Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 12, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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rc to if
AX A i
Exhibition Here Showed Cley-
ierness Unsuspected in jjis
lighter Audience Pleased.
R wutiiril. heavyweight champion nml
limoit popular pugilist In the world to-
fifr Saturday nignt gave a i-"'"-Tm
of the right-hand punch that won for
tfm the laurels now adorning his curly
ffiil before sow irenzicn inns m mu
rk.iMml A. C Tho cowboy tccclvcd
rTW JIMO for his exhibition.
L'w . . i . ..-J- ..ill.
wht Knncan noxeti iiiree ruunus mm
S...- Mnnlhnn. of I-os Angeles, one of
& .earring pailners who aided him to
JrtL Wlllnrd allowed Monlhan to do
SSlof tho leading during the exhibition.
in,, former was contented to block, sldo-
liU. " . l. t.l tilled ttlo mmnlina
ilfl Or mUM irtui- mm, ..... ...... -.....
UK ...,-.. n...l ,l.n tnnl Mint Iia mna
ttlllifd CVUieilU V"u ,,l-v n.uv in; ..o
?'".. 1.1- .f fnr n lrlc- fellow. Murine:
fill on na i.. v. -- -c - --- .
thiitcond round Jess did not protect his
l . . i LHi.l. mi ,Iia rnnfi nml nl
7 fll.ni (n hunt n ntonriv tnttnn
K.uiinmach until Walter becnino tired
find clinched.
After ADOUl a nuniiir nun u nun ui
lliht tipping In tho third round, Tom
!.... Wlllard's manager, who was tit
V. -.,. I, In cliniilmt. "U'ntcli fnr tlln
Hmch thnt knocked out Johnson." "Wll-
L.H gir - A a dinMlll blvll-l4nitt .Mail-, ail.
it,. with br-.mtlful precision, nnd landed
L.-t. - MnnUtnn'n Htv. Tlin tfittnr irnvr
Vi rorklnir Imitation of hclns knocked off
. .. t. a.... 1r, .-. Mn Imnlf
Mi feci, no " vii u,.
Ff?VI0US lO lllv f.MIIUIIIUII tfuiiLO IlltlUU
'..i... mttlrnua nnvlnr Hint nn Inner nfl
willard Is the heavyweight champion of
mr.i. ,.,m h will never stcn nn Jobs to
Iilrht a negro undor any consideration.
Tli bl? audlenco was delighted with tho
IMjCh ann rnowca ineir iippruvui uy
Wat applause Tho spectators yelled
for a tpeech from Wlllard, but tho big
j.iinm nnlv smiled and finally tho fans
fettled doun to bco tho cowboy In
I The exhibition was followed by four
P . I.. ..i Tnmmi. Tfnlat. trnotnA mil
IrfjOU DgUlB. WMll II l-IBII lll.wi.llku Mfc
Johnny Hughes a few seconds boforo tho
lell In the second round, Buck Fleming
,...... n fnot linttln. ulth the farmer n.
jgusiiv - - ..
Mjrlnncr: Franhlo McManus gave a nifty
MhlDltlon in ueicaiing narry uiamonu.
KiiJBennle Kaufman surprised tho crowd
br outsmgglng liaaio wagona. ino
! - n-nn VinnrlliMinnml tn WAlnl.1
height and reach, but at that ho was
tho aggressor aunng a, trreaicr pari 01
'tht light
lirongs Greet World's Champion at
' Atlantic City.
riTf.AXTir; CITY. Atji-11 12. Jea Wlllard.
' . l,.Aiiini.lnnl floillnil n V. A nAU
.t tvrn nDnoarances before a record crowd
it tbt Boardwalk Pier yesterday afternoon.
WlWra maae no Hpeccji, mougn canea upon
lotlWMitleaHy. He said afterward that ho
Ui cleaned up $000 In exhibitions In the last
PTh toardwnlk crowd looked lonjr nnd
titlfnuy ior mo dig iniow 10 appear among
the pr throng, but WIIUnrd'B managers kept
ilm bidden In a closed cab all day until It was
time tor mm to appear on mo pier.
Coach Thomas Uses Vreeland
fAgainst Crack New England
bTeam The Line-up.
