HElP WANTED FEMALE -vTntIBNCF.P SALESWOMEN for KSTionirv employment. Atp y r2C rr.ABS German-Hungarlan cook, wltn EJfS N lJUhJt. Ie J W1nut 7171 TV, Tnu-rFPEH, for family of six adults, JWSJ built uh and trolley.; maid kept- "i.mii and all conveniences ana Deauu Lrnundings. state ngo. ungra nnd full JSWSS'i " p. I-edger Central. tSci-orwORK-Strong itlrl. willing to go to HN-pjyiii , in summer. ir vato famllyi wages. PKiatt do laundry L, 212, ledger Of lice. ri.nP. or nursery govrrucrs, iniiriram, 101 h cnim-"ii' - - CraaRRr governess child, n; snore in sum 15S iS preferred mono Chestnut Hill KrtTtATronS on all rarta of shirtwaists silks BFE1M """ ,. 1ladnrn.lMlnrs Cnmnanv. Hand coon - ' Ilia and Brown rrsTANT CHAMiiBiwiAiii rermancni nWMjlSi "-, ii fnmllv. washln.: refer. I5Srjlrd. 810. Ledger Central. S.-vnnnArHr:lt nnd telephone operator ES$-Teung UrtJ to handle telephone vH.X exchange, capah e, nlfo for stenng ir.;,!1 Kehn. Adler Co'. 72Q Market al. ...nrrnnV. chambermaid and waitress.! IPtM fettled Protectant women, white, ae VSSaied to live together. Address or np- 5S.;iVirW Walnut lane, ucrmamown. !...Tt-n hv Iha middle of Mav, two capable Vfrii i with tint-class references, for cook. gMwrk and vva ling. Tor particulars Wei-M Chestnut 11111 133. 'wurrSD An Italian girl, a first-class em fjSlSryorker.on tnltlals.rDi, Ledorf. neitrrED A flrl-elaa errtbroldory worker on ffiu& F ,822.. Ledger Office. ' pi a . .., frvt. jtva rl I re 1inAiilAi4fji fiffiMPlng. talary 8. H 817. Ledger Cent. I? HELP WANTEDMALE .,fttrTRrxn aollcltor for monthly mitm.- ftiji ef 100,000 circulation; only those who I ?i. witling to work on a commtiston haala t"il.applyi a good opportunity for the right iur In letter asking for particulars plcaso iSlntlon ago, experlenco nnd references. t7" y. P.. K O Box 1077, Xow York. IDVERTISIN'O aollcltor wanted. Cnll after 12, ?lU0.ltl.l Estate Trust liulldlng. CABINDTirAKEnS WANTED Must ba experienced en fine cabinet work and do hand eandlng. Bring tools. . Physical examination necessary. AudIv JICT0R TALKING SIACHI.VE COMPANY, Application Office, 2S Market street, Camden, New Jersey. CAMERA AND PHOTOGnAPHIC St'PPLY SALESMAN N. SXELLENBI'RO & CO. H'AVE AN OPn.S'INO FOR A THOROUGH LY EXPERIENCED CAMERA AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY HALES MAN APPLY SUPERINTEND ENTS OFFICE CANVASSERS, ginranteed gaa Irona. selling e$I- commission r,0 cents, cnanco road work. !c5S. Ledger Office CHAUFTEUR and gardener Yntinir man, gen- rtitl verx suDurit!.; aiate salary nnri cxperi ince. II 040 Lodger Office. COLLECTOR to call on doctors; $! weekly nnd Jejpenrt; fall Tuesday nfter t o'clock, 6S07 Uuter. C :i05 Ledger Office. BRIVEP. for light delivery car: state wages; ins lata nours, nun... i.eagcr i-cntrai VAX AND WITE. white, to take charge of i nouse; must do capaoie; rererences requirea; liwlly of four, call Tusdny. 017 Pcnnsj'I nnla Bldg.. inth and Chestnut sts. 07FICE and errand lioy wanted by lame nd- STertisIng agene , must bo honeit. Intelligent til reliable, good opportunity foi willing wrlnr. AddresH If 244. Ledger Central. 5ALE8MAN WANTED lllgh-clnsa" specialty iul.tman for hardware trade, one who has 1U long ekperlence calling on hnrdware deal : 'Alref. required. P010, Ledger Office Mt-ESMAN'. experienced, wanted In hardwaro iuq nouserurmsning gnoaa score; muse give roifrcnce. ii Mico5crurjicev SALySMAN'-Spcclalty man wanted, calling on iiorurs narc.Tare nnn general stores; Al ref 'ertvs required P 050. Ledger Office. SHELLACERS wanted: must have factory exp, ia ana can. wora, pnysicai exam, necessary. IAppIt Victor Talking Machine Co.. Appllci- WENOORAPHER - Young man wanted for i.wuiy pwnion in carnot mm: repiv in own !Jdrltng: stato experience and salary. IC31V Ldirr flfOrc WANTED Active, energetic man. young or EH-mais'irea ior oui"iae poauion: opportunity !' dsncoment and good Income; give full !E,2;1:ul,'', employment for last Ave years. icSfll. r.nrfv.r rtrana WanieD-I want a voung'man Interested In ivoranin work with force, leadership and l?,;Ulon; permanrni n real opportunity. JClll U 5 o'clock only. 727 Walnut st..Room X WATER nUBBETlS WANTED Must have factory experience on fine cabinet work, furniture or pianos. Phytlcul examination necessary. Apply fTQR TALKING MACHINE COMPANT Application Office, 25 Market St.. Camden. New Jersey. jTCTTATIONS WANTED FEMALE riV1111 rnELSCH WOMAN wants place csS? Hnd 'eam'treesj old lady preferred. r i bi--i Willi;!?, rSJiSJ?.1!:." T Buelncsa woman with ex- TtSii .' iii " . uookkeeper and typist, a jj i2"i"on ' ,.nl"l be" references. . .u..i iriiirm. KSSPt?S.aS.,l tenographer-T.'en ears' It T J'. 