Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 02, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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' . V'JlSWJWr'T'" "
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W?t iSKT 'MIlJ
Merchants and Owners of
Buildings Present Peti
tion to Director Cooke,
Who Says Project Is Up
to Councils.
A petition Arklng for the repavliiR of
Chestnut street linn been forwnitled tn
Council ami to Director Cooke, of the
Ufpitrtment of I'tihlle Worltx, by the
t'hestmtt Streot Htmlnesa Men's Awsucln
tlon. Henry 8. Wllllnnm, president of the ns
oclllon, nml n member of the firm of
Williams, Drown & Knrle, led n ilcleRn
tlon of Chestnut street business men In
presenting the petition to Director Onoltc
It wns slsncd by 200 nieiclinnts mill
owners of property on chestnut street,
And Is said to Include the name of every
person ntinnclnlly Interested in bulldlims
on the thoroURhfnio between the Dela
ware nnd Schuylkill Itlvers.
Director Cooke Informed the delegation
that his department wns ready, to pro.
ceod with the work of plnelng nn Im
proved pavement on n conciele base In
Chestnut street whenever tJonnells atilhor
Ir.eil tho work and appropriated the funds.
It will require nbout JKW.OOO to repave
Chestnut street between the rlvera.
There Is little likelihood of Councils
authorizing the lepnvliiR of the thnimigli- i
fare, as no funds for the purpose are I
available. The ordinance piovldliiK for I
the repnvltlR of streets between Columbia I
and Snyder avenues from the JW0.000 Item
In the $11,300,000 loan has been pnsscd.
with all streets to be Improved desljjnntcd
In tho ordinance, excluding Chestnut
The streets to bo tepnved from an addi
tional $200,000 Item in the Jll.nW.fOi) loan
were named In an ordinance icported to
Councils yesterday bv the UlRhwny Com
mittee, nnd Chestnut street was not In
cluded, Thero will be no money In the pending
iU25,000 Councllmnnle loan that can be
applied to repnvluK Chestnut stieet. The
only paving Items In that loan arc 3)0.000
for paving Intersections nnd $100,000 for
Improvement of country roads.
Great Host Will March for
Cause on Mny 1 Doctor
Shnw to Spcnk.
Doesn't Liko This Joking With Pieces
on the Weather.
Simeon Mokemacher, the man who fore
tells the weather with the aid of his
J, chilly blasts, kicked things out of
3 way every minute todny In his wrath.
w "Eleven times out of 10 I never rend
i pieces In the pnper put In upside down.
J because that ain't sense, y' know," he
5 stormed.
"S'pose I put my onions In upsldo down?
jLBut when It conies to pieces 'bout the
fewealhcr, pcrtnlnlng to which I make some
nmull pretensions to bo Informed why,
'igosh cling It, I turned the rturn thing
"round wrong side uppermost and thero
;" wna one of them April fool Jokes, and I
gwns so sore I ain't enjoyed food since."
Puff racists of thH rlty nie making elab
orate plans for tho monster pnrnde which
will take place on May 1. The prepara
tions, with the exception of a fow le
tails, have all been completed, Miss Mary
Wlnsor Is in charge of the large commit
tee on arrangements.
More' than fiO.OOO pledges In march In
the parade have, already been distrib
uted and an additional 18.000 will prob
ably be ready for distribution In n few
days. The enthusiasm for the parade Is
growing, nnd tho committee Is formulat
ing plans to make It one nf the greatest
demonstrations for tho cause ever held In
this State.
The marchers will leave Independence
Square nt I o'clock nnd proceed over "tit
street to Market, thence to the City Hall.
From City Hall the route will lead hotth
on Llrnnil street to the Mctropolltnn Opera
House, where u monster mass-meeting
will be held Dr. Anna Howard Shaw,
president of the National Woman Suf
frage Association, who will also march,
will deliver an nddrcFS. Mrs. William Al
bert Wood, the grand marshal of the pa
tnde, will nlso speak.
The parade will be divided Into sections.
