Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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"porJtp indicate inat
Vallgeiiaun; mccungo
71 seated Atmospnere
What Helped to Win Men
nd Women tor unnsi.
MjnCe8 that the KOnernl effect ot tlio
" ,, ciinilny campaign In tile Inter-
Sr . ,vang.tism were Rood aro indl-
.fcrmiKli reports received by the
4-tfKfl IiKtjnfiJi from churches of nil do
bnatians on the growth ot their metn-
STllM Bll100 l"0 cn,"l"UK" !:"-
churches have rerelvcd a great '
I ..... r
If. niombers direct from the glory
f. h tile tabernacle: others have
gjrt4 a fair number, while some have
W,ttA but a few and some churches rr
S ii,. ihev have had no "trnlMilltcra"
5.1 In their congregations.
f"- ' ...l itwlinntlnnn frnnl thn re-
ThA gene.1 ,.......-.. . -- - --
ictithul far received In the canvims tho
St,n i.KDOEn Is makim? to ascertain
irtentral effect of tho campaign on
KjMlIsm nre. however, that many of
5urcr.es have not as yet admitted to
Sbershlp the majority of those persons
SUrofesscd conversion by taking Jir.
iwtved are encouraging, In that tho cler
Xri declare their bellof that they will
. the nleasure of extending welcomes
ww '"". ,,,.: ,,;:,:::
Stt.ree numbers of Sunday converts
,tr,ln the next few weeks. And thci
A'many who report that they will re
j.i ihlr largest number ot new con-
Inrtiit.tlio Easter morning services.
Thre are, Oi uuuiac, auuiu ntminiKin
li. mvo found that fictitious names
itit riven by some men and women who
hlt tie trail," but tho general Indlcn
.. are that the majority of thoso who
Sic thejr stand In tho tabernacle are
iMt sincere in inuu utom; , ,.., ,,,ci
Lf tep to live an Christians or else
ttit eacouraged to renew their broken
nfi and to follow tho Master more near
rii Il6i would havo them follow through
i.Wml service.
;ilerIs no doubt, when tho figures sub
dued aro tanen miu uuiibiuciuuuu, ihul
tort have been many times as many
im persons Influenced to start to llvo
ttfiitlan lives during tho campaign weeks
in Philadelphia has ever given to the
ttrUUan vorld during tho anine number
tfgteks In the past. Neither Is there any
jtibt but that the number received und
ah received Into tho churches who did
joi profess their conversion In the taber
ud meetings will exceed by three or
ftof times the number who "hit the trail. '
Sowver, the largo majority ot the ro
jorta of clergymen received bring the
formation that the Sunday campaign
mused such a deep Interest In religious
Hitters, created such a stirring evangel
ic atmosphere and encouraged laymen
lo norlt for the salvation ot othors to
rich,an extent that It has been far easier
for flergymen to bring men and women
fata the .Kingdom during the months that
live Jnet .been passed.
"ISome ministers also assert that a great
saay OI me new iiiviiiuciei wuiv tuuuccu
lo a sense of tlielr slnrul ways uy Hearing
JElHy" Sunday preach, and ttfen began
lo lake in interest in tho rovlval meetings
Mi: their homes and attended churches,
,htreas they hnd previously seldom been
Veen at.a religious service. Almost all
Ihe churches report increased attend-
t" J ancei, wider interest in niblo study and
- m m.w- .-,.,.., n.n I. ,. n..r,,A, ...anTlntra inilTl
they hafe ever known. In many cases
the attendance) at the midweek services
iv Irpled,
in itxiii example of tho reports received
Mbat from tho Rev. Dr. V. a. Green
ny, Mstor of the Gaston Presbyterian
MCtarch, 11th street nnd Lehigh avenue.
wctor Greenway's letter Is characteristic
s( the rcsDonses that havo been received
Urequest'for reports, and for this reason
tie luBstance Is given. Doctor Grcenway
iriles: "
fcUst Sabbath morning wo received 220
tev members into our cnurcii; -t- oap
tfed; 3)3 fl-ero, on confession of faith; 117
ire men and boys. Of this number 11
-M signed cnrds at the tabernacle. Tho
rs had cono forward at our Wcdnes
Itf nbht anel Snndav nltrht services.
it our Sunday night services our
tipus are immense, taxing tno nmu ot
W'Urge' audlttfrium. nnd tho spirit of tho
.rrlcj! might bo said to be a miniature
Uwmacle service.
IQVhlle only II of the noove number
a signed cards at the tabernacle, I be
tre the greatest good done by tho cam
Pjttn was the creating of a religious
itaoiphere that has made It possible for
tutors of churches to work better than
er colore, and I nttriuutc, indirectly,
Sj larger aharo to tho campaign which
IS Just closed. The above number was
2?lYd at one morning service. At our'
munis servico wo naa u moro conver
lifiQS. "anil prtAM tn rppMv n. lnrcre ntlm-
J.ot ne members again Easter morn-
MInU(frii -nrho huvo not flled reportu
UUjnftr a fnvor lr nendlnB them to
e, livening Ledser nt tlielr con-
Annual Reunion Tomorrow
eannual reunion of tho confirmed
jymberg of. St. Jllchael's German Luth-
a vnurch, Trenton avenue and Cum
i?jUnd street, will bo held at 7:30 to
rK nlsht' TerB w"l be speaking
Hwerntun and Kngltsh by the pastor,
ai'Rev,. George Schuchaid, nnd special
jjjW smbe a feature ot tho program.
fflit jFucttMp ntfj
ill the'ivorld admires a man who
'XQtWt j.
A? vlcfor in a fluid or Ihe right
fine a hero,
ko man has ever gained an en
te place it he won when an the
impno tide o o 6aMe No man will
tiler attnln n ! nf I,nn H ihn
"t ihe champions la not honest,
and Just to those about Mm. as
as to himself,
b greatest glory ami the great-r-j
satisfaction come to the man
2E6 Stands "ffturmiiniinrti" fnr nnnd-
li&fj. ttierr'tl mtil iulh nttil mhn -minx
through the hardest difficulties,
jftficn mougn a man mav lose, to
l,94 fll.a hmat n ,,,t t.. ., ...? n,t.
ifrsf " ',e Prot'M himself a coward
WkiVi01'1 "?'iJfa(e surrender when
s trovers tnat his battle for rwiit
it ll'"" fine.
ft these htiii ilinvn -M't!, jtn 4)inilf
JltS inU -. ..- i..
