V'1 It It ig BEA1H RECORD FOR WEEK JUMPS HIGH Health Authorities Attribute Rise to Effects of Recent Blizzard. Philadelphia's death record this week unusually high, attributed by the health authorities to the cKccts of the bllitard Ot last Saturday, detplte the subsequent rolldor conditions. There were B28 dtathA this week, 63 more than last week, and 88 more than during the cor responding week last year. Transmissi ble diseases caused 313 of the deaths this week, and ISO minors succumbed to vari ous diseases. Deaths from lung and throat diseases werft many, Pneumonia caused 78 deaths, bronchopneumonia, tit bronchitis, IS; grip, 9, and consumption, 60. New cases of pneumonia this week were 107, or 28 more than last week. Measles sprend to 45S new caseB this 'week, R2 more than last week's new cases. Seven Children and ono adult died from measles. Tho record of tho week's deaths from all causes Is! Typhoid lexer 4 stomach 17 Mriulta 8 Appendicitis and ty- Bcnrlet f sver ....... S phllltls 5 Diphtheria nnd lloinla, Intmllnal croup , a lobstructlon n lnfluna flClrrhoiU of tho lt er a npMemla diseases 0 Acute nephritis nnd Tuberculosis ol the Hrisrht's disease.. 00 lunxt CO Noncancerous tu Tuberculous menln mors and other Sltli S diseases of the gen Other forme of tu- Itnl organs . . . ." Mreuloali 2 Puerperal aeptlce- Cancer and other mla -I in&llinant tumore 2.1 Puerperal accidents Apoplexy and eolt- of prsnancy nnd enlnir of brain.. . 32 tabor 4 Oreanta rilscasta of Congenital debility . tre heart ., 77 and malformntlonn 31 Acuta bronohltls. It Old age 8 Chronic bronchitis .1 Ko.nlclde 1 Pneumonia 78 Violent deAlhi... . 1, Bronchopneumonia 42 Suicide H Other dlseoeea of tin All other dleeasea. 7.1 rerMrntory system 12 Total US Diseases of th SALOONS MUST OBEY LAW Detroit Police. Will Enforce Provi sions of Closing Statute. DETROIT, April 10 Police Commis sioner John QUI has Issued orders to Police Superintendent John B. Downey, directing him to see that overy provision of the Warner-Cramton law, providing for allj saloons to close from 12 o'clock midnight to 6 a, m. weekdeys, and from 12 o'clock midnight Saturday to 6 a. m. Monday be enforced The saloonkeepers and proprietors of cabarets are given 21 hours In which to comply with this order. In tho past there has been utter dis regard on the part of saloonkeepers and cabaret proprietors of the law. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES nobert VI. Wright. Cynwyd, Pa., and Mary E. McAndrew. 11,10 North Bouvlcr strot. Prank Calhoun, -1828 Fansom street, and Mabel Bon man, 4718 Wlneor street. lllchael J. Murray. 1.120 Oxford street, and Slabs! M. Town;. IKS Oxford street. Michael A, McLoughlln. S000 North 11th treat, and Mary C Gannon, 1030 Cayuga atreet. Lewis B. Roth. Jr., 21 in North nth street, and Maria M. J. Bachschmldt, 817 Diamond street. Ilobert Klrlfland, 1620 North 8th street, and Agnes T. Fleming. Bethlehem, Pa, John E. Dougherty. 2518 Swain street, and Teresa Qulnn, 3103 North 13th street. Archie P. Brown, 700 South 10th street, and U. Gertrude Warwick, IBIS South 10th street -Max Gilbert-. 1508 North Oth street, and Sadie Satavt, 1503 North Cth street Antonio Ullaso, 712 South Porcy afreet, nnd Antonletta Schlna. 1320 South Colorado street. Charles Pater. 170 Eaat Mentor street, and Horn Blum. 1D10 Brie avenue. Anthjny Ddunglles. MM Pearl street, and Emilia Putollalte, 1S12 Wood atret. Pawel Skowral. 36.TS Seara atreet. and Mar 4foauto Goeholstca, S2NJ Summer street. Charles B. Helm. Scranton, Pa nnd Sylvanla Boorto, JIM Cnmae street. Howrlo Pennlsl, Camden, N J., and Anna Oregorlo, Ota south sth street. Albert I.ucns. Brooklyn. N. V. and Martha Biephenson. DS7 North fiflth street. Almond D. Nasc. Sellerarlllo, Ta. and Clem entine Good. 7M North 24th street. Wasyly Matkowakl, S74 South' American street, and Katarzjna Wysoczanska. 