These will be as follows: The grange sec
tion, led by n hay wagon drawn by ftni
horses, which will bo loaned by Mrs Kd
wnnl I'. Davis; an equestrian section, led
by Mrs. w. Spence llnre, the trndn
union and shop girls' section, In (hum"
of Miss Kloiunce Snnvllle and Miss Mary
II. Ingham; (he single lax hoUIuii, timid
llerm Juhns (libboiis, the children s sec
tion, a section for girls fioni Drexel In
stitute, a writers' section, a line arts sec
tion nnd one of suburban business women
from Uryn Mnwr. Camden will also be
represented and will tend a delegation to
form a special section. The Kiimil Fran
chise league of Delaware will also be on
html with a large delegation. Thero will
nlso be a special uutomoblle section.
Those whi) will loan machines for this
seetlon nre Mm. Clement A. Grlscom, Mrs.
Unite II. Clothier, Mrs. llor.itlo Hates
l.loyd, Mrs. K. V. Martin, Mrs. C. Stuart
Patterson, Dr. Anne I. Sharplcss and
Mrs. M. Hurt.
Tho commlttco which Is aiding Miss
Mary Wlnsor Is composed of Miss Anna
Snyder, Miss I.ucy Low Is, Mrs. Wilfred
Lewis. Mrs. Pascal Cogglns, Mrs K. Q.
A. Kills. Mrs. AVIlllnm Albert Wood. Mrs.
i Mary II. Oreencwnlt. Miss Harry E.
, Kohn and Henry Johns Olbhons.
I Tho suffrage societies in the city that
are taking pnit In the nrianguments are
tho Woman Suffrage party, the Euunl
i Kranchlso Society, tho Woman Suffiage
1 Hucjelv or tlie county of J'hlladelphln.
tho College Cqunl SulTrago League and
the Pennsylvania Men's League for
Woman Suffrage.
Prominent New Jersey Politician Is
Sworn in as Deputy Collector.
Thomas M. Kerrell, at one time. Col
lector' of Internal Uevenuo In the First
New Jersey District, wns today sworn
In ns a deputy collector for the district
of Salem nnd Gloucester Counties. Ho
accepted the post yesterday. Ills salary
will be $1200 n. year.
Mr. Ferrcll, who Is "1 years old, also
served as a Congressman from Now Jer
sey and had a notabto political career.
From 1881 to IS83 ho wns a member of
tho New Jersey Seriate, to which ho was
re-elected In 1903. In 1873 ho was elect
ed to the lower house of tho Now Jersey
legislature. In 1D01 ho ran for Governor,
but wns defeated for tho Democratic
nomination by James St. Seymour. Ho
wns nlso one of the leading candidates
for ro-clectlou to the post of Collector
of Internal Hevenue In succoos Isaac
1'dward C Shnw Is the acting collector
at the present time, the nomination of
George Hampton not yet hnvltig been
confirmed by the United Stntes Senate.
(ltir.8T10.N8 AND ANSMT.ItS
The rimloplnr IMItor of the Ermine
Idfr will lie pleased to nnwfr qiies
tlons relating lo M department. (Inf
lions rrlntlng to family nlTalrs nf note
nnd nelrrMfs nre bnrred absolutely.
Queries will not bo answered by letter.
All If tiers must bo addressed to Pluto
play Killtor, Ktentns; Ledger.
U. of P. Mnn Kicks Rrlck, Ilrcaks Toe
Haymnnd Perot, a student nt the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, wns the only
person In Philadelphia to "fall for" tin
moss - green "hnt - with - a - brick-lnsldc"
April fool Joke yesterday and had to go
to St. Joseph's Hospital to have n broken
too set. Perot, who lives nt .TOO High
land nvenue, wns with nnother student
on airnrd nvenue. A lint lying on tho
sldcwntk attracted their attention. Their
siifplclons wero nllajcd by a sign which
rend; "Do not kick; brick Inside" So
l'erot kicked It.
,Pw l
r BAtDtKtR
Auinj'iii iK
City Watchman Shoots Himself
William SI. Thomptoii, 4.1 years old. of
2112 Tusker stieet. n watchman In the
olllce of the City Treasurer, City I lull.
Is dying In the Polyclinic Hospital ns the
rsult of a bullet wound In the head In
dicted by himself early this morning.
Ills wife heard a shot In the kitchen or
their home and found Thompson Uncon
scious on the door. It could not he
learned whether the shooting was an ac
cident or an attempt at suicide.
Three Wood Creatures Learn a Lesson
jtiTTOSK, honk!' "Honk, honk!" Snmin.v
t I I Rnnll t.rnlcwl nn u'lthin stiirflml fenl-
ilng that something dreadful was hap'pmt-
;lng to him. "Now what In the world
I Is that noise?" he asked of no one in
; particular.
