EVENING KEnftE-R-PHTL-ADELPinA-. WEDNESDAY, 'A ! 7. 1D15: I frf H 1 I if r SITUATIONS WANTED E-MAIiE en iiX n iPHI tl. expcrlemcrt moderate sal- v 17H I hcstnut Phone ipriioflVB BTPNOynAVUfll (heirlnnor), neat, aceuriU; 8Vold con clerical vnrlt LtlLL. nt. rr-s-nnltPHLrt, quirk, -orrnt. mpnblei Bmod sftlarlr to start. 1 'ill, I-rdKcr (Mlml. BTrNOOItAriinn. high echol edit : knowl. booitrs : j7Jfi1' ." h ji' iniin. TltAVnLINO COMPANION, tutor c.r Krrj tafj Itcniied jotum coIIoro mlMI jceka rnploifoj itn"(l "V . WOMAN of ability nnd Mpcrlenrn would -incr-vlo gentleman's houy-hMd "horn ntlenU oin rcnnnl In keptJ. 1(0 J.r-dRer (rftlre vvoMAN tvnnts KenernI housework, sleep home. 13, Ledger P-rnnch, I ICO Wovvn WOMAN, rcttlcd, wlshe pine ni uousf keeper Rood reference IOTNcVineloiijit. rnt'Nll LADY companion, musically Incline, cVrcrlenced emmtrrn miquCTtlunable tef "ence, will tnvel. I. 110. 1-Ucr Offlco vo.NCl lady. "P. p'',tl' llclc nt flltuross "ccurnle.il !W. Ledger Ccnlrnl. "situations wanted male ACTION AND lltlAt.VS nefore t had connected villi my nteirnl j-m-nloir-rn they hod been trnnfnclln n Job bing MmlnrOT Plcklim nil few nrllclc; Ihey truinu factum! on a 'cry small srnle. I bushed thorn In n n"111 cntnpnlRii. 'lolny tnrso ood nro the firm's hnrnt source nf inenn'f Wrltlin letlera with tlio ItINU nnd PUNCH to them l l)ttl COUNTS Per JinVi lour bustncM ncods tlml enthusiasm, conviction, enrrgy-that Lira. r sio. LUDOun cunt it a l ACCOUNTANT wthes sets ot books to nthllt or keop ovonliias. modcrnto rules, highest credentials C - ledger Office A,DVl.IiTI9INO MAN, nlso wide newspaper ejtierlenee. desires nialilnR a chance, nnsloua to locate with ndvetllUm? department of a corporation I" H, Ledger Centrnl. lAN EXPnilT ACCnt'S'TAVr, liookkeepcr mil rcnernl ofTlio manager desires clnnce: sys tems devised and installed! 11 venrs' etierl Unco reference. f 8'1. Ixvlscr Central. ARTIST, SI, will) Rnol nrt school education, would lllio opportunity to lenrn designing of Homo kind, where nrllstlc nhlllty civil bo used to ndviuitaeo, salniy no object, a III", Lcdecr Centrnl ATTENTION, nUSINDSS MKN Mxny enerRclle, bright boa no como under our ciro nro now nuill iiblo for on Ice, Jiop or factory work, no charges JCM'NILIl WOItKUIlS IHJItlLMr 1507 Ali:il. TDIjUPHONU Bl'ltCCL CU7 BOOKKKCPnit, capable, experienced nfllro man; competent to toko full chargo; mod erato salary, best rcferenco. O 41, Led. Con. BOOKKKCPIin, cost accountant. Rood svn temallier, best reference, open for perma nent position r 715, Ledger Central. BOOKKRIJPnrt, accountant, stntlsllclon: Wharton School Rrndimto U. of P.; 8 cnra exp . can oulnlk business? 0 IBS, Led Ccn. SboKKRCPlllt, thoroughly exp ; nudltlng, books opened, rinsed. wrltun up day or evg mod, rates Uell phone, Woodlnnd .TDIl X BOOKKUnl'DU nnd gcnernl olllco man wants pennancut fiosttlon with chnncu for nd ancement; Al ref. 0 4n3,Lcdger Ccnlrnl. BOOKKnnPEIt nnd stenographer; thor nocur. and nctle. wldo exp ; high rec. C fi, Led. Off. IJOV colored, 17, wlahcR plnco nn househoyj mako himself useful 2110 Latona st. BUYER nnd department mannper, 2 sears' ex perience In tlita tntailt. nlso 0 jenrs' Ren. eral mercantile, seekn position with manu facturer or retnller O 2."n, Ledger Central. BUTL11R, experienced, highly recommended; where parlor maid kept pref.42 N fiOth BUTLKU lmgllfh soung; first clnsn In exery capacity, city refcrenc L lO.I.Ledgor orf. CIIAUrrClTR, white, thoroughly experienced In repairing nnd driving;, honest, reliable; Bood references. 1181 Unity St., Crankford CHAUFrni'li. white, wnnts position by April 12, 7 sears experience, highest references. Chauffeur, Hox 78, Havorford, Pa. CHAUPFni'H, mechanic, souns man, sober, reliable, energetic; 5 yearn experlenco; ref erence G 218, Ledger Central CHAUFFCrit, colored, with private family; careful drher; don't drink or amoko; refer ence last emplojer. G 057, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, thoroughly eperl enced driver and mechanic, best city refer ences. Nippon. ilOS North lbtlist CIIAUFI'ELH. white, married, aO, careful driver, excellent ref.G 01J,Lcdger Central. CHAUrFEL'Il, single, white, wants position; good mech , best prl