EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1915; 9 Mi S30AL EDDINGS da flSOH i - wm Ta 1111111 T1 SjjJ i f. u!a U u tittf r.'l rhM itnA iJm t iwa af if -nam OCM IuW ik! Lm rfls! alii ill to. itia A m ttofl M - t -mm iia? a "M t iUm I 7m m m m ii SI: il III I'U im vm M. a: mHE committee In charge of arrangements i I of the annual Ivy Ball, which will be held tonight at tno gymnasium, includes Mr. J. Vuhn Merrick, 3d, chairman; Mr. James IF U. Austin, Mr. Paul D. Brown, Mr. J. Ham- Men Chcston, Mr. Karl w. Corby, Mr. C. Thomas Evans, Mr. Lawrence B. Huston, Mr. Arthur C Jack, Mr. Albert Journeay, Mr. Ralph B. Jones, Mr Donald V. Llpplncott, Mr. , j4try K Marey, Mr. Albert M. OrtRers, Mr. rolmn Sellers, Mr. Homer R. Sullivan, Mr. J Newbold Taylor, Mr. Roger It. Townsend, bt Mr. Charles 8. Walton, Jr., Mr. Clement B. r Vetxter, Mr Wlnlhrop Williams and Mr. Sher- bourne D Yardley. K Invitations have been Issued by the Plays Ki tn(j players to the active members, associate rlijer and their guests tor nn inlormnl tea at Its clubhouse, 43 South 18th street, on Eunday afternoon, April 18, at 4 o'clock. There ulll be a special musical program, rrtid the the strlcal piofeselon In general has been Invited. A number of debutantes will go to New York today to nttend the dance which Mr. nnd MrB. 'William I'artcr Dlckerman will glvo in honor of yiss Cornelia Carter Leldy, of this city, ' . ..... ....... I..... IFnAlM H Vah. V....1. MU iUSB Illia JtBHUJI UWWUIIli Ul A1CW 1VIK, Those who will go from hero will Include Miss Virginia Roberts, Mlso Hope Truxton Bcnle, Miss Jean Newbold Thompson, Miss Charlotte Harding Brown and Miss Ruth Coxe. Mrs. Clarence Taylor, of 4414 Chestnut street, announces the engagement of her daughter. Miss Romalne Taylor, to Mr. Fran cis Benjamin Wntklns, of Montreal, Can., for merly of Washington, D. C. Invitations hao been received In this city from Mr and Mrs. Thomas Francis Brady, 'of Mooar, la., formerly of Germantown, for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Louise Lajus Brady to Mr Russell Sturgls, of Boston, which will take place on Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Brady, In Mooar, which Is Just outside of Keokuk. Miss Brndy Is related to the Lajus and Tiers families of this city and the Hlgglns, of Richmond, Va. fh Mr. stursls is a relative or tne won-Known ""ft' fimlly of that name here, and Is a cousin of ,JIrs. Charles Edward Ingoraoll, Mrs. James i. Potter, Mrs Antonio Y. Stewart and Mrs. Ed- US' gar T. Scott. A Silver Bay mcotlng will be held nt the afternoon, April 30. at 4:30 o'clock. Tho Rev. ! Dr. .Teffervs nnd thA Rv. Johnson Ttosa will in,Rb. i ' Mr. and Mrs. P. Williamson Roberts, of 1713 '' Locust street, nre spending a few days at the 1 PtAZfl. In Xavv Ynrk. i' f." Mr. and Mis. J. Bertram Llpplncott, of 1713 ''Spruce street, who have been to tho San Fran- eljco exposition, will arrive homo Thursday, April 15. The Agnes Irwin Alumnae Sewing Circle, vhlch has moro than 100 members on tho com mittee, besides 600 members In the alumnae, ttlll hold a meeting this morning at tho alum nae rooms, 1300 Spruce street. The sewing circle has furnished more than S000 articles for tho homo relief Branch of the ft Emergency Aid. Tho members have been meet ET'n8 'or the last two months at St. Mnrk'B Eh parish house. M The president Is Mrs. Edward Walter Clark; S.vk-e president, Mrs. John P. Holllngsworth, I and the treasurer, Miss Harriet Ashhurst. Ej. Mr. Charles H. Luddington spent several days ?ln New York at the Belmont. 