Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 31, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    jvgsim Lfnfl siTioTf:
I..H in i r riTii i ii.. .11 iiili n.. nn.nte.i.llii M I iiMii ii n , - mti..n iMt--- f fm, r .. ....1 fl,)- - - - ' ' . ... . , ... t. .... .i-.,i. i, j : ..., , , - i " - - J
-in." 1'ntiv BliolV, Wllldl Is hclil nmiiinllc i.u
Mr Wllllnm .t. Clothier on lirr pslnln f
Sy'fnneivooil, will tato lilaco on Wednesday,
Wttu, Anne W. Melts, ilnuqlitor of Mr. nml
K(rj, Illcliiml Wnln Melrs, wlo lins lccn attend
Rt Ilia rnilim vocation Willi her parents, in
R'jrntd lo school nl Westover.
number of Plillftilelnlilfttis will leave Imlnv
ftit Hot Spring". Vl., In be pone nbolll livti
EiAi6 They will Include, Mr. mid Mm. .1.
ifctaislej' Mitchell, Sir. mul Mm. V. 1'rnzer
RArMaon, Mr. nml Mrs. Wllllnm M. lltktns
Rhd Mr. and Mrs. T. Charlton Hotuy.
The Women Writers' Club of thin city will
Rtlve on enterialimiefH followed by n dnnco on
grrlday night, April Id, nl tlio New Century
jfclub rooms. Tlio dancing will bo preceded by
i"ahort sketch, which will bo given by members
Kfitlto rlayB nnd 1'layora' Club, nml tbcro will
lie. tevcrot musical numbers also.
jMrs. Charles J. Mcllvnlnn entertained Infor-
finally today at luncheon nt her home, Pino
UlUt, Ardmore, In honor or Mls Marjorlo
Thayer, of Boston.
Ode of the most able nml successful charitable
erMnlzallons In tho city Is the- Army nnd Navy
fiiellcf Association of dermnntown, which was
Started by Mrs. Francis Howard Williams nt
pie tlmo of the Spanish-American War. At
Rhit tlmo It wns qulto Indispensable and has
fccen doing admlrablo work ever since. During
this whiter boxes wcro packed nnd sent to
European sufferers. However, tho biggest thing
that tho association Jins yet done wns tho giv
ing of a danco nt the rJormantowti Cricket Club
en February 2, when nearly JCOO was cent lo tho
Philadelphia ward of the American Ambulnnco
llospltal In Paris. It -was a big thing for
Cermantown, both socially and financially.
Tho Indies In chnrgo nro arranging another
danco to bo given on Tuesday evening, April
J, at tho aermantown Cricket Club, tho pro
ceeds to bo used for gencr.il relict work. The
affair will bo by Invitation only; nlso, the Invi
tation list has been limited.
.Tne committee In chnrge Includes Mrs. E. I..
;Baltzar do Mare, chairman; Mrs. Charles A.
Martin. Mrs. Alexander AV. Wlster, Jr., Mrs.
fchurchlll 'Williams, Mrs. Alfred S, Weill, Mrs.
Franklin McCrca Wlrginan, Mrs. Robert Mar
gin Williams, Miss llnmsey, Mrs. .1. Nelson
OPurvlance. A number of dinners will procedo
h flnnrp.
TrifNNEWOOD Mi. Abel 1'. Wetherlll will lie
tguesi oi nuiior ni a nouse party over me wcck
knd to be given by her fatlicr-lii-lnw, Wllllnm
If. Wetherlll, nt his country place. Mill Oiovo
Farm, Audubon, l'n.
Mrs. Walter Clothier, Miss Floiencb Clothier,
Geoigo Clotlilcr and l.ouls Clothier will spend
the Easter season nt Ilr.ddon Hull.
Miss Helen Gray Murray, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. llalph l.cuford Murray, of Old l.nn-
caitcr road, will spend Knstcr and the month
Of ADrll ns tllfl ITIlpat nf MM. TCmmnnunl llrnwn
llc&jwcn. nt her cottngo In Atlantic City.
Alitijioili; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paul Ually
and M:ss Francefl West Dally will open their
Bay Head cottnge tomorrow and will enteitaln
fl hAnaA nnfTV fif 19 ncfli l.lnalnf.
k. iind Mrs. James Smith will return from n
trip tluough tho west early next week.
lIAVERFOItli-Mr. nnd .Mrs. Leigh A. Held have
lone to Atlantic City for a few days' stay.