ref j L 012, Ledger Off. CHAUFFEUR, mar'd, des. pos. ; do own repg ; car'l drlv. . canfur. good ref. P 8J1, Lod Off. CHAUFFEUR llellablo whlto Protestnnt man, first-class city refs. L 103, Led. OIUco. CHAUrrnUR-aAnDnNlIR, S sears exper., bet refs , single, sober G 153, Ledger Cen CHAUFFEUR, white, mechanic, wishes sltua tlon. prlv. family, ref. HOI I't. Urcezo ao. CIVIL ENGINEER, graduate. d, married, sman of In- experience 4 years Held nnd salesman of In experience -t years sulatton materials x in--. Lcdgcr Central. CLERIC, 17, 1 vears High School education; rillablej JO 30, Led lJr., luthand Dauphin CLERK, exp nsst purchasing agent, knowl- edge bookkeeping, typist i) 450, I;dCent. Cl.lSHK, IS general offlco exp , wins, phono otier , handlinz corres. O- 331, Ledger Cent. CLBRK Experienced orrire detail, technical educatlon U au, Ledger Central, COACHMAN or Plain gardener wishes sltu- atlon; good, careful driver, strictly sober, beat ret. Address 1J7 llarlanst., city COACHMN, colored, wnnlo position; can run a car, careful driver, good houseman. Llll'dvvln st. COST, ACCOUNTANT, 7 earsrexper., nlso quaiUled for Junior acct. 1 012, Led Cent. El-inNCR-DECORATOR-Young man, 4 yra." ruDctlcal oxperlenco, now employed, covtr ng all Penna., willing to travel, cnpnblo of lunff;orlglnalaridunlqi CMS, LedCent EXI'EItllA'CED accountant and rafeaTnan de lrfpo3ltlon O 131, Ledger Central. FARM MANAOER, married, .1.1. Kradunto Pa. Siato In agriculture, POULTUY EXPURl. gsrden, flowers, stock, grain, successful reo- ord J'Wl, Ledger Cential. FLORIST and "gardener, single, ftrat-clnss r(eniiouaa man , reference I, 022, Led Off OAUDKNimCOACILMAN, caro Kentleman's Place competent growing veg. flowtra, caro .stock milk beat ref Veltlie, 60) Falrmojnt ilPSBNCn 'narrled, wlshea private plate, !...?. experience, underetunda greenhoutes, vegetables. J,est references P728,Led Off 0'.IlDU:,P" colored, flrat-clnsa references, 5rP horse, no coivs I8J1, UancrofL 0AiiPiJ;;N',;Il nnd houseman. Blngle. exp ami Iablo, nrat-cIaBsrcfs L (II 1. Ledger Off UAi,. UNER, married, no family, exp , green hoii3ejveStSietc , JO yrs 1.)21, Led? Off ..yiC:f-'R niarrled, aged 30, h chlld.undersL fii ?. Jeilt refs. 1, li-J, Ledger Oft. ,?i.iiSLf'S.M.AN' :cutlvo ability, offlco aetaiis. purchasing agent, thorouch v VniniiUt 3 jb r?',cJ.urln. ,lne lon experience.-; '. -- umui, I.hJ;..'Vsu "'abilshment; city, country. Mainor; large folloninir (1 ftt, t,i ,' f-SHJRS IJ9T 'xn ruts kind tns!n-l?pi1,cant ""V h"e '" can till l(Ji ejafing position, telephono Mr. SfXKi .fllg.l!Centl, Walnut ur Main Bureau u J-3?15" Commercial Heglstry JSiTimi R '.ee service that will save will VhJ-8!','1 Inwnvenlenco. Mr. Hunt itt.r f l nittn lina rlm Jol) iiav. tn . manaoeii .in ori2?n? rinlng for h sounar man who and .n?0SiiSani1 B,l?Ply iJcoJ4 oUmutale, ltd control 1IZ'""? al,11'", noI and ni .f T6",1"' Llq can enforce orders who cln '.,j ',Ma "I'hout being toU twve. of hiPh ?-..-' Rn .t " cupaolty? All Mliifar nriw '"""" ra?o8 convincing ) omj esiiniariorlly Proven. (1 trt iaIi, -..;..,' Hf .' SAN. AND wTTph i77r-i... ,. .. . -rr- - uo coo.. fltclawjL ,;, j4t ort Ptl Mlllxn, t TH01IA8A CAItil, 303 8 Hroftd t. IN, . . SALESMAN, years' . ,r.7.t "..,... . 5S"ya. af wsiKu'SsTssaff: t74rv!ii.,.. ' ' lnblr 'u.in;.,vlth J? y ir" xperimc Jn, K.,r Business, would a ,ik n- Hlh cl. j aAt.BMAN aJjSrrriAN m uhUi. inui-le onJ1 SS-?i-ifa f our-uW TTzX Sir Central IUV 2B 1 jsaru exnerieoce la ell? ire is oa ti nt. jTtt tt '-t pauws -billly courage and S-t-n- ow '"r.I tiSn, M1.111 rl'f biwarc irads. tWtaL iT1,i ,3ru,.eW- s " LeOse CwtinO. t Him SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE 6nLlLniV,,fV ". SMr8' perlence for- pirstlnn lookkecplng general Ucrlial Work, deslr npenliig with ndance present cm- J)loj rjMH furnish reeom IS0, Id Cent. JilLV AN". "ntll recently secretary onl !