Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 10, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12
wtifBtvtOBfi !TOsWr" t i ' J I t ' tiJk II 12 PHILS AND ATHLETICS' PITCHING STAFF BIG SURPRISE TO THE FANS Bush and Wyckoff Show Remarkable Form in Games With Phillies King Kopf Due to Play Third and Oldring His Old Place in Outfit. Tho Phillies lost yesterday In their hattlo with llio Athtctlcn larsety because of orto J. 'Weldon Wychoff. Ho wns nldcd nnd nbetted by divers nnd sundry errors on the part of certain members of tho Moran coterie. Nelhoff, Luderus and Hums contributed to tho mistakes of the day. nut to Wyckoff goes the credit of tho Macklnn victory. When a ball team makes seven hits without the approach of n score It means either poor base running or' boo'1 pitching by tho opposing faction. Tho Phillies are not poor base runners. It was tho superb work of Wyckoff that held the sluggers at bav nnd kent down tho score. Wyckoff struck out tho uest of them when tho bases were occupied, then eased up when It was not necessary to work. Those are the tactics that made Christy Jtathewson some what of a nguro In tho pitching line. With Wyckoffs showing yesterday and the work of Hush In the opening game It does not nppcar that tho oft-repeated assertion that "Connlo Mack haB no pitchers" Is well founded. There 1b little room for Improvement on tho Work of theso two slab artists Then It must bo recalled that Itubo Hrcssler nnd Herb Pennock nro still on tho Mack roster, nnd they have shown great ability so far this Benson. In addition thcro Is Shawkey, who probably In Mack's moat consistent near-veteran. Flvo such pitchers will drlvo tho Ath letics a long way pennantward Oldring Will Go Back to Outfield. The fans hao been In doubt as to whether or not fluba Otdrlng would bo a fixture at tho third sack for tho Athletics, nnd much apprehension has been manifested nbout the far corner. Manager Mack said yesterday that King Kopf, utility Inflclder of last year, would tako Oldrlng's placo as soon as ho has) sufficiently recovered from nn Illness. Oldring will go back to his old placo In left field. Tho "Itubo" will bo moro at home In his regular position. In tho spring season series Otdrlng has dem onstrated that he Is no Inflclder. His throws to first aro cither too strong or too short. Oldrlng's nrm Is nil O. K., but his range on Stuffy Mclnnls Is all wrong. That Mack has confidence In Pitcher W. Davis was proved yesterday by his nssertionof Davis' ability. Tho Athletics' leader declared Davis would mako n big league pitcher before majiy moons. Mnck found tho recruit playing ball In Virginia nnd nt onco paw ,hls talent. Mack Insists ho will hold on to tho pitcher for further development. Davis' Initial appeal ance ngalnst a big league club was In tho second gume of the scries. Tho lonkv Virginian had nbundanco of speed, but no control. But he may prove nnothcr Bender. I'cnn Hitting a Glcnm of Hope Pennsylvania's baseball team looked better In Its game against Cornell yes terday than Its followers had dared to hope There wan the usual amount of looso playing always In evidence In collcgo teams, but tho, ,vtYen' gave more promise of developing Into heavy hitters. If their promise in, this respect materializes, It will go a long way toward overcoming what Is now their greatest handicap, tho lack of good pitchers. One good twlrlcr of tho' callbro of Sayro, of last year's team, would tnko the Tied nnd Blue victorious through most of Its championship games. . Discussing the pitchers, SrJelman gave tho best exhibition of twirling that has been seen this ear. lie An a head', rather than n brilliant pitcher. He kept his hits well scattered, arrtV fielded his position In capital Btyle. It is too early, An pass Judgment on the Cornell team. Tho lthacans have ended a disastrous Raster vacation trip. Of the seven games plaed they have won but one, Tiough acvetnl were lost by team ivvna .