Mrs. Alexander J. Cnssntt and Miss Lois Cas
aatt will go to San Francisco Hhortly. They will
ipend part of the comln& summer In Newport.
i . . ..
jiusemunt j.. tv. itocsc aim 11. ivaiiter i.caue
have gone to Atlantic City for a few days.
Cyrus D. Fosa spent tho week-end nl the scn-
ihore nlso.
I Friends of Mrs. Charles S. Dromlcy, of To
randa and Moreland avenues, will be glad to
hear that she Is recovering from an operation
iBfor appendicitis.
l Mrs. Helen Bancroft, who has been spending
Wthe. winter with Mrs. Francis MacGrath, of 25
East Benezet street, has returned from a short
m'tay In Now York.
Mr. and Mrs. John Karle Mnrsden entertained
at dinner last nl6ht at their home, iU Kast
,Mt Pleasant avenue, Sedgwick, In- honor of
Irs. Emma AV. Illco, of New Yprk, nnd Mr.
nd Mrs. AA'illlam Bookstool. There wero
fight guests present nnd the decorations were
daffodils, sweet peas and greens.
tMr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Blackburn, Mr. and
IMrs. Henry II. Monde nnd MIsb Mende, of Oer
piantown, and Miss Ketchuin, of Overbrook,
Biotored to Atlantlo City Friday last nnd ara
Rutflti at tho Hotel Chelsea, where they win
femaln for tlio Easter holidays'.
iMUs Helen Gormley, of 727 Lincoln drive, will
Entertain at dinner at the Qennantown Cricket
pub tonight In honor of Miss Evelyn liar-
ngtou nnd John M, Holton, whose marrlaga
Ut take place on April 6, The guesta will I"-
Eude Mr. and Sirs. Keith Downing, Miss Louisa
cKale, Mlsa Sarah Talte, Miss Mildred Cav
Ely. John Holton. Howard Holton, Edwin Uurk,
5an Howard Smith and Sheldon Potter, The
rty will attend the club dance.
A charity card party will be given today In
Ihe DemarMorrla apartments. Germantown,
Saer the direction of Mrs. AV. K. Smith, The
proceeds wU be devoted to the poor and needy
'tile northwestern section of the city.
in. Frederick Dudley, of 2507 Queen lane,
jll spend Eaater In New York,
Irs. E. Hoes Carver, of 6123 Newball street,
returned from a short trip to New York.
Jr. and Mrs. Lannlns Harvey, of AVIIkes.
Igarre, who have been spending the wlntr
oaths at the Southern resorts, have spent the
Nt week In Atlantic City and wjll return on
Sjtoay to spend Eaater with their parents,
and Mrs. Arthur Burgess, KM Germantown
Preston It. Brdman, t 6923 Qreene tret,
; recovering from a recent illness.
ittrs. Joseph J AVernle, of 27 Carpenter street.
rtrtined at luncheon yenterdpy at tne au-
&U Clwb. Hi Monor Pf Mrs. Elni?r . wai
ling, nlso of Oermatilown. Dnltodlls were Used
In profusion ns tnble deeorntlon, mid the guests
Included Mrs. AA'aller O. Sibley, Mrs. Carroll L.
Hutnfey, Miss Kntheilno Locke, Mrs. Cbnrlcs
HettP, Mis. Morris W. ltudderow nnd Mrs.
Josephus T. Ullom.
Mrs. Wllllnm Francis Itoblii9on, of J2.1l Lau
rens street, hai returned to her home from
Boston, whero she has been visiting.
Mrn. William Hc.-itty Jennings has returned
lo her home, 6012 Greene rtroet, from Wcrncrs
Mlle, where t,0 spent Bevornl weeks. ,
Tho Neighborhood Cluh lea, which was post
poned cm m-count of the death of Mrs. Hoi
combe, has been nrrnnged to tnko plnce on
ThurHdny afternoon, April 8, nt the home of
ono of Its members, Mrs. Isnao Scott Smith,
129 Greene street.
Jnmcs Qulgg entertained nl "MW" ihls ween
at his home, e02 Olncy avenue, Tnbor. Among
his guests wcro Miss Berenice Iteyuolds, Mtss
Jelinlo Kern, Mlrn Alice Qulgg, Miss llv.i Elders,
Mls Ethyl .Milne, Miss Lorcttn Sclinclter, .Miss
Anna Kccnan, of EnBlon, l'a.; William Duckln
lleld, Enrlc Browne, Joseph Mcnngh, Henry
Oibln, John Mclnnca, Fred McGee nnd Thomim
Vnsey, Jr.
