Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 12, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Oii Paper' Hub's Prospects Look Best-Better Season
for Game Financially, anrl Ttetlnr Snnrr. for Fans Ts
( Outlook Shake-Ups Chief Cause of New Interest
This Week It's rmeebMI. The biff tenptie ecnnoni open on WednemlAy, and the
xans, Already keyed up by the city series, are awaiting the tap of tlie row; which
Rets tgo It teams oft in their race pcnnantward. The 1'hlllles Open away from
home with the champion Boston Uraves. The Athletics start the fray with Carrl
gan'B Red Sox.
T18 outlook for the season Is decidedly better than at this time last j car. The
.Federal League now Is considered a matter of course ; not that Its success li
Mured, by any means, but the mind of the sports public Is at rest on the war.
The- fans aro not at nil Interested In what Judge Lanrils may have to say when
Ufa spirit moves him, or what threats Han Johnson may make and the hot-shot
i TCSi u ttrs certaln t0 cmo from Mr. Ollmorc. The problem, or- the war,
I vrJlIch ver It Is. will work Itself out, nnd the fans are standing by, virtually unln-
icicmeu spectators.
Tide of Popularity on the Flood
The principal reason for the revival of Interest Is the slump of last year. Popu
larity Is like ocean wave's. This year the tide will be on the flood It was decidedly
on tho ebb last season, as the financial side of the game shows. Then, too, the
rnns were disgusted with the mercenary aspect that was revealed In the dispositions
or both players and magnates.
At dlrcct rE9Ult "f the dickering In dollars was the planting of a firm belief
that the game was not on the IcveL One fact more than any other to offset that
belief was the everlasting lambasting thai the lloston Hraves gave the Athletics In
tho now historic world's series of 19H. When baseball managements pass up the
Bato receipts of three possible throng-Jamming games It Is fairly good testimony
that there was no frame-up. Confidence has been .restored.
Another argument for a better season this jear Is the unusual shake-up along
tho whole, line. There are new manage s and new players. Scores of veterans
have been let out, and the youngsters are In their places. The fans have some
thing new to loot for, and they will De at the parks to see It. Plilladelphlans are
fceen to see whether or not IJancroft is another Mike Doolan, whether I-aJaie Is un.
thing like Collins, whether King Kopf can make them foiget H.ikcr, and whether or
not Pat Moran can mak his men play a game as If they expected and wanted
to win It.
Picking the Winners
Connie Mack does not predict a pennant for his team. Clarke Griffith has a,
monopoly on that spring pastime. But Mack knows his team will be well up In
the race. So do others. Shortly after spring practice began we predicted, on tho
basis of paper dope (the reliability of which has been proved In the past, certainly),
that tho Athletics would finish second. There is no reason at this stage to alter
that forecast. As viewed now the pennant raco looks somewhat llko this:
American I.eaeuc, Antlnnnl I.cairue.
Philadelphia Mew York
ChlciiRO I'hllllrn
Aahlngton Chlcnuo
St. I.ouN St. i,011
5e,ro' , Ilrooklrn
S.e,T ?or Plttsburch
Cleveland Cincinnati
There Is the best chance In the world that Moran's club will beat out th
Giants it Is a chance. Also there is a chance that McGraw's rebuilt team will
forge ahead of tho scrappy Boston Braves. But that Is the dope now.
The i ofllcc lad Insists that he did not raise his boy to be a soldier. We believe
It. In fact, we are convinced of it. And now. If only his sister Susie would stop
sewing shirts for soldiers life would be sweet, since baseball is here again.
It Is a little surprising to note the credence given Sam McVcy's yarna about
a frame-up In the Johnson-Wlllard fight McVcy's ring record gives him very
poor standing In the pugilistic world. In fact, his name is not In the "blue book."
Jack Johnson fought the fight of his life for one hour and IS minutes. If he had
old out ho would have quit earlier.
Tho money la beginning to flow Into the Willard coffers. Approximately ssooo
for spasmodic appearances for three days Is not bad. Today he begins a 13000
a-week contract wth Hammerstein. In sight aro contracts for mo?e than Jl 000 000
ItJSkVa8'- ,But.it. must not be forG":n that years have been spent In pren-
'i0?,10 .""I? thlS "OW ot, B0,d- Stl"' a teachcr ml Philosophy spends
some twenty-odd years preparing to receive a salary of J3000 a year sPenas
Lee .Magec Gets Bad Start As Fed Manager
Lee Magee's initial appearance ns Brooklyn Federal manager was anything
Dut auspicious. Tho peppery leader was chased from tho game for attempting to
act as player, manager, groundkeeper and umpire In addition, he "nulled a
bone" in substitution of players In the line-up that most likely wUl cost him
KomBruCo0fryBeneianueft.br,Bht T '" 8"M-' S
Bethlehem Favorite
.Broklyn Celtics' victory over the J.
