 411 Bulldor at l o. D. in Comb. Krac 14 IXamondfleld B. B 02 Daisy , 0T Florence fll Ootdnel'l Consolidated ,, Goldneld Merger 2.) Jumbo Extension l.TO Kewanas 20 Oro II San Ken 11 BUrer Pick 12 (MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aztec 02 Klmtwrley 0T Nevada. 1III1 21 Nevada. Wonder 1.05'4 Asked .S3 .01 .IT 11 ,4J 4k 41 T',4 .12 .4'! .(T .4S .III 0T .III .a: .(IS AM l"lt ..10 l.T.l .21 .-' .11 .Id BANK CLEARINGS Bnk clearings today compared with corre sponding day last two )cars 1P15. 1014. inn. Philadelphia 2.'imo UVt .'.0.12HU.M f.ln.O'it.SOa Chicago , , .-.2.rtin,2is Ko.nvi.nn ti4,4iii.(sis New York. 3711,411.1411 SM.OTl.'JSI 3.l,:t!S,4lH Boston .... .lO.Kl'.l't.l M.312.ISH 2S,4U2,U-.'t RATES FOR MONEY Cull Philadelphia New York.. Ttnatnn ... Chicago ,. . ... :ina4 Commercial paper. .1 to tl months, phla, Slim per cent I pijatii Time. 3rir4 31J34 641, Phlladel- FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOBK. .".pril 13. Th foreign exchang market opened steady, vlth demand sterling VP 1-18. Slerllnc Francs Marks Guilders Cables . ,,. 4.Ti" H.S1S M, .ia, J3emandn . ... -4.T8H 3 321. S2I, 3'J1,, French Dank Gains Gold PARIS. April 15.-.The following are the Trln'lral Items In statement of tho Bank of France for -week endlnjf April 13. April IS April 8 (France) (Franca! 4,2VViUi,uni 377.4()i,(XO 11.422. T0O,fi0O S,407,SOO,COO 22H,T0O.li'4) IC1.700.OCO 671,fi0O,0Ol 2,OSl).700,0CO Oold . , BUver irculatton 4"int-rl deposits.. Hills discounted . 'Jrnaaury deposits, iAdvnctii S3xtendil tillls .. 4,2.i0.iK)(,oni .iTs.ono.oiki 11.2T2,7ISnoi S,37u.r,on,00i) sw.son.oun TJ.OOO.tHHl Ti,tno.ooO 2.709,000.000 MOORE OUT OF ROCK ISLAND JIBW YCirtK, April IS. The director of the, Chicago, IVKk Island, and Pacific Kallroail rc-tlectej otticcrs with tha exception i L 3. Moore, nho declined re-election a vice presi dent, today W 3 Mathcson end Charles llayden were lcted merobera of the Executive Committee, succeeding Edward 8, Moors and ltotxrt S. 'Walker who are ho longer directors of the company 6 Mortgage Bonils Maturing In 5 Years Benjrd; by sralubaU property at lit Pcaoo, to b UevoteU to Maternity Hospital suul coavaleacent aapator Isjjn. TbU Institution iMjulpped to drolnltr TwlBKht Sleep wioxUlue tb ribm- ltolu Jrf par UtuUra im request Bo"d ' vawnntsL Vrttte tor detail to Mt Bdcs4 eianltsjrfum. Cotapany- em Mots' 4eipW- Mackay Co pf Mam ul Aiulor, tlas.Motori 1st p.' ... Mai .Motors 2d pt . Ma) Dept Mores ... ilbtl'JthsAl Meilcan Petro'cum . M ex Petroleum pf ... Ml.iui (.oppL-r . MUscutll'acnlo iloutana t'OAer MomanaPoHor pf . Mo IvJti . leia ... Molvjn A.'lcxaj p. . ? alion.il ilbcuic .... National llbcult pi . 4Nai Coak m. uu ... NttL'namelui: A; b . Ml.ead at Lead pf iSc "V ork Air uraa Iscvada Con h iNllA. It XStu lori: Central... . Ob l6 . JM) . A'lM . -15 .11V.5J . 7tii . bLJ, . .5H . I.i, i n '.10 J . l. 18H .121, .12. . .2 . 15JX . i:ih lOtiJ. ih . 4' iVi my ;jg b-lH 121 OS 4.( 4fl'i JU) 8 ii -iji iG. 10J Iu lib I'll 121 .d l&Ji 7 t 10'JJi 61 i:k I3V ,.h 2S 11)1'-.' 'i lU'lV, -v' mi 12) 11 77 22K Ui 17." Mi 10 12i lli 1UH no u2'-i i-i OS oi w)S 41 n 11B 1-h im i 10 121 OS 5l,' 11 AJ 12U b2Jf oil .01, 15;. l i'.-ono iin cv ret r n ,"is lull, inn jirjo 'out n f'ii. rrd s "i' s'fo South Ilv pen Is H7i 2i"l hoiith Iln-y cnn f,s . Ii ( Itnon Texas Co ' its .. . ton 200(1 Thhrt Ave ndj .Is .. 7S', mi n Trl-ntv r.s . . . tiniJ, inoil P H Heolty as . . 744 4i,('on p H StscI ,,s . . .int, nnno t'nlon Pae 1st Is . . P,V( T(Kii Union Pte cv 4s . til .-.in Pnlnn I'm rfd Is . (Hi. 4(K0 VVnb Pail ct sta Is ,, ',mn Wnh-P Tcr Isl el Is lOfrti Wist Pleitrlc .", . 10.' Hfld Vot Mil 1st Is 70' j tillHl West P A M ev f.s HP . Total silos SI.("io.