EVENiyq LKBaEB PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. APRIL 12, 1915. 9 tflCMS. MAlftlCE W L-W-fiDDi VALTOU J - - " I 4 . II .T t-J : rt ml- sssaH. sissssNsssejssesSiSssjtsssssSjsswsssssssseaM rSmw lth .ma HANfPOttU C HOLUNO etl- llf ltlnel ft house party on or tho week P;' their on, Mr Itobwt II Uolllnir. at La ' . ' nohlnnd Knrin. West Cheater. (h .. moat dellRhlfut nffftlr, ns tho list of U " i. .... nlmnit rntlrnlv of debit was made li nlmoRt entirely of debit- fuSu. of the season Saturday evening there linW u' . .,. I., their honor at kvtt'tsl Chester Country Club, where Henry ULM . ., ninved for the dancing. The I t. Included Miss Kllwbeth Smith, Miss ar , .1 Cuthbcrt Iloyil, Miss Eleanor dell. Wntt, (' Christine Helm. Miss A. Marjory Taylor. Ei i lwbel 13 SlouBhton, Miss Frances L. R" mi-9 Anna Blnney Urlnton, Mlsa !f s' Robinson, Miss Uloanor Ulspham, f'lrt . Eleanor Jutld Bean, Mlsa Louisa A. Wis. 'r Jolin w,s0"' lr' 1,h,llp Kl8her' $ Mlnnrd Hamilton, of New ioik; .iir. .io- W'T ... !- Mr rnlnb S. Illdcway. .Jr.. Mr. a j..i.i, n l.eldv. Mr. tiustavus B. Fletcher, W.J Leonard noblnson, Mr. Clarence Fatton rrtemn wr. jurats """" "l .-.... "...... Jlw.i Mr John Dllbert, of Wilmington, and (J. Arthur C Dorrance. of Brookllnc. Mass., "formerly of rmiaucipma. .... rt'iiinrd Snenccr. of St. Oavld's, gavo . matinee party at the Mask and Wig on ...i.o In honor of her daughter, Mlsa M. CUlrs Spencer The guests Included Miss ,rh If-Crs, WISH ftinrpureim mjaii, ..una ...... rnrnP. Miss Mildred Wlllard, Mls9 i...iA nrnham. MIbs LouIbo Grey, Mlsa iVirraret Rcmak, Miss Barbara Boyd and Mlsg sfaewor Vcrner. K Mti Theodora K. Llillc, daughter of Mr. fmd Mrft Lewis Llillc. of Hrlarwooti, Haver honi, will bo presented on Thursday, Octo- lr 11. - --.I TfB rHnrlici Vnr. nf 1R22 Tlitten- lious8 square, had as a guest last Friday Miss Sjjyii Bturgls, of 152 EnBt 38th street, Now Itorlc, who came to Philadelphia for Mrs. rj?hn Kearslcy Mitchell's dance, given in honor Fcl her daughter, MIS3 S. Worthington Aiiicncn, ifca April 9. A fancy dress masquerade will bo hold In the Rlttenhouso Hotel ballroom this evening by '.W Tfcnmilnv Nlcht D.-lIlClnC C BSH. which W3s sTorsanlzed by Mrs. Roland Foulko nnd Miss Jltry Coates. Mr. Marshall S. Wlnpenny will entertain W -osts at a dinner at the hotel before the dance. .Mis Jean Christian Bullitt, who lias been STlillIng her brother and slstor-In-law, Mr. and hlri. Logan M. Bullitt, Jr., in Detroit for tho flilt lx weeks, has returned to her homo In iTonesdale. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Davis, who have been ittnding the last two months at Atlantic City, lUta returned to their apartments at the Rlt- 'itnuouse iioici. s J Mr. and Mrs. Marmaduko Tllden, o M2 Pine itreft, have taken the country home of Mr. and Ellri. George Gordon Meado Large, on Susque- unna roau, uyuai. A novel entertainment, which has been tWttened "A Carnival of Blosuoms," will bo lfrtn tomorrow evening nt tho New Century 'Drrtlng Room, In aid of St. John's Day Nur- urf, 121S Vine street. The participants nro tho uctlldren and recent graduates of St. John's Farlih School, who liavo prepared a most at tractive program "Le3 Mlgnonnes," tho lit tle (Iris, are to execute tho charming danco of the spring blossoms with an Incidental ga Wtte. St. John's Cadets will bo seen In an I'lhlbltlon military