-",.P'""jaJji, wbwijk i.-B-rtw? pffw'w EVENING LEPGER-PHILAPELPHIX SATURDAY, 'APlilli 10. 1915? NEXT WEEK : WM. COLLIER, GEO. COHAN, IN "HELLO BROADWAY" AT THE FORREST "HflSW1 " ,uwr PlBjMnMffigM CATHERINE C7LV-A?T THIS week brought Phllatlcliihl.a a curious assortment of plnys and . curious assortment of triple coincidences. There were two dramas from the l'rcnch, "The Haw It" and "Tho Shadow," tw) detective plays by Hnrvey J. O'llisgins and Harriet Foul, "The Diiinmj," and "The Arglo Case," and the two most distinguished rlslns actors of the Ameri can stage, William Favcrshnm and lithcl Birrymore. Not to mention that extraor dinary bit of piffle at The Little Theatre, "Monsieur I'olrct": Its production Is a coincidence all by Itself. Comparison between the two new French plays Is both natural and Inter filing. That It redounds lo tho advan tage of Mr. Faversham's vehicle Is not . jomuch the fault as the misfortune of il I I'tDarlo Nlccodeml, who wrote Miss Barry- Kmore's. Perhaps he tried too hard. At any rate, "The Hawk" is a straight- id iorwaru, muva unve ui h ijuiwuuwi. cramatlc effect. .o act is overcrowueu with action; there is hardly moro than one emotional point In each. But It is , perfectly clear what Francois do Crolssct Is trying to do tell an exciting story with an ingenious kink In It. and end with a half-piteous, half-heroic touch. That might also be nn outline of "Tho Shadow." There Is the exciting story, built upon discovery nnd confession. The fact that the feminine victim of the eternal triangle has been a paralytic In valid adds to the effect Just ns the fact that the husband In "The Hawk's" trl- i ingle Is a card-cheat. Tho deceived oman In "The Shadow" decides to do what she can to shade the road that her J huiband must take with tho woman ho has chosen. Tho ruined man In "The Hawk" finds the wife he had lost giving Up her lover and returning to help him build a new life. But the parallelism ends with the E itores. in treatment "The Shadow" 1 1 Uclu the straightforward, theatric drive ' nicn saves "The Hawk." Mr. Nlcco B i deml Is too serious-minded or too much i"c creature or nis tlmo to make the Bardoulsh most of his exciting plot, or to carry It along in the elevated and artificial atmosphere of tho sentimental theatre. He Is continually thrusting in outer, naturalistic incidents and bits of Character: he Is trying to treat the affair u a serious problem after he has con trived It as a theatrical "stunt." But Ms evident desire to strike tho best to piaywrltlng Is apparently wrecked by the outre character of the story and his m undeveloped powers as a dramatist. At any rate, 'The Shadow" Is miles head of his "Prodigal Husband." Dtaannnlntint . urni.- ci , , .. --... ..in, mo jio aiiauuw pruvcu .;-- .Saun oi wnai it might have been. !" V v ns at tno Broad Is still well ."MM, because it brings Miss Barrymore iJS!'p "'sner as a serious actresa. Her impersonation nf ti-ii.. i .., ...i.i.. ' rtory as her work In "Mld-Chan- i. ' y oecause i'lnero gave tier iim r and more satisfactory prob i sk7 .?' ven "eJano could quiet doubts f , th, heroine of "Tho Shadow," i ,.?. .al1 tht la carping criticism be rJnnL. . BtrorB outlines of Miss Barry 'Ei.il1 lmPsnat!on. It leaves abso ih 5,..?mlstakB oa to where the actress 'bMntT - .Shs makea no play with her 'wi. ? ,or her ctarm. She drives the dun.?. ,0 accents of dull pain and &, a,,,,rai':. TLc.h J?k Ji.?A. truth iTi ,vai w" power onu ri hi Ba Barrymore, impersonating IrhTt V. ows wlth inflnlto clearness Just 1m .,, .V Nlccodeml should have done i" how he falls short. Willi. MUM.