I wmmmmmmmTmimmi J- i-mi.M.niniiM ! n'Liimipip WWBPPWWP" -pun i jim mil EVENING LEDGER PHIUABELPHlX FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1915. 13 Ml let utti Hi row, thfl "tleri COfl lonl Tnll Jln-I 'Mej "mill toil! Mth! ecu. dt.j let.. ncB( rer. rt lei lit row ich W, .; .I...I 'ir, nrr ir. t "1 ln-j nt J' fori to itM le. ) It 1:! mack Johnson predicts tILLARD, BEST HOPE F WHITE FIGHTERS, FACES GREAT TEST 'jadk Johnson, If He Wins, pi'obamy win ueure With World Honors. Will Not Meet Other Negro Pugilists. .,i... .teas Wlltard, the CnttcntiHlali L,., hope for the return of the henvy- gM chnmplonsmp crown, suceccus m ....i- (he ever-lnsllng ilnyllRlitn out of ,..w intmnon nt Havana, Cubn, K.istcr rL'av. the outlook for the latter to ta- Le with the laurels Is bright. SC.lf noontide In the Island's capital shout! il'ad Billy Hocap. or who ever acts us the "tlltd man In the rlnpr, tolling ort the eecMwy '10" for ft decisive victory ovor fu,ehorl?ontallzcd f. feet 7 Inches of white it... who agnln can be depended upon to im forunrd with oven n remote chnnce ( grabbing our tnc tine lor me wiuto 1 tCC'. . M,. ....nl rtalil rtt nllor.i.l LoOKIng over i'"' i"""" " -... ..... LnM.n l. nvtatonrn nf one. wlin .in.! .nn the least bit nf form and piomlse Id Be dCVPIOJlCU HllW,ll. .1.13 uuu fin Jl VV is delected Of coiiifo, Snm t.aiMfnid.Ham ??......... tnn .tnnmtto wntilrl hnvo roiii.- what of a chnneo to lopplo Johnson, hut ill items ns If Ll't Arthn's iiollcy Is not ! sllow another negro to cop the cham- Tin only sife bet. then, us a hope will be v rustr Time It remains for the lndltldunl Cvfcji and Jolts on Johnson, absorbing the Big l bt.fk 1 "PCCO. anu S-iev ri iihhb, tiner wini-ii Piri.fi .Is a probability of Gunboat Bnilth, Jock LmSn. Oeorges Carpentler, rarl Morris or ri?2 ,ihr hBDlrlnir heavyweight getting In dnM enough lo put over the flnlfhlns hlow. tBii. unless Wlllnrd cornea throutcli with a ' liraiKfr, there la no Immediate danger for I Arlha from the uhllo hopes. 'lUrti are tho opinions of Airerlcnn pportsmen 'to Ci)t resardlni: tho onttome nt the liatlle: t tPtln t'unhmnn A. IIIcp. rich planter mid .., T im mHIi .Inlmtmn In t liIMnfr T!lii t A nn. Mik. tliA tnnha nf Wlltaril flu n MBit. 1 up not iikp hip n'tiitH m t uinrd iin u flihtins niflchtne I think the negro Ina too irwcli ry mattfr for lilm nnd while I will got on neawi) i in imck jtmiibon jack Curlrj, protnnter of the ilht I had 1 n. ncnltittt .Tnhnsnn nrirl T Ihlnk .T.irk linq icb-d the limit 1 look foi Wlllard to n JLa I'knm kout r Sain Lcwlfl of Nmv ork, referee of Stidluin (""fHitit-I think Willurd la a cinch to win. I Pbiljeve' him one of the Rreatent of fighter. . thlnb hr will riefrnl' .InlitlRnn finer a Vcrat flsht J- mtninr Wlsnti former llchtunlcht eham. rton My nvnipnthles nro with Wlllnrd, but .. Ia1 Ia flfttit ah'b ihA njl Tntr nn.1 fni 'Be wcim' inr ii ,ni 4 ci cj ui v iiu'i ! IMjj reason I ctlll Ktrln? lth .lohnaon, Just 'III all wncn jonnson ioukih .leurica Sf Leo Fly mi, of New York I think Wlllnrd feitands the peat elmn-'e ever pnsies'-ed by any i,rhter of itefrntlnR a ohainpton. He has overv jTnatural phyplcnl nnd qrp adantUKe, and n ihould win ihe flKht If Tom Jones' slory about ir-fllj development in correct. UrCARRON STOPS CLARKK I. AV1TII ItPIMi'IH'ITT IV li'IRTII ( 111-:-:L- - fjack JIcGuigan Plans Australian h Trip for Allcntown Middleweight. T ACU;.VTOW Pn., M.irch 2fl Jack McCar f ion, Allentonn inlddlewelRht, Kteppe'l nnoh'r rune up me naner lowuru ino miaiiieweiKiit chimpionshlp hint night, when, In tho fifth round, ho Hiored n knrukotit oei Jackie Clark'1, tt rill Ithor. Milfl'. It unn M.ie's lfhHh f xht. Th end wna swift and dramatic MeCnrtori "hndul an unnercut on the law and Clarke A U forward on his fnce After the count of 10 McCarron tarried htm to his corner. It tooV Clarke some minutes to recover from his cite. After the bout Jni'k McQuillan, of the Na- fJomJ A. f rhlladclphlu, Mc(arron'fl man- ffrviiiiiAiQnectf h.t ho N maklnd arrunKe- Bifnu to take McCarron on a tour to Aus- wtrtftt. The affair Is hetriff nrranRed bv Tom f T JfcAnrtrettB. nf Miluituker. In rniinecllnn with F MTM Can 1 l t-k tarr l.rAitiAtf.i.B in1 tlirt atnt Id In fce made itoon. Preliminary nrrangemenis fcire alreadj been made for McCarron lo meet fhtof tho brxt inlddlewcifihts In the Antipodes. HENRY IIAUBER VICTORIOUS hWhips Peto Malone in Battle nt Broadway Club. Six rnundR nf Imrrl bnvlni In ihr flnnl hnllt f tt the Broadnay Athletic Cluh last iilxht ro (fItcd tn a Mctory for Henry Hauhcr over i Hoth principals arc rusirrd. hiird-hlttlne ptoxers. but llaubrr not only proved tho itrenKer. but ho outboxed lili oononpnt. iieat- Elnihlni to the minch n inalorlty of the time. E Tba femlwlnd-uri terminated abruptly In tin, iourtn round, when Willie nenKcrt erossci flwrd richt buIhk to Bud Wlleon'a Jaw, nocklm: him out P la the other limits Vounc MIdwnv Moppet tlly'Manr In tho fourth round: Hilly Hlilen Sunt Jackie Corhmn to dreamland In th" Jijconii round, hlln Bobby MeCann earned EtJe deelilon over JVeddy deodman. JIMMY FRYER EARNS DRAW jHolds Battlinp; Nelson Even Durinp: 25-Round Fight nt Havana. .ItAVAVA Mm.!. ?n TlallllntF VAlonn Mnil Jlauny Fryer, of Philadelphia, fought 25 rounda to a, draw here last nlBht. r ncieon lorceu ino ngntine lnrougnout, ai Jaouchi outweighed by nearly SO pounds. i JNTEREST IN