"i'iiWWWH ww) mwrniw unyiiimnipSj SWIWtW EVENtNG- LEDGEB PHILADELPHIA FBIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. 11 1EAVIEST TRADING IN WALL STREET SINCE RESUMPTION OF BUSINESS IN DECEMBER 1 iimmm ' MWMPitP p; UPWARD SWING UiROUGHUUTLlS! Is Steel Common Leaped on foil" vl U,1U'01 0l uetn" chem. PL, vorK. April 9.-Slock market IE-.; Today were on lite largest scale Sfeff't? Amotion of trntlliiR on the .'5. last December Demnnfl lor W. Sal large and this demanil came &" Z from floor trailers, but from feL'"ln some places realism & Tut h "RS ,h0U8.hl to b?i by M oecuUtow who feared a reaction. tetite q'ckl tflke" ?." lh?y er feS Tnd the ntlianco continued .' for th0 dftV WCt fetes'ln prls wcrp rap1'' nml "'" upward, and for the greats part ? us more than a point to seven points, V?$nnM of three and four points otucornmon Truly. 'I was an old HJffif djed.ln.thcool bull market. gaSorVVcroUed and much excite- .fnXard to find a reason for 'A'.ritaiith of the market toda. It . tUlbutcd almost entirely to the S' i from Washington that Germany rnllmated to tho United States Gov E that P" proposals from tho Kwould be considered Quite a lit h leUM : was also attached to tho fact ilUtor unions throughout the civilized SM considering a Kenernl strike Sit the continuation of the war Ki? IneolraglnB bit of news of the K, which also holpcd the upward ' iir war tho announcement by See- SttS nnetd. thal tho forc,Bn .trn1 I. lines of the United States now stands -A SWWOftWO. He also raid that r,, will, stilt owe us money after tho Srion the war, which will bo the S Urns I" history. This but serves to illustrate the wonderful financial posl- flonof this country, and tho market was fiuitk to grasp It I Eftn of tho most active stocks In tho Sitrket was United Stntes Steel common, ! 5 din In that Issue being heavy, de- i 'mint coming from many sources. 1 he inKck sold up within a fraction of seven i ,0j(j above the final of yesterday and S th highest It has sold on tho present i inovenient. IBetMehem Steel was not forgotten In ! tha upward scuffle The first sale was SCO shares at 110 to 1W nsnlnst 105 nt the hcttia yesterday. The price later fell to i 1(8 nd leaped back to 115, and devoted : .... .. e thn Hnv n liimnlnrr nrounrl in w Irregular fnshlon, but staying above tut night's close. In view of the 3'A. Mint lump jeslorday, considerable In tereit attached Itself to tho stock, but "many houses show ed a disposition to lot It alone, EIn connection with tho advance In United States Steel common and Bethle leiri Steel, It was rumored before the Hoie that the United States Steel Cor poration had nougni control or iiemic ttm la tho open market. This was re jT.fded In tho street ns quite possible. It? was held by many thnt Bethlehem Sotild be pressed to tho utmost to deliver Sir orders, and that tho Stoel Oorporn ftlon, which Is understood to be tunning it about 60 per cent of cupacltj. Is in Tjvery good position with its immense "facilities to turn out the orders jJAdded to the already long list of rumors It id accc-um .or wiu mrciitiui in ocuhkijcui Jlime another In tho afternoon, and that jraa mat itick interests mm uuiiviiieu control of the property. The story in Jitny quarters was not credited, but then It seived as something to talk about : iTthe cause of tho rise. Then there was I He old story of a squeeze of shorts, nnd that there (a h larirp short Interest was ihown in the fact thnt one-quarter was ld for the use of that Btock. The pos idiluty of a corner was nlso heard. New York Stock Sales I Last close, MfrsPrddMlne. .. :St, AMI'-Chalmers J2U Alllr-Cnalmerjpf 49) irismateil Copper.. T4 Am Air Chemical sm Am Ueet bimar 4ft) j Am Can ..,,, -3 Am Can pf jqu Am Car AFdy 4h)f Am Coal Products .... , now Am Cotton Oil 40 Am Hldo A Leather.... bii Am Hide A Let cref. ... .inu American ice Am Linseed Am Linseed pf Am LocomotlTB ... Am Locomotive pf( Amfcmeltlni i,7n Am Smelting n im , Am Smelting pf It . 78)f Am Snuir pf . . . 100 AmbUBar U7jj Ambteel Foundries. .. . bo)4 AmTel&Tel nu Am Tobacco ..220 AmTob pfnew 107 Am Woolen lof Anaconda Copper...... )( Atchison 10O AtchTASFpf 09 Atlantic Coast Line.... ln.i liauiwin Loco Ilald w In Loco pf . .. HMtlmureft. Ohio... Ualtlmorc 4 Ohio pf Ilithlehem btcel mi 10M 20 31U SO HI . 00 . .L'.'i UH .1ft. Uethlehem Steel pf 10S Orooklyn Gas lirookljn HapTran.... CalTettoleum Cal Petroleum pf Canadian Paclflc. ... Cent Leather Co Cent Leather Co pf . . ChesAOhlo Chino Copper Chlci Great West... Chicago Ot West pfa. Chic Mil. St V ChlcMll&StPpf ... CCC&StI CCCJLStL rf t tile i Xorthnest .... Chlcaco It I A. Pacific Col Fuel & Iron Col& South Consolidated Gas 127 loli 13 .1Gj . ;j 102 SOU 12(. 33, . 80 12BJ . no tw .128 301, 20K . 32 121 Continental Can IUU Continental Can pf CornProducU Corn ProducUltcfpf Cuban-Am busar . . Uel& Hudson Del Lack- A West . Den & Itlo Grands . Distillers becutltloj . Krlo Krlolst pt Erie 2d pi Grnctal Electric General Motors HSU General Motors pt 101 Goodrich Co !!) Great Northern pt 1173 Gicat Northern Ore. cts 34 H GuBficnhelm Ejpl'n ... MJf llomestake Mlnlns ...116 Illinois Central 10))i 00 .. 12Ji .. 73 .. 00 ..150t -.420 26) 13 31 ...M85i I Financial Briefs .MILLIO.V-SHARK DAY r pit is reported that the MeNlcnn 1'etio Jeiim'Companj has closed a contrnct with uhe British Government for the snlo of Bj Mexican Fuel Company. A petition for a receiver for the Coch RflS Manufacturing Company, carpets Bii ,cotton fabrics, has been tiled. Bltvi reported that tho Russian Gov iRrnment within the last 10 dayB hnd Tdoiod contracts for JSO.000,000 of shrapnel Wth the Bethlehem Steel Compnin, nncl Wat the French Government hnd closed Iteontracti with the du Pont Powder Com- PT for nw,000,000 worth of powder. Tlu New York Cotton Exchange mem ""hip of F. H. Barrett has been sold to B C Moore for $11,400. an advance of t from the last previous sale. It is fiforted that JU.00O Is now bid for a seat. prominent curb broker stated vestnr. IT that hnhfla nn. ih l.,..i lui.ln.o. firing the last 10 days of any similar iw ainca ne entered AVall street. H&A. Htgen was abuyer of Cambria m on the rise. 9 jiFfWft of copper from New Tork, Phil- nn uanimore for the weeK Med March 8 totaled 6108 tons, against m lame week last year. lTh nil. i . . ....