BVBNIKC4 LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA'. MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1915: 15 PChildren'CoiMier L ' Mr. Garden Toners Surnrise flJK39 '" Ko for n bit of a. ivnllc iTllils morning," snirt Mr, Garden Toail Sii )ar. So lie Btuok Ills head out front Irour.d- Vcs, everything looked initio ni ft should. The lty wns clear; the lenvca were greener nnd bigger than tlio dny Before, and n couple ot early Dies buzzed ,6out I" th0 BUnsllll1c- "Quite eafel Quito safe!" ho assured tlmself and ll6 started out for his walk. Pretty soon lie how n, beetle. "Good Mornlnir, Friend Beetle." bo snlrt politely, 'and how do you llnd yourself this tlnp 'iVt enough, well enough!' replied tho etii "ini' 1m Bln' the winter Is over." "Th sanie am I, nm r," responded tho r01(j and he wont on his way, I But he hadn't gone far along tho gar- defi Pi"' "' n0 snw n Krasshoppcr. "Tlio 'Mm irtwn EreeungH to you, my mend," . . ... ... mm rrnBDiinnnnr h BIU W " .....,.,..... And may you 11ml more (lies than jou wn swallow." nnswercd tho grasshopper jB filn most cordial fashion, ns ho hopped liray about his own business. K"lt'. out everybody Is pleasant to me ... A., .1fli. anlrt Ml- rliif.lA.. tr.1 i ttmself. "I'm so glnd I camo out to Kiilr this morning. All tho nicest nconln fiitrn to bo walking today t wouldn't S . . 1... llii. r,..t,, nlm ...I... nt....l . IHtM Id UO UIU Villi VI U tVllU BLlLVf'II II I Jliomot" fells smiled nil over his broail green nnd "jdlow tnouin nnu wawcu niong n llttlo firther. gSoon he saw nn earthworm. "Now I plght Ph that croaturn by without a ittti," he thought to himself, "but every- fjiody litis neon so nico to mo that f tglll speak to hltn." So ho stopped his ftrtvellnff and raid, "Good morning, jFrlend Earthworm; pretty slow trnvcl- .Jljf this morning?" But tho earthworm liruvvered not a word, "0ood morning, Friend Earthworm," Repeated Mr. Garden Toad, determined to be ngrcenble. "a fine morning this Is, to be surel" But tho earthworm nn- ivwed never a woul. i,"I call that exceedingly rude of him," kittercd Mr. Garden Toad, nnd ho walk (J away crossly. "Of what ilea Is a rino morning If people won't speak?" iBut before ho hnd tlmo to get very tross, Billy Robin hopped across the path ind said "Good morning, Mr, Toad," be fore tho toad had cvci seen lilnil p, That resloied good humor at once, for Ellly Hobln wns well llkrd In tho tr.-mlm ind It was .a real honor to hn spoken to by hltn. "lioou morning, Billy Jtoblii," replied the toad, 'and will ou be so good ei to tell mo wny tnnt earthworm won't ipealc to mc7 Everybody else speaks to Billy Robin chuckled. "And didn't ho spoak to you7" ho aslo.fl irm pathetically. fc "Never a word," replied Mr. Garden .Toad sadly, "and I spoko to bim SO Wee and kindly. fev'too bad, too bnd. ' said Billy solemnly, tut nis eyes weio iwinitung. "Uut did It ever occur to you to notion Hint th earthworm doesn't know how to talk?" fAtid he laughed loud nnd long. IB "Nol" exclaimed tho toad, "you don't Ifmean III You don't say? Well, well!" KAnd he was so surprised ho just turned trounci nnu wont nomci (Allright, 1013, by Clam hi or am Jitdwn. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND Sl'NDAV This STYLH TVl'B (nr like Hila) one inienion liip per lino Three Insertions In n Heck. . . , IS'.jc per linn Seven consecutive Insertions. .. too per line Ettu&tiona wanted, three Inner tloni In a week I0o per lino THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Fermltted In nil clnnslfluitlons except Help end Situations Wanted, Lost mid round, Per ianal!, Boardlnjr and ltooniH. ( Ona Iniertlon 20c rerllno Three Inaert Ions In h week 17',ic per linn Seven conaecutUo lnertlon... lBo pcrllna All ralea are IiokciI on ugato menHttremcnt. - If ante lines to the DEATH NOTICES either paper ,u linen, one lime fine Three IniertlonB $ I on DAILY ONLY t'j7ect Jtcrtnlicr I, lot',. COAfRIMATrnv PA'rir EUt Iniertlon In both the mornlne and'ovenlne rapers ot same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MOIlNIMi) EVENING LEDGER (UVUNIN'O) Wlio 'Ur CCIUS ,,6r "n0 "et l0 la'ea slven f5ni?Jr?.AD . SITUATIONS WANTKD ADVEllTISINa, IN TUB l'UDUO LUDUUll mSoE Wmi0UT ADDITION AD TltCrC IS a flrnrr stnrp tinnr i.n.t notlie that will arcpnt Todrn-i- ifiiif Jdi at office rates. UELr WANTED-MAiE ,inMWei'' ,0 nrraniti notes for publication JwniS.? Jornl; two nr three hmirs ret. ii.i iHiBch. clli etperleme. a m LI,'?,!'0? ' .resident e nntl wlmt tompon- . sntion demanded 11 sot), l.edser Office. MwUhAil,i1t.W""B '""er and tnok In "f ami I v tin! t ,.'". . employing nurses: only Jjiiloe. y ln "c'1 "I'PW- '-' Jedgcr "nMrtmii JVII-lilo takTlMrne" of n TTrgo em At V!,0US0 ""'' d0 "'"re work: expert-pnic-u iroou icirreiieo. 