ETlfxiNQ LEPffER-PniLAniSTiPTriA'. WEDNESDAY, 'Aim IE 7, 101f 11' :APRIL 1 CONDITION OF COUNTRY'S WINTER WHEAT CROP WAS ABOVE EN-YEAR AVERAGE UNITED RAILWAYS ISSUES ADVANCE Declaration of Holding Com- ' paiiy Dividend Cause Gen eral Motors Up Over 7 Points. f-tJVV YnttK. A n II ". Otitstntiitlnj? fon tuiM of mrcimlh in the Block market to day iero I'tilir-d Itnllwnys Investment lssurs. the common niH'iiiiclnp; 3 points lintl the piofcrrod 7 pnlitU ucfoie mlddiy. The ndvnnoo nnn the rcmill of tho tlccln rritton of n rpmilrrly .ash dividend "f IVit per cent. i tlm I'lilladelplila I'omimtiy, the holding cimipnnv. nRtilnst ti per cent. In scrip on the hist occasions. AlthntiKli the present dividend In nt the lute or C .... eei.i ner nnmim. nsnlnst tlio provlmiH ifc ule of per "" ll Wl" nrnei hy the SUCCt IHHI " ''-" "- ; v... -.. lef thnn scrip. Furthermore, ll wns fold thnt bankeis and the iiinnaKeniont of the riilladelphln fninpnity would develop the cdmpan''s ol. t-li ! ilRlitliiR and natural ens business The llnlluaii- Compiiny owns 4S4.000 $30 Bhnres of tho riilladnlphla Company on which wcrlp dividends have i lien paid In the two previous quarters liolh classes oi smcii hukkcu iruni m,, high In the afternoon session. With the activity In the Hallways f'fim pnny shares Philadelphia Company rom mbn v.tiR bronchi nut for the llrst time elnce mi3 in this market. 11 was first quoted 70 bid, then sold nt 71 mil later 71, while the Inst sale In 1913 vnf at ST'J. Aside from these Issues the market In the earlv linrilmr, showetl a rrnrtlonmy tendenej. There una evldencs of unite extensive prnflt-tnKlns nnd t.vt a little forelRTi srllinR. nllhouch tho lattrr liqui dation was said to be muoh llnhter than In yesterdaj srsslon. orfprlncts of se curities were uell nhsorhe and hv noon th( floating supply of stocks was, about cleaned up nt the present level of prices and the market became strnni?. Trading was very hrond. and the attendance In commission houses wan larger; also tho interest of the public socmed to bo greater on the buying side. It has been the gCMcrnl thing from day to day for somo tlno past for tho spe cialties to take the lend, and this was not varied today. Hctlilchem Steel continued to move mound hi a very indefinite man ner, going up iijhI down nt Intervals. There was a continuance of selling. From n speculative piiint of view the street was nffeitrd hv the Htntotncnt of Presi dent Schwab at tbe annual meeting es terday Hint carnln2H would be drawn ' Upon to piovldp for the pxnendltuio of 'torno $:0,C00,005 on Improvements. There was tnme In activity In ?, the nfteinooti, and the market as a gen eral rule was strong. Oeneral Motors mada n rirw i,lch roeord at lSPi. un nearly 714 points. N"o news could bo ob- .nine,. . .iccouni lor mo auvancc. uunrui Amerlcar Sinrnr was a nartlcularlv weak i feature, 'dropping nearly (i points. ine Market una two-sided at tho close. New York Stock Sales It close, nijth. t.ow. close. Alllf-Chalmerspf $ ' "" Amali-aniiitril Copper., fiu i'iH Am ARr Chemical m I. " Am Heel MiMr m" '.? Am Il.,. c... .. Hi. .,.., ,vvi .tiik.ii l. in . iM ni t.DH t2 IS 4fiJ4 " S.r. ST. R,, Am C'art-'dtr v 48 4s 4s r"' ana t(jt -nu -".u Am C oal Products pi ).-, u:t M 17H Mi 2U. 3t Am Cotlon Oil Am llldoALcatlier.., Amllldo&Lcapfcf.. Ametlcan Iro Ami Linseed jnjf Am Locomotive ;j;4 Am l.ocomotl'a pf mH Am Smelling (17 Ambmeilinppf ..101 AniMiiwr 107; Am Steel t''ntihilrln.... .-JOlfc .. m... , ... r "- .V"-. itn j ci ici. .. Am Te & cable 4l)i Am 65 f run 2U it) .11 JiO'f 10 11) ;i2 :ii$ oo) i not Ji?f ! lMh in:i 10U 108 10M( ;iuj( .soil lioh imx 110 m GO'S co; 4H' m IHliS in :14 0"!i WIDE UPSWINGS IN LOCAL STOCKS Local Half -hourly Sales Market Broadened Out, With the Philadelphia Co. and Le high Transit in Demand. "i 'ouaivo ';;() L'liD'J 22!l Am 1 oh nfiipu' in;u unit urtu Am Woolen in mi 10H hi MH W MH I at) 7!1 70! i n SS'f ;y, u S7!f WVA 101) im in? I OH MM 17 III jt-T mforItv of tlie standard Issues ended 1 JttHHo low of the day and below the llnal , of yesterday. Losses, however, were con fined ehlelly to fractions. The weakness In Uipsp Issues wns nttrlbutod to Hqulda- . tlon by leading interests. New York Bond Sales W SlF E(f liflOO nirr Aar Ss Timo Amor rot nil iSB K1X) Amor Cot nil .'. . 701X1 mor T"l lit Is.. SWll un .it i MH An rr Will Ini ..a ilmo ruuiir i'n i.i... 11(011 At. 'llum uill 4... IL'010 . 1I0 iv I. l!l.V... . UK.ll ilo r It UltKI won mihh evi i.ino pit Is III I nil A Ohio .1 I'll ilu Is Horn .In . i. W"OK ll.. Snn .l'j. , 1100 ll-lh St.M'l Is. ..a urn ,in tfii : Iiu Hi., ok Itiii. Tr .".a 1.11111 tin .-. mis "IH.0 'al One s i:iec lllcll .IIKI', . KH4 . .'Si, . P'.i ' . ll". . tl . . . IM'I ..ini!5 io:iJ5 su'h MIV. lldl'l Mid mi'. m li. Lmv. Close. H2 P'J iniin lnui', ! H'l'S KS NS, no n'.i 1;:. i.r, in?, Ill'g K ST, l.iTi un', Iiki 11111 Sli SPJ, lOIIKj lltp.j 8.H.J mm, Ml Mil, .SSU KSI, Hill, HIM, SSll, SSI, liil'i, Hil'-j li:l Id lv.'!, UttS An Woolen nf. . Anaronda Copper... Alchlson Ilaldwln Loco llnlllmoie.t Ohio.... llaltlmoto&Olilo pt IiatobllasMlnliit; llrlldrhcm hleel lli'lhlehem Steel pf... Hrooklyti flas Utooklyn HapTran.. Cat Petroleum Cal Ppttolciim pf Canadian Paclllc... Cent Leather Co...., Cent Leather Co pf . Chcs .1 Ohio Chlno Copper t hie A. (iicat WeU.. ChleasotltWest pfa ChleMllS bt P .... Chic MII& St Ppf .. Chic & Northwest ... Chleaco It 1 & Paclflo Col Fuel & Iron .... Col.t i-outh Continental Can .... Continental Can pf . Consolidated Uas ... Cornl'roducU Corn Products Hofpf uuban-Ain sucar . l)cl& Hudson ... l)en.tHio(lpf ... Detroit S. EdUon.. DIMilk'tsfctcurlUeJ Ltio Ktlalst pf KrlelMpf , Fi'dM &S FrdM&Spf Gen Chemical .... General Jikcttlo . . (icneral Motors ... Oeneral Motors pf Goodrich Co Goodrich Co pf ... Great Northern pf 110H US Great Northern Ore. cts XM ,'loJa" K) 1(1 .0!! III) om. SSIh'l 107.4 inu 8) Mii 100H 100H 100)f 100)S .. W( .. ;is)i ..lot ;io)ii ..102JS . dlfj .. 41) . ia .. Mi .. !)() .1211 ..128 . 2Wf . mi . 30 . (ill .. 07 .121 UH . 7,'i C0V .'IS tojs u nm I DO 12? 1)0 Mi III low .i.i .18 72 70 U ion 127 t.t) MX 3D( 10.1U 10HM .MOW 3.1'i 102H 10214 102? i )." 'll'S !! 10)i !)! PJIj 124 :v2H :i2M oo; son !2(U 120' 12s 12s 2J '.li'f 30)i (12 1)0 121 11! 