AMATEUR BOUTS jMore Interest has been shown In tho 101- yuna amateur poxintr tournament now run Jlrj at' the Uaety Thcaire than In any ono ?w thire tills season. Among the boys en ured Is Al Mooro, who will get his start prob- X1' luniRni. lie nat ceen arawn wuu .h&HV rhnnlln n .ll.ia- II. ,la allien. (mm fi Penn. There will bo six or seven bouts, list Winner In hn nAHan tn tliA llnf nt thnsn Eap have already won their bouts This list geludes, Eddie 0"Keefe, Hilly Kmlth. Andy ftlRi.r. Daao Frank. Younz Dnnohup. Battllni! JHlraray and Voung Martin. ClbbrJiiB to Ficht McFarland ?rillr.Arj-l i. i- na ..,-,. .1 ... n-Mibnui., .narvii -u, Aruuin wno pi.iicii ere yesterday for a 10-round bout, to ha UgfoT within fi() das, between Mlko Olb was and 1'acky McKarland The men agreed i?,flgh not mora than Ha pounds at 3 Jock on the afternoon of the fight. The SXTetmcnt Rl.rm.1 wiu l,a tlrat uHfiiluMlnri jnl by McFarland ,thut ho had gTonn tpio the welterweight division. Heretofore ha M4 Insisted he 'Svas a lightweight, although reMucmiy ne loucnt at catcnweignts. uionona 'IS a CAnl.nH.- Irtt k.v n.1 Jl-nr.lsh, nh.mnlnn. l!.P- The right Drobablv will be staged In Milwaukee, Welsh to Meet Battlinir Nelson rLPJJWT. March 2U. Announcement was IBtdS here yeterday that Freddie Welsh, llght K?iSlt champion. Jast night signed articles In aWA".?.0'. Ont , for a ten-round match with "iiiing Nelson (n Havana on April 4, the roilE In KAn. a am Va miptaln.rnlia. fnr t ha TnVltl. Fm.tviii.r; r rA "y",i:i,."iTr . .!" -.":"."""" iUUII. It Uflu al.n .oM Ka IValoh li a a nlcrriaH rRTi.S ''"-round match; with llllly Wagner at gloUdo, Aprlf tt. tireb and Baker Draw InflTTSnUROll, March Sfl.-Harry Oreb, of frrneld, and Knockout Baker, of Wilmington, 9roen last nlgh WILLIAMS IS SUCCESSFUL t ..BOSTON, Marcl nni. 2d.' the nffl SBIllrhard NorrU Wll. 8. 2d. thi. nnfTnnitl ph.mnlnn. vv.terdav 'On Fill, m.,,1. In .1,. .... n.inn n. Ih. an. IK' invitation lawn tennla tournament of the iSrKS'f '"I single wero disposed of and one BRUlch la the doublts was decided. First Scholastic Game Today Th VVI-. r-i . t , it . . ..,,11 An , 4..ww ?' bVnirBI UUHWIII tCll. w.l. v. 6. - --, 0VSBUI1 lilts ai.V.IIUWU, ,-.," I lladdonlleld High Sbool team at Had ?ff")eld. This U the Brat scholastic game of Bt- )rear, Cook Forced From First Place IpSS?1,1a,-.'I' Mrch 26.-W. H. Pierce, of SfSfMo- Col, rolllnr la the singles at tha If.P'rlcan Howling Congress last night, broke Itii ai 8' c records when he rolled a total pf ill -E'M. The Prevtoua high record was held If J.J- Ha ey, of Detroit: who rolled 105 In Ei'v vwv. ex rjniaaeipnia. i ww .cwuu. . Lucrative Prices at Juarez ilOARtr ... r..t. A -IilmHim mlfM B2Vd.e(1 ,'th uafut pacuUtori "the JU track yeaterdir aftsreooo. the sberteat ! a.T . m eie. I jl - "eiii saf aptur4 (fee tbln. J AM i A I arrnk ijfiiAAeo I ffttitSzs. I Think Th6 mr. josepm Jackson MAPolgous JOHNSON PREDICTS K.0.0VERWILLARD Big Black Says Ho Will Stop Kansan Before 20th Round in Battle April 4. HAVANA, Mnrch 2C Jack Johnson ex pects to ictnln his chnmplonshlp by n ltnoclt-otit. Ho predicted today that ho would send Jetn AVIIIard Into Blumber land before the :0th round of their IlKht hero on April I. Ho In convinced that ho Is tho master of all lighters-black and white and fears no man In tho 21-foot rltiB. "I will knock out Wlllnrd before tho -0th lountl," said Johnson. "It will tnko mo four or llvo rounds to find out what he has up his sleeve, nnd after that it will he easy for me to map out my plan and send him Into dreamland Wlllard'j size does not worry me. Ills tnllncss makes the solar plexus all tho more vul nerable; also his Jaw for upper-cuts" Despite the reports that liavo been cir culated of tho poor condition of the cham pion, the title-holder never looked better. Ho Is ns fast and as shifty as oer, his wind is In fine condition and his heart action perfect. Ho boxes 10 to 13 rounda dally without restlnB between rounds. Threo sparring partners nltcrnate In tho boxing bouts. Ah soon ns ono finishes a round nnothor Jumps In, Tho sparrlnR partners; are Hob Aimstrontr, the bis noKro; Colin Hell and "Steamboat Bill" Scott. Ills tralneis nie also confident that Johnson will retain tho title. Hob Arm strong, who helped train Jim Jcrfrles for his battle, with JohnBon, said today: "Johnson will be In better shapo for the 'Willurd llsht than ho was when he fought Jeffries." Johnson weighs 23S pounds today. Ho will enter tho ring weighing nbout 225. Wlllnrd tipped tho beam today at IMS, and will toko off about eight pounds be fore the day nf tho light. This will give him an advantago of about 13 pounds over tho "big smoke." Tho betting on tho fight Is vaiylng, the odds being from 2 to 2V6 to 1 tlmt John son will win. ALLYSTOPER WINS STAKE Big English Turf Event Decided at Liverpool Today. MVEnrOOU March 2n. Tho Orand Nation, nl, .ine of tho most Important eents on tha Engllsh turf, with a stake aluo of J.O.IXI'), wbh won today hy Allystoper. Jacobua was second un-l I'athor Confessor third. FLEMING VS. SHERMAN AT QUAKER CITY CLUB Battle Royal Also on Bill To night Morris-Flynn Bout Promises Good Sport. Buck Fleming, Cray's Ferry's ng gressivo featherweight, will meet a clever opponent In Abo Sherman, of Frisco, In the star bout of tho Quaker City A. A. s weeklv show tonight. A battle royal Is also carded. Tho program follows: First bout-Joe O'Nell. 17th Ward, s. Bar nev Lugan. U. S. S. Missouri. .. . . , SecoiSI ' bout-Jimmy Cassldy. Falls of Behuyl- "T'hlff iL"dnd,,VfrseV.0"S,outhwk. v.. NSef,'1,wVn,dAS;0Iuh.nJ;srnMan.yunk. ,.. Bert 8evrnd--Jpi-,HuckenH.mlnK. flray's Ferry. , Abo Sherman. San Francisco i Billy McCarney sals Philadelphia tight fana will see a. ery much Improved tighter In Carl I Morris when the Oklahoma heavyweight meets . l'orky Flynn. of Boston, at the National A. C. tomorrow night. Harry l'almer, who provei i himself a ser'atlonal battler on his debut here. will tackle Harry Smith, local southpaw. In one of tho preliminaries. Charley Thomas hopes to Impress upon local i fan. In hli bout with Charley, White at the Olympia A. 