- ' laiKwwwpjiiinmnMiwfM'j ' wHi jf3iitjiifw m EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATTJBDAT, 'APRII 10, 1915; ? 15 HEW? WANTED MALE ffs---i""i,rtvrENT and advertising man who USTtt Vxperienco In this 1 of work Vri'.m Md to'.r.ii .mwm! no other need lirti" A5KSn- Automobile. Exchange. 23S Ilrtfoi - ; ; KSi-t-rrr,' ,nh Insurance or real estate ex-eitA-fut bo a hard worker and able, to Jir,inee i'i""E .i.-on u new anil means "Xinfon "S advances. O 73.1. Ledger It.ion naiii":" rrrllllnff on Rhoo trndo cup tcure fe!.Ar.ro-1.rT8.ato.nriiV,n,yl. nnls. CoUlngsvvood, N. J, . srrncK SALESMEN WANTED K . i. ..i nf 7 tier cent cumulative iB&g.crCcnirM." fefrnr'non'rhurrjo Isutt. r'L'cnf,!;iton,N. j. IrtlEtrjSK"- -',.,,.,. ", 5St-r-r:..' machinists for mibmarlnn f'ANTEll'.Mii nv and e gtit Hours, per rtttirtloni ffiVhc i Lake" Torpodoboat 1" iort,mi . - SfiSrTrttn.r.eliaufreur. , single, Jim; BlHS r" ." ,..,., in l,nn,1t BwP.lT" P on" comm.s..o,V: iroir riftEi2&-BI2. : ?S5G . hand, for Qo-Thrpugh ma- peMni: - ... ,,i,, ,, EfoWK!TiLjyKm-Ji -vatee nunnnns wanted . t... factory xnorlcnco on m HU" Tne eiwriet 6rk. w furniture u hwo' K phyiVal examination nccMsary. Annli fTICTOH TALKING MACHINE COMPANY I Aprlicatlon utuco, 55 Market St., Camden, Now Jersey. ilrriTATIONS WANTED FEMALE feWPn"""- muT dares' p! kflg-f. ft,.?,' bPtrVeafs Qy75U, .jjjdgerCjnt. C....iuflui.- nt seashore, experienced braSe.7honeUcklneo,. W, "cijuK and chambermaid un.l waitress, J sls iWya " "' ,..,, ,,oiiinntt together. Ho.! ii iir, wuur, ...... . KAv 'nmoetcit Protestant woman w lanes iJSton??ew or perm. C 101, I-edKejjJijIce. Sits WORK-Oooklng, cleaning or laundry; tfiiilu: Protestant, retcrencc. L UI. Led " OIRU neat, co orea, acsirca v ;" itfiiTcBiework, Phone luring Tsu. . nJ . - nlnlAn VilchlV CflVERKrbS, rcrreiry ui n.mia..a... ... fSjoSted m bot1i 1-iiKllHli nrt Hpanfsh, inn Iturelih btt refiretRe. L, 110, LodgerOf(k. ISan HOUISUW OUK, settled woman, ur s- fciiit care ol young .lillilien iium-tkc.iih. IfioTHElVS HELl'LH or nurfe, rcllncd. enpu- ITMi.Aifln hmt ret. Pltorlo tihaioll Hill .11 It J'SikSE-Ord , mental and ncrwuis tasiii cp- I1 cliltr; lhc perm pos u .i J!U.ceni1 NURSE sanla care of an lnalld. nl.io pliln "1, " 27. U-dg-r Otllcc MJRSMii guNcrners, lliorJUKlil ipoilenttU, ptieellent reference I, lttt,LedgcrOIfli.c SIENOaR.M"Hi:K desires pos. wnerc accuracy find neatness tre neiesulea. wouiri tonmocr pM. Ml. ttlth opp. . ref. B JIM, ledger Off. IIENOORAPJIEIl Rapid, accurate, ref., mod smtt salary trial bi.iI. Ited 11 -HI, Irfii. Ccn. inu younr art students dealt o posltfons at tuihors betlnnuiK June 1, unaucr In ilctnll. JHH?, Lettr Certral IU0 tlrli with positions together In prUato k Iimlly; kIIIIde to no aa tor summer. ltu Souta 221 st. XSaeSvwPES joiing: woman desires Qickrtcsl work. 6ewrat yearu In ono osltlon ill vfisl and social secretary, excellent rifrnjimthlp. G 715, Ledger Central. i ,suuAji wouia iratel in capacity ol practical nntwj BAptritin-eu i. ui, ucqger win ce. irt(.lr. ,...,,,. ,..1 I. ...... ..- . . ItFKIfltAnt Ufimll. ivllh rhlld T Vkru nAll Htnliwd, can take full charge of sentlu'man'a jam), suburbs preferred, best clt referenco li 131. l.pdr untie i.iou.NU .WUilAN, highly educated. 7 icars' liiildente In Pari K-Iiools, t!ealre3 pAaltlon to f'uta, "each or as visiting KOMirnius. O Ttl, Lodger Cemral. Ieittjations wanted male IGENTI.rUA V .lu.ir . ... .i-.. JS V.r.ian- "lvalld gentleman, looking after f.VuJ1.?" nm'ter or onj thing required. C1U, Ledger untie 'lCCOUNTi vt ..... .,.. . . . U corporation, manufacturing ana hoiel (?7 'W creUU ana lttl-a niiinagur. Is open L5rffilU-?t wrt .r.ru11 t,me' or 111 ''ko Sd Ota " obJec"" to 'ravel. C .11, L425.T-ST-AuUlte"" s open for engage 5"f!i books checked, reiVsed and state-f-w frsPared n ibt. Ledgor Central. 9tf thi huIn.;. "."!.V..f,""u., ". "., urancnea illrn li mki.'