Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 15, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1
FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA Imager NIGHT t- - EXTRA AY ifvoL. i-tfo. 18tJ Pin LADMiPIIIA, TIIUHSUAY, APJUL 15, 15)15. rortninitr. tain, bt tup Ttn.tr l.trsirrt CmirANf PRICE ONE CENT IRITISH COAST TOWNS RAIDED BY ZEPPELIN Rprmaiis Attempt to ll'nosfcroy JNewcastie IWV " Shipyards in Daring ftNight Attack, Sen British Aeroplanes Pursue r Raider and Guns Hurl Shcllrt f ai. Uo.v Durintr Flijrht nvcr Eleven Villages Tyne District. ft&rulting Meeting at Rlyth Broken '. ttn nml Mother, Wnshinc Child, P Hit by Bits of Shell Baby Es- tf V-capes Injury Fire uomus atari. Several Blazes. rnvno.V. Fine.. Am II 13. 5rhm women nml ono man sllghlly iTlirff nd one bullillns dcstrojccl by lire I nun, " . ,. ,,,., (i0i find three 'k; . V, .:., r.i.. irf detruction wioiigm . ""i- " vuum. ItooeUn's aerial dloadnoughts In n 33 silhute cruise over tlic Tyne district. IIEIeven towns were iiuui " ; tloilre and lnccndlaiy bombs, according W Information gntheicd I'.v the Ncw- ... .mni.iu tnrhiv The Zennelin Srled at least "0 desti active missiles that tore great noics in mo gunum ui Bttrted Into flame Then It (led eastward A II..-. Vnrtli Sen ivllllp llliK'llI I1C EUI1S fiiit rifle.' rattled harmlessly ut the sUy. 1-Ti British military ncroplnncs pursued the zeppeun " n ti.-,n,-u ,,. ,,.., .... Korth Sea early this morning. Though ... n-liUli nprnnlnncs Wei e Oil the Will? rnLi.. ia ...ii.ntAd nftpr I ho first alnrm 1VIUUII tv .........v.. ..-- - --- Vis sounded, none of thorn camo close t. .- .t.n 'Ant.Allii ,, "tltiitb lip, nnrt I..H. kaIIai.-.i Hint v flif: limn tnn Zen Willi Is safe nt Its station In Belgium. Millie Zeppelin rnri.v vouny hucihihcu ... ilM. the tug Jupltoi. which put In at (Blythe this noon TIip .lupltor was sev Tnl miles off the coast when (die sighted !"tb air monstei At the same time the Crew of the dlilclhlc, sweeping the. sur face of the N'nith Ken with n blc seaich l!ht, saw the tuff. i'The Zeppelin turned nci nose uown wrd. dcsccndiiiK almoit to the mnst Seadof the tuu. nrcoidlnc to the Jupltor's ciptaln. The crew of the airship wns at- iimptlnc to put over her side n lai'RC lint;, huppiwedly containing an pxplosivp, when tin tus mancuvrcd from under and Titaped. The Zeppelin turned aliout and tbased the tup; To several miles, accord Bf to her captain, but finally abandoned fihase. Jlipatclir fioni Hiindeiland states that raldliiE Zeppelin wns the 5C-n, one of '. the latest and most powerful machines lumea out Dy i. uuut .i'piikiiu mi-iui ut f .tn.l.l nt(ln fn.l FVia'Antll. itiwlmllil ..llf IIiP nltlppliVA t! the Zeppelin raid, escaped entirely. Ushts were flashed out an Instant after I telephone inessnRe from fllyth. to the north, sent out the lonc-expectcd warn- Ins; "A Zeppelin is comliiR1." pprerhead, in pitch lilnck skips, the Ger finin airship Fought In vain for Sew- ll.c, ttlicie llll' KIL'Uv ..(inati uiih "uin Xat'hl TVnt nf liaii.rv .nlMi.nl lmt Iliprilv ": j ""j .i(if) i i 1111.11, iikv !" j fftF I tirtnell m 1. - .. ..! In.nnllnil in lure Just what Iuih become of the prJI puvicra mai uiiiik, as well as mu'n miuor Ulinrs na C-nMu nml fv.li. ntn tlin t'n1l- a7"- " VWtMO lMU hll! l.L. HIV " D0nrn Slay llowcrs? Outside of Easter ; !? nd Its never just yet to-be-forKot- i vjinaru ana last sunuay wo nave noi W it spell of moisture that would so 1 toUCh RH Iav .ho flitdf tn Via att-aAta Tn Jtt that wo are to have no May flowers? llc, and It is a very dcllnlto piece of 'Mtnral legislation that wo have (lowers wllajr. Iiy the same token natural lesls JJUon decrees that flowers won't unless (Covers An n,i.n mai....i... i .i..- fw- "- " .nil ludtiuaiuii in iiiim. Aotliliig as far as we seo it but the Flood -"virraEain uuriiiB the next two weens. et trk are expensive, and It might do J! a l""B wnlle nywoy. The weather j.--- ie looiea us netore. 'joe again. FORECAST For Pi. ;;.-1 !.... ...i ,.. 