J-Sv rB "-8 &2 3 'nil i if. J '4 1 J.1 3 t?ihl Oror Fancy Vest .istilNOTON, April 9.-John Wesley V,i ex-ConBresmnn r?um Tonnes Gtrne. , (secretary of tho tnterna- Sal nrlarv Commission, tins been -";ih ft wnimnt of arrest, sworn Uffrt 2 " 1 hibordnshcr, who charged lm w;iiie nsMiiHcil him In a rciin Fif nit avenue shoh ' a 8Pt o" gKJI.Ut ifHcLASSlFlED RATES f DAILY AND SUNDAY ?rt?SlZE TYPE (or like this) Sfcindno-omi i-'- f2li fIlrt"n m ft week.... iJWoperllna n ilnseciitiro Insertions... 18a per line KTenMnserai Me measurement, SAtatluYestoth. Inch. 'iViTil NOTICES ellher paper H&r - :::.:::::::: ra "'" DAILY ONLY f JTff( Dtcember I, lfl4. I COMBINATION RATE f. i(,,,rtlan In both the morning and venln IUBLIC LEDGER 'j, (MORNING) I EVENING LEDGER R (EVENlNfJ) Aii lnr cents per line net to rules given ibe, . ..r, oiTtrATtnMa wanted liSfiirmlNa IN TUB runi.tC LEDGER fA?ffiBmRI!nTED IN Tim EVENING SITUATIONS WANTED-PP.MAT.t. fvnt. rt . . nail umI.' .Pn 'rntcalnnt EVENING LKD(ERPHILADLPniA, FBIDAV. A putt, 9, 1015. or perm Kilo AND SITUATIONS ivapiii.u n?JfiNfj IN THE runi.tC LEDGER l&Elf WITHOUT" AD D I T 1 O N A I, 'i-tfiROE. Thtre is a drug store near your heme that will accept Ledger want ili at office rates. itiiinnn n .in. .. . . . . C 101. Ula.. irf I Ml.WMAS or cnllertnr QIHI., neat. colore .i..,.". ",.;- . . I r.'."PV..r.t.fplcm-'. ed -M MJ.oU.ooik Phono ' Itanng tSJ " ""' ' Sr..,fti:rr,: AinS '-a'" " wi.k. rtlw'Mm; "r : VJm.LT n"ng '""'retl "'! fWgealll enpo Tn"""n.rrl- "tr.tam: good rerer- SiiiYi "TS wnnls scvvlng-T,vnaTc7rvvo."k": tnIUnn wyh a rtitHro. o MI, Lodtr CrntV STi:Norj,,r;ft, ,,.rTriiS3T 5io7ept-ar-Br,.,'' Clipptmit Phone Siiruco IIMi. . would enn, clprlcnl work, o m, ld Cpnt -lOirrpfyrH a 2SI. l...lgr central. KTHNMOHAPIIl.il- Hi-ronT rrrfroTPiT u Ml -J5i!Miriir!l..npil. (I 41, "ell.'cent. ni i.tinJUArilljU ntlntt InH. pxn. In Insur. . nnrn: ncpirnt. rumhiif l Vila pi Jh" '".'K mod Mlanintnrt. ri ,VW. I.odgfr (.Vntrnl. ? HEtr WANTED FEMALE WSiSelDhU. capable !NT whlto lady's maid wanted near r "S:i.i .n, H1':."". .... rnmneneallon rccclcd nnd nr aenlng Addrcen, statiiitt p. (lift ziMnnrrn are. eomppnenuon ! and aecond maid, relations or friends; f&UKt.T T ecl. countrj nl". ney S r.ilnr, .May 1 'i"t '"" n """" vik vthln; email family In aubnrtu: good rJrince required. Meet lady. Room S.10. fooiScompetcnt ,,hlt0 K("V"V "JS A?"1,' y: .wMhina. referpnce.r.nilred. 158. W. I J i- 1 .Ve.iL. 'i"',.:'' elT ."lonllw eperlenpe, i "..ro'l'lon. Plerloal work conaldl r.n.V hrei,tpriOBratihy villi lm ndxnti in.?en.""i Ullnfc to work nnd lenrn n t.i, i.ruKrr 1,-cnimi ynntl ..I .in' iiri-raniurq; WOlllll ronnldpr - "' iL'jj1 "I'l1: in. iim.ii. i.pfiger nrr. rIllVieM:t?.,ISATf:n v,0,mR woman' doalien S i.-,!rrk ,Mernl snira In one p.mltlon pennnnfhlp n 71.'. I.edner rpntwl Si.i. oermantniin. I'hnno llermantonn .11 roOK and chambermaid, tno white KirU or rCSriin3: references I. Sin. l.edcer Cent Cnll 111 rtoUSBVORK-Nfat white girl T.ik & nam t HITCH rtl -"' SbftFERY OOVEIINESSJ for child n years obi. fiffi be competint rreneli DrefeiTed. Meet f Sir Public Ledscr. Itoom 23". Friday nt rjBjtn. ipiBATOnS on all partB of shtrtwnlitB sllki itnu coiton ino iiuKcuuni-nitiA v-uiiiii.ii, VI ind Broun , 1 1725 Oregon Tie , t Philadelphia, March 15, 11U5. llr dar Miss Dean 1 LliKr Central. wt.A.lht T wnuld let 0U KnolV hOlV DlelSHfl I ni lth my position. cen though It li tie itork 1 ers Interchtlng nnd It brlils it In contact with some 'loclv pople. 11 tftioK JOU cry inuril nil Jimi riiiu ill" fcrut. and 1 wl'h ou and tho ledger much SfliicCeM. W'll omle.ior to tall nt tho office iiii Us near luturc . Again thanklim lou. I remain. ?J Vtty cliicertlv, f MAliol EHITE I. JORDAN. IEF1NCD, obliging jouiig iioman ns phy.l Lciin assistant In nut-of-loun Inntltuton. Imuit Itarn i)hBlolosIcal and labornlory fstH rimall aalary to start write iiiullflcitlons :C aii. LcJgcr icntrai. airiRFtAl. uomeri nlth tlressmnklnu nbtll tv. bailneaa exp preferred O 5". Ledger Cent iOUTUERN KAMII.Y wants colored girl for Isnrrai nouacnorK, iirciur imiii uuuKiucr oiu nomh to take care of bubi , icfercnc.es ro- s ;alri Button, 13.1 