Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 10, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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jsnnsnsmsi iJETDOETJr-PHiBADTiJirpHiis:, satttrd'Ay, ftPBiu 10. ism
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The Daily Story
Living Happily Ever After
' Irt spile of tlio pessimism of tho cynics
and tho skeptical smiles of modern rend
ers, thoro Is something enchanting about
the old-llmo romances with tho cheerful
termination, "and they lived happy ever
after." For all tho ancient fairy talcs
end that way. And tho pity of It Is that
bo many people, do firmly regard that
particular ending as nothing moro nor
less than a fairy talcl
In these days of everlasting problem
novels, and tho perpetual stirring up of
certain muddy waters which can do no
eood hut cantonty achlovo a great deal of
harm, it Is delightfully refreshing to turn
to tho old books In which tho souls of our
grandmothers reveled (In their early days,
please bo It understood they llko some
thing much moro convincing nowadays),
and which always possessed tho samo
orthodox conclusion. If they didn't hap
pen to possess tho cheerful ending and
iho grass was growing grcon over the
grave of tho hero or heroine, and tho
wind and tho rain and tho reader cre
all sighing and sobbing together, then
our grandmothers enjoyed tho story all
tho same. For it had a touch of tho Ileal
Itomancc than which thcro Is nothing
further to bo desired In a lovo tale.
But to return to tho matrimonial end
ings. The altar nowadays proves merely
the 'beginning Instead of the ending of
the tale. And all modern stories deal
with the course of truo love after It has
wept through the very gates of hymen
right on to tho divorce, or tho final re
conciliation or tho legal separation or
whatever It may happon to be.
Tho question as to tho expediency of
late marriages Is engrossing at tho pres
ent time. For opinion differs so widely
that no special criterion can bo set up.
The passing of tho years frequently
leaves people younger and sprlghtller
than they ever wero before, and some
times there is a rejuvenation after tho
half-century limit which leads "to matri
mony nnd happiness.
One' of the happiest marriages within
y knowledge Is that of a music tcachor
who, at tho samowhat mature ngo of 61,
entered the bonds of matrimony Mlth
an old flame who was two years her
senior. Thoy have now been married
for three years and are Just na happy
T'M SURE I don't know what In the
JL world I will do If this strong wind
blows over mo much longer," Bald a
snowball bush one windy spring day, "I
em so tired blowing back and forth,
-hade and forth, back and forth I I
haven't one bit of strength left for
wroTylns!" , '
'AlraJ'J-1 'vay when you aro
""ao'blg anSf'stxong, how do you think
1 must feel? I, when I'm only a bit of
a, shrub?" asked a little awect almond
bush nearby.
"Think of mo!" exclaimed a bleeding
heart plant, "here I thought spring had
come! I sent up my tender pink shoots,
and now they are so hard and bruised by
thla cruel wind that I can hardly make
them growl "Whatever will I do?"
"And I? "Won't somebody please feel
Borry for me?" mourned a. violet plant at
tho snowball's feet. "I was sure that
growing tlmo had come. I sent up leaves
nnd buds. And now this cruel dry wind
makes them hard and shriveled before
I can open them to tho sunshine! O,
dear! Hero comes another blast!" And
the violet hid Its buds down tight under
the green leaves of tho plant while the
dry wind blew and whirled through the
For awhile there was no sound but the
whine of the wind. Then, as that died
away in the distance, the plants and
shrubs drew a long breath of relief. "Oh
if he would but give us a little rest!"
cried tho snowball bush, "but I'm so
thirsty and tired I dread to hear him
come back!"
"Isn't there anything we can do about
It?" asked the bleeding heart plant,
"seems to me It's very silly for us to
stay right here, doing nothing, till that
old Mr. Wind comes back to bother us
again! I'd at least feel better If we
tried to Btop him."
"Stop him!" exclaimed the sweet al
mond bush, "what could we do? The
only thing that will stop a spring wind
is rain, and all the raindrops are in tho
"Whafs that?" asked a new
STm tijh rnrt ain-A ntlmlf hurl"
volcvrwas gone.
The bushes and plants creened their
pecks to look. "And what do you know
about raindrops I" they ssked.