-.'U""-''c." ".u..""P'yi'. a?: gHkMItycenrral " " "ut " "M' ta?F.0.';lldeL.Prl'n.nt."eir. iniPi.bulMingonstiuctiuii W7 N 10th. B5tiu-POra maVrTedrih-nTcal H .iiiunr iirrf.u -j ,,.-"-' -r : - 7ir..rmr: ;ra inacnino ah n.u --j r:T- " ""' taLiuBt mh'K v ,s,.,,ncr'-5r.-y? JSmTB-TrS.r " - -i.!.""': .11. tray; .d'ii'r "ff,""'. " "'v . ??"' '-" 0 Mi. Lsdior central "" " ""r l"uilnJ.tE5'm,dlt' ofnco.ironoior. ovvnsd IWti ?lluaif?.m.Ular wl,t.ht?11 details ould IKJ mm JSl1, a Ub'a concern: Inter U will convince, o 710. Lodrar ?.n irnl. Ik tawoa-BrtAVi acS0"n'ant, statistician: hSv;.0. Beh001 Itraduate U. of P.: 8 yrs ' Satou talk bu.lgeTU-r.i-V, ?.fA IMe7, 3 wiih,.r2f.t.,a:countanlt ffl mana- 'la eouli'trV?'nfil,..ac,lve wouli "ko t0 BttcTjiiv.nnif'nlPrlfa,e.0.r ,arm- Sd "f- taiMHVcl.'3?rokr"B';,rgfirlg07 A"" IwiaKj":!,,"; "tnouc. wlshea position In IK'sTttcV Juv.mu 1fl",,e ?"a,i or farm: llieh .. n..uy?n"s Workers' Bureau. 1IM17 &MfrTEitn- v ' "'g87orSDrucoeH7. I AnVioiJ ml?, raa"'d man wl.hes ro IK aV,l2S?i.l5S.cn,'lei can handle any make in dt' TiitiktV ? vnn I'anu feSVf 58,rn'. " itt!r!rcu' colored, wishes noi fPM.f tiiui ana ramfnl ririv.. ' ki.ki.. ffitoiob.? ?iTO J?"11- be, reference j -". juuiiic PTBtirnmiri anonlra aisL-'l"greyve , ntn . Phlla ittai. ..; l!nf colored man wishes posl" rtllnir iAtn..4' !-.' i "i L " t4wiraaufKHfSaJl"lL0"-references. nffeiuTMiB i, I . -----.., u.tn uernuniniun nvfl suCk.'f'rUiti.an expert wishes pos.; Bm7iiSJLDo"las. 10M 'a. t-railef. it. CnSTifSITTS" " ! Ledger Cent. i .. HiiuLcr ui Hiiuiraain atir.r. .;?;,. ""'"' mj. ? "kTJjii' '.."" 1 ' . poa L.SC bttt-1 ',,"""" rer. a ad. Cent. l"'lea! c??'16, wlillna- worker, withe f.tiSr Jut1r.;iK,t,h.,l!hr Private famllv itu. nil NUnlle Worker.' Human mm j'none ji.ee 8W or Bpruca 6147. t?!..9' Janitor of in i.iim..i . K'SFKaKis. KHtef "" KNEH .i,r-.."!-iii: ff'piai Dlaf1.' Kf.er '.'J':.!?- ''il. ijn! 'JM Filbert. dtiir.a S.p'.Qr alvlne up country tl I i'r.MSf wsltron for hla gar, SsrSJl" rtllable man O lis. Id. Of. fl'k,ni. 0i0u.g ,;6"abl- lower. L.r i-ni. KiVax'srate. C m ar' ref i :r Offlci Ledg liar "tff.'A; "cly sober, w she trtene. i?.hou!,j. vegetable; life-p-igce ,t rt( i, soft. ,,jr off. "fiSJ-'M,"1.". SOi' ?y or fcfluS.1. " 'Jg!-.faer tcntrai. tiil,n2r romp, .desire situation ori- r'w uiii rar r. I9fl Aj.. nm.. I Wish DOaltlan nn rfr. bfim LfiK&v,nii JS;1, .lth S2' woman LK4?Si,i?,.,d' houssman. cook, lsun j "' - athailM tt Pick 4047 W ns .,:!."? , desire work of any SK"? h .,ol 1 ug. rXi, QHlci t " " ' ""l??-..? feU?W Vrr.0n,i.emarn' P.,rma3 single. 27. :5rrr5i37U.''- SJ Ledger Central EKTj?iTB!ir6?ULIiJL5fr Central. feS rtluV'.w-i'e- mar'ill ejpert mechanfel TffiTtTiniTrr : now ""F 'd. O Ml. Led. Cent. IjiiS Mf HCS,T0r?d an! rosltlon "April frfaf r " tlT ' dger Branch. 1M Mkt. 1S?M mI? uiiS; 19 ar.' P"I" real l3i. O ia,I'',.on hoossl, general office tore-v-' en,rs'j KrASSPJ a,n oWca-SScutlvTTdi: - ivcf mo uirmiacuriag i - " n sUjieoaiice ew ' J ima twtii i ra aj l ' 'it' exji tchoi-t ' 8rai ii SITUATIONS WANTED MALE "".hwiJilS ,?,(.lm.nni. lonsrp7rl7r7ce" JSrSVU& fig 'nd. rrni.ni SALESMAN SSe'-a"' - "rtiXTrtif C?!!?;,8,. anj; rii . . 8AUMAN oiiM I'll-"!- """'ul aelllns; enperlence. one nnlnnV" r.frft9Mnl mannfftettirer loeallv nTDh..?!1 v,'' oPrortnnitka. ne as nigheatjTiicrrncei (t tft7.jJedB(rCentrrtl J tfiSJiM.f. ,,i12mn,113' 'raveleii tMitern States, temwratn TnrT1.' ,. n,9',1lny, strictly -temperate. 5 Sfh'.Jrtger. Central SttS.MA.N,,'ll?'! 8 "Perlenreil rtml cipiT.le, ilfhi" ...S?,nncct V""1. " responsible llrm, s Ion li jn"?Bjor lo.ca,f M,nt nf eomml,- !on " . Ledjrer Central. yW-.' t'nacr, enerROtle, sober oung bo?.rnJ",'oslUn3J0.,"''ry "r '"hr lino; t)estreferences. C30LJ.dgrrolflcc. BiMhSit'iiN .J-'ormer manufacturer, familiar with various Ilnrs, O ll.VI, Lndcjcr Centrtl. SA,Ii:S.V)N or eclor. ,-, jears' cxperlencol Mtrefcieiiecn. uged a)ri 810, LeilCent. BHtPl'tlt or osslstnnl, reliable man; experN enced In textile mill or cloth houe, bett of rctcronce. o ).Vj,Lertger Central. ST25f.OGn V.,Ir'It. A N IKiOKKr.r.l'KH wants position, Intelligent, 'iiikk, nceurtte, moderate, salary: 8 jenrs' rofeieneo present eniploycr t. MS, LedgerCenlral ETUNOOKAPIIUrt, correspondent, office work, !L'r,a; ejperlence; reft Q 71. IxhI. Cent STKVOOnAPIinil. 