'A. Monday night that he should be boosted as Philadelphia's leading contender for Fred Welsh's laurels. Ty Cobb, who bat. I ties Johnny I'latil In one of the prelims, Is conrtdent Of beating the 17lh Warder. I The Falrmount A. C. patronage Is promised i one of the best mldd ewelght encounters for Some time on Tuesday night, when J.eo Houck and K O. Harry iaser, ui III1UII..UM, via.ii fn trie w nd-up, Marcus Williams plucked . corking match when ha stgned up the mjn. iioned "6S" pounders. Krankte. a brother of Uo. will make his debut here against Tommy Sharp. Young Ahearn. of New York, and tJeorge (Knockout) Brown. Chicago middleweight, ni.iy meetet local club the second week In April. The Memphis featherweight, acne Delmont, who boxed at local clube.bout two ears ago. la looking for fame and fortune In Chicago. He Is under the management of Emil Thlery, i?ho handle I'ackey McFarland's affairs. Al McCoy will have an opportunity to prove whether his one-round knock-out victory over George Chip was a fluke when thq pair clash .t Brooklyn April 8. The new Al McCoy end K. O. Bweeney, of New York, will meet la a M-round bout at Havana. Cuba, tomorrow night. The latter received the referee's decision over Dick ail tVrt In the Cuban capital In hla first right there. Foes Ally to Stop St. Nicks Kvrry other team In the Amateur Hockey lisgue U represented on the all-star aeven that will meet the St Nicks, champions, st thi St. Whole. Rink. New York city, t" nljhl Iewls. DuVtteae. Brown. Cree, Aaron. MaeponneU and MacCarthy have bun phseen to wpos Hehey Bikers array The game will fce tit the bepettt of the estployea at the rink, Wh U eJose tomorrow eight. a knockout amateur baseball lz52;LVayviS;' nWATTJ i;oTLu rti hi i 111 1 I I l II t;wic ;oui.irJ fc- g l - I ' I IKT. CALIFORNIA CUT AND DRIED FROM THE TRAINING CAMP OPINIONS DIFFER ON WHITE-CROSS BA1TLE New York Ring Experts Do Not Agree Some Say One, Some Say Other Won Top Honors. You may pick your own winner of tho Loach Crosa-Chnrley White f.Kht lnt nlKht. Sec how the opinions (lifter. New York World. T.eatl, Crn?i, nf New York, nnd ChnrlPv Whltp, of I hlciiRO. fouKbi t rrn lionorn In a trn-rouriil i?out whlil. w-nt tho limit nt Mml Ifijn Squaro uardrn last nlRtit It wan ilio rnoRt uncatlsfattory bout tli.U hart brcn fotiutit thin winter between llBhtwrlnht. o the lim to rntindtt of thn boxinff inn dull and listless Tho crowd nhowed lt rtlrnpiolntmtnt by cat en lift, hlsocn and booing Then both Inih warmed up nnd occnslonnllv wwaiiped punches. ew York TekKrnph f'harlev Whlta Hopped Itnlilriroii, but he didn't Mop Loach Cross at the JmiHtlnK tourna ment hold Inst nlftlit t Madlcon hiunrp Ojr l"n. under the ausplirs of Itmmle Johnnos Neither did I row stop White but he ilenrly outpointed him. It wni an expre Jount If ono mav call It that, due to Its non-utop har nrtcr. Othrrwlfo It wuu not so ers lant White welch-d In at '2t rrnt- at liU1 New York Ameitcan. Charley White, of ChUuRO, defeated headi CrosH In a ruttllnR ten-rniud bout at Madlfon Snuaro (inrden last night Tho WeMemcr probably would hno won by a much wider marKln had Crom ptood up and offered to e rlniiKfl with him Onl at Intenah did Croa du any real uRhttnff. The nfth round omv bc lonKrJ lo ht-arh Tho llrt and Hoxeiith wero about een, whllo White had the other Bien round' New ork Times. I.arKG ripples of Joy upread through Ihe bant Side last lilKht. for I.each 1 roai, the boxing dentist of tho (Ihftto, ftcrnpplUR like a wildcat, beat Charloy While, the Cnlinco llRhturlnnt, In Madlruit .Square Harden In tho mini iicilo and atlifarlorj ten-round hurl-burl that ha heen ween in the blp arena thla Htacon It w. a ual pcrnp. no Pliilllntr. New Ynrk 1 f M-itlrt. I.each Cron. New York'a rnoM prominent llnhtwelght contender, Ihki night gno the pre mier exhibition of hi lono; and eventful career b nllghtly oitpolnllng Charley White, of t In taeo, In ten lienely and Hometlmcr brutally contested lnunda at tho Mad I sua l-qu.iro Car den. New York Sun. I-cach Cross and Charley Whllo tried every punch they had any knowleduo of on rath other la-t right at Madison Kquaro (iardcu. and, though knockout punches wero tilwasH on tap. tho men xvtm there at the end of ten rourdn It was a draw. NEW YORK THIUCNi:. I.each Croka outpolntod Charley White, of Mllwnukee. hv a suhLlnntlal margin at Madl&nn Snuaro Cnrdoii last night Tho veteran'H blowa tarried more etlug than White's, and, aUhouuh tho latter landed his punches cleaner he horo the markn nf combat whci, ho left the ring, whereas I -each, exct'pt for red glove marks on his ribs, was out wardly uninjured. BILLY 3IAXWKLL TO BOX (JE0IK1K CHIP