73 53 UH HO'i 31 Mi OliVj Villi 73 CO ...1I0JS 1C0U 161) 13),' m (H 27, . dl . !I5 10 31 ISO .111) It 11.". C,H '27U ilili 3IU 10W. 31 ISO M7 .127 131i 127 ..103H 103H 10.1 IT'-i 101) IS ..100 4l)ii 101 !AV, lit unj OVi Mi 38?4; '20Jj :r. il'J'n 12! 32' sj; 12(1(4 12s 31 ' Of )( ()! 02 00 law un 73 mow 11 ur on 27'f I3W 34!4' 10W 31 1SJ 117 13 Ih 1().'J nh 101 117H 117W 3IJH 3-Ih 13 llIJi Oh 27' j I3W 31 10W 31 lR.- IV H 111 l.'U 07M m. in 16I (81. I D.'; I 3hW 28 It 1 .iniuin Miutn r,s ui-'i, rir-'!, jii.? I' IICOO I'wil i.enthor Ihi Tia.. !l!li till .' t UUW iVnt I'a lt Is ,. Ss S7'!, f7Ts P lnmichiH Ohio cv I'is. 71H 71"; 7111 p. IOiHI I'he, ,v fihlo fin IMPS lolLj lU'P-j p. SXiO Ohl ,H K.iht III 111.... (17 .vm 1 111 fc 111 .-18 iu lorn) i'hl a, Nun .'i..s Ml'j IOH) I'hl .V Nu Ken f "I 10011 Ohl ft Nn lrh S7..111H1 41X10 I'hl A; Ind In 711 6H100 1 'hi 11 a Q joint Js.. 1111 WOO Chi II Ar (J doll .1.t IIIIV, 1010 Chi II ,j Ij rpm Pill, 1100 (.'III II .V I) roil la 1IIH lomi chi n o 111 is in'i I'OJOO f ,M .11 Kl t' iv .".a rvl. 101i KIIIOU Chi M S V fil 1I..S. SM , I'SH'O Chi Mil At S V ,'V C.i. 117 . (U I'hl M a.- s P BCll 4'sH.IOll lsomi Con na iv tin Ill IlKXI Dpi & Hiiil nil Is,... Ill ;. 1S0H llpn Hi., r 4.,.. 7.". i. MXXI I en Itlo llr r.s 7S fy 2ti liptioli Kilimn lt raAirm pv3Mi IipiroU Inltod i'5a... 7U yiSL0 '" Hei "r t'orn .la.... IIP-1 " ' iO0ll Krlo niliv la anr A.. Ili '"''.rie roiiv la ler ii.... no j(M lireen llay lia 101 1000 den Klec ilcb 5s UVIV4 1,7 r,i54 in lKH, ('ill, (10 111 'a IKIVs 111 101 8?" (KI'b 111 III IIP, (J. . IKHf' .IL'0 .pjn . IK'.t . IIS . :isii . !(. . 7li!Ii . 7SI.J 101'i "i NXJ)'fln.i Ml,. S0l limn ivntrul ref Is. KXXI III chi j i .-, 5000 lna Colt i-i- Hm. . . . . KCOil Ini cv rit :iil pit Oa. ii imcrn sin -t';a..,,. 0t) Jnti-ih ll x tef .... i(XX) ltllPP ll Mnr Jl..u Inil Aliohol ,1m ..;.'. SSH !"'' "ew Bur stn ' .1000 I.U Hh .lal. lu ID'JI ' ifl,.1 !! M T 5s !!l01 J'".' 'orillnnl fm ltd EI -"rlllHi.! 7 li!i " " e. .-aaii oa . . . XX! i'jnhauiiii Kta Is... TOftl Mi,i. ... u, i .. ;ffi !!"!" ;!-;;' 5M100 Mo Ja,. 4S s 700O Mo Par ev .la 2 Pae WiO -" ...uiil ...VVIT OH MMX1 V V IIf fl-,,1, .. ,i. ffi & Y tana la ltiiio. ...HKOi t. S Y. f.-M C. enl ;sa... 71. inonSy '" "U(1 I'-"--.. iS V City IWa 1000. ... DliH I "' Y I'ty llsa May '.17.10IU 10H.J SSK! M X Ont & U Krn 4a. . m fio hum rv ).. . . I. .100?, . Ml', . o. . Wl . Ro . no; . un. . OS .10OV, nis' ' ?4 tint. linCJ no 'Tl'i IIS IIM;, 711'i - I2'J li'l Hoi: 100 12211 niij so .-.Pi 4S; 1M. 112 100i I'H III 1II0V, 7l?i 10n KO ir.o, KS"' N V Itwy rer 4s.. sassfiffir :., aliUS S.r .V55 JlfiT. : &!KS Panflc Tel !ig iiSSKSS! ;:y?!f Pnvr.i-.;. :.""' t .... I-to; ,ul,ir Serv N J M'H n.i'f, II2'4 .lon-i . nni .lnnn .Krin too.; r '" cy J ' "'h ''' wM'i "Sen naL,Con t'opper M..1I.1U 111 J13U 1AOJ-. ".' UWcfc .Hf il,H.. 1.1 ll. S fiM',k J'll'il -I" Sll, lVi mil'. I'm liJ Ml'4 IM 110!, 7(1 llS i!,ft IMP. !IIS lOUl SSI, 07 1(01 111 III 74'i 7S per, 7."ll4 4 IP j m KS14 loiHti V"!!? :,2'!i llll), no 7sii l,S :i8'i (Mil. 7IH. 7H'. ICI'j on nil ll PJ2!i 10), Wl', S.1 Kl) 5.1 40". 4H?a 112 10O'', !ll', III 1IHIU 714 100'i SO WHS IOH. 10l(-J i -.i ; r so 72 Ml, 11.11, 02K IIPK jonvj HR'i pxnl K7t. GiiKKcnhelm Expl'n ... MM IntHaryNJpf 113 InlcrLoro-.Met ill lntrrboro-Mct pf ISJji International Papor ... 10M lot Paper pf 30 InEplratiou Copper .... LSW Kan City Southern .... 'iiii KiiiRsColilectrlo 121 KrcM'co . . Vil Kreiet'o pf 107 Lack bteel ,i(i l.ehleh Valley 137Ji Llcectt & Mrs Toh Co. .223 Loose-WIIcs Ulscuit ... 22 Mackay Cos., 70 Macfcay Co pt OS Maxwell Motors -I'iK Max Motors 1st pf SM4 Max Motors 2d pf .... 4()W May Dept Stores dS Mexican Petroleum ... CO Miami Copper 21 H Mlnn&StLouU UH Mlsourl Pacific 13W MStP&SSM U7H U7H Montana Power f.2?i fi2M Montana I'oncr pf ....101 101 100H 100)4 Mo Kan & Texas 12W 13 12W 12). Mo Kan & Texas pf ... 3.j)J 30 3,'.J4 30 National HUcuit 1201J 120H 120)4 12014 There wns a broad market for sppurltlcs lit I'hlhidelphla today. Tho trading showed Increased d!vtrinrattoti both lit bonds ithd slocks, wlih a tjpiiefullS' ilnn lone prc VnlllnR ejeeept In certain Fpeelal 0A8M, sueh as Lake Supctior liiioitie es, wliieh wer.' orfefed down U points to SO beforo n sale could bo effected "under tlie rule." Cambria Steel nlso was rather reactionary on llRht sains, whlln Lake Sltpertor inndo ft new low record at fiil3 before support ItiB orders caused n rally. Chief Interest on the local exchaiirje ceiitrpd nrnuiid tho Philadelphia Company Rroup. Tho resumption of cash dividends on tho stock was the stlmttlntlnp; factor find tho ptleo loso two points followlns Bhnrp advances In frilled Hallways In vestment shares In Wall stteet. AUhmiRh tho Philadelphia Company dividend was l educed from 7 t.i fi imr cent., tho cash payment feature was leirarded as renllv favorable to the market poHltlnn of tho stock. The bonds also hardened. As tho day advanced fnlted ttullwny Investment r,s moved tin from 5Si to fil, wlillo Phllntleltihla Compnny Cs extended ineir Ram to SIV,. Tho B per cent, pre fonrd stock jumped u point, while Un common touched 37, and the 6 per cent, preferred rose $l. York IlallnH pre ferred was another buoyant feature. Stionj: demand dovclopetlTor the LoIiIrIi Valley Transit issues In tho eiuly after noon, llftliiR the common stock a -lolnl and the prefprrpd from 2)14 to .11. LehlRh NavlKntlon nlsn hardened on the hope that the nnhiR of the Jersey Central may In- an Inltbil stpp Inward ahroRntlon hy tho courts of the lease of Hip LoIiIrIi anil .Susiiuoliniiim'ltullroad to the Jersey Cen tral. If tho lense Is abrogated the i-ohlRh Navigation would then be ennbled to mine IIb valuable coal deposits without any restrictions. 10 to 10:30 A. M. 1x1 Tnnnrali Pel. fi 2 IVhiui IB Tr pM SOU son t..ike Sup Cor B', 4 1.1-iti 100 t' b Ftppi ... 4is . . M HI ctiht Iron 41 .. M' loo Phiia RTtr Ion .. 7.1't. 4l Phlln Co llll, .. : t Prnni MP-lil ...Mi in finllth PaeldP. SHK . . Mi tto I'lnia Co :M, . M so it ri t 11 451 an Pfnnn M 111(1 4i no den Asp PM. ni .eh V a.. Too lll II'O I- SI Hlrel '-o Pcnn.i 40 l.plt N-nx 1-1 li S Stppl.... till do "t Pcnna 7 ilo .111 YonoiKih ltd. 8.1 , ilo Phlla F.lp,' Prtiii .'til l't.Ht, 100 AtllfliiDe Insur tcJ, 1s t.rh Vnl.. ft. YjMi Valley... IP Ml Wimvlclc tn Jt H .tcel.... ! .1 Hpndln-r . Itttldtvln pfd.. PC Pi t: H Stepl Eil Penn.i ....lllt-in 1(1 .10..... too Insp Coprpr., isi iro Phlla Co. iiostia lrno Market tn nit is... t1(n UiIip M110 Corp ine .1 rem kipp & Wn Tr is 1 n uwys t e 4a. tlBoo PrankfoM T I tiiotiRlit umler tIp. 10:30 to 11 A. M. n a taim Sipel. Mtti .m 1 Mil .... O'i ..7:1.1.111 .... 