-.?."" "' '"corporate 1 lompnny, open for lmsuiori nm 24 jean of nae, ambitious nnd it. "f .w,(.le oTireMaiee frm previous work, niisniniiiy trmprate nnd cm secure Al ref rfJKf .'". '" mv Integrity and ehnnclor. l3ilBer (Vntral -IViK.'' MV, SI, I jeirv rener-il office nnd rflltnr oiiirrience nnportunlty with relHble toncern, mm mi ohjei t tlun attlnrj to stnrl, O 4-.1, Ledger Centrnl, I?.!7? , MAJ"' i"- HUSH School grndutteT jnoBl'tlsn of stciiograih) nnd ace iir, nno ??. rxperlenco In otnea nf larse infg. .pinnt fttelent refs I' 7M, Ledger Centril. in nm MAX..:.', how emp., V-ii'1 '"""lef bin, st'nng', '.nRJ-.o fnni; r"lRl' ntcs: . I S..S, l. dgi r Central. I fS ' litis Up . Mlcsmin, nin.ro At creilentlals. TOI'MJ timrrle! mitn, 2., formerly enndueted own reni csinie binncs. nlso fimlllar with ivntral""0 ' '"Li n,lll"- " 'eltr IQCNil MN, 1, as h'lpcr with iinderiiker! i!elres to lesni lmslnes-, good worker, best teferenresji r.'a, Ledger icntnl. VOI'Nri nun, 5; oniiogo edinntlnn sites rtn. iuiios nrrssnres innstiln nf liilnrlllnir nllirr line nnihltious, tellable (1 .11.', Id Cent. ti ,:. i..p,!l.ri,tP'1 ,nnn' conversfnt tit i:tiRllh, Ilulnn, I ren h, dertnnli, tun linnllo foreign ortespnjideneohipmI.e:tl !., JdRirCfnt, ".Imf r,!,0'Td man wanta kltehon work: vilB '0 '"U1 tll0,ti ry or country, rcr. MM re-.Tn p.fiorlfr, Pffl V tsih st , lilla. Y9.1,fj'" XIAN ifj willing worker, waiiM work Ccnffnl" "r ',,lluderlilft- O 050, LodRcr i"iJSriirT5TX5fr ?' . 1" '" t 'orcffTBT wIiS iHZ.'"FcJfn.i ,''00kkeenln, fl jeara experl- -illci;lL2J!l.eiljnl. ' , L'L'A' M N, speaks tlerman, IJigllThTseeks ".-'. " "" V" f insuie work, stud cs nt night rt mo, Lodgir Ontrnl. 10iiV..VM1 a.!7 S 5"' Prfe-neo Tn. "grn: rplng coat wurk, inc-lerato . snlnri, refere-icp. ri ,-,11 11 mi, linger central I'M. .MI .MAN ulihe- look nlna niKltlnti. rots., snmrj to suit Fiiikll. ailo N. H2d st ni'NO M,v, 21, r,,0, mnn, wishes rlerkshln -.. . 1 . . -'" ri".i nur nil's I'i'ii- maii,wlshe-rlerkshlp reft 111, Lulcpr Off, nMi-ntriHnA itttil hMn. '4S,Vn,N" 1.!i,,fi"-',rA'.s- '""Ires PosTtlonTIircouTifry i;!nep. 21 PI rioiith tipnl st. WORK NEEDED QUICKLY rr.MALi; Many urgent worthy cases nro ailll In tbo raro of tbo Emergenpy Aid Committee Ittt mpdlntr pinpioviiicnt must bo found. A few arc. mentioned below. If ou can h"lp. tcfer to letter and number nnd send caro coiuirrfttco nt Llniolu llujjdlng COLOIthb WOMAN wnnts Fnundrv w"oik by tho ilai'.jbwt reference. n. A lO Ui:si:it INO WOMAN vCnnta" clerical" work. addri 1000 envclopen a dn li. A. 102. ITXPERT CHAMllKRMAID-iriis had oxperl- pneo In rlty hotel, in veara old. I.'. A. 112 IN i:sriilATOH. with best of reference . wants work to do 1: A.1H0, PUPILS WANTED liv an Italian lady who tenches mnguages an 1 embroidery, excellent rprprenpp i: a mi WIDOW wnnts ilas's work washing or srrub i blng mrnny. hest reference. I! A. 1S.1 WIDOW wants position ns llnon room malL homp nt lllqhlfl II. A I SI. WIDOW wants sou lug at homo, best refer ence IS A. Ill WOMAN vvautn houseclenning. north-rn nrc- Jlqnotrltv, test reference. E A IIS WOMAN wants washing; southern part of cltv best refprence EA.1V WOMAN wants nursing to do, homo at nights; bist refcrcniv 11 A. 1R7. YOUrTil WOJlAN with nrtinelnl limit wants clcr position tplpphone operator. 11 A. 1S MALI! The Emergency Atd Cnmmltten has on flio tlio following nnpllcants whoso references liavo Lren vprlflpcl RAKER Mnrrltil mnn 0 children, wnnts posi- tlon is wpII roroinmpiHlpil. E.A.HL JlItASS MOI.DER Mm with 7 vpnrs rrfer- tnen from Inst plapp nppil" position badly. woll rPcotnmcnded 1?.A 122. IIRA'SS POI.iailER-Mnn with good ret. w nN ns bns I child'n. very descrv'g E.A 1.12 iiltUSHMAKrit Young man, mnrrlod, wants position badly best of reference. E A. Jin ilRirivLAVER Ftp. man wnnts position, out ofjvork nomo time. EA 120 PRICK LAI Ell Middle-nged man desires posi tion ver good rerercnceB a ii llli'IC'Iinn Married mnn. exp. ment cutter, jvnnta position has good rof. E A. 1 t.t. CA HI VETMAK rat Married man, 0 children, nprda position: In a neat nnl clean work man beif reference K, A 120 CAItPENTI I! Man wants position: In willing to do nnj thing, good ref. E. A. HI CARPF.NITR-iMan with 7 chlhPn needs rm plojment badly, descries consld'n E A 121 CAR PEN ri'It Married mnn desires position; wllllnB to dnnnj thing E A. 121. CHAl'lTEUIl Man "21, single wants pos Is weu rec nnd Is verdeserving 1: A tin CIO VRiMAKER Exp man wants pos., In 11 wnihigjndhnrd nkergood ref E A. 11o CLLHIC Young nun solo support of mother neodseiiir loyment, goo 1 refs E A 121J DR1 lilt Young, exp. mnn best of ref. vvauti poiltlon well recommended I' A. 127 DHIVEH Young married mnn wants pos ; hnsjrnod ref and Is deserving. E A 117. ELTX'TRICIAN Pxp man wants position: Is wllllnc to do anything, has good reference. EA 12t ENOINI'ER Mnn with best of ref wnnts pos ; Is willing to do i.uiig E. A US rillPMAV Mnrrled man, 4 children needs emplosment a goo 1 worker E. A 120 JANITOR Mnrrled man wnnts pos. ns jaultnt, Is honest, nober nnd Industrious E. A no. MlCHINIBr Mai). 