WEDNESDAY March 31, 1916 Emmtm l&tbatt Thre tto H9 '" mw vowm??? If Mbf&wvXvm 1 A pei Murines feuslnes phln, I "nniy" for the were Hail In :tut h S0 Kr Mo to work downto' There membe There last n made I Airs. E. Orlco, locst c during have t! ing ute workln Mfttl t nl BllKAlfcs (or g the wtSW""from dim and otjH''bulUllncs or in uie uu(ii nfl tlrtVu (riftR. a. echo revival Is to be " Dr. nussell H.. Conv Temple and president vcrslty, will preach, a director of the choirs meetings, will lead a persons In singing rev It has been dcflnltel ere on that Sunday's City will be officially ' afternoon at 2 o'clock original plan to begh, Sunday morning, but tratlng Protestant C- PERSONS AND SCENES THAT FIGURE IN THE DAY'S NEWS AS RECORDED BY, THE PHOTOGRAPHER c ipr . vamrw .( W5l"mifWiWl fill Til - ' i k ' Maw. to "a' "kR-A i.aU"ijp .: t'V'WS" VK- SKIvES.-tWHJJIW : S S. '.. S .KflR'toy avX9 SSA.-.Aiii.vWXSi;W.;,i:41Si &&&.& i5Vi'A4feA' ...jj vti.v! StwiltV GERMAN AMMUNITION COLUMN ON THE MAZURIAN LAKES Photo by Thompson. to h6id their usual This plcturo gives an idea of the frozen naturo of tho district in Enst Prussia in which tho Russians met tho second Sunday morning, t' great disaster of tho season, being cut up and driven back across the frontier by General Von Hindcnburg. entcd to postpon , until the afternoon fero with the Easf hers of all the can attend. Mr. nouncement throu. Itev. E. II. Emi hart, widow of the United Sta "to him for 33 c THIS LOOKS LIKE A BITE, BUT IT'S MEANT 'FOR A KISS Patrol driver John Rudolph, in chargo of tho City Hall -wagon, calls his two horses Tom, and Jerry. Tho lattcrMs his particular friend and chum, as is evident by his idea of a caress which ho is bestowing uponhia master, LIKES For That Rcj pean i "I would rnl war than In th more cxclteme with the Villa a than with the other side. I'm, can hear a sh William A. of Pallas, Te: sailor, spoke tyus released ties on the t. ns a stowaw the British s Falnmos, Cap el, which c Las Palnmor self aboard three duys sea. Captain Shelly to TVhen th turned ov ties. As E had work voyajte ht rt v ' '! went abr( said Phelly toe Because i ciiu ocean excttln: nt-ar bullets ) hear bullets I' different In 7 hullets. Tov uond I anjr " GIRL For tho tnbllsh ht atjout ECO throughout They will next Wedn a series of ulate Inter crease the mt! Temporary b at 3216 Turner i 1325 Moyamen Franklin stre of the cam chairman; C Captain He' 31ankenbu' work on , REAX 1 'tV 'A-zSAm MmSWM&szwM&k ?HH111V: nevaVX . (taMfrfcJftiBVXVtiBt-v -KJfX.WV si-. - ISi1f.vJBl2lRa- ' '?ZiMKS?; MSSBHBsSifHsmlv Kis t&lwMMIKSSHHI81&3IMH-M vTI ffiw&i&sr aHifisitMsim . jb. 4 -IHk IWIA xl!l SIHrMII ; Iff ' J- lmm W8tM&kj? a SUn.4 :&Wi& Hv , . ?S rSiKi-k.'. Ci"' v !BJUJUMi'2UdlMWKSiffitr9 SBfifc.. SS--ffW Hffifthr - ' MHffHEHJntN. ' : "fWK aBa!v-iJ..B . , sssjxiKtitigst ',iViK ,. 4Sg&m& vmmwiw,mmfm&iWm.:Kii ' -?r3m, iiiiiiMiSiiia y--ilBr 1 . &$m liiiiiiiiiiiiHHHHiliiVlHiiBc. 1 " ' ;''': uJ&m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVBBKuHIHBv''vw ?v '?-:,';,$: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiSiiiiBHIP!RKllH!i(4ffiiS, ,:i; :fcswSii Cottage HttHZT'PWB m""W'A. 'f-tmmsm Hotels ilM'llteJiki I-, ' S AIw" fi&BPBSS33vi-t.'. - "MSSi r ZZZZZZZT!r!!! l aaMMlSillfeaagr r-"3agSiMHK Cl BTLKEtT. .'FM ill ft gWBliMLiiMMKSoTrVjj?TSiLiiC?i fcVwvw?KSvf .j ftv . wiSfSr AwwWtMSwiUiwjnftM af. aw n .ymLhiJtjiWJi x ' . s j iWtfilf int TBRiiBHf'5:mK iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiHf iiiiF BBBiiiiijP jjgj oJpHk aE MmWBB '!i9l&H y eVBHfSrftbas v v (kmLiiB (k iV TwMiBiiiiBiiiiiIiiBhb OBhliiiiiiiiiiiiB S 4 &1Kj flylBgiP, l&T R iiiiiMiillKBI f jtEUtal. - frr BK, - THE SWAGGER STICK OR WALKING CANE WILL BE "KA-TISH" THIS SPRING Thero can be no doubt about it, as these three figures were all caught by tho camera on Atlantic City's Boardwalk. Not content -with seizing man's trousers and converting them into pantalettes, tho ladies have now appropriated his cane. The accent on "ka-tish," by tho way, is on tho second syllable. iiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV '?'lif n. H ftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSp :'i P'-iVflf'hj'i l(y Jn mm X i Jli ' klBBlBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBHlBBBBBBBBBtt. 'JhkIiIBBbIL SS BllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllSfe. BHHisniHb a oBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBBlaHh? JHJlK" irifttf BBBvUBr Vi T93?''i. BaBSBBBSlBSBBBaH BBxiBBBBSBBIBvBBvlBBSBBBBBt ty4BBBBBBBBMJ.4BS BBHbVinLs&EBE HflBlHlKlBaBBBllHBw8PsSSi mrUhhHv?i a'i . ' v ? ' v JoJliiiiiiiiiBKHHHHRv ? sfi tfllllllllB34ilPBillllllllHiBv'' 4 -yfe '" tj-y-' 28H'TisB''liiWBP'' iJ rapright by Uudrwtod & Underwood, HE'S THE HUMAN SHUTTLECOCK jgkMtw voyaging 330 miles between the, Unjted Wc3wUi firarfL both of which countfWJhave dlaied Kt.wr udmlmiQft, Nathan Cohen, tne 'wandering aew,"' 1a bus beq mmei to another trip back to Brazil, MEETING OF PRESENT ANP EX-PRESIDENT Left to righisaIabel Bcardmanex.fPresident Tatt and PresidentWjUon. t This gicture wasmade at the corner- of the American Red Gross Society in Wasbingtoar FIRST AMERICAN WOMAN POLICE JUDGE stone layingiol th'e ' memorial structure dedicated tothe Women, of the QJvil Yaiwhlch is to beufe permanent'home - 383 society In wasnlngtoKu - M&shMiriam Raines presides over the $g , Vy$m,-CS& where a large percentage of ft P mm U cpnpf4 of Mexicans and & ana asserts efee is satlsttea win iae . iMtssf