FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT ititntr lemming NIGHT EXTRA 3 VOL. I-NO. ITS PHILADELPHIA, FJLUJDAY, APHIL 0, 1915. Constant, 1018. r tub Pcsuo Lidom Comfant, PRICE ONE CENT? EXTRA .AGED FARMER IS SHOT IN BED; CRAWLS HALF MILE BEFORE HE DIES Arouses Neighbor and Ac cuses Former umpioye 01 Deed at Instigation of His Own Wife Couple Arrested Here. Man Held on Murder Charge, H But, Together With Woman, protests His innocence. Dead German-American For merly Lived in Kensington. K mysterious assailant broko Inlo tho hom of Alfred UoltscnatK, a iormer hpulsdelphla mlllworkcr nml small con nMdof. on Gottschaik's farm, at Apple- "Mphvlllc, seven miles north of Quaker Viwn, Bucks County, shortly after mid 'nlghtl shot and fatally wounded tho far Intt as he half roso from his bed, and lif,.Ti fled from the house. H GoHUchalk dragged himself half a mile r across a new to me noiiie ui uvis u.. i ir another farmer, where he gasped an P-iccusatlon against Harry reese. a tor Enir employe, and his own wife, Mrs. I Alma 'dottschalk, of SOI D stieet, K.n Bslneton. Then ho died. ' Lieutenant Lynch and uuy ueiecuva Belshaw louna rreeou ... .... u- icaalk'i home and arrested him. Mis. i Jiotiichalk accompanied tho trio to tho Detective uurc.iu, wnoi " ........... i... in nrotestlng his Innocence. h Warrants charging Frccso with tho mur- J trr and JITS. UOHSClluiK ivi.u ui-iuk nu accessory Dom ociuie unu unci ...u ..... i were sworn oui ueiuru jubiw. ui mu 'Peace John A Funk. Mrs. Gottschalk tin hn arrested as soon as tho request for h her detention comes from Qunkert,own i Three hours auer inc muiucr mum than 100 farmers were scouring the coun 'tm'de, bent on dealing quick Justice to ' the murderer. Upon receipt of news from Philadelphia, that Freest- was In custody, the man hunt In Quakertown and vicinity Mru abandoned. WORKED FOR GOTTSCHALK. Freeee, a cook on a transatlantic steam- f'lhlp until tho European war cnused In- iternment of tho vessel, has known Mrs, pOotHchalk for two years, according to t'Mrs. Gottschaik's sister, Mrs. Mary Dle t trlch. Nine weeks ago ho went to work ; (in Ootlschalk's fnrm. but at the end of I Bveweeks he quit his Job nnd returned fei to Philadelphia Hlnco tnen ne nas Stearded at tho D street address, wnerc ffllrj. Gottschalk nnd her sister conduct la. boarding house nnd chiropody establishment. IT AH residents at the D street nouso ae ftded knowledge of the crime, and ex- PKi3tdaurptiee when told of ,11. Gottschalk purchased the farm and Amoved thero with his wlfo 15 years ago. f.but In a few years Mrs. Gottschnlf tired 01 country life and returned to rnuaaei- phla. The relations between norscir nna .' her husband continued harmonious, how- fever, according to the woman. Says friese is innocent. bsfThn mmfln TTrrpsi nnrl two nthpp rnpnl- Kben of the household declared that nono fit them had any knowledge of tho slaying Stnd asserted that Frecse spent the night P.ln'the house. Hr nlaved nlnoehle. thev K said, until 11 o'clock, and then retired. ar. uottscnaiK declared ner nusDanu STEEPLEJACKS AT WORK Bravo Workmen Removing Tower o St. Mnrk's. Steeplejacks today climbed up the lowering spire of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, nt 13th nmi Spring Garden Directs, and In tho view of hundreds of people In the street below began tearing It away bit by bit. The steeple, which points Into the air MO feel, Is considered unsafo nnd will be replaced with ventlonal lower. John F. Hasslcr, street, who makes a down spires, Is In charge of tho Job, with flvo men nsslstlng. Ho expects to finish It In 10 dnjs. Three of tho men went "aloft" this morning. Tho first object to be lowered lo the ground wns tho baso of the cross, weighing about 200 pounds. Tho slate nnd timber is being lowered In baskets by the steeplejacks. Two of Hassler's men were killed by it fall from the Central North Droad Street Piesbylcrinn Church, Hroad anil Green streets, three yeais ago. Tho Rev. Dr. Armand Miller Is pastor of St. Mark's. a con- of 651 North Broad special of taking MAGISTRATE WRIGLEY TELLS WHY POLICEMAN LED HIM TO CITY HALL "Must Have Said' Some thing Sharp" to Bluecoat Who Interfered When He Left Taxicab in Order to See a Friend. LIXUB OF CfUVF AOTOItS f.V MAOISTMUAL M YBTMIY Magistrate Wrlgley: "l'crhitps 1 ims a little quick tempo cd with the policeman." 