1. 4W, Dod. Central. tutnlnir2lcdii,v,!0"unatr8t"n'r repairing reed -i H12!Lui.cAi'rjyi:4 tS. stu t. Halt Cnhiniblaiavn , Mr. Hunt fhlladelphlo. March ill, lul.1. ,?if.?r-'f'n,al, ,,''h"i'Itfphla. than5 tlTr1.!"? .,0 express my most sincere . Thrnuch vonr 1'f.mmsMi.i h.-i.i... t .. ai'ert B"V ol w.h,ch ml e"10"'1 l-er a ttr inJiJlin1. ro"'"J " position two diy outr inserting nn An. at !ur office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE l-OKHMAN- fompotcnt with plans and spect ilcatlons, get tciuilta ironi ncip. aood, all around man In blllce nnd outside, Unco scars Mth rontrnetor, Riauitig and construction i en reicrcmos: sober, honest ami expcrl- enccd. 1; i,-iU, IrfLger Ccntial. DAIiAOU ifANAOIJU Man with 10 j ears' experience from the bot '.?'"... "P. ,n BU, field, enuient, energetic 11 I2, Ledger Central. (lAltDUNKIt, flrsl-class egffable and flower gnniener tnarrlfil, tu iliiidrcn, ami cxptrt tnred mllklnn uran, wishes position private . place: good refsrence. 2.l4t N. Fhlltp. ronsldetnldo iJ.-t?'". !" "netnnloed for Jur nelp ii certainly appreciated Again thanking jou I remain, .Signed, . """do'n.D . UAItniS. fefVfnn.."."m", '". 6hlrt 'wry I'hlU.i ami' nreilS- n,,li i:P"lrn7eTTriTy"rfSpTl nYo uffi'' ." ,lc. I? BM,"t wltn general of- nm .i.lJ"1 l,V,l,lon "I'h large mfg. torn- linii mte exp-rlrnco. etc, I" 3M, I.1 rent VANTi:tl In retnll t.tni... ...i . ..... , "i""L-. ."'ci ..tin.'ncen I'OOK. ,;,Vr..Ji,,u1 ''0. " W'ker. Ucal nf reference K2tJLr ii "?arr'l"K character and nblllly. ?in .i?h ?h""i n" 'U"1 worked, nnd why i.-.-"h ,0 rhn"ie. I. tl, nddrcio lia rf. Mon'go.nery St., Trcnlon. N, .1. niT.! P01" areoitnilng, audit nml credit ilriCU,1fnlf..S5.,r.,le Induatrlil corporations niT,i.'n M,M,n vy'," Bl"' haMng hrnnchea in all Urge cities, three or four oung men: miin hnw liberal education, at leapt two jenre biiilnesa eTperlencej must l.e good correspondents nnd of good personal appnr Offlec " f"r ,,1,crxlcw r " Ledger VANTnrf-tirn "nnanrlnl 'inalHutlnn voiitin man as nnorman: nuiBt ho neat, of good no p'srnnro and well reeonimndcd. Address, fltng ""Iglit. weight nnd refcrenco. II soli. Ledger nfflre. UV YOU IX) NOT flND TIII5 KIND pf an applicant lintM here who can till thRt csnctlng position, toleptionu Mr Hunt, ldgei ( rural, Walnut or Main .MXHt the Ledgers Comnitrclnt ieglntr llurcan Is u ueu sen Up tint will a.oo Sou tlmo and mcunvpniomr, Mr. itunl will bring tlio tight man nnd right Job together. MAS' AND "wH'K-limmcclcnnlng. whitewash ing or palming or tlxlng tloora an I lawnai lit-ilasj work jnd low prlro. I'oplar .1-0'. MAS' and wife, coIororK butler'nnd took: ei pcrleiKed anil nipnule, rets, t' mil. Led. Ort. .MAN AND HIPt 'white; man. butler, wlfs, ihambcrmald, rcferences. r Cent. MAN AND WlKri, white, rtral-clns butle'r and cook, tcferenccs V Mi. Irfdgerl'rnttal. MAN nnd nlfo, i'rot , wldfiaro of office tintlJ- . lngjbeslefcrenre Y 1M. Lt'dgcr Centrsl MANAtttill " A Soiing man who ran originate and apply tdeaa to stlmiilato ami encourage a nolilin force to Increased artUlty, who possesses nblllly to manago nnd control agents, who can enforce orders or master nnd apply de tails without being told twice, who inn att in an cxocutln cnnncltv mil nf which state ments can be convincingly and satisfactorily Luucimunics n. cnange compensa- nn openings prorsni. Hon no object. tlavo D u8, Ledger Central. watkr nunnEna v.Nrnn Must liao factory experlenco on flno cabinet wor), furniture or plann, I'hjslcnl cximlnallon ncccs'flry. Arply VICTOK TAI.KINO MACIIINC COMPANY Application Office, 2.1 Market street, Camden, New Jereej, OL.NO MAN knowing the retell ha-rtwnre wisiness, lrcki repairing: nlsr. good wlivlnw 5r",'!. .""" Bend lefcrenre Apply ?'.'