The newcomer laughed. "I ought to
know a little at least," he said pleas
By Dob TTJHlaras
Here' to the Funny Old Trolleys
That mailed down the Funny Old Streets
fn the Funny Old Village of Dreaming.
whre Cops seldom slept on their Beats
;Thee Cars were as shaky as Chlllblalna,
Or Frost-Bitten Fingers that Jump
"When you rub on the Snow that will thaw
And-take out the Froat-BIUng thump.
Tou know how the Trolleys you ride on
Each day when you're in such a rush
Have a way of Just snalllnc not sailing
The Streets In a syrupy rdshT
as they possibly can be, For they havo
Ecttlcd down into tho was and hnblts of
each other In a surprisingly Intuitive man
ner. And this seems all tho moro ro
markable in that they hitherto had both
been strong in the ways of old maid and
old bachelor.
Late marriages are, of course, risky
affairs, but at tho samo time they aro
frequently very successful. For ench has
learnt many lesions from llfo during
tho protracted period of single blessed
ness. Each has learnt not to demand too
much, nor to bo too much downcast by
tho ups nnd downs of fortune. True, late
marriages do not bring tho "first flno
cnroless rapturo" to which earlier affairs
lay claim. But they can bring a very'
permanent satisfaction, and i feeling
which Is mora staid, easy-going nnd gen
erally soporlflo than tho eager lntenso
ups and downs of love's young dream.
For lovo's young dream nlways docs
hold a great measure of ups and downs.
Thero is no getting nway from that fnct
It is only In youth that tho deepest
measures of feeling aro gauged. It Is
only In youth that wo touch tho very
heights, nnd, correspondingly, It Is only
In youth that wo touch tho uttermost
depths of sorrow. True, tho sorrow Is
soon forgotten, for optlmlslm Is natural
to youth. But during tho periods when
tho bottom is touched, tho wholo world is
black and pitiless and tho run seems to
have ceased shining for ever.
Lato marriages very, very seldom aro
founded on lntenso passion. How could
they be, when tho days for that sort of
thing aro gone by? But nt the samo time,
they may bo founded on things which nro
moro comfortable nnd decidedly moro en
during. Ksteem, affection, congeniality,
suitability of interests, a certain likeness
In tastes and vlowpolnt sound tamo and
uninteresting ns a basis of marriage to
Sweet and Twenty. But thoy nro very
excellent substitutes for tho youthful In
tensity of enthusiasm which after nil is
so apt to wear Itself out even before,
tho passing of tho jonrs For In lato
marriages as In early marriages thcro Is
eiery chance of n happy ending, nnd tho
verification of the old falry-talo benedic
tion to tho ntory "living happily cvor
antly, "for I'm a raindrop myself! I'm
tho only raindrop left on tho earth Just
"Well, I know thero weren't many of
you around!" said tho snowball hush
"So, thero nro not many," replied tho
raindrop pleasantly, "but ono Is plenty
to tako a messago to tho others. What
can wo do for you, please?"
"Oh. will you help us?" exclaimed tho
plants and bushes in delight, "we'll be so
"To bo suro wo will," replied tho rain
drop cordially, "toll mo what you want."
So tho bushes and the plants told
all about how thirsty thoy wero and
"TVort't somebody please feel sorry
met" mourned a violet plant.
how tlrod of the old wind, and tho rain
drop listened carefully to all they
"Don't you worry another minute," he
assured them cheerfully. "I'll catch a
sunbeam right away. I'll rldo on his hack
till I reach the sky. Then I'll raiso an
army of volunteer raindrops and we'll
come to earth and conquer the wlna
and refresh you all In quick time. Don't
worry: we're coming!" And with that he
But not for long. In the shortest time
you could Imagine, he and his army re
turned. And they did all he promised
and more and the bushes and plants
were happy ever afterl
ComrioM, ltS Clara Ingram Jiufion.
HPaEdi v
Well, theae Funnptown Cara were exactly.
The same only not quite as soon;
They'd start from their Wood-Shed at
And reach Funny Village et noon.
The Motorman slept on the Journey,
And turned on the Force la his sleep;
And while the Conductor was snoring
The Riders their Nickels would keep.
These Trolleys were made of Molasses,
All-hardened by Winter-Time's sting;
How, how would-you like to be riding
These Cars on a Scorcher In 8prlng?
