"WWIIfflWWSW EVENING LBfiginm-frmLADXQLftHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 101'5. i I A XI A I ItMtWvfV EDD1NGS XJLIAL T1 lv J I If I flB .M' fc, --. HESOHK pWpgpMli.jiM,iUiijiji.i-i:i.giiJiw m i IBB HI aa ! 5- l fi ft 1 J&$r Jvl Mil. AXU MHO. HAMH1 IJUllll Mj.ini'iUli of 2M South Will street, will slve n tlicnllc Marty nt the Miuk ntiil Win tomorrow night lit honor of Ihclr iinUKiiter, .mibs i.iiziuicim rnrinr kcnnody. Tho Bticits, Mho will ntterwnitl nt- tend tho ilnnco which Or. nnd Mrs. Wilbur paddock Klnpp will Klve nt the Acorn Club for their ilnushter, .Ml Kllsc Klnpp, will Includp Miss Knthnrlne Putnnm, Mini Lois L. .Incksmt, MIsS Genetic Knrlcs, Miss Kllznbeth I'nttcrsmt. of Wilmington; Mls Pniillnc Arcy, .Miss N'nncy Sellers. Nathaniel DavK A. Krodet Ick .Mullor. Snmuel Dlsphnm. Jr., U'lstnr Mortis, Oilman Spencer, LMwnrd C. Cntwnrd nnd Wllllnm l)ycr. Mr. and Mrs. Dnvld Lewis will cntcrtnln nt a. box party nt the Mnsk nml WIr on Friday night, for Miss Catherine Uush, of Muslim, who will arrive In this city tomonow. Her miosis will Include Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas UobertR, Jr., Miss Mary Victoria Green, A. U. Mitchell, W. YnrXo Slevcnfott, Morahal S. Wlupctmy nnd Dr. 0. N. Du Vnlln, U. S. N. Mrs. Whltwoll W. Coxe, of 2041 S'prlieo street, will rntcrtnln nt dinner on Thiirs- ' day evenlns nt her home before tho KortnlRhtly . Cotillon In honor of her niece, Miss Hlnino Taylor EiiRllsh. I Mrs. L Staffer Oliver entcrtnlncd nt dinner at I.e Coin D'Or last night licforo tho Mnsnuo of the Primitive Peoples. Her Rticsis Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobert C. Gothics, Jr., Miss Har riet Sartnln, Miss Blanche Dlllnyo, Miss Helen 'McCarthy, Miss Elizabeth Schunrx, Miss Isn bcllo Carver, Mrs. Wllllnm A. Hunii nml .Miss Clara V. Itlchnrdson. Mr., and Mrs. lloinco Wells Sellers nlso cntcttnlncil nt n dinner of light covers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lofrnn M. Hnllltt, Jr., of De- 'trolt, nro bcliifi conKintulatcd on tho birth of daURhter yesterday, to bo named Dorothy I FrothliiRhnm Itoberts Bullitt. Mrs. Ilullltt will bo remembered as Miss Dorothy Mnrcaiet Hob- ; erts, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Coleman Freeman, of Chciokec avenue nnd Mcrmnld lane, will niter- P tain n box party at the Mnsk nnd WIr to- V morrow evcnuiK. .tneir kucmh '" mviuviu '"'Mlts I.lla Fischer, Miss Susan Ilrucc, Mlsi W Charlotte Huln, Hobert Morris, Louis Hush, fe'lfarn Davis. Thf pni ty will nflcrwnrcl bo en- tfllned .it supper at tho Itltz. ?(' Air.onR those who will entertain nt tea at 'tho dansnnt at thf Hellovuc-Stralford on S.ilur diy afternoon when Mnurlco and Miss 'Walton, JJof New York, will dnncc, will bo Mrs. Tttuton (Trice, Hnribion Cancr, Thomas Knrlo White, I.Mn. lleiirv S. Jeanos. Mrs, II. Lloyd, Miss pNewhall, S. L. Howell, .Mr. and Mrs. G. Fritz (.Chandler, Mrs. Katon, Dioel Steele, Mrs. F.d ;w.ird K. Spat Us, Dr. James Weir Hoblnson and PP. S. Thornton. On account ol Illness Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick ' V. Tunnell, of 2B0 West Tulpt'hockcn street, Onrmnnlown, have lecalled their Invltntlons foradnnee which they had nrratiRed for Thurn flayevealnR, of this week, In honor of their son, Bertram Tunnell. Mlu Jane II. Valentine will Rive nn exhibit i" of Italian and Fl'clllnn sketchings, nnd inlnln ' tures nt the Plastic Club, HI" South Cnmno 'Street, which will open today. I Mrs. John P. Hutchinson, of Cloverdale, j.1 Georgetown, N. J., returned on Saturday from 'Camden, N. C., where sho has been apendlns several weeks, trs. Hutchinson wns accom panied by her daughter. Miss Alice Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tatnall Starr and family have returned to their home on Church road, Wyncote, after spcndlnR several months nt their cottngo In AuRusta, Ga. Mrs. Stair was ) accompnnled by her mother, Mrs. Floyd White. v , Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Wood and family, of " Kll St. James place', havo Inkcn a cmtuRo nt Jamestown. H. I., lor the summer. a Mrs, Howard Ellison, of 1W3 Locust street, H.m ..... . n i.nv inrtv nt tlm tnblenux tomorrow afternoon. K in.. Mr iinii t ni.