-undoubtedly suffering from a of jjateran players and has a pitching East. NNING" Lines to J. Willard Columbus paddled the briny deep Until a new land was found; Doc Newton pi oved that un apple dropped Quite frequently hit the ground: But they woe pikers fucartialc .rsj, fliish leaguers out on a blight. Compared to you, tvho havo gone and proved That a White Hope knew how to fight. Bhaleapeare proved that the drama's toays Were bioader than most men Knew; The Wrights well piovcd that a man can fly And hammered the dope askew; But they toere bustiers and pikers, Jess, Far blown from the crowning height, Compared to you, who have gone and proved That a White Hope knew how to fight. Mr. Jeffries got around $200,000 for being knocked out by Johnson, while Mr. Wlllard got less than i 10,000 for knocking Johnson out. But Mr. Jeffries' Income suddenly censed at that moment, while Mr. Willard's Is just beginning to bulge out at the sides. The Champ and the ChallcnRer Dear Sir. Was Johnson compelled to light Wlllard? Could he have refused to fight any one and held his championship title until his death? Or could ho havo been forced to tight or defnult after a reasonable length of time? CHARLES E W. A champion is supposed to defend his title after a reasonable wait or else de fault We've never heard of any who refused to do either not ns long as there was tho possibility of stumbling within range of the fragrant odor of a champion ship ptjrse. Grandold Sapulpa Not forgetting Grandold Sapulpa, Okla., the birthplace of the anti-Johnson cam cairn. It was Carl Morris, of Sapulpa, who launched the Whlto Hopo furore, and it was to Sapulpa that Wlllard came for his first training and his opening fight, Sapulpa, therefore, to the retrieved and reinstated white race should be to tho Caucasian what Mecca once was to the devout Turk. Austria, yearning to sue for peace. Is at last cognizant of the old maxim that "Enough Is at all times sufficient and sometimes too much." The Homecoming of Wild Bill I1II1 Donovan was Involved In three pen nant winners with Detroit. He led the Providence club to tho top. And now at laBt he Is back home with a club that shattered the fame of Griffith, Stalllngs, Chase. Wolverton and Frank Chanco in turn. What show has Wild Dill of the redo lent smile to lift the Yank embargo and carry hla clan Into the rut? We haven't any idea, to be frank about It, so far as 1313 is concerned, for tiill merely riook charge of what was given him back In February But It la our belief that he baa the knack and the philosophy at hand tn develop better days and that by June - the Yanks, even tn the second division, vvtll no longer be a byword and a delu ion. The Start and Finish Oulmet started out with a defeat this jiprlng, but In 1913 and 1911 he began the arcar milium nny jjuruic-iinieu uuunsn. "t , rfSTV 1 igiji j ATHLETICS IN PINAL ROUND TODAY-WILLARD BOXES AT NATIONAL TONIGty i . '"'', ' -- - "ji the narrow margin of a single run. The lack of outdoor practice. It Is mado up staff which promises to bo tho best in tho with GIMNTIAND RCE V Yet by September on each occasion h had managed to do fairly well by an nexing tho open nt one startmnd the am ateur title at the other. "What chance," writes In V. L. J., "has Jerry Travers of regaining his title this season?" .lerrj'B chance of catapulting back to the top dependVupon the time he will have for practice and competitive play. Given nn equal show In these two icgards nnd no man stnntls a better chance to arrive. Without them no golfer ever lived good enough to override the Held. April 14th It'e have a ufslon of this day Dark clouds of black or eke of gray; A rain that starts across the medders To piling up the double-headers. Plato Pete "N'ew champion may never be beaten." t'ltz. Still, as the saying is, It's a long Wlllard that knows no turning. Uven a trifle longer than 6 feet 6. Knter Mr. Coffey, the Dublin Giant. It's about time the "ould sod" was flounder ing back into Its own. By tho time the new champ is ready to wage warfare again we havo 11 hunch that Mr. Coffey will be ready to offer an evening fairly replete with entertainment and such. For he will be coming along, and the fighter who gives his time to the stage Is precious lucky to hold his own. 0UIMET TO PLAY HERE IN LYNNEW00D TOURNEY Golf Champion Returns to Boston After Two Matches. Francis Oulmet, national amateur golf champion, returned to his home