'fit ....,,,nti ii,k I'luimij iFF tqn9,a nnd Friday, not vwch pjjgvv temperature. Light frost &posed places tonight. Light to SMtrate north winds. W details, see page 2. Observation at Philadelphia IBS.. " . .... 30.30 BO North. 15 miles Clear , . . Nona ...45 per cent. ISrE...'.' ssja'yi it s hour.' icr" laix'toTi ,raPWture ZileOUm ttmn.r.tti n. traper.uure '::;;;;;:,;;;";;;;: 5 -t On the Pacific Coast titeUco ' Weather. IiSfe"" Weather; clear. Temp. .12 cloudy, Temp. 61 Almanac of the Day "t "tomorro'w l"'. '."','.'. fi:,1S p, m. fl: a. ni4 Bits p. m. LMtl Lamps to lie Lighted d other Tehlcle. aujp.ra. The Tides tout mciiuotD, P.1,,?itrti"roW 9:49 p. m. ,ST m b - tuiiiurrniw lO.'SUa. m'. CHtSTNt T BTHEBT WHAHP. Krtiftr tomorrow Eaa''r tomorrow as p. m. Bfc" Concluded on l'nice I'niir, Column 'I'll roe i THEWEATHEE t ritillP tcpsw .-;:. m. 10.W a. nv p. in. IJi P. in. . 81 a. i. 8.yi p. to 3.16 a. in. 8.11 a. id. nRiiv id. A.n L Ijm rrow ' '.", 'HIKVKWATBtt. If. '." .. : :::: w -- .uiu.rruw x STATE HOUSE fI ' tW Wsa. J v.&.Jll. HHr?l .5ft .uiisi.vMrll,i. nt&tffc? in .: ,r v?v, .ui,. i r As$txxiiammk?c.4KS,., i Fifty strokes on the bell in the tower of Independence Hall were made at anniversary of the President's death. SLAVS CRUSH TRIPLE ASSAULT ON HEIGHTS COMMANDING USZOK Foe Thrice Within Trench Line in 17-Hour Fight for Mastery at Koziowa. Hungary Invasion Fails, Berlin Says. Tho Austrii-Gpnnnn offensive has been smn.sliod at Koziowa. northeast of the bitterly ('untested LW.nk I'ass. nccordliiR In an nflU'inl retroKrad statement. Teuton ndvani'o from the Dunajee Uiver Is admitted, and appar ently the lesumed drive of the Cier manle allies in the Rtryj Valley of C!a llcia maintains Hh foiee. At Volsate, northwest of Uszok, the Slavs liao ob tained another vantaRo point for forc ing tlie prss. West of tlie pass the Russians are leportcd to he driving the foe from tlie soutliern friiiKe of tho Cnrpathlans to the plateau. SeemliiBly the Slav advance into Hungary has met at least a temporary check in other than the Uszok sector, and serious consequences may bo ex pected from the menacing CSermnn movement between L'szok I'ass and Lemborc. Berlin bulletins n complete stuiulstlll of the Slav Carpathian campaign and speaks of a defeat inflicted on the Hungary invaders nt Koziowa. This official leport is dated April 1": today's stntes that the situation in the Car pathians Is unchanged. Gains of nearly a mllo in Alsace and smaller advances In the Argonim are officially announced by Paris today. In the Woevre the French say they liave held all their positions on tlio St. Mlhiel-Pout-a-Mousson lino despite fu rious attacks. The Germans say that isolated French attacks were made along tlie entlro line, and nssert that all were repulsed. FOE'S OFFENSIVE SMASHED AT KOZIOWA, PFritOflltAD SAYS Slavs Win 17-hour Fight Near Uszok. Germans Active at Stryj. PKTIIOOHAD. April. 15. Tho Austro-aerman offensive nt Ko.i ovva. northenst of t'zsok Pass, has been rnmnletelv smashed, tho Russian War Office announced today. In a 17-hour bat tic on Tuesdny night and Wednesday, the attacking Teutonic troops suffered terri ble losses. The night fighting was tlie fiercest that has marked the Carpathian campaign. Thrice tho vAustro-German forces pene ..BA tin. TinunlmiR' advance trenches. only to perish from the Russian Imjonet thrusts, while a heavy tire swept the ground behind them and pi evented the approach of reinforcements. According to the War Office, the Austro German advance east of Uszol; Tass has been completely crushed and the main nussian offensive operations ran be re sumed again. Volosnte, northwest uC Uszok, was captured by the Russians Tuesday, and from this point and Kozl owa they will be able to make attacks against the Uszok positions. The Austrian-German offensive from the Dunajee River Is still In progress. Contlnuqus battles are raging west of Uszok, where the Russians, though ham pered by the spring thaws, are beating their foes from the southern fringe of the Carpathians to the plateau. The town of