Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 14, 1915, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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OWWMM eajaas..
m Aged Woman, Friend of Chil
dren, Always liept ono
nnni tn Annvf.monfH T.nrtrnri.
Kb iWU"' "P """ " -"
Why did "Qranny" MeQInty have n
K ercl room? And that room so clean
m Mj neat, whereas tno rest or ner apart
ft tnents was noted, If anything, for lis
general nlr or slovenliness?
This "mystery" still puttied some of
' her neighbors when they learned that
h aged woman nai neen round dead
today In her attic, at 630 Do Lnncoy street.
Th 'ront room of tho fourth floor was
in a stato that defied description every
thing was out of Prncp ns " n lo' of chil
dren had been Bcnmperlng nbout there
and puttlns things out of place plnylng
at pillow right., iierhaps.
nut when tho men who found "Clran
rV." body, Myer Hlaclt, D28 North Sixth
itreet, and Louis Knplan, B09 Db Lancoy
street, searched tho npartmcntH, thoy
came to a room In the back part of the
fourth floor which was atmost uncannily
nat and clean. There everything was
in place It Wns ns correct as a Dutch
Those who know Margaret McOlnty,
who lived In her attic for 40 years, a re
cluse except for her llttlo visitors, ex
plained tho "mystery. ane nan no
friends but the children, nnd alio loved
them. One little girl brought her oup
Henry W. Poor
NKW YOIW, April H.-Henry W. Toor,
a well-known banker, who reaped his
fortuno In tho leather business, Is dead
t his home, 717 Madison avenue, norn
n Bangor, Me., In 1SH, Mr. roor received
his education at Harvard University. He
entered tho banking and publishing bus
iness an a member of the Arm of 11. V.
H. W. Poor. His publication. Poor's
Hallway Manual, is considered the most
comprehensive guide of Itn kind. In his
clea Ings Wall street he was reputed
to lmvo made more than JS.OOD.ooo, but
failed In 1903 with llnV,iim. -e "i. 1.1...:
on. I . ,.. ..V.V.. v" V f'.'iu.ooa
Un.- I ''.uw. Among his former
possessions wero tho old Cyrus V Field
irainslon, valued nt $1,000,000, nnd invnlu
.. .,nrt t.rcnurc''. collected for Mr. Poor
by tho iato Stanford White.
Edwnrd H. Dietrich
Kdwnrd H. Dietrich, a member of the
Insurnnco ilrm of Jones & Dietrich, died
yesterday at his home. Maple and Oreen
wood avenues, Wyncoto. Ha was 65 years
old. Mr. Dietrich was a charter mem
ber of tho Calvary Presbyterian Church
In Wyncotc, whore he was an elder and
associated with tho Hoard of Trustees
since tho Inception of tho church. To
gether with Mrs. Dietrich ho was a mem
ber of the omdal stnrt In the "Hilly" Sun
day campnlgn. Ho leaves two daughters.
Mrs. Ornca Herirrlrnth. wir u .
f"2.dJJ5. ?LtlZLlW M, ?i !LW"'!. "" Kll'rl. Dietrich.
imu one son, uonniii Dietrich, of Pitts
burgh. The funeral services will ho held
Friday nftcrnoon from his late homo In
Granny's" life, when she was too HI to
The children of the neighborhood made
he front room their rendezvous, Thero
I they plByed nnd there "Granny" told
x hm storlca wonderful ntorlen of Irish
; folklore. So, naturally, it wasn't worth
while keeping tho front room particularly
K tidy. It was the "children a room."
But wnen nignt rcu ana tno children
Md Bone, "Granny" retired to the back
room, which was nlwaya locked nnd thnt
was kept neat and clean, for the children
were never allowed to go In thero. That,
wis tno myBiery
Cut This Out, Boys nnd Girls Doctor
Wynkoop Backs You Up.
CHICAGO. April 14. This Is a. story for
the kids, It ought to please 'cm provided
It can get by ma's nnd pa'a censorship.
In tho first place, a fellow's dad lias
no right to bawl him out If ho exhibits
laziness, about the tlmo coal ought to
M brought up from the collar. And you,
Buile, needn't pay much attention to ma
when she calls you n lazy, good-far-
K nothing Just because you hnto the night
arsr if a iHshnnn nr n ltrnnm. TTa,a'i ,,.,.
A man nameu Ldndnay WynkooD bo's
a doctor and ought to know told a lot
ef folks at the Illinois Congress of
Mothers and Parent Teacher Associations
that young folks boys nnd girls between
10 and 16-ought to sleep a lot. Ho snld
Isilness was n good sign they wore grow
ing. And, besides that, ho snld nnnp
marks In school studies nt that tlmo were
not bo awrui as pnrcnts are wont to be
lieve. Ho said laziness and drowsiness
and sleepiness helDed kids throw nff nni.
Ef- ion In their systems.
uigni do a goou plan Tor you kids to
cut this out nnd flash It on ma and pa
at the right time.
Edwin miss
NKW YOriK, April H.-Kdwin Pllss. of
St. Louis, author of many movlng-plctur
scenario., Including "What Happened to
Mnry, as well ns a number of Bhort
stories, died suddenly of heart disease
In the Vnnderbllt Hotel early today.
IIUNCAN. In remomhrnncn of our lovinc
mother, RKHECCA JAM; DUNCAN, who dc.
parted this Ufa April 14. 1IU4. A patient
sufferer nt rut. Badly misled.
unit FAMILY.
Personal Estate, of T.ntn Anno w
m Brush Apprniscd at $953,620.07.
wins aomiitea to protrate today Include
those of Hannah W. Bison, who loft
M,000 in private bequests: Jeannettn II
ft Sheridan, J15.100; Peter Haley, $10,500:
t Tfiomas uoiaen, 7H; Charlos Kellan.
JKOQ; Charles Zepp, I3SO0: Susanna
Wardell, J2500. nnd Daniel H. Barnes
Personal property of Anna V. Bush has
teen appraised at $03,620.07; Elizabeth A
Bockman, J1B.173.4I; Charles Flcker'
IM,M3: Emma M. Phllllnn. I7725.K1. rhrt..
, tlanna Nuas, J306M4.
Funeral of R. A. Ovcrend
Robert A. Overend. reeentlv rtire,i on
a member of the Arm of Sherman & Co.,
printers, and for years prominently Iden
tified with Demooratlo politics of this city,
rai burled today from his homo in Som
era Point, N. J. Mr. Overend was nsso
; elated in the printing business with his
I "'her, the late Andrew A. Overend, and
W brother. Guv it. nvrii m ,.
I' ', L.?ervd ns a school director of tho
Vf.lij ' "". "aB a memDer or tho
iiuian nun lodge of Masons. Ho died
Sunday at his Somers Point home. In his
'ia year.
TODAY'S MAnniAfiK T.ir.rcvcvc
&llci!05ru,ieri.p-i,ata'vi,a'' and lJlUra
') Clark. 'gKia llPrtlLSn.. ... ...
Jtcob , i,SiJi?,l,I".lk33:sl I,h"'P "' "
fJsffi&ti ffii .uaiM and Wa
1 SLVw?.?-'
I K-."'0V."Kean0,irOa
I J4 SM$'nt?rtt cl,y' "ml Bva M
f M?ri.?Jirn-'?'tovn. P and nealna E.
T -V .-" .fc Bl,
On Monday, April 12. 101.",,
A, JiXOWKIIS. need 8J yean.
ind frlenda are Invited to attend
Kliia R. LlDDlnrnlt. tin m ir.u - ..
li V.' SV,irl"jlbln,lon. K """ "
m ar..,T- 8?ndcrLJr., Jim, N. l"ih i..
m tiiclmk tr..J"'i.,1H's nrown t
ft. alJt, iSlKS1''!,4535 8"
It $& ' ftwr& i,a-and c"i,u
il- "S3J. S "?, ". JZx l!N. B,h .t.. and
&,jfi&fiM.. and EM.
jni.tf rl,l- n. , "WJ
Tal.'r.'l1!. (iu 1'ODlar at., and .fnin1.nA
1S1..I.':" l.'oplar at. '
,l& XroJl t? urrett. 1.121 S. :fh at. and
? SJ I?' 3orv' ' 182t 8- llllh a"
;Hiulh t i.r. " 'i?! " '" at.
iaam J tva1tMorrl Apartment!
S.R ffliaIuV1'J,.,i?V'vtn' "! Catharine
DsPi.'8Bft.M ., - .... ' ..
Jrff"fi.TS:a. fi .
P . J..n i ?"f '10,; 'J Tork road, and
j...i?' ."1. Altoona. P.. anil Huntiuh
IliSVii.'i. i?" at." .
Jtotm ii ft.."?? nuUwiwooil &.
. ... w-n, 4-,, (1UHU (.
VeSflpla Arriving OV,tn.,
bi."pComMny r,W' m'"b". ClyJ.
t$L fiff.r" S1- iVde. Norfolk, merchandiat.
r "nip vompany.
Steamships to Arrive
A?",.lUyy8rr:0n APr" ln 1013. viiioinia
I. ANDUIiWa. (lauglitcr or the Int Itobert
and Mary Androwa. llelntU'n nnd frlendi
nr Invited to ntttnd the funeral erlcoa
at her Iato rcsldonco. IDS McKlnlfy nrnue,
LaniUone, Pa., on Friday niornlnu. tlin liiili
mat., at il in o'clock. Intcrinem private.
Cnrrlaaen will meet tho 10:45 n. m. train
from flrond atreel Htutlon.
HKKWBTEII On April 10, 101.1. at Ills reil
donee, 1BD Himey t., aerniantown. WAI,-
and frlcnjs uro Invited to uttend the fu
neral Hervlces, on Tlmrsjuy morning, at 11
o'clock. Interment irlnto.
IIUI.KY. On April 10, 1013, nt Woman's
Homcopathlo HoepltHl, THOMAS PKNUAL.U,
noli of tho late Jonathnti and Inahelln Muhaln
uuioy. or siontKOmcry county, Md , In tno
73d oar of lilx ago, Funeral ,r,lce, at hla
Iato roaldence, Su.'l N. Mervlno St.. on Thura
day ufternoon, at S o'clock preclioly. Inter
mini private, nt South Luuinl Hill Cemetery.
Ilnltlmore, Md.. and Washington, l. c
papers pleaso copy,
KVANH. On April 12, 1015. FflANK D.
KVA.N'H, aged 40 year. Rolatlve nd
friends of tho family, also University I-olge,
No. (110, P. and A. M ; University R. A.
ChapKr, No. 2S0; Mary Commander'. No.
ao. K, T.; I-u I.u Temple, A. A. O. N. M. 8.,
and all other organizations of which he v.ai
a member, are lnvltod to attend tho funertl
acrvlccu on ThursJay morning, precisely nt 11
o'clock, at his Into residence. 7CG N. 43d at.
interment at west uturei mil cemetery.
1'I.OU'EKH. On Mondn
llelatlves an
the funeral, without further notice, at nt
Iato residence, Udgowood, Uucks County, Ta.,
on Thursday, April IB, at 2 p. m. Currlugi-M
will meet train at Hotlofs ltuvlng Heading
Terminal at 12:35 p. m. Trolley at i:sst
Kdgonood road, leaving Trenton and New
town at 12.45 p. m.
UAMtlEHUKIt At Delalr. N. J., on April
13, 1U1S. AUTIIUIt P., son of Charles. Jr..
nnd -Minna Ilamberger (nto tlluuck), Hcla
fives nnd friends are lnvlteil to cull Thurs
day ecnlng from II to 7 o'clock nt parents
residence, IJcrouse avenue, Delalr, N. J. In
terment nt conwnlonco of the family.
