nmwifpii, hiww'jmi - EVBNG I.EPQEIl-PHIgAT),KDPHrA MOfrBftY, rATHTO T2, TOTS; pia: MEW HIGH RECORD FOR BETHLEHEM STEEL SHARES MONEY RATES A" TRIFLE FIRMER MOTHER NEW HIGH FOR BETHLEHEM Ustock Rose 17 Points on Report of Biff contract v rom Eng land. IfZVi' YOHKi April 12. Operations on lht stock Cxcrmngo were on a smaller ...u today and conditions ivero mixed, fenced by a fireat deal of ouleldo proJlt Vliinff. and commlsiton houses vero scl- un In many cases on tlio bid prices at t. ooenln? There was a lnrBo nc- "" ..i:.i nt nu wntinir orncrs ivnen F-S ooenTnif none; sounded. Floor traders ?MMl experience tho difficulty of Sat ' Swuv In (rcltlnK orderfl throtmh nnd trad ' for" carried on under much quieter I evoIlientho realizing; sales wero bcltiir 1 1,., in many parts of the list, partial- :.- h atnndnrd ssues, mere was n Wood demand for other shares, which jrtflirrf stronRth, nnd tho market therc '.... hernme Irrecular. This demaml bo- Jiine more pronounced In tho afternoon 'lon, and It seemed to como largoly from the speculative Interest. Tho floor !!.. oIko nicked up somo stock. In lit face o( tieB0 conditions the mnrket rillled lomewhat from tho low. TrntllrtK mi not active, but the market was broad. The dominating stock In tho market ', aKaln t'nlted Htates Steel, nnd op "!,.. hr flm moat nart. seemed to m wverned by Its actions. In tho early Mft of tho session It advanced, but lis caln around midday, nnd later i-reeoMrcd From n. stock-market point r, if ,j,v the statement of the corporation L'ef unfilled tonnaRO rltlrltiR Mnrch. which S '.' . . . ......, nf Rn r,52 tnnn. Ih nut r,-a iiniren it uci.ii.uvu w. -..,- . , .. - rWr,rdd as unfavorable. It Is pointed out that prices for many i ,,;,,,, of steel product are now higher l JK- they have been, and this should Help the Steel Corporation. Then, too, ST '". i'iii. .- ,nn nrolng nf n limit ij Mr cent, of capacity, nnd aro about brciklnjr even between tho receipts of icttial shipping orders and ohlpplng of L' f.ninres of strencth wcro Missouri ? Pacific and Cotton Oil. Tho advance of vth former more man - ihjiihb wu ! ... i., ,n hn rlim in the extension of tho ' t AB fnt niintlior vttnr whllo empany o nun. u ....-- --.- - In the case of the latter, which nt one L. t.u 3 nolnts hlehor. It was rumored Jtkit dlildemls would bo restored at n oeetlng next, monwi. rtthtnhem Steel roso to 12o, another tw hlh record, and 17 points nbovo the V fnal of Saturday, followlnff tho publl- cation In the afternoon of a roport from tondon. purporting to como from one or V til high officials of tho English Govern II Btnt. who Is quoted as saying, In cx 'fflanatlon of tho rccenf rise in Bethlehem t surf: I- "At this moment everything In In readl- Stess In several great manufacturing t-.iini. in tho north of England and In i6c6tland for the building of six bridges i hlch arc for erection at six points across 'the River Ilhlno. All that Is necessary i for their construction Is structural steol, ind this has been ordered nnd Is manu t izctured In the United States. This one order unquestionably Is ono of the lnrgest la the point of tonnage over given to a ileel manufacturer, ana doubtless ac counts In part for the sensational rlso In the market price of tho company's shares la Wall Street." The heavy demand for Bethlehem checked trading In other parts of tho list. tnd the remainder of tho market closed weak, virtually all shares being below the final of yesterday. Bothlehem lost a point from tho high and closed at 121, HP 18 points from tho final of Saturday. Gold imports arc Mill coming In. ro ily the International Banking Corpora tion eiiRnged 300,000 In gold from Yoko him& for shipment to Now York. This tulies a total of about $15,500,000 gold i, ihlpped from Japan since the beginning of &the European war. ). The. American Railway Association ls Slued Its monthly Idle car statement to- f dijr. It showed that on April 1 there wore New York Stock Sales n rait 01 4H 01 40M Alk nM in IjB,t cl0M- Hh. Allls.Chalmersp'f:'.:'.;". 625 Amacamated Copper.. (,8 Am Aur Chemical...... i,u Am AtrChem pf on Am Can ln Ara an,tt:! 984 Am oa' froducU 101 Am Cotton OH 40 AmllldeALeapref.... 315 American Ice . , 32u Am Unseed hjJ Amtinseedpf 31 AmLoromotlvo. 31 Am Malt .j( AmSmcltlng 70 AmSmelllnff nf inr. Am Smelters pf 11 78 cioie. ro mj 62 0S)f fi3 01 40 Ifi (17) 48! m snuirpr im Am Slecl Foundtlcs. . AmTclATel Am Tel ACabla Am Tobacco AmTob pfnow Am woolen..,. Anaconda Copper.,., Atchison AtchT&SKnf Atlantic Coast Linn inn Baldwin Loco .'ikic l!alllmoro& Ohio 7fi! 711U Malllmoro & Ohio pf .. 71.x 71 ucinienemaicei.. 108 123 uetmehem stcol pf loojf ioi uiuumjn nap iran ) Cal Petroleum njif Cal rclroleum pf 43) Canadian l'aclfic 1C0) Cent Leather Co 37 CentLcatherCo pf ...loj Chea&Ohlo ,0 ChlnoCoppor 4o)f Chlcacois Alton f) Chics Orcat West.... !:) Chlcaeo Ot West pfa.. 31H Chic Mil & St P U2W ChlcMll&StPpf ....1MJS Chic A. Northwest 12) Chlcigo K I & Pacific . 3i)f Cluett Teabody prof. ... 101 Col Fuel & Iroa J2)( Col& Bouth 32 Col 6outhlstpf bK Consolidated Uas lauf ll!2 continental Can 03) i 02M v-unimeniai wan pi Low, 0 r,a f.7 :.l? 01 40 ;i4'i 07H 4RU 104 1014 102JJ 0 4'JJi CI OM II niH son 3iU ,3a 1IH 10'f 30 am 4H oo)s io; 78H 105 JO 33 !( 70) 103 10 It 311f 32 11 30 32l H 03M 10. 70U 10 New York Bond Sales High l.iu ,tiiA mi OS llWJ, 1W . ,87N hi 1 Ul 8.-'j H)tli 1USU 10)j 10Sf ..J MM 32 32 12UJ 120! 110U HOU 00K CO 00 00 230U 231f 230U 231)f 107J lOOJf lOIIJj 100U 1 1WX 10H 10 10M 'MU !J'i 34 3IU 102J4 103 102K 101H vj vj van m lUSJf 10s hoi a h 7fi), vm 10 ii WJ 40H 4 IN 1) 12U 35) V2H 32 31 5-1 10SJ 30)4 7fih 71 121 10S 10 l&H 43H DOW CornProducU 13 . 74 . CO . 03 .151 Corn Products Ilefpf uuuan-Am bugar .... Cuban-Am Sugar pf. . tcl& Hudson Del Lack & West .... Ucn<loOpf Detroit United pf.... Distillers becurltlej ... F.tlo Eric 1st pf Gen Chemical Ocn Chem prcf General Electric r General Motors cneral Motors pf 70n 107 107 HO 16H 43H 100'i 107H 107U 8'i IQst 3731 10.i 4.'j 40H 0 am 01H VMi VMi 120i lUOJj 12b 12! 3d am 3iu 1U0 100 101) Mi 3W 31 31 51 5-1 121H 121!f 01 02 05 05 Vi Viil 73a vm 10) 40 40! ( 0 12) i 34!i 01)i PS 4i U8V3 i,u 31000 Alaska Gold 0s iw) Am Dlst 'IV 4a Mou Amer JilOo & l, iMOO Amer Tel Hi 4 SKiiu Amer Iti ct Hi ,UW Armour Co 4'a.. .....w .l.MII.UII HUJ 1U ...... 0..- nnw Atchison ev 4s WiK). 