A humorous lectin o will bo given at the On It
Lane Bnptlst Church, April S, by Mr. Keith
Clicny. Fiank M. Conly will be soloist nn.l
Mlds Mabel AVIIIIams, of Ctli street and CTtli
avenue, will be the accompanist.
Invitations hnvo been rccched from Mr. nnd
Mrs. Chnrlcs AVnrncr, of Oak Line, for a tlicutie
party nu Sntutdny night, April 10, in honor of
Mlsa Mltlatn Grnham, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Graham, of Atlantlo City.
Mis. a. Southern Conway, of the Avondnlc,
SOth nnd Locust sticet, will give n Musk nnd
Wig party next Thursday evening in honor of
her guest, Miss Elizabeth Smith, of New York.
Miss Isabel Montgomery, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Henry S. Montgomery, of 13!) South 41th
street, will go to Atlantlo City next Tuesday
to spend u short time ns the guest of MIsb
Mary McCowcn nt her parents' cottage.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph II. Hope, of 1122 North
list street, will lenio today for Atlantic City
to bo gone nbout thrco weeks.
Mr. nnd Mis. Wllllnm C. Bostwlck, MIsh Alico
Lystcr nnd .Miss Mabel Lystcr, of 432 South 44th
street, will enteitaln nt n Inrgc dinner on Easter
Monday evening. Among their guests will be
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Hall, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs, Henry AVIeaml, .Miss
Christine Itylnnd, Miss Snrn Ilyland nnd AV'll
lldin Green.
Finnklln Goddnrd will hold n inuslcalo and
dunce at his home, 441S Mnikct stieet, on Easter
Monday. Among those piesciit will bn Atls
Anna Fnrley, of .Maple Simile. N. J.; Miss Mary
C. Hlndslcy, Miss A'nllftte Saunders, of llnver
ford; MibH Mildred Johnson, of Chelscn, N.
J.; Miss Ethel Fritclile. -Miss Beta Blue, Miss
Harriet Gardner, Miss Ethel Gordon, Jack
Hunt, r. Fleming Hunt, naymond -Muckcl,
George A. Hlndsley, Earl M. deary, Jack Ham
ilton, Ernest Pullman, J. Edgar Hall, Leonard
Saunders, of Chelsea, N. J.', nnd Harry Itodgers.
Mrs. Catherine McBcrrlty and Charles Mc
Berrlty, of 3C02 Melon street, will spend Easier
lit tho scashoie.
Mrs. Samuel M. Fox, of 530 North Alden Btreet,
hns left for BItninrck, N. D., where Bhe will
visit Mrs. Robert AVmlth Dutton, formerly ot
AVcst Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Dutton bavo
sent announcements of the birth of a son, Rob
ert AVrnlth Dutton, Jr.
Mr. nnd Mis. Harry Becker, of 2121 South
Simpson street, entertained at dinner this week.
Her guests were Mr. nnd Mr. John McLaugn
lln, Miss Mary young, Anthony Crantz, Miss
Anna Becker, Joseph Hccker and Albert Bocker.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell entertained at
n muslcale nt their home, 4016 Sansom street.
Among those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwnnl
Qulmi. Mr, nnd Mm. John Donagan, Mr. ana
Mrs. Thomns Strnycr, Bernard Thornton and
Miss Andrews, John Dugan, Dr. John Fltzpat
rlck, John Fltzpatrlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Mc
Closkey and Charles Harbin.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Itnnsley, 1313 Ellsworth
street, left yesterday for Atlantic City, where
they will open their cottage, 137 Elberon avenue.
Chelsea, In time for tlio Easter holidays, when
they will entertain a small house party.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kutncn, 1333 South Eth
Btreet. have Issued cards nnnounclng the birth
of a daughter.
Charles Gutz'elt, 701 Mlfltln Btreet, will enter
tain his brother, of Trenton, N. J., during the
Joseph Cohen, 619 Tasker Btreet; Edward
Kadane, 719 Bltner street, and Jacob AVelnsteln,
2239 South Darlen street, are planning to motor
to Atlantlo City today. They will visit rela
tives over the holidays and return to this city
on Easter Monday.