((i inmnnreil ivllh !. oci nii-rd.iv lima far this cck. Jl I,::!i7,0nn, ennio period Inst tveclt, J10'I!I7 000 Financial Briefs 77. 745, HVi ivnf lilij Ull T0i HP l,ias I IHI IMP, ' T4"I I imii, , l'"'34 111 New Voi'l- hnnka Rained ?C30,000 from the Snhtrensury voEtenlnj, nml since Inst Pi May Bnlnctl f 7,J0 .000 I mnrket ruici dv the Wheeling nml Lake Kris ' L01n;,1ew now In receivers' hands, will ,',', ' 'nVr'fi't HP. im TO'j I Tomorro Hull road I.. U ...V .1 .... I- M-U . ,- ' iiK.uu no iiiicit'ii ivir n.iic. i iiu upKcl pricil i I Is lled nt IS.DOO.hOD, but with additional I nhllK.'itlonfl tho propel ty cost will totnl nbnnt ?.To.000,(Ci. Hnllto.ul men say it i will leqtilro about $I0,(J0O0n moio to plaeo ' the load In llist-clas'- condition. REFINED SUGARS The market ruled steady hut quiet We quole: Mtnndnrd sranulatod, . WSc : line cran ulaiM u.line , powdered, (1c tonfeclloners' A, .-.Oe , soft Blades, .-.(JoU 5.03c. DAIRY PRODUCTS linTPH. The market vvns nrm. with n fair (lemtnd Quotutlnns. Weiitcrn Ircsh, solld-pncked crriunerj, l.inc. spetlals, :ilc. ; iMra I2e . etlru llisls. Hi . Ilrsts. SpjiROe : scmnds, 2'lfl7c , Hdic-pntknl, ltK(21e., nH to qiiullt. nearbv prints, ratio. :t."c HvetnKo extra .lie, tlrsts :iMp..'c , seconds. 27M2'li , spec l.i 1 fniicv lirands nt prlnta JobblliK at ..li!74.'i IKitiS ero In soort lequest noil linn. (Juoi itlons In free lases, nr.irliv. extins. 22c per doz . nejrb' Ilrsts. $(1..,0 per standard insi nearbv current leiclpts, ?H 1, pel inie; VWstern extra Ilrsts, $il..l() per ins-: do., flrsls, ci. 1-. noi- ennrt Mnulliei-n .40 ",', It ner innnl I tunej selected enndled fresh BRS were Job bed out nt 24ff2,1c. per 1I02 I CIIPI.H:. OfferlnRs were Hcht nnd tho mnrket ruled film tinner n inlr ilcmnnd (Juntii- Nevv York, run ireim, inn tniiKe. iancj, uo., uiir in liuuu, i'i-a(i 1 lui ,iu.. I nn , iiirnnt niaiic, lo'stii"- , m' , I'rv nuiinu, oil 1.11- POULTRY Sales in Philadelphia Yes i lose 1021-1 10-H 1-ii la :;o 121 121 as 122 121 15H 1 O'-j 1Uj!( 'ib ir.ij 128 b5i 12a 27H 2S 1U1H 1013S Osh 7m ICii, I alt 10J .1 l.H 01 i'.i 121 10! M -'.S'l lil'JU 12J 11 77 22M hjj 175 2U)f liO 22 ILS-J 2. '4 32 10U lit) IUM 77 12H -OH 175 2'H 10 11H KajJ loUii 151 2oJ, fcd 1 1 3H 0 154 40j 140 3H 'JAM 5 to 0.', lSJi NashC Abtl. 12. MUH Utat 27 crrolkM:u W1H NortU Americea Mi xvoitlieru ii;uic 100 1-aclficildU 23 PtclIicTel & Tel 31M Pcnn lOOu PtopiesG'as 1.0 Peoria A. Eastern lOj PliUaCo 77 Pitubuteh Coal :l'.i i icum Meel Car t.Jf 1' Lorillard IcO Ityjilcci m,t.m ,5'i Ity btecl Spring pf .... Sh hay Con Xlh Ktadln" 150K Ittp Iron A steel :5H -(. l.tlJtOQi; tcel pf ... toS c3 hock Jilaud Co J4 1 licet Island Co pf .... 1 1 ltumely Co 3H 31j ItumelyCopf U 0 ttdtoatdAlrUotd 15H : tcalcatd Alrttaa pi .. 401i -Oj tut. Koe & Co 1405s l.U tiL& b Iran 4 3K bt Loub Southw'n pf .. 31 3i4 So Porto Itlco bus .... 53 .V b.oii-6ijei a .v. i, co ... ,a ;u bcuthera Pacuu tllH D.H bcuibtcolCy lh)j l'J) tcuthtru Ky pr ., ii LbU bUudatdMhllni; 5W Mil bluaebaker Co l, bb 'ItuncSKo Coa '.'j; . 'Itias Co 3J 13S 'ItJOsiPacUlo ILH lth 'iLlidAnnuu .ili .8 Toledo St Li, W pf... 7 7 Tob Prod Corp pref 101 'IvdwCltyUl U7H )i LolbnBag sparer .... u n)j Lnlon Bag& Paper pf.. 28H 28 li bwoa PacUlo 131H 132H 130J 13H union pacuic pi buu HI buj bui Ublled Alief pref.... 2H IH Hi lh USGJP&K 12 12 U 12 USOIPA-Fpf 45 43 42 il United Itys luvest .... 14 l3)i loM 13H Unltal lty Invest pf .. 34 32; 32U 32J tbHobber ',4U 74 T.iii 7jj UbHubbe4-litpf.,.,.10y 107J 107 107Jj Ub feted nu 8 55W 57 Obbteelpf 108H K8; lOi) 1U8JJ 50 OiJi 74 Ul IH 4 :M Lb fall. 12 130 WUljs Overland pf ....101M 101H 101JJ luljj At.uoiti It8 10 107j 107H Woolnoitopf 120( 119 lli 119 Ctcho liDlvUlcod Total sal. 1.2JS.