Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 30, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    Bvisyiyq gspq-i2BpHtLAPijJLPHrA ttthsday. mar oh so,
w3) foGonAi WK0M1
nmm ' mm ' """. -r?r
WrvVrK. Kf y;C. I if-- jtLi'.HN t j tsu
INVITATIONS will shortly be Issut-il by .Mrs.
Ili..rv c. "Mr.Ilvnlno for tliu marrlm?,, nt hi,..
Xlc' ' .
If...t,iip. MIps Knllmrlne V. Mrlkninn i
tHau'" ' " -"
ffhonwa Wrlfilit Ituililcrow, boii of IJr. nml Mm.
Kt..imln Jnnney Itmlilcrow. - The efitr-inniiv
fajtfike place on Saturday, May 15, nt 4 o'clock,
mi St. Andrew s proiciiint i:i)lsoiml Clitncli,
Bfci, ihi IteV. William J. Cox iilllclntlnu.
kites ilcllviilno will bo attended by bcr slaleru
fifrt. John St. N'nlson, ns matron of honor, innf
fef two llltlo nieces, Miss ftntirliill Vv'llllnms and
WSiiA Knthnrlno Kltiillcbcrttdr. ns flower Rlrld.
"ISff, Iludderow will linve bis brother, ii. Jnnticy
w ... ... .... t.nH, .......
Buddsrow, ji. ""i".
Mrs. Benson, wife cf Cnptnlti Wllllitin Shop
jjrd Benson, t". B. N will not recclvo tm
foufsday nftcmoon of tills Vcck at her homo In
lie navy yard.
Mr. nml Mrs. George I'lilller aro spciiillnij tlio
fjk In Now York at tho WnUloif-Astorla.
fjl'r. and Mrs. I.bwIh I.IIIIh and llis ,1cnn .Mor
M lilllle are biiciiiIIiis the week In Atlantic
'jlr. Ocorse Fnles linkrr Is stopping at the
rtl. Ksls In fmy York for a oliott time.
jMr. an'l Jtrs- Clinrlos Prnncln Hochnmii will
l'troaucc their daughter, Miss Ij.'tlier .lean
ijdehman, on November 13 nt a the Umisnnt at
i)i nltz-C'arlton. In December they will give a
RitMro party 'or ltlelr davighter.
mi. Mnrcnret N. Kmltli. daunhter of aim.
Rlrry Hudson Smith, of 1712 Pino Blreot, will
return on Sunday from St. Aliuyu school,
fecksklll-on-lluilson, for tho Easter holidays.
klnvltatlona have been issncil by Mrs. H. Alnc
Cuen Smith, of 218 West Chelten avenue, fur a.
Jj'iice at the riillndulphla Cricket Club on fc'at
h'rrtav afternoon. Anrll 10, In honor of her small
Ron, Lewis II. Smith. About SO of the younger
ichool children will be present.
EThero will bo a nieetliiR In Westminster Hall
K Wltherspoon Uulldlns tonight to plan a
fdiwntown centra for business girls.
tW- "
lltr. nnil Mrs. 1-oiIIh Wilkinson, of Sienna.
fltal', are receiving congratulations upon the
IBIS .. ,-,11 ,..!... 1KIII.I ,.
tuna oi a son, ujiiti ,iuijiw , iiiuiiauii. ....
'Ilklnson will bo remembered ns Jtlss Krnnees
farcer, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson
have been living abroad since Inst April.
?Vr. Charles Knlttel is sncndlns several weeks
Hi tlio MarlborouRh-lilcnhelin before opening
her home nt Chelsea.
ilUsa Charlotte At. Chcston, daughter of Dr.
Find Sirs. Itndcllffo Chcston, of Owens nnd
Chestnut avenues, has returned to her home
lti)X the 1'antcr holidays from Itoseinnry Hall,
Qrecnwlch, Conn., where she Is a student.
;' Miss Marian Moyn, of East Graver's lane,
l!l spend Easter as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Barton In Atlantic City.
',,' jilt's Emily Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Airs.
James B. Taylor, 151 East Jit. Airy avenue. Is
spendlnc tho week In Xcw York as tho guest
I of Mr, and Mrs. Hurold Gaylord, of Cftl Itlvor
1. side drive.