315 South American street. Peter J. Shaughneasey, 2T.I A street, and Bulla A. Adams, 1W4 Thompson atreet. Ernest Waldsmirger. 31 M Belgrade atreet. and Katherlce Barron. 3163 Miller atreet, WIIHani P. Beaidey, West Fchaal lane, nnd Edith D. Boegs, K Wist Chelten avenue. Oeoree Butkn. DOS North Hooe street, and tl? Stepanourla, t17 North Hope utreet. Thomas F. Tlnnay. Is South Jflth street, and Huldah K, Cunnings, 3430 North 17th street. Joseph B. Tresnan, ff) Pnstorlous atreet. and Margaret M Beam. 3.M2 Sunnvslde avenue Thomas Sheehnn. Mt) North -inth atreet. nnd Bridget CTShea. 4DM lloopea atreet J Warner Ilowera Wyncote Pa., and Ra Btephenn, 52 North Pnxnn atret. Danlel J Malby, irew Upland street, and Ethel M Bementer. M21 Wharton street. Clarenco K. Orlffls. 37?."S Aspan street, and BtancJia M. Hoda. 412 South STth street. ,I5u.re,J? JConnolly. 4711 Haiel aenue. and Nllli D. Freeman. 730 South 60th etreet. George r. Brown. 441 Falrmount avenue, and Ltzetta. Tuennermann, 4l Falrmount ave nue, Benjamin F. Bowers. IIM North Mvrtlewond street, and Ida Nelson, 2440 North Hollywood wood street. la R. BladcburTi, 2O40 North Menlno street, and Mary K. Egan ,2040 JJorth Mer Tina street. Giovanni Ursa ,1lt South Bancroft atreet. and Antonetta Lfuzzo. 1811 South Bancrort street, Thomas A. Somers. S2 Bouth Mst atreet. and lEIIsabeth A. King. 2M West Cumberland street, Gulsepps Provlnzann, 712 South 7th street, and Theresa Marlncola. ASS Christian atreet. Anthony Kowalaky. 2027 Salmon street nnd pflronello Okuclwlcz 2027 Salmon street James ellran. 2017 Gerrllt street, and Kath erlna Grady, 2713 Lfltona atreet. John A, Mopre. Jr. 2a North Palrhlll street, and Blanche J Talley, 3(T,7 North Marahall street. William J, Scott. Jr.. S3d and Moore streets, and Matilda n. Pteele. M and Moor el streets. Alfonso Llgnello. 1KJ Morris street, and Elena, rietravlto, 1S10 Morris street. Cumberland & B"fl? JIONIJAY WTOINO, ATOII. J2TII C "vTunB'Ta"" "The Deep Purple" World Film Corporation PRESENTS CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN HEARTS IN EXILE Pictwrlzed and Directed By JAMES YOUNG Fiora (he Novel By JOHN OXENHAM and Play By OWEN DAVIS ' A SHUBEBT FEATURE IN 5 ACTS WORLD FILM CORPORATION, 1314 Vine Street 1337 VINE ST. PHILADELPHIA HUBBY VI' AND BOOK The Evening Ledger's Real War Pictures BHEAKING RECOUPS EVEBYWUEBE &. ALICE IN WONDERLAND A I'mdutttua of That Iauaerta! Pnatn et ChUdfcoed - THE FRANK CASE i 'VaKT Tt, Jk i i ii .KnT laW 3. SIIIIIIISillllK MISS GRATIA ERICKSON SUFFRAGIST JOURNEYS 1600 MILES TO VOTE Enthusiastic Worker Here Makes Flying Trip to Her Home in Illinois. lro a STArr cosBEsroNrrsT HAnRISBUna, April P.-The action of the 243.70" feminine voters of Chicago In turnliiB out at tho Mayoralty election struck a crushing blow at tho "nntls " contention that women would not use the ballot If they had It, but the zeal of Miss Gratia S Krlcltson, a pretty little suf frage enthusiast, doing campaign work In Philadelphia entirely confuted tho argu ment. Miss Krlckson Is a registered voter of Hvanston, III., and made a flying trip of moro than 1600 miles to her home and back In order to cast her ballot for her chosen candidates "I am so elated," she said, "over what the women of Illinois are doing out thore It Is Just what Pennsylvania politics needs the Introduction of tho feminine clement Tho Chicago City Council to day Is composed of better Aldermen, with more Independent political views than ever before. To me. thut Is ono of the biggest things tho women are doing, tho dissipating of the Iron-clad