A robin bopped by Just then and Sammy
' repeated his question to hltn. "Whnt Is
'hot bic noise?" the robin said. "Oh.
Kthat's Just an automobile. Don't be afraid
lot that; It won't hurt you." And uwuy
I ho flow.
"So that's what nn automobile Is?"
i mused Sammy to himself. "Well. I'm
f very slad to know one hearsso much
about automobiles theso days."
J Just then Suslo Field-mouse hurried up
to Sammy. "Oh, Sammy," she cried ex
gcltedly. "last night I was awakened by
5 the strangest thing! Out In the road
fright close to where my homo Is there
suddenly appeared two great lights
1 huge, glaring light nnd I was so frlght
5 ened that I couldn't sleep any more all
; nlsht." She stopped for want of breath,
nd Sammy asked: "But what were the
i lights from? Did you find out?"
"Indeed I did!" replied Susie. "As soon
mockingly. "A lot you cicntiires know"'
ho snlil. "If you (low nbout as I do you
would learn, vou poor, stupid things'"'
That made the snail nnd tho ncldmou.se
and the garter snake very angry.
They don't like to he made fun of any
more than you do. "All right, Sir. Cat
bird, they said In n chorus. "If you
know- so much, tell us whnt an automo
bile Is!"
"All right, sir." lesponded the catbird.
An automobile Is a noise, a light and
a mass of blackness, nnd It speeds ocr
tho ground like n bird!" Tho snnll and
the mouse- and the garter snake wore so
surprised that they Just looked nt cub
other nnd said not one word!
Copyright, 1911 Clara Inpram Juilson.
p o M llfnrt." with nn ex
llalllev Milliners' noi.ular nnd
iiiumlnr ompcIy of tho Impcruous ouiik
Irlsli ub unci nlmt she dots to a rcclalo
English family Irn-rnlo amuroment. .. M l
FOHHKHT The I2vrio Ltmrii'i Motion
l'h turoa or Ilia War. 7.V10 fret of buttle,
wlih the Kaleer well to the Tore. The news
of the urcni wur In action.. .. S .'10 nml 8.:i0
OAltHICK "Hpph Ken to Halrlpate." George
I ohnii m iiinsttrly tlrumntlration of the stoiy
or the yomiK uiilliur wlto went up in u de
serted Inn In winter to write n novel. Tlie
nudlriKc rnrountrrs many surprises nml
much humor. 'J lie prlmlial suciefs of la-t
season N 1.1
LITTLE-"Tlin Smani In the House." with
Kdlth Wjuno Miuthlsori ami the resident
omijuii). r-luirles Uanii Kennedy's rutnlllar
and effective plav nbout the clcrKjmon, the
c1r.llndlKi.er and the injullc .Mnusuu S ;m
LVItIC "A Mlx-'l'n." with Mnrlo t)rcsIrr. A
farcu hullt nroLnd Miss Dressier us n liHired
tiurles.iuo queen Slin arrhes at the tint nf
a happily married poung man ut Just the
wrong lime. Old material made new ley
Mlsr Drcssler's talents 8.1"
WAUiul'- Thura'.on. the lingl'liin. with n
new nrrav uf tilde. niyRtlrtcntlonc nnd cm
Ileal lllusloni 8:1."
KKITH'S-Oerlruile JlnlTiiiaim In a new 1U1"
Itevur, .lolin C. Itlte nnd bulllc Cohen In "An
i:nrly llrmkfast" Morris Cronln nnd llli
.Airir .ipn; i-niei ijauponcnn. i(arr and
Wolford. Ilellow. tho Jordan OlrW nml
Ucaiiil-clbr tnutlon pictures
NLSON S OltA.N'D-Uert l.pi. Ailliur Huston
and company. In "Jtooscntlt hi AtiK.i'.
uertie Meaumonte and .i.ick Arnold, In "The
Dnrtorlne"; y.lukh I'nnna. ilrooks and
Howen; raptnln Jndc Harnett and son. In
"Th" Little Man's Club," and pictures
CliOIll" Dulsv Itartourt; McOeiitt, Kelly nnd
I.ii(p. In "The Piano Moprs and the Act
uss"; I.adv Hetty." Cordon und Marx.