'th Mr, and Airs. Wheeler Lord will spend Easter
Sunday In Atlantic City.
jMIss Eleanor Durhnm, of 31 Johnson street,
las at her guest Miss Frances Stevens, of New
Ibrk. Allss Durhnm nnd her guest wilt spent
asicr ounuay in Aiianuc uny.
r Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tlmanus, of 6G15 Quluoy
Ijtreet, will leave tho end of tho week for At
lantic City, where they will pend several weeks
Rlth Mrs. Tlmanus' mother, Mrs. George U.
ISnierly, at her cottage.
'The Current Events Class, conducted by Miss
iKatharine Locke, . was hold this morning in
iths Automobile Club, A talk on current topics
By Miss Locke will bo given at I'clham Court
Bn Monday evening, April 12, at 8:15 o'clock, for
tb benefit of tho fluoroscopy department of
pta x-ray laboratory at the Germanlown Hos
pital. ,'Thei portrait of Allss Josephine Dodge by Leo-
J?11 G. Seyffert lias been awarded the gold
pnedal by a special Jury appointed to pass upon
Bh 10). pictures in oils now being shown at the
Club's 21st exhibition.
kMIss Elizabeth Grlbbel. daughter of Air. ana
lUw. John Grlbbel, of St. Austell's Hall, Wyn-D-oh),
has as her guest Allss Harriet HopkhM,
Pi Chicago, for over the Easter holidays. AIIs3
BlPPklng returned with Ils Grlbbel from
irpury, conn,, where they bold nuena tno
tfatftver School.
Mrs. Parker, of Boston. Is the cuest of her
LpUer, sirs. e. M. Fortner, of Florence avenue,
fnwniown, for several weeks.
Irs. Henry E. Ee I'uy lias returned to her
gate on Florence avenue, Jenklntown, nfter
igndlng several weeks at Atlantic City. Mrs.
gPuy was accompanied by her daughter, Attss
w De luy.
Albert Dudley will entertain Aorll 12 at
Kt home, lltli street below Chelten avenue,
W Lane. Those to be present are Sirs, E. II.
gwhauser. Airs, Howard Anthoney, Mr. James
jrllall. Mrs. Tl. n Ullrlmpr Allss I.ih- Marion.
ffira. Louis Deneke and Mrs. Albert Geo.
iThe Neighborhood Club of Oak Lane will be
WtTtained at the boms of Airs. Albert E.
Sferker, Monday afternoon, April 0. Mrs. Parker
IS1' act as hostess, und will be assisted by Miss
HMe Tarker, Mrs. Herbert Maxner and Aliss
J Reeyes. A great amount of sewing for char
' has been done by this club during the wn-
pf, Those to be present Monday afternoon are
gr- C. W. Van, Artsdalen, Sirs, B. G. Hitcn-
Jf. Mrs. A. w. Dudley, Mra. H. N- Thisseli,
" Batemall Rnilrlliii-tnn. Mrs. E. Ii, McCall,
Mv A . v.. .. ,... nJl..h K,
ib- v ia. rurner, irs. i're?ncit iiw "
P Matilda Virtb. lira. Frederick FrlUeH.
Mrs. William rtobertson. Sr.. Mrs. Vllllam
ertson, Jr., Mrs. Jteeyes, Jlr. J. A, Parker,
Bates. Mrs. Owen HattP, Mrs. Iidwm
.Uer, Mis. Peters, AUss Iaura Petrs, Wl
Peters, Airs. Miller. Sr., Mrs. uowaru
r. Mrs. Aleyer. Sirs, C. Fllujf. SUM Sara
lbm. M,s. Eugene lilehl, Sirs. J. V. tJ-
h Sirs v K Moerk, Mm. B, B. Neuhaufier,
S. Hunsbereer. II r. George Qchse, ia
wyne Parker, Mrs. Bux, Sirs. Albert Uee
&r. Paecit.
pf ao M. E4warU Jaeloon. of t.os,an, ai
nt present nt Nassau, tho Bahama Islands. Air.
and Ati. Jnckson M not return- for several
The Delia 1'hl Slgmn SoruHty of the Girls'
IllRli School will Rivc n Private dnnce nt Old
York Itoad Country Club Atull SO.
