EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1015, 0 S3HIAL IDDINGS d U IGO wfvfmm m yy "-SjC 0"" I "v jfym rfadf liiii. II Sy-Avvy Ai-H7f I 71- b7 JLllllillllll It. AND MIIS. RtClfAIlD KVANS NOU TON, of Ardmoro, entertained nt dinner last nlglit In honor of MIbs Mnrjorlo Tlmvor, ot Moslem, who wan n clftinato of Mrs. Norton at iMrinlngton, Mtfca. Mlts Thayer Is the guest of Urn. Mntlhevv DalnV Jllta Josephine Klennoro Mende, of 419 West ltortter street, will entcrlnln nt bridge Wcdncs day afternoon of leister week In honor of Miss Kmina S. Walton, of IS Walnut 'sfreot, whoso marriage to John Wallace Hnllowcll, Jr., will take place In tlw autumn. Miss Mendc's other guests will ho Mi'i. Trcderlck Chandler, Jr, JIrs S i:arle Hnlncs, Mis. It Blddlo rrlahrouth, lira. William Y'orkes, Mrs. Harry HuttcrWorth, Miss IJIeanor Ketchnni, Mlsi Mary I.omb, Allii niennoro Durham, MIb1? i:iysa Matthews, MImi Uortlna Hallow ell, Miss Helen Qormley, Miss Unlcc Williams, Hiss Helen Dando, Miss Mat gUerlto Hollopctcr, Mls Mario Starr, Miss Vir ginia Wcthcrlll, Miss Eleanor Boers, Miss Blanche Daniels, Miss Margaict Morgan, Miss Mildred Boughcr, Miss Elcanoi I'lood, Ml, 3 Martha Crwisnmn and Miss Martha Collins. Mrs. Alan II. Heed, of Wyncote, has sent out Imitations for a children's party on Trlday afternoon, April 9, nt 3 o'clock, In honor of her little daughter, MIbs Mary Alli son Ileed, and her son, Alan need, Jr. Thoro i Hill be about 33 children present. Miss Marlon Sharploss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tovvnsond Sharpleas, of Hnthcrton, Wyn cote, has returned from Georgetown, Ni J., where she spent a week as the guest of Mrs. (Henry Hutchinson. ' Miss Frances Loulflo Omcrly, of Pelham road, , Gcrmantown, is entertaining Miss Eleanor Ed monds at her cottage In Chelsea. i, iur. uiiu ,iin. juiuo Ut i' met win opciiu puru r nt Mnu r, Atlnntln Mlv i ' 1 Miss Marys Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. k Herbert L. Clark, of 345 South 18th otroct, re- turned to Westovcr School, having Epciit a short vacation with her parents: f An Italian dinner was given last night nt the !' Undine Barge Club. The guests Included Mr. f and Sirs. George Fritz Chandler, Mr. and Mis. r Samuel Woodward, Mr. and Mrs Clinton Uog- ers Woodruff, Miss Anna Fiorcnco "Woodruir, ' Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Carver, Mr. and Mrs. , 'tiummoy, Mr. and Mrs. William It. Tucker, V Mr. and Mrs. E Btttcnhouse Miller, Mr. and I Mrs. .Beck, Mr. and Mrs, Bonnorth, Jr., Mr. and Mrs Cacclmiins, Walter Hopklnson and George Malloy. Mrs. Littleton Waller Tazewell Walter will ,wt receive this afternoon at her homo In tho NWTV Yard, hilt -x 111 rln nn on nil Mllhminnf i Thursdays. rt '." ! Miss Margaret Packer, who has been the guest of. Lieutenant Commander M. Hunt, U. BV-r,( and Mrs. Hunt nt their home In tho Navy Yard for the last 10 days, will lcao. ( for her homo In Burlington today. ' j Mr, and Mrs. Alban Eavcnson will close their Ji tovyrj house, 1532 rino street, the end of next Week and occupy their homo at Oak Lams for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Eavoneon, with Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Stewart, -will glvo a masked Tlerrot danco tonight nt tho PhlU- dclphla Cricket Club, There will bo 100 guests present. Invitations have been