1'ollcc Lieutenant Duffy: "It was purely an accident. Vo one teas to blame." Ifcscrvc 1'oUceman Dunn: "Sec Lieutenant Duffy." LEGISLATIVE PROBE HAS SENSATIONAL INTERLUDE Mstciy. for a time apparently Impene trable, clung about a man brought Into Clt Hall as n prisoner last night nnd then discharged, tie said he was a Magis trate, but this was questioned. The mystery was solved lodav. The prisoner, ubn came In under the wing of Reserve Policeman Thomas Dunn, was Senator Kline Bars Scarlet From Par ticipation. . PITTSBURGH. April I. - Sensational scenes, featuring which was the barring of James Scarlet, prosecutor of the State Capitol cases, from participation In tho Inquiry and the exercising by Presi dent Pro Tern, Charles Jl. Kline of his power of arrest to bring In unwilling wit nesses, brought an abrupt lull this morn ing In tho Legislative hearing of tho charges against local charitable Institu tions receiving State aid.' Mr. Scarlet, brought to Pittsburgh to direct the case for the Allegeny County Committee of tho Public Charities As sociation of Pcnnslvanla, which made the charges, was denied the right to par ticipate by Senator Kline. A moment later R. D. Drlpps, execu tive secretary of the Charities Associa tion, called as tho first witness, declined lo testify. Chairman Kllni at onco Issued subonw for Drlpps, Abrnhnm Oseroff, author o? tho churge. and James II, Gray, chairman of tho Allegheny County Committee of the Charities Association. Sergeant-at-Arms Oscar Bnlid, assisted by several deputy sheriffs, started a dragnet search for tho witnesses. Chicago Wide Open Till 3 A. M. CHICAGO, April 9. You can dance nnd drink hero until 3 n. m. If you want to. Thltty-lie Aldermen so voted when 22 tiled to ote down the special bar license oullnanio In Chlcngo. BELGIANS DRIVEN OUT OF DREI GRATCHEN AS GERMANS CROSS YSER Invaders Force King Al bert' s Troops to Retreat. Berlin Reports French Attacks in Woevre Re pulsed With Heavy Loss. Russians Advance Along Fifty mile Carpathian Front. Pierce Foe's Lines at New Points Austrians Claim Beskid Gains. Sweeping ncross tho Yscr Canal In force. Hie Germans drove the Belgian defenders from the village of Drcl Grnchtcn and destroyed it. A few days ngo King Albert's troops regained tho town after the Germans hid occupied it, but could not hold II against tho crushing weight of the Invaders. Despite enormous losses In tho light- ALLIES' WARSHIP HURLS BROADSIDE AT TURKISH TROOPS ON SHORE OF DARDANELLES ywp" wt-wsncwi"wwqrfT . tmnrM1'MrYffm'mi,mitrrr - -"n mi MYAiXK-AV . VW.?nWTJW7iWTVrt;K BULLETINS FINANCE 'AND SECURITIES COMPANY INSOLVENT Tho American rinnnce nnd Securities Company, a $5,000,000 corporation, of. this city, was declared insolvent in an opinion rend ered today ty Vice Clmcellor llaolccs, in tho Court of Chancery, at Trenton, today. The Vice Chancellor will npoint a permanent re ceiver "to protect stock mid bondholders from mnl-ndmlnlstration of I he officcis." foooo VERDICT EOJR "BROWN-EYES." ETC. Mamie T. Martin, othcrwlbc called "Brown-eyes,", "Honey" and "Darling" by JDr. .William T. Quiullvau, of 3017 North 10th Bttect, wau awarded a verdict of .fQOOO us reparation for rejected lovo nod broken, vowu of marriage in Judgo Bregy'e court'today. Coacludeil on I . Two, Column loin THE WEATHER ?ns&gK&ii&KM.&M4a.'' ,.'Ww;wsj5w S . .mora 'WfM&A&1&'xiMtaZXtoJ tiliiii TODAY'S BASEBALL', SCORES PHILLIES -., 0 0 ATHLETICS. I 0 Oe&eligcr nnd Hums Wycboff and 'fliomas. COKNEID 3 PENN 3 Bryant and i Clary) Wisner and'Koons. Umpire Lush. NEGRO THREATENS GlRL WITH KNIFIS Albert Taylor, a big Negro, who gave an address on Taylor street, was ar raigned before Magistrate MacKarland today and held under $1000 ball for court on charges of assault nnd battery and highway robbery. According to the police, the prisoner went into a storo at 1118 Fitzwater street' and threatened Carrio Coya, daughter of the proprietor of tho place, with a Unlfe. He also threatened to stab Mao Saccantl nnd escaped with $0 which was in the cash register. PILE OF STEEL SCRAP BURIES WORKMEN The collapse of n pile of steel scrap In the yard ,of the Philadelphia Steel and Wire Works, Delaware avenue and Pearl street, Camden, today burled&two workmen and nearly crushed out their lives before they could be rescued, Tho men were sent to Cooper Hospital. They are Tony Sona, 143 Cox street, and Clorfdio Stefflno, 73T Walnut street, Camden. lamnnnnvnwuOTmvrwnmannn S'TrS'r"m"'' 55"!'