Mr. and Atrs. Emmanuel Drown AtcCowen, of
4101 Spruce stiect, accompanied by their daugn
tci", will go to Atlantic City on Friday, whero
they have taken a cottngo for Iho month or
April. On Saturday night they will entertain
at the opening pcifoinmnco of the .Musk and
Mr. nnd Airs. A. Southern Conway, of tho
Avontlale, 53th and Locust streets, wilt motor
to t.nkewood on Saturday, to remain over
Master. They will be nocompanled by Allss
KHzabolh Smith, of N'cw York, who will lio
their gutsl for tlio week.
Mira Helena Amend, of 020 South -loth street,
will entertain at nn Informal Easter party on
Wednesday evening, April 7. at S o'clock. Tho
guests wil bo members of tho younger set.
Mr. nnd Airs. John Irvln Atycrs, of WcJt
1'hllndclphln, announce the engagement of their
daughter, Allss I.oulsc Lew In Atyers, to liirl
Francis Sarvcr, of Pittsburgh, Pa. .Vu data
has been hot for the wedding.
David Alordcll, 3SG2 Poplar street, rend a
paper on tho work of .loseph'Fels tit tlio meet
ing of tho Joseph Fels Literary SoHcty held last
Sunday at 4035 Glrard avenue. A icceptlon
followed tho cssayo of tho members. Alordcll'
Is a brother of Louis Mordell. who won tho
Cecil Ithodcs scholarship during his collate
course at Cambridge College, England.
Mrs. Nelson P. Vulte, wifo of Captain Vulte.
U. S. AI. C of the .Minnesota, will entertain
on Thursday night nt hor home In the Glrard
Estate, 1D32 Shunk street. Tho affair will bo
an Informal danco ami will be given in honor of
Airs. Itobert E. Hoyt, ir0 of Sergeant Iloyt.
U. S. AI. C, who will leave shoitly Tor Old Point
Lieutenant Italph L. Sheppard, U. S. AI. C,
and Mrs. Sheppard, have as their guest Airs.
Slicppard's mother. Mrs. Allen t'apeiton, of
JiJchmond, Va. Airs. Caportcm will rnnnln with
them nt their home in Iho Glrard Estato, 23.12
South 21st street, for n month or six weeks.
Captain Alexander S. Williams,' U. S. AI. t.
and Airs, Williams, or 2322 South 21st street. In
the Glrard Estate, spent the week-end In
Atlantic City.
FrlendH of Airs. James A. Hamilton, of 2021
South 16th street, will regret to learn she has
been seriously 111 for the last fortnight.
Allss AI. Gormloy, of 1021 South ISth street,
spent the week-end visiting friends In Atlantic
Air. and Airs. Bernard Kohn, of I51ii Norm
loth street, are receiving congratulations on the
birth of a dnughter, Elsie Fannlo Kohn, on
Friday, Alarch 12, 1D13.
Air. nnd Airs. Benjamin Llpschutz. of 20
North 33d street, entertained at a family dinner
on AVedncsday, Alarch 24, In honor of the le
cently announced engagement of their daugh
ter, Allss Itosallo D. I.lp.scfnltz, to Dr. Jo&cph
It. Atarcus. Doctor Alarciis, formerly of Can
ada, Is now resident physician of the Jewish
Hospital, OIney.
Warren Walker, of 223t Uber stiect, enter
tained the members of tho Owl Club at a
lunuhenii and "MO" Friday evening. Covers
were laid for 12 guests.
Rehearsals are In progress for the annual
minstrel show and dance given by Hie Phila
delphia Association of Retail Druggists, on
Tuesday, April 6, at the Aielcanllle Club. A
number of well-known young people will par
ticipate in the a ffali', and the two principal
parts will be taken by Aliss Lorraine Stahl and
Allss Leonctte Ilelifuss.
