upiBUfP'jHL ,)wmum'vmSm!mSSSmminn-.rM,, EVENING LEBGER-vPHILABELPHIA. MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1915; HE PHOTOPLAY ". ue inn ANSWERS DUES! iun "'- ".. t Photoplay Editor or tne Evening Crwll be pleased to answer que. h)8erw M" h h department. ,l4"nn. relating to family affair of ""."A and tree. are barred ab.o. ..i.h. . l i... '" '.i.. wilt not Be answerea ay i Querle; win n addre(ued UlPMlopW Edl,cr' Evilno Ledger. &ve photoplay hew reached a stage L1 i.. Imm novels. ulnyB nna "rr.. enariu3 - - TVt stories, however famous, are qulto i Hfflclent." ald Oliver Moro.co In n re- ! lntrrlw- "I do not object to ciramn & ,..,v own plays are being pre- Lri-a on; the screen, and I have as- fjWiea v i.l,.il h nlwiln. fSwii In weir preii"'"" TtM arrived ns an art, and It demands fcMnil treatment, the Imagination of a a nd the dramatic vigor 01 u muaiu. ..man of the theatre. CKJow must produce Imaginative fSS whose famo will rest wholly on Sh ?Bhotodramas. It is not enough that A-fondcscend to 'como over' from other b llli W7i I. nV nllt K mat and established medium of hu Sm expression. Vou and I will llvo to seo ?. V Thomas of the screen-men who ...."" ,M f.moiM fni- the rtenth. 'twSer sincerity and compelling tru'th of K.,"j;,nMnlftvs. But they will bo spccial- $j' they will not do pictures on Thurs K?. ...i Saturdays and literary or thea- (Wtsl work tho rest of tho week. ?:.. ..h.- mmment nnDlles tn nctnrs. 5 present system of legitimate stars In ?i. l.,i- in Irrltntlnclv unsatisfactory .. .t..t.i..nl tnnrtncpr!. find 1 imaclne. In Hull""' ... --a-- -. . " ' fiibrtof haiy way, that It must be unsat !.... i tn flir nubile. If I wcr tho lorwl theatregoer, no matter how much 'money I possesseu. i uum nui. icei jusu- .i i. n-vlncr S.1 nt nnn thentrn (n rm nti F-..i.i.tA ...Miner wnmnn wnnaA nhntn. iriphlo replica was running through half Axrs distant. iojilm the South FA company of 15 Bssanay players has Km. ... thA .Qniirh to. tnbn nnvnrnl ertfinlnl future photoplays requiring a Southern r.imflnhM'e. Tho first scenes are bclnc 'ttien at Chattanooga, Tenn. Tho play at then will go further Into Dlxlo for littler scenes. Tho ilrst company will fnluratln about a montn, when another lirtTl go South. This will be kept up for ,....i1 MAntha until tnn intitvaa ntn : rfinlshed. Among thoso In tho first com 'iajkt E. II. Calvert, Bryant Wash-itur(-LIlllan Drew, Mabel Forrest, John iCoiur, urani roreman, .ui;ene ACKor, Bertram Bates, Betty Scott, Slay Skln ttt. Jack Meredith and Charles K. jAihley. Fooled by Film Fire Edison Director Charles Seay never topes to stage the fire scene, and with inch suspense, as he recently unwlttlnslv Juged when trying out tho new radium urei ror night pnotograpny, in "Tho Hart of a Waif." MHe took a company of players ono night Jile, N. Y., and began the experiment. fie flare furnished by the new light de Bibtcd him and enabled htm to success '(.Ujr photograph nt night. But soon he Inni, afar off, weird whistles, bells nn! Tibon the thundering of horses' hoofs and atlM., A VMM.. a..ml.Aj ifjom four or five neighboring towns had Sis pell-mell all tho "fire departments," ,hn the hand-drawn hose to tho dapper JMJIonalre contingent of volunteer flre ptVfqr which this section Is noted. Tho taiance.of the lights hnd lighted up the fcrroundlng country so that the Invaders IluJ taken the occasion to be a devastat ffij fire and hurried to the scene, fit took more than explanations in fact, pome entente cordials, not