EVENllVQ rEnflEB-'PmEADEEPHIA-, WEDNESDAY, "APHID 7, 1018; t 13 1 AMATEUR AND SCHOLASTIC SPORTS-NOTES 3PENN RUNNERS HAVE EXCELLENT CHANCES TO WIN MILE RELAY Harvard's Four, However, Will Be the Team That Is Likely to Cause an Upset April 23 and 24 at FranK- lin Field. I rcnnsjlvnnla-s chances In the relay mM April 23 ami 21 nro bolnc; (lis t eamcfl rti , T1. fi(!nsoii i there are no less than six championship ' events upon the h,y proarnm. .Tho one. two and four iimo n-nu - .,...,...,...,.-... hero re no fewer than six championship will be held ns uaii.il on Saturday. The ex eiiMon of the meet to two .lays has eWen the manaaemont n chance to put rm two other relay championships, both of which are medley races. The one Is n distal ce and the other a sprint medley. "'", Biumnl re.-opnUci .Mai It will he liable or Pennsylvania to put flrst-clas '.?. in o I oi these event. Am iihuiiI, they ,w,nni?if thai rmn should bo well rente '". nin5ni ort ilier "hnro of t ie.e champlon W'hnnnr. In many quarters Pennsjlvitnla ,.hlp.nMrll "hi lojnrlle lor Iho one-ml.o 'l-finhm Tl"i -n the Inside, bowel ir. 55 B .S ..K.nn,l"hn "W-Vi? rMV! IS S Ktfl!!K Towker and Tvnnlnlnii. have run the ,IIMi;n.;o 7.? -J! T n is llu team vvl I romp down hole .' rf.w he ,hn-..lo-Bhlp which they won tn de'eiu. ine ' i ii.tinn men ore t.on- Slintihait" iioV ii.lv he able 10 Me; ?mi ViSni.vlv..i-lii hiiiabr. in make n m-w fcuXl.r??r.iro.nl ' y'SSi M-t that the S2 fVinrrn "r"l however, tlmr Irschrcr was m m hillnrvnpl team, as he w.i on pro; rn!i0' If , fit time. 1113 presence- will a. d iSie.! ,,r to th" tn in' 'speed. , t.lpplncolt. ? nVkSU I Kauri "an nnd .Meredith , compoeJ Jhl iSim whli h ile rated llaivard birltiB the the team "'" , whloh also ,nicVS., u mi ha (le-Mve beating at the EiVaVvvbnnk game! It li n."Ho probahlo ivllfihew four villi he the ones to represent renn.vlvnnirv the In.t or the month. Two oiher men 'invv.-vrr. will make a strong hid ir tWv in", namely. Kcrgusnn. tho low hurdle ' hnmptnn. ml Dnrscy. the hummer nt tho middle ll.tnnie. Should cither one of ',,, m tin team. It will simply mean that jtTcnVth hn- t.een added to tho quartet. W. alive quartet will he Petin'i bent ehuncc for a vMoA in tho cliainplnnihliiH. but they cannot be ounte,! on on Wing better than tfS even ihan.e. In addition In Ilarvatd. Chicago T nlveinltv will bring on a very atroiiK team, and It also expects tn crack the rw.or.1 and win the evrnt. ENTRIES CIiOSE APRIL 20 FOR EMPIRE CITY RACES $15,000 Stakes Are to Bo Offered for Grand Circuit Meeting. The early closing purses for tho Grand Circuit nicotine tn ho held at tho Em plro Citv truck from August 30 to Septem ber 4 have been announced. They em brace elx rates for a total of $13,000, tho entries to which will close on April 26. I Kmnire t'ltv la the sixth member In tho B Grand I'lrcuit nnd follows the meeting atAioniicui unu iirt'ccucw mu uuiic, w.., meeting ut Hartford. Thfl rn,.M innltnle tbo rlrealer New Yorl: B' ruro ot ttoo for 2:OS trottera, tho Manhnt- tSD (or - 1 l li tliere, me iviiicKerut'tncr m SS)5 trotters, tho Hroadvvny for l':OS pocert, Una Sta. rolnter for -.0.1 pacers and the Greit Eattern Han. limp for trottera with rccnuN -ranglns Tom i nl lo 2 '!' All of these purses r ol a unllorm Kuarnntied valuo of $'-'lW each. j, Beveral mm li irnes Imvo heen arraiiKed, -aionc them it inee between Directum I. i.fis, 'the cliamin n imer and William. 2C0, hli ctatent riv ill Another race will bo tho brlrRltiK t -ijether of I'eter Volo, 'J 0.".Vi tho chami.lon J anil .l-v, nr-nhl trottliiR stallion, anil EUnnh 'J Ol',. the clnmplon rneinc stal lion. NriitlHlloni tire also peiulliiR m securo tlia Matron iinke us well ns the Champion Stallion Htntto Kvery eff'.'i is helm: made to mnke tho Kew York imnil i Irmlt imetlm; at lmptrn City tra the most utlrnctlvo and lilRhest clam nieeiuiK ,r tile drcult. A full prouram v, laia closing pi.ini'a, t'ttcii u, inu him ji I100O, will bo announced later. COAST ATHLETES MAY SHOW EASTERNERS WAY Clever Pack of California Run ners Are Improving Wonder fully in Workouts. Eastern athbMcs should wntoh the Unl- r verslty of California ntheletcs In tho In- Iticollesiatc anil A A. U. championship.! this year Atconlinp; to reports received from San Fianclsco Walter Christie Is V training n Avondcrful pack. Tho Olymplo 'Club alhletcs In