ST EVENING fDBBGER-PHIUADELPHI SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915; I W 1 IN W0RLD 0F PHOTOPLAYS 1 .; X.Swjff I TBWliSByy Preferred to walk, -were a few of tho lncl- motion pictures of tho European war XsN. Jjy i .l.JFvy d0"ts lil?fc mndo lho trlP Interesting shown this week nt the Forrest Thcatro VX ZhJSr m - J.I10 Vltncranh Cnmrmnv .in) nrnnlrl ntnine io niichi.. f t,. r utim N c T J. J s a -a--- x ., .... w' . MV.l 1IIU flUCi'lbVO Ul IMU (il Ulllllir - r ,4r HOT ELY, UT7DWG ?0r or rs QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The rholoplny Kdltor of the Etcnlng Tilr will lio pleased to nnswer ques tions relating to Ills department. )ucs tloo relating to family nffnlrs of nctovs ucl actresses nro Imrrcd nbsolutcly. Queries will not bo nnswered by letter. 11 letter mint lio addressed to l'hoto plr Editor, Evening ledger. ?A legal battle, -which rIvcs every lndl ellon of bclns both lon dr.uvn nnd Wter, between tho Balboa Amusement Producing Company, of Long Bcacli.'Cal., dm ,um side, and D. "W. GillIUli, tho tded motion jilcturo producer, tho JIu tal rilm Company and Henry B Wnl thll, on tho other, was begun In tho mts of l-o Angeles this wcclt, when lit Balboa Company sued out a writ of fetanctioii to restrain Walthall from Ilipcarlng hi am pictures other than those produced h It. HValthall, who will appear In tho Chest tot Street Opeia IIouso production of The Avenging Conscience," beginning April 5, Is recognlred by film producers lad photoplnjcrs as tho Ddwln Booth of fit nrnfVflslnn jThe writ cites Walthall to appear In lio Superior ouri in .os -uit:n: u Monday to show causp why tho Injunc tion should not bo mads permanent and hr lie should not bo restrained from Jttlns with Grinith or tlio Mutual poople. fAccordlng to the complaint In the In junction suit, tho Balboa Company main tains that on tho 20th day of November, ml nnd mi tho 4th dnv of lanuan, 1011 4Wj.ltrm.II entered Into .a contract with tne Balboa company, ugrccuiK i" leuuun In its service until Januaiy , 1916. at ,iv nf fn ?ini uprk fnr the llrst tilx months, and $330 per week for the second six months. It ullcges that on tuo Kth of March ho oult Its employ without cause and has refused to return. Tfto acts of tho case, so far as can bo learned here, arc that Walthall quit tho tllutual allot tho moductlon of "Tho Sciansman" nnd Hlgned with the Tatho Company. Tho Balbo.i Company men ou tlined his scrtltcs. After "Tho Birth of ' Nation" wus shown and n.chloed Its monumentnl hupccss. It is reported that the Mutual people, became eager to again Fll.-i ,ir-in.