Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 10, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    '"" ' imppmn mi.hwu:
lTanlivi TTif wt J -VjijJ I IT
-EH u,o gaiety of Eastcrtldo society will
A havo very Jltllo to occupy Its devotees
frln tho coming week. A number of per
ons aro plannlnu to move to their nuburban
f" ,, m the near future. There will be, how
r a 'ew entertainments. Monday night
tIVttnant Commander William Lee Pryor and
, Trjor will glvo a email Informal dance
.1 their residence, 23M South Slat street, In
" 6f 0f Miss Katharine Qrlnnell Knight,
Swshtcr of Admiral Knight, of Newport, and
,,lltrof Mrs. Pryor.
On Tuesday Miss Mary Evelyn Chew, debu
l.nte daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David 8. D.
CM will bo guest of honor at a luncheon to
. given by Mrs. Itoland U Taylor nt her
heme 2240 West Cholton avenuo. Mrs. Edward
jf Klemm will entertain at luncheon In her
ko'me 2011 Spmce utreot, that day. and In tho
evening a dance will bo given by Mr. and
Mrs William H. Berry and Mr. nnd Mrs. John
g Oustlne, of 1813 Pino street, In tho Merlon
Cricket Club.
Mrs. Clement Reeves Wanwrlght will enter
tain st brldgo at her home, on Chestnut and
Navahoo avenues, Chestnut Hill, on Wednes
day afternoon, and Miss Maria S. Ulsphnm
U1 bvb a brldgo party In her home, 2313 Ue
iancey place In tho evening a subscription
dance will bo Bvc" ln tllB Philadelphia Cricket
Club, arranged by Mrs. T. Charlton Henry,
Mr.' John Ptory Jenks, Mrs. Joseph Watker
Wear, Mrs Howard K. Scavcr, Mrs. Clarence
C ZanUInscr, Miss Elizabeth M. Cheston nnd
MIm Eleanor B. Hopkins. Several dinners will
jrecede the dance, among which will bo that
given by Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnco C. Zantzlngcr,
of Highland nnd Scmlnolo avenues, and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph W. Wear, of Gravers lane,
Chestnut HlU.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. Gardner Cas
latt wlrf glvo a small nntl-suffrngo tea at her
home, HIS Spruce street. Mrs. Walter Langdon
Eustls will hold a tea and fair at her home,
3015 Pine street, that afternoon, ln aid of tho
Children's Scashoro Homo at Chelsea, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlemagne Tower will glvo an
Informal danco Friday evening nt their home,
1315 Locust street. In honor of their daughters,
Miss Helen Susnn Tower nnd Miss Gertrudo
Tower, Tlicro will also bo a costumo danco
to bo given In tho Plastic Club, 217 South Camnc
itrcet, to be given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel
Haddock Farr nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy II,
Clark, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Prlco Wright wilt
entertain at dinner prior to tho danco at their
home, In Allen's lane, asv will also Mrs. Robcrt
W. Downing In her home, 1621 Locust street.
Miss Hope Truxton Beale, debutante daugh
ter of Mr. anil Mrs. Edward F. Bcale, whoso
ensagement to Oliver Eaton Cromwell, son of
Mrs. Edward T. Stotcsbury, has been recently
announced, will ho guest of honor at a lunch
eon to bo given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter C.
Brooks, Jr., on Saturday nt Fort Garrison,
their home In tho Green Spring Valley, prior
to the Grand National Steeplechase.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Droxel Bldclle, of
hot Walnut trtrect, will glvo a largo musical
on Saturday night, April 17, to meet Miss
Mary L. Duke, of New York.
Miss Edith Harrold Gilllngham, dobutnnto
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar Gil
llngham, will be guest of honor at a dinner to
be given by Mrs. Edward Bowman Leaf at tho
Merlon Cricket Club.
