3 -wnas --'-' 0 BVEttlNGr LEDGER-PHILAPELPHIA, FRIDAY, APR1X 9, 1915. ' wl V 1 nw H f .' rr H' THE PHOTOPLAY P 'iiSHllHi PHILLIPS SMALLEY Universnl Film star. Captain llohavlt.i, who for many years hh mado tlio study or wild animals both his vocation and avocation, hns recently discovered tliat the 10 lions under his supervision at the Boslock Arena, I.os Angeles, are expert weather prophets. In order to get the best possible results from tho lions, Captain Bonavlta has found that U Is absolutely rsscntl.il to watch them tloeely, and It was during these obscr vittlons that lie dlsroverrd that their ac tions prophesied tho comlnB weather. Captain Bonavlta declares: "It Is a suro Indication of rain If the Hon changes his 'roar-tone' or bIiows re luctance to leave his lair, and by careful study of tho variations of these habits It Is. 'posslblo to tell whether or not tho fctorm will bo severe. Tho extremes In weather for the day are forecast hy tho brutes In their seemlnK Indifference to drinking. When leisurely and Intermit tently lapping tho water or when greedily taking tho last drop, ns If fearing to bo deprived of It. they herald a bright day. "It Is nlso possible to tell by tho way tho lions act after they have taken their water. If they sneak back to tholr lair, It Is suro to rain; but If they linger closo to the bars, a good day can bo expected. If tho lions aro at all restless. It denotes unsettled weather." Depending- upon the forecasts of tho lions, a wenther report Is posted every day outside the arena, and crowds of people gather about It, ns they rely moro upon this report than they do upon the weather man. Lee Arthur's Scenario Leo Arthur, the noted dramatist, who has been especially engaged to wrlto ex clusively for the Edison Company, has contributed his first three-reeler, "Greater Than Art,'' which will bo one of the features that Edison Is now releasing every "week. The story Is a strong one, that of a young woman who sacrifices her Jionor for urt nml then falls In lovo with another young man, for whose success Bho sacrifices her future In art. Mr. Arthur has given his best thought to mako this play fully as powerful ns tho stage plays for which he Is well known. Gertrude McCoy will play "tho girl," Duncan Jlcltao tho heavy. Blgelow Cooper her father, and Edward Earle tho yr-ung man. Two of Mr. Arthur's photoplavs. "Tho Last of tho JIargroves" and "From a I-lfe of Crime," have already been pro duced by Edison. Mr. Arthur Is now working at fever heat, throwing off a threa-reelei even 10 davs. His task, he rays. Is made moro dimcult hy endc'avoW Ins: to mako the plays models of com pactness, for If there Is one evil that Mr. Arthur Is exploslvo on like nil successful dramatists It Is tho "padded story." Old Play Filmed The Famous Tlaycrs Film Company has acquired the Aim rights to Madeline Lu cette Byley's celebrated play, "Mice nnd Men." once the popular starring vehicle of Annie Ilussell, In which they will short ly present Margucnto Clnrk. In "Mlco and Men," Miss Clark will portray the fascinating character of Little Peggy, the winsome and pretty foundling girl, who Is adopted by tie middle-aged Mark Embury, v!th the Idea of educating her along his otn lines In order that she rm.v become an Ideal wife for the Intellectual old bachelor. But. in accordance with the truth upon which the title of the play Is founded, "the Lest laid plans of mice and men oft go astray," as the kindly but mistaken philosopher learns to his sorrow. Seeks Submarine Sensation John P. McGowan, the Western Kalem director who has for some time been tak ing liberties with railroad trains, engines, drawbr'd-es and such, without any worse results than every now and then sustain ing a broken leg or two, a fractured skull, or