HUNVUK' TPmT.n Ani-ll 10 Tk Ttl-
Ktnlty of Pennsylvania played Its fourth
ItlMlinf tllA SUnnnn ttila nflAmnnn nmlnal
KVUllann College. It was tho first appear
tnce Pf tho New EnBlanders In threo
Itira.' ine msi time tnoy played hero
iiuc imu iiie BeiiHuiionai uavia as ineir
tiuii:r, una no mowea aown nis oppo
nents rfffht nnrl Irft 1ltaf na Tia 4I1 avihii
EAthAP .nllnnril tAmvi lii tn n.J
MCcach Thomas was much disappointed
Itter.the showing of the Ited and Blue
i.iio uii ouiuiuuy, una mis nuernooii
U decided to uso Vreeland, who was tho
Urt relief man against Swarthmore. Tho
I.!!'.0- . .. ciaric. ra.
fciaopr. an. Coolnn, cf.
C.WJ'f - Vounif. rf.
BS'r. c'i Mlrhler, c.
aSh c,i I.anlnnte. If.
" luiinnaucn. jd.
55- .' rarson. 2b,
funcitna, p. Bonen, p.
yt Tiger outfield composed of Cobb,
Crawford and Veach, threa noted slue-
ttn. aro nut In Ab u a ,-!.... t ...
p.- - - -v .w ijfc mu kiiiaiii;ail iicuKUO
UW& with base hits this year. Tho slug-
a . Deen muraering tho slants ot
m mtaor league pitchers since tho club
ItlrIM nnrlt.
kWlth EddlA Cnlllnti tn n XVIiUa Cav i.I
nrm, the Chicago fans are already pro-
ik - . r "'" worm a series. Who wins
miLln tho Natlnal League makes
fiiVt m l0 tna WI"dy City pop-
.--,- ut Blnco lne nay3 or FranK
VfllnPK lha lirin f T --.! I ..
Jjl i Accucau meaner, nave me
rlr b 0 much falth the' Uo on
Kj Federal League Is starting on Its
Jl.ii .J"?S ot wa" n organized base-
BSl . l 8 reauu wl" b8 'watched with
M, especially by thoso who njo aura
SJ.'r?. no room ror a circuit of this
apre. If the Federal League magnates
tk I K ' ml xne l"l ot
.iuuauon iney will nnd a lot of
KgM8 in the person of John K. Tener,
ugK"" 'o i-iiuionni league.
S tnlcago Whlto Box are claiming
iijSK,""""H 0' oocauso the club looks
f&ynieT but because Eddie ColUns,
HtJ' ,hln,ne "nt ot the Athletics. Is
?.:"? ona. ASiae from what tho
pink of the rest of the club, they
pending on Collins to bring tho
!$ to Chicago.
Lraiip Kt. ..... . . ..
mi Ki.V '. ' -lnaA .,na. Da5euau
lBr.w l ' '"" ca" w'" pen
Ifcfe Washington looks to Walter John
lf.08.?" t0 ho redoubtable Trls
1 -"--.om iw aiuuio uuuina( mo
w fliany me Detroit Tigers to
U and Ihn V.hI.. a. ..1.1 11..1
..v .ntiAo iu aiiiuuihj limb
' a chance on the club.
Olt l tint -!...! i. . tt j.
(. , " jjinyuie ifie uusi uraiie oj
Prlng, If. the reports from
40411 flTA tpiie. nt. t-.i r i.
Satin, :, " V' ''S " ?. l"""
ul Vj "" "ul" l"8 "eers in mo
lS.fp".nK contests. Cincinnati la
m Z Dst baseball cities In either
ttipn K,rcu'". and, regaoflless of
fan. v 9 nome ciud is winning,
WrJi , a' lr a pennant ever Is
(- . --. .. v,,v ,,u,iia AUlp.9 VUUI14
are . perennial holiday.
Iantl".''ed y President John Far-
o iiVn ew York state Leusue. the
K. h n..t.ot,9".un' wy enain
. ---' . xno magnaies win
cudule at a meeting tody.
