i w9mwimm" P'J"""" ' ' l 1rplw ww' Mptl CLASSIFIED RATES DAtLT AND SUNDAY trttS TIPB (" iiko inia; iV?.!5!.m' :??Ki5rtien In a week.... 13Meprlln TJL .tfA iiiiiiiiimi IBe psrllnl 5iU Mflutlf Insertion, si 100 perllni Kfflfiww. "r ln,.r- M IK " isssssssssss per unt 1 .. .r- rrvnc . lit.- ll.l. THIS SI-C I I re yut nrt; iiii:i -.-,u(M In all classifications except Help 'MSrttlon" Wanted. Lost and Found. Per- JKSileri ". ??. per n, rwssinsert on In n ireest.ss. ijHoperi ne n?.ronutlve Insertions... IBe perllni E?.irr ii. hssed on seals measurement. MiS iTS ,h Inchl &,tJ1 NOTICES either paper tiHaes, n ttma """""hm jtiU bitertloni .11.00 DAILY ULI XJeoember i, ff I, COMBINATION RATE Etinrtlen In both th mornlnc and evening $rietiameoart PUBLIC LEDGER (MOnNINQ) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) ill feur nl" Pr llne nel rat" i1t,b i .,. . -.. ......,. ......-. !j?viSitisino in the public ledger St 00 INSERTED IN THE EVENING Booth without additional mffaa tflicrts ' a drug store near your lint tiwt win "!' "" wii lit at office rates. '$. XELV WANTED FEMALE IJrrt womanj no washing; best wages; best Ife" "?"'? ,.""": ",!&! Ial K- f m Airy ag. e". vvi. . ..j- .j rteAMBEltWORK and waiting, wh fiwtM country, no laundry; mint iSuiSJ "d willing. Telephone P im nilLOKUnSl! for caro of two children. 4 nnd ,i. nnit be experienced, with nm-clnm ror UUixi. E 14i), Ledger Central. JlrHlMI tOOKINO and housework In small nrartment, lUta Ihd Uiamona, weep o ecp outi refcrenco ra- gmrrea. M itf. J.cger 1 unice. rJtssSMAKER wanted by clay, for several sVftVi: rood, practical dressmaker, I. ISO, t Lsdier canursi, oaiasMAKEn wants experienced waist and cilme hands. Apply 1520 Spruce at. i" EVEHY DAY young women are so. curlnE rood office positions through , tb atslstanco of Mlna Ucan at Lod f sr Central, fall upon her or mall ? s report of your husiucas experience. ; Kmployerfl aie liFtlng. openings con It suntly, one of which you can piob r sfeiv hit. This eervtco la freo to nit ,..,... 1I'.h,..I IJo.pll.,.. l .kn Udfcr. Jilfe" A V.jai ? Sflttl4A1 fttt AAflAK 1Ht jk wi!tbn with a large corporation; must bo '! auuut no ti'i ,u nil iiriiviioiinu IICI1UI, icjiiivu ntiu tu,i cubvn.u, uiii: i,v It Rilling to work Industriously 7 houra dally to leirn business; must havo Al credcntlala; itliry t7ci month. 11 1!. Ledger Office. 1 UDIE3 to sell Riiarantrcd hosiery, full or EVtri lime; goou imuiiiu iium me Hturi. -i.ii IKKth st. .WDDLE-AQED WOMAN as housekeeper for IturWower and 3 children In couni.i; gooil ttm; best ref. required. gi3T W. LlciKa. Mni-rh I.., tfll.-.. Vln Dean, leaser wcnirai. Broad and Chestnut sts. ta lilaa llnnn UianiA nr riant mil Minn1 iaVTS Alien fvuu & -uou av.t-iv t'lj iiioiinn or your assistance In xocuring mo tho po utloa I am now holding. 1 tilled on you last Thursday, the 11th. tnd tbrobgh our nHlst&r,ce l received a Miltlon on Saturday morning In the offlca el the Acme Tea Company, 4th and Noble Its., wheie everything Is very eatlsfactory. " thinking you again for your every klndncio, I irlili to rcninln. Binccrciy yours, (StM) UOHrtlS.K. Al'STIN, inn , oisi pi. HtJTHER'S IIELPEH to assist with houcc- nn 1M llio care ol cnuurcn. Apply i.r-s Korth 67th at. (TtRATOHB, experienced on silk waists', I'lttHy ork, Elgin, HXW Kllbert. EK1RT DRAPERS on Ann ovciilnir mwni: 5 tipult of taking charge of girls. Apply ...-Lit uiinniiiuKiiiK miun, iiiiiu iiuui, ,ui- taHUBTHAWtlUIPOB A CIAXTJIIEII. JTEXOOHAPHEH Neat, quick and accurate; CTHWiKo gpod nppear'c. Elgin, tuqi Kllbert. IkSTENOORAPHEIt, experienced; must bo awlft "mi Ki-vuraiy n iui, i.euger uince. FWAIIRESS to tare for first lloor; nll-ycar- t,nwna poiuion. while, over 2.v years; sru jier I month. Call or write, 20 Llnuood avc, Ard sure. Pa. JWBD-A colored girl for general light ijwMWorn and to assist with caro of chll s. APDlv ,M0ll Ancora lerrace. WRKIira HOrsEK-tllOPEn for Catholic rcc wr, subuibs. P MM, Ledger Office. JOLNQ LADV hlpnnernnh.p nnrl linnlrltenripp, rnKJ!"!' '" '"" handwrftlng, elatlns ago und :vciiBnce. I; ,i, Ledger central. H: HELP WANTED MALE U)UVE, energelp man to take chargo of and tail, v "." "' a wcii-cstaBiisnea grocery, P., 'nllt ttnd prodtico buslncks. H lu2, twir Office. ikiiS?"Tl'NITY Is offered man of buslncpa -y"j mm exprnenco in tne retail grocery M provision bus ncss. with ur wllhntit nn. iflBttu n i-i. i -j- ..la." nm- .' .m, muijiT IliL't-i CANVASSERS Kastcr prorioltlon; fast sellers: mn per cent. corr.mlalon iwc Kensington ve, IJIUUI'TEUR - At Wyucotp (Jenklntown): KJTi.i.. ,lxPcrlenced, reliable and good me- TiiZHt r' " '"'' caaiuaca; room on place; ipronde own meals outside: slute expericm-e, !'w ""I waxes expected. U 130. Leihter Off. iPf'.VS1"11 "anted, single, white: must b IdliWni '. . IJO",e capable or driving ! Ledgrr t'enVr.l. "ga anU r"erene' IS?,.10" VANT a better poalt'on at 3S,;h crlcal., executive or technical aFWOriC I If an Inla.uU... II. n i MBfloiment Bpeclallst at Ledger Cen-lin- vJJ " P1,00"1' Ledger Adverllseri Siitff00.! "txnlnga , dally anl without tSoS..chf.rfe- . A".k ,hlm " yu Ikal.i Opportunity" free. tell iow to secure a better Job. ISiSKTiuH-lW exPrlncerl. pleaia don't an- BuVi v.. " u' maiuro man or education; Heath,.0" ?very Pbraie export work, good iuit.vek,. C0eaPndent, possessing "an Jrift." ?,iexp.'rlenca '" fiandlliig foreign tan J' fS2n.VJs.V in.v.?lc?i . 'h'Pments. Oppor- llSHtJn. I.;9" "a"' AUUrCBS II DWI1 ndlll- "llUnf In iBnEUaffeR ln,l l.nnu, Ul. .. ltksftcV."f.B' , " references. Ai.iwer lJM..d.,'rCUc1?mri'rCgar1'll Ex"0r"'r WnSAhnSIAvrH'an,etl- Immodlalely. a J- IUuia i Vi . . . """ t.0.a' care or small o'cloeirJJi 800d Te",- Cb 81. Jamea Hotel, & jcwclc Frl. eve, only. Ak for Mr, .larrlion. ilT oefi?2d !lvf,oung man who can du tllllnJ, mii)c'.clerWnt'' stenographic work. n. hlniBBlf uef u and use common JLEiWdg'cenfrB.'1 " 'U"' '" Car0 ljaltt.. FoiV Ai..5rr ef'"1"'" wanted for steady F- ' A'xander Hrotner. 414 N. 3d st. a?i,kANAWIFE hiM;. E a" buUer and cook In family wiffS Jn1 ""Pjoylng nurees: only ry beit need apply. Jj 2121, Lodger "An !&S<e ?,1al"W.JW3 '" iSltJi ew'PANV . w ruing I'lOO fun.r.1 !,.:.. 'i'"1 eoriiractB. witn loUlrlct m!Lbn5n' ofr,r" exceptlona y good l.-J?fct manager's enntrns Srti Vn.11 , . .,, trlct i."",r contract for ?hlU.: Ola. lffiwa.S,?inj'?!!l! rftt?rv. luatneKiai r r-.,7.iV.. "t '" ""' lerritrv. iiltMPhllaif pj In,ui"an:e Co., LH ii, 1 r'?c?ri.Mc,' JJlJnSfaSJI "A"? !"' In km DdbimL.: ' Can Bell snn.1.1 n..l In tr Jkstat. .V.""s II 03. Ledger Branch, 4013 3211 Columbia, ave.. "?.' Hunt Phlladelpl una. March 21, 1U15. 3! 8or"lihlta!! ! "Pr" "r tnoat .Incere pmiiimnl yU "" lvea m8 lo TilYllsBttnCra.mi!"U negUtry Bureau, rtfieri' c.f w.h,c? "nl to Ledger Xr. InaiJiisii fvd a noalllon two days ,a""g an j. at your omce VuSui h!J? unemnloyed for a considerable Bain thnkng you j r,maIn, fluedk Vour Truly. sF!q DONALD U. HARRIS. JWwonrti. . v.4"' n"r Ch cgo: must be aMTES.fciim,H """ modern machinery mt-itfZu1 hon methods and ibl to get VBraViin ""I nd at least possible cost: ltd c "i reiubla. Stale experience, ago ai!SS.SftrbI. Blnt near Chleaago: must ti Wtlc and KJerenie B 31. ledger Office fTED Bile.emsn on eommlBsloa baste 'q UlMti-t Immm tins. Aff nhiiirriixi .. - mm itllB) tjl ULMCKlSSri,.,.-, ?-S lO Dhvi H.h- ,. eatsb -SMlSi. Ledaer OfTUe g-Piereeiu 00 oouou csret yr- i fe $u&&SSsosu I -XVaaikAr. HnlMHlnB f-.. Sn aXlATBtd t6taft(.u.' HEIwANTEDlMAljfi water tiuhnnna wasted Must have factory experience on r.?2fi.?,b,iwl wrl. rurntluro or pianos. fluslinl examination necessary. Apply VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY Application Office. 23 Market street. Camden, New Jersey. Orntrnl yTOMOUILE SCHOOL 16 WILL HrAliT YOU uta JX. 1IHUAU ST. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A03ISTANT UOOKKEEPEIl-Younn Hdy. re- SS'ivW' oul.larcrut clerical Pos with on tyjoucralc typewrller. H 113, Led. Cenl u-'JII"; accurate, experienced, clay or eve nlnjrcfrnn.o. J ;m, Ledger Central, AantJCcnypreicrred. 5n vl. York BtJ C,f'.'.,iL"inw.0,,Kor l'oue"ork In atnatl ulult -IimJJJli1n!auiidry. P Nil, lydRcr Office. COIjOriED lllllL wants place; alcep home; t?.fci'"Sci MT H. 17th it. COMPANION, nurso or man. hkpr.; refined, .coiup. woiiian; beat lefs. M 712, Led. Olf. COMPANION or housekeeper; capable, refln!, uSL'iJEcptloiial rofa.M' "17, ledger Oft.ce. COMPETENT joung woman wlshca position ns cotnuanlun or nursery governess; would tmycl, excellent irfcrenccs exchanged. 11 J, LdgorI!rnnch, MlKJ Ocrmanlown o.c. COOK, competent, Engllih Protcsiant, dcalrca position; good references. 1.U.1 urcn. COOK and" clownslalra work, lettlml; esperl . enccd and cumu't; refs. M 7:, Ledger Ottiov COOK Proti-stnnt, lompcient In every branch" . vxceptlonal rufcrcni'c. P H02, Ledger Olflce. DHESSMAKEIt wishes sewing at home. Phono Poplar SOU W. 1.112 Mora si. DHESSMAKEIt of New York dealrea enguVtsj evening gowns specialty. Phone Wnl, 4K0J W. EMPLOYERS IN SEAtlCII OF COM PETENT, KKI'EIIIISN't'ED YOUNG LADIIM TO KILL POHITIONH AS UOOKKEGl'lHtS. I'l.CHKH, HTENOG HAPHEIt.i. PltlVATE yKCUBTAltlES AND CAHIIIKJtS TAN HAVE TIME. TI10IJIILE AND TEMPITIt IIY TELL ING TIllllIl WANTH TO MISH LEAN. OK TEE COMMEHC1AL IIEGISI'ItY 11UHEAU. LEDOEIt CENTRAL. SHE IIAH ON KILE lll'SINESS HECOIIDS OK aOOIU OK QUALII'IEI) APPLI CANTS KOf; ALL MOUTH OK DRAIN WORK. A KIIER SERVICE TO LEU GEP. ADVERTISERS. KHENC1I governess, student of Univ. of Paris, wishes pos. Kor ref. Inq, Mrs. C. II. Watts. HI W. Mt. Plearant nve. M R01. Ledger Olf. G1HU 10 reara old, desires clerical position; neat writer; can use t.powrllcr; somo knowl edgo bookkeeping. E 240. Ledger Central. HOIlSEKEEPEIt. exn."nnif canablel for mali riiluUiainny;rcfs. M 721'. LodgerOITIi e. MANAGING Ih I'SLKELPKil, competent In I'Vciy rcsruct; can ho engnged at reasonable flgurejrcfcrenccs exchanged. U l.'fl. Id. Oh. NUHSE Ifnclrrgraduato; "mental and inralyllo caBCs apeclhlty; tcrm. poa. E 441. Led. Cent. SBCIlKTAhY" Young woman. High "School graduate and buslnesa school training, do aires Iionltlon; liest leferences. 11, Ledger urnncii, sum i.irmantown nve SECRETARY, bookkeeper, stenogrnphcr. cor respondent or mgr., 'XP., with excellent leis. from past cmplnyeis, J gM, ledger Central. 8TBNOGRAMIISR Capable woman, "ill jenfa' xperlcnce, complete knowledge orilco roullne, deslros position; heat references ns lo chnr acter and HUllliy. Telephone Licust jniii. STENOGRAPHBIl-secreiary, Drexcl " grncl.; experienced, cai. o: gn'splng details iuicUI, knowlcdgo of hookkecplng. K 1411, l.eil. c;ent. STENOtlRAPHER, bookkeeper, bill cli'iV: 2 Mars' e.p.; capable of hindllng all oflb.o details. J 4IVI), Ledger Central. STHNOGIIA I'll Ell William IVnn graduate, with U montha' experience; loinpetent, neat, wllllng;jiiolerai alary. E 44, l.ei.ger Cent. STENOGRAPHER IL 8" ediica'n, lsnnwledge blipg. ; J", an. Ledger Hr., HHh and Uauplilii. STENOGI.A,i-IIK.It, expert, thoroughly experi enced, capanie secrccary. i-. ii, im-hi. ..eiii. STENOGILVPHEIt, compel., accurate; do neat work; willing to learn. .1 117. ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHER, comperent, experienced lncom.and bnnkjnr work. E 15, Lccl.jJcnt. stenographer-peirce"school GIIAII- UATB; 4 YKH.' EXP. K l-'l. LMII. CEN;t STENOGRAl'IIEit. experienced; modi'f.ito sal ary. 1711 Chestnut. Phono Spruce 11552 TRAINEE NURSE will caro for Invalid: doc tor's reference: country preferred. Trained Nurse. 42HS Stiles st. WOMAN, joung, with unusual huslncsa expe rience; managerial, correspondence, secre tarial; quick lo grasp details and opportuni ties: tactful and efficient. ,1 Bra. Led. Cent. WOMAN (while) wants work by the day: re liable. S3!i Lex St., West Philadelphia. Khone Hclmont 4t2n. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE A COMPETENT MAN. ,".''. sales, managerial and executive experience; wen oaianceii; otind In Judgment: accustomed to handling largo propositions: meeting big men; rated as mechanical and electrical engineer In but connection: will travel or fit In anywhere at moderate salary. Kor particulars consult Mr. Hunt at Ledger Central. ACf'OL'NTANT, rnrfespomlenl, credit" collect lion manager, extensive experience, desires to nuke Lhangc. E 112, Lodger Central. ACTION tURAINS-RESULTH Young man, 27, experienced as buyer, office manager and correspondent ; previous line canned goods and canners' supplies; at pres ent with paint and varnish concern. E 244, Ledger Central. AN EXPERT accountant, bookkeeper and gtn eral office manager eleslrea change; systems dovlaecl and Installed; 14 yeurs' experience;, reference. E 150, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, 25, c&pablo offlco man, deslrea position: pest rcierencea. e i--v. jjeoner . BUTLER, porter or houseman (col.); exp. and capable; lilghostreL M?08;LcdgerOfllce, CHAUKKEUR-Qoocl mechanic, carcfurdrfver. Adam Wunder, 132 W. Cortland st Phone Wyoming 1428 W. CHAUFFEUR Can go' arywhere; single; S years' experience on big cats; Al reference. E 2.VI, Ledger Central, CHAUKKEUR. wTlTte, single, sober amrindus trlous, private or light commercial) beat refs. from former empl oyera. II 121, I-edger Office. CIIAUKFEUR-Repalr -nan; best refs,; drlva n.n?car' E 447, Ledger Central. (TlIAUKPEUR, steady Tionest an3 trust worthy; exp,; Al ref. Pox 115. Overbrook.Pa. CHAUKKEUR, German, beginner, sober, on gent s place; man wagrg. r. tt. i.gu. v-rcu. CHAUKKEUR, white, single, Protestant; beat ref,; city or suburbs 0325 Norwood St.. Gtn. COACHMAN, colored, can drive auto; house- man; 2U years isee Place, -r. jji, ii. iwciu. ELECTRICIAN Frrst. class all-around man wanta pos.i excellent lef. 2S31 N. Lea at. nvniNRnn-RxDerlenced 011 rteam and elec- Irlc power plant, modern boiler room eeiulp. ruent; fair knowledge mechanical and build ing construction; competent to modernlie old Elant: city or country; Philadelphia, license. ; 24), Ledger Central, ENGINEER, chief, practical and technical, Is open for engagements; now la 111 charge of Urge plant; Al credentials; confidential. tt m, ecjs er msiiui, -V'J .'wc . . OARDENER-(XACIIMAN wants place, under stand! duties gentleman's place; references. 1125 aienorooae ave.. uryu jkiswr. GARDENER. thor"ly comp., with good knowl. edie of autoa; a years refs. B lis. Led. Off. GENERAL office man and bookkeeper Is open forlmmctdlate engagement; thoroughly exp.; lie.t referencea. E 340, Ledger Cent ra 1 GRADUATE of Unlyenlty desires position with reliable firm with chance to make good. E gjn. Ledger Central. of an applicant listed here who can All that exacting position, .telephone Mr. Hunt, Ledger Central, Walnut or Main 8000. The Ledger's Commercial Registry ti. a,. ! a free service that will save you time and Inconvenience. Mr. Hunt will bring the right man and right Job together. MACHINIST rated, nigh! and draughtinpin, technically edei ghly exp. on loots and Instrumental, wants a position, is -i, fawtBr uuivs. MAN wishes situation, clerical or otherwise; knowledge of bookkeeping, drugs, chemicals. horticulture; sober, ener. ; Kng. D U8,Led.Off. MAN and wife, colored, butler and cook;, ex p"lenced and capable; refsV P KO, Led, 'orf. MAN AND WIFE, colored: experienced cook ml butlsr: best reference. IT3.1 Addison at. OFFICE MAN. Married, with I yrs". exp. In every branch, detsll, corresponi UCI.VV KKK. , lCB. etc.: thoroushlv ra. miliar vieu .fcA iuu..,, m bilious. 1? 353. Ledger Central. r with steel industry: alert and m- OFFIce-LI yeara' experience from asalatant shipper to head of bookkeeping department. E 118, Ledger Central. SECRETARY. Btenogrsplwr. accewntant. man agerial and secretarial experience, riedlts.col I tlocs. etc , desires job. E 648. Led. cCent aTBNOORAPilER and'bookkseitr. accurate & wj seavs-i. wis sm aifp, iubw e. wtrsi fu 61 UOjHbT uunencea ijetaii oiftca n0 A - t ociwbbIui: Up; exwutlv ablitt sfis:wi rXtSd5,cat ort; " l ; ew, exexiueivi ability; ll Y?miTWo,i'h1i?:o " for ""-11 know. ?.. m- 'J'11,"1" errands and who Salav SWll"1.tb?ut keeplna simple books; mairTe,! A," I?-",th ,0 iUr,i l4! refr.nca irVt leile?. f.,n?,1? ","d. wh available In ..urn ifHtrjyjiM, Ltdner Central. EVEttltfft LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, -MMMMKttWMH.MvMMHIH Situations wanted male VOt'NG MAN. total abstainer, reliable, will' Ing norker, nblo to do any kind of house work and repairs, garden work, can drive and repair autoa, deslte to change his pres ent occiipttlon for Meads' work na houseman In private house; city or country; good ref crenres. n 1,1.1, LedgfrOlflce. foTTRtTTilAN, AMiJITlOUB," M, "wilh uni versity education, desires lo hecome con nected with a business which offera an op portunity ror advancement on the basis of merit; possessea executive ability and knowl edge of credits; large salary Is not an Im mediate eansldrailon. 41, LedRer Central, YOl.N0 MAN. B7, exr. In cler. work, knowl edge bookkeeping, timekeeping, expert ale nogranher, at present employed, deslrca posi tion with part or all outdoor work and ad vancement commensurate with ability; x- . cellent references. A MO. !dger Oflica. YOUNO MAimiED MAN, 15, gool add"reai. personality, 5 years' experience men's iur nlshlngs, 2 years' .general olflce work, desires position of either kind; unquestionable rfla.: . accept mod, salary to atari. Bg.17, l.ed.jLVnL YOUNG MAN,a7. eeeks office "posltlonrhard ancl conaclentloua worker; highest crudenllals. IJlia,jLedRercenlral. YOUNO MA'N. Kiund edu.Mtlon: In hlali and itivbip scnooi; witn i year nang ami snies exp. ; with ambition hla motto. E 51, tdger . ycntrai Y'OUNO MAN. S3, high s-hool graduate: 3 years' college education; with reliable con cern! summer work with U. G. I.; 1 yr. with -Mil1""? contractor. ,1 057, Ledger Central. YOUNG MA.V. shipping and clerical experi ence, desire a poeltlo i with elian'O for ad- yancemint;hest reT n2MjLedger Central. Yor.vo" MAN," 19. wlshca clerical "position" -J'ATy.Mshiriian, fttM) Sheridan, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLLS, ll50 ltAINtilttDOE ST. I'ETENT HELP. IJCU8T 3130. AUTO LIVEIIY AND OAKAOES LIMOUSINE8 aniriourTng carVlnTilro at all hours, Snvder ft tllack, Spruce Bill. B'LDING MATEHIALSnEPAinS MINERAL KLOOniNO A HCSINESS ASSET. YOU WOULDN'T LIGHT YOUR. STORE, MILL OH KACTOItY WITH KEROSENE LAMPS. WOULD YOU? OK COURSE NOT. YOU KNOW THE ECO NOMIC VXLCE OK MODERN KACII.ITIES. THEN WHY nCRDEN YOUIt FIXTURE ACCOUNT WITH THE COST OK WEAR AND TEAR ON YOUR OLD WOODEN FLOORING? MINERAL KI.OORINO IS PRACTICALLY INDESTRUCTIHLK - COST COMPARATIVELY LITTLE AND WE LAY IT WITHOUT INCONVENIENCING YOUR HUSINESS. l.irr US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT ITS SAVING KEATURES. IT WILL PAY YOU. PHILA. MINERAL KLOOttlNG CO. Cr.12-31 SUMMER ST. BUSINESSOPPOnTUNITIES OY3TER"saioon canTie bouSht for i:.",u cash? excellent chance lo run eating house with up-to-dato business methods; place badly mismanaged and neglected; everything rrece nry to go on with the business, thorough investigation will demonstrnto these facts; low rent, $21 per month; present owner opened It 21 yenrR ago nnd has been there ever since largo colored population In lo cality, llne chance for a man of that rare or tnoao who will cat--r to them; must be rold at once: reason, slcknees; possession given April 1st; will give 10 per cent, to any agent who sends a buyer. 7B2 S. Kith. WANTEIv To get In communication with mer chants who aro ov-'riloi'ked or who want to sell out their stoc't of merchandise, or want to turn part of their etcck Into cash ctilckl ; write me full partl'Ulais In lire! letter, amount of stok, sUe of tmvn und what stork cnnelstp of: do not care whnr ihaie stock Is In nr how old the stork Is- do not wnnt real estate, er do not want to fiol with brokers: unswer at once. Harry Pose. "The Hargaln King of Georgia," Elbcrton. fla. WILL YOU GIVE $:.ncl for a cish retflll buslnesa tbnt will requlro Ich.i than an hour dally of your time anil pay over $7. lift cash proflta weekly? You can give the luis' nep a pcrsonnl trial for na long as ou wish before buying: answers only ilrslre.1 rrnni tlifio liavipg the cash and wanting an hon orable, upright, profitable business. II 112. Ledger officii. COMPANY with new fnctniy and splendid prot'cia oilers position worth having to suit able party Investing J10.IKO; unexceptionable references and oppoitunlty Tor fullest Inves tigation given and retulred; give run his. torv and references to Irsure answer. Ad- ilirsslnis, ledger Central. WAXTIMi, partner to attend to orflre diillcs; must be strictly sober an. I honest; one that can Invest ahout .un: u chance that Is vciy seldom offered: light oflVo duties: seeiet service work. II 127, Ledger Office. PARTNER WANTED III leather manufactur ing concern: rare opportunity for man with salea exp. to organize avs'ein: must Invest ."I'OOO to $ltXI. Aildrpis M J.Q2, Ledger Cent, WANTED A live young man who ran Invest S.ViOti and act as treasurer of a corporation; rare nnpoitunlty. f-7 'tIdger Cenital. 1'ARTNER wanted In hosiery manufaiiurlng buslnrss, with or without exp. 2778 Kens. av. CARPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PEn YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTP.ICH FEATHERS "AND' KANC1ES CLEANED. CY'ED. MAILIIOT.ISIO Olestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKING taught: short, prae. course, fllAwAll 3H7 npnrttln lllrtcr. till'. , Mnt-brl IlKMOTilCIIINO done while you wait. AT I rclohflrri. 1113 (!hlitnllt. Plelnplnl nvliw nnr. GOWNS for all occasions: remodeling, nioderX ate price, 1510 Walnut. Locust 077. FOR SALE IIILLIARD. pool, combination, id-hand bought, old. rented. cx'dKearer,32.i Gerard nve. FACTORY-WORN vacuum cleaners, guaran teed, regular prlre 1125. will fell below tost. Kod-rol. 151S Kansnin at. PLAYER-PIANO, good make, RS-uoieT new last year; telect music; mnhnganv cnblnet; owner must sell. Call aGernoon.'l31! N. II road, REKRIGERATOR, 2 Novelty heaters, klteheii beller. gas water heater nt'd, 4107 Olrard nv. INSTRUCTION RAGTIME PIANO PLAYING taught In 20 lea. sons; write for booklet. ChrUtensen Schools, 3S20 Germantown ave.: 1320 Tasker st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS COLIIURN, 21-lr.ch, heavy duty drill presses; 20, 2L:t0 Inch drills. Nut.taU,J74SN. Blh.J MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NEW STE1NWAY Welte Mlgnnn electric piano, with ke board, at very low price. 1, III, Ledger Central. OLD GOLD OOUGHT, SOLD DIAMONDS EXCHANGED. WINEOLPH, APPRAISED. 28 N. 12TH ST. PRINTING PRINTING TROUULES CORRECTED ,A31t-a H, UA'IKM LUJU'AnJ 141 North 12th at. STORAGE WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pic. I'UILA. Ing and shipping. 31170 Lancaster ave. RELIAHLE STORAGE MOVING, PACKING, BHIPI'INO. 2040-41 N, 80TII ST. DIA. 474T. WANTED CABT-OFE OLOTIliTtG Do not sell sour clothing till you get my offer. I pay tVs more for gentlemen s cast, olf clothing and shoes than uny other dealer. City or sub. eiend postal or ph. liar. 107U W. It. FINEP.BHO & CO.. 3623 Locuit St. FEATHER beds, antiques, old china, war pic tmea. fane teeth. 1337 N. 8th. WANTED To give private uarty new itarter for Ford car in return for use of car for demonstration of same; few days only, K 440. l.odger CentraL ROOMS FOR RENT DARING ST., 321a (The) Clilltonl-rTwoTrat lloor looms; suit dentist, doctor er apart ruents. Mrs. Delle McClaln, Manager. BlT5AD. S., 620 New management, furnished rms. ; everything clean, atni. heat, baths, 42 up. llllOAD ST., 8.. U-Attracllva front room' with bath; board optional. UKQW'N, 1311 Handsome 2-room suite, second noor. aajoining pbvuj nice tor permanent Ktniiemau guesvi uwiitr s miniiy; ej.ov. CHESTNUT. 44.10-2d.story front; Tultable for couple or Bachelor apt.; board opt.: phone. DIAMOND, 2102 Furn. or unfurn. rnis, single or en suite; board optional. Diamond 2327 IV. HANDSOMELY furnlbed front room7ll largeT luoueru. psivave uoiaai pjevtriu lignis; lu inin jitea to City Hall. Telephone Raring 415. LOCD8T: 4106 Lerse front 2d story bay win- elor; sJso single rm.. rsfln. joca. Bar. 1528 W. LOGAN SQUARE (1S04 RACE), SINGLB AND LJJUaiE SAveO,!." SPRUCE. HIS Large front room, teautlfully furn. : ruiinlna- water, Filbert 4121 D. SPRUCE, 1208 - Very attractive single and MUI4UIW AUril. VrnVBt . U truilfsf. fTKlHUl llvVJ, WALLACE ST.. aMg-Large 2d front; running- water, corner house . private family , phone. WALNOT. '4911 Cheerful front room for rV- tined gentlemen or couple, priy. faro. : phone. WALNUT. 6022 Nicely furnished Urge and single rooms: soutti. exoosurs; reJs. ; phone iiTU. N," aT PHvata Xamlly baa large "id- aour oo&uaupicating front roams; phone. ill, "S. 3fP335&T FCRNISltllD FRONT aJGOlf. iilRXS HAIlf, fROF.OFFlCS HOOMS FOR BENT ttTII, N fcTl.'V-F'urnlAhed room In prlvala family: jrentlcman. Photo tJ.edger Centrsl. 2fjTIt, N WS rheerttilly "furnished fecon.1 noorfroiiti running water; phone. 4.1U, II S.-Nmtly furn. 'J.I front; phine. Torch; corner; srmmer rite. PHlVATE KAHIiTi"TiaeriVveniT comTortable Mr.jrms. filth and Walnut), flaring "287 W. V ItOOMS WANTED YOU.S'G MN desires nicely furnished rcom with private family, south side: must t,c flrst-elasj In all respects. B 45.1. Ledger central. ONE OR TWO unfurn,, sunny rooms"; central; mustjie reasonable. LJJ7,Lrdter Central. BOARDING HALTIMOHE A E I010--Plrflfsnt room,, next to bath: gentlemen pref.i board opt.; phone. RACE. 34i3-Trained nurse ha nleas. home for ref, people desiring good atcom.; special ewe m 01 Invalids or elderly persons. Preston 3.I0.S D. BPlilK-E, I'WI-CheertuI roonis .single Or en sum e: private bath; excellent board, S I R uf TJ," Twiraci-Tjeslr aBle siiTto' with private bath: choice table board. Walnut i255 W. SPRUCE, 1224-2(1 (ifrlamonde)-Kurnlshefl ittii,, single, en suite; private baths: table board. BPRUCH 1020Cheertul rooms, slnglo or en aulli, private bath; excellent board, rTPHTTCri IBio'-'BL'fTE WITH PRIVATE HATH; OTHER ATTRACTIVE ROOMB. VvT.LACE,"ltfcl--(,hecrTuTTyTurn. sliiile loom Jot renncdbusnesi person. Poplar 3025 A. WALNUTS WI10 -"lIcaiitlfuTfy furnished front room: ronvs,, elegant table, refined nnd con genial surrounding price reas. ; phono Hel.tHI, VALN1T, "."inofi-Warm, pleasant'rooms: beau tiful neighborhood; board. Preston 0421 A. WALNUT ST..' 4300 -" Pleasantly" furnished rnma: board opt ; refined lieatlon:phone. 13Tfl. N., 202rt- Handsomely furnished rooms: single or en suite; 2d floor: phone, 38TII, ., los-llnndfomely furn. room: cor. houie: excellent table; private family ; phone. 40TH,"'Ssr. 700-P"frvat'e "family "wlirboard re. flneiKentemen: convJo e(t Daring Sa, 4iST, B, :Hrrjfrwrv Turn Targe slitlng room: homsllke: 5 windows: gentlemen. Trns, 03IIA Rubiirhan UERMANTOWN, 233 W. Rltienhouse it., be tween Wavne and Greene Desirable 'rooms, wlth board; homelike. Phono Gtn. I.i.l X. C1ERMANTOWN, L30 W. School Isnc (The Chancellor) Vacancies. Gtn. 4013 W. New Englnnd HOARD TOR CHILDREN Small family with beautiful country borne no'them New England coast wlfh's tn ;nm munleate with frent or guardian seeking desirable permanent home for one nr two snial'. children; liberal compensation ox peeled. H 1211, Ledger Offli-e. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN. i!i(-Excr!lent apts. In K illifrenl hmisea: sumo lurn'd; kitchenettes. WALLACE. 1S3I-Unfurnlshecl npartmenla. 2 rooms, with private both. Poplar 141". APARTMENT 2 rooms, both nnd kitchen, als-i one 5-rnom nnd bath: best service: modern. nindirate. H, L Cates. 2C0H Green St. JVest liillnilelphlB, CUTir.PI PY -iRTlt AND PINE. 0 rooms OCUULUCI and h.ith. See Jnnltnr. PALTIMOIIE AVE., IMC Ifousekeplng apt.. 2d mnr. n rooms, private p- rejh.lunt wit j'ljr. linvPI.:fN" :'tTe--!,M i'oor, vvlii'prlvirte bath. In modern homerlertrlc llphls; phono, Sffll ET 2d-flonr nrnrtmi't. nnfuni. or com plelelv furn. ror linusekrep'nR. " rooms. b,iih, lonh- untllfeit. I. Preston 33II.,. FURNISHED APARTMENTS I inN'Q UPAI") Locust, I2l3-ir,. Kurnlsh-d - "PI"-: "Ingle or en suite IIROAD N.. fCl-rront suite. 2d door. S rms. bath, kltebene'le. I'lmn" Pcplar OI2I. SpltPCE. 2IC2-1 esl-nh'e suite, with private hath; open lire, phone: owner. OAK I.VNE- Deflrnld" fur.. I rills .bnlh liniltie kceplng, prri'b. lawns: S7 wek. Phone lilllivr. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS KENT APARTMENTS' n, $" BT. lioel.eeilng ainrtueuiN, I rooms nn, I baih :;2.r,cl rrcinth. .Innltor s'-rvbe. DAIPIIIN S. E. CUR. IIROAll AND Jr IMIIN. r.NCLI'SIVE IIOISI'KPG APAIIT- .n.S. WITH 2 IIATIIM. APPLY JANITOR. DIAMOND, 2112-3 Home, buth, kitchen, hut w iter beat; icf. ; 2,1 lloor. ?2.": I rms. buth, kltrbeu. .ill cor. rms.. 53.1 Diamond IS13 W. DIAMOND ST.. I2HI-IKH'SEKKKPING PT." 5 ROOMS AND HATH. J'.U DIAMOND S'S COLUMBIA AVE, lltts-3-room aparlmenla, complete for housekeeping, unfurn.: phone. OXFORD ST., S. 'l-."c(iR. -JlKT-3 rms. and linih' all outside rms.:?20 a month. HOrSEKi:KPlNGSIlTE."'S3.r(M furn. room. private Jyilh .' Apply 1401 N. lllth. "Leiiiffii Apartments ' l3' 6 Kith ; hII coiiv. Apply 27.18 (iermnntnvwjAv. IVrnt I'hllmlHpIiln. K1T1I. H. 1 13-romplNc hmiBeknc. npt Rn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KL1IURIIAN Ambler. I'll. INARMS, country placere and suburban homes on the Ucaillng'n I'etliiehrm and Dovlrstown oranciies. II. .1. Dne. Inc.. Ambler, Pa. Clieyner. I'a. ."ii, ACHES, m miles station. JI000; nbundanre of fruits- good buildings, neighborhood. A. D. Ileald. West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY llnililnnflelil, N. .). VE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES t bargain prices. WM CAREY MARSHALL. Ml federal t.. Csmden. National Park, N. J. IIUNGAI.OWS, lots 25x150: near trolley; over looking Del. Oreater N. J. Co.. 33 3. mci. HKAHIIORE SEASHORE cottage, attractive, 0 rooms nnd bath, cement cellar, airy porch: lino cash, li.V. easy pay.: owner, sac 51 84H. Led. Cent. rr.NNHVLVANIA FARMS 100 ACRES, location, land buTldlngs, water and railroad facilities all tint-class: has evervthlng that goes to make a srecxl farm: several stock farms cheap, 150. 