Ungvar, south of Uszok rasa, Is reported to have been evacuated by the Hungarian civil officials. IIUSSIANS AT STANDSTILL IX CARPATHIANS, UERL1K SAYS Frzemysl Army Futile as Aid to Hun garian Invasion, i BERLIN, April 15. Exhausted by Its heavy losses In the Carpathian campaign, the Russian army attempting to Invade Hungary has come to a complete standstill, It was officially announced her today. The new '";hn ortenses lias checked the foe at btryj. In its operations at the Carpathian nauea the Russian army was reinforced by the fprces that besieged Pn.inl. but ContltKUti on l'ae 1'oitr. Column Two I BELL TOLLED IN MEMORY OF LINCOLN f f uiAl "ts. t I'-3iVmaiiKNBniHa v-ww i"" i ' - - -- --- flvm'9iK! F "DANGEROUS MISSION" WAS A PLOT TO CARRY PRETTY WOMAN AWAY Mrs. Francis Groce Ar rested by Postal Inspec tors, Who Say She Want ed One of Them to Abduct West Chester Man's Wife Ails. Trinees Oioce. piopilptrpss of a boarding house In West (.'hostel. Is in llio Chester County lull accused of being tho I Instigator of n plot lo abduct Mrs. Robert J Hntlcr. the pretty wife of a IIpi stnblp I man of that town. TIip woman, who is tlip mother of three children, was arrested . by poit.il Inspectors while she was mill.- ' Iiik arrangements with one of them to at- ' tend to the kidnapping, after ndmltting I that thice former applicants, including a 1'liihidplpliin detective agency who had answered an advertisement she Inserted foi the perfoi malice of a "dangeious mission." had lefused In go tlnoiigh with 1 tlie abduction. The local detective branch, she said, had volunteered to "do the lob fur J500." Slie will bp anaigued today l before United States Commissioner Kd- niuiids, here In the Federal Uulldlng. Sbottly after her arrest last night, nfter she had enteird a paint shop owned bv Ilutlci In West Chester, using the lattcr's kev, according to tlie postal Inspectors. William 11. Cook. or:il(l South Wilton street. Camden. Interviewed Chief Postal Inspector Cortelnu. lie told thn head In spector that up to n month bko lie had been n private detective In Camden and answeied an advertisement In a Philadel phia newspaper last Februnrj. This (nought til tit In (oinmunlcatlon with tlie accused woman, he said, and exhibited several letters wiltten by her to him. He said his client apptiired to bo so desperate In her desire to kidnap Mrs. Hntlcr. "by force. If necessary." that ho lefused to consider the matter. She then told hlm. CnnHuileil m Page fire, t'nliimn Two Doctor Stcinmctz Accepts Position The Kov. Philip .lustlce Stelnmetz. .lr.. Iins accepted tlie post or headmaster of tho consolidated Hplseopal Academy and Do I.nnccy School, lie visited tlie He Lancoy School, of which he Is n gradunte, yehterday. and said ho would -ho abio to assume Ills new duties In tho cnurso of a fortnight, lie comes heie from the lec torshlp of Calvary Kplscop.il Church, Summit, N. J. BOY "MOVIE" OPERATOR DROPS INTO BURGLARY Side Line of Bu-siness Proves Unprofitable and He Is Caught Robbing a Cafe. Four years of watching burglaries and I hold-ups from his point of vantage be I hind a motion-picture machine convinced 17-year-old Frank Smith, of Clementon, ! N. J., and formeily of West Philadelphia, that he knew an tne incus m mo iruut:, according to the story he told Judgo Hoyle, In Camden County Court, today. Tho lad believed he had learned the rea son why highwaymen and burglars were Ho went to his friend. Willie Haas, of this city, also 17 years old, and told hlm all about It. The explanation was so simple that Willie readily fell In with Frank's plans. Frank, tho motion-picture operator, had his kit of tools with him. He took out a long chisel, used it as he had seen burglars In, the movies using a jimmy and pried open the front door. Silently the two lads crept Into the cafe at Clementon Park, 15 nilles from Camden. Frank went to work on the cash drawer with a chisel. One thing the pantomime of the motion pictures had not taught the boy, and that was to muffle the steel with which he worked. His