10J)S ilxw Allan Co Line 1st 4s ui'i t'lMU Allan Co l.lno rlt 4 M1 WW Halt & Ohio Is ... ? ltotW Unit and Oh cv 4V5' 1 Wt") Ilalt & sn ai.... t. ivou Ilaldnin 1m.o 6. ...H'Mji 10V() Ueth bteel 1st 08....1O0W 425ouo ueth aicl rfd o.. 7XI Drookn linn 1r m "18 VVf ltwi Hrook Vn Mlv 1st tn !) HWi liush Term Hide 09. poj- iioki Lent Lesther 1st Bi .tiiNii rent 1'ho 1st 4i I0IK) 'hc & Oh cv 4iS.. Kimi cni . Alton 8ii... 1INPO i'm ti JjXJt 111 lis , l:iuu lm k Last in :,.. 1U"U CM Ot ct 4s .. 7(in loon cnil & Nwn ilcb B8..1I1 2TWH) Chl II & q Joint 4s.. l)US J"W Chi U : g sen 4a.. Ill 21W till 11 & Q HI Jits ... 81U R1W CM M U St V cv Rs .1WU 1TWJO Oil .Mil A St I fo 4VW SW HHH) ( 111 Mil fc HI. l cp .iH.lllJ'i .1SINK) C 111 Mil A, Ml. I rvJUd I7U MX) Chi .Mil A 6t 1 gn 4VSB.1U) 1UO ilKK) CM .Mil & V B 4a.... SMi 8S'i 1I)UI) Chi )(. It R 11.1 1. l,.l4. NAW Con Uan ov 8s ilS 111 juui, i.ci jiua rru 4s.. Mum Don & Jtio or 4(i... two Den fa lllo Or 4'v 4l.iu 1)1 seoiir Corp Wikj l.'rlo eonv 4s er A. WAAi Erlo conv 4a flor It. . . 1UIX) Osn L-Ul deb Ss . IGUJl) llllil Mfin In K. vn K(K) do riil Ss 744 Ufrr Ins Cop ev lis l!ir, lliiou lnp cv ret M fli 'in.l.M', HiOW) Inicrb Jtct 4Wi 78(t Iti(KA) Inierb H r ler Sa .. I'S loud Ind Alcohol (s Wih ij iini new ucr sia 4V?s. ii low. t lose uo i.w. . w!i ia o r US' O) 1 1 .1WJW ? pi: M 85j 1W Sin 8U.1 noS look eu w'H iwS 8.1(4 US'! 4 IIMli w 0 "i 111 imij I' I'd 18ft 104 Ul M to It4 'Ji Ull-i 8i;t uli 8Jn lies'J 01 84 W 80 J , itau8f lui)' I'SMi 7S 4S 0114 till 70i 111 IWH l)a ii 1021s Ml Uui H7V. UK) 8SVl U5 114 IMU 10 81 AJ U3 11114 1U PHILA. ELECTRIC m BETTER DEMAND Lake Superior Also Moved Up, But General Local List Ruled Irregular. 12t ui jai'4 JJi 05 13U 71 .IS u-i;, i.-.j 74 5S 01?( 15194 U1H1 42J) -ia0)i 420)f 4J0!i Wl Hii Uii 1415 28), . 44) .102 87 loj, 28H 4.ri) 107 87 27)i 43!f 10 87 Mi 27Jj 41)4 107 iwii i. u 11-1 a vt .11 is.. ,zi Ti-no Knn CIt So fm Uli 2(XJl I.k Hh dub 4s lKIl ... Pl4 iVM) LIB A. M V 03 10U4 '.'UHl LnillLirri r 1WI MUi LorllLird "a l'.'H i.'ii I.011IH As Nash 4s .. nil liKio Mn Kan A Til 7nU 1001) Mil K . T 4ttB 70Vj ll(Oi) ?Io I'ui 4s Bl Ii Mo 1 no ,v 5s KPl limn Mo I'm On W'.'O . . I'.!', Ki0 Mori Is ,! llsscv :m S-i 110(1(1 N y Air llrako cvt 03 ml luou n y c-m c coi :is i"uu . x u . 11 .i.yj.. TMXiO NYC, llud IM .. 11(100 N Y O & llud 4'j.l... tMJ0 N Y C A Jltul 4b ... i'OOO N Y City I'ia 1054.. 8-.000 N Y City 4s WOO... i.'00 N Y City 4l4H 1003,. 400O N V fMtv iCdn 10(11. 1.000 N Y City 4ia Nov "C7.1H4''' f. Hi04 . NS4 Wl . 8.-.Ji . oii .104(4 0!S 7S U7!l 7l iii , mil ltwi. 1(0 12." tic 711' 70S WI4 4(llj lUtn 81 H.V4 i J 78'.. OS 11115, ,7 7J"i l"l' 01'j UK) -4 IMI 11!.'H II. 70t 7U'j r.i 4(l'4 lf 81 i'-7i KO'i lUUMi 1 107i5 107K 107H 107)4 .litjf iiok ho) now .145) H0)' 141 144', .104 104K 10-1 KMU uoouncnuo r,m 52H 50)i 51 Great Northern pf 110J U'O) HUM 11! Great Northern Oro. eta 30X 30J 30)i i8J OUKcnheim EipPn ... 60! fOJ 50 0)4 llomestake Jllnlne ...110 11U 110 110 Illinois Central loOH 108), 10S5 USX Intliarv NJ 1U1M 103 101H 1U1K IntllarvCorp pf 100 lOtJi 100)4 10UJ4 jnicrcoro-Mut IOH .'1000 N Y ( II & P 4s. r.O(K)i) N Y N II & If 4a... UOOO ilo CM Is ltl.'tl .. riOIKI N Y N II & H 3 . Jim) N Y liny ruf 4 -JOUt) N Y Ky ml J r.s.. 10UH N V Ulnto I'ka i'lioo N Y Tel ecu 4'ii low Norf & Vst ct IHa Mil Norf & West 4a 1M00 Nor l'nc prior 4s... MV Nor Vim boh ".... 7IHKI Oro Shnrt 1. 4 .. . JIlOil Oro .t W II ; N 4s. 7(iO Pnclllo Tol r.s 2l"Xi I'cnnn c .I'la uM.ii, 1'onn.i cp 4ja fenj.CT Idle cars on sldlne.i nnd In yards. BJ h)ch Is n decrease of E670 from tho jfytotil reported on March 1. The April 1 t-Utal, however. Is much larger than re itrorted on tho first of tho samo month R-UM year. i,"i lanseiy io ino recent ncuviiy nna tttength In the stock market, money rates hate become firmer The risking prlco for .(Way money was moved up n quarter to w; 90 days loaned at 3 per cent., nn Urtnce of . it Is reported by bankers tt there Is an Increase In tha demand for call money, nnd the rate today moved P .to 114 per cent. BANK SURPLUS EXPANDS Philadelphia Institutions Report Gain of Nearly Three Millions. lEfi'.' ,h? rhllil.lDhlCleafin llou.S lhSh!.?vJl ,n. "". wKly statemmt today, ElBOrrlaUal dunni In .i.,.... til inl nnn ...kil- LIM pnded J263.C00. Details follow: P9.I(. Am i' p!iJ,ro'an ank g ( banks &SS re,ulr!,i 'rXW" .oaatr old form: ADrlf 13. 1014. ili lStiii iiWrni1' 1013. W.WS 000; Arrll 10. .". 111.011.000 Anrll in' mil IAlii. Rftrtt .S.-iS " "" """'"W Intcrboro-MctDf International Taper .. int Taper pr Inspiration Copper ... J I CasoCopf , Krcccco Kan City Southern ... Knn City Southern pf Lack Steel Lacade(ia3 Lchlch Valley Llccett & Mrs Tob Co. Looso-Wiles Ukcult .. Louis & Nashvlllo .... Mackay Cos iloiwell Motors Mai Motors lstpf .... M ox Motors 2d pf ... May Dept Stores Mexican Petroleum .. Miami Copper Mlnn&StLouts Minn & St Louis pf .. MbtP&SSM MksourlPaciric Montana Tower Montana Tower pf ... Mo Kan & Texas Mo Kan & Texas pf .. National Biscuit National Biscuit pf ... Nat Cloaks butt NashO&StL , h at Enamelinc & S (jS . Wi . 3W . 30), . 80 .123 . M . COJX . 38 , 00 .14.' llih 08) 0) 30 30H 80 125 25' 503. :s 103 loJi tuj, DH 38)3 'Mi fcO 133 25 50 37 100 142H 141 21)j 22 22). 23 15JJ 07)i 0)1 3S 30 80 123 25 50 37 103 HI .121 . 70H . 47 . 85 . 40 47H . 74 H . 24)1 . 10). 41 1103J 14W 02 120)i 77H 47 85) 40 47), 74)4 24a 10) OH llC'i 10)i S1J 224 !" 22 j "ha "a 120)4 120)1 7H 77)4 44)4 HH 38'1 47)1 72l 2-1)1 10)1 40)j 46)1 84 3S)i 47)t 74)1 21M lt)i 40H M 110 7i', .M'. HUN Oil' j 101', trjlj IC'J 04 00' . nc4 ...100'i ...1ni 1000 Tllhlle fcrv N J Oh... S7i iooii h.ij con lop ,1s ..loo's r.Omi Itnv Con cop ds . ...llo' 4D00 ncailliiK Ken Is . 0I, looo itcpub Culm. Ci 1001.. d 10OO Itock Iilaml 4s ... . K1 2-JOiirt Itmk Island rM 4a... 70'. binnn itnrk Iflanrl .Is ivvl nono st h ft s r cen fin . ..lniu. 7000 Scahonrrt A D ndj lis.. 07'5 IOik) Seaboanl A I, Htn. 4s.. fiO, linnn South iMc 4h M I?onn Poiith Pao cv 4s S.1U Ioiv.iki s I cv ret t p .It 1OTI ho'h iiimi iouui l'nc rra 4.. 10(1(1 Sou Hi Pao f.3 . . Ilium South rtny ccn 4h Vara South Itny con rs. ii (Mil Txns Co cv ii OPS io ii R'l l1 W',4 h.,' Oil, 101 , 00. 10 1 M iia.il lm ltn r.ii'.j ion. I i'.'v. r.ti, Jdl's in'. inn. iii'i 101'j 101'i !l2j UU'j mi, (iiu w no, pou not on n loon iooi 101 101 R7'i N7V4 I'i KO'a 70(1(1 Third Ao ndj r. . . .