Sir, and Mrs. Meyer Cohn will give a dinner
danco tonight in their home, 1621 Fltawater
street, in honor of Mies EHrsbeth Golhowskl,
of AVorcester, Mass., whose engagement to A.
Harry Cohn was announced recently, Spring
flowors arranged In baskets will form the artis
tic decorations. Mrs, Cohn will be assisted In
receiving by Miss Dorothy Cohn, Miss Cella
Cohn and Arthur B. Cohn, of 1138 South Broad
street. Among the guests will be Mr, and Mrs.
S. Squire, Mr. and Mrs. 3. S, Cohn, Miss Anna
Conn. Mrs. C. Cphn. Sir. and Mrs. J. Bloom.
Miss Lillian Bloom, Mlas Minnie Bloom, Mr.
and Mrs. I. Lampert, Mr. and Mrs. M, L, Qllck
mau. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kanetsky, Miss Cell
Kanstskyi M1" no3e Kanet8ky Miss Rebecca
Kanetsky. Mr. and Sirs. J. Kress, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Lubln, Sir. and ATrs. B. Meyers, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Gallant and Charles Cohn.
Miss Be fuller, 122 Point Breeieavenue, will
spend he Easter holidays at Atlantlo City, fol.
lowed bX tw weeks In Baltimore and two
weeks In AYashlpjtoii, P- C. 0
Mr. and Mra. William Sherman, of 2004 South
ISth (ttreet, will motor to Atlantlo City to spend
Easter- Mrs. Berntce Masters, 2100 South Broad
it. wjll fee In the iwrty,
I II' 'I M (I I It. 1 lll' in !! l)ll VJ
lIrs. Trinklc, who is n extremely popular matron of this city, lias been hostess
at a number of affairs this season.
Large Dnnco Will Bo Given on April 5 by
Mcmborg of This Society.
A largo bull Will be given by the Cnvuu J S.
nnd B. Society on Mondny evening, April 6,
nt the Muslcnl Fund Hall. Tho lnrgo rooms
will bo beautifully decorated with palms nnd
spring (lowers, while two orchestras will furnish
tho music for tho grnnd nmrch and succeeding
dances. Tlio entlio evening will bo devoted to
dnncing, nnd supper will be served nbout mid
night. Tlio march will lip led by Miss Mniy
E. Kelly nnd Terence Smith. Others who will
take pnrt wilt bo Miss McLaughlin, Miss Mnr
guerlto Brady, Miss Sue Knlly, Miss Marie S.
Goddnrd, Miss Madeline KellJA Miss Edna Ott.
Miss Catharine Sharkey, Miss Gertrude Mc
Mnnus, Mr. nnd Mrs. Owen Mngiilre. Mr. mid
Mrs. Anthony Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Patrick
Martin, Mr. nnd Sirs. John Fox. Miss Mnrgnict
Burns, Cornelius McEnroe, Michael tlrndy, John
Kolly, James Kelly, Jr., Joseph Donnhuo nnd
Jnmcs Donahue,
Mrs. Amos F. Russell, of 221S Noitli lUlli
street, was hostess a" n "50j" jesterdny after
noon, when her guests were SI is. W. Hirst, Sirs.
J. Lorcnux, Mrs. W. Chambers, Sirs. H.
Krueger. Mrs. It. Rend, Mr. William Shoe
maker, .Alls. Walter R. Eustburn, Mis. Wil
liams, .Mrs. Louis Eckel, Mrs. If. Lowencr,
Doctor Bacon, Mrs. Scherr, Mrs. C. Foster, .Mis.
Palmer and Mrs, Comly Shoemaker.
Sir. and Mrs. AVnlter II. Eaatbum, of 2141
North ISth sticet, entertained nt dinner last
evening, when covers were laid for 12. Their
guests wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. James A. Gladding,
Mr. nnd Sirs. Frederick Kreltzbcrg, SIlss Helen
Gladding, Frederick. Drescl, Sirs. Comly Shoe
maker, Sir. and Mrs. AVIlllam Rawllng and
Miss Helen Rawllngs.
SIlss Beatrice Rottncr, ot 314S North Broad
Btreet. will leave tomorrow tor Atlantic City
lo spend a week as the guest of Miss Florence
SlacMorrls at tho Hotel Seaside.
