Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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    EVENING TITCriftTgtt-VHTTjXnfeHlA", SATURDAY, 'APBlU 3, 1016
Four-fifths of Dopesters Now Favor
Cowboy s uhances m Havana
Fight Odds Smaller.
37 years , ape 28 years
227 pounds weight 230 pounds
6 feet Vz Inch .. height 6 feet 0 nehes
7&A Inches reach 8314 nches
17f4 inches neck Wz nches
15 Inches , biceps 16 Inches
13& Inches forearm 15 Inches
&A Inches wrist BH nches
40 Inches chest (normal 44'a nches
4VA Inches chest (expanded) 4734 nches
38 Inches waist 37 nches
25l Inch thigh 26 nches
Wz Inches calf 17 nches
Wa, inchc ankle 10 Inches
Reports from Havana today arc io the effect thai Jess Wlllard, cowbo)
pugilist, is lacked by four-fifths of the ring experts to win the championship
battle against Jack Johnson. The fight will take place on Monday.
Itain or shine, the battle will be fought, provisions for a canopy over the
ling having been made. Reports that Johnson icould Uc down wcic nailed by
the black, who said there was not money enough on the island io make him flop.
A sensational ttpurt of betting on Monday's haul hi aught a change In odd
today to favor Jcsi Wlllard The prevailing flymen were r, to on the Kaunas
coicboy's winning hail night quotations of 7 to ."., utii Johnson on thr flood
end, reeled suddenly around to even money.
There uai a wild rumor flying about that the tip had been gucn out that
it was agreed Wlllard should win. Where it originated no one Knew. The
fight promoters indignantly denied any plans and insisted the sudden shift in
odds was due to the big influx of fight fans from the States, weighted down
With U. S. A. coin of the realm and intent on taking the white man's burden.
Already the scat sale has reached 100,000. A 200,000 crowd Is expected.
HAVANA, April 3. There will bo no
hitch In holding the Jack Johnson-Jess
Wlllard championship fight on Monday.
"Weather conditions will not Interfere
wiih the clash. Italn or shine, the men
wilt enter the ring-. It Is just as HUely
to rain on Monday as It Is for the sun
to ahlnc, as this Is the rainy season here.
But If It docs rnln the men will flsht be
neath a big canopy which will protect
the rliiR. But It It inlns there will be
no movies taken, and this will bo a big
loss to the promoters.
Apparently the most carefree person In Jla
vutu tooB la Jack Johnson nlnneir mo
uennicis ui the tight docs not npp.tir to worry
him In the leant Ho Is nlwass laughing and
jolting and does not seem to mlml tne coming
battle except when nueslloneil bv outsiders.
On the contrary, the Hig Smoke la nlas will
ing to talk about horsu racing and his skill
as a cook. This flnnl word on the outcome
ot the fight nan sent out from the Negro a
camp thla morning. ......
1 want every friend of mine In th United
States to know that when I step Into the ring
against Wlllard that 1 11 be In the beat sliapo
In my career and that I'll beat Wlllard before
the 20t!i round, nnd ro decisis ely that there
won't be any chance for alibis later I hacn I
dlslpatd and I Imicnl gone hack, as reports
have hid It. f urn trained right now to a
point where I Lould go In and drpllcato my
work against Jeff rice.'
Johnson will conclude lilt boxing progrim
with a six-round exhibition with sain -Mcev
this afternoon. The big Negro saja he will
cut onta In thM bout, while McVej, who has
had the championship bug, also promises to do
hla best to, beat tho champion This bout will
bo watched keenly by the gambling clement.
If the vhamplou mako a real showing against
JtoVey tho clement that faors him In tho
coming battle will bet 5 to 1! on him.
Managir Jones Is the most lonfldent peon
in- the wlllard camn
CThere Js no chanca In Ihe world for Jess to
Id&e," he paid today "Wlllard has developed
Into one of the greatest boxer? In the world
and he will demonstrate thla fact whin he
enters the ring Monday "
Millard Is In-patient for fight time to roll
around. He Ik- confident, but the momentoui
occasion ami tl.o po!siblllt that he might be
rtcfeatcil makea htm a little icrvous He will
box four or elx rounds thla afternoon, con
cluding active training
X anas& made of the sporting experts nnd
pugilists on the grounds show that four out of
five believe that Wlllard will be the lctor
None, however, is willing to wager on the big
cowboy unlrre aa good as ." to '1 cun be ob
tained. Johnson men has mone. but will
not bet it unices tho odds are ad good as 3 to
IT Wlllard followers nre confident that Jess
will win, but secretly they fear that the trlck
Iress and crartlness of the "Dig Smoke" will
present Wlllard from landing the sleep-producing
HAVANA, April 3.-It begins u look
as If Jesa Wlllard --.111 enter the ring
Monday a favorite over Jack Johnson.