drill under tho command 0! Drill Master Da, of tho United States Ifulne Corps The Jeunno d'Aro Circlo of puluate girls will present n one-act farco Jllh the fetching title of "How a Woman Keeps a Secret." Tho well-known choir bos tf&L John's will bo heard In several choruses, Prof. Nicola A Montanl directing. The grad- tto boys and girls are posing a very moving tlclure of Cinderella up to date, to be shown br the Isreal Smart Film Company. Tho en tertainment Is to be followed by a dance. All the numbers on the program are under ths personal training of tho Rev. William J. lUIlou. an assistant rector of St. John's. Among tho patronesses aro Miss Jane Black- wnu. Miss Katherlne Brogy. Mrs. J. C. elrn, the Misses Bennett, Mrs. A. N. Burke, Jiri. John M. Campbell, Mrs. William P. Dene- re, the Misses Gallnchsr. Sim. nhnrlea A. fiudr, the Misses Junker, Mrs. J. Percy Keat- IS MIh Ell-a n. Lallou, Mrs. David T. Lewis, Xn Anna M. Lawler. Mrs. Francis T. Mullln, gi Edward McGettlgan. Mrs. John S. O'Con g Mrs. L A. Rowan. Mrs. Hermann Vet Weln and Mrs. William T. Wheeler. K.Te fifth anniversary dinner of the Drexel Mpb of Engineers took place at tho Rltten- Koue.Hotel Saturday evening. Reparations are being made for a Bolree pwmt. to be given In tho ballroom at tho llevue-Stratford. April 30. under tho auspices H.U" Three Arts Auxiliary. A classical nro- Pmhaa been arranged, which will be followed g oeauttfu! dance. 1 Kathleen McDonAh. of 2m Pine street. 1 -eturned to her hdSfe from her cottasro In lentlc city, N. J. Walter Stockley. of Fairmont. West SW bo the guest of Mrs. Quy Wllley, at aome In Wayne, for several days. Ir, and Kfra Wllll-. n -n - DamP. 2" Mjued Invltatlonn fnr a mnnUpH Pierrot s on Saturday, April IT, ALONG THE MAIN LINE XD. Mrs. Clnvtnn I Ttnvoi- anlartolnail '' Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss M. McDevltt. The decorations wero uow and white, and kewploa were used. "OyerS KUeitl InolllHnH ll. Clran. Hllur. J. Mils Ellse Stokes. Jus's Glodean Smith. l JUldeman, Mlsa Dorothy Mecke, Lillian Jteler. JIIss Katherlne Deerlng. arle Mack. Mlsa mv ttsiiv. mi Lucia ton, Mlsa Adelaide aillineham. Mlsa Helen h Miss Josephine Lance, Miss Rosalind . ill's Marv Martin Mn. Tlnh.rt d iP and Mr. to.. .r.r. k r CHESTNUT HILL J weddlns of Mlsa Adelaide Wllberforce i aaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. "' Of W Hltrhlanfl sv.nn. nnH AltrrA ? Wtu, on of Charles Alfred Watts, pf ,BPruce street, wiu take place Tuesday. at noon, in St. Paul's EDlicoDal ' Chtrut Hill The bride will be unat- 6d only a f-,w friends wUl witness the t jff"lftm i wfJJ i F At YxaS . 3Hf W JR - V CLl.Sy ISABEL VJllKIS PAGfe M MR"BO&" jx CARRERE vj DEMOKSTRATIKG THE. lmQ WALTZ. ALONG THE READING Mrs. John AV. Barke. of So3D Old York rond, nnnounccd tho engagement of her daughter, Miss Hazel Sylvl.t Bnrkc, to Mr. Herman 1. Weweler, nt n card party Filday nftcrnoon. The decorations were white nnd yellow, tho flowers used being daffodils and mnrguerltcs. Tho gueBts numbered 18. Tho wedding will tnko placo in October. Mrs. George C. Varwlg, of 5 Sharpless road, Melroso Park, announced tho engagement of her daughter, Miss Paulino Doerr Vnrwlg, to Mr. Henry La Ruo Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo L. Thompson, of Willow (Jrovo road, Glenslde, at a Sorority dinner last week. Miss Gertrude Yoder nnd Miss