Some person with a decidedly peculiar senso
of humor sent a notice to the KvBMiNn
Licnaim which stated that a club known as the
Jitney Club held a danco nt Battersby'a Par
lors, In Tioga, last Saturday. Thero Is no audi
club as tho Jitney, nnd Battersby'a Tarlors are
used for funeral purposes.
Sirs. Battersby has only recently had tho es
tablishment fitted out entirely new for this
pbrpose. Of course, no danco took place there.
AS EACH season approaches the prediction Is
A made that blue will no longer be the
favored shade for all occasions, but In spite of
the modiste's declaration to this effect, the ser
viceable blue continues In first favor, duo not
only to the fact that It la the most generally
becoming shade, but also because It harmonizes
with any number of contrasting colors. Then,
too, the Influence of militarism tends to make
the color popular. Certain it is that never be
fore were there, more shades of blue used for
tallleurs, for hats and for all the small acces
sories of milady's dress.
A stunning suit worn by Mrs, John Hhlpley
DUon Is made of dark blue gabardine. The
skirt is fashioned with double tiers, the lower
one being tight and the upper circular and full,
falling lo the end of the drop skirt The coat is
made in the Eton style and the hat worn with
this costume Is a turban of dark blue straw
trimmed with white dalslea.
Mils Sophy "Worth baa selected an .attractive
spring suit made of deep Copenhagen blue
serge. The skirt la rather full and the coat
short and loose AVIth this a hat of traw of
the same fchs.de. made In a close-fitting Btyle
and trimmed with goura. Is worn.
Ml Jan Kewbold Thompson is wearing an
attractive suit of buckakln covert In the sand
color. The skirl la circular and short, and the
coat if made with the high waistline and
flolsnad with bU 0 the same material. Wltn,
jpt what &
life..!.. 1.. t t-A.I.l. I lli.l.llm
Dr. nnd .Mrs. Nccdlmm, of 2M2 Fiiuikt'oi.l
nveiiuc, nml Sir. nnd Mis. Hi'il Hamilton, of
IS.10 Kensington iivcnup, will spi'iul llnsti'l' at
the se.'ishoi p.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilillighci. or 20-1 Finnkfoiii nv
niir, will spend Easier iim llio guest of .Mr. nnd
Sits. Frcdeilck II. Schcrk. of Llnneii'li.
The East Allegheny Avenue Metlndlst I'luuch
will' gle 11 icceptlnn to Its piisloi, Doctor
Ai thill', tilts evening.
TIip members of tho Kensington Social Cluh
will hold 11 Kt'cption mul diiiici) nt Allcmiinlit
Hnll. 2IV3 Ninth r.th slircl. on Fildny night.
April Ifi.
AVnsblngton Camp. No. 871, I'nttlotle Order
Sons of America, which wns nrgmiUcd 111 De
cember, 1911, is glowing so inpldly that ll has
been necessnry to get new nml larger iiunrtera
hi AVelcomo Hnll, Susquehanna avenue nnd Sep
vlvn street. They will bold their first meeting
at tlio new locution on Thursday evening,
April 1.
Sir. mul Sirs. AV. J. Godfiey, of 452 ICnt Chiii
brln sticet, will spend Easier In Atlantlo City.
Sirs. Abncr T. .Mitchell, of Glenoldin. Have a
tea ycsteidny In honor of SIlss Anna Itobcils.
of AVcllesley College. Among those present
were Mls Alinn Kite, .Miss Gladys Smith, MIm
Jlarlan Mitchell, Miss Ruth Decker, SIlss Ethel
Hart. Jllsfl Sill lam Hart, SIlss Charlotte ilnr
per. Sirs. Bertram AVhcelcr and Sirs. Louise N.
Tho 'Rev. Cliarlcs SI. Simpson nssunieil his
pastorate In the Prospect Hill Church 011 Sun
day. The inembcii of his congiegatlon aie
planning a reception to be given him some time
this week.
Tierce Ireland, a former resident of Darby,
has moved to Sloorc.
All evening nlfalr given by tho Sllssea .Mat
thias nt Orchard Villa, In Km wood, tills week,
was a decided success. SIlss .Mildred Taylor
favored the company with some very pretty
piano fclcctlons, and dnncing took up a large
part of the evening.