1 Mils Caroline T. Murdoch, of Biverton, Is. J E has been spending several days as the guest of B. Mlas Katherlne Davis, of "West Hortter street. Qtrmantown, Miss Murdoch will return to her home this week m Mr. .and Mrs. Irving Prentiss nro spending leveral days In New York at the Seville Hotel. Mr. Thorpe Van Dusen, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Van Dusen, 5131 Morris street. Germantown, who has been visiting In Brook lyn for several days, returned to his home on gBaturday. sir Van Dusen will remain In Ger- roantown for tho week-end. after which he will resume his studies at Princeton. ALONG THE MAIN LINE BALA XIr and Mrs. Bernard Hoopcs. of Edge Mi road, hae returned from several weeks" lay at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hrntt ritwll(r. nf Cltv venue, and Dr. and Mrs. S. Merrill Weeks, of tt Philadelphia, returned last week from a tootor trip io Wernersvllle, Va. Mr. and Mrs. "etvrller expect to spend this week-end at At Untie City , -...mu..air ana Mrs. Arthur M. Lewis, of KjNlrd ,road, have been entertaining Mrs. Lewis" BjWOther and slster-ln-Uw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred wlclt A. WlllitB. Mrs. Wllllts will be remem E'd as Miss Margaret Fanning, of New York, JW"e marriage to Mr. Wllllts took place In that f'd'y hut month. 6 Mrs. Frederick P. Carter, of Beacom lane, rc pcompanled bv hp man ?r.i.rir r cr. I'1.'1 Jr" will leave shortly tor several weeks' ' at Atlantlo City. - nSNEVDOD Mrs. John .Tnvre. .Tr.. nf Tjin. ?tr venue, and her mother, Mrs. John Rein "srd, ar vliltimr raisiii,.. i nki. new Wynnewood Tennis Club, of which f U. Dim ml I-If la nrM. ...111 l.AM It Aff 1h it" house" on My 1 In the clubhouse on k !' lane, CHRRTNTTTT MTT.T. f 'Anna Lewis Barroll, of Charlton street, t,"i leave on Saturday, April 17, to visit her l10t. ilr Tl...... . .... .. ...... t..- pKt . "' Miun, in new xora. Jiisa oar f will rtmaln for several days. M.'r nl Mrs. John M. Holton are spending r1"' Mturn will nn .hl r,.. rMn. Charlton street. Mr. ifnllnn will b r- L ewbtred as Ml.a Evelyn Harrington. GEttMANTnWN t Anna. Dennlston. of Rnrlmmtajl. School g i the guest of Mrs. R. Jones, of Summer . b. c mu Dennlston will remain Ui th " lor about Ave weeks. Kiherin Dvls. daushter of Mr. ana W Edward Pavis of Hortter street west of g avenue, e( on XBteday to iet friends In North Adams, Mass. Miss Davis will return to her home the end of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miles, of West Tul pehocken etreet, are on n trip to Poflo Rico. ALONG THE READING The Current Events Club of Wyncole will meet at the residence of Mrs. Victor K. Mul ford. Greenwood Avenue, Wyncotc. this after noon, at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Janet Richards will malto an address. The next meeting of the club will be held on Thursday afternoon, April 22, at 3 o'clock, In the parish house of All Hallows Church, Bent road nnd Greenwood avenuewhen Mr. Augustine 1'eojl Ohol, of Bombay, India, wilt deliver an illustrated lecturo on "The Famous Cities of India." Miss Marguerite Sill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sill, of Bent road, Wyncotc, hns had as her guest for several days Miss Emily Tattersfleld, of 7203 Lincoln drive. Miss Tatters field returned to her homo esterdny. Mr. George Essllnger, of Spring avenue, El kins Park, entertained the Kapa Knpa Fra ternity on Monday evening at his home. Among those present were Mr. John Lorlmer, Mr. Thomas Boggs, Mr. Raymond Carson. Mr. Rus sell Oourley. Sir. Lincoln Sharplcss, Sir. John Gherls, Sir. Henry Scheetz, Sir. Leon Slalley, Mr. Frank tVhltman, Sir. Albert Wnlton, Mr. David Fell, Sir. Trancls Dunn. Sir. Charles Sohl and Sir. Frederick Schlalch. Sir. nnd Sirs. Harrison S. Slorrls and their daughter, SIlss Catherine Wharton Slorrls. of Old York road near Chollen avenuo, will spend the summer In their homo at Jamestown, R. I. WEST PHILADELPHIA The Phi Betn. a fraternity of the Philadel phia High School, gae a minstrel show and dance last night nt the Phllomuslan Club, 3944 Locust street. The committee In chargo of the affair Included Sir. Charlcfl