In Bos ton Thursday, after two days of golf at Whltemarsh and Seaview and an ex tended trip to Plnehurst. Accompanying Oulmet were J. If. Sullivan, Jr., and W. Fred O'Connell, ex-Major of FItchburg, 5Iass and life-long friend of Pat Moran, manager of tho Phillies. Oulmet hopes to return for tho Invita tion golf tournament that will be held at Seaview on the ::d, !3d nnd 2h of April. He is certain to play hero In the annual Invitation tournament for the Lynnewood Hall Cup at the Hunting don Valley Country Club on June 21 a and 23, and in the Lesley Cup ma ches at the Merlon Cricket Club October 1 and 2. HARRY DAVIS' ATHLETICS ARE DUE HOME TONIGHT Will Play Newport News Again This Afternoon. Following their gama with the Newport News Club this afternoon, at Newport News, the second string of Athletics, led by Harry Davis, w)ll leave for Philadel phia In preparation for the opening of the American League race on Wednesday at Shlbe Park, when the Mackmen will en tertain the Boston Tied Sox as their op ponents. In yesterday's fray at Newport. Lajole In six trips to the plate batted for four safeties, one of which was a two-bagger. The Mackmen won the game, II to 2. EVENING LEDGER MOVIES KVWSTTim irBDGTilK-PHIUABETJPHTX FTATTmDAY. 'APBIIf F.RANCIS ATLANTIC CITY HIGH OPENS BALL SEASON School Nino Meets Winchester Prep at Longport Philadel phia Games on Schedule. ATLANTIC CITV, Is". J.. April 10,-The Atlantic City Hlgli School meets Winches ter Prep., of Longport, nt tho lattcr's down Island diamond hero today. 'Mils gamo has an important bearing on tho chnmplonshlp honors of the State, mill both teams havo been working hard for tho contest. Wenonnli nnd Pcddlo Insti tute aro et to bo met by the Blur and White, who last week gained the first leg of tho Journey by eliminating High School. Winchester, on the other hnml, has to meet Cope May and Ocean City In tho rnce for that goal. Mundell and Cross work this afternoon for the Atlantic City High School, and Cnrmnck and Itccves havo been the bat tery selection for Winchester. The schedules of both schools havo Just been announced Tho list follows: Attnntle flty llluh School: Arrll in Winchester 1'ren. nt IOtiRIiort. April 17 Wenonnh Military 'Academy, homo. April 24 Cedarcrnfl Acadetnv, at home. May J Winchester Iep. nt home. May H Vlllanoia, nt home Mnv l.T Northennt, at hone. Mnv 22 West rhllailclphla, nt home. Mav 2:1 Peddle InMltute. nt home. Mnv .11 lirminn Catholic lllnll School. home .lime S-St .loseph'B CoIIcko. nt home. .lune 12 M'lrono A C, of tills ell . Inchestcr nohodulr April to Atlinlle City 1 1 1 r h School, nt home. April IR Ooenn City Hlch School, nt home. April 21 niddlo A C, or this cits', at homo. Mn 1-Atlantlc City HlKh School, nt At lantic City. May 7 Occin City lllsh School, nt Ocean City. May Melrose A. , at home Mav 1 Cope May lllnh School, at Capo May. Mny 22-Cnpe May High hchool. nt Cipc Mil). May 20 DeLinces, of Philadelphia, 11 1 home. SNAPPY SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPS AND SCItAPPEKS Bobby Reynolds May Box Fred Welsh April 26. Hobby Reynolds, local fcathem eight, who has been In New Orleans for the last few months, w rites that he may meet Freddy Welsh or .loo Azevcdo at Mem phis April 26. He states also ho has won his last three tights In New Orleans and that he Is fighting in better form than at any time in his career. The bout between Low Tendler and Barney Schneider should result In a good appetizer for the final fray between Willlu Muore and Young Jack O'Brien at the Olympla A. A. Monday night. Moore has been practicing Judgment of distanco with his left-hand punch and he will try to connect with a haymaker on O'Brien's jaw, a feat never accomplished. Kddln Chnmbcis, middleweight boxer. Is back in Philadelphia after appearing In several bouts In tho Middle West. He Is In shape to make his return appearance heie nnd desires to start off with an on counter ngalnst I.co Houck. Mrs. Zllien FltzslmmonB, fourth bride of Ruby Hob. Is out with a defl 011 behalf of her one-time champion husband for Jess Wlllard. The new .Mrs. Fltz has an nounced she villi bet J10.000 her hubby can litini'lr tlin nV.rl.ifitlMt. .In 1 1 telil