With a rush as big as the waves over
Morro Castle on a rousrh night, 'Willarrt
nentiment lias sptead, and In one place
today as good as even money win re
ported, and some 6 to 5. with Johnson aa
favorite, was offered at another place,
hut the prlte fluctuated, so inpldly that
no line was obtainable.
Most of the Wlllard men are holding
out for 2 to 1, but none of this Is In
eight now, T'-- general feeling s that
Viillurd, In superb dltloii, outmatches
Johnson's great skill, speed and cleter
nefs. One bet of $600 to IMXJ was made by natives,
This la tliu biggel single wager yet reported
llanagau, Miller and other big Johmon hup
porters have not Lnbelted jet. .Nobody knows
what they will do, and there Is watchful
uniting uverywhere b big bank rolls,
the general argument centres around John
oil's lonultion The sharpest (Titles believe
he is nut prepared to eu more than ten rounds
at high pressure, but they figure that Ui
lards, lack -of aggressiveness will permit John
son to worry utong. Some believe that If Wi -ia,rd
a.ashes In he has a great chanio to end it
Havana was ablaze last, night with fight
, Ulk and crowds are pouring In. The Key
it boat brought '-SB passengers and reported
that It lelt MO waiting at Key West who
coull not get passage. The uteamsblp com
pany Is doing tn best It can and la pressing
all lt boats Into service. The hotels sr
limine. to the limit now, and late comers will
Line a hard time to get accommodations. Last,
night the idly looked Ilka a typtial American
piste that l bght craiy, 'the streets were
llirunzed with strangeia. presenting a great
picture. In contrast with the native element.
Que. theatres and all places of amusements
were lammed , L ... .
ih financial success of the bsttle Is now
tuoruughl) assured and looks certain to be a
ItaaoOO house. It cannot be Judged welt now
beiMuse iiu one knows how the natives will
trab at the cheaper seats which have not yet
n placed en 4te. but from the demsnd for
tn higher-priced ones the crowd Monday will
lie lerrlflc
A wooderfui change has come over the peo-
Rtr Irt th last week. Jack Curtey. wheu asked
aw itw sales, of tickets were running, said he
KKpscted cle to SUO,)00 and perhaps the
Wssesl row'J In numbers that eer attended
a fiToiilar bou
tUttif Jck Wclih tried to get on the
Mcasier TOivelte t Key West Hriday morn
ing, hMt inula get no space, the officials stop
juusr lurther "1 of rickets Welch has a
Urst party will) him and chartered a ateam
thlu lSero and landed art Morro Castle a little
after midnight The hsrbor was closed, but
iVjverrwr BustiUohvsued a special permit for
Ih refefta'a craft to t allowed In. This Is
MM ftiat tlni a special permit baa tjtta issued
(n wonthf. The sea. w cry rough and there
was much Maslckness. The boat bad to n
shae off Morro Ctie all nhiht
Kant maintaining il mmcDibnt manner out-
5idj JohoU secretly appear worried oyer
ill? t.ulwme of tho bout lie continues to ask
many question nnd In said tn hae scouts
constantly In Wlllard's camp The honesty of
th contest was nuestloned bv one nevvsnuper
today and Jack i asked polnlblank
about It ....
I idl them there ln t coin enough on this
Island, and it's prcttj rich, to make me flop,"
h s.ild "fa also mat lack Johnson will re
llr aflcr thl fight, still heavj weight cham
pion of the world, I can't say more than
HAVANA, April 3. With both fighters
claiming perfection of condition for Mon
day's championship of the world set-to,
keenest Interest was manifested by fight
fans early today In the showing Jack
Johnson will make against Sam McVc,
In tho sW-round exhibition bout this nftei
noon. Curley's pleadings of possible In
Jury to Johnson requiring postponement
of the championship battle have been un
availing. The big black Insists he'll get
a good workout In the McVey mill and
won't get hurt.