SI. Ashton, Jr., Mr. Herbert G. Locklmrt, Sir. Fred P. Smith and Sir. Harold D. Spenkman. Sirs. Edward Newton Haag gae a small In formal dance Inst night at her home, 4S37 Cedar avenue, In honor of Sirs. Howard T. Cooperf of East Sllllstone, N. J., who arrived yesterday and will bo her guest for a week. There were about 30 guests piotent. Sir. and Slis. Harrison N. Diesel, of 5013 Springfield avenue, will give a dance at their homo on Friday night. Sir. and JlVs. Horry Filcke, 5001 Cedar ave nuo, recently gave a surprise party in honor of their daughter, Jllsi Elizabeth Frlcke, one of tho debutantes of West Philadelphia. Mr. and Sirs. John Wlnrlng entertained In honor of the birthday of their daughter, SIlss Sara Wlnring, at their home, 1303 North 6lBt stiect. Among the gueste were Mr. and Sirs. C Stephenson, Sir. and Sirs. George Kargo, Jr., Miss Freda Lloyd, SIlss Lillian Karge, Air. George Lloyd, Jr., SIlss Agnes SlePermott, SIIbs Kathryn Hartmann, Louis Bcnokcrt, Bliss WII helmlna Bell, SIlss Anna Benckcrt, Sir. A. Sherlock, Sir. and Sirs. William BlcCormlck, SIlss Hilda SlcCormlck and Dr. A, Terry. Tho feature of the evening was Doctor Terry's rendition of "Tlpperary," which wns chorused by the entire party. SIlss Lloyd, SIlss Largo and SIlss Hartmann entertained with several popular nlrs, while SIIbs Wlnring abslsted nt the piano. The partors were decorated with 'purple ribbons, daffodils, rosea and sweet peas. The favors were small fluffy chickens. At a reception given Saturday evening at 523 North 6L-U street Captain and Mrs. Frank Hughes noted as host and hosteso. The enter taining members of tho party were Mr. John Shrlnor. Sir. Edward Stevens and Sir. James Brown. Tho others present wero Sir. and Sirs. Charles K. Slyers, Sir. and Sirs. William J. SlacNcal, Sir. nnd .Mrs. J. Brltech, Lieutenant and Sirs. H. Wlrth, Sir. and Sirs. Charles Fos ter, Sir. Edward Hall and Sir. Oeorge Welscr. Mr. Foster's singing was greeted with much applause. IVY BALL Annual Affair to Be Hold Tonight in Gym nasium of University of Pennsylvania. The Ivy Ball will be held tonight In the gym nasium of the University of Pennsylvania. The decorations, which havo usually been In floral effects, will differ somewhat this year and the color scheme will be carried out In Egyptian symbols. Sphinxes that were made In Illinois and brought hero for the occasion will be placed about the room. The patronesses include Mrs. Thomas G. Ashton, Sirs. Esmonde H. Austin, Sirs. Louis C. Baker, Sirs. Charles II. Bannard. Sirs. J. Hampton Barnes, Sirs. Norrls S. Bar ratt, Sirs. Edwin N. Benson, Sirs. Louis H. Benson, Sirs. George R. Bower, Sirs. Ttadcllffe Cheston, Sirs. Arthur L. Church, Mrs. Alfred G. Clay, Sirs, Paul Clayton, Sirs. Henry B. Coxe, Sirs. John Sterling Deans, Sirs. Henry T. Dechert, Sirs. Norton Downs, Sirs, S. Naudaln Duer, Mrs. Russell Duane, Sirs. George "W. C. Drexel, Mrs. AVIlllam B. Ellis, Sirs. Charles T. Evans, Sirs. Perslfor Frazer, Sirs. Robert S. Gamble, Mrs. George E. Griffith, Mrs. Charles B. Hart, Sirs. Charlea W. Henry. Sirs. T. Charlton Henry, Sirs. Richard H, Harte, Mrs. Barton'C. Hirst, Sirs. J, Ogden Hoffman, Sirs. Johns Hopkins, Sirs. Samuel F, Houston, Mrs. S, Pemberton Hutchinson, Mrs. Charles Edward Ingersoll, Sirs. Sydney Keith, Sirs. William Paddock Klapp, Mrs. Edward C. Lee. Sirs. Joseph Leldy, Sirs. William Draper Lewis, Sirs. J. Bertram Llpplncott, Mrs. Albert Lucas, Sirs. Joseph BIcCalt, Sirs. B, Wilson Mc Credy, Sirs. George McFadden, Mrs. J, Franklin SIcFadden, Mrs, C. Emory McSIIchael, Mrs. Lewis C. Sladeira, Mrs. J, Vaughan Merrick, Sirs. Randal Morgan, Mrs. George 8. Munson, Mrs. W, Heyward Slyers, Mrs. Lewis Nellson. Mrs. Arthur E. Newbold. Sirs. John S, New bold. Mrs. Louis R. Page, Mrs. James La Boy Patterson, Mr. George Wharton Pepper, Mrs. Theodore W. Reath, Mra. Thomas Heath, Mrs. Adolph