The silver anniversary of Air. and Airs. David
Weinberg, of 152j! West Susquehanna avenue,
took place Inst week, nnd Was celebrated by a
surprise dinner given by their children In Tho
Newman, 2101 North Broad street. .Many hand
some gifts were received. Among those present
were Air. and Atrs. J. Leluer. Air. nnd Airs. It.
Brown, Air. und Airs. A. Samuels, Atr. and Airs
Louis Allegro, Air. nnd All. B. Herbst, Air. nnd
Mrs. P. Krclger, Atr. nnd Airs. Michael Wallack,
Air. und Airs. Irving Dognle, Air. and Airs. A
Alarkowltz, Air. nnd Airs. Berthold Ttn3enberger,
Airs. At. Hani, Edwin Brandels, H. Atarko
wit!!, Herman Koppleman, Alorrls Weintraub,
Leon Weintraub, Allss Pearl Weinberg, Allsfl
Eva Forman, Aliss Charlotte Beck, Allss Pauline
Goldman," Alls) Alollle Forman, Allss Ray New
man, Allss Eleanor Newman, AIIs Gertrude
Newman, Jllfs Anne Cherry, Allss Hannah
Alarkowltz, Bernard Weinberg, Samuel Samuels,
Louis Samuels, Joseph Kohn, A. V. Lewltt,
Irving D. Newman, Samuel Gross and Leon
Air. and Airs. John Kearney Rodgers enter
tained n family party over the week-end Airs.
George Riddle and Aliss Constance Blddle, or
Philadelphia, and Air. and Airs. Charles Cowen
hoven nnd daughter, from New Brunawlck,
N. J. Mrs. S. A. Robertson, of Pea Slolnes. la.,
is spending seveial weeks with Air. and Sirs.
Air. and Sirs. Ferdinand L, Gilpin have been
spending n week in New York.
Aire- Anna Nugent has returned to her home
on East 4th street after a Week's sojourn at
Atlantic City.
Allss AI. Helen IlaliW, of Harford County,
Maryland, la the suet of her aunt, sire. vt,
flam Roop, on West 7th street.
Airs, Olln T. rancoast, of Weet Jd street, and
her sister. Sirs. K. A. Van Gelder, of Ogden,
Delaware County are vlsltljig relatives at
Passalo, N. J.
Miss Sara B. Blakeley, of Walnut street. Is
vlsltlnsr her brothtr, A. G- Blakeley. at Potu
Vllle. AXii. Hiry Ulley has returned to her home
at Wwt PhlMelpnla ttfier a several dsys' visit
to her soa Paul H. Ulley, oa West 5Ua street
Mrs. Piersol, who lives in Chester, is one of the Stute's most prominent sulTrnKists.
Mrs. William U. Mount and Mrs. Howard L.
Wentherlcy Will Play Duos.
Quito un Interesting contest has been arranged
today by Airs. William ti. Mount for th" .Matinee
Aluslciil Club nt the Itonsevelt. The feature of
Iho afternoon will he pluno duos by Mrs. L.
Hownrd Wenthciley and Aim. .Mount. Piano
accompnnlsts for tho afternoon will he Airs.
Llnch and Mrs. Buttcrworth, nnd the following
aitlsls will take part: Lavlnhi Gntrude King,
Helen !'. VosIiukc .Mrs. Joseph II. SlopP
Beatrice Flint Collin, Airs. John Dunn, Jr.,
Elizabeth (icst, Edna. I hippo Itosenthnl, Anna
Laura Johnson and Willlitn Dmiilcll. The pin
grain will luo!ud: Piano hoIiw 'L'Aloiieui"
(Bahikhcw), "Etude, Op. !W" lArcnskyj, Luvinia
Gertrude King.
Songs "Morning,, (Woodman), "The Star"
(Rogers), Helen F. Voshagc.
Piano solo "Polonaise" (.Moszkowskl), Airs.
Joseph H. Stopp.
Songs "Floods of Spring" (Itnchmanlnoffl,
"From the Land of the Sky-blue Water'' (Cud
man), Beatrice Flint Collin.
Piano solos "Romance" (Sehuctt), "Grlllew"
(Schumann), "Aloto Perpetuo" (AlacDowell)
Airs. I.. Howard Weatherley.
