Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 29, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Kirn. AiMU 'o """"' wvuu, n, in
BlVlchcstmit Hill, will give n. small ilntico on
Friday, April , " " "'-n uaunnwr,
)rj Mary I'aul.
)lf. Bnct x,rs' Josc',l A. Jnniiey, of 3t Kixat
summit nvcnuei uncstnm tun, win entertain
is, jinncr before tho mnquorado danco nt tho
'Philadelphia Cricket Club, on Wednesday,
fcrrll '
K Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sloovcr, of Wlssn
fWon avenue nnd Stafford street, Qormati"
ftjioi, Bavo n small tea yestordny In honor or
J(M Marlon Iiroous onun, iwiuao iiibubuiiiciii
m their son, rump l'reciericK stoover, was nn
Htounced nn Saturday. Assisting Mrs. Stoevor
fin receiving wcic Mrs. snow, .miss Anna u.
ignoff and Mrs Samuel llopo Carpenter.
Thc Merlon Clvlo Association met this morn-
tag at the home of Mrs. A. m. uiirite, on iiazei-
gburst avenue Merlon.
jtr. and Mrs Kane S. Oiecn, of Montgomery
"avenue, dim .mwv "i vnii turn . umui
Fbefore the co'tumc ilnnce nrrnnsed by Mrs.
lorcea and Mrs. William It. Houoll In tho
Ijlerlon Crlrket Club on Friday, April 23.
A delightful luncheon una given ut the Art
Out) on Thur-dnv by the members of tho Phila
delphia Music Club Mrs. Duncan Campbell,
tresldent of tne emu, presiucu, mm snun mmi
I'wcre gUen by Mrs Alfred V. Schmidt, Mrs.
phlllp W. Cooke, Mrs. Percy Ealcr and Mrs.
Camuel S. Bursln. At tho cloao of the luncneon
'musical numbers wero rendered by Miss Ellza-
V. .. . r , -TI Almn flfnfn "Tra Wllllnm
JjDein A. UUBVi i'ltoa JWl.iu. .u.w ..
.Btewart und Mrs. John S. W. Holton.
' Wr. and Mrs. T. M. Duly, of COT South Urond
..-. i...A tDniiAil r.ni.1s fnr n. tlanBant on
iThnrarlav afternoon. Anrll 8, from 4 until 7, In
i ... , ' , ..,.
t honor or inoir son mm uuus"";,.
Mrs. William W. Killer nnd Miss Kachcl Flt-
'ler are spendlns u few days In Atlantic city.
'." Mr, and Mrs. John U. Valentine, of this city.
entertained Informally rtt dinner on l-naay
' night at tho IMnza Hotel, New York.
The Abrahamsohn Christmas nnd Easter Com-
mlttce of tho University Hospital will hold Its
Easter festivities at tho University Hospital on
Monday, April 5, from 11:30 until 1:C0 o'clock.
The commlttco Includes Mrs. Thomas O. Ash
ton, chairman; Mrs. Alfred Stengel, vlco chair
man; Mrs. William Pepper, Jr., treaaurer; Miss
Mabel A. Urlce, Mrs. Benjamin Chew. Mrs.
John G. Clnrlc Mis. William J. Clothier, Miss
Margaret Dunlnp, Mrs. George W. Elklns, Jr.,
Mrs. Ralph H. Evnns, Mrs. Barton Cooke Hirst,
lilts Anna P Johnson, Mrs. Frcderlo It. Kirk
Und, Mrs John IC. Mitcnell, 3d, Mrs. Arthur
Newlln, Mrs. Charles B. Ponrose, Miss Adellno
U F. Pepper, Miss Marlon E. Smith nnd Miss
,EulalIo Wilcox.
OVEHIllinoK Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter S. Steven
ion spent tho week-end In Atlantic City nt
; tn Jiariborougn-iiionneim.
Mrs. Clayton I. Boyor, of 410 Bryn Mawr
f avenue, has Issued Invitations for a largo "card
party at her homo Saturday nftcrnoon, April
10. Tho card of Miss Florenco M. McDevltt
r. i liiliuacu.
Is Mr. and Mrs. WJlllnm Balrd Keefer, of the
P Newport, 10th and Locust streets, have taken a
E house on Bcnnzet street and will open it about
! May 1.
Mrs. iisou j.'otter,"ofTaontgoniery avenuO,
E spent S.iturdny In New York.