- ........ ... lt v. " awn is as mucn below Suidot"'? t,m.'g 8terMng abilities as "The fcliv Vi .,; "IU iuiss jarrymores, me vin !he Lyr0 must be credited with : "ms to display and re-emphasize the SntlS U.llqUe talent-the vivid, the ro W.: iha Poetic, within the husk of S2htkfarJ.reaUt Up Faversham imrtaLdlstlnSul8hed Player of poetio leirT' e .haJ Pfved t with his Shakes 'laii ?ut he can be something much M th..much ,moro needed In our pres iwlon i,tf!ra,.Player w'0 can put spirit. wtom .'. "ms. a quality that la at a m.vV."c' ,mo ,ne Impersonatipn of IftiiMv JL. our qwn day who do unde-pc-iy possess that hirh .imi,..!. i. i. modern dancing ptUdentS Chanter N. E. Cor. Prk and tr.rtvit. and ... ,..?"f?-Uh'!??.A.V- uy- Two HalU for itVnt. fBaflvSpSS.1'"?1! TUBATOB BALLHOOM f BTi,V,En6 CLASS WEDNESDAY EVO. PbSb wft?? Ml"t?'tJ '? - " Ml. nmtii, OiU BV. lUllr Ti.. r f iuH oiuauj, jiq w Dauphin. Prl lM&m!?i.? " VB Phon t. 4830, IHJS "".' War Acdemy.aON. WaESJW Ev Apr a?. Krr' Nov Orch. t l9$M FlasHr rr I Pfe5TIS3oz school r r&rtU PLAYHOUSE and LAYERS J .Mr. Faversham's crownlnpr distinction, a combination of personality, conception nnd ability, that ho can achieve those qualities of tho spirit which so often travel only In the company of weakling, feminized poets, and that he can still remain a virile man. But, perhaps, that Is why ho can touch the heights. As for tho humor, let us recall only thoso two priceless moments In tho last act. Ono when Barney picks up tho tele phone In that absent-minded way which comes under Btross. ways "Hello . . . Wait a minute," and then looks up tho num ber. Tho other, when Banning explains nbout tho $10,000 reward that Barney has won and then asks, "What's tho tlrst thing you're going to do with your money, Barrey?" "Count It," says the oirtce boy sleu.h. Two unusual opportunities to witness Continental dramas acted and set In tho Continental manner may shortly come to vuilltllVllliU IIIUIIIIt.1 II1UJ OKUillj V.U1I1V IA Philadelphia. Ono is already settled, On April K Rudolph Christians, a dis tinguished actor as well as a distinguished stage director, brings his Irving Place Theatre Company to the American for a week of German plays. For two years he has been given tho Broadway theatri cal managers lessons In how to conduct a real theatre with a real company and real actors. The third Continental play will bo "John Gabriel Borkmann," which Emanuel Belcher nnd his company will bilng to tho I,lttlo Theatre Apill IB. Mr. Belcrcr Is ii leader of the German stage, who has taken the opportunity of tho war to estab lish In New York an organization called tho Modern Stnge. It gives special pro ductions of notable plays for a few per formances before nn audience of sub scribers only. His production of Ibsen's great tragedy should bo notable;. His daughter, lledwig Relchcr, is in tho cast. Ego Other People's By GEORGE M. COHAN Ego, especially the exaggerated kind, combined with the desite for free adver tising, Is n self-interest trait we do not like to discover in the makeup of our friends. Yet we are all moro or less smeared with It. Ho matter how such a man may protest that he prefers the background to the limelight, there'll