One thing Is ccrtaln-the Johnson-McVey
work-out won't be a love feast. SftVcy Is one
Df the trio of blacks including tangford and
Johnson, the McVey and Iugford portions of
which liave olwajs believed they were Just as
good ns Johnuu, and who havo mourned tho
lact that clrcumstunces gave Johnson the
clianco to grab tho title. Johnson never would
glvo mem a fight. Langford once was re
ported to have traveled all the way across the
continent, incognito, simply to get n chanco to
take no n bombistlc challenge by Johnson,
then doing theatricals, that he would fight six
rounds with any one The storj went that
Johnson backed out when Longford was
McVey is reported to have made peace with
Johnson, but nevertheless those who know the
craftv black man insist he'll do his best thla
afternoon to squaro things
rlnal hoxlng work-outs In both camps todaj
were the best. so rar staged. Wlllard made an
exceptloxrtlly brilliant showing, apparentli cut
ting loo" His footwork waa bejond expecta
tion of ev an his most enthusiastic lackers The
cowbov's phvslc-al condition Is mirvelous Of
th lUhj-musi-led tvpe, he Is now at the top
notch of phvslcut cftlclenc)
Hetcree Welsh arrived todav The city is
picked and Jammed with light funs Hvcry
available sort of steamship has been pressed
Into tiervlce between Havana and Kej West
to bring tans over, nnd still It was reported
that there were MOO people 1n the Florida
town unable so far to obtain passage
Flannlgan, Johnson's chief second, declare I
today the big smudge would force tho fighting
. 'He'll tear Into Wlllard from the tap of the
bell." Flannlgan asserted "Johnson and all
of ua In his camp expect to see Wlllard
knocked out within 12 rounds. Jack knows
Wlllard's game Is to try to outwear him but
tliero'll be no chance nt stalling. Johnson will
pres things fiom the start "
"8n mujh the better," was the comment or
Tom Jones Wlllard's manager, on thla state
ment. 'Wlllard ls going to win we're sure
of that "
White Man's Backers, However, Hold
for 2Vs to 1 Odds.
Sporting men In Philadelphia today are en
deavoring to place their bank rolls on Jess
Wlllard s chances of returning the hciu
welght championship crown to tho white race
hi his battle with Jack Johnson at Ilavuna.
Cuba, Monday afternoon However, little or
no Johnson money Is In sight.
Among the sports who are earning bis
wads of the United States currency oro Charley
MoBconl, Chappie Marks nnd Sloe Greenbaum.
They are ready to place their coin at 2'4 to 1,
taking the short end, that Wlllard will be re
turned tho victor
Shore Tennis Tourney Dates
Thr Oerin City Yacht Club Tei'nls Commit
tee held a meeting jesterday In the o'flce
f Tl.omas M, flcott, the chairman, and mapped
out plana for holding the South Jersey cham
pionships, beginning August SI next, on th
Ocean City, N, J Yacht Club courts. The
committee besides Chairman Scott Includ'H
Harvey Y, Uike, Joseph U. Fritz. Joseph H.
Stoop. George C. Freemin, Fred 8. Schotlelil
and Secretary George Hofstetter Jr. Invita
tions will be extended to Atlantio City yachts
men and local enthusiasts.
"Willard-Johnson Fight
Told in Evening Ledger
On Monday in Havana, Cuba, will
be fought the greatest pugilistic bat
tle in recent years. Jacly Johnson,
negro champion of the world, will
defend Ms title against Jess Willard,
cowboy fighter.
Jess Wlllard is the best man John
son ever met, say the experts now
in Cuba. He has a chance to win
the world title. It is a fight in
which superior strength and reach
are pitted against superior ring
skill. The
Evening Ledger
has a staff correspondent, at the
ringside, who will report the fight,
round by round. As each blow is
struck, the Evening ledger will tell
its, readers of It and its effect. The
rpports will be published as the fight
progresses and the paper rushes to
the streets. Follow the fight in the
Evening Ledger
To HERE - "i -W4vv A r"""
stroke vv. (ymm. fz&Xr JT $h&J9s
y iliflllM "iMe ome. who yr BurPs J&lKhh
sS Mm uoo fishv eveo y V " v'M Bm
I s' v 1 fm at You if Vou faff r rr. WJJ M&ff
I illlwm uTTer sourjo ml ) Xs" )kv ' (r8m& z2.,.,
' mm jjHeto hc is iwj -m la X." && s&Hlw'
1 Iritim. about, to pott. howj wee he ts&KJl v KL w"
Mllii... lL'-rnSak ... Ha, do. yT I Tbw'iKlfi BUI IIK3
"""inn ii,
1hi Partwer who has
Checked Vou up om Your
5oirOG "To Differ
Athletics' Hurlers Pitch
Great Ball Against Rich
mond Moran's Slabmen
Exhibit Class in Norfolk.
Davis' Squad in Asheville
Good pitching won for both tho Athletics
nnd tho Phillies in (heir gamcB with
Richmond nnd N'otrolk, respectively. Tho
Philadelphia twlrlcrs were In sreat foim,
nnd held the minor leaguers almost at
their mercy.