(Hl r q Itilbhr Oi 07 x r S t-tcel to Moo II s Slecl rcrr .Ii... 4'ono I'nlon I'no 1st -Is .. fooo t'nlon Pia ov 4i... 10(0 Union I'ao rfd 4s.. 1IKXI Va It .Is lionn Wnbish 4b irmo iVnCioBh 1st .is fMO Wah Iqil ct Hta 4l rrxii mui' Tcr 1st i -hki est rlectrle 5s riflO West Mil 1st Is .Will West V fi It cv .Is. 1()(K) West Shor? reir 4n SOOT WUcon Cent Ken Ii .. SI, ..ins'i .10'..-V1 .101, .inn; . iim . Pfl5 . nu, . OH', . IT? . ii'i'iJ ,i ct It.. 7'5 i .. . tni"! 70 ini. Ml .SRV4 II" 111)1. I1J', IH) M 70 ISMS lINVi n-'a fO'i si; f-n in', 103JJ It'll I, tl'U'j 1('?1 IOIK, 101'J IIMJ ) 00', -'I lilt. O'll, Mi'a 1101 0 ! Pd J..1 7(1 , 10W. I17'J W)' M. Ml! If'4. MS KU'S (17 111 "111. 7S 101 '-, ll.1 IHJ'I, r.'1'd pjll i l"l 7(1 til'i Ml MiHl Philadelphia Electric stock and bonds becamo suddenly prominent In tlio trad ing on tlio local exchango thin afternoon, tho stock ndvnnclntr from 21 to 21H on compnrntlvoly lnrco pttrchnscs nnd tho f per cent, bonds being ncllvely dcnlt In rit prlre.t rnn-jltirr from 101 to 102 Tlio lntt provloun snlo wii.i nt 101H. No par tleulnr mows nccoripanled theso movo meutN, Ktcept for n recovery In Lotto Su perior shnrei on qtilto nctlvo buylnK or ders mul the mentioned rlso In I'lilln dolphin Hlectilr, thcro wan llttlo to dls ctis.1 In tho rrcnernl local market today. It was said that a lnrgo block of Ivko Buporlor, which linn boon In liquidation for somo tlmo for foreign account, had been cleaned lip Pennsylvania Halt ndvanccd over a point, nnd Philadelphia Company roso two, but tlio resumption of business disclosed a tendency to talto profits on tho part of tho tradlnrr rlcmont ivhlch caURCd a cer tain amount of Irregularity, but offor Inijs wero not largo except In United States Steol, which was aulto heavily dealt In throughout tho day. After opon-Ing- unchanged, tho prlco snpgcd below BO only to recover moro than Its early loss. Cambria Steol ruled heavy on light sales, whllo Pennsylvania Steel preferred lost a point American Itnllwnys declined nearly a point on nn odd lot olTeiliK,' It Is under stood tho so-called "nnnunl" rtport to be Issued tomonow ill color six months only in order to comply with laws of ccrtnlii States, which require hnlf-ycnrly statements. A sllnlit decrruflo In irrosa earnings Is looked for. Tho regular qtiar torly dividend was declared on tho pre ferred Thcro was much less cxcltomcnt on tho floor today than In tho final nosalons of iaBt iveeit, mit brokers oillccs ivoro crowded with Interested ivnt chart of tho tlckors nnd considerable business wan transacted. Tho recent outburst of lfuoy ancy In the sorurltv markets was re tlected this morning on money mnrket condition. Bankers leporled u moderate lncroaso In deinnnd for new lo.ins from brokers nnd thn tone was u trlllo stlfTer. Commercial paper, too, was sought with moro zest. Ono institution receded nn Inquiry from nn up-Stnto bank for tho first tlmo In six wooks. This was for $75,000 worth, ivhlch ho expected to bo jiblo to jiliico nt I per cent. Tho very highest grndo nnmes, however, still bring ns low as .I'i. per cent. Heavy wlthdrnw alM of dopo.sltH shown In this week's bank statement wero taken to indicate In lostment purchases of securities, while tho expansion In loans una thought to bo duo to brokers' requirements Local Half -hourly Sales 10 to 10130 A. M. Its? !.lMI.Cot$r Am stHlooo do M 100 Tlllln Bleo.. 2 s rt0 ! 66'4 100 ltf,l 8 C..51S.tO h Union Trie SSK ffi Ph Elee... St son V 8 Pieel . . V)j so U 8 ete'ei:.:: m 1Q do M io do rii 100 tlen Asphalt. .1 1J H KICPI . . . 10 Tonornh Mln. OF 70 1iVi t.i n,,-,A" ". in Jjori Nnv TO ?A i.A"-.'.!8.. 7B l'enna ....S413-I 6tMl.... ffl 7,1 iike 8up Cor 5'4 Steol.... 47U M do.... 6i ......... 47U M do SM-10 dn i ,b. u m ti ... "J cii"H . ...uijiy in ifn -.? 6 "iW . do C4 13-lfl 1lin n g.. !" '.VT " ' Blip Cor loo Cam steol.... 47(t ro do.... IW. .. av.'...i... m em do SU iS V "."? .oM 200 U B Steel.... IW Aits loo Am t & f'..lso(i 60 do "J '" stores,,. B1 ,0 , .h ., Tr M a1 2ft SHI BO Clun Bteel. 100 U 8 Steol 5 i:ien Storage. Bl xv t, a nicci iu Jionopari ,A'U si....53t. 1V UW TAl t- 31 10OH I 14 13-10 tin cCT.r.u r.1 .." la'.V '" iwwnln ptd .low 102 f?u'h.rr"le. !H 100 M K & Texas 14 5X t"C "J."1 .... J l.'J I'enna. . ,61 13-10 Tv,--c:v.V-. r 21 ' i'""0 up cor n 47 100 1 1 m'. n j:: i . 6.1 aim. 7S el.... Mt. nko Pup Cor M Ice Htorrtffs. olt. n- .... - o.ir SO Union Tmc... not, 2,1 U H Steel. .. Ml, 1U nn , ini'v, 10 l'enno ....M 1.1-18 ro u if $i?r. iff ,o Am Copror ro.VD3. f.000 Hnrwood E1n Ob.... Jwo rtfndlnir n 4s ?i,"i! I;1?c ir0P Tr 4s.. 10O0 Lolt Nrw cons 4W.. 6M. M Hl4 U ODU 10:30 to 11 A. M. 10 Welstifich Co. 85 80 U 8 steel ... ryii I0O do W 100 do Ml' Mi Lnko Sup Cor o. 10 do .IS do 100 U 8 Stool.... 10 do loo do 110 Union Trne... H Am nw)', .. rvi i.i,. a..n r.AM IH 47 u a 1 6.1 do 81 43 do S4U 100 Uiko Sup Cor r.ji ... ."' . .. n.vQi iiui) i.'H in rrnnn oi. 64 ai do M't MIS nn Dalilwln pfd..lH0U fiOjt M York Ilwy... RVI SO'i M I'cnnri Halt... 81 fa' 100 I-ko Hup Cor Ml 04 Ins Co N Am o 9Si ) do Bs: 1(117 S Slntl RRU 100 ilo 6. CO I'h Co em pfd 404. 100 Union Trao . SOU 00 U 8 6teel . . rrtij 100 Lnho Sup Cor r' I I'hllo, It T t o It 10 U 8 Steel .. Ml J 10 Ocn Asphslt.. "J7 BONDS 2000 Un rtwy t c 4s "4U. 11 to 11:30 A. M. ro Am Ilwy CO Phlla Klcc.. o Pa filed pfd. j-tnnn SOO U S Steel.... ffl .Y do ROti 10O do Mt CO Penna Suit. R.V4 100 Union Trne... soil ino t'hllo Ulec B 1'hlta It T t o lOla SO lyih Val Tr rn U 8 Stel ... W nn U S Bird 10 Union Trne... 80 SO Tonopah Mln. in t; s fitcci..6n loo tr s steel.... 100 Am Coppor... (kS', 100 Oen Atphalt.. in u a aicsi.... on io ao , 21 LU Stw 70 25 Leh V Tr pfd 31 DOND3. 1000 Phlln Co cons Fa Si 1000 Lnko Sup Cor Ino So 80 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. on 21'. 101, w.s 71? Safcs Philadelphia SIS Amel Coppir 10 Am Cn .. . 10 Am Gas . . 6 Am Loco pfd 10(1 Am rtwrsi ... .?0 Am llwjs tf. ion ItnM ln ni. .ICQ r.. ....It But. close. 00 . . IO214 '.'.81 ..loo '.' lt.'l 4','S t3m Steel ... 47i S. 5iS Storsgo . . M 127.1 (lAn AkI.hII n," 824 do prof. ...'"; 07 iiuni 11 1 nror. 11 n.iii ;n. Co N Am. StH " ""U ilH.V. ... (II S Corp. 17 Ikhlivh VuIIav' ajl-eh Vnl Tr .' i. do pref. . . . uu am i a .h. .nt. .. I'll I!" H.. Bllllio" M4 dl 8-1(1 32 r?"nn, Halt Mfir. 81 iii'i riiila Co 40 tr,??. ? cu,n Pref... 3S low I'hua hie, . st 48 Phils Trnct 77 iVS LW "A-I iJ" T8 1-10. looso nallivny . po Tonopah flcl 01" Tonopah Mln 4M Union Trao 220 U a I . 