singularly ppeiklns, to patch up the humors, now pot of sorts: yes and some Influence, too, Jto.keep Charlie from being locked up by tn. constable! The light Is on the prln fcltle of those used in emergency by ships Wd furnishes more than half a million fciadlepower. At their cost they literally yum up money. PevDeceptive Camera ESot one picture-play fan in a hundred fMjnser the question, "Am I a blonde r, brunette?" At !nnt thin In hn nnsl- t!oa that is taken by Miss Bessie Eytoti, ths Bellg Polyscope Company. ftAIiSS EvtOn. whn Una h-pn n IroAn student of the mechanical branch of the joougn picture business, comes out with L9l Statement tHf.t hrn la nnn nlnnn ptare the camera with all its wonderful wareraents has failed. While ready to JtaU that In some cases the color of a tomans hair may be Judged from tho wti ancj shadows shown In certain I THEATRICAL ffi?.UIr'.'re?..My Heart." with an ex- !rm.Vii. "' "iey Planners" popular ana iffi .?.icomidy J1 h8 Impetuous young EbVTi.k i "v." ""i sne uoea to a senate 'jgvSh "rally. Klrst-rate amusement. .8:16 ffir" Tb Shadow." with Ethel Barry- B.1. A718 StOrv of n. uomnn who TKMVprri S2S "".years of paralysis to find her hus SSSSifi' ?' ,r,entl lovers. Miss Barry LREStIIH?."'1 Vh5.ria:- not... .;.... .8:13 ECttln viir,.-"-'.'.'."""""'!. . "" vjcuiso ilionTS ;;"'"" -oiner, a Dig. pusy ana SfliJi f"" Impossible brainy "revue." iS.if. h! I!een o"8 o' Hie three musical SS" Of the New York .cason. Sen Iu5 J!c.K--"The ' Arevla " i" .' ' wlVh ' YiAhert IUS,Bfna.A1I,ert nrunlng. A return en llnu i- S'v.'i18. familiar detective meio JrSr S-Whlc.h Mr Hllllard hunts down a Mtluii. . .V c'minaia By tne approved llt&L r.: . "Hl viiiiam rMern, I.T.. ieeVS ClaV Of R hlnhan onrl u1f 'sS ?j ;Sea,ine a card. The drama ST. SK?. ! discovery of tho knavery Wi di.in,".,,iY.e,j Mr- raversham, as al- vrrriirSS16'1 ; ....8:is r&ST7R;m?w,!!hn.tTru. H.tum? ,leu'h and defeats a band of '"" A "12 show" at half tha 4," .... B.1 Tirg-r. ,UVAUDKVILLE. IH." i."!Srln8 Calvert In "To Save One nature,;;- oan.1 ana company. Joslo SStr55?.n"55ri,.l Marshall TTovato. toa7 tSJ.". Woodchoppers. Kramer and Uu? .??ny. and Norman. Lucille and rUTir2SI .Tn unan Bird"; tha BS'o GHiM1!ttt'SellS New Weekly. &st7Z..M'lrlCt. fnrTl r'Mall A-Mha. nnH IS!,taaSi nAiBnll?'' .Trouble..", Mc S" Rlchi." V?k ', Aunrey ana r.s UfsmioSi iii,.ch,r.,M Bennington. "The SySalJP!9,, nd luhln movies. R,7Te?' THEATRE-Imperlal All Ifeft tod 2.ropany'; wllh In,a- Doree: itT. .'.W. COOk and Maria Hr.nj In W ld'"'irk""i Brook, and Bowen. iiBT ..o There In VniiriAiiii with lHlPDbBMlln', .2ianchB LelKbton; Lana S?iSB1r.Fn(flr,t half of weelO-Fellx and 53 JS ?if.Lcl' Pt": Dixon IE"', Ution .J ", "!on rocK ann iom iBlS. o'H!. and Bovls In "Tho Trarilnir RS5 a. c.v.n. SP""" ond hl trlna Httr?5JS. Troupe. W JlSl"n m ."Elepement," ',Betty. Lf 'mm Qarne,J, an ni sturt nn Ms' " nJ Ryan, and Spink and Limited Engagement I'lllST AMI li.YCLUSI The most extraordinary je- uarKBDie,.iariiinB,ontT iuul, uuu.ual of all l'hoto - Dramatle (Spectacle. fe Dailv Afternoon. t 3.30 10c 15c JSo Pvening at 1 1 26o, J4liy 69c 8cat Beeeryttt'ona Two Ween '"-Advmce. positions taken during tho making of a picturcplny Miss Eyton asserts that un der normal conditions It Is next to Impos sible to really toll the color of hair from seeing It on the screen. Her assertkm has opened an Interesting line of discussion. Miss Kyton's hair Is a golden auburn. In the picture playn It shows more black