Mf.y. 'tMctt jxj measure autxcja n
WV4r and when there are so many
a-i(aiio;i an every side, it is not
Sll lOr inril tn II. .o ,ln,'n,,t lino It
iter easier to follow the crowd that
geu ireaas the ivays of u'lcvea-
''. as tn all other battles, the
nor in the struggle against sin
CfiinP lint I.... Kt. rtlinMMn 11
gfUes, o master of finance, no
3&T fn si. M . rtl,JI, attain-
OatllM ihmitnU (!Hflin his
fMHly battles, a place in the hearts
Sift associates that brings Mm any-
mu Uke the foy that comes to Ms
pa ncari through the unowieage.
ttuc nas conquered sin ana is nv-
reiaice tn the increased in
wr are taking in religious
Phnsuan uirk May there be
w-tareastiio number striving
- hrrnpt in th (treat laltU
rhtttousiust. VUWUPB.
Ho has resigned as assistant, pro
motor of scrvico at the Central
HranchfY. M. C. A. to become
general secretary of the associa
tion at Clearfield, Pa.
Young Philndclphinn to Become Gen
eral Secretary of Association at
Clearfield, Pa.
W. Irving Lewis has resigned his posi
tion ns assistant promoter nf service in
tho Centrnl Ilranch Young Men's Chris
tian Association, to become general secre
tary of the Y. M. C. A. at Clcnrtleld, Pa.
He will begin his new duties on April (1.
On Jlonduy nlghl, April 8, a complimen
tary dinner will bo given him by his as
sociates and friends among Central's
- Mr. Lewis Is a graduate of the Central
High dchool and Temple University. He
also took preparatory work in tho Phila
delphia Training School for Social Serv
ice and the Central Educational Institute,
and nttended tho Silver Hay Conference
to lit himself for Y. M. C. A. wolk.
During his years of religious work h.
this city Mr. Lewis has become popular
as a lecturer, nnd Is ono of the strong
workers for the Anti-Saloon League in
this city. Ho hns been at Central for
four yearn nnd served successively as
boys' secretary, religious' work director
and employment bureau manager.
Will Also Conduct Free Classes
in Manual Training and Sew
ing in Varick Zion Church.
A free employment bureau and manual
training and sewing classes for negroes
will bo opened within a few weeks nt tho
Varick Institutional Zlon Church, 19th and
Catharine streets, by tho Itev. Sylvester
L. Corrothcrs, the pastor. The Institute,
is the culmination of plans laid more than
a year ngo.
Tho founder of the organization de
clares that it Is useless to brlnrf the
young men of his race Into tho church
from tho poolrooms "and saloons unless
work can be obtained for them. Accord
ingly he has fitted up the basement rooms
of the temple for the classrooms.
A class for teachers of Bible classes
also will be formed at tho Institute. As
soon as young men and women of tho
congregation uro graduated from this
course they will establish Hlble classes
In various parts of the city.
The plans Include the formation of a
uniformed corps of workers to do
emergency laboring nnd cleaning. Tho
Iden of this is to do away with petty
thefts from householders who hire men
to put out nshes nnd clean yards and
cellars. Men to do this kind of work
will bo provided by the Employment
Bureau of Varick Institute, which will
'guarantco tho householders against loss
Neat green uniforms will be provided.
Several of tho downtown real estate
dealers have agreed to turn over to the
bureau all the work of cleaning vacant
houses. Men In this corps of emergency
workers will bo tnught trades in the
manual training department while they
are not at work.
"The condition of tho negro In Phila
delphia," said Mr. Corrothors today, "Is
deplorable. Hundreds ot our young men,
especially thoso from tho South, never
look for work, and others who really
want employment find It hard to obtain.
There Is no ccntrnl organization In this
city to provido Jobs for them, und the
Varick Institute will attempt to nil this
Evangelistic Services to Be Continued
Through Three Weeks.
Union rovlval services have been begun
ln Upper Itoxborough with tho Muna
tawna Baptist, Bldgo Avcmio Methodist
Kplscoput and tho Hoxborough Presbyte
rian Churches participating. Tho meet
ings aro being conducted by the Itev. W.
It. Forney, pastor of tho Mt. Vtinon Bap
tist Church, and the Oev. Isaac Ward,
pastor of tho Fourth Beformed Church,
Special Meetings Planned
The Itev. Dr. Edward Yates Hill, pas
tor of tho First Presbyterian Church,
Washington smutrc. has announced In
viting programs of services for tomorrow
at 11 a. in. and 4 p. m. Special music,
appropriate to tho season, will be n
feature. Speakers for the noonday sew
Ives for business men and women for the
coming week will be as follows: Monday,
the Rev. Dr. William Beatty Jennings,
of the First Church. Germantown; Tues
day. the Rov. William V. Here, of th
Central Congregational Church; Wednes
day the Itev- John A. MacCallum, of the
Walnut Street Presbyterian Church!
Thursday, the Rev. Dr, Marcus A, Brown,
son. Ihe Tenth Presbyterian Church; Fn
da y, the Hev. Dr. John Allan Blair, of
the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church:
Saturday, the Rev. Dr, John T. Karris, ot
the I'rtsbyterian Board of Publication.
Big Methodist Rally
Bishop Berry and the Rev. Dr- Charles
M, Boswell will be tho chief speakers at
a creat union Methodist mass-iiieetlu'j
ot convert and wqrkers of th 'Billy"
Sunday campaign at the Baptist Temple,
Broad and Berks streets, Monday eve
ning at 8 o'clock. Virtually every Meth
odist church In the city will be repre
seated. Special Servicea at Glenolden
raslon Week services will be conducted
next week In the Congregational 'Church,
Qlenolden. by the minister, the Rev.
