Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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&VBmmf imSDKB-PHILADLPHlAl, SATTJRBAT, !&KUtr!H 21, 1915:
Author of "The Kcd Mouse," "Tho Running Fight," "Catspaw," Etc.
(CoryrlsM, 1914, McBrlde, Nnat & Co.)
On board ft. transatlantic liner, returning
fi6m Kuropo, Craig Iluthrford tntls In
love with a Koman, a Mr Talcott fche
eetns 14 be troubled n mmethltiK. hut Ic
tuses hi help, atin nt nd n.nsi of Hi time
with her Invalid husband Aim m boat''
i J. Uaron Helderin.in, an iiiuiiupuloua
flnaiicler, nlici makoa a bualnem proposition
to Hlitherford, and In a comeintlon laya
that he niapei-i tho ralcotts o( something
He directs attention to a bin buckle worn
by Mrs. Talcott. Later Helderman bribes
the Klreleta operator to let him tako a.
.The message he takea la that a Jual1
diamond necklace Is beln atnugslcd Into
thf country. An elderly man and ft Joun
Ionian are guilty Again suspicion l '
reeled ngahikt the Talcotla. Later Mrs
Taleotl g attacked by a ruffian, who nt
t'mpls to anat'h the blue buckle from hr
Crtlg nutherroril rescues her lolloivlng
tli. woman he loves he catches a glimpse
of her In Helderman's eulte nlth her irma
about hla neck.
At the dock, New York, Mrs. Tab olt
forces her way Into Craig's cab and asks
hint to drive her home. As they examine
tits house Craig nttempts to declare hit.
lo t. but .Mr Talcott'ii a olio la heard.
Horning hint of hla nre.en c
iralg then finds that he lias been made a
tool lor the smugglers In Ivs pockets are
the htuo buckle and the string of diamonds
nuftla-. breik Into the 10 m. and again
th voice of Mr. TaUotl sues the d.iy.
Crnle keeps the blue buckle for sa'cty
and turn the diamonds over to th ocrct
ferric agents. They tell him that 'lol'lei -man
has been seen at his home every Hlgnt
for the last two weeks. Craig goes himself
to Investigate and through the glass wail
or Jtelderman'a house he sees that gentle
man parading up and dtmn crile i uir
on lilm Helderman exhibits his dogs. wo
bloodhound' Khtcli n.-e nbaolutelv under
hl .onirol. Thy talk about the mug
filing Incident. . .. , . i
Uulherfnrrl fllirln nul that til men who
have attacked both him and Mrs rah-otl.
re empioved by Mls Arany who wit;
I-o on the boat with him Mis llco'l
confesses that she Is leallj Mle lllIHe
1'nltantjnc. There nre two blue huskies.
ta U n? which beara half an Ins' i Ipllon
Th whole Is a cluo to hidden fortun.
In connection with which la a paper f re
Ing her father from suspicion of swindling
Craig, Insisting that he will help Mlsa
BallantMie to the foitune which Is right
fully hers, confesses hla love for her
Helacrman Impersonates a lawjer acting
for the nrm which has the se ond b up
buckle, and attempta to get the Inscription
trom Miss Ballantyne's buckle, but la re
fused Hla villainy Is discovered when tho
real lawyer appears
CHAPTER XX-(Continueri).
She suddenly forsook her half-silent
attitude, and drew close to him with a
gesture half confidential, half appealing.
"But I can't wait until tomorrow," she
aid. "You don't know bow Important it
Is that I get possession or It today! Now
you won't bo horrid nnd stubborn, will
"Why?" asked Craig, smiling .it her
sudden 'coquetry, anil willing to lead her
"A woman's tcason because. 1 can't
tell you nil about It, today. But If you
will help me now by Just not being stub
bornthere Is nothing I wouldn't do al
most!." "Why, the 'almost'?" he parried quizzi
cally, She laid her warm hand cagerb. al
most fiercely, upon his romewhat pale
one. Her soft breath fanned his check.
"Yes! Why say "almost?' the repeated.
"You cold American men know not how
the heart beats in our sunnier clime! The
whole, wide world beckons us, baying,
Come, my children!' We have the key
to a great fortune which will bring us
happiness! And et you refuse me the
key until 'tomorrow' and you sit here
and sav, 'Why almost?' "
Itutherford suddenly awoke to the tact
that she was making love to him and
he wondered, manlike, how much thu
bluo buckle had to do with It.
He seized her hand In his own. "Do
you mean It?" he whispuicd.
"Can you not see?" he auswcied, with
meaning glance.
"But why this haste, today?" he asked,
still caressing the hand left Milling in
his owit. "Why not wait until I can
help you claim this fortune? I1 on
xnere are other and powcrrin torcesyrr
.i worn, ueur, nib earn, uiikciuk "n,witi.u
aai tYutu tliii ,i cudAiut, I'uii, 4jie.r
do not wait, and neither must wc. I
must get the buckle before they can
plan against us. I must act at once."
"Then will vou let me see j ou tomor
row?" he asked softly.
"Not tomorrow, Craig, as I shall have
to go away to obtain my property. I
shall have to go South then I will hurry
back to you'"
She must go South Craig's mind
leaped Instantly to the contradictory
news items of the morning's paper.
Helderniah was going South, on a hasty
mission, What more natural than that
this woman, his accomplice, should also
be going1, and that slip should be des
perately In need of the buckle to com
plete her chain of proofs?
Rutherford was undergoing- a complete
change of heart. He now realized, be
yond the shadow of doubt, how Infinite
ly superior was Blllle Baltantyne to Hip
woman who now contested her claim,
and seemlpgly so convincingly. He be
lieved It quite possible thnt this ad
venturess would play him ngulmt Helder
man. or Helderman agnlnst him, with
no compunction beyond her own imme
diate desires.