!' Frankford e. , Genernl fil??11111'1-1'' ,a,:d. stcnosrapher-Stuto expo rnmce, sbo and u,il ciehe,i. n .nn i a,i .... f"u.llMAJlwttantfd experienced f":- "winaii. iiu wuaiiinu, uci K-.oiwvncu requtleu. Ml. Airy ae.. Sit. HELP WANTED FEMALE col- bt WUL'CH. Lt.Mt .nuroJa or call 131 li. Airy, Ucrinantown. VVVJK fQr thn frtlltilrt.. m..- 1. . I I l!5?. 'Ve5ooa fe'nca. cull Tueadaj. 1'lui i.l J retween 10 and 11 o'clock. idiiS nted In .small, quIcFhomo for chlP Mren. Uox 14, .Maud. Ta. ATTOVOIIILK f.f'llt)OL . fS WILL HTAHT VOL' niw r?. nnnAD ST. STTUATIONS WANTED FEMALE AtMHTANT UnOKKl'KPKU nnd clerkr.x perlenced In detail nnd hilling work, hrtt references I, 1.11, 1 edger Central. BOOKKUnrnn-ran nrnc ability, hut will stnrt nt nmderitesalnry. R t. Led. Cert. ClIAMUnrtMAID. chlldnurseT compinlnn, tr. fined and romp : suhuibs or inountnlni. M TTfl, J.edger Office. C1I MUi;itMAID-K"perlVriced intiniT woman: t'rKt-cl.ifsltyror Phone Poplar IflSil C'llILDNtmSR Assist "wlth'chnmberworkl swing woman: flrsl-clnps re'. P His, f.ed. or COOK ind TvnltrcsH, 2 sisters experienced and competent; best re'eictues I' S17, Ledger Off COOK' Ynmig womnn," pjcp , cnpible". West Pldla. preferred Phone C.crmnnlown 472,-. COiK competent. .ngiiri Prniestnnt. desires pmlltan; gool references nw Oretn. COOK, tlrst clnsi wishes slluatlon. clts"or country; j;ondrefereiiie. 2.110 pipe st COOKIVO n"iid" downstairs nork-H-xperlenccTd reliable woman. 1j2T S. Rosewood ,r,enccu' TfPLOYEnR IN SEARCH or COiM-r'.T.tTSI'- WXPITTIIBVCRD YOL'Nfl l.ADIPS TO JIM, POS1TICV.V.1 AS ponicKRRpr.ns, cli:iiks stilvoo- ItAPIIDILS PRIVATB RRCRBTARIEH and cMni:ns can save: timi:, TRlHMlLr. AND THMPRR RY TELL ING TIMUR WANTS TO MISS DHAN. OF 1HR COM.MRHOIAL REGISTRY Ill'RRAU, LrilGRR CFNTRAL Sllr) HAS OV FILR RI'SINRSt nLVAltDS Or SCORFS OK QfAIIFIRD APPLI CANTS FOR ALL SHUTS OF DRAIN WORK. A FRKR SERVICE TO LCD URR ADVERTISERS , , , OI'FICB MAN Married, ivlth 7 srs" exp In every brunch, "ctall, corrcstwnderce, etc , thiroughly fa miliar wait nteel Industry, alert nnd ambi tious i: .Vfl, ledger Central. rf.yMlipR,"re"tistVfe"a Young man wltjt tech nical knowledge and U soars' experience willies josltlon na Intpector nr iisslBtant fanltar. engineer In architect's office: excel--itn-lrcIiHnce' Jl.lSltI.edgcrCeiitral HALEftMA'N'.VND mXnaOHR, famlllarwltli inaxhlnety nnd automobile trades, exp In ad vertising, good executive nnd correspondent, nr correct habits, with rels to erlfs sboio statements, desires pos where ability and haul work u III bo required nnd nppreelated L 0-n, Ledger Centtal SALIUIAN Rxp. In auto acctesorles, siiiali salary to start K liltl, ledger Central. HTr-'NOrtRAPIIBR, tj iTn' exnerlenro corpora" ...,,. iruunnti'iiiiiK, KMierni ciermil wors, UP- un onvnnccment, present eni- V tfi, Leilger Cent STENOGRAPHER - Can take dictation In shorthand and trarsirlbo It In good Kngllth, modtrnlo sulars. M 8U Ledger Ofllce. SUt'DltlNTKNDDNT. roreman, woodworking plant, ixtvutlte creathe ability. 2,1 stars exp miiniifaitiu-lnR wugons. aulo , cablnt, bniisehulil woodenware. i; 7ltl, Led. Cenirnl Ytll NCI MN 22 sound education, 'snles in P'rlenre. nmbltlnus cnergetlo, future more an ohj-ci than salury E IMH, Ledger Cent BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES sires opening with odvnncement, pioer win turnieti rccom BOAUDINCr CHKSrNl'T, 1008-Two deslrahlo second floor loin iTimmunicaunR rms.i single or en sum-: hot nnd eold wnterj bonrd. Pre. 20111 W f'IIR8TNtIT, 4 1 jo Very pleasantly turn, roomi In refineil, conienlent location; 2d-story front. Jack, also single tm ; tame brd. Vtrti. n'.T, roWRI.TON. 4037-Prlv. family! bright Iron, bcl rms , wish to brd. refineil lady or gent itACi:, altS-Trained nureo has plras""liome for ref. people desiring food acconi : special cars . or tntnlldsor elderly persons. Preston a!W D, SPRiVi:. nniS-:!iiDsirahlo suite with prUat bath, choice table board Mnlnuti2l,1 J. HPRtiCE, 1221-2(1 (ifrTsmond"e)-Ftirn)shed rail,, single, en suite, private baths, table board. KPIU'CH, 10.!