IN BROOKLYN Jimmy Dougherty's Protege Wants Prelims at Local Clubs. Billy Maxwell, local middleweight, known ns Wllllo Adnins nntll recently, probably will meet Oeorgo Chip, of Now rustle, Pa., nt tho Uroudwuy Sporting Club, Brooklyn, N. Y., In tho near future. Jimmy Dougherty, of fJrum I.ynne, wus offered tbo ditto for tho locnl flKtiter a short tlma tigo, but BlIly'B hund, which he Injured agnlnst Billy Mlaklo nt tho National Club early In January, had not healed. However, MaxwcU'o hand Is In perfect condition nguln nnd ho Is working out dally at Dougherty's quarters, wlicro Johnny Kllbane conditioned himself for his match ull'n Kid WIUlaniH ut tho Olympln. Dougherty wantH to match Maxwell for a bout or two at a local club beforo accepting tho Chip match. I.co Houck or Jack McCarron may hao a fllns nt Maxwell, Dougherty says, and Jlm'a protogo will bo tickled to death to meet either or both. Billy believes slx tound bouts with Houck and McCarron will put hlni on edso to accept tha 10 tound nffulr with Cnlp In Brooklyn. BILLY MAXWELL Jimmy Dougherty's middleweight wants to battle Leo Houck and Jack McCarron hero beforo meet ing George Chip in a ten-round bout, -1 t &: " - lite' A ' JACK WELSH NAMED TO REFEREE BIG FIGHT San Francisco Man Chosen Out of Field of 14 Billy Rocap Was One Candidate. Jack Welsh, of San Francisco, has been named ns referee for the Johnson-Wlllard fight. He was selected 'at n meeting of tho principals nnd promoters Inst night at Havana, Cubn, nnd the promoters sent a cablegram to him nfklng his accept ance. Tom Jones as spokesmnn for Wlllnrd; Johnson acted for himself. Welsh was selected from it list of 14 men. Wllllum It. Itoenp, Spoits Editor of the PuiiMC laKmiBR, was one of tho experts consid ered. Shnrpe, of Ht. I.ouls, nnd Mlko Donovnn, of Now York, were also invoice!, hut Welsh won. Tho proposal to nnme a substitute or nn alternate was deferred until word should bo received from Welsh. KAN KItANCISCO, March i:6.-Jnck Welsh, who tins been selected to referee tho Jolinson-Wllluiil light in Havana, will pi nimbly decline the honor. Welsh de elniTil Inst night thnt lie baldly felt eriuul to the long trip. "I have been Hiiffeilng from .in nltack of iliriimatlsin for thn Inhl ten davs." said he. "and unless I feel a lot better within the next day or two It will be Im possible for mo to accept tho honor. I am going to talk the matter over with my brother this morning, however, nnd tlion 1 will be able to give tho fight promoters a dcflnlto answer." MISS LANNAN FINE SHOT Breaks Eight Rocks in Contest for Willis Cup Honor. r 'iI'M,NOT0.N-. Pel- Marcb 20.-MI.S Mario $!!r,1,nr.ur':f'li(' "? "tUng her name on the Willis Cup. shattering eight, which was the highest more made by u member of the Ne mours dun Huh, of Wilmington, whonu name was not ulreaily encmxe.l on tho coeted Mece of silverware. Tho srorcx ' Miss Harriet D Hammond. 11. Mrs. Charles wrs.TirUli:rlfi.!s?Bi'n- " Mra- iia"y litRlnnliiK April 1. there win be a series of npeilal events for threo .rlzra, to bo unarded netnrdlng tp tho Lewis eluss Hjstnm Tho tlnal (lili''b'Bn'he'irotnnip?l.'ill,.lJf0rtlie W," W Episcopal Gym Meet Tho Kplscopal Academy will hold Its annual gymnastic exhibition In the school's Rymtia' slum tonlKbt 'Hie members of tho aggrega. tlon aro primed for some sensational stunts, AMATEUR BASEBALL TEAMS BOOK GAMES Sherwood Club to Organize First-Class Squad Lynn haven .Out for Meets. I,. V. yatt, former manager of the l.wlng A, A., has announced hla resignation and will assume tho management of the Sherwood Club, A strluly hrat-ulasa bwol-oll team will be jilaiod on thu held. The lullowiiig pluera ttae oeen si. nod. ram Llggot, C. liruvvii, ,,ait lukiii., miiiun, v-jiew, r . uuuey. iti. uadey, in. Mul tldelbtri juu ttuuer. oiiuii, pi Skipton. h ,Tulor. J, oiiuii, rrteinun, latl-luiia.ia, KuKIIU. 11. Sillier, K. llupp. McCarthy mid J. Aaup, All kames will bu pl.ijcd ut bhtruood J-lei J, fwili street und vMutb avenue, unu strictly first nass tiuvellng teams will bo booked. Com luunhatu wltn L. W. Watt, 1U North Jlub- UUll liisoil sirvni. The Udounrd Club, u, newly organUed semi professional untiling tcum, has A, J. Uraef uu Its muiiager anu unuer his guldunce the una hopes tu eopo with all leading teams In und out of tuvkn, Thu seuaon will open May -' with the beat homo club proyurod. All kau Ing homo clubs In I'onnsjlmriU and Now Jer sey desiring to book the Udouard Club com iiiuntiatii with A. J. (Jrael, ID, West husque hanna uienue. The Indiana Hoys' Club closed Its basketball by a score of a.'l to 11. 'Ihls made u, total of 1 won und 3 lost. Manager Welssman would like to hear from the Ht. lllta. manager so that u series could be arranged between tha two teams. Address L. 11 V.elssnimi. 