He gently released her hand, nnd
reached for the telephone receiver.
"Wjiat are you going to do?" she
nckeiT, again placing her hand on his
"Why, telephone downtown." lie re
plied, casually. "Vou see, I don't keep
the buckle here In my rooms. Too many
people have evinced an Interest in It!
I have It stowed away safe In a vault
downtown, and I thought I could tele
phone "
"Why, give yourself that trouble. Craig,
dear?" She was slowly pushing the re
ceiver out of his reach, although she
never took, her eyes off his face.
''Why give yourself that trouble? Just
let me have an order ou the trust com
pany; or send your key down by your
man. with me to accompany him."
Itutherford half smiled. Her fear nf
the telephone had removed the last
lingering doubt in his mind. His voice
took on a mare business-like tone.
"No, Miss Arany, that Is Impossible.
Assuming that you are the rightful own.
er of the blue buckie. there Is another
claimant These rival claims constitute
tit.' mcrrlj n stakc-holcler. Until thpy
mo t"cl(lctt, I can drllvcr the blue buckle
to neither claimant."
Miss Arnny Mood up. Jlcr eyes shot
"You linvo been playing villi me when
t offered jou-my heart"' slin alormed.
"No, Miss Amny. It Is you tliat liavo
been playltiB with me. Yotl do not love
inc half as tniirli as-the blue bucltlc!"
"la tills final?" slip asked.
"It is," lie replied.
"You force nip then, Mr. Kutlierford,
t. demand what Is mine. I demand the
blue buckle."
"1 cannot aceedp to .lour demand, at
aiiv rate, today "
"1 must tpll nu thnt you refuse at .our
peril!" she exclaimed: and Cralpr knew
that for mien lio onoko the truth.
"Ncverthclcs, I am compelled to re
fuse," lip replied, with studied politeness.
Slio ronrlicd quickly for the note he had
laid beside hint on the table, thrust It
swiftly Into the bnff with the other papers,
ittid with a celerity that was tuirprhlnp;
alio dirtt-il nut of the room without a
uord of farewell.
t'lnlR tried tit ilse and Intercept her,
but at the Mrs! motion n. sharp twinge
In his back made him renllre hli help
lessness. He sank back and tiled to reach
the bell. It had been placed Just out of
hl tench, with the telephone.
"iloole.v!" he crird sharply, not once
hut several times. .
Mlko licird Hip 'note of excitement In
bin master's vtilir and came Into the room
1)11 It I mi
"Mem, art Into ,our coal!" shouted
finis. "Hun after that larlv! Don't lot
hci escape j on." See If she Coos In this
lip sciibblcd off the number of the
house on the Drive, while Mike wilircled
into Ills coal and crabbed his lint, do-
lighted with the prospect of a ehnse. Th
lie v t moment the Irishman luwl feized the
piece of paper and was going down tho
stairs three at a time, not waiting for
the elevator.
liooley had scarcely departed, leaving
his master alono In the apartment, when
tlm telephone boll rang. IJuthciford
leaned back In his chnlr and surveyed the
Instrument Just out of reach.
iiumpli! Seems to be my busy daV"
hp muttered.
Nevertheless, he made no effort to get
hold ot the receiver lie wns not in foim,
either as to costmnp or physicallv, to te
cpIvo vlsltois, especially some of the visit
ors who had taken lo coming In un
awares of lnte. With Mike cone, discre
tion was certainly the better pai of
The bell rang and then rang again. Tho
operator seemed possessed ot llmiltpss
energy. Rutherford glowered, but lot ll
ring. After teveral minutes' disturbance
Its user grew tiled and desisted Ruther
ford heaved a sigh of icllcf to?e with
an crfort and prepared lo make a painful
leturn lo his bed.
Sonic one knocked Ho glowered at tlip
door, but tho knocking continued. It was
gentle and uncertain, its though the other
person were in two minds, whether to
continue or to run awa
yrulg hesitated, then rem-hed for his
Pistol and went to Imestlgnto With the
weapon In his pocket, and much cleserlp
tlvti language readv at his tonguo's end
to launch at the intruder, he opened the
Plt steal weakness Induced by over
powering amazement was all that pre
vented him shutting It again. The grnv
gown, the black hat, and the cluster o'f
violets told him that his locent, dls
quieting visitor had returnrrt. vi,n. ,-
struggled with himself fv.,- .n..k
btlmi, the lady spoke.
"Mr. Itutherford?
The voice was low
nnrl fiiulm.a t
roust frigluened-but ho recognized It.
It'll ll o rraeti . .. ... .
" "" ai: oi Hs-conisnmenl. He
opened the door to Rllllc Hallantvnp
"Am I seeing double today?" li0 talrt
weakly, nnd collapsed Into a straight
chair near the door.
"Oh! Vou ate ill! I ,nve been m,
alarmed-please let me do something'"
she begged, coming toward lilm, her
hands clasping nnd unclasping nervouslv
while her anxious ryes studied ids faie
Intently. She seemed to have Blown sud
denly pale.
"It's n kind of a crick in .,. i i.
l, ..i.i ni..i.. ...... w.
.. ..,u ubimy. coining to worry over"
He endeaored to rise easily, but made
a wry; face in spite of himself. She was
Instantly at tils sdilp. helping him.
"Please let me help ou over tu our
big chair," she said. "Oh, I'm so sorry
to have disturbed you!"