UHOII. On April 12. 101S, DOHOTIIKA
KKOII (neo llergmnnn), wife or the hite
Hrnst Kroh, In his Hutli ear, Ilelatlves and
friends are Invited to intend tho runerul nur
lieB, on ThursJay afternoon, in 2 o'clock, nt
the residence of hir son, August Kroh, 74tn
Illslng Kun uve., fax Clmso Interment pri
vate, Greenmount Cemetery.
MAHOUKT. At National Soldiers' Home,
Drle, Pa., on April 11. 1U15, IIOKACU M.
MAHQL'KT, aged W sears. Ilelatlves and
friends, ulso Ueuernl Oeorge Q. Meade Post.
U. A. It., aro Invited to uttend the funeral
services on Thursday, nt 2 p. m,, ut the.
apartments of Oliver II. Uulr, 1820 Chestnut
street. Philadelphia. Interment at Leverlng
ton Cemetery.
HINGW.Ur. On April 13, 1015, at her lata
resldenco In Dovvnlngtown, I'u., JANE KUOK
ltlNUWALT. daughter of the late Colonel
Samuel ana Anna raruo iuiikwuk. jvciuvives
and friends nre Invited to attend the runerul
eervlces on rrlday, , April in, nt 2 o'clock
p. m. Interment will take place nt tho con
venience of tho family.
BEI.I.KKH. On Fourth Month 13th. 1015,
HAMUi;i.. hueunnd of Mary C Sellers. ugd
MS j ears. Ilelatlves and frlenda aro Invited
to attend the funeral services, on Sixth-day,
lllth Inst., at 2 o'clock, at his Into residence,
State road, near West Chester pike. Upper
Darby, l'a. Interment private.
HTACIKII. At Palmyra, N. J., on April 12.
Hil5, WILLIAM KUIII son of tho lata
Theodoro II. Htucer and Annie Kuhl, In his
57th year. Hclutlvra nnd frlenda are In
vited to attend the funeral service on Thurs
day afternoon, ut 2 o'clock, from his lata
residence, 70U Morgan avenue. Train leaves
Market titreet Kerry. Philadelphia. 1.20. In
terment nt ronvenlence of the family. Friends
may call Wednesday evening, 7 to l o'clock.
BTHATTON. On Fourth Month 13th, 1DIS.
KM.uN TltA'l-vu, in ine uisi yeur 01 ner
age. Itelatlves and friends uro Invited, to
attend her funerul at the residence of her
granddaughter, Klma n. Marls, 44 East La
sex avenue, kansdovvne. Pa, on Fifth-day,
Fourth Month, 1.1th. 1015, at 2 30 p. rn. Media
and -VJth street trolk'ju will be met at
I.ansdovvne avenue.
nancj entitled "An Ordinance felectinr and
approprlatlnj a certain piece of ground, allu-
i;!L,.n b Second Ward, na a park and open
public place, for the health and enjoyment of
LI people," approved August 18, mi4.
nection l, The Select and Conimon tounclla
2iJ!" C.Uy.of Philadelphia do ordain: That
i?rS.lJon t. f an ordinance entitled "An Ordl-
"!"" 'electing nni appropriating a certain
piece of ground, altbnte In thn Second Ward,
ISj11 w.r'1 ""d open fcubllo place for the health
follows 8yn"nl "' "" WP'" "hlch rf1lU" '',
.."'i'lon 1. The Select nnd Common Councils
?. ',". l'y o Philadelphia do ordain: That
i2L..r,u and I" purauance of tho authority
vested In them by tho fourth section of an
J v" Assembly, aprroved May 13th, 1857, they
f. ",r"r .eeioci and appropriate tor para pur
ea, and for the health and enjoyment of
iSH. P'PPla. forever, a certain tract of ground
iV.n.?..'n. ,h Second Ward, and bounded and
aeacrlbedaa folloa. Ilealnnlng at a point on
iir"!h aid of christian street, nt tho dls-I-?Cw?.f
seyentr-nlne (710 feet nnd eight and
one-half (8W) inches eastward trom the east
aide or sixth street, thenca extending eastward
on anid christian street ona hundred nnd
twenty (120) f,c( lfn ttnd one-half (10i) Inchea
to a polnti thenca southn-ard two hundred and
thres (20.1) feot to a point In the north aldo of
Montrose street, at a distance of ono hundred
.N "ty-nlne (100) feet ona and one-quarter
ilVil Inchea eastward from the eaat slda of
sixth street, thence weetward along the north
Ida of Montrose street ona hundred nnd sav-
jni.cn uuj est three and one-quarter t.ivi
inchea to a point, thenca northward nfty-nve
I..3) feet to n point, thenco westward three
13) feet nine (flj inchea to a lolnt, thence
northward six (ill feet to a point, thence west
ward eleven ill) feet one-quarter l Inch to
point, and thence northward one hundred nnd
forty-seven (HTj feet to a point on the south
aide of Christian street nnd place of begin
ning, bo amended so as to read na follows
nectlfin 1 Tli, tj-i.M I....4 ,-n.niM f-minrlls
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain That
py virtue and In pursuance of the authority
vested In them by tho fourth section of an
Act of Assembly, approved Mav l.ltli, 1R.17,
tney do hereby select nnd npprorrlate. for park
purpoaea and for tho health and enjoyment of
tho people forever, a certain tract of ground
llng In the Bocond Ward, and bounded and
due M bed according to a aurvey thereof mode
"J" K- u'ch. Acting Surveyor and Hegulntor
of the Third District. January SI, 1015, n
follow a. lloslnnlng nt a point on the south
' of Christian aireot seventy-six i7d) feet
eight nnd ono-hnlf (Si) Inchea east of the
eaat side of Sixth street, thence extending
eastwsrdly along tho south aldo of Christian
street ono hundrod end tnrnty-thrca (12.1)
feet ten and one-half (to'i) Inches to a point:
thence southwardly two hundred nnd six (2U(1)
I eet eleven nnd nve.elghtha (11) Inches to n
point on the north aldo of Montroio aireot at
no dlstnnce of one hundred nnd sixty-one
jiuij leei two (3) inches enst of Sixth street;
thenco west along tho north side of Montrna-v
sirect ona hundred and nine (10 1) fet eleven
(II) Inches to n point at the dletnnc of llfti
ono CI) fret three i.ll ln hrs east of Sixth
street and the corner m a three (.1) foet vid.
alley: thence nor.hwardly along tho east sldo
or said alloy 1 11 a hue Inclutnnu 'he Me, ree
Snd th rtV InlnutPR In the uj.at lllift nt It ltnw
at right angles of Monlriio street nfty-nve
(.'5) feet no Inchea to a point, thenc wos.
imrauei nun Montrose street thico (3) feet
nlno pi) Inches to n point; thenco north en i
line Inclining one degree nnd thirty mlnulai
to the west of a line at right nngles to Mont
roso street six III) frit in Inches to a point .
thenco weal of n line parallel to Montrose
street six (fl) feet and three-olghtlis () Inch
to n point; thenca north on n line Inclining
nn drgreca and forty minutes nnd (lfty-slx
ecnnJa to tho enst of a line nt right nngles
to Montroeo street to ono hundred and fnrty
slx (14(1) feet seven and llve-elghlhs 7)
Inches tn the south sldo of Christian street
and place of beginning.
Approved this TOth day of March, A D. 1015.
No. M0. Mayor of Philadelphia.
Aif.2nD,HANcn TQtriioiuzBTTii
purchase of tiroperty bounded by Thlrty-aeo-2r.a..8tr'''.,'r
lsncnater avenue, Thirty-third
1"...""'' tnthhert atrest, aa a alts for nn
armory, nuthorlnng tho transfer of enld
property t me state of Pennsylvania, and
making an epproprlallon In pay for said lot
ot ground.
iiereaa. The Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia has appropriated money for thn erection
?iun.frmor.'olU!no National. Ouard of Penn
ff. nn.lJ.n. "'5 Cl,y. of Philadelphia awaiting
the purchase ol n site therefor: and
Whereas. Heioro state funds nre available
;lArtHil'.l.J2i.lrp0"' "fl? "' mul b Presented
to the Comnionwrslth. therefore.
Section 1. The. Select and Common Coun-lla
y.'-'l1.0, clLv.,f. Philadelphia do ordilm That
i',.5ri 8o1lcltor,.lp auihorlted nnd. dlreciel
tO examine fhA IHIa In II., In. nf ..ihih.1
bounded by Thlrty-second street. Lancaster
"l'HJ' .Thirty-third street and Cuthhert street;
and if he approves of the same, to cause a
i.hni!',fVfti1fc'!-0',J,la Propr,v .1 tho city of
Philadelphia. Tho price of said lot not to ex
eeil the sum of seventy-mc thouaind (7:.,000)
i?'S,.,.1i& T.,,1,iI nn. ,hp. elrement of the
lot described In See Hon !. the Mnvor of the
City la here by auihorlted and directed to con
vey the title of the same to the Btate 'if
I'enniyp anla for the erection of an armory
by thn stale for the use of n Cavalry nnd Kn
alncer Corns of the .National clunrd of the
Rtnlo or Pennavlvanla. In nccordsnre with
Atl ", Assernhiy npprnved .lulv 2.V mis.
Section 3. That the sum of seventy-lire thou
sand 5,010 ilollars bo nnd the same Is hereby
appropriated to Item at (h In the annum
appropriation to the Department of city Com
missioners, for the vear lllift. for the purchase
of tho lot authorised In Section 1.
approved inn aim uny or March. A. 1). 1015.
., ltUUOI.l'fl Mt.ANKl'lNllt'nO,
No. oil Mayorof J'hllndelphla
A!fu31.l,,"fANC'I T0 AUTlToiHUH TUP.
Philadelphia nnd Heading Hallway Company
to lay nnd mnlntnln n railroad siding or
track nil Noble street, west of Twelfth
".., in inr i ouriernin worn.
Section 1. Tho Hele.t and Common Councils
T; "JP.! '. nr Philadelphia do ordain- That
the Philadelphia and Heading Hallway Com
pany be. nnd Is hereby, nulhorUed to lay nnd
maintain n railroad track or siding from a
point of connection with their northernmost
track on Noble street, nbout two hundred nnd
sixty I2M) feet west of Twelfth street, nnd
running west for a distance of nbout one hun
dred and twenty USD) feet In front of, and
parallel to. tho property of the Kallmann Henl
Kstnto Coinpanv, on tho north side of Noble
street, ns shown on plnn on nie In the Depart
ment of Public Wnrkn (llureati of Surveys)
Provided Thnt the vnrk herein nuihorlaed
shall be done under the supervision nnd direc
tion of the Department of Public Works
(Hoard of Hlghwnv SuperMsors), nnd that said
siding shall lie removed upon the passage of
an ordlnnnce to Hint effect, without nnv ex
penee tn tin. City or Philadelphia, and without
nny recourso ror damage ngnlnst said I'ltj,
either propert). personal or otherwise, nnd
that the sum of flftv iM) dollnra shall nrst
bo mid Inm the Cltv Treasury tor the publi
cation or this ordinance
Section 2. ii Is hereby understood nnd ngreed
thnt neither tho purpnso nor Intent, nor the
mitigation of this nontrnct If and when ap
proved liv the Public Service Commission of
iho Commonwealth of Pennsvlinnln. Is such ns
tn impair or In am wise arret the exercise by
snld Commission of nny of tho powers vested
In It by the PuWIe .Service Company I.iw,
approved July 2ilth. mis. '
Approved this 1st rlfiv it Anrll. 1Q1
itunoi.PH HLANKENllI'ltn,
a,JlriyLilila"ei Phla,
Ich to erect and maintain a clock on the
sidewalk In front of hla property. 2380 North
Front street. . , .