(0 shires. ciniwre4 with t OIU.SOO share yesterday, tjuisi tut tbla week. 4 :IJ1 SCO tvturea. Mm mrloj last week, 2.WS, 70U aluree 20 1 1 3H bH 15 40 140 3j 34H 65 31 OIH lMj LHH 4)1 07 32M laS 10)i c4H 7 10044 101 lib 18 t)i oli ibM 28H 5Ali 0751 33 13b 1UU 575i 7 t Alll Insurnnce HP ,","0 Amal Topper... 7,'P4 '.'" Am Ons. ... Hi.'i) t.vj tlnlilntn lano II 7.1 ("nl Pi trot I'.ssi Cam Meel 47ij Clilnn Cupper. . 411 100 chl It I A: p. .. :t.s, 2.1 v'on Ttoi N J.. 7", i Che A. Ohio., lis I.leclrli. btornnu ,(ii, .Tin Prle ... 2(i do 2d pref .. 2.1 P Ins (Jo 2d prtf. 140 ficn Asphalt... 271,, 1(1 do pref . . (17 4(0 tntcrljnro Mot . lDH 2(1 Inter .Mot prof. It ins Co x A. . 2P4 Key T Co prof. 01 aun Corn. 5' Lehlch N.IV ... 7fil4 7U Ij!h Vol . . 71 :..-. loh V Tr pref.. .11H r.tl Nevada Cons 143-! :.G' Penua It It .. fiPS, 10 I'ennn, Halt lilfu .v3 Pio Penra Steel nrf t') r.rs Phlla i:ieclrle.. 2IV Kl Key riDoT Lake nil P It T tr cts . IOi3 -111 ua uons ... li40 Heading 7.V, "iki So Hallway ISi2 Ton Pel 4 ..-tU 4 Ton Mln ... T4 too Utah Copper .".1 Pn Trac .... 35', 2ti7 P G I SPi llli.l Un Coa . J : Si,ij, 111) War Ir .v.- St.. 1114 luV J . S ... 51) BONDS Iwibi prev.8alp. BOO Am O A: 1:1 ,1s.. M. JCOil Iteth Htl rof 5s. ( Cam hit scp 'HI 11713 IhT do 11117 . . tiil(5 ins) r"it 4s Hill lui 1WK) Choc i Ok k ,1s IT' MSI U & Pen Tr 4s SI mini) Int Rwvs 4s . ) TCihi I. Xuv con 414a .mi, KHO L, V Coil ,1s . 104 S'OOO Pa con 48 '1KI.10I 2(101 Phil Co ion Is S1U 1100 Phlla Plec 4s... bo Ml do 5s 1U1K. IfMO Rending cen 4s. lilI lOCfi Un Tin Inv as. US High, lid, 74", l. Ill's II .., 17 .101, 2 , .1.11 , 1(11 2TI, 1. (I'd flit, 74 II 74 7.V ,.1l4 I'll 21V, 11 7.. Low, IIP! Tl'j 1C2I... IP4 nn. i 11 HM, 71 4T34 .Ki 2. :i.i'j liu i.ti' 2la T4V 21 ' (la tSI Tni :ti 11 .ii, s.i Cloie liPi 7 I'i, 102 ''j )." I's 4' I II :.m 71 47-k, ,Vlt 28"! I.Vj ltd 27V, (ill-, 21' 711, 21'.' I'i -is.: 71 .11 la M v,"i 11.1 2I 21?. HIJ4 11 22 U 22 1 3 rT rn.. IVilJ :i(V5 uO. IIlRlt. Ml fc'l llTJi in.; Kill.; II7K SI m tm's I HI;, 101 M Nil, 10PV (tlij Till ISI4 an M U'. 'a ( ,-a: (., il hlj, ;n r.c.JC in. nt. 4Uti im; Low. 8.(1 M Wit,' 101 UTS Nt IW !IU), I0W4 104 M Tim "W 1, 1' Close. Ml I"'! tiT'-i lllii lOl'j 117 N M till till 1 1 llil ' M ,7lH(, lUlh, II 114, Local Bid and Asked Ilatdwln 411 do pref iu. Today skcd Cambria Steel Ulccirlo blorairo .. aeneral Asphalt .... do pref Koatono Telephone do t c do pref Iaiko Superior Corp Lehltth .VavlEratlon I-elilHli Volley Leh Vnl Tr ilo oruf w 11" T 14 II Ta4 TPi 111 trrt 47 IW iu EtJ 1411 n U.1'4 b'. -,u Yesterday 411U .VSKtM 40 Ion 14 U4x M nil. Penua MS r-n, Phlla Plea 2l(, 2IW Phlla Co iiW, :t'i ' United Ctear Mfn .... ii 50 0 tub Copper ,.,. 63.'i (UK 04 !f ts-CarCneu , , i0h 27)i .0! Va-CarChem pf , CO J1 'Ji VUbaalt jH 1 IM Wabasbpf , ., 4 4 3Si ii utern ISIarylaod .... .4 i 24 23Jf iutcin Union ........ , 8t t7Ji li tt-Unstouie fc'lactrto . ,0 S2H (0 heeUnz&LK 'lli 2j 2ii Wheeling 4 L E 1st pf 12H 12 12 Heeling &LK 2d .... 4 3H 31f 11 Vjiuvcliiuu ...... .1 jau j7 BAIt SILVER IAKDON Awll 15. -Bar silver was quoted at 23 a-PSd ptr autusm, u advance of 1.16J New Yarn aonunuelal aJvaBca He to loc pec outte , do .1 pvr cent. pref. 00 ii per cent. prri. Phlla It V .. .. do I c 'Iteudln 'tonopah Uewu lonoiiah Mining ... Union Traction . United Lias Imp ... II 8 Meel York Ilwy Un pref. . . W, ai 41) 103, l(l, iSt-i IS-lli 714 .11), M WT, s 304, :i7 41 11 t"V 704 .is( .11 411 ll'ij un! 731, 4 IH, 101 4S lil'i uh 44 li Ul S's 7U U il HI In'J 17 II un. 41. 4 5-11) 47-lU .",11 mi; am . Ik :'jfK .12'' Tl. ail.; HI "Mi K SCI. INDIA CROPS LARGER SIMLA, India April 15.-A Oovernment re port Issued today paces the Indian harvest of all cror In April and May at ten and a .,.... .......w .w,,a, ..