AM, Wi rml .1 p.n.VA '. Cats A. .1 L hal wife 1 frltnia ices, o ' iterweo'; BCOTT' dnc! ..tittle. OlELU I. Wr. ber.ui! Wlllsk" it San & rvlw .rut tnn . xa-P Governor indorses NATIONAL 4TH OF JULY ' Co-operates in Move for State Appropriation Daughters of Revolution Enthusiastic. ..j.mpnt of tho proposed national Lt. '..,i, nf July celebration In rhllndcl- tiJT. has been Klven by Governor Brum fp ' tt namireil members of the J nclimnlc commlUco ho went to :iufriw .""-," ,h,, itmt the conicmi" -- - !l rrme-t approval. Tho Governor . .o said that be would co-operate In Try way toward making the event a r fUCC mimornllfl mim- ji was; icarncu nu,, . .. f the Leglslaturo who returned to '.J. Miy today that the name spirit per p ins "' oni and Mm ItntiKH. ft .j it Is bellovcd thftt tho Dunn bill, rrrjnB an niproprlnlon for ,1", cVcnt' -IllSaSS w,tn Viriuuiijr ..w "W""' t. nnler that the illitlngulahed men I .Mia presence la desired nt tho cere- ..nontM may rccv , 7. .1 ft'lu .. . ilttlA mnmnnt. hnth tll yin earnest ii"" CLilmanlc and citizens' committees nro ' wu illi- tm nrnllmltinrt ' dtalrou: As a step In this direction, a nr expiii"' .. i--- ... bill ; P'n!':s , n nooronrlatlon will bo P"VW' '.- nnimclla next Thursday, : letrCOUte- ... ----- ...,11 .!.. , f S with tha CltUens' Committee, which ..--.. rnmm hph win men nvi 111 &- "P""""" ' .ftMCHj'i , .,... n (, u'lclsnrend """, e dm rvent was manifest 'fn,, annual meeting, of tho I'enn ", ill. Society of the DauBhtcra of -vli involution at the Bellovuc-Strnt--"". 'In., rtmutun T-edoer's sueeostlon en annual national calabratlon of the L'.rth In this city was unanimously ap ld Mrs. Nathaniel S. Keay, State p tJnt'of tho organization, heartily com ISd tho plan, and brief addreaBes ..Si made by other members, who con ffi I that It was In keeping with tho country" history to havo such nn annual Sremony at tho Shrlno of Liberty In following resolution was adopted! " .. a Thn( hn Pnnnvlvnnln T niuthters of tho Revolution Indorso tho t .Station of tho bill at Harrlsburg to "f further the movement for the annual na tsjlMil celebration of tho Fourth of July ii Independence Hall, Philadelphia." In,,! members wcro elected to the fekoird of managers: Harry T. Kent. Mrs. ,ffl u.nnill . Colllngwood, Mrs. Charles K. l-Jn Holbtrt. Mrs Harlcy P. MacDermott, H John J. Ziegier nna tawnra . u. $L m 'j.i.t-aloo nnrl 10 alternates were M. tltcted to attend tho nnnual convention , f the General oocieiy iu uo irau m 'Brooklyn beginning tho week of May 10. I'expebts leave u. s. employ 11 Resign Positions nt Frnnkford Ar icnal to Accept Alluring Offers. tarje (alary orfers nro luring away nifty of tho experts at tho Frankford JuimiI. They havo resigned to accept toilUoni with private concerns whose ntrmous profits In manufacturing munl ttoni for the Allies enable them to make Cttterlnr offers. Major F. G. Penncld, tl th ordnance department, has accepted i tioilllon with tho Canada Car anil foundry Company, which recently began Bjnufacturing projectiles. o is saiti 10 kir teen given a contract caning lor t4W a year. Ho Is a graduato of West Point, and It was necessary for him to wltn hl commission to take the Cana- liui position. 1 A.F. Schwlndt, foreman of the artillery tut ihop, Is another expert to resign. Ho ilio accepted a post with tho Canadian tomtany. His salnry with tho Arscnol 1b ?iild to have been JMOO. Tho Canadian 'company agreed to pay him $10,000. Other npen. according to reports current ni (he Arsenal, have left to iccclve salaries niflng from J50O0 to JS000 per year. Many ol He workmen havo l efused offers of rttit averaging $10 per day, fearing the tud of the war might end tho high scale piy. PENN MEN TO AID WOUNDED EKenteen Doctors Will Servo in 1 American Ambulance Hospital in Paris. Recent sraduates of the Unlversltv of jfiajljlvanla Medical School nro plan-n m to do service In treating wounded .Mlflers In the American Ambulanco !HmjIu1 In Paris. A group of 17 men Itlag organized by Dr. J. William lt to take charge July 1 of 150 of ttilMbedJ In the hospital. He Pennsylvania croun will relleva a rty from the Harvard Medical School. w went Inlo service April 1, sailing rt(B SW TOrk MnrMi 7. Atlnr onrvlnir Ijten months, the doctors from Penn will ; Ten uy a band rrom Jonna Hop t' cr the University of Chicago. Tho ,NU4 lrlU consist nf 11 dnetnrs:. four k!tUiij nurses, an executive officer and , m wr jeon. CLASSIFIED RATES DAIT.T i'n Riiunlv IITTLE TIPE (or like this) i??J?J''tli? ". 