S 12th st TiuiiptihTd Protestant uomen. cook to Hanlnt fkoiiMwork, nurse to do light chamberuork, nail ref required. Phono Oak Ijino .127 A. iwiiT'. l,r,,"!il3M3ni,r.l-Yoi"i5. refined" ii'f I""' won.nn. ulth child 7 rnrs. well J,"''1"'' can take full charge of Rpiulemin's nome, puhiirn i.rererred. bel i lt ipfpreiipp TJll.I f'htpr tifnee Ytril-VO W'llMAN." hlellfl ed.ip"ille,r7 irno' rrj", rf" ln ,1'nrls school", desirpt rniltlon tn tpntli Pretiph or nt Malting gopinrrn. (I '"-'.',5rr,ZJlLr,' VntTNT IjADY rornp.inlon, lnusleilh InciinedT evperlenced seaiustresn, unqiteatlnnnhle icf--L'"!irijwli!JlirLL Jl''.L1geronic. VOt'NO IDV ', exn clerk. qurTli nt llgurcs, apcinte li ili'i. I.edaerfeiiinil SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE At-tril NTANT or nst etperleme, fnmlllip with corporation, nnnufnctiirlng nnd hotel work. Kno.1 credit and ornco manager, la open for pniitlon. part or full time, or will take special work, no objection to travel. (' III. Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT will lake charge small aels liooks, audit, prepare statements, etc.. hlahen credentlnli, nl rates Phono Walnut j2-,7. ACCOII.VTANT-Slx ears' oxp. In" corpora flnn work, I nlierslty grnd , inaitlcd, age 27 rs, dcalrcn perm position o Wl, Ledger (Vnt ACi n u ,"i. NT Auditor Is" open ror engige incuts. hooks cheikcd. icWscd ami state ments prcuared r, t,", Lodger Central ADVI-KTISINO MAN, i ipnhle In all brandies of the liiidii, a hustler now eniploicd. de sires to niiiko a change. U hit la offorcd? O IHI, Ledger Centrnl ArtCIIITECTS' or builders' supcrhitpndontrps'- tlimtop or deslginr. grudii ite mghicir In rs'oxp building tonslrui Hon. ",iU7 N, loth At-'-T HI'I'T. MIfl 2'i married, teehnluil Bl.nlil.ilp; enrt machine i!inp, IS muiuhs teitlng laborator and eftlclenc work, 2eatu nst, snpt mfg plent O till, Ledger Central StTUATIONS WANTED MALE SAtjITSWAN, ago ,1R, experienced And caibl wants to conned with n rPFponslble Arm. cither traveling or loiftl salary or commH . slon. jo. Leilger Centml SALESMAN, acquainted with bnnlnnre tr-ide. nt present mgaged, desires (hnnee. .1 jnua' ejlcrlencc. II Mil, I.eilRer fential H'i'MMAN, "cnernver cnergcllc, solicr voting V1V wnnia position Icwelrv or other line. J'pst refrrencis r inf Ledger ntib c rnrs erncrloupe. t M .in t n.t 1'inf "Af.KSMAN. .11 city or traveling, pxiierlemcd ciir IPni , rci u ni Ledger Central f'TIl;'!!""'J,,Il"'' 0 cnrs CTPPrlenie for loratl, n liookkeenlnc, eentril lrlnl work .SZ.'Z? opening with adinme present r n- nloer win furnish reeom V n, lol C'n SnI':.JiiH",AI',",;" correspondent. nfflPC work, rs. pxpprlnire tors il 7 IS. Led fviit Sin.ln"".'U'",;" f graduate high school i mns exper . also lerk (1 r.M, l.cil cen' ui,ihI;l'1,,'I;V,",,Ar,''ATn- Vonne man, ?B. witti lephnltnl and luislpra" oxpprlence, would ..n..conlM,cl ""h n on,l concern In nny .!i.n.eL,V:, roniunt ration at start least conHI (ration, heat of references r KIT. Id. Cen. YHl'Nl!L?'A;V'. "n"1 recently secrelarv s-id JcTJifi"?1, "r 'ncoiporated comnanv. open for S2?.,.,ii' ..!m -I. 'eats nr age. ambitious an I 7i,.;'.i '5" experience rrnm previous work. er?n.lf.l niicrtn and can eecure At rcf Jv'JlJ? .", ,0 my Integr ty nnd charnctei. .1 . ldgrr Cential. ui ir - n m. mnn- w"h excciitlie aMIlty. I. .An! "rm that wants tn sae money I'l iiaiidiing materint rm. ,.AnitfAtiiri,. ...in iltrOL ""''.r ..K1DPnlbl nofltlon. he'sl of 1 ?., ,- -""- v "" i.diger central. ?..N.'i'.A,A,N".",,,lB"l" cl,,rk and Ihorouihlv li'Vef- 1frJ .'" 'ransportatlon, 4 cais In ij ni. department of two large compan es. o nu, lrfdKtr Central. mr "' limber, ''V.' s'enog , salesman, ortlce vJ'i '."!' rrelBlu rates, 'Al credentials 1- a-iS Ledger Central YS,ti'V",5JAN'' " B ,r'' experience hookkecp. ! i5i,irai."Fcn,,n,,n,t 'fie details now em 1m !;,A"'kr". lfrV,lir onnorumllv In or out- elde work. 7M Ledger Central, Y?nff.V'ii'Af,''.'1. '' ,earV experience. archN tecturnl, mtclnnl. al drawing, ilerlcni. rell- ing. will make gco.l (I (i-,2, Ledger Central Y?,l.i't' "AN. 27. .nllege education, sales ep. antos. ncpessotles eatable of handling, other nn.nnihltlous.rellabic il :i,V, l.ed j-cni A!i.MN.MAN',T,ft "J1,h elerlcai experience In t, hPJ"r ",!!''