Section 1 The Select and Common, Councils
ef the City of Philadelphia do ordalni That
permission tie hereby granted to Chas. Kranlch
to erect and maintain a clock on the sidewalk
In front of his property, fctrw Notth Front
street. The dial of said clock not to exceed
three feet In diameter, with base not exceeding
two feet, and shall be erected under tha super
vision and to the satisfaction of the Depart,
merit ot Publio Works, nnd shall lma nn other
advertisement other than tho name thereon,
nnd ahall .be removed nt any time upon thn
passage of an ordinance In jhnt effect I'lo
vlded. That said Chas. Kranich first nay tha
sum of fifty 150) dollars Into the City Treasury
for tha publication of ordinance.
Approved tha llth day of March, A. I). 1013.
lU'DOWlf lll.ANKK.NHt'H'l,
No. ROD. Ma.yor.of Philadelphia
appropriations to the various Ilureaus In tho
Bon, lumber, seventeen (171 dollars and thirty-
five (38) cants: John lAicaa A Co., Inc., paint.
cants queen
Departmenta of Publla Safety, Publli. Works.
'ubllc Health nnd Charities, Supplies, Hoard
of Itecreatlon City Commissioners, Clerka of
Councils, Civil Service Commission, Clerk of
Quarter Sessions, city Controller, Coroner,
I'rothonotnry, Hecelver of Taxes. Hoard of
Hevlslon of Taxes, Ilecorder of Heeds, and
Commissioners of the sinking Kind, for the
Jiar 1015. to pay bills ror labor, matcrlala
nnd supplies heretofore contracted ror nnd
The Select nnd Common Councils ot the City
or Philadelphia do ordain That the sum of
one hundred and twenty-six thousand two hun
dred nnd ten il2il,21U) dollars and eight itO
cents Lie. nint the snmn arc hereby made to the
...."' ""'"hos in ine uepnnmenis nt i-uono
Sstel), Public Works, Publio Health nnd
(.haritles, Supplies, Hoard of lleireatloii, City
Coiiimisslonern, Clerks of Councils, Civil Serv
ice, Commission, Clerk of Quarter Sessions,
V-ttV ControllSt. tVrnn.r. I'rnlhonnlarv Ite.
jelver or Taxes, Hoard of Hevlslon of Taxes,
Ilecorder of Deeds, nnd Commissioners of the
Sinking Fund, for the jear 1U15, to pay hills
rur labor, materials nnd supplies heretofore
lontraoted and delivered, U
ii:paiitmknt op puhmc hapbtv.
l)lHi:CTOIt'8 OFFICE!.
To . 'I'm I'd Century Auto Supply Co. re
rmT'",,,"11''" nni1 adjusting casing, tlilrt)-nlne
I nil dollars nnd nity (60) cents, W. K. Luiin
!iJI'..rc,Mrgln batteries, len ilO) dollnra and
r,,ILV""vri .l"',). cents, Adelphla Hotel Cu .
meals, slxly-thret; dtf) dollnra and rlxt-nvo
v.( cenl"i total, one hundred and thirteen
dollnra und eighty cents (Idl'l.sO).
7, f,""1" l': lana for December, 10H,
na follows Lieutenant lluward II. Lawson.
SSBJ.,UtV,l.r.?1 and .fifty (150) dollars. Street Ser
KS?l.iV.il."'?lJ! Wnimer, one hundred nnd slx
L..J .'i" dollars and seventy-tour (741 cents,
..iriC", """ Jnmes W tdlle. ono hundml
Sri..Blxtu,.,!n lI,, dollars and sevents-four (74)
f,?."1?' .Hl.r,'et Sergeant m, I. Fisher, one
2"""!' '' IWJ dollars. House Sergeant Hlchard
???.".' .?"'' hundred (Kun dollars, House Ser
5i.. ,l.t0'.1.m'1 i101"1- onn hundred ilUO) dollars;
.leaner, Mrs Florent.o Haves, twentv-tlve (251
ten (I) dollars and twenty (50) canlsi Queer
Co., surgical supplies, six (6) dollars; Smith
dollars and.nfty (5( cents; nobert Shoemaker
Co., medical supplies, aaventr (10) cental P.
.wt et K.V., ina, forty tu rents, irwin .
Megnrare A Co., paper, one hundred and sev
enty (170) dollars and ten (10) centsi Defender
I'hnto Supply Co, photo material, nity-flve t;Cj
dollars and forty-three (I'l) certs, Harvey n.
1'lerce Co , medical siippllrs, ihlriy-seven (.(7)
dollnra and thirty (M) eenlai Keystone Lubri
cating Co., grease, six 10) dollars nnd twenty
nto (25) ceiiie, Valentine BMnton Co., bentlne,
ninety-two U2) cents; Union Petroleum Co., oil,
ten (10) dollars and elity-iltc tin) cents F.lec
trie storage and llattrry Company, recharging
bnttery, saventyflve 175) cents, overland Motor
Co., wheel, twenlyone (21) dollsra, Jos. N
Hnellinburg, desks, ninety-ill o (U3) dollars,
Hrllllant Mfg. Co., street slana, ono hundred
and eight (I0S) dollars, (lenrgo Kyle, lime, sand
nnd cement, tan (lnv Hnitnrs nnd twelva (121
rents, A. W Hnrklna, painta and varnish, seven
fourteen thousand fire hundred nd flfty-nlna
dollars and nlnatr-ttro cent, H,K0.r,
r.T?iJ'.".m Jl' Whiting Motor. CAr Cotntmnrv
C'P'Ira to automobile, forty (40).dellarl fe. C.
'. M.cJlQi. rPalr In automobiles, naventy
nve 175) dollars) Cha. T. (Iroswith, removal
Sf..'",fM' ninety-three (Ml dellars; Km Bup
ply Company, repairing harness, alxteen (191
iloilara and live (,V) cents; Ona p.letator Cin
pany, repairs. to elerator, one hundred and
thirty-seven (137) dollars nnd rtre (5) cents;
herae-ahoelng na follows t Oeorge Haslett,
Ihlrty-slz t.id) dollsrs and nlnsty-flve s
cental Charles P Heiht. twenty-nine (SB) dol
Isrs and Dfty 150) centas David E. noark.
rMW ,8) dollars, and twenty five I25 cents,
William K Murphy, eighteen (ll dollara ami
seventy (70) lentaj Iavld neavey1! Hon, four,
teen ill) dollara and thirty-Ova (3,1) cents,
Henry J l)uby, seventeen (17) dollara and
nlnetv-Mve (10) cental fMlllvan Ilrethera. four
(J) dollara; Frank Orny, nrty-two (82) dotlaraj
Harry Carrlgan, flttyfour (54) dollara and
eUlitv-nve ia.1l renin ! Aleiander ilcliee.
twenty.one (jl) dollara. Henry W,,Puleh nl
Kvle. lumber, nineteen tlfli t'olfars nnd thirty- Kr"n,ri7ir iifr u.Y '' . ifi Tefit.e 4i'n i..V?J -
seven i:i7i ernts- rienrs Kvle idiitiiblnr ms rreuerick Hon Kat,. one ft) dollar, and twenty
feru'v two r2r)dollaCJ.rnd .lyt -X" wi; ,ShlT"si Vali.' . "
A. v llnrklim hin honk rt nil nitllfl. Ben . i"' .'" noilflrs and elghtr trO) ccntnl rnllH i
ft dinar. ancT rJrfy" (V?)" cent..''' l",t." lPV"'.!:' e?.".' Wsf'S' ArX,l,l2&;
TelcirriPh Jtr CaLIe in . ipiumnli nnnlcf. thr '?rN ,lnf' crnty-fli (7iM ceniaj German Dulljr
l,;.n.Fr"rnnd aSvinty Vr) dolFaa and nln5ly? i',!"rlr','",,li,t1r,'",f- ,V.WJ!ev,2i.,!,ft &V.V.'
ttlnM mm .... i.u.l .J. t-nH...n.n, . vm and nftv fMll renlst I'hllsde rthla Tsssblalt.
;ony, tnnnectlng range,
dollars and
llll 111 fm .1
..i,.h., n. """u. nironiH'ii .lames i; cicgg,
r.'Wi1""." ,li") ''"Ha" and twcnly-flve (2j)
ii?J -.A'!"rt J ."laden, clghlj-llve (Slj dol
,' aVi1h.tn'l"-"o is) 'ems. John B Mar
tin. ClghtV-IIV.l lft.11 .ti.llj.a nn.1 l...nl,.l,.
FKaan ,nMUT'
Uurs . From.
fpaturr Mi.M.Hotterdam
a-shar '"'',Yulla'
fS ...-.-,.-...
atackisn .....Iluelva
U . '!
..Fall. IK
.Mar, &
..Mar. S
..Mar, 10
.Mar, 13
. .11 Be. l.'l
'.aria lb,."-""' I!u,'va .,.,..Mar, 11
Uti ' "n .Valparaiso .;. Mar 1U
"diOam '..p,.,n',,!n ?!' S
;a . . -... .leniepooi ... .siar.o
onieiaa ... .
t.Illlo ... ,
. -Handeflord
Jt n
J",, Nassau
Calcutta ....
..Narvik ,.,
Shields .,',.
.Matanaaa ...
Liverpool ...
. .Amsterdam .
. London
Slenmshipa to leave
r Umtf
Mar. 80
..Mar. 31
. Apr. i
. . Ajsr. I
Apr S
. Apr J
Apr, 7
. Apr. 8
..Apr. 8
..Apr, b
. Apr. 10
. Apr. 10
Apr. 11
Apr IT
Aw l
Apr. IT
ground, with buildings und Improvements
(hereon, sltuuted In the Twenty-second Ward,
und tu place sumo under the custody und
control of tha Hoard of Hecreatlon.
Section 1. The Select and Common Councils
or tha City of Philadelphia do ordain: That
by virtue und In pursuance of the uuthorlty
lusted In them by tho fourth section of an
Act of Assembly upproved May IX 1WT, they
do select und uppruprlate for park und plu
ground purposes, und fur I In tieulth und en
joyment of tho peoplo forever, to wit; All
lluit certain lot or pleca of ground, with build-
in,, nn.t Imnroveinents thereon erectod. kit-
uutod In the Twenty-second Ward of the City
of fhlludelphia, 'and described aa follows :
Ueglnnlnc at a point 2 ft. 7 In. northwest
of tha northwest Hue of ilurtwetl lane, as
formerly laid duwn on tha City plan tlfiy
feet wide, which point la at the distance or
410 ft. 2 In. from the northeast aids of
ArdlHlvh .iiM.r. thenc, extendlnir nurth 50 de
gree 12 ralnuiea west tho dlstanco of 117 ft.
T In. to a point, thenca north 41) degress 38
minutes ease the distance of 207 ft. d. In.
to the westerly right-of-way. line of the Phila
delphia and Heading ltallruad. thenca extending
south 40 degrees 1 mlnula S3 seconds east
along the same 118 ft. 4 In. to u point; thenca
extending south SO degree 27 minute XI sec
ond west lad ft, 8H lii. to th rtrsl-mentloned
point und (due of beginning.
Sdotldu 11. That th Department of Publla
Works (Hoard of Hurioyore) be authorized and
directed to plac on th City Plan ua a
public park and playground so much of tho
property described In Sectlvn 1 as la not nuw
""He'etton1"' Th City Solicitor la hereby di
reeled to nla In th Court of Quarter Sessions,
on behalf of the city, a petition for th aa
seaament of damage, and setting forth therein
Iho ground herein selected and appropriated.
u,..ia. j ntia tTuct of ground bsreln da-
acrlbad Is hereby placed undsr th custody and
lontrol ot Ua Hoard of Hecreatlon. authorised
by th Act of Assembly approved Juna lltb,
1811. subject la suclt rules and regulation as
have ben or shall t from lime to lime
established by lbs said Board of Hecreatlon
for I bo car, management and maintenance of
siubllo playgrounds; and th aald Hoard la
reUy authorised and directed to Immediately
inter upon said prtmlse and take poaseasloo
'a!i 'ordinances or part of ordinances Incon
sistent herewith b and th huh ar hereby
r'ltnwova this 8th dsy of April. A. D. 1015,
No tU. Msyor of Philadelphia.
fir "ot balance ot loan for lb Hnprovemenl of
fiVulh Broad Btrest Flax, from th liursav)
Sf City Property, Department ol lutIlo Bf
tr to the bureau ef Illgbwayi, Department
".' ilXkfln Works.
