wmFwm m ., ...am EVENING- 33G$BPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRtL 7, 1915, H 0 EITEL MAY INTERN TODAY; LOSES GOOD CHANCE TO ESCAPE .Treasury Department Re fuses to Comment on Ru mors That Commander en Thierichens Would Not Attempt to Leave Port. WASHINGTON. April 7. With no report from Newport News regarding the Intentions of tho Oormmi rnlder Prlrtz Kltcl Frtedrlch, whlcli in Stilt at anchor there, Assistant Secretary Of thb Treasury I'eters toilay iloclarcil that ho has adopted u pulley of "watchful 'wn.ltlntt" Irk thn limltr. tin unilld not !' comment on reports that the ttltel would oe interned today. Nevertheless It was rumored that Com mander Thierichens, of tho Kltcl, had notified tho Federal authorities that ho would Intern. Ho alarmed British watchers npnlh. however, by fresh activity last nlKht, bidding Tort Collector Hamilton, of Nor folk, ROod-by, as If ho did not exptct to see him again. Tho IMtel was said to hfcvo received a wireless mMijiiKO. I la own apparatus wan reported working. Government oftlclals said this was un true. Tho tog last night offorcd a good chance to escape, but the raider failed to mako use of tho opportunity. Dispatches fiom Norfolk we.'o to tho effect that tho Government has ordered nil enemy merchant ships held up "until further notice." but thlt was thought to bo tho last touch to the fot mat pi ener vation of American neutrality. Xleports of protests bv the Hrltlsh Oov ernment that tho Kltcl was overstaying her tlmo limit worn again emphatically denied by Assistant Secretary oC the Treasury retcrs. who reported thnt Oreat Britain could not frame such a protest without ofllclally knowing the time limit KlVn the Eltel by Admiral Ilciitty's Naval Board. Intense Interest nttached to the Norfolk report that the holding up of Hrltlsh merchant vessels last Friday for 21 hours was by direct order of Hrltlfh Consuls at Norfolk, Newport News and Balti more. Although official comment on tho report li lacking. It was generally be-lle-e3 that the British Admiralty wished to keep the seas off the Capes free of Its own cargo shipping at a tlmo when the Eltel was expected to make a dash for freedom. Significance was attached to reports that the battleship Alabama had cleared for action off tho Capes. "Clearing for action" In this case, however, appeared to have consisted only of shitting of the vessel's davits so as not to Interfere with her guns. SIX TURK WARSHIPS SUNK BY RUSSSIANS IN BLACK SEA Official Review Tells of Success of Cznr's Fleet. PETPOGH-An, April V. Six Turkish ships 01 n-ar and one big transport have been sunk tod two of the finest cruisers In the Sultan's navy have been badly damaged In Black Sea opeia tions, according to an olllclal announce ment from the Russian Admiralty. The statement, which is a review of opei.i tlons sinco December II, says: "Russian mine-laying operations off tho Bosphorus have given nntltfaetory re sults. The Turkish cruiser llainldleh Struck a mine and was badlv damaged. "A few days later a Turkish gunboat of the Rels typo wag sunk in the same re gion. On January 2 a large transpoit was sunk. On December 20 the cruiser Sultan Sellm (formerly tho German cruiser Goeben wns sorlously damaged. On .January 21 another gunboat of the Heist typo was sunk. On February in anolhor .gunboat was destroyed. A few days later a Turkish torpedoboat dCBtrojcr was blown up and nt tho same time two other Turkish torpedoboats were lost." It Is ofllclally reported that fighting is In progress between Russian nnd Turkish land forces on the Black Sea littoral, near Artwln, In Transcaucasia. GERMAN PRESS DISSATISFIED WITH U. S. BLOCKADE NOTE Implication of Uncivilized Naval War fare Resented. BERLIN, April 7. The American note to England and TPi-inf.!, nvnrAHlni lil ;, 1 1 Itild.. rif tti t United States Government on the Govern mnnt nprlnr V o tint liaan f li Vnfi 11 1 I celved In Germany. The complete tet of the noto has not been received hero, but commenting upon tho summary of contents tho Inlluentlal Cologne Gazette &ays: "It appears that the note was framed against Germany rather than against England.