4111'. . ... 41" 1 .... .13'.', It ,ls. PI HO SO 71 11.1 i ti-tn iv Phlla Co. m do e Sup Cor i'.-:::: meet, . Sales in Philadelphia nun (i'.i 42 111 tr,i, 3S 2S 2IJi' 2f. 121J4 121W 121)4 I2IIV4 121 12')4 108 IDS 31 31 13731- 130H 22U4 22 1 H 2114 7(1.' OS 15 PC 30?4 18 00 23JS ll)i 12'i 117 Viii 21J4 70.', OS 40M SOW Wli 4!) 70 2l!( UK MJ4 10S ;-.t 137JJ 221)4 21'4 OS 4t,H i ,'M)i IS CJH MX ll 13! 117 6214 ilAnn. ii""- iB'.i t( 1, . , . '(..) I llnUL- 1IUJ i ft mn ffiSh V'.i-'.'' 0- . i,. .. r miuiin m. MU 1101, iru5 IIV Km e7 , i'ni .w '"l"H lol"4 i'M'n S',? ?t ' a V rlil 4...... TlU 7IU JIU Z?L1 A r.adt .. 551!: 551' w S Lu!.l J11' '....;.. P7i South par Cv 4a linm c:-. i" '.P isAiiv a 1 ' f "r ria i f,,: """" ri li. P7i H74 KS rail PRTi tlHYi fW& RW witj snil lilTM -0014 rrt )'na ii-. nn no PPJ4 7R-Z 7S1i 7&g wi no no oftu nm pay. 101K imjZ 1015 in WtK int4 mk aw iip, pom. IV4 i"H4 no no no 4T 4 414 w 9 s jno 101I ino 34U, 2114 2111 i RI? SV6 m in m S14 fOUL MU, rh wtZ tif3 414 8H M'4 comuril with P7 ... S2(4 '34 m . fin Ttll T.n Ka Ct. BffiSll: s?" '''& UfrtlJri... .."" " oM, W 4s... i& : t.M.nii-: .::::: 1 SB !..??'. ."... 00 I nion pttL, ,v . aniX;-l0,n. ruc rr'1 l JVb.ish 4 ... ."... WabaM, ltt -j, . . . . T,r j,t tt 4. ' JV' Inlon 414a . . ' "In on Cent cen 4i lift BUI.. R'n nnn , 1'. - -.. .. .,.,, Biuri .IS1?' '""' m vt.tcrday: tbua far tltl wswk. "o tharpii. dome jserlo4 lat wek, 1.P1S.- Hise in Stock Exchanire Seats !13W YORK. April I Increased price Bisatj on the New York StocJs Bx Se todai. Indtcitted returning Bam- i financial centre. Three U todav for $15,01. t.(H and $.! names of the prmciphi will be uuute v, tonmriow ist October a seat (-t fil,nw. Nat Cloak & Suit Nat Cload & Suit pf Naih C & St I. NalLcad New York Air llraku Nevada Con N YNH.t II New York Central.. KYO . West North Amerlecn .... Northern Paclllc ... Paclllc Mall Pacific Tel . Tel .. Perm Peoples Gas Phlla Co Plttitmrch Coal .... Pittsburgh Coal pf . Quicksilver tlulcksllvur pf Kay Con ItcadlnL' IteadlnL' 2nd pf hep lion & steel .... Hep lion &.-teeI pf . Hock Island Co ..... Hock Island Co pf . Itumely Co Itumely Co pf tcatoard Air Una .. ttaloard Air Lino pf., 37 tears Hoo . Co 137 (1)4 "GM 1024 UUh 121 121 77 ..KH .125 . til! . 70 . 13)4 . CO) 1 . SO), .. 2S . 71 .107 . 2014 27H .107)f 107)f 107 tWa 7l)'-4 13j (.0 MS'f 2SJs 70 107 107 20 '20 til'S 70 13)j SO tr,u 2S)f . 122 ' 22)4 05 14 1 21 HGK 85 23), SOU M 2H 7H 15)i 121 71 221J U.j H 1 21 it 7014 102)- 121 1,3 70)4 13!, 00 i-Tilf 2b) i 00)4 107), 20 27 107 -us. close. Sol Ins .... HI'., r,o A moil. 1111 liim . . l(ilt i" am iiatiwn.v-i lo Am Loco tirer " do prpf . . , to Ileth Steel . in 1 am lion . .. 202 I'll m titvpl :ino l-nl petiul ., P (hi 11 I p .ins Mice Slot nap lull Upii Amiholt W lien Asphalt prf. 1.114 r". ilo prof ISIS 7 Ins To N Am .. 211. 2hi Insp .'oppor ,...2s'., in.". Key Tol Co ..'i 11 is.1i Lake Sup Corp. (I M l.plilcli (il .... (Ill 1071 Lh Vnl 1-rnnn.. 1.1 io. un prpr Mil Vnl Trans, tl'o do pref .... MO North font .... It:i2 1'enna II ll loSo Phlla Co in do pipr ino do cum nrpf.. or. l'hlln nice Sir, p n V tr ctfs,. loin itciulinp 22 do 2d prcf . . 0.1 Po Paelfc 170 Ton llelinnnt .. r, t'nlon Trttc IIS V f I ino.-, t! a Hlcl 50 Wnrwkk tr & S - psun roai. . ,-.-i vont itwy 1 York Itwy pfd.. IMXS'DS. list prov. .. Slip. Il'-n Cam stl scp 'ill as ram Kl "i I'oo Tr l. 7u, fined Krkd T. ,i II r.s .. Iihiii i.akp suit hie :,t 31 toon Murkpt St. Kl Is 112 2IXKO Pa elm !'., 'Oil. KM ImIHO Phil Co .cin.H .',4. SO SI Phil,, Co set. 'HI (1.1 1 HIT do 11111 PO 12110 Phllil Mlw ,1',.,t02S imm Kmiiil (Lis (la... ssi? ffin I'n Hwya t c U 71 201,0 I'n Itwy lnv r,s rss 7IKO W.NY.V P lul r.llls. 2Mi 2!l!4 VI", 3 U .Tl . .17 2llM Hllft ss 4-U .1.1 SIT, I'.IS, (IS III k'is IllKh. 111'.. iiii'; 8,,., un M-)i 41 40 111-4 uj 411 24". III 111 11 l 111 .11 III III H4H m-; id RS 2.11, llll, 7:H4 81 Ml !r- llleh. 0T!4 Ml IS .'111 1)2 11.1'h Ml, 1)0 HCIj JS., filll', lo2 Low I IIS lllljs pit .1T, 41 4,1', llll, 111. 241, III III IKj IKI" l.Vl i.i4 21H1, M r-''5- ai, .11 as 2.1H SI? 12",, j' lsi tins p.-ij II'W nf' flo-C. Hilt) 101 ; ao 13 S7 till S35l 4.'l 40 :'.oi, 4114 I'K III HI 21 '.4 T? 1!n at l ;il iS?" lit as 2.1J. ,.iii 12,, SS-), gr nlW ai"' Si Itrnd I 77 Pentiti f.0 rnm H(pp.... in 1(1 ileth Hlrpl... R,n, loo 10 Itpnillni? 704 is V a 1 . 1 N'otth Ceni... sti, 10 t' S t .",C0 Cnl IVd-nl.... lit, ten do. IIONIIH. IMihi PrsnUford v ft It ,V 101)0 Phlln, Co cons .lo, 10WW Pcnn.1 eons I',- t Ptk . 02 Cnm Stcpl s.'rlp inifl IIikhi Plilln Co eoni s -ml Ph In, Pipe 4- lwon I'd Ph lnv , 17.1 Pldla en scrip mis 11 to 11:30 A. M. in Am Lo.-,. pfd. ii, s Phlln ll T t loo Alliance Incur Kl'a 10 tr 0 1 i.i rinifi it T t.c His km u a Steel... 4ii", 2n do... WHEAT PRICES OFF ON FEDERAL REPORT Financial Briefs Bumper Crop of 900,000,000 Bushels Is Expected, Agninst 891,000,000 Bushels Last Year. . 4!f, . I!4 US, Ml' KM' Ml'. 2po f h aitpi. inn ,tn 1m ih Vnl Tr.. inn v Stppl,... mil in ino do inn i.p'i Vnl Tr.. 4n Tonopnh Pel. I no Plilln Co in, Kill Plilln Co. t.ll itni liw, 411 1, ...lllll ... (? 10H fiiU fo r.o m IIKI 41, .11 hon'ps. n Cnni MppI scrip mill.. 17 Phlln Co scrip tniil. . . . risen Pinnkferd T II .Is.. N7 Plilln. Co crlp Kill.... so Phlln Co wrlp tills.... pH'i) I n Itwy lnv .is .10 Vnl Tr 1 Vnrk Ittvv nr.l :! .1.1 Houth Pncinc. a- .,, t ..U -nt. "I PI Pill It Co. do.. ;i W n?'!, un. us uo (III IX)', i lliHO A. M. to Vi iM. Ill Vnl Tr.. 1.1'i loi iJilio Sun Cor r.S H") Imp Cooper.. 2.1I, 1(0 Phlla Co .1.1 If. I.0I1 V Trjifd .10 ll Keystone Tel. 11 iimi rniin 11 T t p io,i 10 V Tr pfd .11 2.1 U (1 I M'f, 1(0 IT B Htccl.... M 110.VDH. lOCO Stnnd Oa (la S.S14 12 .11. to 12:30 I'. .11. ino l,clt Val Tr no Am Ilwy 2.1 Vni Tr.. 200 Phlla Co HI RllS tn Ion Phlln Co.... ino Vnl Tr. 2.1 Tonnpnll llel II'O I. ell Vol Tr. .'I ICIcc atomi;p .HI do Ill') 1' S StPcl no no.. Low. Close. II7S I'T's ni- 11.1 :in 112 ";'. MIS (I.I.; IS) 1112 SSI. I r,n 102 in,. IK HO Ui ll? Il.1i; no 1112 SSI, Ann 102 . ,'l.Mi 2.1 l.rh Vnl Tr.. PI 111 Hi KPJKlnliP Tel. II li .1 I'nlnn Trne. .. (I.l'.j tn mo u a ateoi.... r,n IMj 10(1 do .It) IS'D In HIpc StoroKP. IMf, lil'j, : Ilrnilltnr 7.l'a IKS '.'en ,1,1 ; , I P-nna Mil III 000 do 7.1 ii 20 I.aHe Hup Cor .w, 2.1 I'h Co cm t.fd is no dr .1-1 7,1 do MS 2.1 Phtl.t IITto 10V, 10.1 Tonopnh llol, l-i ItO.N'IJri. 10M1 Pn ltwv lnv fis us loco Phlln Co inni ,1s SliJi limn I'Mlj, Kleo tlj 102 ,-,000 West N V Pn 1st tn .K)2 snoo Went N- v .; Pa ut n 10- Hkii Pmnii ii ins H4s tnoil Hkit, 1 eel rniin 111 ccrip jinn uu 12:30 to 1 P. ,11. .Kl Ton llrl....l 1.1-1 (! .in Ppntw . 