a dislocated backbone, last week tem porarily transferred the scene of his oper ations from Glendale, Ca!., to San Pedro Harbor, He made a otop at Long Beach, visiting the Craig shipbuilding- yards, where It Is said he tried to Induce the Cralgs to al low him the use of one of the subma rines that are being built for the Govern ment, it Is reported McGowan offered a largo sum of money for tho use of a war shark, at the same time assuring tho head of tho concern that ho would take the best tif care of tho "dern thing," even of fering to run It himself to make suro that nothing happened to It. McGowan Is anxious to use a subma rine In a picture ho has had In mind for some time, his Idea being to show his leading woman captlvo In the hands of a band of men who make their escapo with her by the latest of modern water ve hicles. After his failure to convince tho Crnlg. JlcGowan went over to San I'cdro nnd signalized his nrrlval by having his lend ing woman tied hand and foot and thrown into tho waters or the harbor from n speeding launch. TIuih tied up ho mado her swim to shore. And she did. Answers to Correspondents M. C. U 1, Cannot answer personal queries: fo heart of this column. 2. Kath erJ?f.wJill,,,n",i. 1 No- Btr nwor to 1 .Lusi..M- "AILEV-l See head ot column. 2. "The NlgRer." DdtlOTjIV R MrC -Would nuriK't that you vvrllo lo Ilic.Ujky Company, 2S0 Went 4m rtiret New ork rltv. J O. 13. Tho firm enlo.1e of "Tho Advrti urea of Kaihlyn" nna rMraep'l Hermit or Bl). JUL!, , Tho rharnctrri were tilaved by Knl'i lyn. Kethlvn Williams. John linn o Tlmm-m Ba.nttt.hl, Winnie, (lonlnn Snrkvlllc ol nm Hair. t.nta.vettu XlcKee, nnrl I'mballaii. c'rmrlos riary dHNi: O.-CJ. M. Anderson am rrinrli ' iiufli.man aro both with the l.nn.iv i'to nnv. .Mr. Aml'Tsnn I at the Nil, fa'i'or ' nla studio, Mr. tluihman at tho Chi, ago om "U'lt.P ll'lSl:"-Tho cant of S'IIb s Tho Straiiijo rnso of th Print's Khan' I Win rr Khan Slrlla Itaieio. Phllln t taw son , Oliver: 8iJI Khan, .lark MrtVuialtl. Mrs Carenp ,ta Snyder: Hon ftiatla, Sroit nunl.li) nnd Mrs Dawson, Mrs. Ilryant. Noted Violoncellist Plays With Orchestra Tho Inst sololBt of the season with the Philadelphia Orchestra npprara In tlio srt of concerts scheduled for thli afternoon nnd tomorrow' evening. He I Pabln Casals, the renownod master of tlio cello who has been cnlled by Fritz Krelsler "tho grentcst man who draws bow across strings." Mr. Casals hail for can refusod to mako a concert tour In this country: without notice, lie came, near tho beginning of tho season, and was Im mediately hailed as n. genius by all tho critics of the cities In which he appeared. Mr. Casals was born In Vendrell, Spain, nnd had mastered tho flute, violin nnd piano before he decided to ilovotr him self to the cello. For this week's con certs Mr. Casals plays Dvorak's Concerto In B minor. The other numbers on the program are the Third Symphony of Beethoven, known as the "Erolen" and Enesco's "Itumnnlan Rhapsody," tho latter for the first time at theso concerts. KELLY ! HIS BALL AND SCRATCHED I (JUSS ATS Tou-cSM LOCK HMAMA ujiL we It. WEIL COMB OU SEORfiB poT AT Lit- OL' TEM BALL 55 THEATRICAL BAEDEKER j?!C$ C ., ,' ,.' HjoE Vou old ) I 1 IS"' VWAt I Tstt. v RASCAL THAS I . . A h-lTT.w! f,Z: rFe-?52Y CURBS' TEKiBALL- IH-UT -t: I ARE VOO " r5:5si?A,,ftA J J f.S H6HT stiuL auv; -A iJASyd $S y ? V V mm WmmmM t W BABY CONTEST PRIZES Beautiful Medals Will tie Awarded to Victors by Pub lic Ledger Judges. Tho designing on tho eight elaborate gold medals for winners In the Punuc kBDtiEn Child Wolfaro Contest progressed today, nnd tho prizes will be soon com pleted. Scores of entries In tho contest have already been made. Thcro Is llttlo dimculty In entering a photograph ot your child. Each of the