-,l phiitnnte daURhter of jfMr. and Mrs. Warren Powers I.alrtl, of tho Gladstone, will be cuest of honor at a theatre party, followed by tea at tho nellevuo-Strat- fnrd tnrtnv. In ho clven bV MrH. Henry AUSllll 'nNewbold. The guests will Include Miss Christina 'Ilehn, Miss Edith Hnrrold Gllllngham, Miss Dorothy De Hnven Deacon, Miss Isobel Jlllna illodgers, illss Kutherlno C. Newbold. ALONG THE MAIN LINE . CTOWVD-Dr. John II. May, a director of Camp Wlnnetaska, Ashland, N. II., will give an Inter esting lecture on the birds of Wiifnetaska today t 3:30 In the IJaln-Cynwyd Auditorium, under tho ausplceB of the Women's Club of Cynwyd. LThe mothers and children' of tho surrounding; country are Invited To attend. Doctor May Is Jiha guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox. Mr. and Mrs. John II. Fleck, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Long and Mr. and Mrs- J. V. B. TUm gave an enjoyablo illpncr-dance last night f t tho Cynwyd Clubhouse, to entertain their re- ? peptlye dancing classes. Tlyero wns dancing In miween. the courses of tho dinner, wnicn wa Mrvd on the large Inclosed porch of the club house. Bouquets of gardenias formed the favors found 'at each guest's place. Mrs. Frederick ,Q. Newbourgh, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Joyce na ur. and Mrs, Gcorgo C. Anthony rendered jwveral delightful solos during the evening. ipVEnnnoOK-Mrs. Eugene O. Mosler nnd Miss idele M Mosler, of 6311 Drexel road, entertained Che members of their bridge club at luncheon Bid bridge yesterday afternoon. Their guests Jre Mrs. Joseph P. McCullen, Mrs, Wlnsor F. mand, Mrs. George A. Smith. Mrs. Paul D. hoIland, Mrs. Charles Collins. Mrs. Matthew oore. Mm. Olln Purrltt, Mrs. Paul Wolfe, Jessie Qrant and Sirs. Frank Hancock. a Anal meeting p the club will be hold Tuoa- April 20, at the Overbrook Golf Club. had dinner, followed by a danas, will be Jva Tuesday, April 13, ut the Overbrook Golf 10- v GERMANTOWN '. Thomas T.ennnnl nml her dauchtar. Mabel Leonard, of SS West School 19U 1 are spending the weak In Atlantio Clty, pval Constructor Bdwaril G- Klntner, U. a nd Mrs Ktntuer, of WIS Schulr strt. beea ordeied to the Norfolk Vard. Mr. Wr. Kintner will take up their new rei- I about April 15 'Pa parties which axa taking plai.c dur- Easter week for tita tefaeol let will i not end with Satutday. On Monday rxenlng, April II, nt the Gcrmnntown Cricket Club, tho combined musical rlubs of tho Germantown Arnilcmy will give a concert nnd daiicr. Tho chaperons Includo Mrs. William K. Ilcnrd. Mrs. F. tl. Clolhler, Mis Edward r. Culler. Mrs. Archibald A. Dlnsmorc, Mrs. John IMmnndt, Mrs, Cnlvln Sattcrlleld, Mrs. J. Howard Sheblo, Mrs. Clarence Sharpie, Mrs. D. J. Campbell, Mr. Oeorge II. llk, Mis. Hnrry Collin, Mrs. C. T. Uvniin, Mrs. Wllllnm C. llorton, Mrs. John L. Holmes, Mis. II. C. ltnro, Mrs. It. C. Ijiwson, Mrs, I,, L. Moorltcnd. Mrs. William Woods Smyth loft yeslord.iy for Old Point Comfort In Join her husband, Lieu tenant Smyth, who lins Just arrived on board tho U. 8. S. Minnesota. Mrs. Walter Hordon, of 410 West School lane. Is rnlurtnlnliiK n number of friends) nt her cottage- In Atlantic City for sevcrnl days. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. nml Mrs. Kdwnrd C!. llondcrc cnter tnlhcd thn tnombcrs of their bridge club last evening nt their home In La lllaucho Apart ments. Their guests were Mrs. Elizabeth Howen. Mr. and Mis. Wnltcr Dctwllcr, Mr. and Mr.. Edwin Scarlett, Dr. nnd Mrs. S. Merrill Weeks, Mr, nnd Mrs. Wllllnm C. Johti Kon nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexnndcr Sent other. Announcement Is mado of the marrlnRo of .Miss Elizabeth H. Mnycock nt her homo 13:'t North (list street, last Wednesday to Nelson II. Hill, of fil North list street. Miss Hob-ii llrown wns the bridesmaid; Hnrry llably w.