' Arnold Jennings has returned to his home,
M1J Grecno street, from Hill School, and will
pend tho Easter holidays with his parents, Dr.
and Mrs. William Bentty Jennings.
Mrs. Joseph D. Wilkinson, of New York, is
pending several days ns tho guest of her pa
rents, Jtr, nn(j jirB. Arthur Burgess. Miss Dor
othy Burgess has returned to hor homo from
Washington, where sha has been visiting
nR "' n(i .Mrs. vreacricn ... ouiiivuiiuii.'i
&W West School House lane, will coach to Atlantic
f . .... n r.. ...l.-l..... tf
City for tho Easter holidays.
Miss Josephine Beeves and Mlsa Mnry Prim
rose Reeves, of Abbottsford avenue, will leave
ome time In Easter week for Catonsvllle, Md.,
5 to visit friends.
The third and last of a series of subscription
fc',dances will take place on Wedneaday, April 7,
' t the Germantown Automobile Club. The com
rnittee In rhnri? Includes Miss Helen Wetts,
V Miss Marian Flower nnd Hussel Boblnaon.
Among the chnperones are Mrs. B. F. Betts,
Mrs. Edward Lukens, Mrs. A. P. Flower and
i Mrs. B. Dawson Yeokel.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Stevens, or 29 Durham
trect, are belne congratulated on the birth or.
I' a. daughter Monday, March 22.
Miss Ethel Jackson, of 103 Enst Coulter street,
has been the guest of Mrs. Charles Flnley, or
.Norristown, for several days.
The annual election of officers of the Ulrls1
r'Gulde took place last week in the homo of Mrs.
A. It. White, of 6330 Pulaski avenue, who was
elected captain; Miss Virginia Lee, lieutenant;
Mls3 Martha Whltaker, secretary, and Mlsa
Emma Harner, treasurer. There were 40 guests
Present and the meeting was addressed by the
Rev, Dr. Lee. Buffet supper followed.
Mrs. John II. Mulford, of PenrithFarm, Lodl,
N- Y., is the guest of her husband's parents,
Mr. and. Mrs. Spencer K. Mulford, of Wy"
wte, for several days. Mrs. Mulford, it will
b remembered, was Miss Amy Cramp, of this
elty. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer K. Mulford, Jr.,
aro also the guests of Mr. Mulford's parents
for Bn indetlnlto stay. Mrs. Mulford will be
. remembered as Mlsa Mary Bayly, of Green
, Spring Valley, Md.
Miss Anna Parry, of Florida, is the guest for
4 fortnight of Miss Marguerite Sill, of Wyn.
cots. Miss SIU entertained informally In honor
f her guest on Friday afternoon.
Mrs Walter II B Bryant, of Oak Lane, n
1rUlne4 t lunchotL followed by auction
fcrWgt. at ber homo JjaturiJay. b her guests,
Bumberwl CO, lasudd Mr. JtfTanfc B,
MeMlclmet, Mrs Prank M Kenndv. Mrs
Thomas Cochran, Jr., Mrs. P. Frederick Hob
crts. Mrs. Ilobert rtothermel, Mrs George
kmott, Mrs. Martin Hare. Mrs. Perrlvnl M
Smith, Mrs. George W. Hnrdlng, Mrs Charles
Webster, Mrs. Phlllp Kettcrllnus, Mrs Harry
O'Nell, Mrs. John Hastings, Mrs Henry Binden,
Mrs. Jnmcs Kyle, Mrs. T. B Kllno, Mrs.
Archlbnld Watcrhousc, Mrs. N'ormnn M Jones,
Mrs. William Henry, Mrs. John New bold, Mrs.
Charles Y. White, Mrs. Edward Aurhenrlcd,
Mrs. Benodo Flake, of New York; Mrs Henry
Mcjers, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Mrs. Wllllnm Llv
ingston, Mr?. Leonard Short, Mrs. Jnmes Bur
rows and Mrs. Walter Maxwell, of New York
Tho guestrt wero tented nt small tables, which
wero decorated with sweet peas and lilies of
tho valley.