10 IVnnti MJh 11 do... HI Ch It I ,t Pnu lio's 7 do... HON OS. lUKi west N Y ,; en 1st .,. 1.1 I'nun BlUSI lil CUtCAOn, April 7.-tn ntillclpntloit of a fnVornulo niitiunl rlovcrtimcnl crop i-cporl by the Depart tnenl of Af-rleultiit'o, urnln prices sold orf lit the wltent pit today. The -eiier.11 expeelnlioh vn. Hint tlm condition of winter whcni would he nhntti s9 per cent., nuatnsi f.R.3 per cent. In I)e comtmr nttd O.l.r, per rent. In April, 19U, mid the ten-yenr tiveniso of As fl tronet-nl rule there Is n loss In condition from Deeeitiher to April. The estimated ! ncrence seeded wns -11,23,000 acres, an In- douse of l.tnfi.cno neres. or ll.l per cent, over Inst yoir. The condition or winter i heat, neconlliin- to the Ooverninent re pot t, wag S3.$S per cent. The olllclnl estlmnle of the erop In De cember wns 550,000,000 bushels, based 011 a teh-yenr nvei'tiKc ylplil of 11.4 bushels per ncre. ll Is expected Hint the sprttn wheat nren which comes nut In Jttno will Incrense tho ticroniio 8,000,000, which would Blve 20,r,1,1,(00 nereri. On the lmsfs of r,(.oi,(Kio tfuslicls of winter mid noo.OOO.fjOO Imshcls of spring wheat 'this yenr, tho totnl wheat crop would he roo.OOO.OOO hushels. Last year's linrvrat wns S.U00O.000 bushels. At tho opening .May wheat was '4 niRner nt'i. hut this wns itilclly lost when cstlmntrs or the (Sovernmeiit llgtires heenmo known, the price roIuk to $l.5S't, off S. July nlso showed a gnln of '(i at tho start, bul eased orf to t.23?i, a loss or 'V Jiny showed a toss of 2 cents and July 1H cents nt tho close. LcadltiB futures rnnnpd ss tnllows: Monrtny s Whpflt-- Dppti. IllBll, J i.v i.stn, i.rRi, July 1 sii 1.211,: fipptemlipr . 1 u5 l.tli .Corn tnew itellvury)-- May 71 71, July 78i 7.11 Lo w 1..1I 1 l.un Close. I..J41 I01.P. 1...III, On 19. .May July .September Ijird Jlny July Spptenilcr llll.s- Mnv July H, tilptnhcr Pork Muy Jnlv . ... at pi cm her ti.22'4 ti.aiu iMi.uml i.ii'4 75J, T72',. tT.'lli, 7.1 l7.1T, 7.1K, ., .. inii .10.02 .111.27 ..H1..K1 . P.II2 .tn.2.1 ..111.12 .17.0.1 ,.17.110 F.V7 lllil. tAr-keil. 17 ,114 4li'- 10.O.1 1(1.11) m.r,7' 11.02 10.2.1 10. .11! 17.0.1 17.1,0 17.S7 r.e,ii -,71; un, mil Mini 101, 10.02 10.52 10.23 111 17 ion:, in.) 10.17 n.n2 10.: 0.1)2 tin.'.M tin. .12 tin. .12 lii.on tin.!)" 17.02 17.4.1 17 0 tl". 17X1 tti.1" 17. S.I SISCURITIKS AT AUCTION Tlio follnwlni? stnfks nnd liondn ivcro today by Itirncs & lyifhnul, nurllonpors: 'Jirs. Atncrliinn I Link . twr .vi o -.lir-t. Itldpn Aicnuc llnnk; par S.V). FOld Phlln Co scrip 1IIIS Klec .: Pop Tr Is.. 1 to l-.IO P. .11. . .'.PX, . M Kl . 102 . Oil . Ton 40 r.n.cnin stwl.. 111 lorn itwy.... 7Pj 2S Pciinu ...1.1 11. lo 20 Uli Nnv 71 westmor f iil (11 .. : Til'.j 1.0! ( VJD'i .1 7;i!l Mir -JUi t)lf U1H H H 1 1 2Q!i 20J, 1 I7j-i MSI,' 14G) &". an n IH :iw s K7 So JMi SI X v 1.1 :t7 85 UH H Mi ,'i 8 16), 37 Sloss-ShefS&LCo ... P.'l Sol' USucar dO toulhcrn pacific Nvj fcoutbren lty 18)i touthcrnlty pf 57 Standard Mllllnjpf ... COM btudebaker Co (il btudebakcr Co pf 101 Tennesseo Cop HOI, 'le -as Co 141 'JblrdAvenuo I'.iii (Jlilonllat: & Paper .... lij L'plon llag & Paper pf. . 30 Vi'M 1II73 l.'Jbi 70h 10 IK 11 30V-I OS Union Pacific 128 Union Paclllc pf fcUJj U S Undt Alchol Pf .... Ml U.S.I P. & 1' 10)i U S Kiprcis ...' 01) United Kys Invest .... 8 United Itys Invost Pf 23U Ubltubber 5W U 6 llubber 1st uf 100H 108 US bleei -IOH 0Ji Ub'b'leclpf KHili 10(iJ,' lOliii lOUJ," UnllldClsar JIfra .... 47 47 47 47 67. 24)j 1)0 43 1 an 3 OH 2 41 tHM 17i Slilf 71)11 01 lOUi 30H 110 3 W 30'i 128J1 l'.'7f 127J1 mn mi boji 7U,3 id 18 hi,' 24j to 107 401-i 3,1 41 b'JJi" Mi fi7h 70!f 03 10J 30),' 142 UH 30! :.'. n fc!) 17Ji EGJi 7())f 02Ji 102 30Jj HI fi-IH nil Mi Wti 10 IB lOJ-j 28 J i U7IS 108 WH PKNXA. CANAL SOLI) FOR $7000 Tho property, real estntn and rights of the Pimnsylviinlii Canal Company wore sold nt puhllc miction today by Samuel T. FreoniHu & Co., on n foreclosure order lsucd recently by Common Pleas Court No. Ii. Tho property was offered 111 11 number of parcels and brought on agsregnto of $7000. Tho sale today Is one of tho final steps toward winding up tho nffnlrs of tho Pennsylvania Canal Coilipnny, which liavo been In lltlsntlon for a long time. Tho claims of or editors nnd bondholders against the company nggiegntn several millions of dollars, which aro to bo met out of proceeds of tho sale. Tho Penn sylvania Rnllroud Company Is a pioforrcd creditor to the amount of ?2,332.3:0, rep resenting Inlorcst coupons on tho canal company's bonds which It purchased from tho hnudholilci'H when tho company was tinahlo to meet tho Interest. 100 North Cent... 11 I.-. Phlla Co pfd. ;n 10 Phlln Klee.... 2.1"', 2.1 York llivy... 7',, in Phlla Co .MP. 1.1 V U t Xl'.h .in Phlla Bloc 18,1 Phlla Co 17 HON PS. .",001 lllec .1 Poop Tr 4s 1:110 to 2 P. ,11. 10 ,1'eniift r.-l'.i-in 1.1 Phlla Co. l do an ti-iii .nicti Asp .10 North Cent... St .1 Pcnha ... 1MJNOS, ,112 Cam Steel scrip KIP) 2 to 2:30 P. .11, .1.1 I'OI M 2 Ins Pn N Am 2IV-1 in Phlla Co .1il. Ho nice StornKo. IM-j ill North Cent... M '.'.1 do IMj 2,1 Phlla It T t lie, luti Phlln It -1 t e HH, 1 Alllanpo Insur UPa 1 KIpp fitornKP. 1st, ion tjilio Sun Cor .", mo Inlla It T un, ..1 Phll.l It T t c III', .1 Ins Co N Am 2I' Iiu Klcc Hiorago. 4H Tl) Phlla Co HIP. .17 pld. ill 11-1 a .... II7H 2 Phlla U T.... PIU 21 ftONDS. U'lO Spanlih Am Iron m.. do. . . . ,'IUV- 101 2:.'I0 to 3 P. .11. (i J'cnnn 11 14 1 LONDON STOCK MARKET 15,000,000 More Treasury Hills 'Will He Issued. LONriOX. April 7. The sentiment on thn Stock Psrhntmo 'ias chpprfu! today, Tradlni w&s tirlsk, notwithstanding tho fact thnt Imst ripsfl tins chPcKed to some extant liy rcgulatlona fortilddliig tionsnctlons unless jobber, hold slock for InimeJIatc dcllvcrj. The supply of stocks on jobbers' hooks Is light, owing 10 their cnuilousric's. nnd buyers often mlsi the mar ket before rharps nru nialla-nle. nilt-edRcd Isfiiics Mere (lrm In spltn of tho strniis discount rates iihlou cro ncccniuate.1 by the nnuouncp nunt tliat them -would be a further tsauf. of ri.'