F-fM-Jy?P '"j EVENING LEftGBB-PHILADELPHIX SATURDAY. APRIIi 10, 1915; 1l fc 'JSr tfrj o1' Churches and their workers religious activities of all denominations h - . . j8LE CLASS MEN HAVE PLANS FOR MANY ACTIVITIES Irexel Biddle Workers to Be Jiusy juvuijr " -eek Founder Will Give Dinner w vj.erBy men Next Monday. U. tiretcl Blddlo Dlble Onuses are In "i midst of one 01 l1D "iv""- -"'- Uli In the )iltory of the orsnnlzatlon. Ci 'next week every day will bo rri.,.., iih at least one lino of activity .ln several evenings three bronchos of 48n '..... ...in , l wnrh. Two TH MttnlMlion urn -" - fe fillies, a round tablo conference, a nf.rence of pastors and two meotlnEs of Chttt will be .rnonn tho activities. RniiiKnlngat the Bible Classes' Home, hi Mount Vernon street, 100 teachers ot fi ' onus of the West Philadelphia DIs tl will convene nt 7:50 o'clock to plan tnictlve campaign In that section of tho i.y At the eamo place at 7 o'clock the Epefrliori of tho Women's Dranch of thu foaitlrttlon witt mcet' At 0'clo6k this evening; the classes of Cipfcn will hold ft union mission service Ta lh Kalshn Avenue Methodist Mission. Edwrd Hi Mil's w"1 Preside nnd A. .r. "Drexel Diddle will speak. Tho Ilev. Wll llira Stone, the pastor, will glvo tho nd 'irtii -ot welcome. r' Tomorrow will be a day of unusual ac Wlly. A. J. Drexel Bltidlo will address t meeting In the Y. M. C. A. of Camden, which will be attended by all of the Cnm ein dawes. Music will bo provided by tho Mendelsohn Symphony Orchestra, ot Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, V&lch 1 affiliated with tho Drexel Hid 41( Clutes. ill Ambrose noblnson will speak at the Holy Trinity class at 0:30 a. in., In tho Fsrlih house, 217 South 20th street! J. DtWltt Jobborn will address the class of Tfyomlrig Avenue Baptist Church, and It. Frtdenck Wilson will speak at DalllmliiBo Baptist Church, Conshohocken. ; On Monday evening Mr. Blddlo will ttnder a dinner to tho pastors of all threat In Philadelphia and Cnmden In hlch Drexel Biddle Bible Classes hnvo ktta established. The dinner will bo held Is Holy Trinity parish house at 7 o'clock, ltd tB He'v. Floyd W. Tomklns will pre ilJe. A.largo number of ministers of sev en! 'denominations will attend, and the Subject for discussion informally will be ."Th'Most Effective Manner of Doing Eitle Class Work." f-Tit evening, J. Allen Turner will speak il the Drexel Biddle Bible Classes Night If the Inasmuch Mission. The classes of M Berean Baptist Church will havo thsrje of tho service. pn Tuesday evening, II. Frederick Wll m and a number of the Drexel Biddle utHtalhers will provide an entertainment (or the sailors at the Seamen's Church Institute: the True Love Dlhlo Class of fourth Baptist Church will hold Its aosthly social evening, and the classes ( North Philadelphia will meet In a dis trict rally Ip St Ambrose Kplscopal Church. Ben H. Browne, district superin tendent, will preside, and Mr. Blddlo wilt ittlk and present buttons to the leaders (( classes recently nmilatcd with the tmnlzatlon. fWedneeday evening the fourth In the series of civic and educational i allies illl take placo In tho Kplscopal Church 5f the Redemption. Mth and Market street. E. M. Orton, chief director of Korthwest Philadelphia, will preside. Tho Bv, Albert B. Clay, rector of the tbure.li. will deliver the address ot wel come, and the speakern of the evening 1U Include Mr. Biddle, R. J. Cattell. tltjr statistician, and Director of Pub Be Works Morris L. Cooko. The public la ba made welcome nnd no collection C1 ba taken. There will bo n special wileal program, Michael Dorlzas, the Intercollegiate tiavywsliht wrestling champion, will be tt speaker at a city rally of all the raises, of Wilmington. Del., In the Har fm Street Methodist Church of that oty en Thursday night. 'On Friday evening a round table con Jirtnca for Sunday school workers will "held In Logan Memorial Presbytorlan y11',, Audubon, N. J. Edward H. irtT...w mrr',1,?e ani1 Mr- Bldtlle an'li' m will speak, ' wJ!J"wHnf of tne n,en'8 class of gwwdion Memorial Presbyterian 7.mm LCm.lrrow at'""on will bo nd- &'av: J-J-' D- n- tttrhm13','1 ?,ddJe wl" "Penk t the KPRESBYTETtTAV nrviniAra AasuL": t.hA.cle.nJ- of tho Ftfrt ftfiT. b ".i'"Dwr,an Church says; U toft U" VnlM BtSeili SarS? p.i0f .,he F,rat Presbyterian Sft&tM 8S?.n,i T,1 Vce President of UlV if h,,";. I,ndia'"Polls. The Secre Into Llinn'8 ln clder of the First N" York Stn?m.aha-. The Gv"-nor of tinli. 1?J1 e '? J?acori In the Unl- old reaulrVm. yter,an' New York- " W of m?nSn?.p.aEM J narrate the "Trelby? J.nS hvsh publl offlco who PMrwh.n t" ".". You are n good com- The "Billy" Sunday Bible Class CENTRAL TRUTH OF TOMORROW'S LESSON (April it, ton International Series I Samuel, 10.) Deceptive Appearances By GEORGE G. DOWEY ?0U cannot tpl n .,. i... n i. - ...-.l. l,l ... It I. trlr ur.t ul i t0 6e tooUd 6" Wearaiice. This U on old ttory and an old f, ' ' hut lf eel telling over and over to all generations. ROB o, DOWEY W i), trwiive sn coaiij gPWook the world. Social rank and -" caning men to kingship, Moses was the son of slave parents; vram- 1?J from the common ranL'.