-Clieerful rooms, slnglo or en . sulti , private bath, exiollent board BPRUtn. imV. "HtlrTinriTiT prIVaie HATH, OTIIRR ,TTRACTIVB MC20MS. l'Ar,i,ACIi l2l-"Hieerfully furn. single room for refined business porm Poplar 3UW A. WALNUT, antVi-IVarrn, pleasant rooms" beau- tlful li'lghborhnod, board. Preston 0121 A. WAI.Nt:T, 4il4TAttractIvo 2d story "front, gentlemen or couple, table unexcelled; phone. WALNt'T, 4ll-Cbeerful front room, gentle--JHT'UMf.' .jjiljiplnBlajoqinjjrli Jam. iplt. l.rril, N rsoaO-IMndsomely fiirnTshcd rooms; slngle or en suits, 2d floorijphonn SSTIt ST.. s", inn Private family has hnM--jinilvJ;urnlshd roorn excel, table, phone 40111. V 7M1 fa'tiitlv wilt hon tA re Jlned gentlemen: ronv. to cily Raring RIS. 41ST ST. 2, N. -Pleaianllv fumrooma: board optlonaR convenient Jo J'Ij." Preston JjHW 4I0TT ff, 202 rfewlv furn large sitting room: !!H'JIe:J1wLn',ni,".L'!r'n','n,,!n' f're'' n',', SUNNY roms, boird nnd core for eldfrlv persor,. Invalid or consales'-ent. Presn'SI D. Siitinrlinn OER.MANTOWN. 2.11 W. Hlttenhouio st. be tween Wayne and Clreene Desirable rooms, villi board, homelike Phono Omtn. IB78 X. ClilUfANTOIVN, tin V" SclionTlsno "(Tho Cbancellorl Vacancies (ltn 401.1 V. WALNUT LANE. W , -id Rooms, single and communicating, with board, renneti surrounn lngs Phone (Irrmantonn 100(1 V APAUTMENT3 IlrVA"f"N . 004 Tw & rs GRAPPLE 1 '. Tlic Bur That Causes Steep THE PADDED CELL THE. G-OV viOTrt THENE.VW Poro ootvu.. HVAP. N . P04-Tw. rooms nnd bnth, ele-tric light st.nm hent.hgrrinnnd rinor,lndow seat, li'., private port-i. southern exp"urp, large jnrn iinitos at i ier irnirni, WALNt'l, -Desirable vacs single or en stilto. prlv. bath, will furnish to mlt tenant moderate mil Walnut SIRI. clfKSTEIl AVE, We"st I'hlla. Handsome rooms, slnglo or en suite board optional, large plaxas and grnmids ( all Proston nnn SPIIINO CIMtDEN. iliin-Exre lleut opts In H illff'nnl houses some lurn d kltchenJTes. WALLACE, lvtl-l'nfumlshed npnrtments, 2 rnoms.vvlth private bnthPoMnr I4J0. APARTMENT 2 rooms, hatn nnd kitchen, alss nnp fi.romn snd bsth best service: modern, modirnts It t, Cntes 2000 C.reen st. A NEW' INVENTION Needed In cvers houac, hotel, stnre office, school, church nnd motors In thlj and nil ulher eour.trlps I si-ftil In evrrs roum De niand mut be large and vonstnntls mcreas lug. Sold for rsih illrecl to mtr. Protlta most satlefauors. I am urTered a largn inah sum Tor ins Invention and rlghis. I will not tell outrlKfit. I vv.II sell u limited amount of stock In lomianv now tunning to tiiaiiu facture and sell ibo oitiput Piouiotrrs and Idle Innulrtrs need not reph. Hank reference rfijuirou. rnsiiil citrus Iguorvil, gcr Central E li:i. Led- PARTNER WaTStkd 111 leather manufactur" Ing tnnicrri: rare onportunltv for man with lal' 0"", ,0 organ) o s em, must Invest 'pn) to JICiii Adrtres it so?, Ledger Cent Ill'Il.DINd (tiJIPANY has excellent proiwl tlon for rell.ilde man to seiuro steady Inconin bv Invcsilng sr.ou with smiles, referenc s ext hanged cnll evenings. 21,11 N. inth tt ALL KIM'S of business places sold Linker. MIS N. 2:ith st. Poplar 12111 W. West Philadelphia, 1ULT1MORE AVE, I.V.O-llousekrpIng opt. 2d jtoor, n rooms, private pr nh.heat A hot vater, TOSt'llLET 2d-story "npnrtment, ,l""rootns, bnth. pnrri.. unfurnished or comfortably furn for housekeeping J.IOJn J.".r. Preslon llCi Spnr.Pll-'V TH AND PINK It "rooms ... and bmh Spejnnllor. Gerinnntovvn. Qt'EUN LANE STATION- Will sublet 2d-floer apt., S rooms, lath, $10. fi2HS 11 Schuvler st., Gern nntovvn. Phot tlermantovvn 21 S iiltet 7 p m. or before 10 n m CARPET CLEANING 1 LbT PU1LA jlUNARCII & TOR AOL "Co. ,1c PER YARD .ISiU-TS LANCAS1ER AVK. CLEANINO AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED. tYED. MAILHOT.1S10 Qlcstnut. DIIESSMAKING AND MILLINERY IIEMSTH Clll.NO "done while"" sou" wait A" Helchard. lll'l Chestnut. Plctnrlnl Review pnt. DRESSilAKIN'O taught, short, prac. "course" McDovvcU .107 Denckln Rldg , 11th A Jdarket. GOWNS for all occasions, remodeling", inoder" nto price. 1M0 Walnut. Locust H77. FOR SALE R1LI.IARD. pool, combination, 2d hand bought, sold, rented, ex'd. Kenfor. .'129 Olrard avp. INSTRUCTION GOOD plain cook wishes position, private fam ily; city, suburbs, seashore; ref Prot. Swill !"iIi"Ti!ii.'0iBIithlglij;JTlease call. GOVERNESS Youn? Parisian ladv, ed'ucaFedT refined and willing, position ns env ernfss, visiting governess or companion: ex- j!elenedbeatrprs.I24.Jj;dger Central. DOUSLKEDPL'R. experienced, deslroa""polton Kiipen'lslni household or caring- for mother less children. 40I Tnlrmount ave. Ilelmont 2H.17 D. IIOL'HI' WORK Nor Prot. snung woman. Gin, pref., best reference. P 810 Ledger Office, llOt'SEWORK-Ocr, Prot.