sent out by Company IB, Pennsylvania Engineers, for their seventh annual dance on Friday evening, April 16, The dance will not bo held at tho armory, 2025 Ban som street, but at tho Itoosevolt, 202T Chestnut street. Tho commutes In charge Includes Rich ard 8. Newtfold, chairman: Francis H. Gilpin, SO. Abbott Hunt. Jr., F. Van Buren Connell, ' William Bradford and Walter Stooer. Miss Lydla Ttuth Turner, daughter of Mrs. Edward W. Turner, of Ogontz, entertained "l luncheon today In honor of her schoolmate, Mlea Anna R, Havens, of Chicago, who is nt present her guest for the Easter holidays. The decora tions wero spring (lowers and tha favors in keeping with tho Easter season. Tho guests In. eluded Miss Anna Lewis. Miss Anna Baiter. Miss JMennto Baker, Jllsa Mary Oatcs, Mlw Claire Tiller, Miss Martha Turner. t. (ALONG THE MAIN LINE ovtfnnnooK-Alrs. w. Logan MacCoy, of City Jlne, h spending several days nt Atlantic City. Sir, Iind Mrs. Thomab J. Hare, of Wvnnouood Tllle. and MIsk 'Nfnrln llllrnno- nf U'.a, T?h!ln (dVlpWa, have returned fiom Palm Beach, Fla. v I,ele" Adams, of Brooklyn, N. Y., ,n ABuest of sirs. Henry Drinkhouse, of 'J5?861 road. l JIKHIfrf Ednard "W. Bok will rntrrtnln thn fNerlom Civic Association Wednesday night, pviu n, wnen Irvln Cobb will address tho membys. ' Kf'!3f,ddard' of Ly"hi Mass., wlio spent part ttyw.winter at Palm Beach with Mrs. Dale , !Utr, hasVeturned home after vlslllni? Air. and Mrs. S.XEarla Haines, of Mnnl avenue. Mm. Haines' rfnother, Mrs. C. If. Plnkham, who MM aleo been (the guest of tMr. and Airs. Halnee, (returned to Ljynu last week, Mr. and Mrs. Shipley W. Evans, of Highland 'avenue, with their children', will leave next werJc pJRft visit to Atlantic city. VP,DNT "Mn and Airs. Alexander Urown tffihlr niece, Miss jtosalia Brown Dolan. left ,1 yesterday to return to their country here, . nd Mr. R, k. Reeves will spend tha f holidays In Atlantio City. GERMANTOWN l" Elsie Alyers. of fiOJT Schuyler street will M as her guest ove& Easter Ml .Tun Mn. ?'' f Vlkt- Md. fjH'si Catharine Dobi'on. of B91S Wavn. v. p$tM visiting' friends In Washington over tho yr flouqaya. ptf Joseph BuslmeU, Jr., Of 30J9 Mldvals thenl.ne BiuhnaJl, will leave, today for Fred- neMuuyr. ya., 10 be the guest of Miss Grace araen. loiter M. La. Rue, of m Pelham rod. has rtjWd. to his home from a, jip to Porto Itjco. 'Wam B. IJoyd. of 223 Ilantv lr.t h, Hjomi home from. Portn Hlao. where he mnt a. rwtnjglit r and Mm, 0rg II p,it, of 1 West r "! ue. mmmmnim r thejr two dvA- m ters, Miss Madeline and MIbs Gladys Paine, will spend a fortnight In Atlantic City. "Miss Madeline Palne'a engagement to Carl Weger was recently nnnounced. ALONG THEREADING Miss Grace Edmunds, who has been tho guesl of Mrs. Harold U. Mernilnnd, of Lenox road, JonUlntown, returned to her home In Chestnut Hill, Mass ( on Tuesday. Mies Harriet Bead, daughter of Air and Mrs A. C. Itcad, of Sharptcs8 nnd Mountain avenues, Oak Lane, has returned from Qulney Mansion, Mass,, where she nttendi school, and Is spend. Ing the holidays with her parents. Miss Eveljn Armstrong, daughter of Mr nnd Airs. William Armstrong, of Walnut street, Jenklntown, has returned from Wilson College, Chamborfiburg, Pa., nnd is spending tho Easter holidays with her parents. At the meeting ot the Oak Lane Equal Suf frage League, on Tuosdny, April