1, graduate high n lirnil. t mo ' exper ; aim clerk M li'l, Led Cent. TPLNO MN, Sfl, 4 years' gencril office and selllnff exnerlenrO, oppoitunlty with reliable concern Inore nn object tlnn salary to aturt o 431. ledger Central. YOUNO married man, Willi executive nblllty, with a firm that wants to ane momy in handling material for manttfneturlnct, will aoccut other neponslhlo position, best of reterence. O 85H. Ledger Central. OL'NO A, 22, 0rs' experleni-e bnokkeep Ing, cost necountlnc-. offlro iletallB, now em plnn!, feel's ttrrater opportunity In or out side work 1 731, Ledger Central YOLNCl MAN. 2S, .1 years' experience, archl toctunl. mechanical dnwlnc rlerlral. srll Intf will mako good, o 0'.'Ledgrr CenlraL YOUN'O MN, speaks Clermnn. Kngllsh, Reeks work fls shipper or Inside work studied at night. (1 nio. Ledcer Central. YOt'NO MAN. 10. I jenrn' exper. In trntfl let't steamship business nerur. clerk, oper. typewriter, needs work II IS, Ledger Cent VHJNil MAN, L'l im master or clerk, wllh knowleilgo of bookkeeping 5 vears' exp'rl enre O 4M. J-dgerCentral. Y'OUNO mnn, 27. college educTtlon, saltB exp , JUtos. accenforks ramble of handling other line; nmMtloua. reable, o IV." Ij:i). rent OUNrj married man wants nine n KTnlener; bret of references Address Onrdener. Box !!?L9i'rbrok, Pa. YOL'NO MAN. 2.1 good appearance iml pen man, wishes clerkship, ref. C 10, Ledger Off. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES KKYSPO.Vi: Kmplnjmcnt Bureau or Teaching Italian Lohnr Office lua lOOrt good rallrmd men who under stand track work; ready to work at once 72D S. Sth st Phone Walnut 2P1 ATJTO LIVERY AND GAHAGE8 to nmn i',-ej Under I'm kard Packard Llmouilno and louring eirs By hour, day. week or mnnth PACKATtl) S-KllVICK ( OMPANY 1411-11 Loiut ft Phonea Sprnco .1140. flat o 243. B'LDING MATERIALS HEPAIH.5 TUO stor, Imwn etnne fnmt. complete house. In bo tnrn down Monda with all roms.; hath, heater, etc injild he tnnxoil to another location: $lf0. Penti llnupe Wrerklns Co, Tll-17 frt. .tomea st bel Mil iind Walnut. BUSINESS NOTICES flf"; A I?"? Direct from factory, on t L,llmiVO ..nco.VOMlST" Londrcs; 52 trial. for rfldelleie(L rrechlo, 5".1AIICI fJo HKPAIHS votlrwatih 01 ilock. no muttet nlmt It needs 1 year Kinrantee Arnn'n. 1117 XT nirnrd nw BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMOBILE OPPOIITUNITY Oldest estnbllshcil garngo In Atlantic Citv. aitjaled at Intersection of Slato t roada leading to Philadelphia, Atlan tic Clt, Cape Ma and other reaorts: fully enulpred machine shop and sto'k or accessories, mint for iho right parly, nu lgents. P. o Box 1(17. Maj'a Landing, N. J ron hale on ExriiANnn rirat- iass uxniANorj npar'meni noie, niniriiiituiE,, .mil iircn rooms nnd prlnto Inth modern pltimMnc heat nnd hot water good condition, .noraje rentul 21 per month. 10 minutes to city Hall. Tor lurther particulars call or write SAMUEL 3. HERMAN. 131S Stephen r.lrar.l BnllJlnir. x,V),onO THIS AMOUNTjof money Is needed at this time byti'Tilgh-class huulnem enterprlie, long established and free of debt. P 7IS, Ledger Central A POSITION that will ru fMXio to Mono yearly Is open to business man of ability, good character nnd clean record who will In eat $10,001) In profitable manufacturing busl n'.fs L 13". Ledger Cential FOR. BALE OU KENT, ClIEAP-factory, 21, 000 square feet floor spaco, lormerly usid aa dyo house and hosler mill, sulinhlo for piece Boods der nnd flnlther. to boilers and two cnglncii M S.I1. Ledger Office. PAIPO ileslrel who will share expenre neres sarj In cloning sale of pro;i.'rtN wlilrh rotuma uttractlco prolll. iieKotlHtlnns well advanced. C inn, i.eosei uinco, BI'.E "nur llrst ' niegaptinne. fuccb time, trou