7738 IT a Hi. . B Un It A n .t m ?2 !y'ie" Co . . sn M York llwy . . s'i High. Low Close. 08', 09-1, CSH 3d 30 80 IM15 ltrjifj urj(j P2 02 VI va 32 8.1 It"' 10O 10( 12011 IZU'4, ITO", iooii 100 IW 4J'S 47 47J. r,i ;i. r.w( 3 Stt . -Tni 7 J1I3 117 iM'i 117 II 14 14 2Ui 21 H 21W 0 fl 5 70a J0 Toil, l"Vti 10b lia 81 81 31 10' I R4 7-lfl R5 M'i 80 80 24 24 W inu iii.i . 77W WHEAT CLOSED SHADY AFTER EARLY ADVANCE SSti uu ?i'4 ?f '714 771 70 1- r. rid). 01 "4 lull - a I. in rr, i.k V'K y' SI'I Ml, ""11 130NDH. 3d R B0t 2.1 88 2(4 8tk lit' 80 SiU BVJ 2.1 31 n' 8 lS'a r 7, 30 8'4 81' 25 3.1 it sit lvT2' ?o UhK Iy)w. Clno, nr 121000 A r ni.'iV.".J' ,JJ Com 811 so 11)10 P7H Ml do 11U7 flili, joo ins soo in ,v;: .. JOOO B I' lr , 7m, Sr!5 JIOi nl' 8'-- Ki ;i!5 ?"'"' Sup Ine 8n 30 1000 lh N cons 4Sa mn; 5J5"2 ! t0I ' A" I 0 4s 81 .W10 lTi con 44s 'Oo.lni 1001 ITiita Co cons Bs R2 ICCOirhlla Elo 4s . 70U 2.13100 do 81 lolU IW llpadlntr Bon 4s 01 8000 Un Jtuys t o 4s 74 l'7ti 00 30 not; .S0i(, 101 R2 7ni 102 siv, I17W Oil' 4 B2, "Vfl no 30 1)1)11 miij 101 Ki 101 M 07W IMI'J B2J 00 80 fS58 lm 82 .71111 101 MS 03", 101, 74J 7HI T4(. ZiOcaZ Z?irf ajfZ IsfcefZ Today's Financial Briefs S U f! I . . . . 0 do ino u s Btccl. BO do BO do. .. 100 Cam Steel. I l'ennn 84 10 Mo Pnclflo . 10', o Am Jtwy pro. iuii BONDS. 1(100 Lnko Sop Cor inv dl 1000 Distill Sco lit Cs.... 10OO Am flns & nieo 5s 47H 1 it-lit: r.o rh v Tr prd si 4", 111 Co cm pfd 40 .1 l"Jeo Storage. M'i 211 ixn v it pro in 10 urn oieoi. 7S do 00 U 8 Btsel. 10 do 4$ .VI M ago alt Baldwin do nrcf flm Htefl nico Storn. Um Asphal 110 pret Key Tol do t 0 do nref Lake Sun Corn .... Lohlffli Nnv 'Ivhluh Vnllev I-ch vnlley Transit. do pref iVnnsMinnia . . il'lilla Ulci-trlc t'lilla l'n do 5 per cent irof nn o i'tr cc l'hlln rt T . Illd, 311 mt 4,'i BOtI it Ask. 411 1001 4 yji" In 0 i'tr cent prtf. (In t 3(1Vj ll 14'I OS ::::::: to, Sit 30)J sill ro sif. 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 50J4 10 Cam Stcol.... 473, 40 Elee Storage, 8 Tcnna .. 5t 7-lu 80 I'i una . 20 Ocn A-rhnlt.. !!ii, S Ocn Asphalt.. 10 do 2H4 IB Phlla It T t c lOti BO Tonopah Ilol. ." TO Ton Bel.. ..4 10-ld 6 Com Steel . 47)i Fi) Tonopah Mln. 10O Haldwln pfd. .100 80 do 74 i.11 rnim i.icc. . i?i iw jiiKo nup uor n , NEW YORK CUKU .101 101 13J, MM 37 3S 125 12J 121U 12i UU JO 121 123 145i 15 KotLcad b3ii C4H HUH 119)j ID 157 tilii 515 101 101 Id 13' 37f mi 12JJ, 1223i 12i 12J 74 U 123 12 1 UH 15 0:ii C3H nid. SI'. 171! iei' 7a in April 12, IMS. .f41i',tUU,llU() . 820,30.1000 . 11.807.000 B2,250,(K) 13S,M2,000 U,R21,0U) H4.820.liOO . o.3na.ooo 34:4:4.000 Increase. J203.0OO o.sni.ooo 11,000 1.0U3.O0O 4.0M.00O 8.010.000 a, ni 0.000 70J.0OO 2.810 000 ffiltt.MSfm BANIv PIRATMltffic, 5teFClJtf ?1r'. toiay compared with corre niaiiij day i,r two years 1 liit.i.i.. . 10'8' 1814. 10U. "Iptlll. J1,B54,5V1 t20,l8,130 r-Jl.83U.8M r.l;,A.''V".i,I'1 l,ll,ftO. 1U.T14.IRM ""U.... 10,020,71$ 17.3S7.0U 14.706.W5 '$ RirKffl"?. ton .7. ICIJO RATES FOR MONEY Call. JH Nat Lead pf 109U 109U 100 1005 Now York Air BraWo .. 711, 72K 72, 72X Nevada Coo 14U 14U 14 14 NYN1HH OUi 02 Mil 01M New York Central feifH hOU b7tf a7)i NYO iWest 2o'i 20 2ti 28f Norfolk & West .. North Ameilcon .. Nortbcrn l'aclfic . NatRyofMSdpf racuicMau , Pacific Tol & Tel 1'cnn Peoples Qas PhUaCo. l'lttsbwuh Coal ... l'lttiburcb Coal pf PiruedMecl Car . Pullman Co Quicksilver Quicksilver pf Hvhteel bprlng ., Hy Steel Spring pf Hay Con lleadlni! Hep Iron & Steel LQH 27i 20 M Iteplron&bteel pf ... biH c5 U1U t$5 Hock Island Co IX Hi 1 1 ltock lilandCo pf .... IH IH 1 W Ilumely Co 4H 4), Ml Xi HumelyCopf 11 10i HH 10 hcaboard Air Line ..... 5M 5H .b)i IOH teatoard Air Lino pf.. 40! 41 41 41 fctan Hon & Co ISO 13'J 130 130 Bradon Ur-Am Tnhnecn old... llr.Am Tnlnicn r.tf , ttflMflcM ""nns 1 6-lfS 1 11-KI iirccnc-t-'annnca i'i .11 I.a Itosc, W 1. V r-1 Silcs lf.7 172 Nlplsslnc OV. 'i'i Otis Ulevator nna; 7t Otis niciator pref 8"Hj HI Itlkcr-Ilaco 8 KIH Slrrllni Cium 3i 8V4 Toh Prodluts 80 SS Tnti l'roilucta prcf loo 101 United Clear Stores 107 111 United ctRnr Stores pref 11.1 12." United PmrU new 3'i 3 11-10 IVorll Film 4 4v, Yukon Onld S"n 2'(, (food lOlh 10IM 10)),' 10th . 00)i COli CO) 00J .110 108VJ 107h 107;, . 0 0 0.0 21 22)f 21. 22H . 28M 28 271, 27J, 100)X 109i 108H 108M 119;. U9!( 1101 110), . 80 70 70 70 2JK 22 22. V5I 14 05 ."Hi :h, 341$ US) 155)$ 155)5 H i 1), 1), 13!. 34V 150 H IH 20H 87 21W 2IH SOM IH 20)g :i). 20), SOM 21 COTTON NEW YOrtK. April 12 Thern was demand for tho far montlm in cotton this fronting and prices opened nrm. 1 to 0 points hlBher IIouecs with (lormnn connections and spot Arms were (food buers of tho later po sitions. There nlio was somo speculative huy InB In evidence. After the start thn market advanced to a net irnin of 7 to 10 poln's. Hero proflt-taktnir orders nerc tinromrcd. hut tliev were well citahllshrd. Tho South wis ; limited sellpr. tai,ciiw jprn JUKI!. i,i,i 1, -. 11 iti. in in 0 27 10(11 10(.'l in.sii loss 10 ni 1n.n1 31 00 110:1 CMnv . . . Jnlv ... October (Decombcr January March . Ppot ... .1018 . . in w .. 1071 . 1081 ..11 rn ..1015 IIW II so 0 07 1(1.82 10 71 U)7rt 10 08 Close. n SO nil 111 r,a 1(171 10 7S in.nn 10.10 152)X 1C2H HO;, 150H nk Sr&'. iii" .fxonV. iBl. m - F01lV!inv PVririvnw AiI'.ilw.m5" "Ml "Hl UOUMilU BiVUlUM VM ?,K.nf IVncs. Marks. OulWiri .. 4.7S,. 8.33 82 aug NEW IIAVFV RPIIS MflTPO " H?RK' Apr" " Tha New York, 4 tnMnnui "unora itauroaa nas Wni . one-J"ear S per cent, col- tWMwllI ,... .V " ""(" uiiu, ma stOMAY. Ket ,h8 maturity on May 1 of SS'Wv 5 per cent. t. U n. t "Ver and tj.. ,1 . ....- ?red bv .1," "' i-,"?3"r w",c" u" 4Moclatei ..u';w."y""' . . fa ii,. . " " - oioruan & uo. in Wk Natlo f8,Wero the F,r,t National n -0. and To tll.nl.. . r.. llOCK ISLAND MEETING ")-AUO, ADrll 1'll 1 n'MI ,hla SScVat0 ?Mt,n' of atochboldera of .?ou": w,th e reult that AV. rasLw.f..ii!?'- h,. -" win v. narieo Jtuyuuu . rn nomlnat.,1 h .i.. mQi..iii. r r.'.I!,e directora. Their election how. cente'"l by the minority .. ""lairs, who. w.r. .,.. ..ii 1.,, ?i?Jac,'b Newman. Mr. Newman i'r 'orce an adjournment of '" until May . DIVIOEISDS DECLARED vt,,.y c"npny, rsKlr guar- I .124)f 123K 12JM I2JW JfiH 35J 34)f 30H 102) 10i;( 1041, 10-IJ, 10 10)1 1H 1U 01 01 01 t5 OW ICO 32H 32$ 137M 130 . 