A. A. U. contests will also create troub'e. Thero in poislldy one disappointment tn store. Jt is a problem whether lml Kelly, tho world's chimcloii hurdler, uin set Into condition In lime for th.i l'ennK Untiln rel.ivs. Itellv 1.4 I psht up to the mark with the shot, but his 1 hurdling lias fit'Ien oft inarkeuty. ilo lias nut lKept to thu same strict tralnlnc us Howard ,'Tw, who, by tho way. Is In tho best shapo jl nave ever seen him. Burring uccldent, I do I fiS see anytlilns In tho Uaet to beat frew. ana l"fti,.,?u'd repeat his lust sear's triumph at j t I'hlladeliihla fcastern college athletes will remember Shat tilek. tbe I C hammer throw er. It will take cinldersblt! heaving of tho laden bull at l'hll delphla to beat him. In spite of tho sloppy nmiuiE at Uis Ansclea Bhdituck sot the mltsilo 4y for J(1"J feet !l Inches, anil lio has dune rauch better than that In practice. He Is a COallStenf. nerfnrmer fnlirnrtiln nvnor.ro 4m .1,, It some scorlne In most of the Held events, with V i. f nance, for somethlnif In thu high hurdiof an.l puMlbly iho mile. Nh hols, tho polo vaulter I ii,k 1 v,v'. 8 cieunns vne nar ut ueuer ; . -.i,:Kl o incites, unu no nas inrvo ienm- ' 5Lmfj Hettinger, Wrlsht and Uruvin, who uro rfSSSi I?r ,-i (eet Inches or better most of the Wesley Oler, of Yalo, and Alma Illcliards. of Cornell, should have their hands full with AlCbOll. of California, lit flin lilirh Intntt ivlth I J rossldiutv n,at somebody will-bo forced Into IWi Nichols, who Is a very tlcun Jumper Jj0.. F'f" as style Is concerned, has been over 0 iV i. , Inches already this season, and he has JW?arlc an. h cojit that Is better than that. ffiVliVf lno. lntr colliornlans. Maker and uradway, sooi t0T u feel moat Q( th tme fflRST EASTERN AUTO RACE . JUNE 12, AT BRIGHTON BEACH yEvent Will Be International in Its : Havor Night Races Also. S3?,.Br"' We, automobile race meet of the t?.' . Season Will tlA StnPrul of Ih. Hriirhtr,n JSPiS'u' X,,.,'a'B ,rack on Saturday. June llLu."wlu.!1JlnB.a" of ibe cracks from the inanolin 5UQ.inllo race to Iho seaside Kiu'!,.ll'lne? "d li'vht prosrrani will be billed. Vf99, Hih iJi!'. "'s.nt racmif, that was so popular S?V .?nmoiK'lts ' 'his eectlon five and six fiad th. . i "" u "rw ieirie llgntinif piani iFd i,ra.pl?yme.nt ' nitrogen lamps Vatad r. -tQ0t Intervals atnnrr tha r.tBl.la nf th Sdjv"18 Wdway can be made aa light Kaa!lAfSnlifa.'.',on h b,en made to the Amerl, UCMhi . "" ociiion lor the sanction PlltZtna.!!i,',"',ai'?"!'v'l.'.cVe,nJi', ifrom'".' IUl (or competition. S"? J present plans, a sprint meeting. iliem rir iii.i7?.".f? n.F.,,nt.ro.1" ;aea fei; ,v.r " """'rj'i"y " "? lav,! r.,T fci r.!u.i1r an enaurenctt corneal h Jn ilr" m ? V19 nltlu attraction. pill .11 of the fore an enlrl anrl the v r ,. fiileA. w ln thrifts and sensations Jit e n .1 - 1 l "- " "HI W ftS HIBfc lor h, .an'1 ,b8 firH big mile-track mU iilv, .i,.,t,lri.and. Hne on the perform- "th A .". loia ikii can be obtained ' " awiiig tbvy nake at the beaeb. Mahan AVIna Harvard Sprint K;;vssa !n!? nifc . ami etftlon hebi by the baseball Iu.-h.ri . ?.. ,f ' uaoiuisw was sena 5g?.nr,.3 liltcklav. (.finfttln nt nef turi. mil 1-lt.Ven. U8 tttjrrl rf,& B,nnnJm .. n a tprl ' "v. ,mv uwinw, nw Pacer Dixie D in Shape Again ii , , -" "? vmw wtfufw iih ! J,i- ot MMMown Pa., wh rf l" It ( lu tu tit t-t u Iks. .... .... - 4a- . A POULARD 1 s f raid-Mot 1 P VRTHs-A (t V ' ' T VJHV Do THeV MPB i, ? P1! The. GAMsa KipEMfei -' ' .w TH "ITme of, , a jap B A m I - oh what gag m, m m mXrf A BUlvICM jWa-a ' -ftfe OF -ROUMD- WyW !tK, us Tints Vear ) fl -i5 x t " Blllif I i CAf4T TeLL ,T SOUfJDS i hear, a MS T WH"r rt Peculiar. MOISE LIKE WH IIME- l W-L fU sJ$k ' pr7! ANOTHER W0LGAST ENTERS THE RING Ad's Younger Brother Coming East Benny Kaufman Meets Leo Tracey at Broadway. Xow that Ail Wolsnst, ono-tlmo llght uelKht champion, Is fully convinced ho is absolutely throiiKli as n fighter heciinso of the many injuries .inffereil In bin Inter encounters, tho I'lidillao plow boy bits de cided to keep the name of Wolgnst on tho piiKlttstlo horizon by sending u younger bi other, Johnny, lo the fore. Llho Adolph, John Is a lightweight, and, according to reports emanating from Cad illac, Mich., tho conqucior of Battling Nelson believes his brother will step Into the shoes once worn by himself. Wolgast the younger has been