Rutherford laid his band as easily as
possible on her shoulder. With her strong
young hands supporting lum, tic let her
lead him back to Ills chair He saw the
rich red blood rush to her cheeks, but
she never faltered In her setr-lniposed
"There!" she said, with h little slch
The second satisfied little exclamation
came when she tucked n cushion behind
him. and watched him lean against it
Craig was In the seventh heaven. There
Is nothing a man loves mi much as to
bo coddled and made much of especially
If It Is done by some attractive nnri ..
slve young woman in whom he Is inter
ested. And Billle Baltantyne had that
sweet womanliness which, by a sort of
Intuition, knows iit onco the right one
of the dozens of delightfully feminine
means to make men happy.
"I shouldn't have come up I shouldn't
have come up at all jou see. but the
clerk said he hail Just seen your man
go out, and probably you couldn't an
ewer the telephone. And father "
"He Is here?"
"He Is waiting In the reception loom
Indeed, I am so sorry that we have had
to disturb you again that you are hurt
this way' but' the matter is very ur
gent "
Her hesitating explanation came to a
sudden stop. Craig drifted out of his
selfish state of bliss to the realization
th.nl she was fighting hard with her emo
tions, Jt had coat her pi lite a Rood deal to pay
tlilft visit, and now she was battling with
that, n leal concent for his condition, and
the Urgency of their own ticed.
"My dear Mis tJallantyno!" lie ex
claimed, nil kindness and courtesy. "Why
apologize for n Mslt which, 1 nssUro oti.
Klves me the greatest pleasure In the
world! I'leasn sit down or, If you wish
to call your fattier "
"I,et me talk things over just with you
flrBt, please," she replied, with n llttlo em
barrassment, but taklnc the piorfered
chair. Then her pent-up feelings could
not be restrained, and sho burst out with:
"Oh, Mr. Itutheifordl The worst ha-s
happened ! My papers and the second blue i
buckle are stolen I"
Rutlicrfon! wns genulnels loilclud 1 l
Iit dislipas, knowing what the lo". i
meant to her. He nodded nnd said
Uletl, in order not to play upon her
"Yes, I know nboul It t have even
seen your papers again."
"f'cen them again! Wheio? Oh, tell
me. please!"
"Miss Arnny showed them to nic here.
thN aflornonn."
"Miss Arnny!" she breathed. "1 know
It was she!"
Tim gird wltlidtow her eyes Irani Ills
fate, nnd n puzled, tllsriuletpd look fitted
across lier fratuies. Could Craig by any
posslhillt be In league Willi these
othorsV Every onn itsp seemed to be
against her, and why not he' Itul she
instantly dismissed tlm tbought us mi-
i orth. and
iiiicp more lifted frank
c.vcs lo bis.
Cialg must hap divined snnicthlni
! "r her thought, for he made haste to ex
I l'Inl."
Your c.vmesslnn convinces me," lie
f-atd. "of n fact that J had nlteady set
tled pretty well in my own mind."
"And what is that?" she asked, In n
constrained voice.
"That you did not write me a letter
"Why no! If I hnd written you a let
ter, why call?"
"Exactly! And I piefcr the call any
way! I towei or that may be In comes
this young lady and she Is a charming
ouiik lady and she piotlllccs the papers,
lour papers, mind ou, to piovn that
she and not you la the rightful claimant,
the only Miss Uallant.wip worth on-
s-lclcrliiR. and she produces such con
vincing proofs that she is the leal owner
of blue buckle number one, and "
"i Hi," gasped his startled nitdltor. lay
ing a trembling hand upon his blccie,
"you didn't give her my buckle, did
"Bless j, our heart, child no. Hut
what Is a chap to do when he is shown
an order for the buckle signed by Miss
Bn11antnp herself."
"You mean a letter from me'"
"Ve, signed by you, apparently, sealed
anil iIpIIvpiciI by tnp other person: on
your own stationery, too."
Thp girl was too surprised and alarmed
to i nmmeiit for a moment-. Then sho
"It Is upless for nip to tell jou I never
wrote any such letter I never did, of
coin so. Will you let me see It?"
"I'nfortunatcb. 1 cannot. She gathered
It up with the other papers and departed
hastily. In my present Hx I couldn't stop
f'ralg stopped Hp looked intently at
his visitor. "And when you came to the
door a little later dressed In the same
Identical clothes the same kind, I mean
I was tempted to shut the door In your
face. It is not eyery day that one le
colvps callers whose costumes seem cut
off the same piece "
"She she was gowned IIUp hip?" askPd
Craig did not answer. He was levoivlng
something in his mind. "This girl is per
sonating you." he said at length.
Hut tell me." askd Bllllo, BallantMie.
"does she look like me?"
Rutherford shook his head. "Save ns to
complexion and the color of her hair no
But she hns adopted her own scheme a
clever scheme at thnt. Shp realizes that
with women Identity rests largely with
apparel. If you see onp woman In a
gray cloak, close at hanil, another woman
In a gray cloak at a distance seems the
same She has copied your gowns, your
coats, your hats. She must have done
more she must have had them made
where you had them made. She lias built
up her lecent career upon ou. When
vou wear ono gown, she wears Its coun
terpart. Why has slip done It? To fool
Billle's lone was bantering in answer.
"Nobody could fool jou, Mr. Rtither
foid." sho said.
"Don't rub it In," he cried. "Give me
time let me teason this thing out. She
i did fool me at any rate. She footed me
onco on the flothlc "
"Oil." pxclalmed BIIHp. tier eyes dan
cing, "then you really have come to the
conclusion that it was slip nnd not myself
who was hugging Mr. Helderman in the
rninl suite that night."