come a time and place when this vanity streak will assertHself, and the court of last resort is the theatre. Experience and observation have taught me the truth GEO. M, COHAN. of this assertion, principally exper ience, for there Is hardly a night that I play that I do not have Borne new evi dence of it. A recent experience that came under my observation will serve to point this. It was Just before I went on for the first act In "Hello Ilroadway" that my manager came back to my dress lug room with a note which he explained had been handed him by a gentleman In Immaculate evening garb with the re quest that he deliver it at once, and this Is what I read: "Dear Mr. Cohan We are a party of bIjc In the lower right hand stage box, We nre, to a man, enthusiastic Cohan rooters and have been for years. Now, Mr. Cohan won t you do someimng lor us? We represent (mentioning one of the big advertising concerns of the country) and we want you to mention our name tonight In the play. You can do It, I am sure, without much trouble, and It will tickle the boss, who Is with us, almost pink," It Is needlesa to say that as far as I know the boss retained his usual com plexion, for I refrained from using the name of his product. Another time I received a special de livery letter from a young man who was particularly modest. This chap was go ing to be In the audience that evening, Thta Is what he would have liked to have "Dear George Cohan You don't know MODERN n.NCINQ LAWRENCE ACAIrPort.rS... CONTJNUOUS DANCE TONIGHT 40 DANCES Jungherr's Celebrated Orcli. ""isassipr 0Am,EL A BRAND NEW ONE Southern Cake Walk Carnival wpnVESnAY EVENINO NEXT. APBII. H D.'nt: cJk. wllk'alUd March, 10 P.M. BarooUl Club pnc, yrtdar &$- W" " fit "oi A mi i5i a BW.WOOD C.f ENTER BTUDIO; 112SOlMUiut. Open MU iil t l U mast, Iliea. me from Adam, so It's an even break, but I am keeping company with a peach who is crazy about actors. To make myself solid I havo been telling her that I know all tho most famous ones, yourself in cluded; that wo are boon companions. Wo will bo sitting in tho front row, aisle scats, right hand centre section, nnd I will bo wearing n big white chrysanthemum In my coat lapel. Now, Mr. Cohan, If you want to do me a big favor, recognize mo when you corns on the stage for tho first time klnda wave to me friendly like, dontcherknow, and then If you could only say 'Hello, Jimmy, how's every little thing,' or somo other pleasant cordlnl re mark every now and then while you are on tho stage. It will cinch things for me with tho skirt." About Burns and the Author of "The Dummy" By an Interesting coincidence, two de tective plays by Harvey J. O'HIgglns nnd Harriet Ford nre now In rhliadolphln "Tho Argylo Case," at the Gnrrlck, and "Tho Dummy," at tho Walnut. The following is nn en tertaining account of the method by which -William J. Burns, tho detec tive, worked with the playwrights in their collaboration. When Messrs, Klaw and Erlanger signed contracts with William .1 Burns nnd Harriet Korrt and Harvey J. O'HIgglns for tho production of a modern detcctlvo play. Miss Ford and u'HiautNs. Mr. O'HIggins had already drafted the plot of the crime in "The Argyle Case," and Mr. Burns worked with them on the solution of that crime a.s If It were a case brought Into his own office. Tho methods which ho employed In de tecting tho criminals nre thoso which have made Burns