- - .,, utup report roaK'9 winter Omi condition SS. ftiT.r. . ... , ,-. Bwtt , .-vmyaiiy nag caueq a special 1 Jr.., . . lusiinoiQora 10 oe neia at fi?ton. May J, to vote on a proposition jf," the capital stock by 7,000,000 WKIftOOQ by the sale of 70.000 shares ""accordance With a nlnn r.rnmm.mlnl LByM board of directors, PyVJ5 a Bmlth & Co. announces that Ktodl ?thl'hem seI t lien and 'll'Sl' Vear ndl December 31 the atUtta Cigar Stores nf Amnrlra nnrt a '! ' W.5H In surplus, leaving1 that IBSLl to Bradatreefa exports of WHS, J? week w8 7,311,000 bushels; H'1 10.110,000 bushels; last year, tsSt buihels; since July 1. 318.1M.00O IWieli: vear a.n onr nil AAA v...i..i r.. RfWiSy11 we 3.081.000 bushels; last gS.M3.000, last year, 22.000. Corn shlp B8H ;,ance July I amounted to 23.920,000 BS' -compared with 2,431,000 bushels " Fioprioq a year ago. t;RAlLnOAD EARNINGS JffT trow .... u,u Ml 'ml 3 eMrnias' groj. '.,, 12,Mi,3a 73.1.811 Pt" ...,,,, 2.802.300 12S.SUd BANK ri.WATJVlC il1Sy"s.:tts,rv.f.ofnJPar,,l wl,h forr" rK 1ftl .n. J .n PiW'm Holfdiy SXI.w4f.nTS iSoi'v S,AS2'2f' "oltday 30J22.3JI Urn 181066,319 IfolKUy 31X,t!IAI , HATES FOR MONEY " . . SOL - -i m sr ,o ". p iPOHRInV PV-nin K,JVUK a, 'TV -The lonlra mirtrl JTIW. nnil stwltex up U Int HarvCorp Intcrboro-Met Interboro-Metpf International Paper . Int Steam Pump .... Irritation topper .. Kan City fcouthern .., Kan City Southern pt Kreseee J Kay.ser Lack btccl Lchleh Valley LltKet 4 M Tob pf Loose-Wiles Bss2d Louis i.Nashvllla .. Mackay Cos Maxwell Motors ... Max Motors lstpt .. Mt Motors 2d pf . Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Minn ibt Louis ... M inn S. St Louis pf Missouri Pacific .... M Stl'&SSM Montana Power .... Montana Power pf . Mo Kan & Texas .. Mo Kan . Texas pf National Ulicult ... Nat Cloak i. buit .. Nat Knamellns & S NalLead Nat Lead pf . Ne ork AlrUrako Netada Con SVN1I1 II New York Central., NYC&&tL N YO &West Norfolk & West .... North Amerlcen .... Northern 1'aclllc ... Pacific Mall lenn FhllaCo Pittsburgh Coal .... Pittsburgh Coal pt . PussedMeel Car .. Pullman Co 0 t73i U'i I'i 'Mi 2-1'f o'JJj 121 82 .... 30 ...137 llOJi prcf t,Uh ....nu. .... 77H ... 4o ... M .... .VJ ... 71 .... 24)$ .... 17 ... 42 .... 13J, ...117)i ... 62 ....100H ... 13 ... 30 ,...123 .... 7o ... 12h ... 12 .lb j . 70 . 13J . 00 . bS( . 31 . 2fh .10214 . U0H .10051 . 21 .107 . 75 . sat . U4 . 33 153K tilth. 13'1 (7 fan !0J :6 07H Jllli 101VJ 60 0W 31)1 3J Mi 31 32f 80 ,'0)J 7l'i 101 ioa 32 120H 2V0 107S1 17 b2U 100)4 OOlt 100 Wlj 100 .lit "0)i 115 110 1281 WJlj 10'i 43' ( 167), b7 103 45i 40)1 12)! 34)4 02 127J1 31 00 12S)i 3)11 31 32 121H 13 005 Ul 74Ji 00 151 425 8 . H 281, 45 34W m, 147)i 104 535 110 30 0 110 100 72h 10!t 001. OH ltj 203 i 25J, 0 l'.O W 37 IUH 117 t0H 120 78)1 474 iO'i 40Ji 73 21J 17 -l.'i Uii 11SH 52H 101 13H 30 Uw Cine. W( j 5 12H 40)( ran Sl 45 xti 07 mi 13)4 53 (7 S.'X 40J 35 07H 10 I0)( 101)4 4'l) 49)i 0 30)4 30)4 11 SO). 31X 80 873. lnl 77)4 101 10 S0H OX 31)1 31)4 1134 3034 32 80 f0)4 in 77)4 101 108 3: 110)4 120V4 220 229 107lf 107l 1031 11.54 oO'l 32)1 100)4 1001 00! 4 09J4 100 7)4 100 J'i 7t)' 103 IDs 128)1 1281 8'J) l)0)i 10 1GW 43)1 4.'Hi 103h 1C0V4 .'0)4 30J1 100 3SH 100 .4)1 70) 11231 109 1(U 41)1 30)1 1234 00 10.) 4511 4051 12)4 341 !: 120)i 12711 30 30 00 00 128)j 128)4 31 35 10. 32 121 02) Of. 12 73): 00 150'4 151 42 425 S 7)4 2GK 43)4 34 H 140 31 32 121)4 C24 00). 1311 7434 00 8 7K 28), 1481 34H 149) SHARP ADVANCES IN STEEL SHARES Local Mnrket Broadened Under Stimulus of Penco Talk. Public Interest Increasing. 145)1 145) 104 104 50)j 118 34)4 55 110 6: 118 3534 fO 110 100)4 109'4 )i 72), 1531 0731 1)34 m 28)i 24)4 5S' lSa 1-0 83 KI 30 37 13031 14 l)j 117 117 10)4 0834 0)i Hj :9)i 25)4 50 OxershadowlnB Ml elBe on the Philadel phia Stock KxchanKe today wns the heavy t null 11 w and rapid ndvance In t'nlted Stales Steel followlns: the example set by Wall street. UurliiR the first hour nlone more than 1200 shares chnnied hands, whereas the dealings In nil the other stockn combined during thnt period only renched r total of about MO. As tho daj ndvnnced, however, tho whole nun Wet broadened oat materially. Oddly enough Steel reached 5JV. In Philadelphia before It touched M In New York. A (Ivo-point Jump occurred In JJaldwIn Com tnon, while the Anthracite shares also moved Up Total sales of United States Rteel today amounted to approximately 15,000, and tho entire day's total transac tions were the heaviest since the close or tho exchange In July. The general tone was distinctly strong on the peace rumors emanating from what wero said to bo inspired sources In Wash ington Electric Storace nattery ex tended yesterdcy's gain and Cambla Steel nlso rote sharply In sympathy with the Jump In t'nlted States Steel. Hapld Tran sit moved up to 11. About the only weak feature wns Lake Superior, which made a new low rword at 6. TheMocal bona maiket was nultt lively for n lime. In terstate Is opened at 69 and moved up In successive sales to 53y. Philadelphia Com pany 5s rose to 81H. and thore was also good domand for tho Philadelphia Klectrlc Issues as well as Pennsylvania U4s. The Improvement In Hapld Trnnslt was accompanied by a report that the gros earnings for March would show nn In crease of about J7S.0OO United Hallway Investment 5s lose a noint, nnd Phila delphia Compan common two. The pre ferred advanced two and Asphalt pre ferred three. Brokers continued to report an encour aging Increase In the public's Interest In securities, both bonds nnd stockR. This Is onl) nntural In view of the speculative opportunities which have