ble to householders, lor sale mull order proposition, lliinlcn. Heel Hldg Kit stone, Itare 221)3, 132 1 Arch st . Jlell, Locust 77'l A WANTED, joung man with $'.0ii to Inicat In good-paying business, must hae beit references, small salary to start. Address L S1 Ledger Central , , INVENTIONS, necessities, comforts Moll or der proposition for eale Hanlon, Heed nulldlng Ke stone, Itaco 2293, 152' Arch, Jell,ocuatl77dA; . III') MONEY operating our new ball gum ma chines, secure local agency In ,our city. VeHet Mint Company, llth and Norrls. CIOAIt, candy and school supnllea Polng goo" business, must sell, going to cnuntr . near 20th nrd Dli klnsnn. IRI1!, Irfdger Central EXPERIENCED mech engineer will devote spare tlrre to developing A designing : special machinery; charEca reaa. O 343, Led. Cent. p'URNISHEn HOUSE filled with poml piylng tenants cheap for cash 32 N, llth CARPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA MONARCH BTORAOH CO. 3e PER YARD. 8S70-72 UVNCASTEE AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OST1UCII EEATHEIIS, AJTO EANCIEa PAbHIONABLE dressmaking, prices reason, ablo, fit guaranteed remodeling SI.V1 Chest nut, Apartment A. Belmont I18S Y. Timv'NS for alt occasions, lemoilellng, moder. ate price IMP Walnut Locust UT7 ilEMSTITCIUNO done while you wait. A. Jlelchard, imjOJutUiutPlcnorJal Review pat. BnTpaTKro-wuglit i Jort. rmc. courjj MQlMweii, om yjgiit.wi4 fm. ",,; FOR SALE IlILLIATtD. pool, combination, 2d hand bought, .old? rented, jai'd Keaf er320 pirard ave. CASH llKaiSTEBS, new and second-hand, M and upward, new Improved total adder. i(i: Sew total odder with sale, printer fi-V full llnea ol second-hand registers at reasonable prices, new and eeconu-liaud registers fully guaranteed, we guarantee to furnUli a better h register for less ron'I."ncn?n0J.'Ir concern In the world. THE NATIONAL CABH ! IlKOIBTER COMJ'ANYJWChMtnut INSTRUCTION BAOTIME PIANO plalng taught In an le Ans. Write for booklet. Chrlttensen Schools, 38211 Qermantown ae.. 13SO Tasker at. STORAGE BILVEnWABE AND VALUABLES DURINO AUflblfVU i'wM "in In addition to stated rte for trunk. bo. eta,, the cacapanir can furnish irapl pato at eubls ffet rate In I Vasiment HrepVsof vault of coneret aftd iteet. Term ost modeMt. eelva eareful atteotlan. Arucie oauen tof. MERCHANTS UNION TRUST CO. i Wf -TlTrTW Ctatnul L AIX IORM8 Or VflVftt ca BC8INJJ3S 8&miSim vHNe?tFKwf iii-ii-'ijsii; v ...... .... ,ri. 1 TL ljittzzur 4 ROOMS FOR RENT BAKING ST, S2I8 (Iho CHIItonl-Two firs lloor rooms, suit dentist, doctor or apart tiienja. Mrs. Hello .McClaln, manager. HARINO, 4021-iM.sly. front, nicely turn ; 2 l)thsnear L, gentn orjii.jonenirnone. BROAD, N, POl-2 rooms and bath. turn, or unfurn ; steam heat, electric lights; sovi'n ern exposure, large yard, excellent tuning room. meals optional Photo at Led. tcnt. BROAD, N, 221.1 Will rent large, well-furn front room, running water, all conveniences! cry rensonable; small private family. . BltOAP, N , IKil-Heautlfiilly fnrnlalicd toomsj Jirlale fam. of a, gentlemen only; phone. BROWN, 1.111 Nice nulet home for gentle- man, cos 2-room sulle ndjnlnlni; Inilli, nwn- ersfnni, no boarder". Pliotn I rdgcr C cnt. CHESTER, 4l'0-rry pleaimnt rooms, Re11,'?. jm tiir bus. people. Jbonrd opL IM:c.l''i ; CHESTEH AVE, RlSI-neflned family has well furn., 2d-story (ront; board opt.; phone. CHESTNUT BT, loin Large ad-story front room, furn. or unrud ; first-class In every re- spect:electrlcltylnrliuled,phone; ref. ren. CIlESPNOT ANt 4.lv-Trge, airy. iJ.story front, 2 batbB, cor, ref. family. Pre Wot W. I.OCIIHT ""AND 17Ttt-PltlVATE PAMILY DHS1HEH HE.VTINd IOHTION Ol LAtllllJ DVVELLINO. SINOLE Oil EN bUITE. FUItN OU UNPPIIN. PH. LOCliST 2787 D. LOCUST, 4I0D Large second-story room with hay window, ndjolnlng bath, also pleasant third-story room Baring 1320 W. MT. VEI1N(N. isis-corner apt , 2 roomsT bain, kltohcnetle, JJl front rm run'K naler. POWELTON AVE , .1S0S .FfonT'slttlng room In reilned home, also tlnglo ro"ms, hoard op. POWELTON. loin - Peplraliie light 2d-storv loom, near bath, Prot gentlemen, near "L." BPlilNO OARDEN. 