- TAncnln. from the loa cabin, and WO might indefinitely v(th. th(t oXi l(on . -v "v fcjjcuicu until trio cm I fll'i'W ..-. ,--. - ftlHUU Irnr.t ., rtj i. i.... m.... ........ - u mmrtiirm nnd in do I II a . ,u.i ri'.p n.. wb. - .. d.u.i i. .. K ." not uP"n the outward appearance, but upon the heart. Young f p mv heart with all diligence, for out of it are the usues or we. cam known as "tha. wan aftet Clod's own heart." ELABORATE CEREMONIES TO MARK SILVER JUBILEE Archbishop to Preside at St. Bona ventura'a Church on April 18. Elaborate ceremonies have been planned lor tho observance of the silver anni versary of St. Bonavcntura's parish, the Itev. Hubert Hammcke, rector, which will bo celebrated on Sunday, April . Archbishop Prcndergast wilt prcsldo at tho services at 10:45 o'clock In tho morn Inu, when Bishop McCort will celebrate Pontincal Maes. The sermon will bo de livered by tho Ilcv Henry Btommel, rector nr Rt. Aintinn.i,., M.t.i..i. , St. Bonnventurn, in tho ovenlnn; tho Bev. Theodore Ham moke, rector of tho parlBh of St. Ignatius nnd a brother of St. Bonavcntura's rector, will preach nt n Solemn Vesper service. Tho State Council of thp KnlRhta of Columbus will meet In this city during the second week of May. Thcro will bo sessions on Sunday, Mondny, Tuesday and "Wednesday In tho K. of C. Hall, SSth nnd Market street. Tho Catholic Chornl Club will plve a. concert In the Academy ot Muslo on Thursday ovenlnj?, April 52. Plans havo been completed by J. Stan loy Smith nnd other membors ot the Vlllanovn. College Alumni Society to hold tho annual hanquot on tho oveninp of May i. WILL RECEIVE 450 NEW MEMBERS INTO CHURCH Rev. Dr. F. E. Dager Hits Successful Evangelistic Services at St. Paul's. Tho vestry of St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, Broad and Venango streets, tho Itev. Dr. Forrest K. Dagcr, tcclor, has Issued a report showing that "n. wonderful' work of grnco Is In proir less In that church," through special evangelistic services. A few months ago Doctor Daser started to hold services on Sunday evenings, after the cxamplo of "Billy" Sunday, but with llttlo difference In his style of preaching excepting "with probably a lltt'e moro force nnd fervor." Results werp so marvelous, tho report statos, that the rector decided to con tinue tho uvangellstlc meetings on week day evenings as well, and since that time hundred)) of men nnd women have bpen converted. Tomorrow Bishop Ru dolph will bo present and confirm a large clnss and will receive 430 persons Into tho membership of the church, On Palm Sunday S3 adults nnd eight children were baptized. "RODEY" AND ACKLEY TO GIVE BENEFIT CONCERT Sunday's Musicians Will Aid Homo and School League. Much Interest has been manifest by lovers of tho muslo In the "Billy" Sunday tabernacle In the announcement that Pro fessor Homer A. Rodeheaver and Bentley D. Ackley. choir leader nnd pianist of Mr. Sunday's party, nio to come here from Paterson to give a concert mi tho night of Monday, April 10, In the Baptist Temple, Broad nnd Berks streets. Trocceds of the concort will be given tn the work of tho Home nnd School league. Mtb. Mary V. Grlcc, the presi dent, Is In charge of the plans. MARCUS HOOK CHURCH HAS ITS BEST YEAR Moro Than 400 Now Membors Added to Methodist Congregation. The Methodist Church at Marcus Hook has had the most successful ear In Its history. More than 400 persons wcro con verted and received Into the church by the pastor, tho Rev. II. S. McDade, and extensive work has ben done among the foreign population of the community. Financially the work has nlso been a success, all bills being paid and there be ing nbout $300 In tho hands of the treas urer. Tho Sunday1 School has grown from 72 members two years ago to 211 todn,y. TO REOPEN CHURCH Special Services to Bo Held in Cele bration of Improvement. Trinity United Evangelical Church, Duval and Baynton streets. Germantown, the Rev. J. H. Shlrey, pastor, has under gone extensive Improvements. Including the Installation of, a new pipe organ, and will bo reopened with appropriate exer cises tomorrow. The Rov. William II. Christ, pastor ot Olivet United Evangel ical Church, Bethlehem, will preach morning nnd evening and address the Sunday school In the afternoon. The reopening will bo followed by a, r-isk of epeclal services, at which the Revs. II. J. O. Rlnlter, II. S. Heckler and A. Vf. Brownmlller, of this city, and the Rev. n. AV. Musselman, of Plymouth Meeting, will preach. JUDGE GORMAN TO SPEAK The monthly meeting of the Daughters of Beth Israol will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock nt Temple Beth Israel. 