. '.rellts. knowledge of I ook Hi'SJl!.'!, Ledger Central BOOMS FOll RENT VAi.Nirfrs70fl-Tno nkely fiirnlsherfr enfiv miinlcatlne front rooms an1 bath, boardop'l. WALNUT, r.OOO itanrtaomMy furn. rooms! select neigh L genllemen Helmont "nut N tSTII i.,'lll-lrltge rnmllv has cnmfortaW front -room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, elec lights 1TTH. , S'.t-tlenty riirnlshc.l. next ti 1 nth. elc. tile rpasmahlc. Phone Walnut "M IftTIi N , lrtl MeanOIIy fur ronf roomt'l ci conv , exrep home prl fun reasonable. i.vrii. s.. iii-iTtiNiaiir.n rnnMT rt"ot M:kT ItVTIt. PIlOKJ.SSIllNAI. ori'M K 3'iTlf, N, TilViirnlshed f-ont f'oms sit Jtlng jrnom, unfiirnlsbcd. rum log water It ril, V. 2.12I- Ijirge well rum 2d stor room; relliied private fam . Dlaim nd 211 17TII .1T..N , rt.1.T. Turnlshed room In prlvsle fnmlly, gentlemen I'lmto at Ledger Central r.2f), N., 227-Pihnte fnuilly has luge 2d sion front room, also single room, phone NEW I furn tnouis ttlcltj; bath, neir ' h Mutiurban VNNEFlELn ScTTloor furnl'hed flout toom other rooms. Phone merbrook Vmi W rpflned giinlcmeti clei I.' sin. Daring W3 W WORK NEEDED QUICKLY .MALE .-ilnn uigent nmtln macs are rllll In the ;,,!?, 1r ,h" Einerginei Md Commltlte. Im neiiialn emplnviiient must be lound. A fow n.-,,,"ll.,"'I, below. If nn can hoip refer to Ul.lHnl5l,,,,,i.,,,i,,;r """ ,n 'V t","""l,lco al ,,'r,VF i:tnoreno Aid" fnninmirn'hn otrTllo iiio rniinnliig nppllratits. w hoc rpioicncm hao . v., , - lllfll liAKEIl-Mnrrlnl man. ifihlldren, wants poal- LnJ.I" well ni ommeiiiled. E. A. I'll. riltASS I'OLlcllEII-Man with good rel Vnnts .,hns4jhlld n , eridesen g. ;. a. M-. HI TCIIEIt ..tnrrled loati, exp men cutter. wnnts polioii, has good tor. I". A. tfU. CAItl'iiN rr.lt -Man wants pniitinn. Is willing lo do nnMhing good ref E. A 111 CI! l lTEI'll Man, 21, alt glc, wniits tmt , Is well rec nnd is icr duelling K A. MA. t ? ,,F f-V K TS f c Ep. mnn wants pns : Is a willing and hard worker, good icf E. Mil DHIVEH nung marrred man wnnis posT lias aoo-l icf and Is draenlng E . 1J17. .llNLrtlt- Man with best of ref wonts po " Is willing to ,1,1 nrliiK. E A IW J ANI1 Oil Married man wants ms as Janitor Is honest, miier tind Indiistitnua K A 1.1:1 MACiliNisr Mnfd man with 2 ihild'n -wants ros . la willing lo do nn thing 1:. 140 I'ACKEIt Elderly mnn wants poa . is well re- ..mi I-. imiiiij in Mmsiiictiuinn. 1. , in, TEAMS! Ell Mnn led men wllh il chlldien wants position hasct good lef E A 112. B'LDINO MATERIALSREPAIRS BOARDING tlllOWN. .inlfi-Hrlght, sunhy room, 2 gentle- men orcouploigood table Paring 1147 U. CHESTKn. .VkC-rrltato fam. has pleasant 2d- story nn, reuncii Hentiemen, rer avooi CHESTNUT. 4110 Very Pleas, furn rooms ref., conv. location, 2d-aj,ors front, back, also single room, tahlo bard, phone OlllMll) AVE. 1712-Hooms, single or com., for lenned genllemen or louple, phone HAZEL 'AVE. fil02-Vnranclrs In n refined hompfor thoe dcalr home comrorts. phone flAcr, 311.1 Trnlnod nurse Ins pleaa home for ref people desiring good accom.; special enre o' Invalids ni elderlv peroni. I'rcston MX I). SPIIUCE. in:-ln-Deairnble suite with Plicate bath, cholco table hoard Walnut 72V. W. SPIU'CE. 1.'2.2il (Hrlsmoiide)-rnrn. rooma, single, en suite, private hatha, table board PPIH'CE, 12111 -HATH. OT11EH SUITE Uirtl PHIVATE ATTIlACTIVn KOOMH NIMH CE, K1211 - cheeiful single and double rooms private hub, oxiellent table, phone WALLACE, 121-WII fur single and double rmitiii-. exceptional talile. Poplar ,lll."l A WALNfl". loll Large . heerrul front attrac tive comfnrtnblv turn nlfo slimle room tine innie. price iignt. piti ram liar g isnii w. VNALNUr ,1'in-. Warm, pleasant rms , heautl f'll nelRlilorhond, lioiml. Preston 0121 A WALNUT, lldll Pleas furn. slni!b op rimili rooms for gentlenipn, good table Pres 4I.'