--'ES!3r'vw- Sf 'A " "" n"" " wv -mv'ryrr?---(y" t ' ' - tMhtrivh Aiv, . ftrtwttf, ,,,1), JnMVAU., 4v Wtt. v)MwJ K-rt MM MUVW 4 " ftWWWW & I ,i .',rr i,w i i,,i i.r ir i.i.i it. ....n i w CnprlKht, Inrtemood & Vndfrnoad. This splendid photograph was taken from the deck of ono of the battleships which for weeks have been bombarding tho defenses of the straits leading ( to Constantinople, 81 Wfmf FA1 F There Is considerable discussion at times to to whether or not tho powers that bo atuseball run the league seasons too lata to the fall. Many say the weather la too toH tiy the first week of October for the Jdtyers to show to the best advantage. Jht rriay be true or it may not. There "UQ ground for any charge that the sba- 1KM open too soon. Yesterday the Ath- IJlUca and Phillies clashed in the second time of 1915 In Philadelphia. The weather m Weal. With tho temperature at 70 Jdurtes even the most recalcitrant arm Bit loosen up, And as for the specta- Jr, the conditions In the stands were Utopian. Ab far an Uia w.nth.p nniwll. U are concerned, the regular season ISnot atart too quickly. ball! FORECAST tfor Phlladelnhia nml mr.lnifu ILS"' Weather and mild temnemlurex ffl'M ond Saturday: aentla nnulhr.r. Mvinds. , Fordetaila, aee page 2, Observations at Philadelphia b a rb..,.. o a. ju. uttuciap pSI.tu.".,.' PENN-CORNELL NINES BAHLE HERE TODAY Regan Will Pitch for Visitors, While Wisner Will Be on Mound for Quaitcrs. Pictures of the Fenn-Cornelt base ball game this afternoon, which be gins at 3 o'clock, will be published in the Sports Final edition of the Evening Ledger today. . . ,.!.. ,.,.,.. .30.30 , ..,,,,...,..,.,,.. Oi ,.... East. 4 miles aiwuit'sVhouVi:'.'.:'.'.'.'.'.:'.' KSWwim ttrnperaiur. V.'""!: V't ! ! to On the Pnrlfli- Pnncf Kfte"110' f.-iJJ'ather, clear; temp., fa K,wt' Weather, clear; temp, 51 Almanac of flip Tl.iv rW u ' Xtllutu.. ." "........ ' . tomorrow. , 6.13 D.m. .,.,.,,. JM0 a.m. Lamps to Be Lichted f and other neblclea Oils p. ra. The Tides iiwttir -"""-". ... &VS-::::;::::; . f CHESTNUT STKEB-e'whABf' ' " MJiorrow .'.'.'.'."..'.'.'. i.2i Si.m. omoOW 10.53 a.m: Li. KBBDV ISLAND. r' icr t Watip LV. ,.orTOW "--. lutRQrrow SREAKWATER fair 'Asr? . 7.15 p.m, . 1. It) a.m. . 7.10.iu. 10 as p.m. . a 17 aura. .11 S3 a.m. Penn'a baseball team will entertain lta old rivals from Ithaca this afternoon on Franklin Field, tho Cornell University players coming here confident of taking the scalps of the Quakers. A study of the two teams would Indicate that Cornell has a bit the better of the chances for a victory. Regan, the Cornell veteran pitcher, will very probably go to the mound for the visitors, while opposing him will be Wis ner, who will mako ins aeoui as a i-enn twlrler. Wisner has the earmarks of a very capable hurler and his friends will be sorely disappointed If he aocs not come through successfully. The Penn outneled Is the best she has had for many years, but her battery candidates have not dls played remarkable form. The teams will line up as follows: Penn Moore, ss.; Schlmpf, 3b.; Irwjn, tf.; McNIchol. rf.; Mltlere, cf.; Koone, c: Wallace, lb.; Mann, 2b,; Wisner, p. Cornell-Gordon, cr.; wimney, u.; ums. ss ; Clark, c; Mellon, 3b.; Donovan, !b.; Keating, lb.; Ludwlg, rf.; Budd or Re gan, p. TOURING CAR STOLEN Thieves Also Break Into Store at 16th and Market. A touring car belonging to T. E. Cor nish, of Wayne, and valued at J2000, was stolen early this morplng from 19th and MnrWfl streets. The car. which has a blue body, Is a si'4-cyllnder machine. A rear fender and a bumper on the left side are broken. Thieves broke Into the