Scenes from "Carmen," In costume (Bizet),
Airs. John Dunn, Jr., and William Daw dell.
Piano solos Prelude from "First .Modern
Suite" (AlacDowell), " Aledltatlou" (Tschnlkow
slil), Elizabeth Gcst.
Songs "A Gay Buttcrtly" (Hawley), "Aly
Garden" (C. Linn Seller), Edna Iioppe Rosen
thal. Piano solo "Drifting" (Frlml), .Mario Belt.
Songs "Trunin Diirch die Daemmerung"
(Strauss), "Wlegcnlled" (Ilumperdlnck), Anna
Laura Johnson.
Duos for two pianos "Alelodle" (Aloszkoivskl),
"Scherzo" (Arensky), Airs. Weatherley nnd Airs.
A concert will be given todny In the northeast
section under the direction of Allss Alma V
Nagel, to be held in the Stetson Auditorium. Mb
street and Alonlgomery avenue. Tlio piogrnm
has been carefully arranged and includes the
following artists: Allss Alnrgiiiet Paine, so
prano: Edward Strnsser, violinist, nnd the
Schradleck String Quartet, composed of the fol.
lowing: Edward Strnsser, Frank Wcndt, David
Skakefskl and E. Nevin Alarks. Allss Alinta
Eaklns will also assist.
The proceeds will bo devoted to the poor of
the section.
Photo by JJarcau.
Mrs, Haig, who was Miss Mabel Morse,
of MerchantvUle, N. J is at present
with her husband, Lieutenant Haigr, n
the Philippines, where he is stationed
for the present,
Tho Hint giand minstrel entertainment lor
the henellt of the Mutual Beneficial Association
of the Employes of the Buiemi of Wntcr will
bo held April 23 nt Clayton's Academy. !Hn
1 stieet and Glrard avenue. The affair will be
under the mnntiKcmont of William It. Wenvc.
j TIip minstrels will bo staged by David Sampson,
, of the .Moose .Minstrels: tho nets will be staged
by Eddie Abbot, of tlio l.ubln Muff, and William
It, Wagner, of tho Bureau of Water.
Allis Anna AloFaddeti 'entertained a nuiiihor of
her friends last week at her home, 2071 Tlllun
A birthday party vuts given recently to Frank
lin Caller, W,I East York stieet, by his parents.
Thi) occasion ivns the young man's 20lh birth
day. The guestn were .Mrs. Clyiner, Mrs. Ilnr
vey, Airs. William Summers, .Mrs. lleitrud
Schnitzel. Allss Emma Guth, Atlss It. Hoepfl,
Miss R. Sines, Miss AI. Haivey, AIIi It. Junl
Allfs Ethel Shubcit, Allss Chun Kruusc, Allss
Floience AIoBrldr, AIIsh Edna Gaucr, Aliss Anna
.Martin, Allss Eva (ionnley, Allss Alary Evers,
Allss Eleanor Fintius, Allss Anna Gaucr. Ml-S
Emnia Harvey, William Summers. John Pinion,
William Edmnndsiin, Victor lloepll, William
Rothfuss, Aim tin Niokum, llnrry Zemer, Freil
Bailors, George Weber, Itobeil lloeiill. Itobert
Reese, Harry Schnitzel, John Conway ami Jo
seph Ragau.
AIUs Nellie Wood was given a delightful birth
day party hist week by her parents at their
residence, 1122 North Huncock treet. Those
attending were, Aliss Ainry Wood, Aliss Hcitha
l.oeffer, Allss Sara Strain. Aliss Stella .Salmon.
Allsh Anna Foley, Allss Edna Wlllett; AIis- Lily
Bouerlc, George Walsh, John Abel, James Bax
ter, Joseph Lynch, George I.armer, Harry Davis,
Austin Vauarsdalc, George Hessler, Air, and
Alia. Strain, Air. and Airs. Ruth and Air. and
Airs. Henry.
"War on the Saloon" Is the slogan for Easter
Alonilny night at Hie East Baptist Church.