than anything else. People who have never met Miss Eyton poisonally seem loathe to relieve that her tresses are not Jet black. However, could they seo her wealth of wonderful golden hair, they would soon change their opinions. Three-cent Movies Ohio, tho heme of the 3-cent street enr fare. Is aUo the home of the 3 ccnt movie. Have Ostnnd. a tnllor, nnd Ben Tolmlch and William ninhnrn. news boys, opened a movie theatre In fiticln nntl on the 3d of March, the ontrnnre ft of which corresponds to the famous Tom Johnson street car ordinance The thrntto gives nvo trcls of enter tainment for 3 cents and has n sign out In front advising patrons to put the 2 cents they savo by coming there Into a savings bank. Odds and Ends An enormous spectacle mndo from the play, "Barbara Frletchle." will be the next production of the Tiffany Motion Picture Corporation. Tho production will bo staged along the Potomac Hlver, start ing nt Cumberland and ending at Freder ick, Md. Edward Connelly will make his appear ance In "Marso Covington." George Ade's Southern story. B. A. Holfo will pro duce It. Photoplay Baedeker CHESTNUT STRKnT OPHItA IIOUSD-D. W. (Irlfnth'n remnrknhle motloit picture nroluc tlon. 'The Avenging Conscience," will onicr ucon Its pieconrt week nt tho Chestnut Strcot Opera House this nftcrnoon Henry Walthall nortmvs tho leading character. The other Srlnclnal roles aro enncted liy llliincho Sweet, tao Mnrsh. (leorge SctRmann, Spottlsvvootle Aiken ami Italnh Lewis. It Ih nrcsentcil twlco dally, beginning at H and n p. in., preceded by a Keystono comedy and comcdlCB with Charles Chaplin and John liunny. atrODE Tho attraction will bo' a four-rcol film drama by Lola Wcbcr, entitled "Hypocrite?." It Is In a prologue and cevcrnl acts and por tions to Illustrate that truth at any cost. even of clothep. Is to be desired. In conso nance with the high quality of tho story anJ production a cast of unusual merit was em plovcd In the making. C'ourtenav l-'oote ploys tho role of flabrlcl. Margnret IM wards pinys tho clellcalo and unusual rolo of Truth. In anticipation of u le'cTrcnd dis cussion of tho play among tho Msilors to tho Globe, tho management has hit upon a contest fnr tho best cssiys written by pa trons and lo entourage tho literary Inclined has decided to offer four prizes I"nr the hen essay submitted during tho run or "Hypo crites" MOO will bo given for th sec, n I best. S7.-i. third. J."0. and fourth. $-,'.".. Thi Judges will be selected from tho drimatlc editors of tho dally newspapers. LEADER Monday and Tuesday, Annette Kcl lermann In "Neptune's Daughter": Wednes day, Clara Kimball Young. In "Hearts In Exile"; Thursday, K. Jllller Kent, In "Tho Cowboy and tho Lady"; Friday and Satur day, Mario Doro, In "The Morals of ?Iar cus." EMl'KESS Monday. "Uncle Tom'. Cabin." also Charles Chaplin features; Tuesday.Ei r.- 1(. L.EPD1.R h war r.ciurcs, uircci iron, inc front, also Chnrles Chaplin In "Mabel's nusy Day"; Wednesday, llarbara Tennont. In "Tho Married Woman," and Charles Chap lin. In "Tho Tango Tanglo"; Thursday, Tom Terrlss, In "The Chimes." and Chnrles Chan, lln comedy; Friday, Eugene Wnlter's "Paid In Full"; Saturday, Mad;o Lesslng, In "The niue Mouse." KNICKERBOCKEn-Monday. "The Devil"; Tuesday, "Tho Hound of tho naskervllles"; Wednesday, "Should a Woman Dlvorco?" Thursday. Lew Fields, In "Old Dutch" : Fi I day. Mutual lllm. renting Murgnrct Fisher In "The Quest. " and Saturday. Charles Chap lin, In "Tho Tramp and His Trystlng Hace." JEFFERSON