famous. The plot of tho play la not founded on any real case In his records, and no attempt has been mado to portray him on the stage, but ho has directed the work of the detectives In the play as ho would his own oper atives, hearing tho progress of tho drama as he would hear the progress of an In vestigation, and advising on it in his office among his caBes as if It were really one of them. Tho first scenes wore written nt tho time of the McNamara confession, and ho heard them at the successful conclu sion of his work In Los Angeles. Some of tho later scenes were passed upon while he was Incognito In a Philadelphia hotel, directing his investigation of the graft In Atlantic City. . In the midst of his work on his im portant cases In Detroit and Washing ton, Columbus, Chicago and New York, Mr, Burns has nccepted his lolo of con sulting playwright as a happy recreation. "We'll get together on this tonight," ho would say to the authors, "about 12:30 after the rest of the office has gone to bed." According to the authors, running out a play-case with William J. Burns la a short-cut to a sanitarium. There's nothing so busy ns Burns. Mr. O'HIgglns has something to say about the criminal class that has made the theme of so much of his writing: "They're Just human beings! Gunmen and gangsters, safe-breakers and kidnap pers, murderers and miscreants in general they're Just human beings. Crooks have senses and consciences ami feelings. They run cities and nations and politics, and plays nnd trusts and railroads nnd a lot of things. Any morning you're likely to pick up the paper and find out in the latest bunch of graft Investigations that Borne of your friends are high-class crooks. "For, potentially, there's not much dif ference between u crook nnd an honest man. A crook is a man who has been tempted beyond his breaking point. An honest man is u, man who has pot been so tempted. Our breaking points vary, for some of us can stand more tension than others but none of us is unbreak able! "The people who get Into prison are put there because society at large you and the rest believe that they have proved by breaking the law that they are different from the people outside of prison and need different treatment for the safety of the public." Theatre 17th and DH LANCE? 8THEETS Phones Locuit turn tAHi && Matinee Today Tonlfht at 8:30 Ralph Her In "MONSIEUK JOmET" THREE PERFORMANCES ONLY Frl. Eri Apr. 16 & Sat. Mat. & Evg., Apr 17. LAST PRODUCTION OF SEASON Emanuel Reicher IN "John Gabriel Borkman"' By IIENRIK IDSEN SEATS NOW BELLING NixoNB GRAND Broad St. and llontromery Av. PRHD Q NIXON-NTUtH.INOKR C.tn Mttr. NEXT WEEK MARVELOUS HAN 1'INQ CHIEN PEKIN MYSTERIES WEIRD MAOtO ACROBATIC THRILLS 'Archer & Belfonl M'Oowsn & Ootdca Can. Bennington I Aubrey & Rlche SURE CURE jrOR THB BLUKS "DQC" O'NEIL MUHn Man With Laugh Tonlca NBW I.AHQH MOTION PICTURES Baiiy 9 13 onnn Oaoi, 10 om W mk ' XL ""'zSm ,sm Hi u j. ? fJpfO fcp MP L Ezx29 130 GOt$G K. COff7V THEATRI BAEDEKER THE NEW WEEK FORREST "Hello Broadway," with George Cohan, William Collier, Louise Dresser and half of tho Dolly Twins. A big, busy and though it scorns impossible brainy "revue." This tlmo thcro Is real travesty. Tho piece has been ono of tho threo musical successes of tho New York season. Among the drnmns Katlrcd nre "It Pays to Advertise," "Tho Miracle Man," "Kick In," "Tho Hawk," "Mr. Wu," "Daddy