-ii 1 ..,.......3 ln,n ,l,n iwiaui iniuiuu ami emcicu uw ... "negotiations which resulted, nt an ad vance hi salary. In his return to tho Mutual fold. .Vltpnirrnnli Ainu, a 'Mnfnti Ralph W. luce and his company of Jltasraph Players, Including Anita Stew art, Enrlo Williams, Paul Scardon and 11 others, who journeyed to Bat Cave, N. C, to film special scenes for tho Vlta R,'i serial, "Tho Goddess," had somo Jatjrestlng experiences whllo away, cspe Billy Sllss Stewart, who had nocr before TUited any part of tho Southland. Being frightened by one of a chain gang, who the thought was an escaped com let, talking sit miles between bccnes over iountalnous roads and paths, living prin tlpslly on eggs and fried chlcUen nnd ilelng the principal In a runaway on tho lay home, to say nothing of a 20-mlIe rldo fit auto nnd mulo team out nnd back to ijiendersonvlllc, N. C their last rall ilpid point, over roads that wcro so steep rtn . ........... , , , c.-.....i u muiuw 111 nuiut) piucea iiimii oicwuit pestnutSt.; OPERA HOUSE Horns of World's (lruteat FhOtODlaTI (Aft-.l:30 to 4:30 10c, 18c, 23c, Includ )lt Sats. Eenlnr 7:30 to 10:30 10c. f JJc, & Few 00c. Including Saturdays f LAST WEEK! i STARTS MONDAY ! J STUPENDOUS PHOTO-SPECTACLB W rTHlIM A f VI 1 I Hall Caine jjTWCE DAII,T 2:30 AND 8:30 P. M. Preceded by Chaplin Comedies DEOINN1NQ MONDAY, APRIL 8 The Biggest Thrill Yet ! ! 1 P. W. Griffith's Masterpiece EMPRESS THEATRE main btreet, manayunk. 4njl)loa Mat. and Evening 5 and 10o TODAY Win. Farntim in .Henri Bernstein's Great Drama r- pAmUiN 5 Acts I NOT A BIBWCAI. STOKY. pming Monday March 29 .OFFICER 666 -i Also paries Chaplin in ABY5T0WE COMEDY F r-,ii - ffpj.gliiM -mi i in 'rilffiTi -itr fTrrnnii iirifTnTirni m iriiiimliTrasWWpfriuWflBsTffliM preferred to walk, were a few of tho Inci dents that mndo tho trip Interesting Tho Vltngraph Company lias acquired from n I chard Itnrdlng Dals tho rights to plcturlzo his story, "Playing Dead,' which appeared recently In one of the popular magnzlncs lho plctiirlrntlon for tlio scicen will bo made by Sldncv Drew, who will bo seen In tho principal char acter, supported by Mrs Drew An Important nnnounrcment b the Vltngraph Company of Interest to moving picture patrons It tho lately formed Mau rice Costcllo-Van Dyko Brooke combina tion, In which Mr. Costello will bo seon In pictures directed by Mr. Brooke. Mr. Costello Is gllng up directing that ho may dcoto all his tlmo to tho Interpreta tion of characters. It Is two years since theso two gentlemen worked together In such A'ltngraph successes as "My Old Dutch," "Tho Adventures of a Itctired Army Colonel," "A Romance of Wnll Street," "For tho Honor of the Family," etc , and the experience gained during tho two years In which they worked Inde pendently will add materially to the qual ity of their work In tho forthcoming pic tures. Great War Pictures The new edition of thiilllng closes tew yD e c UlglfV1 r,.K.aPlstinctivft'' i Kriterion Service is acknowledged by 102 exhibitors lo be equal to if not better than nny service that is now on the market. This service consists of 18 reels per week. Two-reel features and a comedy furnished daily. The Kriterion comedies are mecUiiB with great success. Have you seen our Kriterion Carton Comedies? Our advertising matter on this service is far superior to that of any other