- good cook; nownsh.l city orcountry; boat ref. 1011 N. Orkney. NEAT, experienced colored cook w lilies poal tlon, references. Phono Raring 78D, l&Su,Xi!.0NU ORKRATOR-A thoroughly ex- mmiiii . . lau wno " a D0" Brani- .-..,, wUmlBl nrsi ana capaute: aiate tiV "IS'ne" and salary expected. D 7S3, i-rjtir central. I.VER1 DA sountr women are e jurlne good office poittloiia tlirough tin assistance of llla Dean at lt.l Jir Central. Call upon her or mull r ''Port of your business experience, employers are listing openings (.on !in,. ona ot which you mn prob 1,X ,1n ,??" service Is free to all Bltuitiort Wanted Advertisers In the mesr, it.i?f,n(f1 for general" Ir&useworU imniedn i'lyj Pollah creferrft.1. Apply (ijj M hh st. ,il"t.K?ul'Enr7wanted7i-eniied 'Proteltant U 20, irj5rn .,,n a"1411 mllys wages 1, "Jger lirnncri. Blih and ( nv EPft aUDUrba. llhnna Wnvn.. 'Mil llf ,.. .. h ,, .tf, ,. . Phone Wayne an IV. PUa U,8, warc JJ JB'S- i wair Centrsl, "n.. iiroaii. ant' Chestnut its. f I..MlM Dean Please accept my thanks ion i "ni5eij n "wurlng me the po- ?1 --I, . ' iWW IUMU1II1., iVdh";.." .you lt. Thuraday, the Uth, ioiin rJ'VMU. ttisisce received a llrihn.on Saturday morning In tha office it. i-v.""'"" oa, uompany, -tin ana Noble tH.JiVi" '"ryllihiB Is very satisfactory. "i I wih to remain. sincerely yours, (Signed) DO 111 ll.H V, AUSTIN, 1TJC KJ id. . liS'.??'1' women with dressinaklnB ability; Nt'RSERY GOVERNESS. North German. d: pos.; child.. B-7: belt ref. E 55S, Led. Cent. NURSERY GOVERNESS Trustworthy, useful woman, North German, English speaking, wishes po3ttIon; no objection to travel with prlv. fam.: ref. Write Governess, Ml N. 17th. NURSERY GOVllRNFflS-Oermairprot. : ch"iP dren over 4 jears. Phono Kensington 4274 D. REFINED French nurserv governeii wishes position; speaks English fluently; music; best . refs. Write Mjvdetrolselle rjn South J5th st. SEAMSTRESS or prnctlcal nurso" or would tako charge of llnenj'aoni. P fc07, Iid. Off. STENOORAPHER-Cnpable woman, in sears' experience, cnpipleto knowledge of office rou tine, desires position! beat references as to character and ability. Telephone Locuit 1.1HT. STENOGRAPHER able to turn out good work"; moderate salary; reasonable houri. B 740, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER AND SECRETAHY-li rerlenced woman can take charge of office and keep books. E 811. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER 3 veers'" experience; haTrd worker: salary t. E 618, LedgerCentral. WOMAN, competent, with hospital experience ss mother's help' or entlro charge of child. P kh, Lwir. RAGTIME PIANO PLAYINO taught In '.'5 n, sons, write for booklet, Ctirlstensen Schools IS'.'il Germantown ave.: 1.120 TMskor st MUSICAL INSTRUMEN1S FURNISHED APARTMENTS I IDM"; HPAI1 Locust. 121.1-15 Furnished I.IU1N o rii.u flpII) Kngc or e BllUe RIIo7D N, t'21-Trout suite. 2d fleor. 2 rms. bath kltihenctip. Pbone Poplar IU21 SPRUCE. 2022 -Desirable suite, with private bath, open pro, phono, owiiec. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DAiTPllINS."'E cor" "hroaTj "and" ihii I'HIN, ILVCLt HIVIJ HOl'SEKPtl. AI'.MIT- MTS. WITH 2 llTIIS. APPLY. JANITOR DIAMOND, 21 12 -I rms, bath, kitchen, hot water hint rer . 2.1 Moor. 21: 4 rms, lath, kin her, nil "r moms, $11 idnmond IM.I v D1AMONDST." I'-ffl -HOPSKKErPINl! PT. & ROOMS AND I1ATII. 20. DIAMOND S'R DIAMOND, '.'n I ROOMS AND PATH. I'N- rtrlt. . lvr;A?". AIVIjI.. Ill vjiupl. I t-ir L CoT.trsfliTA "AVE , llll'-l-reom apartments, complete forhmisekceplngjin'urii. .phone OXHiiRD ST , S I. prill. 2TlT :i rms. nnd bnth all outside rms : f20 a month. THE MONTEVIRTA" niil and Oxford its llninekeophi? apattments. $41 to X7.1 An Ideal aeniliihurhnn location. Wlihln 22 minuted of CMv llnll. fnre. Lehigh" Apartments" ;; l"', AlMlh : all ennv Apply 27.18 Gormantnvvn Av REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (lERMANIOIVN :i SMALL piopcrllcs nt Wns no .lum'tlon. good tenters: cheap 1. 4M, Ledger Centrnl. SL'IIURIIAN jlmhlerjjjnu 1'AR.MS, lountry placcn and suburban homes on the Reading's Hethlohcm and Doslestown branches II. ,t Dnter, Inc , Ambler, Pa N K1V JERSEY Iladdonflcld. N. J. iTTvE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES l bargalii nrlici. W.M CAREY MAItdllALU Mt Ke.icrnl st . Csmden. NEW STEINWAY Welte "dlgnon electric piano, with kesboard, ut very low price, j, 144. Ledger Centrnl. 