photographs will bo examined by a Jury of seven prominent Pennsylvania citizens, who will decldo the winners. Hvcn though not alt the entrants In tho Child Welfare Contest will bo awarded prizes, tho photographs of &U j lanin win uo pmcra in mo mamonfh eel. lection, which wilt bo sent bv th tw... IjEDonn to tho ranama-Paclfin ic.ut. 4H for exhibition in tho Palaco of Educ&IJi non. Tho chanco to win tho awards In tn4 Child Welfare Contest Is not limits i one for each family, Perhaps you havjB two or moro children whom you want 5 to enter In tho contest. Each will hv! an cnuai cnanco lor tno prize, oris i coupon from tho Punuc LEDaen for each ' -i.ii.i .iti .u,iii ,, , .. ca i ciniu viu uiumo mem io mo opportun ity. Character, Intelligence, health mj' beauty aro the qualities which will bai considered ly tho judges In making awards. Tho Photographs must b or unmounted prints, not smaller than 1W by seven Inches, or larger than eight fcr' tan. Amateur nhotograchs of th ....l slzo will ba as useful In entering thfl frmtosf on lltnqn mniln lit, iT I ' iH ..- v, , 1'tuicasionill. t ADRhPHlA-'Teg o' My Henrt." with .in ex rellent rost. Hurtley MaiincrK' popular antl amusing comed of the Impetuous souuk Irish Kirl nnd what blip doe to a sedato nniclisn family. Klrstrate amusement, .s l.i ltltOAU '"1 ho Shadow," with i:ihcl lMrry trore. The atory of n woman wtio rr.vwua from long cars of toralysla to llnd hi r hua band and hor hcet frtent lexers. Miss ltarry mnr' I'xceptlonal. thctd.w, nut SIS FORHEST "Paratllte Prison.'' Tlio annual production of tlio Mask nnd Wlc club ot Hit University of Pennsjlvanla. Charles illlpln lias written tho muHlc. The ' book" tuilr irea reformed prison and puts t-onie of tnelr vatrarles on the Mago X.I.", OAimiCK "The ArKlo Cone." with Holier: llllllard nnd Albert Uruning. A return rti KaRement of tl.o fuml'lnr tUtct-tlvo inelo Irama. In wltleh Mr. Hilllard linnlH tlonn t tiarlnR gang of criminals by tho approved methoda of Mr. Hunn :l.i LITTLC "Monsieur Polret." nlth Italpn ilerz. A comedy of n plaulft antl on nier rildnr woman with "ilolct aouls." Thin mil tttpra ?i..,ii LYtllC "Tho Hawk," with William Pavcr aham. Ten play of a hushaml und wifo who live by cheating at cards. The drama comes from the riUcovcry of tho knavery hv the wife's lover. Mr. Favorsliam, as nl wavs. dlstlnRlllshetl 8:1."( WALNUT "Tha Iiiimmy," with Ernest Truex. A Uetertlvn comedy. In which Harney, the stum loy, turita sleuth and tic feats a band of kidnapper. A "tun-dollitr show" at half tho price t:15 VAtinKVll.I-i:. KUlTHS-i:o!n Ncsblt nnd .lark Clifford In modern danreH. Joseph J Iferson and Com pany. In n sketch b William C. do Mllle: Will Oakland and Company, In "At tho Club"; a Hurlott Holmes tiavelctte: Harriet Hurt, singer; Itoy CummlnKs and Helen flUdylnRH, singers; Mme. nurse's troupa of tov lerrlera; hwor and Mack and Hcarst SellR motion pictures. Nf.NON'S UHANU-HtiRo Hansen's mutl'nl con-.ediette, "Tho Fashion Shop," with Pun. lie l.aiell o' Vmlctiv Mrtttplia ntt-l ' 1 .irl t .'tr, t Htl ,Tlnnr t nine In hi h the an Brothers Mr un.l Mra .tntnea Kelio, In "Here nnd There lit aiitlev Hlo ' . Wroo's Huds, font? and daneo, Morrla tloMen. tomedy violinist, .mil "J'wrctie"; ilitsioii Palmer, pantomimic Juicier, and laiiRhlng motion pleturc. Or.nillr-Mino Dorse and her Imperial All Star Opera Company, in rxirrpts from grand opera; .Miller and l,ve. tolored conietilans, tho Six Mughal flormans, lntrurneninllis: S'ldnev Paxter nntl llentrico houtliutU. on the wire. I.ear antl Field, (hitter ottl itons: .lack llariutt nnd n, Itlhputlntii nntl Shields and Ilojrers, In cowboy diver sions. Wll.MAM PHNN-Tho Pekln Myalerles. ma Blclnns; Kirk and Fopnity. slnser nml cometllnn; tho Moscopny UroHirrs. In "Fadi in Vaudeville"; the