15o perllne li. 1""""." ln wk.... l-JVjcperlins I bZJ'Mutlvo Insertions... lOo perllne fe h1 . "'"B,J, tnrce inser t ltaawek lOo rvrtln. IE,SJZE TYPE (or like this) '"." ciussmcaiione except lie p LirS!, Wanted. Lost and Found. 1'er. WChTW1" ni Rooms. KSS,.,r,"",.' ln week.... IT He perllne it atWin Insertions.. . IBo per lias 5MMlto.Y?.k.V.'d. "2 "ea,e measurement. rto,.:. ' """ liS&:v:v:--... FOa V 00 1. vMhY 0NI-T off let Decmmhtr t ffi tkiEHBIAATI0N RATE lEeTVf 7? J? " the morning and ivenlny t- jt PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNINO) EVENING LEDGER i-ni. IBYENINQI 3WHWt,n' Pr line net to rates liven l'attiiv?.D..,81TUATION8 WANTED It II "ASJit THE PUBLIC LEDOEll awTSSSSD N tub EVENla it -mvvi AUUXTlUMAIa e If . J... . Ptee it,;. rru store near your Kitoffil wiI1 accePt Ledger want L2f?WANTED-PEMALE lJIW. wV'Sfi ASfy H- Silverman i tnMr'? three chlMr.n mi..i ia tiiSSHUi . t lady, room WO. xi o'clock. ' iiM la S,'r.V,D a'Perlaneid womanT liiriTf.-""' triiu. LaitBr iirrir! . . MB?fir??,?r.nt waut and skirt &"wt hiuri i"1 CBe of g"l ! Mr. Vr.i '"eh Unaamikinr sSnn. Hljaei street. BTUAWliHlDGE AwAVrtffiWMggS w23 TIIOROlflllLY EX- FV?,. AB.'W tJy iiiiiTr to reference. j..T. im l&a U"" HELP WANTBD-rjEMAI.B OI'EnATOns on alt parts of shirtwaists, silk and cotton. The Ifagedorn-Mcrz Company, 3d and Mrown. 0S?AT2.t?3."n eollArs and cuffs for"nUt nalsts.jnioJlagsrfl.jtCtsdj&Drojn. s'J,Y'?"At womn with dressmaking abllllyi miinMs exp. preferred, o B53, Ldger Cent, ED. by the middle of May, two capable siJlc11 frat-elasa references, for cook. FriS?" ttor, "nrt waiting. Kor particulars, tlephonrhciniit Mill 4SS. ' WinJfr.5P.T"Y?un? sl'i fr gmeral liounework tn fainlly of 3 In .Tfnklntonn. Call on Mrs. i. J.'enU'ml,0,e' Adelphla, between 4 and 0 ULAM.T5?rAn Italian ulrl. a flrst-clnss cm- . , ..... j worncr on initials, r 0Z, leii. on. WinmXU"Ar.3r,,l:clnM embroidery worker on " ,.; .-,i-.ptiKPr unice. Wi?reelN fr senclnl housework. M2.3 Media. HELP WANTED MALE "nor'..1" 2HRf".! nS understanding lh cars ot . norse. Apply .inn iurln. CAB1NETMAKKI18 WANTED Must be experienced on and flna do cabinet work hand sanding, firing tools. rhystcal examination necessary. Apply VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY, Application Office, 23 Market street, Camden, New Jeney, C?n.RE?.P0,?2DDNT Pnd advertising man who !lSfi.1"il...lon'' ."Derlencs In this line of work wIi.. ""'omoblle concerns nn other ncsd ?f 1)' ".onB Automobile Exchange. IMS ERrtAND BOY wanted. Apply M. Silverman J?oniJiV. corOth and South. OOOD all-nround kitchen man for restaurant. a, m . 247 N. l(1(h. MAN AND WIFE wanted for family of 3 and nurse, in small house In .tenklntown. wlfo to took and do family washing, husband to net as butler ai,d look after the lower floor! wages not ovpr JOS per month for both: must have good references. Telephone Oxontz 801 botueen 7 and R p. m. MAN AND WIFE, colored laundress: man as housen wlfo. cook and housemen: for euburbs. Meet employer Monday, between 12:30. Ledger Centra). 11:30 and MAN AND WirE, colored, for country: tlrst class look and care of house. L, 134, Ledger Office. Philadelphia. March 30. 