boxing for about two years und he has Improved so much Ad expects to bring tho jouth Ihist for bouts with the lending boxers on this side of tho Mississippi. Benny Kaufman la confident he will prove to tho ltroadway A. C.'a pulronago tomorrow night that local promoters should xlvo hl.n more recognition when arranging their pro grams. Ben tackles Leo Tracey In tho star bout. Louisiana plucked a mighty big plum for hla bonnet when he knocked Chumplnn Kl I Williams punch-drunk and dropped him for the count. .lack llanlon experts to start negotiations for a longer llglit with lVIIIIninri. After n shott lay-off. Young Jatk O'Brien will appear In public a mi In when ho en deavors tn Jah tho o.irs off Willie Monro In the final nt tho Olympla ,. A. nut Monday night. Benny Sihnelder and Lew Tendler should put up nn Interesting niclec In tho semi. Kid Lowli, KLVpound battling mesvenger from Hinoky Hollow, will compete in tho remlfinal round of the Gayety Theatrn tourna ment tonight. Other nntentantK nro llano, Frank, Al Jlooro and Kid Wallace. Although Miko fJIbbona nnd I-aikey Mel'ar land havu agreed to box, thev have not de cided definitely wliero they will meet. A Mil waukee promoter U anxious for tho match and has oftered the clever (1st artlsti SO per tent, of tho gate receipts. Battling I.evlnaky will appear In Ills neit encounter I'rlday night, when ho meets Arthur relky, at Montreal. Can. Levlnsky Is als mired off' with Tom McMahon at Nowcastlo next Monday night. S Read AT ST. I.OUI9 , the ST. LOU13 April 17. IS, 19, 20 July 13, H, 15. 16 Sept, 6, 6, 7 CHICAGO May J5. Jfi; July 3 Aug. 27. 2S. 29, 30 Sep. 29, 30 Oct. 2, 3 KANSAS CITY April 23. 21. 25 , May 30, 31, 31 Juno 12, 13, July 11, 25; Sept. B riTTSnUHGH May 21, 23, 26 July 17. IS, 20; 21 Sept. 19,' 21, 23, 23 BALTlMOltE May 21, 22. 23 July 27, 28. 89. 3jJ Sept 10, 11, 12. It NEWARK May 27, 2J, 29 July 22, 23. 24, 26 Sept, 15, 16, 17, IS BROOKLYN i May 18, 19, 20 . July 31: Aug 1.2, 3 Sept. 2t, 23, 26. 27 BUFFALO Saturday. IS Sundays, 16 Holiday, 2 AT HOMS r - ' "' 7 JLI . 'IfitS VUiJK5i&MmJI?JlXgLfS fS.'SSSXSS liJF' 7,lSfj III P fe A. WEEK FROM TODAY "SINNINC ; WITH W7 a Tho T!lg Shadow nvcr the fight game luii heen lifted nt Inst. When Jess WI1 lutd wrested the ihaplet of npilo blos soms from tho cnblo Ijiiiw ot .luck Jobn siin he did something nioro than restoi'o tb heavyweight championship in thu Cnuunslini ciiuivanfiniy, for beond this ho swept nvvay the big bnrrlor which had clogged Hie gnme'.i popularity for flvo lagging ycuis. Johnson ns champion kept the heuvy-uell-lit cnnir. lilnckcl tn n llnili. i-snm clally In Amoiicn. lio was not even wel come iih n citizen of tills neutral Cotn monn'cnltli, much us n lighter who might occasionally defend his cimvn. lie simply kipt the heavyweight game choked down to nothing, with all ptogiess ut a standstill. Had; to the Old Hip-Hip Hut now tho heavyweight prospectus Is fringed with silver nnd purple for tho first time In 13 yours. , When Jeffries was champion ho so fnr outclassed tho Held that all competition, wns worse than Piffle. Tho gnmo went to seed und all Interest faded out. And then when Johnson supplanted Jef fries the deadly Iethnigy icmnlneil, for Johnson was soon barred' under tho Stnia and Stilpcs. This live-year sogslness ut the main illvininii put I ho entlin gnmo under a heavy linnillcnp, for here wuj n clminplnn who was not only unpopu lar, hut whoso main buttle, nt homo wns to keep away from the Iron bats and the stripes nnd the Jangling ball and chain. Scramble On WIHjrd'H victory changes all this. Wlilard Isn't nearly us Invincible as Jeffries was, and. unllko Johnson, Wlilard will bo permitted tn pursue hla advocation at arloui spots from LMst to West, Ho vvaa tho entering wedge, as the phraso goes, for heavy w sight popularity again, ami with so many buoyant and amidtlnus White Hopes nro'ii d puisulng hli title like u fat motile chasing u meat wagon, the Kuitsan will huve- plenty to tin It isn't likely tint he will be In any amazing OFFICIAL FEDERAL LEAGUE AT CHICAGO AT KANSAS CITY April 10, 11, 12 Juno 2, 3, 4, a Aug, 23, 24, 25, 26 April 13. 14, 15 June 6, 7, 8, D July 4, 5, 5, 6 April 23, 24, 25 June 10, 11, 12. 13 Sept. 2, 3. 4, 5 Evening April 26. 27, 2S May 30, 31, 31; Juu 1 July 8, 9, 10, 11 Ledger April 13. 13, 16 May 16; June 6 July 3, i, 5, 5 Aug. 29; Oct. 3 April 10. 