-n best man. Among tho gnosis wcro Mr. and .Mrs. Edwaid Stevens, Mr. nnd Mrs. llnnv I Klnscr, 5Ir, nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Wclser, Mr. nml I Mis. Oeorpp Smith, Gcorgo Smith, Jr. Ml Mitry Gullnim. Mr. and Mrs. Willlnin .1. Miu Ncnl. nnd Mr. nnd Mis. James Drown. The house wns decorated with Easter lilies, roses and palms. The biido nml bridegroom left Immediately after the cciemony In a Inrgo touring car for tho San Finnclsco Exposition. They will bo nt home after July 1, 1915. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chaunccy Eornkos.1, 123 North Edpcwood street, cntortnlncd nt their homo In honor of their fifth wedding anniversary. Amr.ng tho numerous guests wcro .Mr. nnd Mrs. Fiancis .1. Hart, .Mr. and Mrs. Wnltcr J. Hut tcr, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Parker, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Schat chctt nnd Edgar Hoblnson. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Tho members of tho Dorcnn Society had a unique experience last Sunday of attending tho betrothal ceremonies of four of their members. In tho afternoon ut 3 o'clock the betiothal of Miss Esther Wopenstoln to David W. Abrnms took plnco In Miss Wnpcnstoln's home, 1M0 South 4lli street. In tho evening tho bctrothnl of JIIss Evn HniwiiRtoin, of $'7 North Sth sticct, Camden, to Cluulcs Green was celebrated In Miss Hrownsteln's borne. Tho following mem bers nt tho Dorcan Society weio picsent:. Miss Helen Hur.stoln, Miss Kntn M. Davles, Miss Minnie Welnbcig, Miss Ilcha AVnpiinsicln, fjam uel J. Abrnms, Jack Ilursleln, Aleck Dnrsloln, Hermnn Gore, Philip Hoffmnn, Samuel Klrson, Henry Silk and Mr. and Mrs. Stonohlll. SCHOOL SET AFFAIRS Dinners, Luncheons and Matinees Will Keep The Younger Sot Busy. Mrs. Georgo lioyd Kestor will glvo a'.liulTet lunchion today nt her homo, 2112 Spruco street, ill honor of her daughter. Miss .Margaret Kes tor. There will bo 73 guests from tho school pet present. Mr. and 3Iis, Clayton McElroy, of 2012 Pino street, will cnfrtiiln nt dinner In honor of their son, Chnton McHlmy, Jr. Mrs. Wnltcr llenilnrson Mrynnt. of 110 South 22d street, will also cnteitalu at dinner. Tho affair will bo held In tho Itltz Carlton In honor of her daughter, Mlts Eleanor ISryant. Mrs. Charles fusils Harrison will filvo a matinee party today nt tho Mnsk nnd "Wig In honor of Miss Ellen McMlchnel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Emory McMlchnel. Mrs. MeMlchael will chaperon tho party. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Jlr. and Mrs. Austin Oarrlly, 2001 Indiana avenue, entertained at a dlnner-daucc this week. Among tho guests present weie Mis3 Alice Gur rlty. Joseph Hurley, Charles Duffy, Irene Floun dors, Jtlss Mary Craig and llaymond Gleason. Miss Elsie Ellis, or 1311 Lehl-ili avenue, win bo hostess at n bridge party this after noon. Her RuostH will include Mrs. Edmond Tlrlckley, Jlrs. Hugh Quinn, Mrs. James 1'. Gill, Miss May Ellis, JIis. John Cornish ana Mrs. Edward Hummell. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA A small dance In aid of St. Anno's Church will bo held In St. Anne's T. A. It. Hall, Sillier and Lehlsh avenues, on Thursday, April 8. Tho patronesses Include Miss Anna Duuohoe, Miss Theresa McCiovern, Miss Nan Dunphy, Mi3 Helen iluons, Miss Vera Huons, Miss Teresa Keogh, Miss Florence O'Drlen, Miss Mudelmo O'NclI. About 1000 are expected to be present On April 16 the annual euchro nnd dance of St. Anne's Catholic Club will be held In the School Hall, Tucker and Cedar streets The clu'i members nnd Ladles" Auxiliary have pre pared for the last ihtee weeks tn nuke tho Effalr