Saturday In the semifinal round of the National Soccer Cup competition k .,
the right to meet Bethlehem In the final. Bethlehem having 7 ?.'"a l.hem
of tho competition by Its defeat of Homestead on Easter Monday se
Tho outcome of this match, which will bo played on April' -I win , ,... i .,
with Interest Itpvlll be remembered that Brooklyn Celtics dsnose or n.Vfi I Cd
In the semifinal for the American Cup several weeks ago aUhoull. B.e.thlehe.m
had previously seen both teams In action admitted that Bethlehem was IhT L?i
eleven. Thus was the uncertainty of soccer well demonstrated. ThoXnri,.
should win from the Celts in this game. If for no other leaZ ih n ln ! ff
they are the better combination That they will be thef'avom dpUa,hP Ktar
defeat there can be no gainsaying. ' clr earer
Serious Setback in Track Work.
Outlook for Penn Meet Here
ITHACA, N. Y., April 12. Tho Cornell
track team on Saturday began Its attempt
to gain another Intercollegiate trophy cup.
The first meet on tho schedule will be
the Pennsylvania relay carnival at Phila
delphia on April 23 and 21. In addition
to this contest, the Ithacans will meet
Harvard at Cambridge nnd Pennsylvania
At Ithaca.
Tho track team faces a setback at the
beginning of the final spring preparation
because of the fact that the track on
the new Alumni Field is not yet in shape
and the time of its completion is a mat
ter" of conjecture. This situation may re
sult In Cornell not entering any relay
teams In the Pennsylvania relay carni
val, though, of course, men will be en
tered in the open events.
At present Cornell's principal strength
teems to lie In the mile and two mile, the
high tump, the pole vault and the weights.
In the. distance events Moakley has a
galaxy of crack runners, which Include
Spelden, Hoffrolre, Wlndnagle, Potter,
Cor with and several others. In the high
jump he has Richards, In the shotput
nichards and McCutcheon, In the hammer
throw McCutcheon and In the pole vault
Foss and. Milton.
Unless nichards Improves a great deal
in the shotput, however, he can hardly
be considered a factor in the coming
spring meets. It is not too much to say
that his showing in this weight event dur
ing the winter has been disappointing.
Before Christmas ha put the shot over 43
.XsfiU. Since Christmas he has dropped off
at least two feet In this event
With the exception of Ingersoll, there Is
now no known man In the sprints, and
until the quarter and halt mllera get out
of doors no definite estimate of the
cnunces of the Ithacans In these events
can be, made, but so far no starting
runners have been developed The hur
Ultra-aro an unknown quantity. The best
wt Ja these events are Lylorcl, Starr,
tokens and Millard.
rX&pHtf 5 5TArlTet .
for Soccer Title
& P. Coats elevon
at New Bedford on
smnetltlnn ,!, .i
Where the Opening Games
Will Be Played
Philadelphia at Boston.
Brooklyn at Xew York.
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati.
St. Louis at Chicago,
Boston at Philadelphia.
Xew York at Washington.
Cleveland .at Detroit.
Chicago at St. Louis,
Wilmington Workmen Have
Largest Athletic Body Ever
Formed in That City.
Workmen of the Pennsylvania Railroad
In Wilmington have formed the largest
athletic association which has ever been
formed there. Officers have been elected
and commltteesNappoInted to at once ar
range for the coming season. The organ
ization Includes the men from the big
shops, the office men and tho employes
of various other departments.
Officials of the railroad are so much
Interested In the success of the organiza
tion that Hllsha Lee, the general super
intendent of the Maryland, Delaware and
Central Divisions, has given the assocla.
tlon the "Use of a fine piece of ground ad
lolnlng the reservoir of tho company not
tar from the shops, but within easy reach
of the city, for an athletic ground. It
Is one of the best pieces of land for the
purpose and will at once be laid put with
a DaseDs.ii diamond and tennis courts.