7"ln ul ittHing cnargo os oi- .E ana dttall n.nrlr vr ... r n .. I II b37, Ledger Central. SloSKK?-;' e'?" worki .k.n.ii'd. - j . vw. .tcf.m.n, n io wea. KKWAJTINO - Yung colored jN. Uih st be.w..JnTy.fy"t ""M;- llnABri?,AnD and "aresa desires post- IK;..?'1'.-0, competent and exuerlenced. s-- i-v i.u than B. I, 214. Ledger OtCce. FnlliU."1.?. and oaltrebs; competent ana StBprSiJA.,.D' 0"n "Swiss w r-?;. rnone 1'oDlar ao.S3 v. oman. aub. urnce. SffiR''SS.WAITINOj reference, PiiJdeiXihi?,i.w.7LA?-wornari accustomed to .Wa'sdrii;..". j'' Jwou'd ""e to make iSlMd fi?h.J,.f.ndi.r,ndtr,r w,,h rnock toWTSy,i!"!!!tch!ng. C 307. Ledger Off. inf or tJ'Pewrltlnjji knowledge of llllngworker.JI ajj.' Ledger Cent. loua, ifTaaV 3es "keeper, u ealreaclerfc-r boo. noalllnn laeeDer lr mi t -a 1 A.-'r liisltIonCmfrm.'Ud. ani waltrela Lidgt! Ointa ' "". rerereuce. i ftotvtarioo3n'at'-e"a "ni fTOt., EOOd ref. Ph Ihlm... KTd IU "ncV.?",? S5?i"S'i JO!l?th .". f c; t00i Ttmnet .'fismnt, wishes nosltlnn- h..f r: rU-allowhlUjjtr - - E?ok ,hiT.'fl,ca ?.r boueclanln. good cook WODi-n i- !!!. '!f,k,ll,c cleaning or Iauridryl 7r?.'.!'tanl--frenco. , m? Led, off.' ;m -ti!'-"cB. . hi. i-a. un. H aovtnicsTa- - . t-t Urgs mu.l.: .. tj""Bvn ,io taaa LeaV,, ?."'';, .an1 French, reference.. iff,3.,???5!MftBR:-i.tairn.w Kiilk ". it iu, i,o. tent. .r?n-. wishes n i.i, r,;,7r-zr. aiu.. 18.8- Bruner"ii ." Nlceto . 5.' io BuJff".r4lxh.ouaw0rl': Pk- fcjr - - ----- - . n ,c-wc. w n. 4irJS2S.ei. w,J,ne -enerai bouse- 5.,? Eng Prot.. ritiiv ...aiiA... ..a.iT! aindg-n ail. 10. ,,I7210, Led" Off. .hi.8- tl charge of Infant, 'htr.ases. P 212. id..P ntat? Zi (..-n,a n laundry, for Soe t.arher. vnt I. suo. Led Orf i n rviork lui ref OTp 820 a IS I l a tg R t1i i f a hi-. l- i "it an (, Walnut 7 IS3 TV i i fW 6 vanfH. hftiis-ii-iM'lr 'c t w pwWtipsii, city SITOAT1(WNTEDFEMALE 7?ry CTJa-"rhjLL20'i. ledger dtnee. N?9.P."nderraduate tvlahea nermnnenl no.". -IC" ' " Prajt!caeaneei, jj 8.M,I-ed.0ent. nabl. i iff -i.i-rnrM nr companion. exp.. ea- rrVf"nw.V W' rr.Wdle.aged, Prot.t heat - rrr'i n9'alathejrjdutk. L .03, Led. Off . 'PciSTnF A.!.'ii!u",'V ESPm.""!0" or core of linen Ipomjn hotel. Jt 8.V1. ledger Cer.ral. 8wih8HiK?3R."fn.d' pable woman.) he'lp !thlJldrcn. hlghost rcf.JffllS Locust it B nmi'SHIVi1'"'2" le.lresW where accuracy 5, " yn".:. BrB necessities, would consider mod, sal, with opp,. ttf, 3it, Ledger Oft. S'Sll!!a0raillAhP!,En .8 ""' "rerlencc: fa" SiiTi.lln H.w' ral c""110 "" contract ngi capable secretary, a 040, Ledger Conlral. SkNDrC?JAr.ll'E.n-I3ll,,c-rk' "Wnt book". cmKrL.8.,.y.c". VV.W.'LCapable Vl-nnr. ... . ..o....... ii ani;r ventral. BnEhi'?A..,'"BU conndcntlal secretary; ea Sfi LiJ?i19lnS""Voman RniS manager, exp. In ..iun vi wct oeians. 4M). Led. Cen t. STErvKlVP.1'Bn' t-o'Kkeeper. private secre- n";ca ?d, nn'1. trained In ottlco details . and confidential work, n rui iiin.c.i..i H i SiiA! " B-B Vara' ticperlence, Insur- ".y aim t-uin.. carnnrrenr. II 4.', LeOd. CCnl. 6'wE100nAP,?C!,- 'J'nner, neat, accural nould con. clericalwork.0 35L Led. Cent. STPt('nA,,,,Er"-xprlencd7 knowledge of bookkpg., capable, accurate. O 8HJ. Id. Cent. STE.VqaUAPlIErt - Assistant bookkeeper; 8 eara ex cap. corresp. It 140, Ix'd. Ce n t. "gNOfJIlAPHBIl-Ilecent Pelrco g"rad.; well .I?y?ltci! accurato,neat. Q 84.1. Lod. Cent, BIC?aiUPMmw'ounln,5r "P- In maur- AnCR Raailfnlm .,k. -l n in r- . .. . I.Vi'l'" 'v.w ! Vt",'" g' V "j"S i-co. vein. STS.fJ9(J5?APJI?n Bnd "lc asslataniT two eartJhoroughcxp.ll4B.Lelger Central. ST:J5?nA,P1WT,V h,h " el'-l know. Jggkpg.. 7. 87. Led. Ur 161h nnd bauphla SIE,5f00IfAPHrlnTr,ttPlJ' accurate; ' ref.: J!!