.IK'O.isn (J7.,.ii0,o(0) treasury bills next week. Homo railways were Bieady. Suppott wns Klveo to mines and oils, and Hu-slans wero strontr. 30 Lch Val Tr. . HI 10 North Pncinc.107 ino llcadltiB "a. HrO Cam (iu'd. . . 411 2 Ijilio Sup Cor fit- 111 uirwlck , 1() Ccn Asphalt,. 2IU a iMilla Kloc, r.CO U S Sieel.,.. , (.-, Phlla Co.. 2.1 Phlla Klec.... 2.IU I1.11 U 8 Steel. HO Ton .Mln 7.1-1112(10 du .10 Am (Jus 101 too do...'... ;.. iviec Hturage. i."' Iiu. I, U U,.nl .lltT' .Ill H-llI r- IS'V 10 Ileth Steel.. un. IIONDH. loco Pn Itwy lnv .Is 4 01 1 . iiu nd Has Us iino I'n Itwy lnv "w ,, co con , .. a;; ... Bli , .. null, wt 411 of' 7 shra. .Mechanics Insurnnio Co.; par $2.1 41 2.1' shrn. SprlngllPliI I -nnd Co : p,ir ?.".il. 2.1 shrs. Kprlnillcld Coal .Mlnlns 'o. ; par sum. ji.iro sprlnnnplil i-ni Coal JlltiltiB Co lot 11.100 Strom Lackawanna Coil nnd Lumber Co.. n por cent., series "I," i-otipnns Mnv nod Noicmbcr, due 11)21 .... 10 521)00 Trcnloti W'ntpr l'opr Co., r, per rent. llrst mortpnKc. coupons' March nnd September, due I tin."... Ii .'mMI PnlPin MnmifncturtnR Co., (I per com . tlrst moriciiRP, coupons March nnd Scntctnl'd-. due 11121 'coupons due Match I, 1 11 1.1, t tnrhpd) lot $lnn 12 shrs Knickerbocker Smokeless Cool Co.. Itlalrsvllto Pn.: pur Strn 200 JpH'O Cumberland Vnllcy TelPldlone Co.. r, per cent., llrnt mortgage, coupons January nnd July, due 11)12 law $l(Hn Schuylkill llnvcn On-, and Walpr Co , ,1 per cent , (Irst mortgage, coupons June and December, duo Heconibpr L mill 111) ,1 shrs. Hank of North America; par lio ! .... .2.1l ft shrs. ltanlt of North America; par mi 2.i7-, I shrs. Parmprs and Mechanics' Na tional Hank; inr $loft 1:1.1 P shrs. cntnivlsKi Itnllroad Co., Int preferred: par $10 ,11 5,1 shrs. North Pennsylvania Itall ro.-i.l Co. ; tmr fan tinTf, 1.1 slits. North Pennsylvania Itullroid Co.: pnr ..,() iiiu (I shm. West Phlludelphlft Olnrket St.) Pa-senuer Itallwny Co KlPi 2 shrs. American lird'Kliitr Co.: par Slot) N71 (. shrs. American Predalng Co : rsir ?lo.i S7 1 shr. tho Leeds Co., 2d prefprred; par sum 20 shrs. Philadelphia lloursc, common; pnr $.m n 4 shrs. Philadelphia Ilourse. prefprrod; par J2fi IS'i 510(h) fltv or PhlladPlphla. I per ci-nt.. cnuion.i January nnd July, due 1MI1 mi sinnn do res mil tot, f.ll'.'.ao Cambria Steel Co. (scrip), duo November 14. 101(1 (1711 $ Cambria Steel Co. iserltO. due IVbruary 1,1. 11117 tup,. 2.1 shrs. tlcston.lllp. Mantua nnd Pair mount Pahsengpr 10 i,2'u 2(s:o Phlla a NEW YORK C'OITKE .MARKET NKW YonK, April 7.-IrrcKularlty featured the corfeo market at the opening. Alliances of 11 imlnis OKiilnst losses of .1 points cre evi dent. Prices lollow; Todny's Yesterday's openimi. cluyu. ... 7..S2SI7.SI ....... -it.17 ...1(1.22 (I2llfifl.22 ... ll.2.11tll..1t ll.2.1fll,27 ... , .;uvi ...i.i 7..'si',f7,ai . .. .. lll'IfT ...!f7, ...7..1S 7 llf,7 III ...tLllll 7 11111(7.117 ... 7.70 7 7li7.72 ... 7.7.1 7.778"iS .1IINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOP.VIl STOCKS. lllil. .SI .0.1 .11 .2rt .1 March . . , April .... .May Juno July Aum-t ., September flelnber , Nov ember December January , February tOtfcred. i.aa ,..ii',i, ;;u 7.4S 7.IISI7.I2 7.50 7.IMi,7.4-l 7..1I7I..1 ind. Utah Coptwr Va-C'arChem .... Va-C'ar Clicrn pf , Va-lron Coal&O Wabash Wabash pf .a.... Wheellnn&LK .. Western Maryland Western Maryland pf , 40 Western untqa ........ iwi Wtstinsbpuse Electric , 761,' 8 25)f 1)1 42 IX 2 2H 20Ji 30 t&H 77i 67) i 21)5 01 12 1 2H ajf 2(iJ 30 00M 70 Willis Overland 124H 127 12JU WtUjs Overland pf,...101 10)H 101)j 101H WbbiHOttu 108 WJH 108 10'JH tjtoted Ei Dividend Total salss. 2.712,000, enroparsd with J2.52L 000 jVstwday; thu. fsr thuTwwk, IT.f05.ODO; tamopurUM last w& IU,517,W0. COTTON CLOSED LOWEJt NBW YORK. April 7. Cotton opon&l barely steady today, 4 points hlglmr to 4 ifilnts lowr, but after tha call a ttrnwr toiui prevail! aU th active nwmlm milled. Thern wi a good 07 J i 25 01 42 M 2i 2J 20), 30 05j 70 127 dual of for-slgn' soiling In evldenesi and ttuiu wtre also soma uflrlns from Houwf with SouthMu couaectloo, but thfte wn well takui. Lliertmol. aftr au early savanca, r,a at't4 on cwitlneoUl reBllslpg. but sooa ra cavorad i-art of U Iw. Closlas ' Suujjbt about uiw lows or tho ay. shjmlus: dicllivri 714 to 10 uotaU. Palow yestaiNUy l"-- Yef. clow. Dpn. HUh. I-. CI; 5ray 0 SS 2 ws a.i.t ,, 10,111 Jli.S.1 4M.L 1V.W1 Sctobar ......laS 1.M JSll "iS jajuisry l---il 10.70 10. 73 1100 fO.T 10. w It 00 10,37 luas PAR SILVER NKW YOIIK. April T.-Tha prua iBuntol bar silver .W, cesM Yurb; aatl SSfc P ' Loadon. 9: 10.0s 10.11 10 w tap 1OJ0 of cu In iKw Auml-iamatril Copper .. Alcblfim , Paltlmoro Ohio Canadian Pc(lo Clearoke t Ohio ctilroKO i.rcBi ivrsi.,.. London cloo. It KH .... 7.1C, 1TII .... 411 I2'i I'hhn-o. MiiivBuken ,H St Paul HlMi '3 Denver i;rlo do 1st prcf I Leiiirni N, Y. eoulv. inn - 1, pi - 't 7211 - '! 1114 - ("ll Tl 7(1 - 1 27 4- lj 41U 4. ! -PS Itiu (imn)o 43 112 Loulsilll tc .Nashvlll-) 12:)W HSfi 1 .Missouri, Kansas ft Teias.,.. Iiii L1 . ecv Turn ueiorai. . . . .v. .. . . . vu n .... Norfolk Veslern..,..7;....I07 102ft V, New York, Dntarlo Ss. Weslorn Snti 'ennsyliarla -Mln llAndlior 711 Southern Hallway ., 1M4 Southern I-nt'lfie PS Union Pacinc 1-121 u s steel ran -llncrea.c. Decrease. WPs - , 14.1K - 11 17'. .- si SJ4 J 12TU - it WK 1 nANIC CLEARINGS Bank clsarlnes today compared with corre coding day tot two yirs: PhlladHphla J2.1.41B.773 .1I,IS2,ISI 2,1.M,1SI ltoiton .3S5,02il 231W4,0.-.7 S6,71H.21S Js'eiv York..S20,49t,lS Slt,7lt,oOt i70.3M),13o RATES FOR MONEV Oall. PhlUdjIphlfl ?M.L Nw York in2H ILiutnn .................... ii Chicago :' s,"-lt CoaiwrclJl tmpr. Time. 3tf&4 : Si clal paper, 3 to 0 months, Pblladel- FOREION EXCHANGE KBW YOnK. Awil 7. Tha foraljin cichansu a-iU-kat opciuul stdy, with demand nturllsg Sterling Francs Marks (iulldarv Cublea 4,Tft 0.4 Si- rJ 1-19 -i.TV i-lQ GOVERNMENT BONDS 2a pf iOM) rsauaerwl Zf Of HUM CQUJIOS HKnm 2 FaaMoia. rcMlstfired Papaoi raw 3f rgugr4 3 e IWI 4a of lrci ran 1, ( iu2i mpm an couiu-a iUirt(f . coiioob mirrcu ::.::::::: I01W laitZ 1A11Z .W. '."