50 jenrs, single, dcelrcs position; ver good rof E A 110 M.fcHIMST-Mnrr'irmnn it Illi'-Tclill I n wnnts pos.! Is willing to do nnvthlng 11 110. PACICnil Eldcrlv man wnnts poa , Is welfrpc" and is worthy of conslderatlon A 141. TEAMSTER-iMarr'd man with (1 child'n wnnts pos ins lery goon rer i.-. a h. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES FIHST-CLASSi cooks, chnmhermalds. wait resses parlormaids chlldnurses Indies' maids, understand dressmaking, English and Irish butlers, housemen temporary help, cleaners, laundresses by day: all well recom mended, wish situations city or country. MH3 KANE, 6118. 19th. Locust tuin. MISS pr.TKRSON, 2011 Fltxwater.-Compe. tent cooks, plain cooks, waitresses, chamber maids, kitchen maids, laundresses, linuwnork eli Is, butlers and gardeners, l'liono fapruio 10V) AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES lO HIRE fl-cylinder Packard Packard Limousins and touring cars Rv hour, dnv, week or month P.VCKAHD W'ltVlCE C'OMPANl" 1411-11 Locust st. Phones Srrueo 1110, Race 241. B'LDING MATERIALSREPAIRS MINERAL TLOOHINO A nUSINI.hS ASSET. lOU WOULDN'T LIGHT YOUR SIOUK, Mil L OR PACTCHtY WITH KEnOSENE LAMPS WOULD YOU? OU COUIIHE IvOI' YOU KNOW THE ECO. NOMIC VALUE OP MODERN UACILITIEJ, THEN WHY HL'HDFN YOUR KIXTURlS ACCOUNT Willi THE COST OP WEAR AND 1BAR ON YOUR OLD WOODHV PLOORINOT MINERAL TI OOR1NO lb PRACTICALLY INDKShtlTCTtllLK - I'Obl' COMPARATIVELY LITTI E AND WE LAV IT WUIIOUT INCONVENIENCING YOUR HUSINKSS LET US TELL YOU MORE AHOUT ITS BAVINO FEA1URES. JT WILL PAY YOU. riULA MINERAL FLOORINQ CO. Ct2-14 SUMMER BT. BUSINESS NOTICES Mo ItEPAlHB your watch or clock, no matter what It needs. 1 year guarantee. Aran's, HIT W tllrnrd ave BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMOHH.B OPPORTUNITY Oldest establlshe-1 garsgo In AtUnllo City, situated at Interaction of btata roads leading to Philadelphia, Allan tic Clly, Cape May and other resorts, fully equlpcwl machine shop uml stock of aecorls. mint ,for the right party, no agents. P. O, Hot 10,, May's I ndtng. N. J. mono THIS AMOUfiT of mony Is n.nleJ at tUU time by a high-cUi bulns inttrprLso, long established, a ill frd of debt, it, Ledger Cvutrai ToUN'l MAN, id yr' aotlve business xi rilence, wsucs norklag Interest In some busloes. fanflllur with aocounttn. g;nal i....tnuUM nutb rb daaaclal affairs Kverv crUsrorUe pre v lowly Identified with unltoraily Mccswful Uitlnuie Invastiotat ot cap, con- utHr.l e MHUVUiH.. . TI,i fffXTTK8 AND MEAT BOX for up-ta-date butcher store, alfa.l Angledlle, TaUUO & liowe scie, (ivaerv ei.vrt iit chopper, U S sHclif iucblusud . irinirtM ihst will Day 1400 to yearly Is open to business uiau of abiiitv. iLt Vh-r-pirii. sod clean record wfco will in- vast 110.000 la profitable niua(tur bust uSs LlM. 'dr eilrsl FOK fiALsi OR BENT CHEAP FjuMory 5M -(? sausrt feel Boor pte forinerli used a US3 hoise ul liuaierj mill uOeble lur pbee oo.ls djsr -nd rJoUbirr to boibus and iwo togum. -I -. Lcdfer Oftto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SrR lour first' megaphone, saves time, trou oio to householders, for sale mall order p-opo-Itlrn llanloti. Heed lildg Keastone. Jtaco 2SO-,, i22 Areh st : n)l, iieint run A, tVVC.VtloV- necessities. .comforls-Mall or ?'"'.. .rrorosltlon for sate , llanlon, Heed llnlldfng Ke stone. Itai.o 2295. 132U Arch, Dell, Locust 1771 A PISH ANf OVSTKIIH-nirie business roon7for produpe tpasnnalla, good reasons for selling App! Mirmlitj 1001 W tiixnuehanns. 111(1 M11NI V oieritlu our now ball gum ma- .iiinc--, rrcuip orni ntteilrv t-,.k. -.;-:. . '''! "..::' . -'i ":. " ,,-i,.