Long Legs," "On Trial," "The Phantom nival," "Innocent," "Outcast," "My Lady's Dress," "Chin-Chin," "Pygmalion," "Watch Your Step" and "Tho Song of Songs." COSTINUIXO ADt;i.l'lll"Peg o' My Heart." with an excellent cast. Hartley Manners, popu lar and amusing comedy of the lm- petuous young Irish girl nnd what she docs to a scd.tto English family. First rate nniu"sement. BROAD "Tho Shadow," with Ethel Barrymore Tho story of n woman who recovers from long years of pa ralysis to find her husband nnd her best friend lovers. Miss Barrymoro ex ceptional; the play not. GAMIICK "Tho Argylo Case." with Kobcrt Hllllard and Albert Brunlng. A return engagement of tho familiar detectlvo melodrama. In which Mr. Hit Hard hunta down a daring gang of criminals! by tho approved methods of Mr. Burns. LYRIC "The Hawk," with William Favcrsham. Tense play of a husband nnd wife who llvo by cheating nt cards. The drama comes from the discovery of the knavery by tho wife's lover. Mr. Favcrsham, ns always, distin guished. VTALXUT "The Dummy," with Ernest True. A detectlvo comedy, In which Barney, tho slum boy, turns sleuth and Tor Benefits nt Lyric Ailrlplil Thratrrn Apply Mot Otllce or I'lione Mnlmit 0700-67-08. LyDTfl llntlnre Toilny nt ailli. Tonight nt HUB X II X J lli'KlnnliilC Mondny levelling, hcconil hiivccHNftil Work. f"- UnjM X'f i--"" GREAT NEW YORK TRIUMPH ' T(HE MM Tin Antlinr, Franola dw Crnlrt. The TTnnlator. Marie Zann Taylor. ADFXPHI 1 8th BIG WEEK ;?. Today. 2,15 JJlJjl AAA ,,,,, m,i.v kt,i. Tonight at 8:15 400 CQ-me.tr. $K50 m Kood MFTMlPni 1TAN Tuday, Wednesday Evenings, April 13 and U IUI4IIIUI UWln" a stirring and Thrilling NurrutUe by Ono VI ho Knona JAMES F. J. ARCHIBALD (J MO.VI'IIS WITH TIIU GF.HMAN WAT? TAT.K" AM) AUSTIUATV AHSIIB8 TV VIV XVijlV An Arrredlled War Corrrapundent iho Ha Keen Every War la SO lean 3000 1'fft Muting; I'lcturrit 150 Colored rhotograiih Hlldra Taken at the front by Mr. Archibald I'enonally Heats at I10! Chflnut Street I'rltea. fl.OO. He, 60c, S3c FORREST Last Wat. and Evg. The Mask & Wig Club " J?,88 NEXT WEEK- SEATS NOW SELLING BEST MUSICAL SHOW IN THB WORLD COHAN'S l E V U E "HELLO BROADWAY" Wllh GEO. M COHAN fc WILLIAM COLLIER fl1 ThU Next Week Etenlnsi, 8:15 UarriCK Matlneea Today & Wed. at 3sl5 Robert Hilliard argJJe'cVse Popular Price Wedntaday Mat Bet Sean II. CROSS KEYS THEATRE Unmalhlni Dlffrant SIERRA SUNBEAMS S OTH13R B1Q ACTS Nw Program Mon. A Tbura. pally 10c E,s"" T A 8 atS 15 "'' 10c. I5c, S0o METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Lait Prlrmance Metropolitan Opera Co., NY. Tuea Kg . April SO. at 8 Slum Farrar. Aidat PAtlMFN MM Martlmlll, Amato. wrtrvnicn Conductor. Mr Toacanlnl. 8at. 1100 ChMtnut St Mail Ordera Rtclvd DUMONPS Dl'MONT'S MINSTRELS IT It AND ARCH HTH. PAmNO Walnut Above 8th Twir pUy UASIilU THBJOCIAJ. MAHX8 TvnraAto BUHSUIAN BLRLEMUBRS irocaaero a&uus HtiilkNB 3eo?GH&ym i defeats a band of kidnappers. A "two dollar nhow" nt half the price. VA UDBVlIshV KEITH'S Calherlno Calvert In "To Savo Ono Girl," a playlet by Paul Arm strong; Long Tack Sam nnd Company, Chinese mnglclan; Josle Heather and Henry I. Marshall In song nnd comedy; Trovnto, eccentric violinist; tho Aus tralian Woodchoppcrs: Kramer and Morton, comedians; Toney and Nor man, comedy skit; Lucille nnd Cockle, presenting "Tho HumarwBird;" tho La Vara, novelty dancers and Hcarst Sellg News Weekly. XIXON'S GRAND Ham