EVEnsra rEyDairiiEiU!A:BETjpHra, Ttnerspftr, &pbti. g, yoTg 12 r IB 1 m h 11. lU'S 78,093 IDLti CAltS MEAN LOSS IN EAHNINtiS New York Central Also Shows Freight Movements' Decrease. Tho announcement Of the t'ennsjhnnla fifcHionil Jhnt there nrn 78,033 Idle enrs In the entire system. Indicate losses In frelRlil mm aments ovci the linen nntl n further. lecrene In the rfom earnlims of tint rond During the deprtMlon, of last June the number of Itlle tnrs was '0.OW. On the 1 1 net triast, the Idle equipment Include 16,191 shop and 19,128 Rood order can, while on the linen Weal there arc J4IK tohop and 21,303 Rood order cms Hint nre liUe. f.stltnntlnc the cost of Idle freight cars at $1000 ench the value of the Idle equipment In J7,09,1,000. A M. Smith, president of the New York Central, nnlil that his njstem had about w.ooo idle cars, worth about iio,wo,ow, unit $10,000,000 worth of Idle locomotives. 'IliU the two great Rnstem sterna hne n total of about tU8.000.000 tied up In Idle corn alone, figured on a 6 per cent, basis thin monev should bo earning MC0, COO n jeitr, t'ndcr present conditions this eculpmelit )n bringing In no return or revenue, to the carriers, but the roads nre carrylnir the Interest chnrKen Jlr Smith said that this 'ns n condition common to all xoads In this section. Local Half-hourly Sales KAILKOAD EARNINGS ciniUT .soivritBfiX. ini'i February cross .1liM,7l7 Net . . I.ioon.il Klelil months' gross . I7.IM0 SZ2 Net , .. , .0,871,00) WAHASII. February aross J2.IM.Ttl Net ... . .r7,.K."i Decrease .-.-.,1170 711,4m illfU.lin S.17.M4 tlin Ml II nu.rc 10 lo 10 Elcr Storage mm nan t U a steel.... 4O0 Warwick . . . too Uike Sup Cor SI do. ,,, loo V s steel .vi do. ii fhlla Wee so l.eh No, HOI' H Steel 10ii Krli . . Inn I H steel . 71 Phils tlTle 2.1 U S Steel 10i Phlla n T t li Pennn . 70 do. 10O O S Steel V riilla rt T t o in cum Rteel lno 1J S Steel 7.1 Phils II T t e .17 Alliance Ins 10 Penna ... SO Gen Asphslt 10:30 A. M. 4V, M l? 8 Steel, .. Hi .vi Phils It T t c .11 lno it n steel.. , liti 70 Phils rt T t o ' lno f s Steel m com steel , li 11 renna loci It fi Steel 71 I eh Snr BO IT S steel IS Phlla Tra III I'enna . M .VI If H Steel 111 t'len Hlnm.e .-.nil Km tr s steel in lno Mo Pacific. MJ, inn Keystone Tel M 1 Penna . ,M .VJ 100 flee Storage 10 2 Alllante Ins 4114 oi W S Steel ni(J m Col 1'uel 10 .TO Union Trae. Itli, inn IJ H steel M(4 IIUUI. Wll S7H win in; 10:30 to 11 A.M. in 2 VJI 100 10 ro 2D lno II 000 w XI SIX) sn .10 i t' S Steel Penna .. Lake Sup Cor do V S Steel do Penna .M I" S Sleel Dlee Htotngc. U S Steel do Reading ljtko Sup for do niee Storage do. n loci M? 20 II 1KI 0 40 M Ml SO 4 11.10 12 411', .11 HH 1011 .VI 1110 .V) 100 71'! 10 .M, to .Vi loo 4H-V, 201 4S1. Cain Steel Ke) alone Tel II S Steel I'enna . Cam Steel do. U U I Cant Steel Phlla Wee U S Steel Am Ittvy l.eh Vnlle Am Milling V 8 steel Nei. Copper,. 1 k. ws ! Silk. .dfNpJI wlJlanUlcqawiSxSchW8S hmJS5i1w 411' ".III, tis't 411', us DBNVKIl AND ItlO OIIANDK $1,140(121 211 sns 201 IIS I ivn.'n.r.si 4,oJ.mi .iii.Ptn I 01 120 i.isi.t 11 HI". I .1R1 K4 SIIRI1 a.'s vjii XII 7J7 inn in; .1 sss oil J-'ebrUary Krosa .TCI . Del after charges etc KlKtit ninnthv RToiis. . . , Sun lus . . OftANri TlUlNK HTSTKM Tourli neek March . 