u ,m, nF ,Iia ' t(tlrhn1Hpr. A nil KVctbla.l T?ntiort la ',' years old. One-Ttound Hogan and Johnny L010 box at Montreal, Cnn., tonight In a 10-round bout. SWARTHMORE PLAYS PENN NINE TODAY Little and Big Quakers Clash on Franklin Field Diamond This Afternoon. FRANKLIN FIBLD, April 10. - The University of Pennsylvania baseball team, fresh from Its victory over Cornell jca terday, tackled Swarthmora this aftei noon before a big crowd. It was the first game of the season for the little Quakers. The visitors came to Franklin Field with lots of confidence on account of the good showing they made against Pennsylva nia last year, when they won two out of three games from the big Quakers. Coach Roy Thomas was much elated over the splendid work of the Red and Blue yesterday and decided to stand pat on that line-up. MOTORCYCLE SOCIABILITY HUN TO ATLANTIC CITY Philadelphia Trades Association to Conduct Trip Sunday, Tbe first annual motorcycle sociability run. from Philadelphia to Atlantic city, which i cheduted to tako place on Baiter Sunday, but was postponed on account of the weather 1011. dltlona. will bo held tomorrow. The eienl. the first of Its kind, la under the auspice of the Philadelphia Trade, Association.' The atart will be made from tlroad and Cal. lowhlll streets at 8 a. m.. and the finish will be at Atlantic avenue and the Ilouletard, At lantic City, Many handsome prltea will oe distributed among the winner. HZ ASf v . WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE, LOUIE, BETWEEN A PRUNE-AND THE MIDDLE OF NEXT AUGUST, 9UIMET ON WHITEMARSH LINKS lllHSiflK. jilMNHI V 9 1 4jvf3t?' at ti j&mmr at t J:k$r HH AJS Pi 4 f Vj A The young golf champion played this week with friends at tho Whitomarsh Golf Club, the meet ending in a tie between Ouimct and Sullivan, In the top picture are, from left to right F. X. Die bold, Francis Ouimet, J. F. Frazier, G. M. Stull, W. J. Ryan, W. F. O'Connell nnd J. H. Sulli van, Jr. SOLDIER ATHLETES IN TITLE MEET TONIGHT Last Indoor Contests Will Be Held at Third Regiment Ar mory at 8 o'Clock. Indoor track nnd field contests for soldiers nnd A. A. IT. athletes will be held In this city tonight nt the 3d Beglment Armorv when the annual mili tary championships ulll be held In the Broad nnd WhartCn castle. The soldlei athletes Iinve been training like Trojans the past month in an effort to bo In con dition. From all nccounts the strugglo for tho team championship is going to bo a oltter one. The pick of tho athletes of this section nro entered, nnd some of the records for tho games are likely to falfjS- Two events open to Amateur Athletlo Union athletes will glvo these open men n chanco to get in some good work. George F. Pawling heads tho Artisans Athletic Association, which is to promote Its annual games Juno G at the Central High School field. Ted Meredith will be out to break tho COO-yard record that day. "Bill" Coe, the Boston A. A. Bhot putter who held the world's record with the 10-pound shot for a year, has letumed from England after melng on the other side for more than nine months. Coe was a patsenj-er on tho Cedrlc, and made an early selection of the lifeboat he would use In the event of an attack by a Germ in bubmarlne. The Cedrlc had Just left Liv erpool when word was received aboard the ship of a German raid on Hngllsh merchantmen near Liverpool. It will bo jears, Coe said, before European track athletics recover from the loss of ath letes In the war. Itegardlebs of the police order last week forbidding the Mornlngslde Athletic Club, of New York city, to promoto Us Kaster Sunday handicup, the Pastime Athletlo Club Is continuing preparations for an open novice run tomorrow nnd expects no Interference from the police. Unless some word Is received by the club In tho meantime, the race will be contested over n l-mlle course and will start and finish at the Pastime clubhouse, IBM street and Jerome avenue. A large entry has been received, nnd It Is expected there will be men from New Jersey and Connecticut competing. Kntrles will close tomorrow with Oleges and Clust or A. C. Arnold of the Pastime Athletlo Club. Gardner to Play I'oggenburg XKW VOItK. April 10. IVlward IV. Gardner, last tear's nmiteur national billiard iham. )ien. and Ferdinand roggenburg. nho won the amateur International billiard -championship in ltil.i. will ill ly an exhibition matth game, :M) points. 