32d street and Montgomery ave nue. Miss Jeannetto Roscnbaum will play tho piano and Paul Volkman will sing a tenor solo. Judge James B. Gorman will deliver an address. Invitations have been sent out by Flora Finer, S, Bella Cohen and Sophia Jeannette Illrsch, president, secretary and assls'ant secretary, respect ively, of the orgam. atlon. Saul, tall, handsome, klnglv in outicard appearance, proved a failure as king of Israel, and David, the shepherd loy, a "little runt" in comparison, was chosen In his stead. Head the account of Saul's failure, how he failed in the chief qualification of kingship, namely, obedience to the Divine Will. Then follow old Samuel in Ms search for another king and see how he teas directed to choose Davldt the despised youngest of Jesse's eight tons. The central truth .is evident in verse 1: "Man looketh on the outward appearance, hut the Lord loqketh on the heart." Any one of David's seven brothers would have made a finer-looking king than David, but when the Lord is selecting real kings lie doesn't go much on looks. Heart quality, character, is the determining factor in the Divine law of selection. Cleopatra was beautiful in Caesar's eyes, but she was infamous. Baul of Tarsus was unaU pretence, nut ho w w.v.w.. i - fortune have no influence upanProV' wp ave so often heard before, but . . . m iim. 9 n m r min.iw.rr mm nio,u GOSPEL FOR WALLED CITIES IN DARK CHINA Elaborate Plans of Presbyte rians to Bo Unfolded at Y. M. C. A. Meeting. TUns for the evanitelliatlon of China, nccordlng to the method that Taut used In hla missionary Journeys, will ho dis cussed In tho West Branch Young Men's Christian Association by Charles Ernest Scott tomorrow afternoon nt o'clock, when Mr. Scott will be the speaker nt the meeting for men. Home on a furlough from the mission field, Mr. Scott Is working for tho Trcs byterlan Board of Foreign Missions In advancing the plans for the campaign In China. Dccause It Is difficult for foreign missionaries and uneducated native help ers of the missionaries to reach the gen try and so-called high-class Chinese be hind tho walls of some 1700 walled cities. It Is tho plan to plant Christianity among them through n sort of a combination of . M. C. A. nnd "Jesus Gospel Hall." to bo in charge of the educated natives. 11 Is to explain tills plan that Mr. Scott comes to Philadelphia. Thomas L. I.awton. tho Bible teacher, who has been conducting classes In Washington, Baltimore and the Central Rranch, this city, will begin n series of six lessons on the evening of April 18 ln the West Branch. The class will con veno nt 6:30 o'clock ,or Btipper, nnd the study will begin nt 7. IB o'clock. At the request of members of the phys ical department ot the West Branch, the Ilev. F. B. Davis, pastor of Hbenczer Methodist Kplscopal Church, will con duct a Blbln study class for Benlor men In the department. Next Friday evening, Doctor Garrett's teacher-training class will discuss tho subject, "Value of Sincerity In Teaching: Preparation of Subject nnd Personality ns a Successful Factor in Tenchlng." William H. Crown, executive socrctnrv, will open his Instruction clasB In special lcndershlp next Friday evening nt 7:80 o'clock. This clnss Is open to high school students only. Mrs. Marlon Booth Knllcy. of Boston, addresses n womnn's suffrage community rnlly nt tho West Branch this afternoon. An elaborate musical program has been arranged. CnNTRAI, BRANCH V. M. C. A. Ringing by the Roxborough Male Quar tet will be a feature of tho men's meet ing In tho Central Branch Y. M. A. tomorrow aftornoon. The Rev. Isanr Ward, who Is to be the speaker nt the meeting, Is a member of the quartet ond pastor of the Fourth Reformed Church. There will also be special instrumental music. Mr. Wnrd will talk on "A Di vine Charge nnd Appeal." The meeting will begin nt 4 o'clock, under the leader ship of Richard H. Wilson. It will ho preceded by Mr. Lawton's drop-In class. Mr. Law ton will dhcuss "Indlffprcuco Contagious." This class Is Intended es pecially for out-of-town men nnd men living away from home, although It Is open to other men. Its session begins nt 3 o'clock. The John B. Stetson drop-In class, led by Director Braden, In charge of the niblo study In tho Central Branch, has nn enrolment of Wl men. The class will meet from 15:15 to 12:t." on Wednesday, tho usual time. A picture recently taken at a meeting of tho class. Is to lie ued to Illustrate shop nnd factory work In publications of the International Associa tion publication. "Association Men," Shop meetings announced for tho coin ing week, with their leaders, follow: Monday. Harrington shop, l,th nnd Cul lowhlll streets, Richard K. Wilson, leader; Tuesday, Bcment-Mllcs Com pany, 21st nnd Cnllowhlll streets, Robert Clark, leader; Wednesday, Packard Motor Shop, Robert C. McQullkln, leader; Thursday, Sellers Company, 16th and Hamilton streets, the Rev, D. C. Welgle. leader; Friday. Winston Publishing House, 10th and Arch streets, tho Rev. O. S. Duflleld, leader. NORTH BRANCH. Evangelist I W. Munhall will address the men's meeting tomorrow afternoon nt 4 o'clork. Doctor Munhall will speak on "Our Three Worst Foes." There will be vocal selections by Mrs. A. C. Bates. A PRIEST FIFTY YEARS Many