Ping Cheln nnd his Pckln Mysteries; "Doc" O'Noll, late of "Fads and Fancies"; Archer and Bclford In "A Janitor's Troubles"; McGownn nnd Gordon, co medians; Mao Aubrey and Estclie Illchle; Charles Bennington, "The Mar velous Monopedc," and laughing movies. WILLIAM PCW.V THEATRE Imperial All-Star Opera Company, with Mine, Dorce; Smith and Cook nnd Marie Brandon In "The Millionaires"; Brooks and Bowen In popular songs; "Here and There In Vaudeville," with James 'MR. KAVER SHAM'S ART IS SHHN AT its nnsT" Ilullrtln. INTEREST ING AND VI TAL. EXCEL LENT PLAY ING." Trlreraph. IN THE PARIS AND Balcony g .QQ QQ fl.,r ACADEMY OF MUSIC WEDNE8DAY. APRIL SI. ID15. at 7H5 T. M FAUQT OOUNOD ftUO 1 WITH RROCKEN SCENE O II A ND OPERA PHILAPELPHIA OPERATIC SOCIETY WASSILI LEPS, Conductor JOSEPH C. ENQEL, Staia Manager. A W. NEWMAN, Ballet Maittr Mri Ftland, MUa Segal, Mlaa Loufhney. Uciira. Jtolhermel. Ayrra. Cornman, Keen. Ticketa at Heppa'a. 1110 Chestnut St. Retcred 'Seats If.OO. tl.RO. Jl 00. Boxes I15O0, 1S50. 110 00. OLD MASTERS OF PHOTOaRAPHV" Free Exhibition of Original Photographs by Lewis Carroll, P. O. Hill. Calneron and Ktllb The Photographic Society of Philadelphia 1015 Sansom Jgt. Open Patly, 0 A.M. to 0 P.M. VIPTORIA MARKET AND NINTH VlblUUlft r PHiCEa 10Ci 20,. Continuous 11 to 11 "Quality" Vaudeville and Robert Warwick In "THE MAN WHO FOUND HIMSELF" ACADEMY -Seats at Heppa's. 1110 Chestnut pHILADELPHIAlTonighl al 8 jl 5 rnruccTi7A soiout. viw4w o p.itft p,ui, rwiii WmiERBPOON HALL. Moo.. April 13. 8.15. EVAN WILLIAMS , TENOR REClfAt l StVA at Uttf HIT Coasisut BUHC1 K AT "MEMO S8EMnrTsA?Mrcv rAFcfWfJfy t&KS. 3tUI A-AJ kA' 7 -' I i IyL I' ' ff y J i VP I Ketse nnd t3lnnche I.elshton; Lane nnd O'Donnell In "Tho Lunatic Tumblers": Little Miss Jean, a. Juvenile mimic, nnd Charles Chaplin In "In the Park." CROSS KEYS (tlrst half of week) Felix nnd Valr In "In Bearch of a Past"! Dixon Brothers and Smith, Oroh Brock nnd Company, Mason and Uoylo In "The Trndlnp 8 tamp Girl"; Nnymons and his trained birds, the Ceveno Troupe. (Second half of week) Alfred lrfitell nnd Kline Yokes In "A Dog of Fantasy"; toabcllc Miller nnd Company In "Tho Now Boarder"; Schovanl Troupe of acrobats, John V. Clark, monoloslst, and tho Manikins, dancers. STOCK AMERICAX "The Common i,nff," with tho reildent company. A drama made fiom the well-known novel of Ilobert Chambers of the nrtlst and the model lie espouses but docs not marry. BVRLESQUE CASINO The Honey Posey Girls in "The Llvo Club," with Harry Hcntley and Miss Blllle Dnvlcs. MINSTRELS VV MONT'S Dumont'n Minstrels In "Tho Jitney Bus" nnd familiar travesties, with new songs nnd ballads. ART STUDENTS ADRIFT Supposed to Bo Wnnderinfr Along Main Lino in Unusunl Garb. Three young men from the Pennsylvania School of Industrial Art are wandering somewhere along the Main Lino of the Pennsylvania Itallroad this morning dressed In flowing whlto robes, dainty nurses' caps and bearing a ghastly red giiBh around their necks after the fashion of a successful suicide. Their exact whereabouts are unknown to their friends. They are somewhere between this city nnd Downlngtown, Pa. Lust night, after having slgunl honors conferred upon them by tho Delta Phi Psl Fraternity, Into which they are being lultlnted, they wore led to WcBt Phila delphia Ptutlon nnd placed upon tho 11:52 Pittsburgh train with a ticket each for Downliigtown nml nothing