-i ..nm 1 nman jiiu an 1 isorri" HVPlitttRNCKtl mechinlio.1 engineer will ile- vofo spare time to developing nnd designing: ppc. mnch. Charges reas o Six. td. Cent, OAHWin rnn SM.K-IIOS, N Cnrllsto ofiars w III elenr Silo to 20d month. full CAItrET CLEANING VV:,T...r,I,,,A MONAIlCIt STOI1AOI CO ll)l!5 "A" Jt170-7J!,Nl ASTCII t. CLEANING AND DYEINO ostrich lTATiir.Rq and rNcira r 41 ,,Y,:,) MAtt.no r into i-nestnut. DIlESSIjIAKING AND MILLINERY PAHIItrvv Hl,r dipssmnklnir, prices reason nb'p. r.t guornnterd remodeling M"0 Chest lint, Apartment A Relmont 17119 Y. GOWNft for all o'caslnns, temcleiln;;: moder- ...c iinr it., i, ivmntii; LOrilSt it I i (idwnh r.moleied on loll lines ir.'l rhet nut st , Rooms S27-21 Phone, Spruce 2i21 lniMSTtTritlVfl done while sou"wnlf aT Relctinrd, Itl I Chestnut. J'letorWt Review pat. IrtlWsUATIJIXn tnught, short, nrnc. course" . Menivyell, .107 liencklq Illdg.. 11th ft Market. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING lletter nnd cheaper than hot water or slenm. Pure frch nlr with normal moisture. CUTS COAL HILL IN HALF 6 and 8 N. ISlh FOR SALE tLLIAltD. fool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rented, oxd. Kcqfcr. r.20 flirnrd uv e. STORAGE BILVHRWARL ANf) VA1.PAIU.ES DUIUNO AUsriNcu 1'fto.M cm: In nddltlon to stntcil rates for trunks boxes, rfp., tho compnuv can furnish nmplo sparo at cublo teot rntca In lis basement nreproof vaults of cotiLrota and steel. Terms moat moderate. Inquiries by telephono or otherwise re ceive careful attention. Articles called for. SinnCHANTS union -rnusr CO. 71B-7I7-710 Chestnut st. ALL P0IIM3 OP THUJir CO. HUI.S'ES3. UEl.l.MILU HIXlRAlHMon.MTTw KlML blllPPl.N'O. 2010-11 J. II0T11 bV DIA 4717. WE.T 1'lllLA. Monarch Storago ( o Auto and pack ing and shipping :i!j70 Lancaster int. ROOMS TOR RENT UAHINO BT, thiol looms. .I2IS (I ho Chilton) Two llrst- suit dcntit, doctor or npart- mcniH Jlrs Hollo .McCliln, manager. HAItlVt;, l02S-2d-sty. front, nicely furn . 2 butlisijieni L.gent n or busl. wo nenphono. UROAli, N, 1 01 2 rooms nnl bnth, furn. nr iiufurn , steniu heat pck trie lights, south ern PXiKisiiro lnrfco yniil excellent illnlns nmm jiicjIs ojitlonal. Photo at Led. Cent. IlItOAD. N. 2J.i5-Wlll rent lnrge. nell-furn" front room, running water, nil conveniences; veryrenKonuble, small private famll'. lillOAl). N , 1V0 llonutirulls furnished rooms; privap Lira, of 2. gcntlenitn oulj , phone. CHESPl'Il, It 10 erj pleasmt rooms, gpntlo men or bus people, loardopt Pre ti77 W. CHESTNUT, IM'l-LnrgP. uell-rurnlilKil"-2d loorroomprhujo bub rlertrlp lights. CHESr-NLP HI' I'llll Lnrt.0 .Id story liont rnnni. turn or unfud . llrMt-clasH In ovirj re peit,elcctrlclly includpl phone, rof.iei LOCI SI. 17).: 2d tloir sulu , 2 looms prlvato bath, furn or unfurn single room. $12 LOCUhT. 410B Lnrgo second-story room with bay window, adjoining bn,tli, also pleasant third story room Raring 1520 W. POWELTON AVE. .ISOS 1'ronf" sitting romn In refined home, nl&oslnglo rooms hoird op. POWELTON,.""401l Dciiirnhle light 2d-stiir room: near bath. Prot genlUmcu, nenr ' I." SPItlNU OARDEN, 1713- -Rooms, single, en suite, running wnter furn or unfur ; phone. SPHUCr. 100-ljirgc' 2d-llonr back furnished, olber vncam Its J'hoiHVValnut 7115. SPRUCE 2022 Dcblrjhlo furnished suite, with private J ath opcnIlre phono qvvner. OPRULh. lUis-Attricilvo slrfelo and tloublo furn vacs . southei -iexpoBiire Wnlnut 71 t-t. WAIUT.500 1 Newls t umlidicd"rooms7 re- llneil gentlemen pref , good neighborhood. Uelinont .'102 lV Photout ledger Central. WAI.NU1'. 40.11- Attractively" turn roomadj" bath, select neighborhood JMiJlarlng 774IW. WALNUT. 50U0 Handsomely" furn rooms; selectiielgh gentlemen, llelmont 5Uil X WALNUT 5711 Single or doublo roouin, near "L." Phone Ilel B1.!i) W. Hoard Dptlnnnl. 11TH. S , "01-Comfortablo room, nenr bath, second door, gentlemen. Walnut JVS'j W'. 12TH. S lf4 Private family has comfortitio front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen olec lights. 10T1I N , ifttil llenuflly fur front rooms! cv conv. exeep home, prlfam , rcusonablc. 1.1TII. S. 114 DESIHA11LE SINOLE ROOM. OO.MJ OHTAHT.Y PL'HN. LOCUS 1' (JII20 J. Lll'lt. S, .111 PURS'ISIIED FRONT ROOM, -NEXT nVfll PHOPE.