William If. Medlar, on Tuesday. Wed
nesday. Thursday ancl Friday evenings
at 8 ofrtock. On Easter Sunday it Is.
exiuK'ted that there will bo at least a
more ot new member received into the
cMrcb- Mot of them re the reuU
ot tbe "Billy" Stmow? campaign in Pnll-
Frank D. Getty Leaves on j
March 31 Germantown I
Association Adds Many j
New Members News of i
Other Branches. !
William II. crontt, executive secretary :
or the West Branch Young Men's Cnrl-
tlnn ssoclatlon, icccntly announced sev-
einl ch.inges In thn membership fees and .
plusli-al department plans which should j
gain the btnnch much popularity among
ouiir men and hoys of modoiate means .
in 9t Philadelphia. I
TbioiiRh the new schedule of rales tho '
cling men ate now paying less for tho j
use of the modern equipped building and f
for more privileges than they did 10 years i
ago In the old building nt 1.1th nnd Chest
nut streets before the association had
briini'heil nut to nil sections ot Phlladel- i
plila. j
IleciuiFo of the great demand for phy
sical training for boys under the mini
mum ngo It has been decided to start a
now group for bo.vs between the nacs
of tn and 12 years. Business men of the
community have agio-d to use the pin si- i
cnl eciiilpment In the morning In order to
havo li reach as high a maximum of st'iv
ice ns possible. I
The I o'clock men's meeting lit the West '
Branch loinoirow nfternoon will he con
ducted by the TenneHKce Mnl" quartet, a
musical organization composed of minis
ters. They began lo sing together wlillo
students at Mnryvllle College many years
ngo. This will be Ihe Inst service con-
dueled by the present promoter of scrv-
Ice, Frank D. Uctty, whoso connection ,
with tho West Branch will cease on
Mnich 31. The position of promoter of j
seivlce will be discontinued because of ;
financial retrenchment.
.1. Wllllson Smith, of the Land Title
nnd Trust Company, will nddress the !
mens meeting In the auditorium of Cen
tral Branch, tomorrow ut I p. in. Ills
subject is "Covet Famcstly the Best
Things." Ho Is particularly Interested In
the welfare of voting men. and Is ac
tively nssoclnted with the management '
of Central Branch. This nddress will
deal especially with the religious life as
seen from a practical business man's
point of view. Special vocal solos, ap
propriate to Palm Hundny, wlir be sung
by Arthur Seymour, the well-known dra
matic baritone. Instrumental music by
Messrs. llovell, violin: F. Kevin Wlcst,
cornel, and B. Iord Kncedler. piano.
Thomas I Law ton will take for his
topic before the Drop In ('lass "Do Not
Become Discouraged." The clnss meets
In the lobby nt 3 p. m.
Dr. Peter Roberts, of New York city,
will give an Illustrated address at the
r-en's meeting of the tiermantown V. M.
1 A. tomorrow afternoon, at 4:15 o'llock.
ctor Roberts Is one of the secretaries
nf the International Y. M. C. A., and his
subject for this occasion will be "Imml
jr'ntloii." The membership campaign, which was
launched nt a dinner on Monday evening.
Is growing In Interest. One hundred nnd
eighteen new members were obtained the
first three days.
The Rev. Walter B. Grcenway, pastor
ot flaston Presbyterian CYiurch, will be
gin a series of nvo messages on How
to Win Men," commencing Friday even
ing, April 2 nt the North Branch. His
first nddress will be "How lo Win the
Careless JIan."
The Knights of St. Paul, an organisa
tion which has grown out of tho Rode
heaver High School students' meetings,
is coming to a successful head and it !
expected that an organization for defi
nite work will be effected in the next
itobeit P. Klees, boys' work director,
through whose efforts tho big meetings
among high school students were held
during tho Sundny campaign. Is planning
a number of Interesting events of speclnl
Interest to members of the boys' depart
ment. Shop meeting will ho held this week
nt tho following points: ,1, B. Stetson
Company, Cramps' Shipyards. North
American I.aco Company. Western r.lcc
trlo Comp'iny, K. A. Wright Compnn.v,
Klectric Storage Battery Company. Hard
wlck & Mugee, Moore & White. Pro
fessor Happlch's orchestra will give a
program of Instrumental music In con
nection wlt'n tho usunl social hour this
Saturdoy eening at 8:30 o'clock.
Dr, T. T Mutchlor, superintendent of
thci Pennsylvania Sabbath Association,
will deliver an address ut the men's
meeting this Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock on the subject "Tho Why of the
American Sabbath." Mrs. Anna Bcale,
ot the Qelger Memorial Church, will sing.
New Boys' Brigade Company
The United Boys' Brigades of Amer
ica, la steadily increasing Its mem
bership In Camden and surrounding
towns The newest company, which ap
plleff.for Its charter this veck, Is con
nected wlth'St. Paul's Evangelical Luth
eran Church at "6th and Federal streets.
It Is under' 'the command of Jacob F.
Bender, with Charles W. Bender as captain.
The "Billy Sunday Bible Class
(March ?8, t'JIS International Series Head Xchemlah. ir, S6'S1.)
"Human Sin and Divine Mercy"
The lessons of the quarter cover a stormy period of Israel's history of
about 300 years. It extends from' the beginning af the rule of the fudges to
the middle of the reign of Kino Saul. Throughout this period two things
UEO. o. DOWEY, they forget tne uenverer, aamuei, tne propnet, was
ef as special mouthpiece of Jehovah to reveal Ills xvill, but he was soon
refected. The kingship of Saul was tolerated by Ootl to prove the futility
of earthly kings; and finally Jonathan was raised up as an example of
faith and simple trust in Ood's power to care for H(s own. The domlnaiif
thing In alf (Ms period on man's side was sin and on dad's side long suf
fering, mercy, love.