"I decline to respond to your levity,"
said Craig, going on "She fooled me
twice the second time at ihe big house
on the Drive."
"I am losing ground," walled Hlllle.
"Surely j-oti thought me capable of visit
ing Mr. Helderman clandestinely. I be
lieve you admire me for It. Remember I
am stilt a hit of an adventuress "
"Every time," went ou Craig, "she has
appeared In your gowns In your get-up.
What is the answer? Somewhere in Flu
rope somewhere with Helderman IlkP
enough she lias picked up the tangled
skeins the tangled ends of -our father's
romance. She has shadowed j-ou she ha?
made hecs'lf acquainted with every move
you made shn wns always readj' she
never knew when her opportunity might
come and there Is somebody that she has
tried to fool "
Hlllle clicked her teeth "She succeeded
when she fooled jou," she responded ex
ultlnglj. "You know, Mr. Rutherford, I
did not believe for n moment that I made
tove to Mr. Helderman In the royal suite, ,
or up In his house on Rtversido Drive. But
you did, didn't yo,u5"
"pon't rub It In," he pleaded.
He meant It and she relented; She be
came serious at once.
"You nre right about her cleverness,"
sue ndmltted. "A woman Is known by
her gowns. Pile fooled you and sho fooled
Mr. Leclerc-who clso will she try to fool,
I wonder?"
mine pondered a moment, then came
back to the original subject.
"Itul you still have the blue buckle?"
she said.
iVC8r't !? lockr1 "P lii a hank down
," ! ' .'," " yo" wlBh mp lo rellhqulsh It,
"Oh, no!" she Intel rupled htm, and then
Housm to say, more slowly: "But per
haps you may want in do po-miow."
"Why?" he demanded.
"It tins brought ou nothing but trou
ble 1 am suro that ou would not have
been hurl, but for It. Resides-" she hesi
tated then went, on, nlmost defiantly
after otir conversation over the te'te
phntie. the other day, 1 am convinced that
ou are displeased with me about some
thing "
nilllc! Are ou angry?"
The warm blood rushed lo her cheeks
at hli familiar use of her pet name! but
In spltP of herself she felt pleased.
"There Ain't Going lo Be No
Kitchen in Heaven," Is His
Message to Whites.
A strong ilpiiuni'lntlon nf "JlmcrowlBm"
anil plans lo colonize the Negro were
lolced last night by the Rev. Alexander
Wlllbanl.s, the liliuk revivalist. In Ills
sermon on "lr Bones of the Vnllej',"
at the Vnrlek A. M. 10. Zlon Temple,
lft li and Catharine slterts. Ilo also pre
dicted tho I'liltcd Stales would bale u
war after that now waging In Huiope.
"Southern people who linte thp Npgio
tpll you up North wo are erazj for inter
num lago with whitp people," ho said.
"It's a Up. We're only crazy for a chance
to cam a Iivlii. to educate our children
and make them good and useful citizens
You give us that chance and we'll tell
the tnzv Negroes to work or get oft the
"Colonization is no good. The Negroes
air. hero nnd thej-'re going to stay here,
nnd they're ROlng to mnke good. Thcie
nre I0.00n.000 of us in this countiy. Our
young men have been right In the thick
of the light when Old Otor.v called.
"The "II he war again aflct this war
In Kuiope, and we're going lo get Into
it. Vou won't find the Negroes object
ing when Hip time comes to enlist.
They II be pioud of thp chance to light
and die beside the white man under the
Stars and Stripes."
Wlllhaiiks took occasion to administer a
"call-down" lo men mul women he says
hnvo bepii whispering about the church
that he is In this city for money.
"If you glvo me any money, I'd be a
fool If 1 didn't take It, wouldn't I?" ho
"Yes," shouted the audience.
"Well, I'm going to take what you
give me, but I didn't come here to make
a foitune, nnd If I did I'd get stung. 1
came here to help out your pastor, the
Rev. Sylvester I,. Corrothcrs, who Is try
ing to do something for Ills p!vj!e In
Philadelphia that has never been dono
before. Anybody who says I'm after
monej- is a liar."
Wlllbanks again got after the liquor
traffic, lie said Eome men will drink any
thing fiom kerosene to soapsuds, and
they'll alwaj's find some unprincipled
dealer to sell booze to them as cheap ns
thev want it.
"If you haven't got a dime," be shouted,
"they'll take jour nickel, but they won't
pay thn hospital bill and they won't tell
you what their cheap tot whisky Is going
to do to your lnsldes.
"Next Monday night we're going to
wake up tills old town with a demon
stration for tempeinnce that will mean
roinethlng. We're going to parade up
Broad street with icd fire and a couple
of bands and strike fear In the hearts of
the baloon keepers.
Thp evnngellHt leaned far out over tho
pulpit and wuved his Bible in the faces
of Ills beards.
"You've got lo take this book Just as
It is," bo shouted. "Swallow it whole or
throw It away. You can't temporize like
tho man who said he believed In the book
fiom i'oipi- to cover, but Just had to light
roosters In his back yard because he got
Ills house rent that waj"
Georuo W. Scott
BORDCNTOWN. N 1 . March J7.
Georgo V. Scott, formeilv an engineer
on the old Camden and Amboy Railroad,
died at his home here this morning In
Properties Managed Items Collected
Insuranca and Mortgages Placed
IJhlH on uppllratlon
202 South 15th Street
rrt M'nttn has vithdraivu from tha co
partnership heretofore existing between
itni.pri Wntts and Henri .1. I!.iL.. tr.i.iinn- ...