- It Is so drufted that England may simply leave It unnoticed without any reason to fear any serious steps from the American Government. Against Germany, however, though in a veiled manner, the accusation la made that she Is not ob serving the principles of warfare recog nized by civilized countries. The noto lves tho Impression that it is an anti German measure, since It affords Eng land the certitude that sho can continue ihe Illegal blockade without any re straint." FRENCH SJIASH AT FOE'S WEDGE NEAR ST. 3IIHIEL Two German Positions Carried by Storm at Etain. PARIS, April 7. With Increased momentum, the French army moving between the Meuse and Moselle Rivers Is smashing in the sides Of $he great German wedge, according ta dispatches from the battle front todm. Near Etalu. 13 miles northeast of Ver- I'dun, French troops stormed and captured two German positions on the hills. Tho advance was made In the faco of mur- deroua artillery fire that swept the wooded hillsides free of even vestige of foliage. Important engagements are now belns fought In the woods between Verdun and Pgiit-a-Motlssoii, t Is known here. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Sir. lerd (Swed.). Gothenburor. via Hhlftlda ' and Boston, merchandise, Bcandlnavlan-Aaier- kbit wne. Btr, Delaware, New York. rorchan4l, Civile SUamabip Company. Sir Konlinklan (Amtr ), Honolulu, IC , fugar, W V lUnr & Co Steamships to Arrive rUBIQHT. Name Front. Sailed fiutliimoor Rotiortfcifn .. .Sth. 14 Juiru Itottardaia . .Fab. 18 it'Cantur cwwurjf . . . mr?..::::. ...Calcutta. Vb. as &,glf "r:'"::rW. Aisiera uar. a ivu. uar. a iWka uar. Uar. 10 tcaafutkian Ft PinUi Koiurdaai Haaderjerd fttt, WsMJttund Mth BUB . 'Ik ltKB y iF&tfSt &s.Ljehitm Mtllcr, . nmm ft K - uar. it Maf'S wv9 icarawa . . . Mar. i AtIdj . - ..u&r. n tiSSBSL :! S&S v.v.v:.:aKSfir". :.::3Sf:g & '-?. SbieUa . .. .lUr Si Milium , . ..rurJItr Mar jl IK ,rataii - -4ar. i St. 3&BBT -fc- IBSsrt .t'atsaU . . Am. 4 TEUTON TROOPS SPEED TO SAVE CARPATHIANS Reinforcements Mushed to Defense of Dukln and Lupkow I'asscs. prrniocmAn, April 7. Itclnforcements of German Infantry and artillery have reached the Austro-llcrman armies Hi tho Carpathians, and the fight ing In the Bcskld ranges, south of Dukln and l.upknw passes, has grown Into n combat of maniacal ftlrj. Meld Marshal von Illndonburx lifts sent u group of his most trusted officers to help direct thn movements of the Austro-Oerman forces. Troops nre pouring Into Hungary through Hotork Pass, the latest moun I tain dcMlo tnpluicd by ttusslnu forces. DAUGHTER TO CONTEST WILL OF HER FATHER Ellcna Friclm Cut Off By Par ent From Shnrc in His 15, 800 Estate. Ellena l-'rlckn, Iguoreil In 'the will of her father, Charles D. Krlelta, who died nt 13JS North 17th street last June, leaving an estate estimated In excess of IG.ooo. bu llied a cavoat with the tleglstor of Wills to pi event probating of the testament. The disputed will was made a few hours bcfoie the death of Frlekn, and stipu late that u pruporty nt 1718 North 21st si rent shall be placed nt tho disposal of Aiary Isabella ltcdhelTer during her life, to bo Kepi in good tepnlr by her until her death, when tho pirmlsrs shall revert to her son. Thfio residue of tho estate is bequeathed to tho widow, Caroline Frlrkn, and run, William .1. I,. Ftlcka.. and his chlldien. The daughter, Ellena, uhn lini Instituted tho content. Is not mentioned In the doc ument. She