presented themselves ot lato, A wldo ndvance, such as has been enjojed by Uethlehem Steel, attracts attention, and Is apt to develop activity In other Issues. On the whole, hiokers say comparatively few people have made much mono', out nf the stock mnrket throughout Its steady advance since It reopened for business. Gossip has it, for Instance, that no less than three different pools operated successively In Uethlehem The original pool is said tn have sold out long ago and some of Its members (Ue reported to have gone short of the stocx. A new pool wns formed and ndvnnced the price still higher at tho expense of the first operators. This second crowd, ns the story goes, closed out from 90 to par, and tho last rise was begun by still another group. Whether tho story is true or not. It is generally acknowl edged that tho public at large ncarcelj participated at nil In the advancing mnikets until tho last few weeks, when brokeiage houses began to till up and tho 'volume of dally tiansnctlons on I chnngo began to assume xumethlng like I their old-time proportions. New York Bond Sales ltllh 101)4) 88 8SH .M 1W 01)1 8- lOUh w M !Al', 1U) Ivm, . OV I--. .Sill I It, I 74t G0)4 no 7831 44h StJ-4 30)4 70W 243 1031 41 13)4 1173. 52)1 101 1231 ;I5J4 (SOU 120 7b51 4.h tdii 40J4 73 24)4 10)4 41 1154 lib) 52)1 101 13)4 30 Sales in Philadelphia Quicksilver pf 1)4 ltybtecl bprlnz 2U4 Bay Con 20J4 Iteadlne 14514" Hep Iron & Steel 24)1 Hep Iron itteel pf ... &1K Hock Island Co )4 Hock Island Co pf .... 1)4 Itumely Co 4)1 IlumeJyCopf ......... 114 Uaboard Air Line 15)4 teatoard Air Line pf.. 40 tears Koa& Co 138)1 Sloss-SnefS&LCo ... 32)4 btL& S Fran 3 St Louis Southwest .... 17 fcouthern Pacific 8 Southern Paclfto tr .... 9014 touthrenlty 1)4 fcouthern By pf 67 btandard MMing 54 btaodard Milling pf 70)4 btudebaker Co 63) i btudebaker Co pf 101H Tennesson Cop ........ 3134 'ieiajL'o 143 Texas & Paclfio 15)1 'lDlnt Avenue IW Toledo St L&W 2) TwlnCltyBT 97 Union Usui Paper .... OH Union Paclfio 12031 Union PacUla pf '80)4 UBlnd Alcohol 27 USOIP & K 10 USOIP & Fpf 34 United Bys Invest .... 11 United Hys Invest pf .. 20)1 Uhllubber t8)4 U S Rubber lit pf 10J Ub bteel --OK Obbteelpf 107 Litab Copper 57 a-CarChem 24 M Va-CarChem pf 01 U abash,. ,,.,......... 1); Wabash pf 2M V ells-Fargo Exp 18 Vustern Maryland .... 20 mleia Union ........ H V utiughouse Klecttto . 74 t Wlitnertind ...... .131 WUlyi Overland pf....l03 Vi lu wtii ,.,.,,..,. I. K0 Wcolworthpf ,.,......118)1 125 73 14)4 1 l)i 109)1 .0 l.t'i 02)i 8731 30Vj 28)4 101 09)t 10ID4 21)4 1(8 1 7 1 2211 b4)4 IMW 155 1)1 25)1 21H I51W i6)4 84 131 2)i 5)1 14 iG 41 140 35 3 17 (0)4 102J4 10)1 00)4 5S)i 78 BOH 10J 33 114 15M 14)1 2)4 05)4 0)4 120K b051 20)4 12)4 42 l.t 33 74 11U 57 100H tm 25M 9031 1)4 3 OS 20)1 C531 78 133)4 101 109)4 llu 121'1 12 73 13 I2'l 7.1 115. t.i'j 100)1 10951 .Ml 111 ru id Jn r, it inn 10 in 2411 iq no IM7 l.'il) Amal Copper Am nalluaa,. Amrr Con . Atcl.tmn . . Ilal.lwlti l.o'O. iln pre( . . . Halt t Ohio. . Cam irrn . Cum Stpel ... Chltio copper . Con True N J Yes close l.l 1. 102'. :;t :;4 in 4SU 734, .0 13'1 50)1 80)4 304 28 103 OS 100). 20j 107 70 21)4 UJ)1 33)4 70 13'4 G.'Jl 871 30)4 28M 103 00)1 10911 2IJ1 107)4 77 212. U3)f 34)1 153)4 154)1 Df IM 24) 25)1 20M 21)4 140)4 151)4 24)1 25)4 82 84 34 131 1)4 2H 4)1 4)4 12 12 15)1 1531 40 41 U0 130J4 31 34)1 3 3 17 17 t7J4 004 102)1 102)1 18 19 67 60)4 54)4 55)1 78 78 03)4 08 102 102 31)4 31 141 141)1 15)4 15)4 53). 54) 2)4 2)4 05)4 0o)i uM 6H 120H 120)1 bGJi b0)l 2BJi 20)4 11 KM 40 42 11H U iO 32)4 U8I1 72H 108)4 109 40)4 57 107)1 100)4 v7H cOH 241 90)1 1 231 98 2U 05)1 75H 131 101 100 119 25)1 001 1H 3 08 20)4 05)1 'V( 133 101 100)1 llf Baqk luuk milk lirk Bask Bank Uk Uank lUnk Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Foreign Discount Bates Bank Date of of Kngtan4 ... of fcrnc .. . of Oerioany .. of Ndalum . of Autlrla . -. of Italy ,: of 3ltrland. of Kuula ' of Bpatn ...... of I'srtutal of BweJen , of Ponmark Cf Norway of KtthtrUnds ratt. . 5 .. 6 .. 6 ::Svi ., s a .. a J . . u . s 9 I last change. An. 8. tun AUJ. 20. 1U11 Dec. i 19U Aug. 21 lUli Oct 31. Uit May V. iU Spt. 10. 1011 July W. 1814 Jan. 1. 1H . Mil Jan. B. 1014 Jan. '. 2 1? i5TI AuJ'. s: Wti DIVIDENDS DECLAKED CTOiantown Truat Compaar. rsguUr l ainual 6 par en Pya" ' l w tKfe " ""4. K&P ,,,.ln and Cold 8t0f Tm 101.1 r.i 172 til III till WD 2U! ill "i'ti 3K.1 DTll 111) 800 . 3.1 14718 Ml lfKI SO 2IU SHOO 40 1811 111 1000 itoo 40OII SO0O nono M0 icon 1000 1000 70011 31CCO vinn rwno sooo 2000 ciil It I & PaH t:tectrlc Storage 40'i llrlo Cen Asphalt... 24) tin prof . . .CI Ins Cn N Am 21U Kff Trio Co 14I Iike yuo Corp. n :.p1i'b1i Nav 71 l.eliii.b Vallej nsi alilgh Val Trnn in ill. pr .... ;tt M K A T pfd.. . I 'a Railroad... M !M0 Penra bait Mfg. 81 Pa Steel pfd. . . . I'hlla Co ... 37 do prof ... 34 rhlla Klectrlc. S3'4 1 n T Tr ctfs. tos Hep I & S Reading .. . 7.1' j Ten Bel h Un Trae ... . 80 f s S 41'i N II I ... . 81 Wabash pref arlck 1 A S 11 York Ity 7 BONDS. Laat cloe, Am O El B.. 8.14 Cam Stt acp 1010 OTfi do 1017 0G Cam St 1017.... H5 City . ,1041.... 101 do tirM re ...J-l , Klo & "."o Tr 4i 78H Inmnte Kyi 4a. ,. I. Na con 4Wi. Wy, 1. Val k con 4a. 8TH 1. V CMal .1 ltWH Mirkat Ht 1. 4. .. I'co l'aH t o 4.,W Pa con 4a 1060.1f.!4 Phlla Co con fla. 81 Plilla Eleo 4a.. WJ do Ss ira Un By Inv 9a. . 04 W N Vi.P 1" Ra 102 lllsh. nn 102, mi as Vrk 41 4Sl, 40 71 1,V Mlj 28'J sin, 117 I'll, 14'-j 514 7.1 70 10 30 SI 81 fll :i .10 -'4 11 741 ail .111 si Low Close. m. m 11C aij. tut "X iw 7114 41 411 40 ll 21 III li ,1 - IS11, III .11 :ih .T 81 IO 37 .'111 231. loaj 2.1 7.1",, 4 n mii4 81 31, JM, 10CO Xmer Ar Sn . lMx Amer lei ivt 414s 2Uio Amer W rlt l'np to W.00 Armour t 4'ta . . . 1VOU AlcMeon ad) 4. . . . 'AW Atclilaon cv 4a IMS. 4WU Atcmwn cr 41 1W loon Ifall M Ohio 8)ja .. 