Helen McFar land, of Wyncote, will give a muslcale nt tho Jenklntown Auditorium, Wednesday evening. May 5. Mrs. C. Howard Anthoney will be hostess Wednesday afternoon, April 14, when the mem bers of tho M. T. S. Sewing Circle will meet at her residence, 6300 North 11th streot, Oak Lane. Among her gucstB will be Mrs. C. Eckman, Mrs. D. Hltchner. Mrs. W. Locker. Mrs. J. Simian, Mrs. S. Swan, Mrs. M. Trumbaur, Mrs. R. Fatt eley, Mrs. A. Parker, Aire. D. Mclsser, Mrs. T. Binnlck, Mrs. T. Rems nnd Mrs. U. Condon. Mrs. Albert Dudley will ontorttiln tho mem bers of tho Oak Lane Sewing Circle at her home, 11th street below Cheltcn avenue, this afternoon. Those to be present Include Mrs. 13. B. Kcuhauser, Mis. C. Howard Anthoney, Mrs. James F. Hall, Mrs. B. G. Hltchner. Miss Lily Marion, Mrs. Louis Dcneke and Mrs. Albert Gee. "Mrs. Haywood's Help," a comedy In two acts, will bo given by tho Senior Christian En deavor Society, nt Edgo Hill. Glenslde, on Tuesday evening, April 13. Music will bo fur nished by Cornel's Orchestra. GERMANTOWN Mr. Orlando Crease, of 6129 Wayne avenue, will give nn Informal muslcale and danco In his studio, 103 West Chelten avenue, on Thurs day evening, April 15. About 33 guests have been Invited. Among those who will contrib ute to tho musical entertainment of tho eve ning are Mrs. Gladys W. Austin, pianist; Miss Miriam Blsler. who will dance; Cnmllle Plass chaert, violinist; Winifred Repp, vocal soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Longstreth Oram an nounce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Ida Kreamer Orum, to Lewis M. Doraoy, Jr., on Saturday, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey will reside at 6014 Schuyler street. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smalley, of Walnut lane, are occupying their cottage In Atlantic City for several weeks. The Rev. Stephen Paulson, of 6671 German town avenue, pastor of St. Michael's Lutheran Church, and Mrs. Paulson are spending a week at the seashore. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trlestly Button, of 21b West Upsal street, have Issued Invitations for a dinner In honor of their daughter, Miss Mar lon Hutchinson Button, on Friday evening. April 23. Mrs. Harry Richards, of 3110 West Penn Btreet, has returned from a short stay In New York. Tho Army and Navy relief dance will be held at the1 Germantown Cricket Club on Tuesday evening, April 20. The dance la under the di rection of the following committee: Mrs. Charles A. Martin, Miss Ramsay, Mrs. J. Nel son Purvlance, Mrs. Robert Martin Williams. Mrs. Franklin McCrea Wlrgman, Mrs. Alfred S. Nelll, Mrs. Baltzar 12. L. De' Mare, Mrs. Alexander W. Wlster. Jr., and Mrs. Churchill Williams. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Horn and daughter, Mlsa Florence A. Horn, of 63 East Penn street, have returned to their home from Palm Beach, Fla., where they spent the winter. WOODBURY The Joint meeting for men and women of the Woodbury Equal Suffrage League will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at tho Frlendi- Meeting House on South Broad street, Mrs. Flickert. president of the New Jersey Equal Suffrage League, will speak. Mrs. Edward Wardwell entertained at a bridge-luncheon Saturday, at her home on Del aware street, In honor of Miss Mary Kelvle, of Newark, N. J. The guests were Mrs. Wendell Swint, Mrs. Harold