Mrs. Thomas II. Brlnton. of the Morris. 13th
and Spruco streetB, has Issued Invitations for
the marriage of her granddaughter, Miss Eliza
beth Brlnton Graham, to Philip Ten Brouk
Mattson, on Thursday, April 22, at 12 o'clock,
t the Chambors-Wyllo Memorial Church,
Broad street below Spruce,
Miss Edith Bond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bond, of Ashbourno road, Ashbourne,
will be entertained nt a box narty given by
illss Elizabeth Bobbins this evening nt the
ak and Wig performance.
Mrs. Charlotte M. Wain and her daughter,
Mlis Fanny Wain, hava left for a trip of sev
eral weeks. They will visit both tho San
Wego nnd San Francisco Expositions!
Friends of Mrs. P.. Harold McQuale, of Ard-
tnore, will be glad to know she Is recovering
from her recent Illness and Is visiting her
mother, Mrs. John I. Dally, before leaving for
Atlantic City, where she expects to spend sev
eral weeks, Mrs. McQualo will be remembered
s Miss Rose A. Dally beforo her marriage.
' Mrs. Edward Fell Lukens, of H7 West School
House lane, will entertain the members of her
luncheon club on Monday nt tho Union League.
Her guests will Include Mrs. Henry Baln
Wdse, Sirs. Joseph It. C. McAllister, Mrs.
Ds-via o, Eaton, Mrs. Walter Walls, Mrs.
Charles Mende, Mrs. Edward N. Hang, Mrs.
Humbold Garber, Mrs. Henry Rogers Swope,
Mr. Lydla Curtis, Mrs. Alexander De Haven
n4 MIs Serrlll. A theatro party will follow
the luncheon.
Mrs. Merla Wllfson announces the marriage
fj ' her daughter, Miss Esther Josephine Wllf
Mb. to Levis Clement Babcock, Jr., on Friday.
wi 5, at 4 o'clock. Tho ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. Dr. Oliver A. Kerr, an old
"lend Of the brMeprnnm'i fnmltv In fhA nru.
m of only the Immediate relatives of the
nn and bridegroom.
i Miss Agnes G, MeKenna and Miss Helen A.
noweau will give a card party on Saturday,
.""( it, In the auditorium of St. Joseph's Col
"e. In aid of the new Vlllanova Convent ln
miltr, pa.
Mrs. Caleb t nfit. -r. TTi,.t
Jjret. accompanied by her daughter, Miss
prguerlt Milne, is spending a fortnight at
t Point Comfort. Vs,
"ri. Raymond r n Trr-ti,. -. tin ti.
MWt, Qerrasntown, will entertain at a small
K. AnutMy. April 15, from, 4 till Mrs.
t''rlght win k .. . j ,.,. .. ...
jLxm... " t"''uru aa miss jsiargareua
itlss Rank a -m ... . ....
ij v , """ tninunn, -woo -win do a
li,nt nxt 8Mn. has returned from St.
iTTr. Bcnool Peeksklllron-Hudson, for the
Win vii ' r B,s,r M, olnney J.
r maiiuj, she will return on Monday, April 19.
H Frank. "TAIL filing PnmMtiv whn hrf.a
tcesfuHy given out-of-door performances on
MM lWn nf .1,- n t .-.... ,..
t " " wvoitauiuwa i;ncKOv wiuu, iii
nante." consisting of three) clever one-act
;rT won and the Laird." "Red Night"
2 Hly Ellen of Coupy aare." In the bU-
-" nu03jr vaiasr, Arij ,
Photo by Mareeau.
Miss Lntta with hor sister, Miss Mnr
Karct Lnttn, will bo hostess at a small
danco to bo given tonight in honor of
Miss Martha Whltmor, who is a dobu
tnnto of this past season. Tho Misses
Latin mndo their debut in November.
A Musicnlo and Play Will Bo Given Next
Friday Night, Under tho Auspices of
tho Club.