15j 10 63 53 7 7 Sears Hoo & Co pf blosbhtt8XLCo btL&HFrao 3H 4 3)f 4 StL&8 Fran 1st pref.. IOH 11 11 11 bt Louis ASF 2d pfd.. 0 .) 7 7)( St Louis Soutbw'n pf .. 30 30)j 30), 30)5 So Porto Itlco Sue 17 40 40 48 So Porto Wco Sue pf 80 Oj)j 0J)j OM boutbera I'acUu OJ IJ Uli U1U Soutbem Pacific tr .... Soutbrenlty boutbernlly pf 01). 01)5 btudebaker Co 07 H OS btudebakerCopf 101 100 Teanesiee Cop 32U b2H TeiasCo 130M 130 auaa&Paclflo 15H HH IblidATenua tSii L3H TolnlnKtr. W Cf... 7 7 Union Pacific 120M 130H 120H 12Wi Union I'acUlopf SOU hi tu, 01 UBUndlAichotpf,..., 70 TISlledAHef pref..., 3 USOIP & Fpf,,,.,, 42( United Kyi Jnieat .... 13K United flyjlnrejtpf ..' 32)" bhltubher 72 USKubUrlitpf A....108U 100 li M Ml ! Will 56! Ub6UP , 109 lOUt 108H 10b UtabCoppar 10 CO cSj fWJ VaCarChem 26H I6H 26H V6H Va-CarCnera pf ...... 01 01 UO 00 Va-Iroa Coal 40 43 44 44 .41 Wabash, , IM M M Wabasbpf , 3 Sh 3 di, Wells-KaigoExp ...... 07 97 07 07 tVeitem Maryland .... itii 26H 2bJ 26H Western Maryland pf . 30 40 30 40 WwtemUnlon t6 bC H Ml 5 WultogbousaEIectiio . ,7H 77, 70 6H Wbeellng&LE ....... Ji 3 2). 2H WbeeltneiLESd .... 4W 4 4 4 Wisconsin Central 34H 3j 3i J3 ZJovuao ISS 131W 12i ldl "vtclioitn 100) UO 100 109 Total !. 800.000 shares, convparsd wltn Jig, SOO abarta Jt Saturday. NEW YORK METAL JIARKET French Rank's Annual Report The report of the Hank of Krancp for lot I mys the r mount of productlva transactions wis fin 000 000 OOOf . ns compired with .IS 000.. ono.oont In iho rreredtne year. Tho trans actions with tho Treasury. which nro gratuitously curried on hv tho linnk ncrn To the credit I.I.SIK.POO OOOf : to tho debit. 15fi2B.000.Oonf . n total of ni OSO.COO OOOf. for tho year Tho metallic reserve In inn was 4.0U.400,000f.. of which 4 ISS MO.OOOf wcro In gold Tho Increosa In tho srold rcservo In 1014 wns IHl.lOOOOOf Tho Brosi iiroflta of thn bank wero 112,771 WW, and after ad ministration expenses 81.012 177f . from which the sum of .1H.2S0,o11f. was chantcil to various accounts, Icavtmr a net balanco of 22,78.1.il.'0f , nnd the net levenuo from notes wan added, which broucht tha balance tu to 34.073.0O0f. STATE FUNDS SMALLER Philadelphia Institutions Now Hold 988,412 on Deposit. According" to tho statement of tho Treasury it, Pepartmen thn Cnmnii March ill, 101B, exclusive of tha amount of eenoml fund, nf Commonwealth of Pennslanla on hand 70 2H 4J 13H 33)4 74 79 2Jf 43 13), 3.)i 72 108 55 0 43 13). 3J)i 72 10S)i 65( IVS QDDl mlal.J n !- Inlrlniv fun4 va WK ItifV hui II t la<Tll an inn ..& ullu, vs a wxr.nvv "', as compared with .1I7,11( rebruary 2(1, 101S Of tho total deposits of o,l'i'i,U10, I'lillaclel rphla Initltutlona hold tVt.412. as ajalnut il.274.7SO Kcbruar art and 1540.248 January 20 The following table bhows tha amount of eoneral funds on decoalt In Philadelphia Institutions. American Hank llank of Commerce Central National llank. commercial 'iTusc Corn Kxchange National llank.. Federal Trust l'urmers & Mechsnlca' Nat, llank... Pint National llank. Franklin National llank Franklin Trun Tourth Street National llank First Morteagro Trust Guarantee Trust .. , ........ National llank of Oermanton. ...,,,, North Philadelphia. Trust reopla'a Trust Quaker City National Dank Ileal Estate Title Insurance jtlttenhouse. Trust Company T.vtii. National Bank . Tradesmen') National Bank,.,.,. 20.000 Wilt Philadelphia. Bank 20,000 125,000 89,000 W.000 40.000 100 000 20H.038 f,0GU 10.000 40.000 10.000 100,(iO0 18.000 S0.000 H,(0 23.000 10,000 114.474 40,000 ".1.0.M) 20,000 Sales of Kloctrolytlo Copper ero mnilp today nt lSVi cents. The new ermnn war loan wns quoted nt a picmlttm of U to a point. Tlio j;ros enrnlntri of 19 rnllronds for tlio fourth ivoek of Mnroli showed a do Cicneo of flCO-'S, or 1,8 per cent. Formal complaint In nn notion sceklnR tlio appointment of a receiver for tho l.nni; lalitnil Itnllroad Compnnv una filed In the Supremo Court b nick Urns. Co , tho linn of hankers nnd brokers, which cliiims to represent Oijno shares of tlio comjinny's stock and alleces lnlsmnn. aKcincnt of the load by tlio controllinR liitctest, tho Pennsylvania Itallroad Com pany. Tlio latter company and tho di rectors of both ralhoadn also nro named ns defendants In thu suit. Twphe (ompanlei either passed or de fen cd dividends nnd 12 mado reductions in ptijmcnts during thn first three months of this jcar. An nu offset to this loss, however, 9 corporations resumed pay ments to shareholders, 1 Increased them and several others declared extra divi dends. A now Ftock mado Its nnoearancn on tho .Vow York Curb this mornlnpr called Alaska Juneau. Shares to tho nmount of 400.000 havo been offered at par 110, nnd largely oversubscribed. The opening prlco was 13 and It later sagged to 136. A New York Coffco Kxchnngo member ship sold today for J2C0O. The last pre vious snlo was tZMO. Tlio Xow York banks gained from tho Subtreasury J2.SS5.000, and gained slnco last Friday tl,3SS,000. Tho Ciinnrd Stcamsnln Comoanv's nn. nual report bhows net earnings of 11,247,991 and a surplus of J1W.373. Tho protlt nnd loss surplus was JU1.903. Tho Miami Copper Co. showed a profit of $1,3(12,629 from 1911 operations ngalnot Jl,63l,fiS3 in tlio provtous year. A sur plus of J3J.412 remained after tho pay ment of thrco dividends, against a def icit oc Jill.ora following four dividend payments In 1913. Tho Tennosseo Copper Company shows not profits for tho year of $650,760, n decrenso of 5315,936, but equivalent to $3.23 per sharo on tho capital stock. Tho biirplus mis $50,765, a docrenno of $465,936. Thero lias been placed on the regular list nt tho Philadelphia Stock IJxchauge $899,200 additional American Telephone, nnd Telegraph, and $2000 nddltlonnl American Milling Company capital stock. 100 Eouth Ily... lSi-j 10 U S Steel llONDS 000 Am Gas ft Bleo le 2000 I-iko Sup Cor Inv Bs 12:30 to 1 P. M. 10 Cam Stocl.. . 477i rt U S Steel r. U-h Nnv.. 70 5,10 do 0.1 Ton Mln 711-1021)0 do 2d lni Co N Am 21W 200 do r, Tin It D of n 21 20 do 10 Tonoi.h riel. ,1 10 Ijiko S i uen ip pin iii'. ; ao .1 Am Loco pfd 1(2 SO U S Steel BONDS. 41il Klcc S, IVoo Tr 4s 1000 Un rtwy t c 4a 2O0O Distill JBcc 1st Bo S5, SO ."Is SO M'l .1l!l C'i Hoddlnc . Ton Ilol . Ton Mln . ( n Trao . r o i . ., f S Htccl York Ilwy do pref . 