It ts the same today. Ood's goodness, mercy and love are manifested
in a thousand ways, vet man, unmindful of it all, persists in his disobedience
to the divine law. And Ood tolerates sins in humanity todau which causes
even humanity itself, that better part of it, to shudder. Bee how divine
mercy is daily running parallel with human sin. But Ood wilt not hold Ms
anger forever, neither wilt His pfrll always strive with mart. How is the
day of grace; ludijKicnt is, earning.
Ml, , L
Down In ihe Licensed Satoon.
An innm to ,"Wtire l my Windetlng Dey To-nlghi t
Wotdssnd Music by W. A. YVltUAMI.
Whttt It my wand-'nng boy lo-night
1, Donin room all co-ty and blight, Filled with the glare of ma-ny Alight,
2. Learning new vie e all the night long, Tempted to til that's sin fill and wrong,
8, Little armt once were thrown tound my neck, Look at him now, my pour heart will break t
4, uroth-er, I guess you d en-ter this tight,
Jt JL . . 4- T. Z: C C
Rcauti-fut music Ihe car to delight, Down
Listen-Inn; to the hailcfs foul song.Down
Think of that boy to-nicht a sad wreck. Down
Ruined and wrecked by the drink appetite.Dawn
My to-night, There it my wanil'ring boy to-night, Down, down, down, down, Down In the licensed saloon I
i. A 4.4. 4
Copyright, tSos, by
Temperance hymn, writtdn by Philadelphia clergyman. It is repro
duced by permission of author and publisher.
Increase of Representative
Meeting of Society of Friends
to Be Made on Idea of "Equal
Women nre again to gnln another point
for the rights during the 22Sth Yearly
Meeting of tho Society of Friends ot
Philadelphia, If the present plans uie
carried out. The size ot the lepresenla
tlve meeting Is to be Increased from 40
to 4S members, and In nccordijnce with
the Idea of "cnual suffrage," it is an
nounced that a large proportion of the In
crease will he from the gentler sex. l.nst
year, with the same Idea In mind, three
women were added to the body.
The Yearly Meeting, which opens on
Monday, will continue through Friday. It
will devote much tlmo to tho discussion
ot the European wnr and the means of
bringing about peace. A committee wll
report on the aid which has been lur
lilshed to sufferers in the war zone, and
the work In the Interests of peace that
has been done will be discussed. Various
other reports will be read.
On Tuesday und Wednesday the "Quer
ies" which show how the Friends havo
upheld their principles against dancing,
card playing, drinking, tho theatre, paid
ministry and sleeping in meeting, will be
read nnd answered. On Thursday there
will be n report on their school system.
On Friday there will be reports on the
large boarding school nt Westtown, the
Indian school at Tunessnssn, N. .1., and
the Douknbors.
nsn -t AAA mnmnnnn
IMltl lllllll lift lllllIMli
A W- WWW ..--..-- .
Wiasa hickon Organization,
Taught by the" Rev. F. M.
Gray, Increases Attendance
From 6 to 586.
A men's Bible class of 1C00 members Is
the aim of the strong organization of tho
Wlssahlckon Methodist Episcopal Church.
Members ot this class do not Intend to
nllow the departure ot "Billy" Sunday
from tho city to dampen their enthusiasm.
At a recent meeting they formulated plana
to Increase their class membership from
430 to 1000. Thero la no class In the city
that has shown greater progress since last
autumn than this organization, which is
taught by tho pastor, the Rov. Frank M.
Permission has been received from tho
superintendent of police, and every Satur
day night tne class will conduct a street
singing campaign nnd will Rlvo Invitation
to men to "Brighten the Corner" at Ter
race and Harvey streets by their presence
on Sunday afternoons.
are prominent and run parallel, two things that present
a striking contrast and that constitute the central truth
of the quarter's lessons, namely, human sin and divine
mercy. The suggested reading lesson, Nehemlah, fr,
2t!,Xl, is a good epitome of the, whole period, setting'
forth a succession of sins, repentances and backslid
ings of Israel, and, parallel with all this, a constant
manifestation of God's mervtes to win and to woo a
rebellious people to loving obedience.
A review of the lessons shows In how many ways
this divine mercy were manifested. There were chas
tisements, miracles, works of Jove, great battles and
Victories, special revelations of Ood's will, rewards for
faithful service. The fudges, Deborah, Qldeon, Samson
and all the rest of them were instrumfnts of the divine
mercy, used to deliver Israel from national oppressors.
But as often as they were delivered just as often did
fl .
1 Down in the licensed s loon.
- -
" , 1 ' ' '1 ' 1 "-
If It were your uoy Mown there to- night,
t.ilonts. m .
in the licensed sa-loan
tn the licensed sa-loon,
in the licensed sa-loan,
There is my w and'nng
in the licensed sa-loon. J
Cm. i
', " ? Ti .
W. A. Williams
Tho Rev. Dr. W. A. Willinms Writes
Answer to "Where Is My Wandcr-
iiif Boy."
A hymn written in answer to that old
song, "Where Is My Wandering Boy To
night?" by the Itev. V. A. Williams, pas
tor of the Richmond Presbyterian Church
has been responsible for many conver
sloin, and hns won a place In the "Billy"
Sundny revival hjinn book. During the
lecent sci vices In the t.iliornnclc when
Prof. Horner A. Hodeheaver, Sunday's
choir leader, snug this man's hymn a
man huirlcd to the platform and pro
fessed conversion. Doctor Williams met
him and was surprised to learn thut he
was his own cousin,
This hymn In entitled "Down In
the Licensed Saloon." It is one of the
strongest temperance hymns of the day,
nnd B, O. Phillips has told of the con
version of three saloonkeepers and bni
tenders who were Won for Christ by
hearing It sung. It Is Included In Do tor
Williams' hymn book, "Sliver Tones." 11a
says that ho was inspired to write this
stirring temperance sons when ho heard
women singina and men applauding ns he
passed a corn naloon near his home nt
3012 Richmond s'reet.
Kelirious Brevities
At tlio Church or St. Judo and the Natlillv,
ilth and Mt. Vernon streets, ihp Itev. Dr. I..
