2 EVENING LBDGHIt llIILADESLPHlA, KATU1IDAV, MARCH 27, 1915. ATHLETICS VS. PHILLIES CAMDEN FIVE PLAYS READING CITY BOWLING CHAMPIONS mi Ks BUSH AND ALEXANDER PROBABLE HURLERS IN PHIL-ATHLETICS GAME Philadelphia Teams Clash in Last of Series Today. Tincup, S h a v k e y and Rixey Also May Work on j Mound. Yesterday's Hasbnlt Results , TTI.Itll... IS Altttn.tr. fi ' niooklyn fcjtiperbns, 0. Cubans. 2. tloiton Hrnvcs, S; Atlanta, I. I'nlverslty of Virginia. Bi Amherst, 0. UIaiiIb' Colts, S; Dcnnlson. Tex., 4. t'ubs, 5; Louisville, 1 llcds. 12! Mobile. 0 New Orleans. 6; Met mil, I ''levcland Americans, i; Houston, ."!. Asrlciilunnl nnil Mechanics' College, N. C. 6. I,nf.ivettc, 0 Guilford College, fi, University of Ver mont, "1 Georgia 'Icchnlcnl. P.; Georgetown, 2. (movi stop ionnrstnMif.s-r.1 .1ACK.SONVILI.K. Ha., March 27. -.Inc Tltlsh was Mack's choice lo begin hiiillMK ntrnlnst tho Phllllrs nt Harris Klclil lhln nfternooii. Pal Mourn wild he would use. either Aletnndei ot Tincup anil probnblv ' lllxey later In l hi- Kami", anil Klin whey as also toll) to Broom himself for u three-round ti'sl on tho mound. The ,Rnme toda wax well itdtoi Used, and till", puis the peifrct vvcnthci, Insinis n bis crowd Thr Athletics and Phillies mingled aiound thcli hotels Ibis morn ing, swapping liulnliig r.nnp stories Moran's men leave tonlEht Tor Atlanta IIIUS" MEET BETHLEHEM IN SOCCER (J ME TODAY1 Victory for Ironmakers Would Clinch Championship. HUTlll.t'llK.M Pa Match 27 -1 h lllher- SlSsrSS mSEbSS Hoven hm ii tnn-tolnt trail In the rare at the prtrcnt time, anil tliliio over the ' Hlba ' will auie litem of th" title Tho Mine leant tbal defeated the S otllsb American In th National tin , om utlllon last Saturday will re recent Uetblehem toiai anil the sttongest possible roinbiiiatlon wll take the Held for the Irishmen lhe teams rwiu ime up as follow uetnieni-m IMbTtllHIls . O'l niinell Wilson .. 'ones Ilk hardsell Iumivi 111 lirifflili t'ourscv Tlunrali goal . right riillbaek leu rullback right halftiavk intre hallbaik le t hutibai K Metcher Toole. Campbell. larke. Morrison Kcrd. . Murraj Miller.. IVtmer titltslilp right . lleuie rtglil i entrri forwatd Inside left iiinriimiii llarr.tt ' V HiirEiii .. ,.u,,, It Uitig'n t'lnilng outside left Tltfrl'1i.tlfnrva Iniin. Time of halvcs-ri mlnutiSat BILL IIOLLEXBACK TO COACH 1 II (' KLFYFX THIS VFAI! kind In this ells The clubs are composed et i. -ii. v. i.liivlln UNO liv.-iu . iimiieu of einploves front tlie tarlous Instl- Itcport From Chester Says Former Star Player Will Be Seen There. 13111 llnllencack has signed n contrail to coach Tenn Military College football team, nc CvrJIne to word from Chester Seicral colleges. Including Columbia, hail bidfor Big Illll'n services, but tho fact that he could handle Ihe Military College team at the utne time and look after his business In i nuaacipnta prompted him to give p M. C tucfetcncc, ttollenburk will aive tho P. C bOV n ,nm. in.lnn H-n.l ..h.I l ,.- r..,. iii w.; i- .."..-?"" ."" "." " "" ' ... ... tnu IIUUI0 U UHy Win Ilieill ItU has looked mpr it, malarial .,! t.. , '-.... i... it i "nurs a uay wnn them. II firl ih.i i.. ...... . -... V !""' 'm tana- ..v ...Hk ,, vull Kct OIIl a (i-onjf team, ORDEAL FOR SHERRY 3IAGEE Ex-Philly Dreads Opening: Day With Alexander Pitching. i-Sh?i'.K!'1 M"1 '? not happv over tne nut lok for him on opening diy. when the Phillies l!5Z 'j?3'0"'. ,0 . hleh team Magee has been ini i,i.o.,at." ee what h nice opening I .VHj '"'.i' e op-n In Unsini acnlnst Phlla iieiplila. with mover ,Vt-i,indrr pltihliic and .,ifLrg pel7 m '""auelph'a with Alexander pitching again Alee ns inv rnomntite In Phllly. and l win b in for it n . '.'., t,..' ?Sff2.niri,x,wJi ?.'-'.l K5- .hi."fd "I- WHO CAN IT BE? Unknown Philadelnhin Rnntnrvi Will known throughout the cits as one of Phlla "'. ' ...lauupnia Bantam Will ,i,,ihla s best relay runners He has takon Box Johnny Ertle. i,i'n.l.'