O'Donnell, catcher for the Beau
fj" League) team, has been re-
" uuumvuie iiuo. or inq
-- "wrauon, wnictt had an op-
t all urutAA.
- vw-f(VI;0
KllllfA. -""... -. k . ..
u tiuh .hi p.?I.nr" " fofin1
jouri. unit .t nl clui)(. and
; w ' niii;-." " " "
Valuable Colt, With The Finn, Held
for Metropolitan Handicap.
fnr inAnl,.Ll'.nll5rk.frnm Jolm B M.ldn
u. nV,'? lnnBi Journey Tom Kentucky ery
nV.i rinl'i AAJirf1 theralnlnB nuart-ra In
Hfnl.I?. 1i1i'1"lon E'1 Hefner -xprraned
ifi,niA-".J? h P81. "iuh Pleaded at Ih.lr con
rh.i.nn'',vl,i1 ,l."!ln I'ri-parlng the colts for
Iheir New york ftake rnsagement.
Ai..'?.iiilfhlvJ.mirol."Me ,hl" fih" "' ,h
rr.i. wi'!' !' hPPeil lok to Kfntucky to till
tlliit. 'r,i'? enFement. Mr. !lnflnhAi'k
thlnka li slily nt tli-lr nMllty nnd doM tiot
rr tp hurry thrlr .rpifftl(on for ll, 1013
cai.ipalRn 1 bfllcA-a the Kentucky Oerhv
oi Mny 8 will lie a trMni race and doe. not
enre to nubjerl either or the .l-year-olda to
filch a tajk o eatl In the neaaon lloth of
the enlta ate cllgllle for (he Metropolitan
Handlrap and will he lolnted for thla into
Herrner tin. 21 thoroushhreda under hla care
nt Hhreusnim. Tnenty-tn are tho iironerty
o' II. C. llallenherk. while old Guy Klaher
nnd Punch Howl are the property of n. K.
t'ooney. It la expected thai the entire nable
nlli he shipped to llelmont Park wllhln ft few
Varsity and Fresh Nines Open
Season Tomorrow Catholic
High Plays Northeast.
Today's Scholastic Schedule
L'placopnl Academy nt Centrnl lllnh
School. ,
I'lilln. Trade School nt Ln. Pnllo CoIIckc.
I'rnnkfonl lllnli School nt Chestnut J I III.
Tho varsity nnd rreshmen Scholastic
Baseball Lcaguo campaigns for 1015 will
be Inaugurated tomorrow afternoon with
two games in tho first-mentioned circuit
and thrco matches ln tho younger organi
zation. Catholic High School's aggregation of
leather-heavers will play Northeast High
School's nlno on tho Inttor's flold, 20th
and Clearfield streets, and Wost Phltadel
phla High School will lino up against
.Southern High School at 63d nnd Callow
hill streets, In tho varsity league matches.
Tho freshmen games follow; Frankford
High School, at Northeast High School;
Gcrmnntown High School, at Central
High School, and Southern High School,
nt West Philadelphia.
Unless Dunlcavy, Catholic High
School's first baseman, takes a braco and
Improves his play around tho Initial sack,
Coach Jock Qrccr will plaoo him on tho
bench nnd choso a regular player from
other candidates out for the position.
Donovan and Hnnnlgan nro showing up
splendidly tn their endeavor to make tho
shortstop berth and present Indications
point to tho latter getting tho placo be
causo of his superior hitting ability.
Coach Qrccr lias divided his big squad
Into two sections. The first group con
sists of Ferguson, Dunlcavy, Mason, Hef
fernan, McOowan, Donovan, Sknhan.
Colo, Glascott, Greer, MoCnnn, Robinson,
Kcenan, Dlotrlok, Fltzpntrlck, Mcllugh,
Burns and Hnnnlgan.
Barker, of Northeast High School,
proved ln tho red nnd black nine's game
with Perklomen Seminary that ho had
almost perfect control and promised to
develop Into ono of tho leading pitching
ln local scholastic ranks. Ho not only
shut out tho Perklomen batsmen, but let
them down with but llvo hits, striking
out tho same number of tho opposition.