Mjrtlo nnd Jlmmle Dunedln, Jack Strousp,
the Amerlcnn Trumpeter's Trio and Charlei
WII.I.IAM PKNN-TtoBc. Harry and 'fully
Langdon In "A NlKlit on tlio nouleoril";
Klorrle Mlllershlp, Wnllaie und Nevena Nor
l Is. Francis nnd Rose. Top I.nnlRun. monol
iRlt. nnd Mallle nnd Ilnrt cnnipan). In "Tho
UnRRnco FmnPhers "
1'IIOSS KI3VS (Kecolnl half n wppli) .Tullplln
nika, Muik's circus, animals; i:dKar Koio
nnn nn.J compan. In "A Clr,ua lm"; Ar
thur lljirett. In "Cohan on the Tclpphotio";
Ilhnla and Crampton, In "At the Molcs.
and the Three Uartells, ncrchnts.
NIXON "llaile In Philadelphia": Jovph
Itortl, In ' Our friend fritz"; Mnoie, I'nr
mack and O'nrlt-n. Cotter nnd Doulden, Nan
As'ter. In "On the H. nnd O."; tho fleno
Mullcr Troupe, tho fle Musical Marines nn I
"Allco In wonijprlnnd." mnMes.
AMIJiIH-'aN "The Clln-.av." Udnnrd r.ocke's
unusual llltle di.ima of the girl who gains n
olco nnd Ioph a lorr
t'ASINO Uao Jlarlon's "Dreamlands."
OAVIJTV Jatobs und Jcnnon's lilgn Itollers
with Kyra.
riUMONVS Dumont's Minstrels. In "The Pan.
ama Tixpoiltlnn, or the Moving I'lcluro
crnin " and "The Jeff Medical htudent."
iti:i.K;i()L's noticks
nODCPIl H1IAI.OM (Seek Peace) Sen Ices
Saturday. 1(1 n. m., S. E. corner nrond nnd
Ml. Vernon st. The Passover nnd Children,
by nnbbl Henry Berkowltz. All welcome!
Two of tho costliest anil most aensn-
tlonnl reels of film ever mado were ahowir
at a private exhibition at tho I.ubln
studio In Philadelphia this week. The
reels consisted entirely of spectacular big
punches Hint have been used In I.ubln
productions during the last few years, and
arc the first two or n series that are to
be made, not for release, but ns n sort
of catalog of spectacular climaxes which
nre to be kept on record at the I.ubln
laboratories at Petzwood, Pa
A lover of spectacular effcctB gels tho
thrill of a lifetime watching these two
reels on Iho screen, for sensation follows
sensation. There Is no sentience lo any
of the events: they coino crashing and
smashing, one after tho other, villi
stnrtllrig rnpldlty, nnd leave one quite
breathless at the end. I.ubln hnn spent
a fortune securing climaxes nf this tpe
as any one who follows I.ubln produc
tions' well knows, and when onu sees 2IM
feet of cllmnx nfter climax ho realizes
the large amount of money nnd time that
must hnve been expended lo secure them
Perhnps the biggest punch of the
punches In the two reels Is the wrecking
of two trnlns which I.ubln cspeclntlv
staged for one of his dininns. One sern
the two trains smash together bend on,
but there Is no opportunity 'for inent.tl
recovery, for right after It n hlg bridge
Is dviinmlted In a thousand dlffetclit
directions; then, nn nutomobllo plunges
Into n river from n high cliff, followed
by tho burning of a stenm yacht and Its
disappearance under the surface. In
rnpld order the thrills follow. Boats,
trnlns, automobiles, buildings of all sorts
arid descriptions ore burned, dynamited
nnd wrecked. There nrn daring rescues,
wild mob scenes, spectacular fights nn.l
daring sturilH by I.ubln players on tho
earth, In the nlr and on tho sea, mid
when one hastily asks oneself whnt elao
could possibly be done for sensation, a
mountain Is blown up nnd a mining town
In wiped out of existence.
Jefferson Intercepts Wireless iMcssitRc
Wllllnm Jefferson, who Is directing
World lllm Comcily-Slnr production..
Is positive that he Intercepted a wireless
war order. The Incident toolt place dur
ing tho filming of riorence Tempest In
"A Hoy for n While "
Now Mr. Jefferson knows a little Just n
little about wlieless tclegiaphy, but
thero Is n lot ho could loam. When the
script called for a wireless, however, ho
spoke to Phil Cilelclunan and a wireless
outfit was ordered. This outfit was set
up In the lot In buck of the studio.