11,140 nei Month 4 01 l,2ill Front Jul 1 i7.2ni,lill CHHSAPEAKK AND OHIO, rourth week March 11,111210 117 HI Month ... . .1.1 in 007 (V,4I!1 Front July 1 ss.nci.vn 6'i7.021 TiUfF.VLO, nOCHESTCn A PITTSDl'IlOir. Fourth week March 2K.M 141..170 Month 770.012 104 04') Trcm July 1 . . 7.048,160 1, 800,3.14 AVABASii-riTTsnunoit tbiiminau February cross ... 141.720 12,0:17 Deflilt arter taxes . . II..MH )! 121 Klsht months" gross . ,117,0'rt ifl.nno Net atler tax tn,li2l 1S.1S1 TDLnno, h-r. ix)Uis and western February cross . . SUVMM "ITi.St I Afet ., 111.741 i Flsht 'months' Kross. . .1,071,7117 Net . . nn.iio ATLANTIC CO8T LINC Fubrusr gross . SS.oAt.tllt Net .i .... . 7R2.7IB Klsht months' gross . . ;nT1J,410 Net ...... . .1,SOO,077 MISSOURI, KANSAS AND TEXAS, l!,ts Fourth week March .. 1H77.70S Wonth ... . 3,nni,TKn From July 1 25 .M0.4R1 TEXAS AND PACiriC Fourth week March Sirnoo7 Month .. . ... t.inotltt From July 1 11 (KVI.SIS an BAT NOrtTHKRN. Much Brots ll.ntsivi Nine month' srou rp.'.rtS 1.112 VIRGINIAN RMI.MAV. tot.. Fe!iruar Kross $421,:i(1i Net alter taxes M I (KM Hltthi months' gross . 1 A.in.001 Net after tsxes . . 1,121,0.10 ciuj.voo and ESTr:nN Illinois February gross . ll,0,ij.4ll $142,770 Net ., . 141.112 '40R72 F,lght months' gross . n KM 101 1,140 8711 Net . ... 1.S10.1SS 307,.Vi! Increase HON 1)3 tooo llills Co ll la 10fn) tin Ilw I i. 4s 2on Plilla Klec V . . tl Cam Steel scrip MM, 14 Cam steel scrip 1017. Von 1 enna cons Is IIMS . Ilnon stand (las tt Iikki Am llnv "s 1017 . (mui stand ns lis loi Itendlnr Ren I' . 100 Phlla Eleo .Is . Ixi in (ins h Elec f. t'lji 71', 02 . 07'a . tKl', Ii7 11 to 11:30 A. ,M. (!2,1SI -.1,4(11 211,1111 $v.i urn 187,420 1.1II2.1RI 2 01II.2J7 DecreaM $211 077 281.71"! 442,fir 7.ru 112 111!! MCI 4 1) $772, ViJ 0 60.1,140 $40 071 M.tMl .111.7111 .102,118 inn 100 Wl 21 1 2O0 200 .-no 2.VI .".1 3D too n 3 1 steel Tonnrsli Pel I S Sleel Frle . Tonopah Bel do do Phlla Co do Cam Steel Tonopah Hel Phlla Co. . do do n't "ft A1 4(1 -,l"' 'u a.1 2ih) 10 VI .10 201 r.i li 10 .V .VI 100 ,1 ll'l Pennn I li I I'll I It Co u (i I r S Sleel Cam Steel Penna . Col Fuel Phlla Elec . Ill Hj .1 l. ! .Ill, 84 .. .VI 41.1. M I I '10 .10 231, it a 6pi.. .vii, Lake Sup Cor .1, Am Gas. 10I LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE Fair Accumulation of Orders Over the Holidnys. LONDON. Aorll Firmness chsracterlxed the stock msrket today. There was a fair accumulation of orders oer the hojtdai The steady progress of the Russians In ths campaign for tho Carpathian parses had u stimulating effect. The gllt-edgcd section was hard tone, notwithstanding a fresh advance In .JUcojnt. Americans were lower. Argentina rails TWre Orm on faorahle crnn ne Foreigners were stcadv Mines rubber anl oils were strong In spots A heay tono nre villeri In Hudson nays, because the couiDSn's Isnd sales In the last nuarter were small I ondon. N. V close. equU Amal Copper ... . H BIS. Atchison . mi"., nny, . Baltlmoro & Ohio 71. 