local frlendB of Father Thomas A. Reld. S. J., formerly stationed at Old SL Joseph's Catholic Church, Ith Htreet and Wllllng's alley, this city, are interested In tho 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, which Is to take place at St. Ignatius' Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., on June 6, Father Rold will celebrate tho Solemn High Mass on that day nt 11 o'clock, and the sermon will be preached by Father John h. Belford. of the Church of the Nativity, Brooklyn. SCHOOL DOUBLED IN YEAR The Sunday school of the Calvin Trcs bytorlan Church, 60th nnd Master streets, has moro than doubled Its membership within tho last year. The average at tendance last year was 442, now It Is more than 000. and there ore 1200 pupils enrolled, The pastor, the Rev. Francis S. Hort, has recently received 218 new members, following a two weeks' revival. i Doctor Richmond Writes to Bishop The Rev. Dr. George Chalmers Rich mond, rector of St. John's Kplscopal Church, has written a letter to Bishop Rhlnetander explaining the suspension of two vestrymen, William T. Hamilton and Charles A. Brown. It all hinges, accord. Ing to the rector, upon the case of a young man, member of the church, who was once a convict In Slnz Sins. Tne rector explains how he took the young man Uf n New York and how he becamo a valuable member of the church, lead ing a blameless life. He declares that the vestrymen whom he suspended sought to discredit the regenerated young man, and referied to him as an ex-convlct. Women Going to Paterson A delegation of 100 business women will go from this city to Paterson, N. J., to tell of the good "Billy" Sunday's cam paign did here, They are to go at the Invitation of the business women of Paterson, and will leave on special cars from the Reading Terminal on Saturday, April !4. and remain over Sjtnday. tfeut will be reserved for them In the taberna cle for the meetings during their visit to the silk city, Students Hear Thaddeus Rich Tuplls of the Girls' High School and the Normal School attended a recital which was given last night In the Normal School auditorium by Thaddeus Rich, concertmaster ot the Philadelphia Or cheijtra. The affair was under tho auspices of t'i) Alumnae Association. Mrs. Rich accompanied her husband, and several readings were given by MOu Emily Krider Norrls. v Material Intended for use a newt In the Saturday Rillpjlou Page of the EVENING LEDGER should be sent to the Religious Editor, EVENINQ LEDGER. The editorial department of the PUQLIO LEDGER and EVE. NINO LEDGER are entirely separate, and all new Inttnded for uie In both publications ihPuld ba mailed P aratdy In ordr to receive proper attention. jS. VSntgiiHvJBj THE REV. DR. II, A. MUSSER DOCTOR H. A. MUSSER TO TOUR COUNTRY Assistant Executive Secretary of Sunday Campaign Com mittee Heads Team for For eign Evangelism. Tho Rev. II. A. Musser, assistant sec retary of tho "Billy" Sunday Campnlgn Committee, hns been chosen nn n team leader to tour the country for tho Depart ment of Toielgn Evangelism of tho Metho dist Board of Foreign MIsslonB, New York. Doctor Miihscr's team will conduct cam paigns In 100 Ameilcan cities fiom the Atlantic to tho Pacific to conserve tho results ot meetings to be hold In these cities ns n pnrt of the Laymen's Interde nominational movement. About 10 days will be Bpcnt In each city by Doctor Musser nnd two teammates, nnd It will require about three yeais for him to complete his tour, Tho first of these campaigns will bo started ln Buffalo, N. Y., on April 22. PrevloUB to going to Buffalo Doctor Musser will upend some tlmo in Renovo nnd Washington, Pa , do ing special work. During the six months that ho hits been one of tho active promoteis of the Sun day campaign In this city. Doctor Mus ser hns spoken In u great many chinches and made many friends. He was fornieily lu mission work In the cpnttal part of India, and ent through several thrilling ccpeilcntoB. A book, entitled "Jungle Ex periences," giving many of the Interest ing stories the pieiicher has written from his trials In the Far Kast, will soon be Issued. Since coming to Philaitclph'n the mis sionary has become so attached to tho city that he intends tn make It Ills home His wife nnd two children will live nt HI West Pomona street. Germnntnwn, while he Is touting for the Department of For eign Kvungellsm, RELIGIOUS BREVITIES The Rv WIMtuni Mulr Aulil, pa&tnr of Calvary Prrbyter.ui Church, will lueaih on thp "Supriv AIYm'tlon" at liie mnrtllnii oi Icft tomorrow, nnd In the cvcnlue nu "Panel"! Bfcutlt;.." Tlu 4,'rkefi in the Krvnklln Ilnmp uilt ho Lonrttifted tomorrow by the lte . M. Heed Mlnnlrh. Dr. Ilussfll II. Council will pieiu'li at 1 nth the innrnlna; nnd nvcnlnf erke In the Hnp ttst Temple, llrond nnd UrrkH street!, tomor row. Seersl peraons will te bnplltcd In the tnornlPK. At Hie nnformed Rptacnpal Church of Our Redeemer, the new Dr. Auguntu V.. Hnrnett will preach tomonow inornlnp on "Thp Huly Trinity." Ill anhje-t for tho