(bailie, riSll snn One- mini iiiiiiiun tuns mat jear v.U bo available for export Two million tons LONDON STOCK MARKET LONDON', April 15.-Steadlness pre vailed In securities on the Stock Exchange today. Specialties were active nnd firm. There was buying of war loan The new policy with regards to the Treasury bills was Interpreted ns Indicating a post ponement of the flotation of further war loans. The home rallwnv group was firm, with most ot the business In shares of trade lines, Americans were spotty but generally strong- under thu lead of Harrlmans. London N Y, llnu. lr.,,1.. AnolmH....... f. i " llr,'' l, -" ......, IH ill Jll-lUll ' ,. ....IIS) llalllmore Ohio T... 71) Canadian Pacific ITS Chesapeake i. Ohio 4S Clilcaco &. Ot Wmi iu Chl Mil t St P wlS Erie do 1st pref Illinois Central . . Louis & Nasta Mo K & T New York Central Noif & Wealern N Y Ontario & West FuDosvlvanla Iteaotos Soulhern Kail way. Southern FaclAc t'nlon PaclSt I i- Steel IQ1 - 4 ib - 1K - U 19 ISM an 27 i, 4a , 4 - i 14 lltt U144 87 iw loig - i- to io - S 78 14tMi - U 1944 lag a. S ,K, 484 aa A. .1. .Miller was eieetnl a director nf the MIsoml, Knn.'-as and Tcxui, tn sue ceed II. H. Huntington, lcslsncrl, nnd I.. II Pinnklln to succeed II. B. HteveiiM, le sigued. The nnniiiil report of tho Utah Coppar Company hhovvs not piollts equal to $5.:y tin tho stock, compared with 5. 37 In 1013, lint thcic wits then IJ.S10 less stoelt oul standlng. AnniiRcinents hnvo heen made hy tho Pacific Light nml Power Corpoiution tn sell $3.S;:S,000 notes to X. V. Unlsoy .t Co , the proceeds nf which will be used lo iptlio a like amount of G per cent, o jear collateral trust bonds. The Portland ItnlUvny. Light nnd Power Company will Issue Ja.OOO.OOO 5 per cent, two-.venr uold notes, to retlio a hlmllnr Ismio maturing Mny 1 this ytar. Tho new notes will bo dated Mny 1, 1015, nnd nro icilecmnble nt 100 nnd aecruul In terest upon (10 days' notice. About $4,500, Oifl of these notes hnvo already been sold by i:. V. Clark & (,'o, George McCauloy Tiooth has been elected a director of tho Bank of Knglnnd, to succeed tho lato Charles Herman Goschen Tho best hid for tho $3'O,000 Hllzabcth, N J., 4'i per cent. 40-year school bonds was 101.5125. Tho Pcnnslvanla Steel Company has lecolved an order for 1200 tons of girder rnlls fiom the Bay Stnto Sticet Hallway Company, W. A. Obdyke will become nssoclatoel with Droel & Co. about May 1. air. Ohd.vke Is vice president nnd tieasurer of the Commercial Trust Company. Sulllclcnt stockholders of the Quick silver Mining Company agreed to tho reorganization plan to make It effective. Another batch of gold vvns engaged to day for shipment from Ottawa to New York, the amount being 7,000,COO. At tho annual meeting of tho stock holders of the American Hallways Com pany Jhe retiring board of directors wai re-elect ctl. I.IVL". Tho marke'. ruled (Inn under nn I Improved demand an 1 fowls were i8c hhtlicr. t Cjuntatlo-is Powls. 17Til7ijC . nil roosters, 121: I K''m- , voung clinkrns nilt-mcitcil, I7iile , do T do, sIiikk, lUil.V . turkeys, 1.1lil7i , duiks. i(IW17c , geese, P.'Otiie , gulnrns, ns to iinlltv. per loir, .IPIiToc , plscous, old, I per pair. 21filidc do , vntitiir, cr pile, 227?2.1c. DIIKSSIlll. Th market was illlet hut I stindj under moderate offerings (Quota tion., riesll-kllleil fowls 12 In box, dr) -I plikcd nnJ drj -packed, fancy selected, llic ; I do wotKhlnit 41411a lbs npleic, lc , do, !.'!i.74 lbs apiece. lSc, do, M lbs. apiece, lii'iJlTc, do, ander ,1 II13 nplete, 14'dl.1(. I Kow's, bbls, dij-plukcd nnd drj-pneked, I Western, 4fi."i lbs. aph-ce, lTijWlRc, do, do, '.'