partisan ship that tjplfles the situation today." "Ono nmuslng thing that woman suf frago has dono for politics out In Illinois," Bhe continued, "Is the Introduction of tho afternoon tea as an Importnnt factor In the campaign. Everywhere that elections were being held ou would llml the can didates' wives, and the candidates them selves when they were batchelors, giving 'afternoon teas to tho women whom they wished to gain as supporters. "Nor did the women vote blindly," she said. "They were well Informed nnd knew the whyB and wherefores of eery Issue. Schoolhouses were used as meet ing placet) and, without neglecting In any uay their homes or their children, tho women gathered together and took coun sel among themselves. Tho result was that they got what they wanted. In fact, In many of the small Illinois towns where mayoralty elections were held, tho win ning man could placo his success directly to tho women's vote nnd the women's In fluence." "My father died when I was a child," she said, "and for all these years our family has been without political repre sentation, because there aro no men In It. The vote was too precious a prlvlleso for me not to use It and I didn't mind tho Hying trip a bit." POItT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str. Ilellucla HJr ), Tne, ballast, Munson tr Indian. Boston, merchandise. Merchant and Miners' Transportation minnanv Sir. Amsteldyk (Dutch). Rotterdam, la Bos ton jf land-Amertcii Line Str Toledo., tonlnit echr. Delaware Mm, Sahlne. crude oil, sun Company. Str Mauda (Nor.). New lork, ballast, (.alley, DaWs Conipnnj. Steamships to Arrive FREIGHT. Namt. From. Sailed. iMura Rotterdam Fob. 18 Century Calcutta Feb. VS Kandahar Alslera Mar. Tt Frlkes ! a Mar T Vulcan I.'sbon Mar S iKontucklan illlo Mar. 10 Alt iijnri .u.r i.l Wlnelalund .Mitlu-1 . Mir II inina " " Henrlk Ibsen . Valparaiso . .Mar 10 Manchester Miller . .uiKhcaiei . .. 1 Alden Copenhagen ..Mr 'Jl Wagner Algiers . . . Mar "1 Vrhco de liamo Hartlepool . Mar 2.1 Feliciana Iondon . . . Mar 21 Mackinaw Ixincion Mar I'S Ran Shields . .. Mar. no Chlmu Cardiff Mar. m Maine London Apr. 1 Hatascan Rotterdam Apr. 1 Teian , .Cristobal Apr. .1 Tottenham Santiago Apr. 4 IMoldegaard Cardenas Apr ft Mansurl Calcutta Apr. 4 Dakotan Illlo Apr. H Bertha Havana Apr. T Manx Isles Cuba Apr. 7 Trafalgar C'albarlen Apr. 7 Ianla Kantlago Apr. 7 Jose Port Antonio. ..Apr 7 Frey Shields Apr. T Scottish Monarch .... Liverpool . . Apr. 8 ti 1'ayal pr. 8 KeUcn iMatinzas Apr. 0 Jolando dl Giorgio Fort Antonio ...Apr. O Steamships to Leave FRCIOllT. Name. For Date. Manchester Bhlpper ...Manchester ....Apr 10 Feliciana, London Apr.lt Laura Rotterdam ... .Apr 1.1 London Copenhagen ....Apr. M Manchester Miller ... Manchester ....Apr. IS EMPRESS MAIN ST. MANAYUNK WILLIAM FOX Presents BETTY NANSEN TrgI THE CELEBRATED SCANDAL T.KtVIS J. SELZNICK Ice Prea. & Ota Mgr, BELL PHONE WALNUT 1232 BVENIKa LKDGBB-PHIi;ADBLPHIA', ftATlr-RTiAY. APRIP VdGuWmfiWPICTURE INDUSTRY show njn figured I niicerlnMe tun AwaVAcoo. It SHS. 1 mium i s 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The Photoplay Editor of the Evening Ledger will be pleated to answer ques tions relating to hit department. Que tlons relating to family affairs of actors and actresses are barred abso lutely. Queries will not be answered by letter. All letters mutt be addrettad to Photoplay Editor, Evening Ledger, The fifth litrRest industry In tho United Stntest So rrtliks tho mnllon-plcturo In ilustry, according to tho report of the Census Bureau In Washington. Tho figures furnished are well nigh unbcllov nblc. In 19H, up to tho beginning of De cember, American manufacturers havo turned out no less than 10,CW0 soparnto