Glrard nnd East Columbia avenues. "Ten
Nights In n Barroom" In moving plcluies will
he given. The promoters olnliu It to bo the
greatest temperance and nntl-saloou gun over
tired. As an extra, wur pictures from the front
will he shown. A lecture, will be given in con
nection with tho foregoing by the Rov. Charles
If. Woolston, pnstor of the church. The pro
ceeds will be devoted to the advancement ot
the summer work of the church.
An entertainment and reception was given
last week at Frankford avenue and William
street by Washington fmiip. No. 2t3, P. O. S. A.
Tho inuslo wan under the direction of William
E. AlcCarty, of Hie Aquilln Bund. William
Blssett was chairman of the Committee on Ar
rangements. Aliss Alum Eberstelu, 2917 North Franklin
street, was given a delightful hllthduy party
last week by her patents, Air. and Mis. Fred
eilck Eherstein. The home was decorated In
green effects und ilie favors were most unl'itie.
Dancing, music, songs and recitations muikeil
the progress of the night. The guests were
Allss Jane Keins, Aliss Helen Fletcher, Allss
Laura Miller, Allss Becky Shurpham, Allss Ger
trude Weber, Allss Edna D. Bewighouse, Alles
Jennie Eberstelu, .Miss Alary Frlcke, Airs. Annie
Atuch, Allss Nan Eberstelu, Dick Turner, Harry
Smith, Joseph Noble, Harry Aloellur, Louis It.
Aloeller, Julius Goetz. William Abel, Walter
Rodgers, Herbert Lincoln and It. Harold Bueh,
The Baxter Field Club held its annua) recep
tion at the home of John Dailey, manager of
the baseball team, 2316 Coral street, last week.
The members attending were Messrs. AlcFar
laud, Kampf, Campbell, Alorgan, Sweiison, Fle
ming, Gelgler, Carey, Baxter and Dailey. A
business meeting resulted In the re-election or
olllceia for the ensuing sport season as followj;
President, Joint AlcKeone, superintendent of tho
Baxter Mills, c and Tioga streets; vice presi
dent, Joseph Smith; treasurer, John Baxter,
owner of the Baxter Mills; manager of baseba'l
team, John Dley. The club Is preparing to
meet all first-class attractions surrounding tlio
On Saturday evening Mr. and Airs. Eugtne 1
Kohler celebrated their silver wedding anni
versary at their home, 6403 Frankford avenue.
The guests of honor were the Rev, Henry
Franklin, who performed the ceremony 23 year
ago; Miss Lizzie Hellerman, who was brides
maid, and Jesse Hellerman, who was beet man.
There 'were about 100 guests present.
"500" and pinochle will be given by the
Ladles' Auxiliary Commandery, No. 70, at Moe
bach's, 13th street and Glrard avenue, on April
10. Airs. Elizabeth Mink li president of the
-J Mfe
THE tiiarrlugo of Allss Dorothy Cuslcr. tlitugh
ler of Air. and Mrs. Edgnr Alan Custer, of
4101 Ihiltlmoro avenue, to Wllllntu Dixon Town
petid, son of Air. nnd Alts. Harrison Towiifemt,
vUll tube pluco quietly nt noon on Friday, April
!, in the Woodlnnd Presbylellan Chinch, tjl
and Pine streets. Iho Itev. James Itntnsny
Swain.' paslur of the uhutch, will pcrfoim the
ceremony. S'o Invitations have been Issued, ns
only tho Immediate families and n few intimate
friends will be present.
The wedding of Mis. Hurnrp HrUlllley, of
Tniy Hilly. N. J t l)av,l Lindsay, of Wil
mington, uill inko nlnrc In Aliiy. Duly the Im
mediate families will be present, ami on their
return Air. and Mrs. Lindsay will Ilvo nt 1104
Broomo street.
The weddlnif of Mls Helen Augusta Russell,
The Jitney Club of Tltuii gave its monthly
dniisant nt the Unltersby Pailois, tin Satur
day evening. Tito parlors were draped with
the chib'M colors and beautiful palms adorned
the nails and entrance. Intermingled with tho
dcroratlonM were ittnsics of beautiful liyan
clntliR. The t-ntlio membership were ptoscnt,
composed of Alls Cur-le Biillliiicr, Allss Louso
Alyc Hreerly, Alias Beatrice Rotlner, Ml-s
Ruth Haywood, Mips Rleca Splcser, Allss
Fluipiiet? McMorrls, Allss Edna Largo Gaw,
Preston Hi own, Jay Land, Thomas Carey,
Howard Lvsiry, J. Lew Stinger, John Victor
Connor, Thomas Black Coleman.