?i, ,Mar'.'l -'' 7 .,nisterlous unknown SK.?,"!".' -"'I "1 '"'J 'rom Philadelphia. will moit Johnr I-rtle, of pi pniii, h0' ,a- htn';!,;n!.,""s-i,hro,'.,!h th" il1"1"1' ' W "' boSnc'ed lale-r" '""' "nrt P'ai-e ""' " " TEMPLE GIRLS PLAY TONIGHT n!'UnT?TPlf. l'l"""V Bin basketball team will flnlslt Its season tonight with a cam a gainst Oeorge Washington University el rl ? ,'rin ?!,; "rL,".",lln,tl?n .V" l"" ""sketbal ers left for the capital last night Captain Morrison, of tho Temple girls, said Lifor" leaving- she was confident the Teinpleltes would close their season with a vletorj. """in Bescher Balks at St. Louis MAIXLIN'. Tex March 27 - Manager John JlrtJraw, of the New Vork .Vallonal. bre re. reived a telegram from Outfleliler H.,l. Beschoi dated pinlson. and raying -Have decided to wayVllh Ihe Olsnis" p-sclier was booked to go to the Bt Iiula Nationals Bowlers to Meet Here -Monday A special meeting of the Clti Association of tt7rfUJi,!iSLc ni"M Pow""--, Association in hi held at the Bingham Hotel next Monday eve nlnjr. Matters of Importance will be brought lielore the bodi. also the wishes of the ImwlerJ i,l L conHdered and arled upon In referen.e to tho holding of local tournaments Britton Draws an Easy One VKU- JOItK. March 27 -Jack Hrlllnn the Chicago Uihtwelght, easily defeated Ted iKIdi Ijiwls. of Kugland. In a lu-round bout here last night. Tho Englishman had a shade the potter of Ihe fir-t three inunds but Itrltlon thereafter wars greatly his superior Both men oier weight, Britton weighing HI and l.w.i HI1,. Class B Singles Underway c lasa H nr the court tennis singles h fot um'er way at Ilia Racquet Club yt Ubidlcaii wliti the preliminary round match betneen nailer J Hall. nan and w Percy Smith Kscb 01 the contestants received a handicap or hair thirty no played even, llallahan win. nine In two straight stta JCIUI), Friedens Five Plays Hancock The Friedens and Hancock basketball teams, which eloen th-lr achcdule In a He In the North Pblladeluhta Lrsiun. will ntav ih. n. ! of th plus .off series tonight at Turners' oit 4th streer above Cumberland. r " i iihes-uarre pe Trounced I1AZLKTON Pa . March 27 -The Haxleton iWnalonals dWeated the WUbts.llarrc Statu Leagua rive here last nljlit. 311 to IT Smith Easy for K, O. Brown 1CW YOLK March "-' Keuvkniif u.. had no trouble beating Harry Smith at tha Vanderb.lt A last night, althougli the l.irr touBvi 111 issc out tf 1, J HAVE SOME- (7 WHAT S THE s - BeTWEEN M3AUU ) IANP WHEN H VIEWS SIVWELL, JNTHE FlP-ST' I WHILE IN THE . 1 W VOU..TnHN J VlT. . - - flAT r - - r- . 1S TQTMr. m.aacra - lPL ' rlJ If i '1 OM WELL i Guess MIGHT AS vaSLL GlvE ITv UP" IT3 ruslNJV Hu.A THrVT DISAPPC AREP , 0lh M V WHAT DO YOU SAY TO YOURSELF NEW AMATEUR BALL LEAGUE IS ORGANIZED Financial Mercantile Ready for Season Circuit Other Teams Issue Challenges T be financial Mercantile Iln'ebal! I.paKiie hs l"en orgorlnd and Is lonipojed nr l iluls ' 'vl- Meadowbrook Cl'lb of VVananiaker's I 1 "Inn I'ettoieum rampant Pent. National i ,rn.M.nt l.lfo unit Trnt fnmnan, lank. Prot'dent Life and Trust Companv Philadelphia and Heading Rnllruad and the 1'nin Mutual I.lfe Inaurante LompHti Albert hlutrpe of the Tenn .Witlona, Hunk. Is presi- ill-Ill or me leigue. rroin lie ouiinnK iiih league bids fair to bo one of Ihe best of Us ti tlona interested among which are nuni- letcd ptaors of more tlun average amateur esperlence There will be Intense rlvnlrv. as n sullnbl' trophv will be swarded lo Ihe pen. tiant-wlnnlitg rluo (lames arc to be placd unit on davs oilitr than baturda. Pundasa' and holldas The schidule will be announces: latci. P II Sheridan Public School .Muniiil basp ball team desires games with anj nubile school alumni or public school teams for Sit urdas and holidJs Address Joseph I. Col lins, 1)09 East Westtro-eland street The c II "VVheelcr would llko to lieur from all first-class home teams In 1'ennsjlvanla and J .,ric.- w ..... .-- ... tinaL- eaiiim Address Thomas J Caltaclmn New .lersev lo" uunav. M'linav or mm ,.,,". .. j ,o,u u. l.