Tou know Alice Brown, the Slow Scholar,
Who reaches her School when il'a out?
Well, she hopped on a Funnytown Trolley
In Junethe result In in doubt!
Muggs and His Luck
Colonel Muggs, U. S. A., was primarily
to btamo for his capture by Grecian
brigands. Ho waa pompous and portly.
Ho wrolo his name in big letters on hotel
registers, and talked about his mines
nnd ranches. When ho reached Corinth
ho strutted a little more than usual. He
found thoro nn English lord, and, want
ing to show him that ho wasn't tho only
prominent porsonago nhout, ho cut n
swath as wldo ns ho could. Unknown to
lit in. thcro was an article in a Greek
paper about him Ho was said to bo
Morth 50,O0O,0OO nnd piling Up millions
more, and that ho talked of buying up
nil tho ruins In Greece nnd shipping them
to Now York ns a freo gift to the city.
Your truo Greek brigand takes his dally
nowspapcr and pays Rpeelal attention to
tho society column. It was on nccount
of tlint newspaper nrtlclo that Colonel
Muggs was taken In. Ho hired a car
rlago nnd driver and guldo and two
flunkies, and drovo out Into tho country
from Corinth to "do" tomo Interesting
ruins; but before ho uns half finished
fugmircing he found that tho brigands
had "dnno" him
Ab soon ns thev hnd tnndo tho Colonel
understand that ho was at tholr mercy
they turned to nnd nto tin the rnst nf
his luncheon, nnd wanted to punch his
head becauso ho hadn't left moro. When
thoy had finished eating nnd drinking
they set out for tho mountains
The Colonel exhibited n reluctnnco to
go with them, but they caused a clmngo
of heart by pricking him with tho points
of their knives. Ono of them could speak
Kngllsh fairly well, and ho explained that,
tthllo It was tho Intention to treat tho
cnptlvo with duo consideration until ho
had Melded up tho money, thev couldn't
permit anj thing bordering on tho frollc
uomo In his conduct.
"Say, now, but who do you fellers
tako mo for'" demanded tho American,
as ho win being hustled along.
"Wo hao made no mistake," was the
reply. "You aro the man worth $50,
000,000 "
"Fifty million nothlncsl Where did vou
get hold of any such rot?"
"In tho newspapers. You shall sco
them when wo get to camp."
"Well, you nro a lot of fools. I have
boon swelling nround some, nnd havo
perhaps given n false Impression, but It's
nil been dono on rheck I'll tell you
straight thnt I m from Mcrldcn, Conn.,
V. K A. I in no colonel, though I hato
to admit It tn a blamed gnng of robbers.
I'm simply Joseph J. Muggs, traveling
snlesman for u clock factory. I am over
here to Introduco eight-day clocks, and
I havo hardly money enough to pay mv
hotol bill nnd get out of town. If you'vo
got hold of mo thinking to rnlso a stake,
you nro going to get left."
"Wo sh.ill see," replied tho leader,
whlln the smllo on his faco showed that
ho thought tho Colonel was trying to
work oil old stock on him.
After a live-hour traniD thev reached
headquarters In tho hill. Headquarters
was .i dilapidated hut and a camptlro
In a lonely spot. Somo black bread nnd
roasted goat's flesh constituted supper,
and later on tho brigands sat in a circle,
nround their captive, nnd tho leader
"Vou shall havo. tho freedom of the
camp as long as you nro with us, but
somo ono will h,ao an eyo on you all
tho time. Tho tlrst move you mako to
escape will bring n bullet. In tho morn
ing ou may wrlto a letter to your
banker, and It will bo sent to tho town
by messenger."
"Whnt In tho devil shall I wrlto to
my banker about?" demanded tho Col
onel, who was tired and disgusted.
"That ho shall hend U3 a sum equal
to what you would call half a million
dollnis In your Amorican monoy as your
"Jupiter Jowklns, but you nro crazy!
Havo tho nholo five of you Just escaped
from Bomo lunatic asylum? If you want
any further chat with mo tonight, then
don't talk through tho top of your lint "
"You will write In tho morning," said
tho Ic.ider, whilo tho others muttered
under their breath.
"Hut I havo no banker In Corinth."