Air. nnd Airs. Prcderlek Dltlninn, of ISth aim
Butler sticcts, entertained Hie following nt
dinner nml c:in! la:U night: Air. nnd Alls.
Horace Klelufclder, of Glcnslde; Mr. and Alri.
John C. Allen, Mr. and .Mis. Benjamin Foster,
Air. and Alls. Irvln Hair and Air. and Atrs. J.
Kllwood Wick.
Mis. Snmtiel High, of ISO." West Ontario
street, has loturucd fioiu a stay of six weeks
In Florida.
Allss Alargaret Kimball, 3148 North Carlisle
street, widely known In the younger set of
Tioga, entertained her "500" club at Iter home
Inst neck. Her guests were Mlstl .Mildred BUck
bv, Mlhs Marlon Deltr, Allss Bessie Eplett, .Mlrs
Esther Klhlor, Allcs Flounce Malirer, Atlas
I'hiiily llertl. Allss Itltu lleiiton and Allss Laura
Tho AI. T. S. Sewing Circle will he entertained
j at the home of Airs. T. Items, III 13 Ciimao street,
j toinoriow. Her gnosis will Inoludo .Mrs. C. Eck
itin.it. Airs. I). Illtchnei',, Mrs. W. Locker, Airs.
j J. Simian, AIih. ('. Kuan, .Mrs. At. Triinibaur,
I Mrs. It. Kndeley. Mrs. A. Parker, Alr. D.
Aleisscr, Alr.. C. II. Anthoiiuy, Airs. T. Blnnlck
and Airs. E. Condon.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Finnic Baldwin, of 1907 Klnscy
street, are receiving congratulations on tlte
blilh of a son Alarch 2Sth.
William II. Castor
few months at St.
and family are spending
Petersburg, Fin,
.Many Frnukfordlans took advantage of the
spring weather on Sunday nnd mingled with the
throng un tho Bouidwulk at Atlantic City.
Among tlioso seen were Airs. William Carroll,
Airs. Henry Kinsey, Airs. Walter Rush and her
son, Charles Hush; Allsa Caroline Waters, Allss
Virginia Parker, Allss Alice Waidcn, Thomas
Keen, Frank Hall, Jr.. nnd Walter Fisk.
Air. and Airs. Joseph AInyer will leave shortly
for the Panama -Pncllle Imposition. Air. AInyer
Is tile young Philadelphia lilliluid expert who
won the nmnteur championship of tho United
States nt the tournament held recently nt the
Union League. Alls. AInyer was Allss Julia AI.
V. Collins, of 2213 Bridge street, before her mar
rlugo on February Hi.
Air. ami Airs. Benjamin Veikes will live at
their new home, 424!) Uichnrd street, after
.March 30.
Allss Florence E. Tonillnsou Is spending a
week wltli her sister, Airs. Frank At. Kiicoyne,
after her return from un extended visit in the
Airs. William Carioll, of 2C0-! Rhawn street,
will be hostess, Friday afternoon, April J, at a
card party. There will bo about 100 guests
The Ilolmcshurg Recieatlon Centre will close
today for the lemalnder uf the season.
Allss Ruth Seeds nnd Allss Irene Seeds, daugh
ters of Air. ond Airs. William J. Seeds, have
Allss Marlon Frltzgcrald, of Alontclulr, N. .1., n
their guest over t'ho Easter holidays, for whom
much entertaining will be done. , 1
A dance for tlio benefit of the Frankford Hos.
pltal will be given on Friday, April 9, at Scheld
knecht Hall. Frankford avenue and Alargaret
street. The patronesses are Airs, Francis P. 1
Alortz, Airs. Henry Fooder and Airs. Willlsm
Prominent among the April musical events In j
Roxborough will be the oratorio, "Olivet to j
Calvary," hy Maunder, which will bo rendered 1
by the Central Methodist Episcopal Church 1
choir of 40 voUcs on Friday night, April 2. Jo-
sepli Johnson Is the choirmaster, and the solo-
ists are these well-known artists: Airs. William
Caywood, soprano; James Stott, tenor, and J. ;
Johnson, bass. Allss Alargaret O'Brien will be !
the organist,
At the meeting of the 50th Century Club this
afternoon Alexander O. Abbott will give an
Illustrated talk on methods of getting rid ot
Hies and mosquitoes In a community. Airs.