-hlglt avenue and 11th st. , Tho Baicier I" C . a first-class traveling team I has organised for tho season, and would like i to hear from such teams as Audubon, N. I.. West Und. of Woodbury. Camdon -A r. Na- tlonal Park. I.umberton Mount Iloll and other home teams paying a fair guarantee ridres .1 H. Dallej 2310 Coral street, or phone Kast 4121 V. Thc llaverford C . of West Philadelphia, has reorganlred for Ihe coming season with an iveii more formidable ilne.iip than last reason. It would like to urrangi games with ftrst-rlass home teams offering a t:nod guaran tee Tor games nddtesa II. II Turner, bill 'North 4Sth street. Brown to Run for Marquette ernon Brown, Ihe star co'ored runner, fornierli with the Comet Club. Is now a mem ber of the Marquette Catholic Club lie Is part In tnanv events and has a record of 4 ."S I omvs rifle i hamplon lie won the title ditrlti' for the mile He Is in perfect condition . the Academv Hid" club toiirrameni Lancaster Women 1'iay Well I M ST Kit Pa Manli 27 In a gain full of thrills the Lantastei onnc Women i''lrN Ian vto lation defcatr,) the (oumbli V W C t 2 to 7 MUHLENBERG NINE WORKING OUT DAILY I Men Are Being Prepared for Southern Trip Allentown Eagles Win Bowling Test. The Muhlenberg baseball players are on the college diamond dally, under the tutelage of Coach McCaa and Trainer Ouck Doyle. Seveial short games have been played, each of which has been won by the leulars. Ilennlnger, Wltmer and I'.iskie are allowing; up strong: as pitchers, and Helling and Da) as catcheia. The games are not only to condition the men, but also to enable the coach to select the aiiuad for the Southern trip. -ome very fine feats were performed at the laietclas meet of the Mlentown High facho.il ' on MuhlenbeiK Field whIUi was won h, tm steniora. "-.'''.,' ". I,0"!""5 run was 1 Slill HmJn.fi' Jmlk.!.reLwe,nn,raa,r,.yh?1,or ' nan a inarsin 01 no muie inan lour incnes The Allentown tagles won decisively on their' own alleys over tha Olymuia bowling- team, 01 Bethlehem, 2Mi to 22.1. Iiraler, or Allentovvn was King pin, with Still, and Peterson, of Al leutown, look nlnsles, with 222. 't'lie Philadelphia P'ratcs, winners or the Caiiun League, are to bowl the I1U.1 team, of Allentown, In this city on Monday evening In a game In the Quaker City Ihe I'ltateg won bv tlie narrow margin of 11 pins The team which scores the inuie points In the two games is ti get the trophy rlie Allentown Elks have concluded hslr winter Lowlltig touiney. the Cornell team win nine the series Harry Ualteisby ami Herman IvVslenlader ate lied for highest individual a ores, with 2 each. .. i Toledo May Get Ball Club ..V. , . .. o- ...rt. . L I rtlLEDU. II.. March 27. With Ban Johnson on tee Job as promoter, efforts were renewed today to transfer the Cleveland American As- .njl.l tn (ranrhlta In Tnl.rin tnhmnn ku i a 11' although the I Cleveland needs only on team, and the In II 10 founds dlaua need the support. ' EVENING LEDGER MONIES IF THE KITCHEN SINK, LOUIE, WOULD THE STOVE LIFTER? Just about In MsRe ro hatcj to Lose tmat oaiu-.thcre ain't a nick im it &?' (30SM - Ball i I MATC Tme STROKC I LI LOOK owce MORE IW HERE A HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES , TRAIN FOR BIG EVENTS Northeast Eight to Practice on i River Strayer's Rounding 1 Into Shape for Baseball. After n mouth of toiiHcieiillous Inilinit vrorls th Nnttheast HIrIi Si hool rrcvv canilldates will stait pinctln- on th fcthtijlkill e.trlv itcxl week. PronilslnR tuaterlal is Included In the siiuitd nuil Luptalu Linrdlnei Is cntilldiMit Ihe lttd nnil lllnck will dnvelop ,i f.tst eitrhl. Ilnmlll, Prels sinil llcish iiip nmutiR thn piiditlslnff ciiiidldntcs for positions The lave dlsplacd Rood form on the ma chines ami Gnidlnet, who is nulnc; us to.nh, expects the tilo in iiihIm' a linn Illicit us for tho ctevv As soon its tho o;irinen Ret out on the llvei Co.it It Sal liiBcr, who worked with Northeast lnsl j ear, will take up tho teachlns duties A big squad of fast baseball landidatcs have bi-n practicing dallv for Strnvcr's Huslnesa College nine, and prospects for a fast nlno this .tear are bright Captain King predlrtH a lanner vear for the business college national pasttmers. Matlon and Itappaport aro two of tho mou promising aspirants (or berths on the pitching staff Ihe lattei performed vvetl on the mound