reels of noKntlve film, from each of which i eels B poslllte" copies, on nn nvcrnge, nro made. Tho standard reel Is 1000 feet long, which makes 380,000,000 feet ot film nit told, Including both tho originals and copleil About 68,000 miles of motion pic tuies onough to go round tho Rlobo n, little lesq than three times. In ons year lcsi a month! The co,st of producing the ordinary ort of orlglnnls Is tit least f2 n. foot This menns :o,(00.000 spent In making tha ncKntlve reels alone. The 330,000,000 of copies post I cents n fool, which totals Jl",C00,0O0 for these. Altogether M",CO),000 spent In tha manufacture of films In 11 months Komo figures! Yes, nnd they are not all for this cstlmato docs not take Into account the special fenttiro projects locently become nn Important factor In the film Indtistn, on n slnglo ono of which may be spent, as In tho ense of a much advertised tv en-reel drama now pining, ns high or inOO.OOO It Is estimated thnt there are today be tween 17,000 and 18,000 motion-picture the atres In tho United States, to which more than 10,000,000 people go dally. A com mlselon appointed by the Mayor of Cleve land In 1913 reportod that one-sixth of tho population of that city went to movlo shows at least once a day. During tho hummer months of 1011 tho National lionrd of Censorship estimated that In Xow York city between SSO.onO and 500,000 people one-seventh of tho total popula tion-attended the motlon-plcturo theatres tlall,. In this city about 300 000 attend motion-picture theatres dally. Admission receipts total in 1014 (to December 1) ap proximately 1318,000,000 for the movlo theuties of tht country Moro than J500.000,uX) of actual cnpltnl ha been Invested In tho business of mak ing and exhibiting films In tho United States. Two hundred and fifty thousand employes find In It a means of livelihood. Including all Itn ramifications and affili ations, tho Industry is callod tho fifth largest In tho land, and tho total valuo of the property and good will of It all Is practically inestimable This Is only tho cold materialistic view of tho Industry. The Inception nnd ma terialization of the photoplay bus cie ated a neu race of writers not dlaloglsts, but litornrv punlomlmtsts. who pot tray action solely, and nothing by word of mouth Then, too, it has produced a new race of mummers men nnd women capa ble of expressing any emotion without the nld of tho voice. And here bo It stated In all frankness that the actors aro Infinitely better paid than nre tho writers. A good flint is worth 523 n leel In the open market. Large prices havo been paid for ppoken plays which made successes In tho past. Hut from a film out of which the manu facturer mado thousands tho writer re ceived a vciltablc plttnnce. This Is n short-sighted policy on tho part of tho producers, for It keeps the lmnglnatle writers of nblllty out of tho market. What the Actors Get Much has been written nbout the enor mous salaries of tho actors, and, while J It Is true that they receive better pay LEAVES $2000 TO WIDOW "UNTIL SHE MARRIES AGAIN" Samuel C. Bradford Said Second Hus band Should Support Her. Samuel C. Bradford, who died recently at 1313 Porter street, left his !000 estate to his widow, Addle V. F Bradford, dur ing her life or until sho marries again. In either event the properly reverts to two sons. In tho will, admitted to probate today, the testator explained that ho did not mean he was unwilling thnt his wife should remarry, "only that should she do so, the man shall support her, as I did." Tho will of Sarah B Carter, late of 13M Spruce street. Includes bequests of tlOO each to tho Foreign and Domestic Missions of the Trotestant Episcopal Church and to tho Philadelphia