1J, 13 June 2, 3, 4. 5 Sept, 6, 6, 7, 8 May 17, IS. 19, 23 July 22, 2?, 21; 23 Sept. 11. 12, 14 May 27, 2S, 29 July 31; Aug. 1.2.3 Sept, 24, 25, 26, 27 May 27, 2S, 29 July 31; Aug; 1. 2.3 Sept. 21, 22. 23, 26 May 24. 25, 26 July 17, 18, 19, 20 Sept. 15, 16. 18, 19 May 20, 21, 23 July 17, 19, 20. 21 Sept. 24, 25. 27, 27 5Iay 17, 18, 19 July 27, 28, 28, 29 Sept, 20, 21. 22, 23 May 2, 24, 26. 26 July IS. 27. 23. SO Aug 22; Sept. 18. 19 May 21k 22. 23 July 34. 23. 24. 26 Sept. 10, 11, 12, 14 Saturdays, IS Sundays, 17 Holidays, 1 Saturdays, li Sundays, 13 Holidays, FROM " i'itw,3,rt'iiriffcriV4wry'- srs . ert jAuri -. ffoagf 'f szx GRANTLAND RICE V hurry tn Ilg.it analii, not at least until ho has hiithiTeil unto his Iron lIksi and tho Iron cliojiiB of hlq backers all tho Ioom) change thero nay bo-whit h mav tin on by the half-million mtili. Hut nt souio fairly soon dale the now thump will Und that he must i.efeud what he 1ms tvoii-nnd the elimination trials up to thli point will furnish a nutter or additional In terest. Next Opponent 11 has been u matter of Home 10 ycats or mote since two white men fought fot Iho legitimate championship of tho world. Tho last affair of mi inclusively paleface nuturo wns back when Jeffiles fought Munroi' and letlicil. Tho ho-cnilcd cham pionship light between Hums und Hurt wns si Joko for Jeffries was still unbeat en ut that date. Hut It 'Is n fuirly safe proposition thai tho next heavyweight affair of champion ship mold will bo between two rltlzen.1 with Caucasian Inclinations. Who tho other citizen will he is still something of n guess. It may bo that Wlilard will first cleslro to get back at Gunboat Smith, who won tbo decision from him some time ugo. Or It may bo that lip will let Smith, ColToy, Itclch mid the lest of tlio Held light it out iiinoug themselves whllu ho h busy pursuing the festlvo dollar from coast In i-nnal, nnd possibly vice versa. If the pursuing is us good us it look3 to be. Short Haute First Also, It Is mote than probable that it will be quite) a while beforo Wlllnrd takes on a tj-round contest again. Tho only chance to stuge such an affair will he In Cuba or Mexico, and the Knman will es teem It mnr to his liking to dabble In tbo 10- nnd ZO-rnund stuff until It Is pretty well cxlinusted. Thero Is no great danger over the 10 round route for no living man could over batter down such a hulk of tlosh as Wu lard In that short spuce. AT PITTSBURGH AT BALTIMORE April 26. 27. 2S, July 8, 9, 10 Sept. 1, 2, 3. 4 May 11, 12. J3 Juno 21, 25. 26, 28 Aug. 5, 6J 7, 9 May 14. 15; July 2 Aug. 27, 2S. 30, 31 Sept. 29, 30; Oct 1, 2 May 4. 5. 6 June 19, 21, 22, 23 Aug. 14. 16. 17. 18 April 17. 19, 20, 21 July 13, 14, 15 Aug. 23, 24, 25. 2' April 30; May 1. 3 June 15, 16, 17, 18' Aug. 19, 20, 21. 21 May 7. 8. 10 June 29, 30t July 1, 1 Aug. 10, 11, 12, 13 for May 20. 2t, 22 July 27. 28, 2S, 29 Sept. 15, 16, 17, 18 All May 17. '18. 19 July 22, 23, 24, 26 Sept. 24. 25, 27, 28 April 10. 12, 13 July . 7. S Auu. 2S. 30; Sept. 30 Oct. 1, 2 May 24, 25, 26 July 31; Aug. 2, 3. 4 Auff. 14. 16. 17, 13 May 14, 15 July 13, 14, 14, 15 Aug.23, 24, 23, 25, 26 May 27. 28. 23 July 16, 17, 19, 20 Sept. 20, 21. 22, 23 April 14. 15 June 9, 10, 10, 11, 12 July 2, 3, 5, 5 Saturdays, 14 Saturdays, 13 Holidays. 1 RINGSIDE-GOSSIP TWO STEEPLECHASES IN VALLEY SATURDAY Whitemarsh Club to Hold Ama teur and Harston Cup Events at Frazier Harris'. Ihitrles Imvo closed for the nnnunl spring steeplechase of tlu Whitemarsh Valley Hunt Club to he tun SaUirduy at IlnrMon, tho country placo of Krazler Man Is, In tho Whitemarsh Valley. Thero will be two races, the llrM nt .1:30 p. m.. about three miles over natural country, for the Amateur cup. The f.econd race nt 4 :I5 will bo the thlid annual running for the Ilnrston cup, also a thrce-mllo point-to-point event. There aro soverul excellent entries for the Hiiraton Cup, which is even to any horse ovvnttl and ridden ln colors by a member of a recognized hunt club Among the entries will be two or three horses from Baltimore and nt least two rrom New VorK. J. a Wil son, of Baltimore, ban entered nimbo and Unnic Cork. Albert Ober. also of llultlmnr,. will have an entry. K. Ambrose Clark, or New Yoik. will send ner Inditutor nr.d ' n. S. 11." Tho Inttir Is a recently imported Irish hone, mid Its tlrat race in thii