Tho Women Writers' Club, which Is now well
Into Its second jear of existence nnd the
owner of handsome clubrooms at 1210 Lo
cust street, will glvo n delightful enterlnlnment
next Friday evening, April 16, nt the New
Century Drawing Booms. The program of the
evening will bo:
(a) Rolling Down to Bio German
(b) Mammy Song Ware
Howard B. Stavers
Ja.) Berceuse, from Jocclyn Godard
X(b) "Der Splclman" Hlldach
Miss Isabel Allen
Violin obllgatos by Emll F. Schmidt
Aria "E Lucovnn lo Stelle," from La Toscn
Daniel C. Donovan
Violin Solos
(a) Nocturne, op. 51. No. 3 Sibelius
(b) Chanson Louis XIII nnd Pa vane,
(c) Prcludo and Allegro.. Pugnanl-Krelsler
Emll F. Schmidt
(a) In Dreams Zcckwcr
(Written for Mrs. Lelgo)
(b) Venetian Boat Song Blcordl
Mrs. John P. Lelgo
Mrs. Edith Mnhon Miss Holcn Boothroyd
Joseph W. Clarke
will present
By G. Bornard Shaw
He Chnrles Mitchell
She Mrs. J. Howard Beber
Tho Husband Henry Schaffcr, Jr.
OVMtliROOK Mrs. John G. Croxton, of B830
Ovorbrook avenue, entertained hor niece, Mls3
Agnes Dodge, of Toledo, O., during tho EaBtor
holidays. Miss Dodge resumed her studies at
Ogontz School, Elklna Park, last Wodnesday.
MCniO.V Mr. nnd Mrs. John IT. Seal will
return home today after spending Easter week
at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Llndgren and Mr. and
Mrs. James K. Davis, who spent tho last two
months nt Atlantic City, returned to their
home, comer Hnzelhurst nnd Forrest avenues,
Thursday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. GIrnrd
Tanllng, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MacAdama and
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Northorp, of Now York,
also motored up from the shoro with Mr. and
Mrs. Llndgren And will be their guests over
tho week-end.
The members of the Merlon Bed Cross As
sociation met Thursday aftornoon nt the home
of Mrs. Arthur M. Lewis, on Balrd avenue.
Tho meotlng was a largo one. The members
have worked very hard during the winter and
early spring, so that nil are much encouraged
by the results,
tAwrvn Mr. nnd Mrs. William Bennett
Kraft, of Llandrlllo road, will entertain at
cards tho night of Friday, April 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sperlng and Miss Isabel
Sperlng, of State road, have returned from
Ventnor, where they opened their cottage for
tho Easter holidays.
Mrs. Clayton I. Boyer, of 410 Bryn Mawr
avenue, will give a card party ut her home to
day. The card of her sister. Miss Florence M.
McDovItt, was enclosed.
nALA Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Plckford
will leave tomorrow for a week's visit to
Chicago. Charles C. French nnd II. Fox, of
Now York, will spend this week-end with Mrs.
French nnd Mrs. Fox. who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Plckford, and who will remain
ns tho guests of Mlsa Marlon Plckford during
her parentB" nbsence.
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Legge, of Boston, have
returned home after spending the Easter holi
days with Mrs. Legge's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Samuel Stephenson, of City avenue.
AnDMOnE A very successful rendering of
Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Conquer" was
given last night by the senior class of the
Lower Merlon High School, In the auditorium
of the school building. The play was well
staged, and the acting of each member of the
cast was a credit to Miss Dorothy Holland, who
for the past ten years has so successfully
coached tho annual shows of the senior class.
The principal characters were played by the
Mr. Hardcastle George Sullivan
Mrs. Hardcastle v"e,',e1,Smltn
Charles Marlow Hussell Hammll
George Hastings ....Joseph Hyan
Tony Lumpton Baymond Swing
Kate Hardcastle ....Sara Pedrlck
Constance Nevlll Mlllred Oomins
The other girls and boys who took part in
the show were; Fanny Bishop, Mary TJfflny.
Philip Durham, James Armstrong. William Ty
son. James Speers and Joseph Scargrall. About
ten of the senior girls acted as ushers. The
entertainment was well attended by Main
Line and cross country folk. Among some of
those who motored over from Cynwyd and
Bala were Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. de V. Keefe,
the Misses Keefe. Miss Dorothy Fleck, Mr. and
Mrs A. D Pedrick. Miss Marlon Plckford. Miss
Ursula Seeburger, Miss Dorothy Morris. Miss
Helen Pedrlck. Miss Dorothy Mecke. Joseph
Keefe, Cyril Dolan and John G. Fleck.