-.8IONAL OPPICE 15TH, N. 17411 urnlslied front moms ting room, iinfurnls)i I running vvnler slt- 17TH ST.N, 1J.1.1 Piirnlslied room In prlvnle family, gentlemen l'hoio nt I.edger Central. Mil, N ,227 Prlvato family has largo 2d story front room, ulao alnglo room; phono. ri'RNTSHED bilte, 2 moms, bath. aunTparlor. nlto 3d front . gcntl'nu-n Raring 7M1 W. NEW I.Y furn. rooms reiliu d euitlemen. rleo- ti Icily; bath, nenr "1." am. Raring 51,1 VV. Nuhiirhnn OERMANTOWN. Homer st rurn. room, prl. fam , convMraln.trulley, porch. Gtn 18IUY. BOARDING IlllOlVN, .11)20 Hrlght, sunny room, 2 gentls- meii orcouplo.good table Ilarlng 1117 D. CHES1EH, Taho Private fam has ple.isjnt 2d" storynn. joined Kcntlemen ref YvuodilSJIL UIIKbl'NlT. 40W)-ruo dcsirublo second tloor front rommunbating rooms, slngio or en suite, but and told water, board Pica 20I1W. CHESTNUT. 4110-Very pleas, furn. rooms In ima In , uli rer, conv, locition. .M-siir iront, Dacu Eingiu room, luiuu uoaru (iiione HAZI'L AVE, BI22-nenneles In a refined homo for those deslr homo comforts; phono LEHiniL W, ltU-l1-I)pjlrablo vaianclcs, rooms w Hh board, convenleiues, JPnono. RACE .1111 Trained nurso has nleas home for lef. pernio desiring good atcom.: Bpeclal caro of lnvailus or elderly persons Preston .1101 I). SPRUCE. 1028-.1O-DesirabIe suito with private bath, cholco tahle bourd Walnut 72353V. SPRUCE, 102 1 Cheerful slngla nnd double rooms; private oath, excellent table, phone SPRUCE. l."2t-2t (Ilrlsmonde) Uurn. rooms; single, en suite, private baths, table board SPRUCE. 12.10 SU1TD WITH PRIVATE HATH. OTHBR ATTHAC.IVI! ROOMS WALLACE, 1821 Well fur tingle and double rooms, exceptional table.PopIar.IU23 A. WALNUT, 4U1I Large, clieerrul frout7 attract tlve, comfortably (urn . also single room, tine Jablo, price- right! pilv fam liar g JJfiil W. VALNUT. SdOJ Warm, pleasant rms , bautN fulnelghborhood board. PrestonB421 A, WAIiNUT, 410f)-.pless. furn. single or aoubis rooms forgentIomet:Eood table.Pres 4622U lDI'ir N. flS Irge front rooms, with boardi also other vacancies phone 21 HI". N. 141 Single "anddouble rooms, run- nliig water, conv . hoino cooking. dione JOTJI. N. 7LKJ-Prvat family will board re. fined gentlemen, convenient to clly Uar 818. BOTH. furn N.. 107 Pleasant 2d storv room nlctly : excilltnt tabls board Raring 3K0 Suburban OERMANTOWN, 935 W. Rlttenhouao st., be tween Wayno annd Greene Desirable rooms, with board ,houl Ike jihone bin 1373 X. GKRMANTQWN. ISO W. Sehool Une(Chanen lor) Ist-clsss In Its uppolntnisnts (Itn. 2714. NURSE FlWINO COTTAtlE IN HEItK. SHIH-S WILL TAKE INVALID FOR SUM. MSRl ItRFBRBNTli BXCll PIIKS (WO. APARTMENTS l UrtOAP. N . ol 3 rooms end bath. furn. or unfurn.; electrle Htbts, hardwood floors, win dow vent, ete , private porch i southern expo hm, Urge yard. Pbotos at Ledger Ceatral. SPRUCE, 142-Two or $ rooms. wtt private batb, turn, or uufura,; elect Uc lights, hard wond Boon, all mUra Improvement. SPRINfl OARDKN. lBlO-Kxcelleat Pt. In 8 different hauaee. some tur'J. kitrlnaetm WALLAUB Uai-linfvurRUIied apis . S reoms wjtho Ivate bath 3d rlooi Poplar Hit). WALNUT. 1-31 I tl rooos. wttb bath, furu or uofcrn ex eileni servUe some houieke-plnz. also iroiesai onal orflces and business rms Wusi Mue. Ir.Qjire of Janitor. vaaI NlT"l2iS SMKeaiTood) Ueelrabte vC el&gle or en suite tun .aUu, will (uinlsi, to suit tun -at, t )4uata rct, Walnut oUSi, APART2MENT9 IV it Phllsdeipbla ClIlLTON AtURTMBNTS . S21S llnrlng st. , Two flrst-rlsss rooms, with private bath! suit able ilenllst or doctor or npnrtmsnls. Mrs. llella McClaln, mgr. Hell phone Prerton fWOT. .j, ..,,. 1 -.1 niurjr nji . l, iiiuimp, f...,., rorclij unfurnished or cnmfortsbly turn , for . houspieip'n! tto to ftl Preston min I.nnsilowne, Vn, APAUTATNTH, 2 TO $.n PER MONTH: all conveniences, near stall n. John Naccy, t N, lUg'ileml , Ijnsdowne, Pa. APARTMENT HOTELS Ardmnrei APAttTMCNTS-.l rooms f20 0 room", I1, one romincieiy turnishc 1 nnnrtment, t,0 nisi j.vvip. iir j m;iMiMi. km r irfinensier ave FURNISHED APARTMENTS LION'S MlsAD locust, l2Hl.ir. rumlshed" Ulix Oll-.AU u ..n)1)) or pn fMt est I'hllsdelphln. TUP PINFHI1R""T 'Wti & pine hts I I1L, I UNIMUKDI A,AnTMKNT j, 1 n rooms nnd hath Well furnished HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS COLVMlltA AVE, lts ,1-room apartments, conn isle for housckcppMg, untiirn , phone. DIaIioNJTaNI) 2il),"H E"COlfTinrd floor; 4 rooms and hnth, steam heat, modern In every detail. $20 corner property. Dpvj-.f"NbBT7v i2oil-lf(5L,st:in7:i''tNb ,W." i'Ui'C'iv.lt 1IAT1I, SiO IHA.MUNP "la. DIAMOND. 