country will be watched with Interest. Loula Clarke, of New York, has cnteied Tinker Hell, vvlilrh will bo ridden by Andrew 1'orter. Among tho local contenders for the Harston Cup will bo Contpieror, owned by A. ,T. A, Uevereux. to be ridden by Ajrrr.d Ilcveriilx and .Mtlinider, nwnel by W. .1. Clothier, tn bo ridden by .1. O Lelper. Jr. Victor Mather will niter and ride I'.igau Kin. nnd Clibert .Mather will ride Hull. in. 1. Welsh Klr.iu t.rl.lre will rltlo a new horre naniM Itlver I!rec7e. Theie is always considerable Intercut aid much extltenifiit uhnut the race for the ama teur eup lor Imlf-hied horses that have nevei won n race, owned ny mcnibeis or a recog nized hunt club and to be ridden by member. In pink, of a recognized 1 unt eluh who Imvo never won a rai. Among the entries mo Alexander Yurnall's Dynamite. Andrew Por ter's King Vox. Miss Hllen Mary Cussall'n Hnow lluig, to bo ridden bv Charles H Cheston Nelson Buckley's BUI Hunduy. J. a. Trolper. Jr.'s, Horn Pipe, to bo ridden by William Fleming; Itadelirfo Cheslnti's Dominion and John ritokis' Sam Wcller. Foard and Coyne Meet Saturday William M. ronrd and William foyno will shoot oft the tie for the A. B Itlchardsan cup at the du punt trapshootlnK Krnunds Haturduy. W. A. fUmnnton lus presented tho club with another handsome sliver eup tn be shot for In a 'J.l-tarnet match on 2S different days. SCHEDULE, 1915 AT NEWARK AT BROOKLYN Aptll 30; May 1. 2 June 15, 16, 17, 18 Aug. 11. 15, 17, 18 Mny 4. 5, fi June 19, 21, 22, 23 Aug;. 19, 20, 21, 21 May 7, 8. 9, 10 Juno 29, 30; July 1 Aug. 10, 11, 12, 13 May Jl. 12,- 13 June 24, 25, 26, 28 Aug. 5, 6, 7, 9 1 May 11, 12, 13 Juna 24, 25, 26. 27 Aug. 6, 7, 8, 9 May 7. 8. 10 June 29, 30; July 1,1 Aug 10, 11, 12, 13 May 4, 5, 6 June 19. 20, 21. 22, 23 Aug. 19, 21, 22 April 30; May 1, 3 June 15, 16. 17. 18 Sept. 10, 11, 13, 13 April 16, 17, 13. 19 June2;Jtily4,10.1l Aug, 29;Sep, 5;Oc, 3 April 26, 27, 2S, 29 June 5, 7, 8 Sept. 1, 2. 3. 4 the April 14, 15; May 31 June 1. 9. 10, 10. 11, 12 July S; Sept. 6 April 21. 22. 23, Z May 31; July 2, 3. 5 Sept. 6. 7, 8 Best April 25. 26, 27. 28 May 16; June 5, 6, 13 Aug. 24, Si, 26 April 10, 13, 13 July 6, 7. 8. Sep. 29. 30; Oc.1.3 Saturdays, 12 Sundays, 16 Holidays. I Saturdays, 11 Holidays, a OF " THE DIAMOND XEW AUTOJIOUIIiE IIOAI) MAP PREPARED BY IjOCAL CLUB Motorists of This am) Jersey Stale Will Benefit. A new and authoritative map fnr motorists, covering eastern I'ennsj Ivnnln and not them New .terser, has teen luepnred bv the Auto rnnbl'i Club of Pbllodeli hla. It Is pilnied In thne rnlorf, and the territory toiered runs riom llstiMlnn'g to New oilc. Itlvrrs, rnll-mnd-v, trolley lines and olher lanamnrka are aeeurnfelv shown It Is innoiniiet by w. o. tirlMlh. chairman of the Co.nt'ilttee on 'lowing ltiiontatlon, that an ctlltlon n the Club Itouu nooa 101 1 11 W'PI hot If printed n, the bonk Issued iBl eir Is ton.pleiely up to date and few ihanxei would be .osib. As a em siltute lot .lie Kill of a new route bink, which the club iihi ally makes each year to each member. It will ttlMrlbuta without chaise to any munbei it lilfsuiK wliu li volume he wnn.s a lopy of mj fmo or Hie Ave vnliimm of the 1'lue Hook These volumes eover No. I. New York Plate nhd Canada, No. '.'. New Lngland States. No .1, New Jnr i . nn-.ilvHnla aim il-e Hmthenst ffn Wate: No. I, il,e Middle West, und No rt. Ide I'ar Uist. UINGLE AND BUNGLE IN DIAMOND DOPE l'ate necm.i to bo very good to tho New York Yitiilts when It comes In nn excuBO for lllilsliliig near the bottom In tho Able! lean l.cagtio rnce. This year It Is n llltld OIITereiit, King Colo has a tumor on f Ids leg ami N'unnmnker Iiuh it strained tendon. If Donovan falls to show that he Is n manager of tho nrst magnitude he will ho classified ns nn experiment. With the acquisition, of Denny Knuff, liliown us tho Ty Cobb of the Kedoral League, the llrooklyn Kods nto boasting a powerful organization. If spring practice Is a crltcilon. Sam CrnvvTnril, of the Detroit Tigers should lead the American League rnce In batting this yenr. The slugger has been mur dering the pitching of the minor league bo8 this spring. In n game with tho Louisville Club, of the American Asso ciation, scsterdny, Crawford batted Tor n perfect pcoro. In four trlpst to the plnte tbe Detroit stnr wnllopcd the horse bldo four times. Manager Hohlnson, of