a gient success. Tho committee Includes Thomas Kllkullen, Charles lllotie, Daniel Mc I.oughlln, William McGovern, Thomas Hurke, James McKay, Je McCarty and Howard I.e voie. The auxiliary Includes Miss Hose Mac Klroy, Miss Mary Kelly, Miss Teraea McGov ern, JUM Am,a Wonohoe, Mlse lUlen nono hoe, JIUti May Murphy, Mis Margaret Lough. Hit, Ml Stella Daly, Ml Agnw Drnnen, Miss SInrgaret Fltzpatrltk. The flrt annual performance of St. Luka's praniatlc Olub. of St. Luke's Protaatant KpU copal Olmich. KeiMlngton avenue and II street, will be lvn In the Sunday School Auditorium thhi wwiing 4t Q'l4M!k. The procesda will b donatid V) he ChlUlren'B Outing Awtoclatlon of tb ehui-flto. "TJ0 Djawlng Gown" Is th title of lh sksteh to be enaeUd. The cast loxludes: The Crank s Du8la Stel Hla Daushtr Mu VUxiBaa Walkor Mrs I-eabody J,Ua K"r Mr Klrke . Sdward mUh "Mm Matd Mabl 6e4burM Thl Mttor wimmMolt ifKj J.J' $CS?'." , . ' " ' I'll. n l.j II' ll . Way. MISS ANNK BELLE SHIRK .Miss Shirk will be mnrricd toniKht at Christ Church Chapel to Albert Cameron RurrnRe, Jr., of Boston. Miss Shirk is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mar shall Shirk, of 1339 Pine street. PRIMITIVE PEOPLES Tho Seven Arts Clubs Gnvc 11 Remarkably Fine Performance Last Nipht. "Tho Mnsiiuo of tho Prlmlthc Peoples," to which all those Interested In thliiRS pet min ing to tho arts havo looked forwatd for many monn.'i, wns Risen Inst nlRht In tho hnlliomn of Hoi tlculturnl Hall, and so Rieat a success was tho affair that It will probably bo repeated In the near future for tho benellt of those who wcro tumble to secure scats last nlRht. St thoroughly consistent nnd nrllstlc In. every re spect weio tho numerous, cplwodcs, consisting of tho Indian, tho Hyznntine. "The Doom of .lemshltf," Egyptian, Mltln. an Aztec Ciiieum. "A Chinese Wedding" and "Tho Fnll of Troy," that one can hardly single out any pailleular incident ns the most Inteicstliig. although "Tho I Awakening of the Giral Sllcnco," pottrnylng In pantomime nn episode of Egypt, was ptult ably tho most thoroughl.v artistic. Wliilo Miss 1 Gcorglnna Drown, as tho queen, executed 11 graceful and uuluuo dance, II110 after lino of llgurct;, tomb deconitlons appealed, standing out In bold relief against tho whlto back giound of tho tomb. An episode In tho life of Justinian, Enipetor of Constantinople, ndmlrnbly portrayed by Edwanl Wnrwlck. wan most spectacular. Miss Gonevlovo Glbbs, as Theodora, tho dancer, aft erwards as tho Empress, gave a wonderfully graceful performance "Tho Doom of Jumshlil." ndapted by Mrs. "W. V'orko Stevenson from tho Shah Nameh, tho great heroic poem wiltten In tho 11th cen tury by Flrdnusl, was portrayed In two cx qulslto (.cenca. Tho cast was mado up of members of tho Playn and liayerw. ALONG THE READING Eugene. Stull, Jr., of HI Woodland avenue, Wyncoto, returned yesterday to the Peunsylia nla State College, after spending his Eabtor boll days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Stull. Today is "President's Day" of tho Hevlow Club of Oak Lane. Tho meeting will bo held In .Marshall Hall, and tho Hnhn Quartet will ren der musical selections. Tho committee In chargo Includes Mrs. Theodore Kimuff, Mrs. o, E. Lloyil, Mrs. J. H. Mllller and Mrs. Fallko. Miss Ktnma Supplee, of Webster avenue, Wyn cote, left today for Doylestown, wlicro sho will spend several days with her sister, Mrs. Nathan Quinn, t David HogciH, of ISlh North Warnork strept, Oak Lane, has returned fiom a trip to the United Stales Naval Acadenii, at Annapolis, Maryland. MISS SARAH SHAPIRO One of the popular members of West Philadelphia's younger social set, who ia chairman of the dance committee of tho A. E. O. Club. Miss Shapiro ia Arranging for the club's last danca and cotillon of thejieason to be held in a fortnight. CHARITY AFFAIRS DcliRhtful Tableaux and Musicale Will Be Given by Society Children Tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon in tho lialhuom of tho Hellovuo-Strnlford. ninny piomliirnt chlldicn, who me Just I egluiilng to uiidcistnud Hint "chniity In kind," will step out of well appointed nurseries to take part in n delight ful tableaux nnd muslcnle, tho proeceds of which will enable other children living In a different neighborhood to llud enJojinoiU, health and happiness nt thu Hope D.iy Nursery, 1013 Vino street. The aim of the nursery, tho olllcers of which arc Mis. Stacy II. Lloyd, president; Miss Mary IC Gibson, Mm Henry t Jcnnes, Mrs. I. It. lulls, lci presidents; Mrs. Charles L. Doric, treasurer. Mrs. Itobeit !'. Sew ell nnd Miss E. G. White, soerctniies. Is to prnvldo a safe, happy pl.iy 100m for the snim and daughters of woiklug wonieii living in the congested section of tho city around 10th nnd Vino streets. Here, for tho past ten yeais, many children havo been dally free from tho perils of tho city stieots and from tho danger of playing with llro. A b-peelol uurso Is on duty nt the nursery oveiy day to look after the needs of tho little ones. Tho larger children nro given two nourishing meals, whllo tho babies are supplied with milk and given dally baths. In tho evening tho set tlement moms nro open to women nnd young girls. Tho tableaux, which ptomlso to bo unusually Interesting and novel, havo been posed nnd arranged by Miss Elizabeth Fisher, nnd tho futuro little belles and beaux havo more than helped to mal.o tomorrow afternoon n delight ful affair for tho grown-up aw well as for tho many children who will witness tho entertain ment. Tho first series will bo called "Fairy Tnlo Friends," nnd tho tableaux will bo presented by the following children; Hansel ami Grctcl, Plioehe Drayton and Francis Lloyd Aladdin and the Genlo Ned ncrwind Alice In Wonderland Isabel Frnzer Little Hoy Illun Jack Wheeler Peter Pan and the Pirate, Georgo Patterson and E. Sydenham Page, Jr. Llttlo Hed Hiding Hood Sally Henry The Sea Maiden Peggy Howcngnrten Pled Piper . Owen Winter. Jr. Tuck and tho Fairies. Sarai Largo nnd Nicholas Now tin Minnehaha Frnnces Wlster Tho Constant Tin Soldier. Stella Elklns and Ctirtln Wlnsor INTERMISSION Violin Solos Folly Thayer (n) Cava Una. (h) Pierrot's Serenade. Accompanist. Mrs. Henry Chapman Thompson Exhibition DancliiK. Lillian Emerson, of New York Accompanist, Polly Thayer SECOND SERIES PORTRAITS Chcrulii by Raphael Christopher Young and Alexander Young Princess Elltnbeth of France by Rubens Catherine Mather The Ago of Innocence by Reynolds Hetty Ponner Master Gcorgo Lainhton by lAwrcnce Clayton French Hanks, Jr. Tho Infanta Marguerite by Vclacquex Eleanor Sloan I,ady Hamilton by Roinney Ruth Packard I.ady Caroline Sco'tt by Reynolds Anltn Clothier PrlneeuH Sophia by Gainsborough Anita Evans The Hoy With the Rabbit by Raeburn Charles Mather Prince Rupert and Prlncew Mary.. by Van Dck Matthew llalnl. Jr.. and Marlon Kendrlck Lady Howard and Her Son by Rnbbleu Mrs. Ponner anil Billy Donner Little Lillian Emerson will claae the enter tainment with anothw exhibition of her faney dancing, nccompanlsd by the orchestra. After the play there will he a Junior ilaivwnt In which all the kiuall children, both mi lb stage ami in the uudlenea, are exptctail to join. The (9 young girl, from tlie school tet, who will act as aid In telling programs and randy, will aIo assist In srvlug pake ami Icea tn the older people, who) will cluster around the prettily appointed ts table while the youngsters dpnee. CHESTER AND VICINITY Mr. and Mr. J. K. (Jojiisry. qf 11th street below City Line, will open tuelr new botue at OH Woodbine avenue, Oterbrook, Avrll 18. Jlre. Olln T. Peucoast, of West Sd street, nas returned from a week's visit to her eon, Clar ence Fapwwt, at J'assaU, M- J. TIU-. mart lute m Mls Anna Ilolle Khfm, ilaughtpr "f Mr. nnd Attt. J. C Mnrsttnll Shirk, of IJ.W 1'lno slreet, to Albert