cigar store of Joseph W, J.evy, 1636 Market street, be fore daylight this morning and stole J100 In rash nnd merchandise valued at J 160. consisting of pipes, gold-Itlled watches and chains, fountain pens, pocket knives and cigarette cases. Entrance was made through a rear window. Murderer to Be Brought Here Extradition papers were received from Harrisburg .today for James Relley, of 23S East Harold street, who cpnfessed to the murder of his wife, after being arrested on a minor charge In New York. Petec tiye Emmanuel, of the murder squad, left for that city Immediately to bring Relley to Philadelphia. The murder was com muted on November 21. 1913. BUey " appeard Immediately and had not been heard of until the New York poUc ar reaud pun on March St : Mntjlstiate Dryon E. Wrlgley, of 2700 Ocrmanlonn nenue. He said so today. Hut last night It wns dlffeient A heavy policeman leading a. prisoner ap pealed at Central police station. There was no charge against him. Ho said, "I am a Magistrate." With tho words ho was led Into a room by Lieutenant Duffy rf the ltescrves. Flvo minutes later he talked uvai Then Policeman Dunn, who had enme down with the piisoncr all tho way fiom Hicail street and Columbia avenue, went back to hid beat. The ordinary course of procedure when a person Is arrested and taken to City Hall, whether he bo banker, broker, bricklayer, clergyman. Just plain citizen or panhandler. Is to get his pedigree taken, havo him slated, then searched, and finally placed in a cell whero he spends the night on a hard bench, and there he remains until his case is called for a hearing tho next morning. Magistrate Wrlgley, however, Is a member of the Republican Organization. Magistrate Wrlgley explained today. Ho didn't want to explain. "There's nothing PHILS AND ATHLETICS STAGE THIRD CONTEST Warm Sunshine Brings Out Good Crowd at Shibe Park. Series Now Tied. Concluded on Pnar Two, Column Six HUNGRY LOVER BITES OFF GIRL'S DIAMOND INTEnl.EAaUC SEniES SCOKES. Athletics, 5; Phillies, 5. at 81. l'etcrnbure. Phillies, 13; Athletics. G. at .incksonillle. Athletics, :i; Phillies, 1, at Jacksonville. Athletics. 2; Phillies. O. Phillies, 0; Athletics, 0. Athletics I'hlllle.i . STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost. Tie. PC. .non .51)0 Young Suitor, Out of Work, Steals Gem and Tries to Escape. Love and romance are Impossible when a man Is hungry. Daniel Max, forgetting the ardent promises he had made In the early days of bliss, seized the hand of his sweetheart, Gene Foreman, and bit tho diamond engagement ring he gave her. He was hungry, he said not for love, but for food. The girl glared at him when he called at her home, 2513 South Sth Btreet, and asked that she give him the ring to pawn. She denounced him and shook the dia mond under his nose. Then he stole It with his teeth and ran from the house. A crowd of men and boys chased Max and he was captured by Policeman Trultt. The lover showed tight, but was beaten Into submission. When brought before Magistrate Car son today, Max said that after he became engaged to Miss Foreman he was taken 111, and Anally lost his job. When money became necessary, he urged the girl to let him pawn the ring. "I helped to pay for the ring myself," said Miss Foreman, as she glared angrily at herover. Max was held under J WO ball for court. He gave his address as 1S20 North 39th street. Summer weather greeted the Phils and Athletics today when they clashed In the third game of the city scries. Shibe Park was a picture of liveliness us the crowd gathered to witness the contest. The players warmed up with vim and determination, each eager to get the Jump on their opponents. The series Bland even, each club with a victory tucked away In the bat bug The Phil lies have struck their gait, and the Ath letics will havo to show a brand of classy ball to take the third contest. CAUGHT LOOTING HOME OF EDWARD ROBERTS Four Boys Said to Have Con fessed to Burglary at 215 . South Broad Street. GERMANS CAPTURE 5510 GUNS BERLIN, April 9.