1500 HENRY P. MILLER muhnganv piano" close esta'e. S221. 1.122 t'olumbU ave. OLD GOLD BOUGin7s.1LD " DIAMONDS EXCHANGED. WlNrOLPH, APPRAlbEll 2S N. 12TH ST. National Park. N. J. ttU.MJAI.OUs, lots 23X1M. near trolley; over looking Del Greater N. J. Co.. .1.1 S. 16ti. SKA SI I ORE STORAGE WEST MonarcTi"StoFago Co7"Auto and paci"- I'llll.A. lug untl shipping. aa70 Lancaster avs. ItELIllf.E STORAGE MOVING. PACKING! SHIPPING 20IU-4I N. :tOTH hT. DIA. 4717. WANTED WORKING hnuock'HT for adult family, eomp't settled woman, reliable refs. P 80a, Id. Off SITUATIONS WANTED-r-MALE CAST-OFP CLOTHINO Do not sell your clothing till sou get my offer. I pay UKi rroro for gentlemen's cast- oif clothing and ihoei than any other dealer. City or sub. Send postal or jh. liar. 1U7H W. 11. 1'lNUDUilUjB CO., nfcl Locust et. ROOMS FOR RENT DARING ST., :".'1S t'lhe Clillton)-Tvvu titst Itonr rooms; suit dentist, doctor vr upart nientt). Mrs. Hello McClaln, Managrr. DROAD, N . HOI-Kew deilrablo vacancies, furn. or unfurn ; strain heat, tlectric lights, southern exiusure, large jard, exollcnt din ing room; inela optlonul. Photo ut Ledger Central. I ed. Cent 1 OR low coit high-grade bungalows, nport mcntH nnd cottngca, vlBlt Stone Harbor. N. ,1 , booklet on rrnuest. South Jerspy Realty Co. PIS Real Estato Trust Rulldlng, Phlla. Sl.ASllOfiE cottage, attractive, ll rooms and bath, cement cennr, any port 11, imi cusii. ha' eass pay, owner, sac. M nis AtlniitIcClts.Nj.L It-ROOM COTTAOi:. two baths; large lot: one nf the best Incntlona, one square fmm llnnrCwalk. Mill sell cheap to quick pur. chase'. Only J200D cash required, li SIO, Led gerCenrnl. T K NNHVI.VANIA FAR IIS 100 ACRES, location, land, buildings, water and railroad facilities all nrat-class; has everything that goes to make a trood farm; Several stock farms cheap. 160. 200 and 230 aces tho ery best of land and cheap; stats 5VoNAHTHAN C. HARE West Chester. Pa. a-" vcRES. 51200 Dmlle tlc'ttown Station. A D.JJeald. West Chester. Pa. "real estate sale or rent OWN a home Houses 1800 to SA2S0: imall first pavinnit and 1T to 50 ner month II, B Rsed 717 Chutnut st. liUOWN, 1'IIJ Handsome 2-room tulte, second door, adjoining bath; nice for permanent gentleman guest; owner's family; al.rij. UHEUTUR. 413upfl. rail.,, 1 with balcony front; brd. opt, good trails t't Pt!!!77v. COLUMBIA AVE., 1Ul7-Tu large' unfurn. rooms, private bath, southern exp.; light, beat, hot water no bousekpg. . absol'y clean. fTfSiil.1!?- Preferred. !' 41, ledger OffUc. 'teuiifW1,Y"e'M' nelt' cleni wimnSi Si'Urollyi Prot. 1 ref. II fiutl. LeJser offlcB. WtuSSR P.ble ulet utility maid; good" 6Sf-eHi:o''! ref. D207. Ledger Office. JHELP WANTED MALE IStiiplv tcv. . "UWU MIAN ltr&f&M& ". mynibera New York ,- oiocx irxcuauges, wants "Perlence to manage boqd depart. ffd',tlnre will treated sontldeniui. B SU, ijl'.'p.liaro Photographic buslne.i, muit rt -"-, V "M HUH.M, viiitaii aAtftrr I''' Slee. ' fii dvancement, U 2W, Ledgsr P?T8 BALEsSTilTasS cloarslto oi ACCOUNTANT, experienced, competent book keeper qnd credit man. desires to make change; seeking larger reiponslblllties; for last a yean manager or accounting ana credit dipt, of prominent mfg. concern; age 3nirrled. strictly temp. K 148, Led, Cen. ACCOUNTANT ' Rroad experience, reliable worker H 051. Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT, Junior, Al ref., eip., age SO, ds. cos! with pub, sect, E Df.0. Led. Central. ACCOUNTS AUDITED. HOOKS KEPT rt IS MONTHLY UP Accountant. S30 Market at. Phone IVal. 1T16. BOOKKEEPER, office man, capable of taking full charge, with reliable concern; moderate alary; best references. E 058, ledger Cen, BOOKKEEPER'and office mgr. with executive ability t T yts. last position, n 308, Led. Off. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, ilngle. total ab stainer; B yean' experience; absolutely com- ng; CadllUo cars jref reLK 141LLed. Cen. CHAUFFEUR White, single, sober, reliable, extra careful driver: Us, ot reference; do oWn repairing E 3-JO. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR Can go anywhere; ilngle; 8 1 ears' expirUnce en big car At nference. D JOS, IC'swr v.ym.i DIAMOND, 2102 Kuril, or unfurn rmt.. single i)tensul(s. board optional Diamond "iRJ7 . altATC.'N.. 1544-Kurn. sitting room, adjoin" Ing bath; bay window, refined home: phone. JEFFERSON, R0) Private fam. has front suite, furn, or unfurn.' running wat ; phone lOC'UST.Tloo LargeTsd-story room, with bay window, adjoining bath; alto pleasant Jd story room Daring J52 W ' LOtlAN 8Q (tsnr'RACE) SINdm AND DOURLH, ROOMS, SPRUCF .1750 POWFLTON AVE.. 308 Pleaiant furn. rooms in nice home; gent'n or buil women pf, ; good table board near, con v. to L Bub, can; phn SPRING OARDBN." 1713-Ilooms. single, en ulte; running water; furn. or unfurn,; phone. SPRUCE. 1105-Desirable room adjoining bath suitable for two gentlemen: phone. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantlo City, N. J. HOTELS, cottsges. apartments, etc., to sx. chango for Philadelphia property. Chas, E Kill, 3S S. I'enna. ave.. Atlantlo City. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY w I"nlltll0 PAGE HT. (Itlth and Norrls its.)-0 rooms all conveniences; toilet ictoiid floor, newly' do is up Inside and out. Key at ItlU NEALIS. 010 S. I2th 111-1807 TRENTON AVE. (Front & Norrli)--7 rooms, all ennvs., newly done up Inside and nUt nry t icii i'hvii m nuiyvvuuii, li.-v-na N. WaUNOCIC riT. lUth and Mai ter)". rooma. all conva . toilet Sd floor. Open for Inspection NEALIS. 1110 B. I2th Factories. Warehouien. Mfg. Floors SPRUCE. 1115-Larga front room, beautifully furn, 1 miming water. Filbert 4121 D, SPRUCE, J 208 Very attractive single" a"nd double furn. vacs., ell convs. Walnut 71S1 WALLACE ST.. 2'M2-Urge Vd front; running waver; corner nou: privatr ismny; pnone. Bsuff?i'V-ltS,wi9 th r4. Wrjte par-Hj&IL'0-1 onWenttal. F 3U. Ledger Cfeot. Sia. irft lJ9nU KIXKH pnKwvtTw Catk HW'on Jscquard worki steady post- - w v. i.cugr unice. TOl' WANT a better position at c -.v ei exat'utive or ismiiiiai Tr If u,. IntArviAtw Xfr Ifiint the VSM. f.p,'j"r j hto s-as . 0ftl uueutnas diilv nnd wUbuut 't " A,H W"B w H0 lnr a. fciMtr b. ph IUKKEUR, houieman and gardener (mar Vied 1 voung. sober. Industrious, highest ref. erencts - """ --, cTiAUFFEUR. roechanlo and capable gardener Vlng. sober, relfood ref- B, 8U. Led. Off. cliDMIST. experienced Udm trial Ihjte, deifrei C"pt!,y jnojsrate salary. B 040. Ltd. Cen. crniTima INKER. SS yean experience all branches censtructlvn and field work- capa ble handling Held operation ef large dlmin floni: jgerAttc. V JO. Ledger Csntral. cnACHMAN. gardener, ilngle, wants pos., can take 'are auloa, 1st clan ref. BJJlS.Led Off, CORRE3FONDJ5NT bookkeeper, ofrlce man .rVr deaJrea to lotate with reliable UrnJ E M, Ledger Central wmHRLT MAN ejpeneuced In textile celcu- 8StoM "4 M TforeinaB u. gllk ndil. reJj!b3. mjxz'??a' & vf"?". .p 'S.r nSVVltd.' T eilWB3&,T: Qffm wA iwJXn. V UXS, ua. om. iirtiiuii uv lowij. luruisucq nximi, re fined gentlemen pref.; good neighborhood. Uelmon t aii'Jl W. Photo at Ledger Central. V.VALNUT. 0022-Nlcely furnlihed large and single rooms: south, exposure: reas.t phone. 1BTIL N.. 202:1-1 rgo, well-rurn. 2d-story loom; private family; Diamond 2H81 W. UTH, N.". .tS3S-F"urn1ihed room in private family: gentleman. Photo at Lmlger Central. 20TH. K.. r.'i-Cheer fully furnished .econdl floor front; running water: phone. BIST. L. 1SS0 Comf, furn. room, refined, open locatlon;breakfast opt. ; real. Wood 302a Y. PRJVATK KAMJLV'bas Boveral comfortable fur. rms. filth and Walnut). Hiring 7237 W, $NK or two beautifully furn rooms, exclusive section. West Phlla. Preston 2281 D. Suburban GBRMANTOWN IN. W. cor. Cbelten and Pu laskiS Deilrable id-floor suite, unfur. ; private bulh, steam heat, porches, lawn, delightful summer and winter, uinvenleot to trolley and train, ISO a month, references exchaned BOOMS RANTED v5n E OIt"TVO "u"n f urnT u nay rooms ." can traT, must be reasonable I. HT. Ledgsr Central. BOARDING PALTIMOHK AK WO-JiUaMuR rsoni. Dllt WLMJfc -SSlBfi pref.; ta4r,d opt,; paoos. BfTOWTs ltW-DdIHBLa VACANCIES. TdilLZ IHJAiVJ. i'imsn. FOR 8ALB OR RENT Cheap: factory. 23,000 square, feet floor space: formerly used as dye. house and hosiery mill, suitable (or plica arooda dsir ana nnunrr; i uuuvrrs s4 imu enslnes. M KM. ledger Office. : OFFICES. IICHINKSS ROOMS, ETC. FOR RENT Phyilclan'a eitabllihment In prl at family; waiting room, consulting room and bedroom; ha been occupied by doctor for 13 yean: beat location In Camden, Call bOS Uenaon at. SMALL OFFICE, central; phoni and itenog. rapher. 