Robeson, Mrs. George Green. Jr., Mrs. Horace Keen, Mrs. Harry V. Grant. Mrs. T. H. Warren. Miss Mildred War ren, Mr. Sydney Prince. Mrs. Frank G. Rltter, Mrs. Henry Grey Steele and Mrs. John Muller. WU Charlotte Matloch salld today from Brooklyn. N- V.. on the Chrlitianiaflord to Nor. way, where she wiU spend; s. year in trs-yel. j v odjv y ; SSOLMADEB. GAZZAM i 'i. " fcf ?R& ' ,-rfrtt. f 5Mr5 n tiTCSJilu ' THE MAURICE-WALTON DANSANT SATURDAY AT THE BELLEVUE Impressions of nn Evening Ledger staff nrtist nt the recent dance in the ballroom, whero futuro debutantes, some of older years nnd some of last season, toed tho light fantastic during an afternoon. WEST PHILADELPHIA Dr. and Mrs. Walter Jacob Snyder, of 6300 Spruce street, and Mrs. John Greenwcll, Jr., have returned from a 10 days' stay at Atlantic City. Miss Lillian Davis, of 3:00 Arch stieet, with Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gheon. of Consho hocken, gave a danco Saturday evening for 40 guests nt Miss Davis' homo. Members of tho S. J. S. C. Dramatic Society were entertained on Thursday evening at tho homo of Miss Anne T. Murphy, 420 North 62cl Btreet. A "spelling beo" was a feature of tho ovenlng program. Tho prlzo was awarded to Miss Helena Pattlson. Mlas Murphy's guests Included Miss Costtllo, Miss Meagher, Miss Megenedy, Miss McGee, Miss Kcenan, Mlsfl Douglns. Miss Pattlson nnd Miss Qulgley. An elaborate lunch was served. The favors were small Eaeter baskets, and tho table decora tions were sweet peas nnd ferns. Miss Alice Megenedy nnd Mies Leah Meagher recited sev eral comic selections. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The Initial danco of the Jolly Bachelors' Club was held Saturday evening In tho Students' Chapter Assembly Rooms. Cards may be se cured from Mr. Joseph Hnggerty, president, or Mr. George Curran. secretary. Mr. Frank E. McGary, of 1531 North 12th street, will spend the week-end with relatives In Newtown. Mr. Raymond C. Walker, of 2231 North Ubr street, has returned from Atlantic City, wheio ho was ependlng several days as tho guest of Miss Ruth R. Lehr. Mr. George V. Haslett, Jr., of 2128 North 17Ui street, Is spending some time with friends In Richmond, Va. Ath tho close of his stay Mr. Haslett will tour the South. EASTER week seemed to belong partic ularly to the school set, home for a too brief holiday, and so it was that one function crowded another in rapid succession through out the six days. A number of future debu tantes' graced the ballroom of the Bellovue Stratford on Saturday afternoon, where tho soft rose-shaded lights cast a charming glow over the moving dancers. The reappearance of M. Maurice and Flor ence Walton was hailed with great enthusiasm by the large throng of dancers, and their fa mous "Danse d'Apache" caused a storm of applause. In this dance the ballroom was darkened, and M. Maurice and Miss Walton. In the garb of the notorious Apaches of Paris, had a, spotlight thrown on them. M. Maurice also repeated his graceful skating dance. During the afternoon various dances, which were composed by Mrs. May Temple, who chaperones the dansants. were played. Her waltz, entitled "Old Fashioned Roses," was sung by the orchestra, as follows; "OLD-FASHIONED ROSES." A cloud Is sailing across the moon, The wind blows fresh from the sea, The roses' breath, like a night In June, Is sweet with thoughts of