N. Cnley, rector, will prejih to tiio Onler ot
tho tfons nnti Cadets of Temperance tomorrow
evening. "The Duty ot n "uldlc rVmfesnlon" will
itp thp subject or ti Itev. .iHmes nani'wy
Haln. pistor of the Wooillarul I'lpsbvtcrlntt
l-lilirnh InmArMIV mnniln,- nn.l "U'hnf Ql.itl 1
! I n Willi Jeiuii, Saviour of .Men 7" In the i-icn-
Intr. Mwrer.ce' II. Saint, arllt anil author,
, will ircak on "A Knlithi of the Cros" Wcl-
nsi'iy .mil on Tliursil.iv thp IIpv. Dr. J. Hong
evennori, prominent or the rrmceton Thro-
loptlrnl Seminary, will rroa.'h the sermon.
1 Lady Hope, of DtiKlanrl. will rifllvrr nn nri-
' ..- ,.. . 1. a. H, .... tl.iniA.. r,Ar..K.nA.) .-!...,.
t ,,, ,ll- .HUUIII ,,,,,,..l 11,1,11 Kir', i iniilll
tomorrow nfternnm or 2 oilo.'k. "IlIM OUr
May" will be ohsoneil. Tor whlrh -in attractive
muslral program lma hn ntrnnircil.
Thn Itev Dr. V. It. (irrrnway. pantor nr
thp (astnn I'rsabMrr'an Chunh. Utli Htipl
ami l.phlRh avpnue. h!in announced that ho
will oon'lui't rirp-Knttf r yprilcta In hU church
lhre evenliiitK I'urlntr nt week. On Wednes
day nlfthl the Itev. Pr P. V. Lnctscher. pro
fessor or church hl'iory In Princeton Thpo
IokIimT HpuiIimiv. will be tho p"l'r. T),n
ttpv Dr. Hpnrv Collins Mlntnn, of Trpnlon.
N. .!., fx-Slodfrator of the I'reabytPrlan Uen
rial mhy or Ihe 1'rpthyterUn Church, will
speak on Thursday nlht. and on Friday ntght
tlio speaker will lie the Itev. Dr John fl.
Mini, nt t-'rankford. All those services will
tegln ut 8 o'rlock.
At the Swedeiihorglan Church of Hip New
Jerusalem tomorrow morulncr the rtPV, t'harles
V. llaney will preach on "The Open Door."
The Rev. Pr. David I, McCartney will
nreixli at both aervlcea at tho Norrls .Square
V'nlted Pri'shyterlan rhumb tomorrow.
At the neformed I. pis o'Ml r'hur.-h of Our
Hei'imor. tilth and thtfnrrt streets, the Itev.
Dr. AiiRUstua K Harnett, rector, will preach
at pnlh cervices. Ms auhject for the evening
sermon belli "Do Protestants Make a Haft
or the Cros?" He will tea h Ihe Men's rilhle
risss at S .'10 p. in. Special Holy Week serv
ices will bi held Tueeday. Wednesday and
Thursday. A cantata. "A Storv n' the C'ro-V
will he rendered by a choir of 110 voices Fri
day eenln.
"Tho Ancient Paltu" will he the subject of
tho Itev. Dr. nnbert Hush Morrl. pastor nf
the Central North Hrnad Street Preabyierlan
Church, tomorrow luornlnK. In the evening
tV Rev. 13 I'lcntt Kltnkln win preach on
"Christ and the Crowd"
At the Kplscnpal Church of the Holy Apos
tles a special musical service will he held to
morrow evening at i.'to o'clock.
Celebrations for communion will he held st
fit. Mark's Kplsiopat Church, Hlth and locust
streets, tomorrow morninir at T and ft o'clock.
Matin will be aung at 10::0 o'clock and thn
Rev. Kllllo White, rector, will preach at 11
o'clock. A profession or choristers and clergy,
hearing palms, will precede the Hnlemii
Rucharlst and will follow the Solemn Even
mnz, at 4 o'rlock. An organ recital, at which
there will be a short artdrets. will follow.
Weekday erlres wlli be held ar T 7t.t and
0 a. m. and at S p. m. The l.hany will he
all and Intercessions for peace nude Wednes
day at noon.
The Rev. Dr Robert S. MacArthur. president
of the Hantlst -World's Alliance, will pitaih
st the morning and evening sen Ices al the
llanilst Temple. Hroad ar.d Herts ttreets. to
morrow. There will be special slnxliiR by the
chorus, under the direction of William Powell
Twaddell. which will he assisted by Mildred
Faas tonrano.
"What Jcaua Might Have Done" will be the
subject of thi Rev. K. K. Evans at the OlrarJ
Avenue Unitarian Church tomorrow morning.
Adam and Kve, created fullKrnwn
and happy, must prove to be moral
weaklings. Not until the flaming
sword blazeB between them and their
Paradise do they begin to do any
thing vital. This Interprets life. Our
hard conditions are our opportuni
ties. Through life's tempests God
ay. "Here, my child, Is your chance
for growth." Ayhen the Borrows ot
my Ufa come upon me 1 may ignor
antly pray that the cup pass from
me; but when that cup touches my
lips I have such a chance as I never
had before to be patient, earnest,
consecrated unto all good.
See the "church notices'' tor the
facts about "A Week With Jeius and
tte Father,'' 'which begins tomorrow
at the eUTit Unitarian Church.
i " LJ i ' ' li'"11 '"- i m .r
Cantatas to Be Sung With
Elaborate Programs in Many
Churches Tomorrow.
t'nlni Sunday ulll be observed In the
rhurehes nf the city tomorrow. Many
elaborate programs of uiuslr have been
nrrangeil. nnd, ns usual, palm leaves
will bo tllstriluitpd nmoug the worshipers
and lite young people lit many of the
The llev. Dr. Kdwlli lleyl t)ell will
preach n special sermon nn "The Crowd
nnd Itellgloir lit Hi. .Matthew's Lutheran i
Church, tlruntl nnd .Mount Vernon slieets.
Slnlner's 'Crucifixion" will he sung at
the evening senlop ul 8 o'clock. There
uld he senkes icr.v eienllig during
Holy WreU.