702 Abbott Dldg.. Broad rand Race. Desk Room DEait ROOM, central; phone and ttenogra pher. T02 Abbott Bldy.. Broad and Race. ( DESK or onicv rvQiu lur iuv, vuuu noor, -yyelihtman Building. L 163. Ledger Central. I'rofetslpnal Offices. 13TH BT.. S.. 23T-Phyilclan'a office; large. furnished reception room; running water. HUHURDAN AVesttuwn, l'a. OACRW country home at station; ttone man Ion; IT rooms, bath, pantiles, hot-water heat. Attractive property; unfurnished; beautiful lawn; orihard, tenant house: stables: I5 per month. J. 11. Thompson. West Chester. Pa. bKAMUORB Atlantlo City. N. J. lAVrnACriva cheerful, newly turnufted hoiosa, -I bedrooms; Lower ctisltea. J75 ta s.126 per rooiah Write Mr. Bayer, W N. Windsor ate. Atlantic City jiptlOLS, BOARDING IlOUStS. VJLLAS, i&JTTAbES, APAnTMBSTft aoy aesiSnTall locatkas. Atbnttc ty. cheJnM. Veotnuri automobile service. U- G- UABfila 6 CO., Uayuit Bag, , "J Tl : wA rrz.2 ! ml i rvvi lain 1 1 1 1 1 w tj-i r rj 1 m r - iini. 1 r m p-cm iisisisisisB- -hra $laF- sK. ( I fr-4. - MSJ . X f 1 )I -7kW w . Y -v. ..Xrn)i3r M 'Pi. JM IM $ nKrfA-f' . . yAAsiy ' s? virsrw fitx. -i I if yyyCJ - yU J ' ill? A W!n li,,l -S. S cnV-II f iissTsTsTsTsTsa.-. " """""" 1 - rSvJy I iafsraK .ItldRf-lt sceinH to me that I .have seen I I r ejfcar I ' stjsTsTsTslTsi yott heroic I Sy J I 'iiiTsTsBTsI Prisoner You lmo, your tloncxr; It was fc. T ) p 'LMsTaTsiTsI t who taught jour daughter to play tho s7 "s I 'ibTsiTsItsI JudBP Thirty yeitmi-XIuslcal Anierl- V'J' ' llaiaHel can y I ;H .vinKiiiK sure I J The Mnn Of course, you undcrstnntl, f)SH ' I tBTsTsTsTsI dear, thnt our engngement nuiat ho liept ' tl secret? mm -- - . I sbtsTsTsTsTsTsi Tho Woman Oh. ves, dear! I toll ( " ". - ' ' '"iA 8 BTsTsiTsTsi ever hotly that. New York American. ' ist OH " if 9HH AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES f jfH l"llli,ill,'lll rtQTTPfe HAVJEYOU I THIS WLL MAKE I 00? I , ( ;Ei11tH I HHE I rtSTT, NO THE. VMtAIHTS HUNGRY 'L ' iH M H Uw (ftnj nj " (" ' t?nta H lii9TaBTiBTH I terrors 1 ACAGEjaw moicy? ITiTrrrTTTTrn TTrnTnJ Hessie IB I mi -Iffisra EWBf- mMM ' I TESsifspEARSAl A) ( n h&OrY)V VJTWvJ1 tyiSSSff"' H H vms ac urtM S A IWih ll r- I s I XS TO OWtaVC '. HbTsTsiTM OOB AS A MCTvlE. S S YsO L.v -s V strict ntvnAirnf r eHesafafsi rlHiaBeaWllsaTMIWIsTa '"'"'"I'T" ftyQvQNAES AVPCTlTt' (& 4s, 1 8VKWH) fflM (7HA.T CANDY-rtul CVi ! HERE rrtfrTrTTTTT "I Wwpyv-mc Tt-i ....,-. ."TTTrl rBTsffaTsTsral . SPOIL YOUO. QV9r,-i5r. tS" UttEl liJHUiOTnt. T UPW) Tl sHsTsTaTil y 5UPPEB- jt- tSkLa'e ? UOHSLQSE M kki iiH t--i vrW) S I O Jill "A&-rk fl- tt.s--' THEIR- t5T J ill Tali 'raTasTsiTsH gb-sftir IS V L 4TE FEEOS THE Hi P JrT 'll5i Vr I K. Iiohs caaweis. I ' 'J X I "bItw5 A Deep Qupstinii k,, , 88 H Jr , 1 '.- s . ?s ; v ; , , I , - rr"i '. ,' im btstI f smfl mmmmBw' f mm S---e. J7r H7fPflHE -Punch. fl H 4 " tsaTsaTsaTsaTsaTstm4'l)''Hr'f,aBj "Is XIrs- Brown at home?" , mL H aTsaTsflaHfliVsMav ' ' jJ '" "No, mum route marchln'." jHl" IbtH -London Mall &!f&?FZ?" ..tiwsw ,j An(, M I)rown... && BH "I hoar our little boy Is taking lea- -Sketch "Gone to camp." InM .. .. i,o fl,... . - ...-.. - .. . ' "And the chlldrnn."' ' ,:(W1 . . ... ... Mllri. mv hnv? Whv It's nn In nn.'. UOne aCOUtln': an' I 'OD v'OU'.t EX. ilWM V. JSTl "im, ne 1.1 stiiiiins witn a private "7' " ..- - J'iJB K neck cuse me, mum, but I'm J 'J a at thti mfl footer." The Bantam Whose neck? drill 'an rneself." f IB fl WHEN GERMAN BOMBS ARE BURSTING The BuII-dog Breed ' I fl S m -tJLea 1 1 W.'mB J ) l tf'urm' wSnsrfL. ' omcer Now, my lad, do you know Mj 'H JiiyZatMBsMiv itSi"K wlmt ou re PBced nere 'or? iK 1tH J2r TtflHIN iJ?iefVvCrJUSate Recruit-To prevvnt the lieneniy Jmt H s Ajflsfll iJS&A 0i V ' ,rom ,a,uIln "r- law m grt?TS'Sar5? v W I 111 -T omcer-And do you think that ou JH BBM 1 - Q51 sL r could ptevent him landing all by T 'mm fljfl 1 " M yourself? 'iaSsaTsaVfl Tatier. Itecrult Don't Know, sir, I'm sure. 91- HH How Mrs. Swell's cellar parly wag ap oiled a London scene. Il'l I'd havo a dam good t-yl ' -.- iWm BHh -fJsaTsi saHlfl HUBBY HAS ALREADY STARTED BEING LATE FOR DINNER ON ACCOUNT OF THE HALL GAMES HsarsTarafld srs " - tHHafl U sL Ww0- sS wwiwwMiiai SWm home Wbs ll 1 wswvrmmmML mm, . .: . m m m $ - Jl