Monday. George Klclno's "Offi cer l-tid"; Tuesday, "Tho Quest"; Wednesday, "The Pardon." Mr. anil Mrs. Vernon Castlo; Thursday. Robert Warwick's "Tho Man Whn Found Himself"; Friday. Keystono special, "Ousscl's Day of Rest"; Saturday, "udora and Chaplin In "The Jitney Elopement. CEDAR Monday, "Ills Captive." "Tho Rustle of a Skirt," "In the Sunlight.'1 "Tho Jeweled Dagger of Fate"; Tuesday. "Zudorn; or. the J'JU.oiiO.ono Mystery". "The Spirit of th Hell," "Caught In th Act." "They Called Him Here," ' Tho Hutler's Dusted Ilunianre : Wednesday, "Shorty Among the Cannibals. "Reformation." "The Grind": Thursday. "The mack Box," No. II; "The Unseen Ter. ror." "Tho Streets of Make Ho!leo," "The Faker," "Settled at the Senshore ; Friday, "Tho Magnet of Destruction." "A Corner In Babies." "Wild Irish Rose." with Clco Madi son; "A Mlxed-fp Elopement": Saturday. "Exploits of Elaine." No. 13; "Molllo of the Mountain." "The Schemers." "The Old Tu tor." GREAT SOUTHERN' Monday. "Exploits, of Elaine," "The Knockout Wallop." Tuesday. "Paid In Full" pnslthely shown, and other comedies Wednesday, "Dlann of tngle Mountain " featuring Cleo Madison, and "S2O.O0O.000 Mystery." Thursday, "Ttl'.le s runctured Romance," with Mario Dressier, Charlie Chaplin and Mabel Norinnn: matinee, 5 cents: evening, to tents. Fr day. "The ninck Box," featuring Anna Little and Bob Leonard: "Tro Mix-up at Maxim's." "The Ghost of the Nine." and others. Saturday, double hill. "The Black Tcarl." "Rough but Bomi.ntlc,'1 "Tho Mystery of the Sea-View Hotel" nnd Keistono comedies. I'niC THEATRE Monday. "The Lost House." by nii'h.ird Hnnllng Dals. Tues day. 'Tho Pngcnnt of San Francisco." Wed nesday, "The Christian," fenturlng Edith Storey and Enrlo Williams; ndmlsslon. 10 cents, matlneo and evening. Thursday, "Ex- BAEDEKER STOCK. AMERICAN "Tho Common Law." with the resident company. A drama made from tho well-known novel of Robert Chambers of the artist and tho model he espouses but does not marry. nuI,TjEsqur.. CASINO The ltosey Posey Girls in "Tho Live Club." with Harry Bentley and Miss Bllllo alcs. aAYETY The Fay Foster Company. TROCADKnO "The Tango Girls." In eons. dance and quips. MINSTRELS. DUMONTS Dumont'a Minstrels in "The JItnev Bus" and familiar travesties, with new songs and ballads. I'HOTOI'LAYS nL,.!-,,! Qs. OPERA ioms 0 Word'a LtieStnUl Ol. HOUSEOrrafesfPnotopais Aft.. 1:30 to 4;S0 10c. 15c, 25a Evgs. 7:30 to 10:30 10c, 23c, a Few 50o 2ND TREMENDOUS WEEK D. W. URIFFVTHS The Avenging Consience TWICE DAILY AT 8 AND 0 P. M. PRECEDED BY COMEDIES EMPRESS manayUNK AN ALL-STAB CA&T, IN "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" and CHAHLE8 CHAPLIN, In Keystone Comedy, "THE FATAL MALLET' and Other Feature. KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE SIAllKKT STREET A110VK -0T11 DAILY AT S, Be, EVENINGS, 7 ft 0, Be, 10c. THE DEVIL a Mutual Master Picture, Featuring Bessie Barrlscale and Kdw, J, Connelly Cumberland cumbe'iina sf." CiyKH ',The DeeP P?1" Commencing TONIGHT SIIOWINC. a Mt.rnlirr nf Construction a ntrueimia Production. Special if i$r dmWfl B a sim KMKM VM JM & Music Impressive Settings, non ,... bellishments. Enlareed Orchestra and Organ. EDNA MAYO An Essanay film beauty. plolta of Elaine," N'o in, "The Ia nred World," fenturlntt Anita Stewart. Friday, flinrlca Chaplin In "Tho Champion" and lteulah Poynter In "The Little 11rl He 1 or irnt." Hnturriav, Kftln clay for tho children, "Tho Enlry nnd the Waif." TUIiPKHOCkKK Monday, Anna Lnughltn In "The