et-nliiK lenure will be "Could Ciod Stop tho War?" ipeclnl ihlhIc -will be n feature nt both ncrvli-ea, A lerei, chorus c-hnlr will nlmr. The Rev Dr. Ucors Chilmen Ituhmond. rector of 81. John's Kplscopal Church, llroun treet. below ,1,1, will preach tomorrow morn ing on "A Hellitlon of Uro" nd In th even ing on "ChrUtUnlty A New World Stem " Tho Hew Dr. Henry Herkowltz spoki' thl mornlnj In tho rtodeph Shalom SjnagoRue, of which hi li rabbi, nn "Old Plcturea In New Ftame " The new Dr John K'l'rv Tuttle, rtor , f the i'lrit ProbyterUn Church, York, ra , will be the speaker at the PreabMerlan Mlninters' niretlne In WeHtmlnliter Hall on .Monday morning. His subject ulll b 'Tho Minister's Deotlonal Life " A ntiw anthem tnlltlaq. "ITaater," hv V.'niMll I.ep. written to wordi by MIjs n. SI. Dunn, will bs repeated tomorrow mnrnlnr and evening at the Church nf th fiovlnur HSth and chest nut streets Professor l.ep la the musical director of the choir and C. Clarence nialno la the soprano tolnlat The annual meeting for the nresantillon of the Sunday Hehool l.enten offerings In the dloceio of Ttnnsylvanla lt be held In at. Matthew's Church on Saturday afternoon, April SI. Charles Zeeb will spealt at the (ieennrt Pup tltt Helping Hand class tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. Dr. Philip II. Monro will speak on "CIvli nighteousness" at tho Philadelphia New Jersey Preachera' meeting In Wsuley 1111 at It o'clock Monday forenoon. "Can Tltlly" fiunday Win Paterson to Jeaua?" will be the subject of a sermon to bi delivered bv the Ilev. John W. Blnrkwall In tha Windsor Theatre. Frankrord. tomorrow evening. In tha Kvnnsellcal Church of the New Jeruialrm. I'rankford, Mr Rtnckwell. the paator, will fireach on "How Phall We Know Our Prlcnds n Heaven?" tomorrow morning. At tho Cllrard Avenue Unitarian Church tha pastor, tho new Mr. Evans, will tomorrow evening Blve tha first of a series of addresses on "The Deadly 81ns " Horace J. Ilrldsea will lecture on "Woman's Place In the World' Work at the Proad Street Theatre at II o'clock tomorrow morntns. In tha rvenln? lie will talk at tha Ethical S.xiety headquarters. 11J4 t-rruca street, at S o'clock Warden llobert J McKenty, of tho Eatiern ('liltentlan'i will ba the sneaker at tha lud'nta' meeting in Houston Hall, Ur.Uerxliy nf I'ennajlvanla, tomorrow afternoon at 430 o'clock. Tha Itev Ilnhert C Well will preach In tha Tabernacle Methodlit I'plaropal Church tn. morrow mornlnir on "nemmberel by Ood" and ln tha evenlnjc on "A Oreat Salvation." The Rvv Dr Clrencs Kdward Macartney, ipaetnr nf the Arch Street Preabytcrlan Church, "".III pr'ach tomorrow mornlnir on "Paul's Thorn In tha KIeh" and In tha evening on "A Friend In Need." Observed 35th Anniversary Members of the James Morrow Auxil iary of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of Grace Church observed the 34th anniversary of tho organization this week. Among the prominent guests were Mrs. Cyrua D. Kom, Mrs. Joseph P. Berry. Miss Busnn Lodge and Miss Laura White, of Nanking, China. Missionary Mags-meeting An Kplscopal missionary mass meeting will be held In the Academy of Muslo next Friday. There will be a big chorus present to lead the singing and addresses will be made .by Bishop Brewer and George Sherwood Edy. How are we Saved Come and Hear the T e a c h i n g of the j New Christian Church on this Vital Topic SUNDAY EVENING, APRIL UTH, 1915, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK By the REV, CHARLES W. HARVEY In the Church of the New Jerusalem, 22d and Chestnut Sts. SPECIAL MUSIC NO COLLECTION To follow; Sunday, April 18: "Hells What! Why? Where?" Sunday, April 25: "The Lord's Second Coating: When nd. How?" MORE CLERGYMEN REPORT INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIPS Pastors Continue to Admit Tabernacle "Trail-hitters" to Churches "Follow-up" E v a n g e 1 i stic Campaigns Started. Hunches throughout (he city continue to rceclvo large, numbers of now members slnro "Blllv" Sunday left the city. Some of the pnstnrs loport the Increases due j directly to tho tabernacle meetings, while i others report putt of them as "trall-hll- ters" nnd persons led to comerslon "largelv through the religious atmosphere Hint enme tn Philadelphia with the lilif revival campnlgn." Whlln some ilergjnicn tcport that they have not hern able tn get nil the persons who hud turned in cards nt the taber nacle to unite with their chinches, they nre hopeful of futtite benellts, nnd In a gieot many churches "follow-up" evan gelistic solvit os nre being conducted Tho Rov. R. It. Crawfotd. pastor of tho Fletcher Methodist t'hurch, repot ts Hint he ban received Into preparatory mem bership !'0 persons who took their stand nt tho Inbrrmicle, nnd that It has been much easier to get new members this j oar becnuso nf the revival movement. Of 40 cards received bv the Rev. Will lain Oswald, pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church. 