40 1(,14 . . iov, 73 3-lfl . J lr.-ia :::no A ... Hit HK ... 61JI B.V. . . . Sl 0 . . .104 f!2 27 67 14J4 oa 4!ii 8Ii .1.1 .114 1?v' 11 sn-io r Saturday's Illd. .VBK Wi 474 iiy 1J t 111 40 10'$ toy "0 ft BOij 8J S04 an SI :v; 4(11, .Id 42 11 11 7(1 s r, 74 SI' BUI "' 32 C. .61.1-10 rJL ro'fc Til' , 71', 52T. FEWER IDLE CARS NEW YOI1K, April 12. A report Issued by tho American Hallways AsoclatIon Committee on relation bctnecn rnllronds shons that tho net surplus of cam on American railroads on April 1 una 311.077, against 821.747 cars on March 1 lost. Iho totnl surplus on April 1 MRS .'113,421 cars, compared with 322.200 on March 1 nnd 141, B21 on April 1, 1914, and the Prices Reacted Slightly Frpm Top Level on Sales From Abroad. CHICAao, April 12.-A betlef demand nent wheat prices up at the opening of tho grain pit today. May eliowed a gain of 14, cents nt tho start, and July ad vnnued Hi cents. At theso advances a considerable quantity of May was offered bv foreigners, nnd prices went off, Irtlt stayed niiovo tho flnnl of Saturday a far ns May was concerned. July closed tin changed. I3xport salos of wheat Saturday wero f.00,000 bushels, including 2E0.O0O bushels from St Louis via the Qulf. American shipments of wheat for the last weok amounted to 7,160,000 bushels, including 1S5.000 bushels shipped from the I'aclllc const and 261,000 bushels from St. John Weekly corn shipments are estl mated at 1,822,000 bushels, and of oaU, 2,175,000 bushels. The visible supply of Amerloan wheat decreased 1,034,000 bushols, corn deorensed 3,426,000 bushels, oatn docreosed 927,000 bushels. Bonded visible supply of wheat decreased 63,000 bushels, oatn Increased 117,000 bushels. Visible supply of Canadian wheat Increased 1,395,000 buflhels, oaU In creased 7P.O0O bushels. Ileports from Italy show that that country has purchased sufficient wheat for tho soason. Imports so far this sea hnvo amounted to 26,S')8,O00 bushels, with about 4,000,000 bushels unloading and about 6,000.000 bushels In transit. The rvvorago requirements nmount to about D6.ooo.ooo bushels. The mature crop was of Inferior quality. T, rlco crop In India Is estimated at 95.000.CCO cwt , against 117,000,000 cwt. last year. This shortage Is duo to Insufficient rain. In January tho French Minister of Agri culture placed tho 1914 wheat crop of the Republic nt 820,000,000 bushels, and said tho provisioning of tho country waa as sured. Slnco that tlmo arrivals by for eign wheat weekly have averaged 1.600,000 bushels, and over 40,000,000 bushels have so far been received to date. Import re quirements are placed at 04,000,000 bushels, allowing about 8,000,000 bushels for colonies Loading futures ronged as follows. ., . , ... . . 0. M ,.iti-iii iincn. uijn. l.ow. close, clots. .; . . I , j o,ft July ... 1 24 1 24 September .. l.nu 1 US w i, i.ib.y ueii"-i yi - . Cl( 7$i tl. May Jillv Hontpmber Oris Mav Julj September T.ird- May July . ... Hoptomber . .10.87 ftlbs- May 10 20 July 10 (13 b'eiitembar ..10.77 Pork Mav 17.B5 July . . .. is 10 September ..13.45 l.W 11 B74i ti-P'H 1 23, 1.24 H.22IJ 1.10(5 tl.10 ti.io 1 76 71 Uj 178 76 ,j m w nU T81 ' 77i 77 70 5$ BM', S714 B7H fBTJl BI14 41jJ B3 B4 B4K 46J 40J 40 40 46W low 10 fO 1011 10 112 10.87 10 22 10 51 10.80 17 00 1R.12 18.60 10 00 '10.22 10 27 io 47 io no 0 57 10.72 'lO-TS UO 82 10 IS 10.15 'IO.!! 10.45 10.45 I0.45 10.72 '10.72 tl0.72 17.42 17 00 18 80 11-15 tH.55 in w 18.00 XOTES OF THE RAIL Beginning today, tho shops of the Philadelphia & Iteadlng Hallway Co., at Heading, To., will be operated on a OT houro it week basis, an Increase In work ing tlmo of 10 hours a week. More than 1,000 employes will bo affected. U8.35 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO. April 12 -JIOa3.-tRcelpt. 26, OCo. market strong. 5c. to 10c. higher; mixed and butchers, $71f7 37, good heavy. 10 WMJ 7 "!0 roiiRii iicnvy, viwaoiw: ngnt, t.iw 7 33. pig cattu:.- lower: I fi. Toans. Ktrrr-P Heco Dls. 10.000: market natl. and Western, 17.4038 40, lambs, 17.8021 10.5(1. SO 00: llrht. bulk. J7.207.ll. 1 to 1:30 P. M. .'0 1' S Steel ... fitti, 10 L" S Steel Silli I Gen Akp pfd C7 loo do . . . .vu. .1 (!cn ABphalt.. SI'S 100 Lake sup Cor 0 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 10U9 Steel.... CfH HO U H Steel.... B0U 100 Lulto Sup Cor 0 no.vDft. 71 Cam Steel acrlp 1010 0714 1:30 to 2 V. M. 10 U S Steel. 100 do 1(10 iro lm) do, do do do 100 do 250 Gen Asp pfd, Mm u r ciitci WIN 10 U S Steel..., r.o'i ioo do TiiiA, in Warwick M 10 Am Gas . ... .VIS B I'hlla Eleo... .It;1 10 Tonopah Mln .VH 10 U S Meel.... 07 2.1 do Bill', ltm Lake Sup Cor 5li; .VH, mi 102 24 fiV () (1 CO M). r. Am Ilwy ufd.lflo likl I'hlla Co.. IOO 11 S Steel .. Sii'i JO V 8 Steel. 1 Pcnna. M8a DONDS. ,'iOUO Am Oas & Kite 5s SO SOOO Peop Pass t c 4s 80l9 KiO Ish Vnl Ben cons 4s N8t 31 Cam Steel scrip 1017. f'K Am Uia S. Elcc Bs. . . to 2:30 P. IM. -si. BO Oen Ao Bfd. IMj su 67 bS 2)i " Cor (1 inn Union Trne... :im .... .Ml, 15 Leh Valley... 70Vj .., . r.(X a di 7(I!-J . . Tit- . IT Q CIoaI .'J1V .102 . 7li . 7;; .104 Total , ..9o3,4l2 lha amount of stnklnir funds of the Stats on deposit March .11 1015. totals (814.B2D, of which Philadelphia Institutions hold I105.B29. RAILIIOAD EARNING8 WESTERN PACIPTC. 1815. February srossj .... .., fJJi.fSJ Iet 22,( iE3HBwaflBL,s8a v.lht months' arosa...'. 8.734.053 Nt 190,703 CANADIAN PACIFIC. First week April..,,..., 1.7M,000 ORAND TRUNK fiYSTBM Flnt k April .... 11,00(3.320 From July I .... 38,271,131 ClfESAPBAKB AND OHIO. First nek April . $712,649 From July t . . 28.S7MS2 ( MISfiOURI PACIFIC First esk April .... jl.061.0ix) IFrout July I 45.7oa.07S NOTV TORK RAILWAYS. January rrosa 11 on.1 Tfia Total Incooj .... ssr.sStl Surplus alter ctarsej. si 878 Bsvea moatts' ktou T.MM.lfti Total ineoB) . . 2,to.0TQ .ivar eufK?i. . , wil.aw Decrease. 84.000 59,0(10 137,02!) 