12 balk-line billiards at Thuin's UIU Hard Academy, aut street and Broadway, Mon day evening. - HIGH SCHOOL NINES SHOW GOOD FORM Games in Opening of Baseball Season Yesterday Indicate Great Sport This Year. Good nll-ntnund ball ploying opened tha Inteinrndemlo Le.iguo oenson yesterday. All tho teams showed caieful tralnlngnnd tho youngsters, nccordlng to present out look nie In for a gicat season. True, some of the teams were n Ilttlo ofT, but when they stiiko their stride, tho gamo promises much sport for tho year. Tho Central High walloped tho Tradei-. School by tho largest scoio of tho day, 15 to 0. Tho contest rovcalcd tho fart that tho Central boys nro going to glvo some team a mighty rush for premier honors. Coach Kennedy, of St. Joseph's Collcgo, has lounded together ono of tho best baseball teams that ever represented tho Crimson nnd Gray on tho diamond In tho past, llo is fully confident the collegians will tako tho measure of a maiorlty of tho teams appearing on their schedulo this 3 car. Tho opening game for St. Joo against Northeast High School, which concluded In a 14-4 victory for Kennedy's team, proves that tho collcgo pnstlmers have their ojes on tho ball. Northrop, football star, who appealed on the mound In four Innings of tho game, displayed lino form, nnd Coach Kennedy announced thnt Northrop will do most of tho pitching. Tho players who nppcarcd In St. Joe's Ilno-up probably will continue nt their positions for tho remainder of tho sea son, ns every man untuned nimseit 10 perfection both In tho field and at tho bat. Anderson, first baseman, wns tho leading batsmen, with thrco hits and two runs. Keller, Northeast High's pitcher, twirled 11 roiking game ngalnst the St. Joseph's nine He struck out 14 of tho opposition, but poor support and loose fielding on tho part of his teammates en abled tho Crimson nnd Gr.iv plnyers to add more runs than they really earned. AN INTERCEPTED HALL WILL HE A HOME HUN Federal League ftfakes New Ruling on Interferences. CHICAGO, April 10 An outfielder In the I'ederal League, who stops n ball by throw Iiik his cap. clove or nny oth-T part of his equipment at It, will present the batter with a home run by his nctlon, nccordinr; to a new nillng announced toda. by James A. ODmore, prfHldcnt of tbe leaRue. Tho urdlnar) rule -ircnldos for n thrre-brmo hit In such a cane Th thrce-baso rule will stand, Ollmoro said, for a similar action by an Inlleldcr. To Have Boxinjr at Brighton Tho Brighton Beach Sporting Club. N. v.. ha been formed, with headquarters at the old Brighton Beach race track, and will have Ita first show Decoration Day Tho Brighton track was leased some weeks ago bj the Brighton Beach Sporting Club, of which Harry Pollock Is president and Dnn MrKetrlck matchmaker 'A license for boxing has been obtained from the New York State Commission, but tho club will not confine Itself to this aport. ns eery kort of attraction will bo offered during the summer and fall months. To Form New Athletic Club Track and field and other athletes of the Iiith and Lombard streets section will get lubc.iin .iuiiija- uiKiii, rtpru in, ana rorm nn organization The meeting Is to be held at Junior Hall. The name of the proposed or ganization haB not been determined. WHITEMARSH 'CHASE IS SCHEDULED HERE Harston Cup Race' Will Be Held Over Erdenheim Track This Afternoon. Steeplechase enthusiasts will bo treated to an exciting Hpectacle this afternoon over the course of the Whltemarsh Valloy Hunt Club. The event will bo for tho Harston Cup, nnd several New York and Baltimore horses will compete with the best of the local hunters. The original plan was, to run the race on tho private course of Frazcr Harris, but owing to tho recent atorm and soft going It has been shifted to the Erden heim track J. S. Wilson, of Baltimore, will, scud Itumbo, a winner of the Mar) land Grand National, and Game Chick into the con test. Also from Baltimore will come A. G. Ober's Mullinahone. Indicator, winner of last year's Meadowbrook and Shelburne Cups, has been entered by F. Ambrose Clark, of New York. Conqueror, winner pf the Retribution Challenge' Cup at Meadowbrook last fall, owned by A, J. A. Devereux, will be rid den by his brother, Alfred Devereux, William J, Clothier has entered Meltonere, winner of the Dckerlng and Itadnor Chal lenge Cup, and also Tinker Bell, which horse ho eeculed from Louis C. Clarke, of New York, The judges of the meeting are Clement M. Williams and I. W, Morris; starter. Jesse Williamson, 3d, and the clerk of scales, J, W. Stokes. 