2112 .1 rooms bnth. kitchen, hot. water hent ref 2d flior rf21 4 rms , bnth. kltehen. nil enr rooms, Wn lllnmond IPH W. 2.11) AND 1IN"T8 (fin LANCllYATTa )- New, llghi, 4 to 11 rooms, 1 nnd 2 baths; Kiicnrnpnoi pentrai location, npply janitor, LENOX CHESTER AVENUE " AND RlTlt STHEKT I urnlshed nnd unfurnished housekeeping Kimiiiiirnis, inrgp varus teo janitor pnnnp vvoo.iinn 1 201 11 I) si v, .-., m.T. vm: :. . . ..... :;.. ... .ii. .inn a.nij iiav i;iu ijuii rno argo front rooms, 1st floor, private) bnth J10: -'trf? J,0ehenjijiijroimds Preston, f,i',s W. THElrUTlTTSjH APTS ,Il?ST COMPLETED LOPfST .ST. MTU TO MTU HIS. Rlt nnd 7 room npartmenis with all tho ituest conveniences, sin lo so per monin. ,, itoitFiir a fitt. AnriNi . Hell pli"iie Relmont 1111 r.lll Lm ust st. . tVest PlilUdelpliln. HALTIMOHE Am , 4.-,-nllskpi npt., 2d floor, ,. inoniw. privnie porcn. neat nnci not wqier (lermnntown IHIILMAN WW" N" -Unfurn npt. of I room batli nnn priv. porrh . 2 1 floor. Ph. (Itn nir A. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY COn COLlT.MniA AVE Three stories 8 rooms ai Cnlumhia rvp . 11 rooms new. 1111 N 12th St.. 10 rooms, lot 1(1x100. 12J1 N. 1Mb st , 0 rooms, desirable. "Will be sold at bargain prltps . WM a. YAltni.nv lilt niranl nve. Hilllillng lots, I'm lory SMr.j:tp HUtLUnilR IxitB for .1,1 bouses. 12d nnd Hunt. Ingdnn lllrek. 1I0S Uind Tltlo Ilulldlng. Jlprmnntovvn. MOUNT IRY AND OIU'STNUr HILL PROPERTirs Pellnm Trust Co, 0710 (lermnntown nve HUHUHI1N Cheynpr. r,i. ACHES IW. Hj nillen to Btntlon III:. vi. i), vvcit (iipster I'n NP.W .1ERBKV UUNOALOWP, lots 25x110- near trolley over looking Dehwnro; National Park Greater New Jersey Coinpam. It H lilth lliiildnnftelil. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PHOPPIt'lILS nt bargain prices WM CAHEY MARSHALL, nil Federal st , Camden. Woodbury Height SEVERAL do'irnblo homes nnd Improved bid. .ots at reasonable prlrc fnhn Mnvhew SEASHORE SEAHIIORE COrTAOE U rooms nnd bath nu lit rellnr, airv porches, $iy)0O nsh ntiio easy pivments) owner (.airltlce L ledger tmir.il Allmitlp City. N, Chelsea Corner Cottage and Ventnor Ocean Front Villa Unusual bargain; several attractive cottages at tempting prices, ranging ?euuu up II. G. HARRIS & CO. GUARANTEE TRUST HUILDINO Cape Mar. rrvTTAnHS. hotels, opts for snlo and rent opts somo bargains In building lots. C Earlo Miller, 21S ocean st , cape amy, n. j. PENNSYLVANIA PAHMH 51 ACRES, dwelling tenant house, barn out buildings, good aiream meadow, fruit, 15 minutes rrom station JI50 acre It. II MiCOLI.UM. 1114 Wnlnut st.. Plilladclphln "Don't Uorget tho Number " PEnTILE TAI1MS near Phlla -Fruit, poultry, truck dairy, catalog W btovons Pcrkasle.Pa. siniin:it iiouses Ktnno Harbor, N. .1. WP.I.L-HUILT double-rront bungalow on Car nival Rn. l rooms, bath, basement shower, etc.. now, .1 blocks from ocean Apply 7011 llreene nt , Mt Airy. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME This can be done by making monthly payments or from 117 to 1150 tor housis worth from 1SD1 to WV) II. 3. RKEl), 717 ( hestnut st. SEASHORE LOW COST High -grado hi ngalows. apart ments, furnished or unfurnished, Illustrated booklet on reiuest. South Jersey Realty Co , 111(1 Real Eatato Trust Ilulldlng Cnpo May, N, J. ATTRACTIVE Dutch colonial cottago and gar ago In best section Capo May largo lot. ulry rooms and porches, unobstructed view of ocean; bjih houses Photo at Ledger Cen tral M 1)011. Lodger Offlee HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atluntlo City. HOTELS, cottages, onartments. etc . y. CI change for Philadelphia property. Charles E. tell, .11 8 I'onnu uvh Atlantic City, y Cape liny Point. N. .1. LOT. 50x150 feel, tape May Point, good loca- ll'ill will trade for automobile .oo lur uuiuiuouiie Apply VV. J 1). 2012 xorns st REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY T. K. NPALIS. 