Flower, Prult and Ico Mission. Tha residua of her J1500 e6tute Is left to relatives. Other iills probated include thoso of Katherlne Stler, who left J5000; Ernest O, Dussoulas, 14000, George Fisher, J1S00: Harriet S. Lodor, U0O; John Miller, J2026. Personal property of Peter P. Bahm has been appraised at 122,2)3 31; James II. Cannon, J2337.D3. T FAnCD 4 1ST and LANCASTER AVE. L.lfUll MATINEE DAILY MONDAY AND TUESDAY ANNETTE KELLERMAN TUB PERFECT WOMAN In NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER WEDNE8DAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In HEARTS IN EXILE THURSDAY S. MILLER KENT In THE COWBOY and THE LADY FRIDAY AND HATUIIDAY MARIE DORO in THE MORALS OF MARCUS I "U.I lil HliLJltlLJSW-Jtlt 1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF THEATRES OP THE MOTION-PICTURE EXHIBITORS' LEAGUE INCLUDINO THOSE BOOKED THHOUOK THE EXHIBITORS' BOOKING OFFICE, INC. 1339 VINE STREET rim An 6oth street and SjtAJPM. OK11AII AVENUE wvviniTS OK EL,INK No, IS ASI11HOHK F17KY, Kerstone HUPHLIKO WATKlft an Indian lrm rTf !,. Ot.t EUREKA OV11 JH7aC Dl: civv-u-srvrBfli lltnnitA1kI SALOMY JANE FIUNKFORDSiuaVJtVt!- Md MAROUKRITB CLAKK In And COMEDY WCTUBKS t-AnnPN Hfty-thlrd Btreet and THE SPOILERS GREAT SOUTHERN $&" rilANTOU OP THE 10UN TAXI J, a Neator Comedy 'ALICE OF OLDEN MAYS IRIS Herniation nd Allegheny A'. r. KVKItAI, VILLA In THE OUTLAW'S BEVENOH A Mutual Wmtcrplcture GEO. HASH in "THE JUNGLE" than the scenario writers, yet their emoluments aro not ns largo as popularly supposed. The topnotcher Is D. W. Griffith, tho producer, who received $100,000 a year Vllhnm rnrntim received $15,000 for his work In T.ho Spoilers." Billy Reeves re ceded one-tenth ot this sum for a onc rceler iccrntly filmed by tho I.ubln Com p.mv. Mary Plckford, icputed tho highest priced nctrcsB In tho film world, docs not receive $100,00 a enr Common gossip In lllui circles puts her actual salary for 12 feature films a car at $.'3,000. Hut no ono knows tho nctual figuroH. ttccognlzcd Mini favorites like Mary Ful ler, Clara Klnibail Young. Florence I.aw icncc, Blanche Sweet, NVrm.i riilllli.s. Anita Stewart and Iln-n Stonehoiifle re ceive from $200 to $100 u week. When it comes to mnlo film Ltnrs, th-lr solaries nro considerably less. Trom $100 to $100 Is the weekly salary for leading men I'lto King Baggott, Francis X. liiohman. Ai thur Johnston, Maurice Costello, J. War ren Kerrigan nnd Cailylo BlacUwell. John Bunny received $500 a week. Pay of Legitimate Stars Ah a genornl rule, "legitimate" ttara who go inti th movies are not pi'd by tho week, but by tho picture. They fre quently ro.'clvo ii stipulated sum for tho picture whether It takes three. flv, six or even seven weeks to mako It. Tho largest sum ever paid a Ifslilmntc at tor or nctrers for making a plctutt was paid to Sarah Bernhardt. She received $30,000 from the Famous Players Film Company for about six weeks' work. Tht co famous actresses who received record-breaking nmounts for slnglo pic tures arc Ethel Barrymore, Lillian Rus sell nnd Mrs Flsko. Miss Barrymoro received 512,000 Mrs. Flsko tit's s.inu amount and Miss Russell something Ics. thin SlO.fOO and a percentage of tao prof its. But iJOU) is the usual honoi'urluni of a star nf established reputation for a fea ture film requiring four, five or six wtcka' time. Some of tho film companlea enwn le gitimate actots by the iveek, The largist vi.okly anlery was ptld to Pauline J'red a'lck Sha itcelved $2000 a week r'hi I r eNpciMM In Rome while the "ntc-ps.1 City" film was made. Mario Dressier received $10,000 from tho Koystone Film Company for two pic tures, and a contract calling for 50 per cent, of the net receipts from the Incomo Barrist & Go. 214 North 