G. Hoiengarten, Mrs. Harry, B, Rosen garten, Mra. Benjamin Rush, Mrs, Walter B. Saunders, Mrs. Edgar T, Scott. Mrs. William Ellis Scull, " Mrs. Coleman Sellers. Jr., Mrs. Hoxla Harrison Smith, Mr. Augustus B. Stoughton, Mrs. Morris Wiitar Stroud, Mra. William J- Taylor. Mrs- ByJny Thayer. Mrs. Henry Chapman Thompson, Mrs. Charlemasns Tower. Mrs. John W. Townsend. Mr. David E. William. Mrs. George Woodwrd. Mrs. Harri son a Wright. Mr William T Wright, Mra. Castries 8 WutW. Mrs, John H, Yardley. MRS. E. ELDREDGE PENNOCK Mrs. Pennock is an extremely popular young matron of Germantown and a most enthusiastic horsewoman. She is at present spending a week in the Pocono Mountains. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Lieutenant Wnlter Decker, V. S. N.. and Sirs. Wnlter Decker, of 2323 South 21st street, will entertain at an Informal dinner on tho U. S. S. Connecticut on Friday, April 16, be fore tho navy ynrd dance. Commandant William Slvppard Benson and Sirs. Benson will entertain also at their homo In tho Navy Ynrd SIlss SI. Bloom, of 432 Snyder avenue, will spend the week-end with friends at Vontnor, N. J. Sir. Robert Black, Jr., of 1522 South 15th street. Is homo rccuperatlns from nn operation per formed at the Slcthodlst Hospital. Sir. Slorrls Brodsky, of 1611 South Bth street. Is entertaining Sir. Joseph Keeno nnd Sir. Jacob Goll, of New York, this week. The three will go to Pittsburgh next week for a. short visit with friends therp. SIlss Rose Shceren will entertain the Jolly Six Club, of South Philadelphia, tonight. SIlss Jane Art and SIlss .Mary Peters will bo the guests of honor. Euchre will bo played and prizes awarded. The members of the club are SIlss Slao Freeman, SIlss Jcunlo Keller, Bliss Alice SIcKenty, Miss Elsie Joyce, Bliss Slarjorle Nicholas. The members of tho Corley Dramatic Club will repeat their recent success tomorrow evening In Epiphany Hall for the benefit of the Corley athletic fund. The same excellent caBt will be seen as before. ROXBOROUGH Sirs. Louis Slelvln Struse. of Ridge and Wl gard avenues, entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday. Ferns nnd daffodils formed tho very attractive decorations, Tho guests were Sirs. William It. Haggart, Sirs. John Belz. SIlss Edna Patton, Sirs. Francis Cantrell, Sirs. C. E. Parks, Sirs. William Spink, Sirs, Charles Jones Thompson nnd Sirs. J. B. Blontgomery. Sirs. Clarence C. Keever, of Harmon nnd Ridge avenues, was hostess to the members of her sewing club nt their April luncheon. Her guests were: Sirs. John Warrington, Sirs. Will lam Patton, Sirs. Albert C. Rommel, Sirs. Benja min Johnson nnd Bliss Anne Burwell. APROSIENADE concert and card party of unusual Interest and for which elaborate preparations have been made will he given tonight In the ballroom of the Bellevue-Strat-ford, In aid of St. Stephen's Catholla Church, Broad and Butler streets. The affair la an an nual social event In the northern section of the city and Is always an enjojable entertain ment. The committee In charge Includes SIlss M. A. Felln, SIlss Katnarlne G. Walsh, Sirs. Joseph Hampson, Mrs. Rlchad T. Grady, Btrs. John P Curran, Bliss Rose E. Bellly, Miss Gertrude- Slclntyre, SIlss Hannah Gallagher, Miss Nellie Sleigh, Miss Nan SItnogue and Mrs. Frank Klauder. The patronesses are Sirs. William H. Baldwin, Mrs. John E. Baker, Mrs. Johu J, Bannon. MrB. John Bergen, Mra. James, C. Blgley, Mrs, John J. Brennan, Sirs. Henry Burk, Mrs, Bllchael Burns, Mra. William J, Campbell, Sirs, James Clarke, Mrs. H, Clymer, Mrs. John Cody, Mrs. Alice Coogan, Sirs. Henry C. Cornell, Mrs. John Coatello, Mrs. Thomas Coatello, Sirs. K. L. Diamond, Sirs. F, J. Doyle, Mrs. William J. Dooley, Sirs. P. Eckert, Mm. JUnnle Elscr, Mrs. S. Fasey, Mrs. William B. Feeney. Bliss BI. S. Felln. the Blisses Flanagan, Mrs. Edward Flget, MUa Hnnth