1T1.1 noolnr single, en sultejtnnltg waer, furn or unfiir ; phone. SPRUCP. lOO1) Ijirgo Bd-nnnr bmk7 furnlshein otheraciiiiclcB Phone Walnut 7.HS. SPnTli-ir-.oSS-lieBlrallo'furnls'hed biiIIb, wltii prhato hatli open fire, phone, owner. TlflNlTY I'LACE, ,VCI-rur room, gentle'nl prlv, famll) , nrChester ace Wood. 2202 D WALNUT, f.OO.I Newly fnrnl'heil rooms I re fined gentlemen pref. ; good neighborhood rioritiri2JW.PhotoaiLedger Central. WALNUT, moo-Two" nh els furnlfThed. com numlcatlng front r mms and both, boird np'l. WALNUT, r.oon HiTndsomely furn. "rooms; .J!!tc' .neigh , gentlemen Helmoni 3110.1 X WALNUT, 8., ni.in-Wcll-furnlslicil 2d s'torv - front room, bomd opt lonnl 12TH p , ill-Prlsntc famllv" Ins rnmfnrlald) front room for 1 or 2 grnllemrtu dec light''. 1STII, ., 2M-Newlc furnished, next tn Inlh; elu trie, rrasonshl.. Phone Walnut 711. l.vrtl ST. S. 210-lJirge Ild-story front room. soutlrn nnd ciniern exposure electric or gas lights, near bath, also single moms l.VTll. t? , 111 OT'KNISllEH PROMT Rnnt; nb.st B.Tiipiin.'i:H.4ins'A!. orptci: H'lll. "x . 22:1- locrge. well furn 2d-story room. rclln,l prlcnte fnin j Dlimnml 2."l W. 17TH 8T..V, ni.in Purnlshed room In prlcnto family gentlemen Phom nt Ledger Centrnl. TtJTll, S, 12S Newlv riirnrnw, rellne.1 gen tlernen, eleetrliltj, near L. Baring 313 W. fj2D, N., 227- Private fntnllv has Hrgo 2d Hlory front room, also alngln room, phone PRIVATE fa.nlly. well furn rm , reilned lo cation, filth. Cheater, gentlemen pref. Wood 22C0 Hiiliibnn WNVEriELD-2.1 lloor furnished front room, o hr rooms. I'hone Ovorbrook 3!ki W BOARDING tBROAD. S 1W2 DESIRABLE VACANCIES; TABLE BOARD. DICKIN.iON 2ISSJ.V. BROWN. S')2li Bright, sunny room, 2 gentle" minor couple, gond table Baring 1117 D. CHE&1ER, i-.-Prlv.tlo fain has pleasint 2d- torv-m, refined gentlemen.ref Wood .13211, CIIESrNI'T,"4i:o-Verj pleas furn. innms In ref., conv. location, 21-siory from. hack, also slnglr room table hn-ird, phone OIRAUD AVE , 1712 Rooms, single or com., for refined gentlemen or couple, phono HAZEL ,i:, 3122-Vn nnclea In a refined home for thoe ileslr home comtorts, phone LEHIOH, W. im.t-in ncautlftil rooms, with board, all conv , phone new management ItACE, ."HPt Trained nurse haa plrn home for r.f. people Ocsirlng good on ntn . speKI caro o' Invalids or el leilv per-ons. Prraton .1.103 D SPRUCE. l02S-10-Di'slrnble aulte with prlvito bath, iholce table boird. Walnut 7235 W. SPRUCE, 1221 20 iltrlRmondei Curn rooms, alnglo. en sulle, prlvnle baths, ta-Ho Itnard. SPRUCE. 1210 - SUITE WITH PRIVATE BATH, OTHER ATTRACTIVE ROOMS SPRUCE, 1020 Cheirful slngl.i nnd double rooms, private Inth. excellent tilde, phono WALLACE, 1121-W1I rur single and double rooms exrpptloml table. I'nplar .1ti2.' A WALNUT. Hill Large, cheerful front, attrac tive, comfortable furn . also single room tlno tablo, price right, pilv fam B-r'K 72iVl WALNUT. irTo'i Warm, pleasant rm . beantl f'i neighborhood, boird Predion 0121 . WALNUT. 4101 Nentlv film front loom, sojtthern expos good table hoard. Pica 3X30 WALVtrr, lirfi Pleis ""furn slngl.' or double rooms for gentlemen, good table Pros H22D 11TII. N . 2020 Ilondomelv furnished rooms, slnrle or en eulte, phone, good ear servlco 10TH, N, 123 Lirge front rooms, with hoard, nlao other vieaneles phone. .IKTIir F , tos-Prlvate family has handsomely furn room, corner, excellent table, phone 4oril. N. 700-l'rlvrite family will board re- fined gentlemen; convenient to city. Bar SIS Suburban GE'RMANTOVt N Hi"" Wajne ave., near Wavne .liinctlon, plensant home In private fairlly for gentlemen or business woman who appreciate refined, cultured surroundings, iTERMANTnWN, 213 VA. Itltlenhouae St., be," tween Wnvne annd Oreene Desirable rooms. vvl'h bnnul honiPllke, phone Otii 1371 X. OAK LANE. 701 Comfortable rooms: near atatlnn. good