-di0ityZtrI?L2l!cJIil5- H -10, Led. Cent. SH?!i2?.RAPI."En,.S'ln"ri" '"" experience; -i0-"0'14. willing. II7M. Ledger Cent. SIS,H?.HAPiJtfS7Aurat0 nd dependable; graduate, enargollo wo rker. H 7M. Led. Cent. STENOC1., beginner: knowledge of bnokkoep- jngj-t.n8r-t "eat, capable H 207. Led. Coin. TRAINED INKANT NUnSG-Woilld llko tii tnArA! rnfarannaa If "III t -J -. y..-i ,T ..t,iWtB, 1( , c L;iiKcr .nirui. woman, responsible, capable and efflclont, aesires position as managing housekeeper. L ouO, LedgejMTentral. . WOMAN wants cooking or working housekecp- ... i'h.ihu tmniiy; roia ll.l WOO.1 St. WOMAN, colored, wants day's work or wash- i"w. -ui mmcaii si. uau or write WOMAN, colored, wants downstairs w"orkby the week 4110 Warren at. WOMAN, middle aged, with girl 14. noueework or cooking. 1214 Rldgn ave. TOUNG LADY Ilookkeepor, bill clerk, undr o.iiuu menqgrnpny; exp.; rer. i; 6w, ien unr. OlNG WOMAN, experienced In linen room of largo Phlla. hotel, city or country; good - 3J1in.,ir" i best ref. Li 209. Ledger Office TWO YOUNG GIRLS want positions, one as cook, the other as chambermaid or waitress. Apply to 17.M Juniata St.. Nicetown SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER capable, experienced office man. competent to manago; modcrato salary; best references. It J49. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, au diting, nnnkn nn.nMl pln.ail nri.n .,-.. day or evening; moderate rate's. Doll phone! Woodland 3041 X. BOOKKEEPER Managing ability: thorough; varied exp.; clean char. Manager.;!!!". N. 10th BOOKKEEPER, 20; yrs.' exp , familiar with offlcq dotalla; reference. II Ri, Ixd Cent. BOY. in. Jewish, bright, nctlve. would like to work In country; prlvato or farm; good ref- -- ; -....Him .....nvto uu.uu, ioui 4iri:ii. telephone Race 8337 or Spruco IU47 BOY, strong, IB, Catholic, wishes position In country, cither on private estate or farm: reference Juvenile Workers' Burenu, 1307 Arch st. Telephone Race ;i.!17 or Spruce 0147. .wj, noil, quick: a yrs' high school educn 58. Ledger Central. lion, onico preferred. II BUSINESS RIALS', wide exp. corresponiTence, nunn, urauirs ldi mpci mn u in rrnnni,, (nn. cern, cap, of handling office It 84!i.l,ed. Cent. BUTLER and houseman and rook, mother and son: experlenco aiidj-erJJSledgerOfflce. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, single. 10 yrs. exp.; speak French, German, English; beat ref- - .crence. II 810, Ledger Central. ClfACKFniirt, colored, with prlvato family; careful driver: don't drink or smoke; refer- wi from last employer. H 84(1. jcdcer Cent; CIIAUFT-EUR. experienced, steady, sober, vvlshes position In city or country: careful '"'", auu inovimnic. r in., lenger umce, CHAL'FFKUR. colored, refined; careful driver, mechanic, strictly sober; will care for lawn, (lowers ; Al reference. II 348. Ledger Central. CHAUFrilUR. single, age 23. wSnts position; jxperlonce on Peerless car; beet of referonre. F W. S.. SSW8 N. llth St. CHAUFFEUR, 21, 4 rs exp.' careful driver; thorough mechanic; sober. It 750. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, inar'd; exp, with Chalmers car"; do own rep'g; careful driver. L 2U7. Led. Off. CLERICAL Young; man, nged 24, wishes to change position, u veara' huslness exnnrlence: good correspondent. H 534, Ledger Central. CIjERK, 23. 8 yrs exn. In detail, ' "l,. ci. ill uciun, i:icrii.i.. wora. iami lar wiin coueoiinc ana sninrtinf. coueciinir i m-i.-i.iu mgnc worK, :. .v.. .:" ...'' .. -' '.. It S43, Ledger Central. CLERK electrical and general business exp.; aged 23 years, ii -.o. leaner vjenirai CLERK. 17, 1..ERK. 17, 1 year's High School education; rellahln: ta. Si, Led. Br.. 16th and Dauphin. r-rvi nmr a v iiidiiT. .an ui..Ta .nr. in.n -.--... ....... ...n.., t.ft.v. .utv ... . ii. Kunieii, nuracs, macnine; rer. u iu.', L.oq. uii. COACHMAN-gardcner, single, good all-round; pcie reierenco. .