11 I Caradlan l'aclflc 17ot), pa1, ., dies lc Ohto 47 4V 14 Chicago Qreat IV est 121; utt 4 Chi 11 i Bi P !ni,i SV, W nener It G IV, 7, . .. Kris .., 20 27' do 1st pref 4.H4 4IW - , III Cent 117. initi 1 Utl & Nlih li-M J17 C Mo. Kan & Tox 14 111 J New York Central Ml 8.1U i. New York-Ont & West . .. SiH 2S, I? r-nnayanla . . . "aw WW, t neadtng ... .... 7hVi 141114 'i South Rwy 1RU 1714 1: 8outh Pc Iitli 87, it Inlon rac . . .. 11214 127 ? United States Steel .12K M V. Increaae Decrease BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compare with corre sponding day last tno years: ioib. ini4. ion. Phjla $J8.2fiS.10l $20 012,810 $2t42,KH Bolton ...,. 20.478.1H1 n.l,1W,021 SO,U74.00.1 RATES FOR MONEY . Call Time. Philadelphia . .H,fi4 :i',,fl4 New York 154621, 2i!fMij Boston . . .1 3'4 Chicago .1K1 4 tVt Commercial paper. 3 to 0 months, rhlladel. phla, 3KS4 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YORK. April 0, Iack of buying power, due in a measure to absence of ade quote steamer facilities until the end of the week, was gten as the cause of the decline In demand sterling to 4.7ft 3-111. Some dealers who purchased goodlv amounts of commercial bills Monday had postponed offsetting a lira of sight drafts until now, onlng to the Easter Monday holiday In London. Sterling. Franca, Marks. Guilders. Cables ..4.71111.10 HW4 82 5-16 1014 Demand . , 4.70 B-1B fl 1J1 8214 30 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, April ft HOGS. Receipts. IS.. 000 market steady: mixed and butchers, J8.IXWJ.1: good heavy, $h.B34tuO!; rough heavy, Jf.10a53: light, O.R.lflB (io: pigs, WaOSO-PO: bulk. $a.SOflfl.0O CATTLE -lie. cetpts, S300; market steady: beeves, ftlGOif .80: cows and heifers, S SO; atockers and feeders I1W Texans, $5.Mf?i!.5; calves. lMrS.5a bHEEP. Receipts. 8000: market strong. 10 to 23a higher: native and Western, $7,4CtlS,45. lambs. $7.83810 33 SHIPPING NEWS PORT OF PHILADLPlirA Yesseb Arriving Today Mr- Dominion (Br.), liuelva, ore, L. Wtstsr caard ft Co. ' Btr Tordenskjold (Nor ). Nlma, Nlma, ore, Tsrn Lint Mr. Kentucklan (Amr.), llilo. sugar, W, F. Isgar ft Co Btr. Cslorta ( Arosr ). Tuxpam, crude oil, Jos ph C tlabrltl. Ull. .HIHW.H w-wfcw.wM, uv., yy., ..w.w, than May ft Co. 3tr. 14' csrtBy itr. liadon (Nor), Copenhagen, J. A. Mc titr Eakasonl (Br.), Clenfuegos, sugar, Mun- Str. Joseph dl Giorgio (Nor.), Port Antonio, fruit, Atlantic Fruit Company. Steamships to Arrive FREIGHT. From, Sailed Alglsrs Jan. 23 . Itottsrdam ....Feb. It ...Rotterdam Feb. 18 Calcutta . . . Feb. SS ...Algiers Mar, S . Huelra . ...Mar. S .Lisbon ........Vlar. 8 llllo Mar. 10 . Rotterdam . ..Mar. 11 . Band fjord . ..Mar. 13 Methtl . ...Mar. 11 ...HtKlva ... .Mar. 11 .Shield . . Mar. 13 .Valparaiso .. Mar. 10 .. Shields .. Mar, 22 .Manchester ...Mar. 23 .Copenhagen .Mar 23 . . Hartlepool . Mar. 23 -. London Mar. 21 .. J .end on. .. Mar. 2s ..tiUc.Ua . .. Mar SO .Port. An too 10 utr. zi Jisms. Ekjolbor CAaUcBWOr Laws. ... Cwtury IveSufklaa. Pbialos irtiilalund Tatud. . . . . fe,r4 ... lljWHk Ibna Uverpool , Haucbultr Miller AlviiB V4KO de Gimo SI M Slweste--- o'i,-0-,m' Mr,31 Cardiff ... . Mar. 31 ..LoKdaa ., . r.ottefdam StMfMMp tn Lwiye sr HKioHt. 