WKB'aWwSiSiijBiFTyiTiHTlliF wfsr-w - tywmrwf s "TOwntr ST THURSDAY ApriKL,4915 mnmn i J -. teU&Jlfl iJWft WgfeS- r LI I Wi " 1, 1, It - A s PERSONS AND SCENES THAT FIGURE IN THE DAY'S NEWS AS RECORDED BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER WMIMHNHNMMMWiaMMHaMWMMHiMMMMMawMHHBM)MHiMaSMMMt . I - I I . 1 1 I II Hill II - - . , iMMIMHaMlMaHMiMMHHVMaMMnaiMniWMBHvHMIMnaMaH,, CHESTER'S EVANGELIST AND CHOIR LEADER IN ACTION The pictures above, to right and left, show the Rov. William P. Nicholson in characteristic attitudes as he illustrates his points in the big tabernacle built for him at Chester. In the centro is J. Ray mond Hcmmingcr, who is Mr. Nicholson's "Rodoy," as ho directs the choir of 500 voices. Tho scries of meetings began Sunday and are attracting immenso crowds. TRAINED FEMININE ATHLETES Who teach tho school children of tho city how to play, engaging in their own tug-of-war at Athletic Centre. 2 Gth and Jefferson, streets. t '' - ' - ' ''" ' ' , mMkmMBmLs. 'mrj& - 'mat 1 1 irrirriMM Ph t- ' sasjrwswJ Jfe rndenvaod, TV.IIVE xEABCLP GIRI PROPI& l!' " r' It w ? rhi-vin l-cs vltji he1" -air, -who . . . " k.u-! ha-alt. yer-9 .rntiBg and vua FIRST 3RIVER PLUNGE OF THE SEASON John Ingham and Robert J Davis, of the Crescent Beat Club, could not fesjeitrataed even by sudden descent of the merculrv, TSdicU "Y 'W ' " Wr. &VlifiJ 46 W ( HAVE YOU TRIED THE SKELETON TANGO? rlL; clU2sf instructor in the Sherwood. School. I8 shown her P tmJMutJmrafm meet of the physjeal culture teachers emploj-e4 , -wv ,,- (vjjiuiii yupervisey oy ts uard o JtecraatioJti ll'lillltillliii f"aMfaa- BHilHHIllHIHHBHaHHIHIiHliHHHHHHBiM