lives al the house In which her father died, ninunds foi the con test will 1m made public nt a heurliig In tho ciiho to be held befoio the Register of Wills next Friday. OLD MASIIG1ACH DIES WATCHING CORPSE Man, 75 Years Old, Found Life less in Mortuary of Jewish Hospital. William Roscnfelt, an eld Jew, kept his last death watch last night, and was found dead this morning In tho mortuary of tho Jewish Hospital, beside the body of a prominent Philadelphia!!, whose re mains ho was guarding, iiccoidlng to tho JewlRh custom. Roscnfelt was 7.'j ears old. and had performed his solemn func tion for hundreds of his faith dining tho Inst 35 years in Ills capacity of piofcsslon al watcher for undertaking estnbl'ish niontH. lie lived nt 1740 French street, and Is survived by n widow- and two children. According to the hospital authorities, Ilopenfelt evidently went lo his death without being able to give nn alarm while keeping his lonely lgil in tho apartment leserved for the dead at the hospital. Ho wns sent to tho institution Inst night, nnd after lighting the candles over the coflln sat down to wait until da light. At midnight, when nn attendant looked Into the mortuary, the old man looked up and nodded a silent greeting to tho visitor. Ho made no Mgn that ho was 111, and asked the hour. When the orderly enleted tho morgue shortly befnro 9 o'clock Ibis morning his body was dis covered. The body of the old man was leaning upon tho tempoiaiy casket con taining the loiualns left In his caie. Tho watcher's attitude was so lifelike that the orderly was about to withdraw, when tho deathly pallor on Ros-enfolfH cheeks arrested his attention. Then ho noticed that wax from tho candles burn ing on (he single casket In tho place was dropping unheeded on the old man's neck. He had evidently been dead sovoral hours. Tho body was removed to his home. Rosenfelt was born In Vienna 73 yea ago, and came hero at tho ago of 'Jj. Slnco that time he has followed his Ionoly occupation as "Mashslach." as j,uch watchers aro called in ancient llebrow. Ho wns connected with the Alliens under taking establishment and was a member of Adath Jeshurun Congregation. ALLIED FLEET CONTINUES DARDANELLES HOJIHAKDjIENT Turks Report Cruiser Struck by Shell. Ships' Fire Ineffective. CONSTANTINOPLE. Apill 7. That nn Intermittent bombardment ot tho Dardanelles furts Is being can led on by units of the Anglo-French Ileot Is shown by tho following official announce ment of tho Turkish War Office tod.i. ; "On April i two enemy cruisers unsuc cessfully bombaided the Turkish bat teries at tho western entrnnco to the, Dardanelles One cruiser was struck by the forticss' lire." The Turks claim a victory over tho Russians In tho trans-Caucasian arena of operations. The following statement con cerning the situation thoio was given out: "Tho enemy attacked our advance guards north of Ischknn. After violent fighting for 'eight hours the Russians wore driven across the frontier. Wo oc cupied Russian villages touth of Tnuss-kert." New Upright Line Wood iiSj f 'a!Plfa l'np, "ll00 j '" ftfl S?jSS "- US. 3p. 3 5- b - s-ggr I , I Ii5ggs? . "-S" -EQ5- 10. I 0 -" o B I f a I Ui a SSf -,,T ja- -55- I ca a , , 8 - . q .. atrTf rt? .. .,. a a -" I .