1MB. Mr. Hunt, Ledger Central. Dear Mr. Hunt I am writing to toll you of tho splendid position t acquired with the above firm through the Lod ger's commercial nealatrv Huroau It Is a good-paying position and there is splendid chance for advancement. I am perfectly satisfied with It. I want to thank you for the personal Interest vou took In mo. I will ad vise etory itenoaranher out of a poet'lon to register with your agency, knowing the erv good results that rculsterlng with vnu brings Thanking ou again for your help, I remain, Very sincerely yours. (Signed) HAftnY WINDER, (1333 North 11th St.. Phlla.. Pa.). SOLICITOnS. 2. high class, wanted for dig nlned nnd remunerative newspaper work. C 230 Ledger Office. TWO GOOD nniCK POINTEItS wanted, ply Monday, 23QI North Bouvler st. Ap- WANTED Head orderly; trained in Insane work: credentials required; apply Chief Resi dent Physlclan'B Office, Philadelphia General Hospital. WANTED I want a young man Interested In Christian work, with force, leadership and ambition; permanent: a real opportunity. Call at B o'clock only. T27 Walnut St., Room 8 ANTED Experienced salesman to handlo commercial art ln Phlla. on commission. Apply noon 705. Brown Bros. Bldg. WANTCD Twist hands for Oo-Through ma chines. Ap. FatchOjue Mfg.Co..Patehogue.L.I. WATETI RUBBERS WANTED Must havo factory cxperlenco on fine cabinet work, furniture or pianos. Physical examination necessary. Apply VICTOR TAI.KINO MACHINE COMPANY Application Office 23 Market &t., Camden, New Jersey, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COMPETENT chambermaid nnd waitress wishes position In prlvato family; reference. C 224. Ledger Offlce, COOIC and chambermaid and waitress. 2 sis- ters, white, wish positions together, P53 N, ration st, COOK and waitress wish positions together; best references. C 222, Ledger Office. COUPLE Flrst-clasB German cook; good houseman; best references. 1210 N. 6th. DRESSMAKER from New York desires en gagements: advanced styles. Ph. Wal. 4802 W. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes a few cngts. In private homes. H 440. Led. Cent. GRADUATE nurse, cntlro charge of Infant, nervous or otner cases. - -lit, -.eager -nice, MANAOINO housekeeper, companion or asst. matron; , um .,. .u. .v. w...v. NURSERY GOVERNESS or companions exp.; capable of giving massage Phone Walnut 1713 STENOGRAPHER dostres pos. where accuracy and neatness ara necessities: would consider "Q-jsaL-W'tn opp. : ref. B 821. Ledger Off. STENOGRAPHER Rapid, accurate, ref., mod jiratsaryl LedCent. WOMAN, responsible, capable and efficient, desires position as managing housekeeper. L 3.TU. l.eqg er w e;jtri. WOMAN w'ould Travel In capacity of practical nurea: wubikh " ". -- YOUNG GIRLS want positions, one as cook, "the other as chambermaid or waitress. Apply to 1781 Juniata st.. Nlcetown. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT of vast experience, familiar with Corporation, manufacturing and hotel work credit and office manager, s open ?or posulon. part or fu I lira., oi -will take special work, no objection to travel. C 31, l-mlter Ofltce, nnoKKEEPER. capable, experienced offlco "m.comp.tent ttSwKI gRi" O-StSl best references. II HO. Ledger tentrai. tuiy 10 Jewish, bright, active, would like to Telephone Race 333' or SPruc. am. nnv atrong. 13, Catholic, wishes position In BOnY;.?vr?"f ther on prlya . ..tat. or farm; 'SfSSVSSK Arwu -t. -'-- SgftK.-f P?.'roord Km. t. high w.g.; wants position. 4" "' -.ViitPPFUR "colored, with prUate family; c"KSFrli.V, don't drink or mok.: re sr- eHce froiri last erapJoyerJioeujrfm. RWlTtvif-UR young Frenchman, speaks ilngi.. -n- -1 '" """'" ' - , I,dgcr "rl. , i. r J.!?naTi7-.n axo.rt roscli..wlsh.s pos.; Ci i.tiit 7cf ' ' nu "1 B. .-raxisr St. 7?iur7a,-H, 5i! SSd cor7pcndcnLH o, . v........ ."' Jrr;.m.nt O W. -.agar .mr. w" i 3T on ln prlva "r rnTslertn" sa1 " SfrK9 l" Achis:i' co-jwieii r-Bim M,ttJS MvVtoi" mUJtloi! t"l r-' uTRPENF." ,52Jiiai J?eUW. "f- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE OAJlDKNEn wishes position! alngWi "PJf' enred vegetables, flowers, sober and roliaoie, P US, Ledger Office. , HOTKT. rr.KrtK-Young man. Soi eltv or ,. hore:r(fcrenee9. 