The Navy baseball team Is again
being greatly strengthened by Calhoun
at second base. Ho Is a Southern High
School graduato and played first base
for tho local school. Last yenr was Cal
houn's first season out for tho Annapolis
nlno and ho made good ln his ondeavor to
play tho keystone bng.
West Philadelphia High School's crew
candidates, who havo been working out
dolly on tho Schuylkill River at tho same
tlmo with Central High School and North
east High School, nro being given tho
coaching services of Jack, last year's cox
swain. Ho Is holding down tho same po
sition this year on tho Penn fresh eight.
Crane and McCarthy havo been display
ing better form than other pitching can
didates out for Vlllanova Prep's team,
and Coach Ward probably will decide on
the mentioned boys to shoulder tho bur
den of tho hill work.
Coach Alker, of West Philadelphia
High School, believes ho has a $100,000 in
field In Allen, first base; Bonno, second
base; Captain Roat. shortstop, and Blcr
man, third base. The quartet has been
exhibiting lightning work ln covorlne
their respective positions. Abrams is
the best of tho pitching material.
Bowie Entries
' Flrat race, 2-year-olds, 4H furlonKS Petra,
ion; Prohibition, ICO; Sanda Diamond, 10.I;
Muatard, 1011. fDlvan, 10u; tTroJan, 113;
Cincinnati. 115. tSprcckels entry. .
Second race, selllne. 3-year-olds, BJ4 furlones
"Onar, 07; "Schnapps. IOOj 'Sunno. 102; Iteir
ular. 102; Lots V.. 102; "Lady Splrltuelle, 102;
Karly nistr, 101; V. 13. lfarre.ll, 104; Iwtomar.
101; Nellie C, 103; Thrill. 103; Rebecca llp.ou,
101; Margaret O., 103; Noras, 107; Meellcka,
107; Celebrity, 10f. ,....,
Third race, salllnff. 4-year-olds and up. 7
furlonKS 'aolden Castle. 101; Madxe'a Slater,
102; Ludv London, 104: Stentor, 106; The,
Squire. 100; Hon It.. 108; Duqueane, 100:
llattery, ion; retelus,. 110; Kayderoseros, 111;
Colonel Cook, 111. . ,.
rourth race, aelllnir, 4-j ear-olds and up. 7
furlongs Duia Around, 100; Fltnterald, lot;
Mars and Stripes, 101; Cantara, 102; Remark
able, KM; Miss Cavanagh. 104; Mlsa llarnhar
bor, 101: nichwood. 108: nodondo, 100; A.
JJIoch. li'.'; Ray n' Light. 112; Vork Lad. 1U
Fifth race. lelllnr. a-year-olds and up. 1
mlle-EnerKetlc. 1.2: Lady llrsn. 07; Tied
IMper, 00; 'The Urchin, tftl: Fitzgerald, lOrt;
Tndilllna- 10; Theln-a J,. 107: Cantara, 107;
N'lua Darnharbor, 107; Illchwtod, 111; Canto,
ai.th race, selling-. 4-year-olds and up. Hi
rnlles-nillle Baker. 104: Charles V. flralntrer.
ion; Dalngertleld, 100; Paton. 112; Cockupur,
112; HI Oro. 112. , , . 4
Weather clear: track fast.
Apprentice allowance claimed.
Will Fight at 124 Pounds at Olympia
Next Week.
'Eddie O'heere. oi nn. inr. u "'Vjii
cnaney. jnimor-- cwiniucr or '"" ;;
iiane'a featherwe ght title, wll meet .In the
Rr Uut of tl Olympia A. A. next Monday
ailaht at 124 pounda r ngslde. Jack llanlon,
UU.I.I -"- . -I..I. nnnnilnnniA itll. After
maicnmaHcr m nm v., ....w--- ----
noon. . , , ..ni.
llanlon original pi.n. wrm j '"
O'Keefe with Kllbane. but when the latter re
fused to weigh tn at 122 pounda rlngsUe. on
Iu?r!.. .. .u. nl.it.,ulnl.l. A.hlor thn match-
renur.l "i ma miasik..i ..a-.-.. - '-
maker signed up Chaney.