Venr-lJet Knitting Co., at Jasper below '
Orleans st , Philadelphia, Pa , anil that said ;
business will hereafter be miiclurled by
Henry .1. Heck and Clias AV, l'ujne, by
whom all debts owing t said partnership
are to be received und all demands will be '
paid. (Signed) i
his 9.1d Near. l"wo years ago ho had a
fall lit the jard of his home nnd had
the ligaments of his back and a leg
torn loose, nnd has been In n. chair since
that time. While he was an engineer
he ran tho old "John Bull," the first
englno on the Camden nnd Amboy tlnll
road, He was born at Fnllslngton, Bucks
Counlr, r'a., and camp 10 Uordcnlown
In ISIS He was a vldower, leaves a son,
Wlnlleld Scott, and n, daughter, Sarah
Stesscrolle, widow of the BeV. George
Philip U. NcuHiimcl
I'hillp I). Newkumet, a member of the
Philadelphia bar, long associated with tho
21th Wnnl Democratic Club, is dead at
his home, 130.1 West Susquehanna avenue.
He succumbed Wednesday nfter a linger
Ills' Illnes3. Mr. Neuklimct, who wns 4S
pais old, was graduated trom the Law
School of the University of Pennsylvania
In ISnt, and soon after practiced in the
office of Thomas A Kahv. He was Un
married and Is survived by his mother.
Funeral ervlecs will bo held Mondny aft
ernoon tit the looms of David H. Schuy
ler ft Sons, undertaken, at Broad nnd
Diamond streets.
.Airs. Susan H. Sltcr
Mrs. Susan Holllngsworth Sltcr, mother
of Dr. K. Holllngsworth Sltcr, nnd who
jcarB ago figured prominently In Ihe so
cial life of this city, died Thursday at
her home, 211 South ISth street. She was
In her 71st year, nnd, though born In Wil
mington, lived the gi eater pn'rt of her
life In Philadelphia Mrs, Slier was n
member of the Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution and the Colonial Dames
of America. Thp funeinl services will
he conducted Monday moinlng at the
Church ol St. .tames the l,ess, Falls of
Airs. Mnry A. Cramp
Mrs Man A. Cramp, ivlmsp death I
Thiiisday followed the day after the I
funeral of her husband. Samuel II. ,
Crump, nephew or Wlllinm Cramp,
fo nidei of the William Cintiip & Sons i
Shipbuilding and Engine Compniij, will
lie l.tirioil Jtonilaj aftPinnon fiom her
home, t."1 East Olraid avenue. She was'
In her iltli year interment will bp at
Mount Pence Cemetery,
Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall
Mis. Ellzahetli Maishnll, widow of Dr.
Joseph Mai shall, n well-known physician
who pi noticed in this city for many years,
died yesteiday at tho homo of her son,
Dr. D. B. Mai shall, at Annvllle. near
Lebanon, Pa., where slip had resided for
30 ycals. She was S5 ycurs old. II. C.
Marshall, of this city. Is a second son.
CATHAItlM',. In lnlnfr lm-mnrv 0r JO
SEPH W. CATHAttlM'. 2d, who paesej
away Mnn.li 27. 1012 IWMII.V.
.MurCAItlUU.I.. I1I1M1N (ill,MSO.V Jlne
CAltltUL.1,. Ill Imlmj ntcniotv Marrh 27, lltl.J.
Utt. Mael'AltllOI.I. AND FAMILY.
AI.i:.AMi;n, On March 2!i, 101C, at Ihe
Home for Aged nnd Infirm Israelites. I!--HAUL
AI.HXA.N-DUH, .tKtd W yens. Hela
llip' mid irlends nio Imlted tn nttend the
funeral services, on Sunday, tit 2 p. m. pre
r!?lv, nt the Chapel of the Jewish Hospital,
lnlerment nt .Mount Hhi.il OmPtpry.
nAKHV. On the 21th nr March, 1013,
THOMAS F. husband ot Teresa M Hairy.
The relatives and rrlends are Invited t at
tend thp funeral, on Tuesday niornlnr;, March
a". Ironi Ms late residence, 5402 Wavne nvo.
Solemn Itequlem Mass at St. Vlncont'a
Church, tjerinanlowu. Interment nt Cathe
dral Cemtrj. Automobile funeral.
Il.U.ON, At hla late rettdenciVTho Pines,"
lioHhen .'. v.. ThuiHd.iy March 25. lPII.
Hl.NliV PACON, i!i jcars of nee. Funeral
si-nlrcs will be held ut Kt. .lames riiurch,
loslien, N. V. on Mondaj. March L"J, IWS,
nt :i n. in. Special tialn will Icnve on the
Krle ft. n , New York, ai 12 10 p. in . jpi-
spv filv 1 I,, in. ltplnrnlni? ulll l,-n,o dnqhpn
nt I. Id p ni.
COM.nY. On March 25, 19ir, WALTER 11.
husband nf the Into fljinh Ciinley and
ui of the laic Kdward nnd Marsnret i:,
Conlev, acred .'in ars. Kelntlics and friend",
Mlso members of OsaRe Trlli, No. lt.l, I. 'O.
It. M. and empk.jri of Woodland Aenue
Jiarii, l I!. T, nre Invited to otleml the fu
rrral on Monday morning-, nt ! o'lloclt. from
Mt lato resldrn, c. 27PI Fodcrnl ft Solemn
rtennicm Mass ut St. Anthom'a Chun-h, at
in .'lo o'clock. Interment nt Old Cathedral
roit spiti.tr; mtiui:
Price $3800
Orr's New Houses
Torresdale & Princeton Avcs.