Richmond scoied but seven safeties off
"Wyckoff and Mern, whllo Norfolk an
nexed but four olT Rley and Oesclmer,
oC the Phillies. Tho work ot nixcy was
particularly strlMne. as he has shown
little form thus far this season.
Tho rhlllles' game with the "Washing
ton American IcoRuers was called off at
noon on account of snow In the capital.
Harry Davis' squad of Athletics Is on Us
wav to Asheville, N C, having left Colum
bia, S. C , this morning. The weather reporta
IndUate cold In that section, and It mav bo
Imrostlble to play No game was played in
the south Carolina city vesterday because of
rah And, because of the dilatory methods
of the Columbia management, tho team wai
forced to spend R whole day Idle and with
poor train connection with tho North Carolina
The farming out of Jack Martin, rhlllles"
shortstop waa expected, and was among the
prediction In theso columns early last week,
llaniroft seems to havo the shortfleld post
clinched Mnran. however, retains n string
to the .napp little inflelder Three morn
players of the rhlllles must go to tome within
the 21 limit.
1'OI.U.UHIA. S r April R.- When llarr'
Davis' section of the Athletics left here st T
o clock tills morning lain wan still falling.
The team is scheduled to arrive In A'hevllln
at 2 :t0 o'clock this afternoon The Havana
Reds are hero to play the local club.
World's Series Winners Ex
pected to Play Exhibition
Games Tener Favors Plan.
Prospects nro that the winners of the
world's series will so to the Panama
Paclflo Exposition for exhibition frames
with an all-star team, also from the
Eat. President Tener, of the National
Leaum Is In favor of it
Mr Tener so expressed himself upon
his return from the Exposition, where ho
participated in the dedication of the
pennsjlvanla Bulldlnc.
"The people of the West are hungry for
good baseball, and naturally they desire to
see the world's champions there next fall,"
said President Tener ,.,..
The world's aeries, of course, could not be
held In San Francisco, and neither would I
consent to having the pennant winners of the
leaguea meet there after the regular world's
series games are over
"But I am strongly in favor of having the
winner of the series go West and play against
an all-star team picked from the other
Light Harness Events Arranged by
Association Prizes,
Followers of light harness racing of thla
city will be glad to learn that on Baiter
Monday the Frankford prtvlng Association will
ring up the curtain for the first races of the
season. Flee races will lie on the card and
the members are working faithfully preparing
A unique attraction In which a pony hitched
to a cart will race a oat harnessed to Its
road cart In a. quarter-mile dash will be staged,
W. Jlsnlng owns the pony named Beaut,
while the goat, "Billy Sunday," la the prop
erty of J. Kline. This contest is creating con
siderable attention In the neighborhood of
Frankford and It promises to develop Into a
keen match Besides the other pacing and
trotting event, three horses ISsmerelda, Borl
Wilkes and Lettle Ke will meet In a antclxl
xo for prUes Owing to the earilness of the
meeting; only half-mile heats will be the dls
.w w m in i m&s ru
Mm. W fVsPPetos to be SgX S7 Cxi l "A
illllmk frxrfoS YoOR'PrNRDMCR" IrJ ml C A-Sij JjH-HOM-
llil lSik. r. lill . -" 1 l UJA5 HsVfffM&Ss)
itvr I 1nXi ' GftGAT THtr y-jJ. wetu club ikisif
U L uav i J y&Zttfii&ft AMO oidwt mEEx
AKlrSi, .'"Taii. lOCJtT I T. 'Ji.ZWl I ' wl u lssssMT
, jcA pro'" W Wm ' , J 7rpiiWr
vvMCM HC vWlfJi
"t V .
O - ST -teJJrjT 3,
1SP 5
The Fly in the Ointment
(With apologies to the reteicd memory of
They tell us that Willaul is theic with the
tnii the hick of a mule ns it lands with
a ct tiitch;
They say he is Iliac with the sttlpc of a
That'll ciush in the bone of an elephant's
"Just wail," cm the u flics, who've been
there and seen,
"Till he lands with a wallop athxiail
Johnson's bean
He'll bieak the Smoke's back if he gets
in a crack"
We know well enough that, the Big Hope
is there,
Attached to a swing like the swipe of a
bear; i
That he's there with the wallop thai
ought to caie in
The buily Smoke's system fiom forehead
to shin;
The Slcgc Gun f nothing compaicd lo
the stuff
'J hat Jess can put in with a countering
He can tear off the Smoke with a single
clean poke
Wlllard may not win In tho cm Her
rounds, but later on, If he lasts that long,
the Palo Hope will have the aid of old
Doc Time, who can feint and hit the fast
est guy that over lived. SwinelnB lustily
on the lmpreBiiahle Ones Is one ot tho
best tricks tho Old Doc has In hi1) elastic
Well, We've Been Wrong Before
Dear Sir In my opinion you ore wrong
on that dope about tho National League
pennant rate restlnu between tho Braves
and Qlants Tins I'ubs, with a hustler,
like Btesnahan in charge, look better to;
me than eitliPi. Tl have both Braves
and Qlants outclassed In catchers; as
ood a pitching staff in Chenej, Vaughn.