for Mount Ilollv High .School last season Potash looks like 'ho best catcher out for the toam I.cvlnson will pla Mret Inso, CaptHln King, second, and tirnpsmiu. formerlv of West Jersev College, will gslllvnnt around Ihe ahort slon terrltorv The s'asou will start next Trldaj with Had don Heights. v West Chester High Schools nascbill learn has schoduled but one Philadelphia team for the Ills season Cilholle High School's nln will travel to West Chester for a contest Ma 5 2.1. Northeast Illslt Si linnl will hive two corking weight men for outdoor atnlctlt cnmpoiitlon Captain Wtntael, the biggest atjtlete at school and Thomas ate illsplivlug remarkable ability in putting tho in.pound shot. The runner-up to baseball pinnlip st Rer mantown Friends- School Is prellmlnarv tennis worlr squail of good rantuet wlelders is nut for Ihe team. Including Morgan, Milpl, Wood. .Tanner, tklnson. Ardut ami Patton niillock. a li student, is I.plscopal Acad- York H. S. Fie on Top Vlftk Pa Man I- '7 Vnrk ill,.!, .. 1.....1 ilernii'd Tamaoiin ll,gh last night n m . in 1 a game to dei Me n.r 1,1-1, K, hool 1 hamplnii- fciup oT eastern t'ennsslvania. CAMDEN LOCKS HORNS WITH READING TONIGHT -r Third and Deciding Game of Post-Season Series Will Set tle Supremacy Question. EASTUHN I.KAOUE PLAY-OFF SlIBIKS W. I.. P C W L. J C Camden . 1 1 ..'no Heading ..11 r.ixl Tteadlns and Camden, of the I'astern Basketball League, will lock horns In tho thlid and deciding play-off series game tonlRhl nt Musical Fund Hall. A great ciowd Is expected, as the deadlock vvlj bo bi uken. Camden and Heading tied at the end of the regular scheduled season and it was decided to play an extra series to detci- ! mine the winner. In the first gamn Camden came through successful!). The feecond battle of the Post-season series resulted 111 a victory for Heading, after a grueling 40 minutes 0f ,,,,, , score 62 to 29 The batt e was hard foualit fro,,, the very first tap of the bell j c-u,iit, iiu;sm ,ic ciuac'huaiiiiiiij ,Ulllt3 lP.n,ll..( nln,..l 1, a ! Ao.-..n a.,1 1 .. .. vv iiicit huh iieeti e-iiuracierisuc ot tne Beats In their uphill fight for the pen nant, while Camden showed moie ot tho smooth machine work and spectacular shooting. SOCCER SEMIFINAL ARRANGED Bethlehem Meets Homestead and Brooklyn Celtics Play Coats, Dre-wlugs for Ihe semifinal round of the an nual luij lie nerlea of the PnltLd Stateu l-Voi. ball Association were made yesterday at the Broadway enlrai Hotel. New Vork city The olUUI pahlngs are! April 3, Be-thlehem F. C va Homestead B W F. C. at South Bethle. Bay will Hl-lKe. and the Camerona. of this , ltv play a cup tie game at Schenectady today, I Iff I i lHrT'.S Thc main TOoOOLe VutTM THIS GAME y& - t:t kn it anj t The care about -To Lose 1'v.C A motion l& COUNT IT- I where it umsir- MIGHTY PECULIAR C WHEN YOU LOSE ' HEAVYWEIGHTS BOX AT NATIONAL TONIGHT Carl Morris and Porky -lynn Clash Pittsburgh F.ghter in Semifinal. I'hihtdelpltl.i's llstlr fiuli'llilty will hltve ,. ' . ,., ... Its Mist nppottiiiiltv In many moons o ,. , . . ,, n.f wltiicsslnp; a bitten of mninmotli nst ,.. . , ,. .. , . , ,.,. i . T.-I, unrein in iiciiuii u.iii . of Boston, anil Call Mnirls. S.tptilpa, Okln.. clash In the vvimlup ot the X- tlonal Athletic Clubs weekly show; to ltlRht Two clever llttlo fellows, llaiiy Palmer nuil llairv Smith, will opposo each other In tho rmliliiiil, nnd tho bout should piove ,t Rood appetizer fot the stellar snap Tin- pi ori am follows: ITrst limit lack Waldlnn. Trenton, vs. ouiir nnrrell, Soulhwark .. , hocoiul loiit-stinl.vv Ilineklo, (iras s 1 etry, I v." Jail, MiClnsket. Illelimond. Third lout llenrv llauher, Palrmount, vs. Young Jasper, Boston Senilntnil-uii-I'.irrv Palmer, Pittsburgh, s i Ilarrv Smith, ISth W'ard Whid-up- nrl Mnnls, Stpulpa, Okla , . Pnrk I'Tvnn, I'oston ' Uniii km.t in iv decide tho IC. I) llatrv Bskrt-Sallor t h irlev tlrande bout, semlwlnd uii to (be bom between Charlev White nnd charier Thomas at the cilnipli A V. Monda night. ll.iker Is fresh from a victors over lliiny ilrch ut ITttsliurgh. lursdss night Knockout Baker will appear In his