-Slnco the beginning of hostilities the German armies in the westeru and eastern theatre of war have captured 6510 cannon from the Al lies, according to information given out by general headquarters today. Four boys, the eldest IS years old, con fessed, according to Detective McDevitt and Policeman Seybert, of the 15th and Locust streets Btatlon, to hauling away in a pushcart valuable books and furnish ings rom the home of Edward Roberts, 21S South Broad street, today. They had taken about 11000 worth of loot, the police say and were arrested making a return trip for mo're. The young prisoners, three of whom the said to have been arraigned several times before at the House of Detention, are Robert De Ctefano, H, Fitzwater street, near 12th; William Middlen, 16, 733 South Park street; Isaac Novack, 13, $00 North 13th street, and James McKenna, II years Id, 724 South Clarion street. McDevitt said iurglara had "Jimmied" open a rear gale at the home pf Mr. Roberts, who Is now at his summer home at Glenslde. A "Jimmy," three feep lonjf,. lay near a window on the second floor, which was forced, and McDevitt sus pected boys. He lay in wait for the in truders, and nearly gave away his hid ing place when he saw them put In an appearance with a big pushcart. lug between the Meuse and tho Mcsolle, tho French are nttackins "with in creased fierceness," according to an of ficial statement from tho Berlin War Oflice. At every point tho Germans say they mo maintaining their posi tions in the face of terrllio uttucks and along tho St. Mlhiel-Ptmt-.t-Mnusson lino the Fiench are being slowly driven southward. In retaliation for Fiench bombard ment of villages behind Bausejour, tho Germans havo bombarded Rlielms with incendiary shells, setting fire to many buildings. German artillery broko up a French charge In tho Sclouse Woods, nnd In the Allly Forest tho French are being driven slowly back. Hard fighting Is proceeding north and northeast of Flliey, near Pont-a-Mousson. In the Argonne, French Infantry at tacked tho German trenches, throwing bombs containing some sort of asphyxi ating gas. Repulse of German counter-attacks at several' points in the Woevre region Is announced in the official French re port Issued this afternoon. Violent night attacks on tho British positions In Northern France were also repulsed. When the French captured German trenches at Eparges they found them tilled with dead and wounded. Russian advance along the Hun garian slopes of the Carpathians Is reported along a 60-mlle front from the Topla River to Uszok Pass. A rear attack on the Austrian army 13 under way, Petrograd reportB, A general battle Is developing along the Hungarian side of the Carpathians, as the enemy's columns which have penetrated the passes have become tactically related. On the southern slope of the Beskids Russian infantry is pressing downward. The Petrograd War Office reports crossing of the principal chain of the Carpathians in the region north of the raijway at Uszok and Berezna. Cap ture of Smolnlk, east of Lupkow Pass, and advance toward Bartfeld In Hun gary Indicate marked Muscovite progress. Vienna reports repulse of obstinate attacks in the East Beskid sector and advantage In fighting on both sides of the Laborcz Valley. Admission is made of the arrival of large bodies of Russian reinforcements. Other War News on Page 4 GIRt. JILTED BY LOVER, TURNS ON GAS IJose Rosa, S12 South Ith street, a 17- ear-old girl, attempted to commit suicide by Inhaling Illuminating ga3o in her bedroom today because she had been deserted by her lover. The gas fumes were detected by her father, and her door and found her with a tube from an open gas -Jet In her was removed to Mount Sinai Hospital. he forced in mouth. Sho GIRL ACCUSED OF ROBBING APARTMENT A burglar today reached the apartment of Mrs. Martini E. Atkinson, 3C33 North Broad street, before the Iceman, for whom the key had been left sticking In the lock. The place was robbed of J20 In cash and three diamond rings valued at 5150. Pearl Winston. 1501 Garnet street, it girl omploed by tenants to clean the apartments in the house, was held under $100 bail for a further hear ing Friday by Magistrate Emely, charged with having committed the robbeo'. Tho police said that when she was arrested $79 In cash was found in her stocking. CHILD FATALLY BURNED PLAYING WITH BONFIRE - Aluo Tarshowitz. 