Seven Little Pnrllngs; Hurry llolman. In "Adam Kllllov"; William H. Oraeey and Charles Chaplin, tho Hint comedian. CflOSS KEYS fSeronrt half of week)-The Klerra Stinbennn. tho Four AtvvclH. the Until Hh hardson ''omponv. In ' MovIiir Oa"; .loc I'ondoller. with on nerntdlnn; LewiB iiiitl t hapl and the Oreat Itlehards. NIX1N Porter ,1 White nntl Cnmpnnv, In The Vltltor"; "Lltllo Mlsi V. S. A."; tho (lollerlnl Four, llronn and Unilnne, Mini Mnurlce Wood, the PrlRhtonr, nml Klehurtl carlo in tho movies. STOCK AMRrtlfAN' "Tho Misleading I ndy," with the resident company. The very amusing romedv of the "strong man" nnd tho femt-nm- fascinator, lately seen at the ltroad. SUFFRAGISTS PLAN NEW "ADS" FOR CAUSE Elated by Gaining Support of Penrose, But Won't Take Chances. niTti.nsQfn. OAYKTY "Hello Paris." with Floreneo Tan ner. A mltelmneois musical rneiaiiRo. PI'MONT'ri "The Jitney Bus, I'ho Four nav Fldillois. ' "The Panama. FMmaltlon" and oth,T iraveMtles. TltlCAKEIl" -Tom Miner's Bohemian Dur- letnuors, Willi Hilly Molnivrc. CASINO "Th Social Muld", In n varied progratn. "What's DoingTonight?" t.efturo on ' Vlralnia In Her SDrlnsllme." hy Tir. flniente p.Hvnrd Macartnr, rrh Street l'reshMi i Inn Chur h. s o riot It Free I nlvetsiM of IVnnsvlvnnla Musrtm Man aseis. L'nlversltj of Pennsjlvania Muteum. S o flock. Philadelphia rhirter. American Institute of linnkors, 1T01 Clustnut street; S o'clock. South Philadelphia Advancement Associa tion, S o'clock. Free. Fast Wheelmen dnnee, nagleA' Temple; S o'clock. , ..ill. 'or tho benefit of the Mlserlcordla Hospital, MtnufaemrerH' Club: o'clock. Alumni nay, University of Pennsilvanla; S o'clock Frop Htclial. John Mciorinaek, Academy of Music; s o'clock. Furty-nlnth Street Station Annelatlnn, KIiir sissliiR Iteereation Park. Suih street ami Chester avenue. R o'clock. Hecltul. Uhaddeus nich, Normal School; S o clock. Ploy, "Sho Sloops to Conquer." by senior class, loner Merlon HlRh School, Ardmore, In S-hool Auditorium; h o'clotk tFROVf A STAri" COBBKSI'OM'nNT.I HAnniSnURO, Aptll ll. Optimism con tlntiCB to characterize tlio attitude of the suffragists hole. If Senator Penrose puts Into ncllon tho cvotitful words titteictl at the Union League nntl statts the wheels of the Stato Organization rolling In the direction of a woman suffrngo victory, nothing. It Is felt, v.ill bo big enough to stand In tho way of a feminine triumph at tlio polls In the fall. Virtually nil tho force of JMcXicliol's opposition will bo neutralized If Penioso stnmlH by his guns, leading suffragists said today. Philadelphia polls "0 per cut. of tho vntp, nntl the remainder of the State, c cluding Plttabtiigh, fio per cent. ,Mc Nlcliol's liilluence Is cenlinllzctl In Phila delphia, while that of renroso c-Metids tliroiigliout the, State. Hut tho new Impetus to tholr hopes hns not caused anv slackening of activ ities on tho pait of tho dclcgules to tho Woman's Suffrage Party Conference. Plans for th" ensuing sl months' cntn- paign aro being laid with as much vigor nnd 4ntliiislusm h though Senator Pen rose find not climbed Into the sttlTrago band wagon. The mistake of overconlldence will not bo nintle. New anil more effective- wavs i.f .'.ilveitisltig tho c;hiro were dlscussotl it' tho morning conference. Street car RlgtiK and billboards, particularly thnt-c inljacont to baseball grounds will bo used. Tho "t'liiv let-" as a means of spreading prnrauiindn will not bo neglected. Another melting-pot sacrifice, to be held at thn headtiuarters of each city antl county organization on Apt II IS. will be demanded. No contribution will be con hlderetl too Btnall .it too great to go Into tlio v.it. Tl' lontcnts will be Font to Sluto iicaildiiu'lcts hero to be put Into a Stnto pnt to be opened with sultahlo