tbo llrooklyn Club, bus nilspendcd rtolnnd U. Howell, recently drnflcd from tho Chiiltanooca Club, for falling to rep. rt nn scheduled lime. The action wns taken to block any lluani'lal claims on the club that Howell might mnke. Albert MolnnK hi other ot the famous Stuffy, of the Athlettri, has aspirations lo become a big fellow In baaeball. The jouiigster Is nlreudy lit the minora with the lilchmond Club, nnd trying to con nect with some club of the Federal League. Tho Federal League has selected Its umpires who will orficlato during tho opening game, "beginning Sntunlay. llowcl! and I'iiinernn wero tuslgneil tn Chicago Brennun untl Hhun- nmi in li"ntiiia f If u' Mivfnsml r iih. I M'm.Iai.. ir.. ... j.iii j VS flVV.I'1'UI I llll'l II 1'OH.l , cU to lUiltlmon. nnd Jolinson and KjTe to ' Urooklyn, ' The PltLtburRh Natlounls aro nnt furnlehlns niurh )oy food for tlio rami ii, their nhnn uown .South thl? cprtnu. Iop the second con HocutUe tltno cterJ.iy. at All fluid. G , tlm Atlanta rluli, of tho Southern Association. J defeated tho Pirates, 5 to I. I Tho Chlcnpo Federals har relf-ased unron- I dltlonallv Plti-hern GuV Itcard nnd Horrv Anh- erlrlter Ncal Hall, tho old Clelnnd Ptar. will h with Jack Dunn's cluh in Richmond this rm m. Pall once received a pold tnc'al from Pan Johnson Tor maklns a triple rday in C'Ieelnnd u nap It ted It l nothing new for Moadot'n, tho St. LnnS recruit, to wear Rlnef, w hlle pln Inu the dnnie Demon White, of tho old itoaton Nil tioualu, ued to Mir t-'veglaSHcn. Tl U ("nrrnll, hiiHlreiM manaRer of the ntook feds, naa that Iho reason for the hcuw hat tins In the iVtleral IcaRue Inst tsramm wan he r.iiit.d of the nrorrity of crt-hundLd pltuifm leert-hand'd hitters like Ki(t and ani nad a plcnle against the right 'handed pitchers. 'I he Pederals wit! hae in ore left-hnnded twlrlerH thH seai-on nnd peihnps the battlnt? averiiRea not ponr so hlRh There N a one-armed ball fliijcr on tlm Pnl- i rally or Texaa team who Is ox o of the won ders of the diamond. IIIb nanio Is Dick Hooper. Ilojper iilttj'H In the outt'eld, and when occa sion requires a throw follow lrij; n. eatuh Iih tusg the ball In tho air. throws hi oe on the ground, eatehea the ball nKiln nnd shoots It home. Iint yeHr he batted Mil) with his ore hand With two hands he would hat .fH'O, i)ut Chalmers went the entire route of nine i innings lor wcumw'n uoiu ugainst the IJttie Hock Club Monday. Chalmers 1oh(, to 1. The minor leu sue rn made seen hits oTf the - Phlllle, Tills game fll marked ths last time Mob l!e&cher appeared In a. New York uniform. He left after the name to Join tho Cardinals. FROM THE RACE TRACKS llowie Entries rirst raee, L'-yeor-oids, 4 furlongs 'Centle woman, Inn, lnereime, lor,. Iioli Heiltleld, luT: Pervla lull; OreetliiKe, 1IW: 'Cincinnati, leu MIsh 'hill. In, tin, t.lomer, ill): Zangnll, UJ .Seeontl ni-e. folllm; .'l-yiir-oltls, II furlongs Pabe, 101; lljbe Tucket. 108: Pair Helen, lui; I'.nergetlc, IDS: llelkku, ittl, l'eunyrock. 10,. l(i lift i n Moses. 10.i. Tliird rate, HCillnir. l-yenr-olds and up, fiW rurlniiirs -Tho I'nhln. inn; -tirtyx, lis), I'rlvver. Ins: ('apt Klliotl. Ifrj. 'aarter Knight. VS. Madge's Sister, tftl. Faithful. 101, Cslber lllues. IdS; Toprnek, UVi. Ilearlli pioue Itl7 Uevvdrop, 107. Hen (jalnko, 1(17, Anavrl. 107. ninulidl. Kit. Illue Jay. 100 Also ellclhle I'nnnnia, ICJ; l)elrHh. 10" Pourili race, s'lllni;. 1-year-olds iiml up, fill fnrlonUH 'Joe Knlclit, Kit; -'rnddlliiB, ml; (,'arliureter. 10.V Palm Leaf, inri: venetn Strnmo. 101. Vllcy, (: Anton, ln7; Duneh of Keys. 107; Sir IJyke. lfri; Marti C.isto. lull: Ttlchwood. Ifl'i, llrandywlne. 10')' Al. Illoeh. lin. Henrietta, 111; Uneto Jlun. 112. Infill rare, selling, ,'t-year-nlds und up. 1 mile ntl SI yards fwilrd of Klrkaldy, 101; Tom HKneock, 101: Myrenne, 101; nrlan IWiru, 101: "Heartbeat, 101. Ilattllng Xelson, lin: Lazuli. Mil: Uive.Iny. 11-,, Sixth race, seltlni; n- ear-olds and up. 1 mile and 20 yards 'Deviltry, 0.1; Zodiac, 101; Cnl llollnnay. 107. Mnlllo 8., 17; Llttlo Knqlanl. 112' niebord Langdon, 112; Cock tpur. IIS; t'atnn, lin. Apprentice nlloivanco clilmed. Weather, clear; track, fast. ; AT BUFFALO ABROAD May 7, 8, 10 June 29, 30; July 1,1 Aug. 10, It, 12, 13 Saturdays, J2 Sundays, 5 Holidays, 1 April 30; May 1, 3 June 15, 16, 17. IS Aug. 19, 20, 21, 21 Saturdays; 14 .Sundays, li ituiiu.iya, i May 4, 5. 