second bout of the week in combat with laro lloitck at the Palrmount A. c This will bo thc t-a ncastrl in'a first appearance for some time, lie Is again under tho management of Lou Durlacher. Prankle Hnncll, who siss he weighs 112 pounds, I- nnxions t.i get i cruik at Bobby McCann, Oraj'a Kerrv's ileter flj weight. Thn former said he belli vtd he could stop Mac In a six-round setlo. .Ilnum Howe, u i lilneso bantamweight, is "boxing In tho middle VV,si Vrtiirillng to re- iports. tba hov la a ileilr twn-bnndetl bnver llowi! wclglis 100 pounds, and has Lecn lKixIng nbout two seals C7GL MOGfftS if-T 11 ', 1 a( lgHgsK jZ& ,-v"sv. IatataHBafV mKit. The big Oklahoma White Hope will make his first appearance at the National A. C. tonight since knocking out Big Bill Bass in one round at the same club two years ago. lie will meet a worthy op ponent in FJynn, who has been Sam Langford's sparring partner t for several years. Yoo'oa fiT T6. BG A FINE' ISOLFCR AND DRItje STRAIGHT cJR aPBNO a loJop Tirie HlUTIMG BALI S MOT AW - I M .',OIKlCi To put it out om Thc fair.va.av- uumats Thi. Diff .Spito IT A GOLF BALL? 15 GOLF TOURNEYS FOR LOCAL PLAYERS Schedule of Philadelphia Asso ciation Provides Great Pro gram Gossip of Clubs. I i Oolfeis who Ret their Riealest pleasure v , , , out "f touriinnieiil play had reason to feel well pleased when thej Rlnnced over sehedtili' tecentlt announced bv the lnP ociieuim eccutij .iiiiiuuiilcu uj i ic ?" '""ociaiion oi riumueipnin. ine 1 list couiaineu u touiiinmeuts lor meii i-and six for women, not including; the .sevcr.nl team competitions. But tho best pait of It Is that theie Is more to come ut least sl moio events for men and not less than two more for the fair sex. This jear will be a buss one for the Shaw tue Country Club, for In addition to holding the open and amateur championships of the Pennsv'vanla Golf Association that plcturcsquo resort will stage tho annual Shawnee open and the two invitation tournaments for men and women. The spring nnd fall tournaments at tho Country Club of Atlantic cits aro fixtures, tho first event coming on the last tc dass In prll anl the first of Mas Lake wood's annual spring and rail events will tninn along undisturbed and as Capo Msy usuallv stngrs an invitation tournament for womin there Is no reason for believing that they will not do .o this $ear. While the month of June Is rather top lieavy, there still Is room for tho Wilmington Countrv Club's annual event and the Bala Coir Club's tournament, as usual, will be held along towards tho latter part of August, for Friday and Saturdas, October 1 and 2, and that Merlon will entertain the members of the three tetma nnd others, during the earls psrt of the same week, is not at all Improbable None of thc abovn events was included In the Mchcaule given out bv the association for tho ten good reason that no definite or ran ce ments had been made up to tho tlmo of Its I held. In addition lo those on tlte'oftlclal list, ' neie Is no reason to doubt. iiibitcation nut that all theso events will ho am SZYYY JJ Wli-Llf. IIOPPE TAKES LEAD IN H1LLIAUD TOURNAMENT Sensational Run Helps Visitor to Set Pace. With n sensational high run of 240 to his credit, Willie Hoppe surged to the fore In th second da's play of the 18.2 bs.Ikllne billiard tournament with Joseph Muter, nmntctir ihaniplon of America, Last nlRht's final score showed Hoppe with 1200 chalked up opposite his name, n a itRalnst Jlacr'H S3D The fourth and fifth blocks of the tournament nio sched uled for this afternoon and evening, re specllvclt This evening will bo "ladles' nlRbt." Mnjer Iia.l a nl-polnl advantage na the result nr ITutrsdav night a Play Yesterday afternoo'i llnpiie lopiiri) (en polntn on" this kail, ami by a niarv clous exhibition last evening vtlpeil nut iIia r(.ninlnlnv Rl nnlnlit nnri entiibMMlfpti a rtl . point lend of his on To win the tnurnanvnt Hser mul urore ROl points In today's pls berme lloppe mflkes Peo, lloppe's Real bclnic i!UO0 points and Meter's lfrOO. llnppe s run of KIO In the seventh Innlnic nudn lam night n block the moil spectacular of the