4UUI Bait & Ohio 4a . . . BUIAI Bait Oh cv 4Vi ZiuOU Beth titeel lat 6a .. UtlJ0 Btn Btefl rid o lUDO BrooKn ItTH... sow lrrookn II T Ra 1018 Sown Brook L'n Uv 1st S 1U) Cal Uaa A Kkn 0 3.VU0 cent leather lat ,Vi. VM Cent leather .lHa KOVO Cant rao 4Vk 83010 Cent I"ac 4a . . Iuuj cent II It K J .is 2000 Ch A Oti ev 4V4 2wu cnea a unio ii rv iiuuo Chea A Ohio 5a . 110 21000 Chi ft Eaat 111 5.1 W 10UO Lhl Ul Weat 4a . 78 lOOUO Chi Nun deh 8 '87 110' 8000 Chi A W lnd 4a . 70 2iX)0 Chi 11 i g Joint 4a W)n 1000 cnl B A deb 8a . . WV ODOiiO U 1U 1' cv Hi rvt.102 18000 Chi M & St I f d 4)1,1 88S 1VAO Cllt M Ar (it 1' cp r. vv. 20f Chi M A St V cv 4Vja 7(, 1000 C I A St ! en 4V 100 lOOO Cnl M A 8t I 4 . PO 2W0 C M A 8 t' Sll L 44. B3 3 (-001 1 Con Uaa c s 11414 1000 Corn ITod Ss '07 .111 won Uel A Hud rfd 4a nl'4 20110 Den A Itlo Gr rfd it.. 47 4000 Detroit fnlted 4!ja. 7tv', 1000 F-tle ennv 4a Fer A . M 82O00 Krle conv 4a Ser B ta iO HI Steel deb 4HJ.. KI', 400W) Iowa Central ref J M 2000 do It Mi lixal do R'M . 'Hai 1000 HI Ccntnil tfd 4 . mt W.Vni Ina Cop cv Ua . . 122 107UO0 In c ict .Id 1 Ra Wit) 12a 13m0 Interb Met 4'is 78s 20tti Interb n T ref .1 07', Hwi Inter Mer Mar ta . K) 7uu lnd Alcohol 5 I'M. 11000 Japa ntw der Sta 4)ta 7oH nj k i Vt S & M 4 .. 7VH ,'00 Kan City So lat 3a.. 07li S.ua l.k h neb la ns lr 3O00 do deb 4s 1031 01 4 10UI do leb 4a 1UJ0 . R .lai UK & M TC . . I()'a 1H10 do 7 122., iwo I-otlllard 7a 122), 8vwi .Minn dt I. 4a .17'. IW J10 Kn Tex rfd 4a. MIti Utoil .Ma 1-ai. 4a .... Mii, MK8) uo e ,1a . . . in liiW) do a lli.1i , t2i, ,; do cona 18.. .laMi llHioo Mont l'otr &a. l'1'i I U I N V Air lirnke ct da. U3 .".Ml N V Cural lino lija .lOO 10.1500 N Y C A 8a w f . . 1UI, 4IK1I do -llsii .. . . h8 IHOII N V Ut H.3 IU00 WIS il(A0 ill) 4),i. HlU . .. 104,, won do 4j tutu . . . ntSi IIK) N V .N II A II 43 '56. 7.1 .HID N li lef 4a . 724 37'IW do adj 3a .11) 1000 N V Ttl gen 4)ia . HH'4 lioni N Y V C A II (4a . 71 3000 Norf A Weat Pnch 4a s t'li do ci 4a . . .02 S.VK'O 'or I'ac prior 4s . . t'Ja. 0000 do gen .la 04), IIOOO Pennn .v 3i,e . ll I to 0 do 4h 11148 . . 07i2 21(10 rnna ri 4Ha ..101 S00O ltn Con Copper Ha 11414 3100 llradlnu sen 4a . . IW. 2000 Rep I A S 3a 03?. .1 on liotk latnnd 4 . .. VJ LIOOO do rfd 4a DO', lttJOOO do .la . .. ni' 1000 It, Siccl hn .li 31 .. til's WOO MI. IM & fl 4a. . 07 lOuo no gen to V 22100 StI. A S 1' rfd ati 4a Ml 37000 .Seaboard A I. adj .la 071, 1()0 do Sta 4a ... 80', t.VXi Sou h I'at' 4a . . W 7HMIO South I'nc c 4a . 8.1 SI0O0 do o ret f t 3a 11431. 101, 3.1'jOO South Par rfd 4a .. 83, UiOi'O South IHvy nen 4a .. iiili lnOOO South Ilwj con .' . OT, 120OO .Texas Co c Hi. lil'a W(X) Thlnl Ae adl ,1a . . 771, iron Toi p.o A iv 11 . mi, 14000 V S Steel .la Hll, 70110 I'nlon I'uc lat la n 23000 1'nlon Par v 4a . .in1, ?mo fnlnn Tac rfd la . s. iioifl 1 11 na s r la 4ri; .1000 Wabash 4a . .21 1000 Wnlmah lat la . . inn, 1000 Wnbafh 2d .la . W iroo Wah EiU ct eta 4a "H, ...X1 West N Y A 13 4, Ti"'. .Ityn Weal U A M c Sa . 0.T, lOX) Vct fnlon 4lta . 0.", Ixtw. t W1J4 w)i BO Ul!4 84 IW HVi N bU loo 88i 81 ,0v4 1A' 18'A 7 81. iiS!! B8 78 11US 70l BALANCE OF TRADE NOW AT $600,000,000 Secretary Redfield Says Europe Will Owe Us Even After Ending of War. WASHINGTON, April 5. - America' favorable, Ueccmbr, January. February nnd March trntle bnlance. necordlng to figures furnished President Wilson hy Commcrco Secretary tledrteld today, In approximately $609 000,000. For the week ended last Saturday, the report says, the figures were $21,621.12 Tho Secretary snys thnt the foreign trade shows no signs of falling off, add ing: "Undoubtedly our International pos ition wilt he greatly strengthened as n result ot the enormous etport trade w tiro doing, especially with Europe. "When the war Is over we will owe Kiiropo less than wp- hae In a genera tion, and lluropo will owe us, which she has ncier done before, unit ove us 11 great deal "In future less of the goods which we export each year will go to pay interest on borrowed cnplt.il and moi will go toward artunl repayment of that capltnl directly through the taking hack of our securities, or Imllrccth through Invest ments b us abroad "Hoth of Ihcs- proccsres nve under way nt this lime. One is shown In the Euro pean liquidation hero and the other In the placing of European Issues in the Amerlcnn market " TKUST COMPANY RESOURCES Latest Call for Condition Discloses Strong Position. Tlia recent call for the condition nf Ilia truet companies of thla city revrala ttiam In an exceedingly etronc position when there la taken Into conalderatlon the general poor bualneea condition durlni the ten montha' period since the laat call and the fact that moat financial Instttuttona wrote down the book tatties of Imeatments conaldarabty be caueo of the decline In the ancurlty markets. Of jluht trust companlea that h tnada public their atatcmenta In reipona to Ilia latest call, five of them ahow more total re fourcea lhan on June 1 last year, and four have a larger aggregato aurplua and undivided profile, altar paying dividends during the per iod mentioned. Klve of the eight companies held more dr pnalta on April .. than on June 1 191 1. Tlit amount of resources held In stocks ami bondi cannot be compared exactly for alt the com panies on the two call dates, because aome of the statementa for the latest data Include stock and bond holdings In a general a, curtly In vestment Item LONDON TRADING BRISK Short Term Issues in Favor With In vestors. LONDON, April 9 Trading was brlik on the Stock Exchnngo loday and the list was Irregular. Ollt-edged issues wero dull. Discount rates paused in their up ward movement, but the lull wns believed to be only temporary. Short-termed do mestic Issues. Japan. Chinese nnd llus slans were again In favor with Investors. Insldcis predict a fresh 1 Isr- In Ameri cans which will enable jour ftnonelers to distribute large lines purchased here. TIip group was slightly lower, but the undertone wns good Theio was buying of Ornnd Trunks on ilis expectations thnt tie.M Monday's meetlnc would he lmi rnonious. Argentine mils w.p sto.'id.v, olts nnd mines rested. Hubbem were tlrm In svmpathj with the Htuple NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NIJW YORK, April O.