Mrs. J. s. Apponzcller, of 4712 Cedar avoniio,
entertained at luncheon and enrdn Inst Thurs
day. Among thoso present were .Mls Lonn
Gcnth, Miss Emma Genth, Mrs Egbert Gum
pert, Miss Phlllp Doorle. Mrs J Washington
Wilson, Mr. Hnrry W. Seurfert, Mis Wllllnm
Taylor, Mrs. G. A. Lough, Mrs. Wllllnm H.
arlsl, Mrs. L. W. lloorbach, Mrs. A N Har
per, Mrs. J. P. MncFlnch and Miss Jullu Appciu
Mrs. SInry A. Bower, of tho Monterey Apart
ments, 43d street nnd Chester aomie, an
nounces tho mnrrlngo of her daughter, Helen
Agnew Bower, to Illchnrd Jcweph Lewis, of 6H
South 46th street. Tho bridegroom q a grniul
Bon of Dr. Richard Joseph Low Is, n celebrated
oculist, late of ICth and Walnut streets.
Tho Alpha Chapter of tho Phi Phi Sorority
met at the homo of Miss Helcne E. Batei and
Mies Lillian E. Bates on Friday ntternoon.
Those present wero Mls'i Frances L. llnines,
Miss Hcleno E. Bates, Miss Lillian E. Bates,
Mies Dorothy Buck, Misi Dorothy F. Glenn,
Miss Ella A. Glenn. Mlfs Knthniino McCon
aughy, Miss M. Elizabeth Nassau nnd -Miss
Ruth A. Pope.
Mrs. James McAnaly, of 3S1S Ollvo btrcet, has
left tho city for Somers Point, N. J., where
Rill spend two weeks at Mrs. George Leonard's
Invitations havo been Issued by Mr. and
Mrs. Meyer Colin, of 1621 Fltzwatcr street, for
a dlnner-danco to bo held on Wednesday next
at their home in honor of Miss Bessllo Gol
howukl, of Worcester, Mass., whose engage
ment to A. Hnrry Colin was announced on
March 14. Spring llowcr nrra'nged In baskets
will form tho artistic: decorations. Mrs. Colin
will bo nsslsted In receiving by Miss Dorothy
Colin, Miss Cecilia Colin nnd Arthur B. Colin,
of 143G South Broad street. Among tho guests
will bo Mr. and Mrs. S. Squire, Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Colin, Miss Anna Colin, Mrs. C. Cohn, .Mr.
and Mrs. J. Bloom, Miss Lillian Bloom, Miss
Minnie Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. I. Lampert. Mr.
and Mrs. M. L. Gllckmnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. M.
Kanetsky, Miss Cecilia Kanetsky, MI&H Rosa
Knnetsky, Miss Rebecca Kanetsky, Mr. ana
Mrs. J. Kress, Mr. and Mrs. B. Lubln, Mr. nnd
Mrs. B. Meyers, Mr. nnd MrH. M. Gallant and
Charles Cohn.
Francis X. O'Rourke will entertain nt a sta?
dinner tomorrow night In honor of J. Lindsay
Hill. The decorations and favors will begreon.
The guestB will Include Frank Lister, William
Lister, Clarcnco Fish, John FInnerty, Edward
AVhlte, William Strong, Richard Jacobs and
Frank Logan.
Doctor and Mrs. Charles F. Bailey, of 1613
South 'Broad street; Doctor and Mrs. John A.
Bnlloy, Miss Marian Bailey, of 1&03 South ISth
street, and Peter J. Bailey, of New York elty,
with his small son, John K. Bailey, will form a
party that will spend tho Enster holidays at
Atlantlo City.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Ashby Blythe, of 2507 South
Lnmbert street, in tho Glrnrd Estate, will lcavo
on Thursday to spend tho Easter holldas with
friends In Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustlne Duvnll, of tho Reed
Apartments, Broad and Reed streets, and Miss
Emily Dcvlimey, of 1SU South Broad street, will
spend tho Easter holidays at Atlantic City.
Captain nnd Mis. David McCoach, Miss
Mabel McCoach and Miss Carolina McCoach,
of 2431 Carpenter street, will leave eurly In tho
week to open their cottago at Ocean City, whero
they will remain until after the Easter holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Iskow entertained at
their homo, 3012 Berks street, Inst week In
honor of Ben N,.Korn, of New York. Among
tho guests wero Miss MarkodlU, Miss Ruth
eldn Marcus, Miss Seraphlne Douglas, Miss
Phylla Godfru, Miss Anita Schrone, Leo Loeb,
of Seattle; Jacque James, Martin Lowell, Will
iam Jerome, Leo Cantor and Adolph New, of
Mrs. Peter E. Smith and Mrs. William D.