BRYN mawr Miss Margaret Harlan Chrystle,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Chrystle, of
Clifton, accompanied by Miss Eleanor Dough
erty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dough
erty of Montgomery avenue, Haverford. ar
rived home this wee from Palm Beach. Fa..
where they have been vlsltlnsr friends. Many
4aierUtamau wr jdrea la hlr ixosm
tS?SrlPIB5SKl, fT 'JHHHISBi MISS elizabetii childs steel
PPiwMK! Irilkf ? v r 'HBIffiS Mlss Stoc1' whoso cnenBcment to Mr.
ffM''jBB; 'lA'Jl ' ' ' ).fflP Robcrt PillinfC Antlcrson wns recently
iMMl'! j3Hb Mlr J' IW announced, was truest of honor nt a
WMmh J t immWmt ' SM brtdE Pary given by her mother yes-
l&ife& P$$SKHm&&2L&ti SM tonlay fternoon.
7 Mfe '
Miss Lillie, who mado her debut in tho fall, will
and Wig party today, which will bo given by
New York.
Miss Emily Cassard, who has been visiting
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Llp
plncott Cnesnrd, has returned to her homo In
Baltimore, Md.
Tho next dlnncr-danco nt the Gcrmantown
Automobile Club will take place on Thursday,
April 22. )
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Pilling, of 223 West
Upsnl street, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Fackenthal, Jr., of Blcgclsvllle, Pa., havo
returned from a six weeks' trip to California,
where they visited friends and were extensively
Mlas Dorothy Johnson, who has been visiting
her aunt, Miss Johnson, of tho Graystono,
School Houso lane, has returned to Smith Col
lege, where she is a member of the freshman
Mrs. Robert Duncan Gatewood, of 6103 Archer
streot, Is confined to her homo with a soveio
attack of grip.
At the meeting of the Men's Club of Christ
Episcopal Church, Tulpehocken and McCallum
streets, last night, an address was given by
Mr. S. W. Mower, of tho Inasmuch Mission.
There were also violin and harp solos.
Miss Edna J. Reynolds will entertain Infor
mally this evening nt her home, Harrison and
Mulberry streets. The members of tho Adar
lan Quartet, which include Mrs. Charles Castor,
Miss Elsie Blnker, Mr. B. Harris Knowles and
Mr. George Klrkpatrlc, will be the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bcnnle, of Holmcsburg,
are receiving congratulations on the birth of a
Mr, and Mrs. Blttenhouse Holmefl, of Foulk
rod street, left recently for Ocean City, where
they will remain six months.
Mrs. David Colvey, of Harper avenue, enter
tained a number of her friends at "500" last
evening. The decorations were Klllarney roses
and sweet peas. Among the guests were Mr.,
and Mrs. Joseph Mayers, Mr. and Mre. William
Iavls, Mr. and Mrs. ,L. Lukens, Mr. and Mrs.
John Haase, Mr. nnd Mrs. Etress, Mr. and Mrs,
John Minor, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Needger,
Miss Alice Moran, Mr. Stephen Horn, Miss
Amelia Horn, Mr. Frank Little and Mr. and
Sirs. Herbert J. Smith.
A WEEK of ideal April weather, following
doge upon the heels of the 'Indian' win
ter which came to us last week, hs resulted
In a number of spring gowns and hats making
their appearance. The severely plain two-piece
suit continues In favor, and no woman con
siders her wardrobe quite complete without one
of these fetching little trotteurs. Mrs. Francis
V. Lloyd Is wearing one of these boyish suits,
made of light gray serge cheviot, with a three
quarter length Jacket belted at the waist line
wth a black patent leather belt. A large flat
hat of black satin, devoid of trimming and flar
ing sharply at the left side, complete the at
tractive costume.