thee. Just as all rivers flow to the sea, My heart beats count the hours. Until my sweetheart comes back to me, Queen of my life and flowers. REFRAIN Qld-Fusoloiied Rose. ' dear to met I t PPVill IfPrrf S TEA feM w.iiQftpvf-wji7i.Kr--. mamsszMmire 3 ksv sfi P'M IT M.lMPREKioirriPTwp. AVAOE WCE Eiss Agues Alueji BEFMMD NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Tho Nativity T. A. H. Club held a smoker In their clubrooms, Belgrade and Mndlson avenues, Tildny evening. Tho rooms wero dccmatvil In tho most beautiful manner Hpeochon were made by tho Rt Rev. Jnmes A. Turner, 1). 15 . Mr. Joseph P. McCiillough nnd President John P. Smith. Some of the best talent of tho city was present Mr. Jnmes Yunl Kkclly, lalo of tho Skclly nnd Btaclley team of song nnd dance nrtlsts, was the hit of tho evening, assisted by Mr. Jack Mastcrson. The third annual "Wclkcl" ball of the Polish American Citizens' Club will bo held on April ID at tho Lithuanian Music Ilnll, Tllton street nnd Allegheny avenue. Music will bo furnished by the club band. Miss Laura C. Lcnuon, of 317D Gnul street, en tertained Mli-o Anna Rotwltt, of 3161 Kcnslng- ton nenue, nnd Mr. Harry Miller, Tncony, nt her home lnat owning. They wero honored guests nt a card party. DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. Anna Kernelly, of St. Mark's avenue, Darby, Pa., gave a reception Saturday from S until 10 to Introduco her daughter. Miss Ellen Kernelly. Receiving with Mrs. Kernelly nnd the debutante weie Miss Jean Hughes, Mlsa Frautqn nnd Miss Ruby Mousley, of Darby. The decorations were giant pnlmn. ferns, Easter lilies. Mr. Howard Stockcr, of Drexel Hill, will en teitnln a number of frlendH nt his homo this evening. Miss Florence Waddls, of Highland Park, will entertain her "500" club this evening. CHESTER AND VICINITY James D. Ralstron has returned to his homo on West 7th street, after a several days' visit to friends at West Philadelphia. Fragrant of summer time, Memories sweet of a past, we knew, All things tender, and all things true. Otd-Fnshloned Roses, mine. Spirit of Roses, mine. A number of young persons were entertained by Mrs. Edward K. Sparks, tho guest of honor being Miss Luclle Anna de Merlin Lutson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Olrey Lusson, who will be among the debutantes of next Ben son. The guests Included Miss Eleanor Bryant, Miss Katharine R. Hunter. Mlsa Gererude L. Pancoast, Miss Agnes Allen. Miss Olivia M. deB. Gazzam, Miss Josephine C. S. Foster, Mrs. Henry B. Patton, Miss Lois Jackson, Mr. L. Brooke Edwards. Mr. C. Aplln Sparks, Mr. Louis Lusson and Mr. Brewster Koons. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. Lusson. Mrs. Henry 8. Jeanes chaperoned a number of the school set, Including her daughters. Miss Margaretta Jeanes and Miss Elizabeth Jeanes. Among others noticed were Mrs. Henry Au gustus Berwlnd, Miss Margaret Berwlnd. Miss Mary Stuart Wurts, Miss Mary Greenough, of Boston; Mr, Robert Carrere. Mr. Andrew Wheeler, Jr, Miss Ella Brock, Mr. Joseph N. Du Barry, Sd. Miss Isabel Wurts Page, Mlsa Margaret Burton, Mrs. Burton Price, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Earle White, Mrs Charles Brln ton, Mr. Henry Wlnsor, Dr. James Weir Rob inson, Dr. Daniel M Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. George Fritz Chandler, Mrs. Herbert Lloyd. Mrs, A- Southern Conway, Mr