Smith, of IS23 Master street, entertained at
"500" at their homo last Wednesday. Among
their guests were Miss Stella Lynch, Mrs.
Gcorgo Munger, of Camden, and Mrs. John
Louis Daroff, of 1813 North 33d street, enter
tained over the week-end Albert Voice and
Henry Voice, of Now York.
Friends of Miss Elizabeth C. Buck will ba
sorry to learn she Is seriously 111 at her home, '
1629 French street.
Mlts Sue Fitzgerald, of-27th street and' Colum
bia avenue, entertained at dinner and cards on
Saturday night at her home. Her guests in
cluded Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lyle Whitman,
Mr. and Mrs. Qeoreo McFarland, Mr. and Mrs.
George Estes, Norman Eberle, Miss Louise.
Helen Maurer, Ralph Earl Stanton and Mr. and
Mrs. Dickinson Shawv
Mrs. Herbert Fleming and her daughter, Miss
Charlotte Fleming, of 1233 West Lehigh avenue,
will spend the early part of April In Atlantlo
Mrs. Joseph Slmsohn. of 903 North Franklin
street, has returned from a short stay In Bal
timore, where be was tho guest of Mr. u4
Mrs, Wlliain Lry.
Jack Somers is (pending some time in South
Bethlehem, Pa, t
miss aimee Mcpherson rhoto 5ta"i
Miss Mcl'herson, who now lives in Elizabeth, N. J., is n former resident of this
city. She is n niece of Mrs. Stewart Frazer, of this city. Mrs. Edward IuiiKcrich
Smith entertained nt dinner recently in honor of Miss McPhcrson and her fiance,
Paul Littlehall, of New York.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Gerhab, Jr., of 3106
North 11th street, entertained nt n dinner at
their West Chester home Saturday evening In
honor of Dr. nnd Mrs. Aaron Ross Cianc.
Among their guests were Miss Mabel Kchr Don
nelly nnd Mlsa Florence Mager, of Logan.
C. Paul liny, Jr., and Lee M. Ray, of 2120
West Tioga street, for the not few weeks will
occupy npartmentM nt tho Rlttenhouso Hotel.
Mrs. Wluflcld S. Scott, of 1S07 West Ontario
street, has returned from a visit to Montrose,
Miss Esther Robinson, of Atlantic City, It
the guest of Mrs. Louis Blumcnthal, of 3723
North Gratz street.
Tho members of tho Tuesday Hewing Club
will bo entertained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs.
Harvey Crcssmnn. They includo Mrs. Horaco
Davis, Miss Florenco Ircy, Mrs. Walter S.
Bauer, Mrs. W. Glbbs, Mrs Charles Thomp
son, Mrs. John O. Taxis, Mrs. Louis Biggard,
Mrs. J. II. Chadwlck, Mrs. Wesley Flanagan,
Mrs. O. Morton Illman, Mrs. Gcorgo Crofton,
Miss Ida Drlpps, Mrs. Paul Volght, Mrs. J.
Ncufcld and Mrs. Walter Miller.
Tho brldgo club of which Mrs. It. Thomas
Kesslcr, of 1S03 West Erlo avenue, Is a mem
ber will bo entertained nt luncheon and enrds
tomorrow by Mrs. Gcorgo Derbyshire, at the
Buckingham Apartments. Other members nro
Mrs. Harry do Groat, Miss Gertrudo Kelly,
Miss Ella Mallon, Miss Beatrice Zellner, Mrs.
Augustus Boers, Mrs. Theodor H. Wynn, Mrs.
Horace McFetrlds Miss Marian Murray, Miss
Gertrudo Winslow and Mrs. J. B. Henry.
Mrs. George II. Wobensmlth, of 1S13 West On
tario street, will leavo on April 1 for a visit
to Harrlsburg, Pa., and upon her return will
entertain Miss Helen A. Baker, of Mnuch
Mr. nnd Mrs. Emanuel Meyerhoff, of 3543
North 21st street, will receive from 3 to 6 o'clock
on Sunday, April 4, at their home. In celebration
of tho 45th anniversary of their marriage.
Miss Edith M. Lower, of 2312 West Tioga
street, gnvo a ten on Saturday afternoon for
tho members of tho T. W. Y. Sewing Club.
Her guests Included Miss Florence Williams,
Miss Dorothy Wardle, Miss Llda Yerkes, Miss
Katharine Wlttc, Miss May Taylor, Miss Vera
Welzel. Miss Emily Winkler, Miss Marguerite
Wilson, Miss Vera Westooat and Miss Achsab
Yates. Spring flowers were combined with
smllax nnd ferns In the decorations.