company. It would be to your advantage to hook up with the Kriterion band wagon. WA-icii ion. Tin; KitiTi:itio. star imioductions KRITERION FILM CO. 1309PII$Se A. G. STEEN, Vice President and General Manager The Sequel to St. Elmo, the Film You Have All Been Waiting for HENRY B. WALTHALL in "Beulafi Taken By THE ELECTRIC THEATRE SUPPLY CO., 13TH AND VINE STREETS Coming release in Six-Part Feature made by Balboa from tragic story laid in old Louisiana closely following novel. 1337 VINE ST. PHILADELPHIA iMC vi"'efcgy v$iIAi NOW BOOKING The EVENING LEDGER'S REAL WAR PICTURES Direct from the Forrest Thentre, Philadelphia, breaking all records and now playing its fourth successful week. Wire or phone for open dates. Positively the biggest winner of the season. ALSO BOOKING ALICE IN WONDERLAND A Production of That Immortal Dream of Childhood AND THE FRANK CASE FORREST rnUitdtlphla'a Ilandtoraeat TutaUa SAMUEL F. NIXON SSSSS 25c and 50c AIXi SEATS BKSEIIVKD EVENING LEDGER'S REAL WAR PICTURES Fit Iliatory-MiklDC DUplay Aaywbtrs of Stupendously Stmatlonul, boul-Stlrrlne. Aclul l'Jrlne-LJn Motion Fllma at the World'i OteatMt Conflict, Secured at niilc et Uf d IJrab by 8pcll Crp ( Camera Cxpcrt. INTIMATE VIEWS OF EVERY EUROPEAN BATTLEFIELD fncjwh. irtnch, )tuUa. OtrmfH, AmtrUo end JJ!tun Artoltt In Dyer3t. ComUt. iUtr WUbtlm ftt Ui trout. Oormauy' IVmoua la Ctniimnicu Uun In Atlloo, IBoartnda vt Ogse-V'tag PtWte motion pictures of tho European wnt shown this week nt the Forrest Thcatro under tho auspices of tho nENiNn Lnnapn, created such a profound Impres sion and sensational success that this latest series of actual lows from the front will bo continued for nct week only The I'one't Thcatro wai crowded at cer showing of the pictures Inst week, nnd no one should mlsi tho few remaining oppor tunities of seeing theso genuine, stirring, nnd nt times, terrifying pictures taken In tho thick of tho European battles by fear less camera men, who wero so close to tho firing lines that they not only ran risk of death nt any moment, dodging nboit from 'arloui haznrdous nntago points, but In moro than ono Instance, tho motion picture machine wcro shot away. As usual, tho war pictures will bo glen twlco dally, beginning on Monday matinee, afternoons nt 2:30 and nights at 8:30. A near and clear understanding of tho films Is presented by Paul K. Clymcr, who gives Interesting explications and npt comments on tho various scenes nnd wnr episodes as they aro presented on tho screen. Odds and Ends Grlfllth's wonderful film, Ing Conscience," based on "'Hie Aveng Kclgnr Allen 99 BELL PHONE WALNUT 1232 - if QJJ ipr SEATS NOW SELLING FOR NEXT WEEK THOMAS SI. X.OVK. Duuiei Slimier 6IIOWN Til ICE 2:308:30 fSTLL MAGDO, Too's stor, "Tho Tclltnlo Heart," xvlll bn iihown nt tlio Chestnut Street Opera Houso, bCKltuiliiR April G. "Tho lilrth of a Nntlon" -will not be seen lit this city until nutumn. It drew $11 000 last seclc In New York, tho ecconcl Inrpcit receipts