111 North Marshall street. The Diamond A. A., a strictly semlprofes slonal traveling team, desires games with all teams of thla class In Pennsylvania, New Jer sey and Delaware for Saturday or Sunday, Diamond will have a last team .having signed up some of the best scmlpru bovs In th nv. names are preferred with Swedtsboro. Wood, bury, 1'le.usanl.ltle X'olwyn, l'asehall. Cape May and Melrose A. L, nf Atlantic City Ad dress 11. V. lleuley, BO 1 3 Stlllman atlcet. Tha Lvnnhaven Club -will place a fast team on the field this seuaon and would be pleased to bear from, all home teams, sui h a. ai leen. Devlin A. C Itockford. of (.ten Kiddle; lllvcrton-i'almyra and all team, having a fair guarantee . Practice games for April are de sired Address John Dougherty, lies Latoua street. The Olrard Reserves, a first cJals. fully uni formed traveling team. Is desirous of arrang ing i.ames with all first-class home teams will. Ing to pay a fair guarantee. For games write Manager Herman Oct Inter, 1000 North Ran dolph street. The Collegians will put a strong team on tho field this season. The management ha gathered several former college and scholsstla star, such as Pat Bayne. left fielder of St. Joseph's College; Frank Leckle. last year . star, pitcher of Bt. Joseph's College, who finished tho last season without a defeat chalked up against him; Hlckey. former Northeast shortstop; joe Llngg and Tom Lecker. both of St. Joseph's. All first-class home team, desiring a good attraction com. munlcate with Illchard lUnnlgso, 1210 North ITtU street T The et Philadelphia Independent League has reerg.nlied far the season, awl ha a ?wSfiMP" i8f lr-5hu leanu. Address COMPEL CHAMPIONS T0B0X,SAYS0'NEIL , n New York Man Believes Title holders Should be in Decision, Contest Once a Month. Those chnmplons of the llsllc realm who nro gathering golden eggs by the bushel with no particular regard for the poor old goose are to get nn awful Jolt erelong. All tho gnat boxing commis sions and organizations of tho world aro to combine In nn offorl to compel every world's champion boxer to defend his tltlr- In a decision bout lit lenst onco a mouth. Krnnti R O'Nell of the New York State Athletic I'nmmlFH'on, It tho Hum vvlm 1. fntherlni; the Men. In nn Interview ho said lint nlsht "I hnve ben working on this plan to loni pel chaiiinlona lo ilpfend their titles In n ile. ilslon bout onro In :10 lnys at least mid nil of the hoxlnir nrgnnlzHiliinfi are with mo I line innimunlented with l'uiil Rousseuu, preslilnit of tho National IVilerntlon of IJox Ing Clubs of France, and he will luck mo un In my efforts tn make theio men do some thing I'int lit worthy nf u clintnplnn. Hnus seau Ih on the editorial start nr l.o Temps, and he will swing thai paper In lino when It comes to putting our efforts Into efTei t. Victor llryer Is with us. ton Hugene c'orrl nf the Nntlonal Sporting Club of London, will lend his old also, lie is KncKind's llrst man In boxing. Mr. It.il.er. of Australia, hna prom Isod tn Join is la u worlds novernlnir body Tho Slate ommlHlnnf im nf Wtsioniln and Montana nro slrohffly in favnr of nur plan and will Inln in in an endeavor tn makn boxing tthnt It should he There Isn't . big promoter nr n club In tho lind that won't wilcomo this pinn. WORKMEN ATTACK SUNDAY TABERNACLE Sturdy Blows of Hammers Transforming Building Into Heap of Debris. The sound nf many hammers rang out early this morning In the big "Blll" Sunday tnhernacle when a largo gang of workmen for tho Sterling t'sed Materials Company began tearing down tho build ing. Many persons who had nttended tho evangelistic services In the tnbernnclo visited tho structure today for a Inst look beforo tho workmen had entirely de molished tho form of tho building. Among tho visitors wero many of tho men nnd women who had been converted by Sunday. Some persons o,yes tilled with tears ns they stood for tho last tlmo look ing nt tho rough wooden structure in which they had "hit tho trail." Many of them carried splinters nnd small pieces of boards away ns souvenirs, nnd not a few had their pockets tilled -with tho sawdust from the aisles. Many of tho converts said they would fill cushions with tho material over which tho thousands trod ns they walked forward to tako Sunday by tho hand. When tho work nf demolishing tho tem porary house of worship was begun tliciu was it throng of idle men on hand In the linpo that they could obtain work. About 50 weie given Joba. Mora than 100 wero disappointed. After lingering about th ii structure for soma time, those men who were unablo to get employment walked sadly away and once moro began their sourclt for work. The purchasers of thn building have 13 days In which to razo tt and removo tho material. But they hope to finish in less time. They will sell most of tho lumber. Heports received from Winona Lake. Intl., indicate that Mr. Sunday is in a nervous condition slnco ho has had a few days' rest, and he Is Just beginning to feel the effect of the great strain he was under hero. However, he expressed his belief that he would bo In line shape to open the Paterson campaign on April -I. Northern Pacific on the Ocean Steaming at the rate of 5 miles an hour, the giant steamship Northern Pa clflc left the Delaware Capes at 6:40 a. m. today and pointed her bow southwest on the first leg of her 16-day Journey to San Francisco via the Panama Canal. Rarly risers among the 400 passengers witnessed that ever Interesting sight of "dropping the pilot." Albert a. Ben nett, of the Pennsylvania Pilots' Associa tion, directed the course of the finest and fastest vessel ever to leave this port down the Delaware Blver. hl'MMKK IIKSOIITS AtUntlo City, N. J. Leading high-class, raodsrate-rate hotel A I RPMARI F Virginia avs. near Beach. ALnnrnflui-c Cap 8S0- Bt,.m beUi,. vator, sun parlors, prl, baths, etc.; excellent table, ev g. dinners, orchestra. Special 1 10 up wkly.l 12 up dally. Booklet. J. P. COPB, Cape May, N. J. THE WINDSOR bIh,,'?t0n' ehn. ocean view sun