10. tOlg; CROWD ALMOST MOBS CHAMP JESS WILLARD Continued from Tago One Philadelphia; that ho had many friends hero whom ho was desirous of seeing again. Of course, tho primary reason for his visit Is to fill hla engagement at tho Nnllonnl Club tonight when he will spar with some of hla partners and ex hibit tho punch that ended tho ring career of ono J. Arthur Johnson. Wlllard will appear at ;io, w uj may catch a B o'clock train for New -.-i. ,,,1,,,. im tmn n. late engagement. Tho regular prices of Si cents to U will bo charged. , Jess Wlllard, ns seen today, Is & Y"ycr ful glnnt of a figure physically. Ills face usually Is overspread with a smile, ilia features nto not haid-oxcept against tho blows of a nghtcr-and ho Is n wholly pleasing personality. Ho 1b not tho great blc. brainless brtlto thnt ho has hcen sometimes pictured. Ho appears to havo far abovo the Intelligence of tho hard ened man of U10 ring. Todny thrro was Just a slight scralcn on tho fighter's car, the lono outwnm ovi denco that ho had been In ono of the greatest ring bnttles of history Just flvo daja ago nnd had won n world's cham pionship. Wlllard wns busy In tho early afternoon answering tho greetings nnd congratula tions of his friends here. Four preliminary numbers will follow Willard's debut here. Tn tho flnnl bout Benny Kaufman wilt battle Eddlo Wo gond, whlto tho other bouts will bring together Franklo McMnntis and Harry Diamond, Stanley Hlncklo nnd Buck Fleming, nnd Tommy Welsh and Johnny Hughes. QUAKER CITY FIGHT FANS DISAPPOINTED; KINO RESULTS Colcmnn Fails to Fight Ritchie Out boxes Griffith. Did Tonunj Coleman, the local colored wel terweight, fear what tho result might bo should ho exchange punches with Jacklo Clark, of Pall niver, or was he nsscrtlng his rights? This Is tho thought that Is troubling tho box lng enthusiasts who attended tho Quaker City Athlollc Club show last night. Coleman was to havo met Uddlo Ilovolre. but the latter rlalmed that hla physician had refused to let him tako rrt In tho bout, owing to the fnct thnt ho received nn internal Injury In a recent noting ingagement. When ft wns nnuounced that Itevolro wns tmablo to appear nnd that the Fall Itlver boxer hnd been substituted In Ills stead Cole man reruscd point hlank to go on with tho linut. Iln claimed thnt the management wan not dealing fair with him, ns they must have known thnt Itovolro would not bo nblo to appear n couplo of days ago. Arthur Short defeated Eddlo Dorsey In six hard rounds In the setnlwlnd-up. In the other bonis Tommy Hudson won from Marty Gilbert, Johnnv Kellv defeated Bull Collins, whllo Sparrow Bright stopped Howard .McGovcrn In the first round. KANSAS CITV, Mo.TAprll 10. Joo nivers, of F.oa MKcles, and Pranklo Burns, of Oakland, Cal , fought 10 rounds to a draw hero last night SUPnitlon, Wis. April ID. .Too Sianodt. ot New Orlenn. earned tho decision over Pal Brown In a 10-round bout hero last night. PITTSIItfltaif. AnrlTTo Wllllo Itltchle. for mer lightweight champion, outboxed Johnnv Griffith, of Akron, In a six-round hout hero Inst night. Hltchlu wns tho aggressor through out. TOt.nno. O , April 10 Billy Wagner failed tn captuto the lightweight crown from Fred VVnlsh In their 10-round match hero last night. Welsh dll all tho leading and was awarded a. newspaper decision by n fair margin. Tho bout was very tame until the loth, when tho champion cut looso and mussed up his opponent COLUMBIA TENNIS DATES OUT Manager Bridges has announced tho Colum bia tennis schedulo for tho season, which opens today with the 7th Hcglment at South Field. Tho Illuo nnd AV'hllo team Is unsettled, and will be until nfter