- , i . .. . Sm IZ jt$FifffTirffiEf -3- S- jg-sET f- - 1 00 a o g ggg L-A-11 " 'i' " i 1 1. f 1 " i 1 Strength; luraonuy; Capacity; Fine Finish; Popular Prices 3be 9lobVfeie!te Co 1012 chestnut St. WHERE FRENCH ARE SMASHING -Z521 'k.. Fd Uirir S A -i IAA A ' l l t?MPA&$L rrt3ir.ia V fTfr n Jfr 'A .9 .. . s3'4r &?3 t A jmajt f !... sga"v mtU ' .florae W . R.OADS In tho rcRioti hhown in this map, lyinp between the Mouse and Moscllo Rivers, tho French are delivering tremendous nttacks on the German linos in tin effort to smash tho sides of tho German wedge whoso apex is nt St. Mihiul. In the last heavy operations in this region the French took Comhro (1), on tho Mcuso watershed, and Hcndicnurt (-), an important railroad and road point, thus getting favorable positions on the northern side of the salient. Chief efforts now ecm to bo centred at Ailly, Aprcmnnt and Fllrey, on tho southern side (3), and noithweat of Pont-a-"tou-!on (5). A counter German drive is taking place at Rognievillo (4), where tho French say they have made an important advance. TALE OF SOLDIERS' BONES IN SUBWAY "LOOPA DA LOOP" Beppo and Yetta Recall Grewsome Tales of What's Under the Broad Walks of the Sunny Square. "Teacher says whero there's dead sol diers from the American Rellervullon un der this here George Vushington Squvare." said Yetta, the schoolmate of Beppo, as she swung her thin calves from the plank on which the children sat near 6th and Walnut streets toaay. Sho Is 10, Ueppo 8 An" when they loopa da loop out of the what y' call It subway will they gctta them out with their bones on, Yetta?" ho asked, swinging In unison. "Maybo this here board ain't got no give to It," she observed, as tho springy plank yielded rhythmically to tho vibra tions of the legs. "Suro this Is where they'll piclt cm out, and with all their bones nnd brass buttons on. "Tho rotten redcoats had a prison on this here corner, wheic they kept all the American which got caught when their foot slipped. And hero they pined away, like the gill In tho movies what lost her lover, and hero they sat and stnived and froze yet, and with independnetz halls staring them In tho face acrois tho ways." "Why don't they sneak up and rtabba da tedcoats behind their backs?" asked the boy, gazing with the "far-aways" In his eyes, at tho picks of his sturdy compatriots making thn dirt lly for the subway "loopa da loop." "They was run In and pinched like raidB," said the girl, "and knives they ain't got none. Thev got beat up In bat tles as George Vashlngton was losing at first and was run in here by this here Jail that was on this hero corner, nnd FRENCH "MAKE OREAT DRIVE AGAINST GERMAN WEDGE Series of Assaults Made to Dislodge" Invaders From St. Mihiel. PARIS, April 7. Tho French troops aio conducting a sustained and somewhat formidable of fensive between tho Meuse and tho Moielia In nn cITort to dlslodgo the Ger mans from St. Mllilcl, at which point Is tho apec of the narrow wedge which maiks tho southernmost advance of tho Invaders. Today's official leports dctaila "npprcciablo progress In this region, par ticularly to tho east of Verdun, where positions dominating tho course of tho River Orne wero taken." Elsewhere In tho Woevrc near Jlal zeroy and In tho forest of Lo Prctro progress was reported, and It was an nounced that In the course of recont at tacks in the Southern Woevro six Ger- l'ircd Asylum to Make Escape NEW YORK, April 7. Two boy Inmates of the House of Refuge on Randall's Island, Henry Samara and George Jacko, both 16, wero found hiding in a build'ng last night, and confessed they started the lire In the laundry yesterday, which was extinguished by the fire brigade. They were arrested, charged with arson. The "last word" in improved file construction. Eacii style is beautifully designed, practical and attractive the product of selected materials plus skilled craftsmanship. Units are uniform In height and depth this insures perfect alignment, and when fastened togehter the outfit is as rigid as a solid case. As units are of open side construc tion a pair of attractive panels finish off the outfit, Extension slides and other exclusive Globe Wernlcke features will win your instant approval, Call and Inspect the New Line for Send for Catalog No. 815 ZI a-arny :tv. 1 Ar tfn.-W.' J ? '"'m,m"- w x I ' m f i. L 3 rirlnntlinia X. r" Wtv iff ll-. f XT "m i .''