chisel came In sharp con tact several times with the metal cash drawer, and the noise awoke the pro prietor. The latter produced a revolver and the burglary was suddenly halted by shots whizzing over the heads of the youthful Intruders. Neither boy knew much about tb town at that time. They fled precipitately and without system. After running a few blocks they ran into the arms of a wily bfueeoat and were locked up. Today they appeared before Judge Boyle, and Smith. crying in mingled shame and sorrow, told the judge the whole story. Haas verified it. Judge Boyle sentenced them to an Inde terminate terra, and they will be paroled later at tus discretion. noon today, which is the fiftieth BRUMBAUGH CANCELS TENER'S SELECTIONS ON i PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Startles the Senate by Re calling the Seven Names Submitted to That Body by His Predecessor in Office. IHIOM A H1AIK COIUIMI'OM'KNr.J HARRISIIPRG, Pa.. Apiil l.V-Cov-ernor lliumbnugh lecallrd fiom the Senate the names of cven Public Ser vice Commissioners appointed by liov ernor Tener. Tho status of thn Public Set vice Coin inlssioiijns ihoicsuIt fitjiJju..'iDveinQr, action, is appaieutly uucritnln. The Sen ators tlieuij-elvei ale dlipullng whether the tecnll will virtually abolish the body until a new list of names Is submitted to the SpnnlP. or whether tho Tennr ap pointments will continue In olllce as ad Interim appointees until Gov ei nor llrum b.itigh seniH his own selections lo tho beimte. The letter of recall was referiod to he Senate Committee on l.eculive Xoiniim tions. The members of that committee, wlilfh consists of Senatois Vaie, Mr Nichol. Spioul, Cmw and Kllnp. said this iifteinonii that tho committee -would recomineud that the unities be sent back lo the Governor as he had requested. Tlie proccduie of the Commissioners ap pointed by Tener is thn principal icason, It was learned this nfteruoon, for ilu recall. One nf the acts of the cnmmlsMnii th.it wns largel.v icspoiislbii. for the tecall was the contluuatluii of homings on tlie Philadelphia passenger rate ease after tho commissioners hud virtuall.v agreed upon a decision. At that time tlie Gov ernor let It be known that he did not favor the procedure. The time for Governor Brumbaugh to act in tlie Public Service Commission ap pointments would have expired In two weeks. The Senate lenders have been ex pecting that the Governor would make changes in the commission, hut his tecall nt tho names of tho enilie body came like a boll out of a clear tkv. Senator Ciow, chairman of the Kxecu the Nominations Committee, said thnt tlie Coni'linlrd on Pace Two, Column lno BABY ON DOORSTEP WITH MORNING MILK If Abandoned Child Had Known, Mr, Boyes Might Have Eaten Oatmeal Dry. Tho bundle on the dooistcp that Po liceman Taylor picked up iha morning was ho carefully seemed with safety pins to keep the chill morning air oft the baby's head and the rhlid had been pre pared to face its destiny with such evi dent loving care, even down to tho penny It still clutched In its tight right fist, that the policeman wondered why the parents hadn't thought of some other way. The baby was alongside tho milk hot tie on the doorstep of David Boyes, at 10H North Front Btreet, and never knew as it whimpered, as long ns a baby en if whimper on an empty stomach, how near it was to the real thing. Only. If it had gone for It there would probably have been a mess made of It, with the only tan. Bible result that Mr. Boyes would have had no milk for his oatmeal. Taylor carried the bundle aiound to the Front and MaBter streets station. "Annle'll have safety pins enough for a month," chuckled House Sergeant Feld ler, referring to the absent police sta- Cumiuiifd un I'acx Four, Column Tho FIND HOME IN ASHES Family Rush Away From Wedding at News of Fire. Meyer Robins and his wife, children and aged mother returned from a wedding at Lyric Hall, 6th and Carpenter streets, early today, to find their home and store In ashes at 931 Porter stieet. Fire, which started