Mr. and: Mr. Samuel S. Knmpa and their
son, James Ashton Leo,Kamps, of East Orange,
N. J., nra the guests of Mrs. Kamps' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Ashton Lee, of 3528 North
18th street.
Mr. and Mrs Nathan Klein, of 1533 Pike street,
nre receiving congratulations on the birth of
h daughter. Miss Selma Daniel Klein.
Miss Robinson is s noted contralto
among the young amateurs Of this city,
She) was heard at a recent concert t
tho Y, M. C, A. Building,
Arrangements for tho Annual Ball to Bo
Held April 12 Havo Been Completed.
Preparations for the most beautiful ball of
the year, the Mount Slnnl Hospltnl charity ball,
which Is to bo held Monday, April 12, nt tho
Academy of Music, nro rapidly Hearing com
pletion. Mnjestlc In conception, dainty in color
and nrtlntlc beauty nro the decorations that
will be used, pvery year a new feature Is
added to make it a most brilliant affair, nnd
this year especially the old historic Academy of
Music will be transformed Into a garden of
beauty nnd splendor.
The board of managers havo spared no effort
or expense to mako this ball the most success
ful ever given. Skilled decorators will trans
fer the Academy Into a bower of fragrance.
Both sides of the entrance lc.nlliipr to tho cor
ridor will bo banked with ferns, potted plnnts
nnd blooms. In tho corridor masses of potted
forns and plants will give tho effect of a. wood
land dell. Smllax will ba banked In front of
and surrounding tho large mirrors. Tho chan
deliers will bo entwined with greens. Tho dec
orator's art will also bo evinced in tho bal
cony boxes. Tho proscenium boxes will be cur
tained by greenery delightfully set with palms
and shrubbery, and myriads of tiny electric
lights will bo used. Tho music stnnds will be
converted Into n bower covered with (lowers nnd
colored electric lights.
There will be no grand march this year, and,
instead, a minuet will be danced. Immediately
following this featuro there will be general
dancing. Tho proceeds realized from this ball
will be for tho maintenance of one of tho
busiest hospitals in Philadelphia. This Institu
tion, located In a congested section of the city,
where the need for It is greatest, is taxed to
Its utmost capacity In rendering service nnd
attention to tho needy tick. Alt who apply
are treated regardless of raco, color or creed.
This ball Is ghen to further n. most worthy
Among thoaa who attended the dance given
In Barker Hall by members of tho young
married set on Saturday night wero Mr. nnd
Mrs. Georgo Carey, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gersten
berger, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Sill, Mr. and Mrs, C. Edwin Hunter. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs, Andrew
Young, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. William Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. Horaco Beeson, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Arms, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoffman, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ware.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Wllkle, Doctor and
Mrs. Jorden and Mr, and Mrs. Henry S. Barker.
Among those who havo returned from differ
ent colleges to their homes aro Miss Olive
Mason from Wheaton College; Miss Marlon
Keen, Miss Harriet Keene, Miss Francis D.
Maxwell, Miss Anna Sullivan, Miss Ella Bucher,
Miss Florenco rierce and Herbert W. Jackson,
from Swarthmore College; Miss Edna Baker,
from Sargent College, at Cambridge, Mass ;
Claude Simpler, Russell Andersen, Franklin
Reynolds, George Saunders, Franklin Butz,
Arthur Batten and Arthur Underhtll, from State
The Reverend and Mrs. Croswell McBee will
leave after Easter for South Carolina, where
they will attend the marriage of the Rev. Mo
Bee's brother.
Miss Minnie Cook, of Ureenwood avenue, is
visiting friends In Maryland for seevral weeks.
Mrs. John Jackson, of Owen avenue, enter
tained a few friends at an Informal luncheon
Mrs. B. II. Wanamaker, of Forrest avenue, is
vlJltlns relatives in AUentown.
Miss Mary Rhoades, of McKinley avenue, la
Visiting friends In Washington, D, C,
Mrs. Michael Skeetj, of 111 East Stewart ave
nue, will entertain Mlsa Elizabeth Skeetz, of
Altoona, for the holidays.