cele bration on JIny 1. When the delegates 'leave here at (ho adjournment of the conference tonight each and veiv ore win know the num ber of votes !icecary to be polled In her district, nnd like ti well-trained lieu tenant of it political party sho will put In her time from now on bringing about tlio conditions essential to success. The Philadelphia contingent plans tnke 't Into train for homo tonight. to NATIONAL BODY REPLACES KELCJIAN RELIEF FUND HERE Business Will He Carried on Through Various Stato Committees. The Helglan T'ellef Fund for destitute noncotnbatants has gone out of exist ence ns an m gnnlxntloii, II was nn uniiui'Pd todav by Albert Crot-t, executive secretary. Tho new nnllnnnl organiza tion, which hns replaced It. Is the Com mission for the Keller in Belgium The business of this body will be carried on through various State committees. Offi cers of como of the local committees have been changed, as In Pennsylvania. Although the entire Pennsylvania State committee of tho national organization has not jet boon completed, nn executive committee antl seven other members of tho commit ten have been selected. The Kxeciillvp t'oiiiinliti'e follows; William A. cllnsgnw, Jr , chairman; l.nuls T. K'olb, vice chairman; Charles O, llnirison, Jr., treasurer. 1,-ifnyettc Hnlld Ing: Albert Ciuss, secretary, and Paul llngcmnni. The other members of the couunitteo aro Hcujnmlu nimtnlck nntl John Ilrooks, of Scrnnton; General Dougherty, Paul Sterling nntl Seth T. McCormlck, or Wllkos-IJnrro, and Charles II. Hunter nntl -Miss .Maty Atelier, of Hearting. The headquarters of the committee will continue for the present in the old nftlccs In tho Welghtman Building, 1.12I Chestnut street. Tho National Commission Is now feed ing 1,300 010 Belgians, antl In the opinion of nmll Krancqul, president or tho Na tionul Kellnf Committee, of Brussels L'.nOrt.OOO of these people will be In the 1 read line before next ft.ll. In addition fi.nOO.noo Belgians now .tie being fed wait provisions they havo cither wholly or partly paid for. 1 Talks for Itself It doesn't need any talk from us to I convince a woman alter sne nas used p" Soap K One trial will do. She'll find put for herself the way Fels-Naptha works in i i win convince ner mat mere is a way; to make the drudgery of washday dis appear. And it's such a simple way. Tust use Fels-Naptha according to directions 1 i 1 1 i i' ana your wasning win get done in less than half the time it used to take, with a saving of strength and hard work. Fels-Naptha Soap does not hurt the hands. mir.ifiiors notices leulMi nODllPII SHALOM Saturday, 10 a. in. Mt. Veinon us. Frnmes," hy Itahbt weh ome. (Seek reace) ServKet .. corner llroad antl Old Pit tures In New Henry lierkowltz. All SBC 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET , 31 "Some Style! That is the most natural remark for a young fellow to make when lie sees our new Spring Footwear for Particular Young Men. Whether it's a neat combination cloth-lop or a trim new Oxford you'll find what you want here. Two Favorites A Gun-metal Button Shoe with licht ferny cloth top, on now hifrhcr-arched last. Very dressy. An Etift'lish last Oxford. Dull calf with white rubber snln and heel. HfiV NSwJVW J&k$mm& $5 Entire Main Floor for Men JMmm TJhe Big Shoe Store 120406-08 Market St. W. MI.K hO.V OI .STANDARD aUALITV PIIOTOrtAYS EMPRESS MAIN ST. MANAYUNK VlIEnE THK rillOES NE'ER CIIAXOE Tho Mot Talked of Picture In rhlladelphta THREE WEEKS Chlrlea Chaplin In tho Kejitone Comtlr, THE T1IIEP FRANKFORD THEATRE JfATtaAHET AND TOANKFORD AVENUE ?IAnOUEnlTE.CLAHK In "THE CRUCIBLE" And Other Pictures FIJTY.TIIlRn ST. AND LAJiSDOH.NK AVENUE GARDEN Aultu Btewart ft arle William From Headquarters" tniS THEATRE TODAY " Veiuladoa A AUehenr Atet, "Pierre