mi)i-mmmm impjnmnunm JSkS EVENING LEDaER-PHILABELPglA, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1915. tr 3 n HfifjBfftHljum- iwMwppiiMiBfcP'Pt'JWWWiM-ni xmrn' CHURCHES CITY READY TO GREET EASTER DAY WITH SONG, MUSIC AND PRAYER Special Church Services, Fashion Displays and Great Exodus to Sea shore Will Be Included in Celebration. Philadelphia. Joins with Chrlstlani throughout the world today In elaborate plana for the observance ot Easter to morrow. White big crowdB nro hurry ing nway to the seaside and the Quaker City will be well represented In the rash Ion parade on the Boardwallt nt Atlantic City, thousands or faithful will remain hero and Join In worshiping Christian tho anniversary of that day when ne arose from the dead and brought Joy and salvation to all who believe and follow Him. For weeks choirs and special, choruses have been practicing cantatas and the solemn nnd beautiful Enster music. With the first lays ot the morning tomorrow liozatinns and hallelujahs will ring out in nil the churches ot tho city. Probably, moro than ever before, Easter morn will ho welcomed with sun rise services In churches of all denom inations throughout tho city. It may be that tho war across the sea, tho suffering And tho slnughter Is lesponslble for the greater appreciation ot tho peace this country enjoys, which will be expressed at tomorrow's services; or It may be the effect of tho general revival that Is sweeping through the country. But, whatever tho cause, it cannot bo denied that tho church peoplo are moro alert this year than they have been In many ycarB to meaning nnd algtiKlcnneo of Kaster. This has been Indicated through tho Unusually largo attendance at the Lenten services in the churches. And, with the approach of tho most Joyful of all holi days, thero has been a widening Interest In the coming observances. Tho muslo programs arranged have seldom, If over, been surpassed. Today hundreds of florists aro engaged In decorating church edifices, and tomor row morning beautiful lilies nnd other spring blooms will adorn tho nltars. Their fragranco will Intermingle with that ot tho Incense, making a wolcomlng per fume to greet those who kneel to sing tns praises of tho King of Kings. Elaborate services will be held In the Ilomnn Catholic Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, In Logan Square. Archbishop rrendorgast will bo the celebrant nt the Folemn High Jlass. Tho sermon will be preached by the Tlov. Father Valentino. In all Catholic churches Mass will bo aid on faster Day. In churches of other denominations special exorcises will mark the observ ance of Raster. Beautiful music will bo heard, and on Illy-bedecked nltnrs tall candles will glenm amqng tho flowers. Elaborate musical programs will charac terize the Hervlces In most of the Episco pal churches. In tho churches ot St. Clement's, St. Stark's, Calvary, tho Annunciation nnd others where the ancient Anglican ritual Is followed, the services will bo pnrtlcu larly Impressive. MORE THAN 500 NEW i BIBLE CLASSES HERE : Neighborhood Organizations, btarted by Miss Saxe, of Sun- day Party, in Active Study. Moro than 500 neighborhood Bible classes have been organised as the ro sult of the campaign in Philadelphia ot Billy Sunday. These classes, largely the outcome of the wnrlc nf Ml,.- n,.. if Saxe, Sunday's Bible teacher, aro found r In OVPrv RpnMnn if l,a !.. n., . a total membership of nhnnt Knnn n.r.n. i Iiach week they meet In the homes of fc.rnembera for the study of the Bible. It Is . not unusual for several persons to be I converted during the sessions ot the 5 classes. C Jn order to conserve the work as much s possible and to havo Its efTect foi y igood extended as widely as possible, moro umii unit a aozen centres will bo organ ized In different sections of Philadelphia in tho early future, where renorts of thn progress of the Bible study may bo made. ... i.;oi uuinciciico ot leaaers ot the classes will be held in the Temple Luth eran Church. E2d ami Tin strut. - ',Jueaday afternoon at 3 o'clock. ' Mrs. j-iiiiua v Kearney, of the Philadelphia COUntV Sunrlnv Sphnnl Aannin,i .... has Charce Of thn r.nfiaoa illl k charge. "" " "' yEX-GOVERNOR PENNYPACKER TO TALK AT BIBLE RALLY iProminent Sneakers fnp Tirovoi t?m,ii Civic and Educationnl Arnntinn. ? Pa.,t,1,rd ln tho ""lea of clvlo and pIm , ra,uca of th0 Drexel Diddle Bible Classes will take place on Thurs- lthyBnJHhT,'?.th9 Fourth DaPtlat C1'" n.M B"tt,"W00(1 Btets. William J. ?h i,?h,ef ,d'I'octor " Kast - hliadel. pnia, will preside, and the speakers will .include ex-aovernor Samuel W. Penny Packer, Frederick J, Shoyer, 'Frederic W. Norcross. it. n i' .'. J ,rl.,u IV Wilson. The n.'v. J B. a.Vl the PMtor, will deliver tho address of wel. Sf-1nd.thB cholr wl slve a special ' ?i ,1 UK'""'' 'ino meeting wl be Open to thn nuhl nn.i -.. j - . 'bi M iW d re(,ulred' No offering will DARBY WANTS CAMPAIGN I BY EVANGELIST NICHOLSON LCommittee Receives Rnnniirniromonf firom Preacher Now Stirring; Chester. 