Section 1. Th Selsct and Common Council
of th City ol Pblladlphla do proaln Thai
?L ?!(? Controller b authorlMd lo.tnak lb
..L...d ..mAp vis nAlan
appropriations to tho City Commissioner to
rav bills Incurred for children committed from
Philadelphia County to Industrlnl Schools.
nnd In thn f'ltv nVnOalt,.,, In nn.w .nnnar
ndvnncert In thn work of exterminating rsta.
section I The Select nnd Common Councils
of the City of Phllndolphla do nrduln Thnt
the sum of forty-nvo thousand seven hundred
and ten (45,710) ilollars nnd nrteen (15) cents
lie appropriated to the 1 epartinenls of City
Commissioner anil City Treasurer to pay bills
heretofore Incurred, vlx
To Item l'j. Children's Aid Society of Penn
sylvania, eight thousand lx hundred nnd nlno-ty-elght
(B.BOS) dollar and ten (10) centa; Tho
Pennsylvania Society to Protect Children from
9.r"J'l'. 'our thousund five hundred and ono
(4.501) dollar and nlnoty-slx (06) centa, Chil
dren's Bureau, ono hundred nnd ninety-four
(101) dnllnrB and ninety-three till) cents, Sey
nert Institution, Jlendnwbrook, Pa., nfty i5ti)
dollars nnd fourteen (II) rents. Home foi
Destitute Colored Children, seventy-three (7;i)
dollars and eighteen (1H) cents. Juvenile Ala
Society of Philadelphia, live thousand ono hun-
ureu ami seveniy-iour (5,1,4) dollars nun
I'lBhU-nve IM5) rents. The House of tha Good
Shepherd, one hundred nnd sixty-nine (100)
dollars and thirty-one (Ml) centa. St. Vlncent'a
Home, Twentieth nnd ltace streets, two thou
mnd six hundred nnd eleven (2,111) dollars and
flfty (,,0) cents; The St. John's Orphan Asylum,
three thousund two hundred and eighty-sevon
(1,287) dollara and twenty-three (1) centa,
Catholic Home for Destitute Children, two
thousand fuur hundred and four (2,401) dollnra
nnd slxty-iilne (till) centa. The Homo Mission
ary Socletv, three hundred nnd twentv-fniir
(.121) dollnra and forty-two 142) rents Hethel
Home, tieltenhum, Montgomery Cuuntv, pa.,
eight IS) dollars and eight -Mx (Ml) cents,
Young Women's I'nlon. four hundred and
twenty-eight (128) dollnra nnd rlghty-alx IMI)
cents. Hebrew Sheltering Home, six hundred
and lltty-fotir (C',1) dollara and ilghty-threo
tn) rents; -inninas ti. I'arris, cnier Probation
Orilcor, for care of two dependent children
committed by order of tne Court, one hundred
nnd forty-six (14(1) dollars. The Itobert WnuJ
Industrial ilotuo nnd Day Nursery for Colored
Hoys nnd Olrls, twenty-seven (27) dollar..
eastern Pennsylvania Stuln Institution for the
Feehle-Mlndtd and Cnllentlc. two hundred nni
seventy-nine (270) dollars nnd slxty-nve (t,5)
centa. keep of prisoners of Philadelphia Coun
ty In the Knstern Penitentiary, nine thousand
four hundred mid slxlv-four (11.41141 dollars nnd
six (0) cents. Pennsylvania Industrial lie
form a to ry, Huntingdon, Pa., two thousand ono
hundred and seven (2,107) dollurs and twentx
rtve (25) rents, total, forty thousand lv hun
dred nnd 'six (10. WW) ilollars und clghty-two
(82) cents.
To Item 0. To repay money advanced bv tha
Franklin National Hank In tho work for the
extermination of ruts (together with Interest
to March IS. 11116) ilia thousand tine hundred
and three (5,1(1.1) dollars and thlrtj -three CU)
cents: Provided. That 11 warrant r.ir thu
amount snail oe drawn only upon tho approval
ot the City Solicitor and city Controller.
Approved the 24th day of March. A D 1015.
No. 010. Mayor of Philadelphia.
erection and maintenance of u tomporar)
sewoga pumping station at or near Old York
road and SUty-ulnth avenuu north, und the
laying of the necessary outlet pipe In Haines
Birvni unu ugomz avenue, unu tu muiie nn
appropriation therefor.
v herein, A large section of territory north
of Oak 1-ann Is without sewage facilities, und
owing to adverse grade main sowers cannot
be built for some three or rour jeara to drum
said terrltory.thus preveulliig tho erection or
u large number of houses, which would pro
duce Increased taxes, therefore.
Section 1 The Select und Common Councils
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain Thai
Iho Department of Public Works be authorized
and directed to enter Into u contract for the
erection 01 a temporary aewago pumping ata
"ldjnproveirents to certain pollco and fire
orSM,0,.,.i'.1 ',',Vn?le.c,, W Common Council.
Ji'.'iiT ' !' "'Philadelphia do ordain Thnt
the Directory of tho Department or Public Safety
bo and he. Is hereby authorlied to niuko
repnii nnd niprovcmenia out of certain loan
iiioii.'v, ua rollows
llureati of Police Vnn atnbles, Hleienth nnd
liarton Htrreta. Sixteenth District. Thirty
ninth and Lninnster nvenuo; Tenth District.
I runkford nveiiuo rnd Masler sireet. 'Ihlr
teenth DUirlct, suh-slatlon. 471 Levering
street. Klrteenih District, Paul and llunn
sire.Ms. Thirtieth District. Front nml Weil
moreland streoin. nnd Twentieth District, 25.1
N. niieetith street sold reinliH to le paid
out of Item ltl (luani In the npproprlatloii to
snld Ilure.itt, und imi tn em erd In the nrgre
gnte tho uiiin of thirteen thousand seven bun
dle,: 1 l'l.TU'i) ilollnrs
Hiiriau of rire Hnglua Co, No. 2,1, Seventh
nlmvo Norrls itreet, und I'.nglnti Co. No. 41
21111 .Mm kot stieet, to ereot a new building for
l;nclne t'o No. II. Montirnmuiv ninnin i.ln...
Olrard nvenuo, to convert the building owned
I.) the cm ut Oak Lane (formerly thn Oak
I. unn Cimlno) into it lire Million nnd to con
vert tho old Thirty-fifth District Police Sta
tion nt Olncy. un old Mcmnd street pike, Into a
fire station, said rcrnlra and Improvements! to
be hargel against Item Its) itnim) In the 1111
mini appropriation to raid lliiicnii, mid not to
0x1 eed In the nggregnte the sum of rorty-tlve
thousand five liuudred (15.500) dollars.
HllrcJUS III Police nnd Kilo TIih 1 otulilnntlnn
lollee patrol and tiro station nt Slxtv -llrst and
Ihonipsnn streets, said repulrs not to exceed In
the nKxrcgute tho mini of nine thousand three
hunrrcd (U,."tO) dollars, nml In In charged
agnlnit tho uinn loan Item 1. one-third to bo
churged off iiKulmt the Hiireuu or Fire and
two-ihlrls agulnit the Hurcaii or Police.
Approvad the lull i!av or Apill, A l) 1015.
No 022. Mavor or Philadelphia.
purtment of Public Works to rcqulto owners
or property nbiittlng on both side of Wvom
Ing avenue, front Fifth tn MuscIht street and
on Anderson siicet. from (Junius tn Sedgtvlik
street, to set curbs und lay rootwav pave
ments. Section 1. Tho Seloct and Common Councils
nr tho Cltv or Philadelphia do ordnlii That
the Department uf Piibllu Work be directed to
iciiulro owners of properly abutting nn both
"Wis el Yvjumlng avenuo. from Fifth to
Mnsi'her stieet. nn,l mi Aiitler.nn .iruni r,nn,
(lorgaa to Sedgwick street, to set curbs and
lav foolwu) iiuvcincnts, ami If the said owners
of propcrtv shall full to lav such fooiwuvu un.l
set i.urb, us reunited, utter twenty davs' pre
vious iioiUl, In wrlilng 11,1111 thn Deiurtniciit
or t'uldli' Works In dn the said work, the said
Department la hcrebv directed to cause said
work tu bu done, thu cost tin rent to be us
scsred upon the prupertj uf siuh owners so In
Approved the llth day or March. A. D. tins
No. Sl'1 Mttor uf Phllddolpliln.
ill approprlnllon uf fifteen thourund (15,000)
dolliirH tn tho Department of Public Health
uu'i iiiiruit's miviiru tue reucr or tnu unem-
t-,U Ceills. 1'li.irlna t. IA.. -i.i.,...n. .; .u-..
n.'i"1?. "d 'wenty-tlve 12.D .euts, Win. cl
li1l',h., ! -tw (82) dollars and lUtcen (15)
ii.Vi .f,"nI,JE.A. Ho""' eluhll-two (82) dollars
ill,. nt,,""n ) cents. Herman A. Kohn. Jr.,
InV'"1.'!".!,,1""' dollars and sevent) -Ilvo 175)
li? na"""m I:' '-""Ii. "lxi-ntno (tliil dol-
1 .i . . -r""i ",,w no) tenii
.i"..i.. sis.iy.nn (mi) dollara ami seventy-live
a!. (,-'""', w"l'aiii Mechlin, alxty-nlne ni)
H, ",ni soventj-nve (7.1) cents, . lames I).
17V. -,,1t,;!, " ,,!", 'lollaiH and seventy-live
li'-i a iVi! Ldwnrd P Frraman, forty-seven
()i dollars mid twentv-nw, ilmi ,.i,i. i.e.ir.i
f.iri jouii
Kllll' lltlll .Inll .Ku ..., -
,"-, " .: "..V ..""..."..".a I.IIU BDI tilt. -II, W
Vol.en.IS'. u,,llt,r ' White, slxty-nlno (IS))
lift i U,.'it.5""'-,.,.'.f ("" CCI""' Hobert 1-3.
riViV,!.. nfnt):.1l0 ,-il) centa, Harry llain.se.
!". "i"t'.lle '-?' ""'" '' Hurvvell. two
t.'.-i"11"" "nd twetity-flvo i25) cents, Charles
." '-' "oiniri. nun twentv -Ilvo l.n)
and wl ?",r;' ". McManus. two (2) dol ?i
!'" WTVi'10 t-''enta. Robert P Witters.
-.--' .,, .j.iniiin, ur. . v..
JV. .iii "."" 'V du "" "r'.."- " Custer, three
.... -".-. ,. 1. Luis, len 110) iloilara,
Chss p "ii1,1,.1 Mlntiz' ft.t,e?" ,lr'? dul'ars; Dr
t-iias. r. Jlussell, Jr. twelve (12) dollars; Dr
1 .'JJ1' Ai Nt'l'of.d' l,lno dollars. Dr It. II
(loode,rm."r''Mi(1il,ii,,ollaV"' l,r- w!" "arraVr
tiood. rour (1) dollars, Dr Hen) !.. (lordon
forty-fi,rdC1,.1l,ra' , ,, "V ""r-n IlJSk:
rorty-rour ill) dol urn, Dr. II. H. Freuiul
n(Aij -imir iihi iiuimrK. iir t i i ... i
rdm;").J,."f,i,l,r, ,7,) .'lol"f: r. Oeo. C lliii is
I i1?1 i",r ,."!"rr.,ll, J- '-'vls. seven
dollar, nr f Jfi"if- KKa"' e'Klily-! (Sll)
"' ". niiiuii, tine nni tirnii mui
IlirfU I III. I ,lrill,i.