Amateur theatricals have taken a very decided
hold In Norwood. A Junior company gave two
sketches In the flrehouso auditorium on Sat
urday evening, with SIlss Elite McClcllan In the
leading role. The play created such a favorable
impression thnt it Is probable that It will be
repeated In tho near future.
this SIlss Thompson wears a large straw hat
trimmed with wings the color of the suit.
MIsh Slary Janvier has chosen a distinctive
tailored ult of "tabac" brown. The skirt is
of n circular cut, made wide, and the coat Is
a belted model. A small hat of heavy straw
Is worn with this costume,
SIlss Olivia Hardy wears an extremely smart
suit of midnight blue gabardine. The skirt is
quite short, made very full. The coat Is made
with a high waistline, the bottom of which Is
cut circular, making It quite full, and Is fin
ished with a white kid belt. AVIth this SIUs
Hardy wears an attractive black sailor hat
faced on the upper brim with black satin and
finished with a narrow black and white cord,
SIlss Florence Elliot has for her spring toi
lette a smart afternon frock of dark green
taffeta. The skirt Is made of box plaits and tne
waist U very severe, buttoning to the top ot
the high collar with black buttons having
white r'ms. The sleevce are long and the
waistline Is llnlshed bya black suede belt. The
bat worn with this costume Is a black sailor,
haying huge black wings arranged across the
Sirs. Jamea AValton Davie has selected a
smart spring suit of fine black tweed, having
a narrow white stripe. The skirt Is made full
hy double plaits back and front. The coat U
rather Bevere, being finished by a white kid
belt. A mannish hat. made of fine white straw,
blocked la tje sailor ehape and finished with a
jilam bU of blaxk, Is wern with this costume.
J Sm.
THE marriage uf MIs. Mildred McKrnw,
daughter of Mrs. Mnry II. Slcginw, Of
Mooreslown, nnd William II, Irey, .lis, "t
Olci eland. O.. will lake plnce tonight, 'ihtf
ceremony will bi' performed nt 7 o'clock In tho
Phllomuslnn Club, 3341 Wftlnul stirrl, the Hcv.
Dr. (Irui'Ke O. Ailnm. of the Chestnut Street
Rnptlst Chinch, ottlolnting. Mlsa Slcjrnw. who
will be attended toy her sls'ler, Miss Slnbcl
Cl.ii-kc Slegniw, ns mnld of honor, will be given
in tiinnlnpo by her biollicr-ln-lnw, Kenneth
Urnlinm. Sir. I'nicy will be nltclidcd by Dr.
1 Tlmimis Vouiignmh, Of Atlantic City, ns best
t .. . .. , ,
I mini, nun inc imiers win oe nciinctn umiinin,
I Carlton Schwnv Wngnor, of Now A'ork; Jny
Mlllrr, of Hniigor. and J. Edgar Culllney, of
Lebnnon, Pit.
Thi bride will wenr n benullful gown of wblto
ciepo meteor, clabonvtely trimmed with pearls
and chlrfon nml finished with n court train or
whilo satin henvllv brocaded In idlvcr. The
veil will he of tulle bound by the orepc meteor,
held In place b.i 11 n tenth of orange blossom,
and will bo nimngcd over the fnco to fall In
Kinceful folds lo tlio bottom of the gown nnd
end of Hie trnln. Her only ornnment will bo a
string ot lonl pcnils, nnd slip will ciury 11
bouquet of Initio roses nnd lilies of the vnlloy,
hnvlng n shower of white oiclilds.
The mnld of honor will wear 1111 nttrncll.e
frock innde In the style of 1810. It will be of
Inffptn In tin' oichld flindo. trimmed with real
lace, nml hnvlng pantalettes of lnce showing
fmm briiPiith thp hnopiklrt. She will wenr n
pnki! lioimel inn do of tho tnffctn, nml will mrry
nn old-fnsliloiicd round bouquet of spring tlow
cis, hnvlng 11 slmwor of forgol-mc-nots.
A reception will follow the ceremony, unit
Tho young people of ttchoboth Slcthodist
Episcopal t'htucli nro looking forwnrd to 11
successful llnnncliil ic.sult fiom their nnnunt
supper to bo glion nl tho church 011 Easter
.Monday. Tlio proceeds nre glcn to tho .Metho
dist Episcopal llospltnl, nl tlio.iil nnd Wolf
stiects, for the benellt of the children's wnrd.