of nny thcatro In that city. lho ball of tho Screen Club of America nlll bo held In Baltimore, on April 12. A largo iAibln and VltUEraph delegation will attend Tho hcarlne on tho constitutionality of Barrist & Co. 214 North 8th Street Sell Profitable Picture Theatres rniCES $400 to $100.000. Both phone. WORLD FILM CORPORATION rjlESENTS VIVIAN MARTIN Remembered for Her Splradld Work In "Tho Wishing Itlng" IN The Arrival of Perpetua IN C ACTS WORLD FILM CORPORATION, 1314 Vine Street READ PHOTO-PLAY REVIEW Published Every Tuesday 5c a Copy 'S,'S. ' ss? S ,V . AS . . V t ,XV . VI TAG RAP H PROMINENT PERSONAGES LITTLE MARY ANDERSON AUDREY BERRY ritHiP ACTRESS BILLY BILLINGS JACK BRAWN VAN DYKE BROOKE NAOMI CHILDERS BOBBIE and HELEN CONNELLY GEORGE COOPER ARTHUR COZINE FRANK CURRIER NICHOLAS DUNAEW WILLIAM DUNN EDWARD ELKAS FLORA FINCH HELEN GARDNER BETTY GRAY" JULIA SWAYNE GORDON JOE HALPIN MAE HALPIN GLADDEN JAMES ZENA KEEFE DOROTHY KELLY JOHN T, KELLY ANNA LAUGHLIN HARRY T. the censor law will como up Ih th Su premo Court, this city, next Monday. William N. Selltf, president of tho Hetlff Polyscope Company, who returned recent ly from Tanama, where lio viewed lho work of nimlrip scenes for "Tho Ko'er-Do-Wcll," ncx lleach's novel, expects lo leavo In the nenr futuro for los Anscle!, where lio will be present when tlio new SellR JunKlc-Zoo Is formally opened to tho public. Tlio Universal rilm SlanufnclurlnB Company Is not In tho market for sce narios at tlio present tlmo and will not accept nny until further notice Answers to Correspondents ItOWAttD 'A. BCHCLEK-Kattm Company. 21B Wwt 23d ntrt, New York city. Inker Film Comrny, Hollywood, Oil., Easanay Film Manufacturing Company, 1333 Argylo street, Chicago. KATHIUNH ntNES-"ttlll print picture! jou detlro In tho courn of time VIKEUAND II, S BTUDKNT-Only on w know of tho rathe, 1 Congress aenue, Jersey Cltv. UIjAIND V Tlia rnmotia l'lajera' Film Company, 213 tl 26(h atreot, SVn York, n 111 aend jou a photograph of Marguerite ( lark In a scene from 'The Crucible" upon receipt nf a request from ou Inclosing I", cents In stamps . ,. HAltATt 8 "Tim County Chairman was the flrat play written by Georgo Ade, and may BELMONT S2d Above Market St. Entire Week of Mar. 29 Mary Pickford in rtErnivroirtE Mon. "THE EAGLE'S MATE" Tues. "CAPRICE" Wed. "HEART'S ADRIFT" Thurs. "IN THE BISHOP'S CARRIAGE" Fri. & Sat. "BEHIND THE SCENES" Five Shows Dally 1 3, " 7 P P M C9d St. Theatre " 52d & Sansom Streets II MON. and TUES. MAB MATtHII In 'Tim OUTCAST," Ity Thos Nelson Tags Another Thrilling Mutual MaBterplece. GABY DESLYS WED. Bensatlon of Two Continents In n Hmasiung nig success, THUMB. HER THIUMI'JI" 1 Seo Gab) a New Dances! Fnr. and SAT. THE DEVII, ' Film Version of Molnar"H Ktrange Gripping 1'lny, With EDWAItl) I COSNEI.t.Y AND nusain itArtniscALE Matlneo at 2 30 1' M i:enliigsO10tn 11 P M Sat Continuous 1 to 11 P M ft. THE A" i ii m $1.00 a Year . .X . -. vN . . N X . . . NX .. X VS. V f RICHARD