A mannish Norfolk suit of dark blue gabar
dine is worn by Mrs. Harry Wain Harrison, who
tops It with a smart, close-fitting hat of dark
bluf satin. Miss Uytendale Baird looks extreme
ly well In a tallleur of sage green cloth. The
skirt has a single plait In the back and another
In front, and the short jacket baa a raised belt
Mlis Balrd wears with this suit a smart three
cornered hat of dark green, hemp, with a pair
of. tiny bright ptvo, Mercury, wlas seiciisd at
sr what &
LILLIE ,,noto by J. Mitchell Elliot.
bo tho guest of honor at a Mask
her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Finlcy, of
Last Concert of tho Season to Take Plnca
Tuesday Afternoon at the Roosevelt.
Tho closing concert of tho Matlnco Musical
Club's season nt tho Roosevelt, on Tuesday
afternoon next, will bo unique and decidedly
Interesting. Mary Wnlkcr Nichols, who Is In
charge of the program, haB been hnppy In her
selection of participants, nnd there Is apcclal
appreciation of tho courtesy of Mr. Lewis
James Howell, tho well-known baritone, who
will contribute, as his offerings, tho lino
"Credo," from Verdi's "Otello," and "Sho Never
Told Her Love," Haydn's dainty song, tho
words of which nro from "Twelfth Night."
Mrs. William B. Mount, Mrs. Bay Dnnlcls
Jones, Miss Nina Prettymnn Howell and Miss
Haney will be at the piano. Tho program Is ns
Duet, "How Sweet the Moonlight Sleeps
Upon This Bank" Liza Lehmann
From "Merchant of Venice."
Mrs. Clara Yocum Joyco and Mary New kirk
Soprano, "Hark, Hark, tho Lark" (C'ym-
bellne) Schubert
"Who Is Sylvia?" (Two Gen
tlemen of Verona) Schubert
Mrs. William B. Bees.
Violin, Polonaise Wlenlawskt
Mrs. Effle Leland Golz.
Baritone, "She Never Told Her Love"
("Twelfth Night") Haydn
"Iago's Creed" ("Otello") Verdi
Mr, Lewis James Howell.
Soprano, Selected,
Mrs. B. F. Maschal.
Piano, "Wedding March and Elfin Dane"
("Midsummer Night's Dream")
Miss Dorothy Goldsmith.
Tenor, "Sigh No More, Ladles" ("Much
Ado About Nothing") Stcvena
"Orpheus and His Luto" ("Henry
VIII") Sullivan
"When Love Is Kind" Anonymous
Mr. Edward Shlppen Van Leer.
Contralto, "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter
Wind" ("As You Like It") Snrgeant
"Where the Bee Sucks" ("Tho
Tempest") Dr. Arue
Mlsa Ella W. Olden.
Soprano, "Mistress Mine" ("Twelfth Night")
Lola Carrier Worrell
"It Was a Lover and His Lass"
("As You Like It") Liza Lehmann
Mrs. Ida F. Hamell.
The annual meeting and election of the club
will be held April 27, when there will be a vol
unteer musical program.
the front, A good-looking walking suit of light
gray mixed cloth Is worn by Miss Katherlne
Seeler, the needed contrasting touch being
afforded by the wide-brimmed sailor hat of
scarlet Usere straw.
Miss Margaret Berwlnd Is another debutante
who has adopted one of these trig little suits.
Miss Berwlnd wears one of dark mixed cloth
with a high-belted Jacket, and her hat Is a
wide-brimmed model of slate-gray, trimmed
with a leather fancy.
Miss Ellen Jaquett Sellers appeared at a re
cent fashionable wedding In a becoming deml
tallleur of bottle-green broadcloth. The skirt
was made rather full, with a girdle of green
silk, and the Jacket was braided and had a wld
panel In the back, Miss Sellers' hat was a
large net sailor of dark green straw.
A stunning afternoon costume of midnight
blue crepe de chine it worn by Mis Anna Flor
ence Woodruff. The skirt Is made of a suc
cession of graduated flounces, accordion plaited,
and. the abort coat Is hung with black bugles.