3arwnlon Evanel'8tlo Committee of Jaroy has started n. mnvamant t .m.i. ioMiQhoU?nHemmlnser Party, now goiainjr services n Chester, to conduct ,77 ks- .campaign In May. ' 13 thought that thn rl,iir.l,a. In ii iniC1,1ry.n' ColHngdala and Sharon 'l Will fall In With tia nlnr, Ql.. .l. SI. eetlnK f tha committee a, few fftLtVL '"""be. have approached the S "" "-"emminger party and have it (i. cucuuragem,ent. KiA . Q ose ot the combined Sunday mce tomorrow In the Darby Theatre, wiling will be held ami rt.flnlta ,.: itf?,ment9 my b0 made tor a bis evan. uaiie cainnalsn mu!.i- h ,lirntin t Nicholson. ' Richard Zerkwor Imnrnvl'nn !lSard Ztckyer, of tha Zeckwer Con- fm . i " Dl au81c. was reported to be T y M th warrt Hospital, . u"uer"m an operation for an t Of tha throat vrstnrrfav Tltr ISo u tbe """wtw of conservatories rriuSa s,r' and in Oermantown, t Philadelphia and other ections. Easter at Oakmnnr plborate Easter program has been Kr oy J " . the gastor of fwon rnurcn, Oakmont for tomor- Jn addition to the usual Easter ""''' oantu. tne wwi-Known dt stt,g at th mwulns servia. AND THEIR fEljcjfrfcnblp.ftatlj fTn-fjffans of America have much for which to be thankfut this Easter season. While the World Is ft narrow for the sufferers lit the tcnrrliin nntlnnx. them I' a preater spirit of evangelism throughout this country than has been seen for many years. Some teliglous teadcrs sal toe are futt entering tho greatest revival pcrlorf In history. -Vetcr has such a wave of temper ance sentiment spread over the world as mat found today. Religion has become a popiilnr sub feet for conversation. Magatlnes and newspapers are giving more space to It than ever before. Philadelphia services during the Lenten season were more largely at' tended than then had been In years. And reports from other parts of the country Indicate the same Interest and enthusiasm. Probably the gieatcst foy, however, to the Christian people of the Keystone State has come through Governor Ilrumbaugh's fearless stand for local option and the loyal support ho Is re ceiving from Church and business leaders. Yes, truly, we have much for whlrh to sing our praise. Hut let us not for get that, although our blessings arc many, tor ore most indebted for the one that came with that old message; ucnotu, tno I, or i is risen I' PHILLIPS. (MRRICK THEATRE MEETINGS TO END SEASON TOMORROW Moro Thau 30,000 Persons Attended Lemon Hill Association" Services. The most successful season of winter meetings ever held by the Lemon Hill Association will bo brought to a close with a special Easter service In tho Der rick Theatre tomorrow night. A careful cstlmato places the aggregato attendance during tho series of 23 meetings nt nnvly CO.COO jri-sons, while tho visitors' record shows representatives from every State In the Union and almost every country on the globe. In his sermon on "A ltlsen Christ or Nunc" the Itev. James B. Ely will dis cuss tho resurrection as a proof of Christ's deity, the risen Christ as the head of the Church, making it n living Institution; as tho head of the homo, preserving Its sanctity, nnd ns the head of the- Individual, giving assurance of Im mortality. KELIGIOUS BREVITIES At St. Mattheiv'i Lutheran Cnurch. Broail anil Mount Vernon streets, the Ilov. Dr. Edwin Heyl Delk will conflrm tho cattchetlcal claH and recoil e new members tomorrow morning, tlio Easter offerinir will b presented. Holy Communion will bo administered at 4 p. m. The OTtn anniversary of tha Sunday school will toe1 obseriad at T:30 p. m At St. John's Eplncopal Church the rtcv, lr. aeorgo Chalmers KlchmoncJ will prench on "A Ullmpso of Ideal Humanity In the Light or the llenurrootlon" tomorrow morning, and on ''Tho Chrlattanlratlon of Modern I.lfc: Can It Bo Done?" In tho opening. .Th?, n,ev!, Dr' LD- u U"rrl will preach at tho Methodist Church or tho Covenant tomor row at 1O..10 o. m. and the Itov. Dr. Ocorge W. Ileneon nt 7.t5 p. m. Thero will bo Easter music. Twenty-flte new menibcrs will be admitted to fellowahlp ln tho Unhersallot Church ot the Itostoratlon tomorrow. .A? 51, filljal",.,h'eEPsc0Ba! Church tomor row morning tho Rev. Frederick U. Ward will conduct Solemn High Maes with a pro cession. Solemn evensong with proccsulon and solemn To Deum will bo sung at 8 o'clock In tho eonlng. At tho rirat Unitarian Church tomorrow, morning, thero wlllbe a union .service of tho church and Sunday school and baptism of children. The Ilev, C. B. St. John wfll preach H '""ii Life." In tho ovsnlng his subject K!". XTAe . nostirroctlon interpreted by tha Easter nenlceg and Easter Communion will r conducted by the Ilev. Dr. Unbort Iluth ?rr'?1 r,0,l!,ior ?f ,he Central North Droad strfSt.Pr!i?yterlon Church tomorrow morning at 10.45 o clock. In the evening a special pro gram with Easter muslo will be rendered, pe Rev. Dr J mtchln Smith, of tho rrlncston Theological Seminary, will address the Preshjlerlan Ministers' .Meeting In West minster Hnll Monday morning, at 11 o'clock, on "The Hard Saylnga of Scripture." The Jw Dr. Husaell lr Conwell. laator Or tho UautlBt Temnlo. will haollTn n.A h. tOO perfcona tomorrow at 8.30 a, in. and 2. So P. m. j wm conauct prayer meeting at 7 a. m. and Communion service at 10 ."10 a m He will preach at both morning and etenlng rvrvlces. Henri Scott will nrolnt the chorus at he evtnlng seivlce, for which special iiiuqiu nan urau nimniaa ay froieSBOr William Powell Twaddell, musical director. A largo number of new members will Join ,h.e. . Ma"'h Lutheran Church tomorrow. In addition to the 80 new aocesslona. A reception will ho tendered the now members and Sunday converts Monday evening. A whirlwind cam paign la to be orranlied next week. In which inau; an uic iiiciiiuvib will participate. Special Easter services, with music, will bo !,.'ld ".'