.'1 11TII N. 202(1 Handsomelv furnished rooms Blnrle or eti eiilte phone, gool inr srrvlie 1I1T1I N. 12." Large fmiit rooms, with hoiM fcdlsn other v u inplea phono TilllI, N, 7n( Prlvme runillv will hoard rc jllned gentlemen, convenient t" cllv JJnr SIS Suliurlinn i.l.HMAN Ki N ...... W , lilttcnhoUKP at. lie- tween Wavne until flu enn- licslrubl looms, wl li I'onul, homelike, phone din. 1.171 X OAK LNE, 701 Comfortable rooms near station, good home table Phone .lis y WALNUT lvNE. W It-rionms. aliule or en suite wllh limd relliiMl siirioiindlrig". Pn ilin liliid Y Photos nt Ledger Cenlril APARTMENTS MtM.It.M. n.OOIUNd A,r.I.rDl.N-l,:h,!? ..t?!:r-...Y"1' .WOULDN'T :r.'''k I'liiuin'itiii viu.iiJK -Ai -01 ty VANTBD-Good cook nnd upstairs ulrl: refer- vincd required, good situ itlona and good Miifca for good girls, Mrs. W. C. rtkhardson, f Bound Drook, N. J. MINTED A good cook; Proleatant preferred. Apply 121 N lOthjit . after 11 o'clock. vrivmin An -.vn . -. iiju.... ..- iJT....-.. ..II ..in ova. CI Wll lllll,11ll IVli;i lwm, Scotland Mills, Mnscher and Someraet. HOMAN. raflned. lo lenrn mrnrl haf.i oiling. fI poaltlon, glvo telephone number. G SO. fUO -Jter Central. rr HELP WANTED MALE EOOKKGDPKTA wanted, must he ntiiiirl,nrA il have good ref., good wages, steady work. Apply ptraonally. 021 Cherry at. COT to run errands and do office work irpiwiuniiy lor inieiliaeni. grjos uncoin Drive conil wcll-trolncrl hm Chestnut Hill. ATTENTION, HUS1NEHS MEN Many cnergetle, bright bnvs who come tinder our care are now avail able for office, shop or fat lory work, no rmrgcu JUVE.VILE WOllKnitR' lll'llEAU ir,07 Alien. ti:eei'hom: kphuce u it AUDITOR, or head bookkeeper, 'I jrs' experi ence, traveled Tor large eonrcrn; Al refer encc.0 M2. Ledger Ccnlinl noolfKEEI'nn. nccounlant, atnttstlclTn. Wharton School graduate U. of V . s yra.' CNP : can you talk bualuess? O lis, l.ed. Cen HllOICKEI'PEJl, tjplst. rxper , competent, quick nnd accur , not afiald or work or long hours, ier i'.r M . 5'I17 Ilaverford inc. ilOOICKEEPEn, tost ai'ountant, ofllco nian ocer. .10. with experle nee (I (,30. Led 1 'em HL'Tl.EIl, while, LompHlent, vvtancH Hituatioii, 111 at claya cnly, city ref C 22, ledger oftlec. viua' cx- also tl )cirs geticia! WITH K.:llllSENE LAMPS WllUI.D YOII' OF COUIISE NOT 1UI' KNOW THE ECO NOM10 V VI. I'l, OP MODEII.V PAi'll.Pl' : ciii-v iniv tin,, I., x ...,;. .... .J.'v. : ACCOUNT WITH Till. COS I' lip I ;" AND 'lUAIt ON VOUIl Ol.n WUODl" ILOOIIINO' MINEIIAI. nnniiix is I'HAi-lICAI.l.V IVIlESTHUl'TIHI l" , five CU.MPAI.AT1VELV I.ITTI II AND WE LA 1 liuSINESS11 r ''M'-N'-INH U)0t LEV 'ls'tI.LL YOII MOIIl; AHOUT ITS SAMMI I'EXTUIII'K II' WILL PAY YOU. I'lIILA' MIS'EIIAI, ri.OOIUNO CO BUSINESS NOTICES CIGARS I,'rc,', fr"ln f"or on f -ni, ." ECONOMIST" Indies, fs ,r. dellveied. 1'rmlilc. ."his Alti'll CABINETMAKERS WANTED Must b experienced on line cabinet work and do hand sanding. Bring tools, Phlcal examination necessary. Apply yiCTOR TALKING. MACHINE COMPANY, Application Office. 25 Market street, Camden, New Jersey. SfTiiSiS - a-'' -1-SdK.er Centra I. -m&zsssR !flJSwc: iirlM.E5fitW.an,wi gamaker famlllarwith I'rwrauil'b.'.'y or. real eatat0 C3tl W tnla nron?.r(1. worker anrt "bio lo HJck ritBr?'2S.c,i,l0.1,. new and means lta' advanVer"Qm7.?1. 'idg'e'J ' ,?V,!J!l beslery.d'lrect from i.'Wi groit in ac. UUYKK nnd deiiartnieut manager, tins capacnv ae.Ks position with munufacturtr nerlenct In mercoiuiic, or retaltei. O MO, Ledger Central CHAUI'TETR Young married man wishes po altloi; good mechanic, can handle any mnko of car. reliable and careful driver, highly recommendcd 701 N.l4th st. CHAUFFEUR, Italian, good repairs, dcslrts position, with i,ood releremes, sober, inn drlvo any tat. Address H).1 South Reese at , Philadelphia CHAUITEUR colored, wishes position. I rs.' '.l.l,'vi k..,k..i, .,,... 1 cuu. , ,i.,rni, fl,l- ernl usefulness. referenics C 7, Lodger orf. CHAUKrhUlt, whiter wants position byAprll 12: 7 jeara' oxpcrlcuio, highest references Chauffeur, Bex 7b, Hiivcrford, Pa. rial for .Vic HI. PAIRS j.nir milili or 1 lock, mi mallet i'ii'S1,1 nf,r"'" . ' ivar guiiiintee. Anm a, tlli W Oliard ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ltiSOA!'. N . lil 2 rooms and bath turn, or tinlurli elei trh tights, haiiiwood iIhotm win dow rat. eli pilvatn porch, southetti epo aiu jaj-ge vniil. PholOB nt Ledger Cential. HPItlSt: (lAltlili.N 17ill-2d-noo"r"aulle 2 rms. jirlv. Infth housekeeping: icntial. riaonablr. HI'fllNii iitnnuv 11110-Excellent nple In dirfeient loiisis aomc fur'd kltMicneltcs, SPIIUCE. 