-i iantasicr ave. COLLECTOR, married, 8 years' faithful ex perlence; can handle rrew. H .'lf.7. Led. Cent. COLLEGE graduate wants position of any kind; chama for advancement, 21 ears old; IndustrloJa C -,(!. Ledger blflce. COOK. Japanese, wants position in private lainny; gowi reierence. t. ii.. 1034 Vine. DRAUOHTSlfAN. mech.: 8 vrs.' pm wains position, salary moaerate. ailLi Lancaster avo. EXPERIENCED and dependable party wants Kosltlon as manager, assistant or steward of otel or restaurant: no objection to leaving the cltv, C .a, Ledger Office. FARMING BOY, 18. wlllln;c worker, wishes situation, country; with either private family or farmer. Juvenile Workers" Bureau, 1507 Arch. Telephone Race 3337 or Spruce CI 17. UARDNER-coachman Competent raising vege tables, flowers; care gentleman's place, greenhouse, live atock, milking, best ref. Frank. 801) Falrmount ave. OARCENER, married, strictly sober, wlVhes frlvate placo; greenhouses, vegetables; lift--Ime experience; best ref. M QUO, Ledger Off. dAUDFNER wishes position; single; experi enced vegetables. Mowers; sober and reliable. C 13J. Ledger Office. OARDENER-COACHMAN. single, all-around; good on v rgetaniea, goou reierence, - uvu. i.i f.edger Ofllce. GARDENF.R. young, married, no fam , wishes care oj gentleman's estate. L 133, I-d, Off. HOTEL CLERK Young man, 30; city or shore; rererences. u uao. eager cenirai, INVENTOR'S assistant wants work In oxperl mental laboratory , C 2S7,JLedger Oflce. JAPANESE seeks position, butler, general housework: has good reference and experl price. Kunlklch. 1312 N. 15th st. LUMBER foreman and shipper; 10 yrs.' exp. ; city or country, it mi, -agcr enirai. MAN and wife, white, Prots., butler, house man or attend lawn, garden, wife, chamber, maid and waitress; reference. I. M Led.Off. MAN and wife, white. Protestants," cook and butler; reference. L 136, Ledger Offlce, MAN fend wife, white. Trot cook and second trt.1nr and -cneral utility U .01, L-d. on. as farmer and MAN and wife, white, "rot.. L 133. Ledgei Office. MARBLE cleaner, practical marble cleaner; beat or rets.; esunmies mvrii. ii.w rsirniouov NIOHT CL&RK MT3dle-aged man. strictly temperate, desires permanent position with a good hotel; willing to go anywhere; win oe pleased to hear from managers for an Inter- view. G 040. Ledger Central. OFFICE ASSISTANT. ZT, married, experfenced accountant or outside man; familiar with oil trade In city. H 6i. Ledger Central. OFFICE MAN, 2d, accurate correspondent; tin- derstands hiring, directing rr-als. f emsle help; .elllnsr exp"; mod, salary. C 804, Ledger Off. "OFFICE MANAaER-ACCpUNTANT Thoroughly exoerlenced In all branche of Iron and steel business; practical DoohKeeper, cost accountant, estimator, office , manige ment: age 30. married; Al credentials, 11 44, ueaxer cenirwi PAINTER, flrst-clais mechanic, wants high .ride work. Benecke. 1013 N. 4th. SALESMAN, for put G yeare eoldJldirect to milt and factory trade within radius of W ruilea of Philadelphia, would like to hear of any permanent sales proposition on either a rommlsslon. salary, or salary and comm'a .inn. H B. ledger Central 'SALESMAN . Efficient, progressive, aciu toned to me et n with various lines. O 0T8. Ledger Central. BAIJCSMAN-Former manufacturer, familiar best people, aeveral years' sound bustnei; experlenee In Insurance, real estate and nnanelal circle. II 84. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, accurate Intel ..beginner. rTENOGRAPHER. BOOKKKKPBil-1 ara' !'"uy.rt...'T.!in"iT. 4M. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper, wep earn. refi. . moderate sal. O 300. Led. Off. WINDOW TniUMER. expert Jy?' J Voce, dtstgni and forme a specUlty. II Mtn' axtMirl- tss. YOTiNO MAN graduate, Phlla TradM Sehod til electric couatiuetton prefer elec or mech line wiih .l.ame for advancenunt A i banay 1SI N BJ si Arm ttcfcslcai and genual i Dnauiuu .u j..t...r . -- .- -., SnarSl-ee pcflBC. C 311. 1&K OUce. EVENING LEDGBB PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, APRIL1 13, 1915; SITUATIONS WANTED MAM2 lOt'NO MAN. m, 4 yenra' eiper-ln trifrlc dept. steamship business, nccur. clerk, oner Jypowrjtexi nerdork 1! 