Dr John A. McKenna I taking a vacation
for several weeks in Havana,
Ml Meta Knlerleraen, of 147 Melrose avenue,
is nterta.tnto iliss Grace Krout, of Audu-
l boa. N. I
PREPARATORY to settling down to an nb
servnnco of tho Ilnnt week of Lout, society
I h.id a small round of festivities last week, end-
I lug on Saturday with the dansatiti and supper-
. dances which wero given nt tho hotels'. In tho
I afternoon a contcit In tho hesitation was hold
In the Iloso Gxidcti of tho Hellcvuo-Stratford,
presided over by Mis May Temple. Among
thoso who occupied tables wero Mr. and Mrs.
William II. Tovls Htihn, Mts. William W.
Glbbs, Miss Bertha Glbbs, Mrs. Burton Price,
Miss Florence Bell, Mrs. Charles Francis Boch
man, Mi. nnd Mrs Gcorgo Fritz Chandler,
Mrs Florence Vox, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Earn
shaw, Miss Smith, Chiuloi Bradford Fraley,
Mr and Mrtf Wheeler Lord. Mrs. A. Southern
Conway, Miss Eleanor Durham, Mis. Robert
Anderson, Mrs. Isaac H. Jones, Mrs. Maurice
Welsh Fngnn, Dr. Daniel M. Hoyt, Mrs. Alcx
nnder Gray, MI33 Muig.net Gray, Miss Jvdelo
M MoRier, Mrs. lrank Zimmerman nnd George
Tim ilausant will ho held, as usual, next Sat
urilav nftrmoon In tho Roso Garden niuljln
Easter week will bo given in the ballroom,
Tho Thmsilny Night Club, of tho First Pros
bterlan Chinch, -Mniiaj unlc, has 111 ranged a
series of entertainments for Its monthly
meetings. Tho program for tho March evening
wns a musical monologuo by Professor Adam
Gelbel. On April 23 thoro will bo a "Holiday
Supper" when each tnblo will bo arranged and
decorated to rorrcspond with the traditions of
a national holiday. Tho olllcors and members
nro. Miss Besslo Lystcr, president; Mrs. A. W.
Greer, vlco president; Mrs. Frank Eckcnrolh,
secretary; Mrs. John Miller, ticamirrr; Miss
I Ella Moore. Mlia Florence Wnricn, Miss Emma
I Hendren, Miss Mlnnlo E. Scott, Miss Margnret
I Hunter, Mrs. Joseph Rlpka, .Mrs A. MacIIiiKh,
Mis. Runisey, Mrs. Ward Smith, Mrs. Robert
Blink, Mrs. Thomas Stanley, Mrs. Samuel War
ren. Mis Wilbur W. Hilton, Mri. Finnk Wager,
Mis Megnnigal, .Mrs Itobert Miller. Mts. Georgo
N. Mnkcly, Mrs. William .1. Hamilton, Mrs.
Samuel Taylor, Mrs. Mauilco Petri man, Mrs.
Robert C. Gieer. Mrs. C. S. Wilson, Mrs.
Chailes Caxanaugh, Mri. Andrew Rcmmcrt,
Miss Clara McMnster, Miss Ruby Hull, Miss
Reba Wnger, Mrs. Glascow, Mrs. A. Whiteside
and Mts. Louis Melstcr.
Miss Rena IJ Horrlcks, of Manatawny avenue,
will give a novelty party on Saturday night at
her home, which will bo decorated with eaily
spring Mowers. Her guests will Includo MlS3
Mnrgarct Nccly, Miss Graco Heller, Miss Mll
dicd Beaver, MIsb "Florence Harris. Miss Min
erva Webster. Miss Esther Jollj, Miss Jcnnla
Stewart, James Picket, Lcroy Mllllgnn, Lloyd
Short, Raymond lltinloy and Jnmes Oliver.
An Interesting meeting will be held tomorrow
night in tho First C01iRrcgntion.il Church, on
En3t Hermit lane near Ridge avenue, when tin
nddress on "Some Things Wo Seo In tho Under
world and the Remedy for Its Pievalllng His"
will bo delivered by Miss -Miriam Boniface.
Thoro will bo also an interesting program "t
muMcal selections. The Rev. I. A. Lumley, pas
tor of tho church, wilt pie&Ide.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, at Mojhin. nro
entertaining Mis. Ellsworth Flagg-Hiillurd, who
Is here on a short visit from her home In
Hackensack, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo H. Beilin, of Ridley
Park, announco the blith of n littlo ton. nn
Friday. Congratulations and presents for tho
new nrrlvnl nro being received from tho many
friends of tho parents.