tho unlvcrsttv tournament, which opens Mnndnj. Hpence Miller, winner or last jenr's title. Is still In college, nnd looks llko n euro member of tho tenm. Nino meets havo been arranged, seven of them for the South Pleld courts. The schedulo: April 10, 7th Iteglmcnt. Hi, City Collcgo: 17, New York University; SI, Fordham: .10, Brook ln College: May 1, A llllnms; S, Princeton: 8. Lehigh, nt South Bethlehem: 12, Yale, at New Haven. ELSER FEATURES IN LA SALLE CARNIVAL Wins Every Event, Making Two Records Third High Cap tures Honors With 47 Points. KIser, of tho third school of La Salle College, won every event ho paitlclpalcd In in tho school's first track nnd Held enrnival on tho new grounds at Stenton this afternoon. The linn I points scored follow: Third high school, 47; commercial class, 13; freshmen, 10; second high, s; first high, 2. Two now school records were estab lished by Klser. He covered tho quarter- mllo dash in 57 1-6 seconds and the DO yard dash in 9 1-5 seconds. Tho quarter-mllo event served as a try out for tho University of Pennsylvania relay races, nnd as a result Elsor, O'Neill, Larkln nnd Barrett will probably repre sent La Salic. They finished In the order named. Brother Lewis was starter and tho Judges at tho finish wete Gillespie and Sehcr. The summaries follow: Uunnlng broad Jump Hon by Klser, Tlhrd lltlgh: second tie between OWelll, Third High, nnd Moran. Mcond High, fourth, tlo between Hems, freshman, and McSttuln, Kecond High. Ulstnnie, ll feet 10 inches " .,1!un"1.nfT.no,' Blct! ona Jump Won by Klser, Third High, second, Ileum, freshman: third O'Neill .Third HlBli: fourth. M?Shaln?'se2ind Dllgb: fifth. Larkln. Third High. Distance. .1 ) feet. 12-pound shot-put Won by Klser, Third High: second, o'ls'elll. Third High; third, Itonner. Commercial: fourth. McCarthy, eonh. STfe'el "thncSnS1U, SeCni1 ,,,gh- ,,",a""e' ,L',?'ia,,.,.1,dasl, ''Pee'! event)-Von by Elser. Third HlghjsMond. O'Neill. Third lllgn; third .High; fifth, Carr, Commercial Time. 0 1.5 seconds (new school record). 440-yarrt dash Won by KJser, Third lllah second. O Nelll Third High, third. Larkln RS?n1. 1"h: '""ftA. Barrett, Third nigh: fifth. Moran Second High. Time, B7 1-S sec onds (new school record). TS.yard dash. IdSalle Juniors-Won by Con. P,?!1 7,,rrt ,,.!h".Je'i0.n'l; Carr' Comnierilal; third, Hocy, Fourth High. Time, 8 1-3 sec onds, Cyclists After Brighton Site Negotiations are pending between tha owner or the Brighton Heach. N, y, ,1"b t?a?k and W.' II, U'ellman, general manster of IlidllSn Square Garden, for the lease of that tart of lha race track formerly occupied by tlie Wli stands, which. If successfully1 carried throuh! will result In tbe erection of a bicycle track on tbe site. It seems probabl? now r that lha negotiation, wll bo completed, and that Xhl best professional cyclists In tho country will acaln ba seen In act on hv k. v..;.' -.."' entrants to tho track will be on Ocean V.. I nue a. It waste dayswhen the tiSim'gh' bred contested at tho famous race course 4 BALL SEASON TOD Outlook Better Than Laat yP Plank Pitches for St. LoSf oeaum ior Jurooktedg, Buffalo In Brooklyn. Newark In Baltlmere. ""SfnLfi'uT.'aS CHICAGO. April lO.-War. boIiiiW spring fashions were relegated tiffi? bnckfrround today whllo some 71 .th,n' In four cities started n ISi-days bsttlS' their own. Tho umpires took th cntors away from the Judges anj J monscs gavo way to batting list ltVii Fedoral Iagno formally opened lulta! baseball season. In Chicago, Fielder Jones ani hM' Louis Federals, much strengthenJf ' Jim ailmoro'n winter raiders, ctay ngalnst tho Whales likewise. strengthened. At Kansas City ij Oakcs crew combatted George StoJi Packers. Buffalo battled against Drookfcda "across the bridge" ana Km? ark went to Baltimore. 