.ii. lbs. KPafiilTc , do., do, l lbs and under, ' llilOi. Kowl&, icc-rjicktil, cholco, ITc 1 Oil tooslerB, drj-pUkcd, 13t,jc. Hquabs, per doz., white, welshing 11 to 12 lbs, 1 per doz., Jiff I. HP. whte, neighing U to 10 lbs per 'oz , .1.4U1.I is), do , do., s lbs 1 i,cr doz., 2 T ill l, do., do , T lbs per doz., I .'72."0, Co , do , llftiai lbs per doz . $l..'(f 1 75. dark nnd No 2, AocAfl. Trozcn poultry Fowls, as to quality, lilfrlHc: chickens dry 1 picked and dr-pucked, In boxes mllk-fcd, al 1 :.'K1 lbs. to doz., 18c ; do.. :i7x?12 lbs. to doz.. lSc, do.. 41S47 lbs to doz, 18c; do.. 4S lbs to doz , 20c, do., 1,0 lbs. and over. 2lc ; corn ' fed, 310742 lbs. to doz. 10c., do., 4 1S47 lbs to doz., 17c, do.. 4S lbs to doz, 10c; do., CO , lbs. and over, 20c. Chickens, drj -picked and ur -packed, In bbls. Western, corn-fed, 3 lbs. and over, 18c; do,, do. 4 lbs.. l70l7Uic.: do, I do. al,4 lbs.. ISIjC : do . do., 21,40.1 lbs., 14 1 ic , broilers, nillk-fcd, fancy, 18S24 lbs, to box, 27c: do. fancy. 2.M?20 lbs. tg doz., 24c; corn-fed fancy, lSflj-Jt lbs to doz., 2fic: do. nrlme. 2.1U':o lhi tn iIot. . " in,. l-c. dry-picked and dry-packed Pancy, 2tra 22c : fair to good, 18fi20c , old toms, lui72uc, ducks, fancy In boxes, 17S1SC.; do. ordinary to good, 125ilCc; Reese, cholco and fancy, 15 J IOC, do,. No. 2, 12rilc. FRESH FRUITS Tie general markPt was quiet and without Important change Quotations Apples. Nrvv ii?rh,eoWr bi.,--v0r.k-.,n!r?rlal, L"fi I. tlreen ln. J2:i, King, J2 7.1'n I 50, spi. 2 .1n I -, Hildvvln - .lOTi.l 2.1 Pen Davis. i 7.1ft2 .10' otmr good eating varieties,' S1..1iMi2Cn! RciJ?.lS' ,'B, '.aPPles. Western, per box. flJiWJ. npplcs. Delaware nnd Pennsjivanla. rer hamper. I OS Isle , lemons, per box. f'4 2 1.1. ornnBCs. Plorlda, per box, 1 7.in;i grapefruit. Plorlda, per box. fl.2iK1S.iV1, Dine upplea. vr crate-l'orlo Pico, f.lji.1 50, riorlda HV ,'t-i,w3h0-Iri"'8, f?n-5; 1M.e nfe'les. per bbl . f.1 VMM ,10, cranberries, Jersey, per crate 2a1I iV , strawberries, Florida) per quart, suil .Ijo. SG0.000 FOR EXCHANGE SEAT Report Thnt Membership Has Sold at Big Advance. NnW YORK. April 15. It was reported, but not continued this afternoon, Unit a New York stock exchange membership hnd changed hands for $60,000. The last previous salo vvus at 150,000. Uailler in the day rumor lincl It that I J0,O0O was bid for a scat. The advance WUH duo to the remarkable Increase In activity on 'change NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NIAV YOltK. April II. - nPTrnit-Markct rasi , rn pints, 4iil I pnekngrs Pxtni, .111411 ,12c, higher scoring. 32'iilin.lc. , Wnto dnlrj, ."lli 12'ji Iniltntlnn ireamcrv, 22l(22tsr. niCSH-Mntket slenilv. receipts, 2I,'24 pnek ngps. Pxlrn Ilrsts, 2lii1J22c.. regular packed, Mists, 2ni,f2l4c , nearbv whites, 2'lijC, rcg uliir picked, mlxcil color. 20fl21c. nearby binwn, 22'jfl2lc . storage picked, 2II5&2215C. COTTON NKW YOHK, April 13 Cotton opened flnn this morning, s to 1.1 points higher. The chief Influence was tlio announce ment that Client Britain would not cou sldor cotton continbnnd. Just how this would iiffeotphliiinentR to that country's enemies w.ib tinestloned, but the gcncinl opinion seemed to be that shipments tu neutral ports for reconslgnmcnt to Gor mnny nnd Austria would not be intcrfeied with. Theie vvns some Western buying. Selling vvns more or les scattcied. Tho mntket closed strong. PI1111I pi Ices allowed advnnces of I to 16 points. s ve. clojc. Open High. Irfiw-. Phse. .Mnv .. . .Inly .. (I. inber I ei embci fniiiMry . Mn nil . Spot I hi pi m in .12 I0.7S 10.71 II 111 10.1.1 nis in is mill tn si ins7 1 1 01 11.11 1 102.1 lii.c.7 in si pi.sn 11 07 II SI 111.14 III..M 10.72 Kl.si lu ;is WHEAT MARKET STILL FEVERt Traders Puzzlnrl n.m n... Government