Knoiigh! Hill gave the signal and the
notion commenced. The operator sat nt
his key nnd begnn clicking It. Put there
wns nn spark A wireless without a spaik
would no go very well, especially In the
movies, so the director decided that ho
could fix It. He approached tho table
holding tho outfit, attached tho recelveis
to his ears and sat down.
As nfoiementloiied, ho really Isn't very
well eisod on things "wireless," and he
began nrranglng tho connections nnd
things on the oulllt with the eager hands
nf nn nmblllous man In a hurry. Xln'
At that p nt came what he calls tho Ger
maii report In code. It was certnlnly a
leport. those who wero there will vouch
for tlnit. but ns to Its nationality nn n,.
ventures to confirm. Nevertheless, If It
wns a German report, the German's scored
i nBlPiSiHit!' iiiiiiiiiiiRltli
Of tho Lubin films.
n distinct icloi over the irate illiector.
Also, It might be added. If one's srlise of
humor wero on the decline, that the re
port contained shocking news.
iMnrrinRc nt la Mode
A marrliiBO with the contracting parties
standing on n huge steel girder of the 12th
story of n skyscraper In courso of erec
tion, and a light In a caisson 350 feet
below tho surface of n densely populated
pan of a city are tho thrillers In which
Mnurlco Costello nnd Kstello Mnrdo are
the principals In "The Man Who Couldn't
Bttit Uod," the Vltagraph Ilrondway star
feature that Is now teaching tho last
stages of completion under the direction
of Mnurlco Costello.
In (liming the marriage, a platform hod
to be built especially for tho enmera
mnn, but tho actors concerned In tho
coicmony wore obliged to stnnd un
shielded and prnctlcnlb unprotected on
tlm girder high In nlr. with the wind
blowing nt tho rate of CO miles an hour.
Mr. Costello, Miss Mordo und tho otllclnt
Ing clergyman literally look their lives
In their hands to add realism to this pic
ture. "Tho Man Who Couldn't Heat God"
Is the second prize winner In the Vltn
graph scenaiio contest, nnd is a strong
vlrllo drama of love and hate, that Is
dcMlnnl to be an exceptional Vltagraph
7omc of World's Greatest Photoplays
Afts. 1:30 tn 1:30 10c. 15c, S5e
i;,KH. 7:30 to 10:30 toe, 23c, n few (iOc
Next Week, Biggest Thrill Yet!!
p. w c.mri'i'rii's
"The Avenging Conscience"
photodromo, scheduled for nn early re
lease. "Bcllln!l, Kelcnscd
"nculah," o, six-part photoplay. Is the
latest announcement of the Electric
Thcalro Supply Company, of 13th nnd
Vino streets. Mr. Schwnlbe, tho presi
dent. In making tho announcement) spoko
In terms of high praise both of tho pho
tography nnd tho production.
"Hctrlnh" Is nn ndnptlon of tho novel
bearing tho same name, written by the
noted Southern author, Augusta T. Kvnns.
The author, an exponent of tho school
of romanticism, mado her nnmo a house
word for romance, Intensely human sit.
nations and pathos, and In "Beiilnli" all
theso nttnllUcntlons reach the acme of
The scenes of this novel nre laid In
Louisiana, and tho story of the trials and
tribulations of tho child of sorrow,
"Hculnlr, Is one of tho strongest dra
matic talcs found In American litera
ture. Tho Illm follows the story In every
Henry II. Walthall, supported by the
llalboa Company, nnd Miss Joyco Moore,
tho noted Kngllsh artist, who wns espe
cially engaged to piny the part of Houlah,
mako up the oast. Mno rrcstcll, Clifford
Gray, Margaret Nichols nnd several other
well-known players appear In Important
roles of tho ploy.
Universal Gets Stars
Telegraphic advices from Cnrl Lacmmlo
received nt the Universal oITIco on Tiles
doy, stated thnt Lots Weber nnd Phillips
Smnllcy have been engaged by Universal
on n two-year conlrnct.