About " members ill 0 nlie.uly eniollcd In
Company K, lib Ileglmeut of the Boys' Hrl
gndc, icccntly orgnnlzcrt nt St. .Stephen's
Protestnnt Episcopal Church. Brldesburg, nnd
iictlvo dillllng Is being carried on In prepara
tion for tlio public Instnllntlou service to be
held Suiidny, Apill 13, 111 the church. In nu
effort to pinvlde equipment for the hoys nnd
encourage them In their endeavor to mnke
something out of themselves the membeis ot
the Slen's Club of St. ritophen'a Church hnve
planned to hold, In the recently-completed par
ish house. 11 basketball contest on Starch 31.
that will bo pnitlclpnted In by the several teams
leprosentlng the parish. Tlio motbois ot the
boys conducted a snip of homemade cooking
nt thn honip of .Mis. Henry Blessing, 4713 Ed
mund sticet, Inst week.
SIih. Joseph Alchholz, Jr.. of Aiiselemn,
Chester County, U visiting Sir. and Sirs. Joseph
Alchholz, Sr.. on South W) combe nvenue.
Mrs. Kdnn Stanley, of AVnshlngton, D. C,
Is visiting Sirs. Samuel S. Pcnnock, of Lans
downe Court.
Dr. Edwin T. Darts; has returned from a visit
to friends In Atlantic City.
Thomns Si. Fitzgerald has gone on a visit to
Snn Francisco, where he will seethe Panama
Exposition. He expects to return shortly.
A delightful muslcale was given nt the Coun
try Club on .Monday night by a number of well
known nrtlbts. Among those who sang were
SIlss Helen Huchannn, soprano; Arthur I. E.
Jnckson, baritone; SIih. Duncan Campbell, con
tralto, nnd the Sllsses Orate.
.Mrs. Ficderlck Stevenson has Just returned
from a week's' visit with her sister, .Miss Stev
enson, at AVcllesley College.
Sir. Denis, of Chester, spent tho week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. AV. 11. Swlnt.
An Equal Suffrage League has been organized
In AA'oodbury with the following ofllcers: SIlss
Durrell, president; Sirs. Saunders Taylor, vice
president; Sirs. A. AA Belts, secretary; SIlss
FJannigan, treasurer. At the last business meet
ing plans were made for a suffrage play, a tea
and nn all-day meeting to be held in May.
Also, by request of a number of men. It has
been nrranged to hnvo Mrs. Felckert, president
of the New Jersey Equal Suffrnge Association,
address a meeting for men nnd women on
April 12.
The Delaware Association of College Women
met yesterday afternoon at the homo of the
president, Mrs. Horace Thayer. 1200 Rodney
street. It wan a social meeting, with an at
tractive musical program.
Sir. and Sirs. Harold M. Brett, of Boston, nre
week-end guests of SIlss Edith Danforth.
Mrs. Frank L. Connable has returned from a
six weeks' crulso In the West Indies and Is
spending a week in New A'ork city.
Sirs. Oeorge D. Hughes, of Highland nvenue,
Is entertaining Silas Joan Cross, of Philadel
phia. Sirs. Emma Parson, of West 3d street, has
returned from a week's visit to relatives at
Wbodbur;-. N. J, .
Sire. C. Frederick Havercamp, of Market
street. Is spending a week as the guest of reU
tlvett at Reading
Mr. and Sirs. AVIlllam J. Green, of Jeffrey
street, have gone to Frederlca, Del., where they
will spend several weeks with relatives.
Notices for the Society page will be ac
cepted and printed in the Evening Ledger,
but all such notices must be written on
one side of the paper, must be signed in
full, with full address, and when ponibjs
telephone number must be given.
Send all such communications to
"Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 603
Chettiu .
- ' ' '" 1 1
nfter nn extensive wedding trlri Mr, arid Mrs.
Esrey will be nt home In Clevclrtnd, O.
A pielty Wedding will tako place In RoX
borough tonight nt lite homo of Mrs. Hannah
A'niiznnt, 3321) Slnnnylink nvenue, when her
daughter, Mrs. Eva St. Gnukel, will become le
bride of Frank Sterner, of 4423 Flrinlns strert.