Cnmeron llurrnge, Jr., nf Itostun, wilt be eulemnlzcil this cveitlnR The ecrcmony will be irerformeU by the ltov. Jlr. Neshltt nnd the llev, Mr. llarru at o'clock in Christ's Church (Impel, ami nnd Pine str.ets. Miss Shirk will be ntlemle.1 by Miss Jnm II. Vntctnnu, her cousin, ns mnid of honor. A reception will follow nt I3X) Pino street, nnd on their return fiom their weddins trip tn South America Mr. nnd Mif. Hurrnneil; will be nt homo in tto.iton. liAVlB-HLAOlAll'llN An umisunll.v attrnctlve wedding will tnhet I'lnco tpulglit nt B o'clock In tho Church or tho Hodienicr, Dryn Mnwr. when Miss Dorothy ninckbtirn, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrn. Waller ninckliurn, of Itavcrford, will become tho brttln of Daniel Moonr Dnvls. The Rev. Mr. Cait-r, rector of tho church, will oMcfalc. Tho bride, who will be given In mnrrlngo by her father, will wear n gown of white chllTon cnibrolderrd in sliver over n finmdotlun of whlto satin. A emu l tinln will fall from the pliouldcrn nnd will bo ti limned with silver. A tulle veil will be held In place by a silver tissue hnlr band. Mlm lll.iekburn will be nttended by SIIes Snrnh li'm kbui 11 ns maid of honni, who will wear Dresibn tnlTetn and a pink chllTon lint. Tho bildcsmnlds will be Miss Mnrgaiot Kcenan nnd Miss Dorothy Uemicrmnn, who will be gowned alike In pink taffeta nnd will wear pink cliinon bats trimmed with dull blue. They will carry ' old-fashioned bouquets nf pink roses. Mr. Davis will have ns his best man Alfred J. Hall, or Chestnut Hill, nml the ushers will Include Dr. fail S. Williams. Frederick I!. Hanillz, Fred erick T Thoiuns and Georgo W. (leaver. A reception will follow Immediately nt the Inline.! of the luidc'K patents on College avenue. Ilnv erfonl. After an oMcuiled wedding trip Sir. and Mir. Davis will be at homo at the Creshelm Vnlley Apnilmonls, Chestnut Hill. PErUlV-THOjMAS. ' Tho marriage of Miss Lnurn Jnyne Thomas, daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. Robot Parson Ycrgor, of Roslyn, I'n., to Wnrd Tyson Perry will mi.o place Indav in Calvary Church, Gerinantowt,. The Rev. James Do Wolf Perry, grandfather of the bildegroom, will perform tho ceieiuouy. Tho bride, who wlll.be given In marriage by hor griiuilfnlher, will be attended by Miss Eleanor Pnkcr, of Gennantown, as maid of honor, anil Miss Lnufa Wayne, cousin of the bildo, as llnwer girl. Mr. Perry will be nttended by his brother, JmiKs Do Wolf Perry, 3d, and the ushers, will be Homy Do Witt Thomas, Robert Swnln Peny, C111I Rarbn, Paul E. Sutio, Jr., It. l.a Harro ' Williams ami John Giitlln. A icceptloii will follow In tho homo of the bride's patents In Roslyn, nnd after nn exten sive wedding trli Mr. anil Mrs. Poiry will bo at limne after June 1 at Tnlalnh Cnvu. Spring. Ga. WHITWr.LL-COl'RLAENDEIt. A pretty wedding will take place tonight, when Mis Ellse Coitrlnender, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. U. ffiurlncnder. of IIS South 3-Mb stieet. will becume the hilde of Georgo llelmonl Whit- well nt 0:30 o'clock In the Chtiich of tho Sa viour, 3vth street abovo Chostiiut. Tho Rev. Itobeit Johnston, lector of the cliurqh, Willi olllclate The bride, who will bo given In mar-' rlago by her father, will wear whlto satin, mnde with a couit train, embioldercd In silver nnd trimmed with dtiehcKso lnce. Her lace veil, will be caught with orange blossom) and she will carry n shower bouquet of Initio mses nnd lilies of tho valley. Miss Courlacnder will be 1 attended by her cousin. Miss Julia Ilcyle. of Washington, ns maid of honor. Miss lleylo'n gown will be blue taffeta with IIoiiiicch of whlto 1 silk net caught nlth tiny pink mses. Tho i bodice Is mnde in peasant fashion and her chlu hat Is made of net trimmed with rosebuds. Sho will carry KUlurnny iokom. The brlilomntda will bo Miss Florenco Crn zler Kuowles and Miss Ilereulcn Uorcns, who. will wenr salmon color