"Then to tho American Consul. Ho
will help you to get tho ransom money
from America. Ho will uso tho cable,
and In three days It will bo hero, and
you will bo froe "
"Sny, old man," remarked tho Colonel,
after a hearty laugh, "this will be one
on mo when I get back to Mcrlden. You
seem to have got the idea that thero
aro millions In tho clock business Let
mo tell you that If we show four per
cent, clean profit a year we nro tickled
to death. My bank balance In tho First
National of Mcrlden Is about $7."
"The papers say that jou nro worth
J50.000.000." tl
"Tho papers be hanged! If you run this
brlgnnd business by what tho papers say
you'll dlo In tho poorhouso."
Tho Colonel waa ordered Into tho hut to
pass the night and the brigands wont Into
caucus They believed the Amorican to
be lying. Onco they had captured a
woalthy Frenchman, who had lied them
out of a big ransom, and they didn't
moan to ba caught again.
When morning came there was another
slim breakfast Then the leader said:
"If you wish to be freo in two days,
then write to your bank in Corinth."
"But I told you I had nono," replied
the Colonel.
"Then to your country's consul."
"Ho could be of no use whatever."
"Listen to me," said the man as his
comrades fingered their knives menac
ingly. "Wo give you one week In which
to raise the ransom. After that you are
a dead roan. Don't trifle with us. You
cannot deceive us, and you cannot hope
for a rescue."
Nothing further was said to the Colonel
for two days. He made himself believe
that ho was out on a huckleberry ex
cursion and tried to enjoy It On the third
day ho noticed that the brigands began
to exhibit signs of Impatience nnd feel the
edges of their knives. On the morning
of the fifth writing materials were placed
beforo him, nnd the leader said:
"Perhaps you will write to your banker
"With the greatest of pleasure, If you
will only tell me who he Is."
"Oh, very well. There are two days
left to you."
Colonel Muggs hadn't been taking
things as easy as appeared. He waa in
a hole and couldn't see his way out,
He couldn't raise 200 Just them to save
his life, and ha realized that he had
put himself into a false position and
that the brigands would hold him to It,
For four days he had had an eye out
for any chance to make, a break, but
ho had been under etrict watch.
Soon after noon on that fifth day a
big thundercloud came sweeping up from
the south and brought a torrent of rain
and terrlflo thunder and lightning,
livery one crowded into the hut for shel
ter, and the brigands were cursing and
praying alternately when something oc
curred big enough to make a sensation
in America for a few minutes. What it
was the Colonel didn't know until half
an hour later, when he woke up. Then
he found himself and the brigands lying
In the midst of the ruins of the old hut,
Ills fellow lodgers seemed very quiet,
and he decided not to disturb them. He
gathered up their knives and carbines,
and retaining one of the latter he
chucked the rest into a ravine and then
set out for Corinth. If the brigands
woke up after he departed they did not
"A-h-h, Colonel, but my heart was rent
with Eorrow when I heard of your cap
ture!" exclaimed the landlord at Corinth
as the Colonel walked In on him.
"Well, I dunno," waa tho reply.
"You've got to get up pretty early to beat
a Yankee and an eight-day clock com
bined." (Copyright. IS1S.J
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Thero was plenty of tho material from
which great concerts nro mado In tho
program of the Philadelphia Orchestra
yesterday afternoon. Tho soloist was
Pablo Casals, tho Incomparable Iolon
celllst; tho symphony was Beethoven's
hcrolo third; the conductor and orchestra
wero those from whom Philadelphia has
learned to expect the highest and the best.
And yet. In rovlew, tho soloist and the
symphony remain splendid; the orchestra
and Its conductor appear, for once, Insuf
ficient and faulty.
Tho "Eroica"
When tho "Eroica" symphony was last
played In this city, the present writer
said of the performance that it seemed
finally to settle all disputes concerning
tho meaning of that noblo work. The
significance of the scherzo and tho mad,
dashing finale, placed after the funeral
march (an audacity of genius if ever there
was one), is that in the midst of death
wo are In life, and that is a far moro
Important truth than that in the midst
of life wo are In death. It Is almost
enough to say that the performance of
yesterday afternoon loft no such Im
pression, left hardly any Impression what
soever. Mr. Stokowskl's fault lay In the
disintegration which he allowed to ob
tain in tho first movement, and In the un
distinguished conception of tho funeral
march. After that, when In tho Bcheno
and finale he seemed to come to himself,
he was hampered by two of tho most
serious defects In his orchestra, a string
choir which never rose abovo a, dull level
of tone, and a brass choir which was
almost appalling In Its wretched tone
production. Possibly, with proper re
sponse, Mr, Stokowskl could have re
deemed the symphony; but not he nor any
other conductor, could have prevailed
against his men.