Two-ator twin houses, contalnliiB H
rnoma nnd hath, side ards, hnt-wator
hPat. huseiiieut laundr. electric and
gas light. LolH 25x100 feet.
5r carfaro from centre of city. Trans
fer from Frankforil car to Slniearet Bt.
32 trains dally to Tacony Stullon on
P. IX. It.
Little Cash Required
North of Wagner Ave.
A Side Yard Home
Also War nock St. N. of
Lindley Ave.
.$300 to $500 Cash
Ilriiiul ml, uiioNUe I.ocnn Slu'lnn
The Acme of Perfection
Duilt un the highest and -hoi,en spot
1'. story tno'Jern homes, BmiUeuchet villi
0 looms, ancl R?ry modern i nmenlenee.
F. & E. AUBEL n'w ""
tSampla House. S335 N 13th Street
Dl.-8SOUMS.On Mateh Br., 1818, nnNCSTl
ll., nuabanii oi anmu, nnu rmi ,o
Oininve il. nnd ThecklaO. I)uoulas Due
notice of tho funeral will be ithen, from hla
late realdente, 80.1 North 8th at
I'AKIjKY. On March 2.",, I9lf, BLLA,
widow ot IMwanl F, Farley, Sr., rornierly of
iPth and nilannrtli t. Funeral on Mnndnj,
at :! a in., from 2018 Roulh Slit M.
Solemn HIrIi Itenulem Mass mm t.d;
tvmnd'a f'huroh. at 10 n. m. Interment
Calheilral Cemetery
rim On Stnreh 2(1. 101B, nblZABETH
CAII.S'F, ilaiiRhler nf the late Capper and
Kllrabrth File. Itelatliea nnd frlendt are In
Mtrd in Httend tho funeral seriltea.oii Mini
day nftenioon. nt 1 o'clock, nt lier late real
dence, 2.M1I Fltsmatcr at. Interment prlittte
In West Morel Hill Cemetery.
OAlXAOIIHIt. On March 2ft. lOlfl, SARAH
i:, !AMjllll:il, at the Home for Con
sumptlipif, Chcatniit Hill. Pa. itelatUea nnd
friends tiro inillrd to attend tho funeral serv
ices, nt the funeral parlots of W. A. Dun
lip, northeast mrner of lnth nnd Falrmount
ae., mi Monday, Mnrchj 29, at .1 p. m. In
terment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery.
Ilt'CHIES. On March 25, 1915, JOHN li
HL'(lllt:S. ton of the. late , CJcoroe, ,E. J.
Hualies. Serilecs Sunday, March S!S, lniil, at
.'I ..clock, Irnm his home. 74 Lincoln St..
I'assalc. N. j.
JOHNSON. On March 2.1. 1915, NOnP.13
v., liuahaml nf Mary L. Johnson nnd son of
Catharine nnd the late Mark A .folinon
1'ttnriil on Monday nt R .In a. m., from SSTi
Webster t . West Philadelphia Solemn
Maa of lliqulem M tre Church of th
Trnnsflcurallon at lu a. m. Interment nt
Holy rroxfl Cemeterj.
,IONi:S. On March 25. IMB. MARY A,
wlfi of Kdwln Jtnes. Funeral on Monday,
nt 10 n. in., from 050 Spring ave , CnDlnga
wood, N. .f Interment nt tlreeti Mount
cemetery, Hammonton, N. J , 12 .10 p. m.
l.IIVl. Suddenly, on Mitreh 25, 1015, JO
HIU'II 11 I.r.VV. In hl idlh vrar. Itelatlle"
nnd friends ale invited lo attend the funeral
sen ires, on Miimay
nt lo
nt tno res dence nr ins bi
his brother, Urnls U.
i.evy, list North intn et. interment pri
vate, nt Mount Slnnl Cemetery.
LOH'KNTJIAI.. On March 2U, 1015, DAN
li;i,. husbr.iid of Sarah- Lnwenthal. Urid
ines and friends, also Chester IxidEP No. 41S
H. P O IT, ore invited to nttend tho
funeral, mi Sunday, nl 2 p. tn , from hi",
lalu residence. IRIS Diamond at Intcrmrnt
nt Adalh Jeshurun Cemetery, Please omit
flowera. Ilaltlmore papers pteaso copv.
MANi:i:i,V On March 25, loir,, JAMUS.
hiilinnd nf Hllznlipth Mai eel nice Crnlai
Funeinl nn Monday, nt 2 p in., from hli Into
irsldenrp.. "Odl Ist Thompson st Interment
nl North Cedar Hill cemetery
.MOIIIIFI.I,. AI Lnnchorn'., Pa , cm March
211. 11115. HAIIAH M MOHKBLI.. wife of
Henri N Mnnell. Funeral from .,0,1 Mapl
"... i.MnKiiuriic1. rn., on .-pennu nay. .ici
Mnnlh . 2'itli, nt 2 p m lutermeni ian!t
hrrin 1 rlpiids' Hunlng flrnunda. Trnln for
Lnnshorni; icaes Heading Terminal nt 12,1.")
n. in,
.MOKHISON. On Mnrcb 25, 1015, BENJA
MIN F., son of the lair John and Avnnnli Mor
ilon, nprd 51 rni Ftelattvea und irlends me
Imlted to nttend the funeral serilc.es on Sun-
m nfternnnn, at 2 i'i In, k, at the npartmrnts
of Ollinr It Hair. IS'.'o Chestnut at. Inter
ment nl Mount Morlah Ccmeler.