homo table Phone flM W. WALNUT" luXN'E, W, 41 Rooms, single or en Btilte, with board, refined surroundings. Ph. otn. mnn Y. PboioBjii 1 edger Centril. , Nl'iWE HAViNO CnTTAHE "IN BIIRIC- HIIIRES WILL TAKE INVALID POR H!J. JIER. REFERENCI- EXH PItES 51.10. APARTMENTS BROAD, N'rwi-'-' rooms arid bath, furn. or unfurn.: electric lights, hardwood tloors, wln- j ...., un inlcntn nnrrh. HOiithrn rxno- sure, largo a'rd. Photos at Ledger Central COLUMBIA AVE.. I020--cr dctilrable 3.ronn unfur housekeeping Hat, entirely mod.: all coins , beautifully decorated, domes, hard wood tloors. gas logs, bookcarea with mirrors, hot-water heat, unlimited hot water. Janitor service. large kitchen, large closets largo porch: very monernte rent. OrenAlio Bumhy HI'IU.NO HARDEN. nodV2il.7loor sulto: 2 rms: prlvitbath. housekeeplnB. central: reasonable. SIMtTNtTOATlDBN, HUO-Excellent opts In X different houses sojmo fur'd kitchenettes, HPRUCEnO Two or .1 rooms, with iilwito bath. furn. or unfurn ; el(tilo lights, h.ird wood rtoors. nil modern Improvements WALLACE 1M1 Unfurnished tints . 2 roomi vvltii prlwvtehath 2d lloor. Poplar 1110 WALNUT. 1420-311 to 4 rooms with rath, 'furn or unfurn , excellent servlie. rnnio housekeeping, also professional oflUe nnd business rms locust Jt.1118. Inquire of Jinltor. WAI NUT 1122-21 1 Kenwoodl Desirable vacs . single or en sulle, prlv. baths will furnish to tult tcnont mnderai9rent alnut Hisi. Aj7.RTMENT to' sutlet. four rooms nnd bath, faces Clark Park: Ideal for two rert.ms, at tractive outlook; houso well kept and heatml; lis 101 n. Monterey. 43d and Chester ave. Hi ring 2021 L. West Phlladeliihla "CHILTON APARTMENTS 3218 Baring si Two flrst-rlas room, with private bath; suit able dentllt or doctor or apartments. Mrs, Belle tcCUIrwiigjBellphono Preston (I3B7. TO SUBLET 2d-story apt 7 .1 rooms, path, porch, unfurnished or comfortably furn., for nouseleeejljigljght, alrj jTeston .-"IIW 5T8T. 8.. 15122 to 3 bright rooms furnished, convenience mod., references icasonable lainsdoiviif. Pu. TPAIITMBNTS-Mndern In uverv vvayrreflnel AlolVtlon. "ear .tatlon. rent 23 to jn per month John Nacev, 03 N. Highland ave . LaiijdcmnePa. Photo otnpjat UJ. Cent. ' APARTMENT HOTELS Ardmore APV.RTMBNTS-3 room. 2rt. 0 rooms 113. one completely furnished apartment 0, alto store. Dr PLEMINtL28 E. Ijincaster ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS "iT-vkTiC UKAn Locust, 1211-15. Kurnlthed LIUiN O rtCAUapig . 'ingle or en suite, Weil Philadelphia. no SU11L13T A fully urnlhed liousekeeplng owrtnient, i room and bath Por further Information apply to Janitor. The Nctlier- Umje. 41'" and THE P1NEHUR3T $ ft 6 room and bath Well furnished HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT3 ' S. E. 1STH AND T1O0A pctlMblr located, modern 6-room bouksp Ing apartment, ateain heat. Janitor, ron vcnluut lo train and trolleys. " 8AMUWL T. FOX & CO. 8. B. COM OTH Afy'D C ALljO WII ILt. iSiAMONn' AND 321), 8. B COR Third floor. 4 room and bath, ateam heat, modern jn every detail. -d corner property. PIAMOND, 21123 rooroa, bath kltclwo. Jiot" watW beat; ref ii rkr JM 4 rru . batrj kitchen, all car rooms, 3i Diamond 1S13 v COTXUBIA AVE . IvaftTrooni aparlment, SJjijit forvjekepja4kufurn Uoiui 5Jt KEN ST 1W7 Clean sunn" ittracilvit ientra.1, S rm uufur., bakrg tat. eUaaJii ha.t all convf,, ej cjjftj rest . ovsaer oxramv ..?,.. . .i-?'" VT" na P4C4I Sli "lusiy in""w w m iw.. 1 Tlh,H IKS JJK LASi'BV apIsj Bl 4 13 c icuaa l tuxq z lit1 is amniit lu..iUw, apl? uuuat. SaB W ii" 1J HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS tTiT HUTLANI) APTS JtJST COMPLETED IXXJUSr BT B4TH TO 55TII BT3. . Six And 7-room apartments, with all the latest conveniences, I0 to 143 per month. . .. ROBERT A. PITTS, AOBNT , , Hell ph. no, Belmont 4111 Mtl Ixicttst at. West riiltndelplitn L EN O X' CHESTER AVENUE AKtl RlTtt STREET Purnlshed nhd unfurnished housekeeping npnitmrnls, large vnrds. See Janitor or phnne Woodland 2010 I) flennnnlovvn, rtiHIMANTOWX-tTnfurn apt. of I rm . bath flnd private porch, 2d lloor. Ph. Uln l v Artlmore APAHTMENT8-.1 rooms, :o, fl rooms. Ml one compleli ly furnished apartment, Jt' n sn Blore.DrPLrMl.NU, 28 E.Jneaster ave REAL ESTATE FORSALE env COItLfES. 