-A.1?' Young Women's Christian Asaoela tlon. isno Arch street, tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock, with Mrs. Joseph A. Hudson pre siding. Madame I-ayah ftarakat will eprak. Tho soloist will be Mrs. Augustus Nolle f Jjevln West will play the cornet, and Mils Carrie Hudson will be the accompanist. Easter Day servlcesaT St. Mark's Episcopal Church, loth and J-acust atreeta. tomorrow will consist ot celebrations for Communions at 7 and h a. m.. Matins at 10 a m.. celebration ot the Solumn Eucharist at 10:30 a. m. and Sol emn Evensong at 4 p. m. The Itev. Elliot White, rector, will preach at 10.30 a. m. "Thej Innuencs of tho. Doctrine of Evolution ??-MfI'.B'0if' Vl0?hi wl" J" the subject o" the llev. K. E. Evans at the airard Avanue Unitarian Church tomorrow evening. Easter anthems will be eung at the Cen. 5jh,1,7the,n1.05',trvChSr':n morrow morning ..ih n R.tSs D,r aw,r? w- Uabcock will preach on "The Empty Tomb." An Eaater cantata, -will be auug In tho Stenlng. The Men's Bible Class '' 'Central Truth of Tomorrow's Lesson (April 4, 1915 International Series Easter Lesson, Matt., xxvlil, 1-10.) Christ Is Risen By GEORGE G. DOWEY Mohammed is dead; Confucius Is dead; Buddha is dead; Jesus Ohrist, though He teas dead, is now alive forevermore. The glory of Christianity is the present, personal, living Christ, The skeptic's chief difficulty has been to Keep the crucified Nazarene embalmed in the tomb. To do this he sealed it with the "unbreakable" Jtoman seal; he set the "invincible" Jtoman guard to watch the seal, and he has since exhausted every conceivable trick of human urtt, wisdom, reason and philosophy to explain the broken seal and the empty tomb. Yet there stands out, clear and distinct, the indisputable fact Ohrist is risen. If the skeptic could change that fact he would destroy the very foundation of Christianity, It would be easier to change the course of the planets, for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is a fact more secure than tomorroufa rising sun. The Holy Spirit anticipated all the possible arguments that would be used by an unbelieving world against the validity of the resurrection story. Each of the 11 appearances of Jesus after Ills resurrection pteets and fully answers some one OEQHQE a. powey or more of these skeptical arguments. Belief in the risen Christ is necessary to salvation. "If thou shalt confess telth thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that Qod hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" (Rom,, x, 0). The resurrection is the source of comfort and hope to the believer, Cal vary and its cross, with no Easter morning, means darkness and defeat. The two disciples on the way to flmmaus were bowed in grief until the resurrection became real to them; then all was changed. There ts many a sad and dis couraged soul today plodding wearily along the Emmaus life's road, ttrf7t eyes holden bv memories of Oejhsemane gloom and Calvary defeat, and once bright hopes buried in the grave, with the journey seeming long and tedious, who, if he would but hnow what the Scriptures say concerning the Ohrist, would not see the cross so much as the orown; not the gloom, but the glory; not the dead and burled Hatarene, but the living victorious Saviour (he Christian's hope of glory. WORKERS - "EASTER LILIES Edifices throutrhout the cttv nrn II piliiBiBltSiSIIHHiiB I Bin iwMHH !, . wj gtypynfwllr T?a$at ra'.HM,-J II IHp itess- ?$63? ffia!i-Ri HIS wMmn H mBBSL mtm mmmmmmKm ' ft ImmMmmMiWmmWtvWm I""' ' -t w - '"wjibw sHI t )KtV,j vW ; ajMa.ABIa II Above is a view of decorations in Our Mother of Sorrows' Catholic Church, LOCAL OPTION HAS BIBLE CLASS HELP More Than 1000 Men of Church Organizations Going to Har risburg to Back Up Governor. Kihle clans men throughout the city are enthusiastic supporters ot Oovernor Brumbaugh in his light for the passage of his local option bill, nnd next Tuesday It Is expected that about 1000 of them will Join tho nntl-saloon army that vylll go to Harrlsbttrg to participate In the public hearing demonstration. Confidence is felt by them that tho Governor is going to como out victorious, nnd. In event the bill shou'd bo defeated, it Is their Inten tion to continue their fight by using their I Influence to elect locnl option men to tho next Legislature. Many of tho big classes that have been organized by the Ilev. George G. Dowey, general secretary of tho Philadelphia Sunday School Association and chairman ot the Blblo class work for tho "Billy" Sunday campaign, will send delegations to march In tho anti-saloon parade. Among them will be one of about 20 men from the Tioga Presbyterian Church, an other of 10 men from the Calvin Pres byterian Church, ono of llvo men from tho Gaston Presbyterian Church and an other of eight from Slloam Methodist Eplscopnl Church. To Begin Revival Soon Special evangelistic services nro to be begun on Apt II tl nt tho Ninth Presby terian Church, 57th street nnd Washing ton avenue, under tho direction ot the minister, the Itev. Dr. John Alfred Hlg gotis, with the thought of conserving, so far as possible the results of "Blllj" Sun day's campaign In this city. Pastors of other Presbyterian churches In tho city will assist Doctor Hlggons. Among those to help are tho Itevs. II. A. Hoggs, O. G. McDowell, W. M. Auld, A. J. Ferry