3 have linen iccelvcd Into mem bership, S were already members of the church, 12 offer possibilities, 10 have pro duced no dednite results, 8 contained tho wrong names nnd nddri'sses. Tho Rov. J. T. Orav, pnstor of the Kilo Avenue Methodist Church, reports that of 113 new members received since the cam paign Htnrted. K) wimp tabernacle con verts. The Itrv. Albert Metzarr Wlt wer, pnstor of the Slloam Methodist Chtnrh. reports that of 130 poisons re cclvcd Into inrmbrrHhlp since .Tnnunry I, 32 were "triill-hltlcrs." lie nlsn re ports mnnv enrds to follow up nnd says: "The effect on nil depaitmnnlH "f the church's work Ik mnrvolous." The aelgcr Memoiinl Church. 56 th Httcet and West Lehigh nvrnue. hns re celved VI Inbei nnclp cards, and R Sunday "triill-hitters" have united with the church up to this time Mnnv more are expected by the pnstor, the Rev. A. L. B. Martin. ho hns received Hfi persons Into membership since January 1. The Rev Jnmes Ramsay Swuln reports that ho hod his gteatest Increase tn mem bership on ttastpr .Sunday. Of 55 te rclvcd on the first Sunday In Februnry, 2 were tnhcrnnclp converts. Tho Rev. Dr. John Allen Rlnir. pastor o" the Taber nacle Presbyterian Church, reports that his chinch has received '.' pel sons. "We necrlbe," Doctor IJInlr vvtltes, "to tho In fluence of the I'pHglout awakening 18, counting both those received "n profes sion nnd by cerlitlcnle. Since Mnrch .11, 19U, the beginning of our church cnr. wo have received 11 members on profes sion and by certificates." The Rpv. W. M. Handles, pastor ot the Kensington Congregational Churc.i, reports SO new members since tho cam paign began. 10 of whom weio tecelved thtough convert cuds. The quickened Interest nnd the fnvornhle t elisions at mosphere, lie snld, mndo It much mult easy to obtain tho others. The Rev. C. Lee Claul, of tho Cooper Mnmnitnl Metho dist Chinch, icpnrtH that of S.I now mem bers received stncp January I. Hi were tabernacle converts. The Rev. II O. Cnr mich.iel, pastor of the llnncock Slteet Methodist Church, repnits 10 new mem bers since the campaign begun, nine ot whom were "trall-hlttcrs." Tho Rev. A. A. Arthur, pastor of tho Host Allegheny Aenue Methodist Church, reports HO now members sin.' the Sunday tevlvnl meetings started. Of these he Two Fairs at Half Fare; Exposition Rates Cut In Two The railroads havo greatly reduced their fares and made it possible for you to see both the San Frnnclsco and San Diego Expositions on one ticket. Ily wny of the BuillriKton Route iC, !? & Q R R ) the cost of n railroad ticket to California and back will be only about one-hnlf tho usual price, and you can take In the Incompnrnble Colorado scenery, Including tho Rojal arge. nee Denver. Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Salt Lake City on the way. stop ping oft at any point desired. Returning, you may enjoy n sea t Ip up the const to I'ortlund, see Tacomn, Seattle and Spokane, nnd either Glacier National I'arlt or Yellowstone Park the wonders of the world. You don't take a trip llko this very often You should see tho best scenery en route and not spend any moro than is necessary to do it. Tell me when you olnn to go. how long you enn stay, and let me make up an Itinerary to (it your particular needs. Let mo explain how and why the Hurllngton can serve you host I'll be glad to do It. Write, tele phone or call Wm. Austin, Clenernl Agent Passen ger Dept., C, R. & Q- R. R. Co.. S36 Chestnut Htreet. Philadelphia. Phone Walnut 706. llia.UIIOUH NOTICES nuptial I1APT18T T15MPLK, tlroad ond llerli. ItustKll II, Conn ell will pleach "tornlnjf, 10 3U. llltle School, S ::0 K enlnc. 7. MAHIH ST1I.U l'.I.I. will aiallt In tha ewnlnj. Organ Itecltal. 7 15. Wm I'owell Twadoall. M. IL CilCrfl'NltTHTnEET "nAlTlST CHL'nCItT Chealnut at. u'rt of tOih (JKOUUR U. AHAM8. Ii I.. l'ajior. u 43 Drothirhood of A. and I. 10 .10 a. m. Worship ami sermon by IM'tor. 8 JO p. m.-liltJle f-chool ami Men' Illbl 7.11 u m. -Worahlp and Sermon by I'aitor. SECOND UAPTIST UEl.l'INO HAND CLASS ineeta 2 30. 7lh below (llrarrt aw. Cha 'erli. apcaker. Tonlsht, Ualllea Minion, Ilev. Cha Shaw, Mr. Arna anil Mr Ulnkler wl ,n Frldi) nlsht. Uier body' Meeting. Wm J Plchet.. laUr. Sunda, Tuesday and Thuraclay iilshtu, lieihany Anthorot. 30tf North uth st llrelliren P1HST CIIUKCM OV THE JinSTIinBtf iDunker). Cor. Carlisle sntt DiUphla ata. rrtachlne 10:80 a. m and 7:43 p. m, Sunday School 3 -'10 p. in. Prayer Meeting each Wcdneajay evenlnr. l)lelplea of CluUt .i,.nT nilnbTI A W' V'tllll,,-,!" Ineatter ae.. Iioll) -nj Aapan it. T. E. WINTER. Paator. 