-The coffee market opened ateadj. futures md further declines of 2 to 4 points. Prices follow Todav a Ycaieraay s ,, , opening elnse V1""'! .7 8.187.3d 7 n7t6T SI April li.tiw.l.tH ' II (hvb.i n.' .i.mrn on ope niHirtuo2 n novo 01 "' tin? 7onw7lo Augun Tinn7 it September t.Vnft' 2'l 7 v,1V7,2l October 7.27 T..1I"MS3 Nev ember 7 1ifr7.3T December 7 log7 II 7 42iJ7.41 Jnnuarv .7.40 7 17-87.I8 February 7 12177 53 Hid. tOerrt. Sales. 1000 bsga. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Apill 0 -IIUTTKP. -Market prni. receipts, n. 11 t-ackagrs, extra, 3'c . higher acorlnir. 32K121ir : State dairy, 3tc ; Irritation 'reamery. r222He. t:t30S. Mutket tlrm. receipts. tt nM raes extra flrata, 2l'to reaular pocked flrets. 21113 fr2'tjc , regular packed nearhv whiles. 23S 2 'jc mixed rolnr S0'fi22c ; Kalhercd relrlg erilnr rtrsts nearh brown. 22ijfl23c . storage paiked, 2lfl2Sc LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. April 0 -lions -Ilecelpts. 1.1 coo. market 10c higher, mixed nnd butchers, $O.P1 117 10. gnod helVT til WW7 01. rouiih heavy. $il 704Iiis.1 light. 0S057 10. pigs 8AIHQn7.. b'llk. fit rO'i)7 11.1. "ATTIjB Ileielrts. 1C00 market strong; beeves. SI 710IM1O. cos and heifers $.1117 SO: Tcians .2.17 M. calves, fmivntl Hlir.I.'l' Ilcelpts. mil, nmrket steaih na tive nnd Western, 1 1 .infr 2.1, Umts J" riVrt 10.10. WHEAT PRICES FELL, THEN ROSE SHARPLV Both Traders and Commission Houses Sold, But Heavy Buy ing Developed later. CHICAGO. April 9 -Persistent talk of pence In Hurope In tho near futui was responsible for a further decllno Hn wheat prli'is nt Hie opening of the grain pit to dny. Tinders again sold, as Old commis sion houses .Mny began the day wit a Ices of U cents mid July fell a cent Later, however, heavy buying orders ap peared and the the close May had rtten over two points from the opening and July more than tour. Minneapolis stocks ot wheat decreased 770,1.00 bushels for the week, against an Increase of 6J.0OU bushels Inst yeftr. Export sales of grain nt the seabos.nl yesterday were estimated nt 200.OW buth els of wheat nnd 800,000 bushels of oats; leading futures ranged as follows! a1j Yeal'd'a Wheat - Open High. Low Cloe. eljee. Mav . l.MV 1551 1.M4 'I.51 Jt.id Julv . 1.21l l.ta 1 21 tl !H tj.H September 1 0t4 l.lOa 1.081a 1.1QW U.09H AtnaUaiDHlrd l'ippcr At hlson IMItlmore ind Ohio Canadian Put-Ilk Chesapeake and Ohio I'hiraKn .M.l nnd St. Paul Krli New YnrK iVnlial I'euna" Ivanla It. adlug . . boutliern railftL' Inlon I'ailfli fulted SUlea Steel . . . -t-lncrcast" liecreafce lndnn N . 12.11 i:c 1 Iv. ! Atlas Powder Co. to Expand It heiame known today that the Atlaa Tovvder I Coiiipaii formerlv an tutesral part of the 1 fowucr Trust his decHed to Increase Its raplial to JUl.iOO.OiiO by tho creation of S.1,300, 1 MH a per rent, cumulative preferred stock. t Shareholders will meet nn April 14 at Wll . inlnaton Del . to amend tho charter lo permit tho Increase. I Ihe c'mpanv now h-ts nn prefer! ed stock. 1 Of ih fcincoiO" apltal stock authorized, fl, ' ino.opn Is outstanding. Mav Julv . September Oats May Julv . September Card May July Sentamber Ribs May July September rork M.iv . Jillv heptembr 7tU. 7.1', 4l, 10 11 10.4.1 10117 10.10 10 4J .10117 17 2.1 17.70 1S.10 Itld lAsked 71 Ml, R4 4ij 10.52 to M) 10 7(1 in 10 I0 4. 10.70 17 1.1 17 87 18 20 72U -71'i. tl 7(ltJ 7H 7S 70ll 7TI4 -J R7 40S. 174 BTV its ..$ 10.11 1C.2S t10l2 10.4; in so no 37 10.87 10 7.1 10 62 10.07 .. no co 10.40 tO 12 10 S3 10.6.1 'WAl 10.00 17 20 t7.R1 1710 17 70 IT.S7 'lr-ej 1S.02 tl8.17 UT.2 GOULD HELD LIABLE He and Associates Must Pay $5,133, 000 to Wabash. NEW YOllK, April 9. George J. Gould .-nil other director of the Wabash Hulls road were today held personally liable by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court for 5.l23,0CO for stock wrongly Is sued. They were directed to pay that amount into the railroad's treasurer Im mediately. ENGLISH TRADE SMALLER lJNDON, April n -Board of Trade figures made public here today show thai for tlie month of March Importa Increased ""J1J over the same month In 1011 Kurorts had a i n-respondtnu decrease of J.1..1..0..1. up . .lull, .170' 111' 1 . H.I , 51; : i!!i?i . .11, W. WW, 72; 11-11. 14 S, ;?"' hit uv 12i.', Is PHILADELPHIA MARKETS N - COTTON TRADE UNCHANGED in 11, PO ltCT, :i.il, toi no J,"' 4l, 40 73 M l SOI., 28S L'll'a 07 211, ll'i 73' (Kll, in .11 .in 54 Hi till asi; .111 24 10's 2.1 741, IU :ik nn Ri : n 8. WAR DID NOT CAUSE SMALL EARNINGS, SAYS REA lllsh. 851. 07ft 06U ifig 101 U 78lt go? 871, 82 10, 103 Low, Cloaa. RSr 8i: 07ft MA 00(J l-3 O114 tiilk ion, ion? ionh uiv4 mm oou 10:i1. is,f 2?u bis. lap.; f2 Vi 81 HI .oil! m HI 1( (1.1 102 c Local Bid and Asked Fatdwln do pref , Cambria Steel Klectrlc Storage . .. General Aaphalt . . do pref ; Kejafone Tel do t c do pref . . Lake Superior Corp Lehlfh Kay Lhih Valley Lehliih Valley Tr do pref. Pennsylvania, rphlla Electric Thlla Co. .. do IS per cent. pref. do 8 rr cent pref Phlla Itapld Transit do t c Reading; . ' Tonopah llelmont .. Tonopah Mining . . X'nlon Traction United (las Imp tl S Steel Yoik Itwy do Piet Today'a Yeaterday'a Hid Asked. Hid. Asked Itsi, .Ji :K !I' tlOU 100 l)!l 100 47. 48. 41'i 4lli ,10tt .11 411 4'1-yJ SlllJ 27 21Jg 2.1 Ul llOlj 53i (II us ns it ill. 14H 14l 14 144 6.1 tin 0.1 Uii I'i -I'l h 'S 7.1 " 7il ' 7'lC 7(J 70 70'4 RM, l 1(1 up; 1.1i 18 SOVi SI 30 31 m wh JU as 2H'. 24 -a -A 3Sli SO'.i 37 38 :in ns 3.1 37 .'I'I 4(1 38ft 40 10', 11 10 lOJi loi; ti io4 iw TB T&H 73 l-tO 73ii ft 4H " 7h 7H 7 7H , 3 37 SSi? M 84 8111 83V 84 3d BiUi 4l)(I 4iW 8U m; Vt J 801? S3 30W 3! GOVERNMENT BONDS PM Aakad. Sa of 1810 registered 88'i P8H SS or ItM" cnupoi. ,. J7 Panama -a usimim ..,. Panama nw " reglatared ..... Panama new ;t coupon 8a ot 101K reslatered 8a of IPtS coupon ,. 