4-w- pr. HON DS Hum rtradlng gen 4s , SOTO Market St III 4s . . inn Mn Ga . J.lec .s . ImiOil Phlla Co tnlis Is. soul rhoc S. Okla Kin V iofl Phlla Co tnn ."a 100 m tins e: Ulc is Itrno t'enni cons 4ijs tOM). iflisi Philn Co cons .! .. . IdOn I'n RujB Im Is 0 I'n ItWIB Im fs. 1(00 I'n lts ln fs. . srm Un ltws tnv 1000 Horuood nice 6.. 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. HI WUS Steel -17, -ii no. 2i0 Cam btcel 100 nrle . VI Phlla Co .IP. VI do lno Trie 27i, :i do . .1 Ins Co Vm 211, 11 I'enna .1 do 2i, 200 1'rlc inn l-nke Sup Cor 1', HI Phlla Co ion dn i, 111 i a 1 . BONDS. 1000 Spanith Am Iron (s U l.eh al Ir 1st .".s J(KM Interstato ltw)s 4s 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 21 Phlla Co .... MW .1 Penna . 100 do. ... Kiumnrrie . 33 Ins Co N Am 2l! 47 I'enna , rtONDS. irxvi I eh Nnv cons 4i3s .... SI Phlla Ci scrip l'lls , m 1 am Steel scrip 1017 '.00 Phlla Elec .la 21100 nice i 1'cop Tr 4s 01 OJ . 811. SO 1)71, Wl v, im hi .18 M r.s ns . 115 in'. Iljs in. 4'i'4 1 S7J, Ml, 101 1021, 5J 1 2711 M ll-ll) . -n's no Oi.i i 7I.S elealef No. 2, spot hnd April, t8Ha70!4o.t steamer. 747Sc . Nd. ,3, 71874c Car lots for local trsde, ns to locstlon No 8 jellow, 80381c.! steamer yellow, 7870c : No. ,1 Ion. 70877c.! No. 4 jellow, 7lfr7!c 1 sample el!ow, H0871C.; new cob, per 70 lbs, 77c. OATRv ttecelpts. 10l,8l bushels Trsile was nulel, hut prices ruled stesdv, Quotation No. 2 white, OI'iBOIc,: standard white, B2H8 Clc , No. .1 Rhlle, ni"i80.'c RK. Dull We quote at l.infM.lS per bush, as lo iunlll, In export eleiator, anil at II.ovbI tl for small lots of nearby grain In hags HOtR. tlecelpls llll lhl, anil 1,010. .110 lbs In sjeks. Ths market firmly held bin trade nulfi Qiiolatlons, per inn lbs. In wood. Winter clear. $11 I.Tunnn. do. straight $nnon8.li do. patent, $nmi7.ini Ksnas. straight. Pile sacks. $11.7.107: do, pnl'nt. J"te sacl.8 $7ifJ7.2.1. spring, first clear. $0.!(l8n,,! do. slrnlght, $117,187! rlo patent $77'.li do , fsiorlte brands $7 ,ViRi ilty m'lls, choice ami fsniy patent, $7 MV38, do., regulsr grds, winter, clear, $11 1180 to- do, straight, $0.ooif 1181 do , pllent, $0 0087.10 KF. I I.OIin. In smsll supply and firm but quiet Me nuole nearbv nml Western, In wood at $0 0080 78, as to quality PROVISIONS The tnntket tuled steady, but there na little trading Quotations City beef, In sen, smoked and slr.drled, 2332HC , Western beef, In sets, smoked, 2.182nc.i city beef, knuckles snd tenders, smoked snd slr-drled, 27021c,; 11 estern beef, knuckles anu tenders, smoked, 27828,. , beef hams. $11012, pork, fsmll). (MvfllfMTK hams. fl. I". Mlfert. Innae. 1.1111 1 h'4c do . skinned loose, l218I2c, do , do , i smoked IIUS'IV . other hams, smoked, city cured, ss to nranri sno ncrsge, iiri4c,; hams, smoked. Mestern cured, 134C14c; do. boiled boneless, 21824c ! picnic shoulders, B. P cured, loore 107,(fllc. do, smoked, 10(1 lOUc i bellies. In pickle, according to aversrs. loose, I2H12)c , breakfMt bacon, as to brand and average, city cured. 