8th Street Sell Profitable Picture Theatres rniCES $100 to $100,000. Doth phones. Locust Theatre uc5u"sT,.,.. Hear the Wonderful Kimball Organ Mais., 1130 and 3 I". M. All Hrata 10c. Krenlnits, 0l3U, B, 0l30. All Seats 15c. MONDAY ORRIN JOHNSON InBATAJ? SANDERSON" TUESDAY Thomas Jefferson 6s Adelaide Thurston In the Orlpplnr Play SHADOWS OjeAprtEAT CITY WEDNESDAY & THUItSDAY BETTY NANSEN In Count Leo Tolstoy's "ANNA. KARENINA" FIUDAY ROBERT WARWICK In "THE MAN IVIfO KOUND HIMSELF" SATURDAY S. MILLER KENT In "THE CpWPOY AND Til E L A DY" KXTHA FEATURE ALL WEEK CHARLES CHAPLIN In "A 11TNKY ELOPEMENT" LEADER It Btrert nd TUB WHITE MASK JANET OF TUB CHORUS and Comedy Subject KEYSTfJNF BOUTII 8THEET r..101U11t DELOW TENTH THE LITTLEST REBEL and Comedy Subjects PARK Kldce Ave. & Dauphin Bt. vW Matlner SUB. Ergs, 7l5 TH03IAU E. BHE A In THE MAN O' WARSMAN ninnr AVMNITK 18th at. and 1IUVC TIlVXTllV. EXPLOITS OF ELAINE Comedy Pictures SOMERSET "jLrue,.,aton THE DEVIL--In Fiyo Reel and Keystone umtut TIOfJA T" AND ''ENANOO HUUft ' KTHKKTH -' ' ' ' -' " ' I ! 1 THE QUEST And Olner IBserfUnt BubJetU TTJLElTOl;KENlSS5SS:- WAR OF WARS TJU? BLACK BOXe Xe, f. a4 COMPANY .'-fljg . ('i -'. A4,:1 i 'HYPOCRITES' nr of tho two films, However, tho $IO,oco was In tho nature of an advance to Miss MARKET & JUNIPER STREETS The Most Extraordinary, Remarkable, Unusual Knt n Prpnrhmpnt. pammaHsusMHin "" " --- v..v -ww...M.r ww.,...a,an o "- --" -" " "' " -- - . A Masterpiece of Construction ! A Marvelous Production! Special Music, Impressive Settings, Choral Embellishments, Enlarged Orchestra nnd Organ TWICE DAILY The AFTERNOONS AT Si30 10c. 18c, 25 EVENINQB AT 8iM 15c, 23c, 50o Scats 2 "Weeks in Advance . , Judges "Where the Crowds Go" CHESTNUT ST. SSeursae Home of World's Greatest Photoplays Alts. JiSO to 4:S0 JOc, 15c. 25c, Kvis. 7:80 to 19iS0 JOc, 20c, a Paw 60c SENSATIONAL SUCCESS OF THE SEASON J I D, W, aRIFjriTll'B THE Avenging Conscience Twice Dally at 3 and 9 P, M. Preceded by Comedies OTJTHUSIABTICAXJCr ITBAISBD BT KVKHV JHII,A. IJJtWft'Al'EB 10, 1915? the. GUO&E THEATRE: Dressier, as It is to bo deducted even tually from her share of tho profttB. It Limited Engagement Commencing MONDAY EVENING First and EXCLUSIVE SHOWING of All Photo-Dramatic Tint n Pnnrlun Pnnvlnrltirv Arrvnmpnf AirnlnHf. tfin RhnmU nf JAfe Producer xof "Hypocrites" Offers 5250 V.... fl -0 I4IT First Prize, $100; Second, $75; Third, $50; Fourth, $25 Will Be Dramatic Critics of All the Dally Papers. Address All Com u":uions io uiodb ineaire, Coming! Film Vewipn of Sensational GEORGE NASH CLARENCE HANDYSIDES ROBERT PATQN GIBBS THE JUNGLE METROPOLITAN BOOKING OFFICES HARRY BRYAN, Manager Is not unlikely that Miss Dressier will make $50,000 from the two films durlnf, tho coming year. She spent 14 wertl! making tho pictures an unusually Ions tlmo. Mav Irwin received 17000 from the Fa mous Players Film Company for one plc-iB turc. In addition she was given a con-a tract calling for n royalty on tho numfcerS of feet of film put Into circulation abovifl a certain figure. The highest palary ever paid to a for eign dramatic nctress to come to Amir 9 Icn to mako a picture is me tuw weemjr salary which Is now being paid Dy will lam Vox to Betty Nanscn. the Danish actress. Onbv Deslys received $13,000 for a slnlllH picture from tho Famous riaycrs Cora- 5 rit ...1.1 i. ..... .r An. In Taita "-H pany a. mm wniwi hud u.uuq k. .! Startling, Original, Spectacles for the Beat Essays Containing t4 tl jumper ana Aiaricet ais. UPTON SINCLAIR'S Novel, With GAIL KANE ALICE MARC AND OTHER STARS v. --"ii JEFFERSON . Z U P O R A $&& 3 1316 Vine Sir in ffaratioti ' l! ' - ut, . ' ' ' i y iv ii j Mil jnm' Filbert 24S4 Other Pautur Film