4a of 10-i.l reslatered 4s of 18J3 coupon .. ...... .. 110 French Bank Gains Gold PAM8. Arrlt 0. Tht followlns; art tna Prttcllil U. in Wnt 01 tht Bnk of nr.nc. .or .... ....-. .. (mne) add Stiver .. Circulation ., . Urneral . depoaltj Bills dticountiid.. Trtaaury PpoaiIa Advance Anpll A Anrll 1. 4,2.10.000,000 4,248,700,000 378.000,000 77 300.000 11,272.700 000 J1.178,900.0CO 2.370 000 f 2,414.8(0,000 ;10 800 000 228,800.000 7i.ooo.noi loioooooo 671.e00.OGq 680,100,000 VT.Lr..lA bills amounted to 2.70U.0C0.000 francs, ssalnat 2,TT1.7UO.r0 a wetk aco. and i.b7B'.TO0.u0v tvvo weeks ago. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates SO or 80 or 80 or Ovtr last. 60. 00. DO. Philadelphia Boston . . . N.w York . Cleveland Kkhmoud . Atlanta ChU-aso. . . Bt Louts, .. MUtowWll iaaMM OltV 4 4g 444 4 4 4(5 4 5 4 4 45 B 4 i 4 $ ::::!;:i.::.-r f k k Pnnhnndle President Holds Other Conditions Responsible. The annual pamphlet report of the Pitta lurch Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Hall, waj Company (the Panhandle) for Ihe jear ended December 'It, 1011. ahoivs net Income of S2, '111. 000, osalnst ll,4Stl,tMi In 1011 Thla was equal to 0.8 per cent earned on tha com mon after all chargea and dividends on p ro ll rred President Samuel Iten, In his general re marks in the stockholders, save The hual nca conditions In the terrltorv served b ouf Unea, ua well na other parta ot tho countrv. v. ub verj un.ailafactoy during the ear, Ihe depression In trade becoming more pronoun, ed If the latter montha, the unsettling Influence of the Huropean war was n factor, but tha un derlying causes of the inaatlafactor railroad situation unfortunately continue to operate aa they did before the war, and ao rnr ns jour lines are. .'oncorned. It la to these causes that the poor allowing for Ihe ear may be at tributed, rather than lo the war There was a complete suspension of mining operations for a long period In asvoral Ohio bituminous coal fields, due primarily lo new mining legislation In that Mate caualng differences between the operators and the mlnera regarding new wage scales, which a'lll lemaln unsettled In whit Is known ss the No 8 foal District, ti Iron nnd ateel Induatrlea were very much depreesod. and conaeauently the traffic offerlnga from these sources, which furnlah three-fourths of our freight tonnage wero much below normal, while the enpeneea were burdened with iho effects of arbitration awards and -naateful legis lation, the pressure lor fuiuro reatrutivn Hern iation still continuing, although with a some what abated force " SHORT TERM NOTES Other Lines of Local Business Con tinue About the Same, There la practkally no change reported to tho local tutton and jam trnoe, aos Duns Kevlew Plkea ale reported -i 1 111 ill I blead), and. while the demand la not verv avtlvr, conditions are fulrlv snllsf.t um v. and n gradual linprovcmen. In the business la antlclpatKl. Ihe local vvool trade ul tin present time la reported na being somewhat leha aitlvo than for eome tlnio p ih! whlih Is now Httrlbuted to the fiut that Hie sinl. market Is not very atlsfcctnri and tho mttiu facturvra are not bujlng wool frcclv l"htr seems tn to a resentment against imvlug the lili;h pi Ices demanded ManufaeiurciH n e looking for lower pipes believing hit tioin I It Ira uf ustrallnn wools and Siurh Amrrlian wool nre In sight It la reported that hut lltt'e terrltorv wool Is belrm sold nnd but little contracting ta being done In the West, dealrra refusing lo pa tho high prh en ask ,1 A somewhat better feeling exists In Ihe Iron and steel market and buslneea appears to ho lomlng In larger volume I'he month jus' finished vvna reported t linve shown an In crease In huvlng which rauied nn ndvnmo In prices to enme dexiee Cons'dcratde busi ness Is noed for esport and considerable huvlng Is rerorte.l In finished nnterlal Shl,v varda ctintlnue to I busv. nnd lommoilvp. works renort reiotpt of falr-slz d orders, ihuah general trade In Ihst line remnlns rather quiet The demand for structural ma-tot-lal ( llcht mn.l rittlroads rnntlntie tn hoi off to am extent, though anme light onlrrs are reported Collections are reporte I to ro fair GRAIN AND FLOUR MIIKAT Ilecelpts. 101 4.10 bush There was n fair cxpor. Inqulrv and with stronger out.Ule sdvlie m Ices nilvamed lc Quo a tlcns Car ot 111 export elevalor-.S". 2 led spot M. Illi 1. ".it No u red UVstern si . &" 1 til. Round lots. In export ele.ator No J rr.l awl and Apill SI M'-aLOfll, No. 2 r--l Western, SI imi5lll.n.1ij No. 1 Northern Im luih. si nun i,7 , t'UKN. Reielpta. 3.78t bush Offerlus' iv en onlv iiKKUr.ite and with Mronger uu - Kir advices m-icea advani-cd I.e. CJuo'atlons rnr lot" In ixpiit elevator Nn. 2. hpot anil April. 7iltI7Tc . steamer 74ts7.HiC No 1. 7t,4t7llji Car lois for lo.nl trade, as to lneatloli Vn 2 vellnw MM'KIr sleaiiiervcl Inn 71H7HC. No .'1 sellow. .OH.iC : No. I vellow. ,4'!l7.ic sample rllu cnfliic., new ou. M 711 lb. 4l77e ).TS. Ilecelpts, 41,714 hush Demand wjs fair and pri.es were .c. higher in siin l!iv vvllli ttl' West guotatlcus No. 2 white. I.Miitlr., standcrd white, W?ltli.. No. .i white. llK dull We quote al t lilt? t 18 per lush , as to qualliv In export elevator, anil ut itiioifil.lt for small lots ot neiirbv gialn In ti.t. Am locomotive. . Am Tel & Tel sub Am Tobacco ecrlp Anaconda Cop Co Argentine Govern Argentine Oovern.. Argentina Govern . Bait 4 Ohio Uethlehem fc'teel Ilrook Itan Trnn Can liclfle III c & O Ity. Chicago Elav ltva. Krle H n. . . . Erie Tl H hrie Hit . General Motor Co Oov't Hwltxerland riov'l Hnltaerliin.J Gov't Switzerland Int Harvester Co Larktt Bteel Co. . I. Sh & M Bo n It t, Sh 4 M Bo It It. Mlisourl l'ac Hi N Y P & II niv .. N Y (1 &. II Rlv . . N Y C A II Itlv W.H, VArlr CltV New Yorlc City., P. C Due. Bid. Aaked, . IV July 1015 lOOl,. lOOVi r April llilil 100-ii linn, H Bent. ints. lOO'J ioiu .1 Mr. 1817 DOW Ml2 ,t . L. i, na it, il: ini.v: Dec! 10111 no'J 1H04, Dec 1HI7 IMV, Iftnv; New York City - N Y N II II Ttnna It U conv fun terv vs t' h'eaboard A L Ry. Southern ny Southern fly tJ S 8m n & M Co Union Typewriter Untied Fruit Unlttd Fruit ... 