Laendor nnd othcis, nun kettor batting
strength In th rest of tho club, Watch
the Cubs rise to the top again.
S. H. D.
S. II. D. must liavn an Inside tip from
the front that the Greatzim Intends to
dispense with fen Id oratory this season
and walk to tho clubhouse with the rest
of the cast after the game is over.
A. A K It isn't as Important for the
Tanks to Hud it new name aa It Is for
them to find a new homestead In the
Standing of tho Clubs.
Always Something Or Worse
It's hard to make a move that Is universally
cheered. BUI Donovan arranges a ball dub
that can be led, without a flutter, through a
woodland teeming with squlirels. -and then
anng comes a critic and complains because
Bill hasn't any left-handers In camp.
'That ought tn be a hot match at Havana,"
writes Plato Pete, "for where there's so much
himike there's bound to be Ore." Yet they
hang people for merely committing murder.
'Harvard takes little Interest In spring font
ball." In which Harvard hasn't an awful lot
on us or several others we know.
In spite ot which Haughton and the Harvard
Football Committee have tbe right Idea. Mod
ern football is no gamo to be picked up and
mastered from the middle of September Into
late November a matter of two months. The
kicking and the passing game now are too im
portant to be underplayed, and the knack of
grappling with a football, whether thrown or
kicked, Isn't developed In 13 or 0 minutes.
Against the Test
Oulmet'a stunt of shooting a TO the other
day at Pineliurst In medal play competi
tion recalls again this golfer's rare knack
of rising to almost Inhuman heights
against the test.
In his round against Vardon and Hay
at Brookllne he tore off a 73. tleln? the
amateur record of the course. Last sum
mer, In Chicago, at the Open, he turned
In one round ot 69. Against Jerry Tr av
ers, at Ekwanok. ho had a 69 for a finish
ing clip. A golfer able to conserve his
1 fft III ft W
Houe 7DOA Mtfv
natural tesources foi the main tost Is no
sort of an opponent lo draw witlr any
great dcgice of calm nnd poise.
How Good is J. Johnson
Dear Sir l'vo seen Johnson called the great
est fighter that ever lived, nnd (I've seen
wheio othera rated him only ns a second
class pugilist. Where should he be ranked
nmonc tho best men In the game, thn old
timers, etc. .' V I
Johnson may havo been n great fighter,
but In his entire career hu has never had to
beat a great fighter In condition to prove his
He has never met a first-class heavyweight,
except Jim Jeffries, who was merely a hunk
of meat, minus tho vllal spark, when Johnson
beat him down. On this account Johnson will
never bo rated In the history of tho ring as
any world-beating wonder for history is based
moro upon actual record than upon opinion.
Nnd Johnson's greatness Is more a. matter of
opinion than It Is ot record.
"I Intend to bat .400 thla season nnd beat
out Ty Cobb." Joe Jackson. Joo batted .410
one season, but that wasn't enough lo beat
out Cobb The safest way tn beat out Cobb
Is to have him blown from the mouth of a
cannon somewhero around the 1.1th of April.
A. A. U., However, Draws Line on
Big Boston Event.
, NP.W TOHK. April 3 -The latest novelty
In amateur atHetlca Is that tho girl athletes
are not satisfied with being In the walking
club: they want to be In the big marathon
They cay that If-glrl avvlmmers aro allowed
tn register with the A A. V. the runnera
should havo tbo name liberty. The A. A. U.
men are of a different franie or mind.
Yesterday Danl I'errls. at the A. A. II
hoadnuarters was kept busy answering queries
ns to whether tho girls could start in tho
Boston murathon nnd whether they could
register and start in other marathons during
tho month of May
Terrls had a hard Job explaining that the
authorities would never allow women In run
ning events
Iron Duke and The Finn,
Brought by Hallenbeck, May
Race in Kentucky.
I,EXINGTONV April 3.-H. C. Hallen
beck, well known In business and finan
cial circles In New York, has purchased
from John E, Madden the two colts. Iron
Duke and The Finn. Both colts are
eligible for tho Kentucky Derby, the Bel
mont, the Withers and other Important
3-year-old turf events. The price was not
made public, but 'urfmen hero say it
must have been large, ns both colts were
fast last season,
Iron Duke Is a. full brother ot the fast horse
known as Fayette. Iron Duke U by Ogden
Karatoga Belle, The Finn Is by Ogden
Ivonla, Moth colts will be shipped In a
hteel car from Hamburg Place to Meadow
brook, the Hallenbeck training quarters, near
Shrewsbury, N. J. After they arrive Mr.