of the Plains" 5 Parts Booked Tliru Eililbltort' Ilooklnjr Olllee JEFFERSON ftill?l!aA f0oruU "THE BLACK SPOT" TULPEHOCKEN jiitZ.F"$oy'.a " ooav "SHORE ACRES" Cflef nnr ? OPERA Uomt of Worlft rteSinUl Ot. HOUSE Orcat koplaw iftnnuuiiitu.1 t!Ul In A .9l t- - i ' - vg- 7:SO to 10:80 lOc, 25c . F.VsOo D, W aRIFFlTH'rf BTAItTU PRODUCTION TfeAvenging Conscience TSYU B DAILY AT 3 AND BP.M PRECEDED By COMEDIES GLOBE THEATRE MARKET ASSt Jl'NIPER STS. COMINGNEXT WEEK TWr 11.ULY 3.30 AND :Su xu riioxo-nuAJiA inisual IJYI'OCJUTES "SEATS NOW ON SAJ.B KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE HJkmUJm (ttH KE-C AJOTVK 4(r1H LEW Q?OCKSTAQER m "DAN" MAIL AT , 6c. (. 1 3, , JK, ; i -f . f rUnmmm U, "f UTvb H iou" iiii!iiii!i!ii!iiiiiiytt!9i m I1. lui! I i,i.i i li ETTBi" iWOTBSWi 'ayffMiiiiillliillMiilllllilliiJI'illili'i'l H E P P E iiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiii8iiMiiiiiiiiiBiii;iiiiiii SPECIAL PRICES, TERMS AND ADVANTAGES OFFERED ON PIANOS, PLAYER-PIANOS AND VICTROLAS DURING THE Aeolian Player-Piano Anniversary $395 Delivered on first payment of $10 Francesca Piano Anmvcnary $247'50 Delivered on first payment 0 ?5 Heppe Golden Anniversary livery saving that it is possible for us to offer we are now offering on the merchandise that we sell. Every advantage that we have ever given before we are now giving again and in addition there are many special advantages and inducements that wc have arranged just for this occasion. Our whole aim on this our golden anniversary is to give to Philadelphians the very best that can possibly be given, Wc want this event to be known for many years. j Golden Advantages only to those who write for the Golden Anniversary Coin , (See Coupon .Below) Those who present a Golden Anniversary Coin will be entitled to every Golden Advantage on the article that they may desire, whether it is a Piano, Player-Piano, Victrola, Music-Roll, Cabinet, Bench, Stool or anything else that we sell. These coins are good for actual cash savings for the special anniversary prices, the special terms of payment, the life insurance and relief insurance privileges, the 30-day refund, the free exchange privilege, the free tuning privilege, the special guarantee, etc. Instructions for Securing Coin Simply fill out, clip and mail the attached coupon as directed, or phone or call at either of our stores and apply in person. This application will bring you a coin and full details of the Golden Advantages offered, By presenting the coin every anniversary advantage will be yours. C. J .HEPPE & SON 11 1 7-11 1 9 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets A PARTIAL LIST op Tim GOLDEN ADVANTAGES and tho articles on which they apply Cash Prices (without Interest on time) FUnoa Xlenchei Player-Pianos Btoola Vlctrolas Cablnsts Special Down Payments Pianos Player.Planos Vlctrolas Low Monthly Payments Pianos Player-Pianos Vlctrolas No Interest (for time payments) Applies to everythlnr 30-Day Refund Applies to everything (except Victor Ilecords) Free Exchange Pianos (1 year) V ayer.Plano. (6 months) Vlctrolas (a months) Special Guarantee Pianos (10 years) Flayer-Pianos (10 years) Vlctrolas (1 year) Life Insurance Pianos Playsr-PUnos Half-Payment Privilege Pianos Player-Pianos Vlctrolas 1-Year Free Tuning Pianos Player-Pianos Free Stool Pianos Free Bench Player-Pianos Free Instruction Book Pianos 12 Music Rolls Player-Pianos Send tbl. coupon fop Golden Anniversary Cola. C. J. HEPPE & SON, 1117.1119 Chestnut Street. or eth and Thompson Streets' Gentlemen: UEunraamtti of fb'col'msi" 0innviN.?,irng2,deu1,,",,vrr"r' Coln " ' detail (Please chVoki: A,)VANTAaES. i am Interested particularly In DPano8 QPlayer-Pianoa OVictrolas nMusioRoll Cabinets U, victor Record Carets 0Music Rolls m I