toirnament so far. Afternfon honors wenl to Ma)er, who me efeiled 111 ilcklnR ofT MA) while lloppe was scor ing 410. Tho amateur champion boosted bis average to 271-11. msklng; runs of ICI, 7,1, r, anil art an even Letter performance than his work on Thursday evening CORNELL HAS LEAD IN WRESTLING MEET s t Pcnn and Lehigh Tied for Honors Last Night Finals Tonight. Cornell, Ihe present tltleholdci, quallltcd live men fur the llual round of the 11th unnilal Intel loltcRlatc t resiling- meet In the preliminary nnd semifinal l omuls last iilght. Pcnns.t lvanl.t and t.ehlRh each niinllllcil three men, 1'ilncclon two nnd I Coltiinbin one. Cornell scented thiee ' points toward her Una score on falls, I Pennsvlvunla two and I.cIiIrIi one. Tho 1 Html round will bo held tonlcht I'tilhertson, of Cornell, Ihe 115-pound title holder, was the highest point winner, throwing both of his opponents tin will meet Klrkhuff, of Lehigh. In the Duals The latter won n de cision front Culhbertson In the recent dual meet Dnrlras, of Pei.nsjlvanla, the heavyweight ehamplnn, threw Iingstretli, Princeton, nnd win meet Kleinert. of Cornell a former inler- inlleglatn tliamplou. in the llnal round. PRI'I.IMINAIUI'S. I 1t,-pounil class Culbertson. Cornell threw t aacarella Columbia with an elbow hqjd, In I 1 nr,. Klrkhuff. lhlgh, defeated Sherman, . Penn, on aggressiveness. In in minutes. Neb- ' erlter. Princeton, hv e 12..pouml class Martin, l.rhlglt. defeated Mackenzie Cornell, on aggressiveness, In 0 minutes. aIuics, Columbia, defeated Prlckctt, Princeton, on aggressiveness. In 15 minutes; Wiioley, Per.n, he Ill-pound class Post, Cornell, defeated Mc Cullough Lehigh, on aggressiveness. In V min utes. TancocK. Princeton, d-feated I.ee, Penn. on nggresslvcnrss, In 15t lninutea; Columbia, t, o HT.pnund class Thomas T,elilgh, threw Ullllants, Penn, with body serssors. In 8 IS; rranly. Princeton, defeated Saeger, Cornell, on uggresslveness. In 21 minutes: Columbia, bve ! defeated Baker Princeton, on nggresslveness, . ( nlnute, , sta,iPr i.clln, defeated llowey. ir.s-pounu claps captain uauogny, Cornell. Columbia, on ngriesslvencss, in 13 minutes, i.etugn, nvc. t7.T-pound class Cnptaln Pendleton Colum bla, defeated lllle, I'rlneeton. on aggressive ness in n minutes; McKeage, Cornell, threw Dew hurst, Penn. with neck hold. In 2 4S; Le- Heavyweight class Kleinert Cornell, de feated Fleming Lehigh, on aggressiveness, in 0 m,nU,C8- SEMIFINALS US-pound class Culbertson. Cornell, threw N'beiker. Princeton, In 4 minutes 47 seconds, with n crouch hold 12,-i-pouml ilass Woolles', Pennsylvania, llirevv Almes. Columbia, In 60 seconds, with a front Nelson hold. 135-pound class I i:. Post, Cornell, won from Gardticr, Columbia, on aggressiveness, In u minutes. 14.T.pound elnss Thomas. Lehigh won from Schwann, Columbia, on decision. Time, 0 mln- I.TS-pnuml c ass Captain Oallnglis. Cornell, defeated fcawtelle, Lehigh, In 0 minutes, on ag gressiveness l7..pountl clasn-Csptaln PencTeton, of Col ombia, wnn Iron! Cood, Lehigh, on decision. Time, tninulea. Heavyweight class DorUas, Pennsslvanla, threw Longstroth. Princeton, in 1 minute SS seconds, vvltlt a body hold. FLEMING DEFEATS SHERMAN IN QUAKER CITY WIND-UP Bert Steele Fractures Elbow in Bout With Al Haines. Buck Fleming,' of Gray's Fcny, deserved the honors over Abo Sherman, ot Frisco, In their six-round battle at the Quaker City A. A. last night. Tho local fighter had an advantage of height and reach. Although handicapped tho Coast feathet w eight pul up a hard light. lit the other bouts, Al llalnes defeated Ilert Steele In the first round, the latter fractuilng his elbow; Seesaw Kelly won fiom JIany Allen, Jimmy Griffith stopped Voting Dillon in thn tirst session, .lop O'Neill outpointed Harney Durum and Nonli Mitchell outfought Eddie Dorse. PROPOSE BOWLING CHAMPIONSHIP HERE Representative Bowlers Met Last Night and Declared for Joint City Affair. Itepresentatlvo bowlers of many proml ment local leagues -were present at the luncheon, given last evening In Dooner"s Hotel, when the question of uniting all tho league nnd associations of this city under the banner of the national asso ciation was discussed, II. C. Ileldman, president of the local pity association. 