."".'. imVL no IWm SHORT TKR.1I NOTKS Hate P.O. Duo. Anrll 1111.1 Oct. ilil.1 April 1UI7 Am Locomotive. .. .1 July 1013 Am Tel A Tel sub. ,1 April mill Am Tobacco scrip, il Copt, llil.l Anacood.i Cop Co.. S Mar. HU7 Argentine (lovcrn.. 11 Dec 11)1.1 AiKeutlno Cmcrn. . 11 Dec. Ilihl ArKcmllif Uuiciii.. tl Dec. 1)7 ilalt Ai Ohio Pi Juno 11)1.1 llethlchcm Steel... a Juno 1IU.1 llrooklyn Hap Tr. . 1 July mis Can Pacini! II)-... 11 Mar. 1H2I C & O lty 1 Juno mm ChlcaKO Kiev liys. .1 July llild r;rio iianrnan n Kris Itallroud .1 llrio Itallroad .114 flea Molor i'n ... 11 Gov't Hwttterland.. 1 flov't Switzerland . .". Clov't Swltierland.. 5 Int Harvester Co.. .1 licku 8lf cl Co. ... .1 l.k Sh M Boll R. a Lk Bh M Ko It It. . ,1 Missouri Tac lty.. il N Y c & it niv... Pj N Y O II Itjv... .1 N V C & II lllv,., .1 New York City. . . tl Now York City.... 11 New York City 11 N Y N 11 Si II.... .1 Penna It 11 onv.. .1j Pub Per Corn N J. a Seaboard A l. lis. a Kouthern lty... .... .1 Southern lty S U H 8ni II & 31 Co fi Union Typewriter, a United Krult U United Fruit 5 Utah Co (i April 1017 W Pnn Traction.. U Mar latT Kid. Askpd. let. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mb. -Mar. Kept. lice. Juno May Sept. Oct. -pt. Kept. 8pt. May Oct. Mar. itar. Peb. May June Jan. Mas- May 11)1.1 linn tins 1020 HI 1.1 WIS 11)1.1 Una 1 1115 inn una una 101.1 1D1A 1 1117 11)1.1 111 1.1 1(11(1 mm ini 1017 mis mm inu HUH KIP, KHlS 100', KM, moil pull put.: IlHUi IIHIIJ llllTi llttll UK li.llJ im; psifc tist; 101'J U3H w, 07V, limy, poll niH loo USPS mt 102, &'. ii IIU) nnu, isiji (HIS pi (ni j oou 07I nn 00 m. IIU'b iun,4 in-i mnti mn'i ItO'J miit s n-ili lu.'1'.i P2 IHPt IOH Hit 101) U7-i 110 01)1, tut I""")! 101 U2'4 1001: IWI, 1WIA, inpj irtl mni" JOOli 100(1 jooiJ (111 l)7ti Oft Dili 1IM nsu B1 00 Steel Companies Increase Capital YOUaTOSTOWN, o., April 7.-Youngown Shtat and Tuba Company stockholder h4a approved a raaolutlon to Puma 15,000.000 In tfock to provide fur additions to the plant bra. A b-product coking plant will ta n stallad. Tha Itepubllc Iron and Stael Com pany baa annouacad the enpaodlture of nearly $3,14)0.0110 fur chancta and addlttoiut at Ha mill liare. and the Tounsstonu Iron ami Steal Cowpusy will spend nearly t2.C0u.ufO la addl thXM to Its opsu-harlli plant. Treasury Bills Oversubscribed LONDON'. April 7 An offer of 17.1 OOO.OOO, Traauurv htll has been avor'.uh. ... -- --1 -;i i . - . '7 " . w-iwma. int niiia repiaco Which is dua aoon. UK par ce--L Similar amount latarut la at the rata of WEARS & BROWN C1TX ANO Kill Pit HAN J1KAI. KSTATg I'ropcrlUa Mana-rad, Rant ColUcttd lu.araoc.i and Mtruusc. Placa4 JJlsts aa appllcatlaa 202 South ISth Street Jim Mutlrr MucNumaru Midway Mlzpah Mxtrn-iton .Montana North Star Tonopnh llelinnnt Tonnpah Pxtenalon Tonopnh Mcrner . Tonoimh Mlnlns . Hescue l.lila West End 15 :::::::::::;:: il T.Vn .131 Asked. M .01 .PI .88 ,m in H .10 S4 aol.DPlBLD STOCKS. AtlnnU SO lllue Hull 04 llonth 21 llulldni; Ill c O li ,, 0.1 Comb Fraction (ll tilamondlleid 11 11 Imliy ..1 , Plorcuro (loldfleld Consolidated ilnlilileld Mcrerr Jumbo lUii'liSton .... Kewanaa ,,., Orn Kami Ken Silver Pick MLSCELLANrOUS, .02 . .0-1 . .,1) ; in . .US .03 I "airy Aztec . . . . Klinberly Nevada Hill ... Nevada Wonder .. .( .. .OS .. .2:1 ..1.P2 $ .10 .Oil ..'10 .III .01) .III .UI .07 ,112 l-i. .21 1.05 .PI .12 .in .11 .in .in .2.1 2.0U Ask Receiver for Long Island It. It, NllW VUHK. April 7. Dick Ilros. & Co. In their suit against lh Pennsylvania It.iilnvid, the 1uiir Island Itnllroad and the Pennsyl vania Tunnel and Terminal company, papers In which nero tiled this mnrulns In thn Supremo Court of New York County, demand a retelver for tho I,ong Island and an ac-rountliK- of the management and aifalrs of thn Long Island Itallroad Company and of all moneys spent In alleged Improvements and bi'tlertucnis by tlio company slnco Hull. Postal Receipts Larger WASHINGTON. April 7. - PoBttnakter uen eral ilurloson today announced u stcudy In creaseexact figures vvero lacklnK In March postal receipts In on of the country's hlRitcst cltlei. The war cauia'd a alumii lawr Aupost. which continued until November. Slnco then there has been a stcudy Improvement, Inventories Inventories, when properly made, include actual value only. To be accurate, and foi a just basis for capitalization, inventories should exclude such questionable items as "good will," "franchise," "fu ture earnings" or "econo mies." A security that is based upon any of these items has at least one flaw in its founda tions, Our offerinRS are based upon inventories of actual, tangible assets only, in estab lished successes. If you have not yet received our booklet, write for it. The White Investing Co. Walter 1 betstour. Phlla. Msr. Morris Building dilutes Amliow Mncltle has hceomo as sociated -tvltli P'raalex & Co., In their hond department, John tlouldln una elected a ttltcetor of tho fox ('liasc bank, .Mnrelt bank clpnrltii's nmounlcd to J13, T.'iSini,ro3, a cleereneo of 29 tier cent,, com imietl with tlio CorrcspondlnK period Inst year. Tlio Heading Coal ntul trott Coinpnity's Mnrcli anthmcitf. production wns Ml.coi tons coinpaieti with 035,501 lotta tl year ago. The Western Now Vorlt ntul l'eimriyt. vniila nimunl report shows n. ilctlolt ot J2.B4o,dST, compnicil with n ilollrlt of W,28I,TI8 In 1513. Hatilm in n'ow York ftnlnotl J3o,(Mt frtiin the Siihtrcnsiiry j'esterdny, nntl 6lneo Fri day Imvo pnlnod a',w. Tmtimictlons In Phtlndelpliln under the rule were mtiilo by Kulllvnii Ill-others . Co. for the account of Woolppor & Co. Tho Chlenco Junction ntul t'nlon Stock Ynrds Compnny haa sold lO.fMO.OOO G per cent, inortuiif-i- and rollnternl trttat IioiuIk, tho tirorceda to he used In tinvlite a similar nttiotiiti of mnttitln-- fis on July 1. Samuel Tnliian Wasnor wns nppoluted rhlef ctiBlncer or the Hcndlnu; Itallwny, to succeed the Into Wllllnm Hunter. Kxi-opt for a 2U point rice In Hank of North A merlon und n doollno of a point in American Hnnk Shnres, today's locnl miction snlos of scritritlcn wero tttiprollflc if any notable cliangcs In tjiiotntlotis. At tho nimunl meetlriff of tho Kotttherti I'neirlc Itnllwny In Louisville, Ky., lluith .Veil, of New York, wns elected n director to snowed James N. Wnllnee. Other ill rectors were re-elected. Tlio Southern Itnllwny has ordered !!"