In the store, used as a delicatessen shop, gained headway with such rapidity that the place was destroyed. Mi. Jo seph Hoffman, and Six children living in the house adjoining, at I'tW Hutchinson street, were forced, to flee to the side walk because of the smoke. COUNCILS EXPECTED TO SEND THE BELL TO SAN FRANCISCO Joint Session Hears Appeal of Exposition Manager, and Mr. Seger Moves Ap pointment of Committee to Arrange for Shipment. Ex-President Tuft Sends Note of Warning to President of Common Council Against Endangering Safety of Mc memto of Priceless Value. Council-, nie taking action today to In sine tlie sending of the Liberty llell to the P.innnin-Puclllc Mxprnltlon III spile of the n Hiiiltms of eminent metallurgists that the ecuilon may lesult In the dc slrucllon of the i clip. Helcct and Common Council gathered In Joint session tills nftPiiioon upon n reso lution offpied by Charles Seger, Select Councilman of t ho 7th Wnrd. nnd rules were suspended to permit Herbpit Ftclsh lini'ker, a innu.iger of the expoltlnn and icpie'enlatlve of Jlayor John llolph, of San Kinnclsco, to urge fiotn the legisla tive (loois thnt authorization be given the plnn lo send the bell to the fair. Immediately nfter Mr. FloMihackei's mid i ess n lesolutlou was presented by Select Councilman Seger thnt a Joint spe cial committee of 12 members fiom each blanch of Councils be appointed to make the necessary in rangcnients for tlip ex hibition of tho I.lbertv Hell at the fair. Tho expense Incident to the project will be taken out of nn appropriation to be. made heieafter to the clerks of Council'. The lesolutlou will be refened to the Mb.mii' for Ills approval or dis.ippiovnl. note of warning was contained In n letter leceived today by the presidents of Councils fiom fainter Piesldent William II Tuft, lie would not urce thn sendlm.- I of (he bell, as he was requested to do. lr It meant ciidangerins tlie lellc. In his letter to Piesldent .MeCuidy, of Common Council, he said: WILLIAM II. TACT New Haven. Conn., Apill II, llti'i. Mv pear Mi. McCmdv I mil hi leielpt of n telegiiim. of which I Inclose a copv, from President Mooie, of tlip P.iiiana-Pni I tic International Im position. Of course, -we ale all In favor of making that Imposition ns much of a success nn possible, and I have no doubt It would gicntly contribute to public In teiest in tho Imposition if the Libcity Hell could be sent theie nml made tlie centre of nppiopiliite ceremonies. Oouht less, too, Its progress across the coun tiv vvould nttiact (patriotic appreciation. I realize, of eotiise, the pilceless char acter of the bell ns the memento of nut lililh ns a nation, and only press this upon your veiv much better knowledge, ns to the ilsk Involved In the proposnl Siiuerely yours, WILLIAM H. TAFT. Mr. George McCuid.v. President Common Council, Philadelphia, Pa. Governor Johnson, of California, In a dispatch to Councils asseited todny thnt every effort would be made to picserve the snfetv of the bell nt the fair. Mayor niankcnhiirg said thnt if It Is decided to send tlie Liberty FSell to th Pnmimn-Pnclllc l.xposltion such nctln'i will in no way Interfcie with tlie nntional observance of Independence Pay planned for Philadelphia. "It has been agieed," tlie Mayor added, "by virtually all le.ideis of the movement to send the bell lo San Francisco, that It will not leave Philadelphia until nftr July Ith " STUIIEXT Hi YEAItS OLD KIJXS AWAY FKOM HOME Leaves Note for Parents Snyinp: He Is a "Failure." linyiuniid Cmlg Palmer, n lli-j eni -old high school student, left this letter In the mull box on his father's door: Dear Father and Mother: I am a falluio. Am going away, it will be no use looking for imp. Your (on, RAY.MOND. I!a.viiiond's mother, prostrated with grief at her home. I.W0 South 21th street, lias not ealen for a week slnco the boy dlscnppenred last Thursday. Mr. Palmer notified the police nt City Hall last Fri day, hut It did not occur to him to auk the newspapers lo assist In the seaich until neighbors urged hlm to