G, In the horns of Airs William E. Groben, Lakeside nvcnua and City Line, AIlss Ploionce Sanvllle, sccretaiy of the Woman's Trado Union nnd director ot the Pennsylvania Child Labor Association, will make an address on the "Child Labor Bill," now pending In Harrieburg. An Important busl. ncsa meeting will precede tho lecture. An Informal entertainment and dance will be Rlon by tho Social and Glad Hnnd Committee of Logan, Tuesdny evening, April 12. This will be tho first of a series of Informal affairs to be given, and promises to be a very sue cessful one. Somo of the members of tho committee Include Louis Buehn, chairman: Robert AlcCarthy, Bertram Smith, C Paul Watts, II. N. Braddoclf, Frank T. Kesslcr, Dr. C. L. U. Bleger, Arthur Hopewood, Horry B. Casscll, J. M. Dlmbert, A It. Clark. J. At. Scott, P. J. Connery, P. J. Brush, K. A. Wright, It. Kcllerman, Itobcrt Ettris, Dr. C. D. Bradley and Andrew Atcvonder. A "Knffoe Ida ten" for tho benefit of the Lo gan Belief Association will be held at the resi dence ot Mrs. W. If. S. Batcman, G13.T North Broad street, Logan, Saturday, April 10, from 2 until 10 p. ni. WEST PHILADELPHIA AIlss Doris Watcrall, daughter of Air. and Airs. W. L. Waternll, of 1002 South Farragut terrace, will motor to Boston this week with a party of friends. She will spend tho Easter holldnjs aB tho guest of Miss Doris Powers, In Boston. Dr. and Airs Georgo W. Urquhart, AIlss Urqu hart nnd Gordon Urquhart. ot 4217 Pino street, will spend Easter nt their cottage In Ocean City. N. J. Aliss Mario Murphy, of 4300 Westminster nve nue, entertained at a luncheon at her home. Her guests wero Miss Lillian Page, Alias Cath erine Page, AIlss Gertrude Silverman, AIlss Es tell Vantwlsts, AIlss Atnrgaret Murphy, Airs. Joseph Llpko, John Nolan, Edward AlcGrnth, Charles Alurphy nnd Thomas Alurphy, Jr., AIIs Margaret Alurphy sang several solos and Airs. AIcGrath entertained with several recitations. AIlss Marie Kerney will entertain tho Outing Club of tho Daughters of Columbus nt a "BOO" and luncheon at her home, 6900 Afaster street, on April II. She has Issued 30 Invitations. The club will open its summer home at Laurel Springs, N. J., on Alay 15, by giving a luncheon and dance. The Allsses Wallace, of Chestnut street. have issued cards for a 4 o'clock tea on Tues day afternoon, April C, to meet AIlss Galbrcath. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Tho patrons of tho Itegal Club will no doubt bo pleased to learn that on Saturday evening, April It, n dance will be given by Its members nt the Twentieth Century Club In Lansdowne Friends ot Airs. I, Nathans, of H25 South 16th sttcet, will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly recovering from her recent Illness. Samuel Craig, of 21st and Wharton streets, Is spending a. few days In Atlantic City. Fred "W. "Wright, OH Wharton street, wilt motor to Atlantic City to spend Easter. Air. Wright will have as his guests Alias Lea Van dyke and Airs. Vandyke. W. Chester Franklin, of 2119 South 15th etreet, will leavo April 15 to spend two months with his mother In Staunton, Vu. Thomas D, Harnes, 1C07 Passyunk avenue; AIlss Sue Harnes nnd AIlss Mary Harnes have Just returned from Washington, D. a, where they were visiting relatives. AIlss Fannlo Fogel, 1308 South 6th street, la visiting friends In Atlantio City. She will re