45 L?.'L Central. Vlt'No MAN. 24. now employed, will accept clerical or selling, where permanency and nd- ancement Is assured. II 7fig.Leder Cent. YOt'No MAN. colored, wishes position, anda dispenser. or waiting, 11, Branch Ledger, .Ulih and Venangc. YOL'Ntl Man ,itslre evening work, tyre writer, draughting or similar hara: em fclo) ed durlng day. C 310, Ledgcrp(llec. YOVNll MAN-, 27, lechnleal education, desires position of ftny description. Klehard O Nlll, Jim "..Venl'etlv YOl'NO MAN would like position on gentle man'pltci. C 3un. Ledger Office. VOfNit MAN. aged 20, high school ediicntlon. ..desires posltlonilt7SI, Ledgerpentral. WOKK NEEDED QUICKLY Many urgent worthy cases are atlll In tho care of the Emergency Aid Committee. Im mediate employment must he found. A few nre mentioned beton If sou can help, refer to loiter and number and send care rommltleo at Lincoln Building i rEMAi.n POSITION as linen room maid wanted by deserving white woman; home at nlghta. E. A, 141. WABItINO to fane home wanted by deeerv . Ing ftoinan, h'.A. 141. CLEANINO washing and sewing wanted by -pi5lJtyj?-U0.rniniivl"i IMillsi.. !- A. 145. WOMAN wanta sewing at home; best ref. E. A. Mil. C'LEaSINCJ wanted"!)- woman In northern part "JL?!! best ret. K A. 147; GOOD sBWBlt wanto wok by day; best ref. E A. 148. CLEIIICAL WOIlITor investigating wonted by young womanjbest ref. E. A. 140. LAlfS'ilrtKRS neeTls "day's work T)adl f best icf. E. A 10O, ' POSITION in doctor's offlce wanted by young colored woman; best ref. E. A 151. MALE Tho Emergency Aid Committee has on file tho following applicants, whoso references hao been verlflei IKXJKKBEPCR-Mnn, with exp. and good rof.. wants position, wIllLg to do any kind of of- flea work. B. A. 13J. CAUiNnTStAKERExp maiT"wan"ts" position! ria.good reference. E.A.iM. CA"RIrriTEh Young" nnn wontB poslTlon; . goodworkcr; well recommendod. E, A. 1M. C1VII. ENOINUER-Man, with good ref.. wants jiof., is wining to no onitntng. i;. A. lru. CLERK Young married man wants position, Js exp. on filing work, good ref E. A. ILL Dill Vim MarrTod man wants poaltfon;" has good rofcrence. E. A. ir.8. Ul.ljr-riltCfAN-IJxp, man wnnts"ToslllonT Is well recommended. K. A. 157. nnfeVATOn OPlMtATOlt-Slrigio man" Vaiits rosltlon. 2.". jenis old, Is willing to take any .JMng. E. A. IBS. ENGINEER Elderly man, wltlfTlrense," wants posltlon, has good reference E A. lr-U. FlRlStAN Experienced man with" good rcfer enco wants posltlon E A.CO. I'AINTKIl Experienced liouso pointer wants position, married, with fp children, very de serving. B. A. 101 HALnn.WANMan, familiar wllirieather" goals' wants portion: has good reference, u, A. 182. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EDUCATIONAL & Domestic Emply. ClubT S. Sydenham (ir,th ,1 Walnut). Sprucu Jl AUTOMOBILES '28. ELECTRIC RUNABOUT Bargain, looks nnd runs Ilka new; Just overhauled nnd repainted. I. 847, Ledger Central. DF.TUOIT ELECTRIC Chenp; "closed car. good condition, also charging plant, will demon strate L 310. Ledger Central. BUSINESS NOTICES PlCiARC; Direct from factory, VIVJrtIVi ..ECONOMIST" Lnn.ll on trial. res, J2 for Ml; delivered. Frechlo. MS AROil Mo. REPAIRS your vvnteh or i lock, no matter what It needs, 1 jcar guarantee. Aron'e, 1117 TV. G Irani ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. A MAN WITH 531100 TO JSUOO to underwrlto a proposition where money Is abfcolutely senile and prollts are very large. Don't reply unleso you mean business. I. 312. Ledger Central. OIL AND GAS INVESTMENTS now nt bar gain prices: stocks, production, rov allies or lenses In proven territory of nil leading. Karl r rivencr. Pittsburgh To EX!IKRTns'CEDtnechr engineer will devote spare time to developing & designing special machinery; charges reos G B4B, Led. Cent. FURNISHED 1IOUHE. filled with good piylng tenants: cheap for ens h. 032 N. 11 1 h CARPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. Be. PER YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANINO AND DYEING- OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED.DYED. MAILHOT.1B10 Chestnut. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS bought for spot cash. Room 303, Penn Mutual Bldg, 023 Chestnut at. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY FASHIONABLE dressmaking: prices reason able, nt guaranteed, remodeling 3150 Chest nut, Apartment A Belmont 1703 Y, ARTISTIC dresses, lingerie frocks reasonable prices; Parisian models copied. 1B10 Walnut. DRESSMAKING taught: short, nrac. course. McDowell. 