1'tah Co . . W Penn Traction.. 4U June 1013 lOOti IOC", :. Juno ini.1 li in Han, 0 Julv ims n-i no'I (I Mar 1021 imij innj 1 June 11)111 02 H-" 5 July 10UI tr.v, will .1 ill '"'i " n'H, a Oct. 1015 10O. 101 Btt Aurll mi . '', II ()t inn lov "i'i. Mar. 101H oo' loo Mar tins ti7. ii,-ia Mar. 1l,-li "i" ii. Feb 1013 UOH IM'. Mar lull Ii7lj 1 Pept 1013 100IJ 1001. Dec. 11)11 imiC 101 i.,nA tnis nut or 4U May 101.1 lnO 100',, .1 fcept. mis I0O44 IikwT 3 Oct. 1013 10014 10O Rept. 1011 UU loul 6 hept 101(1 lO.'v, 1021. c. .niv n,i.r .,, Mav mis nnir innil May' 1013 ravj ivt Oct. 1015 loo " looiT 3 Mar 101H 1(41 toot! K .. lam noli, in,,, 5 3 3 3 Mar loin mm. lOOL? Fab lnin nni, nni! Mav 1017 0TH 0' June 1018 94 U5)i Jan loin ( iiTU .1-.. lnl. IMi m,i' ,c.7 ...., ,--. .(..la May 1018 07 OS (J April HUT na i a Mar 1017 04 oo COTTON NEW YORK. April 9. Foreign unload Ins was a feature at the opening of the cotton market this morning; and an Initial decline of 5 to 13 points was quickly fol lowed by further losses, which, at the end of the first IS minutes, amounted to about 10 points on all active positions. The eelllnc appeared to be general. Private cables stated that liquidation and continual selling; were responsible for the bis and unexpected drop at Liverpool, and an absence of buying- orders was also a feature. The Qreehut receivership had an unsettling effect, and Indirectly added to the declining trend of the market. Borne covering around 10:30 caused rallies or about 7 points from the lowest, but the market remained very nervous. Yts. cloaa. Opu. Hlah. Low. Close May .O.ilO U.4S 0.70 11.48 0.7T July !!.!- .. 0.87 6.77 10.6S O.TT 10.08 Oel! .(,.,,.,,. 10.28 10 IS 10.48 ial8 10.41 HOC '....,.,, 1A.42 10.S8 10.b3 1034 10113 JarTT .,..,.,,,, 10.32 10.48 10,72 10.42 10.70 March ........ .... 10,74 lO.Ta 10.60 10.75 Bool O.M ... , 10.00 DIVIDENDS LE1UUU lha Board Railroad Company quarterly dividend ot two and one half per cant, (or II 23 per shart) on M Preferred stock to stockholders of record. March 27. 1913. and auirtsrh- divMer-J of two aod ooa-hilf par ctaal. Ir B S3 par uartl on Its cooajaon atocjt d.cks 1U be BufcsA x K TrtOtW- MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Rid A-kel Jim Butler - xl MacNamara 01 .n.1 Midway II I" Ml i Pli Bxienslnn 2.1 27 Molilalia m 10 Northern Star II in Tonopah llelmont . 1",. 4",, Tonopah Eiten.lon .'I',. .I'i Tonopah Merg'r 1 .12 Tonopah Mining i llescuo Eula Hi .t- West Knd -1 .3 OOLDFlEUn STOCKS. Atlanta in .41 Blue Hull 03 OH Booth 'T.' .nt Bulldog 01 .01 r o b 0.1 .07 Comb Fraction 13 .14 Dlamondfield II n 02 .04 Daisy On .OS Florence .. ill Goldfield Conaolldated l.m 170 Ooldftild Merger .2.1 27 Jumbo Kutenalon 1.20 1.23 Kewanaa IH .2n l)ro 'I -12 Sand Ken "" 10 Silver Pick 10 11 MISCKM.AXKOUS. Fairy Altec OJ .01 Kluiberl) '7 .vl.1 Nevada Hill 2d .2S .Nevada Sonder '.Mil 2 10 NEW YORK CUKI1 I.radeti Itrillah-AmerltBii Totacva old. do new Cioldt.rld Consolidated Uraene Cananae 1.3 Itose . L-hlgh Valley Coal Salea... , Nlplislng Otis Ulevator do pref Rlker-Hegvmaii Sterling Gum Tobacco rroducts do pref I'nlted Cigar Stores do pref United Profit ntw World Film Yoken Gold Hid Aaked . Sl, 8i la 10 ii'" in Tl Ul 314 37 , lliO UO 121. lSlJ ..A'" ..ies' .. Mil, .. a ,. 3S .. 38i ..OS ..107H ..111 .. ati .: S a, 2n BAK SILVER NEW YORK. April O.-The prlca of com mercial bar sllvtr was Mi. cents loday, with Mexican dollars st 3Sfc cents ESTIMATED EARNINGS To Invest in a security based even in part upon esti mated earnings is to buy a risk. The word "estimated" is evidence .that earnings arc un certain, that earning power is problematical. Safety is founded upon known performance, proved capacity and actual worth. The value of our offerings is free of conjecture. It is based upon actual value of tangible assets, and the earnine power is, proved far beyona requirements. Our booklet treats of earn ings. The White Investing Co. ! WfcltQ. Pklla. Mir. Morris Building. I l.Ol'lt. -Receipts. IW bids and M3,7n It'., m eavka. Demand ua light with no Im portant i hang In plccs Quotations per lint lbs. In wool Winter, clear. Jtt.:S3ljiS.U). do, siralglit, tlifi7. do. patent. S7Jfi 21. k.llias, straight. Jute savks. ll.7S'a7. do, n.iicnt Jute sicks. 7v. 7.2.1. spring, firm vlcur. .i7.Vd7 do, straight. S77.25, do. patent. 7L.1il7in. do. avorlto brands, 17 7.1fl, ,tiy mills. I nice anil fainj pitent, k7 7.11iS, ilo . lcguliir guides, winter, clear. $t11.15in i), da, straight. iHOfl7. do patent, S, 67.2.1. Iti; II. Ill It vvhh itilet and stead). Hiiore ncarbv and Weattrn, ill wood, ui $H..Un 1, 7.1. aa to qualliv PROVISIONS The market was qulot and without Important cl.auzc ijuoutlina city bcol In seta eiuukcd and atr-diltd, S.IU'.'tlc . U intern beef. In eels, smoked, iM"fk , clt tecf knuckles and tenders, smoked and all -dried. 27&2Sc ; Western beef, knuckles ana tenders, biuoked, 27)-Jc.. beif hams. 110J2. pork. famll. sS2.2Stt2'.,.7il. hims, S. I. cured, loose, I.IUtf 13l-jC. , do . skinned, looae, 12i3ftl21,c , do., do., smoked, 1.1l,on,i.. other hams, smoked, city cured, aa to braiui ar.u average, I31affl4c; hanis, smoked. Western viired, UlitrHc. do. h'dled. boil lesa. 2l24c . picnic shoulders. S. 1' cured, loore, 10,fillc. do., smoked, 1IH. 10-l.c. . bellies In pickle, according to averago. loose, 12V.ei2?,c breakfast bacon, as tn brand and average, cits cured. l?t!ic.: breakfast bacon, Weatern cured, 17S1SC, lard. Western refined, tierces. UlJUUc. . da., do. tubs. 116 ll'.c. . lard pura city, kettle rendered, In tlercea llfllUac lard, pure city, kettle ren dered. In tubs, 119T1H.C. REFINED SUGARS 'l here, was little trading and Ihe market was unchanged We quote Standard granu lated. ,1.03c, fine granulated. MlOe powdered. Be., confectlonera' A, !k&flc , soft grades. S.OS 18 5.05c. DAIRY PRODUCTS 1IUTTKU. Dtmand was fairly active anil prices ruled nnn under light receipts. Quo tations Western, freah, solid-packed cream ery fancy specials. .14c . extra, .12c. extra nrsta, .lie . firsts. WSIOe.. seconds. :927- . ladle-racked. Uifr2tc.. aa to nuallly. nearbv irliits, fancy. Hoc average extra, !4c , flrata, S'Ul.l'.'c aeionds. 