(W tons ot rails from the Tciuiesiico Coal and Iron Company. ItollrlnR directors of tho Wcstinorelnnd Coal Company were re-elected at the nn nuiil tiicetlng today. Tho 3T,S$2 Buffalo ulty lis per cent, bond Issue was awarded at 10J.C1. I CROP CONDITIONS ABOVE THE AVERAGE Government Estimates Winter Wheat nt 88.88 Per Cent.; Acreage 11.1 Per Ccrit.Larger WASHINGTON. Apr 1 7,-The Crop n portlni? Bonrd, Department of Ar-rlculUrre, todny ctlmnted tliat tho nvcrnilo condl" tlon of winter wheat on April 1 wns S8.8S por cent., nBalnsf8S,6 on April 1, l&tt, nntl ST.ffj, the average for 10 years on April 1. There was a decline In condition from December 1, 1DU. to April 1, 1315, of 0.S points, its cornpnrcd wltn ntt uvcrnso do ellno In the Inst len yenrn of 2.0? points between these dates. The ncrcaRfi plnnled, as estimated Inst December, was 11.1 per cent, larncr t linn tho acreage planted In the preceding year. Tlio average condition of rye on April 1 was per rent of normnt, npaldat Dl.3 un April 1. ion, nnd 90.1, tho 10year nvcrnpe. The rondltloli of the vv Inter wheal crbp In thu leading .Slates on April 1 follows. nil, nee. i, April j, lu-yeir New York . . . Pennsylvania Ohio tmllana tllinnls Mlchl-nn .... Mt-intirl Ncbriiflka ,.. Katt-.-n Texas riklahnma ... Wa-hinaioii . nrrRiiti united Mimes Mir loin. .. so .. ;s .. 7 . . P0 .. I") I'll I. llll s. 1)1 R!) 112 !.1 Ml ST Pll III) Ml Ml 8(1 Rll till K 0.1 KM) 111 111 ss k si. a The Inillcalul winter crnp of wheat nn April 1. uunnielnl. vvnc iisu iiiMi.iimi liuhel; ft oko It was illli.MioiiOil lut-hcls. end final tor lllil VVUS tjM.ll'.U.OIIO. lllll. lift tvi nn PT ns ni PS in on te 1)7 in to-i P...0 aviracre. 11 on Kl s'n 85 T 00 ST S4 8.1 l OI 87 0. NEW YORK CURB ltriiilrii llrltlnh-Altierlcnn Tohnrio old. do hew rtnlillleld i-nnenllilnteil lrceno t'onntie.i Ln Ho-e l.cliloh Valley Coal Salcn N'lple-lns Jilt Illevnlor ito-pfff .- Itllicr-lleBCinnn Sterllns Hum Tolhieto Products On pref Pulled clKHr !-tnres iln pref fnlicil I'rnllt new M'ntM 11 1 n i Ytlknll (li)lil Hid. Atktt. IV i li 18 :: :: Slj .. 4"n l?S so 'l IBS Vi 71 01 8i .11? iSI US M PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND KI-OUIl MIIIIAT. Ilecclpt.", Wl.Or.ll hUMl. There wns n fair expurt Inquiry, hut Willi Inwcc outeldc ndvlich prlcc declned l-ic. ijunta tmnii: far lnt. In export elevator No. 1! reii, spot. fl..'VPS1I..C)1-i; Nn. i red Western, Sl.WJ'ti Tll.lKI'j, Itounil Inta, In export elevator .No. '. red, i-mt ami 'April, KlMTiUVi: No. -, led Wexlcrn. 51.0031.115: No. 1 Northern Ihiluth. jt.niiyi.iin. t'OKN. Receipts, liai Imsh. Trnile wan Mulct, but nrrciiiiK vvcio miiili'into unil prleei tittiil stcudy. Quniatlnnn: Par lots, In oxpnit elevator, No 11, srot und April, .r.tyfl i iliac. : stenmcr. "ISiTric: No. .'I, Car lots for h'nl tnule. at. In louitlnn. No. 2 yellow. Miff Wc. : sleatncr yollnvv, TSfiTtie. ; No. :i yellow, 7iUi77e.; Nn. I yellow, TI1i7."c; Fnmplo scllow, tamTllc. ; new cob, pr 70 lbs., "7c. DATS TlfteeintM. nO.tllO lillfill. OfferlmrM Mere uiudi'inte uiul prices vvete well mainiuln el, hut trade wits quiet. Quotations: No. -' while. itPijlc. : ptamlanl -while, irjir.-(U:lc. ; No. a white, OlV-diO-'c. ItVK dull. Wo quote nt $1.H1SI1. IS tier bund., as to (iitnllt.v. In export elevator, ami lit for rmall lots ot nenrtiy Krnln In bnitB. Pl.OPi: IlccclptK. 000 bblp. anil 1.2M.S80 lb. In f,nckn. Trudo quiet, bul mill lltnttH well nuiliitalucil. Inn.i. per IIKI lbs. In WfKid: Winter, clcnr, Jll.:l.VjU.Il; do., ttiulKht,,; dn., patent. S-iLtiiifiT. Ill; Kiiiis.ib. strnlitlit. Julc hacks, il.7.1fi ., do., patent, Jute suihti, ( fi7.L',"i-. prlnB, llrst clcnr, il.7r,Ji7; do,, ncilKlit. i7.i1: do., patent, .7.-'."ip7.t:0: do., fnvorlto tiraodN. S7.7.,f.S: citv nilllii. clinic nnd fancv mtcnt, eT.iutiS; io., rcKiilar Krudcs, winter, clear. Jit.:i.",ffil.i:o: itu., straight, jo.ijon .1; lo.. patent. fo.UO87.10. ItVi: ll. (11 It. The market llrm under mnnll tutppilea, t,ut trade quiet. Wo quote nearby and Western, la wood, at $li.rp0S"i0.7o, as In quality. PROVISIONS Tho matket ruled atcady. hut ihcro was llttlo trndlne. iiitotntlona: iMIy beef. In tits, smoked and ulr-diiod, 2.a2iic. ; cbtcm licet, In seta. Htuoked, I'.'-ii'Jiic, ; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smnkril anil alr-drlcd, I'lOSSc. ; vleslcrn beef, knuckles and tendcts. smoked, STffSSc.i beef hains. :il.IL'. pork, family. fJ'.M.TiIill'j.TS, hams, 8. p. euied. loose. I.'l';t l.ltie, ; do., skinned, loose. lS'6i ISTJ... ; do., do., tuinked. 1il1,tlL'l?,f,: other ltntns. sninkcd, city cured, us lo brnnn nod aveiauc.' l:i..iirt lc; hams, smoked. Western cured, LPiffHc.: do., boiled, boneless. L':i2lc. : picnic shoulders, a. P. cured, looc. 101,5111c.: dn mnoked. UHiW Ui'i.c.; ticlllcs. hi pickle, according to average, looro, U'.tfli;-,!- : breakfast bncon, as to brum! nod uvcrnso. citv cured. 17tplSc. : tireahfnit baron. Western cured, 17'iIISc.-, lard. W'cstern refined, tierces. lKTll'ic: do., do., tubs. US? IPc.: lard, pure citv, kettlo rendered, In llerces 1K,lti,c: lord, puro city, kettle ren dered. In tuns. HSrtlMc. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet hut firm. Wo quote: standard Krnniilnled, A 03c,; line cran. liluled. fi.Kic. ; rowdereil (lc. : conrcctlunera' A, a.f,0c. j poft Kimles, R.03473.f.'ie. DAIRY IRODUCTS IIPTri'Ill. .Otferlnirs were Unlit und tbe market ruled llrm with n fair ilrninu'l: Quo Western, irrsh, solld-pncked cream ery, fancy siwchils iilc : cxirn, :i2e.r extra tlrstk, (lie : ilrsts, i-nffllllc. ; seconds. saHSTc: ladle-packed. HKCJlc, as to quullty: nearby l.rlnta. fancy, ::r,c. : averiiRe extra, lllc. ; Hrsts. .ii:i2c. ; seconds. -JTfiKic . special fancy brands of prlntM Johblns: ill .TJfi 12c PCliS were In Bond request nnd IBc, ior case hlrrher. Quotations: In fr.n cases, nearby extras, 22c. per doi.: nearhy Ilrsts. JH.1,0 per standard case: penrtiy current re .'!li',.,' "" I"T '.'',,lo; IVeatcrn. oxtni Ilrsts, il..u per case- do., Ilrsts, per cuse: t-outhern, f.l.S.'ifiil per case-, fancy selected canlled Iresh eggs vvero Jobbed nut at ''llf'ttc. per do. PIlIIKSi; -Supplies vvero moderate nnd the mailici ruled llrm with deniana fair. Quo tatlunsi Ntw York full cream, fall make, fancy. 