307 Denckla Bldg.. llth St Market. HEMSTITCHING done while "jou wait. AT Reichard. lll.l Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. FOR SALE FOR SALE 700 frames and sashes, 2113 Vine st.. McCullough cheap. JHI.I.IAItP pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rentea, ox u. ieaier, wj uiruru avo. INSTRUCTION HAGT1MU in 20 lessons. Call or write 1'hristent.en Piano Schools, 3520 Uermantown ave., 1320 Tasker st. STORAGE JUXIABLr, STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING, 2040-44 N. SOTH ST. Dla. 4717. WEST PHILA. Monarch Storaee Co. Auto and back- In gandshlpplni3S70Lancasiercv WANTED Antique Furniture, Feather Beds, Old Gold, Silverware Ancient pictures, firearms, highest prices, Write Pioneer. 1102 -ot'um Phone Wal. 8330. ROOMS FOR RENT BARING ST., 3218 (Ino Chllton)-Tvvo first, floor rooms, suit dentist, doctor or apart nients. Mrs. Halle McClaln, manager. BROAD. N., 004 Two rooms and "bath; furriT or unfurn.; modern corner house, laree yard, porch, southern exposure, electric lights, at tractive surroundings. Photo at Led. Cent. CHESTER. 4130 Very pleasant rooms, senile" men or bus, people, board opt. Pre. 3817 W. ClRARD STREET, U18-(The Burt)-Newly remodeled, elegantly fur., elcctrlo lights, hot and cold running water; ratea reasonable. LOCUST AND 17T!t-PRIVATE FAMILY DESIRES RENTING PORTION OF LABOR DWELLING, SINGLE OR EN SUITE; FURN OR UNFURN. PH. LOCUST 2787 D LO0LiT, 4108 Large second-story room with bay window, adjoining bath, also pleasant Phone, MT, VKIWO.V. a63S-iorner apt.. 2 rooms! bath, kltolienette; 18; front rm., run', water. PINE. 1312-Second-rloor room; private bath; Aisltim vnninr'i' nvarv fAmfop " SPIlUC't'. JOO'J Largs 2d.tioor back, furnished; other vacancies. Phone Walnut 7333. SPRUCE., lllo-Very, desirable vacancies; beautifully furnished 2d floor. ' SPRUCE.. 20-'2-Dealrable furnfshed"sulte, with private batli; open fire; phone; owner. WALNUT. 3706 Two nltely furnished, "conw rounic img irony rwiins ana pata; poard op I. WALNUT. 6.. 8130 TVell-furnUhed 2d story front room: bonrd optional 13TH, 8., SIT DESIRABLE FURN. ROOM IS REFIiygD HOME. WALNUT 7182 W. BTH. P.. 2.13-Newly furnished, next to bath! electric: reasonable. Phone Walnut 7118. IITH. N.. MW-I-arge. well-turn. 2d-etory room; refined private fam.: Diamond 2381 TV. IITH. N.. 333S--yry desirable furn. SilViSofi single or en suits: private family, phone. 23E, N.. MOT Rooms furnished or unfurnliEi3 for light housekeeping, reasonable. 40TH, S., 12-Newly furn. rms ; refined gen. tlemen; electricity; near L. Baring B33 V. HDTti.. 227 Private family has Urge"2d story front room, also single room; phone. PRrVATE fa-illy, fgrn rm.; refined Io oatlon. B4lb, Chester, gentlemen pref. Wood. fi-d and Bansom Furnished rooms, men, only, meals; WEST BRANCH aoovvsr bathe, near I. all the Y M. C. A- wuforts of heme. Phone Bel- owot 4881 Key TTest 386. . Suburban OVKRBROdK-iPrlvatB famUy can acronimo" date two 8iUemn In nlee room, with breakfast, near stmUon. LaLggerCiMit. WYirj,liS,IKL'0-2d flooe HuUihc4 (reqt room, other jootjif, Phoea. Qiif&ssk9Q0a IV. BOABDING BnowN. .1l2rf-Brlght, sunny room, 2 gentle k men or couplcjjtood lable Baring 14 17 D. HtESTNUT. 4410-Very pleas, furn. roomi In rer., -onv location: 2d-story front, back- also . single roomrdjoboarJ. Phone. OtpARD AVE., 17.12-'Attractlvely furn. rooms, single or com.: itentlemen. eniinleJ'hone. HAZEL AVE., MS2-Vncanclea In n refined nome for thoe deMr home comrorts; phone. I.riUfJII, TV . t313-lf. - Beaulirul rooms, with i.i'r;i.ii conv, ; pnono, new manageinen POWELTON AVE, .ion-Trent " sit", room, also 2 sin rms , furn , unfurn , In nlrej-ome IPOWEI.TON AVE,, 4037-Prlvate family liaj .Jdensantly Jurn mi for refined people, phone HACF, 8111 Tralneil nurso his pleni home for ref people desiring good dciom , special enro .invHiiin i.reitieriy per.on. I'resion s-ri. u SI'ltl (T. f2l-2i1 (llrlsmondei--Fiirn. roomit eiiiKic, en suite; private natns: tanie ooara,:' J5?.1.- SUITE WITH PRIVATE u-itti.ii Ai-IllACTIVK ROvJ.MS. bl'lll ci:. UWi Cheerful single and double rooms; privnio patn. excellent table, phone. SPHUi'E. Ili2a.30 tvslrahle rulte wllh private inin. riieiee table board Walnut .259 TV. (WALLACE. H21- Well-furnished Mngle and . vtinini.. rooms, ex. inoie. 