Tho West Philadelphia clever
featherweight will meet- a good
two-handed fighter In Harry
Palmer, of Pittsburgh, at tho
Olympia A- A- tonight
K 18 ''&
''" l " ' ' " " I ! I I
tn Hii.i .. niaAittf itit i.iu.i.wi.ii t.,1. ., . 1 1 tl lij h HmiM j(t jtf 1 1 M 'JtmdHtthiititiC
" in i i r i'i i . i
Captain Williams, Harvard,
Brings Squad Here April 20.
Pitt Dates Out.
Tho college tennis managers are mak
ing final arrangements for their big
meets. Captain Norrls Williams will
bring the Harvard team hero for a match
with tho Philadelphia Cricket Club team
on April 20, which Is Just four days bo
foro Merion opens its courts. On the
19th of tho month Harvard plays the
Agawam Country Club at Providence, R.
I., and following tho match with tho St.
Martin's team hero tho Crimson will go
to Annapolis to mcot the Navy players,
and tho following day to Chevy Chaao
Country Club, Washington, D. C. On
April 21 the Baltimore Country Club will
be met at Baltimore, ending tho club
schedulo arranged for April.
Tho University of Pittsburgh tennis
players havo completed their schedule
and an Rnstern trip has been nrrnnged,
which will Include a match with Penn
sylvania on May 11 on tho Penn courts
William S. McElroy Is captain and
Charles F. Gautls malinger, both re
elected from last season. Following the
opening match with Penn Stato nt Pitts
burg on May 7, Pitt comes East for tho
match with Georgetown at Washington
on Monday, May 10. Then como matches
with Penn. Tuesday, May 11; tho Navy,
nt Annapolis, May 12, and on Thursday,
Princeton, at Princeton.
Reported Club Has Been Sold Mag
nates Meet Today.
NEW YORK, April 12. The annual schedule
meeting of the International League Is to be
held today. In addition to the adoption of the
schedule, several other Important matters are
expected to come before the magnates. While
1'resldent JJdward O. Harrow would tiot make
nny statement on the question, It was reported
that tho Newark Club had been taken oer by
a Newark syndicate, tho members uf which
were to bo made public today
An unotflclal report had James Callahan, for
teveral years manager of ttie Chicago Amer
ican League Club, as the new leader ot the
Newark team.
Officiates at Langford-Jeanette Battle
in Boston Tomorrow.
Jack McGulgan. local promoter and ref
eree, will omclate In the 12-round bout
between Sam Langford, the Boston Tar
baby, and Joe Jeanette, of New York,
at the Atlas Club, of Boston, tomorrow
McGulgan announced this morning he
would lenve for tho Hub tonight While
In Boston Jaok witl try to hook up Sam
Robldeau nnd Jack McCarron for bouts
In that city.
Atlantic City, N. J.
Cottages, Hotels, Boarding
Houses, Villas, Apartments
Any season, all locations, Atlantic City,
Chelsea, Ventnor; automobile service.
Leading blgh-class, moderate-rate hotel
Al RPMARI E Virginia, avo. near Beach.
vator, sun parlors, prl. baths, etc.; excellent
table, e. dinners, orchestra. Special 110 up
wkly. ; S2 up dally. Booklet. J. P, COPE.
Cape May, N. J.
THE WINDSOR &,! -g&'
ec.an view sua parlors, llaths. Booklet.
FURNISHED COTTAQE3, ocean view, all
locations; reasonable. C, &arU Miller, SIS
Ocean at.. Cape May.
On Otsego Lake, Cooperitown, N. Y,
8W Hours by Rail from New Tork City.
OOLF June II lo October 1st MOTOHINO
TENNIS Booking omeas 110A11NO
The Dakota, t Watt T2d St. New York.
M nt u
The Wyndmoor A. C , a first-class uniformed
team repreientlng thla place, has a few dates
oren Any team deslrfnit a fast game, com
municate with J V. tynrlcn, Wyndmoor. Pa.
Tho Stetson A. A. la desirous of booking
games with any semlpro club In thla city. For
Information, address J. Patton. 400 West Cum
berland street.