.ftV ,-sr, is1, .?&. .
"'"'y '-' .dollars Dr. Charles lj. Hrlck".'
li) d1lor0l?r8'r ',!" ,Jri,.rl WellaiiljttvelVo
(I?) 'lollar. Dr. J. 1 1:1 inger. 0110 (I) dollar:
11 1 ii..?,.u.rfl,Jr. "lx. ("). dollara, Dr. Char.
... -. .ui urui iv ,' UOIIflrH I)r Sflmnnl
Mi'Clitrj. six (ii) dollurs. Dr. Luula c' VatTlsr
ten Jllii dollars, Dr. John Wo 1.111 akoi' id 1I1I
hundred ."d thirteen 2l.l)loihV, D'r. Chi."
.K,J,rfc...fu.1:. '!. '!?""ra.i Ur
i I............
... - I UHVIB
ii..i.i'ii .1" "lrl" "" do lurs. Dr. Jos. A.
Ilulntllle, three ill dollait. Dr c a Del
orney, t wem -on (21) do lars l)f W F
d narr"s0"vSrr ."""Orca ,n.i I t i "en y-.e' en ("iSTJ
nfLVn ii?Hr"i' u "" f0 lo"" ' J. Hnllaglier,
-viH.ii 1 mi oonurd ami
11 ,i,i,i ..,,
elxty-mo (ti.1) cents
iwentj-llte (2.1) dollar, uml ihifti-t Isiii i-tsi
iriv1" ,.,"',"?. .W- Char ch tyit,nore.
Hon at or near Old York road and Sixty-ninth
uvenuo north, on ground to be leased by tha
said Department, and tha laying ot th neces
sary outlet pipes from said pumping station to
llalnes street. In llalne strict to Ogonlz ave
nue, and In pgontx avenuo to L'helten avenue.
Section 2. That Ibe turn of thirty thousand
(3O.O0O) dollara be und the sum Is heroby up
proprlattd In Item 2.1 in thir annual uppniprlu
lion to the. Department of Public Works,
Uureuu of Hurvev. 10 pay for Ilia erection of
said temporary pumping station, thu laying nt
outlet pipes, etc., und tha maintenance uf the
sume, until such thnt us the necessary main
aaweia may be lonatruited to rcielva the
Approved thn 10th day of March, A, D 1013.
, , HUDOLPfl ULANKNliuuu.
No. 002. Mayor of Philadelphia.
lUSritt. fo?ny7mpVr,0v.BSfB1no7 JSRoli
Street riass
feuMl Vbla. In th Bureau of Cliy Property,
?.,ref:.i.iT.. UuhlLo Safstv to Item 111.
DurJJvi it HUhwayi, Oepartmot at Putllu
NC Si. Mayer t4 PUkdaWjla-
ul appropriation or fifty thousand (50,000) dol
lar to tha Department of Publio Health und
Charities toward tho relief or the unem
plo id.
bectlon 1. The Select and Common Council
of th City of Philadelphia ao ordain' That
tho sum of fifty thousand (50.0001 dollar. t.
appropriated to Item 4, tuward thn relief of the
unemployed poor of th City of Philadelphia,
tn the annual appropriation to tba Department
of Publio Health and Charities (Director's Of.
lies), for tho year 1010.
Tha auld amount to be expended for suih
purpose by tba Department uf Publio Health
und Charltle through th Emergency Aid
Committee, and b paid by th City Treuaurer
on warrant drawn by tha Director of the De
partment and countersigned by the city Con
Philadelphia, Man h 10, 1013
This I to certify that the ordinance entitled
"An Ordlnantu tu make an additional appro
priation of Hfty thousund (50,000) ilollars tu tba
Department uf Public Health and Charltle
toward lb rsllei of th unemployed," was
resented to tha Mayor on thu 0th day of
larch. 1815. and was not returned lu Council
ut a meeting held March IN, IU13 (being more
lhan ten day after It had been presented to
Wherefore, In purauance of the provision of
th Act of Assembly approved Muy ), 1874,
dividing th cltiea or the State Into tbra
classes, etc. It become u efftctlve u If th
Mayor had aigued It.
No. 003. Chief Clerk of Common Council.
nrlatlon to tha City Commlisloners to rsluv
burs Usnlamm II. Henabaw, for hla services
aa Coalmining Magistral at the Central
Section 1. Th Select and Common Council
of the Cltv of Philadelphia do ordain: That
mcLU'Eini nunur.u .nil in nv.
dollar and ninety-nine vo) centa
th sum of twenty-eight hundred and thirty
on U.BBI1
b ar
Ram :
b and th aara I hereby appropriated to
n.m -in tf.l In Ih senu.l anrrourlailon to ih.
City Commissioners, lor Ih year 11H5. to relm
burse Benjamin II, Itenahaw for srvlcea a
Committing Magistrate at th Central Station,
from January 18. foil, to March 8. IUI3.
Approved th 7th day of April. A. I). IMS.
No. 23. Mayor ol Philadelphia
vlaton of grade tn territory bounded by
Torrdal avenu. Tulip street, Lvk'k atreel
and Davereiux atrcat.
Section 1. TU Seloct and common Council
of th CHy of Philadelphia do ordain Thai
th Department ot publio Worka (Board or
Surveyors) be autboriied ia revise lb grades
in territory boundid by Torresdal avenue, iu-
tip street. LfvUk stmt and Dvtreu street.
W IVIH Y Hi Hsrvn A J.. II
IVLUUlflt Ut 4HM.Si Kli,
Approvid 1
No. to:.
10th day ot March A D 1 01a
,1'lt Ul AKKINgi Kl
Major ui lUUitifhU.
lection I The Select nnd Common Cnunriu
of tint City of Philadelphia do ordain That
the sum of IHIeeii thousand (13,000) dollars ba
appropriated to Item 4, towurd tho relief of th
unemployed poor of the City of Philadelphia. In
the annual appropriation to the Department of
Public Health und Charities (Director's Of.
flco), for tho year IIH.1.
Thu auld 11 mount to bo expended for such
purpose by the Department uf Public Health
und Charltlru thiough the Emergency Aid
Committee, und bo paid by the City Treasurer
on wnrrnnts drawn by tho Director of said
Department nnd vnunterslgned by the City
Controller. Provided bill heretofore contracted
muy be uld out of this appropriation.
Approved the 12th day of Miirch, A. D. 1013.
NoJKM MuvorofPlilhtdeIphla.
reeling the Hoard of Heireatlon to Immedi
ately enter upon and take possession of the
plot of ground hounded hy Twenty-sixth,
Twenty-stivemh. Morris and Moore streets.
In the Thirty-sixth Wnrd. selected and ap
rroprlated for park and playground pur
poaea and for the health nnd enjoyment of
tho people forever, under ordluunto ap
proved July 2iith. lull. Whereas. The Select
and Common Councils of the City ot Phila
delphia, by oruinuncu approver 111 utn uay
of July, lot I. selected nnd appropriated for
fiark und pluvgroutid purposes und for th
lealth und rnjovment of tha people, all that
certain lot or pleie of ground situate In iho
Thirty-sixth Ward of tho City of Philadel
phia, bounded by Twrnty-slxlh. Twentv -seventh,
Morris and Moore streets, und utsu
did ordain that ua soon us the City shall be
come legally possessed or the tract of
ground herein ikscrlbeil. said tract shall bo
Iiiaceil linuer 1110 .-uiurui ut 111a siauru o
Section 1. The Select und Common Counclla
of the City "f Philadelphia do ordain That
tho Hoard of lleireatloii be, und Ihev hereby
aro authorized und directed to Immediately
enter upon and tuka possession of suld lot or
Piece of ground situate In tha Thirty-sixth
Ward of trie City of Philadelphia, bounded bv
Twenty-sixth. Twenty-seventh, Murrls and
MAPProved'lhl's 23th day or Marth. A. D. 1013.
No. OOT Mayor of Philadelphia.
tie of S. Lewis X.legler, Director of tho Da
lartment of Publio Health and Charities and
Frank K Northline, Assistant Director of
ih. ivetutrtment of Publio Works, and tn
enter satisfaction on tho official bond of
Richard 11 Hurt, lata Director of tha Do
partment of Publio Health and Charities, and
of William C. Htdr, lat Assistant Direc
tor of th Department of Publio Works
Section 1. The Select and Common Counclla
of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That
th Fidelity and Deposit Company of Haiti,
mura. Mil., b and la hereby upproved aa tha
surety of H I.o Is Zlegler. Director of th
Department of Public Health and Charltlea, In
Ih sum of twenty-rtvs thousand 125.000) dol
lara. for the faithful performance of hi du
ties: and that the t'nlied State Fidelity and
tiuarunty v.unij'.iu mi,i,i,uiv, mu., us ana
It Is hereby approved , the surety 011 tha of.
nclat bond of Frank E Norlhlmv, Assistant DI.
rector of Ih Department of Publio Works, to
th sum of ten thousand (10.000) dollsrs. for
th faithful performance, of his duties.
Section 2. That the city Solicitor b. and he
1. h.rehv authorized und directed, to .m..
satisfaction on tha official bond of Richard
II. Harts, late Director of the Department of
Publla Health and Charltle. and William C
Kueder. iat Assistant Dlreitor of the Depart
ment ot Publla Works Provided, The city
Controller shall certify that the account of Ih
aald Richard II. Hart and William C. lleeder
hav been audited and settled and Iber Is no
Approved the 24th day of March A. p. 1013.
No. 918. Maor of Philadelphia.
prlatlon to th Commissioner of Falrmount
Park, mad by ordinance approved January
Section 1 Th Select and Common Council
of th City of Philadelphia do ordalni That
th sum of two hundred thousand (200.000) dol
lara appropriated to tha Commissioners of
Falrmount Park for Improvement la Fair
mount Park by Item ltd In the ordinance ap
proved January 23. 1013. making appropriation
out ot lb eleven million three hundred thou
(and (11.300.000) dollar loan authorljsd by th
ordinance approved Jnuay T 1915, la hereby
Jillolted a follow For drives, walk and
awn, on hundred thousand (100.000) dollars,
for Lontlnuloj iinr wall and construction or
other water-front Improvement, on hundred
tnouaand (too 000) dollar
Approvad th 22 1 day of Daren A L. 1913,
No. li. Major a PrulavUlnMa.
$" do!ra.a,un!iI,,,c''"!,6,J -,,,'; yx?l'
0.rn',,""rlr,'.n ,laU'" l:i) and eighty (Wl
g-V. ' inir,fe '13) (lollurti uml avtntv.fiu
Pierce, ten (loi ,lnii,u i. T "...'.. H'.!lr'"' .'
Ar Sft'M ,lar an"j
X igltWiZ ,'sfe, . s.n,i:'red,"vnv0h.',,)
Wng horse, flvo (3) dollars. Meal. i.U
22s SSS,!!
Mers. one (I) do iardl''T'vr'. ''.;
iK'',, "V'''""'"-. t!venn.'y.,ntHm(2.l!le..e,r.