and J. a. wewmnn. Tho Ninth Church has received a total addition in membership during the last year of 107 persons. Doctor Hlggons re ports moro than -50 men in the Bible classes nnd that tho prayer-meeting nt tendanco has doubled slnco tho Sunday campaign movement started In the city. "The Crucifixion" Finely Sung Sir John Stalner's cantata, "Tho Crucl llxlon," was sung last night in the Wal nut Street Presbyterian Church, before a largo and deeply Impressed audience, by tho capable chor of the church, aug mented for the occasion. Tho Ilev. II. Alford Hoggs, who assisted tho pastor, tho Ilev. J, A. MeCallum, preached an appropriate sermon, "Rody" and Ackley to Give Recital Homer Ilodeheaver, "Billy" Sunday's choir leader, and Bcntley D. Ackley, pianist of the Sunday party, will make a trip to this city fiom Paterson. N. J., and give a recital in the Baptist Temple, Broad nnd Berks stroets, on Monday night, April 19, the proceeds of which vWll be devoted to the Home and School League, of this city. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES ADORN CHURCHES" linntttirmrl with fmwrnnt Mnnm EXTENSIVE SHOP WORK BYMEN0FY.M.C.A. Central Branch Increases Spir itual Power Easter Music Tomorrow. Extensile shop work Is being done by the religious Renlco department of the Centrnl Brunch Young Men's Christian Association. Illchard C. Wilson, promoter of service, with his assistants, Is exerting every effort to mnko tho Institution's power for the growth of the spiritual Ufa of the city become stronger than It has ever been, and nlmost every week-day meetings are held In shops In tho central part of the city nt noon. Noxt Tuesday a meeting will be held In tho shop of tho Bemcnt-Mlles nlant. at 21st and Callowhlll streets, when the Itev. Frank Scott will glvo an address, Tho nov. Fletcher Clark will talk at a meeting to be held nt the headquarters of the Packard Motor Car Company, 317 North Broad Mtreet, on Wednesday. At tho William Sellers Company shop, IGtn nnd Hamilton streets. Ilobert C. Mc Qullklu will give an nddress on Thursday. On Friday Mr. Wilson will lend tho meet ing in the John C. Winston Publishing House, nt 100G Arch street. Special nnstcr muslo will bo a feature of tho regular meeting tor men In the auditorium tomorrow afternoon nt 4 o'clock. Miss Ethel Sykcs, coloratura soprano, will slug, nnd Irmtrumont il in lists will iiarticlpnto In the program. The nddress will be given by the Ilov. O. S. Utiffleld, pattor of the Asbury Methodist Kplscopal Church, whose topic will ho "Tho Final Object." Thomas I.. Lawton's Drop-In Class will meet In the Lobby, nt 3 o'clock. NOItTH BflANCH. Tho llnst of a series of five addresses on "How to Win Men," was given Inst night by the Ilev. H. Grecnwny, pastor of the Gaston Presbyterian Church. Doctor Greemvay's subject last night was "How to Win Careless Men." The North Philadelphia Mlnisterlum will meet in the auditorium of tho North Branch on Tuesday afternoon, to consider means for conserving tho religious Inter est nrotiBed by the Sunday campaign. K. B. Buckalew, general secretary of tho Scranton V. M. C. A., has been Invited to speak on the methods uspd for con servation of Sunday's work in that city. In tho evening representatives from a dozen or more shops will attend a din ner at 6:30 o'clock, when Mr. Buckalew will speak. There will be an elaborate musical en tertainment In the auditorium this eve ning. Professor Happlch'a orchestra will be assisted by Horace II. Hood, and Miss Alma Brunner. a reader, will par ticipate In the exercises. Tomorrow afternoon, at the lobby meeting, the Ilov. James It. MncArthur. pastor of the Bethesda Presbyterian Church, will Bpeak on "Two Ways to tho Throne." Mrs. A. C. Bates will be the soloist. "WEST BRANCH. A community meeting for a discussion of woman suffrage will be held In the West Branch Y. M. C. A., on Saturday evening of next week, at S o'clock. It will be a maBs-meetlng, nnd will be open to the public. The speaker will be Mrs. Marlon Booth Kelley. Among features of n musical program will be soprano sulos by Mrs. Felix M. Katar and violin solos by Charles Caspor. Jr. "From Chinatown to the Pulpit" will be the subject of an address to be de livered at the Sunday afternoon meeting tomorrow by George Long, founder and superintendent of the Inasmuch Mission, Mr. Long will tell his life story. Henry W. Lewis will lead the singing. The meeting Is to begin at i o'clock. In order to conserve as much as nos- slblo the benefits 0f the "Billy" Sunday campaign that came through students of the West Philadelphia High School "hitting the trail" In tha West Branch when Homer A. Ilodeheaver spoke- there, V. II, Crown, the executive secretary. Is Interviewing them. Bible classes are be ing formed for them, and they are all being lined up with church work. Unitarian Christianity Jesus said to the sinner; "I do not condemn thee, go and sin no more." Shall God be less tender and Just than his messenger? God will know how to condemn and punish, but only In tenderness and perfect jus tice, lie will so nt the punishment to Iha Bin as to make every sin fade Into agonized regret, and to bring forth reformation and endless good ness. There Is no unpardonable sin, fio sin great enough to deserve end ess hell. AVould you torture a man who had repented and become sin cerely good, whether the reforma tion came before death