LESLIE FRANK LE STRANGE HUGHIE MACK ESTELLE MARDO MARY MAURICE THOMAS MILLS GARY McGARRY KARIN NORMAN MURIEL OSTRICHE EVART OVERTON KATE PRICE EDWINA ROBBINS ALBERT ROCCARDI TEMPLER SAXE PAUL SCARDON WILLIAM SHEA ANITA STEWART EDITH STOREY NORMA TALMADGE ROSE TAPLEY WALLY VAN LILLIAN WALKER CHARLES WELLESLEY EARLE WILLIAMS MOREY S -r he had In book form. "Tha Lost Paradise" hi never been published on n. book, and 'Tha Country Mouse." la also an original scenario. New Motie Weekly Tlio second Issue of th Photoplay IteWen a new weekly published In Ibl eil, show decided Improvement ocr the flrnt Issue, It la dented, as Its name Implies to the motion Picture art,, nnd Is rlttcn and Issued for general reading. At ell and prnfuel Illustrated. It contains much reading matter or Interest, together with n, iomprehcnsle New Vork letter. .Token ns a whole. It promises much, and ,Iicro appears lo be eery Indication of its lUltlniito success. flARnPM M,i " nn,l VJKLE.IN i,andowne Ate. "M'l IQC!t Iralurliig , " WSJ ltnrlmra 'lennnnt IRIS THEVTiti: rmiAV iiio Kensington Allegheny Ates "THE QUEST' '"i?,;,?'" Bookett Thru I.htlllnrs Iloolilng Ofllce MR. BARRY O'NEIL I Feature Productions I GEORGE W. TERWILLIGER Director Author Hotel Aleainr, St. Augiisllne, Fl. JOSEPH KAUFMAN Director Leads JOSEPH W. SMILEY Director Leads EDGAR JONES Director Leads ARTHUR JOHNSON Director Leads JOHNEriNCE Director 9 I IIDIPC PROMINENT 'if & LUDill U PERSONAGES 4lA rROIHTCI.SO "ROAD O' STRIFE" riioTOfiitAriiED nv WILLIAM BLACK and A. LLOYD LEWIS CRANE WILBUR MARY CHARLESON "Road o' Strife" "Road o' Strife" ARTHUR HOTALING Mannglnc Director, Southern Studio, IncksnnvllleIlorldn. JAMES L. DALY Characters WILBERT MELVILLE Director Western Company, I ns Angeles, Cal. WILLIAM HTTURNER" Characters Comedy RUTH BRYAN IMIENUE I.EDS Mr, HnrryOell'sC ompany FRANKIE MANN Injrenuc Direction Harry 0XelI r PATSY DE FOREST Ingenue Leads WILLIAM W. COHILL Juveniles Jos. W. Smiley Co. "The T-ot of Women," "Tragedy of tlm Hills." FRANCIS JOYNER CHARLES F. LEONARD Chnrneters "THE lAA(iEI.IST EARL METCALF T-oads Terwllllger Company Hotel Alcniar. St. Augustine, Da. GEORGE SOULE SPENCER Feature Productions Leads WALTER HITCHCOCK "The Climbers" JUSTINA HUFF LEADS Hire tlonof EdgnrTone JACK STANDING Leading Man FLORENCE HACKETT Leading Heavies ITCHELL MILDRED GREGORY Leads KEMPTON E. GREENE Juveniles Terwilliger Co. harryTsHloomes- I cat urc In It Mine & I to pine & All Clinr actcrw Knmyn In U eatern Atmonplif re, CHARLES BRANDT CLARENCE JAY ELMER As PATSY In "PATSY HOIIVAR" fihllll.S FRANK SMILEY ... . . 'IRoad o strif Arthur Wm. Matthews jp fl S. Huh HUKs In Hie College Wdoir ity&O sV l-vJ Dentun hiartold In Tlio Evnncellst Characters -: - JOHN SMILEY GEORGE CLARKE IIKV1Y CHARACTERS T, MR. HARRY O'NEIIS j'o"""-. SnilleV Company. 