1I2M 'Inn nr .1 rooms, with irlvite lulu, luru or inifuiu . eieitih lluhts. haul wool lino's all modern lmpinvements WAILACi: s! I'nluinlshed npi . 2 rooms with mlvnti ha Hi 2d floor. Poplar 1110. WAI..NCT. 1222-21 (Kenwoi. Il I icsliiible una. single nr rn sullo prlv. hnths. will iiiinlali lo lull Imant mnderaln tent. ahiut S1SI. Weat Plilladelihl C1II1.1I1N APARTMENTS .UIS lining at Two first class looms, with pilvale hnth, suit nhlo dentist op doctor nr apnltiMlits. Mis upiin Mil 1,1111 iii-r. lien piinne I'lcalnn iliiit IO SUI1I ET Jd siiuv apt, .1 moms, bath, porn, iiiiurnlsbed or oniuforlnhli lurn . for iiniisrKC'piuu. sin in si-i ruaioii ,:tin. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS (ll.l MI1IA .WE. KJ21 - Clean, sunni, at tractive, s ru s . uiilur, ludu g Hit. cPiiiiiit lath all (niu'iis . virv niil rint. open. UIVMONIl AND 2JD, S E COH -Tlllld floor, 1 looms and bath, rieain heat, niodern In rurv detail, f.il. inrner pro erty. S.ID AND PINE PlrM (III: LN("l3Y APIS 1 Neiv. Mac lit . I to r. moms 1 iitirl ' hnths kllrhenello. central lmnlon, applv Jnnltni DIAMOND, 2112 'I mnn a, hilh kltihen, hnt- m.r bent, ref., .'d Hi or J.'.'."! 1 rn s,, bath, kltclieti allior loom", J.11 I ilnmnniMsi'! W C('!,I"MIH AVE. 1VS l-moni npartmeiils, ' oini lele for houtekpepla, imfiirn , phone. MoltD sr H E cor 2lsO-Three rooms nnd balk, all outside rooms, $.n a mouth ion oai.i; uit : .t cinc.vi't-fl. 1.,, .t . (K0 square feet floor spue. Inrmerlv uscirns liEUMANTOW N I'nfutn opt. n' I rontna. hath ") iniu-u uiui nn-ner nun. sultnlilo tor pleco goods djer and llnli.h"r. two hollers and two engines M sit. Ledger Office. nHAttrrtun. .1 venrs Al rcfironcea, strictly temperate uox :r-' last private family: uvernrooK, WU lo wVar.;. n?'"'1 "o'lery.C I STOCK -SALESMEN WAKTBn llrffiL'J0!.01'0 lue of 7 Dr rant ...mul.tl... (erstioa. Com,iVJilhet1."1"u'-?urlng cor- tl4fauwora"nwiih yR?n." -laeTlTirTr; KjJHon! wrman.ni1 '." lrttfrht ant ?" 1 2 or Ti ! 'V-ia rJ."i opportunity. Ja J, r at oply, 727 Walnut at. ItSSt'e'r foJPtliCacan',ra,'-'" imnr ui :,..'..r .rvFPlI trada only. A rH blilil " IIBI1I U1I11 BnnJ l - -- Auuu rnnnpfl rns ,. afiuTHr. John A. no.. a .j ,,' .1 ? tetWlQ V Wi!If..Wl!L.?' 'r education a- Mitii rtii'T'i'-LM inuit rurnih rt 1 1 tii i-i.-r:"' -"" 1 must ttl "'r. J.eply L 818. liSIEtJidr eivncrt LedKr C?n- lhBfMMDJ2,y The Lakft TarnmAnhnat tT-" --""", conn. -.,. ,vvv mPsKs CHAUrUEUIl, jniinneae, ihoroughlv experi enced driver and meihinle, heat i Ity icfer ences. Nippon, .10s N isth at CHAUrKEUR-OARDKNEIt, S venrs' evner.. htst reN : tingle, sober (J lis. Led. Cent. CIlSurFEUR, houseman, Herman, single, -.'7, dyears' xperlenic. (1 831, U'dger Central CHAUTTEUll v.ishes position, :i jcara' exp., good reference . 212 N AJden st. CHEMIST University graduate, 23, with siifil clent training and cxperleuco In all branches ta take up any proposition. If jou wont a innn of rroveu abilllv. to whom inlilnl nnl. nry is leant consldeiatlon. lommunlcato with me. IMilS, Irfdger Cenlrnl CLERK, oung man, 10 jeara' experience? real estate office, aaslst on hooka, general offlcn detnllsO nil, Ledger Central CLERK Young man, (! mrs' ep.. also rnN lectins expcilence n two. Ledger Central. CLERK, 1", general offlco exp , filing, phone oner, handling corrca jl .111, Ledger Cent CORIirSPONDENT ond offko executive "de". slrea change, now aalca manager of wholesale nnd retail concern: ref O till. Ledger Cent. DRAI'OIITBMAN. nrchltet or builder, good dtaller and superintendent, 1,1 jeara' expe rience, reasonable 0 03.1, Ledger Central DHAUnilTSltAN, mechanical, 2'l I jearV exp . rel . "accurate, ref O HIS Led.Cent. ELECTRICIAN, practical and teclinlial eight rars experience, ronairuriinu, creranon, de sign ana nialntcname. desires position, em plnilatrr'rij. O 837, Ledger Central. fcXPERIENCED and depelidablo part wants posuion aa inunuRer, asaiaiani nr atewarit or hotel or restaurant: no ohjecllon to leaving the city. C III, Ledger Ofltce. FARM MANAOEft, married. Sfl "gradunie PiT Stale in