Ordeal," "Eddie's Little NlRhtmnre." nnd others. Tuesdny, MentrlJ Mlchellna In "Pnlomy .Inno." "The Heart Hrenkcrs," nnd other. Wednesday, Wilton I-ncknyc In "Tho Children of the Ohettn." "The Ilrnken Chonl." Thursday, "The Avalanche," Charles Chaplin In ''The Champion." Frl dn, llettv Nanfen In "The Wnmnn of Im pulse." "?ned by a I'rea in " Saturday, TlinmnB Jefferson In "Rip Van N Inlile, "Black Box," No. fl, and others. EUIiniCA Monday nnd Tuesday, "Tlllle's Punctured Romance." with Mario Dressier and Charles Chnplln. Wednesday. Wilton Tjicknje nnd Gall Kane In "The Pit," Pathe News, Pathe's "Rnmeo and Juliet": Thurs day, Anna tatiRhlln In "The Ordeil", nnd Mnty Plckford subject: Trldny. William Farnum In "A Glided Fool" nnd Keystone rnmeily. Saturdav, "The Girl I Left Ilehlnd Me" nnd Clnrles Chaplin "In Mabel's Strnngo Predicament." IHIS-Monday. "Tho Dell'a Fiddler" nnd "Tho Illack Hox." No. 4: Tuesday, "Ex ploits of Elaine." N'o. D: "IJIood and Water." "Henrts nnd riames": Wednesday, Charles Chnplln In "The JItnev Elopement." "The Claws of Greed," "Maid of the Mist"; Thursday, Chnrles Chaplin In "Tho Tramp": Friday nnd Saturday. Thomas E. Shea In "Tho Man o' Wnrsman." R1DOH AVEN'tlE-Mondav. "tSO.OOO.OOO Mys lery," episode N'o. IS: Tuesday. "Are They Horn?" Wednesday. "Officer mil": Thursdax, "The Lost House": Trldny, "Jano Eyre"; Saturday. "Exploits of Elalno" and a Chnplln loinedy. KEYSTONE Monday. episo,le N'o, IS of "JU.WHMHXI Mstery," Chnplln In "The Property Man": Tuesday. "The Man Who Vanished"; Wednesday. "Exploits of Elalno" nnd "Diana of Enslo Mountain": ThurrdAy. "A Modern Mandalen," "The Dlood of tho Children"; Friday. "The Illack Hox." 'Tor KIiir nnd Kaiser"; Saturday, "Tlllle's Punc tured Romance." GARDEN' Monday, "Runaway June," Charles Chaplin In "lluahlnt; the Scnndnl"; Tues day. "Stop Thief." with Mary Ryan: Wed nesday, William Farnum In "The Glided Tool.1' FRANKFORD Monday and Tuesday. John Emerson tn "The Conspiracy"; Wednesday nnd Thursday. "The Spoilers"; Friday and Saturday, "The Sign of tho Cross " SOMERSET-Mnnday, Chaplin In "Tho Jitney Elopement"; Tuesdny, "Tho Naked Truth". Wednesday, "The Little Girl That He Fnr pot"; Thursday. Chaplin in "The Tramp": Friday, "Tho Christian"; Saturday, "On the N'lsht StOEe." featurlnu William Hart. STANLEY "Snobs." as plcturlzed by the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Plnv company, is tho photo-drama In which Victor Moore Is tn make his photo-dram itlc debut nt tho Stanley Theatre tho first three days nnd ctcnlngs of th)3 week. UaWd llelasco's "May Rlnssom" Is to bo presented on Thursday, Frlda and Saturday. LOCl'ST Extraordinary tn many respects In the pioKrnm arranRcd for tho comlnp week nt tho Locust Theatre. The principal feature on Monday noxt will bo Orrln Johnson In "Satan Sanderson." Tuesday Thomas Jeffer son nnd Adelaide Thurston will bo shown lu tho loading roles of "The Shadows of i Great City." Wednesday and Thursday Hetty N'ansen will be shown In Count Leo Tolstoi's "Anna Karenlna," supported by n enst of eminent dramatic stars. Friday "The Mun Who Found Himself," featuring Robert War wick, Is the main attraction. Saturdny S Miller Kent In II. A. Rolfe's production of "The Cowboy nnd the Lady," will be shown for the first time at this house. Throughout MBSKxeaswaa sssrasssssMSSSsr.:'.: 1 You Are i a lev Jacob 1424-1426 j - t 1 1 rX2?Z " I 0 vf TScciriAl niRFPTHRV OF THFATRRS H 1 OF THE MOTION-PICTURE EXHIBITORS LEAGUE INCLUDINO THOSE BOOKED