At Ihe Lutheran Church of the Incarna
tion, the liev. Arthur T. Allchler, ihe
Pastor, will uilnilHlsler the holy lite of
riiiillrtnatlon to a class of oung peopls
nl lonuiiniw morning's services. A huge
number of ndiills will also he received
into the memht'tshlp of the cliureh. Spe
i Inl music will lie suns, nmoug the se
lections being "The Palms'' and ".Icrilsn
lem." In Ihe evening Bliilnn's "Cruclllx
Itill" will be sung Undei the loailershlp
of llees ,1. l-'rescnln. There will he serv
ices cer nelilng (lilt Irm Ihe wcok, ex
cepting Satunlny. mid the sacrament of
the Lord's Supper will he administered
nn Thtiisilny pvotilng ami rtiindtiy tuoMi
Ins. "The Setcu Last Words of Christ," with
music b. Tlieodme Dubois, will be gUeu
by the iholr nf the Cliureh of SI. 1'raiicis
or Asslsl, (Ircctii mid Lngitn streets, flet
mntilonit. tomuirnw evening nt 3 o'clock.
Unlherlne A. lioriaii, the organist atiil
director, will he In charge of tile musical
I'nder Ihe dlrei'tlon of Wnsslll Leps an
clahiirate piogMni of music Is to bo ren
deicd In Ihe Church of the Saviour, :!Hh
slteet nbove I'lipstuul, at 7:15 o'clock to
morrow' evening. It will open with Maun
dor's cantata, "Olivet to Calvary." The
program contains many of the most
IMipul.u of the nntheins and solos appro
priate to Hip season.
Al ilrnce Deformed Church the pastor,
itixuutms noticed .
DAT'TlaT Tl.MI'l.i:, llioad Hhd Ucrks.
Iloliert H. .MacArthur, H. 1)., President of
Uaptl't World's Alllancr. will prculi.
Mot nine, lu.'io, lllbln School, J."0. ICve., 7:t:,.
MII.DItl.ll I-A AH
soprano, will r&plst In the evening. Organ
Iteiltnl, ".I.",, Win Powell TnuUdell, M. D.
ciinarNL'T stiiukt haptist church
I'hHllllU rl ,H or 41)111.
IUMIIHI-: H. ADAMS. II. H.. 1'aator.
n.1.1 llrothirlinoi of A. nnd 1'.
10':ili a. in. Worship and yermon by Pastor.
l':"o p. in.- Illblo School und Men's Hlble
7,tf p.m.- Worshlu and ycrmoti by Jaslor.
inets B:.'H, 7th below isirard ave. Rev. S.
CARIt WOODIIHAD. The nulntet will sing.
Friday afternoon and night special Hood
b'rldny Service nnd Dnn.tlon Day lor Hetli
any Anchorage, una N. Hth st. tjroeerjcg,
canned gooda, clothlnx, wood and coal thank
ful at.'Lpted.
(Dunker), Cor. Carlisle and Dauphin nts.
, Preaching 10:110 r. m. and 7:1.", p. m.
Hundny School 2 TO p. m.
Prayer Sleeting each Wednesday evening.
Disciples of Christ
Lancaster nvo,, Holl; -net Aspen sts.,
TK. WINTER. Pastor. 10;ir,, 2:.lo, l. a
Dreiel Middle Hlble Classes
We aro prepared to assist ou In the con
servation of the work of the Sunday cam
paign, ('nil on. write or telephone Mr.
Jobborn. 1IH7 Mount Vernont street. Phono
Poplar SOUI.
I.emon Hill Association
M rss I A it 7 "iTrER.CN.
"Tho I'rlem'ly Church."
tilth nni Jefferson sts.
l)A.N'li:i. E. WIIiaLE, Paslor.
I'alm Sunday. .
10 ::o n. m. Holy Coniniunlon (Open table).
Adult and Infant Haptlsm and Confirmation,
offering for Heneral Henevolcnco of the
fliurrh at large.
.':tii p m. Hlble School. Revival Hymns,
with orchestra.
4.00 p. m. Second Communion (Open
table) Reception of members.
7:15 p. in. Pncred Musical Prelude. Cor
ner. Tiomhnni, Organ.
00 i m. Evening Sermon nnd Prayer.
Double Quarti-t.
U0 p- in. Evangelistic after meeting In
the Lower Church. Pmcr and decision.
Hrlng soma one with y.u.
T.OnnnNACLi:."r.0lh andSBruce-Wm, JTmII
Icr. Jr.. 10 l.1i7lt5..S. S...2J30 m.v
Methodist Kplscopal
Spruce twid 1Mb nts.
1(1:30 "Uolng I'd to Jerucaleni."
7.4.1 "Palm Branches."
of converts and workers of the
Sunday Campaign
In tha Uaiitlst Temple,
Hroad and Perks sis..
Monday evening. March 21), at S o'clock.
Addresses by
Illshop llcrry and Rev. C. M. Hoswell, D. D.
Muslo by Methodist members or the Taber-
nacle Chorus, led by Prof. J. Lincoln Hall.
New Jerusalem (Siredenborglan)
"T 11 lT" ( 3 PK n" DO Mt" istli subject of"t he i.er
ii, on t-uuUay morning by the- pastor, the Rev.
Ci.arb s W. Huriev, at the Church of xba
c.ew JeiCKaleni, 22d and Chi-etuut eta, nrrvlca
al It oMo.k. .Sun.laj Schuol at U:'M. All
tala are trve. Every tody Is welcome.
lUTEIHAN illflll II
Hroad end Green sts.
10:1.1 a. m. -Sermon b the J'asior, "The
Amlen'. Path."
2.11 p. in Sundaj School Clasaes for all
tl:4.1 p. in. -Christian Endeavor Society.
skip. in. Sermon by Rev. K. I'll olt-.-ilmkln.
"Christ ami the Ciowus."
Every one cordjally invlied toall servlcei.
Washington aquare, (7th und Uicuit sts.i.
At 12.2 o'cUik closing at 12. 50 precisely.