1 EYIURE I-KOIIUOTIUNS "r.nrDT p PDAUiM in EDWARD LUCK ROBERT E. GRAHAM, JK. assistant uir. ctoh Ylth Mr, Harry 0'NelPsCo. I.dgar Jones Co. "LnTLEELEANORnDUNN "J. H. De WOLFF mu. nuA Actress ,,'"r ArMOHPHKRE nlth lne -niia Actress hesti'iru in-il.muou R. WANGEMANN ED A.DE WOLFF rhirintfr T Mrlq "DltLC. 11RROR" unci inaracter eaas "patsy houyah" shrh.s " EDWARD B. TILTON DOROTHY DE WOLFF L.u.YR'iH.NiuiMPANV Queen of Juveniles DAISY EVANS frank daniels GEORGE J. GOWEN ' rTT RFDT T7I V Edgar Jones Company VlliDI-i x -l- 1 MARGARET MOORE " NANATBARTTES HEYYIEH CHAKYCT'ERS JOSEPH KAJirilAN CO. Direction E1IOAR JONL.S EDWAKYcAEJ,?srr DOUGLAS SIBOLE JOS. . hMll.hi CO. LAJBIIN PHOTO THE IN THE Wonderful 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Reel Features Every WeeU FILM PRODUCTIONS OF GREAT DRAMATIC SUCCESSES BY GREAT AUTHORS Sir Henry Arthur Jones Wlllam Vaughn Moody Harrison Grey Fiske J. Hartley Manners Plays by our Staff Writers Lawrence McCIoskey, Clay M. Greene, George Terwilliger, Emmett Campbell Hall, Romaine Fielding, Shannon Fife, Harry Chandlee, Norbert Lusk, Adrian Gil-Spear, et al LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY PhUadelpliia, PennsylvaniR CThfetfSP JEFFERSON njSBriiSrt. , Zudora nnd Tho Fallen Idol rjHJLPEHOCKEN TZlA'nl I HEArttn KTiir.i, iiAititi moke In OJIAV THE NIUHTINtJALE Exhibitora' IJookitiB Oniccs, Ine rAPlTAfi HTOfK $23,000 1339 VINE STREET OitHANlZFIl AMI OPhKATEn sot.i.r.i (nit MtrtAf, hhnkexc oh' EMimirous Not for Amjoiio'h Personal ProBt Eonklngs obtnlneil for all classes of B lec t Feature Photoplays at best prices riionea Walnut 7242. Haco 3160 Wnlrli for Announcement of J.lst of Theatres In Our Orgnnlrntlnn, GLADYS HANSON Kspeclallr Engageit for J'rntnro Prodnc llons ullli Mr. O'.Nell. ORMI HAWLEY Inils Ternllllger Company Hotel Alcaiar. St. Augustine, Fl. ETHEL CLAYTON Leads LILIE LESLIE Leads LOUISE HUFF Leads ROMAINE FIELDING Actor Author Director JOE BOYLE Assistant Director MAY HOTELY . LEADS .TnckonTllle, 1'lorldn, Stmllo CLARA LAMBERT Characters PETER LANG Characters JAMES J. CASSADY Characters IPS. W. SMII.EY COMPANr VELMA WHITMAN Iads T.ubln's Western Company LosAiigeles, ml. L. C. SHUMWAY Ind X,iibln' Ufitcrn Companf jtanitriri, tni. ROBERT GRAY Tads Luhln's Western Company Iis Angeles, Cnl. PERCY WINTER Director Actor EDITH RITCHIE- Feature Productions tilth Mr. O'Neil. jack Mcdonald Character Mnn "PATSY HOI.IVAK" SERIES FERDINAND TIDMARSH V Hit TiAItKr O'NEIf.'B ALTSTAH CO. LOUIS MORTELLE 1IEAMES lMgnr .fones Comimny. BERNARD SIEGEL Characters ALAN QUINN "SPOUTING DUCHESS" with Hon Cogh lan nnil "DISTRICT ATIOHNEV GEO. S. BLISS Old Trapper In THE TRAI'PMfS REENGE WILLIAM H. RAUSCHER Juvenile JACK 1,R1.L'E In 1'atsr llolhnr Series ELEANOR BLANCHARD Charneter Leads ARTHUR JOHNSON'S COMPANY ELEANOR BARRY With Mr. O'Nell'a Company "FLORENCE WILLIAMS" Characters Queen nf CarvlLa tinted nt Ten Millions MARIE W. STERLING Characters PEGGY ANDERTON MRS. CLARENCE JAY ELMER PLAYS BEST WORLD Cecil Raleigh George Ade Clyde FiUh Edwin Arden Charles Klein Winchell Smith Eugene Walter George Hobart Itaing-J 1 I i fa