entln frocks. TJie sklrtal nro short and have inlnnrctM of silk net tilmmod with sprays of daisies. A Juliet Rlrdle of silver I cloth encircles tho wnlst nnd Is tied on one side. They will wear net hats with pint; mnllno streamers nnd will enrry pink snap dragon and whlto dnlslw. Mr. Wbllwell will havo as his best man Clmrles HeckwHh, of New York, nnd the ushers will Includo Henry Dona hue, Wtftinm F. Newberry, Leonard Cooke and L. Hngtdorn. A icceptloii will follow Imme diately at tho Roosovclt. HANSI3N-DENN V. Tho marriage of Miss Emma May Denny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a. Denny, to Philip Herman Hunseu. of St. Paul, Minn., will be solemnized this afternoon at S o'clock In tho Chinch of St. Francis do Snlcfl, 47th street nnd Sprlngtli-ld avenue. Tho Rev. M. J. Cinno will olllclate. The bride will wear nn exquisite gown of whlto satin Willi n bodice of icnl lnce cm broldeied in pearls. The skirt will be short mid full. Pi 0111 the shoulders will fnll a. court tram of satin raced Willi shirred chiffon. Tlie tulle veil will bo held to the head by a cap effect r lace and orange blossoms, and the bride will pnrry n bbowor bouquet of sweet pea and lilies ot tho valley. Miss Gertrude M. Denny, a sister of tho brldo, will attend as mnid of honor and will be gowned In rose pink taffeta uintissellue with n pictur esque leghorn hat faced with pink Uemgotto crepo nnd trimmed with pink woe ami streamer, Sho will carry pink loselnids an, sweet peas The bride's llttlo sister, Mlu Rum Denny, will bo flower girl. She will wear a white lingerie frock tied wtlh blue ribbons ami will carry nn nld-fuihlonei liasket of spring bloMoms. Harlan 8- Haiuwjn, of New York, brother of the bridegroom, will aot as best man. Imme diately following the ceremony a reception will be held at Hie home of the bride's parents. WW llatl Hvenue, aftvr ihlch tha oun ooup'o will leave on th)r wwtilinc- Journy. Mr. anu Jim. HaiiMii ulll Ihe In St. I'aul. Minn. VIP IWN-HHOOM KLL. MUi Ulla L. Hroomell, daughter of Mr and Mr. Cttlyln If. Ilrooinall. will battoiua the brtd Of pcer T. Vi4aai) at 8:34 o'clock tkU ning nt th banva of hr rrit8, us (jrwa strL 'Hie brW will wr , 8uu of noli white satin tliuiiuai.l wltli ductuwiae lac ud a, v41 uf tulle caught wilh oraiuj bkuu-onu. Sho will carry a aUouar twuuuet of brid, rourf and Me of thv valley The mai.i of honor. Mib Dlla Stane. ulll b vawiied tn pale pink ,nii.a dA chlnA ami ivilt cairv uluk totwtuiria UIM K.ih.r Rubiuaon lll U the lillla Hlrl. Sho vlll won a whlto lnce Tiurlt Dimmed with pink ribbons oud will cairy n quaint bas ket filled with pink rosebuds. Tim ceremony will be performed by the Hfev G, W. R.ibt'ook. pastor of the Centenary Meth odist Episcopal Church. Mr. Vhleon will have Die Johnson as his best man. and tlm Ushers Will be Frank Prentrel and J llniry Lelbrrled. A icerpllon will be held following the cere mnny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Vldeon will be nt home nfler May 1 nt 67SS PembertOn street. IR'RGESS-SHEt.DO.V. All nttmctlve Kniler wedding will tnke place In tho Oak Lnnc Reformed Church t 8 o'clock this evening, when Mls Jean Klltabeth Shel don, daughter of Mrs. .Mary C. Sheldon, win Uromo tlie bride of Arthur Stanley Burgess. The bride, who will bn attended by Mrs. Frank Oliver Glenn, "f New York, as matron of honor, will wear a while patln gown trimmed with real Inco and made with n court train. Hor veil will bo of tullo, made will) n cap effect, finished with n wreath ot orange blo sntno. Mrs Glenn will wear n frock of green ciepe de chine, and the bridesmaid), who will be Miss Louise Faulcr and Miss May Bell lluck, will wear taffeta dresses, 0110 of pink and the other blue. Charles Mlddlctou Hnrlsn will net nn best mnn. nnd tlm ushers will Include Chnrles Uoyd, A. Purees Ferris, Frank G. Glenn nnd T. Hwngar Potts. The Rev. Samuel Hrledcnbangh will olllclate. WOODBURY The meeting of the Luncheon Club was post ponod from Inst week until tomorrow nfternoon, anil will meet nt the home of Mrs. Gcorgo Gteen-, Jr., on Woodbind avenue. Mr. nml Mrs. Frederick S. ChnuYe, nf Rutland, Vt are icclvlng congratulations on the birth of 11 son, George Keen ChafTee. Mrs. Chaffeo was formeily Miss Helen Keen, eldest daughter of Ml. nnd Mrs. Horace Keen. Miss Miriam Gaidner has returned to her home In Philadelphia, after n short visit with Mlrs Eleanor Kirk, on Delaware street. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Miss Kathcilne Archer, a student nt Smith College. Is spending the liollduya with her mother, Jlrs. George Archer, fitb and Lindtn streets. .Mis. Frank C. Somers, Jr., of Linden avenue Ilnddonllcld, cntertnlned with a luncheon. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Cramer, of 218 North fith sticct, nre 1 delving congratulation!! upon tho birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Alcrrltt Jennings, of Colllncs wood, hnve moved to their new resident e nt Woodbury. AMUSEMENTS GLOBE MAIlKirr AND Jf.NII'lIlt r'uitfctu .u, t'ntiflrWI' 11 an to 11 nn MLLE, D 0 R E E prrwntH Tim i.iri:m.t. oi-ura 111 NIX Ml'NUWI. ItOltMXNH OTIIDII,- COMING NEXT WEEK twii'ij iimi.v a :w and s:::o Tin: nn.iiAincAiii.n. staiitlino. ouiuinal l'HOTO-Sl'DCTACI.i: HYPOCRITES CHOItl'S. DNI.AItl.ni) OltCIinSTUA. nnd ORUAN aK.trs Tir wkiiks ix advance Plinot-niir Qr oi'KRA I Home ot World's OlllbUlUl Ob. UOUHE I Ore.itot ptintopls Afleinnons t :.10 to 4 :."!0--iic. 10c, ?ic UienlMBs 7:311 to 10:30- pn-. i'.:, a Kew 39o n w iiitiKt'iTirn STAHTI.1NO ntODCCTlON THE AVENGING CONSCIENCE TWiri: 11 MIA AT .1 AMI f 1' M. i'iti:i:i:t)i:n iiv ciimiidibs T VRTP Mat Today, llent Senls ft. SO. u x ilkj tonkiht at mis s o a n h to s v c c i: s s MR. WILLIAM FAVERSHAM 'a'U-N'uVe;:: "the h a w k MMntle Intcrentlng unit lliil ty exiellfiit jilaylni," Tel pr rn ph. TiTlRTJTC'fP MAT Mst 4 Kl. ttT8,l5 V KJllilOX TOI1AV 1ji Mat. Sat. at a. 15 The Mask & Wig Club ,n !$j&IB" ni:xt wkkk- si:ats TOMonnow HKHT MUSICAL SHOW IN THE WOULD coiian'h n i: v u b "HELLO BROADWAY" With lino. M. COHAN and WILLIAM COJ.I.IUIt B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE "ItKWAlilllUI WITH AllllSnAXT EVELYN NESBIT and JACK CLIFFORD -i'c Idtfr p" en" snii uneinai uancea. ' ' , .Hisr.i'ii jnKPKiiso.v A co , WILL OAKLAND . CO , UUHTON 1IOI.MK81 TllAVKI.irTTB. HAIHllirr lU'IlT. AND OTHB1I8. .IJIJ..1 u nn . .. .. n . . . Tin: MAItKCT ST. ADOVK 10TU I' 1 C T I' II B 8 II A M. lo 11:15 P. II. WILLIAM ULLIOTT WIIUN WB WKRK TWENTV.ONE" Stanley Ad'tl Allratllon- VANDURIIILT Ct'P RACU COM I Ml VICTOIl MOOHH In "SNOn3" AN ALL-BALLAD PROGIAM WILL IIB HUNII UY JOHN McCORMACK at thf ACADi:.M. Nt Kililay Kv , TliKctM on Sate at Heppe'a April AnpT PHT TUMUHT AT 8U5 AUllllJi rii papular fl Mat. Tomorrow Oilier MiHOM.fi l'raDti J. Hartley Manners' PEG 0' MY HEART 100 GOOD HALCONY SBATS AT tl.00 0OOODrAIILYl.,IItULi: SKAT!. SOa MBTIIOI'OLITAN Ol'KIU HOtHH Uil injifornmm-. Mtlrniwllun Oiwib. yu N V Tuewtak H'l." , Arll W. ai H Mima ftirmr. Alda, CARMEN L,?1Tiilrinr",AB"10- i;o"JUVW- SUATS, 11UU t'HBHTNLT ST Mall Onlr llecelvad. CROSS KEYS THEATRE Mu1luI Z' Lingerie Shop i OTilt:n uiu Airrn CpnuU Nw 1'ii'Eruiii Man. k. Thura Dlly 1ftn Knlim, nd at 3 15 10. I 3U) Gnrrick ,!St Mat Today iT. S1.00 ROBERT HILLIARD AnuYLs'cASB I'. S5I -l- w KiB 8 13 It. Mat Sat NIXON'a GRAND today .l. IH TUB FASIUUN SHOI" ; VAS Bftll'lIKIiri. Jill JLJlltb. KELttO WIIOE'6 UUP. UOLDBM AMI "BWKKTIE liXaTuNpALUER. LAUiJIJKiJ i'ICTun88 CuAiiauuua 11 to II guitUif VauOaillla and Maria Drvulrt aakl ClMrtti VICTORIA Marital and Ninth Trim 16f--. JUc wno, iw ,iiiva Puucturad "nmantf ' PXUAJJ TODAY MjUioWM WJ. if thtl . una. Ethel Barrymore thbudmw U iu U JN 1 O mn AND Aett t Uti'lSEE IHUAV IU. )t. TROCADERO fwl 4ttifif Iwlgnt CASINO W,,tt" &SS. ! MA!- 'i f 1 V