Ioska Tribe, No 370. I. O. R. M will com
pete ln the Northeast Red Men'u League. The
loska team will bo mado up from tho Inde
pendent teams of this city. Tho team opens
the leaffuo season on May 8 with Schuylkill
Trlbo on Ioska's grounds, Harrowgatu and
Mcetown lanes. Any first-class team that
desires a practice game with Ioska on their
grounds for April 17. 24 or May 1. address
William 13 Cooper, 2073 Joyce street.
Tho All-Stars of the Northeast Leacue, a
team composed ot playera of tho Philadelphia,
Northeast League, h desirous of games on
weekdays and Sundays. Wo would like to
book games with Bojertown, I. " II. U.. Ocean
City. Cape May and teams of this calibre Ad
ririm Charles M. Itrumbach, MO Wolf street,
1'hlladelphla, Pa.
Northeast, a. fast traveling team, wishes to
nriango games with all teams having grounds
and pnMng a reasonable guarantee. Any club
wishing to nrrnuge games, address Lew Gean
nlck. 847 Last Hilton street.
The pocket billiard tournament held last sea
son under the auspices of c Y.rl. A. I', was
"""by the Aquinas Club, with a total of
The Huslnesa Srhool team of Temple Univer
sity would like to book gnmes with all high
school teams, either In or out of the city, pay
ing n reasonable guarantee. Tfiima desiring
games address Joseph Sapsli, 837 Wilder street.
The Bethesda A. A , under the management
of Charles Calhoun, former manager of the
Venango A, C , would like to arrange games
away with nny first or second class team offer
ing a reasonable guarantee. Charles Calhoun,
Venango street.
The Lutheran Athletic Association nnnounces
that plans for the third baseball season are
rapidly being completed. A bright outlook for
a successful season Is In view.
The teams nro being grouped Into circuits
of six teams each, the formation of these cir
cuits being governed by the ages ami known
ability ot the various teams.
Two circuits have already been assured, and
a third circuit Is rapidly being farmed.
It Is the ambition of the churches now repre
sented, which are 10 In number, to have all
tho Lutheran churches of this city affiliated
with the association.
The association Is a member of the A A.
V., all ot Its unite members being regis
tered. The association provides not only for
baseball, but for all branches of sport, Includ
ing basketball, tennis and track For further
details communicate with V. E. Roth. 6418
North Ith street.
A Sound and Highlv Profitable
Investment Can Be Made
by filling your bins now with
while the price is lowest and quality at its best.
No risk is involved and the yield is at the rate
of about
15 per Annum
No more remunerative or safer method of em
ploying one's funds can be found, as the item of
possible loss is eliminated.
Perhaps you have never thoughtof this sub
ject in this, way.
Send your orders now direct to
1527 Chestnut Stiteet
Tho Cambria Athletic Cluh. of Philadelphia,
has reorganized for the coming season and
expects to place In the field one of the best
semlprofcsslnnal teams In the city.
Wo would like to hear from Fulrhlll. Totter,
Aberdeen, J. C Ilrill. Clifton Heights. Stet
son, Camden, Ocean City or nny other team
of this calibre having a ground and offering
b fair Inducement. Address W. Dukenfleld,
Cambria A. C, 2011 Ruth nt.. Philadelphia.
The St. Nathaniel A, C. has organized for
tho coming season, with grounds at Allegheny
ncnuu and r. streM, It would llko to ar
rnnge games with tho following teams: Tas
klana A. C, Kensington A. C, Wellwood A.
('., Klmnr A. C , Olory A. C . Hoborough A.
C, Allro A. C, Rosedale A. A., Apollo A. (.'.
or any other strictly llrat-clasa team. AH
games to be played at home. Addresi
communication! tn Louis Dorber, Wio Hast
Wlshart street. Philadelphia.
Tho West Kpruce A. C, formerly the West
Tins A. (."., would like to arrange games with
nil 14 to lfl year old teams willing to pay
half expenses for 10 men Address James
Neville, fllfi.. Pine street, Philadelphia.