It is particularly distressing to note
such playing so near to. the end of the
season, and the reporter Wishes to make
every allowance. Once before, in the
playing of a Beethoven symphony, the aft
ernoon performance was bad, and the
Saturday evening repetition was glorious.
It must be fervently hoped that tonight
will cancel all memories of yesterday for
those who aro lucky enough to hear both.
And there will be many who went yes
terday and will come again tonight to
hear the extraordinary playing of Pablo
Casals. In the Dvorak concerto he played,
the orchestra behind him found tone to
perfection, and Mr. Stokowskl gave of
the great riches of his Intuition without
fault. Of the people, as was the excel
lently played Roumanian Rhapsody of
Kneaco before It, the concerto fell In with
the peculiarly apt powers of Mr, Stokow
skl's interpretation, and he and his men
were worthy of the great artist who
played with them. There can be no
exaggeration of Mr, Casals' talents. Im
passive and detached to an extraordinary
degree, he gives to his instrument such a
technical control as is in the power of
few artists. In whatever medium. He
could extend the range of the 'cello until
it took In the rich depth of the bass tone,
and reached the expressiveness of the
violin as Krelsler knows to make It ex
pressive. To epeale of trilled harmonies,
of controlled vibrato, of any or all of the
technical exploits of this master, Is a
vain thing. Those are the things which
he alone seems to understand. But his
art every man may understand. It is. In
all simplicity, the art of one who has
devoted himself to the highest. And in
finding that, has found himself,
Mr. McCormack's Recital
John McCormack sang last night at
the Academy of Mualo for the second
time this season. He sang much better
than he did several months ago. On that
occasion he sang nothing1 well. Last
night he sang nothing- badly. Than bis
voice broke on each separata occasion
when he essayed transition from cheit
to bead tones or to falsetto. Last Bight
Xs. . $vask.
It broko precisely every other time. Ho
sang tho "Onco Again" with a dramatic
fervor nlmost singular In his rcpertolro
of emotions. Ho sang "Tho Low-Back'd
Car" with tho fine elmpllclty and graco
which Is, after nil, his most precious
asset. He was uproariously received.
Mr. McCormack haa sung in moro than
0 recitals this season, something near
once every three days. His voico Is sad,
tired, haggard, worn and hoarse. What
a pity! What a desperate, crying pity!
"The Musical Glasses"
Further comment will appear, when
netessaiy, und at tho appropriate time,
concerning tho events scheduled below.
Tho follonlng uncritical calendar Is In
tended merely as a guide for tho musical
ly porplexed:
MONDAY. April lS-Only local recital of
Evan Williams, the "Welsh tenor. In a wld
arlety of sonjts. Wttherspoon Hall.
WEDNESDAY, April U Joint recital of Mme.
Collne Verkerk, coprano, and Miss Loutae
Hopkins, pianist. U p. m.. at The Llttlo
WEDNESDAY, April H-Gllcfcrlst testimonial
concert of tho Vendeiohn Club, with the
assistance of the Philadelphia Orchestra;
fi'l'i p. in., nt the Academy.
ITP.IDAY. April 10 Final afternoon concert of
the Philadelphia Orchestra, In a Tsehallcow
Uy program, embracing tho "1812" over
ture, the "Nut-cracker Suits" and tho 6th
("I'athotlfiue") ejmphony. 3 v. in., at tho
QATiniDAY, April lT-JoInt recital of Moll!
and Maurice Cutler, In their drat Philadel
phia appearance. Wlthcrspoon Hall.
The final concert of tba Philadelphia Orches
tra, with the prom-am noted abovo. S:15
p. m., at tho Academy.