or after? Jesus would not God will not Come and hear tbe Inspiring Uni tarian conception of Immortality at tomorrow's services at tbe FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH, SUB Chest nut street Rev C E 8t John. Miihm r CREDIT FOR SUNDAY GIVEN BY REPORTS OF LOCAL PASTORS Clergymen Say That While Majority of Converts Were Not Prom Taber nacle, "Billy" Helped Through Revival Spirit. Iteports, ot tho returns In new members pastors of Philadelphia churches hnve re ceived through the "Billy" Sunday cam paign continue to roll In. Although many clergymen have not responded to requests for statements regarding tho number of tnbernaclo "trail-hitlers' " enrds, a large majority of tho reports that have been sent to the 15vknino I.BDonn aro favor able to tho evangelist and his work. Tho Tlev, Edwin Forrest llann reports that ho has received 37 members that lie can trace directly to the tabernacle meet ing, and that by a follow-up system oth ers will be added through the receipt of 120 cards from tho Sunday meetings. The Jlev. Dr. John D. C. Hanna, pastor ot tho 29th Street Methodist Church, writes: "I havo received since January 1, i:s new members Into my church, moat ot whom have come as a result of tho Sun day campaign. I look for nnother bun dled " The Ilev Isaac Ward, pastor of the Fourth Reformed Church, roports M new members slnco tho campaign began, 17 of whom were Sunday "trml-hlttors." He reports that thero are new 200 person-) present at tho prayer meetings, whereas: thero wore only about 100 beforo the cam paign started. The Rev. Mr. Llttell, pns tor ot the Veet United Presbyterlnn Church, has received 100 now members since January 1, 25' ot whom came through tabernacle cards. Tho Increase In memborshlp during the Inst three or four months has been about 100 per cent. ine itev. William J. Miller, Jr., pastor of tho Tabernacle Lutheran -Church, re ports that his church hqs ndded more than 50 new members since January 1. He estimates that about 10 of these .vere Sunday converts and says there are more of tho tabernacle "tralt-hltters" to be seen nnd obtnlnod. Mr. Miller gives tho campaign much of credit for making such a large harvest nosslbtr. The Hcv. A. Perclval Hodgson, pastor of tho Falls of the Schuylkill Methodist Church, says that three-fourths of 30 new members his church enn teport nro lab ornacle converts. The Rev. George W. Babcock, pastor ot the Centenary Meth odist Church, reports 100 new membern since the campaign opened, 31 of them being "trall-hlttors." The Rev. J. II. Shlroy, pastor of tho Trinity United Evangelical Lutheran Church, Gorman town, reports that one-half of the new members he has received Into his church were tabernoclo converts. The Rev. Robert T. Tyson, pastor of the Taylor Memorial Methodist Protest ant Church, advises that ho received 36 tabernacle cards, that four persons Joined his church through tabernacle conver sion, but had not signed cards; Hint theie weie -10 conveited In the church services slnco January 1; 12 label natlo "trail hitters" have Joined his church; 20 of his chinch converta havo Joined and 10 Joined by letter or confession. Also he reports that 10 church converts Mill Join tomorrow, at which time S tabornacle converts will nlso be received, together with 22 persons who unite with the con gregation through other means. He be lieves that It has done men and women good to reconsecrate their lives bv slink- Ing Sunday's hand; that only 4 caids weto received by him of unchurched people who are not likely to Join church, and that this is about the same percentago a that of church conversions who fall to unite with a church. Tho Rev. John. 8. Romlg, pastor of the First Moravian Church, advises that he received about 25 new members last week, six of whom are tabernncle converts. The Ilev. Dr. Henry K. Jones, potior of the Henry Memorial Presby terian Church, reports that ho received 122 new members Into his church last week, and that although only four of theso nre "trall-hltters" the great growth was made possible by "the Sun day atmosphere plus tho grace of God." Tha Rev. O. R. Palmer, pastor of the Bernchah Church, 2240-12 North 29th street, reports that his church has re ceived about CO cards of "trall-hltters" and that new members are being received at nearly every service. The greatest benefit, however, ho believes, lias been tho quickened interest In spiritual mat ters. Tho Rev. Mr. Palmer Is conducting evangelist survlces to follow up the Sun day campaign In tho New Jefferson Theatre each Sundav evening. The Rev. J. E. Hill, rector ot All RELIGIOUS NOTICES Baptist PAITIST TEMPLE. Broad and Berks. Russell II. Conwell will preach, Prayer Mcetlnr, 7 am. Baptism BSO a. m. and 2:30. Morning, 10.30. Bible School, 2:30. Eve.. 7:43. HENRI 8COTT will arslst In the evenlt.g. Organ Recital, 7:1B. Wm. Powell Twaddell, M. P. ' CHESTNUT STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Chestnut St., west of 401 li it. OEOMOK D. ADAMS, II. D pastor. u:43a. ro. Brotherhood of A", and P. lO-.'iOa. m.-Spoclsl Easter Service, with Bap- ttkm, 12:W) m. .rammllnlon Rervlre. 