10:13, 3.30, T, . and from What? says 51 were "irnll'hltters." The Rev. V. A. Williams, pastor of the Richmond Presbyterian Church, advises that five of U now members were Sunday con Verls. The Rev. Dr. Kdward Vntcs Hill, pastor or the First Presbyterian Church, reports 10 now members since January 1, three of them belnff trlbernacle "trail hitler" The Rev I)r. J. IlovcrldRe Iee, pastor of 8t. Paul Presbyterian Church, reports 112 new members since January 1, seven of whom nre ncct edited ns tabernacle converts. Additional reports from pnBtorn will be published next Saturday. MISS SAXE'S HiniiK WOIIK HUSHED FORWARD KY WOMEN' County Sunday School Association Pinna Lenders' Moctlnjcs Here. Extensive plans for continuing the Illble work started In this city by Mlsi Clrace Saxe, of the "Hilly" Sunday party, nre beliiR completed by tho Philadelphia County Sunday School Association under the direction of Mrs. 12. K. Kearney, who ban clmrRP of the teacher training work for the orKnnlzntlon. Many mcetlniis will be held during this week and nn Increased number next week. Mrs. Kearney will continue her class In the Temple Lutheran Church, Kd and Race streets, which she stnrtcd last week, on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. She will nlso hold a conference at the Craco Methodist Church, llrond and Mooter streets, at 3 o'clock Thursday ofternoon. Mrs. Caroline S. Merger will teach the lesson. Other mectlnfis of leaders nnd their teachers for the week follow: Tursdny. nt I p. m., Knst Raptlnt Church. Mm. C. II. Woolston, lender; Wednesday, ot 4 p. m , Allegheny Avenue liaptlsl Chinch, Miss Sarn S. Simpson and Miss Plioeblo N. Phelptv teachers; Trlnltv Presbyterian Church, V" Inrsilny evening, lit 7:S0. Miss Margaret (.alms, leader. McetlngH for leaders In South Phila delphia, Uermautawn nnd Tlosa will be held the week following. (SERMAXTOWN I'ASTOR CHOSEN CHAIRMAN The Rev. Dr. C. W. Burns Heads Methodist Board of Exnminors. The Rev. Pf. Charles Wesley Hums, paslor of the I'lr.it Methodist Church, tlcrmnntown, has been chosen chairman of tho Hoard of lCatnlners to llll the va cancy c mined b the appointment of the Rev, Vr. lltoige W. Ir.er iih superintend ent of the Northwest District of the Phll adelphln Conference. Thomas II. Rvans, pastor of the Haws Avenue Church, Norrlstown. wan ap pointed to llll the vacancy on the bontil The mltl-yenr examinations will be held In October In thr First Church, neriuau town. PREPARING DEDICATION Plans nre being mndo for the dedica tion of the new Methodist nullding, 17th nnd Arch stioets, by nishop Kerry nnd other olllclnls of the denomination. The tiruclurn Is nbout completed, but the dcdlintory exercises will not occur until about tho middle of May. It KM CUIUS NOT1CKS tlrrfl Hldillelllble Ctunar Ditr.XHi, nmni.u omu: ci.ashus A unriu nflcoine audita 0J at nur clvlo atifl filuratlniml ralh Wednf .ny nlaht, in riiureh oi tlip rtedinptlon, r.ilth anil Market atrintB Srfiik'rH Hon. Ii .1 Cattrll, City Ktallatklan, Plrtelor L'ooKe unil otliera. .Vo 0lPctlOII. Klhlcnl Culture HonACnJ. MilDOnS on "Wonmn'H Place In tho Wnrlfl'H WnrK " Urnart Street Tliii tre, Hiiii,l.i II u. m., niul on St. Aueuitlne's "f'lty et iie.1." boi'lelv llounf. l'CI Spru-o, S p. m. I'liblle VfIcoma. . rranklln Hume FitANKOfjT'linMK VOn THK IIBKORitA TIO.V OI" I.VKHIMATUH, llll-l.l liciut at. Sundav, S j m. Services conducteil by Ilev. M. Itc'cd Mlnnlrh. I.iilbrrnn MHSRIAII 1.1'TIIKIIAN "he Krlri.tliy Church," Ifilli nml j.ffernon at. Dinlfl i: Welsjle l'aitor, will rrfach 10..10 nnd 7 n n. m mhl School, 2:.10 p. m At the eenlni; nrrvlcco tat are nrcheatra, ololta, quartet and orsan. Cross lllballlumlnnted4 TAnKltNAf'f.n, .vjfh and Sprute Wni. J. Mil- 1V Jr 10 -V 7M.1 B S . S 3ii r. m. SlrtlindlNt'npliropai ClIlTP'ril OF THK rOV UN ANT BHRVCK ANU 1STH STS. MIl.TON IIAROI.l) NICHUI-S, MINIHTKR. 10 wi Holy Communion and raceptlon o( ineiiThera 7 IV-'Iha He. W. ) ntnnott, 1). I), TAnErtNAft.K. Uth hlnw Oxford at." HOIIKIIT l Vl:l.r.H, Pastor. 10."0 "nemeinhered by God" L'.r.it-Siindav School and Men' Illble CUa. 7.1.V-"A Oreat Sanation," Ileurty Welcome. Tn minute from centre of city. New Jerusalem IHwedaoliorglan) "HOW Alir." WK 8AVUD ANIl" I'ROM WHAT?" Tha teaching of tha New Chris Han Church on thl v Hat tonh'. Lectnro by Itev. chirle W. lliiivcy In the Chur. Ii of he New ,hnualm. Hit and Cliaatnut aireala. hiinUky oMiiihiE at S o'clock. Hpcilal inualc. No iillecilon. "1'KTHH'S COMMISSION TO I'KKII THE Slir.UI'" la th subject of the mornlns r mon by tha pastor. ScrWcea at 11 o'rlocH Hunday achool at 0.10. All aeat nr free. i:riboijy I wcUonie, l-rFl)jlerluii XnCirsT. "CIHIRCH, tth and Arch " Ilev. Cl-AIIIINOK KDWARtl MACARTNlCV. Id l.'V "1'aul'B Thorn In the riesh " R.IMI "A Krlend In Need " 7,:i(l-rtactal on Turner Memorial Orian. i in. Men's lltblo Claas, taught by ln. feasor J. W Patton litinOnd and Vhdrton ata. MlnTater." Itv J. IHIAV HOI.TON. 1). D. Rev. M. 1,1AM TAYIH l'.tll)WEI.I,, Asditant 10 4 a. in., Jln. Mr. Caldwell will irearh Ti43 n m.. Dr. Iiolion In ilmrse of Teinperince ftallv. HlCl'AL'I. PliUSnYTilHIAN Cia'UCH " llaltlmora ave.. cor. 50th t. Itev J. HBVIiniliQK I.KB. D D.. Mlnliler. 10:1 a. m. Public Worhli 2.30 p m lradd Illble School. 