2711200 , special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at .')42c. KCtiS were tn good demand and firm. Quotations In freo taaes. nearby extras, 2c per dot : nearby nrsts, fil.lO per standard cats, nvarhy current receipts, JH.1,1 per case, Weal em extra ftrats, JlWll per cane; do., nrsta. HI 13 per case, Southern .n.1ft! per case, fant) selected candled freah eggs weie Jobbed out at 2IK2.V. rer dot. CHKKSK Trade was fair and the mar ket ruled tlrm under light oltetlns.. Quotations- New York full cream, fall make fancy. IJi. ITVjC., do, do, fair lo good, Ib'i.jM ITc.; do. do., current make. 13ia31Ro do. do , part aklma. gffUc. ., ta-Jld POULTRY l.lK.- The market was quiet and weak lo sell. Quotations )-owls. 16h1U'c.. old inostcis. f.il2V voung chUkeiis. tojt.meat. e.l. 17lSc do. do, atagg). HfilSc , lurkevs. l.117i ducks 11.17. keese. 12iilt)c.; Kuln eas as to qualitv. per pair. SOtiTOc , pigeons, old. per lair 21tiaoi do. oung, pec I'alr, DISESSIJI). There was Utile trading and th,. nurkct was barel. s.ttov viuuta.luris: Krcsh-k llc.l fowls, 12 to bu. drj Plckta an J ,lrv -lacked. aiu sdected. J"JC' du , --.elenlnj 41.11.1 Ibn aple.e, IsVjiC.; do. Ii, till I'-s apiece, lSljc. do., 3 lta. apiece I01J1V . do., under 4 lbs apt , um 1S Fowl i, bbl.".. dr -picked and ui v. packed. Western, 4.'. Iba. apiece, l.c , do, .o, "b lbH . I7j4l7lsc . do. do II Iba. and under. tlSllu Vows. Weatem. Ice-cacked, ITS llltc Old rooitirs. drv -picked. 1.IV4? Siuabs, per iloj white wouhlnij 11 lo 12 lbs.. per diu . f J.MH.'W. white, neighing u 'n 10 lbs pc doa. J-l 15 4.1.1; "0 no . s irs, tcr uoi , t(i.l2i. ,io. do. 7 lbs per uu., KfiSill do ilo i.1i'ivt iba per dot 1. 03 1 si. dark mwi Vo " .Vic 1 Frozen poultry Fowls bb to qualltj. lilfnut vlilt.rns do; phked and dr -packed. In bcixes nil K-icu, Cl 111 ItH in ilns . 1ft . do 'I'.il 2 ICs lo S. 1c do, I1ff47 lbs to doi IS do. 41 lbs ft I to do . 2iic. tin. Mi lbs and ovir .1 , cirn fox 17c ill 4 lbs to im . Ic do., 10 lha. and over. 20c chickens i r -picked and drv -tmcked In bbla. U eaten, co n-fed. .1 lbs. and oer 1Si do., do I Ids 17I7VjC do. iln ail, lbs. .V,c do. do. V'ljfi'l lb ll lflc . broilers, ml k-fed. rani v. 1MI24 lb. tr, box, 27c ilo , rami, l1f?2.) Iba, to dns.. "J4c. vnrn-fcd fancv l-rt. J4 lta in dot., 2.V do i rime 21'i O hi to . nn '2c. 1 ur kevs. dr-phked and dri-iac-ked eanw altj 22c . fair lo good. lR'fl'lV. "id touts ltlK2ilc. links fancv In boxes I7(r1. . do ordinary lo good. Uiilik- greso hoke and ancy t3l 1C, do. Nu ll'JUli. FRESH FRUITS iiffcrltigs were nulto Iltieral but choir stock of most descrlptl.ris met with fair tale, nnd values geneiiills were well sustained. Quotations App'es New York, per barreel. 1'nrk Imperial 2i'l Clreenlng S'Jff.l: King. 2 73fi.1..') Spv. 2MWn21, Haldwln. J2.VMI 1.2.1. Hen Pnvls SI 71H2 IU other good eating varieties. t ,V)tl2 3D medium fim.ftn. apples. Western per box M 2Mi3 anples. Delaware end Pennsylvania per hamper .lOfJilOe, len.ons, rrr lev ;ti" Tl nanus Klirlda. per box, 1 vin; in tHiiermes Horlda, per 'Iran, Jl wiflS.Hi grapefruit Florida, per box l.3lwi 2 2.1 pineapples rr ciate. Porto Rlcp sifl .10 Fiorina tZfn ranherrlts. fancy lata varieties, rer bhl f.1 .VltH Ml cranberries. Jar 6ev. per crate "K07Sc . Btra-n berries, Florida, ier quart. 20815c. VEGETABLES Trade was fair and valuea well I maintained on choice atock of most descriptions Quo tattont Wnlte potatoes per bush. Pennayl vanla. MfilOo . Malre, Mfl.lSc. New York, as In quality. 48.13c white potatoes, Vtorlda, per bbl-Ko 1. W.SOflH. No. 2. 4 ,101S: sweet pntHtoea, Delaware, per tumperlJirge, l.23irf.78 medium. ISOc.Bjt: aweei polatojs.. Kaslern Bhore. per bbl No I, 3.S3e1,2Si N?. S, l SliWl 7.1. sweets. Jersey, per bbl. No. 1. 1.1 TS(f4 71. No, 2 S21J2..10. snoets. Jtrsav, i,r baiket. 7.1c 1 23. oniona, per buah . 11 I0l do , choice, per 100-lb hag. 20S,M; do , medium, per imMh bag. $1 1 23tfl..vi; da. tec ...). r.e ino.th has:. 7.1c.fftrtt cabbage. Danish per ton $13IS. do,, Florida, per basket, l 3i)tl 7.1. caultnower. New York, per irai.. S1T3U. ..i. bpinacn, orioia, per ooi , :3 SO kale. Norfolk, per bbl., $1 2381.30; lettuce. Tevas, per hush. -basket, HOOI.Ic.j do., Florida, per basket. 7.1c f(f I .VI; beans. Florida, wax. per basket. S21ini do., Florida, gretn, per basket. 2ft'l 3. rae, Florida, per .basket. 1i4. eggplant. Florida, per box, StglUh lucumbera. Florida, per baaktt, a.SOaS'. snuath. Florida per bajkal, K.23AH psppers, Florida, per carrier, t2(8 1.2.1; beela. Florida, per Its) tun 'lies l1 tomatoes. Horlds, par Jsirter-f-tincv fsMHTtsn. choice. 11 30sla: ctler Florida, per crate, II 2.12; da, Nt oik per bumh "IIW-IOc , niutbroomi, per 4. Ih baaket Wk- 81 Un. The Next Step We have come to recognize the necessity of a city-wide organization for the furthering and safeguarding of all legitimate trade, and a Great Chamber of Commerce is now assured for Philadelphia. The laws affecting business are made by repre sentatives covering the entire State. UT alckel.l'rop. aalinliln HI a. A Statewide Chamber of Commerce is therej0"?11 a necessity. New England is organizing six StatemT, ajjkj t 1 I 1 J A . ft Am ......... I.- 1 Doay lor Dusiness protection, Business conditions are such that cannot: anoru 10 ue.ay. eud and llalobrldga jsrry Kdwards. ilgr, MOOItK .et, 60c. Arena lies. 70c, f 1. S . 1 'Sn,TSi"W Is r?"5- . Com uteiil iMOff Aj a- ravbM. awe :::! t F L,.k..jas2aasr " ' "" " '' ""'" ""