0P.T. ledger entrali IN VEKTOIVB assistant wsnl work In eprl . mental laboratory P 227. LedgcrOfOCP v JAP, butler, Ihor. comp.. deslrca situation prl. atefmljy, bcstref. li 129, Ledger Offlcei LtlMlinil foreman and shipper; 10 r. exp.i clly orcountry.H 014, Ledger Central. MAN ar.d wife, white. Prnls . butler, , toJJ'' man or nticnrt lawn, garden, wllr. chamber- mald and waitress, reference. 1.S02, Id,Mi, MAN nml wife, while. Protestants cook and nuuer; reference. . I Ian. Longer umic MAN and wife, white, t'rot.. cook and second jtjrd.ejjrjindgeraljilllltyIj.201.U?dJrf, MAN. younir, strona:, deslrei work of any klnd handy jvllh tools. 1j120, Ledger Office. MAN and wife, while. Trot., as farmer and workln-huusckocpor. Iin, Led Offlce. MAItllLE cleaner, practical marbl cleaner; -iiJ,iiiI?Le?-liny:,eB g' cni- iliJTi.1 r GlVPiU MAIUUCD COUl'I.E. butler, plain cook, sea shore or country. Call 1701 Locuat, Phona . Spruce -two, c l1l,Ldger Offlce. OFKICB MaNAOEPACCOUNTANT , Thoroushly experienced In nll.branchee ot Iron and steel business: practical bookkeeper, coat accountant, estimator, offloe manage mint. Ako JO. married. A-l credentials. II 44. tdgir Central. POStriON wanted at Atlantla City, N. J. Esperlrnrcd hotelman and wife, man as clerk, watchman or general utility man ant wife to look after linen department! tan glye best reference or cash bond! man will take Ksltlon alone. Address 10-1 Madison ave., iltlmore. Md. . YOtJNO married man wants place as aardeneri best nf reference s Address Gardener, l)o Mil. Oerbrook. Pa, WORK NEEDED QUICKLY Manv urgent, worthy cases are still In the care of the Emergency Aid Committee. Imme diate employment must bo found. A few ore mentioned below. If you can help, refer to letter and number and send caro committee at Lincoln Ilulldlng, MA-R The Emergency Aid Committee has on file the following applicants, whose references have neen erniea. 1IOOKKEEPEU Man, with experience and good reference, wanta position, willing to do . any kind of office work, E. A. 1B2. CAlll.NEt'MAKElt Experienced man wants po sltlon: has ironrt reference. E. A. 1f8 UAitrNT-K oung man wants position; goou worner; well recommended, u. a. io. CIVIL ENaiNEER-Man,""wIth good ref.,wants pos.; Is willing to do anything. E, A. 163. CLERK Young married man wants position: la experienced on nilng work; good ret. E.A.H18. DRIVER Married man wants position! has good reference. E. A, IBO. E-ECTRICIAtP-Experlenced man wants posi lion; is wen recommenaeu. tu, j io(. ETTEVXTOir" 0"PER"ATC5RBlnglB man wanta fosltlon: 28 years old; is willing to tako any hint, E. A. 168 ENGINEER ETderly man, with license, wants position; lias good reference. B. A. IBP. FIREMAN Experienced man, with good ref erence, wants position E, A. 1110. PAINTER Experienced houso painter wants position, married, with B children; very de serving E. A. 101. 6ALEHS1AN Man. familiar" with leather goods, wants position; line good reference. E. A. 1H2. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES KEYSTONE Employment Bureau or Teaching Italian Labor Office has 1003 good railroad men who under stand track work; ready to work at once. 720 S. 8th st. Phone Walnut 2481 AUTOMOBILES ELECTRIC RUNABOUT Bargain; looks and runs like new; Just overhauled and repainted. L 347. Ledger Central. DETROIT ELECTRIC Cheap; closed car, good condition; also charging plant: Central ilant; will demon- urate, u aiu. eagcr BUSINESS NOTICES nnAR1! Direct from factory, on trial. V4il.I' ..ECONOMIST" Londresi $2 for H); delUered. Frechle, 308 ARCH. Mc. REPAIRS our watch or clock, no matter what It needs. 1 year guarantee. Aron's, 1117 W Olrard ao. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED, A MAN WITH J3000 TO $3000 to underwrlto a proposition where monoy Is absolutely secure and profits are rry large. Don't reply unless you mean business. I. 842, Ledger Central, PARTY deslrei who will share expense neces sary In closing salo of property which returns attractive profit; negotiations well advanced. C 105. Ledger Office. CIOAR. candy and school supplies Dolnj; goof. nusint-B3. must aeu; KoinK to country; near 20th erd Dlrklnson. L 848. Ledger Central. EXPERIENCED mech. engineer will deote spare time to developing fc designing special machinery; chargee reas. O B43, Led, Cent. FURNISHED' HOUSE, filled with good paylnt; Icnanltf cheap for cash. 03'i N. lllh. CARPET CLEANING WEST PHILA. MONARCH BTORAOE CO. 3c. PER YAP.D. 3870-72 LANCAS TER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND KANCIF3 CLEANED. DYED. MAILHOT.1BI0 Chestnut. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS bought for spot cash. Room 303, Penn Mutual llldg., 025 Chestnut at DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY FASHIONABLE aressmaklng: prices reason able, fit gusrantced; remodeling. 31.10 Chest nut. AparticiitA Belmont 17fl8Y. ARTISTIC dresses, lingerie frocks reasonable priccaiParlslan modclscoplod. 1330Walnut, DRESSMAKING taught' Bhort. prac. course. 5dJowdlJL0TJJrncklildg..llth&M arket. HEMSTITCHINO done while ou wait. A. Relchard. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d hand, bought, sold, rented, exch'd Keafer. 323 (ilranl ave, DOOR FRAMES AND SASH 700 for sale, cheap. 2113 Vine st McCullough INSTRUCTION RAGTIMH In 20 leasona. ..Call or write Chrlstensen Piano Schools, 382U tlermantown avo 1320 Taskcr st. STORAGE SILVERWARE AND VALUABLES DURINO BU, ABSENCE FROM CITY Tn addition to stated rates for trunks, bnxea. etc.. the company can furnish amnio space at cubic feet rates ln Its basement rtreproof vaults of concrete and steel. Terms most moderate. inquiries by telephone or otjisrwls. r. celv. careful attention. Articles called for. MERCHANTS UNION TRUST CO. 715-TIT-T10 Chestnut .U A FORMS OF TRUST CO, BUSINESS, TiELIABLB STORAGE. MOV1NO. PACK1NO, "ipPlNO. 2040-44 N, 30TH ST. Dla. 4747. - - ". . ft ..a. e- A 114a eHil uon.rcn oiurs y-.-V -"' v---Ing and shipping. 3870 Lancaster eve. ROOMS FOR RENT BARINO ST., 3218 (Tn. Chilton) Two first Moor roomaV .ult d.niist, doctor or apart-i!0nt- Mrs. Ball. McClaln. manager. p BROAD. N., UOi Two rooms and bath; furn. or unfiint.; modern corner house, Urea yard; porch;, southern exposure; electrlo lights: at tractive surrounding.. Photo at Ltd. Cant. TtiviiTRR. 41KO Very pleasaat rooms, gantlet men tfr uw. i"". "" - -.-- , GIRAUD BTBEETT., H18-(Tha Burt)-N.wy remodeled, .legantly fur.; electrlo -nd cold niniil-g water: ratea reasonable. IOCU8T AND X1TH-PRIVATB FAMILY fcnFSlRES RENTINO PORTION OF LARGE DWELLING; SINaLB OR EN SUIT-; jrmJKOR UNFURN. PH. LOCU-T 2787 D. TncUWV. 40a Largs s.cond-story room -with -ry.. wt-u, nrilnlnln- th: also Dleas-nt ---"T7 , ,.,. Jnennlt! hnSTll ont. PrSJ. Salf W fhirJ-atory room. Phone. rfT VEBN0J1, 1837-C0rn,r apt., 3 rooms, bath, a; front rm . run'g water. PINE. W3 coona-noor room, urneie wd; iout-ern .xposure, .v.ry comfort. POWELTON. 401K - Desirable light 2d-story "', ,!rhlh Prol -entlemcn. near "I't ,ww. ' ' i i r Rpnuci!. 100ft-Irg. id-floor back, furnished; 6?JiVVrc4e Phone Walnut 7J33. SPRUCE. 2022 Deslrabla furalshed suite, with DriT-t w." r - " . ... WALNUT, jrOS Two nlt-ely furnished, com- rminlcatlny front roomy, and hath, board op'l. WALNUT. 3,, Slsa-Well-fumtshed 2d aUry irooi rt T" . ""-"-1-13TI1 S..'i Newly (uralshad, tysxt to ;it; slaitrlc; reaawablo. Phone Walout 7U8. IlOOMS FOR BENT JEXT BATHi PnOFEa8IONAl OFFICE, 'Ti'i.ivl S5?TSfI'l'0. wcll-furn., Sd-story roomi refined private fam 'Diamond 2,-Sl XV. 4ftTlf, s., lis ?(ewly furn. rnw i renncl Ren tlemenieleetricltysnear L. Iiaring 635 w. RSl. N., 227-prlvata family has large "id" story front room.also slnglo room) phone, PniVA"Tn family; well furn rm ; refined" lo cation. H4th, rhester, eentlcrren pref. Wood. 22CO, Kuhurban lft.M.FIULl) d floor furnished front loom, Q'ner rooms. Phone Oierbrnok .,lr.i W. BOAKDINQ tonoAiv s, iMa-DEsinAm.n vacancies, TAHUn HOAHI). DICKINHON Zaa W. BltOWN, S02P Bright, sunny room, 2 gentle iiiciior couplo! good table. Iiaring U47 I). CltnsTNITT. 