turn to this city after Easter. Dr. and AIrt). B, O. Tumln, 1324 South 6th street, gave a bridge party this week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segal, of Strawberry Mansion. Dr. and Mrs, Morris Jason, Miss Sarah Breen and Dr. Lewis Echtman were tha other guests, Miss Mary Welnsteln, 2230 South Darlen Btreet, will leave today to visit relatives In New York city. She will motor home on Easter Monday with her uncle and friends. Dr. and Sirs. AL M. Jacobs, U1S South 6th street, gave a Pasaover party last night at their home. Wines and fruits from Palestine formed a novel feature of the elaborate re freshments, Among the guests were Dr, and Airs. Lewis Segal, Dr, and Airs. M, Flntnor, Dr, and Mrs. B. Tumln, Dr. Charles Kellman and Dr, AI. Bernard, Frlenda of Miss Marie a Thornley, whose marriage to James J, Lynskey will take place on April 12, gave her a delightful shower last evening at her home, 206 Mifflin street. The af fair was a surprise to Miss Thornley, and the guests, besides the bridal party, were h fol low t Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, Mr, and Mre. James Lynskey, Sr., Mr, and Mrs. William Steele, Miss Marie Smith, Miss Alberta Steele, MUs Sylvia Cohen, Mrs. Nora McHenry, ilrs. A. E. Dele, Mrs. John Adams and Mrs. Will ism Campbell. Joseph A. Wilson, of 1537 South 15th street, U spending' a ftvr day in Baltimore on a bml nun trln. Miss Frances Wilson and Miss Gr- tmJ. Wllioa and Miss Joseohlne Wilson will leave today to pnd the Bans holidays at At- lantio city, where they wui be tea uu ef i ji jotw j twesney, - rhoto by William IUu, JIISS Miss Stnhl nnd Miss Rehfuw will take tho lendinp parts in tho nmatour minstrel show, given by the Philadelphia Association or Retail DrtiKRjsts nt the Mercantile Club on April C. Under tho direction of Benjamin P. Brown and C. V. Siangan re ncarsnls are in progress nt the College of Phnrmacy and a numbor of prominent young people will take part. A dance will follow tho performance. ROXBOROUGH An event of gicnt Intel ost to tho 21st Wnn! wilt be tho production ot the cantata, "Tho Atessago of tho CroaV In St. David's Episco pal Church, Crams avenuo nhovo Bnkcr Btreet, tonight, by tho combined choiri nt .St. DaMd's and tho Uoxborough churches, undci the direc tion of William C. Ames. Tho soloists will ho AIlss Edith Kcrkeslager. sopiano, and F. Wil llard Cornman, baritone. James Lehman will be organist and accompanist of tho ccnlng. Elmer Farrand, of 5-10 Blghtcr street, Wlssn hlckon, Is spending somo tlmi with 'i lends In Boston. At the conclusion of his .,slt Mr. Farrand will tour the New England States and the southern part of Cunadn. WILMINGTON Arrangements have been completed by the members of tho Wilmington High School Alum nae Association for their annual dance to be hold on Wednesday night, Apiil 7, nt Pj Milan Cnstle. llalph Jacob's orchestra will furnish th music. Tho committee In ilurgr ot the affair continues AIlss AInrgiicrlte S. Alalnn. chairman; .Miss Edith C Bakey. AIlss Eliua C. Bartrnm, AIlss Helen AI. Brown, AIlss Bcsslo W. Buck, AIlss Helen A. Burke, AIlss Elizabeth Creamer, AIlss Nell D. Kennedy, AIlss Ethel Alaclem, AIlss Gertrude Bobb. AIlss Lillian S. Rosin and AIlss Dorothy AI. Spring. The patron esses for tho dance include Airs. P. P. Bakey. Airs. H, E. Bartram, Airs. John