1110 S UTII ST. fill Huttonvvuod, S rooms, convs ..... .. $21 lilt UarDonter. 8 rooms, convs . . 22 11)10 Page st , l rms , convs (tilth A Norrls) 20 1417 N.vvarncck.or., convs 10JU s 12th st , 9 rooms, rv.vv srnccK.or., cuius nun i aissierj to o rooms, cenirai locaiioa in 3 rooms, central location it 18U7 Trenton ave ,7r .convs (front Norrf)11 702 B ntn si , 1H2 8 Uancroft, u rooms (Ifltb & Heed.. 12 1207 League, 3 rooms, convs ... . . u 1 113 S i olorado, 3r (ITlh Ai Wharton) . 1J 731 Race and rear No. (1. il rooms o Professional Qfllxes 13 ni ST., S.. 2a7 Iliyslclan'i office; large furnished reception room, running water. Narberlli URAND-NBW dtt. houses. 20 per mo. upward. Harris. Heal Estate, opp. station. Narbsrth IVesttown, la. e7ACRRTCOUNTHY HOME, at ststionrstone niaiiston. 17 roams, bath, pantries; hest un furn.! most attractive property, beautiful Uwn; tenant house, stables, orchard; 7B per month J. H Thompson, west Chester, Pa HEASIIOHP. Atlantic City, N. J. Cottages, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Villas, Apartments Any season, all locations. Atlantlq city, Chslsea, Ventnor; automobile service. H, G. HARRIS & CO, BAnTLBTT BUtLDINP Cape Slay. N. J. FURNISHED COTTAQES. oetan view, all locations, reasonable. C, Earls Miller, 213 Ootau St., Cape My I?0R RENT BURNISHED MAIN li.NK. PA. Jt. B. FURNISHED MAIN LINK Devon-Several desirable furnished residences, all modern conveniences cooveulent to train, II 8 McCO'.LLM . 13 U WoJiiut st, Philadelphia ' Don't Ponet the Number " MORTQAQE- 150.000 FOR 1ST AND -'! HOKTl,VS SAMUW. JI CUtSTNu'F 834 Il-1 jUi gcrmt UuilUat. 1 ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ..... ... ..,- . . t ( . fl I SCRAPPLE I $ - . I . . ., 1 .. 1. 1. .,..,., -,,, -1 ,. ...- . 1. . N . . , -Umpoon. I ' ( -'iSftev A f Nervous Octitlernnn-firiy, Mike, ko N o"T7Parl Pi1 ) nsy toda ; 1'vo got me now lint on. i'i'). n, , K"3 Y " 1 I U I M A I II II ,-- V. XMIV ' mmr ' i rm""' VmWM M 'll m V V WfflK Hl Vl ' I Ky :AJ T5A U--' - -..Sgs-r -a. i "Novv'fl yer chnnut, mum. 'Ave a I SOUDlELR. I nice, row out nn' see some ot them uennan siibmnrlnes! V - t a I ' '""" --i "' ' V She Misunderstood y I E fNv II I 1 I I 4(t jr 7N i i fihfJf - $3fc r- ' w t 7' r aj;s a. d. wSiXSLs I ( II U A cLrN.--i h fM S f f " II II 1M f i l K. i t r J 1 v H j jr.f w r xs&n K A ' mT Nj RsSswsa i -sji -ssj SjwSfV W T I Dolly Hello, papa! A strange man rK&y ""s. CJ I came today to Beo ou, rr llill VrS J I'apa-Dia lie have a bill? L'1! 1 M -M Dollj No, lio had just a plain nose. j&bM is. I ' -- $M Crv 1 dg&StfT" er '-3SgSS lk W jTOe '? .. lM-L ilMM.J.f,-m W J ) J A ' In I KSrvtfi'r"C .?' v p,! Jrt y y Harvard I-ampoon I'roslunan Will our ten next week bo a formal uiTiilr'' Debutante Oh, no; just ivear your everyday blouse nntl Bliort pants Did Her Best Mlstrebs Jane, were ou entertain Inc a man In tho kitchen last night? Jane That's for him to say, mum. I was dolnp; my best with tho mate rials T could tlml. Obvious "Who's KOlns to settle the race ques tion, pop?" "The bookmakers, my son " sfftf 'M "JL-NYyj" THE PADDED CELL -JackCanuek. - RoAaaA. THE EMBANKMENT SEARCHLIGHTS SiSBP'p' HMSc4 KX m rlh& tsi?zZvZ.& j i;i 7yB)BSr&S5SB 55l'ii'PBBl llfeSSIii Old Actor At last! SQUIRREL FOOD kutMLES; DoSGOHHrd HEVEP- rAINU OE-, THt Ml 'CtpAvT RUFF I TI1CC GETTHfe BEHrTf UO rAAH POtfCCftKiT,' WGiSLeS fCeVi BEfons. PUSS ME I LOT OFF AHD THE & BEAM, VJILL. WITH YOU (SET SME. RAIMENT, Patriotism rtatlier unexpected was the reply of a Mrs. Tommy Atkins to n gentleman who Inquired If her husband was ot the front; "Yus," she said, "an I 'ope 'eMl serve the Germans an 'o served me." Boston Transcript. London Carton, rf LJU rer Wl" SI, - $L v ti y Punch, Heartless Gamin Don't go jest yet, Dlf. I want ter 'car Mm flit down on Ms spur. I m In thu spotllclit! iondon Opinion, roHHrr. ymiat. IrArVTM-KT,- "Cfe,. aw r Kr-' RRIHGTHE. ." VJ-r-i eossiiiA WC&U A-CMA- THEBAS A.rn IM-A BULLOOd 51TT1I4 OfUT NUT Ills Discovery ?, mw rt mm w vy J a - . MOWfii ..-.- TfT vv ZSjftf B vv x-wfe2ld )l imv.7VV m r Mr. Dit-I a you bay a cook, toy den JS. Dateet How dtdr you know tt Mr Detett-Al 4wiier I notic4 tb Imprint of a, sirani; tbuiiil) cit ;uy eoup tiat- - i 7