agriculture, roULTRY EXPERT. garden, flowers, slock, gialn, successful ice ord. FjH,Ledger Central KOREMAN or Janitor of largo aparlmentnr office building' S yeara' experieiue, reliable, energetic O Ml, Ledger Cetitral aAltnn.VBrt, married, alrlctly sober, niav-ieai private place; greenhouses vegetables: life. time experience; heat ref. M I'OU. Ledger Off. PAR1Y ileslrc I who will share exp.nre neeea rarv In closing oale of nrooert) vvlilih relurns 'y-r"rtle lirnntiieRotlRtlon-i well advanced C 10.1. I.edgei OfiUe. SEE "vour llrst ' uiciaphoncr anvea lime, trou hio (o hoiipeholdeis, for sale, mall order propos-uinn. Ilanliii Heed HI Ig KfvMonn, iiaco s-jiw. mi vrcn st , lien Loeim :I771 A W'ANTEIi. voung man with S..VH) t,.iinr,i In good-palng business, inuit have hem referemes. aninll Balarj to Btart. Address LV" I edger i entral INVENTION'S necersltlea. conirorla-Mall or der proportion Tor aale. Hiinlnn, Heed Tlulldlng Kevstone, Race 2203, lfi"! Arch. JlelJ.LocU3i 1771 A ,i..i .xren. 111(1 MOVl oitritlnp our new" hall ki.iii tin" chines. FPcuio Iota! apeni y u vour i lty. Velvet Mint Cmupnuv 11th and S'orrls. CKIAR, intnlj and a, lined silppllca Doing gnnr1 husliitsa must kpH, golnj to lounlrv, ti"ar 20th erd Id klinnn I, .s. Ledger Cenlril EXPERIENCED mm li engineer will devotn spare time to devilnpllig .v.- designing special imuhlnerv. ihnrges reus O fil.1. Led Cent UURNLSHlHi Hot HE filled wllh good pivlng tetlHiiti' iheap for cash li.".' N. lltll (iermnntovvn s I'llflltn not. and prlv pnich . 2 1 Moor Ph FURNISHED APARTMENTS nN'SplFAn1'n',", !-'i -in nimished l-V-Jl OjTlUVLJ !.,, SI1K)0 or ,, !, REAL ESTATE FORSALE CITY Ciiltl.lLK. '.'lib North ... . .". . . '. ., 'Jv.il. I1" I North . . . ., El'NA E KIRK. IVl'Jii N. I'niillic si. MIHUItllAN ; ACRES, IIEAI.D, Wcsltoun, Pn. l.'(fi. U miles station. A .'I U Market st.. Weat Chester, NEW JERSEY CARPET CLEANING WE.sr 3c. PI I'lIILA. SmWRCII STORAClf C(l" It YARD. .'-STil 72 LWCA.SIER AVE CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH " PEATHERS AND PANCIPH JJLEANJHI DYED MAILHOI' 15In Chestnut DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY 1'AhllIONAIlI.E diissmaklng, prlteu reason" nhlo, fit guaranteed, reiunclcllng .11 VI Cheat nut, Apartment A. Helmont tills v. UOU NS for nil ofi-aslnns leniiKlellng, moder ate pi Ice 1310 Walnut. Lo ust UJ7 liEMbTI'lClllNtr done while vou wait" A" llelchard, ltl'l Chestnut, Pictorial Review pat. DRESSMAKINH tnuiiht, shoit aicwoweii, aui iiencaia ihig. prnc courae lltll & Market. FOR SALE HIOII-CLASS MAN, executive ability, orflca details, purchasing agent: thoroughly familiar with manufacturing line, long experience. U 10. Ledger Central. 4J,vr.ro colored hnii,iii... .... . - S-JS-SM, HOt HoVlni."V"'"n- -"" "i""T '-' , tWATEH nUBBERS VANTED L"ut hv. factory ptrec on Wrnlturu or Plajioa. ifHislcil examination necessary. Apply ?fR TALKNa MAqiUNB COMPANY App!lctlon Office, 23 Market t.) - Camden, New Jrey. rS,,n'?'T'r anTi-,p. ia th, u-m "-. Illl j-lllt laljsld. li.ii. ------ ooq cayin- . A,i . "tt. weiio-ri poai- Sffi0118 wantedIfemalb K a h?,ufm.e w nr ithii;ri BPEB k -"' edger Cent n -:""- gro ofn.a wnrk I.I. JtS. riff lVSS,I,L1!.. '' - talr STSSWJVfHl -S irsSStei .'ft-l: HOTEL manager; exp : small hotel or head waller large establishment: city, Louutry, seashore; large following O 032, Led. Cent. HOTEL CLERK YounB man. .10: city or ' shore; references. O 0.M, Ledger Central. I1ILLIARD. pool, combination en. Bold, rente 1 hand hoiiirhi Keater. .U'l (lliard live. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING Belter and cheaper than hot water or steam, Pure, fresh air wllh normal moisture. CUTS COAL HILL IN HALF 6 am! 8 N. 18th INSTRUCTION HAUT1ME PIANO pTajlng taught In 20 ea tons, Write for bo iklet. C'hrlstenseii Schools, JSJO Oermantown avo, 1320 Tasker st. JANITOR wants position; all-around man; refcrcnces. G HI, Ledger Ofnce. MAN 'waDta a poaltlon on gem's place, under stands care of fine horse, harness and inr rl&ges, lawn and garden and understands dairy work and making butler and raising poultry and understands Incubators; Irish, best of reference. Ci, Ledger OfHcp. MAN and