...-" P i9...-. - ,,& SCAXB o 3TXXBS t RAILROADS when they died on their straw tho red coats buried 'em under the cold, cold stones, like tho Duko In tho movies." "An' mnbby my pop won't find only their gold buttons," said llcppo. "nutlons gold nor et silver make sure, hut the icdcouts got them hacked oft their coats beforn they buried 'em," said tho girl "Those laxy loafers, wliat do they care like the villain In the 'piece. And It's all truo In books, but nobody never thinks of 'cm lying down below hero In the dirt by thousands, and they died for their country." "An will thoy buiy "cm back Into da loop when they getta do, bones?" usked the boy. "They'll bury 'em again with grand parades and candles," dienmed Yetta, "an' bands brazing an' screeching, nn' yet with git Is dancing, with flowers, an' 5't with police mounting an' duinks cheer ing" The picks swayed aloft and fell, and the dirt flew, and tho Inborern grinned and chatted In tho sun, without a thought or a sigh for tho Americans who gave their lives to let freedom live, and who, they say, wore burled In their bundled') under the stones of tho old Hrltlsh prison, less than a memory now. Two fekullH nnd half .1 dozen small bniicH weie dug up yesterday on the west side of Washington bquaie. Local hla tory says that the soxton of tho old burial ground in 1777 told John Adams that aiiendy 1000 patriot Foldlers had been burled there, many of them In unmarked tienches. The squnio was the llrst Pot ters' Field In tho city. Pastor's Wife Died From Diphtheria Mrs. Margaret Dlngcc, wlfo of tho Rev. Alfred S. Dlngee, pastor of tho First Methodist Episcopal Church, Norristown, died fiom dlphthciln, according to an announcement mndo by the health au thorities here. Mrs. DIngco succumbed early yesterdny at the parsonngo In Norristown and It wns nt first reported that death was duo to quinsy. Sho had ben removed to Norristown in an aillo nmhllo from her former home, 2(rjo Kant York stieoi, where "lie was stricken. Airangements aro being made for the fuucial. Our Tile, Slate. Metal and Slag Roofs Are Standard RESIDENTIAL WORK A SPECIALTY Crescent Compound keeps roofs watertight for five years, and is nlan niinranrfr1 Real Estate Roofing Co. 2343-2349 Wallace St. Dll Poplar I00J Ktvstontnact ion and Steel P A GERMANS i BOUNDARY LIME HOUSK flKR'SHS TO CIIAXOK COMPENSATION HILL Hot Debate Over Amendment Ex empting Smnll employers. ItKDM a STur rotttti:ioiir.NT.1 HAnitlSUL'IKI, Pa , April 7. Tho Housn today, by a vote of 10J iiiih to SS ayes, defeated on attempt lo amend tho Ad ministration workmen's compensation measuie ao na to exempt employers of less than 8 persons fiom the provisions of tho pioposcd act. This amendment was offered by Kepro sentntlvo Campbell, of Ilutlor, who said tho Insurance feature was prohibitive to HO per cent, of the small employeis, uhllo Ilcpictcntiitlve Habgood, of Mclvcan, argued against the constitutionality of tho meant! to. nepresenlntlve William If. Wilson, ot Philadelphia, who Introduced the bill, and Itcprcsentatlvo Manor, of Rending, 'op posed any change In Its piovlBlons, tho latter asserting thnt tho Insurance fea ture amply protected the small employer and wns "a Godsend to them." Tho vote was taken after a debate that continued three hours The Phlladclphlniij voted solidly against the proposed amend ment. A iocoss waa taken at l."0 until .1 o'clock thl afternoon, when the other slv bills In the series thnt comprise tho compensa tion measure will come up for amend ment. At thnt tlmo tho employers will endeavor to have the common law de fenses restored through an amendment lo tho measure, which in Its present foim doc. away with tills defense. swobodYpkotestmnnocexce TO AMERICAN iMBASSADOIt Snys His Arrest Was u Mistake and Details His Movements. PAIUS, April 7.