Hallenbeck and his trainer, K, Heffner, will
decide whether to ship one of the colts back
to Kentucky to start for the Derby,
Iron Duke raced only once last season and
won. Ills private trial were eu fast that he
started a top-heavy favorite and galloped the
oil furlongs In lilZ. Ha Is a big chestnut
colt, and many of the local turfmen believe
that In him Mr, Hallenbeck has another Derby
winner. He bought Worth a few years ago
ana won that Kentucky clasila with him.
Harvard Track Team Hard Hit
CAUDnipGE. Mass.. April 2.-dwsrd
Teschner, Harvard a hooe In ihe sprints, has
been ordered to the Infirmary for 10 days
Henry W. Mlnot, of whom Coach Donovan
thought well for the middle distances, haa
been forced to abandon running, H was
operated upon for appendicitis last year and
the wound Is bothering him again.
Snow Blocks Bowie Races
BOVIK IUCBTRACK, Md., April a. The
races today were postponed on account of
snow. A new set of entries will be Issued for
Other Sports op Page 14
ot.e Youp
MftS The
tne os-ie
cJhaajce To
Defeat of Yale Places Quakers
in Way for Champions
Among Swimmers.
One more lctory for the Penn swim
ming team and the Intel collegiate cham
pionship will be won. This Is possible
now, following the locals' victory last
night over the Yale team. The third
moot Is set for April 16, und Pennsylvania
can win the honor by defeating Colum
bia on that occasion. Should Columbia
win, however, the trlplo tie again will be
established, ns Yale beat Columbia in
New York Thursday night.
It was Captain Shyrock's desperato
npurl at the end of the 100-yard event
that won from Itosner, of Yale, by aboui
tin eo Inches.
When the 100-yard swim, the last event of
tne meet, was called the score was n tie. each
college having points. The Pennsylvania
rooters entrcntcd Shryrock, on whom they
pinned their hopes, to capture the event, and
tho Yale cheering section was Just as loud in
Its pleadings to Itosner to win
Khrvock. Itosner, Masten and rergruson all
took to the water at the crack of the gun, and
at the first tank's length Itosner led by about
a font. When the other end of the tank was
leached for the second turn Shrjock had
closed the gap and neither had any advantage
when they started the last lap of the race
About half way down tho pool Shryock forged
ahead bv an Inch, and the two men. with the
crowd cheering loudly, started an exciting
spurt, in which Shrvock won out by the scant
margin of three Inches.
Battle Between Bantams Feature of
Olympia Card.
Kid Williams, the bantamweight champion
of the world. Is carded to meet Louisiana,
bantam champion of tho Stale, In tho feature
bout at tbo Olympia Monday night. Williams
usually stopB most of his opponents, but he
has never been able to put a stop tn Louisiana,
who proved himself to be one of the best lit
tle fighting machines In the country. The lo
cal lad readies what a victory over the cham
pion means and he Is confident that on this
occasion he will outfight hla man. Tho boys
aro to box at 1SS pounds ringside, a figure
that should And both at their ton speed.
Another great battle Is due when Tommy
Coleman, the local flash, meets Kid Iltnrs,
from Troy, who displayed his class here
about two weeks an In the preliminaries
Joe Heffernan, of West Philadelphia, Is op-
Eiased to Frankle Hart, of the lith Ward.
C, o. 0Donnell, who has won 10 of his last
18 battles by knockouts, meets Kelt McCue,
the righting Irishman, while the opening af
fair will introduce Jimmy Carson and Thll
Chip, two well-known youngsters from South-nark.