parlors. lUthe. Booklet. MISS HALPIN OCEAN CITy. K. J. THE BREAKERS KTwBv Only Boardwalk hotel. K. A. TOUNQ. Mjr. HOT SERMON ON HELL BY BLACK EVANGELIST Rolls on Floor, Then Shows Glory of Heaven by Flapping Coat Tails as Wings. A detailed deserlplloii of hell, the ex istence of which lie proved by 27 biblical tlUolntlnns, cnujcd f.0 "pike strikers" to flinko tho hand of the Itcv. Alexander W'lllbnnk", the negro icvlvnllst, nt the Vnrlck A. .M. i: Zlon Temple InBt night. Incidentally, tho big 280-potmd preacher caused more excitement by his sormon, "A Prnyer Meellng In Hell" thnn by nny other lie Ims preached In the two weeks lio has been In Philadelphia. Announcement was made prior to the Sermon bv tho ltev. Sylvester 1.. Cor I others, pa it or of the Temple, that tho collections during thn rnvlvnl, with thn exception of last night nnd tonight, will be devoted to the Institute he hn founded nl Hip Temple. This will Include n freo rmplnvment bureau for nearocH, nnd tnnnttnl training and sewltif? classes, t'ol ltM'tlr.iiR Hm night and tonight will bo for thn cNnncellnt. Tentative plans for r grenl pnrntle ud Br.ind street some nlRlit noAt week as a protest ami Inst the lltiiyir traffic ul.o were announced Invltntlons to par ticipate have been sent out by Mr Cor rolhers to vlrtuallj nil the tllble clashes In the city, nnd mniiv other religion", nnd fraternal orRiinlz.illoiis Thete prob nbl will be several bands and numerous torch llBhls. WlllbntikH List night began his sermon wltli thn story of n mnti who nlwnNS ex pected to git to hell. A small boy ovcr henid him sav so nnd unlchPd the limn climb Into a liny Htaek Then the bov set lire tn the slnck. When tho man nwoko there were flames nil around him. "In hell," hn said. "Just as I ex pected " Wlllbniiks outdid himself in demon strating tho points of his sermon. He pioved himself a good actor, holding the 1700 people In tho chinch silent for 15 minutes whllo he Imitated a rich man crnwllng nbout on tho floor of hell. Tho pronclicr dropped to his hands nnd knees on the pint form, groveled on tho Moor nnd rolled over. Then suddenly he jumped to Ills feet with tho contrasting inntomlmo of a mnti going to heaven, lie said nothing, letting tho Illustration spent: for Itself. Ills people broke Into erjtatle shouts ns he hegnn tn dance about tho platform, flapping the tniis ol hla coat like wings. Tho evangelist In the courso of his ser mon got Into every corner of the big nu dlloilum nnd Sundav school room ad joining, which was thrown open to ac commodate the overflow crowd. Ho did not climb on the benches, contenting him self with stalking up nnd down the nlsles, hnwexer, roaring a rnpld-llro description of what Is In store for those who fall to "get religion " GUNMAN WHO KILLED I'OLTCIUIAN 31UST DIE Peter Mclba Sentenced to Be Hanged for Murder. WILMINGTON. Del., Mnrch IHi-rcter Melba. alias Krakiis. convicted of the murder nf Policeman Francis X. Tlcrney on Mnrch B, wis today sentenced by the Court of Oyer nnd Terminer to bo hanged nt tho New Ciihllc County Workhouse on May H. The oxecutluu will be wit nessed only by the witnesses provided by law. The courtroom was crowded und ninny wnlted outside while the sentence was passed. Melba was brought Inlo Court bv Chief Warden Crawford nnd work house gunrds. Ho did not appear greatly concerned and was cool nnd collected. Attoinov General Wolcott asked that sentence be passed nnd Mclba was or dered to stand up. In answer to tho twiial question ns lo whother he had anything to sav, he shook his head. The court told him ho hud been nbl nnd fiillhfullv defended by his counsel, but tho Jtir had found him guilty. He showed no emotion ns Chief Justice PennowlU passed sentence nnd w.is Immediately taken back to the workhouse. A death watch will now be placed over him until the execution. Included nmong tho crowd which heard tho death sentence was a Inrgc number of women. Clergyman Transferred Archbishop Prendergast today an nounced tho transfer of tho Hev. James Plosnl from tho St. btanlslaus Chutc'i, t'ontesvllle, lo St. llcdwlg's parish, Chester. OBITUARIES Joseph Herman Vaill Joseph Herman Vnlll, formerly editor nnd publisher of tho Wlnsted Herald, nt Whittled, Conn., und president of the Connecticut Hdltorlal Association, died yostorday at tho homo of bin son, Robin son Vnlll, Wlstcr road, Ardmoro, from pneumonia. Ho had suffered from pn rubsis since 1908. Mr. Valll was 78 yearn old. the son of tho lato ltev. Herman Landoii Vnlll, of I.ltclifleld, Conn. Years ago ho retired from tho publishing business and made his home In Ardmoro with his son. He served ns assistant postmaster In his native city In Connecticut and wns) ap pointed executive commissioner ut the Chicago. Atlanta and St. Louis Exposi tions. His body will be taken to Litch field, where the funeral will take place. Mrs. M. S. Hershey Mis. Catherine Sweeney llershcy, wife of M. S. Hershey, who reaped u large fortune from the manufacture of sweet chocolate, died yesterday at tho Bellevue Rtratford, following n lingering Illness. Mrs. Hershey was returning to her home In Hershey, Pa., last week, after spending some tlmo nt Atlantic City to regain her hcnlth, when she became suddenly ill, nnd had to be carried tn the Philadelphia hotel. Mm. Hershey before her marriage w.ia Miss Catherine Sweeney, of New York city. Sho was about 35 years old. The