-Iu a letter to Ameii can Ambassador William G. Sharp, le celved at tho embassy today, Ilaymond Swoboda, tho alleged German spy, strong ly asserted his Innocence of blowing up tho French liner La Touralno at sea. The prisoner expressed deep Indignation at his arrest, saying ho was tho victim ot a "terrible mlstuke" nnd that ho would bo able to fico himself of nil charges agaiiibt him. Swoboda then gave a de tailed outline of all his movements In tho United States before sailing for France on La Touralno. nmm nACTSfl - i"j V Uti LLACIEsg) A , "One hundred and ten thousand men die drunkards in this land of the free and home of the brave. In an hour 12 men die drunkards, 300 a day, and 110,000 a' year." T ET here are the FACTS : In ' the World Almanac for 1 1015, mortality statistics taken from Government re ports show that deaths from Alcoholism in 1012 (the latest " year procurable) were 3183 a far, far cry indeed from the 110,000 claimed I JSJOW remember, the above figures represent FACTS, and i prove that instead of the extravagant number 110.000 n Misstatement ""llOiOOO Truth Wit Kr " m vHeSjII SLAV OFFENSIVE GAINS IN BUK0WINA CAMPAIGN Ivnnoff's Left Winr? Pushes Austrians Toward tho Prtltii. l'CTROORAD, April 7. omclnl dispatches received hero toduy reported Important victories for tho Blava In the new offensive against Hukowlna. Tim rltht ulnif of Uonernl IvnnolT'S army has captured tho vlilago of Oknu, IS miles northeast ot itoiomcn. The extreme left wins of Ivanolfs army, opcrntlng northeast of Czernowltz, ban captured Hie village Of zamouclillle, driving tho Austrians back toward tho Truth. 30,000 CARRANZISTAS SEEK TO CORNER VILLA He Hits But 12,000 Men for Im pending Battle and Capture Is Strong Possibility. WASHINGTON, April 7,-Abollt 30,00 i I'nrralizlstas wero believed nt tho Stato Department today to havo Villa and 12,000 men cornered "0 ipllcs from Irnpualo. The department was without advices for 21 hours, but Indications wero that tho two forces were on tho evo of one of tho .Mexican revolution's gicatcst battles. Villa's capture was deemed a strong possibility. PARENTS OF AmYuICAX, HELD PRISONER, FEAR FOR SAFETY llATlRISIirna, April 7. Anxiety for tho fafety of Henry Carlson, who was tnkeu prisoner three weeks ngo by Car ranza forces In Mexico, Is felt by his nged patents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cnilson, of Ilummclstown. Iteports concerning him nre meager and conlllctlng. A clipping iccelvgd by his parents from a friend In 151 Paso says ho was executed soon after his jnpture. Dispatches this morning an nounced that he was still a prisoner, and grave feara weie entertained for his safety. Carlson i an electrician and had affili ated himself wltli tho forces opposed to Cnrrnnza. lie was attached to the start of Colonel Domlnnuny, who operated In tho Stato of Sonor.i. Knrly In the fight ing In' northwestern Mexico Carlson dis tinguished himself and wns assigned by Domlnqiiay to drive his automobile. Several months ngo Domlnquny begnn establishing a base of operations at Nnco zarl. Plundering bandits hludorcd him at every turn, tenilng up tho tracks ot tho Nncorarl lalhoad, which runs Into Doug Iiih, Ariz. Thoy also tipped down tele phone and telegiaph lines. Some weeks ago Dotnlnquay's forces succeeded In dealing tho country of or ganized bands of bnndlts nnd then started to repair his lines of communication. While Carlson was directing n small gang of linemen in a mountain pass n detached mob of guerrillas swept down on thorn nnd forced them to throw down their nrms Cnilson wns tho only Ameri can, lie was bound and gagged and taken Into tho Interior after I1I3 Mexican work men had been shot, it is reported Later Carlson was confined