Th, r.ttnt floruce Professionals liave organ-
Ized one nf the fastest first-class uniformed
traveling teams and still have a few open
dates. The club would like to arrange games
with all first-class In and out-of-town teams
paying a. suitable guarantee. Cedar Park, Pit
man, Vlctrlx. O. O.. Cape May, Colllngswood
and teams of this calibre, are preferred. East
Spruce would like to arrange a practice game
tor Saturday with any first-class team having
rounds. Address H. A. O'Brien. S1U Spruce
The Cllrard Reserves will be represented on
the diamond this year with the fastest team
in their four years' existence. The Jleserves
are a first-class, fully uniformed traveling
team and would like to arrange games with
all teams of their calibre In Pennsylvania,
New Jersey and Delaware who are willing
tn pay a fair guarantee. l'or games write
Manager If. Oetlnger, 1000 North Randolph
The Wenenah Y St. C A., champions of
the Gloucester County V, 11. C, A. will be rep
resented this year by a strong team. Jack
Itodeii will look after ihe managerial duties
this year, and he la planning lo give the
patrons of Wenonah a first-class article of
ball. The team will play all Its home game
on the grounds of the Wenonah Military Acad,
emy. which has one of the best athletlo fields
In South Jersey. Manager Roden Is also ar
ranging a aeries o( games between Woodbury,
Sewell and Qrenloeb, playing each team a
series of three games. The following players
have already handed In their name for thla
year's team Eddy Farr. of llaverford Col
lege; Bay nage, Penn Charter; Jim Avis, of
Woodbury High; Dick nandcl, formerly of
Vouugstown, Ohio. Jimmy WDodr, Uuggy Holt.
Hilly Italston, Cy Carey, Eddy 'Plummer and
the Clark brothers, who are well known In
(lloucester County for thtlr baseball abilities.
Teams In Wenonah' class of Pennsylvania
and New Jersey will be offered reasonable In
ducement Io play at "Wenqnsh during the
summer- Managers communicate with Jack
Itoden, Wenonah, N. J.
The ijorrnley P. C , a fully uniformed team,
would like to arrange games with all 13.year
old home team It Is booked with such
teams aa the P. I. U. of Mount Airy, Cramer
Illll Bqy' Club and Ihe Bane A. ft For
Early Morning Outlook
Gloomy, But Only HigH'
Winds Will Interfere'
With Great River Event1
Work-outs This Morning.;
Vivian XlcUalls, coach of the
Pcnn)itianlctcrcw, said this wbrn.r
ing that siow or general bad
weather in itself would not affect tht
Pcnnsylvania-Yalc race on thi
Bchuylkill River this afternoon,
A high wind, lie stated, however?
& h often the case in fair wcathcrJ
might make a postponement ncccsA
saiy. The snow of this mortilno!
will not affect the situation, and un
less the icinds become higher the''
faces will be held according ((
schedule. ,
Yalo and tho University of Pennsylvania;
open mo lnterconcgiaio rowing season thlg
afternoon with races between their var
slty and Junior eights on tho Schuvlkliil
Hlvcr. Tho races wilt be over tho Hcnleyj
course of a mllo and five-sixteenths. Thr
Junior taco will be rowed first, startlmr ni1
1,4 o ciock, witn mo at slty contest start
.... ..... .. "ii
IHR half an hour later. The finish will b
thr Columbia Avenue Bridge With good
wcatner n crowd or rimy :o.nno is ex.
Pt.c.d- - .m
Auucti interest is Rivrn lo the race not
only because It Is the first trial of thf
year for either institution, but becaus
tho two crews aro coached by brothers."
both products of the English syatcrn.
Buy NIckalls Is tho coach of the Yals
men, and his younger brother, Vivian1
N'lckalls, the coach of tho Pennsylvania1
crews. Both men havo Introduced thi
English shell and tho English system of
rigging. It will bo tho first test In Anw?
lea between two college crews both row
Ing accoidlng to tho English system. .'
There has been virtually no betting on th?
races, nnd what few wagers have been nwl
havo been nt slight adds on tho Quakers. Tha
consensus of opinion seems to bo that this
raco will not bn n conclusive test, because lbs
(Juakeri havo been on the river longer and
havo beeh favored by better training conditions.'!
The Pennsylvania varsity boat also has mors
veterans than Yalo
Tho Yalo crews had a. final work-out thll
morning, despite the snow, but tho Penn
trainers called off their practice. jj
There Rre three ways of Beelns the racei?
Tho majority of the spectators will Peres
themrelves on the bluffs overlooking the nnlih;
wlirre they have a natural amphitheatre. Ths'
net biggest crovd will be that portion for
tunate -enough to possess automobiles, roi
lowing bout races from nutomoblles along thi
east river orive nns ocen growing in popuiarltifl
and foi n race of this importance there Willi
biirely be a long profession of carB. The clubs
along Iloathnuse flow have planned to see ths
races from their barges and there will b (1
long line stretching from the bridge to ths
isiana. i
n m
uoit acneauic lor jngw iorK ijourse.l
Ouimet Beaten.