MI'LI,i:U. On .March 25. 1015. CHAItLES.
uiKbanil of Katharlno Muller men Dleterle),
n Red fit j ears. Funeral on Sunday, nl 1 p.
ni fiom hla Into resilience, sill Noith 10th
.'!'.'.,.7.n..''mt'M:d ,0 Chelten Hills Cremator.
Ml.UKIJMJTT. At his Into resldPnre, l.lo.'l
Host Susquehanna ave., on March 24, 1015.
PHILIP I)., son or Anna M. Bchlndler and
tho lato Philip Keukumct. Funeral on Moil
nay, at 2 p. in., from Schuyler's, llroad nnd
Diamond sta. Into-'iicnt private.
"V At Kresson, X. J,, on March 25, 1015,
I'llIJr 1. OLT, acecl 45 jenrs Funeral on
Monday. March 20, nt I .So p. in, from Bap
tist Church. KrcsRon. Interment Old HaplUt
Cimetciv, Mnrllon. N J.
OPPKNIIKIJinit On March 28, 1015, LOT-
llh, wire of Alexander M. Oppcnhclincr, In
lier illn jrnr. rtosldciup. 1R12 North I-ouvlcr
. M;...,,ue "otlin or the funeral will he Klien.
birilll. On March 25, 1015. SUSAN HOL
LINCSWOliTH. widow of Kdward Sltcr. Fu.
rieral services In tho Church of St. James tho
!,.'? ,lalls "' Schuylkill, on Mnnda), tho
-'.nil. Int.. nt 11 :W) a. in. I'leaie omit
i:v. On March 25. 1015. WILLIAM VKV,
M. hushaiid or Finmlska Vev Inco VllllnK).
FMinrral on Sunday, nt 2 p. m., from the
parlors of Mra Henry Schneider fc Son. 17TI
i.eri'inntnwn me. Interment private, Or.'cn
ivount Ccmeteiy.
auovi: the pnicn
Fifth St. and Eleanor St.
Price, $4000 Price, $3200
Terms to Suit
These have poich fronts, nil modern Im
provements bnsement laundry, electric
Hshts null! with the stablllt that han
innile Hip Louchran house a standard of
good construction Sep
a pretty llttla buntcaloiv nmons the pines;
highest rnlnt bouth Jersej , Ideal Health Spot,
overlooklnc beautiful Clementon Tark, lakes
and golf grounds, hathlns. boating and flshlnp,
only too are, trolley or steam; cars every 15
minutes, lot !3il5o, JK. bungalows. 1150 up,
easy payments Take trolley marked Clemen
ton, Market Street Terry, Camden, get off at
end of line Agent with badge meets every
car Sunday Come on along. Iluy now; be
readv for spring E. V M HnEXN'AN. 33
South 16th street. For any further Informa
tion or appointments call "Tabs" Service,
Spruco 1981 or ltnce '.'SS.I. anv time
Nnllonnl J'nrk, .'. J.
HUNOALOWS- Lots 2!ixl60: highest point,
overlooklns thB Delaware Itlver (Just op
posite League Island, practically 8, Ilroatl
st. i. J0O up, bungalows, 1250 up, easy pay.
ment; best bathing, boating, llshlng. adjoin
ing camp grove; 10c carfare. Free excur.
tlon Sunday, s p, m , Chestnut st ferry,
PhllaUelphia side. See agent with badge,
Cnme on along.
33 South bliteentli St.
I' or fuither Information call Sprui e I01 nr Hare,
2S21. "Taba" service day. night or Sunday.
Clenientanllelghts, .V. J,
CLEMF.NTON lli;i(illTS,,'. .1.
5 i54Ew --' "Jinum: e oh-hahs ffffm . .t?i
1 . YOUR OWN A I )l h
I lot rns!C I 1&,
Ih'". k?..TWB tr Ilk, IM?1AT
and situations Wanted. lJT.V.JJ J?"" f,1
DEATH NOTlCKs-ellher paper
10 tinea, on tlm.
n't.... ,'-i:.. .""o ....
.o insercionn
"" . tfjal
In Effect December 1, ijij
nvl!?3lftt2i$?l tha morn""
above. 'Ur "nlB p" ,,M net il W.
advKtisiVo0 iKTiSg&e YE"1
There is n rtrtirr iln .....
home that will ac"ccpt uJg -EXI
ads at otTice rates. "'1
H& li11111!
I)IlESSIAKi:HS Kxnert skirt rin jT 'J
nod flnlsliPM; nnu- ,h.. .....i "'.'." lrMriS
the leading esUbri.iimMli dhVTrcnff ."S
ram iea ror neat souni; slrls ai on.S.i7i''
Ahplv before 10 a. m., Frenef, Dre?.milc,"' 1
, ion .id floor Mi,iL', .. " !!. "resiraaXInt 1
cioihlcr. 2" oirannridj,
titr:s3MAivi:i gniM i,. ",.r rr: ..
Leer KSr.rCl,e" ""' 4
lJltLSSMANLR wants oxperlenced wain .Til
eleevo hands. AbdIv 1Mb a, ;..' Mli
i:vnity DAY vounc women "are s..'
curlne eood oftlcp tioaltlona " through
thp nsslstance of Mlsa Dean (it lid"
ger central. Call upon her or mat
a report of our business experience
Lmployera are listlnu openlues rnnl
ltt.UXt, m& ?f whlrh vou can prob
ghly 1)11. This aeriko Is free to all
Station 1V.inte4 Advertiser" lii i the
r,ri!v,'.'i!iia';v.,,;'l'lh,8t"sevvor'' g00cl wa''
JllM Dean, March " WI5- I
LeJger Central. fl
Mt-ri'irl and "v.-l..i -. W
, "c.ar Sllsa Dean PlcasH a"Dt mv ihav.v!
jur your flssistnnca in securiiur mn thtT I 'iX
ltlon T Rtn now hoMlnsr. S ? 'M
itc?i,ed i'n ou lnst Thursday, tho 11th k3
nmJ throusli 5our nsslatanre 1 reclhed lW
Tins tlon on Knturtnw M,ni- .. .;""? il
:.' ihi ? :comy:',"a sim
"if,, inii'ii i'i"riininiT in i ntn n.f..i
Sincrrolv xnur
(KiRncd) Donnisr avstin.