'occupied the chair, and National Presl- ucm J-. i-i. JJUUKiin una .National Treas urer Thomas Guinon, as well tis ex President William Klrlf, of Wilmington; Secretary George M, Moss nrid If, J, Bergman, were among the 40 or more bowlers In attendance. It Is planned lo canvass leagues anil howling clubs of the city and enrol them In the city association and hats them contest In a, city championship aeries In single, two and five men teams, according lo their averages. Major league bowlers will roll In clam, a im... A mediates in class II and novices In class C. Jtnouicr maucr uie-ustm waa nip payment Ot the annual dues Into the city association by members who are enrolled on Individual mem bership basis, the feo being 33 cents. Next season It Is hoped to Inaugurate a plan of In cluding tha membership fees in the Initiation dues paid by the bowlers when they Join the club or league with which they roll, and hav ing the secretary of the league say the money Into the local association. Moore Ties Huey for Place CIIICAOO, March 27. By defeating- Charles Morin, of Chicago, In the afternoon game yesterday, George Moore, of New York, went Into a tin , with William Huey, of Chicago, for first place In the world's championship three-cushion billiard tournament. The score was 60 to 43, Moore going out In 78 Innings. Each had a high run ot 4. -HE BU8BEHS V? TO THE STANP A TniJATOniVT lirrr r . ,. ,T5 ovimouiirmLLAKI) GO POSTPONED N((M Mni.Tr.iir .1 "W1VUU1WA-AJJP; Former Champion TonJ Burns Predicts Victor! for Kansan Over Bi? Black-Says LiT Arffif Has Yellow Streak 1 Havana, March 27.-the right t.M championship of the world belwMn$S Johrwon and .less willard hM been S potied until Monday, April s. ,, " Sffl Mcnocal, of Cuba, objected to th, ,?SJ IM of the combat on Kaster Sun-.r rather than clash w,th lho auth5 thc promoters put over the date 21 hSS The men will enter the ring at 6i April l. uflga Jess Willard wilt knock out Jack. fM son. S This Is the prediction of Tommy tJI from whom the present charnpon SS tho heavyweight laurels at Sydney aS tralla. December 28, 190S. FurthenrSS the Canuck, the only fighter of hi, S tlonallty who over held a puglll.tfe (jti? says he will never attempt to pIcltTH other winner f the Kan-art ." stretch six feet ot black h"M on his back. Mlly JS Burns nlso InUmatcs that Johnson the poorest heavyweight champion Tn t$ history of pugilism, and also . JH Bl-j Black has a yellow streak. '$$& believes Wil ard will hate little S" dlsplajlng his superiority over JohS and the enormous cowboy will return tk. laurels to the while race on tha aft,,: noon of April 4. "j 11,'re's what Burns sas fi r-.L-,.'?-! -" ." ab"utelv sure to vis i? fought .Tolinion In an entirely wronr fi.M.V I played into his hands, thinking lf.uid,n gamn him If I had "boxed him iMtiidti.' cou d have, stayed the limit and won tk. decision. As for Johnson, I think he ?s 15! poorest champion we ever had To" the iJl f'nslve ho Is perhaps the greatest bfrmfl that ever lived, but he will never Carrr"S! I'm?' !? he I0"1," man' BUny him aadV.T I II". ' ''f. l?nJa n c?a&e ot blows on rVa ami doesn't hurt sou he gets oTscourHHVl1 don't see how he is ever going to fleht Jill Willard ore his feet. Pnd. mSreoVer? I cou se- how he Is golnr to hurt him with that I Bhi uprtrcut. if willard plays his art right I don't see how he can htlp belni thi next world's champion. i "I'll tell tou plainly why I don't conili Johnson a great champion He knocked -ms slllv in the first round of our Auitrallan 8ht) and do vou know what hs did? Iaitetif et vV,,A ,,, ,iu iiiuoiiinK me, hi ne coaid nara rtpne. he backed avvaj-, and when I wtnt bsck st l.tm he worked that famous old trick of bis of putt! ig both hands on my shoulders Just to keen me from hltllng 1.1m Now. -sbst do you think of that' Me nearly out ind still he wouldn't fight one second on the mJ grosMve' If I ever had a matt as n-arlr eut as he had mo in that round sou can bet Til have been right