Walter J. Trmis, who vcstcnlm nns tllmi
nater. on the rineliurst (N. C ) links at thi
completion of the first and second rounds f
match play In the U.th nnnunl united .Vorlh
una froutn amateur roie lournamem, win pit
In tho Ijaketvood cventH New York, the pro'
gram inr which is annnuncca iona
Francis Ouimet, who also was eliminate
In exnected for the expntu In thn Knrth
Pi o sr ram a for the spring tournament of lh
Country Club of Lakcwood, aprll J2 to HI ln;
elusive, call for u nuailfln? round of 18
holes, to which the whole of the first day tt
ucioica .mhicii piay is in oruer com niorn
i'ik hiiu niiernoon 01 ine iouowwk nay a, wuj
f) mtrlal llHnHlrUn rtlillllort fnn Ul I lirlei ir
.- mmuiv.' .j uisrti iui uiiuiusi -jj
faeeral of the New York rliita which hat
not kept their courses open during the winter,
are preparing to open thorn for use again!
Dunwoodlc. In fact, now has in Hnkrt rcadrl
for tho members. No special changes hateV
been made
other two weeks JaH
- u inn-, niu uu iuuj- iu an'
At ,'inenurm yestcraay Travis was aeieaiei
by Robert Hunter, of Stamford. Conn., and
uuimet oy .tesse uuurord, of Intenale, N. II
Championships Amone Soldiers BiM
cided at Third Regiment.
Ilntrles for tho Miliary Athletic league I4
uuw, i-,imiiiuiiaiiii Kumea, vvmen ru io ue iitit
at tho Third Healmenl Armorv. Droad and
Wharton streets, Saturday, April 10, are pours
uiK in auu vnu coinpeiiuon in ine various
events promises to be very Keen The spectii
one-mile Interscholastlc rclav race ll have
representative teams from all or the leadlni
schools In thla section nnd the sehoolbor
athletes are keenly Interested In the outcomfl
oi mis cveni, uemg tne last opportunity ipci
Indoor competition among the local scheel
athletes. ffl
Tl.i tun Mvnnlu llal ... (t.. A A IT alh.U
letes are tne nu.iant dash and R00.ard ru:
tKith scratch, nnrl will have, am atflrterit nil I
the leading snrlnters and mlddle-riUtanee roes
hi this section. There will be In addition W
the onen events l!t ehamnlonihln events fori
military athletes, all ot which will he keenirl
contested l track teams from the thiee loctll
regiments and several out-ot.town organ!i.
tlons. 7M
The entry list tor these games close wltlf
jlnlor i nomas f- -vieenan, uuu i;nestni
games address
William P. Troy, 021 Ualfl
The Southwark A. A., of South Phlladelpoit."
uauM 1 1 r s In is eronen rramatm aulrt. nil V lf)l
nvniu aiit-' u ,, ibw sniii nivu o"sr w t
year-old team having grounds. The team ni
oe compnsea or ueinpnen, wney, inn. uu
laghcr. Nolan, Graham, Kane, Kelly, HanaHa
gan, lfunder and H. Wiley. Fcr games -i
dress Hill Kruger, lHt'.i and McKean stre!jl
The Ilosedala A. A. will be newly unlfonnel
this season and would like to heir front w
first-class (earns having home grounds 4
vmciiiiK mtr sUHlaHic Alia luimnint T IS
era reported to Manager Charles Furglen'S
lArn, i.rrcr.1, jiomu, j. A-uraione. c,.,""-
ajuiuu. t'f.KvrB, I icoiu, A'c wnrio, ahiiu. r;
:j and SO open; also June IS. 10. Sti and JuHK
4 (a. in. and p m ). Would like to near iw.
nil .Tvrsev- tnma AVTeat rnlllnffBnml. IUm
riprtnaa and all teams ot that class offerlufttM
rair guarantee. Aouress u. xirrcru, ftsroiuv.
ton. N J '
The Highland H n C would like to arrar
games ai noma wiin tne laaiesi irivt
teams In Phlladelnhto. and suhurha for ttatv'
dnv lilffhlanrf 1m nnrn -In nrraitffA inldwet'
same away. The Athletle Association CffJ
hunt a new granaatani and put tne new i
fine shape for the coming season, Ad4r,si
William r Ryan. Chester. Pa i
Tho Kevstone Telephone Company A A Ml
nrganlied a ii'l traveling team and will op
Its RMflrin with U'ntmnnl ! C . May JH
Would like to hear from all ffret-ues ttaof
hiving ground and paling a fair guaraaiv)
Address William Hasson, West Berkley atretg
vsiiiucii, .n j
hi YMPF A A A Uroad and Balnbrlaiy
U,IlViriA A. A. Edwards. MirJ
,-ja ts, VJWraA-'-
Adm. 23e, llal lies, 60c, Arena lies, tic, IM
li.VBllll 3IUNIMY NIUHT .,
oh uooie J
V et5NT