42.112 1471.000 (33,040 e.vn.vtii 47,678 128,000 l.in.ui 72.1B3 13 678 434.014 The city of Slelrose, Mass., will receive bids until Aptll ll for purchnso at dis count of u temporary loan of $50,000. Tho town of Seymour, Conn., will receive bids until April IS for purchase of 1150,000 41& per cent, refunding bonds. It. P. Crenar. of Edward B. Bmltli & Co., has returned from nn extended Pacific coast trip. The output of the mines at the Rand for March was 753,033 fine ounces, valued nt 3,203,514. This compares with 670,321 fine ounces In February, valued nt 2,872,10(1. Bids will be received until May 6 by the Funding Board of tho State of Tennessee for the purchase ot a sufficient amount of serial State bonds, to take up its Indebtedness maturing I10.3S1.000 on July 1, 1815, nnd Jl.400,009 on October 1, 1915. Tho bonds will be dated July 1, 1915, nnd will mature each year from 1917 to 193.1. bearing Interest at the rate of 4. iii and 4V4 per cent. No bids of less than par and accrued Interest Mill be considered. Emergency currency Is fast disappear ing, there being less than (10,000,000 now outstanding. It Is understood the Board of Education, at Its meeting tomorrow, will authorize the purchase of $370,000 of the $2,000,000 school bond Issue sold recently The money will be taken from the board's sinking1 and Insurance funds. 100 Erie . 2.1 Tonorrth 51 In 76& 45 Am rtwy 2n un v Tr pru .'i 10 jm cnn. .. 2.1 do Jl 4on l'nlla Klcc. M) Tonopah Mln. 7" IOO riilla Klcc Til) L.1KO fcup lu I'enna. .1 T, a 11,1 4 I'enna rit, 20 U S Steol. SO Phlln It T t o 10? IIONDS. 100 I'hlla KIoo 5s lf0 Uleo & I'eop Tr Js 1000 I'hlla Elcc 4b COO) Penna cons 414s 1000 2:30 to 3 P. SI. 10 U S Steol.. . Art's ro I-ori Nnv.. ,, 7S 10 do 1 15 I'hlla TTac... 774 4 I'hlla Uleo. . 2l'i 200 ltko Sup Cor flTi 20 lialdulii pfd .100 2 I'enna Salt... K.V 100 Headlnic . ..75 1-10 IOO Ijiku 8 f... 11.1-10 it I'enna 5H 15 Am Rwy pfd.100 10 11 S Steel.... M 40 II S rltcel.... 65 M I'enna Salt... h-M r, Hunt II T pfd 1 IOO Lnko Sup Cor A' .1 Kleo Storage. dOi (nt I'enna M 7-1d R3 I'hlla It T o K)4i SI) do .M 7-1U10OO If a Steel.,.. M? IOO Iake 8 C. .51J-10 100 J2oo htornfo. row M do ' 100 .Un Copper... t&li a Am Itwj ... 3.1 lm tr 3 Kteel..., ,VW, 20 Ueo Storage. MH4 40 U CI I Mi do Vi 10) do hi 15 Union Trae... 3U IIONDS. 25O0O I'hlla F.lco 6s 101 SCO Cain Steel scrip 1017 00!, MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Illd. Jim Duller btaoNnmura Midway MUrah Extension Montana Northern Star Tonopah Helmont .. Tonomh Eatenslon Tonopah Merier ... Tonopah (Mln .... Jtescue Bull , West Kna .S') .17 .2S .41 .1(1 .07 Asked. .00 .0.1 .IH .1 .44 .17 3 8H .44 Atlanta lllua Hull ., Dooth ...,., Itulluotr .... c o. n. .., Comb Frao , IDIamf 1) I) Daisy Florence GOUDFIEIjD STOCKS. .41 3D 03 0.1 14 02 f sOJ 11 NEW YORK BUTTEK AND EGGS NETW YORK, April I2.-BUTTHR. Msrkst Steady, rscilpts. BOS nackaKes. eitra. 32c. blaber acorlBg- 82W)3c . Stats dairy, 31 0 Wfic. Imitation craamsry. 22822WO " ECaa-Mrkt unsMtlsd rsi.slpta. 20.178 ies, itr firsts. 2Sc resiiUr packed, Bru, bvc xeguiar imsaea ovarpy nnusa, jniou i uwr 119-- 3e.; stfM (ACkc4. 'imisjs: biow,M- Goldflell Consolidated aoldneu usrser .....,,... ....... -J Jumbo Extension ., ,..,.... 17-16 Kewanas ,,.... ,.. .IB Oio 13 6and Ken Ot) bllter Flclc W MISCEUANEOUS. Fairy A2Uc 02 Klmberly 07 Nev Hill , .27 Nsv Wder 2.00 .60 .44 07 .41 Ol .07 .15 .(II .08 .HS .3D l .13 .11 .11 ,(Xl ,U 2 05 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TORK. April 13 Ths coffee market opened steady. Futures were unchanged to ,4 'iTaaioy .. quiet, urricea zoi points (lower, OW(, March . . Awn ..:: lifay , . . . , June .. July ..... August ... September elober , November December January OTebruarjr Today Saturday's opening-. ciosc. Bid. Wi'i6r56feii.' :: ::: .: 0:sp:w .,., r. S.vjoui .i.smSo,ik ,. a.O'T 7 0o8rui . . '7.05 7.17 09 , 7 157 17 T 167 17 .,,. 721729 7216T22 .... 7 2687 85 7 2087 27 ... ToO&iJl 7 31S7JJ .... T35T40 T.sJftT W 7.1037 60 TlSS7.itf NTIW YOF BAR SILVER I GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 45,311 bush The market waa qulit but firm, with moderate of ferings Quotations Car lots. In export clo iiitrr No 2 red. srot, 1.5.V!fl .17; No S red Western. Jl r0itl.i!2. Hound lots, In export de lator No 2 red, spot nnd April, f l.SU'sty I OlMi. No 2 red Western. II ulVaKl Gdij, No. I North, ern Dnltith. Jl Wiil.tl. CORN. Rccolpts, none OfTerlnBS worn light and til" market ruled steady, though quiet. Quotations Clir lots. In niport le iiitor Nn 2. spot nnd April, 7ilVu77VjC , steamer, 73fl7(Io , No ,1, 7475c. Car lots for local trade, as to location No 2 jollow, WM SlHc. steami-r ellow, "S'JaiOVjC , No .1 el lo, 70'iii771jC. No 4 jcllou, 74li!)75VjC. : mniplp jellow. RO'ifiTStsc. now cob. per ill lbs, 7itfiHc. OATS. Receipts, 7000 bush The mnrket uas a shade tinner under IIkIil orTerlnga and n fair ilirrnnd. Quotations No. 2 whlto, (Uia fntllc. standard white, OJ'.-gfflc . No. : uhlte, UHsOtK:c. ItVi; steadi We quote at Jl. 10171.18 per bush , as to qualltv. In export eleator. nnd nt 11.051.14 for small lota of nearby grain In bars. rf.OUIl. Receipts, 055 barrels and 543,000 pounds In sacks Mill llmltci wero ateudlly hold, but demand uus light We quote per 100 lbs. In wood Winter clear. JO .infill ltd. do. straight, JO 0087. do, patent. J7j7 25. Kansae, straight. Into sacks, JO 71fi7. do , patent. Juts saiks, '47 21, spilng, first clear, J(t75a7, do. straight. 1707 2.1. do. patent. J7 2597 00, do., favorite brands, J7 75fS, , liy mills, choice and fancy patent, J7 75'fiK city mills, regular crailoi winter, clear, Jii SWil 00; do . atralaht. Jd (V)ti7. do., patent, $74f7 25 HYE I'LOl'Il. Suppllea wero small and, tho market ruled steady, but trado v.& autet. Wo quoto nearby and Wjestern In wood at M M-3 0.7.1. as to quality. PROVISIONS The market was nulet. but steady Quota tions City beef, In sets, smoked and ejr-drled, 2.1fl20c. : Western beef. In sots, smoked. 2.1f 2(lc. , city beof, knuckles and tenders, smoked nnd alr-drlcd. 27it(2"c . Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked 272Sc. , leef hams, Wlty S2; pork, family. J22 2.1A22 75, hams. S. V curel. Ioobo, l.,llOi.'lliC. : do. skinned, loose, 12liei2c.: do. do., rmoked, ni,114,c. othor himo, smoked, city cured, as to brand nnd merage L'UittHc. . hams, smoked. West ern cured. ISHiffMc . do , boiled, boneless, Z.Tfi 21c j nlcnlo shoulders, H 1' cured, looso, 101t flllc , do , smoked, I0W10V , bellies In Clcklo. according to average, loose, 12Vitfl2e , reakfast baron, us to brand and average, city cured, 171flRc. ; breakfast baion. Western cured, 17tlllw., lard. Western rcllned, tlertes, lUflliie , do. do tubs ll'S'll'-.c, lard pure clt, kettle rendered. In tierces, !ltflllc , lard, pure city, kettled rendered, In tubs, 11 Ollllc. REFINED SUGARS Trod was quiet, but values were steadily held. We quote. Standard granulated, fi5o. ; flno granulated. fAWc ; powdered. c ; confec tioners' A. AbOc., witt grades, 5 0535.05c. DAIRY PRODUCTS ItUTTKIt was Arm, under light receipts snii a fair aemand Quotations Western. fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, ate, extra, :2c . extra firsts. Air flnla 20 tf 3(c. seconds, 26827c . ladle-packed, luijile , as to quality, nearby prints, fancy, 31c. aver age extra, tSJo ; firsts. S0332c . seconds. 