Miss Woodruffs, bat Is a small, cJose-ntUnjr
turban of bUck-lacauere4 straw.
"Willowdnle," by the Thespian Club, Was
Given Thursday Night in West Phila
delphia. "Wlllowdale," tho Thespian Dramatic Club's
first play, was repeated Thursday night In the
Cooper Methodist Episcopal Church for the
benefit of tho trustees' fund. It was pre
sented by tho same c.iRt that' so successfully
portrayed this llttlo drama boforc, nnd was
greatly appreciated by n large audience. The
play was n trlbuto to Edward R. Williams, of
Rlvcrton, N, J., whoso nble nsslstanco ns a
coach made tho ultimate success possible. Tho
cast Included David Roberts, as Lcm Hackelt:
Leonard .Burrls, as tho postmaster; Charles
Brownley, who so well carried tho part of
Simon Pinner; Mlsq Ethel Jones, ns Mrs. Bas
sett; Miss Myrlo Compton, who was tho pretty
country miss named Rosetta Gates; Joseph
Frommc, ns tho country parson: Miss Dorothy
A. Kinsley, ns Oleander, the hired girl; Ed
ward IS. Williams, the unscrupulous lawyer
called Joseph Godfrey; Miss Madeleine E. Zane,
Millie Bassctt, almost an unwilling bride; Jesso
H. Whlteley, the accused, who triumphs through
tho help of his friends, and wins his loved one!
Miss Anna A. Miller, as Miss Hazcy, n crazy
woman, and Roblnon MncMullln, as Clarence
DInsmore, the school teacher. This cast Is one
of the most well-balanced companies that over
presented an amateur play In West Philadelphia,
and tho comments from all sides were compli
mentary to tho highest degree. Tho object of
this club Ii to present good, clean plays for
some chnrltablo or church work and all com
munications from persons wishing old In this
line would bo promptly given notlco through
Edward It. Williams, 1300 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia. In conjunction with this performance
Mrs. Margaret McClclInn Williams, well known
to all followers of elocution nnd oratory, ren
dered ln hor Inimltablo style. "Tho Whito 611
houtte," In character, nnd a little suffrage
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Proctor, Woodland avenue,
Wyncoto, returned today from a -visit of several
Hecks with relatives In Massachusetts.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. F. Barlnger, Fornbrook ave
nue, Wyncote, will return today after six
weeks In Cuba. On their icturn they stopped
for a few days each at Palm Beach, Fla., and
Ashovllle, N. C, to visit friends.
Jack Scheetz and Alnn Fetterolf, of Wyncote,
motored to Atlnntla City on Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank England, of Oak Lano and North
6th street, entertained at a house party In her
summer homo ln North Wlldwood.
Mrs. H. D. Crulckshank. of Summit avenue,
Jenklntown, Is entertaining Miss Jesse Dewlg,
of New York city, over the Easter holiday.).
Miss Dewlg Mil! return to hor homo today.
Miss Maria Luger, of Mill road, Ashbourne,
has been tho guest of Miss Anna Link, of 6525
Germantovvn avenue, for several days.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gilbert, of Bed Top, Bydal,
havo taken a cottage at Eaglesmere, where they
will spend the summer.
A farowell party to Miss Mary Quinn, of 3703
Woodland avenue, was given in her honor by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn. Miss
Quinn lias left for a tour of the West and a
visit to the San Francisco Exposition in com
pany with Mrs. Robbe. Among the guests wero
Lieutenant nnd Mrs. Wesley M. Long, Lieuten
ant and Mrs. Andrew J. Long, Dr. Francis
Suthermen, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Atchison,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thom
as Strayer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, Pro
fessor Wiggins, Mr. Bernard Thornton and
Miss Andrews.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Keen, who recently re
turned from Valley City, N, D., entertained at
a house party nt her home In Ramblen road,
Wlldwood Crest, N. J. Among the West Phila
delphia guests were Miss Elizabeth Raftery,
Mlsa Anna Whitaker, Mies Claire Vincent, Miss
Eleanor Clifton and Mr. Bayard H. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Park gave a small
Informal dance last night at their home. 1110
Pine street. Their guests Included Mr. and
Mrs. Edward G. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Louts
Kates, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Dellaven,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton Itaag, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Rogers Swope, Mr. and Mrs. James
L. Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fell Lukens,
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore D Catrto, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Breltenbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison N.