Gallagher, Mrs. Dennis Griinn, Mra- Jessa B. Gro,vr. Mrs. James P. Hampson, Miss Anna BI. Hauey. Mra M. F Haughey, MUa Cyril Haugbey, Sirs. N J Hayes, the Misses Hearey, Mr?. James V Herwj Mpt Frederick 3 t 111 1 l.ltiv "t UillO SUBSCRIPTION DANCE Younff Matrons Have Arranged Dance to Take Place Tonight. A "spring" subscription dance will bo given tonight In the Philadelphia Cricket Club under tho auspices of Sirs. T, Charlton Henry, Sirs. John Story Jcnks, Jr., Sirs. Joseph Walker Wear, Mrs. Howard E. Pcnver. Sirs Clarence C. Zantzlngcr, SIlss Elizabeth SI. Chcston and SIlss Eleanor B. Hopkins. Tho danco will be preceded by several dinners, the li03ts nnd hostesses being Sti. and Sirs. Clarence C. Znntzinger, in their homo on Highland and Scmlnolo avenues. Their guests will lncludo Sir. and Mrs. Percy H. Clark, Sir. nnd Sirs Nor man S. Slackle, Sir. and Sirs. William Jojco Sowell, Miss Ellen Slary Cassatt and Btr. George Brooke, 3d. Sir. and Sirs. Joseph Walker Wear, of Grav ers lane, will cntcrtnln nnd their guests will Include Sir. and Sirs. Francis King Wain wright, Sir. nnd Sirs. Georgo C. Thomas, Jr., Sirs. Roland S. Btor. Is. Sir. Lawrence C. Fuller and Dr. Charles W. West. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA The Somerset Literary Club will give a Slay hop at Saxonla Hall, 2d street below Hunting don street. Slay 8. A committee la now making the necessary arrangementsr. Sir. Anthony J. Clarke, 2S05 East Clearfield etreet, has returned from a two weeks' visit to Cincinnati, Ohio. The nnnual ball to tho State Cabin Wood choppers, F. of A., will be held at their hall, Sd and Norris streets, on Friday evenlng.Aprll 23. A grand musical entertainment nnd dance for the benefit of the Washington Club of the Gen eral D. B. Blrney Post. No. 63, G. A. R., will be given by the Buster Brown Girl Bllnstrels at Allemanla Hall, 2323 North 5th street, Tuesday, Slay 6. Preparations are already being made for the annual outing of th Eleven O'clock Club, of Kensington, which Is to be given on the steamer Queen Anne, June 20. SIlss Anna Goldman, of 1620 North 6th street, will ho hostess to tho members of her sewing circle today. Hoeger, Mrs. H. E. Irwin, Sirs. Joseph F. Kleppet, Sirs. B. Klerman, Sirs, Joseph Lamb. Mrs. Mary Lenahan, Bliss Elizabeth Loechner, Sirs. James Lynn, Sirs. John Murphy, Sirs. E. P. McCabe, Mrs. John J. SIcCool, Sirs. John BIcGulgan. Bliss Gertrude Slclntyre, Btrs. Will iam StcGlInn, Sirs. James McLane, Sirs. James 8. SIcLaughlln, Sirs. William F. McLaughlin, Sirs. M. E. BlacNamee, Sirs, A- J- Nugent, Silas Marie Nugent, Sirs. Thomas O'Hara, Bliss Mar garet Quarry, Btrs. John E. Rafferty, Miss Ella C. Rellly, SIlss Slary Bellly, Sirs. Owen Rellly, Bliss Slartlna Rosney, Bliss Slary Savage, Mrs. Bernard Smith, Mrs, Henry Smith, Mrs. Hugh Sweeney, the Misses Strlngfellow, Sirs. T. P. Tagart, Sirs. BI, Treacy, Btr$. h. F. Toomey, Sirs. AVIlllam Torchlana, Sirs. B. A. Walsh. Sirs. O. D. Weed, Sirs. D. J, Whealln. Mrs. John Winkle, Mrs, Joseph Wogan, BIrs. E. P, Worth Ington and BIrs. George C. Young. A surprise party was given In honor of Mrs. William Hewea at her home, -U2I Haverford avenue. Those composing the party were Mr. and Mra. J. F. Wllaon, Mr. and Mra F. A. Dunhour, Mm. Bert Stevenson, Mr. Bert Steven son, Jr.. Sergeant and BIrs. Andrew Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Copperneld, Mrs. BI. X Quloksell, Mr. Qeorg Murphy, Mr. William Hcwm. Jr , Bliss Mabel Rose nd Mr. Barry Hewea. Mra. Elizabeth WlUoa and Bit. Fred Copperdtld gave number of tnusUtl selections. A QUIET home wedding wilt be celebrated at , 6 o'clock this afternoon In Colllngswood, N J. when Bliss Orlntlm Lauo, daughter of Sir Henry Laue, of 23 Homestead nvenue, will become the bride of Sir. Waller P. Holston, of this city The Rev. C. S. Holston, of Quaker town, Pa , a brother