AnnouncemJ Weather Favorable in WejB CHICAGO, April 15,-Wheat nrlc. tlnued to soar nt the opening tod.. .. going from $1.6014 to $1.6214. LalMi rencted, closing nt 1.6ti. July ), from $1.1514 to $1 31 and then e. J .VS ?l30i. The Kcnernl tone was very f. J Ish. The traders were confused .. S reports that the Hrltls 1 QovcrnrnVni v-! stopped buying wheat. In reaiuT?t i nothing more than t,0 nnnouUVffi that Knglnnd Would not buy nn, ? wheat in the way It has been don ate, that Is. through 5So ShS28 "Dool, oav-Ing tho market In'tfl hands of wheat merchants general? Uu.lng the past week rnln fuM In all portions of tho three NorthuesiiH States and has been of great ben!n$l melting tho snow left In tho fields PiJjI wont is now In progiess In all ivS btatcs and seeding Is commencing m An Immense export business la M carried on, yesterday s sales being mhV ......v. ... .,v,vvU u.iBucis 01 wneat, good export business w-nn i,j. Canadian oats, but no figures were girt! i.oauiiig tuiurca ranged ns follows . Wheal- Open. High May .... l.c:i., 1 n,i, .lulv . .. t.:il. I 2i, St'iitemher .. l.PI l,tiji4 .inn iii-.v iiuiiicrjj Mnv .lulv , .. Hiptemher (Mis May . ... ,1.11V ... Hcpteniber Liinl- May . . lulv September itlbs- Mii . . . July September Potk Miv lulv . . Scplctnhi r 741, 7iU, 77H 71 V Low CIn.p. .I..JJ int HMU, lnul 4 ' 4 10', L11J 74 7nt, . . IIP, 111.17 ln.4.1 .10.12 .111.41 . 1U.72 .17.40 .17.112 1S..IU Hid. fAskcil. .S Ml 47 in 17 10 4ri in ir. 10.41 10.72 17.42 17.01 IS .H) r,i; 44 4741, 7v! 4771. Vih il in 12 41012 ticn 10.37 '10 87 10 .. 410 IB U067 mm tin or, la.,! 1017 410.17 Moil 1O02 T10.02 1070 17.27 17.1J 17 77 17f US 15 I! a 17.2; 17.7: 1S1 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CitlCAOO. April la.-llOttS-nccclpts, U(mN Market 105) 1.1c. 1 Ighcr. Mixed and bulchirill Ii HI 1 10.21 1(1 I II 10 SI 111 Si) 11.(17 10.1,1 S7.II117.I.H hen.v, $7' 7 11. bulk, CATTI.I5 Peeves, $,V ToxanH, SO HIIEi;P lleielptH, gooil lienvv, 7 2,iq7..12V,: nnt.l '11 iini.i T ,-.-f.-. ,-' .. -?-i f7:2M7.4r,.',-'"',,,"',,,''8"'W8U -.,1,lc??lp,":..Juc?,', fcfJJ!Hpl " s... nsn mill 11 III IB, 4iII(J0 L".77 .Ml. rn inn l.r ?. T-ve-Wji ...,. .---. " .1"' " .Market w If 4)0 weak, icj Ifmer. Niithcnnd Ucslcrn, 9iV)iQS.tO( UmbU (.I'FfllU -.. . MAY JLyi'UKITIES 'Hie grealpr pirt of over ?11.1,0C0 00O cor porntp securities mnturlng In Mny have been piovl.lpd Inr bv new nnnnclng. Maturities fiom May 1 to the end nf tin vpar. whether provided for or not, are ns follows. Mnv J 11.1,7ti1,nnil .Iuiip rts.T.'i.nisi .lulv 7t. 111,(111(1 August as 7 ti.iuin September tn 1 S'i.hii) October 127.li.ll, 000 Noveinbet 2it,iHlt,iii)ii Deccmbi'r 211,'H I2.IKI0 Totnl $1SO,n.i:i,000 DIVIDENDS DECLARED rodrrnl .Supar Ilpflnlni; Compiny, rcciilnr quirtrrl l!j pr cint. on preferred, rajahlo Vn 1 tn nHioIc of rceorJ April "1 ilt'il INttitp Trust Compinv, repulir Hrmt nnriinl !i pp trnt. on preferred, raablo .May to ntoi k nf record April IS Cnnpnllrlntloq Conl Company, rcRiilur quar teih P ppr rent . pinblo April .to to alock of r-i ord April IM Ci'luniinis llullwav Power nnd Lleht Com pany. rpjEulir quarterly Vi per cent on serlp H pi of erred und Hi per rent on com mon pax.Hile Mbv 1 tn stock of record April 17. Pn 1 onj: Ilnnk nnd I2e Company, regular quarterly I per cent , payable May 1, to stock ot record pill 20 HULLION HOLDINGS LARGER Bank of England Weekly Statcmealj Shows Increase. LONDON. April 11. The weekly statemwitrt tho Dank of Knclnnd, issued today, Bhowrf nn Increase nf A1 ,1i,n.(ii In bullion holdlnuLl l'uhltc deposits ftll oft ns compared with Lut wck, hut prlvnte deposits Increased flusUa.i tlullv Details to lew This week L t'lieiitatlnn . .'H.riSn.nisi I'ulillc dep-s im.l.Kinno I'r'vnto dep'n 102.li(.'