10pil7e.: do., do. fair to good, lll Ui'-ie,; do., do., current nuke, JSUiJjllic.; do., do., pait skims. s!Plc, i.ivi:, POULTRY -The market quiet with fairly lib-- eral olterliigs at reeentlv reved llmireB. Quo tntlons: Powis, lilViifjlTi-c: n, rooattrs. l'.'ft' U'ac. , young chickens, sort-menteit, tTilc.; Jo. do., stairay. 1IWI.V.: t.nkejs, iBKITc: duclji, lUUlic.; geese, 1 Millie , guineas, aa to quality, pir pair, MITiTOc.: plgrons, old, per pair, .Viiacc. ; do., .voung. per pair, 22f2.-c. IIKKSSKII, -Supplies of desirable stbek email und the matket genetaity steady, out trndc quiet. Utintiitliitis. KrcHh-kllled fow,, 13 to box, dry-picked nnd diy-packcd, fancy. S leeied, IiHh.c. : weighing PjC" ft lbs. apiece, lMic: do.. .-Pi'dl lbs. uplcce, 1V4e.; Uo., :i lbs. niilcce. Hini8c: do,, under n lbs, apiece, lit Ific. Kovvli, bbls.. ilry.plckcd and ury-packed, WcHteru, tt-fi lbs. apiece, ISc, i do., oo.i ll'tt lbs., t(D 17'ic. : do., do.. :t lbs. and under, HWliic. Did roosters. dry-plLkeil, He, Squabs, per dor.., white, weighing 11 In 12 lbs., per do , f4.2Mil.Mi: white weighing I) to 10 IbH. pci do., f.t.O.ViM.1.-, do., do.. 8 lbs. per doz.. f:lf.l.2.-,, do., do.. 7 lbs. per do., .2si2.i.i: do., do., ntiiP, lbs. per ilox., fl."0W !.-.:(Iurk ami No. 2. Mic.frtM. Frozen iHiultry I'owls ns to iiuallty, IIVUISo. ; chickens Jry- plcked nnd dry-pucked. In boxes, milk-fed, Ul Cf.'lll Ibl. to doz., l.Sc. ; do., .-17BI2 lbs. to t!OZ., Pic: do., ItfilT Urn. to doz.. iSe.j do., 48 lbs, lo doz.. 20c: do., no lbs. and over. 21".; corn fed, OK42 lbs. lo doz. lllc.; do., 4.-IHT47 lbs, to Cot.. 17c.: do., is ii. to doz., IBc.i do., 110 lbs. nnd over. 20c. I'lilckciis, dry-picked and dry-pucked. In bbls. Western, corn-fed, 3 lbs. nnd over. ISc: do., do., I lbs., 17M17V4C; do., do. nib lbs.. !-(. ; ilo.. do. 2ii-l lbs,, 14W Lie.; broilers, milk-fed, fancy, 18jf2t lbs, to box, 27c: do, fancj. 2.V!i20 lbs. to doz., 24c.; corn-red. fancy. lSiy2l lbs to doz., 2."c. ; do., prime, 2"-M::n Iln to uoz., l-2c. 'lur keys, dry-picked mid di-y-i neked Kancy 2i 22c; ralr tn good, lsiT20c. : old toms, lMi2t)e.; ducks, fiiiny. In boxen. 17411SC; do., ordinary to good. 12fil(Jc. ; gectc. i liolce and Inncy. If.y llle.: do., No. 2. 12014c. - I.IVM. Ocniaiid wns Itnprovlng and ths market dovclnpcd n miner tone, with supplies well under control. Quotations: Fowls, llt Mac.; nl.l roosters. 1241121-c. . young chlCK ons 'oft-mrated, lTftlv. : dn., Co., staggy, 14fl.V.; turkeys. Hi'ilTc: ducks. lilttUo.; geese, liMfliic ; gulnra.i, ns to quality, n, pair, fimifTOc. : pigeons, old. per pair, 25&I10O.; do., young, per pair. 22K2.V. FRESH FRUITS. Choice stock In fulr request and generally fundi-. Cjuotntlons; Apples, New York, per bid. Ymk Imperial. S5i:l. (Ireenlng, S5fla, King. 2.7.,1i:i.r.o. Srv, j'.'Ji.t; I'alilvvln. fSfl.t Ken Davis, fl 7.', 2. -.'ft. other pood entlng n il'tlcs. fl..,iifi2.ftO; meiilum. fill I. .",(); npplesv ucktcro. per box, $l.2.-i172, apples, Pehiwurs ami Pcntisjlvnnlii, per hamper, ,"(lil(l0c. lemons pnr box, f2fi2 ,.1. nrnnges, Florida, per bo. f 1 . .vii 2. r.0 : tuiigeilnes, Florida, per strati, fl .iui2.."0: grain rult. ! lorldn. per tmit, XI 30 H72.S.1:: pineapples, per crate Porto Illcu, XI ifi.l.7.l: Florida. f2.1- cranberries, rancy line varieties, per Mil., fu't.rjiij 1..TII- cranber ries Jersey, per cr.i(e. 25fj75c : strawberries, Fiorina, per qt., t.-,-Ti2.,c. VEGETABLES Trade fair and values well maintained. Quo tations: Willte I'Otnloes. ner hUsli.-PenngvL vnnln, .Vi4r"Mc.: Maine, .VW."lc. : New York, as to quaUt, l-s'ifftitc. ; sweet potatceSj tieluvvare. per hamper, large. fl.2Vitl.7.1; medium, r,0c,j f(; sweet iiotatnes, Pastern Hliore, per Mil., No. I. f2.2.Vii:i.2ft: No. 2. l.fto1.7.1i sweets, Jersey, tier bnl , No. I, f.l.7.".frl.7.1; No. 2. 2i 2..V1: hvvcets, .Icraoj, tier basket, 71o f)i,5, unions, rcr bush., f 1A 1.10: do., choice, per liKi-lb. bag. fwi2..Vi. do., medium, per 100-lb. bag. f 1. 2.i9i I. .VI: do., seconds, per loO-lb. bag, 7,V.ft; ii(bbngc, Danish .twr ton, f :!.',, :is; do.. Floilda, per basket. $I..VWI.7S, caullttwer. New York, per crate, fl 7fl!!,!KS; tplnach. Nor folk, per bbl f2:i..M). knle. Norfolk, per bill.. f 1.2,.1fl..Vl; lettuce. Texas, per bush-basket, 7.V.fffI..,0; do., Florida, per Imsket. fl.aojfS: beans, Florida, wax. por basket. f'I1f4.30l do,, Florida,, giccti. per basket. f.:ei.V): peas, Flor ida, tier basket, fasct. eggplant. Florida, per box, f2fi:i.."iO: cucumbers, Florida, tier Imskel, t.f,0n ft: squash, Florida, per basket. f'.'.'WI, peppers, Fl, rlda, per cairier, 2fl: beera, Florida, per loo bunches, f-'UTiftr tomatoes, Klor lila. per cairier, fancy, f2,ftQre:i,.'jO; -holte, f l.fJiiiS 2ft: celery, Florida, per crate., fl 2M2; ilo.. New York, per bunch, II.MiftOc. , mush rooms, per tlb. olisket, t!oc,fifl.20. t 1)1 VIDIMUS MAUlvPT SrlUIP.T TITI.R AND TKPSTCtii ,s. W. Cor, ft'.'il and .Murkft.ifta. Philuilelphla, March 81. 1013. The lloaril of Directors have this day de clared iv semi-annual dividend of Three Per Pent, on the paid-in capital, payable May J, 111 15. to stockholders of record ut the close of business Apfll 1ft, 1013. Checks will be mailed. 1U.OINAI.D 11. CUASB. Treasurer. SOUND INVESTMENTS To meet the special demand that exists nt this time of year for bonds free of Penna. nntl Federal Income Tax, wo have prepared an unusually stronp; list of offerings. A I.ip'it and Power Company's 1st and Ref, .!(ge, Ilond Net earnings amount lo twice tolol flxnl etwrsw. Yield 5.259V Yield 5.50 Yield 5.52 A Sir-t Itnthvny Comnanv's 1st Mtrre. Ilnnil ilarnlrga for last 3 year over double Interest iharges. A Lip"iintr Company's 1st Mti. Bond Franchises of this company are perpetual. A Lip-'t & Power Company's 1st Consolidated Mtge. Bond Yield 0,03 For year ending; Dec, 31 earnings tH tiroes teed charges. eS'.c ",'" "'erlnu cvcriil sccurltlcM Tux I'ree lu Pcnun., which net from -1.0.,'A lo .-., mid nhort lime uoten. netting; from -US.-.', to fi04. These ecurltlei. Iiiix, met nil our reyiilrciaruts lis to "i-ouud Invest niclils" und wtr ivlll hnud you tuirllciilurs ou uppllcutluu. FRAZIERcvGi m BANKERS 132 South ISth Street ii'tWlJ I1 I ill n ,iui 'tap Brown Brothers & Go Fouutii ash Cmstsvr Strebt PIULuVDULPlll.V MEMBERS OF STOCK EXCHANGISS OP PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK anrt BOSTON Ordu S3jjUy esecuttfi. .! ! 1 l fl si- . ' i