of the bridegroom, will perform tho marriage service, and tho bride will be given In marriage by her father, The bride will wear a dress of all-over laco on a white satin foundation, and n veil with the traditional orange blossoms She will carry a bouquet of lilies of the valley. The brides maids. Bliss Ida Laue, the bride's sister, and Miss Edna Holston, n sister of the bridegroom, will bo attired In pale green silk gowns, trim med with ecru lace, nnd will wear hats to match Sir. C. Elmer Holston will be the best man Owing to the recent death of SIlss Lnue's nv ther, the wedding will he attended by mem bers of tho family only The wedding trip will be spent In southern California, Willi a visit to tho Panama .Paclllo Exposition. WOERNER-KATZENBACH. An interesting wedding will take place In Roxborough tonight, when SIlss Laura Kotzen bach, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. William A. Katzenbach, of 201 Rlpka avenue, will become tho brlrfp of Dr. Walter O Wocrner, of Lltltz, Pa , son of Frederick O. H. Wocrner, of Rox hoiough. Tho ceremony will be performed In the Epiphany English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Green Inno and Sllvorwood street, by the pastor, the Ilov. Carl It. Hlrzcl, nnd will he followed by a reception nt tho homo of the brldo's parents. Sir. Kntzenbach will give his daughter In marriage Mip will wear n gown of Ivory-white sotln. mndc with a court train, nnd trimmed with pearls nnd chnntllly lace. Her tullo veil will bo arranged with a cap effect, and held In place with ornngo blos soms Brldo rosea and lilies of tho vnlloy will be combined in her shower bouquet. SIlss Anna KaUenbach will be her sister's maid of honor. The bridesmaids will he SIlss Edith Katzenb.ich and SIlss Carrie Hemerle. Sir. Ralph Woerncr will bo his brother's best man, nnd tho ushers will be Sir. George Knt zenbach, tho brldo's brother, nnd Sir. Joseph Zjlser. Upon their return from a wedding Journey, Dr. nnd Slis. Woerner will llvo nt Lltltz, nnd will be nt home nfter Slay 1. ZONIES-GOLDSTEIN. The wedding of SIlss Ida Goldstein, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Bernard G. Goldstein. 710 Pino street, to Sir. Nathan Zonles, 116 Dickinson street, will take place tonight nt Apollo Hall, 1726 North Broad street. Tho bride will have no attendants. Sho will wear a handsome gown of Ivory-white satin, trimmed with old lace. Fhe wilt carry a bridal bouquet of lilies of tho valley. Following tho ceremony a supper will bo served, after which thero will be dancing. Among the guests who will attend aro Sir. nnd Sirs. Samuel Goldstein, Sir. nnd Sirs. Her man Goldstein, Sir. nnd Sirs. J. Behrer, Sir. nnd Sirs. Jncob Goldstein, Sir. and Sirs. H. Felnberg, Sir. and Sirs. Slax Brewer, Sir. and Sirs. SI. Frank, Sir. and Sirs. Slorrls Plzer, Sir. and Sirs. Sloirls Freemnn, Sir. and Sirs. Jacob Shur, SIlss Bcsslo Shur, Sir. and Sirs. I. Rosakoff, Sir. and Sirs. Zimmerman and Sir. Harry Zimmerman, of Wilmington, Del.; Sir. and Sirs. J. Zagnlth, Sir. and Sirs. SI. Zornles, of Trenton, N. J.; Sir nnd Sirs. Ostrow, Biles R. Ostrow, of Camden, N. J and Sir. and Sirs. J. A. Rappaport, Sir. and Sirs. Lewis Nichols, Dr. and Sirs. H. H. Bershonsky, Sir. and Sirs. SI. Stone, Sir. nnd Sirs. H. II. Cohen. Sir. nnd BIrs. SI. Bcrger, Sir. and BIrs. Nnthan Davis, Sir. and Sirs. David KlevenorT, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Hanna, Dr. and Sirs. K. Fish, Dr. and BIrs. V. Shur and Dr. nnd Sirs. N. HurTkock. The couple will go to Washington and Atlantic City on their wedding trip. BERNSTEIN-HALBKRASI. SIlss Amelia Halbkram, daughter of Sir. Herman Halbkram, of US North 63th street, will become the bride of Sir. Samuel Bernstein, of 1203 North 6Sth Btreet, tonight, at 7 o'clock. The ceremony will be performed by Rabbi S. Fredman, of Temple Beth El, at