Twenty yrma of stngo experience gave
Mr. Smnlley his training for a successful
film career. Three of these 20 years were
spent In n company headed by Mrs. Klske.
three with tho Savage management, ono
with II. U. Harris mid ono with Llebler
& Co. Six months with Itcllance, Ilvo
with Kalcm nnd IS with Onttmont tntklng
pictures preceded this popular tuntfs work
with Ilex ns both nctor nnd director.
Answers to Correspondents
HOItOTin S. McK Will nnnwer your
uuery so soon ns Information enn bo ob
tnlned. IVA M. S.-WIII publish Jnmes Klrk
woo'l's plctiuo shortly. Address Itellanco
Motion Pictures Company, 4SM SutiMt
boulevard, l,os Angeles, fa).
.-.;: . " .-"'"smim Company. S07 Bait
17oth street, Now York city. "
Woman Risks Life to Extinguish Blnztf
Caused by Vngabonds. i
Mrs. Mai-llia. Ilclllngcr, of 2810 .Nort
Ivmbert street, risked suffocation id
to extinguish n rlio which trnmns Sinn?
In an empty house nt 2SI2 North Lambert
street. She noticed smoke pouring frorril
one of tho cellar windows. Finding th'sl
rear door of the placo unlocked, sho exjj
tlngutshed the blaze, which was In a MfH
UL luuuiail ill t-liu Lmni-iiii-iii, UI'IUTO me Afi
rival of the firemen.
According to tho police, tramps for,t
an cntranco Into tho house by cutting AT
pano In tho shed In tho rear. They haV?'
neon sleeping in mo pinco tor n numberl
of weeks, nnd nro believed to havo thrown
cigarettes Into the rubbish whero tho lire
was discovered.
State Krco of Cattle Disease
The hoof nnd mouth disease lias been
stamped our in mo umio or rcnnsyl
vanla. This announcement wnt mado tn!
day by Dr. C. J. Marshall, of tho Slap?
Live Stock Snnltnry Hoard, who declare!
41. n) 41. ft nllhl.Mt tl'lllMt ltfta 1if,1 nnlll. I?
Itn grip through Pennsylvania slnco Nfll
vembcr I, nan peon cnueu.
druggists, College
i'hllndelnh x chapter, Atnrdesn InslltuU of,
flankers. lVOl C'he.tnut street. R o'clock. j
Phllo-ophlcnl Boeleo, 10-1 South f.th s rS
s o'clock.
, .. ... .fn.mlll.. '
Ortnopneiiio jrv: .,.. ..-.
Elsstlo Stockings. Abdominal Supporters. t&
Jurchur aireci irorn lociurjr.
FLAELL'S, npitiNo uauiiisn st.
Alhintle City. N. ,1.
LeaiUm? high-class, mnderale-rats hotel
ALBEMARLE i''1",1" avf- nr "eaeh.
top 30. faleam heat, ele-
tor, sun imrlors, prl. baths, etc.; excellent
Uhle, evir. dinners, orchestra. Special $10 ud
wkly.; 2 up dally. Booklet. J. P. COPE.
Cnpe .May, J". J.
THE WINDSOR ""' location, on th.
bench, steam heal,
ocean view tun parlors. Paths. Booklet.
Ocean City, N. J.
Only Boardwalk hotel, K. A. TOUNQ, iter.
main s-rnnrr jianayunk
thi:atiii Tn.v
Kensington Si AllcRlieny Avcs.
Itcicil.eil 'I Iiru i:hlliltnrf,' Hooking Office
JEFFERSON T')TU!5f,,Jnn,(!!ra
"Little Band of Gold" $$
ran II PFHnrKFN """nnlowii Ave.
I "- -- IT
ulpehocken St.
9 iniATiti:
HARDFN l'lflytlilril St. nnd
UrtUUCll Ijinsdowne Atb.
Rocap Writes
From Havana
As a retired amateur featherweight cham
pion of America, a world-famous fight official
and Philadelphia's dean of the ropes, Rocap
lets you in on the real situation.
The Public Ledger will publish his articles
every day. If you want to know the true
physical condition of Willard and Johnson,
their training methods and ring tactics, inside
facts and an accurate blow-for-blow account of
the big battle, keep in touch with Rocap daily
in the '
--- - -""
ill I I IN l irC Y I is i- A I H A II I S U V . I
Am nulomoStl." rxclalmtd Sammy Snait
ami Bust Vittd'MQUse in one breath.
0 as luey ivero tsuiiu uu uuu wncu ,..