by Carrnnzi In the fortress nt Agua Prieta. K-rv'-SS?" K'vN.W'.VVV VfrWV.WM.' ' r.Vi.x s s ,i.i.N .;. s f '. J '' '' inl I JL &1J avx si 1 Mf UV -v!iSsJ'.SlM IUAjS.. .NWx.N,c$s.v.;:rx. : ,v mtttniniM CIS Versuss acie FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument. T" O YOU know that nine out of ten of the rabid, sensa--- tional and Intemperate utterances aimed against liquor are FALLACIES? T O YOU know that the average speaker, in his excess of zeal (which is a mighty temperate way of putting it) will quote figures not only untruthful, but foolish when calmly weighed in the balance with the FACTS in the case? TN a talk on "Booze" delivered In Philadelphia recently, x the speaker was quoted in every Philadelphia paper as follows : FALLACIOUSLY proclaimed holism, that the FACTS prove that the correct figures are less than 3 per cent, of 110,000 just 3183. HpHIS same Census proves that more persons die yearly from Rheumatism than Alcoholism twice as many from Paralysis almost twice as many from Accidental Drowning. IT WAS to combat iust such unguarded and untrustworthy remarks ns "110 (10(1 mn Hi Aritnlrr-Ae ...--I.." tv.n. l,io - -- - --.-- ... .., ....nut ua vvaitjr tiiai vj series of articles was begun. And in a temperate, cool, pas sionless way we will meet every extravagant FALLACY with a provable FACT I Philadelphia lager Beer Brewers' Association (Thv next arfleh uill appear Saturday, April 10th) ITALY NEGOTIATES WITH ENVOYS; SPEEDY ACTION EXPECTED Rome Looks for Interven tion Soon, But Believes Austria, Despite Denials, Will Seek Separate Peace. ItOMH, April 7. After the Premier's return to llomsl jestcrday, an intense period ot dlplom&lia activity begam Ambassadors ot th0 belli llgerent Powers wero summoned to con-flB for with llnron Sonnlno. Meanwhile, dccisivo action u apt to'J bo taken at any moment. Italy's Inter vcntlon may not depend cither upon tha failure ot Von lJuclow's negotiations orj tho forcing of tho Dardanelles, but on other ovents, which aro not announced Kvcrybody In Homo Is nwnro that Imv portant events nre Impending. The pre-i vailing impression, tiespito reiterated del Hints, Is that separate pcaco for Auitrl.il Is becoming more probable The l'opo lijj reported to havo told Francis JosenKl that his first duly to his Kmplro Is toifl UVC1L 11H Mimill1.-KI,lllUll UVUI1 Ml UQ C08lFJ of territorial sacrinces. a Thoro has been no outward change Iti3 tho situation regarding the maintenance! of Italian neutrality, but military prcpi. rations are being pushed with over-In-a creasing vigor. J Increased activity on tho part of Hi5 Italian Meet may bo presaged by IncU'l dents, reported from vnrlous ports which, 1 whllo of no great Importance in tltcm-JB solves nro rcgaidcd hoio as significant, j PATHS April 7, Tho report from Homo that tho Italian steamship Lulgl Parodl had probably boon torpedoed by a Gormnn suhtnarlns off tho coast of Spain Is generally din credited here. KJsVif r4l''..t '"Vuu ! THE ORIGINAL The Food-Drink for all Agc Rich millff. Tnnltnrl prnin . in nnurlir fni-m swwjj-vrijas For infants, invalids and growing children. -1 furenutntion,upbuilding the whole body. Invitroratcs nurainrr mothers and the ased More healthful than tea or coffeo, 1 UnlosG you say "BWRUGHTS" you may got a SuaatJiuttOf i.,oTO..- The Joy of Living The New Lighting Fixtures promote Health Happiness Contentment. They afford bcttci illumination at less cost. They create an atmos phere of refinement and comfort that well repays the outlay. THE HORN & BRANNEN MFG. CO. Retail Salesrooms 427-433 N. Broad Street Jitneys Pass Our Door. ,s .-. .s ., .ismssxrsmsssss. - - - xsai sM, Bi'i')"ia s United Sta.tes Census Av as dvine v'earlv from Alco m m WJTmrm r ; . ir fcil'uer . Use iMMn . &. t IMJW I P Will PI li ! --&&