The Athletic Association of the Upper Darby
High School will give a three-act play, called
"The Sophomore," In the auditorium of the
Garretford School this evening. Among those
who will take part are Mr, W. L. Shark, Mr.
William Horn, Mr. William Cooper, Mr. It.
Bardlsey, Mr. Samuel Rudolph, Mr. T. J. Milne,
Mr. William Grant, Mr. T, Whllcroft. Miss
Jean Parker, Mlsa Edna Ortiz and Miss Cath
rlne Yochum. MUs Lillian Galloway and Mr.
T. J. Mllle are noting as coaches, and trie Com.
mtttee of Arrangements consists of Mr. H. M.
Meudenball. the principal ol the Upper Darby
School: Miss Jenny Story. Mr. w. L. Sehock,
M)4 Laura Kllpatrick. Miss Mildred Jonts.
MUs Marian JjUnry. Mr. Samuel Rudolph, Mr.
William Cooper, Mr. Frock HerbCAtsidvr ami
(Mr. Jac JIcDpaalO.
THE most fnshlonablo wedding of the day
will be that of Miss Eunice Bowdltch HIn- '.
man, of Summit, N. J., nnd Dr. John Stowatt
Rodman, son of Dr. and Mrs. William L. Rod
man, which will bo solemnized at noon In
All Souls' Church, Summit.
The bride, who will bo given In marriage by
her brother, Ruusel Hlnman, will wear an ex- ,
qulelto gonn of white satin trimmed with old!
family laco. Her veil will also bo of the lace
arranged ln coronet fashion, and held in place
with orange blossoms. She will carry a shower
bouquet of titles of the valley and orchids.
Miss Katharlno Hlnman, a sister of the bride.
will nttend ns maid of honor. Sho will wear
a gown of blue chiffon and cream lace, and will
wear a largo plctutc hat of leghorn trimmed
with ribbon to match her gown, and pink rose.
Sho will carry a basket of pink roses.
Tho best man will be Dr. William L. Rorl
mnn, nnd the unborn Include John H. Pack
ard, 3d, Dr. John Frnser, Dr. DoForest Wlllard
nnd Lincoln Godfrey, Jr. A reception will
follow, nnd on their return from their wedding
trip Doctor and Mrs. Rodman will bo nt home
after Octobor nt 2216 Locust street.
The mnrrlngo of Miss E Louise Fuller,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Grant Fuller,
nnd Mr. John Lester Van Name will bo sol
omnlzcd on Wednesday, April 21. Owing to Ill
ness In the family no Invitations will bo Issued.
The ceremony will be performed nt 4 o'clock ln
NorthmlriRter Church, 33th nnd Baring streets,
the Rev. Dr. Joseph Wilson Cochran, assisted
by Dr. W. Courtland Robinson, officiating.
Miss Fuller will be nttended by Miss Florence
Wlnthrop as maid of honor, and tho best man
will bo Mr. Frank Clinton Van Name, brother
of the bridegroom. Miss Clara Fuller, slater
of the bride, will bo flower girl. A supper for
the Immediate families will follow the cere
mony nt the home of the bride's parents.
Miss Annetta M. Flaherty, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Flaherty, of 6229 North 21st street.
Germantown, will be married to Francis B.
Foley, of 323 Hast Chcttcn avenue, this after
noon, nt tho Immaculate Conception Church,
Ardlclgh and Price streets. The ceromony will
be solemnized by the Rev. M. J. Higglns, C M.
Miss Sarah Flaherty, a sister of the bride, will
be maid of honor, while D. J. Foley, brother of
tho bridegroom, will act as best man. Follow
ing the reception at tho homo of the bride's
parents the couple will depart for a tour through
tho South. Later they will make their home ln
Mr. nnd Mrtf. David Kosmln, of 637 Wharton
street, will havo as their guest for a week
Morris Kosmln, of New York city. They are
planning a reception In his honor.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank X. McGough, with their
two little daughters, Miss Rosemary McGough
nnd Miss Allco McGough, are the guests of Mrs.