41.10 Vrrv nleoii. furn. rooms In ref., xnv. lorntlnn; 2d-story front, back, alto single room; tabiotonri i-none. OIIIAHD AVE., l?aZ-Altraetlvely furn. room' single or com., gentlemen, couplo. Phone HAZEL, AVE., B122-Vncnncles In a refined home for those deslr. home comtortsi pnone. LKlliaH, W, 1113-15 Beautiful rooms, with poarq, nn conv, ; pnone: new minagcmeni POWBLTON AN'li, RMS front" slHlng room niao - fling, rms , iur., uniur., in men noun- IIACE, S4T5 Trained nurse haspWs. homeTor rer. neonin dealt- no ironii noenm.. special enrq of Invalids ur elderly persons, presion m- SPRllCE, 1028-30 Desirable suite with prlvati bath: cholco table board. Walnut 7233 W. SPRUCE. li24.2irTBrlambnde) Furn. rooms, single, en suite! prloto bathes tablo board. -PRUCE, 12.30 sunr; vTH private HATH, OTHER ATTRACTIVE ROO.M6 SPRUCE, 11)20 -"cheerful Blnglo and double roomsj prlvato bath: cxceMont table:phone. WALLACE, 1821-Welf'fur. slnglo anddouble rooms, exceptional table, ropiar jJ. . WALNUT. 3005 Warm, pleasant rme.": beiutP ful I neighborhood, board. Preston MSl A. WAt.VftT HT?. 4.152-.Plen;nnllv furn. rooms. slngIo or en suite, excel table. Baring lOliflW, WALNUT. 4303 Neatly furn. front room; soutnern oxpos. , goon laoio poaru. i-rrw. ,j, WALNtTr, 4011 Large, cheerful front, attrae tlve, comfortably turn : also single room: fins 1.1TH, N . 202G Handsomely furnished rooms, single or en suite, pnone; gooa car tieoii-e. 1UTII, N . 123I-irRe front rooms, with board, nlso other vncanrles nhone. 38TH, S. 108 l'rhnto fa'mlly has handsomely rurn room, corner, excellent taoio, jinoiie. int, . rm .t.l. a . n" , I ., ..llf Iiai,kI rA. iuiiii ... uw riiiiuu lutiittj ..... . .' nnel gentlemen; convenient to city, uar. ("o, Sulitrhajii OERMANTOWN I0O3 Wajnc ave near Wavno .lunctlon: pleasant homa In rriaie fairliy for gentlemen or business nomnn who npprccisio rennea, cuiturea surrounainge. OEIIMANIOWN. 233 WRlttenhoueo st be tween Wayne and oreoao Dealrablo rooms, slnglo or com ; homolike. Qtn. 1373 X. OAK LANE, 703 Comfortable rooms! near station: good homo table. Phono 388 w. APARTMENTS BROAD, N,, 004 Two rooms and bath, furn. or unturn.. modern corner houso. largo yard, forch. southern exposuro, electric lights, hit ractlve surroundings. Photo at Led. Cent. 1342 PINE " . . ." First Oonr, two-room apartment with bath; suitable for doctor or dentlBt. SPRUCE. 112!) Two or 3 room", with prltate bath, furn. or unfurn. ; cleitrlr light", hard- wood floors, all modern Improvements. WALNUT. 1222-24 (Kenwood) Desirable vacs., single or en sullo. prlv. bath", will furnish to suit tenant: modernto rent Walnut 8191. SPRINO GARDEN. I01O Excellent npta In 8 different houses; somo fur'd kitchenettes. WALLACE. IS'11 Unfurnished ants.? 2 rooms wnn private Dam, xoiioor. j'opiar hw. West Phlladelpliln CHILTON APARTMENTS 3218 Baring st Two flrst-class rooms, with pilvate hath: suit able dentist or doctor or apartments. Mrs Belle McClaln. mgr. Bell phono Preston IV10T. TO SUBLET -d-atory apt.. r rooms. batliT porch, unfurnished or comfortnbly furn., for housekeeping: light, airy. I'realon 3;IIO. Ijinsdotrne. Pn. APARTMENTS, modern In every way, retlned location, near station; rent !-'.-. to f.u per month. JOHN NACEY. 33 N Highland nve.. Lnnsdownc. Pa I'noio ot ajus nt eager icni. FURNISHEDAPARTMENTS MoT'TTpTn Locustri213-15. Furnlshrd ,11I .ncrtUjju,, single or on suite. West Philadelphia. TO SUBLET A fully furnlshod housekeeping apartment, 0 rooms and bath For further Information apply to Janitor. Tho Nether land", 44th and Chestnut. HOUSEKEEPING- APARTMENTS DIAMOND 2112-3 rms., bath. Kitchen, hot water heat, ref.; 2d floor. ti'i 4 rms., bjth, kitchen, nil or, rooms, fIB. Diamond 181,1 W. 2JI) AND PINE STS (DE LANCBY APTS) New, light, 4 to II rooms, 1 and 2 baths, kitchenette, central location, npply janitor. COLUMBIA AVE., ll-S .1-room orartments, com( letp ror nouseKeopi.i.T. uniurn. : pnone. iirtKKN ST.. 11117 f'lean. sunnv. attrectlvi. central. 