1TlO n.. . '
SriiH?UVDr n e.nl,cH on,e" on' production '
dally use by npt. nnd hoardlne houses! ? H
my; reierrnce required. F Ml, Led. cVntriL,!
V.iicv rn 0,xl1Crl',,,c,' i"ate full particulars Inl
..V.i . . " .' ""lt'i "mi extent of ex
perlenco nnd salnry desired. This Is one ofj
th,. busiest nilvntp boards In the elty indX
none but thnso with nboce nuallficatlonil
. need npph p 7 1.-,, tticpr ornre. 4
AlinLi-s to rnie for flrst floor all nar.
tound position; white, oer tj eara, J20 rerl
month. Cnll or write. i Unwood atf.,J
idjnoiePa. rV
M'ANTEn Young ivon-atf for general houu.
work; prhatp . fanillv, two adults, mom
.........g-. ,j-.i . n nt tcgcr uince.
1VA NTE D Wa I tress.
neat, clean, nllllnt;
lef. II ion. Ledger Oft
smnll family; Prot. ,
wANTKD i-npahle nulet utility mild: i
senniKtresa; Prot.: rf. T1 S07. Ledger Offlcer
WORKING houselieeper for Vatliollo reelorr.
uliurhH. P SOI Ledger ortlce.
A Ll rj, energetic man tn take rharge ot int
Incrensc ailca In a wel-rstabllslid srocerr.
meat, fruit nnd produce business U 13'
Ledger Qfllce
ANt.,V.rl'"TUXITY l9 offered" maVof"buTEra',
-,ul, ,,., y'' rirntn in ?ne retail grocery ,a
and prniMnn I'tirlmsH with or without rap. tM
nOA, Hhoin 1(1 for office work must k
neat api earnnco nnd write eoo,i plili Kasl;
good rlunio for .idvam emeiit. See Mr.
Hunt nt ! n. in., Ledger Central.
Bpi, li. to lenrn photographic business; mart '
bo Intelligent nnd quick small salary to .
start: rapid advancement II 502. Lednr i
-"J2S . ,'J
BOY nanlcd. Joi.Ibh spciklng. who has soma
exncrlenio In a npntn' fnrnlshlnir stnre. St..
S1L KilJIAN & SON, N.W.cor (ith & Smmv1
CHAUri-'HlTil wanted, elnclc uhlln. mint b'J
good drlier sober, pollto capable of drhtoS
illffercnt enrs, gln uko nnd references, LSI
nn. ieut.cr ontrni.
DO YOU WANT a better position at
sales, clerical, ejcwutlie or technics!
work" If bo. lutercleic Mr Hunt, the
eninlov mem tpcclallyt at I.edser Cen
tral Ho a placing Ledger AdicTtlsrs
In good upeuliiss dallv and ulltiout
extra charge. Ask lilm to send jnu
nnoklel 'Onuortunlty" free It tells
inW In nrt'llr. n hatlei. Inh
BNPniE.VCirD nBslstant superintendent Ut? "
uusiriai insurance: must ne gooi uerronn
nrniiucer. capable oi Handling siatr tor wcu
ktinun company. It 111, ledger Office.
FARMER Man and wife wanted. 123
month, with house and privileges; strict ref
erence required: good home, opportunity for
sober. Industrious help M 731, Ledger Office.
GOOD salaried position open with well-known
Insurance company for capable district man
ager; all information confidential B U.
ledger Office. .
I WANT a cucid. live young man vho cm !
general olllco clerking, stenographic "
billing, make himself useful and use common
sense. Iteniv, with details In full, la care
ot U HI. Ledger Central
. -. . Z1 .-i-T:--! ..V.I,atlnn
n wMineu it, arrange nuica lut .I'uu,,v.'vti
In trade Journal, two or three hours larrfi.
evenings each week: state experience, ag an? .,
location of residence nnd nhat compensation
demanded, 11 I'OO, Ledger Office. '
aiAN AND WIFE, as buller and cook In fami r
evitn children and employing nurs?
tho very peat heed appl. i
121, hetttl
rilLSSMAN wanteil. first class on hlgb-rreW
. Alnn nrnnfln. ul.., Lnnulnlp, lit CVIISOT
press; stats wageB and experience. M WMB
rnKcr cjiiicr.
.i.'Il uoiumoia aio., .
Philadelphia, March 21, MS,
.vir. Hunt.
Ledger Central,
Maap Ulr T lul.h In mTrif.9 n,V mOflt tlllCfrt.l
thanks inr the help jou have given ma la ed
curing employment. a
ThrouBh jour Commercial Reglstr- BuM'"
the privileges of which ou extend to Lew's
advertisers, 1 rectlied a position tuoo'i'i
alter inseriitiB an aq. ac your ot -
I hale been unvmplojed for a CQnsldersjilJj
lengin or tune, anq ine jou i ua.v ku,h ..p
jour IH'IP la ctnaiuiy appreciairu,
ABaiti tlmnklni jou. 1 remain,
Youra Truiy, ,.--, m
talgneu; uu.vauu t, iiArvm.