Addretses will bo delivered tin loilows:
Monday, Match 111 Itev. Villllim Heatty
leuinni'. u. u, ueriiiaiiionii p irst rresoj-;
tvitan i hunh
Tuesday. Match 30- Rev William V. Hers,!
central c utizregatlonal Church.
Wednesday. Murch al Itev. John A. Mac
Callum. Vijlnui Street I'reibyteilan Church.
Thursday, April I Rev. MatLus A. Hiown
tun. I). l.. Tenth I'reibyterUn Church
Friday, April 2-Rev. John Allan Hlslr, X.
D , Tabernacle Presbyterian church.
Saturday, April S Rev. John T. Farts. I.
II., Editorial Secretary Presbyterian Hoard
ot Publication.
Easter Duy at II a. m and 1 p. in. -Rev.
Uduard Yates Hill. D. D.
OIIEEN HILL. Glrard ave. above la"tb7 Rev.
EDWARD WARREN. Minuter. 10U1O.
"'popular Estimate of Sin." 7:40. "Hehold
the Man." Hlble Class, 'i-.'.M. Communion on
April . 10:30. Quartet. Organ Recltul be
for evening service by Mr. John Dynoii.
HOPE. :i-'ll ana vv'narton sts. Minister, Rev!
TAYLOR CALDWKLU Assistant. 10:4S a.
in" Rev. Mr Caldwell will preach. 7:41 p.
in.! Dr. Bolton will preach on "Is There a
Hell?" . . .
Baltimore ave., cor. ."Wtii st.
Itev J. BEVKlUDGE LEE, D. D.. Minister.
10.4.1 a. in. Public Worship.
2 SO p. ml-Gradad OlbU School.
743 p ru, Eveulng Worship.
Dr. Lea will preach morning and eveulng.
Muclo by solojuittet cbolr. All seats free-
VESTHOK. eor. Preston and Aspen sts."
pfiv. CHAHLES 11. WHITAKER, B. D..
0:So' a? ' m. Brotherhood of Andrew and
10:3Oa. m. Morning Wprahlp with Sermon.
""rSf'p! Sl'-Blblt SchiMl-Men'i Bible Clui.
o't.l p. m Christian. Endeavor Society- ,
T IS d 10 -Spetlsl Lciilfo music, service.
The sscred cantata. "Olivet to Calvarj will
rcudeiej by solo, quartet lugoieoted
Zbprm. MM Margaret E. Daily saprano;
M& MargUMlU 'crowell, ceBfraHo. Mr.
wilttam F. IJabn, t&9t: Mr ..'JK10 "
B041, tiusA Mr Wllltaai A Murflsek, -1
gsuUt and dlrsetiw.
the Rev. V. C Ontellns, will receive new
menibeis tomorrow forenoon, and In the
evening (he choir will slug it carllata.
There will be services In the church nch
evening during the week excepting Sat
urday. At Our t.ndy of Mercy Church. Brortd
street and Susiiuchanim avenue, Rossini's
"rftabat Mater" will be sung tomorrow
evening by n chorus df M voices nnd a
solo quartet. The proginm will be given
under the direction of Frederick Hart,
nrunlilst nnd choir master.
Many Bible Classes in North Phlladel
tihiit to Unite In Service.
A "Hilly" Sunday rchti meeting, In
Which nine cliiili'hcs will participate, Will
be held In Tinea Methodist Kplscop.1I
Chinch tomorrow afternoon at 2 13
n'i'liifU. The address will be delivered
liv Judge John M. Patterson, and the
special snloIMs will he Mrs. N'ettle Moore
Chain und Mrs. Maranrel MeKlnley
The meeting will be for men nnd Bible
rlHf.xps from Tioga Presbyterian. Tle'
Itnpilnt, Tlogo Tnbeinarle (.tilled Presby
terian, SI. Paul's lleforuird llplscopal,
tlelhseiunne Mrt'itnillst, Trinity Ile.formedi
N'oitli llroHil Presbyterian. Temple Bap
tist nnd llnga Methodist Kplscopal
iiixicnotjs Miricr.s
Protestant Kplncepul
rillilM'irOK THI-.' 1KU.V APOSTLES "
'.' la I mid Chris Hii lleel.s
Rev. itKOitnr: hi:khi:rt toop, Rector.
h. in,- tlolv conimutilon.
lo .10 a. in. Morning Piaier and Sermon,
L :l p in. -Hnndav School and Hlble Claries,
7 ."li p. in. .special Musical Service. Harp
nut! violin aicoinpaulmcnt.
The tlpctui will preach nt hnlh servlcfa.
(ll.I) "ST.'.IOHN'H
Hrown, below lid.
Dm tor ttlchtuond preaches Mnrvli -S. I0;W.
7.1.. Huhje t ii( nlghl, "Philadelphia Ra
linllsts All Read) tn Murder Jceut It tils
l.oial capl nllsts. .Manufacturers and Kc-
clesjnltcs tieinandSnch Adlon."
i AIIIHll OK ST. "t.t'KB AND THK KI'll'H
ANV l.ith st. below Spruce.
Rev. DAVID M. HTJ3UI.t!. Rector.
.s a. m. Doty i.'ommunlon.
10 a. in. Sunday School.
11 a. in. Morning Prnver and Sermon.
4 p. m. nvenliig Praer, Anthem and Aa-
Clrgau.' Harp nnd Cello Prelude and Interlude.
Soprano Mnlnlsi. Mrs. Henry Holz.
i ho Hector will preach at both services.
17th and Summer sis
5 a. in. Holy Communion.
II n. in. Morning Prayer and Sermon,
-:tr p. in. Sunday School,
s p. m. Kvcnlnff Prayer nnd Address.
Hpv. Irving A. McGrew will preach,
lOth and Locust streets.
7:00 nnd 8. 00 a. in.. Celebrations for Com
munions, 1 0,. '10 a. ni Matins.
11 no n. in.. So.puin Eucharist.
I. on p. in.. Koleiim Evensong.
The Rector will be the preacher al tlilW
n. in. M
An nitron Recital will follow Solemn Even
foiig, at which there will bp a shoit olldrees.