Students' Chapter, Park and Susquehanna avenues. Sir. Bernstein Is a member of the Arm of Slax Bernstein & Son. Bliss Halbkram Is a graduatejii of the William Penn High School, and Is well known In social circles. Bliss Frances Halbkram, a sister of the bride, will be maid of honor, and a brother, Mr. Maurice Halbkram, will be best man. Bliss Bessie Halbkram, SIlss Jennie Horn and SIlss Pauline Berger will be the bridesmaids. Sir. Benjamin Hoffman, Sir. Charles Horn and Sir. S. Parson will act as ushers. The bride will be given In marriage by her father. She will wear a gown of Ivory-white crepe meteor, trimmed with duchess lace .and pearls, and will carry a shower bouquet of or chids and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wilt wear a maize taffeta gown trimmed with opalescents and pearls. She will carry a shower bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaids will be gowned In quaint frocks of pink taffeta, trimmed with duchess lace, and will carry bouquets of sweet peas. One hundred and fifty guests, Including Im mediate members of the family, have been Invited, and a dinner will follow the ceremony. Mr. and BIrs. Bernstein will leave Immediately for the Pacific coast, where they will spend their honeymoon. They will be at home after July 1 at 1213 North 6Sth street. BAILEY-CHAPPELL. Announcement Is made of the marriage of Bliss Blartha Chappell, daughter of Sir. Stephen Chappell, of 3eSl Queen lane, Falls of Schuyl kill, to Sir, Albert Bailey, of Panama, for merly of this city. The ceremony was per formed on Saturday, April 10, n the Falls of Schuylkill Methodist Church, Queen lane and Krall street, by the pastor, the Rev. A. Perol val Hodgson. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, was attended by her sister, Bliss Ethel Chappell, as maid of honor and Bliss Miriam Wilson as flower girl. The bridegroom's best man was Mr. Norman Wooley. and the ushers were BIr. Frank Lyons and BIr. Norman Ward. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the homo of the brlde'a father. BIr. and Mis, Bailey left pn an extended wedding Journey. They will live In Panama. WILSON-BUCKMAN At the wedding of MUa Dorothy Virginia Buckman, dmjtbter of Mr and. Mr. Kdwin Halt Butkiaan. o Cheuw, Pi., and Mr LtRoy Careon Wilson, which will be solemnized at T:M o'clock this evening, In St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Chester, tho ceremony will be per formed by the Rev. Dr. Francis BI. Taltt, rector? of tho church. The bride will be given In mar riago by her father, and will be attended by SIlss Elizabeth Davlsson, of West Virginia, a maid of honor. The eight bridesmaids Will In clude Sties Emma Davlsson, Bliss LoulAe D Camp Duller, of Baltimore; SIlss Cecils EVans and SIlss Sarah Evans, of Wilmington,' Miss Majorle Black and SIlss Dorothy Cochran, of Chester; SIlss Helen Blotter, of Frederlckabufg, Bid.; and Sttss Slary W. Rogers, of Blorgan town, Vn. Sir. Paul Beldler, of Baltimore, will act a host man, and the ushers will lncludo Sir. Will iam F. Beldler, also of Baltimore; Sir. Henry WnntUnd, Mi. Lawrence Patrick, BIr. N. T. DorFcy, Sir. Brooks, Sir. Enoch S. Farton, Jr., Jtr. Horaco Palmer, of Langhorne, Pa,, and BIr. Albert E Thompson. Immediately after tho ceremony n, reception will bo held nt tho homo of the bride's parents. After n wedding Journey Sir. nnd BIrs. Wilson will be at homo nt Gaywood, Govanstown, Md. TIOGA Sirs. Charles Wnhl, of 2016 Tioga street, will entertain the Tioga Sewing Circle nt luncheon today. The guests will Include Sirs. I. C Hoff man, Strs. James BI. Snyder, Sirs. H. Boyer, Sirs. J. Startln, Sirs. H. Harper, Sirs. W. Hun ter. Sirs. E. Bare, Sirs. H. B. AVood. Sirs. C, P. Snlvcly, Sire. J. Btcck, Sirs, a St. Sandt and Sirs. E. Sloore. Bliss Rclnetta Pullen7oT3345 North 16th street, entertained at miction bridge yesterday after noon. The gamo was followed by a buffet lunch eon. SIlss Pullen's guests were Bliss Slarylee Klnkade, Bliss Edna Gaw, SIlss Slargaret Slor gnn. Slis. James Ryan, SIlss Mildred William son, Bliss Harriet Graham, Bliss Florence Baer. Stlss Dorothy Slorrell, SIlss Katharine Slorrell, SIlss Anna Wllklns, Bliss Frances Wllklns. Miss Slurinn Kcppor, SIlss Helen Haines and Mlsa Slargaret Biockcroff. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Olga Retzbach, of 2823 North 28th Street, entertained a number of her friends on Satur day night. Among thoso present were Sir. and Slis. Louis A. Loth, Sirs. Peddle, Bliss Alice Peddle. SIlss Helen Loth. Sir. and Mrs. 'Barnes, Mi. Kalmharh, Stlss Helen Kalmbach, Sir. Herbert Knlmbach, Sir. Julius Hess, Sir. Walter Paul. Mr. Slax Pfellmaler. Sir. Harold Buechol, Sir. Earl H. Smith, Btuslcal selections were tendered, nnd during the evening tho engage ment of Bliss Helen St. Loth was announced to Sir. Enil H. Smith. Sir. and Strs. John Kessler, 1521 North 21th street, havo issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Anna Louise Kessler, and Sir. Frederick Gerhard Schenk, of Wheeling,. W. Va. Tho ceremony will be performed at the home of the bride on Wednesday, April 21. Sir. Schenk Is an odlclal In the Arm of F. Schenk & Son, of Wheeling. After June 1 the couplo will live In Woodland, a suburb of Wheeling. AMUSEMENTS GLOBE THEATRE MARKET AND JUNIPER STS. DAILY 2 :30 10c, 16c. 25o EVn.NINOS 8 ;S0 15c. 25o, 80a ".MOST nEMArtKABLB FILM EVER EXHIBITED" HYPOCRITES "A Splendid Kllm Drama, Containing Startling Episodes." Ledger. A Profound Sensation LAVISHLY STAOED CHOin ORCHESTRA ORGAN Phnorniir Qf OPERA Home of World's VjIltbUlUL Ol. HOUSD I Oreaten Photoplays Afternoons 1:30 to 4.30 10c, 15c. 23o Evenings 7:30 to 10:30 10c. 25c, a Few 60o 2ND TREMENDOUS WEEK D. W. GRIFFITH'S THE AVENGING CONSCIENCE TWICE DAILY AT 3 AND 0 P. M. PRECEDED BV COMEDIES BROAD Mat. Today .Kr Ethel Barrymore the shadow NKX.T WLiKli SUAia TUMU1UIUW NED WAYBURN Presents the Smart Comedy SHE'S IN AGAIN 32&& Coat of Farceurs. Garrick Mat. Today as. $1.00 ROBERT HILLIARD aroWSabh LAST 1 EVE.N1NC.S. 8:1.1 LAST SIAT. SATURDAY NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW THE MUSICAL COMEDY DE LUXE The Little Cafe JOlm XJWo Caat and Chorua of 100, B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE " GRAND SPRING K&ovAir- JUBILEE Evb. Ledger. CATHERINE CALVEKT & CO.t LONG TACK SAM CO.! JOSIB HEATHER k CO : TROVATOi KRAMER & MOR. TON, AND OTHERS METROPOLITAN fS?,g80 A Startling and Thrilling Narrative JAMES F J ARCHIBALD 5 Montha with th German & Auitrian Armlea. WAR TALK 3000 FEET MOVING PICTURES ISO COLORED PHOTOGRAPH SLIDE3 SEATS AT 1100 CHESTNUT S5a to 11.00. THE MARKET 8T. ABOVE 16TH PICTURES 11:15 A M. to 11)15 P. SI VICTOR MOORE Stanley Ill OilUDO ADDED ATTRACTION FIRST 8HOWINQ CHARLES CHAPLIN In "THE TRAMP"' (,'OMIW, IllunSUAI, "MAI ULUJiSUU" CROSS KEYS THEATRE Felix & Vaire SSSSJ B OTHER NOTABLE ACTS New Program Mon Tnura. uany llln Ytniiiga. T at 2'15 10c. 15c. 20a. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Last performance Metropolitan Opara Co., N T Tuesday Bvs-, April 20. at 8. Mm ea Farrar, Aid! CARMEN Tti,anf"1''Am10- Cenaucv"' SEATS. U0gCHESTNUTBTMaU Ordara Ractlvei. This put wee. vge. a i jug. Mat. Sat. NIXON'S "PEK1N MYSTERIES"! "DOC"" O'NEIL. ARCHER & BEDFORD, j AUBREY & RICHE, McGOWAK & GORDON: CHAS. BBNNINO- GRAND Today 2)18. 7-8 TON. LAUUHINO PICTURES. OLD MASTERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY" Frca Exhibition or Original Photographs by Lswla Carroll. D O. 11111. Cameron and Kelth- THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA 1816 Baaawn St. Opan Dally 0 A M to tt P M. Forrest $& MatTodav $1,89 "Hello Broadway" J&&R&gg& DUMONT'SS MATIN EK TOfeAT lte tfc L-.njJ.iNU li&mx hii fci it H ti a