1T0l8e,: breakfast bacon. Western cured,, 1718c,t Isrd. Western ruined, tierces. llCll'Ic.! do. do, tubs. I1S llUc.i Isrd. pure, city, kettle rendered, In tierces llwllllc : Isrd, pure city, ketlls ren dercd. In tubs, liglllic. REFINED SUGARS Trade slow, hul alues well maintained. We quote1 Standard granulated, "0.1c: fine grsn; Ulated. .IPOc! powdered Oc. confeilloners A, 30cj roft grades, r. 01 Idle. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTKIt. Demaml was fair and the uurket ruled firm under light offerings Quo tations Mestern, fresh, solld.pnckeil cream try, fancy specials, .lie ; extrs, .lie . "Jra flrsts, .Mr., firsts 20810c : seconds, 2R82iC.. lsdle.packed, llifiilc, ns to quality, nearby prints fanr, aic : average extra, lie. s firsts ftnfl'Ke r seconds. 27820c: special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at .Wft42c. r.fiOS, Were In good; demand and Orm Quotations In free cases, nesrby extras, J2c per dor nearby flrstB, $0 15 per stsndsrd case: nenrby current receipts, $1 per csssj Western extra firsts. $(UB Per esse! do , firsts, $n per cnnc: Southern, $1 4080 70 per cases fancy selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbed out at 2.1HIJ1C per do rHKKNK. Trade was qulel, but values were well rnalntalnctl under moderate offer ings quotations: New York full cream, fall make. fin"y. ltl'l717c , do , do , fair to good. ininl4e . do , do current make, ISiMMOc do , do . part skims, S3MC- POULTRY I.I" K. Fowls, lflji174c , old roosters, 12ttl2!c , oung chickens soft-meated 17r le? ilo, do, ataggy. 14fflBc.i TMrkeie, 16 & ducks. lBfflleigeesp 12018c! aiilneas, to quality, Pr l1,r f""700 l l,,'teo.'S 'o ( r pair, 2S8J0C , do , young, per pair, 2J 17c. an per pa! 07- .v. Dni;SSKD. The market quiet, but gen erally steady under, small supplies ijus- latlons rrcsh-kllled iowis. is m...ro,i drs .picked and dry-packed, fancy, selected, Id'Sc., weighing Wt 0 lbs apiece, 18VjP.i do? .!Vs84 Ibc" apiece. ISHp.! do i b snlcce. 111818c. do . under 3 lbs. apiece, 14W lAc Fowls, libls , dryplcked nnd dry-packed, IVeslern, 4B1 lbs. apiece. 18c 1 tip,, tlo t 11, lbs, 171 714c.! do., do. 3 lbs. and under. llfirlOo Old roosters dry-picked, 14c, Pqusbs, per dox , white, weighing. 11 to, 12 lbs per , do . $4 2384 80: wflte. , 'l'"Jn 1 to 10 lbs per dox. $3 OSOI.ln: do , do , 8 lb. per dox. $13125: do. do., 7 lbs. per dpi., $282 03! do. do, 8'4 lbs. per dox. Il.lufl t.8l! dark and No 2, o0c,8$l. Froien pnullry Fonls. as to quality, 10fll8c: ehltkens. dry. picked srd dry-parked, In boxes, milk-fed, 31 (R18 lbs. lo dox; ISCI do, 37812 lbs. tn dot,, 18c ! do.. 43847 lbs to dor.. 18c.) do , 48 lbs. (o dox , 20c.( do., 60 lbs nrd over 21c.! corn. fed, 31WI2 lbs. lo dor , lOc.l do , 41847 lbs. to dot., 17c, do, 48 lbs to dox., 19c. I do., 60 lbs and oer, 20c chickens, dryplcked and dry-packed, In bbls Western, corn-fed, 6 lbs. and over. ffic. do, do. 4 lbs , 17fitl7MC! dO;. do. .114 lbs, inlici do., do.. 21483 lbs , 14f He: broilers. 