else. As they wero moro or less desirous of shunning publicity they sat in the end seat In the train and left nt their destination without undue ostentation. After that the Inky dnrknees of the night swallowed them. Tho young men. Moss, Ilcllly and Drls coll, will probably arrive here some time today. It Is not expected that they will enter the city by tho front gate. In fact, they did not seem desirous of entering at nil. But they will come back, that is nearly certain, because the most essential part of their attire Is securely locked In the rooms of the Delta Phi Psl and It Is Btlll chilly these mornings. MULE KILLS FARMER Victim Is Dragged to Death by Animal. DUNCANNON, Pa., April lO.-Cdward Spense, 38 jeara old, a Wheatfleld town ship farmer, was dragged to death on his farm yestcidny. In Jump-.ng on tho back of a mule, ho fell nnd his foot caught in tin htinicss Before ho could extricate himself the mule started off nnd dragged him for a long distance. Ills clothing won torn from his body. He lived but a few minutes after tho accident. NEXT GRAND SPRING JUBILEE BILL? aK MBh'a'S 3 SOLID HOURS OF AMUSEMENT 3 $g$frI2Ei TAUL ARMSTRONG: TOESENTS THE PLAY WITH THE PUNCH CATHERINE CALVERT & CO. Offering "TO SAVE ONE GIRL" THE MOST POWERFUL POLITICAL STORY EVER WRITTEN FIRST AMERICAN TOUR OF THE CHINESE WONDERWORKERS Long Tack Sam "Company ACME OF NOVELTY AND VAKIKTV, DIRECT HIOB THE FAR CAST THE WINSO.ME ENGLISH COMEDIENNE Josie Heather WITH HENRY MARSHALL. IN NEW AND ORIGINAL BONOS THE ECCENTRIC AND HUMOROUS MUSICAL UEN1US Trovato A MASTER MUSICIAN WHO MAKES A VIOLIN TALK ' A DISPLAY OF SKILL, STRENGTH AND MARKSMANSHIP The Australian Woodchoppers JACKSON AND McLAREN. CHAMPION AXMEN OF THE WORLD Kramer & Morton Dancing La Vars 2 Plions Dally Matinees, 2 P. M.. 25c and 80c. Nights, 8 P St., 23c to 11.00. Seats Alwais a Week In Advance Bell, Filbert 3303; ICes stone. I Lacs ilBO. "WHERE THE CROWDS CO" CHESTNUT ST. Home of World's Greatest Photoplays Afts -1 :30 to 4 .30 10c, 15c, 25c EGJ. t-30 to 10 30 10c, 25c. a Few 60c SENSATIONAL SUCCESS OF THE SEASON ! ! D W GRIFFITH'S TlAVENGING CONSCIENC Twice Daily at 3 and 9 P. M. Preceded By Comedies ENTHUSIASTICALLY PRAISED UV EVnnV I'HILA NEWSPAPER SECOND TREMENDOUS WEEK 11EUINS MONDAY GLOBE SIARKET ANl JUNIPER C'outltiuous Yaudevlll ll:3o to ll;30 MLLE, DOREB Presents THB IMPERIAL OPERA CO, SIX SU'SICAI. GORMAN'S OTHERS COMING NEXT WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY EVENING, 8.30 THE REMARKABLE STARTLING. OHIO. INAL PHOTO-SPECTACLE HYPOCRITES Chorus. Enlarged Orchestra aod Orcan, TWICE DAILY 2.30 ami 8:SO SKATS TIVQ WEBKH IN ADVANCE MARKET ST ABOVE 16TH PICTURES 11 A M to 11:15 P M. WILLIAM ELLIOTT WHBN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE" THE Stanley Ad4d Attract! VANDEKBILT CUP RACE COMINq VICTOR MOORE lo "SNOBS" tJ-. J Thls.fc Next Wstk Evenings HI S 15 OrOBU saaiUwa To4a 4 Wad, at 2 11 Ethtl Barrymors soaSqw Archibald to Talk on the "War James F. J, Archibald, who will appear hero In nn uncerusored war talk. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, nt tho Metre potttan Opera House, Is one of tho very" few foreign correspondent who vtsltetl the Austrian front on the eastern side of this Brent conflict. Mr. Archibald wad with tho Austrian armies on von Ulnden burg's right, nnd saw many of the great movements which have become famous; Including the grent retreat through tho passes In the Carpathian Mountains, Mr. Archibald wns personally presented to tho Field Marshal, Ills Hoynl Highness Arch" duke Frederick, who commands tha Au trlan nrmles, by hl.i son-in-law, Prtncn Hohcnloo, the Austrian Minister at Ber lin. Among Archduko Frederick's many titles Is that of Duke of Teschen, nnd it so happened that tho headquarters of tho army at that moment were situated at Teschen, nnd Archduko Frederick re ceived Mr. Archibald In his own castle where he was Invited to attend tho mess. Mr. Archibald will ahow 3000 feet of moving pictures taken at tho front. "ROTTEN RAGS," THEME OF "IJLACK BILLY'S" SERMON Evangelist Will Preach Before Whito PcrsonB Tonight. "Ilotlcn lings" will bo tho subject of a special sermon for white persons to ba delivered tonight at Vnrlck African Methodist Episcopal Temple, 19th nnd Catharine streets, by tho Kov. Alexander Willbank.1, tho "Black Billy Sunday," who is holding a revlvnl there. A new "mystery" has developed at tho Temple among the members of tho con gregation. It might bo entitled "Tho Myptery of tho Millionaire Man of Mystery" who has disappeared. The pas tor, tho nev, S. L. Corrothers, Bays ho has gone to New York and will bo back next Monday. Members of the congregation are deeply puzzled by tho "man of mystery." Tho latter is still known nt tho church as "W. It. Austin, of Wcsserly, It. I.," but ho admits this Is not hlB right name. Another name put forth for him Is "W. E. Fink, of Norwich, N. Y." No ona can be found who will Bay this Is correct. While "Austin" or "Flnic" was In this city ho Is said to havo registered at his hotel under a different name every day In his effort to "get protection" from the "mob seeking donations." 'Wat's DomgTonight? Exhibition and social evenlnr, Phltadelrtl Chapter, American Institute or Architects, Art Club. K o'clock Ilanquet or Chll War veteran?. In commem oration of Appomattox anniversary. Darby; 8 o'clock Dinner, Central Hlah School class of 1003, Ailelphla Hotel; 8 o'clock. Dinner, Pal Omega Fraternity, Adelphta Hot'l. 7.30 o'clock Annuul play and dance, New Century Club; iVomari surtniKo rally. West Philadelphia Y. 31 C. A.; fc o'clock. Alumni Association. Franklin Institute School of Mechanic Arts, llanscom'a, 0:3O o'clock. Uical option rally, 1314 North Franklin ntreet, 8 o'clock. WEEK Toney & Norman Mile. Lucille & "Cockle" The Walnut 9th and Walnut Sts. Eves. 25c to $1.00. Tues. & Thura. Slats. 2Ge and 60c. Sat. Mat. 25c, 60c, 75c. Heat orchestra In town. Second Big Week! (The Adventures of Detective Barney) Br Ilatirr IVHIgzlnt sml Harriet Fprd An absorbing story of a typical American youth who Impersonates; a deaf mute to recover a kidnapped slrl from a gang of most polite crooks. "A cleaner, more entertaining" mora r freshtnt and more ilellsbtful vlajr of tot character has not been seen In this cttr for a long- tltae." Etenlac Bulletin, I'hlla. has adopted "THB DUifilY Heat In j; Caiwclty 80O SION Tl ES WED. FELIX & VAIRE A Slmlaiuru Must cat Corned iu Film Scns Till Its Fill SAT LATELL & VOKES la Funny Fare A DOG OF FANTASY-' 5 OTHER ACTS Pathe Daily News and Komicai Keystone Kotaedtea t 10c t JV9B)IUE ft.iTtft.il IMSAT8 j- Xtte 16- Z- Laughs iff'lilf5 Thrills 1 (SISTBliS ' is Tit .! pm .n .. r I f fI 1Tt?i.iii ii i ta MWJ ".ate, aaw -jggi iwiaw go tii 1 4 L nuu-u-.f 'CFasasBssssssssssssssssssssssBSBSBSB