A formal danco Is to bo given by tho Monday
NiBht Assembly at Ridley Park thin evening.
Mrs. J. J. Collier, a resident of tho Park, Is
at Atlantic City for tho coming season.
T. E. Krcmer Is en routo to nidley Park from
Palm Bench, whero ho participated In some of
tho past season's events.
Mrs. Frank Hursh Is vi&ltlng her pnrentb, Mr.
and Mrs. I,. Hutton, nt their homo In Glen
olden. Mrs. Hursh will bo remembered as otio
of tho county'B most popular belles beforo her
Miss Elizabeth Fisher, of Philadelphia, who
comes to this city on April 7 to poso for the
scries of living tableaux for tho entertainment
which tho members of tho Junior Auxiliary of
the Delaware Hospital Is to glvo at tho New
Century Club on that date, Is a nleco of Will
iam II. Chase, a celebrated portrait painter.
Forty people will participate In tho entertain
ment. Miss Fisher will pose a series of tableaux
at tho Bltz Carlton. In Philadelphia, on tho
Saturday following tho cntertnlument here.
The Idea of posing subjects to bo taken from
the paintings of tho lato Howard Pyle has
been given up. slnco It was impossible to get
tho original costumes which tho pictures would
require. Most of the subjects will bo from
poster pictures. Tho entertainment will bo fol
lowed by dancing. Miss Margaret Whlttaker
will Elvo an Impersonation of nn East Indian
dance. Anions those who will pose for the
pictures are Mrs. E. Tatnall Wnrner, Mrs.
Irene du Pont, Miss Chichester, Miss Janet
Jackson, Miss Laura Amory, Miss Clalra Elle
good, Mrs. Peter T. Wright, Mrs. Walter Lee.
Mrs. Frank Garrett. Mrs. Morton Harvey. Miss
Elizabeth Ramsay. Miss Constance Moore,
Misses Marian, Bessie and Katherlne Dunham,
Mrs. Robert Patterson, Jr., Miss Margaret
Whlttaker, Mrs. Wlnthrop Wood, Miss Madeline
Owens, Miss Madge Carpenter, Mrs. Leonard
E, Wales, Mlsa Eleanor Pyle, Miss Mary Biggs,
Miss Henrietta Stadelman, Mrs. Irving Warner,
Mrs. Roberts Brokaw, Miss Arthurs, Peter T,
Wfight, Leslie Thresher, Douglas Duer, Rob-?
erts Brokaw, Stanley Arthurs, Herbert Moore,
Mr. Barrett. The committee In charge includes
Mrs. F. Lindsay Curtis, Mrs. David Ranken,
Mrs. W, C. Nesbltt and Miss Emma V. Bush.
The marriage of Earl Malloy Corkran. son
of Doctor and Mrs. Millard F. Corkran, of
this city, and Miss Carrie V Sudler, of Balti
more. Md , took place last Thursday at the
home of the bride's parents. After thslr wed
ilaf trip the young- raw pie will ba t hone at
$ Wet ttxtti, fcf te 34
whon Maurice nnd Miss Florence Walton wilt
glvo nn exhibition.
In tho ballroom of the Rltz-Carlton on Sat
urday Mrs. J. Hutchinson Scott entertained for
her daughter, Miss Hetty Scott, her guests In
cluding Mlsa Mary Puphnm, of New York; Miss
Gertrudo Pnncoast, L. Brooko JMwnrdft, Bnr
ton Cooko Hirst and Charles Walton. Mrs.
Scott nlso entertained for her daughter at
tho Supper Club In tho evening, tho additional
guests being Forrcitcr Scott nnd Donntd Souder.
Dr. nnd Mrs D. Brndcn Kylo cntertnlned In
honor of their guestsv Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur
Whitney, of New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Drinker Riley enter
tained eight Riie'ts nt the Supper Club. Mr,
nnd Mrs. R Wilson McCredy nlso had a party,
ns did Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Spencer Miller, 3d, Mr.
and Mrs. Wnlter Blabon. Mrs. E. II. McCuI
loiigh, Miss Samuel and Doctor Rlvas. Others
ontertalnliiB Included Mrs. Heckyrher, Mrs. P.
Williamson Roberts. Mr. nnd Mrs. John P.