wife wish position on dairy farm May 1; nun experienced with cows; woman Mtienq poultry. . ti. -pMae. mmv. MAN AND WIFE, colored. flrst-claM private family; beat refs. I. UB. Iaidgcr Of lice. MAN and wife, colored, houseman, cook. laun. areas. KJwards 170J Catharf nejt Dick 403JVV. NIOHT CLEnK Middle-age t man. strictly temperate, Jcelres permanent position ultb a good hotel! willing to go anywhere; III be pleased to hear from managers tor an Inter view. O 049. Ledger Central. POltTBR. hjuseman. waiter for. boardiiiff bouse, city or auburba, experienced. Mlnton, 1314 S ISth st. Phone Dickinson 85211 W . " ' " -ai r tail pnftMATlnV -Hx-Natlonal Cash Register mau. highly null ified, will w.t in advisory capacity In Mica promotion work and In developing high powered selling force. THOMAS A. CAlin. 302 S. Broad st STORAGE RELIABLE STGRAUE MOVINH. PACIiTNliT HHIPPINO, V(H0.f44 N. .10TII st Hla. 474T1 WEST Monarch Storage Co Aulo and pack- IV111LA; Ing und shipping .'1S70 Lancaater eve. R00M.3 FOR RENT IH'NiI.M OWS. Inis 25x11(1; near trolley, over looking Delaware National Pirk Oreater Nw Jersey Coinpiny. ;il HJiHh Hnildiinllelil, .N. ,1, HAVE SEVERAL CINE PltOPEIll IES "at pnrgain prices vv .vi. u.vurjv .MARSHALL, Wl I ederist . Camden. Womibury Heights, N,. J, frHV PltAL doslinble homes and Improved" bids, .ota at inaonatilo prliea. Inhn layhew. Atlnnlir City, N, ,1. Chelsea Corner Cottage and Vcntnnr Ocean Front Villa L'uusiinl bnigaln; several attractive cottages at tempting prices, ranging $(i00 up II. G. HARRIS & CO. GUARANTEE TRUST BUILDING Capo May, N. J. COTTAHEH, holds, apts. for sale and rent, soma bargains In building Iota C Earls MUler, 21S Oican st . Cape May, N J I'KNMilMAM.l J'.MIMS So ACllln. modern home, dose to station and liolo. only fiicaai J n THOMPSON, West C'liexter, Pa REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This call "be done" by making monthly payments of from 17 to $15u jcr liousia worth fiom usiai to ftuio H H. HEED, 717 Chestnut st. t NKASIIOIIK Cupo Muj, N. .1. A'iTTtACTIVE Uunli i-iilonlal cottage and gar ngn In best veiiiou Capo May, largo lot, airy rooms and porihea, unobstructed viow of ocean; bnlh hnuaes. Phoio at Ledger Cen tral. M tiai, Loilger (MTU REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic (,'lt), N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc.. to ex change for Philadelphia, property. Charles K. ren. a1 q penna ave Atlantic city. N Cape May Point, N. J, LOT. 50x110 feel Cape Muy Point, good lota Hon; will trade for automobile. Apply W J. P.. 2032 Morrla st ' ' JJAHINU ST., d'JIS alio milHnf-l'o iliai" llnor rooms; suit dentist, doctor or apart- uiyiiiw j.i. ..giiw tn mm. iiiansaer - BROAD. N.. 0O4-2 rooms and bath, furn. ur unturn.; steam heat; electric lights, south, ern exposure; large yaid. excellent dining room; meals optional. Photo jq Led Cent. BROAD. N 2JS3-V1I rent largeT"wiri-furnT front room, runrlng water, all conveniences; very reasonable; smaly private family. CHBaTFn. 4fso-yeryt pleaaant roonw, gitTtTe". nn.it or bus. peopje board opt. Pro Js77 W. CHESTNUT ST.. 4018 - Large ad-story front room, furn or'unfud : flrst-cfasa in every re. -Ky- - .--.. ."v.uyu, imuiiBi rei. req SALES MANAQEIl Kow employed, 1111 consUtr change Must Jay 3000 annually. O 411. Ledger Central sXLE8M"ANci"aWoof produUng-TeaultaJ li ,i' exp. lotrodm'lng nd selling mechanical & eUc&lcal aDparatoa. deehrea to make con- SALkaMAi' -Mmi. ' good PParanc, ti..roh Vwwledge mmn?tif. etrtctljf l.5rtt 9 SM, Ledger Cv-ntral. LOCUST AND .fTTJI-PRlVATE "FAMILY SSBJTivr.B"Jf,flS'. SPKTION OF'LAIinK DWKLLINO, HINOl.B OR EN SUITE FURN OR UNFUHN. PHLplJST 2787 D EpCUST. 1803-2d floor lult'ei 2 roonui. Private bath; turn, or unturn. single room. III'. LOCUST. -4109 Largs second-story room with bay window, adjoining bath; also pleasant ...-.--.-,- .-w..to IMIUI. IMV IV, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OFFICES, HU.SIM.h.S H0O3IS, ETC, riKTte.ifat I.- ni. rki.i.-ii u rn. .an. .. i.u . -i - phone service. 1110 Commonwealth Building. Professional Offices aaiji di,i p.. -n.