9g Tho Federals look different than ijf did this time last year. Then they $ rather nn unknown quantity, the x'tl baseball. Thin year their clubs itrcgj cned by winter raiding nil surfacs ilSJ of Internal strlfo smoothed away and njl tno novaiuago ol a nara-fought cetM?i behind them they present a "raiiff league front. l Tho usual nionlftniin nn.nl... l enVinrllllfwt fni" nlr.1, ,-lf.. 1 Ui...vv.u..... .w, .u., wj. t n Eddlo Plank, veteran of man. -i scrlee battles, was selected bv Jon, u start tho season for his team, km Chicago Tinker picked Claude Hendriif 1 Joo Tinker himself wan not In thellai'S up. Tom Scaton stnrtcd In the fcr,T J? Ward's bunch, ngalnst Bedlent for'EBf.' falo. M The Brookfcds have a far better entfi? man ittai jcur. in i.co magee tneyiuft . iimuubvi- wui is uuinea in leaaersaia ft la true, but nevertheless a young, ob. tlous nnd energetic nlavor at thr. ienmi.i" hla vigor and ability. The team, rant"! "toil u fct VI V CIJ1UI11U UUUK, SAT ON UNEASY BENCH TO HEAR FIGHT RETURNS Americans in Cuba "Couldn't Bear to . . ... . . . See Slaughter." $ mem nciu oiuica ui vrnencaluUln Hnvana last Monday who Juat 'couliit bear to sco" Jack Johnson knock out Ita Wlllard. So they would not go to tbf fight. Many of them had bought rlnistdf tickets, but as tho day for tho fight cW nearer mo "aopo ' was given out Hit It would bo a slaughter and WlHuJ would bo tho victim. Walter Stanton, a Now York ana H? vnna broker, was In Philadelphia todir .. l.l ....... r .1.- i..i ,.., .7' un jiio ii Aiuui uiu v uuuii capiuu. at had bought a ringside ticket, but he con' eluded that he did not want to eta tlf bnttle. so turned over the lltlln nlem tt cardboard to his chauffeur. 5f "Irk in tl.n f nU . It... C....1... I? v.u .u lliub ,iei", i... oiamuu structed his hireling, "and If Jack Jolt oon wins you need not come dick to Et ever. But It Wlllard wins you come to" my club nnd there will bo a present til you." And the chauffeur camo back.1 2 It was that way In many Instancetl Tho Americans sat in tho club on a uneasy bench, watching tho fight frca afar. ATLANTIC COAST BOWLERS PREPARE FOR BIG T0URNE1! Valuable Prizes Offered for Contest! Beginning Thursday. $ President Thomas Q. Jones, of ths ImI branch of tho Atlantic Coast Bonllax Alt eration, announced last night that 149 tntrM lad been received for the scratch city chi; plonshln- which lh rccentl formed auocltlkn wilt conduct on the Terminal alleys bdtnnfcl next Thursday night The tournaments in to bo In single and two-man classes la compy tltlon at duck and tenpins. -i It costs $1 a. tram In ench class to comet!' In the championships Kach contestant ' Doni nvo games. Many valuable rruu wwi ba anarded tho con'estants. The wianin a each nf thA rlnraeR Till he Awarded S. fold medal emblematic of the championship, li addition a gold natch will bo awarded ut bi'st average man In a secret serin betsm 150 and luO pins. The contestant Imociftl down tha greatest number of spills will .1 given a pair of gold cuff buttons: the o spare Lowler will bo given a silver IoyIus CW PENN TRACKMEN AT WORK iteiayists uegin xraining ior ait Events April 23 and 24. $ I)r, George, W, Orton, of tho Unlverijlrwt Pennsylvania track team, has bexun Ui va his men throug liard training In PreMr!;, for tho Itelay Carnival, which will on Franklin Field on April S3 and M. Bj has assigned members of tho varsity tno team to the training- table and as am u tho final trials are held other men vlll Ml added to the list. Those men who will M" places at tho training table at the irfJ. tlitiA nra Onntflln I.lnnlnrnlt. Meredith. LQCV' wood, Kaufman, Pceso. Dorsey, Stoat, Iin-.l phrevs, Cotton, Sweeney, Ferguson, Fttoy nerry, DorUas, Murphy. Sewell, LafUmne MM liavviey. 1 BASEBALL Individual Play and Team Play in Detail By W. J. Clarke, Head Coacni of tho Princeton 'varsity Ttnsehnll Tram, nnd Fredric T. Dawson, Captain of th Princeton Baseball Team 191U Profusely Illustrated $1,00 net Charles Scribners Sons J BASEBALL TODAI citv rirvMrinN'siiu bekies I5TII AMI HUNTIKGUON ST8, Phillies vs. Athletic DAME AT S 1'. Sf. OLYMPIA A. A.!!"!! .SSBwS MONDAY NHiilT, APHH' lJinnH)i ??' i "' -. ""-vs. rat Ulaa .tiv, UI. ItfB ilUVt 4 Jl FEDERALS START 19151 as a batter, i AS AFIELDER. ArA PEERLESS ON THE MOUND I AM OUTCLASS THE UNSUPASSABLE. NJtfrHTlEST.. 'jLiiutuuput. tn-aiyui tum- - J f JoiT -, r- , . r1 4 a . (THEY CALL ME ( I SAID, THEY CALL ME J HEY MARY f v I He Sav: tucv L 1 , - 77S.''THE PRINCE OF,. XHEPaiNCEOFTHEy COhMEUE ANP THAtA rLW TH5Y v REfER.ee- C wHoA!j i ' ''- """ ' "" ' '"JUssZTj.4, "'J' ""' ' " M , ...... i -Hi fJ$. :-