Holllngsworth, Mrs. B Dnwson Coleman, Mr.
nnd Mis. W. It. Trls llulm nnJ Mrs. Elscn-broy
Mlsa Myra Austin Carter, of Elizabeth, N. J
Is tho Rtiest of Mrs. William C. Burkholder, of
Tncony. A number of 'bntcrtnlnments nre being
planned In honor of Miss Carter during her
stay, which will bo of two weeks.
Mrs. H. W. Bloch, of Fox Chase, lias ns her
guests Mr. nnd Mrs. E. K. Dcmmy, of Mlddlo
lown, Pa.
Mrs. J. F. Motson. of Arthur ntrcet. Fox
Chne, will return tho early part of next week
after spending two weeks as tho guost of hor
parents nt Bath, Pa.
Tho Beneficial Society will give a euchre in
tho new school building of St. Domlnic'u
Church, llolmesburg, Monday evening, April B.
MIpj Mnrgarct Lawlor will net ns hostess, and
rhe will bn assisted li Miss Katherlne Lawlor,
Miss Elizabeth Lawlor, Miss Louisa Nell and
MlhH Elizabeth Nell.
Symphony I Saturday Evr., April 3, at 8:15
Concerts I Easter Mon. Aft., Apr. 5, at 0:00
NinnH'NUKNRlNO rnoaiiAM
"HAS nilKINUOLD." Unirume of tha Oot3 Into
Wulh.illa, 'Uin WAI.KVUL. ' (tt) Hlile of thj Vol
l,irlB 11111I lb) Wotnn'it Farewell nml l'lre Mulc;
"SIKOKninD," Walilw'olwn. "UOTTKnDAMME-
HUMS." n) Slesfrled s Hhlno Journey, (b) Trailer
miirxili, nml it) Clcmlne I-eno
Thrre iclil l" 110 Concert Oood i'rlday Imioos,
TlfKl:T8 NOW AT HETPK 8. 1110 ClinbTNTJT 8T.
Gertrude Hoffmann
In SpnrkllnB N' Mil neue
joiin c. men and sally coiiem
Morris Crcinln Ic Co 1 Chief Canpnllcan;
Iiarr und Wolfonl nnd Other Stars
2 Shows Daily ..Sfoo
m,,4-v.iif Qf Ol'EIlA I Homo ot World's
OJlGSbHUt Oi. IIOI'SE I Ureatet I'hotoptajs
AKTi:itNCO.N8, 1:30 TO 4 30, 10c, l.",c. 2-c
EVENINGS. 7.30 TO 10-30. l(k 23c, A KEW 500
Next Week Biggest Thrill Yet!
And His Marvelous Motion Picturt?
TUESDAY. MAKl'II 30, 2.81) AND 8:1.1 P. M
Ausnkes 1'hlliuleUihln, QeocrHiilileul l,oi:let
' l'RICEH Olle 7.-.C. $1
TleKots at Heppo Piano Sloro, 1U0 Chentnut St
Coming "Hypocrites"
Return Engagement
"Tho Kintr of tno Concert Stage"
FORREST WfnJW 25c & 50c
War Pictures
Next Week-MASIC AND WIO CLUB. Seat. Now.
Juliette Dika l?
New I'rctram Mon. & Tnura.
Dally inn Enln T and 9
atSslo J-uw
10c. IBe, 20a
GARRICK Last 6 Evgs. 'TS...
PoMlarVriw Matlne. Wedne.day. Beat Santa U.M
j!g. Week-Robert HIUIardJnJgheArgyla, Ca..
nj- 1,-r 11 A M. TO 11:15 r. M.
JjXLLl2y Jn "Oretna Clreen"
Coming Cha. Chaplin In A JITNEY EEOPEMENT
T vnin Last Week. Beginning Tonight at SilJ
li 1 IVivj Matlneea Wedneaday and Saturday
T-i nT f1 P 10 A. U. to 11 P. M.. 10c. SOC
V 1CIUJ.1CI 'Quality Vaudeville and
. .. ...,il In 'THE CHAMPION"
Amateui k2L11?-,Wa .i'! .Qg
nt. ioroaao rrewnta J. lla
artley Manners'
U.V i in'A ckwwn.
NETT bOS, Pioniitflk
Today 2 115. T. & 0
BROAD-Next Week $&
il ATI NEK TODAY 10c & JOi
n A"c?rxTri"Jll-"r 8TU matin j iuit
UjipX fivJ yYa MARION'S DitE M1N He,
JlCrosadero JSJI1 Yaumah