P. Broun, Airs, James H. Wright, Airs. W. S Burke, Airs. Ed- waid N. Records, Airs. John Kenney, Alr. J. W. Atacklem, Atrs. John L. Alatone, Airs N. L. Bosln and AIlss Elsie Lee Spring. Among tho many entertainments which will be given during the holidays for tho younger set Is a dance for which Alajor and Airs. Wil liam G. Bamiey, of 013 Delaware avenue, have Issued Invitations In the New Century Club on Saturday, April 10. The guest of honor will be AIlss Alargaret .Morris Bamsav. J. AI. Eckcrd, of 2103 Boulevard, announces the engagement of his daughter. AIlss Hazel Romalne, to Mitchell AI. Hill, of this city. WOODBURY Mrs. John It. Mitchell, of Atontclalr, N. J., accompanied by her little daughter, Miss Eliza beth Alltchell, Is visiting her parents, Air. and Airs. Ben Thorpe, of Delaware street. Aire, Harry Clark has returned from a 10 days' visit in Grcensburg, Pa. The Luncheon Club will meet tomorrow at the home of Alts. George G. Green, Jr. Tha choir of Christ Church, under the dlieo tlon of Air. Wardwell. will sing "The Cruci fixion" tonight at 8 15. . Mo bjr JSvens 8Nto. MS. HENRY F MICHELL sjri. Hichell is oca ol West Philadelphia mm proBjintr.t ana attractive hostesses IBL f;fflBMWBlB?SlBMMBCNrjjifes. if litJilT UAULOE LORRAINE STAHL AND MISS LEONETTE NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Air. nnd Airs. E. H Wiley, formeib ot 7th and Cumberland streets, now maiding at 3127 North Mrirslmll street, celcbinted thrlr golden wedding at the home ot tholr son. ruitiU W. Wiloy, 312S North Clh street, on Aloud.iy eve ning. March 29, nnd received n number of beautiful gifts. The drcointlous vveio In white and gold, consisting of maidenhair fern, daf fodils, narcissus nnd white cm nations Dinner was keivcd nnd covers were laid tot 22 people. Tho following guests wnm piesent: All. nnd Airs. Frank W. Wiley. Air. and Mis. Frank Cnrr. Air. and Airs C W. Brooks, George .1. Hummel, AIlss Edna AI. Nerf, Airs. David L Gould, .Mrs Kroh, Air. nnd Mrs Tiobcrt Long, Airs Thomnn Van Horn and AIlss Florence Van Horn, all of Philadelphia; David E. Sony, of Alt. Holly; Airs, Tlllle Diew, Air. and Airs. W. II. Bead, ot Camden, and AIlss Elizabeth Locke, of Camden. Air. and Airs. Watson and thcli daughter, Aliss Alaiy Watson, have ictuinel to their home, iilll B street, after spending a few das Rt Alc chanlcsvllle, Pa. Allfs Minnie Stinuumlllor, of 20SO East Cum berland stioet. Is spending a few da3 In New town, Tn. Airs. John Laughlln nnd AIlss Stella I.aughhn, of 2856 Frankford avenue, will spend Easter nt Atlantic City. Howard Thurston nnd .1. AlcDevitt will leave some time in April for a trip to the Pacific coast. Alurray Blngold, of New York city, Is visiting Air. nnd Airs. Louis Blngold, of 3030 Frankford nvenue, for a few days. The Blue Belle Yacht Club will run Its hrst nnnunl benefit nt tho Walnut Street Theatie Easter week. Dr. Edwin Merstlon will be among those from Kensington who will visit the fair this spring. David AI. Kennedy, of 1772 Frankford avenue, has left this city for nn extended trip to tha Pacific coast. He will Bpend eoma time In Salt Lake City and Yellowstone Park, and will visit both expositions before his return home. THE EASTER SPIRIT Come, let us sit and talk about the miracles of spring (Now, why don't that dressmaker send my dress? The careless thing!) See how from out