THROUGH THE EXHIBITORS' BOOKING OFFICE, INC. 1339 VINE STREET ri7riArc wth hthekt ani 1118 CAITIVB nusTi-E ott a BKiny In tin BunlUbt The Jeweled Dier riinCIA SDI1 Market Street EUUllKA SELECTED PHOOBAM TilHe'a Punctured Romance ...,.. nnvsai.KH A OH A 8. CHAPLIN FRANKFORD "HSJsSt "Dd Vllr VUtMIGHV In warn k....4.o.. ... THE CONHPIKACY And COMEDY PIOTUHES GARDEN Ijxotdowne Avraue RUNAWAY JUNE , CHAUI.ES CHAPLIN In IIUSHINOTHE BOANDAL-Other; GREAT SOUTHERN .M EXPLOIT8 Or EL.UNE THE KNOCKOUT WALLOP, a Sterling- Comedy, uul other., " with J. WABHEN KEBKIOAN ioic licD.insioa ana IKIS AUefheoy At. The Oevir Fiddler THE ULACK HOX NO. 4 JEFFERSON DAhs. Seorge KIsin'5 OFFICER 668 the entire -week an extra added attraction will be Charles Chaplin In "A Jitney Elopement." 'What's DoingTonight?" J I Ball In aid of Mt. Slnat Hospital, Academy of Music: 8 o'clock. Traffic Club dinner, Kugler'a restaurant! Hall In aid of German House, Turner Hall: Address' on "City riannlnir," . Ruslnesa Science Club, Adelphla Hotel: 8 o'clock. Dance of Musical Clubs of Germnntown Academy, Oermantown Cricket club; 8 o'clock Alliance Francalee meeting, Aeorn Club, s o' dock Pennsylvania Historical Foelety, Locust and Mlh streets; 8 o'clock. Free. Fifty-seventh Street Improvement Associa tion, Olrard avenue and 60th street; 8 o clock. 1'niverslty ol Pennsylvania trustees, Uni versity or Pennpylvanla Library; 8 o'clock. Philadelphia Chapter, American Institute of Architects, liOl Chancellor street; 8 o'clock Oak Lane Improvement Arsoclntlon, Chelten i anil I'nrK nvenues, n o ciock. r re,- New England Club, I'nlverslty nf Pennsyl- ' i.inln. TTmifttnn Il.lll: 7.3n o'clock. Minstrel show and dance for Citliollc Homo for Destitute Children, Hellcvue-Stratford, 8 o' ploctf tlnll In aid nf German House, Turngemelnde Hall: n o'clock , ... . .. . Ito.ikkcppcrs' Ilenetlclal Association, 1411 Arch tret. 8 o'clock. , South Philadelphia lluilncss Men's Associa tion, llroad nnd Federal streets; 8 o clock. Lecture, "Current Events," Miss Kntharlno Loike, Pelham Court. 8 o'clock. lecture, "Camp nnd Military Hsglene, Its flanltntlon nnd Its Relntlon to War Mortnllty. I)r Victor C. VnuRhan, College of Phjslclans: S o'clock. Address. "The Development nf American Music," Mrs. Edward MncDowell, Contrmro rnrs Club. nrllevue-Strnttord: 8:18 o'clock. , St Raphael benefit. Lu l.u Temple. 8 10 o clock Lecture, "Local Wild Flowers," Stow.ird.on Ilro'vn, Arndemy of Natural Sciences, 8 o'clock. Free , ,, "Philosophical Tendencies of the Past Century," lecture by Rev. John DrlecnlJ. S T. I).. Catholic Girls' High School: 8 13 o'clock. Free. BOARD OF EDUCATION APPROVES MANV HILLS Payments to tho Amount of $1,4(33, 38G.27 Authorized. Bills nBRrecntliiR $1,463,3S6.!T wero ap proved today nt a meeting ot the Finance Commlttco of tho Board of Education. They authorize tho followlns payments for March: $731,000.03 for salaries of teachers jtinltors and ndmlnlstrntlvo nnd clerical forces; JS2.CT5.Gl for supplies; $17,463.71 for fuel; J19.037.04 for repairs on school buildings; 1178,815.25 for payments on sites nnd new school structures, nnd 50,000 ns tho annual contribution to the teachers' retirement funds. The balance reported on hand liv Cltv Trensurcr William McCoach Is $1,012,772.11, deposited ns follows: Central Natloml Hank JI2."i.non CO Farmers and Mfthaiilrs' Nntlonal Hank l.iiis.fi.so . Vranklln 'Nntlonal Rank JH.I.nrn cm Market Street National Hank i'SI.Ittl '.".i Pennsylvania Company for Insur ance