5 rms., unfur.. hskpg. flat, elegant Mltn. all convs.: very inoci. rent., owner. OXFORD ST. (S. E. cor, 21st) Three rooms and batn: all outside rooms; s-u amontn POPLAR ATTP . 1020 Poplar Hkpg. suites, private baths; tlrst floor. 4 rooms, furnished. Gcrmantown. OERMANTOWN Unfurn apt. of 4 rms , hath and private porch, 2d floor. Ph. Qtn. 01B A. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE City TO EFFECT IMMEDIATE SALE, owner of live now six-room oncK dwellings nas au thorized our firm to sell same at tlBSO each. n,.n.rtla. mnr C1 sari. mnrl p. tlinil. IBIS) rash renulred to purchase the rive, alt of vvmcu arc tented to gooa tenants, WILLIAM P. IIALLINOER. Sth and Market, Camden. Westtovvn, Pa. FIVE acres, $4200; m miles station. A. D. Ileald. 24 W. Market St.. West Chester, Pa. NF.W JERSEY BUNGALOWS, lots 23x150; near trolley: over looking Delaware; National Park. Greater .tw jersey company. j a. lwtm Haddonfleld. N. J, HAVE .SEVERAL FINE PHOPERTIEd at pnccH. tvt. v.aivl.1 l.liajlA, iwi ccunm at.. q.imyn. Woodbury Height", N. ,1. SEVERAL dctdrablo homes and Improved bldg" loty at I c.iwiuum )iitn, uoilll Jluyiietv, Atlantic City, N. J. Chelsea Corner Cottage and Ventnor Ocean Front Villa Unusual bargain; several attractive cottages at templing prices, ranging eiuuu up. H. G. HARRIS & CO. GUARANTEE TRU8T BUILDING Cape May. N. J. COTTAGES, hotels, apts. for sale and rent; soma bargains la building lots, U. Earl. Miller. 218 Ocean at.. Cape May. N. J. seashore; BKA3HORE cottage, 0 room. nd bath, cement . &lla . air.. r,ntiaa SAhV n..h k.l.n.. .... rajments, owner sacrifice, I, 737. Ledger tjentr-i. PENNSYLVANIA FAIt.VIS 1IB ACRES, 18500, near Cheyney Station. A. P. HEALD. West Chester, Fa REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME-Thla can be don. by making monthly payments ot from 117 to HSU xor nousee worut iidhi eicHu to eKfoir. H. a. REED. 717 Cheatnut L SEASHORE LOW COST, high-grade bungalows, apart Intnl. and collages, furnished or unfur nished. Illustrated booklet on request. South Jersey Realty Co., 01S Real Estate Trust Building- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT City ONLY 133 MONTH Three-story 10-room store and dwelling. 812 North 10th St. West Philadelphia DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY 118. WORTH $23. To good tenant; Oreenway ave. 2100 South; porch front; 1 square from Woodland ave, and new boulivard; 8 rms.; modern. Thos. K, Smith. 1538 Pt, Bre.x. ave. Ph. DIckln's 531, OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC, ONE-HALF OF OFFICE for rent, with ttle. phone service. 1111) Commonw ealth Building, ONE OFFICE of suit, or dk room, central. TO- AD bolt mag., -tro-q -nu iuti Professional O glees 1STH ST., S.. 23T PbjsleUn's office i Urge rurnisn&j r.puon. rows kui,ihk i,tr Htore. and Dwellings 831 CHESTNUT ST. -Store and bawoieoL In, qutreon pre ie.. V. W MORTGAGES ,.o jogig aWJRWiua 039 Kcftl BUt Trot BuUdlac I " ' ' ' " .-is sis M-....I si....-.,..- !- i-i.i...i. , ,,..,. rt. t-...-A..ii..-,l.ia aH I SCRAPPLE I - p mi s3k The Second Mount THE PADDED CELL M ?? 5wrBwn i . . Ts w tb njiv wGrii)r ! I I t-taw . v.Vnf? rCnii ? f a.r.r' :..1J -"m lMl-Srs I Vs---- voist. wes' v m MmMmk J K ? ( BORfiLAR, JEWMIfi. M TcSVk-vXl T 1 -1 I'AA ffJr-rV 12 f ' ftKaR C . ! ' . . uiitu st M l--rl t - V HAON to mi r i to mBmiWK i TH -vHiaa! s I I MKrH) --. I ". L . I l !-,-. fvj . ?.':.,-B-- v u a - i ki vB pr " ' m ' -V ff BL i J ISriWilWSim J V iil ;? 6 3 MIMI-Axh y if Kff vL ,cv-pi HH A tZ. V i ---iwaiK.f iLsvMrrtr. y a i i a r . 