Tlio ceremony will be performed by thn Rev
Wllllnm II. Henrltk. panlor of tho Talmnge Ale
morlnl Church, Pechln and Rector streets. The
bride, who will be given In marriage by her
brother, David Henry A'nnzniif, will wear n
hnndsome gown of white satin, trimmed with
diichcsso lace, made Empire fashion. She will
carry n bouquet of bride rose; and lilies of the
valley. She will bo ntlcnded by her sister.
Sllpfl Lillian A'anznnt, as mnld of honor, whose
gown will bo of white bnnd-embrildered crepe,
nnd who will carry pink roses. SIlss Slary Kelly
will bo flower girl. The bridal party will In
clude nlso two ribbon bearers, SIlss Katharine
AVrlght nnd Slontgomery Gnukel. The IltUel
girl will wear white lace over white silk, and
Stasler Gnukel will wear a page's suit of white
satin. Tho best man will bo Charles Parsons.
Tho ceremony will be followed by n large re
ception. Upon their iclurn from a wedding
tour In nuffalo and AVestcrn New York, Sir, and
Sirs. Sterner will reside In Roxborough,
Announcement Is made of the marriage of
SIlss Lllllo St. Kruse nnd Thomas C. Kolp on
Saturday, Starch 27, In the pnrsoriago of the
Columbia Avenue St. E. Church, by the Rev
E. AV. Hart. After nn extended wedding trip
Sir. and Strs. Kolp will bo at home, 1S0S Nortn
27th street.
Miss Slarle Slevls nnd SIlss Starlon Pyle are
homo fiom Syracuse University to spond their
Easter holidays.
Horace Trftubel, ot Third nnd Elm streets.
Is lsltlng in Stontrcal, Can., nnd will return
next month.
Dr. Paul SI. Stnrkioj, of M3 Cooper street.
Is entertaining his brother, Richard C. Mark-
lc, of Silver City.
Sir. and Sfrs. Isaac Keirls. of SIcrchantvltle,
have leturned from the South.
Es-.ludge nml Mis. K. A. Armstrong, for
meily of 6lh and Linden streets, nre at Atlantic
City before going to "Tho Farm," their subur
ban home, nenr Princeton.
Sirs. G. W. Jessup hns gone for a trip to tho
Cnllfornla Exposition, vln the Paunma Cuna
Sir. and Sirs. Arthur Dorrnncc, of Rlierton.
spent Starch nt Plnehurst, N. C.
PrmaH-mr Qf pki.a 1 lim- or v..-m
VllCSUUll Ol. uut'HKI (lirHte.t Phoioplsi-
AKTKHNOO.SS. 1 .3" TO 4 :SO UK; I3i
KVKM.NGH. 7:30 TO HUSO. 1"! 2.V. A KllV Si
Next Week Biggest Thrill Yetl
D. W. QltlKFITII 8
Eienlns Ledger.
Ami p Company of fln In I lis .NEW lOtr, HEVUK
rice & cohen: Mortms cno.vi.v 4 co.: chirk
FORREST VSFXtf 25c & 60c
WEEK War Pictures.
In lh MulcI..Btlr.J'AnADlBE FJU80N
GarrickiJrffi Mat. Today jJX. $1.60
Lait 4 Evrnlnga. KilB. Last Matlnea Saturday.
In hla Gfeateat Succena "THD ArtOVt.E CASE"
tI A J rSlli Contlnnnun VnudtvltU
11:30 A. M, lo 11190 p. M
.Coming: "Hypocrites''
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Great All-Ballad Prog-ram
Easter Sunday Night
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Tht WorW'a (IreaUat Vlollnl.L
rtan' Nannd. UMeu-girmituril.
VlLiUUliCl Quality Vaudevlllt ana
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AmateurSoConte.t Thuraday Ntgbi.Bllvar Cug
THK UAltUCTI til AIIUYfi mill
,c 1,1, nt lll.'ii
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ltareurUo Ctatk
In '(.rain& llrn"
Thuraday. Friday and ealuruay .jiius ur.AiiAlM
Juliette Dika DS2$
a 1lllbK II1U AL.IO
Kiv Prociain Alort. & Thura
Dally 1 hn Evenlnga X n4
Today ;ia, T. 0' NBTT fcfeON. PICTUHB3
Ktxt WjakWm. Favaraham In 'THB HAWK"
ZruI Peg oMyeari
BROAD-Next Week 'SSiM
r a OTXTfS waumt eru. mavu tooaI
Ti-ocadero "SEFt&S Ywwii