Harrison K. Csner. Mr. and Mrs. Frederiek W, Schmidt. t t V. Irj" f ' ! -"r'-' jt !S . AMarnER Sruttf OFTtlEDAHCIiK. Of tArJS PAGE r UliSS VAJLTrOUS WWCE . Frocic SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Elizabeth Mathls, of the Glrnrd Estate, whoso engagement to Mr. Earle R. Meyer, of 1933 North 32d street, has been recently an nounced, will bo given a miscollaneous shower Friday evening. Apill 16. by Miss Lillian Clee land, of New York, who Is the guest of fMr. Meyer's pnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Mcer. Mlsa Ctcclniid's) guoats will be Miss Mario Mack, Miss Laura U.ihls, Miss Lllllnn Bnhls, .Miss Hnntmh Nenll. Miss Grace Haldeman, .Miss Jennie Bird, Miss Lllllo Shapiro, Miss Floronce Flltley, Miss Silo L. Muiphy, Miss Oclaiene Wnrc. Mrs. Jane Mathls, Mrs. Walter Mc-Uonl-glo, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. Mortimer Weaver, .Mr nnd Mrs Hnmund Parker, Mr. nnd Mis. Fred erick Nciman, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Meyer, Mr. George C. Rose, Mr. William Dover, i Mr. Frederick Schlmp, Mr. Wnlter Mnhood, .Mr. Walter Schonle. Mr. William Miller, Mr. 1. Cravls. Mr. Ficderlck Tartaglla, Mr. James Everett. Mr. Philip O. Barry, Mr. Elmer Meyer nnd Mr. Earle Meyer. Ft lends of Ml.sa Eleanor E. Crowley, 1320 Por ter street, will be glad to learn of her recovery ft om her leccnt lllnem Mr. Michael Schneider, corner of Dnrlen and Herd streets, will leave shortly with n party of friends on a motoring tilp through the Stato. Tho tour will last about three weeks. Miss Sarah Klelsher. of 22S Chrlmlan street, nnd Mr. Maxwell Elnhorn will bo married the 23d of Mny. They are planning to spend their honeymoon In Atlantic City. Mr. Frnnk Trolano, of 11.06 South 11th street, entertained several friends nt his homo last week. Among tho guests waro Mr. George Shnpin. Mr. Joseph Devlin, Mr. Michael Noma, Mr. William Troth, Mr. Samuel Peters, and Mr. Plcdro Cucsbocclo. A swimming class foimed last week la com posed of the following South Phllndelphlans: Miss Catherine Manning, Mrs. Edward Gale, Mls Anna V. Mohan, Miss Reglna McLough tin, MIsh Elizabeth Dougherty, Miss Mary Loguo, Miss Mnrlo Clements. Miss Mary Note, of 3d street, will entertain the Turquois Club nt her home tomorrow eve ning. The members of the club nro Miss Anna Nonamaker. Miss Ruth Nonamakcr, Miss Ruth Haitseman, Miss Grace Hauseman, Miss Nellie Weaver, Miss Florence Hess, Mrs. Minnie French, Miss Bertha May, Miss Elizabeth Fines, Miss Anna Dlohl, Miss Florence Ashcroft, .MIbs Florence Gordon, Miss Maud Green, Mrs. At kinson, Miss Edith Moore and Miss Anna Ryan. Tho oincera of the club are: President, Miss Eleanor Drew; vlco president, Miss Marton Hauseman; treasurer, Miss Laura Nonamaker; financial secretary. Miss Cathrlne Griffith, .and recording secretary. Miss Elele Wilson. FRANKFORD Tho Union Club of Holmesburg will meet the last Saturday In April at the home of" Mrs. Joseph Conley, of West Philadelphia. Mtb. Conlcy was, before her marriage, Miss Emma Clemming, of Cherry Mansion, Holmeshur,,'. This club has been In existence and doing charitable work for 19 jears. At present tho members are working on Infants' outfits. There arc 13 members. Including Miss Nellie Travis, Miss Ada Travis, Mrs. George Potts, Mrs. Ed win Mnntanye, Mrs. John Stevenson, Miss Mar garet Morrison, Miss Florence Weed, Miss Mabel McCartney, Miss Marietta Rowland, Sirs. Franklin Cartledgo and Mrs. Walter Amon. .-viiss Jjermce i-anieiigeMssuer Mrs. Franklin CartledasnHor )ecf wa guest of hjiiHBm' ' AM'e l -j Glads Mlddi ft 3n 'S 2 Vj daugh's home, J 3. .ledge will A J SlU i-". i- f- return about May 1 to her home In Frankford. Mrs. Jonathan Rowland, Jr., of S037 Frankford avenue, has been the guest of her parents, JJr. and Mrs. Hickman, of Washington,; D. C., for some time. She will return tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn, Jr., entertained at cards at their vhome, 4S36 North Sth street, last week. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jerel Oldroyd, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hucknell and Mr. and Mrs, John Stortz. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Conwell, of Harri son street, entertained at ''60Q" Saturday eve ning, Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs. James W Talley, of Bloxom, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duckson, Mr. and Mr R. Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Martin W Eden, Mr and Mrs. James Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. I.eRoy Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Townsend, Miss Vir ginia Pee). Miss Caroline Crawford, Miss Anna Grewson, Miss Florence Chew. Mr James Grobtn. Mr Walter Mann, Mr. Thomas Dudley and Mr. William Davis. " w r IS WfsmZ A WEDDING tnok place this morning at t . o'clock In the Church of the Sacred Heart, 3d nnd Reed streets, when Miss Marie Cecelia Thornlcy, daughter of Mrs. Louise Thornley, of 206 Mifflin street, became the bride of Mr. Jnmes J. Lynskey, Jr. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Anthony Zolter, and was followed by a Nltptlnl Mass. The bride wore n lovely gown of Ivory-whito duchess satin, made with n court train, trimmed with duchess tflce. The bodice wns made of Spanish filet and trimmed with pearls She wore a tulle veil, at tached to n cap and held In place with a wreath of Itllcn nf the valley. The maid of honor, who wa Miss Marie Cos. groic, wore nn attractlvo gown of pink taffeta, a largo white plcturo hat, trimmed with pink ptume.i and chiffon nnd pink streamers, and she carried nn arm bouquet of pink sweet peas. Tho bridesmaids, who were Miss Marie Gill. Miss Mnrlc Phllomena Dunn, Miss Mario Kelly and Mies Mnrle Evans, were gowned alike In frocks of taffeta in a pale shade of blue. They woro plcturo hats of white, trlmmod with pink rosebuds nud blue streamers, nnd carried arm bouquets of Klllarncy roses. Tho little flower girls, who were Miss Mario De Lcse, Miss Marie Hoban nnd Miss Amelia Marie MoCormlck, wore dnlnty French lingerie frocks, trimmed with pink rosebuds, and blue sashes, and car ried leahorn hats filled with daisies nnd spring flowers. Mr. Lynskey hod for his best man Mr. James J. Kelly, and tho ushera wore Mr. Harry Fmellon, Mr Harry Waller, Mr. Frank P. Lyn skey nnd Mr. John J. Walsh. A reception was held at the Jiome of the bride, from 2 until 6 this afternoon, to which about 800 guests were Invited, after which tho couple left for a. trip to Atlantic City and Brlgantlne Beach. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lynskey will bo at homo after May 13 at 2435 South.nth street CAMDEN AND VICINITY" Mlss Kotherlno Hirst, of ES6 Federal street, will entertnln nt a card party this afternoon. Miss Nancy Collin nnd Miss Genevieve Buch w alter hno returned from a visit to Mrs. Ira Simpler, nt Schwcnknvllto, Pa. Mrs. Simpler was Miss Florence Shlnn, of 216 North 3d street. Miss Katherlne F. Warren, of 627 Penn street, Is planning a six weeks' Western trip, visiting relatives In St. Louis and Denver. She will visit tho Exposition before returning. AMUSEMENTS B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE CHESTNUT AXD TWELFTH STREETS Mat. 2 P. M. 2 Shows Daily Night 8 P. M. Grand Spring Jubilee Catherine Calvert & Co. In 'TO SAVE ONE OinL" LONCS JACK SAM CO ; JOSIE HEATHER CO : THOVATO, KHAMEIl .MORTON AND OTHER STARS MAGNIFICENT SWUNG FLORAL, DISPLAY IN LORRY GLOBE .MARKET AND JUNITER ST3 LIMITED ENGAGEMENT STARTING TONIGHT THE Sfl'REME ACHIEVEMENT OK PHOTO-DRAMATIZATION - - . HYPOCRITES STARTLING nfeMAKKAIILB ORIGINAL AUTISTIC STAGED LAVISHLY SPECIAL MUSIC Chorus AuRuinrnted Onhestra Or Kan DAILY AT .30 10c, 15c. 25c EVENINGS AT 8.30 LV. I'.'C. 50c SEATS TWO WEEKS .V ADVANCE ACADEMY OF MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI. Conductor Symphony Fri. Aft., Apr. 16, at 3:00 Concerts Sat. Evg., Apr. 17, at 8 :15 FINAL CONCERTS OF SEASON. TSCHA1KOWSKY PROGRAM: "Pnthftlrius" Sjmrhony (No 0, 11 Minor). Nut-Cracker" Suite 0erture "Solennelle i '1R12"). Seats now on sain at Heppe's, lllfl Chestnut. TruZZV ,,,- CI- OPERA Home of World's LiieSinUl, OL HOUSE I Greatett Photoplays Aftemoon 1..10 Io 4 .30 Itie. I5e. 25a EenlnE5 7:30 to 10:30100. 25c a Few 50o 2ND TREMENDOUS WEEK D W GRIFFITH'S THE AVENGING CONSCIENCE TWICE DAILY AT 3 AND 9 T. M. PRECEDED nY COMEDIES FORREST Tonight t I w&'ni,. REST MUSICAL SHOW IN THE WORLD HELLO BROADWAY "With Geo. M. Cohan William Collier AND 100 OTHER AMERICANS Popular Trice weannaay uatineei Deit Seats $1.50. THE MARKET 8T ABOVE 16TH PICTURES It. 15 A M to 11:15 F, M. VICTOR MOORB In "BNOnS" Stanley ADDED ATTRACTION FIRST SHOWING CHARLES CHAPLIN In "THE TRAMP" COMING, THURSDAY. "MAY BLOSSOM" x VDTP TONIGHT AT 8:15 Li 1 1LJ MATINEE WEDNESDAY, 2(15 MR WILLIAM FAVERSHAM in th. Great rarla ( rp tt y H A W"K " and N. Y. Buiiets x 1L -u " " TTVnvTDWT TONIGHT AT Ssl5 JXlJVULlL Hi rOP (1 MAT THURSDAY 3il OlUer Moroico Treeenta J Hartley Manners' PEG 0' MY HEART 400 GOOD RALCONY SEATS AT 11.00 400 GOOD FAMILY CIRCLE SEATS SOo Metropolitan sN?S8. 1314 A Startling- ami Thrilling Narrative JAMES F J. ARCHIRALD a Monthe with the German 4 Au.trlan Annie. WAR TALK Uerman a MOVING PICTURES 1M COLORED l'HOTOGRAPH SLIDES SEATS AT 1100 CHESTNUT i5o to 1 1.00 GARRICK Last 6 Evgs. WU"SS. TfORTCRT H1LLIARD .J?,,, "m WW-'-rHB LITTLE CAKE Rest 8et 1 00. eau Trturanajr. CROSS KEYS THEATRE Felix & Vaire J5 0 OTHER NOTABLE ACTS New Pioaram. Mon Ac Thura. Dally "I (n Evenlng-a, T $. ' at 2 18 10c. 15e. SOo. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE ljit nerformaiu Metropolitan Opera. Co K T TueadJyBtK- April "u t 8 limn. Farrar. Aid l CARMEN Sr'aSSSi"-""10, Conduewr' SEATS. 1103 CHESTNUT ST Malt Ordera Reclve MXON'B GRAND Today 8 18, T fc 8 HAN PING CHIENS "PEK1N MYSTERIES', DOO" O'NEIL, ARCH8R Jc HELFORD: caoW AN A GORDON. flJIAS, BE. amuiun, UWlUMirmilrH, BROAD Last 6 Evgs, Ethel Barrymore thb shadow Net! Weak "SUES IN AMAIN," Bwa Thursday DUMONT' S'WKJ EW MATIt.ES TODAY. to 4 Jw CASINO n& JS pw 1 fl",,l L4&L
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