12 to box, mllk-fed, fancy, 18a 24 lbs. to box. 27c s do, fancy, 21820 lbs to dot., 24c. corn-red. fancy, 18824 lbs to dox., 2Sc i do., prime, 21810 lbs. to dot. 22c. Tur. l-)s, dryplcked and dry-packed-Faney, 21 22c: fair to good, 18820c : old toms, 10820c: ducks fancy, In boxes, 17fl!8c: do. ordinary to good, 12410c; geese, choice and fancy, 139 16c , do. No. 2. 13014c. FRESH FRUITS There wss a fair Inquiry for choice stock and values generally ruled steady. Quotations' Apples, New York, per bbl,- Vork Imperial, 1.7.1. apples. Delaware and Pennii.f' W hamper-SOflOoc t lemons?0 pe? b?x f i"'4 f" oranges, Florida, ,r box. $1 sn, AVW gerineR Florida, per strap, $1 So ,'"' ''J fruit, Florida, per box, $1 W82 50' r,u,-',l,,'i per rrate-Porti. nico. S.TUJif viJ!UmM :'."'.' ' '"v...,?., . jt-refi., per crsl n-X?l siranoerries, Florida, rer qi SOjjii' B,t VE(,ETAULES ...V.c."JrN!' lok .met. with fair ..1. 3 l.iicro were wen ntilnta ned iln.""l SLWl "ff",,11"' '""t'ons! wime L,?Mi Per bush -Pcnns)lianla, 48053c. : VaR?i-,J!,' ii'v .iiiw inrg. n si wr niiaui. ....--"t. ajea potatoes. Delaware. A.e r.V- yiic , ,," tl A. per basket, Joe flt.l.j',. onions, per bu,herJai Oc,! do , choice, per loo-ih, bar tiAiSH do, niedium, per, loo-lb. bg, no'l?15B seconds, per 100-lb. bag, f)8C0cT mJ'S Dnr-lsli. ner Ion. illwis, Mu,"y.' rttar.sl basket, l.508l.71. caulldowef, New V -i Per crsle. $ 7182.21J spinach VaJXiu1 bbl. $28'J80. kaie, N'orfo k" per bbtM J, 1.S0, leltuce, Texas, per buab .bast,.', K&i $1 Bo: do.. FforldaW bnrket $29250' tiJ Florida, wax. per bosket, $38i! y. "., W" ""3 basket, $18Si eggplant,, Florida, , vLle 'M $2rt3.rsl, cucumbers. Flor da, per bssfTf W l. squash, riorlda. per ' Kt, 8 .H neoners. P orlda. ner career. t 1 . .-li Florida, Per 10) bunches, $181: tAmSJ"i Florida, per carrier-fancy, $21081 COwiiW $1.ri82.2l! relerv, Florida, per crate ilfe do New York, per bunch. SwWi rnoahiSft w- titu. -'.,u... I'nnnvti ,iuc 1,1 ,, fHf . JOHNNIE MOLONEY Philadelphia's clover 12 5-pound nmnteur boxer is to take pnrt in the chnmpionshipa nt Boston to night nnd tomorrow night. .I0IIXMK MOLONHV TO MKET AMATBUK BOXERS AT IIOSTOX Philadelphia's Champion Meets Other Holders Tonight in Eastern Tryouts. luhtinls Molo'iei brother of Tcdd nnd 'lom ini Mi.lnnot e knnuii to amnt"ur and pro ftssloitsl loxfttK followers will comtc e In the lastern boxing trionts for amateurs til Mechanic a Pailllon. Ilos on Mass tonight Jtthnnlo has been cleaning un In tho local boxing tournaments and, If he Is successful In the 121-pound class at I)nton tonight, ha will be sent to tho Pacific Imposition tham plOIKhlps. For the last four eaxs Johnnie has won the Mldnle Atlantic Aaoclatlon championships llo Is unquestionably tho cleverest amateur bjxer In tills cltj. lommy Blolonoy rcccntlv won the 141-nound Middle Allantlo championship at riltsburgl (JAME CHICK ACROSS WIIE FIRST IN WHITEMARSII RACE 100 Trie 12:30 to 1 P. n 170 Tonopnh Bel.. 4 I . IR'Si 211 II Hleo Rtorago 200 Phlla Klec. . 23H 20 U M. do. do., do . (1 I 2.!! 23i SI OS .lllj'l -n, bo do. 0 ID do., vi 1 Phlla Ele Mlf BO i:iea htoraee IS1!, noNDs B371 ram Steel scrip 11)10... . .moo Leh lal Tr 1st .la 2000 interstato Itwjs 4s... I to 1:30 P. M. .13 Ins Co N Am 20 ij,lie Sup Cor 3,1 U S Steel 10 Phlla Co S Wee Storage. DONDS 1000 In Itwjs Inv .Is 4000 Illlln Co cons 6 VW Interstato Ilwys 4s 2a) Interstate Ilwys 4s 1:30 to 2 P. M. 5 Ihlla Dlec .. 