6 June 19, 21, 22, 23 AUK. 14, 16, 17, IS Saturdays. 13 Sundays, 7 Holidays, I , May 11, 12. 13 June 21, 25, 26, 2S Aug. 5, 6, 7, 9 Saturdays, 12 Sundays, 14 Holidays, 3 April 21, 22, 23, 24 May 31, 31; June 1 Sept, 6, 6, 7, S Saturdays, 13 Sundays, 12 Holidays, 2 May 14, 15, July 13. 14, 14. 15 Aug. 31; Sept.1,2,3,4 Saturdaa, 14 Sundays, 6 Holidays, 3 April 16, 17. 19. 20 Jun.2, 3. 4tJuU0, 13 AUB. 27, 28, 30 Saturdays, 14 Holidays, 3 Saturdays, 3 Sundays, 13 Holiday, 1 Baseball Saturdays, 13 Holidays, 1 News CHESTNUT HILL BOYS PLAN GOLF SEASON Sport to Be Iiitroducicd at Academy Episcopal and Germantown Ball Gamds. Schedule for Today tVnCt7aMiilr!,h Srho0' v' Krlend' Centrsl, at t."ai?e ,'"por't'rJ''v. k Salle Collcso, at nplsenpul Academy vs. Inedowns Hlh, at jartriowne ford'1 '"t''"'01 ' "vrford High, at Uaver- i..aw'"l'.0,i."'l"','m' - Strayer'a ndslnesa t ollese at Tabor. While baseball Is the chief pastime at Chotriut illll Academy, platu are how under way for tho organisation of a golf ten in nt thp Institution Till anort has never heen undertaken by the Hlller nth lefe., but enthusiasm Is running so high that nrnapects aro good Tor a golf combi nation Tbre of the students, WoodvVard, Cnbel and Taylor, have had soma ex perience In golfing and the boys are anx ious to form a team. Other school aro aiso getting tlio fever, and It Is prob able that n golf tournament will b arranged. Tho rcholnstlc baseball season wilt get under way In real league fashion when two Intorncademlc League gnines will b plajcd. Episcopal Academy and German town Acideiny will clnali. vvhllj Penn rimiter will moot Friends' Central. Other gomes rcheditled follow: Germantown High School vs Do I.ancey School, Jenk Intown Iflgh School vs. Cheltenham High Srhool nnd Southern High School vs. lirtivvn 1'repnrntory. I'entrnl High School's baseball lineup will be ur announced by Coach Doctor O'flrlen, ns follows: Krug, Stout and Gotivnls, r. ; Kllngcr, Shcppard, Uurna nnd tlnrels, p.: Davla, lb.; Butler, Sb.; faptaln Harnltr., 3b.; Itllcy, ss.; Bingham, Vibs and rotors, outfielders. The Crim son and Gold's first lntcrscholastlc League game Is scheduled for next Thur day with Catholic High .School at Hous ton Field. Coach N'icolal la working out diligently with Temple fnlverslty's track candi dates with the hope that he will pit tha local nthlotes ngnlnst Lehigh University this MirlnB. The latter beat out the Tern plo boys In the Mcadovvbrook games and Coach Nlcolal Is confident his proteses rnn even up their score on an outdoor track. i A call for tennis candidates will b made the Utter part of the week or early next week nt Chestnut Hill Academy by Manager Taylor. Prospects for a Win ning team are bright and Taylor Is ar ranging it big schedule for the racquet wlelders The Mcl'lure A C of Durby. hus oiiranlttd its basebull elub for the cumins; stiihon nnd will have Its own giounds. would llktl to hear from flrst-clsss uniformed teams d siring iiamts for .Mutunliiy- and holidays. Adaicss 11 M. Conk ling. Oarby. Pa. A clever Infleltler ur outltelder wouid Ilk to flgn up with a fast lii-17-ycar-old uni formed team Vddriss Dull Player, .illt West minster avenue. The J. n. c c of Jenklntown. was well represented on the diamond last year, as feutlng such tcums ns Tom Tom Frat. Ej'a.nk fnrd Indluns nnd North Philadelphia Grays. It will bo even better this year, and would like to hear from first-class ls-2U-year-Oid tenin. home or uvvay Address all com munications to Joseph Alum, 310 Cedar Buret, .lenKiniuvvn. IIL. The Kensington A C. one of Philadelphia's foremost IrnvelliiK teams, has rtorcanKeit and would like lo hear from all llrst-class teams offering reasonable Inducements. Pop I ahy will be on the mound, with Murruj on the receiving end. Address D. Dugan, 20Sd Tioga street, or phone Kensington ICltt. The Hoy Scouts of the St. John M. E, Church have orgunlied a baseball team, and would like to hear from all lL'-ln. year-old teams in the city. Address Al. Blumentnai. 121u North Itundolph street. The i?oulh Philadelphia Stars would Ilka to arrange games with any sumlprofestlonal li-ls-yeur-oht teuni They have flrsttlasf grounds nnd nro uniformed. Address Charles 1'. MiCrea, 2li." Christum street. A semlprofesslonsl would like to sign up Willi any first-class team offering good In ducements Address Hull Player. 