Frank M, Longstreth and Airs. Robert Ander
sen will be hostesses, and tea will be served by
Airs, J. Castle Wright and Airs. J. Slddpn Pen
noek, Thomas Butler will speak on "Pface" at the
Appomattox Day banquet, wbleh will be hld
In Darby April 10-
This afternoon Airs. J. K. Spurr. of Ardmore.
will sWe a talk on "Suffrage" before the meet
ing" ot this MtjUiere' Club of Aldan. Aire. Harry
Huso Is rnldnt of the club. Mrs. Badger vice
president awl Mr. Franklin O. Hand secretary
and treasurer.
daughter of Ml. nnd Mrs. Henry Russell, .if
4Ml) Omiqc nvenue. to Isaac Elwln Leeih Will
inko plrtce on Thuisdny hi noon In the Church
uf Hie S.ivloitr, 3Slh and Chestnut streets. The
ceremony will be performed by the Itev. Robeit
Johnston, lector of the church.
Invitations have been Issued by -Mrs. John M.
Robinson for the inarrlnae of her daughter,
Mlrs Rachel Robinson, to Joseph Franklin
Jones, of Philadelphia, to take place on the eve
ning of April I nt iii.TO o'clock t her home. 100
West 18th strcel. Wilmington, Del. The Rev.
Frederic Hinckley, minister of the First Uni
tarian Church, will pel form tho ceremony, Mr.
and Airs. Jones will be at home at 2S0S Van
Huron street after June 1. Air. Jones Is head
uf the English department nt the Wilmington
High School.
On Saturday evening a social, concert nnd
banquet was given by the Alcn's Bible Class of
Grace Refomied Episcopal Church In the class
looms at Colllngdale, Pn.
The piogrnm wns varied. Airs. B. F. Armlges
gavo n reading In negro dialect. Allss .Mildred
Hell sang two numbers with effect, "Who
Knows," and "Three Little Chestnuts." Will
iam Sharp entertained In rag-time selections.
Robert Alooie was tlio accompanist for the eve
ning. The Itev. Edward A. Dowcy, who Is
teacher of tho class, Is n brother of Rev.
George O. Dowcy. organizer of Hie Alen's Bible
Clans connected with tho "Billy" Sunday cam
paign. Edward Dowey made nn address of
welcome to the new members, followed by five
minute speeches by several members of tho
claw. The class Ims been in existence only
about six weeks ond has a membership of
about HO.
Allss Elizabeth AIcAUIster, of 5S2 Federal
street, will ciitcitnln at luncheon and cards at
her home Easter .Monday, ifhere will be a num
ber present from Huddonllcid, Aloorestown and
.Mrs. Alfred I.owry, of lilh and Cooper streets,
hni returned from Atlantic City and Is enter
taining her mother, Airs. Webb.
John Read and bin aunt, Airs. Ella Marshall,
of Summit, x. .1., are guests of Air. Reud'n
patents, Air and .Mrs. E. E. Read. Jr.
Airs. Benjamin C. Boycr, of Ml Linden street,
Is at the Dennis Hotel until after Easter.
Airs. John F. Starr, of .101 Linden street. Is
spending cevernl weeks In Hultinvrc. the guest
of her daughter. Airs. Thomas West C.aggct;.
Allss Elizabeth Gill, of Haddonlle'd, has been
entertaining Allss Paul', of Bench Ha en, N. ,1.
Air. and Airs. Charles Raymond, of We tmoiit.
luue announced the engagement of their daii'li
ler, AIIsh Edith Raymond, to W.irncr Rolern
Hcston, of West Philadelphia.
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Juliette Dika jumuuin
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