'c i From Slmpllctsslmus. I mbHOvT w U4 1 Tho Belgian Lion being knocked I TVK V V vr 1 out, ngiaiia gets astride France, sny. I jBm ) lvS5v,vV a Ing, "How long will she enrry IHY I ly C- 1 JuMWhat She Wanted HHHT , , , jjf i . --r-. in ---------------aen pi m sSs Iv B----HBiiljHH mTi I jI AAr SYrj.i&BGmXiXy. I JL Vr 2k rS - SeM"'" K1I0 i I -HBBV K .-s Al tf i-k3 E S "Z , i. nn,, &&m , LadttSt "I Ml ,il &mst i ytBmEsM. Si- l I ' Ml. I "f . mHmLJWLS' A ' .MINI (m-L- 'W.W "ML M M'1 i -l6-iS-K-S 4,. i tpwrtv-r 'SMW Next! There Are Others S "I'd Ilka to rent your hall. rJleasn7, Tho Bore Do you know, Tonnyeon's "What for?" im poems carr' mo completely nwayl "Well, you see, wo'ro organizing a fra- -th fk t Miss Pert Honlly? I'm nwfully tcrnal society cnllod tho Sons of Moving ( TvMi' a sorry wo haven't a volumo ln tho Picture Veterans of the Mexican War." Sj9Y .V( houso. Musical Courier. Mt .5 vfLV a ff JSz3 itfterX 1 BREAKING IT GENTLY J jjKS Jfflf'W' 1 (iMM, I MAVt 0OO Htti) JOHN, VOivt MAP NOPC 10uU Hf f'wtLU TIK, YoUVB ! cSlKffllRsAlMEl'al ton VOO QeVSf r- A Bivi CstYOJVC & p0 BCTTUU. f- loRDBMO A CAB. ) ' I EgfflMSKllSBlfM ." M VI IJf J S V? . Hrlll!BSiH'l. ff " v imMsmt ITLL u-aoMC A Te Javr HAvg iNWTtDUj ( 2?" J-istcm! TUMPS Don ) Of iTB.y acaim' ) Wo ifCHO a ueix J l!li,'E "p V V J (((!)) Al Summer. I r flr 1 I Te-I don't understand why you al- ' lf fTl n a cs vtfJiAfl fvi7 -.-' ways take two daj-H to so shopping. i . f'Tr (rt, Itdf K M & She Oh. that's very simple. I' shop Am Si' v fiJ' W v6 fLjZjT " lay an,i oxcria"Ec the next. hf'.Sfc. i fiir I I r "What do you vvnnt with all those ham- m li-CrSFl I na n-rtST ib mocks and phonograph tccotds and fancy M iSwi I I H ""w riM groceries?" asked the storekeeper, "Oft-- (sCtzlL 1 j MM v) ff If I I 'ng to have summer boarders?" -St, KLPty f " j Hk. i If l f N. "No." teplloil Former Cointassel. "I '.E -i J I HS . , fit J it 9 1 1 X tvuuiuil I tiicitj all IIIVIII uh ouillllirc Vl, li H h U "J1 ' oourupis. im tivuifr to maKc tno piaco thi "-J)J&EKb pSP S ' nttracllvf rnuugh lei piMsunde a few nE "-sws- 5 -"' ifj- farmhands to linger around an' help mo w . (17 out with the wheat crop." Kansas City "jt ' f I Journal. J A Skilled Fishermnn . ,.. , . , U lr 5i mm 4 I -a T- AUlPe--l r- .- a- - H-UMUUIMI.III WUII j. rT,y.''v i lty Tj- 'I ts rrrailP ' f i & I l I I kmMSh M m oo )m 4 m I r. . cr '' a oil: 31 m-w s 1 ii . tSa ffYim I I CfVPVk. 1 V I nv ' I C3CI II B wwwwiz2z ig, s. a., : Mrs, Nevved The night ou pro- " T r ' --" ti!Pm ' posed at tho ball you acted UUe a TThaR BImSb iTBli-mffmSt I out ot water mtJ--a5aj ,yg2 "s! ,J Mr. KowedI was. and verv ideverlv v",..,iii,juiiiinjliu UaTrUiw,,Miii,mmuiwnHiiiif .V landed, too. f . -u i A iviotiistc utiuorm H lis - - . E 0 r? V U 4 FV, Yl JB& ' - n r- i im- m - rs j i JM 3m -r5 cg 1 ylf&ff.lWre5w ?w--1 --'-r' m Jil3mim m)My ' rffln "". ZTh I rsorHiN" ) s5a(llIrrB .-y'N I lrllra .A H 1 Jx. C i aainHiB : (.)": ws. . . rf " x mmrnw c,n ?"to v s oo ? i - i ,.?-i jfflj Zwt v .Tfc'4-i?V-K.Tr - : ? " 5- - Tir - i t a i; r..r--"Ti SS c-sai. "' yB Tho Knthuslastlo Old Lady Now, Can lt- ' J UUt?-e. Harold, what regiment .s THERE'S NOTHING TO IT 1 Wf AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVI ES fi 1 C3 lrL -XES-lKVlHClE FISHEL. I WWf HlSS'-tH g &'5SSSS(SL I Z 7 "9 I HIKE M SXOWMEtA.fOlRE fUW , fAACHNHS .eJ riE PROFESSOR. B 1 TPPDoDS 9 W PECCCOS CAKTtt. AGS!?.. EW . QtV T SONS OUTVE. "J: V' I JtRPOK.? W QUAKtSWWFAJCTCf fcK . SEHSlTNt 01AU OOE5 OUT FOR- Sfl TESSIE? &a -. J?5vJ - WQ AnOTESS. jl EPISODE O- Xp&l i-fe V IM yfCij CNKTHE MAOIKL 11 A 0EUCATE (1WmS JhV AK Sr? K A BKSTWE, fl ! a SHy. U T I 11 .MK8 Ktg tfi -J ' - -UtV U -! f -I U - ,3 B34l If l.nMKirwIirrJ. J-I 111- -. r- f Ugnrgs '"t Di tr i H1UV WUTCUV -.UU , . . . -t I T -i .. sc - !Sr?,r n S ..r t Houston -Maf 3 II 'vmv & dv vr,4. i i o T2. wsx w iC viAoni-PLfit-i.... r? hii aB1 'T ?y RS & r' I I d& Art'pi jy ' "Mm -mc"n d -x fA n dot -h-hfmry; i s - -iistf j5 VE7tX.iJTaf.: P'oteatant for ttavartord. u OS, Led. Ceut