2eO and 250 acres' tho very best of land and cheap; state icur wants. JONATHAN C, HARE. West Chester, Pi. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN a home Houses 11800 to 18550: small first puvmeut and HIT to 50 per month II. H Reed. 717 Che.tnut st, , Stone Harbor, N. .!, KOH LOW COST hlgh'grade bungalows, at'brtmeutH and cottages, visit Stone Harbor. N J.: booklet on request. South Jercey Realty Co, 1)15 Real Estate irust uuumng, Philadelphia. HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City, N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc., lo ex. change for Philadelphia property. Chaa. E. Fell. 38 B. Penna. ave., Atlantic City. REAL ESTATE WANTED I.fST PROPERTY for sale or rent with J. W, Homer. ISIS S. 68th St. Q11 Ick results. SEASHORE COITAOE AT SEASHORE for ummer; 2 or 3 PeUrtsOniS, .U Wsju, JtJejUftC-l t-miia REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY :503 N, COLORADO ST.-Two-story, T roonu. newly papered, good location; rent 416. Woolev.2l2Q. North 17th. Factotles. Warehouses, Mfg. Floors FOR SALE OR RENT-Chean; factory. 23.000 square feet Moor space: formerly used as dye house and hosiery mill; suitable for piece goods dyer and hnlther; two boilers and two ?nslnes.' M 804. Ledger Office. Professional Offices. 13TH ST.. '231 Physician's office; large'fur nlshed reception room; running water. HUllURll.VN 0 ACRFS; country home at station; atone mansion, 17 rooms, bath, pantries: hot-water teat. Attractive property; unfurnUbed. beautiful lawn; orchard, tenant house; stables. T3 per month. Most desirable for Sentlemen, especially for commuters. Apply . 11. Thompson. West Chester, Pa, -Ardmore DEtilRAHLB HOUSE 13 RfiOMS. d UATHS TCINE lJOCATlONt NEAR STATION GOOD OPIORTUN1TY TO RUNT OR BUY. Warnock &. Emlen, Oia'ffimnieriial Trust Bldg. SEASHOltB Atlantic City. N. J. HOTELS, HOARDING HOUSES. VILLAS, COTTAaES, APARTMENTS, any icaion, all locations, Atlantis City. Chelsea, Ventnor; automobile service. II. O. HARRIS CO.. Bartlttt Bldg. MORTGAGES FR1VATE funds for flret mortggi. oul. any amount; clly or euburbun. gHW J50IO1 FOR 1ST AND'SD'MORfOAOES. " BAMLJiL H CHESTMJT, JJ10 Ctutau( L ' , .,,-,... 1 ! LscRAPPirin 1 ' ; ' ' ""' ' ' ' "Abiolutc Zero" THE I' ADDED CELL r.c.s.s ! I ! l5li.C svl. I 1' 1 " OMAR. 5. I LCT ME I n. rhGVV' i I ucem.se. Sjf ' v puEse-.y j lYTRote not , sv "S4? " y J JnQrJ I &as, JtJ ! , The New Way Ho Suppose ynii get Into ofllce, and thnro'H ri proposition comes tip Hint you know nhsolutcly iiothlnp; about. What would you tlo? Kim I'rlllte tlio mort, I tllltik vvc'rl linve sense) ctic.tirh not to medrtle with It. Puck. Daily News nsporter Madam, you may re-collect that wo printed yesterday your denial of having retracted the contrndlctloii of your original statement. Would you caro to have tiB say that you were misquoted In regard to It? Life. IN The One with Ihc Cigar- Rah .love' The The EITcct of ItccruiliiiR- Posters When he sluitcd. After a few A Driver Uurietl I 1 il jh II !TuW M V 1915 I ,,rYVac9e EttRQK .1.. 1 111) r.MK'iSl! All.osh nave uclvanccd! on nn Impressionable Hill-sticker Punch. weeks of It. The result. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Smith's Garden Tools Under Two Tons .j c syw jy IB At the Movies -Tater "Did you go to the theatre when you wns up to Loudon, Wllyllam?" "Yes, Jnhn, us went lo one of they cltnemer theatres, but I couldn't make head nor tall o't, for I couldn't 'ear a word." l. ... pinion Teiimnj (trylniT lo gel u llsht) -Con. found it These ullnkin' Frejich uiau'liea 'II be the death o in''" .n,n. A Taller, Up-to-date tenioonis are nowadays always provided with screens, as they Rive the oapltvatlng "Kitchener" and the talcing "Terrier" the opportunity for fond farewells witn tho over-chaperoned IOves they leave behind them. of Soft Coal '3 W 'J'sWwMMnhr 1. -asT'(H . i . ' .'viy k 1 '1 rfl 1 ill