24.11. North l 2Id. 1W4 North WO EDNA E KIUK. M20 N. Camac St. 5J. I COR. 10th n"nd Oxford ats , 12 rooms. cotivs, established phjBli t,m ntl.ee, reason- ab!o price Win S lardloj, 13.U Qlrard ave 000 COI.UMIIIA" ave . .'! stories 8 rms , pavltur lnvcetmtut Win S Yardlej. 13JI Ulrard ave. Stores nml Duellings m. ,rt erciin c ... nnli rnnnvated. II roon.s., nil cottvs lll sell telow value to closo entate w m S.Yortlley,lllmrnrii a.c flerninntnvvn. V.OtlNTAIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTIES Pelliam Trust Co., (1710 tlermanlown ave IVesllnun, Pa, 1'IVB acres, I420O: Itj miles elation. Ileilil, 24 V. Market at., VestClieste MHIUIIHAN Ellclns Park, Pn. El.KlNS PAltK-llfnutlful building tracts imlv soven minutes' walk to I Iklns lark Ktntlnn of the Leading or Rapid Iransl' trnilev low rare into city w nmn iy.,..-. 7J lleaillng Termlrnl tra ns, dallv An I eal , ..11.. ,.. .. i.ini. in 11, a Hnrlnofletil Water Price of lotn. JEM and higher. Rhoadea .4 J'aill, 113 H 3tll M. NEW .IKHSEY Bl'NOALOWS, lots 23x130. near trolley, over looking Delsware, Natlonil Park Greater New Jersey Company, 31 SUllh. llnildnnflolil.J.I. HAVE SEVERAL PINE PROPEIfl I EH at bargain price a WM CAIlEV MARSHALL, Ml Federal st Camden. Woodbury HelgJitSjN. J. fcEVEHAI. de-ltnble hoinea nnd Improved bids ,ntw nt rrnsonijilojirlee. John Mavhew. SEA'-HOJIi: SEASIP'RE COTTAOE. 0 rooms nnd bath, ce ment lellar. nirv porches, Ji.oon eaah bit nme eisv pivmetits, ownor: sacrince L, t3i Ix-ilger Central . Atlantic City, N.L Chelsea Corner Cottatre and Vcntnor Ocean Front Villa Unusual bargain: several nltraetlve cottages at templing prices, ranging 5 IOO11 up H. G. HARRIS & CO. GUARANTEE TRUST BU1LDINO Cnpe May. N. J. COTTAOPS. hotels, tipls for site and rent; sumo bargains In building lota C. Earte Miller, 211 o em st , Cnpe Ma, N. J PENNHVIVANIA I'AIt.MS 311 ACHES In Upper Hanover Township, with n line stone hnime, stone bam for is head, gnnl outbuildings spring, stream, pumps. over 100 fruit trees 01 nn kiiuis,, n-vwi, rnmo-. stock. er.'P' and Implements Included In price -" "" II II MrCOLLUM, , 1111 Walnut st. Philadelphia 'Don t Porgjet the Number fif ACRES vliirii 10 muni stnnoliouse. ham for I we lil.owB plentv of fruit and water On tnundam rond near train Price, ...u). pan mnv remain 5l,mr,l;5,!?f- 1311 Walnut st. Philadelphia. Don't Forget the Number 30" VCPES.inolern home. 1 lose to station and irnllev . imlv rj)0 J 11. THOMPSON. West t hnpter. Pa REAL ESTATESALE ORJIENT OW'N'YOUR UOME-Thls can be lone by miking uonlhl rnments of froni $1 . 10 Mu lor houses worth from xisoti to JOJIO i0r nui.r. ( s mjuii, 717 Chestnut st, Seaslmre LOW coHT-HlKli-arado 1 ","f",,ow,,-1 ments, furnished or unfurnlsfied, lilt st Lnrklet on requisl South Jersey Realty apnrl ilrnteil Ity Co , 1U3 Ileal EstaJoTrustIiuiitiing Cape Mil), N. ,1. TTRACTIVE Dutch Colonial cottage and enrage. In best section Cape May large lot; Klrv rooms and porches, iinnbatntcted view of mean. Inthhouses Pholo at Ledger Central, M 00.1. Ledser Ofllre HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PROPERTY Main Line 1 It R., 31 acres, two houses nnd burn, near latlon. Chelsea, Ventnnr or illy properties considered, dear or subject to moftgage, equity J10.000 H 131. Ledger Centrnl. Atlnnlle City. V .1. HOTELS, cottages apartments, etc. to ex. cliingo for Philadelphia Property- ' "'" Pell, IS S I'ennn live Atlantic t Itj. N J. IlEAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENTAL LISTS Mi-Hi NORTH BROAD, store nnd upper floors. 