do so to da v. liavmoud was n student nt the South ern High School, on tho day he dlsap peated he had been in high spirits. In the evening lie attended an nunlveisnrv celeliiatlon at the Bethany Piesbyteilau Church, iiil and llalnbildge streets, lie did not come home, except to leave the biief note In tho mall box, where Mr. Piilmer found It next morning. "Raymond was n bright boy and he cer tainly showed that he was honest, for tit left home with 25 cents, whereas he could have taken a large sum. which he knew wns in the house." said his father today. "I think lie must have been woriying about a bad repent he got at school. Won't mi tell about his dlsappeaiance It might help lo llnd hlm? lie wears plaid coal and long trousers the put ilieiu on for the first lime on Faster) and a light golf cap of mixed goods: a daige blue, four-ln-hand tie, with red stripes; black laced shoes. He has dark brown hair and Is 5 feet 6 Inches In height tall for Ills age. He weighs IS pounds." Reservoir Bursts; Eight Drowned HOI.BROOK. Ariz.. April 15.-Klglit per sons were drowned today when Lyman reservoir, which Impounds the waters of tho Little Colorado River 12 miles south of St. John's, Apacne county, broke, A reservoir at Hunt, northwest of St. John's, Is In the path of the flood, and the dam threatens to give way. The town of Woodruff, 12 miles southeast of here. will be In danger if the Hunt dam does not hold. The Kensingtonlan Says; Jforrls Titus, the cornsiljf of Clan Six Hand, blew O tharp on hit comet ami was surprised fo find that he had cut A is finger. LOST AND FOUND IjOST Canarj, lyal from case. near. 13th and Locust. tatUrd if rturni Th Hamilton, 111 Walnut n IaOUT-SbwII toli bof. Initials F. E. L., 1." tn Broad ami ltlh on Chestnut. Re turn to tow Spruce. SutiabU reward. LOST. SifaYi or Stolen -Sundav. April IL brtndla Fremh buUdos. about 3 years !4; rturJ Kalurin 1U4 Locust l OtAcr claitttet advtTtUmtult on gag 13 BULLETINS $60,000 FOIx STOCK EXCHANGE SEAT NEW YORK. Apiil 15. It wns repoitcil in Wall stieet today that n scat on the New York Stock Exchange had sold for jpGO'OOO. The last inevloua tinitsactlon wns nt $50,000. THAW SANITY HEARING BEGINS NEW YORK, April 15. Harry K. Thaw appeared before Su promo Court Justice Newberger this afternoon, in custody of Sheriff Griffeiihagen, when arguments on a motion for a jury trial to deter mine his tnnity was made. Thaw's mother also was in the court loom. Arguments wcie expected to continue Until late this aftor uuoii. The court's decision will bo announced inter. LIQUOR LICENSE TRIBUTE TO POLICE PENSION FUND HARRISBTJRG, April 15. Ry a vote of 30 to 5 the House bill authorialns 5 per cent, of liquor lieeii&c fees in first and second class cities be turned over to the police pension fund was cuactod by th Sennlo todny. K'RONPRINZ WILHELM TOOK MOVIES OF PRIZES NEWPORT NEWS, Vn.. April 15. The German converted cruiser Kronprinr. Wilhelm has "movies," showing the destruction of a number of the ships it captured, the captain admitted today. Ho would not exhibit them, saying they were part of his official JEWISH SOCIETIES ACCUSE RUSSIA OF ATROCITIES NI.W YORK. Apiil I." Five JewMi societies, lepresentlng .100.000 working men. today issued u statement condemning the ullcgcd outrages petpetralcd by tho Russian soldiery in Poland. The statement specifically lefruiuy from accusing tho Russian people, but chniges tho Russian Government with n "desire to' ex terminate tlie Jewish race. llRITISH XOSSES 130,34 7 LONDON, April I... Total British ens unities among the Hoops up to April 11 wcie I::,'..".I7. tinder Secietary of War Tennant announced In Parliament this afternoon. Tills Includes killed, wounded nnd missing. SUPEKDREADNOUfiHT MORENO LEAVES FOR ARGENTINA The Aigcntlne siipunlie.idnouglit Moreno left the Philadelphia Navy Yard to day, bound for Bihla llhtuca. Farewell salutes of 17 guns wcie exchanged by the Navy Yaid and the warship. The gieal xtssel set .11 feet In tho water. George Lupkcr, ono of the best pilots on tlie