the barren earth the lovely flowers rise And nod in gladness 'neath the newer glory of the skies. (Aly hut Is trimmed with violets, with pink Illusion drape; And, O, I wish that it were here! It's quite the latest shape.) How beautiful when winter ends to contemplate the fields And see the dandelions, just like little golden shields! (Aly coat, you know, has buttons that ore made of Boman gold They cost! My goodness! Well, the price 1 never jet have told.) I think one Bhould sit silently and contemplate this life, And see how sweetness rises from the hours of stress and strife. The bursting buds they tjpify the good In eveiythlng. And show us how In mind and heart there Is a gentle spring. (I think It's moie than time enough for my dress to be here; I wish you'd ring that modiste up and tell her so, my dear.) The daffodil, the columbine all of the flowers falr They whisper of a lesson that the early flowers bear. Let us go solemnly and sit, and listen to the songs, And Join in spirit wjth the mood that actuates the throngs (That milliner must hurry up, or she will make me late And I must have some time, you know, to get my hat on straight.) Oh, how It helps one, now and then, to con template and see The moral lesson that U held In all the things that bi Tho thrilling melodies that rise In every Easter hymn, The mellow light that faintly dies, all shadowy and dim (Why. here It's 10 o'clock at night; they said that sure at 9 They'd have them here all safe and sound that dross and hat of mine. Please call them up and tell them tfctt I'll die of eoro itstresa If Easter msA g 9nd me wltjt no & ntv, hat and A " REHPUSS NORTH PHILADELPHIA Aliss Leonttte Hehfuss, 1700 North 13th stieet, has gone to llaltlmure over the holidays. Mr. and Airs. Noimau S. Sherwood, of H14J North ail htre,t, will open their cottage In Chelsea over the liul!fln8. Aliss Lonalne Stnlil will be their guest for a few dns. All. and Alts. George Geggenhnlmcr, of 2217 Noith o3d stieet, entertained lit cnuls last eve nine:, when their guests weie Air. nnd .Mrs Joseph Stuwait, Air. and Mm Lewis Krcugci, .Mr. nnd Alls. James A. Gladding, Air. nml Airs. Walter It. Eastbuin and Air. and Airs. Giant Claik Class 1'JII nt the William Penn High School for Girls will hold Its flist reunion at tho Blt lnhour Hotel (it n. Inrge luncheon, Saturday afternoon, April 10 A minstrel show- and rianre will be given by the Delphla Club of Philadelphia Saturday eve ning, April 10, nt the Columbia Club, Uroad and Oxford streets. Tho show will be produced by the members of the club. President, Myron K. liuxbaiim, vice president. Jlnm Aim tin; tec retary Charles K. Smith; ticasuier, Samuel K Joseph; members: J. Lester Bamberger, Charles Goldman. Hyman Goldman, Alaun Berg, H. Si vnn Harris, I. Harris nnd J. Hlrschberg The affnlr will be couched by Charles Joseph. FRANKFORD The following worn elected to membership is tha Frnnkfoicl Historical Society at their Inst March meeting: Airs William V. Allen, David Deerlng, Dr. Julian T. Hammond, 3d, George At. Wright, Airs. Julian T. Hammond, 3d, AIlss Nellie A. Ingrnm and Thomas AV. Schumacher. LANSDOWNE The Itev. and AJrs. Croswell II. McBee, ot Lansdowne, expect to go to South Carolina early next month, where the Itev. Air. AIoBce expects to ofllclate at tho wedding of his biothei. The llev. Air. AIcBee is