McGough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Brien,
of 1834 South 17th street. Mrs. McGough will b
remembered as Mies Anna M. O'Brien, a very
popular South Philadelphia!) beforo her" TUSTf"
rlage some few yeais ago. Her husband 1
also well known in the southern section of the
city. They now make their homo nt Flatbush,
near Brooklyn.
John Walls, of 1916 South 15th street, has
issued cards for a charity vaudeville and mln
etrol show, to be given on Monday evening n.wt.
In the Annunciation's Social Hall, 10th and
Dickinson streets, tho proceeds of -which will be
donated to the J15.000 campaign fund.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank B. Stockley, of 1812 South
Broad street, will leave on Sunday morning for
Atlantic City, where they will remain until
Thursday next.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shetzllne and Miss
Emma Shetzllne, of 1415 Wolf street, have
opened their cottago nt Atlantic City, where
they will remain until the fall.
Tho engagement of Miss Morea Marguerite
Drumm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Drumm, of 3105 Diamond street, to Mr. Augus
tus Bergly Zlegler, will be announced this
afternoon nt a card party given by Mrs. Charles
Blnns, of 4S21 Cedar avenue. In honor of Miss
Drumm. Among the gueats will be Mrs. W1I
llan Gerhnb, Jr., Mrs. Aaron Ross Crane. Mrs.
Dletz Fry, Mrs. John Spielberger, Miss Mabel
Kehr Donnelly, Miss Clara Ristlne, Miss Sara
Kennedy. Mlss Flora Mager, Mlsa Eleanor GUI
nnd Mlss Ethel Humphreys. Mr. Zlegler was
graduated from the University of Pennsylvania
in 1307. He is very well known In the college
world, hnvlns won the title of an All-Araerlcar
football star, and having been' the coach for
Mercersburg's football eleven, and the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania 1914 varsity team. Mr.
Zlegler Is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa
Mr. and Mrs. Marks Roomberff. 1839 North
33d street, will be at home on Sunday, from 3
to C o'clock, In honor of the engagement of
their daughter. Mlss Jeanette R. Roomberg, to
Leon Goodman. Those assisting In receiving
will Include Mlss May Ooodman, Miss Anna
Roomberg, Misa Beatrice Goldman, New York,
Mlss Rita Goldman. New York; Mlss Adeline
Rabblno, Miss Lilian Rublnsohn, Mr. Simon
Goldman, New York; Mr. Sidney Lemlsch, Mr,
Simon Malls. Mrs. Milton Staulb.
A linen shower was given to Mlss May A.
Bayllnson early this week at her residence, 1S23
North 32d street, by a number of friends. In
honor of her engagement to Mr, Joseph Kass,
of Newport News, Va. About 30 guests were
James Alcorn, of Howard and York streets,
has returned from the South, where he has been
for the last month.
Mrs. C, C, Nesl, of Swarthmore, Pa., is vl-
ttlng her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Bartram,
of 1093 Shackarnaxon street.
Mrs. A. J. Rider, of Hammonton. N. J., will
entertain at luncheon next Thursday afternoon,
when her guests will Include Mrs, G. H Bar
rett, Mrs. T C Shreve. Mrs. Charles Reeve.
Mrs. Thomas Landon, Mrs. Rldgway, Mrs. T
S. Bishop. Mr. Gregg, Mr.-Edward Newtwj
Haag. Mrs Frederick B. Schwartz, Mlsa
Shirk, Mlo Pennell. Mlse Murphy. Mr, Newel'
Mr. Howard Cooper, Urn. Ernest Lae n4
Mra R. J. Ferguson. Thesa Udies form hj
committee of the Bordeatown t-ollege Aivr-mn
whicb will have it annual iiwi.bon ,it t
BeUevue-Str&Uerd In May.