7.41 p. in --i:inln- Worship, nr Lee will preach morning; and atenlnr Mutlc by (olo iuartet choir. All teats free You Can Be One of the 50 Exposition Trip Winners The Public Ledger-Evening Ledger oilers you the opportunity of seeing the Panama-Pacific and San Diego Expositions entirely without charge, Fifty persons securing the most credits for Ledger subscriptions will win the trips: all others are paid for subscriptions at newsdealers' rates. ; Send for full information Fill Out Coupon and Mail Today PUBLIC LEDGER .E' n,t.7r mJ ""H" contun lo- Uie Pmam. Paclflo exposition Tour. Bjnd ma all th Btceajury eJormaUt-. a.4 ubtfripio bUBS, ijwamm i, ii i uiiu sihml THOUSANDS ASKED TO PRAY FOR DRUNKARD Hcarl-brokcn Wife and Mother Makes Request of Clergy. One Scents Option "Plot.' If the plnn of nn anonymous writer does not mlscnrry.htintlreds of ministers In this city will pray with their congregations to morrow that an unknown man who Is erted to bo a husband nnd n father be converted from the evils ot strong liquor. No prayers of such n nature will be of. feretl In the Oermnn Luthcrnn churches, because the ministers of that cull ha determined thnt the wrller or the letter la not slncore .nd hns tired the method of writing to the vnrlous ministers solely In nn elTort to concentrate ngltatlon on the local option ijiii'sllnn nt every tellglous service In t.ie city. Ont of the flerntan Luthernn ministers who tcvlvrri a copy of the letter had his suspicions nrnused by tho salutation In the missive, lie showed ;hP letter to an other mln'.-ter of the same faith When he had read It he reached into his pocket nnd prtilticed an identical letter In the, same handwriting. Using the telephone o make IihiuIiIfs Ihcso two men learned that pthcist of their faith h.id received similar lettris. Tho conference followed, and after a rompnuson 0f tlio Icttci It was da cltucd that the nunc permm had written all or thriit nnd thnt no nllentlon would bo given to the request. A copy of the letter follows: Uenr Itrother In Christ: "Uellevlnif Implicitly In the divine prom flu i VYJ,R?',ver Vo ! I" my name. In faith bellevlnn. that nhall ye receive.' I am going to nfk your prayers and the prnriH nf our congregation (at RCh service ,, .Sunday next) for the convcr son nf inv l.n.hi,..! i. . .iii. ."-....". .iiu una nccome a ,M.m, Llll",1- Vknn't -vou nray that n.!i ,?', f .curff' bft lnken from nm am that he bo brought to Christ? I,.,..,,!"" not e"nK '" "R" "V name. Ood knows wno pleatlH for your prayers. Uero my htishanil to know that I had fvn.fn ?1' ,u "riiy for h"- our m. would ho more unhnnpv thnn It is now.- Oh. pray, pray ror hlml A IMJAimmoKKX W1KK AND MOT1I1CH." A-,u ItKl.ICIOtlS NOTICES I'rolrMnnl 1!ileiinl cMit'it.Mi or tiii: iioirY-Ai'osfr.i:s i,.. ., ' nW 'lulatlan Ft.-. JSrv. Ocnriip llrrlirt Tnnn. n. D nctnr M-'i1.' ,ntr"ol oniiiiuninii. kk-V, ". til i Moriilnif rr.,fP , Heininn. ; m S n Z ?ln i,i J" 1lr',,l'"nl, Sermon i l.e Jt':'.Urwj preach at biith aenjera. IMRI-Oli OI' ST LL-KE in --Holy iVmmuii ton, in ."-Volnng t'rajtr hii.I Hermon. i, "'-llei.t.tMnn ..s!cr (-nr..I Mu.ic. s?nSJ".,,,.-15E. "nrl C'Cl,, Pri',U'"' IntiSud I lie lienor mil prcuih .it both aorvleea. l.i'IPIIA.N C'llAl-UI. I.tr. nnd .Siiiiiuier ata. it ,. U; .. " . -"miiiuiUoii. ii '"t1 '"F ''rar and H, - 4." p 111. -Sunday School. i I' -""'y.l-oniiiiuiiloii. 8'rninn, i:-A-;u;u?s,vafncfrw'1prcr"' Smonr.,.h. the Itc. K'-'-ip.VvlHTB. neclor. TiS-?.l, .1.,0, L-ommunion in ..,ii Matin J 7-'i 'nl '-"vliarl.it. n. a, i,r...n on aunuay at 11 .... UKUKDAV Sllliviciis rhi ',',.""'' " '" and a p in &.!.d..-rolln',U' 1a" al""-l ! stT Hri:i'iiKN's"fiirncn ICIn at. nhme rheatiiiii , rajer ami Sermon l,v the He'C'or Mornl,l fflrfma BBS I'eformed 'WshtVior1:' .W'i73J ltcfrmrd Kpincnpa " Ol'U IlUIUlKMICn. lilth and 0r0rd-vuustu. J'CoujiMiodj;tophe tVar?" y ' . h.rdrnliurBlao -. Si:i; new jntlURlLEM " Unitarian I'lrtST UNlTAftlAN rilUHCII. 2t;5"ch7TnTJt at., Ilev. c B. Ht. John, in a. Tn.. siinilav Schoul:ll Hin.,preac,lnitby the MlnlUr. OII1AIU) Wl' HMO). rtBV. K. K. EVAJ 1IH3, "leartlv Bllia-IT" V "AtonamaSl" SS. J 43. "WII1CRAU13M ANfJ uiuon . uniirraiiy r IVmiMjlvanla VKSPi:itSKItVICH 4 W o'clockriiousfornfaTi AddrtM hv nobert 3. SfcKentv Soloht Mr. Lewi Jamea Hoivelt, Yniins- Men's ChrUtlun Ataorlatlnn " RKV. ISAC VAnD, of Jlonboroujh," ub"jtcTT "A DUIiib Chaise n,l Appeal." Vila quari let and other invilc 4 p. in. In Aulltarlum nf Central Hrunch Prop In Cia. rl Lobby I p, m Mr I-auton, leader. Hood mu!o anil lenon. WLST HRANCII Y. M. a a" " H2d and Rinsom it. MIIN'S MKWntia. 4 oVlock . -Marie I! Scoil recently relumed from Chlnn. "AuaUenlng nnd Need rf China." Yiiuntr Yinntrn'a ChrUllan Association .vc7 a -lsno'Ancit'ef HUNDAY, API1H. 10 tl A. M TOWKII ItnoAI ni'.V C 11 MACAIITNKY-, I). D. PA8TOII ARCH ST PRKSIIY ClliqiCII SPECIAI. Ml'SIO IIKM'.OI.KNT AShOCIATill.V.s till- tjAt-VATION ARMY. Inc. Philadelphia. Headquarter. Colonial Truil riulldlns. Uth. and Mrkt. " Colonel II. K. llnU In command. Tlrhona Hell Walnut .W.Vfl. vstone. Rara 6)51 i. and instrUcth is. CONTESTANT'S ENTRY BLANK lttlt EVENING LEDGER INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHlUADELPHIA iiuaiJiaitejiB u w t rfajas g" ig" i -yk