the rector of St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, In the borough. Air. nnd Airs W. H. Grlselnger, of North Lansdowne avenue, will return from Florida on April 7. They expect to stay at a hotel in this city for two weeks before returning to their home In tho borough. Air. nnd Airs. J. 8. Oates and family, of North Highland avenue, have gone lo California, where they expect to make their permanent home. Dr. and Airs John AI. Galbralth, of Lans downe, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Alias Jean Isabel Galbralth, to How land Kingman Armes, of Lexington, Alass. Air. and Mrs. Phillip Spaetor, of Huey avenue, entertained the members of their "SO0" club last evening. Among those present were Air. and Atrs. Edward Wanamaker, Air. and Airs, lldwaid Fay, .Mr and Airs. Thoma Alelov, AIlss Elizabeth Wilson, Air. and Airs. Edvvanl Stocton and Alvln Frledel AIlss Alargaret Hunuum, of 16 fligby ave nue, will entertain Miss Catharine Chalfant. of Kennett Square, over the Easter holidays, Airs. Alfred C. nalch, of 119 West Baltimore avenue, la confined to her home with a eevere attack ot the grip. Airs, Lee Thayer, of Cincinnati, O, Is visit Ing her sister, Mrs. S. S. Geratenberger, of Es. sex avenue, for an Indefinite stay. Miss Louise Van Zant, of 65 North Lans downe avenue, returned yesterday from a month's trip to Florida, and will leave Friday for New York, where she will spend the Eas ter holidays. Mr. "and Mrs. Norrls Scott, Air. and Airs. Har old .Odgen, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon PhJUIps, Air. and Mrs. Ralph Hays and Mr. am Airs, Brooks Evans will motor to Atlantic City for a week's stay. Alls. Harry Blley will return to hr home In Harrlsburg today, after a three weeks' visit to Mrs, Herbart Hayes, of 14 Lincoln avonua, Notices for the Society page will be, ac cepted and printed In tha Evening Ledger, but all suoh notices mutt be written on one lids of the paper, must be signed In full, with full address, and whan possible telephone number must be given. Send all sych communication to "Soelety Editor," Evening Ledger, SOS Chejtnut trt. MISS HELEN AUGUSTA RUSSELL, daugh ter of Air. nnd Airs. Henry Hussell, of 4310 Osngo avenue, was quietly married to Isaac EUvIn Leech today nt noon In the Church of the Saviour, 38th nnd Ghestnilt streets' The Itev Robert Johnston, rector of the church, old dated. Thu bride, who Wna given In marriage 1 liei father, wore n traveling gown. Air. and Mis Leech, nfter their wedding trip, will HVa nt f'lnlrmont, where they will be at home after Mm 1 v.ouNCitAnKEn The marriage of Alias Ruth AI, Barker, daugh tei of Air nnd Airs. Jesse J. Barker, of Logan, to Edwin fltnrr Young, of Claymont, Dal., took place quietly Tuesdny afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at tho home of the brldo's parents, 10th street and Mndlev avenue. The ceremony was performed bv the pastor of the Luthernn Church of the Holv Communion, Chestnut street above 21st ftreet The bride wna gowned In pale pink crepe de chlno with n hat of pale pink faced with black, nnd curried nn old-faBhloued bouquet of or chids nnd llllos of the valley. Her little niece, i Miss ttuth Freeland, was flower girl, and her nephew, Homy l'reolnnd, rlng-bearcr. Thomas Young, a brother of the bridegroom, acted ns best man Following the ceremony, ot which only the Immediate families were pres ent. Air. nnd Airs Young left for an extended wedding Journey through the Southern coast re soits t'pon their return they will live In New York They will be nt home after April 20. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Miss .Minnesota Craig, of Alerchantvllle, N. J,, entertained tho members of her yawing circle etitcirtu5 nt her home. Her guests were Aliss .Inno Cunnii, ot Onk Lane; Alias Rcglna D. Lcntr, of Alclrose, Aliss Ethel P. Kncass, Alias Constnnco A. Glosklng, Airs George Nicholson nnd .Mrs. William Bllleter. Aliss Craig Is very popular among the oungcr wet, and especially well known In tho musical circles of Phila delphia. Air. and Aim. W. S. Scull, ot Ml Cooper street, have letuind from n Southcrii trip. AIlss Helen Dnston, of Aloorestown, has been visiting In Bi-ooMmi Judge and Airs, llownid Carrow, ot Alerchant vllle, ,hau retumed from St. Augustine, Fla wheio they spent a month. CHESTER AND VICINITY Air. nml Mis. .1 . Frnnk Black have returned to lhcr home on Enst 4th stieet trdm a month's toui through Floilda Airs Fred Bessey. of Perkasle, Pa.. Is visiting John Alonogue and famll, qf Park avenue. AMUSEMENTS nhnntisuJ. C- OPKftA I Home oT World'. o.r Wi nv.aiUUl OL. HOLIHi; (iraateit Photnni AITKKNOO.V8. 1.30 TO 4:30, 10c. 10c. 2Ra liVUM.VaS. T.3U TO 10.30, 10c. 20c, A FEW 30 LAST WEEK! The ETERNAL CITY Next Week Biggest Thrill Yet d w. auu'FiTirs "THE AVENGING CONSCIENCE" fiKATB NOW SKI.I.lNa B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE CREATING A FURORE J Gertrude Hoffmann 50 COMPANY OP 50 IN TUB NEW 1016 JIEVUB nicE a coiicN, Moiiitis eitoNiN A co.: ciiiEr CAUI'OLlCAN. IHltltV WOLKOllD. and OTHEnB. Next Week Uveljn Neshlt and Jack Clifford FORREST Last 3 AIATINKKS B;Sfl EVENINGS 8:30 25c &50c NEW EDITION EVENING LKDOER War Pictures NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW SELLING THE MASK AND WIG CLUB In the Mmleal Satire. PAftADlSE PRISON THE MARKET BV. ABOVE 16TH PICTURES 11 A M TO 11:15 P. it. JEbSE L. L.ASK15V I'UOfFERH Stanley RITA JOLIVET Ami House Peters In Flrat Prejtntation "THE UNAFRAID" THIS IB A SPI.ENOID PRODUCTION Nent Week "When We Wre Twntjr-Qn" ACADEMY FRIDAY EVEN1NO, APRIL 'ohn McCORMACK "The KIiir of the Concert Stage" Great All-Ballad Program 8EATS NOW ON t,.LH AT JIEWKS m rMDT? MARKET AND JUNIPER BTRBETa VJXjKjjLilll Contlnuou. Vaudavllla 11.30 A. M. to 11:30 P. 11 co-SuLnne daisy HARCOURT McUEVITT, KEL.UY t VVCX; RETTYt OTHERS Coming "Hypocrites" GARRICK LastSEvgsl'SJSSf , W 7 $$ BALDPATE NEXT WEEK SEATS TODAY ROBERT HILLIATO In Ula dreamt Succeii 'THE ARCIYLI) CASE" TVPTP LA6T 8 EVEN1NU8 at a is il I SXLKJ last MATINEE SATURDAY AT 8 18 MARIE DRESSLER K M.vr StS William Faversham "un nur1 "the hawk CROSS KEYS THEATRE JuUetteDIkaJiagM B OTHER Bid ACTS New Program Mon &, Than, at; 13 J-UU Iftj. J3c. ?fe NIXON'S I UWtT LEVY I1EATJMO.VP M " . au; HD A XTF4 ccl ARNOLD, ARTHUR HUS.TQN Z CO.. ZINKA P1MH1 nnnntrS Jln.W i-f i BOWEN , CAPT JACK BAH Today 2:S. 7. & 91 NETT SON. PJCTURBJ, T.v... jJ.JZZI'Z I "Mvwa Victofia w"; MARKET AND NINTH MTU. Quality" VauJ.tilU ,o.l Twltht Arowur Song Cooteat. SUyar CW BROAD Next Week nT" ETHEL BARRYMORE &J3& "JrvX&ZSSS" Peg o My Umrt PARTMnwl-,",.w mai wu4i "arf - i; OAV.E MA-hpJiili Ml,4KM.lf Troeadere rjfiSU. Yau :M )iiii"iu'iiiiili"(;' m I