219 3Mr42c. IX1GS wero In good request and firm, -with supplies well cleaned up. Quotations: In Ires cases, nearby extras. 22a. per dox.. nearby firsts. fO.RO par standard easel nearby current receipts. (6 15 per case; Western extra firsts, IU30 per case, do, tints, f 8 15 per case. Southern. 13.55110 per case fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbed out at 2lJ25e. per doz. CHEESE. The market ruled firm under light offerings and a fairly active demand. Quotations; New York, full cream, fall make, fincy, UViaUKo.. do., fair to food, laa 17c: do, do., current make, 15HS10c, do., do., part skims, 8513c. POULTRY LIVE. -The market waa quiet but steady, under moderate offerings. Quotations Fowls. IHUVlTc.; old roosters. 1212Hc.. oung cnlakena, soft-meated, 17818c, do., do. staggy 14S15c ; turkeys. 15617c , ducks. luj 17c ; geese, 12ffl0c ; guineas, as to quality, per pair, 6CKS70C t Pleeous. otd, per pair, 26 BOc.t do., vounr. per pair. 2225c, IlltEBb'El). The market waa dull and nrlcaa of fresh-killed stock were generally easier. Quotations: Finn-killed fowls. 12 to tor, dry-plsked and dry-paokad. fancy selected, ltic; do-t weighing HB5 lbs. apiece, lso ; tlo , 8V4 lba. apiece, l&j.; do.. 3 Ibo. aplec. 16817c: da., .under 8 lb, apiece. l15c Fowls, bbls., dry-picked and dry-packed, do. 3W lbs.. 15ilc : do . do.. 2Hff3 lbr., ta 15c ; broilers, mllk-'ed. fancy. 18S24 lbr to box, 27c; do., fancy. 25&20 lbs. to dot.. 21c.;. corn-fed. fancy, 1S$24 lbs to dox., 25c; do, prime, 25930 lbs, to doz, 22c. Turkeys-, dry-picked nnd dry-packed Fanoy 210 22c , fair to good, lSff'-'Oc: old toras, 1BQ20C.; ducks, fancy. In boxes. 1781Sc; do., ordinary tD good !2lCc. . gfep choice and fancy, ISai 16c; do. No 2. 12il4c. FRESH FRUITS The reneral market was nulet and without Important change. Quotations Apples, New York per bbl. York Imperial. J?M: Green ing. J2fi3, King. .' TMKI.SU Spy. J2BOn3.2.1. Ilaldnin. J2.50C3 23, Hen Davis. Jl.75S2.SO: other Rord eating varieties. S1.50SI2.o0; medium. Jll W. apples Western, per box. J 1 2,1112; applov, Delawarn and Fcnnsvltanla. per hamper 5fliOOc, lemons, per box, J2(??.TA, orangee Florida. per box, S1.5092..V); tangerines. Florida, nor strap Jt 502.50; grapefruit, riorldi. per box, Jl R0fl2.2i;r pine apples vr criie nrio nico. a.i.mna. in; r lor Ids. J2S3: cranberries, fnncv late varieties. per bbl J-1 fiOB.50. cranberries, Jersey per crate, 25B75c; strawberries. Florida, per qt,. 20a33c. VEGETABLES Trade was fair and values generally were well rustalned In choice stock. Quotations: 1 hltn potatoes, per bush Pennsylvania. IS' Hie ; Maine .Ufi'.Sc; New York; as to quality. 46?f33c , white potatoes, Florida, per bbl No 1. J5 50S6. No 2. $4.60(051 sweet potntoei, Delaware, per hamper Large, Jl.23ffl.75, medium. 50cS?$l, sweet potatoea, Kastern Shore, per bbl No. I, $2.2333.25 f(o, 2, Jl SOpi.75. sweets. Jersey, per bbl. No. 1, 5.73S4,n, No. 2, J2&2.50. sweets. Jersey, per basket, 75c.61.25; onions, per bush., J1Q1.10; do., choice, par 100-lb. bag. J2J2.B0; do., medium, per 100-lb. bag, $1 2501.50; do . ej nnds. per 100-lb. bag, 75c&l: cabbage. Danlih, per ton. x.iri;i, Co.. Florida, per hasket, f 1 nv'Ll tDi cauunower. isew xorff. crat. si, id !.20 spinach, Norfolk, per bbl. .. Vf C1DI. Kill 50; knle. Norfolk, per bbl., Jl 2501.50; Irttuce, Texas, per bush. -basket. 007Bc. do.. Fiorina, per rmsitei. ic iei.'o; la. per rmsitei. ic iei.'o; oeans. inoriao, wax, per uhbi.pi, l-ii . no., rionaa, green, per basket. i'iWi 50 prss, Florida, per basket, $104. eggplant. Florida, per box, $2(3350; cucumbers, Florida, per basket, 3.50f?aj squash, Florida, per basket. $2.253; PDPera, Florida, per carrier, J2JJ3.25, beets, Florida, per 100 bunches, $3j5: tomatoes, Florida, par carrier. $113 .10, telory, Florida, per crate, $1 2.11)2, do.. Now York, per bunch. 354150c; mushrooms, per -4-lb, basket, 0Oc.fflm.2U. Statements Before investing it is im portant to examine a state ment of the concern in which investment is contemplated. If such statement discloses any unascertained factors, such as "good will," "fran chise" or "estimated earn ings" included as assets, Its value as a guide to you is lost. Action based upon such a statement is speculation, not investment. A statement of our offer ings will disclose only actual assets and current earnings. It is a statement for in vestors. Get our booklet on this subject. The White Investing Co. Walter Whetstone, I'hlla. Matr, Morris Building- K, April 12, The quotation cooiBJeroiai mx aitver toaay yea oovta. Mexican uiwra at IWM Sfji4. Itf vu n i-ooaoa ia pru Western, 4tti lbs. apiece. 17hlSc . do., do.. 9U lbs,, iwtvfiic , ao., ao., a jds ana unaer, li16o. Fowls, Ice-racked, choice, 17V Old roosters, dry picked, lSVjc Squabs, per dox, white, welxhlag 11 to 12 lbs, per doz., $404.50. white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per doz , $3 404M DO; do . do . S lbs per doz , $2.7593. do., do . 7 lbs per doz. lJir2 50. do, da, &aH lbs. per doz.. $150) 1 T5. dark and No. 2, 50o.$l l"roin poultry Fowls, a to quality, 10418c.. cblckeos dry fked and dry-packed, la boxes, milk-fed, 31 9 lb, to doz.. 10.1 do.. 87CM3 1b. todox.. ! do..4S7 lis. to dox. ISe . do., 4a lb. ,a?S-i.?S' to' " 'b nd oitr. He . corn l. Slteli b, to doj. joe. do.. iT i t? doz.. ITci do., 48 lb to doz. lJo,, do.. M lb, ajld fiver Sua. Chlektna Hrv-niolrjul m.4 dry-paiked la bbla.-'Westsro, coro-feJ, I, I aad over, iSc. so., do, 4 10 I717feQ-, do., I Sound Investments CT. No technical knowledge a necessary on your part -when purchasing one of our sound investments. They are. in vestigated as thoroughly as human skill and technical knowledge permits. Send for circulars describing same. FkAZ!ER6-Gjt BANKERS 13? South ISth Street 31 ii m M 3fmr3il
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