Sloan Wins Trap Prize
"'i ." aarraaie score or 285 out of a
ppsslblo 300 tarnta In aU mati-hee enabled
Harry Sloan, ot (he Farrazut Sporlsmrn'a As
sociation of Camden, to carry oft the Individual
honors of tho West Jersey TraiMliooMra"
HSIU':i?'ch cndS? W ,0- w "warded
a beautiful cup Sloan Is local gunner, and
his uorlc with tho gun for tbe Meadow Spring
L,u& W?.n u " w "d wlm the Strong
ha bn a bl factor In keeping it at th top. I
n-..r-r.-.- . J, I..
THFRF'; MARri nllc
In the ex-Red, Pat Moran has a fast infielder and a strong batsman. While a littlo green at the keystone
station, NiehoiT is rapidly rounding into form and is beginning to move in machine-like precision with his side
parncr, Bancroft, at short.
Athletics' Chief Makes No
Predictions, but Has Con
fidence in Pets Picks
Boston as Probably the
Strongest of Opponents.
"ThP club that bents the Athletics will
win the pennant this iar," said Connie
Mack ycsteiday in an interview with a
reporter of the Kvenino Ledger.
"I dr not lilto to mnk- predictions at
this stage of the game, but the fans do
not want to be apprehensive about the
gaps left by Baker and Collins," continued
the manager.
"In Bostock and Crane, two recruits,
nnd Lajolc leady to throw Into tho fray,
the Athletics will be well fortified In the
"It must be taken Into consideration
that both Bostock and Crane, playing at
second and short, respectively, are mak
ing their first appearance In major leaguo
baseball, but nlth a little time in the big
ganiL they vt III fill the shoes of both
Bnker and Collins.
When asked which looked to be the
most dltllcult club to beat, the leader re
plied: "
"I would say that there are at least
four clubs In the league that look good;
namely, the P.ed Sox, Chicago, Washing
ton and Detroit, but by the process of
elimination the club hailing from tho
Bean City looks the best.
"Washington has a mighty good club,"
continued Mack, "and so have tho Whito
Sox and Tigers. The Athletics are a
well-balanced club.
"Let me say," continued Mack, "that
this fellow Davis, a pitcher picked up in
the wilds of Virginia, Is going to prove a
big surprise. At present the Virginian
knows nothing about big league baseball,
but he Is one of the most promising re
cruits I ever saw."
In the game with the Phillies on Thurs
day Davis was ns wild aB a March hare.
He seemed afraid to throw the ball, but
when he did, the horsehldo sailed over
the plate with remarkable speed.
He is lanky and awkward, but under
the supervision of Ira Thomas, a past
master in developing rookies, and Mack's
careful suggestions, Davis is expected to
improve In a short time.
Train Leaves New York June 26 for
the Western Jaunt.
Preparations for the transcontinental
and Pacific Coast tour of the Intercolle
giate, Alumnae and Alpha Delta Phi golf
teams, which will play at tho Panama
Pacific Exposition early In July and Au
gust, are well under way. The Commit
tee of Arrangements, composed of W. II.
Gardner, 2d, president of the Intercolle
giate Golf Association and captain of the
Yale Golf team, chairman: Edward P. Al
lls, Cd. of Harvard; J. B Itose, of Prince
ton: Cecil Hodgman, SSS Fifth avenue.
New York city, secretary. Charles T.
Crocker, chairman of the Golf Committee
of the l'ar.amn-Paclfic Exposition, Is mak
ing up a tentative schedule for the trip
and tho matches on the Pacific toast.
Matches will be played with Leland Stan
ford University, the University of Califor
nia and five country clubs on the coast.
The golfers will be carried on "College
Golfers' Specials to the Exposition," which
.will make stop-overs at Chicago, Denver,
Colorado Springs and Salt Lake City. The
first train leaves Now Vork city June 18.
the day after the Yale-Harvatd regatta at
New London.
Yesterday's Results
Kansas City. 5; Pittsburgh. 2.
St. Louis-Cfilcato (wet grounds),
Standing of the .Clubs
w:-'.ji ,.. .w.l.p.
Brookl) n
2 JJK w c,y ' 1 -00'
1 QI OOO Buffalo ...' O 1 .M
1 1 ,500 St, Louis.. O 1 .000
Today's Schedule and Weather
Buffalo, at Brooklyn, partly cloudy.
Newark. at Baltimore, clouay. X'
K:.&.u'ft. "$! .?dy.
..wU.SU tvaaoas wily, clear.
HER. ujv-r-i-A
(Somewhat In the manner of Langdon Smith.)
When you loerc a bushcr ami I was the
Back fii a Class D league,
And side by side in the battle's tide
Wc fought through a year's Jatigue;
Or hammered many a three-base hit,
Or whirled to a double-play,
Our hearts were filled with the game that
And brcloncd on. our Kay.
Careless wc Hied and careless wc played,
And careless at last wc came
To the blazing glow of the game's big
And the glare and the flare of fame;
And loud they cheered as we ruled the
Young gods of a golden age,
Who were born to dwell through a kingly
And lute ell the printed page
And that seems a million years ago
In a lime tec know not when;
And here today, fit fhc same old way,
Wc toil in the Hush again.
Our eyes arc bright and our chests are
Our haxr is sable as jet,
Our years are few our life Is iicio
Our souls untried and yet
Our trail extends from the ft. Wayne field
To the sod of the Polo Grounds;
We have heard the cheers of a thousand
That came as a dream rebounds;
But our arms arc gone and our legs are
And here in the cast-off cleft,
Pushed to the edge of the yawnlg ledge,
What is the next shift left!
Still Breathing
The Feds were to blow last August, but
according to a hazy, unconfirmed rumor
they wcro still breathing atmosphere as
we propelled these precious lines to press.
With something like four managers and
threo syndicates looking after his "Inter
ests," Mr. Willard may consider himself
lucky If he breaks even or finishes up
with the original J1.15 with which he
launched his campaign of White Hopery.
TJils Is one of the several things that
prevented us from returning the fistic
laurel to the clammy brow of the White
Race without a manager a fighter can't
get any matches and with a manager he
can't get any money. Outside of this
and 37 or 41 other detalls-the fighting
game is a grand little profession.
Not forgetting to mention that Jack
Skelly picked Willard without nn "If" or
"My middle
torage batteries from A to z. If you ant tervice by expertf.
call at the nearest Willard Servlco Station listed b a fowl"
Philadelphia, Pa. J. a. Duncan, Jr., 181-133 S. Hth St,
Lancaster, Pu. Electric Equipment Co!, 4,'2S-30 N, Queen St.
WJIkrs-ISarrr, Pa Kltsee Battery Co, 62 H. Main St.
.Ulrntowii. Pa p. w, Prey, B21 Hamilton St.
Trenton, N. J. Drock's Oarage, inc.. Canal St, at State.
Columbia, Pa, Columbia Telephone Co.
Wilmington, Del. Automobile Supply Co, ! Shipley St,
a "but" attached and all advance allblcs
The Meaning of Wednesday
It's a soggy Interval for those who
writo and thoso who read the rickety
dope from October to April. Winter
Leaguo baseball is far from being a
"thing of beauty and a Joy for oven six
So the arrival of the Box Score and tho
Standing ot the Clubs relieving Fancy
with Fact Is well worth a fusillade of
cheers from those more closely enmeshed.
There Is no grcnt buoyancy In dabbling
with dope that Is burled under six Inches
of snow and Ice.
The Wreckage
knew him when his smile teas keen,
A merry pal to all around him;
I knew him when he stayed serene
Xo matter in what hick you found him;
Back when he hurdled trouble's store
With cheering laughter, all enticing;
But that was several weeks before
He started slicing.
I knew him when he never biffed
His loving spouse upon the eyeball
I knew him when he'd never drift
To drowning sorrow with a highball;
Back when his laughter was a roar
Of bouyant clamor, all sufficing;
But that was several moons before
He started slicing.
Just a Suggestion
We have advanced this tip before, but it
may not be out of place for the final
Last season about 50 per cent, of the
ball players loafed about 60 per cent of
the season and thereby helped to put as
heavy a crimp In their own game as cer
tain magnates had put before them. Most
of those with ironclad two or three year
contracts celebrated the festive occasion
by hustling when they felt like It which
wna about every third day.
If baseball is to be maintained as a
flrst-claBs sporting spectacle It might be
Juei as well If the majority of those under
contract started to steam up a bit and
exhibit occasional signs of interest.
If the Boston Braves are Fluke Cham
pions tho late Mr. Shakespears was a
Fluke Dramatist and our own Mr. Rocke
feller Is a Fluke Financier.
With Stallings, McGraw, Bresnahan,
Herzog and Hugglns In the same circuit
wo can understand Mr. Klcm's definite In
tention to abandon golf for the time be
ing. He'll have the occasion to listen to
sufficient profanity and such without in
troducing any of his own.
"Willard to make a million dollars."
Fair enough. But even a million divided
t73 ways Is nothing to rave about on
through eternity.
fciWle Ampere
Who Are You?
hc hank our or I
name iaaervlrp. nnrl T 1mrvn
' sT mOjr tBUT Sk fcrtTrrtrt'.T-.iitiHHHr
Southward Hard Hitter Fights
ex-Champ's Brother Clever
Bantamweight in Semifinal.
Little Jack O'Brien, brother of the one
time cleverest heavyweight In the world,
will mako his return nppearnnco for some
time, when he tonight answers the gong
against Willie Moore, hard-hitting Soutli
wnrk fighter, nt tho Oljmnla A. A. A
grcnt bantamweight fight Is promised In
the semi-final when Barney Schneider,
Canadian bantam champion, nnd Lew
Tondlrr, nensbov title holder, clash.
Tho program follows:
Klrst bout PranMe White, Southnark, s.
Lro Vincent, Sou hurnrk
Second bout ltarr Palmer, Pittsburgh, .
Samtm Derker, ttet Philadelphia
Third bout Kddle JU Andrews, Manayunk,
r. Jimmy Murphy, Went Philadelphia.
Semlwlntluprinrne Schneider, Canada, s.
Lew Tendler. Pouthwark
Wlndup Vnung Jnck O'llrlen. West Phila
delphia. b Willie (Moore, Southwark.
Frank Foley, who has returned to tho
boxing game ns mnnattcr of Willie Houck,
of Mt. Airy, wants to match his protego
with .lack Welling, of Chicago. Tho lat
ter Is heralded ns a coming lightweight
champion. He Is tindor tho management
or Lumpy Lichtcnsteln, adviser of Jimmy
Clabby. 1 touch's first fight under Foley
was his 32-econd knockout victory over
Charley Turner.
Billy McCarney, who handed out some
pretty good dope previous to the Jack
Johnson-Jess Willard light, says tho for
mer champion's declaration that ho will
not light again Is all bunk McCnrney
says Johnson Is signed up for a battlo
with any heavj weight Peggy Bcttlnson,
of London, may select for him.
Call Motrin, originator of the now de
molished Whito Hope division, has been
offered two dates In London with Frank
Moran and Bombardlor Wells, according
to McCarnoy. Bill nlso says Mike Gib
bons and Georges Cnrpentler, the French
man, may box In London In tho near
A report comes flittering Philadelphia
ward from Chicago to the effect that Jack
Hcnnessy, a stockyard heavyweight, 6
feet S Inches, wants a crack at Jess Wil
lard. Promoter Billy Nushlcltel and Match
maker Hilly Walsh are planning another
elimination amateur tournament at tho
Quaker City A. A. April 20. The winners
of tho different classes then will bo given
u chance to show In professional ranks.
Hddle Itevolre has two bouts on this
week. Ho meets Jack McCarron at tho
Palaco Athletic Club, of Norrlstown, to
morrow night, and on Thursday night tho
ISth Warder Is scheduled for a go with
Jackie Clark at Allentown.
Since suffering his knockout at tho left
hook of Charley White, Sam Robldcau
will make his first appearanco in tho
ling when he tackles Walter Mohr, of
Biooklyn, In a 12-iound encounter at
Bridgeport, Conn., April 22.
Negotiations are on for a bout between
Little Harry Wngner, of North Penn, and
Jimmy Murray, of New York, at tho
Quaker City Athletic Association Friday
night. The following week Jackie Clark
may meet tho best welterweight avail
Phillies Cut Squad to 21 Players.
Bud Weiser Retained.
Manar Moran, ot (he riillllcB. has made
ns team selection for the ear. cutting down
his roster to tho 1!1 limit. Ho will carry seen
Pitchers, three rati hers, llo outfielders and
six Innelders The nre
Pitchers Aloxnndcr. Majcr lineup. Otsch
ger, Demaree. tlauiiiEartncr and Ulxcy
r'atrhers Klllefer, Hums and Adams
lnfleldera l.uderus. Nlehorf, Bancroft,
Ilyrno. Stock and Uutcy.
Outtlelders-Ueikcd. hilled, Craiath, Pas
kert and Weiser
Moian will pl3ce Pitchers Mattl.-on and
Jacobs, Catchers rsh and Itiflelder Fletcher
within u ten dajs Catcher O'Conner and In
Melders Irclan and Martin hae already been
dlspoEcd of. A Mrlng li tied to most of them.
i ill 1 3M i fl r. - . -i ii iff iiL
tn f pfi in T ill iM J
of Our 1914 Business Was
Repeat Orders
This is the best proof of the service and stability
of Stewart Trucks.
Let us go over your delivery situation.
We have cost figures on hand, based on the per
formance of many users of Stewart Trucks during
1914, showing yearly costs.
Constant service rendered.
Broad and Ridge Ave., Philadelphia
Distributor- also for the Distinctive Stewart Six
1 ) BXHh 1
9 s98lliflKLlLaBiH9iHiiBPS3vsiH I
T I m 1
' VAOOOmiohtA? I GAWAtM (YESSlR i ,1
Engineers Begin Task To-
day; Ready for Play in
September Tournament
at Seaview This Week
Ouimet May Play.
Work on the publli golf course In Cobb's
Creek Park began today under the di
rection of Chief engineer Vodges, of th'
Park Commission. If present plans are
carried through without a hitch, lh8
course will bo thrown open to the public
about the first of September
When completed, Philadelphia will have
a public courso the equal of any, ana
perhaps better than tho majority it will
hao a total length of G290 yards, and a '
par of approximately 73. Most of th
work in connection with the laying out
of tho courso and the planning of the .
holes has been dono by George C. Klau
dcr, Aronlmink; A. II. Smith, Hunting
don Vnlloy; Ilobert W. Lesley, president
of the Oolf Association of Philadelphia,
and William Flynn, grcenkeerier nt is.
Merlon Cricket Club.
Whether or not Sunday play will b
permitted Is a question that has not been
decided, but as tho majority of thoss
who will uso tho course can do so pnly
on Saturday afternoons, holidays and
Sundays, It Is to bo hoped that tho Park
Commission, usually so very strict about
matters of this kind, will make an ex
ception In this case.
Tho Reason for tournament golf In this
section of tho country gets under way
on Thursday ot this week with the unlqu
event announced by tho Seavtow Oolf
Club. For tho first tlmo In tho history
of tho gamo In this country tho hlh
handicap golfers aro catered to on a
largo scale.
This event, tho qualifying round for
which will tako place on Thursday, fol
lowed by match play rounds on Friday
and Saturday, Is open only to members
of clubs affiliated with tho U. S. O. A.,
having handicaps of 12 strokes or more.
As closo to 90 per cent, of tho country's
golfers arc In that class. It can bo readily
seen that tho tourney will have its appeal
nnd that it will bo a success goes with- .
out saying.
Last fall tho Huntingdon alley Coun
try Club held a tournament for women
with handicap1! of 18 or over, but thai
was purely a local nffalr with an entry
list of about 00 players Scavlew Is the
first organization to attempt an event of
this kind on such a largo scale, and to
Clarence H. Gclst nnd his merry asso
ciates must go the credit for orlgtnatlni
something In golf.
One week from Thursday Seaview will
be the scene of another tournament opn
to members ot clubs affiliated with 'the
U. S. G. A., regardless of handicaps.
Unfortunately tho dates conflict with the
annual spring tournament of the Country
Club of Lakow-ood. That docs riot mak
much difference for Seaview will attract
all the local golfers and Lakewood will
tako care of thoso from the Metropolitan
Francis Ouimet may play at Seaview '
next week, for before he left there last
Thursday ho promised Mr. Geist that if
it was at all possible he would take part
In tho tournament. If he dccldes'to take
the trip, he will be accompanied by his
bosom friend, J. H Sullivan, Jr., and W.
Fred O'Connell, who completed the party
nt tho AbBecon Club last week. To each
other Ouimet and Sullivan are the "Fly
ing Frenchman" and the "Wild Irish
man." and thoso who know the pair are
frank in admitting that their nicknames
aro appropriate.
OIYMPIAAA "road nnd Ualnbrldrt
jL.nviriA.A. Ilorry K(Inn, M
Adm, 23c. Hal. Ites. SOc. Arena lies. 75c. SL
ch t Htjfcitfrtmur, m
iww.ii'iuUto53Ei5;fli- 'i "TTnayTWlliMBMBwWniHHrrTTr
A HIT l.l I TM
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