23, 5 Cam Iron iw ,nter .M s c ttl'S 111 Am Ilwy pfd IOi) s Penna . M ll-in 7 do -.1 11-111 II do. . .13 11-1(1 HONDS. .100 Interstate llws Is r,n. KpOO Interstato Uwjs 4s ra 200 Am Gas & Elec 5s 8V. 1000 Choc A. Okla gen 5j 07(4 10JJ 8 Steel. in do.. 2 renna 4W, 48"j -' 4S1J 5814 80 row oo 41 40', 40', 2 do BJV-10 2 to 2:30 P. M. COO Tonopah Hel,. 10 U S Steel 100 Cam Steel.. 50 Phlla It T t c 4, 40-li 41, 3 renna . . 53 n-in 10 ,o . . 53 11-10 10 Ph Co cm pfd 37 10 .Mo K & T. . l.'U 2:30 to 3 P, M' M. 3 Union Trae 201 'lonopah Uel . 4I 10 Am Beet Sug 4V, 5 Baldwin pfd. 0!) ICO Am IJeet Sug 4V. 100 Insp Copper.. 2Mj lo Cam Kteel.... 45 10 1) S Steel, .. 41i;, B5 Cam Steel.. 40 Bo Penna . ,5.1 11-111 4 union Trae 400 do. 10 Mo K & T 10 do.. VI South l'aclflc 10 I' s Steel.. 23 Cam Steel... 20 do 4nti t.0 Tonopah llln. 7', 12 1 121 8)i TO, 4 nt; 10000 Phlla Klec Hsu Phlla IV & 2imn Rochester Piwy fis low Heading gen 4s 1UH) Heading gen 4s.. lisKI I.fh Val coal Ba . 3ins Phlla Co scrip linn 202 Phlla Co scrip 1018 10 Cam rlteel 100 U S Steel. 12 II o I 359 100 U 8 Steel. BONDS. 4s II t e 4s 051 411 40, 495t 7011 071, 07 i ,. . IH .. .. Ill 101 0.1 .. . 110 King Cotton Was Second and Horn Pipe Third in Cross-country Event. Amateur riders and horses had an ecnt of their own icsterday nt the Whltemarsh Vnl lej Hint Club, when the annual race for the Krdenbclm Point tn Point Cup was run (lame Chick, owned nnd ridden b 12 1". Hl1nus, finished first. King Cotton owned nnd ridden by I It Flslur, was second, and Horn Pipe, owned hi J U Ilpcr Jr. and rlJden by William Fleming, was third There were seven horses In the race, whbli had been postponed from Saturdij on nccount of th" weatler, and a good.stzod crowd of enthusiasts was on hand "ut or the seven starters flic fell during tin met liuludlng both Mr ltlvlnus and Mr I lemlng Tho rate which was close for the llrst two miles opened up considerably near the finish ns tho horses were tired on lucount of the soft Rolng nnd were strung out tho winner finishing about 20 lengths aheid of the se ond horse The falls occurred In the latter part of the race when the horses were tired 'the event wns the handicap lace for half bred horsce. that bad never won a race, the bona Ode property of members of tho 1 hlte marsh Valley Hunt Club to he ridden. In pink, bv club members who had never ridden the winner or a point to point rnce The distance wis two and one-half miles over natural coun trj, starting from Convent Farm, on the Bethlehem pike, and finished over the r.i-e cwrse of the Hunt Club There were seven starters thoso In addition to the tl ree finishing ahead were John stokH,' Sam Weller ridden by C. R Cheston, it N Hucklo's Dill Sundaj. ridden by It, C Barclay: Bidcllffe Cheston's Dominion, ridden by Mr Cheston, nnd Steven II Nojes Stolda, ridden by Mr. Noycs II. W. WOOD GETS A 74 Covers Old York Road C. C. Course in Record Form. Jf. Wellington Wood made an excellent 74 over the course of the Old Vork Road Country Club the other dn. playing in a foursome with F. D. Stevens, the club champion, and tvvo others This is ni good a score as bad been made at Old York Uoad. and If made In competition would stand 11 the record It Is made all the more remarkable by the fact that winter rules governed tho playing. Tho card nnd par follows ....... Out . . 