3 years old, of 115 Catharine street, was fatally burned today while playing about a bonftie in the yard at her home. Sinai Hospital She was taken to Mount ITALIAN SAILINGS FROM UNITED STATES REPORTED STOPPED NEW YORK, April 9. Italian steamships In American porta have been or dered to postpona their sailings until April 20, according to a. London dispatch. New York ageutB of the Italian lines say they have received no such orders and dispatches from Rome say that Goernnient ofllcials i cruse to c-mment on the report. NEGRO PORTER CONFESSES $6000 THEFT RICHMOND, Va., April 9. James Bradshaw, a negro porter In the Mer chants' National Bank, was arrested today by Pinkertou detectives for the theft of $6000 In cash from the bank In January last. Detectives haye been work ing on the case since that time. The Negro has made a complete confession. Detectives recoered $1000 of the money. FIFTEEN CAUGHT IN POOL ROOM RAID Charles Nagalsky, proprietor of a poolroom at 621 South 3d street, and 15 prisoners were taken in a raid on the place and arraigned before Magistrate Mac Karland at the 2d and Christian streets station. Nagalsky was held under 1600 ball and the remainder in $300 ball for a further hearing next week. The men taken from the place gave as their occupations almost every occu pation known tu man, and the police asked the Magistrate to hold them until they could look up their records. They were all held on the charge of aiding in conducting a disorderly house. WALKS WITH THROAT CUT FROM EAR TO EAR A man walked Into the Municipal Asphalt plant. Cooper river and Federal Btreet, Camden, with his throat cut from ear to ear, today. He mumbled the name William Adams, with the address SIT Palmer street, and fell to the floor He bald: "I wanted to go to the river and kill myself. There was no use Uvtng." He la in the Cooper Hospltallna critical condition. Injured by Fall of Scaffold George Wilson, 71 years old, of 421 North 11th street, a paperhanger, was seriously Injured this afternoon In Camden when a scaffolding on which he was standing tu scrape a room at 1923 Cooper street col Upad. i GIRL SHOT THROUGH HEART; MURDER SUSPECTED JOHNSTOWN, Pa., April 9. Miss Cora Flndley, 20 years old. daughter of James Flndley, of Tanneryville, a suburb, was found dead today In the front yard of her father's home with a bullet through her heart. A revolver with one empty chamber was lying on the ground beside her. The police are not satisfied with the theory of bulclde and are Investigating clues that indicate murder. Two Hurt by Runaway Auto POTTSVILLE, Pa.. April 9.-In his ef forts to avoid a collision with a team. Dr. Frank Frlel, of this c(ty, lost con trol of his automobile today. It crashed up over the purb upon the crowded pave-, ment of the main thoroughfare. There was a wild scamper for safety, but Anna Moyer, aged 13 years, of Pottsville, and Mias Anna. Carr, 'of Schny)klll Haven, were struck by the. machine and injured. The former sustained a fractured ankle In addition to other hurts. Child Injured Playing in Street David Roeanbauro, 3 leara old. of eil Fernon street, was run down by a farm wagon and Injured while playing in the street In front of his home last nght He wa picked up by Leo Imhoff. pf 609 Fer,npo atreet, and carried to Mount Btnai Hospital. The Kensingtonian Says: Willie Dougherty tolll go through hi? annual stunt of -walking to tha Panama Exposition next week. LOST AND FOUND LOST Cold bar?ln or two snakes with (rtah water pearl. In subway or Koute 3T. Thurs day morning-. Reward, 66 CeaLrt, Wood-. bury. N. J. IriRT Cm.ll ..H tuw v w,ws.a .. ww, w.. between Broad and 11th on turn to 1035 Bpruceu Suitable InltUU F. unestaut E. t reward. 1U- .LOST Near Newtown Bquaro, u, a tmaa "?,a .Flne Uo; ward U lettmtw to II II Battle. Newtown Equate LOST-Lady's soli xuesoay I. Tenet's LOST Gray JUgora wrut u.oi uins watch IMttateA C frwu el Bon it Haase return l(ea Spruc RrJ cat. I reward. Bet. . 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers