Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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A Very Doubtful Matter
If Is A gtrnnce nml curious thins thai
fcvfcn tho most trutliful ot women become
vnsuely fdrgetful of tho passing of tlie
yearn, nnil rfftor ft certain point cense
eelcbritllnff tho nusplclous anhlverBary of
their birth nltogethcr. Uven ouch Diluting
things as prcnents and checks nml birth
diiy cards cannot tempt them to ntinounco
tho day of days, for they fear tho nvvlt
wrirdnesa of questionings, tho reminis
cences of contemporaries and such like.
Jtort, on the other hand, nro proud of
their ago rather than tho reverse. For
they look at the subject from tho con
mou sense point of view and arguo that,
after nil, the enrs bring wtadom-"r
ouftht to. Where a woman boldly deducts
the number of her years, n man will ,ib
boldly ndd them on. For of nil things ho
hates to bo classed ns childish or Imma
ture. "Xo woman Is worth talking to until
ho Is over 30," declared n very vvleo mnn
once. And, although his remark was
greeted with a chorus of feminine con
tradiction, there Is certainly much to be
said for that point of view. For it ottcn
takes a woman CO ycais of hfr to develop
her brain power to Its fullest extent, to
become matured In Judgment, balanced In
mind and sensible In outlook.
Many a man dislikes the youthful
period of womanhood most hcnrtltv, iind
would rather talk for hours to the
grayest-headed woman in the company
than have Ave minutes nlono with n
blushing debutante. "Sweet Seventeen
lias the brains of u rabbit," he will de
clare peevishly, "mid 1 will not vv.isle
my valuable time on her. Foi she botes
me to extinction with her childish view
point, her vapid conversation, her Biggies,
simpers, blushes, and above all with her
woeful Inexperience."
"While the foregoing scathing statements
arc a. little too broad and comprehensive,
Innsmuch as muny, many specimens of
Sweet Seventeen aro far from being tho
Elmplo maidens they would lend one to
think. It is true that the conversation ot
many a modern young woman is any
thing but original or even In an ordi
nary way Interesting.
But this la tho fault of the girls them
selves, and cannot bo attributed to the
brevity of their years. For too many
filrls aro today laboring under the delu
sion that what mankind particularly ad
n;trcs In femininity Is a total lack ot
brains. Therefore they consider that It
Tomorrow's Menu
' I can pay for my bread and cheeso
and my nice little lodging mid my two
coats a year." Wlklo Collins.
Apple Oatmeal.
LUNCHEON' OR suppnn.
Cold Lamb.
Potato Chips.
Brown Bread.
Fresh Fruit.
Cold Boast Beef.
Mashed rotatoes.
Prune and Nut Salad.
Lemon Meringue Tic.
Cheese. Coffee
Oatmeal Apples. Pare, core and slice
four tart apples, put them In a baking
dish and cover with well-cooked oatmeal.
Bake 15 minutes and servo with cream.
Prune and Nut Salad. Soak prunes and
meal, two cups ot ryo flour, one cup ot
yeast, three cups of water, ono cup ot
molasses, ono teaspoonful of soda, salt.
Steam four hours.
Prune and Nut Salad. Soak prunes and
bring them to a boiling point, then cool
them and remove tho stones carefully.
PHI tho cavities with nuts of any sort
peanuts, blanched almonds, pecans or
walnuts. Servo four prunes to each per
son In a nest ot Icttuco leaves with
French dressing.
A Home-made Apron
for Practical Uses
The woman who Is
careful of her looks
isn't satisfied to be
well dressed only
when she goes out;
she wants to look
Just as well in her
own home, as she
does In the homes ot
others. The illustra
tion shows a pretty
little "working cos.
tume." This ts
simply a long apron,
which covers the
dress from head to
foot, protecting It
from dust and spots,
and a cap to match.
The material used Is
optional, percale or
Unene being the most
practical for every
day use. Many
economical women
make these useful
aprons out of dis
carded summer
dresses, which are
Just cut away In the
shape of the apron, iSr as near It as your
material permits, and the edges finished
oft neatly by band or by machine.
Any goods which are left ovef may be
Utilised. In various ways, such as making
tfra pairs qf sleeves Bhown In the llui
tratlon. or the dust cap. The pattern Is out
on a regulation boudoir cap pattern. It is
Wfll ta keep all your extra pieces, for
tUdy vvU( come In handy when the apron
KU torn, as often happens Ii the hustle
x.nl hurry ot the busy housekeeper.
A Baby'u Bib
Vxg jrttJjJl? under the small baby's bib
a lrT ilroas shield, cut in two and
'UllimJ. by a tape around the neck. Ic
t mmHr & r''ht fhape and can be
( wMi CMC-
1 1
tMMlt sa)a4
&tr uv mm jfinfk
rwBsn i
behooves them to live up to this plr.iimg
standard of vacuity and the erforl Is not
strenuous. For any one, however bralnv
they bo by nature, can cultivate stupidity
until It becomes soconil nntuie.
But to return to the Intcicstltig question
of women and their nnes It Is rrnlly sur
prising how they shrink from giving the
talo ot their joars the light ot day. There
Isn't anything- to bo ashamed about In the
pnssing of time. I3ut you can't convince
a woman of that fnet.
Jlrs. Jones, for Instance, hits decided to
remain a gay and cheerful !5. She prob
nbly never will see 30 ngnln. but site con
solos herself with the fact that few nrc
likely to discover Iter "fciet for some
time, at lea-it. "A woman Is as old ns
she looks." she reflects optimistically,
"nml as long its I remain looking tho ,
that 1 Hsstircdly am not, my olllclnl age
to iv curious and pr.vlng wot hi will be 25."
Another curious point Is that tho sweetest-tempered
woman will become catty nt
once on the subject ot some other wom
an's nge' This frequently Is tlir nnl.v
(law In an otherwise perfect ehaincter.
l-'or Just let the topic of nse come up In
an assembly of women and sen what
happens: The talk and the buzz of gos
sip literally nils the room, and It Isn't
good-natured gossip cither.
".Mj dear," one woman will exclaim,
"do you really think that Airs. Jones Is L
2. the ago that she declares herself to
And n feminine chorus gtccts the ob
servation. "I'm ccitaln she Isn't!" Then
come tho witnesses, for It Is a regular
court-inartlnl, In nil but the fact that the
luckless Mrs, Jones Is absent front the
scene of her metaphorical slaughter. One
woman declares Hint her cousin's hus
band's yvlfo was nl school with Mis.
Jones' elder sister, uuri Hint It Is a physi
cal and logical impossibility for Mrs
Jones to be anything less than S". An
other declares that Mrs. Jones has been
man led for 13 yenis, and considering
that this is America and not India or any
place of that sort. It is highly Improb
able that tho law allowed Mrs. Jones to
enter the holy bonds of matrimony at the
somewhat Immature age of 10!
And so tho talk goes on, ns It always
will go on whenever tho topic of feminine
years Is broached. For you can't con
vince a woman that age is ever a. femi
nine recommendation!
For tho following suggestions sent In by
readers of tho Evening Ledger prizes of $1
and 50 cents are awarded.
.All suggestions should bo addressed tn mien
Adair, Editor or Woman's Page. Hvenino
UiMtn, Independence Square, Philadelphia
A prize of $1 linn been nwiinled In I'lnr
re C. I)jer. lilS WrMmlnhtrr avenue,
I'hllndelpbia, for the following mRgeotloB:
In purchasing silk (or satin) petticoats
do not buy ono black and another blue
or ono green and another led. but in
stead purchase two black petticoats or
two blue petticoats. (I hnvo found black
satisfactory for all dark clothes.) Now,
when these skirts wear they are not a
'total loss, becauso the good portion of
ona can bo substituted for the worn por
tion of another and without nny magic
(only commoiifense). behold n new skirt
is evolved which still has good wearing
A prize of SO cciiIh hat
tprn awarded to
S. Virginia Lewi, 48ID Fnlrmuunt avenue.
mns' nhtu, ror hip following suggestion:
An kftectivo and clean method of ap
plying tonics, etc., to the scalp Is by
means of a small oil can, such as Is em
ployed about n sewing machine. The fluid
thus reaches the roots of tho hair directly
and without any waste.
A prize of JIO cenla bus been awarded to
Kia White, 1321 Spruce street, for the fol
lowing suggestion:
An excellent chocolate sauce to serve
with Ice cream can be quickly made as
follows: Break one-half cake of choco
lat. Into small pieces in a double boiler,
ncV ono cup of milk and three table-
spe.ifuls of sugar, stirring until smooth.
"While this Is hot, pour over vanilla Ice
cream. This will be enough to serve with
one quart of cream.
A nrizn of fin entH has been awarded to
Mm. M. Dunn, 1025 Harrison street, Phila
delphia, for the following; suggestion:
To repair Gilt picture frames, when
broken parts arc lost:
Mix plaster of Pans with sufficient
water to make thick paste for molding.
Shape with lingers into size, and as near
as possible to design required, and press
firmly In the spaco while moist, when
dry. cover with a coating of gold paint.
if this should wear oft In time, apply
fresh coating of gold paint when
We have repaired unsightly breaks In
frames of old oil paintings in this way
and were well pleased with the results.
A Luncheon Dish
If there Is a bit of cold ham left over,
chop It One, add an equal quantity of
mashed potatoes and hold together with
an egg, Shape like potato cake and saute
In butter.
TO U 118
TVinr N
juur ti
Tour H
1 uur VI,
A$k for
jjP3E9fyjj. v
The Daily Story
After Election
Irglnln ltyrncs, standing on the high
est rock nl Inn point of the cliff, waved
a white sw enter In wldo elides above
her hend. She held It by tho sleeves and
waved It slowly. Occasionally she
dropped her nrms to relieve the strain
rn them and then tesumed tho wnVlng.
They sun hud lut ilsrn above the 'nllls,
She dropped her nuns, put on Uio
sw enter nml Jumped down fioni Uio high
lorlt lo the path benenlh 11,
"Wltnl were yoti doing?" ollHg
mnn stootl nt llin bnso of the lock.
l-'or a moment Virginia looked nl 'iillit
In niunzcincut. "1 do not esplnln my
ncllons to si I angers," hIic mild coldly.
"I was Impel tliient. I beg your pat don.
Hut yniir slminls Interested tne."
"Tliev nre no concern nf votirs"
' Of course lint," be agreed hitslllv
"Hut how tmiltl I help being Interested
This ts n desolate counliy: nothing hut
scenerv nml n few widely separated
houses. 1 (.nine Inst nlRhl to spend n few
.lavs in these hills. The first poison 1
saw, rvcept my Intullord. wns ii young
wotnnn vvnvitig slnnnls from u hlah lock
lie slnoil bnic'iiertdcd In the cold No
vember breeze Alottnd his white foi client!
his hair cilspcd In llglitlv ciopped red
curls. When he smiled the lines nf
lnughlrr crinkled about his keen bluo
"What aic you doing bcto!" Virginia
nsketl. "Are you one of the vvnlct-power
"Water power?" he lcpeatotl. "I do
not know whnt you nre miking about."
"You aic not one of those pirates who
wisb to tnke nvvny from us our right
lo tills liver?"
"I certainly inn not."
"Von spenk .slncciely. Hut we tire sus
picious or nil ptospcious-IookliiR. well
hesed stinngers This ilvei tuns be
side my fnlbei's ptnpeity. It Is neces
sary to tlii sttrcess of Ills fniiii. Thtotisll
n .xniall plnnt ot our own we scenic power
finm the river for our gmln elevator
ii ml clccttlc lights for our buildings.
Hut certain envious and mcddlcoiiio
mnrnucler.s have set up n pteposterotis
claim that my father has no light tn u
power plnnt heie, and that the Statu
should remove It and gtnlit tliein, bv act
of Legislature, tho right to establish n
power plunt nml a factory. 1 fcsiird
you weio one of those evil spcctilntotfl
wl.o want to tnke our plant."
"I nm not a mainudcr nor a specu
lator." "Von know Dick Calvin well, do you
not'."' i'tcntlce asked. "You have henid,
of eoufc, the stotlcs that he and u
riowd of other young fellows have n
still at their club, Dcet Lodge, wlteio they
mcko moonshine whisky. They arc not
ignorant mottutnlneet.s. They lire wild,
liariim-scnrum young sinners. Virginia,
nie you willing to tell me anything you
know about this still?'
"I know nothing."
"Is Cnlvln a friend of youis?"
"He is u member ot the Legislature
ftom this country. Tho bill to tnko away
our lights in Spring Blver will come be
fore the Assembly In a few weeks. Dick
Cnlvln Is the man wo depend on to de
feat it."
"I am nlso a member of the Leglsl.ituio.
Do you not espect me to help defeat the
bill? You know there Is nothing In the
world that I would not do for you.
Virginia, answer this question: AVhnt Is
Dick Calvin to you?"
"Then why did voti sliual to this
moonshiner that u stranger wah in the
hills? Why did you go nt sunrise to the
highest point of the hills nnd wavo n
banner w here it could be s,ecn from Deer
Lodge? If Calvin is nothing to you, why
did you do this for him?"
"Did I do this for him?" She had risen
fiom her chair nnd stood facing him. Hei
eves were blazing. "Did I filgnnl danger
to .i inoonshlnei ? I will not answer jour
question. I will never speak to jou
again. 1 hopo I may never seofjou
iizaln "
Gordon Prentice nnd Virginia Hatn-s
met in the corridor of the State House.
Pi entice mtsed ills hat and would have
passed her without speaking. She stopped
"Mr. Prentice, is It true that you. as
chairman of the Committee on Klveis
and Lakes, Intend to smother the power
bill In the committee?"
"It Is."
"I told jou that I should do my best
to defeat that bill. Tho corporation be
hind It Is enormously rich. If tho bill
goes to the" Houso for tho vote the cor
poration will buy Its passage. The only
way It can bo defeated Is by smothering
It In tho committee. I gave jou my prom
ise. I am keeping it."
"Men sny that this corporation will
never let ou como back to tho Legis
lature. You nro risking your political
future for me. Why nro you doing this?"
"Because, I lovo j'ou."
"You lovo a woman who Is In league
with moonshiners?"
"I cannot blamo jou for helping the
muii you love even It he Is n moon
shiner." "You think I love Dick Calvin? I never
hnvo loved him. I never waved him a
warning signal."
"I went to Spilng nivcr to get evl
deuco against Calvin that would drive
him out ot tho Legislature. Ho s a
grafter of tho worst kind, but wo have
never hud proof of his legislative dis
honesty. I heard that ho had in Deer
Lodge a. moonshine still. I went there
to get proof of It. Tills proof lould be
used to compel him to leavo tho Legls.
lature. I saw you flying u signal to
some one. After I had secured tho proof
of tho existeuco of the still I realUed
that your signal was for Calvin. But 1
havo not used the evidence against Cil
vln. I thought you loved him. I would
not harm the man jou loved."
"You nre harming the man I love. You
are trying to ruli. ills whole career by
keeping tho power bill in tho committee.
That signal Goidon, you snw mn waving
a white sweater eaily in the morning ot
the 4th of November, the day after elec
tion. Acro3s the valley fiom my home
llvo the Now tons, close friends of mine
Their telephone wires were, down that
day, and they could not get tho election
results. I promised them that as soon as
It was light enough to nee I would go to
the high rock to signal the letuins. If a
Republican President was elected I should
wave mj icd sweater. The white ono
would mean a Democratic President. Toil
had so much curiosity about my signal
that I thought it rather clever to keep
you wondering. Then when you accused
me of signaling danger to a moonshiner
I was too angry to explain. Gordon, tho
man I loved, was at Spring Itlvcr that
morning, Out he was not a moonshiner.
He was hunting a moonshiner,"
Copyright, 1015.
M Next Dnnrfiirs From PhiInrlTnKin
April 10, 43 days. Now Orleans, Grand
canyon, California, Colorado, etc.
prl1 6 sSf Vi s,a,y xh ?3 aW- aran
canyon, California, Colorado, etc.
Tnnr I 1IaY " days, via Panama Canal.
xuur J, other tours throughout the summer.
Independent tickets by Panama Canal or rail,
by any route
South Broad St, Phila.
I '. iSW
V. ftt-,. is
I JpsfyT
Home-grown Vegetables
It maj- seem n little picvlous to be talk
ing about summer vegetables so early in
tho spring, but many foicslghted gat lien
ors have already placed their first ciop ot
peas, onions and potatoes In tho ground.
-V small patch will yield much more
food than jou could possibly think, and
It the lavages of business depression have
foiccd you into slight economics, a very
llttlo money expended on seeds will le
pay you in the end. Gardening is a' lux
ury to tho poor man; It is sometimes
the only occasion 0:1 which he gets a
breath of fresh air. ' ealth comes lw
foie every other consideration, and It a
natural lovo for tho fields cannot bo grnt
iflcd in tho city, tho next best substitute
Is a small, well-tended garden plot.
Tho soli in your garden requites the
first consideration, as the money spent 011
seeds will be wusted if the soli Is hard
and di.v. Cultivated soil should havo a
covering of nt least two inches of manure,
well worked Into the ground. Dig up the
wholo spaco tho depth of your spado and
let It llo in the loose stnto for a while.
Tho ical heavy manuring should be done
In the winter.
Coin or potntocs aro not the most scn
slblo things to grow on a small lot
they talto up too much room nnd will not
nllow for other vegetables. The smaller
products will provo more economical.
Plant lettuce, both leaf and head, cab
bage, beets, tomatoes, beans, peppers,
spinach, squash, onions, carrots and such
tilings. These will grow hardily with
proper attention, and tho corresponding
su.MiKit itKSoms
Ilrnwn'n-Jlllla-ln-tlic-rineii, y. ,1.
TUP INN Pr health, pleasure and recre
I nu u-xn 0(lon fmorit,, ro8ort for
Under new management.
I. L,. i. M. a. UUDDERS.
Cape May, N. J.
Ideal location, on the
beacli. Btenm heat.
ocean view tun parlors. Ilaths. Booklet.
Ocean City, y J.
Only Boardwalk hotel. K
A. YOUNG, Mir.
Atlantic City, y. J.
Leading hleh-claas, moderate-rat hotel
AI RFMARLE v'rlnla av. near Beach.
ALDCmVltLC Cap 350 S(eam hea, ,,.
valor, van parlora, prl. bathe, etc: excellent
table, cvk. dinners, orcheatra. Special 110 up
nkly. ; VJ up dally. Booklet. J. I. COPE.
Midway between the Garden and Steel riera,
Hot and cold running water Moderats rates
' 3
V, ' 1
Entire Boardwalk Front. e)vue to Florida Avenua.
2501-2517 Boardwalk, Upper Chelsea
An Innovation in Modern Apartments
1, 2 rooms and bath, $1 per day, $5 per week, each person. Day,
wflr tnnntli or vear.
2, 4, 5 rooms, bath and kitchen, $40d to $600 per season (May
to Uctoueo; lurnisnea or unturmsneu.
Fireproof Building ExsJusive
JajviMw Service B9m4 Managejrgenj 4
x- AiAKiuiN '
Sf&ir f Jllli' 'k mi
I , -'-i-xk',-Z '
decrease In jour grocery bill will be a
There nie many attractive additions to
n woman's garden which will keep her
supplied with dainty little luxuries tn her
kitchen. Kor Instance, there are several
kinds ot fancy peppers, both sweet and
hot, which are valuable for soups, salads
or pickles. Thero is also a beautiful large
yellow pepper which, combined with a
icd or n green one, makes a picturesque
salad. Chives, parsley, covered fruits and
sickroom delicacies will provo Interesting
to grow, and tho pleasure ot having them
right nt hand will amply repay j-ou for
your efforts.
Clean Feathers
It Is said that all kinds ot natural col
ored feathers can be washel In lukewarm
water and good white soap.
A Spanish Dish
Cold rice left over from a meal can be
mado Into an appetizing dish, with to
mato sauce, minced onion, butter and sea
soning. Bake half an hour.
A Dainty Gift
A motto to hang in a little girl's room
Is of bluo linen with n "Golden Rule" sen
timent worked In cross-stitch.
Atlantlo City, N. J,
'.. rc xr.'vrstV
The Avon Inn Is an Ideal family
jiotel, right at the Ocean on Virginia
Ave., In the centre or all the Board
walk attraction. Fruit vegetables
front our own Jersey farms. Private
baths, running water in rooms; ele
vator, Special attention to complete
cleanliness and attentive service.
White service in rilnlne room
11. V,'. WILLIAMS. Prop.
'irr - ' ' """-- 1 .I
y "rnnfc -l" -
' U
A Pretty Frock
I'm roinp.tlcl.v turd out. hnvlttg been
tiatnplng niound the slioi all ntterttoon
with Klinort bu.vlng thing.". She certainly
knows how to chooso the right things nl
the right time, nnd It was n liberal edu
cation for mo to watch hei.
White promises lo he the rage In tho
early summer, nnd many of the tashlon
nblo couturlcts have lovely gowns In
white on sale now. deorgcttc ctcpe, crepe
do chine, corduory, net and combinations
of any two of these materials nro seen. I
adore white, and strange to sny, gowns
are all white this car, very few being
used over a color, as In former years.
Elinor's frock Is a charming adapta
tion of the peasant blouse. The bodice Is
made of net, draped In a deep V-neck,
nnd edged with a narrow- ropo of white
satin. A Dresden taffeta peasant bodlco Is
fitted loosely over this, and laced In front
-with the white rope. One ot tho most
Newest SlinwiitRS
The spilng evening gowns shown In
the shops at present follow the lines of
the winter styles to n great extent, vary
ing only in mntcttal. The winter's vel
vets, brocades and metallic cloths nro re
placed by pussy-willow taffctns, orcpo tic
chines nnd a few charraeuses. Oeorgctto
crepe Is another fashionable fnbilc, nnd
the pastel shades nro In evidence.
A very striking domi-lollclto for In
formal occasions was seen In one ot tho
large Market street stores. The skirt
was made ot white satin, with large black
velvet-covered buttons down the front.
A long, loose coat of tho velvet formed
the waist. This was severely plain, with
a small silt and a linndsomo Jet orna
ment nt the sides. A French bouquet
of gilt and colored Mowers was placed
at the left side ot the white satin collur.
Tho price wns $10.
An evening gown wns seen In black and
white, nnd mude on very plain lines. The
skirt was entirely mado ot white accor-dion-plaltcd
chiffon, with a very abbre
viated coatee nnd a drapery ot black net
over tho shoulders. The sleeves con
sisted ot black net, draped about the
arms and tied by a black velvet band at
tho wrist. Black not was tied across the
front of tho skirt and brought to a bow
In tho back. French flowers looped this
up. Tho prico was $13.
A plain gown for the schoolgirl wns
mado of pussy-willow taffeta, In lemon
yellow. The bodice was of taffeta, shirred
EGGS and
Our thousands of select a C. "White Leg
horns winners, bred for site, vigor, early
maturity and superior egg production ars
supplying an enormous hatching egg trade.
They are nlso oiling our 48,000 egg tncuba.
tora for bringing off hatches twice a week.
Ilatchlnc eggs, guaranteed 85!1 fertile,
ts per 100, T0 per 1000. Vigorous chicks,
guaranteed to arrive aafa and In full count,
?10 per 60, $18 per 100 and 1150 per 1000.
Big demand. Now Is the time to order.
Send postal for complete price list now.
with orders amounting to J.l. WltlTK FOR
Fruit. Ornamental Trees. Hedges, etc.
"Write Now."
2013 Kast Letterlr fct,, I'lilla.
Wrlto us for prices on
Charles II. Ileeve & Co., Inc.,
178 West St., New York.
J, .-,... On,,tl, www, ...l.. --..
variety ot crops, giving best home lo
cations. Shall we give you Informa
tion? JL y. ItlCUAHDS. nd. & Agrl.
Commissioner, Room SH, Southorn
Railway, Washington, D. C.
tba most magnificent ot nummer and fall
blossoms, Is inexpensive and easily crown,
Get "The Glad Book" " ".
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You Can Be One of the 50
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The Public Ledger-Evening Ledger offers you
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Bstid tn Bit thfl n,-...v lnl,nillnn a Bit .llfcSCriDUOn '--.
,. -. t -- i i m- sai pia:nriii
tiovcl tottchep on the gown is the qU!rtnl
llttlo i-lcovc. This hns tho popu,ar
droppctl-shouldcr effect. A liny roaebul
nnd a laco cult finish off each eleeve
Tho hltlrt Is stunning, full, of course M
with festoons of tho so tin rope, and mlnhv m
tine tomato roes to iriateli tho rosea
tho bodice. Insets of"Jicautlful old Uc jS
uiu iiipu ctigcti wmi ine lope, ana a. soft
rUfflo of nullled net foi ms tho fathlonabij
petticoat effect about the feet, M
THIm.... l...H1., - f.k .- .
jiiuiui uuuijui. H nut. 10 wear with thli '-m
kuy,i, iuu. ji huh iv oig icgHorn, en
uninsuorougn lines, wun a faille covern)
crown In Persian colors, nnd a cluster et '
old-fashioned flowers In tho front. The
brim wnn surrounded by a French blue '!
Batln nbbon, which hung In soft stream
ers and tied at the neck. I'm Just crttr
about the w;holo costume, nnd so vm
Elinor, to Judge by her happy exprwslon
as she took the train.
11 Evcninc Gowns
on a foundation of flc3li-coloied net, with
embroidered edges, which had the popular
pointed effect on bodlco nnd sleeves. Tin
sleeves, by the way, were simply a three
Inch niffle ot the net in tho wldo arm
hole. Tho Bklrt was a pointed tunic of
taffeta, bound with a ropo ot tho sam
material, over tho embroidered net, which
mado u sort of little petticoat under,
ncnth. Tho price was $3,75.
A stunning green nnd silver gown, suit,
nblo for tho debutante, waB seen In on
ot tho exclttslvo shops, The bodlco was
mado on tho full lines which nro notice
nblo 011 nil the gowns this season, simply
shlncd back and front, with straps ot
the silver tissue over tho shoulders. A
quilling of the Nile green pussy-willow
tnlfotu, of which tho gown was made,
llnlslicd off tho top of tho bodice. The
Skirt was the most unique feature of
this gown. It had n quilling of taffeta
nil around the bottom nnd outlining th
panel In front, which was nbout 10 Inches
nt the top, widening out to flnrc at the
bottom. This panel wns mado of the
silver, with a girdle of the samo to
match. A wreath of pink roses went
over tho left shoulder. Tho prico was
A strango nnd artistic llttlo gown was
mado of yellow pussy-willow talteta,
combined with pink. Tho bodice was a
tiny coatco of tho yellow, with rovers In
front, lined with tho link. Baby sleeves
of flowered chiffon, In pink nnd yellow
shades, nnd a soft drapery of the same
about tho ncclc and shoulders formed
tho whole blouse. The skirt was mads In
tho new blrd-cago effect, with a tunic
of tho chiffon and broad bands of the
yellow taffeta, over a skirt of the same.
Tho colorings made tho most unusual and
attractive combination, and the price was
!5t WW
Fordhook Vegetables
T7m. O C wa will mail one packet etch
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DELAVAHE FAHMS for fruit. prt'fJff'
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