on i.ics nnu urnniinK An nuities 101,0(10 00 Commercial Trust Company ... tuo.n-ni.oii Cash In Treasurer's possession.... JPn,sj M Tho Board of Education will purchase $370,000 of the school loan of $2,000 000 tc cently negotiated. An amount of JKO.COO of tho securities will be placed with the ' II ro Insurance fund maintained by tho ooara tor repairing uuuuings uamagcu by fire. AT FOUNTAINS, HOTELS, OR CLSCWHCRB Got HORLEO THE ORIGINAL Tho Food-Drink for AH Ages RICH MILK. MALT GRAIN EXTRACT, IN POWDER UnloB3 you say "HORLWIPS" you may got a Substitute. n wf'vwv Going to Buy ouit oomewnere $fM&$! Tnis Season Vv hy not spend the money where you get the most for it? Our claim that vc will give you hotter rahrics, hetter tailoring and more true "style than may he had elsewhere at the same cost, is a statement that you may readily verify. All that we ask is a chance to show you. The Finest Ready-to-vVear Suits and Overcoats in Latest Spring Models, Fifteen to Thirty Five Dollars Reed's Sons CHESTNUT STREET - JJK - - JLJdJtLJALJM. J4Q31 --SSsfc I FAriPfi? 4't Street nnd L,PUC' l.oncu.ter Aiei id kenua ANNETTE KELLEIUIANN. the Perfect Woman, In NEPTUNE'S DAUGIITEK aim I'onieuy nuujeci. KEYSTONF south stkeet CV1.IJHJ11C BELOW TENTH . THE (20.000.000 MYBTEBY THE PBOPEBTY MAN S-part Kejatone, und Comedr Subject. PARK KldKe'Ave. t Dauphin St. " Matinee. SH5. E. 7H LOST HOUSE A Mutual Ma.terpleca RIDOF AVENUE 18th St. and Hldze Aie. The 18th Epi.ode of tho $20,000,000 MYbTEBY COMEDY PIOTUBEM v SOMERSET s"i,I,n.u"toa CHARLES CHAPLIN In THE JITNEY ELOPEMENT AND OTHERS TIOGA ATDKETsfANGQ The Eagle's Nest And Other Excellent Subject. TUJjEHOfcKEN ftj85JKS if- MISS ANNA LAIGHL1N la "THE ORDEAL" JAPAN INFORMS CHINA U.S. WON'T INTERFERE Insists on Demands That Con flict With British Railway Concession in Far East. PIJKtN. Chlnn. April 12. -Jnpnn hag lieen BtrlvltiR to ninko the Clilnenc Gov ernment believe thnt It ennnot hope for rtny nlil from America. Vet the Tekln nlllclala hnvo hecn firmer than ever In the last two conferences In resisting tho Jnpnnese demands under discussion. Japanese nowspapcin published In China and Jnpanesc residents and emissaries n.'sert that the Toklo Oovernmcnt knows that the Government at WnahhiRton will notj Interfere. N'evcMliolcMi, President Yuan Shi Kal seems to bo Impressed with the reasoning of certain foreign advisers, who nrsuo that Japan dare not employ force, es pecially since China has conceded In one FILL YOUR COAL BINS LETTER'S BEST COAL Satisfied Customers for 30 Years. 2240 lbs. to every ton for 30 years. The finest and most complete coal yard in Philadelphia. Egg, $fi.25 Stove, $6.50 Chestnut, $6.75 Largest Round Pea, $4.75 Our auto trucks deliver north of Market St. and east of 30th St. Owen Letter's Sons Trenton 6r Westmoreland 'MIOJWraMaiMMlMmMMmMMMMmMMmmMMMMMIMll M-WTH ffl fa,wfl"iyi'fil.'rTtta7Cw,wWi,.,w ' ' ".mlT"' si 9 ; alSH.-i.miik i i, . 'j.-gysiiBl1 rim i1 ii 'i ii i Hi iii '" m, Wi '' 'i ffl la fS rnfetl--H JiFtifljB I ". when they think that Lester Pianos must necessarily be high priced because they are high grade. Of course they make this mistake because Lester Pianos are everywhere associated with the very highest grade instruments. But they sell as low as $325 and upward. What other high-grade Piano can you get at that price? Compare the Lester with the other great makes and you will find the others cost $75 to $200 more than the Lester. The reason for this great saving is that we are manufacturers