2:80 p m Ulblo School and Men's Blblo union, 7'4.1 p. m, Worship and Sermon by Pastor, Baptism. CHOIR PnOORAM: MOUN1NO Organ Prelude, "Pantasle on n Easter If Bin, ' Lutklns, Anthems. "Christ Is Risen," Maunder, "I Am the Resurrec tion," Kinder: "They Rata Taken Away My Lord," stalner: "Tho Magdalene," Warren, Poatlude, "Hallelujah Chorus," Handel. EVENING Anthem. "Easter Morn," Brewer; Soprano Solo, "lloaanna," Graner Honrano. Mra Lima Carov Johnson: Con tralto, Marv Newklrkt Tenor, Frederick C. Kidman, Bass, Horace R. Hood, Organist aml leader, Ray Danlela Jones. FIRST 11APTIST OHURCOi7"l7tht. nbau Walnut. RBV- aEORfJH HOOPER FERRIS, U, D.. Minister. Rev George E, Nichols, assistant 1U:30 a. m. Worship and preaching, Baptism Subject "TWO FORMS OF LIFE'' 12 m Communion 12:10 p. in Men' Clossf Women's Class 7:10 p, m. Musical service 8.00 p. in. Worship and preaching Subject "THE CHALLENGE Of FAITH" Special Eaater muslo morning and evening Fred. Mazson. organist and musical director SECOND BAPTIST HBLPINQ-HAND CLASS meets 2:S0. 7th helow airard av. ', i in John C, Siyre. leader. Eaater , music, solos, duets, .(lull- ug vuub, iiutjuf. :.:. t.llism 11. Mlntter. Musical Director: William II. Young. Organist, Ess'jr offering for Bethany Anchor age, SOrt North 9th at. Friday night. Every- quintet ana coorua mating, etc. wuuani It, Wll im II hany body's Meeting. Mr. George Cable, leader. Brethren FIRST CHURCH OF TII8 MRETHHbn; (Dunktr), cor, Carlisle and Dauphin sts. Preaching 10 JO a. m. and LIS p. m. Sunday Bchool-2.30 p. m. . Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evenlnr. Dliclplea of Christ THIRD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lancaster ave, liollj ind Aspen sts. T. E. WINTER Pastor, 10 45. 3 to. J. &. Ilreitl Middle Bible Classes DREXKL BIDDLB BIBLE CLAB3ES Come to our Rally, Thursday night. Fourth Baptist Church; 6th and UutlonwooJ aVeeta. Speakers. JSii-Rovernor Penqypicker. -p. j. Shoyer. F. W Norcros. It. D. Janes and lluih M. Wllloo. No admlsiion" n? !Ti No admission' or col- lection. Ethical Culture HORACE- J. BRIDGES will apeak on The tti Resurraction of Jasus." nroarf Kt, I Theatre, Sunday. 11 a. m. Pubite jlcema FrankUa llama 1-ir.v OP IVEBBrATEH. 011. IS lu, , J Suuday p. m. Swvtea ttudustM by Dr OP ALL DENOMINATIONS Saints' Episcopal Church, reports hi hew members ndmltted by confirmation slnco Janunry 1, and W other persons (some of them lapsed communicants) who had "lilt tho trail." Tho Rev. Homer J. O. Rlnker, pastor of Grnco United Evan gelical Church, reports H new members slnco tho campaign started, seven of whom were converted nt tho tabernacle. The Rev. V A. Rowers, pastor of All Saints' Lutheran Church, Gennnntown nvenue nnd Cnyuga street, reported that ho received 101 new members last Sun day, three of whom were tabernacle con verts. Additional repnrla rerelted from nnstors nf rlturrlif trill be ptibllnhed In the lire nine Ledger Itellaionn rage net Pntnrilaj-. EASTER iilUSIC IN CITY'S CHURCHES Hymns of Praise and Joy to Be Sung at All Christian Services Tomorrow. Thero Is no Christian ohurch In the city In which special music will not bo given tomorrow In observance of Enster. Elabornto programs 'nave been announced by choir directors In churches of all de nominations, nnd, In one nccord,. tho voices of tho singers and congregations in all the chtlrcho will be lifted In songs and hymns of praise and Joy In honor of tho Risen Lord, In the Lutheran Church of the Incar nation, tho Ilev. Art'nur T. Mlchler, pas tor, special music will ho rendered under the direction of Rees .1. Frcscoln, the organist, and tho Hallelujah chorus will sing. Mrs, Charles Eves will sing "i Know That My Redeemer Llveth." In tho morning Mr. Muchlor will prench on "Tho Enster Message," and the Bible school will glvo Its Easter service in the evening. At the Grace Reformed Cnurch there will be a dawn service of Scripture, hymns nnd anthems, with a sermon at 6 o'clock. Other organizations will hold services appiopriate to the day later, and at 10:30 Holy Communion will be admin istered nnd Infunts will bo baptized. Among the most elaborate programs of music will be those ln St Peter's Church, Wayne and Harvey streets, Germantown, under the direction of Harry Morris Stoton, tho organist and choirmaster. Thero will be speclnl music both morn ing and evening. Frederick Mnxson, the organist at the First Baptist Church, has also announced special programs for tho 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. sen Ices. Miss May Portfr, director of music ln St. Paul's Presbytorlnn Church, 50th street and Baltimore avenue, has ar ranged special programs for the fore noon nnd evening services. At the latter Gaul's "Holy City" will be aung, and Dorothy Johnstone Baselcr, harpist, will assist. Beautiful musical services will also be held In nnother West Philadelphia church. Ruy Daniels Jonos, leader of the choir and organist at the Chestnut Streot Bap tist Church, announces a special program for the morning at 10:30 o clock. nni.iaious noticks Lemon Hill Association "a msKN cinusT on none" UAHTllUK THEATRES RII.NDAV NlOltr 7-30 A L L- W 1XCOM U- A LL Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHERAN" -The Friendly Church" 10th nnd Jefferson sts Daniel K. Welnle. Pastor 10.30 a. m. Kaster music and sermon. Holy Communion and accession of members'. 2 30 p. m. Kaster In the Dlble School,' Miss M. llrockway nnd Rev. II. B. Musser, speak ers. 7 4S p. m Trombont., cornet, organ and double quartet: rental hymns. Sermon by me I UFiur. TAtlKRNACLE, ODth and Spruce Win. J. Mil ler Jr. 104 7't .1 S 2:30 p m. Methodist Episcopal CENTENARY, -(1ST AND SPltlNQ UAUDIWZ ST8. GEO. W. BABCOCK D. D.. PASTOR. 