MONDAY, April 10-Th Philadelphia Operatlo
Society In Gounod's "Faust." Academy ot
TUESDAY. April 20 Final opera of th sea.
son. Mmes Faxrar and Atda. MM. Mar
tlnelll, Amato, In "Carmen," with Tos
canlnl conducting. At tho Metropolitan.
Tomorrouf8 Menu
Of all the dishes that the Ingenuity of
man has Invented, the truffled turkey or
capon is the most delicious. On this point
there Is no difference of opinion Dr.
Austin" Flint
Cereal and Cream
Hamburg Steak
Egg Muffins Coffee
Celery Soun
Roast Capon
Boiled Onions Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
Green Pepper Salad
Chocolate Ice Cream Lady Fingers
Hot Chocolate Sliced Oranges
Egg Muffins Sift together four cupfuls
of flour, t tablespoonful of Bugar, a tea
spoonful of salt and two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder. With a fork rub n a
big tablespoonful of butter. Then add
three eggs, beaten well with two and a
quarter cupfuls of milk. Mix smooth and
pour into greased muffin pans, about two
thirds full. Bake for a quarter of an
hour In a hot oven.
Truffled Stuffing Add four truffles,
chopped line, to a good plain bread or
chestnut stuffing.
Sandwiches Make a paste of cooked
chicken livers, and add a tablespoonful
of lemon Juice, the same amount of
melted butter, and salt and cayenne pep
per to taste. Spread between tnin slices
of bread and serve.
ta ker lecture
Monday, April 12, 11 A, M.
On Sale Ryan's Ticket Office
A Wedding Gown
Well, Mollle and Jim are married, and
It was ono of tho prettiest ceremonies
I havo seen for a long time. Molllo
looked stunning, ns usual, and poor Jim
was as red as a beet. They had a love
ly reception afterward, nnd In tho mid
dle of It nil Molllo and Jim slipped oft
to California. I certainly envy them.
Elinor and I had a splendid tlmo at tho
wedding. You may Imagtno that our
fcmlnlno souta wero greatly thrilled over
Mollio's wedding gown. Sho Is tall and
dark, and her all-whlto gown accentu
ated both, I remember Jim declaring
he'd never marry any other typo of girl!
To roturn to Mollio's gown. First of all,
It was mado by ono of tho most fash
lonablo Importers In tho city. Tho foun
dation was oyster whlto satin, of tho
most wondorful texture. It waa cxtremo
ly heavy, yet soft enough to bo crushed
In your two hands. Over this thcro was
Ercning Gowns and
Samplo evening gowns are going for a
lero sons: In many of tho shorn nowi.
mero song In many of tho shops nowa
days, nnd tho pussy willow dauco frock
has mado Its nppoaranco in tho spring
fashions. Thcso will contlnuo their popu
larity long through tho summer months,
orpcclally nt tho seashore, according to
tho buyer In ono of tho largo stores.
A stunningly plain llttlo evening gown,
shown in uno of the department stores,
is mado of whlto pussy willow taffeta.
The bodice is full, with b traps over tho
shoulders, and moss roses aro caught hero
and thoro among tho shlrrlngs at tho
high waist lino. Tho sleeves aro llttlo
wisps of whlto shadow-laco also caught
with rosebuds. Tho eklrt falls In a wide
flare, with a quilling at tho bottom. Tho
prlco was $25.
A most unlquo and fashionable costume
for tho very young miss was seen tho
othor day. This llttlo dress, by tho way,
was greatly reduced, owing to tho fact
that It had been used as a model In a
recent fashion show. It was a charming
adaptation of tho 1S30 styles, mado of
pink and whlto Dolly Vardcn silk, with a
wide glrdlo of black velvet, nnd a wldo
transparent fichu around tho shoulders,
also outlined with the, velvet. A chlo
llttlo nprcn with two sldo pockets of tho
samo transparent material a sort of
whlto silk net was trimmed with a quaint
Tor the following suggestions sent In by
readers of the Eveviko LElxirn prizes of II
and SO cents are awarded.
All sUKKostlona should be addressed to Ellen
Adair. Editor of Woman's race. Etemno
Ledoss, Independence Square, Philadelphia.