on a large scale and sell direct from our own factories to you. PLAYER-PIA are the highest development in musical instruments. They are easiest to pedal and give the widest range of individual expression in playing any kind of music. A i They are mnghlENTIRE (not assembled) in our own mammoth 20-acre plant, livery posilble advantage is given to the purchaser. You deal directly with thehianufacturer. In buying a Iester you have no agent's profits to pay, no dealer's profits to pay, no middleman to run up the price with "in-between" profits which must come out of your pocket. Think this over carefully when you select a piano. Then, when you get it firmly fixed in your mind listen to a Lester. That's all you need to bring you to a quick decision, Confidential, easy terms. There's no "scheme" or "club" brand on the Lester, but it's the biggest value in Philadelphia. Your Old PianoTaken in Exchange F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut St. SSZ,T!ZZ' BRANCH STORES OPEN EVENINGS T KENSINGTON 3244 Kensington Ave. READING, PA. IS North 5th St. W1LKES-BARRE, PA. 170 South Mala St. NORRISTOWN, 117 West Main form or nnother nil but one of the first four groups of Japnn'n demands. In Saturday's conference with the Japanese Minister this question was brought up, being article 6 of group 6 t the demands! China agrees to Japan's right to build a railway connecting Wuchang with Kluklang nnd Nnnclmng; also n lino between Wuchang and Hnng chowi and a lino between Nanchang and Klnochow. That article, It Is pointed out here, may 73 HEATING ECONOMY ISSrv THE RESULT OP USING N Fresh Air Heaters Prevent waste of fuel, waste of effort and waste of money. Oil climatic conditions de pends the health of the family. Such proper conditions can be obtained in your home by means of these modern Heaters. Investigate "Richardson" products. They have more square feet of heating surface than any other Heaters ever made. Tins modern construction will supply the pper temperature and quality of air to each room. Properly installed, these heaters will automatically vtntilat the tntire house. Fresh warm air means real health. Thousands of these popular Also iRidtat&sott Steam and Hot Water Heating Boilers Richardson & 1342 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa NEW YORK CHICAGO Installed by all uirii WMS& ? "sssxBsaiiM VWXX, ' faKffiS any People Are Wrong CAMDEN, N, J. 820 Broadway WEST PHILA. 302 S. 52d St. TRENTON, N. J. 209 Eat State St. SCRANTON, PA. 626 Spruce St. PA. St, be considered ns Infringing or China railway concessions and pledges to Great Britain. Influential Japanese In Toklo and Pekln have been euggestlng for months that UrltlsH capital arid Japan ese enterprise for railway nnd other de velopments In China be combined, but British cnpltallets have failed to respond. The British press In the Orient is un sparing In Its criticism of Japan. Ths North China Dally News, one of tho most prominent British newspapers In the Par East, recently styled Japan's demands on China as a "dirty trick." fflkbJO ryW) nrt TTMiTrni'iLyJ v j ij &yy n Hi in I lliiftBCa ff ssisMI 81 lull PI irM5iS3iS?L 111 i7T",t'"4 Ktis&Jffik'iv III1 " i l iw i jy k They heat where other fail. goods In use giving satisfaction. "Perfect Cooking Ranges tt Boynton Co., Mfrs. BOSTON PROVIDENCIJ I lumbers and Fitters, mwww.' TT.-rn-n-.-m-nnr..nn ""p5 EjbI Eia tBRmSviSM tK wfe Si1 MP wi ",,",g--UM at Full Value A A
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