2118 North Colorado street A good first busetn in would like to Join any IS-yeiii-Hld tesrn. Address Charlts Ilrooks. 4111 Nonti tlih street. A ball player would like to plsy with a IK. year-old team. Address J, O Nelll. 134 Creese street. insurrection A. A., n fuly uniformed 13-19-yoir-oid team, would like to hear from any loam of this diss In Pennsylvania, New Jer Bej or !elawaro having grounds and paving reasonable, guaiantee. Address J. Wilson Clark, 1221 North 5dth street. Th I.lbertv Uell Boys' Club would Ilk to meet nil ii-12-voar-oid teams willing to pay ball expotfaes for 10 men. Address nan e&ii'Ma?B tor iv ntrii. Aaarcss corntuui lus iviesuu, .i.i j-icrce street. The Tcnnlyn A. C has reorganised for th 1015 seacon, and would ilka to hoar from all 12.1!l-yenr.old fully unltormeu teams. In or out of tho city, such as Vldette B. C, Penmar F. C. Vaiia F, C. Tioga Juniors and WarwIcU (jlants. Address J. il. Ilurgmann, .1173 Ara mlngo avenue. Tho Climax II C. would like to hear from alt first-class boys' clubs between the ages of 14 and 13 Have April 24. May S, 22 and all ot Ji.ne open. Address Elliott Menaker. S037 Fontala street. ' Wu'',..r,.ln9..A.-..C' would Ilk to arrange games with all ll-13-tn-ytar-old teams, home oriuv. paying half expenses for lu men. Address James Neville, 01 0.1 Pine street. Tlio Peerless P. C , a 17.18-jcar-oIJ jutly unl formed trawling Ham, would like to arrang gamut with all teams of this class paying ex penses. Address It c. Under, U)lo filslng Sun avenue. Iivvurtale. ...''.h.V Temple Trawlers, a uniformed Hrtt-clsss l!)-2D- ear-old ieam, would like to arrang Karnes with all learns of the Mine calibre hav ing grounds and orterlnir a fair guarantee. Ad dress F. C. Murray, ius East Cumberland Pearee A, A. wishes to open the season with a flrst-cUss .tram. Prefer Potter, Falrhlll, S.'S'W or Camden, Address C. Sonn.bor.1, 3111 West toiH ftreet, Moors F C. would like to arrang games with any U-l'-y.tar-ola team having grounds and l?,VTlnS hni' ?Pel,. Address u. Sullivan, 2117 nrandyvvlne street, Nlcetown has dates open for all first-class amateur 20-yjar-oid home clubs In the Stat. NlMtowi 'I'"1"". 18M Dalkeith street, "m"!", f'r"cnt A- A would like to hear from a 1 14-lri.year-old teams having grounds. Will aUo rUy at litlmont Plateau. Address Her man Prick, 411 Monroe atract Hilly dray's Philadelphia Professionals will hook games with leading semt-pro clubs In or ?.".. "' bAt.'! ,.' Lnla!e. Slatlngion, ?.ha.noy' vixK: Moyertown. Pottetown. Bcfiuyi; m' ! k,,,u,nt, Coh.mbU, Pitataim tile. Pitman, Itoebllriir B p. Wood, Dover ar.,1 Seaford Del. Addrew nilly dray" Win ttrrn antQwri avenue. Phone, Kensington 3&U li. a tr 7 p. m Wst Philadelphia's traveling team has re omanlisd for the season and will have as strong a team as last year, when ft wan 20 out of 2.1 games. Any Mrst-rlasa bora club offering reasonable Inducements for Slay 1, 8 or 13. address John A. Campbell, COril fluent itntt The llrldsaburg Athletto Club, of North Phil adelphia, desires games with all arst-lasa tm In Praasylvanta and New Jersey paying a uaseushle guarantee, preferring .illv trior) IJlver ton-Palmira P C Audubon, Bust etoo Itax Chat. Dfastoa. t' tl I and Ilrtatshurt; Y O. Addrss S. Landenberger, 3720 IJucktm street. Tbe Jovial Juniors" baneball team has reor gaalMd for the smioh and would Uk to bear in all 11-12-year-old teams having grounds a di Dayiiif; ban expenses xor ten men Ad fevld Halls. 1249 South 121b sucet, or V nuklnmu itoa. tha fit t'eoella'a B It I' ot Ken!na.Fi!! i (Mi rorga,Blat,i for the season and from the r .i ..... it -k. ,u -. .-...ifl.a ., ttt kA fortn shown la the last few practices ulll bay ea of the pac ii-i B-ycar-it i teauii la te elty. un avv .ocount of tha former art ten for building purposes, tba team ul tr.iv! this vaar All 17-lS-ear-old teaia da- IMNU ' siring tW attraction eemmuolcat -wlib ItarrV 37 M1y ft " HuntlBgdon otiftc. 1 ba tituuurock baseball team, of Ktlh PWU . pkia, has orgaaiud a rait taaoi, Utuwi 59 baa airasgsd a lS llt of wtiiw Ttt. lUaatlai, uters will UWM JBt Jto ie 4tt4 : F. n.. lflM 1 fr; HUMfa. ros. du nitfBcm Atp aii'". jM I a i il n li - wvt H IV xjriiti- ii n 1) I $,. rssnVsftHt uti-i iq tn& i, ins taaswwBsjSBtes- ii " m' e!y ayJKJCimt Z2JSitislMislsaBBaSBBBsaBJBjaBB HHsSSsaeHssisslT