A prlre nf $1 hn been awarded to Anna
KraK-off, 1038 North Mnnthnll dtreet, Phila
delphia, far the fnllowlnir suggestion:
If your Oriental rug Is soiled and dull
looking, mako a thick lather of naphtha
soap and tepid water. Then tako n soft,
heavy cloth, nnd soak It In tho sud3. Bub
this over the rug, going with tho nap.
Blnso this out and repeat tho process
until tho dirt comes out. Then go over
tho rug with cloan, warm water until no
soap appears. Finally, hang In the opon
air and sunlight Do not bo afraid that
the sun will fado an Oriental rug. An
occasional sun bath will keep away
moths, and seems to bring out the colors.
Never beat nn Oriental rug. It tears tho
fringe and wears it out.
A prlie of CO rents 1ms been awarded tn
Mrs. r. II. Mlllhollnnd, 1907 North 63d
street, Philadelphia, for the following sug
gestion: When you fnd you have a foreign body
in your eye, try putting a drop of castor
oil in It. This will not only remove tho
thing which la In the eyo, but It will also
prevent the eyo from becoming soro and
A prize of 60 cents has been awarded to
Mrs. It. n. tyndtll. 1720 North 25th Btreel,
Philadelphia, for the following suggestion:
If a bedstead creaks at each movement
of the sleeper, remove the slats and wrap
the ends of each one In old newspapers.
Also, when Ironing, if you wear old kid
gloves, with the fingers cut out yout
hands will never get callous spots.
A prize of 60 rents has been awarded to
Mary E. Gray, 1211 Arch street, Philadel
phia, for the following suggestion:
If there Is an Invalid In the house, at
tach a mirror to the window in his room,
In such a position that it refleots the
Btreet and can be looked into comfortably
from the bed. In this way time will fly
for the Invalid, as many Interesting hap
penings will be reflected In tho mirror.
The Rivals
Of alt tho torments, all the cares.
With which our lives are curst,
Of all the plagues a lover bears,
Sure rivals aro the worst!
By partners of each other kind,
Afflictions easier grow;
In love alone wo hate to find,
Companions in our woel
Sylvia, for all the pangs you see
Are laboring In my breast,
I beg you would not favor me.
Would you but slight the rest.
How great soe'er your rigors are,
With them alone I'll cope,
I can endure my own despair,
But not another's hope.
William Walsh. 1T09.
Southern Peach Crop Not Hurt
WASHINGTON, April W.-The peach
crop In South Carolina, Georgia and Ala
bama has suffered no material damage
since the freeze of March 22, according to
telegraphio reports to the Department of
Agriculture announced today.
- -
uu uimicauciik iuuu, ucaaea on White kW
net. This robo was Blmply used wUheoi!
drapery, leaving tho exquisite pattern ta"J
touched, except for a slight fulnttj ,f
mo ironi or mo EKirt. i
Tho neck of tho bodice was low tM
outlined with whlto tulle. A most un!
fcaturo was a panel of tho white stl1
which hung loosely from tho front of1
mo uouito m a. eraauatea point beW
the waist lino. This was beaded wlth
crystal ropes, -iiie sKlrt was sofiW
draped, with a Bmall slit at tho front M
rlttli.'ft rnll tpnn .t..a..ul .. "H
mado of duchess laco which has betn la1
tho .family for years, I believe, it g
a wondorfully soft look to her tjit
nnd lialr by being ruffled around th
face and held in place by tho eonreii?
tlonal wreath of orango blossoms. 6h
carried a hugo bouquet of lilies of th
valloy nnd maidenhair fern, tied wltbj
wnuo satin riooon ana chantllly lace,
Afternoon Frocks
plnk-and-whlto braid edging. Thla hi,J
i nvitr tim mil oii-i ,. t.i.i. i.., r ' u.1i
nilllllnr- ,.r .,ftvi ...j .,- . ,7"".
Tho prlco was only 123. -
A wondorful evening gown for nn .m..'
woman or n debuntante, for that mat.!
. . . -imuw ui uu oua snaae or green.
j.. w. uu u,,,1Ui u.uuauca wun dull gold,
This was also a sample nnd sold for
It was a marvel of graceful drapery, from1
the full, tapering blouse tn th mu
narrow skirt Tho bodice was mads caS
a plain deep 'V-llne, both front and bidLM
wun no trimming hut a fringed eajni
of nntlquo gold. Tho sleeves were almoit
invisible, nnd wore made of while nl
Tho skirt was draped, with tho frlnr
weight It down, and a whlto satin foundj,'
uon snewea irom unacrneatn. The whole
effect was regal. j
A lovely hnnd-cmbroldcred net after?
noon lrock was shown in a Chestnut
street shop. Tho embroidery was donj"
in the now wheat pattern, on soft batlsie.'