A Pioces-loii or the Choristers and Clergy
1 caring nnlms will precede the Solemn Eu
charist nnd follow So'cmn Evcnwing
7:0O. 7:t.-i nnd U.CO a. tn. und ."i:oo p, m.
The l.ltnn will Lc snld and lntcrLesJions
for pcaco m.idc Vedllcan. nt liicti in.
The preacher at the three-hour service H--
.1) will be the Itev. S. C. Hughsou, O. H. C.
The Sacrament of Cutiilrnmtion will be ad
minlsteied at Evensons, 3:00 v. ni by we
Hlsnop Coadjutor of the Dloceie of f'tnii
10th st. ahovn Chestnut st.
Rev. CARL E. OHAMMER. H. T. D Rector.
Sunday Services I0:in h. m.. Holy Commu
nion; 11 a. in., Morning Prayer and S.r.nonl
4 p. m., livening i'rucr and Address.
In the arternoon the Rector is, giving; a
, equine of lectures cm "The Ooapo. H Hind me
.- clospels."
Tlio Hector will nreacli al both Service.
'Itolv Week Wrvlces dally. 10 a. in.. 12:30
noon, r, p. in.. Maundy 'I hursday. II ly Cum
mtinlon 5 p. m. Hood Friday. 10::.o a. m..
12:.l noon und & p. m. Hatvinlay. 10 a. m
12::'.(i noon. . ,
10th nbove Chestnut.
12:110 o'clock, closing at 12:5,1.
A short organ recital will precede each
MARCH 20. .10. 31
UT. HEV. TlinoDOTl'H CAPERS, Bishop
Coadjutor of West Texas.
APRIL 1. '-'--
Mieplien'a. Phllnilclphla.
APRIL :i , ,
REV. W.M. Y. EDWARDS, HI. Stephen's,
FlriST,N. A., 1.1th and uiuphln riev John
D. Hicks. PnsJor10:.'!0 and A: 3. S 2:!10. ,
JHACE. litb nnd Huntingdon. Hrv. U." C.
tnitelhia.IOO. 7:13. Sunday School. 2:"0.
Ilefiirmrd Eplsciipal
Ol'It Iti'lUrilUIEIc. linh iiml Ox.ord sts. Rev.
AlSOl'STUS K. HARNETT. D. V., l"f.
tll.lo. 2:.".Ci, S. Evening "Do Protestants
Make a Hart of thp (Toss?" i
AND THE FATIIER. Ip o. m--Sunday
School. 11 a. m.-Sermon bl.tho Mlrilsrer on
"OppiVtunltles and Barriers." Admission of
new menibeis. 7 p. m -Italian Service. Rev,
I' A. Tagllalaltla. S p. m.-Sermon by tha
Minister on "The World's Need of Jesuai
Then and Now." Monday, March 211, S p. m.,
Itov. K. 11. Iteeman, of IjiKuster, will speak
on "The Work of Jesus. Tucsuuy, ttutli, llev,
E. 11. it, email mi "The ItiLglou u, Jesus.
Wednesday. :ilst, Rev. E. IT Iteeman on
"IliimjiilO and Divinity." Thurtday, April
I, Dr. W. Vv. Fenn, dean of Harvard Divin
ity school, will preach on "Whom Shall vv e
I.ovo? Whom VorhlpT" Friday, 2d, Dr.
Fenn on "The Death of Jesus." Easter, It
a. in. Union Service of Church and Sunday
School. Kgster Sermon by the Minister. Bap
tism of children. Reception of new members.
12:1.1 Communion Service ,N p. in Mr, HI,
John jaill preach rn "The Resurrection."
filltARD'.v"ET (1.120), Rev. K. E. K van's. "turiK
"ijrcai Telllptatlon',: 12, "Who Made Hear1
7.1.1, "When Iho OLD OOPS I led 'UK A. P."
I'nltecl 1'reshjlerlan
lliliuock st. and Husnuehannu are,,
Rev. LEE U. RIFE, naetor.
Morning service. 10:"0 evening service. 7:U,
1,1 minutes' song service. Rev. David l
McCartney will preach at both services.
rilUlfcil" OF THE RESTORATION.' Mas'tsf
l,e. 17th st. JOHN CL.RENCK LEE, D. D
10 13 a. ni., Palm Sun, Service. 7.C3 v. in.,
Th-vjJJfe of Christ In Song and Scripture."
ntbl&uirrbngeineut read by Mrs. John Clar
eiueTee. Ilnslc from Oratorio "Messiah."
sung by choir, under direction Horace iC
in ice. Public, cordlallyjnvited. .
University of Pennsylvania
V E.SPER "BKKVICB, t:30o'clock. Houston
Hall. Address by Rev- Harry E. Findklc.
bololstDr. 8. H.LlpschuH. r
oung .Men's Christian Association
j "WILL1BTOX SMITH." of "Land Title Com
paiiy, on "Covet Earnestly the Best Th ns."
Arthur Seymour, barttone, Instrumental trio.
Special I'alm Sunday music, i p m; In audi,
torlum- Drop-In CUsg-BuiiJ tt. ''Do Not
Hpconia Discouraged.'' Uader, -Mr. Lawcon,
" p in. In Ijibby. Stranaers welcomed.
will conduct men' meeting, West Branch.
S-M and Sansom ts. t p. in.-An unusual
luessage in ong and story All nien tn-
Young Women' Christian Association
V7 W. C. A . li0" nc tc
"cBNTE.N.iny M E. nlURCH
The American Rescue Worker?;
Will be distributed lo ins deserving Iron tin
National Headquarters. 2827 Kraukforq- ai
binas send, jout comributlona promotly U
(ttncral t William DuD)n. Commandsr. Slff
Frankford ave. or In iar of th Pufclte
Ledger. (Jih Chestnut sia.. or Ledji
Central. nioaeaadChes,(nuC sts
PhU4lphia Headauartera, Cuioalal frtw
r Tlulloln. Sift od Mancet- ,
Celonel . 13. HscU to smwhus
fyas. Hf HK