The Olrnrd Reserves, a flrst-claes, fully uni
formed traveling team, would like to arrange
games with nil teams of their calibre In Penn
sylvania, New Jersey or Delaware paying a
fair guarantee Address Manager H Oetlnger,
1000 North Randolph Btreet, Philadelphia.
Ited Rose Hoys' Club, which won 33 out of
.10 games last season, has organized again this
ear nnd would lik to hear from all 17 to 18
ear-old teams. We would like to hear from
Mifflin nnV Club. Point Ureeie. Harmony
F C Oak Leaf and Rlue Bell F. C. Address
Thomas Lemon, 1233 South 3-d street, Phila
APRIL 17TH, 1 P. M.
Steamer City of Dover
also wharf nnd wnrehouso
properties. Company llqul-
dating. A
kuuu (justness
For particulars
Dover and Philadelphia
Navigation Co.
Lakowood Player Gains Tennis Title
for Tenth Year.
BOSTON. April 12. Jay Oould, of lyikewood,
rerta.li. the national court tennis champion
for another year, the 10th In succession that
he has had this honor. In tho challenge
match for the title, yesterday he defeated
Joshua Crane, of this city, the scores being
6-4. -2, u-2.
It was an eld story for Crane to be beaten
by Oould, for he has been the challenger eight
time. In Ihn lsst 10 yetrn, and In no one of
the matches ha., he been aide to tako the
chnmplonshlp from the yn-nger man.
Crano plaied well In the tournament at tha
TennlB and Racquet Club, anO when he came
tntouin with flying colors It caused no sur
prise, as he Is beyond any nuentlon the second
best player In the country Against tho
champion he had little rhsnee In the challenge
match, although his game wns excellent.
nonld was at top form, and after he got
fairly atarted In the first set the gallery
realised that the match would soon be over
I rnne gin his opponent a tussle In the
opener, hut the next two seta were quickly
won l.v tlould. whn.e ahota at the openings
were deadly accurate and hla arted service
hard to return
Efforts to Postpone Final Meet
Futile Vol lmcr Will Be Out
of Contest.
Columbia has llttlo hope of winning Its
swimming meot with Pennsylvania. This
contest Is expected to settto tho trlplo Uo
that existed nnd mado necessary three
other contents. This dispatch comes from
New Tork:
"All efforts on tho part of Columbia
to obtain a postponement of tho swim
ming meet with Pennsylvania have bo far
proved unsuccessful, and It appears that
tho clash witl occur on April 17, tho dato
oriRlnally scheduled. This will prevent
Herbert Vollmcr representing the Now
York Athletic Club In the notional cham
pionships. "Vollmer would bo counted upon by hlB
colleagues to defeat tho Phlladelphlans.
They expect him, In fact, not only to
capture tho three Individual swims, but
to jrain sufficiently In the relay raco to
carry his teammates to victory.
"This seems llko an enormous task to
placo on tho shoulders of a slnglo con
testant, but Vollmer gnvo evidence of his
ability to perform It a few days ago, when
ho won thrco firsts against tho speody
Yalo swimmers nnd failed to score In
tho tenm event by a mero touch "
Open Handicap Affair Will Surpass
Event of Last Year.
PRINCETON, April 12. Princeton's second
annual open handicap track meet on Satur
day, May 1, promises to fsr surpass the good
showing list vear, according to the present
outlook. Tho University of Pennsylvania has
notified tha management that It will send a
te.im of :il) men. whllp Penn tnto him nlRn
glxen notice that It will hi- represented by n
sttonr aggregation of athletes. Tho Bronx
Church Home Intends to enter a man In each
A handsome cup has been offered. In addition
to tho gold, silver and bronze medals which
will he awarded to the winners of flrat, second
and third places respectively. The cup will be
for annual competition, being given to that
club which make, tho highest team score each
year, and It will be awarded permanently to
tho club that wins It three years.
The only Residence Drive in Phila. leading- thru' Fairmount Park
direct to heart of city.
$9500 Upwards
I Have Sold Seven of These Beautiful Homes in the Past Month
In the most select section of Germantown.
Ideal location for business or professional
men. Torma to conform to present business
conditions. These eletvant homes aro one
block from Cnrpenter Station; 70 trains dally
to Broad Street.
McCLATCHY Builder and Owner
Ideal in
f Jiny iisiF iT i!s.ms Pf
Completely Sold Out
Everv one of mv rmnci-Q af KdtU -nA r,.,n,i. a....
have been sold including the sample house whichu
are tnvllerl tn rnme. nn. inmnrm... -.-.I :-.. .. ,i . l "tBa.
courtesy of the purchaser.