5 nwl what tHey were. He knows every-
? thing. And at once lio told me." Hho
. -T , ..- , , .,t....i.. n.v.A..
lowerea ner yunn imiMceoif tj .cjr
wero an automobile."
Toon! They couldn't have been,"
scoffed Sammy, "for I learned all about
automobiles a few minutes ago. There
J no llsht about an automobile there la
sjust a iioUel"
iiOW, main runny, eaiu usie rieia
mouse in a puzzled voice- "I never knew
Mr- Owl to be mistaken befoe."
At that very minute who should come
hurrying toward them but Mr. Garter
Snake. "I've had the narrowest escape of
my life!" he aald. "1 was out In the
road where the sun ahone warm and
bright, and what should come along but a
treat mas Of blackness on wheels! And
It came with uc)i speed that I was
early tun over before I got away!"
yu did have a close call that time'"
114 a catbird from a nearby tree. "I
mw that autompblle coming and I was
g afraid you woman i get away in
'An automobile?" questioned Mr. Oartor
faaye, "So that's what that awful thing
eajiea. well, J 11 Keep out ot us way
tba future. It move too fast for
ley miart, 1 assure ou "
"An automobile: ' exclaimed Sammy
Hnitil and Susie Field-mouse In one
vth "Why. automobiles Uon t move:
r- not great masses or oiaeKness:
1 IfllBvIn
Aeolian Player-Piano
Jnnivnsary 395
Delivered on first payment of $10
I " 1 1 'i 1
Francesca Piano
An7r'"an $247-50
Delivered on first payment of ?5
Fifty years ago the house of C. J. I Icppc & Son was established. The original
store was the front room of a corner dwelling. Today, tlie Hcppc Stores occupy a total
of 23 complete floors and over 60,000 square feet of floor space, all devoted to the merchan
dising of Pianos, Player-Pianos and Victrolas.
As an expression of the deep appreciation we feel toward Philadelphians for their
long patronage, we arc going to give them a most unusual opportunity to make a genuine
advantageous purchase of the articles of merchandise that we sell. Every saving, privi
lege and advantage that it is possible to offer we will offer.
These Golden Advantages
offered only to those who present the
Golden Anniversary Coin
Those who present a Golden Anniversary Coin will be entitled to every Golden
Advantage on the article that they may desire, whether it is a Piano, Player-Piano,
Victrola, Music-Roll, Cabinet, Bench, Stool or anything else that we sell.
These coins are good for actual cash savings for the special anniversary prices
the special terms of payment, the life insurance and relief insurance privileges, the
30-day refund, the free exchange privilege, the free tuning privilege,' the special guarantee,
Instructions for Securing Coin
Simply fill out, clip and mail the attached coupon as directed, or pljoncsr cill at
either of our stores and apply in person. This application will bring y6u a coin ant'hfull
details of the Golden Advantages offered.
By presenting the coin every anniversary advantage will be yours,
and the artlclts on which they apply
Cash Prices I Special Guarantee
(without Intcrrst on time)
PUnos Benches
I'layer-rianos HtooU
Victrolas Cabinets
Special Down Payments
Low Monthly Payments
No Interest
(for time payments)
Applies to everything
30-Day Refund
Applies to everything
(except Victor itecordt)
Free Exchange
Pianos (1 year)
Player-Pianoa (d months)
Victrolas (3 months)
Plnnnjs in v-r
Player-Pianos (10 years)
Victrolas (1 year)
Life Insurance
Half-Payment Privilege
1-Year Free Tuning
Free Stool
Free Bench
Free Instruction Book
12 Music Rolls
.dHLilti-L., si jac
1117-1119 Chestnut Street
6th and Thompson Streets
1117-1119 Chestnut Street,
or 6th and Thompson Streets.
i. I.lela8.? seI'diLraon?.0i your Golden Anniversary Coins and
full detai s of the GOLDEN ADVANTAGES. I, am interested
particularlyf in (please check):
0 Pianos ' H Victor Record Cabinet H Pno Benches
U Player-Pianos 0 Music-Roll Cabinets '- 0 Piano Stools
U Victrolas Q Music Rolls
'ty ( Mtt" answered Susie,
ns mj.tiibaiMVt
J- -MJKJ"ti - .... i
i-iWJf n w iree iaugnu
M. L 4 2-1S