1'opiar ;io.o A WAfNUT. U'HJ.I Warm. pfeaant rms ; heauti-" mi ncigncornoon; noaro rreston mai A. WAt.NI T-. -MOT-Neallv furn. front room. .southern expo . good table board. Pres 8.T.T0 TVAl.Nl'T." Toil ijiree." , hcrrful front, attrae. tlve romfortoblj rum . alto single room, fine mine pricn rigm, p-n ram liar g 72iin vv. . 202(1 -Handrnmely furnished roohvT 0ini;ir or en runo pnonn, gooi car senile livril, N , t2T Large front rooms, with board, also nthervacanelea. phono. 3"TH, H lTvs i'rlvato 7amliy has handsomely Mirn room miner cxrencilT taoie; pnone. 40TlL N ," Toil- Pflv ale fninlly" will bonrd re- fined gertlerren mnvenlent to cltv. Bar Ml. Snhnrhan . GERMAN! OT"N, 2.",3 TV. Ulttenhouse et , be tween TTayne nnd Greone Deslrnhie rooms, single or mm : homelike. Gin ISIS X. OAIC LANE, '70-1 Comfortable rooms: near station: good homo table Phone 318 TV. APARTMENTS GOING TO SEND THE FAMILY TO THE SHORE THIS $ SUMMER? f so it is liiRli time ior you to rivc active thought to a location. This Tear the demand will he unusually larcc and earlier than heretofore. Whether you want a furnished apartment or cottage or board and room at any hotel or private house Ledger Lcntral can help you. A special investigator is now at Atlantic City aim vill find what toii want if Ledger Central docs not nave it on iile. Similar service can be rendered on other N'cvv Tcrscv resorts. Tell Ledger Central about your requirements now. I here is no charge. BROAD. N., POI Two rooms and balh. furn. or unfurn.. modern corner house, large vard, porch southern exposure, oloctrlo lights, at tractive surroundings. Photo at Led. Cent. 1312 PINE First door, two-mom apartment with bath; suitable for doctor or dentist. WALNUT, 1222-21 (Kenwood) Desirable vacs., tingle or en suite: prlv. baths; will furnish to Milt moderato rent. Walnut S1S1. 8THINII GARDEN," Ililo Exrellent npts In 8 niiicrent rouses, some nil u Kiicncnnura, WALLAi'E. 1MI Unfurnished apis . 2 rooms with private, lialh, 2d floor. Poplar 1130. West I'lillnilelplila BTiTH ST., H.. 1321 (nenr Chester nve,)-Flvo rooms and hath, new, electric lights, steam luat, x-s r-u, novel arrangement or rooms, App of Janitor on pieinlacs. Ph. Filbert 44 VI. " cTfTT.rON APARTMENTS 32IS IlarlliE st Two flrt-clnss rooms, with pilvate bith; sult- anie nentist or ooctor or aparioicnts. .virs. Belle TicClaln nigr. Hell phono Preston 0.187. APAHTTll'NT TO SI'IM.ET -Four rooms and 1..UI) Meil for two persons; flues (.'lark Park, dellgl'tful outlook nolle belter for '13. 10S-D AIiintere5, rid .e.. Chester ave Baring 2024 L. TO SUIlLKT-lM-etorv not . 3 rooms, hath. porch, unfurnished or romformblv furn , for Housekeeping. Mgnt, airy rrcsinn ji.uv. I.nmdowne. I'n. AI'Aln Mi:'TH. moilprn in rverv wav. reflnc-.l ioration. near station; rent $23 to $13 per inontn jciiirv .ai i-;v. ;n . iiigninnn nve., Lnnsdoune. l"n rnnto or npis at linger c ent FURNISHED APARTMENTS I lOM'Q UCA n Locust, 1213-18. Furnished L.V11 ci 1 1L,U npta . single or en suite. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND 2112-3 rms. bath, kitchen, hoi- vvater heat, ref.; 2d floor. $.'3; 4 nns., bith, kluhen Jill cor rooms, J33.I)lamond 1811 TV SI AND PINE STS. ("DE LANCHY APTS)- New, light, 4 to 0 rooms, 1 nnd 2 baths; kitchenette, central location, apply Jinllor. COLUMBIA AVE., 11.8-"l-rooni apartments. conn lete for housckecpl.15. unfurn. . phone. OftEBN ST, 1017 Clean, sunny. attractlveT centinl, . rms . untur., Iiskpg. flat, elegant bath.aU eonvsj. very mod. rent.; owner OXFORD ST. (H. E" cor. 21st) Three rooms and bath: all outside rooms; f'-'O a month. Germnntown. SUBLET 3 rooms nnd bath; rmt JI3; will rent for J3S; .'