on top of him until I had lint out. j "That waa the only time ho hurt m? though I wasn't lit a bad was whea tti'i stopped tho fight. In all nty othtr fights, especially those with big men I wss alwari oretty near 'all In' after It was over, i Hot after this fight 1 got Into m sttMt clothr In n lmrrv. drnc n m mnlnp tar at ?H tntt.t ,. a,.. l,n,nA dI. n irtrt m, anl. n.i.l Fl , Aa . shJ ...l ..v. i. ..n., ,,,jac ..,., ,tt. iiiicem oanuv FEDS AGREE ON SHIFT OF CLUBS AND PLAYERS Cy Falkenburc to Play With NewarkS KaufT With Brookfeds. KV.W YOrtJ-. -unrcli "7. All th. Fijfrili I.eairtin clubH wero reDresented at the iDcefll meeting held hern for thc purpois of (doptta a pissing schedule for tho coming ui)n. President Ullmoro and 11 i: Gates, ot Indian. I polls, tne league's legal adviser, t.ia inn in.i, ransfer uf the Indianapolis Club lo Ml,j trap N J Iiad been ratified I'reKlrlent (lllmnre. nnnotinced that ruchera T-reH Kalki nberir would remain with The NewM arlc Club, but that Benny Kauff. oatneldcri it.,, la nlnv ivllti tha Tlrnnllvn VeHer.lS. SeraS Baseman McKechnle, the fonner Plttibur.4 and New York American plajer, who had been t.,.iainn ni, In. hollnr term- lenerl A Newark contract jesterday noth Kauff and Fal-enterd had been slated to go to Brooklsn- . sM The arrangements ne to tho disposal c" Piara era teemed in be satisfactory to Harry Slnclat" and P T. Powers thc owners of thf MwaniJ (Tub. but the question of an exchange of agers tlcorge Stovnll and William Phllllpa Urn tween Kansas cits and Newark, wane ans discussion, was not semen, ii wss ".., cood attthurlts that Phillips would matiajslM Ncwnrks and Stovall probably would play flm baeo unacr mm I JIM COFFEY BUSY FIGHTER Has Bouts With Delaney, Davis, Mot ris, Willard and Others. vr-n' vnnv t.l, T rirrt fnffeV. thl Vl'sh heavs weight' champion has a ttwg mapped put lor nun Dy .nnr .'" --- .,..! ..n,i !... ,'aIV.. flohllnp nt ICait Ull lll-ll 11 III ncr i u'tu "o - -- - once eacli week for the next month, cnn will bn with Soldier Delaney at the '!"" bnro A. I tunlght, after which h ,"' WJ finite working for his 10-round lit -Maln-j One Round Davis, of Buffalo, which Is ; ot the features ot a special show to U i hel ot lho Palrmount A. C next TuiU W After his bout with Bat Is. Coffsj will WJJ pire for a battle with Carl Morris Tn-J Stateh will take, place at the Mcjf! .Arite."?, ATWi Wllard Will W .Wjj oaxca in succession. BOXING AT EBBETS FIELDl Brooklyn Club Plans to Hold Six M Bouts This Summer. M NEW VOIUt. Mrc't 2T.--0n.,lT mjto louts will be Inaugurated at EbbeW H' ,,, Ing the coming summer, 1 : the plans cy Uhbeta-McKeever Kxhlblllon Li-msuy rlallie. The company was .',n0Tl?MaJvSS bany esterday, with a capital of IW JSMJJ Mr, 'Ebbeta. principal owner of the wsi Baseball Club has had this "heme ' n wj for some time, and last summer, sjaen i .Sggested. It brought forth some oh on ' the Boilne t;omml..lon It !!',", ,4 that the comm.siion will wnctlon tne wj bouis inia imnmn BOXERS IN LOVE MATCH Frankle Nelson, of New Yorsr. JBriiVl worst stall ever seen ln,h",nr,A("rcV VattetJ During. lh. third round the "''JS.tcWsi nrH0m.unnB flriW,r."contlnu.d their .geHW I eSg"'. Th5.0' TStom theatre in qissu.i, i7..l. tinvnr Arnilitted PAniS,..M.rch 27,-A urt..aart..l j ?..?"i,.'S..'i, u ' o.r a charge of t jultted Iuls da pontnieu, T --nal i.M nualllst. on e.bs.rge of UUPES liBiiiwuie da'pont-bleu wasln tit. un,c.u ffa J! .VWEeV lo Join thi. colbr,h. sniagements for three flg-,..""B.'"ail turned home. sX monma arrssteu. ..,.r.tIT.Tf.NiaUt XU.MUIU u.-... -"-, -,,,fl National A. C. tT S3si Carl Morris va. Porky Hf OLYMPIA A. A. fflSSftSiS MONDAY NIOIIT. Mn-" T,I0M Charier WHITE Ti. Charley " .-.Sffl Adm. 2c. BaL lies, 'Oe. Ateo '--sj pon't cwwa . mc"A.-ri V J , ,-r, J Vflt?!'-. V." ' . ' st fc- . -St v - c' il J-JMS-gmilt-'l-UllJ. 'L ' l"aJiHI,,S . . I ll- Si I I' i ' l 4 ' r 1 ..n. ! , mnL I ' I ' TTTi o l I I mi I ' I ,1 ,1 . I i. I i , l I M l l i .i u,i , i, i....,, i, .Mil I. y ' I V1"1 " l. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l ' I '," " SMP ' J 4L JL ' 1 , & ft.