;..;...'. "S'.V..' "'.." dollar und nrtv mu
u 1 u nn f . ;
--IB, rfliP, lUilliV. jUIIPW ail,
and sevent-llvo (73) cen u i"lvvon.i 1 r""
thlrty-one (31) dollara nnd hlr?y-th'ree rai
centa, Mrs. Eckhardt. seventeen im ai(.',J'
nnd twentj-nvo (23) cents 11 li'tH?1.
three (.1) Jollurs und sevemy., 've iTIl'rSn'i.":
Thomas Denton, twenty-one i"i .i.IiiL1"" "J
.event) -dv e (73)' cents. Hurry Danl. on.".ti
?.V''',.r. anJ. .,.Vn..?:' .cnt.1nH. V"d ,'n V
lurs and flfiy (30) cuts v ' w ?,:'... ''"I
four liundreif and IwenTy-four i4-'i 0ri'biKS
und twenty-live 2.i) ,.",; iLJ-y'L "Jellar
as followa Conii Uro. ... .rJ ?f horaes
forty (510? doll?s" f"j; nfloVb6.r,',un;lrPrt ,an"
dreif and twenty-five (223) noH.f: 'f0, ""iV
dollars, 'nioma c. Sloan i2 ?rff (S"7f
dollurs. Ilarlntr Ourage .loraae f or "SS (2,'
(il) dollara. John EgSn s nra!e of ..V.,n' "lx
hundred und lwnly"ag i"Sh diia,u.10' .V",1?
Telephone Co.. tolephono aer" ce hree him"
dred and s xty-elght l.'lil.S) iioii.r. .f ?. 1Un"
four (III) cenll. Western Union Telegranh"?"
telegraph service, three hundred n na . .
W.rr'''n,orVe,.hSr' "$$&'
out. hundred and sixteen (110) dollar" Lna.''
tee,, (13) cent. Frank J oVay. rlri.rfv.di5a;
dollara: Thomas J. Woods, nfty-ioyVn Siti i'S'
lars and rtve (3) centa. Jos.ni e,W..'0.T) d.'-
noih:( ",s,.dro,i?a, ,,', "?" V i ?KJ
fv..; . .'."..";. '.'-'
Ihlrty-rtvo (33) cent; dharlei hiVniT. '" and
170) dollars and twenty (20) cent.'- iVm.n,y
Speers. nlsty-nv 1(13) ibllar, ","'," ii," ""'
r,,rl v. ulna IJI11 .IaIi.. ..Ii."'"' Jonn Kletber.
Pdw 'C Nihtlinger: fottV' BS V'ffl. '
'Wr'r." .!! 5W' SllchaeriVen'ori?.,","'
uui urn nnri tuani.. . . --".'
nrlu... ..'..:.
fflKtV-llx ifeiii
;--- T.. iV-i.-'- ."l iwrniy
vriiia, dUl it IICIU, Jr.. r0rIV'B41ari JTt i-.ii"
and lifty (50) centa. John f Da?', th, I01 ?,,',?
?'lara .""o Ay 0) cms jjj! .h'" 'i :'
.1" " In" "'(."onars, jamea H, Roberts Tiiirii,
I la,0) dollars and satenty 170) ceni. IBS
Curbett. ninety (isji dollar John 11 ?i.,h.n
;lxty-nv. (113, doflar andJnn'l."i.')VCrV1,.r'
Lav Is C. lhomuson. .l,M.,,i..' .V.T.1 .r.nl
. fliVk.L i.T...1""' uonara
and twenty (20) rent
died and, forty '(Ho dollar.,' J ' Alex Ireland
!.V. 1'.u!.,dr!"1 nd Htty-ssven (237) dollar, a ,,
.n illll
llfl).lo (52) cents. C, llu'lierf A Co, oil.
thirty-nine (!i0) dollars nnd thirty-one (Jl)
lentn: spruce street onrsge. atornge uf auto.
ritreii tin) dollars; John llaworlh av Co.. pnoto
siippllie, one hundred and elxtj'-ouo (lull dol
lsrs and ninety-seven l7) cents Century Auto
Supply Co, demountable rim, four (4) dollar
und (ifly (50) cen(s. Cnrfarj nnd expenies for
Nnvemlar and December. 11)11 William, h.
Asher. two (2) dollatn and len ttO) centa; Ld
Agnew, twenty-live (2.1) dollara and twenty (201
tents Thetn.. Hover, roiietren llll ilollsr. and
nlnetv (HO) cents, John Herrett. fourteen tl4)
dollars nnd llfty (30) centa, Andrew Render, ten
(Hi) dollars and thirty-six CW) rents, Charles
Hcckmnn, eleven (II) dollar! and clghty-nlno
ifli) cents. Jni-ob Hlallaii, ten (ID) dollars nnd
forty-five (4.1) tents. Oecar Hrown, twelve (12)
uoiinrs nun tweniy-uve (o, cents, urorge iwn,
thirteen (13) dollara and llfty (50) cents, Wil
liam Helehaw, sixteen (ID) dollars nnd fifty
(50) cents. William Hunting, fourteen (ID dol
lara and seventy (70) (.ents, William Hrown.
ten ill)) dollsra and slxty-rour (tM) cents, Wil
liam Hover, ono (1) dollar nnd seventy dO)
rents. Dorrunco Poor, ten (10) dollars and four
(I) cents, (leorge llnuswlnr, two (2) dollsrs and
slxl) (HO) cents, John Harron, eleven ill) dol
lars nml fifty (M)) cents; William Harry, thir
teen 1 1.1) dollars nnd twenty-live 12.1) cents;
Chnrlf linker, ten (10) dollars and fifty 50)
rente. Prank lltirkr, Ilvo (5) dollars nnd fitly
live (53) rente. Walter Ilrnnvvell. eleven (II)
dollars nnd fllty-alx (.101 cents. Thompson Hlnck,
three (3) dollnra nnd trn lid) certs. John Corry,
rourtren (14) dollar nnd (trty-nvo (3,1) cents,
Vincent C'unerf, eight (8) ilollnrs nnd twenty-nve
(2.1) rents, Harry Cave, sixteen Hill dollar nnd
twenty-nve (23) cents, William Callahan, four
(I) di liars nnd forts -one (41) cento, John Cree
den, ten (10) dollars nnd ten (1(1) cents. .Matthew
Clnra, nrteen 113) dollars nnd ninety-five (0.1)
ernin, John Ciirnin, thirteen ll.'l) dollars and
ten (10) cents, Harry Cope, eleven (11) dol
lara nnd eighty IS") cents John Crook, four
teen (14) dollars nnd sixty (00) cents, John
Clifton, nine (U) dollars nnd Blxty-slx HID I
rents. Waller Cook, eight (R) dollars and
thirty-live CIS) cents, James Clegg, eleven (II)
dollars nnd eighty 18O) ecu. John Celln, flvo
11) ilollnrs and slxly (00) cents, Jacob IXiur
1111111. eleven III) dollnra and sixty (Ul) rents;
Dsnlcl Dornnch. ten (10, collars and twenty
12H) rents, Robert Dunbar, ten I Hi) dollars
un.l three 1.1) tenia. D. M. Dnvls. twelve (12)
dollar and elghly (80) centa, Joseph Dougless,
eleven ill) dollurs and lite (5) cents. Karl
De.ine. eleven llll dollar, unit elelilv-four HI
rents. Joseph Derv'n. fourteen (llj ilollnrs and
eighty-two (82) rents. Fred Dark, nix 10) dol
lars and seveutv-llvc (75) rents, Andrew Dnut,
fourteen iH) dollars and forty-live (45) cents,
ThomaH Earnest, eleven (11) dollnrs and forty
HU) cents, William Esher, sixteen (II!) dollurs,
William iniald. twelve (12) dollars und elghty
tlirvn (SI) cent.; William Knglr, nva (.1) dol
lars and ninety-five (03) rents, Andrew Em
manuel twenty-three (23) dollars and seventy
live (7.V) cents Edward Parmer, seven (7) dol
lars and llfteen (15) rents. lloraLn Fcsmlrc.
(litem (1.1) dollar and sixty (00) rents, Robert
Frnnu, three (.1) dollsra nnd thirty (!')) cents;
Paler Plnn, threo (.1) dollars nnd nity-elght
(.18, cents: Thomas Foster, twelve (121 dollara
und forlv-nve (45) cents, Edward Farroll,
rourtren (14) dollars and tlfty-Ilvo (5,1) cents;
Samuel Pord, eight (8) dollars and Ilvo (3)
nuts. Harry Franklin, twenty-live (25) dollara
and twenly (2ii) lents: Frederick Frunk, four
14) dollata nnd forty-live (43) cents, William
Fisher, twelvo (12) dollars and forty (40) cents,
Thomas Flttgerald, four (4) dollars und seventy-two
(72) cents. K. 11. Oulllirord, two (2)
dollern and six ((I) centa; William Gleason,
seven d) dollars. Jerry (leonnoltl, nrteen (15)
dollars and rorty (10) rents; Harry Ureby.
twtlve (12) dollars. William (Ireen, twelve (12)
dollars and forty-llvo (45) cents. Charles Urlm,
plgnt 18) dollurs and seventy (70) cents; Ralph
Hold, eleven (II) ilollars and seventy-live (73)
cents; (leorge Olbson, eleven (II) dollara
und llfty (50) crnlu: Charles Gallagher, six
til) dollara and nflv-thrce (5.1) cents, John P.
Oerz, eighteen (181 dollars and sixty-five
(Uj) cents: Jacob llomborruw. three ill) dol
lars and llfty-llvo (53) cents Chas. Ilannum.
nine IUI dollar and seventy-live (73) rents.
Emmclt Hammond, nine (U) dollara and forty
live (45) cants; John Hanlon, ilvo (5) dollars
nnd elghtj-nve (83) cents John llolton. een
Ii) dollurs and twenty (20) cents, Franklin
Hodge, twelve (12) dollnrs and thlrty-tlvo CIS)
rents. Ralph Hanson, eight 18) dollara and
thlrty-flve cin) rents, Clajtnn Illll. ton HO) d"l-
mrs nnu iwcwj-iour uu cents. A ml row Ham
ilton, four 14) dollars and Mfty 50) rents;
Samuel Hitlnes, eight (8) dollnts and Hfteen
(151 cents. William Isaac, fifteen ,13) ilollnrs
and elghtj-llvo (8.1) rents, James Jerdon, two
2) dollurs und nlnetv-llvn m.1, r,nii vvillinm
Jefferies five (5) dollars and thlrty-nve i.'IS)
cents, Churlra Jackson, twelve (12) dollars
und eighty (80) conts. John Jones, one (I)
dollar and twenty-eight (28) centa, Michael
Ivculune, eight (8) dollars nnd tony (10) cents.
Charles Klott, twelve (12) dollurs and twenly
1 20) cents. Michael Kearse. twelve 112) dollars
and eighty-live (85) cents. Frunk Klnslej. thlr
tooi, 1 1.1) dollar nnd tltty-llve (.1.1) cen(s, An
drew Knox, twolvo (121 dollars and ten (10)
rents, Thomas Kennedy, sixteen (HI) dollars
and nfteen (13) lents, James Kevs. twelve
(12) dollars nnd twenty-three (2.1) rents, Harry
Klein one (I) dollar and rorty HO) rents.
Herbert Krontz. two (2) dollars and eighteen
(18) cents William ltwson. fourteen ill, mm.