10 :n iii-.ur:inu ui airjuuijKH. EAS TER ANTHEMS. SERMON "THU EMPTt TOMB." S::i0 BIBLE SCHOOL. EAbTER EXERCISES. 7 45-RECEPT10N OF MEM IILIIS. ADDRESS. BA8TEH CANTATA BV CHOItt'R CHOIR. PUBLIC CORDIALLV INVITED. CHUnCH OF THE COVENANT "" SPRUCE ANU ISTH STS. MILTON HAROLD NICHOLS, MINISTER, in :iu Eaater Sermon by the Re. . E. Hur ries. D. D. 7'4r Fermon by the Rev George tV, Hen- Enlarged Choir. Musical numbers "Halle lujah. Christ la Risen," Simper; "As It Be gan to Dawn," Martin, "Unfold Yo Portals," Gourod; "Hosanna," Oranler; "Jerusalem." Oounod; "Awake, Thou That Sleepest," Maker; "Open the Gains of the Temple," Knapp; "Redeemed by Ills Death," Salter. A hnarty welcome given to qtrangera. New Jerusalem (Swedenhorglan) THE LORD ENTHRONED" is tho subject of the sermon Sunday morning by the pastor, the Rev. Charlos W. Harvey, at the Church of thn Now Jerusalem. 22d and Chestnut afreets. Hen Ices at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at VM. Alt Heats ara free. Every body Is -welcome, Communion after the morning service. Presbyterian CENT HAL-NORTH BROAD STREET PRES BYTEHIAN CHURCH. Broad ond Oreen sti. ROBERT HUGH MORRIS. D. n.. rsto". 10 P a m. Easter Services. Easter Com munion, with sermon bv the Pastor. 2 45 p. m. Easter Service In the Sunday School. 7:4 p. m -Special program of Easter muale. with sermon by tho Pastor. Every one mojt cordially Invited. GREEN HILL. Glrard ave. above 1Mb. Rev LOUIS ALLEN will celehrata Communion at Ihema "Hosanna," Granltr; "I Am lie That Llveth," Simper; "T Deum" (C minor) Ruck: "Awako, Thou That Sleenest." Maher Solos Soprano. "I Know That My Redeemer Llveth." Mandel. alto. "King of Klnga." Shelley, tenor, "The Resurrection," tfheiley, tan.. '"Victory," Shelley, Prof John Dyson, organist and dltector. uas Ktnei nobs soprano Mies Margaret Gerer, alto; Georgo W Solese. Jr , tenor. Frederick Hunier, bass. Program to bo lepeated Sunday, April 11 HOPE. 3 Id and Wharton sts. Minister, Rev. J CJRAY BOLTON, D, D, Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL. Asslatant. 10:4 a. m Roy, Mr, Caldwell will orcach. 7:13 o. 111.. Dr. DoltOn Will breach On 'ReallrrapHnn Olory." Special Eaater music, led by 60 voices. ST. PAUL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHTBoitt. uioru ttr. turner win St.. ilev, J, UKVK.R- IDOE LEE, D. D.. Minister. " 10 1 a. m. Public worship. Sermon by Dr. Lee, Special Eaater music- Festival Ta Deum In E flat. Buck; they Have Taken Away My Lord, Stalner; The Croia. Wart; Christ Our Passover, Tours. Augmented rholr. 2 SO p m Graded Bible School. 7 4S p. m. Evening worship, with special music Prelude, tarn and organ; Holy city. Haul. Augmented chair. Solo quartet. Dorothy Johnstone Baacler, harpist. May Porter, organist and director. All seats !ri at all services. " ' UnT&n tabernaclb York and Coral sti. REV. ROBERT HUNTER. TJ. D., PASTOR. JOrt a, in Easter sermon and Infant baptism 7lJ P. m i -EASTER, CANTATA, by the choir and aneclal soloists, conducted by Prof. Hcr nwn O, Kumme. short Eaater message bv lbs paator. 2U Sahhath School 7 V T r- c 2-UIBLE UNION IN THE CHURCH vosst riuris. ror. rreston and Alpen sts. Rev. CHARLB3 E. BRONSON, D D. Minister. 1 Jlev. CHARLES, 11. WHITAKER. Rtf Assistant. -HsP 8.30 a. m.-Brotherbood of AndriwBnd Philip. 1040 . ra--Sp:Ul Eaatar Service. Morn ing; worship with sermon The sacred can tata. "Victory Divine." by solo, juarut and augmented chorus Thta'ta the flrat rendi tion in Philadelphia, of this beautiful cantata, picturing the Brat Eaater mora. Mlaa Margaret E llaily, soprano; William F. JUtui. tenor. MUa Marzuartta r!rowll eaatrsJte. William H BudJ. tei3. WlllUm A Murdock. orianlst and diroetor. 2d0 p. in. u jsieie 8ctuJ utr Utrrm. 7 4 p. jea - Holy CojajBmatoa. vrtu kX aX ' ;mwvaKmnir: ruy MUBs. I BUWird7 " a o. va Haiv caaiiaiiRtu wn b . i TABEIINACIjK USHERS TO DO EVANGELISTIC WORIt Other OrRnhizatlons Being' Formed. Gimbel Women Ifave fcible Class. Many attlve Christian organizations ar being formed to continue the work be gun by "Billy" Sunday, The latest to dr gnnlzo were 10 inert who Were ushers In Alslo 6 In tho tabernncle. They hay linked themselves together bs Team N'o. 1 of tho Philadelphia tabernacle ush. ers, and plan to do evangelistic work and street work throughout the city ThP plan Is to have 20 membera In the team, all former ushers nt the Sunday meetings. W. Jf. House, 1809 North 16th street, was chosen leader, and the other olllclnls of the team are as follows: Assistant leader, George N. Oberrender, 2668 North Cleveland avenue; secretary, Harry O. Kaeppllnger, 3100 Haverford avenue; treasurer, Wesley Be van; mu cal director, Norman L. Hill, 4053 Haver ford avenue. The first permanent Bible class In the new Business Women's League to be or ganized as the outgrowth of the Sunday meetings has been formed by eriiployes In Glmbcls' department store. Sunrise Services at Glcnoldcn About half a dozen churches In tin towns surrounding Gtenolden will Join In a sunrise Enster servlco tOnlorroW morn ing In the Glenolden Congregational Church The affair has been arranged &y the Christian Endeavor Society, and promises to attract a large audience. There will bo elaborate programs of Eas ter music nt tho morning and evening services In the church, and 18 new mem bers will be received by tho pastor, the Rev. W. H. Medlar. KKMOIOUS NOTICES Protestant Episcopal CHURCH OF THE HOLY AP0BTLK3 21st and Christian sts., Itev. George Herbert 'loop, B. D., Hector, F. Lyman Ivbtelcr, Organist and Choir master. Florence Adela Wlirhtman, Harpist Hnlfl Hartman, Violinist. 