ilver, has the dltlicult task of taking the vessel to the capes. STEAMSHIP PTARMIGAN TORPEDOED. ELEVEN LOST LONDON, April I.",. The vteainshlp Ptarmigan lias been tnipcdoed in tlie North Sen, with a los of II lives, nccoidlng to n dispatch leceived here this nfteruoon. r.Icven other membeiH of the crew ol the Ptarmigan wcie lescued, accoidlng to a dispatch fiom Amsturdam. The steamer was toipedoed n few miles oft the coast of Holland, between Hinder Light and the Hook of Holland. Tho Ptarmigan wns a "M-Uiu steamer, owned by the Gencial Steam Naviga tion Company. Her port nf registry was London. CHICAGO STOCKYARD PROI5E ON TODAY CHICAGO. Apiil 15. Inner workings of the gieat Chicago stock nids, wages and woiklng and living conditions ot emplojcs will be piolied by tho nlteil States Commission on Industrial Relations today. J. Ogdcn Armour piniiilsed Chairman Walsh he would tnl.e the stand Inte this afternoon. LOST CHILD CRIES FOR MOTHER "I wniil my mamma," filed a icd-cheeked giil about M ears old, who today was found wnndeiliis about in tlie vlciuit) of SStli stieet and Wyaluslng avenue. She was taken to the lilst and ThoinpMnn stieets police station. The police are trying In find the child's mother. JAPAN SENDING TROOPS TO CHINA Following Is nn extract fiom a private letter icceive-J by a Phlladnlphtan from n correspondent In Japan who has had opportunity to glean reliable Information on the Chino-Japanese situation: "Tlicso'nie xerj uuccitaln times, and most people arc picdlctlug war between Japan and China. At any late, the situation between Japan nnd China la very ticklish Just at piesent and troops are being sent on tlie i. t. to China as fnst ns they can be. Perhaps that Is Just a move to intimidate the Chinese, but It may be something more serious. I.ven In the event of war between the two countries It vvould not necessarily affect the foreigners out hero unless, as Is likewise predicted, Ametica should iiIko be drawn in. In that case It would be well for all Americana to get out as quickly ns possible and not have the experience of the Geimans, who are being deported giadually but surely fiom this country." THOUSANDS I1RAVE DEADLY "THIRD RAIL" IN "I." TIE-UP NF.W YORK, April 10. Tens of thousands of lives were endangered by the deadly "third rail" early today, when a tlo-up occurred at Chatham Square, on the 3d Hvenue "1." line. Scores of tiains, heavily loaded with persons going to work, were stalled fiom Lower Mnnhaaltan clear up to the Rionx. The pas sengeis poured fiom tho tiains, and taking n, chance of stumbling on the deadly "third tall," walked nlong the tracks to tho various platfutms. As far as known there were no casualties. A car jumped tho track at Chatham Squaie. The pas sengers wcie qtilckl) unloaded without a panic. SMALL ROY MYSTERIOUSLY STARRED .V 'J-yeai-ohl bos, with a stab wound In his neck and two In the head, was biought to the .MedUo-Chltiugical Huspltal early todaj, accompanied by 50 boys who were so excited thut they could not tell how the wounds weie Indicted. The Injured boy Is Tony Leaken, 1836 Callowhlll street. His condition is pot serious. Police of the SQth and Uuttonwood streets station aio investigating the affair. MRS. THEODORE ROOSEVELT UNDERGOES OPERATION NKW YORK, April 13. Mib. Theodoie Roosevelt, wfe of ox-President Roose velt, underwent an opeiatlon at the Roosevelt Hospital today. The opeiation was uild to have been successful, MAN DEAD; FELL DOWN STAIRWAY Qeorgu Fritz, 56 years old, who was emptujad for the past1 two weeks lo a -loft building at J9 North 13tli street, died at th Hahnemann Hospital today frpnj a. fractured skull. He wus found ui.eonseJ.QUs at the foot of a stairway whe.e he workeM, having evidently fallen from an upper floor. He died without regatnlnf consciousness. 10,000 ENGLISH MINERS THREATEN TO STRI LONDON, April 15. Leaders ef 10.000 IytouMuthltr, HiHa haA ettopie resolutions favoring a national chhuod of culltar weak, on April , ualees th -workers are grafted an Increase of 30 per cast.