Ioth und fortv-tlvo (43) rents. We.lv t.v.na
eleven (II) dollars on- thlrty-flve CI3) rents,
Edvvurd Lynch, eleven (II) dollars and thirty
i3d) ienta, Frank lavvvrenre. sixteen (lfl) dol
htrs and nrteen (1,1) rents, James Lazelle,
twelve 112) dollars and eighty. live (83) rent;
Martin Lyford. thirteen (l.i) dollar mid thirty
CIO) cents: William 'McCorkle. eleven ill) dol
lar and forty (III) cents. Dennis Martin, four
teen 111) dollsra nnd rortv-slx (411) cents. Win
McLaughlin eight (8) dollars and sevensy (70)
runts; Charles McUlnty. seven 17) dollara nnd
riiro-llve 1431 cen(. Joseph Mellon, twelve
112) dollara nnd IKtv (50) ienta. Thomas sic
Furland. nrteen (15) dollnrs and forty-ilva (151
rent. William Mjers. ten (10) dollars mid
sixty (dO) cents Jnmes .Madison, three Ul
dollars and vlghty-slx (801 lents; Put Id Mc
lleth. twenty-nln (20) dollars nnd five (5)
cenla. Jnmes Mulgrew. eighteen (IS) dollara
nnd seventy-nve (73) cents; Charles McDowell,
ten (Id) dollars and slxty-tlvn (6.1) cents
Thos. Mcl'urland, seventee-, 117) dollar snd
11-11 ,ti' iviua. aunii aiauony, tmrteen (1.1)
dollars and eaventy-ilvo 175) cents: William
Mahony. twelvo (12) dollnrs nnd nlnety-nvi!
,111 p,,nll l,lh. KIll,nllAH . -. .."' ..'.?
...... KL..., .tuiiii ,,,,., it. luiiiiecn im
dollnra ami rortv-itvo ,41) cents, James Ma.
neely. fourteen (14) dollara and fifteen (15)
ienta. Joseph McOInn, eleven (II) dollara and
elghty-tlvn (83) cents, Thomas McCullouch
thirteen il.ll dollars and elghty-nve 183) centa:
August Mcralls. elihty-slx (8rt) cents. Charlea
McCullough. threo (1) dollara and twenty (20)
rents; Jnmea O llaru, nlno 10) dollara and
forty (10) cents. Daniel O'Nell. Iwelv (12)
dollars and llfly (50) cents; JameS' O'Hrlen
fourteen (II) dollars and twenty i!V)i" cents
Joseph Oleynlczak. twelve (12) dollars T and
.evenlj-nve 173) rent. Jarob Patterson, eleven
ill) dnllari nnd seventy l7m rents, Jamea l'rra
lon. six id) dollara nnd thlrD-nue (31) cents
William Pntteraon. eight 8 dollar and nlnetv -nv
Hi.', cents. Thomas Pendergust. fourteen
,11) dollars and tmy-nvo i33) cents w ! am
Pens) I. seven (71 dollara and forty (40) cents
charlea Palnm. ten (10 ilollars and oevsriiy
(70) rents, Alex. Ritchie, twelve (12) dollara
and thirty (30, centa. Philip Hoseboro snven
(7) r-ollara nnd elghty-nve (S3) .epts Jnmes
Richardson, twelve (12) dollars nnd thirty (30)
cents. Robert llellly. twelve 2) dollars and
nlnet) lt'0) rents llnrry Rich, thirteen (111
dollar nnd ninety-four (1) cents; lliis-h
HellO. eighteen (18) dollars and thirty' five
133) cents: Frank Rhonda, nva 13) dollars und
slxtv t) cents. Oarrett Redmond, eleven (11)
dollar and tltty-flve (53) cents. John Redding
ten (10) dollar and sevent (70) cents. Harry
lli.li.o,, I.,, tin, ilftllaru un.l l.ik... .,,t . ..
"-'-:.-- ' ... .... i.,,i,j ioo, rents.
Samuel Yorum. 0110 (I) dollar nnd evonty-i!v
u. cents lleorge Stinger, one it) dollar und
forty-eight (IS) rente. Frank Schneider three.
11V .Inll.r. .mil IMrlv. .!!,. ill, l.'".'-1","1
Super, :o (2) dollara, Frederick Sllber si
tv mi.
advertising, tlilrty-nnn (31) dollar and eighty
(Mi) rents, Kellogg Switchboard Supply Com-
I'nr.v electrical supplies, seventy-seven lj.;
dollsra and ninety-five 01.1) cents, Novelty
hlecltlc Company, electrical supplies, thirty
six (.im dollnrs nnd nrteen (13) centa; walker
AV Keppler. electrical supplies, slxtr.ssven (01)
dollars nnd twelve (12) rent! Albert Ander
mjn sintlonery and printing, elghty.nlne (SP)
dollars and nriy-llve (35) cenlsi Electric 8tor- i
nge Hattery Company, repair, twenty-seven
aonars and twenty uti) centa; iommerc,i
T-urk Company of America, repairs, four (41
ui cenin; suiomoinio 00111
. renslrs. two (2) dollar!
nnd nfty (30) cent; United 8tata Tire Come '
dnllais nnd nny (50) cent
pnny n, I'niiaueipnia.
iniy iwi iiiiii 1, j. airicK and, nlnetv 11.11
dniiars. A Hchuls. on hundred a id slxtv ffli
(ldl) dollar, and nrteen (IS) rints 'J.mil
bruy. sixty.; x (taj) doll.ia and ten i0) n s
Oeorg II. Ruck, f xly (Ul) dollars- ',f,i.l?;
Shoo: tan (10, dollar.: I, .rrv r..".:.' Wlr
-.--..:.- ..;' . ... , .? v. 111. .11. .v.
eniy-iaur iiji uouar, cssper il. iTtu iVn
hundred and seventv-on. i'T,i '.,.,-"" wo
twenty (20) cents; David Slinpeon. boo hu,.
dred and twenty-rtv (125) dollara und-thlrtfJii.
(3(1) cents. David V. Roark. Bfly-ono lillidoi
ar und rlv (5) cent. John Helsley ,,,,,.
eight (78) dollar sndrlfty (50) ceniV; "',7 '
Hurrah & Son. one hundred and thirty iiwi.
dollars aiMihlrty-nv., (33) cent?, oiori, IJSJ
elt. Ibre hundred nd thirty-m. (aaafdoiliJl
and lghtv IMI) centa; William E ilurilfy ont
l.nnarfc.1 and .l.v.n (llll ,lnll... --iVt. on
9" J "..Lvr'Siv, J!",Bmy Co..'raun"
nlumh n. ran Irs. r 18, rfall.n,, v.,"rV.
Nloco Son. repair to knlf. ny (30) VeStS
j H. Shannon lfsrdwsrs Co.. repair! and T,u".:
piles, on hundred nd sixty-four (KM) dollsr
and eliivvn (07) ct, Haywoodroth-f
ai Wakell.ld Company, rfpalra' to chair m"
nty-nv (78) cents. W Howard Mlchner re
touching photo, seven y-nv (73) cents 'ii!.
pairs to auto a followa Slewart-Warn.V
?"dSK'Lf;. 'Hi I" Vi "SOS. Lad vVnntyr:
iv iio M'T-.?"T vt -w.mv.uj tares ia,
in,,. .nil lhty-lwo (821 L.nf. i,r:" 11
ull's. twsly (12) dollars and nfly (501 centa"
tandolph Motor Car Company, nlncy-nin r?Mi!
ID) dollara and thirty ,30) rents, Andrew Hu 111
luu, iniiivvii ii,,i uuiiurs uiu, ten (10) rent,
laiuls Stbra, twenty-one (2D dollara and xly
(CO) cents; Ftoderlck Hchecklen, four (41 dol.
lar and forty-ltta (13) rnls, William fralbv
ten tlO) dollar and eighty-five (S3) ienta:
Howard Sutton, live 13) dollar and twenty.. li
'2ti) cents, Rujurd Smith, eighteen ,la) dol-
i.i. .uu .... ,.-w.,n .., .yiii., vieorg Mill,
man. seven (7) dollar and eighty (SO) renlii
Frederick Schralslmhn, nvo (3) dollara and
avenly-two (72) cents, Qraver f-loeker. ten
1101 dollara and twenly (20) cents; Charles
Smith, six (0) dollar and thirty (30) cents'
William Tyson, sixteen (111) dollars and",
snty-tiv (T3) cental David Titus, twelv (121
dollsrs and seventy (70) cents; Harry Tucksr
foil, lean (ID dollar and nlnsiy-flve (kl) fonts
Howard Tomllnson, nv (3) dollar und seventy
170) cents, Joseph Troys no, eight (S) dollar
and sixty. (bO) cents; Robert Test, four (5)
dollars ui.d nfty (50) cents; .Michael Woo-tan
sixteen U dollat and fifty 30) ctnts, Uenrg
Weckuser, seven III dollar and thlny.nv.
() cent. Hanr, Weiss. Ulrls.n (11) dollar!
aod seventy (70) cents. Albert Waltr, ten (10)
dollars. ud eighty 1801 cant. Andrew Wali.r
levn (11) dollar and venty-nv (73) cent:
Uaorg Whltwotlh. fourteen (II) dollara Sad
.Ighty (80) rents: Robert Wllllame. twelv "lil
dollara. Henry Woodruff, savrnleon UI) dol.
,...u dn.l IftrlU dill mnll U.u Vl-k,.--V vv.1
mny. tires, twmty-slx (2e) dollar and thirtr-
iwo i.ui renta, l-ennayivunia tuviirrmoi v.oni
pany. mileage, twenty CO) dollars) total, on
thousand one hundred and eighty dollars and
ninety-nine cents, ai.tnuHU,
Tn Item IH. Philadelphia Etectrlo Company,
connecting service, sixty-six (00) dollara ana
nlnrty-alx (90) cents; Philadelphia Kleetrlo
Company, lnnips nrty-lhree (Ml dollar and
ninety-one (01) cents, Philadelphia Itlectrla
Company, current, three (3) dollar and nfty
seven (57) cents, Oamewell Fir Alarm and
Telegraph Compnny, springs, twenty (20) dol
lars s ebster Anders, underground construe
Hon. twelve 112) dollara and eighty (SO) centa:
Evening Telegraph, advertising, twenty-sight
(28) dollars and nfty (50) centsi .'atrlck Car
ter ft Wllkina, repairs, three (3) dollara and
nfty (CO) centa, Keystone Telephone Company,
telephone service, ono (I) dollar and seventy.
two (72) cents: total, one hundred nnd nlnet
dollars and ninety-six cents. UOO.flO.
To Item 14 John II. Kessler, transportation,
thlrtj-three (33) dollar and thlrty-aeyen ,(37
centa. (leorge Werner, transportation, thirty
three (3.1) dollars nnd thirty-seven (37) cents;
Edward C I In Woman, transportation, thirty
three (.11) dollnrs and thirty-aevan (37) cents:
I. Joa. Hrennan. transportation, thirty-three
(.13) dollars nnd thirty-seven (37) cents; Fter
J McLaughlin, transportstlon, thlrty-lhrte (3.1)
dollara and thirty-seven (37) cents; total, on
hundred nnd sixty-six dollara and clghtyflv
rents, HM,83
To Item l'a. American Ice Company ttt
furnishing Ice to the suite ot office 210-21S
City Hall and 7.10 City Hall (Official Photog
rapher) during 1U1.1, nfteen (13) dollar nnd
nliiety-flvn (03) centa; American lea Company,
for furnishing Ice to the suite of ofnee 210
218 city Hall and 321 City Hall (PavmaitePa
Room) during 1014, sixteen (10) dollars and
elghty-nve (si) rents, Tioga Auto Livery, hire
of automobiles, four hundred nnd twenty-on
1421) dollars and ssventy-flvo (75) centa; Mer'
rls 1- Cooke, to make refund for money ex
pended for services of William J. Wllgus, for
expert advice In connection with the abolish
ment of grade crossing In South Phlladel-
I'niii, nne inousana three hundred ana rorty
one (l.:ni) dollars and eight IK) cents; Kelra
Supply Company, cotter pins, fifteen (18) center
Dunlap Printing Company, extra vopte or
Transit Commissioner' report, three hundred
nnd elghty.flve (393) dollars-, total, two thou
sand ono hundred and eighty dollar and
seventy-eight rente, $2,180.78.