.23SI1 Schuyler st,. Germantown; 1 minute from Queen Lunr, Sta ; immediate possession, permanent II desired, can be seen .inv time. Apply of Janitor. GERMANTOWN Unfurn apt. of 4 rms , bath and prlv ato porch, 2d floor. Ph. Otn. 013 A, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NETV JERSET BUNGALOWS, lots 2SxlB0; near trolley: over looking Delaware; National Park. Oreater New Jersey Company, 33 3. ltlth. Ilaililonflelil, N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL, 631 Federal at., Camden. Woodbury Heights, N. J. SEVERAL dCHlrublo homes and improved bldg. lots at reasonable prices. John Mav hew Atlantic City. X. J. Chelsea Corner Cottage and Ventuor Ocean Front Villa Unusual bargain: several attractive cottages at tempting prices, ranging 4000 up. H. G. HARRIS & CO. GUARANTEE TRUST BUILDINO Cape Mar. N. J. COTTAGES, hotels, apts. for sala and rent; some uurgains in uuiiuing iois. c. iartf Miller, in Ocean St., Capa May, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 118 ACRES, 18500 neur Cheyney Station. ! HEALl), West Chester. Pa REAL ESTATESALE ORRENT OWN YOUR "HOME This can be dono by making monthly payments or from ?17 to J 150 for houses worth from ilSOO to tt30. II. S. REED. 717 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT City MASTER ST., C3S-7 rooms; haa heater and toilet In bath: rent 118, open. ONLY 38" MONTH Throestory 10-room store and dwelling. 812 North 10th at. Stores unil Dwellings 631 CI1E6TNUT ST. -Store and basement. quire on F. TV. BADULER. in. OFflCES, BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. ONE-HALF OF OFFICE for rent, with tele, phone service. 1310 Commonwealth Building. n.... AnntnM . ..... . ..... I. . . unc uiricn ui suiia ur unn ruuui, ccairai, 702 Abbott Bldg., Broad and Race. Professional Offices KITH ST., S., 37-Phyelclan's office; large furnished reception room; running water. WEST PHILADELPHIA DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY 118. WORTH 135. t Ta good tenant, Oreenway ave, 2100 South; porch front; 1 square from TToodUnd ave, una new bouicvara n rms., roo.en. iuos it nmun. ime re tireess sic. Ph. Dlckin's B.L Atlantic City. N. J. Cottages, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Villas, Apartments Any season, all locations. Atlantic City, Chelsea. Ventnor; automobile service. H. G. HARRIS & CO. BAnTLEfTT BUILDING. Cup May. S. 0. FURNISHED collegia, ocean view, sll loca tiooa, reeaonable C E-rl Miller, 218 Ocean et . Cape- May - rv I,, -r- r ,' .1,1 r r j- M0RT0AQES liO.OW FOR 181' AND 2D MOKIOAUE- a.Mu.auw it. i.-sj-rrwyi" kch tt Trust peiWB f SCRAPPLE 1 ' O THE PADDED CELL cgfs Tj$t " -v. iimM? ik. a. a I LlBial7 HI IWlMTi WrbJ &WMl I S wve. a V rVY AK3V I v.7x v. - j&C.. s i l 1A.. .1 aHkH v I IUU WilUU. I fJVIlW . n I I It T Hl Vs r ygx 'X a;n & . s a --- i uMA . . WUP -. a S Viiiiiti-ii z&&mm' -London Mall. y & &jL Wi I "If 1 enn ko Into tho town nnd corao I S imPn ? ,4W hack ngcln without sotting drunk, I y l MShR I I why enn't you?" I f j jO j "Aie, moenlater, but I'm sae popu- 1 III VtvVvjS. ' I J a KUjicL .'''; M tHtB. Will '(W ( W'SC' I (S WX& M,M To ToP IN AMO Ah WTMJ S - SET HaR A PA,R P Pi SIUK HOSE) 1 J" W'c-WtK l -x -s- -4 -ivi f-5gje1- , London Cartoon. The Countryman (slightly myatl. fled) Just look nt that now! It shows tho war isn't so bad as folks make out if the papers 'avo nothing- better to talk about than their furrin Investments! SONGS WITHOUT WORDS JV. , ..-- JL....-,. ..,,..-:.,.. 4 fS 16 V If 3 irTI If O) sjwree wuuevns Ju 1 -s 1S Mr. Fatten Forty "What's thin? Can't pay your rent? "No, sir. H's owing to the landlord." vf L ' f )!, s I "terrors 1 r d j H g" Improvement Movie Operator What shall I do with this film? There is a tear In It that cuts right through tho hero's nose! Clover SInnager Hal Just the thing! Bill It as a feature in two parts. Sun Dial. 113" ti Buyn a Spring Hat London Opinion. U It owlnr to the war? AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES 1S.S ;; j i. ' 'Vms'j: -if. -The Skfcteh.. The Otllccr (new to flooded trenchoi, going the rounds) What tho blazes Is that sentry doing under water? He can't see a thing. The Sergeant 'E's all right, Sir: 'e grow'd eyes like a fish weeks ago! -Iindon Cartoon. Mabel George, dear, now you nre going to the front I want you to promise me something? George Ye-e-e-e-o-a? Mabel I want you to promlge to get the V. C. and a commission, and to shoot tho Kaiser. , George (much relieved) Oh, that's all right! I thought you were going to ask me to give up fags! Experienced Jones People who loeo th,elr money always complain to their friends about It. ' Smith Noiuen-e. People who Ios their money haven't any fr(end left to complain to. x-SffilS7!,fr - e V flMlf 'I 1 f