7-00 a. m.. Uaybraak Carol Service, followed Immediately by celebration of the Holy Com munion. Anthem, "Ooa Hath Appointed Day," B. Tours. ft.OO a. m.. Holy Com munion. 10:30 a. m , shortened form of Mornlnr Trover and Holy Communion. Voluntory, "In tho Mornlni"... ..Drier "Christ our Passover"., Vogrlcn Srmon by the Ileolor. . .. "As It Beimn to Dawn" Martin Postlude, "To Krrtng-" -Price Harp, ilolln and orgah. , .1 CO p. m., ICaxter Anniversary of Bunda School nnd Bible Classes. Presentation of offerings cinmcii op thc atqmemhst Klnesesslns- ave. i. ana 4Ttn st. Krvlrps Ilasler Dav 7 no a. m. Holy Communion. y-30 n. m. Church School. 11 OO a. m. Morning Praer, Sermon and lioiv uornmumon 7 0l v. m. -Carol service for Church School. Presentation of missionary offering. Special music at all sen Ices. OLD ST. JOHN'S, Brown below 3d Dr. HIcK? mond preaches tomorrow, 10:30 and 7:43. TARISIl OF ST. LUKE ,,.. , , , AND THE DPirilANT I3th st., below Spruce, lle DAVID St. STEJ3LB, Rector. 8 a. m Holy Communion, it a. in. Morning I'rayer, Sermon and Holy Communion. I p. m. Eaater Carol Bervice. Orgjn, harp- lolln ond 'cello prelude. Inter lude and poiithide, Th Hector will preach at both services. EPIPHANV CirAPEL 171 h and Sun.mer sts. f n. m. Holy Cummunlon., r-fr-T5lor,,1'"r Prayer, Sermon and Holy Communion, n.S- Vi;Ts"n.dav. School Carol Service. Rev. lnlnc A McGrew will preach. Jt. w. J, COX. Rector. IB. Holy Communion, 7 o'clock; Holy Com niunlon. X o'clock Morning Prayer ind Holy ormrunlon. loUli; Sunday School Festival, .J5 p. in Special Easter music. ST Cf-IBTlJETIIcmjhrar lih and Mifflin Fts,. Itev. Frederick D. Vard. Heotor. Ennter lay, April 4, Masses 8. 7:30. o. sol emn Ula i Mass with Procenslon. 10:30 a rn. n-L Vi r,t?uiiB wun iTocesaion ana coiemn Te Deum, 8 p. m. special muslo will D sung-, ST. MARK'S CHURCH. irth and Locust Stroets. Tho Rv. Elliot White. Rector EASTER DAY. i. m. Celebrations for Com- 7, K and 0 munlona. 10.30 a. m. Matins. 11 a. m. Solemn Eucharist Mass. Gounodl. (St, Cecilia 4 p. m. Solemn Evensong. The Rector will bo tho preacher at It . m, A procession of the choristers and dergy will prrcede tha Solemn Eucharist and follow Solemn Evensong. WEEKDAY SERVICES. 7. 7 41 and 0 A. M, and 5 V. M. Mondiy and Tuesday In Eaater week a third cell bratlon ot tho Holy Communion at 3.30 A. M. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 10th at. abovo Chestnut t. Rev. CARL K. GRAMMER. S. T. D.. Rector. Kaster Duy Services. H a. m. Holy Communion tl a. m. Morning- Prayer. Sermon by Rector and Holy Communion. 4 p. m. Musical Service. Henry Gordon Thunder, organist. Reformed FIRST N. A.. IJth and Dauphin. Rev. John D, Hicks, Pastor, 10:30 and 8. S, S 2 3U. Easter celebration, special muale. Swcdenborglan SEE NEW JERUSALEM Unitarian FlRSr UNITARIAN. 2123 Chestnut at.. Rev u. i-j. bi. jonn. easier, u a. m.. union Servlco of Church and Sunday School; Bap tism of children; reception of members, sermon by the minister on "Eternal Ufa." 12.15 Communion Service. S p, m. Last of the evening services. Mr, St. John will epeak on "The Resurrection," interpreted by' th Higher Criticism. anvARlTAVB. (IS20), R"ev. KTErTfV'-AN'Sr" 10.4.1 "Sun Dawn." 12. Heavens Old A Now. I 45"EVOLUTION AND RELIGION." UnltemalUt CHURCH OF THE RESTORATION? Master below 17th at. John Clarence Lea, l. D. Easter services, morning and evenlnr. 10:4? a. in., sermon, "Many Mansions." Recep tlon of members Love offering Anthems "They Have Taken Away My Lord," Stalner "I Am the Resurrection and tha Life" Kinder: "Christ Our Paasaver " RartlAlt Contralto, to, "(Horta," A Bussl Perils Organ, "Trlumrbal March," Mraanlst and Choir Director. II. K I'H.-ai . a w,"i'i auii, ngeiDDVin. lieeioovc Soprano. Catberlna E. Scott. Alto, Luloa M tlras; Tenor, K. It. Galbrultbt Baritone It M Spruanca. 7.45 p. m. "Hope Divine,' carols, itcllatlons, addresses, AH gladly welcome. Young Men's Christian AaqocUtloa REV. O. 8. DUFFIELb; Asbury li. E. Chur. h. Andreas. "Ths Final Object." Sundav. i p.m7. In auditorium, Eaater muale and MUa Ethel Bjlies, torrano. Drop. In Claia 3 n. m., in Lobby. Thomas I, Lawtoo. leader. Men welcome "FROM CHINATOWN TO PULPIT, ' th Htorv or great victory Dv lioarrB I.onr. miruiw- lntendent of Inaamuch Mlasloo, to be told at rn West Branch Y. M c A 4 p. nt Inaplrtng music. Sunday. Aprlt , Young Wumen's Christian AsooclatUfl "W- C." ., 1600 ARCH STREET " SI'ECIAL EABTER MUSIC O A. 41 ABBiaillLY MALL MADAME LA YAH BAUAKAT MRS. H. AUGUETUa NOLTB, Ualalst MR. F. NE-IN WIEST. Cornatial MISS CARRIE HUDSON AccompaeUt MRS. JOSEPH A HUDSON Presiding PUBLIC LNVITED UENEOLENT AeisQUATIUM YOUR HELP IS NEEDED BY The American Rescue Warners FREE EASTER BASKETS lltd,,rafeSn Kuter Sunday Please nd o .omrloutiur: ft emeU, . aeaaral J Wuluiu Iu.'tliL v oja'vsr,J,. i FraaHtord ave , or tu tMrt srf 1st ! jjpjgor, Mb & Chjt w W LJt rintf8uvfnox army, m. PbUdftbI 8tiilti ) 1,. BaJJalirifljJi Jtou Colonel B. HJ ta ntWTr -wT ...tn:T ,..t.,. s " "- ,w i; aaftBt-BBMgeWBWB.-Mit, fl5te-ji MKft . rv "; ftyWiJBa Meats MW'Jl,aMar-WiaWaa J3lnaSMWMtSmma J I