-i losuittii s umce; ia furnished rei eptlon room, running water, Mures and Dwcllluga S3 1 CHrWTM'T ST -More and basemen fn. (Ulr on premlL W. SADDLER. Oak uno TWOrBTOUY HOUSE. B rooma; all conTs.l large grounds, near Oak laiue Station. T10J YORK ROAD SEAHHORI', Atlantic City, N. J. 'AtiWSLtUN AVE.. 3iOS Front sltltng room lln rellned home, alto eingle rS.m. "SSraCnn" PQWELTON. 41119 -DeBirahle light jd-stflry loom near bath- Prol gentlemen. pca7 ?. SPRINO OAROBN. 1713 Rooms, lnIren aulte, running water, furn or unfur , phone? BPltri f 1001- large 2d-Hour tui "furnlaotdT rolber ijiiiili Phone VValnut T..13 .-ii!b411it 06S.Pboii nc" W A LN OT. 500l--4fej fu rail bed roOBM: mh Scosbe IS. t vv fbuio at teaser Ceowai. i Cottages, Hotels, Boarcling Houses, Villas, Apartments Any season, all locations. Atlantic City. Chelsea, Veutnor, automobile service. H. G. HARRIS & CO. BARTLETT UUlLDINd Cape Slay. N. J. 1'UHMailKD COTTAUES. ocean view all bjcatioaj. reawoable C icarle Miliar, "is Ocean r . Cape My MORTGAGES rort 1ST AKU jn-UBtt SAMI S-l lr i -ll irrtl-wttn- (XiO (leal fcoiLi Imm buJJJlnj. ' in m Enffatj-t I e-VDQCKU. 1 MmMWM4W, s rwiM gemtrauvi m WKB&bI JvyKcs- I SSvtxa5jisSrl S r z? Sk, ? I I mi London Cartoon. TC. A ' H,f$ - - "L-0 S riotisliot,iei- fio nppllcntil for post of t3 "' -a. fmHnSm I LOVF 111 41 jrnrtlpiier)-i:r-nrc vou mnrrlttl? ( K ,5 "Br?') W . -v LX Ml .ppllPinit-No. nlr; It Isn't tlmt. I a. 'i-U -VlA si. . uiT I Mi Wis thrown olt n horse on to my fnee. ti ' ..fl' l IsxJ?' I "! Sympathy -fl- ?jk J )f Vl rSe ffl HPHRnr-Iliaveti'ttnatctlfooafortimonlli, sJ "lY T-iLX . x-v l e ' WE pyspeptlc-You nln't mlsslnp; much. n- P r: h Jv SCV: I jV X7,- hn i tho Bnino oltl Inatc.-TovMi Toplca, I OQ - I7ff Jj . - A '-J- V' ll Fooll-h QiiMtlon J oA g-r Jl) fh .li stain & wjT JR I HAVE A HaA9T'. - J So''' di H DrowniiiR No Hotlicr to Them & -S-- J)'!)!! 01' t!''ntleinnn (who had Jttat nnUhcd J&ffiwIll rentllnR nn nccoiint nf a shipwreck with Jl ftSSiLl . s'' M PnnneiiRem nnd nil hnmls) tin' ll H iiSMSSC '.in. iui uic (iirar saiiors innt vvcri- 1 J M ac tlrotvned. y-v & "I.onkln' for .vour bnll. inlsUir' Old Lntly-SHllornl It Isn't the aallors- y if 'No, I'm a hloodhoiintl cettlns: on thf U'" the pnmeiiKcrH I hih sorry for. The V -ov V trnll of n murder!" .snlloia nre used to It.-K.msas City Slnp .tWK-f ' BREAKING IT GENTLY BM f ' lf-,AN?eM:A L'TTC5-) no mr junx IWWABeuTM HI rSJ WMADDA V 5Vi J t tMMEOMe ELSE To BE ( M I Wl 'v- yS & ) SV Considered J HV (A JnJ MSSlMMk m I j ; LF Yw G.y 4 J )wh.ch -2J - ,.. ia Ai 'Zi? z2 y MtiPliantl-f Imd n funny dream laat Jfl yM f-r rC tif J tilpht. I drcnnicd tlint a man wita run- S sfvnS "ScO n " "w"y wuh you iH flWv f Wife-And vvhnt did you s 1 B .. ,.jrv' APftt rAftK . ,Ius,"ln'-' nuked lilm why on earth fil5V..TK' seM4'jlii i a f.3l lie vvns iimihImisi fal ,.sagga.L.WaY.i..i.L VyvX SfiaT) irfrt2tt(3a5.ia ,.n H MAVE JUST BECOME WrtS SvM ' H .M fMlWk ffl .wo ,-, l to another. TfVffeiiV YLyjJ 'tmm1 fH I j " (M so J From Slmpllclsslmua. Jl " (CX V rtAP(Y ' I Come nlnns. Kitchener wants recruits. - FN TT n-1 AjrX' - Mark of Distinction H IiiX J) .fC.4tl"jN The Vlftlm-Ptonulne polsonlns. eh? 'iiia! I.$SK s "CD1- Wcl1, ' aurey waB a blamed fool to eat 4H f J Aj C The Doctor Bui, m dear sir, you can't -1 IA ESSSSSSSaSSESS I) V T ?te. mm- establish join-self ns n recOKnized epicure 'IsH 1 -"aWMBKMHBIiTJML - ' Mvtt "ll'Je without n touch of ptomaine now nnd .JLH ""s-e i nmtsm , then Cleveland Plain Dealer. jB AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE .MOVIES H i V I HEUJO. HEX-V-aS. J I r VJOtiDtR. VJVO THIS1 1 aH I t,42i 1 XT V HK SUEETC. AHO C7 KJ Q -H 1 -n... r.,-.,- I aWV. N- BfASiS THP An lit 2rT X JP Ik flT ''iaaaeBafl B tnc ta-ltHVLW USsS7 m tile Mm K mV if UW !'aaTssaaaaai "53yT Sw5- iv S5 Hess got thl r S al 1kf I f l4?h fitfT 0OW5.OOO ttVJW 5S laliall ' la lis LL! Ll I o gc j r'l ySS. tfrKX l.li-. Z itl rge A"?. i Jd oAJ I kni. ; - li sJmSpvM arii SMIt f4VJ Mn l m fl WinivW i w Lf iPi WiM Wm l mk ' 1 Pi!! aail H V i . B sYF 4 JT- nil rale li jni won't so, Cecil, x syi," , . . Lfl4o Opinion .- . iif 'to new reLrujt- A nobia ej . in?. iMMie, 4 rtiflieutt m jtttag a jhofl, .sa-afcem fen miiuy during re iisiriif, '"