5 3 3 .1 4 4 fi 4 4-37 Par . . 4 1 4 .. 4 3 4 4 431 In ... 4 5 5 .1 'I 0 3 a 3-3774 Par . 4 4 4 5 3 5 4 4 33071 PORES TO RUN FOR MILLROSE Marathoner "Will Race in Boston Pa triot's Day Event. Charles ores winner of the Brookljn-Sea-guto marathon, set at rrat all rumors yester day about his future athletic innnectlons by making official amplication to the A A 11. to change his registration from "unattached" to Mlllrase A A , nnd he Immediately signal an entry blank to represent the llanamaksr nrgnnlxatlnn In tho Boston marathon on I'Htrlots" Dav, I'nrcs will have Nick Glanakooulos his club mate, for company In tho long grind The sturdy Greek Is golrg through a special course of training for the event Tho acquisition of Pores ndds another valuable man to the star cross-country team which Coach Sheppard la building up for the Mlllroie A A next fall. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIKAT. Receipts, 107,034 bushels The market waa quiet and without Important change. Quotations Car lots, in export ele vatorNo. 2 red. spot, ILBBl 37; No. 2 red Western, 11.021 i. ill Round lots. In export elevator No 2 red, spot and April It.BoViej) l.ai'4. No 2 red Western. l flllsCl.bOlj. No. 1 northern Duluth. l.21.071, CORN. Receipts. 17-M bushels. Offerings were moderate and the market ruled stead. though quiet, Quotations Car lots, In export Rebiult halmers Car Sale April 6th to 10th &s " oast sjfcask Mm .asks., sw .ssJ W0P Our pew car buI iices hag been tho "- . uirjeat in our His tory. These used car will be sold, reisardles of price. Chalmers Motor Co. of Philadelphia .... "v ib f i i c tie ti c y - y --? I HERE'S an Atlantic tanker, tanked-to-the-top with the fuel that puts miles in motors, along with the zip and the kick that sends truck and touring-car along with equal vigor and determination. Atlantic "Gas" has a liveliness that gives a clean, sharp explosion; that makes starting easy in all weathers; that makes a motor respond to the slightest touch of accelerator or throttle, with the dash and spirit of a blooded horse. Atlantic Gasoline is made from the finest crude oil that flows made to a definite standard by the oldest and largest refiners in the State. Actual road-tests prove greater mileage and lower upkeep with theaise , of Atlantic "Gas" exclusively. Get it at good garages, hail the first Atlantic tanker you see, or 'phone the nearest Atlantic station. Atlantic Service covers FeiHisvania and Delaware . v like asbrooding hen. ,- ' ,' v Atlantic POLAWNE i&theJOO-percenVlubricanWhat A' '. flows freely at all temperatures. Itis.'asur&curejbr ' , r ?, parched cylinder chambers. Itfkeepsiap'keeptDaWN. i i - T,H.E A'T L-A N T I C RE'IN I N-G C Ghft-T-jtfN Y ATL 1l WTC i 0 L I N y. m-m norm tfroati Street I