This was appllqucd to tho net The gowa
was slmplo, with a V-neck and filet lac,"
and n pink satin ribbon camisole effect'
underneath. Tho skirt had a net founda."
tlon, and tho fullness of tho bottom wu
accentuated by a narrow net ruffle. Ttij'
batlBto embroidery was laid over tils la"
n sort of Russian tunic Tho price wu
A Garden of Annuals
April is tho tlmo to plant your garden,
Tho first step Is to select your spot and
dccldo what you will grow.
If you aro a beginner and this Is oni
of your first attempts at having a garden?
I would suggest a few of tho freo bloom-
lng annuals. ,
These plants havo a limited tlmo to Ilvi
and nro raised from seeds, sending forth1
abundanco of blossoms a few weeks after
The seeds of somo, however, the T,lnJiM
scatter broadcast, and another year yoa
will havo tho Joy of seeing a few ol
theso llttlo friends bobbing hero and there
throughout your garden, having taken for,
themselves a spot to grow In other than
whero wo had planned to have them. Anl
so year nfter year our garden grows with
now and old favorites.
Prepare your soil by spading and mat
lng It fine llko sand, and start In as soon
aa tho frost has gone to arrange jour
garden. Thero Is no recreation to com
pare to that of planning and planting !
garden nnd to see It grow, nnd there are
so many of tho most beautiful varieties
that seem to need very little care If
you start them right
Don't plant seeds too deep or too close
together; pat tho earth down firm after
covering. I lay out small squares or,
circles and sow my seeds In these; thu
gives a mass effect when In blossom,
Flowers grown from cheap seed are of
no beauty In our gardens. So try when'
selecting to give careful thought to the
varieties. As a rulo the large-flowered
doublo sorts are nlwavs more beautiful
in color nnd, while theso may cost a llttlsj
more, i am sure you will be better pleased
witn your results.
I always try and plan to havo enoug
of bloom so that after carrying manyj
inuoars tnero aro left plenty to keep tn
saraen gay so when buying your seeai
buy a few by the ounce. There are many,
sorts that can be had at tho small prlei
of sa and 30 cents Der ounce, buy one;'
quarter or half an ounce, and If seed!
are good, you will bo overjoyed at tnJ
aiu,? ul BceuiK wieae masses ot coiur. .
A few well grown annuals of the rlrbt
sorts will yield a harvest of bloswmJM
uu cummer, ana you can mane mucu w
small space by choosing suitable pIM
nnd giving them time In the treatment et
their needs.
Farm andGardenj
EGGS and
Our thousands of select a C. White U9
tlAPna url nnara IivaH fnf alva. vlrOT. HX
maturity and superior er production i
supplying an enormous naicmns c "--
They are also filling: our 48,000 f( IbcuMI
Inn far brlnrlnr off hilphn twlca a '.',
Hatching esss, guaranteed 83ft "t'tJSM
18 per 100, 70 per 1000. Vigorous cWc'JjBJ
suaranteea to arrive are ana in iuu -"r,
tin ..- RA ,o imi . 1KA maF lOvS.
Bis demand. Now la the time t "?
Send postal for complete prlco list soWw11
eafaaar will piwiuea that spkndid tWUg'
V,& JTSJSiJ?!?3a&
Writ us for prlcss on
l KHRf T. T.IMH. ItflNl
Charles II. Bceva Co.. Inc.,
178 West St., New York,
uzeeatlon booklet of fruit, oroanniilW"'
Hedge, eto. ElfTERFRISB Lliafin
UKLAWAHH SMnun In, fruit. Ilfit
iwultry, live stock, slfslfs, adL?BJJ
cUsetotaarluts. Uookjst tree. 8TATB UO?J
IfAHnwnnn Aitcre r 1 r ranAla.
ItMint, Incinerator hs IUM niftu
w u, vuvscs, P.tsitoteuju. usw