ItrUCtion two of which b
Seleot one now will carry
care 10 mane,
15 minutes to Broad St. by Train, 7V&c,
by Trolley, Sc
Get im p4 U cat- oq Sid street
John H. McClatchy,
Philadelphinn Re-elected Presi
dent of Association Stand
ing of Players in Tourney.
i i i
NF.W YOniC, April 12.-A Philadelphia
wns rhusen at yesterday's meeting; to
head tho National Bowlers' Association.
Elmer E. Dungan, of Philadelphia, wag
re-elected to the presidency, while "Wil
liam II. Valentine, president of tho New
York Bowling Association, was made first
vice president. In placo of William
Cordes, the Brooklyn alley owner.
It was a dlBtlnct turndown for one of
the two organleers of tho National Bowl
ing Association one who has gone back
on years of effort and of faithfulness
to nn Ideal on tho part of tho associa
tion. Other ofllclals wero chosen as follows!
Second vice president, Elmer ID. Wood,
Newark; gecrotary. Major M. W. Oafo,
Brooklyn; treasurer, Thomas Gamon, Jr.,
Tho governors, ln addition lo tho offi
cers, will bo oa follows;
Albany, Or. F. N. Tate; BalUmore,
William Swelgor; Newark, William W.
Wclngarth and Car Klelber; Newburgh,
H. A. Pclppor; Philadelphia, George iL
Moss, H. C. Heldman and Henry J. Berg
man; Pnterson, Ferdinand Both and '
Jacob Tnmboer; Ttocheiter, Frederick J.
Meier; New York, Charles A. Parker,
Maurice C. Wyman. James A. "Wilson.
Robert J. Mahor, S. Winston Oould and
J. H. Madden; Richmond. S. N. William;
Schenectady, E. Hennlman: Washington,
J. E. FleldB.
The standing of tho bowlers ln the
national tourney today Is: .
Name and city. Total.
Howard Chlekerlng, Naw York M8
Leo Lucks, Brooklyn 63i
JTieodoro Smith, Philadelphia ia
Klmer B. Wood. Newark. N. J )B
Joseph A. Smith. Rutherford, N, J 6?5
Frederick Clinch, Now York 622
Frederick K. Decker, New York 017
Benjamin Whltacre. New York 012
Albert Plrkl. Brooklyn 612
Herbert Grlnsted, Newark, N. J 60S
Walter and Smith, Rutherford, N. J 1235
Dunbar nnd Wilson, New York 120H
Htlchn and Pablan, Now York 11T7
Christie and Lange, Itackensack. N. J... 117S
Cattamnlch and La. Belle, Montroal 1172
Banks and Chain. Newark, N. J 11CX
M. nnd C Klelber. Newark 1147
Walker and Ppurey. Montroal 1147
Keppler and Weber, Newark. N. J 114S
J. and E. Pclletler, Montreal 11(3
Atlantic, Brooklyn 2017
Maneto, Philadelphia 2S70
National Turnvereln No 1. Newark 2R37
KohmIUo A. A., Newark, N. J 28.V,
Canadian, Montreal 2S0S
Whlto Klephant. Philadelphia 2R0I
Fenlor F.lks. 21 Newark, N. J 2780
National, Montreal 2712
Umpire Stnte. Now York i 2732
Union County, niliabeth, N. J 2731
Connecticut Golf July 7
Announcement has been mnde at New
Haven that tho annual tournament of the
Connecticut Golf Association for the Stato
championship will be held at tho Brook
lawn Club, Bridgeport, July 7 to 10. The
Stato matches with Massachusetts and
Rhode Island will bo held on June 5 and
Juno 12, respectively, the former at some
club In tho Boston district, not yet an
nounced, and the latter nt the New Ha
ven Country Club.
Some more in course of coif
- iv nlr.-i,l l,.. .nln
out any suggested
banges you
25 minutes, I
uiajked -Ual"t get off at Sllh and
Office, Land Title Bldg.
HuLtiirr and 0i.r