707-7"'l Ar'h st. store nnd basement. T" Chestnut " store nnd bneenent. !i2ti Chestnut st., sloro nnd basement 4TJ Walnut st , ground-floor offices 211 N. Iielavvnro ave., store. MO Market st . entlro building. l"-l4-in Lelllli St., S-storj wnrehouie. VpjjVflj;-Olt0E 111 LEA, 700 Sansom st l'lielnrlesjynreliouses. Mfg. Ploors "OTO FO TEET IN WELL-l.IOHTED V MODERN FACTORY. . .. V U CORNER 2l'l A.Nll Alll-ll Davllifht building Strum and electric 1 niwer. automatic sprinkler mo pic-vu.ur 1 unrnnce it I-. aiding. . suraiice 1. ,.U,lN SON CO.. On Promisee. .inv In- OPllCEM, JUIMNEhSJlO-niHETO. ONE-HALF OF OFFICE for rent, with tele, "phone service lillD Conimonwealtli Building. I'lofessloiial Oftler ,s pu "st . H. 237 Phsslclan' office, large "furnished rweptlnn rooiu. runnlnir water. Stores Jind Duellings 8.11 CHESTNUT ST -Store and I ba.eni.nt. In. quire on rrenil.it. F W. BAlHiLLR. IT PHIUVHELPIHA - DON'T M.SI1 TIHPPORTUNITY to good tenant, tlreepway ave.. 2100 S . porch front. 1 square fiom Woodland ave and "e boulevard R room,; modern. The II. Smith, 1EW Point Breee ave. Phone Dickinson 31. Oak I ane TWO-STORY "HOUSE. 0 rooms: all convs. 0gebTg?onund,,o,nearnOakn.ne Station. Media, I'a, von RENT, near Medls, on trolley direct to itatlon, Jtoiie dwelling. , rooms, modern Plumb hg and heatli.e. small stable, chicken Hn-ise f acre ground fruit and old had tree Walter femedley. Wl Stephen Olrard Building, oriledia. , Narliertli , uT.AND-NEW det house. 20 per mo upward. lwrU.Hi-altateiopp.tallojiJJarb SEASHORE Atlanllo City. N J. Cattajres. Hotels, Boarding Houses, Villas, Apartments Any season, all loeatlons, Atlanllo City. Chelsea, VentBorj automoWl service. H, 6. HARRIS & CO, BARTLETT HUILplNO Cape Blay. N. J. FURNISHED COTTAGES, ocean vlew all locallc, reasonibl. C. Earl Ullltr, 218 Quean t Ca jltj. HLMMEK HtJl'SEJi, Stone Harbor. N. J. WELL-BUILT double-front buoaalow on Car nival Bay, is ruanu btb. baauaeat, ar, etc. new 3 block from ocean Aptly 7011 Ckfu tu Ml Alri MORTGAGES 1000 Vtitt )i AM' JO MOHTOAOBS 3Jt ttl H HFaTNl'T diM AsM L,U.m Jl-l SMUJM 1 SCRAPPLE 1 Ilcward Claimed THE PADDED CELL fKS-Sflll r ( UP THE. UGHT? ) VJHRE.i MY , ) "I'n, you 8.HU jotl'ii mvo u in uno HJtaaitSKjWrv Ssswt Mflcflai I (10 who toltl Aunty to t-o somewhere .SaHaEsflaKfBlvi'K xlBBiSCaHk I else nnd not visit us nnv moro jBBsKsO'V!!'' vVIWVKeaaBP&fn I tn.v uov, 1 did 1 JBmVIUSI I 7 9vur2VHaHw I it to mc 1 toM I aHSS?! 1 dxatMM " - I aBVLHlalis r rf?SejliLV Lnbor Lost j iHHHHHiK-3 v ySSEB fM$A rr&i ( HHaaFrl umBln! M m yi I uwft xnj-s ( ' --iitv -i "If .von Insist on lireiikln-r our en- MBMK f-nKcment, Mli Klcklo, I slinll innko r "You aro welcome to do co, Mr. THE. llST V &rT sSllT 9t; Scamper; there la notlilm; In them - t that 1 nm nslmmcd of except the nil- l'-- "---" - "- "Oi flip.ss on the envelope" rtrr .. i '' PKOVING TFIAT SOME WOMEN, TOO, ARE DORN FIBBERS Raining Ihc Wind UoRicogi, I IWo o'cuidjcJ WLJmm I ALBEeVOY AND I WAS Tb AK',-, iAS for coume. ivhn CW " Btt IK . HURR.V nrTj .- CAM rjr-ya COMt! J Jjrc-glS-r- From Der Freund. - Showing John Bull endeavoring to GOODMESS! IM 1 urse Fra,ncp forward "Into the Great I 40 MlNUTfeS '"Oi3 A Sad Cnse rwwr! (not HR j ' T-S- $thw f O, il SO SOBBY,A TpfiH-T MBKTlOri IT, MAY, vS xtN VxSl P' DEA-Rie, Tb HAVS lotLY HfiXT TIME Wru. MKT ' ' Wf e. Qs. vW SO LON- POT A-JJL 4& RM-STAWtlN liT s CV " jfJSy1 I C WFl HINUTOJ ISN V J 60 MC0H03 JHW A&m Jmfl':2Tl , An Incessant Talker Mrs. nlffxn You're kinder to dumb. animals than you are to me. Mr. niffem-Well jou Jut try belns dumb and see how kind I'll be! A Great Help Grfttj PlVeaH' ft hearties world, pan), quei) what a woman done whan I aied her to. -rlv is aoroa thlng: to l-eep body an4 soul totb Muddy 3LaB- WhatT Qntty "1?iker Se lrM a safety r-lwLtf SONGS WITHOUT WORDS J j2 ip I ffim iL qfflfll JuMitrT (Ira 7 )fcf 3 aQ UiAIWUUMJ- immmmwmmm. "I'm In a fearful dilemma! My sweetheart has -ecelved an anony mous letter telling: him various thins ahnut my past." "You'd better confess lo him." "That's Just It ho won't let me read the letter, and I don't Know how much to confess."