body will be taken to tho Hershey home today for burial. Davis T. GrotT Davis T. Uroff. a retired farmer, whose ancestors wero among the early settlers of Montgomery County, la dead at his home near Royersford. He succumbed Wednes day, In hU 70th ear, after a brief 111 ness. Mr droit Bpent an entire lifetime wm M.SAi.t SS ,S 5"K letWTrift to Vhe EXDOSlflOil i, .iO:.''4,vra!KS .. .xv map- WSSTERirBYfM For free booklet and full Informa tion call on or address I). M. Davis, G. A.. lOta Chestnut Bt. Tel. Walnut 356-J57 i'ulla,. Pa. ss S.M sss m on Ihe old liomcstcnd where lie wis htitri Hn Is survived by one son, Wllmer T. Oroff, formerly supervising principal of tlu Jenhlntown High School Mr, Ben jamin T Sillier, of llojcrsford, Is a slater, Mrs. Fred Lane Sirs. Ida Itlte. wife of Fred Lati6, ot 3 Jlotneetead nvenue, C'ollftiBstvootI, N J., died this morning nt her residence after nn Illness of two weeks. Mrs Latin" was born In Springfield, Mass., In 1MI, nnj for ninny years wns a resident of Phila delphia. Sho is survived by her husband, n, foil Fred II, nnd two daughters nrlntha U nnd Idn A. Funeral arrange ments have not been completed IN MI'.MdltlAM lll'tlll"), tn loving remembrnnee of nur dear father, t.KWIB A Hl'IiBS, who de parted this Ufa Mnrch in, 1014, riUI.DnEN .IAI'HMINi linilKCC'A In loving mmory of our dear mother, who departed this life Mnrch SO, 1PH MIM.IAMSON. In remembrance of my father, HBO. W WILLIAMSON, died March ill!, isoil o V. W, catljg AIIIIAMS WBI.MNCITON I , suddenly, at Chestnut Hill. In his Tti'.h venr Duo notice nf th. funirol will be given IIACON. At his residence, The Pines, itnshi'ii, N V, ihnrsilaj, March 313. tuts, HIlN'ltY BACON, huaband of Husan William Itftii'Inll, (pti jears of age. Funeral services will te hell on Monday, Mann 20. IBIS. Time win be announced bereniter l'lense omit flow ere. IIAIIIIV.-On the 21th of March, IBIS, THOMAS F. husband of Teresa M. Barry. The relative and Irlends nro Invited to at tend the rmirrnl on Tuesday morning. March "'. Irom ''Is late residence .1102 Wains av, Solerrn ltpqulrm Mass nt St Vincent's ''nun h tlermnntovvn Interment At Cathe. rtral Cem"ter. Aunmobllo funeral (It.tjtjm. on Moreh 21. litis, LETHA CIIAVIH aged 2S veirr, nt Ms late resl slenee ,ai Ash nvo. cnllingsdale Interment nt Aloskle t'emeterv CI..UIK. On March 2.1. 101.1. MAnaARET, liln'v nf James Clark, mil daughter of the late c'lirlstlin nnd latharlnc Hoth Funeral set; be. on Mond.it, nt 2 p m . at her late residence Hm i;nt Orleans st Interment Mt re seo Ceineter Ct)I,TON.At his residence, 3727 Locust at, on .Varib 21. luli. .tiAlllllAS BALDWIN, fo" nt-."'e late SaMn nr.d Suzanne Beau, mont Colton, m tho seventy-sixth ear of his JR. Ilelatlves and Iriends are Intlted to at. tend tho funeral services on Saturday after noon at M o'rloik. nt the apartments of oilier 11 ruir, 1S20 chestnut street. Inter ment private Please nmlt flower CONI.KV. At his resMence,27iri Federal St., on March 25, 101S. WALTBR II CONLEY, n,!f,.," fear. Due notice of tho funeral will bo given COt'l.NON On March 2.1, 101(1. ANN 1I vviro of Thomas' Coulson, Sr Funeral serv ices on Mondut, at 2 p. m., at tho residence or hoi son, Thomas Coulson, Jr , 2135 Or- ..'.IS"!' V Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. DUSHOt; I.AS On March 2.1. 1015, ERNEST ., husband of Anna U. and son ot the late (lustave (I. and Th-i.lil.-i il. Dussonlas. Due notlre of the funeral .till be glten, from his ..lJ!.,r..rs,drncs fo:l North Slh st LCKIIAItDT On March 2.1, 1015, EMMA ,' f. s""5. Llvecy), widow of Theodore A. i-eklMnit tunernl on Monday, at 2 p. m., ,.:C?.m '"' Aramlngo ave Interment private, 1 J.T.li'r.Pn .March 2U. 1015, ELIZABETH l-ii .s'. daughter of tho late Casper and hllrabeth Flto Ilelitlvcs and friends aro . "J" ,0 attend the runeral services, on -i'"11?.'. "' I P ni . nt her lato residence. 7,. I It'wuter street Interment private In West Murci Hill Ccmetert )J l.EIt On .Mur.-h 21. 1015, ELIZA nilTII II FOWLER, widow of William II. snwler Funeral on Saturday. March 27. at - .. p m , from 119 King'. Highway, East J addnnlleld, N. J. Interment private, at Baptist Cemetery oi;!,'jK:, On March 21, 101.1. EMMA t.l.llLE. daughter of the late Louis and Anna Oerle. Funeral nn Saturday, nt u:S0 tn . fmm 2.WU list Sergeant st. Inter ment at North Codnr Illll rjemctery LHtorX. On March 21, Win, FREDERICK 1 , husband of Jennie Delslnger airoux and son or I.ouls I; and Amelia 8, airoux. Hinernl on Saturday, at 2 p in. precisely, from his parents' residence. IU1 North 3lst st Interment prlvato OLAZIElt On Jlureh 24, 1015. MAR OARET B., wife of Frederick M. Olailer and daughter uf the lato William and ( hrlstlana Lord Funeral on Monday, at s 10 a. m. from 4S2T1 A at Solemn Re quiem Mnsa at the Church of tho Incarna tion, at 10 a. in. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery GOODMAN. On March 2.1. 101.1, ELIZA BETH GOODMAN Funeral on Sunday, at a p m , from 111 East Lancaster ate., Ard trore. Pa. GRAF. On March 21. 101.1. MARY A. GltAI . widow of Frederick Oraf. Funeral on Saiurdaj, nt 7:'I0 a. m, from 270S West Thompson st Solemn High Mass at St. sranfli Xavler'a Church, at n a m sharp. Interment at Holy Beputchre Cemetery. GIIA1 On Mnrch 24. 101.1. CHAHLOTTU E.. daughter Into Wllllaui F und .Mary M. Uray S'unernl eervlros Saturday morning, in o'clock precisely, at her late residence, -O-'O Mt Vernon st Interment private. HAND At Salem. N. I., on Murch 21. 1015, ALEXANDER HAND Funeral 'rom 13 ilrirflth st , Salem, on S.viurdav, March 27, at 2 p m.. without further notlre. Inter ment at i:ast View Cemetery Salem HEttMfEY. On Mars ll 2.1, 101.1, CATHA RI.SE S, wife of .Milton K Hershey, ot Hershey, Pa Relatives and friends are In. tltod to attend the titneral serticea, on Sat urday nfternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the apart ments of Oliver II. Balr, 1S20 Chestnut st. Interment private HOFFMAN On March 21. 101.1, WILLIAM S HOFFMAN. Relatives nnd friends aro In. tiled to attend the funenil service, on Sat urday nfternoon. March 27, at 2 o clock, at his lato resldeuie, -tiUd llaverrnrd ave, Re mains mas be viewed Friday evening, HOVER. On March 24. 1015. CATHERINE E. widow of llenrv Hover Funeral on Sundav, at I p m., from 17UI Ellsworth st. Interment private. West Laurel Hill Ceme. terv. llt'.M I'll 111 S. On March 2.1. 10IS. COIUNN'A, daughter of Fred and Jeannle Ilumphrjs, aged 17 enrs months Funeral on Saturday. March 27. at It p. ni . from 717 Cove road. Merchant v ill.'. N. J Interment at llelhel ( emelcry I.EMIKIt. On March 2.1. 101.1. MARV M.. wife or i:dwln C. libber Funeral on Mon da, at 2 p. m. from her late residence. 123 South 5th si , North Wales, Pa Interment at Lplscnttnl Cemetery, ilwynndd. Pa, I.01VEN'IHAI.. On March I'd, 101.1, DAN IEL. hu.bi.nd of Sar.ili Lovventhal Rela tltcs and friends, also Chester I,odge No. 48H, II. P O. K arc Intlted to attend the funeral, on bui.dav. nt 2 p. m from his laic residence. 181S Diamond st Interment nt Adath Jeshurun Cemetery. Pieasa omit llowers. Baltimore papers please copy. McKAV. On Marsh 2.1. 1015, ANDREW U M KAY. son nf William and the late Elisa beth McKay Due notice of the funeral will he glt-vn. from the residence of hla brother, IV, Ilium McKav. 2KM North Lawrence at MOORE On March 23. 1015. HARRY II., son of the late E. Reese and Mary Moore and husband uf llerthu L. Moore. Funeral cervices on Monday, at 2 p m. precisely, ut his late residence, 4218 Grlscom St., Frank ford. Interment prltatc. MUHI'HI. On March 23. 1015. CATH ARINE, widow of Edward Murphy. Funeral on Saturday, at 7..10 a m . from 710 North :ii:th at Mass at Kt. Agatha's Church, at V n m Interment Cathedral Cemetery. fiKEIIKII. On Marsh 2.1. 1015, ELIZA BETH, widow nf Paul Seeber, aged S3 tears Funeral on Saturday, at 2 p. m. precisely, (rom her late residence, 2220 West Columbia ave. Interment strictly private. SHOEMAKER On March 24, 1013. Miss JU.l.KN hliQEMAKEK, daughter of the lata Joseph and Ilaihel hhoemaker. Relatives and trlends are Invited to attend the funeral services on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock ireclsel, at the residence or William Wells, f.TJ North Sid street Interment private. hNOWDKN. On March 23, 1010, OER TRUDE WEIR SNOWOEN. widow ot John jnowden Funeral services on Saturday, at 2 30 p m . at her late residence, l-'OO South Urejlok st Interment private, bTKVKNS. On March 21, 1013. KATH ARINE W daughter late Benjamin and Susanna Stevens. Relatives and friend, ore intlted in attend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon, ut 2 o'clock, at her luie residence, .l-'-'u slreene st., Uermantown. Interment private SYNAMON. On March 25, 101.1, ELIZA BETH, eldist daughter of the late James, and Margaret bynajnon, of Philadelphia, Funeral services on Saturday, at S p. m at the apartments ot Oliver 11. Balr. l-''i Chestnut st Interment private. TKM'HNEIt On March 25, 1015. KARL AUUL'ST TESCIINER, husband of Elisa beth Teechner fnee Kammerer), Funeral on Saturday, at 1 P. m . from 1107 North Howard St., at 2 p. in., from the Living Water Mission, 12S1 North 24 st. Interment Greenmount Cemetery TIIOMAH. On March 23, 1915, LOUISA C-. widow of Dr. John M, Thomas. Funeral from the parlors of Sechler & Magulre, J3IU North 20th St.. on Saturday, at 2 p. m. In terment private. Fern wool Cemetery TlIOMPbON. On March 23, 1015, WALTER C, .on of Thomas H and Mary L. Thomp son, aged 12 jeara Funeral on Saturday, at 2 v. m.. from 1333 Wlngobocklng at. Inter ment private. Hillside Cemetery. TOLANU. EDWARD DALE TOLAND.very suddenly, at Hot Springs, Va., In SsUh year of age. Funeral at fit. Thomas' Chi)rrh. v hltemarsh. on Saturday afternoon, at 2 SO o'rUxk. Arrival of train leaving Broad street for Whltemarah Station at I 23. Kioiily omit flowers. VAILL. At the residence of hi. son. Mr ROBINSON VAILL, VVIster road. Ardnsve, Pa., on March 23, 1813, Joseph Herman, aim of the late Ret. Herman Lanaon and Flora Gold Valll, ol Utthfteld Conn Interment at West Cemetery, Litchfield, Conn , on Satur day afternoon. March 11. at 1 o clook VBVs On March 20. 1815. WILLIAM VET, 'St. husband ot Framlaka Vey (nee VUllng). sged U7 years. Due notice of the funeral will be given W111TAKER. On March 24, 1015. MARTHA A. widow -of John B. WplUksr Relatlvs. and friends are Invited to attend the fusexaJj service., on Saturday morning, at 10 SO pi slsely. at her late restdeme. 2347 North College av. Interment private WORTHY nee Jackson) On March 22, Win. ELECTA WORTHY wt e e Chartsa U. worthy, stged 32 yeara Funerst avrsd-tss oa WrdneMay afternoon, st 2 u clo.k, at the apartment at Oliver II. Balr HCs) i"betuut st. Intenaent at Weetnlsuvtsw 'Vuii-ltry Oeneva IN. V) an4 New Voik f)it jhm m t .tH