.i,0(io (.loveruinent ipcurltlcs . I7,S00,((I Other secur ities 1-I7.S1 l.oon r.esrvo .. . .111,17.1.(10 1'rnportlon of reservo to-lla- hlllty .. '?,V,5' Hulllon .... "i,ll,oio Hank rnto . '""o I.lst vppk Tjflvi.ra. .4 11,114(1,(1(0 .11(1210:4) 10".,570.(H) l!l,7. 07.lH'l.(iC0 ll,M0,ll 44.MCi.000 11.1.( ... .4 J IS iI.ijhiii 41,IlN)Qn :i7,2l,0,000 23,003.0X11 IS V, 1,7,11,000 41C05' S0,2J7,iw. "Katy" to Extend Notes Nl'.W YOIIK. April 11 -.It w as off iclslly m nnunceil thnt the Miss Jrl. Kansas and Ttnil ltnllvvny t'omptny has nrranged with the asm tral Truat ( ompnnv inr tnc extension lor onsj -, ,1.. tinmuln.in H A av m.i haimV yenr 111 in," vi,'.vp ,,.- f. v.,,., ivt.f due Mnv 1, 101.1 Noteholders are anktd'loS, deposit on or before April .'11. The InlemtS' mip Ins been rnlsid lo (1 per cent lloldcna of the mnjorlts of the notes havo asrttJ H: tho extension. An Advancing Bond Market QJINCE January 1 we have strongly recommended the purchase VJ of a selected list of bonds. The factors which produced the recent advance are still at work, and are almost certain to produce higher prices in specific cases. Returning confidence and easy money conditions have brought about a bond buying opportunity which careful investors cannot afford to further ignore. Wc have especially attractive tax-free offerings to make at this time, and shall be glad to submit them upon request. A new descriptive circular is ready for mailing to any one interested. EDWARD B. SMITH & CO. BtlNKEIiS N. E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia 27 Pine Street, New York York Hallways March Earnings The March report of tho York Railways Company showed gross earnings of $63,193, a decrease of 1.8 per cent, from the bunio month Inst year. Operating expenses In creased 1 0 per cent, nnd the net earnings were .'8,152, a decrease of 6.1 per cent. The surplus after charges vvus $5029, it decrease of S0.3 per cent. For the four months ended March 31, net Income was J,S"3, an Increase of 3.3 per cent. Tha sutplus vvus J31.73S, an Increase of 4.3 per cent RECEIVER FOR STEEL COMPANY TMJXTON. N. J., April 15.-Dr. Charles H llolcomb. of this city, was appointed receiver for the Now Jersey titeel Company, ot itah. 'way, by the Court of Chancery today, on ap plication of the American Finance and Kcurltles Company, with claims of 4. 10,000. The fee urines Company Is ulso In the hands of a matter COPPER MARKET STRONG NEVA YOIIK. April 15 Pronounced strength ciurtvterlzed the copper metal market todav, and tlw Impression In tho trade was that it cants was not far distant Home Interests are Inclined to hold oh for IDli rants for cloctrolutc ilehvervxt in .10 days, but tb gen eral quotation la tUTiSnc. The demand for Lake Brands continued heavy and many land Ins Uake producing compantan are sold la August and even lu September STEEL PRODUCT PRICES NKW YOHK. April 13.- Steel tun, plates and beams al New York have been advanced tl per too, tuaklnc tha new price 1 SO per 100 pounds, wire ualla are oft l a ton, now quoted at 1 M per 100 pounds, wblla gal vanised sheets are off a similar amount, mak ing thu pi-ice for tbli product J.1.25 per 100 pound Galvanised sheets were advanced aiioui 17 per too ruceotly on account of tha ujjo pri.e ei sociier TO THE HOLDERS OP TWO-YEAR 5 SECURED GOLD NOTES DUE MAY 1, 1915, OF . Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company Tho Officers and Directors of tho Railway Company., in conference with holders of largo amounts of the above Notes, havo been considering plans for the readjustment of tho Company's financial position in con nection with tho approaching maturity of the Notes, and the Directors havo appointed a Committee of their number consisting of Messrs. Horace E. Andrews, Geo. W. Davison, Lewis B. Franklin, A. J. Miller and Frank Trumbull to perfect without delay a plan for presentation to the Stockholders. The present emergency is not due to lack of earning power, as tho property Is showing increases both in gross and net earnings and u surplus over all fixed charges, but is due to the maturing at an unfavorable i time of this large amount of capital obligations. Any plan necessarily involves action by tho Stockholders j ot tho Company, in order to provide for tho payment of tho Notes and the consequent protection of their interest in the property. It has been impossible to wtrk out a definite' plan in time for submission to the Stockholders at their recent annual meeting, as a large proportion of the stock is held abroad and foreign -holders could not be consulted in timo. j The Committee is proceeding diligently and hope3 to make an announcement at an early date. The j plans under consideration contemplate an issue, to be offered to Stockholders, of securities carrying a con- J tmgent charge or of Preferred Stock, which latter has only become practicable through the enactment by i the Kansas Legislature of an Act shortly to become effective authorizing such issues upon consent of the 1 folders of three-fourths of the stock, j In the meantime, the Comnanv. in tho intnrast. hnth nt tim ivrntniiniii.va n,i KHr,i,i,i,i.-a la nlilitred to ask Jor an extension of the Notes and has therefore entered into an Agreement dated April 14, 1015, i wuh ciivjui iimv nuiiipuny 01 new rorK as Trustee, providing for the extension for one year, viz., ut ' ilW?lPiL$eiie Notes' wrm INTEREST AT THE RATE OP 6 PER ANNUM, INSTEAD OF J 5ee PER ANNUM, payable semi-annually, November I and May 1, the Extended Notes to be redeemable in whole or m part at 101 and accrued interest at any time upon thirty days' previous notice. Noteholders may become parties to such Extension Agreement by depositing their Notes with the coupons due May 1, 1915, attached, with CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, as Depositary, ' at its office. No. 54 Wall Street, New York City, or any other Depositary designated by Central Trust , Company of New York, as provided in the Extension Agreement. A The Depositary will issue temporary receipts for the deposited Notes without charge to Noteholders. 9 On the Extension Agreement becoming effective, the Railway Company will pay to the holders of receipts on presentation thereof on or after May 1, 191D, at the office of the Depositary the instalment "of interest payable on that date, such payment being Mjoted on the receipts. Holders of receipts, on surrender thereof to the Depositary, will bo entitled to an equal amount of Extended Notes with additional coupons, when ready for delivery or, in the eyent that the Extension Agreement shall not become effective, to the return of Notes of equal face amount, with the coupon payable May '1, 1916, attached. Noteholders Should Hennsit thpfr Nntoa nn nr rwfnro Anrll 9fi 101 5 aa hMsJ In tn Hvtnnsinn AcrCO- ment, copies of which may be obtained at the office of the Company, that of Central Trust Company of New ', .,..., w w u,,j ,uouuij ucsiKimieu jju pruviueu tiiereni. The Railway Company reserves the right to rescind the Extension Agreement if the Board of Directors shall determine that holders of a sufficient amount of Notes have not agreed to the extension. ' Holders of more than a majority in amount of the outstanding Notes have already agreed to the extension. New York, April 14, 1916. By order of the Board of Directors, FRANK TRUMBULL, C. E. SCHAFF, Chairman. President
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