To Item llj. Advertising, as followa: En
gineering and Contracting Tub. Company,
ihlrtr-tlireo (13) dollara nnd nlxty (W) cent:
LnclneerlnB News, thlrty-se.en (37) dollara
and eighty (NO) cents; The Evening Bulletin,
threo hundred and thlrty-nve (333) dollar and
twenty-live (25) cents: The Evening Telegraph,
two hundred and ten (210) dollara; German
Daily itazetto Pub. Company, three hundred
and four (301) dollars and nfty (30) cent;
Tho North American, forty-seven (4TI dollar!
nnd twcniy-nvn (25) cents: The Philadelphia
Inoiilr't. rifty-four (51) dollara: Tho Philadel
phia Record, twenty-threo (2.1) dollara and
twenty-live. (231 rente, The Philadelphia Taga
blatt, two hundred and eight (20HJ dollar and
eighty (80) cents. The 1ST. L. Power Com
pany, twelve (12) dollars and (en (10) cent;
The Press Company, seventeen (IT) dollars and
forty (40) cents: Publio Ledger, four hundred
nnd ninety-three (41)3) dollars end fifty (60)
cents. Communication service: The Bell
Telepuone Company, rorty-one (41) dollar and
ninety UK)) centa, Postal Telegraph Cabl Com
pany. two (2) dollara and ninety-four (04)
cent. Tho Western I'nlon Tel. Company, two
(2) dollar, nnd nlnety-alx (Dd) cent. Ilorsa
kteo for Inspectors: H. T. Hucklna, seventy
six (id) dollars and len (10) cents; John E.
Junes, sixty-six (00) dollars and sixty-six (60)
cents. A. Knight, seventy-two (72) dollar: J.
J. Jlontgomery. slxty-slx () dollars and afxty
tou, i-ruin: i. ai. rteiu. ninety-nine (tni) doi
Ini-a nnd nlnrty-nlne ion) centa: Robert
Schmidt, thirty-six (J II) dollars; John Phillips
lltil.'l), thlrty-thrcu (33) dollars. Transporta
tion of employes J. Q. llslley. ninety (00)
dollars; Frunk Scldcl, two (2) dollara; Phlll
delphln Rapid Transit Company, one thousand
three hundred and twenty-nve (1323) dollars.
Storage of automobile: J. Harry Schumacher
a Co. (IHIa). fourteen 114) dollar. Repairs
in itiitomobllia: Iloulevartt Oarage and Sale
Company, lltly-nlno (50) dollara and eighty
180) cir.ts, IL W Johns-Manvllla Company,
four (4) dollars; Kelm Supply Company (1013),
seventy-tlve 17.1) cents; Ixicomobllo Company ol
.iinvrim. iniriy-nins iouj uouars; uiObe Tlr
and Rubber Company, two (2) dollar and
flfty-flvo (53) cents, North Rroad Street
GnruBi'. four (4) dollara, North Philadelphia
Autc Station, thirty-seven (37) dollar and
elghty-ilght (88) centa; Sweeten Automobile
Company (1013), seventy-nvo (73) cent: The
Vulcan Ilnilng and Machine Company, three
13) dollars. Repairs to bridge: Wm. II.
Harrison' Son (1013). eighty (80) dollar.
Miscellaneous repairs- I, J. Conway, sharpen.
Ing chisels, six id) dollars and sixty (00) cent:
Howard L. Erwln, repairs to road scrapers,
sivrnty-flve (73) rents. John T. Horwell, re
naln. to equlument. twenty-two 122) dollara and
llfty (Ml) rents Pom, Electric and Lock Co., re
niilra to lock, two 12) dollara and .Ai-entv.nv.
(731 cents, precision Thermometer and Initru
inent v'omcany. repair to Ihermometer, nine
,) dollar und sevents'-nve i73) cents; Item
Ington Typewriter Company, repairs to type
writer, seventy-nve (73) cent; Harry L. Savoy,
lepelra to locks, one (1) dollara and flfty (501
centa, L. C. Smith & Pros., repair to typa
wrlier, nfty (50) cents. Caspar M. Titus, re
pairs to road rollers and tools, thirty (SO)
dollar and twenty-nve (23) cents; HenJ. M,
Johnson, repairs to sprayers, on (1) dollar.
Hauling enow, Helmont Conatructlon Company,
ttlty-four (31) dollara and twenty (20) cents:
W. II. Johnson, rtfty-slx (50) dollara and len
(10) cents. Sprinkling Richard P. Cennls,
ninety (0 dollar, James D. Dorney, flvs
thousund alght hundred and twenty-one (3821)
dollara und twenty-nine (20) centa; Eatats of
David McMahon. three hundred and flfty-ona
1351) dollars and five (5) cents, Hlra of
steam rollers Jolm V, Cummins, sixty-seven
107) iloilara and fifty (50) cents: Costello and
Compaiii, sixty-seven (07) dollars and fifty
,50) centa. Hlchard P. Hrnnls. ninety-four (04)
dollars and llfly (5(1) renta. Hire of team-;
paving streets Charles u Hoder, fifty-nine
tSD) dollar and nrty-three (53) centa: John
Devlin. Jr. seven hundred and four (70D dol
lar and seventv-elx (70) cents; B. Armour
McCluy. onu thousand end nine (1009) dollar
and slxty-slx (i"l) rent, Pert a. Root, on
thousand lour hundred snd II (ty-four il3)
dollara and sixt) -seven (H7I rent; Jame Ut.
Caddcu Ihlrty-slx i.VD dollar and forty (40)
rents. Franc s A. Donohue. thlr(v..(v iasv A.ii
lars and forty (40) cents, Oeorg J. Klsaassr.
one hundred nnd forty-eight lift) dollara anj
elghty-flv (83) cent. John J. Plloon. in
hundred and fifty (150) dollar and eighty
ISO) centa. John N. Gamble, on hundred and
thlrty-flve nisi dollar and elghty-nve (83,
cent. William floeblg, one hundred and forty,
ono (141) dollar and: f!v (3) centsi Nicholas
lil.v Xtl..iM..
on hundred and forly-on (141) dollsra and
flvo (.1) cents John J Nolen, on hundred and
forty-nv (143) dollara and alxly (M) cental
Jimn r ouivn, una uunareii and forty b,t
(t46) dollar, and twenty-nv (25) cents will,
lam Nusblckel, Jr., on hundred and nrtv-mi.
(131) dollam and orty.ny. (43) cent Ha?rv
ri. vvsnvs,
uonara 1
Will, on
nv (75) cents. Tb Whit Company t
dollar and elghty-iv.o (82) ijnf. Thi
ull's. twelv (12) dollara and nftv i.vi
Randolph Motor Car Company, nlnety-nln
dollar and vnty-flv(T3) cants, Auto C
pany of Philadalphla, Ihlrty-elght'isS) dol
!T.l'i.vantv-flv (73) cant. Phil ad. ,(.. TSl1
supply A Laundry Company, laundry, lihiv
fun cent. J llunterLlmerick, reoain io,,i
tn. thirty-six (38) doUar, J 1 Cpdlki
plumbing repair, Uty seven ten dollar ini
fifty it '", "oodaard Wn,r VJm;
paiy fluih valv thirty tS0 cntir
l jobosoQ company plumbing uialaruT
tvjnt.-te Jf?l. llK .n sixty i4hk
tog) cant Pliaha Wbb &. Son Co eluso
on (1) dollar flttburgjt J?Uis aba eg"
kUm- tntny U (341 cnt Oeorgs NM S,
leal allenpance. iwo ui aouara. Or. Charl.s
T Ruaaoll, .medl.al attendanc. Hve tjidol"
lar. Dr. Robert McCrelght. mwHtal atlend
anc. sven III dollars. Dr. X. P. Allman
medical attendance, twnty-iv.o (27) doJUri
11. (frank 1). Hancock, m.dleal .....a.Ti'
ili (U) dollar; r. Ctarle. E. Brlckirriiad":
cat attendauc. ona II) dollar Dr? J. p?u
Frauts, muui a,iianuiice, eignt (j) dollar!
Dr u. D. Cueter pdlct attendance, ii, ,1
dollar, Pr T. 1 Klllngsr. raedtcul aitendinci.
tun 121 dollars. Kayston. Talanhnn. ,-ir.r'
muntiation isrvlv., sevsnty-tbre i!3i 'ciots
wm r Robinson A. stna rv, . 11 myri:
tt. no hundred and nrtyone
and f-rty-nv. (45) tents, li.rr
ht'Adred and twentv. m-. Ho,,'
lara and foriy-rtvo (13) cent. Henry MIHef"
nlnty.ven (01) dollar and flfy-slx Vja!
..nl.i John J. Sloan, one liiin.lr..l .-.. ooi
aevsn (117) dollara and flfly-nvs (831 cent.
,,,r B-,Jioot ninety-eight (88) dollar ind
Ighty (80) centa; Louts Ilansburv oris i,,.
died and fortr-flv, (145) dollars sno alxly (ooi
c.nts; Oeo. Murray, thlily-slx (36) dollar, and
forty (10) cents. Charles Vogs). v onV hindiSrf
and aeventy-lhrv (173) dollars grid ?"?,",
tyeo (22), cent lllr or teamsreMIri H
..wars, William Reed, nv hundred anlnln.ty?
on (3l) dollara and efghtv-threi (M J",,,"
Frsnk L. Anthony, one hundred and nVty.ijs"r
(15S) dollara and eighty (i) Tnt 1, (jfifS,
Bald, nv hundwd nd elghty-tvyS ,533) dS
srs and forty (40) cnts. Thomaa ColIiSi
thirty-one (Jl) dollara ano: twenty 0l Silf
Jsmea AnCrawford, nye hundrad a,fd .fib,"
oigni (oeoi "" fu nivy-aigot (SSj Cuium
Thome Durfln. six hundred and nuuteto eio.
dolUr (010) dollar and twenty-Bin (,Vnt.
Joseph partlty, six hundrsd and forty IsJoiXl
Ura and (wniy-sven ,27) cent. Bent linker
on. hundred and twenty-nine (lis) dollal aid
thlrty-nv (33) cnt Jsn.es O. Uin thI
hundrsd and ality-nlii (300) dolutfyaii tw.,
ty (!0) centa. John O'Ma ay. pa bund?vJ?;
tw.lv (11?) dl'ra. Relocation ( fM
is,n j. rsonaiyivania Ballraiar
Company lx hundrd and one (BOli TdilfirJ
and seventy seven (TT1 cents pmui4?5!
inrge, The an.ral Crush, BttatcSSSSu,
seven (T) dollsrs. lleadley Uoed Roads RS?'
JSny. tWrty 130) aoliaj, Meal&tatpfiufli
taUdental expenses of laspactors, miteuJS
Jt n Armstrong, any ,5&v cants. RbKm'
Boat tma. ona'lll dollar and "font-tStu &
Cm. viiu a. jjrv Mifiv(Vta 1KI OOtiftM jkbt
aj t,
.--.-- --.- ---i,ei iaj aiM
f uirs man uj iwj teni. if x Hnrktvi
dilUr. and "vnty (I0 ntaj.'joa'VeJiliiLi1 IfiRJ! i0ri..v lffih?!& ffiilS&JPi
DAtrulcutu, 33 tlayi ml 12 & -Mr dv ivTT f IIIW H l ..f '.! a,. aHUrini fljtr is6i
It) Iw K sn.ii. ttlrlau ,(
tist cmaim' J TT frue
Kleins, pria) offtflB, car txm. Av
ooi ur gnu twBt-av, CK au. tout
i tatire-aan tr
'Ml OOJtara oa-x i -s k
r.. it 4msa t.j