Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 25, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    - , Jii yi.uyi.cu urn
lii.e weWev li ifiUjH iT-oe 1 h i
fterc? on a
i .... i flj7Qf PW,. i VI TltS- Jt "" SUT
- rijwn,- my HM-J n IUAV I t
i i
itfATi CONHTKllLHUIl IlltWl'llll' JMyl-C
V CAN QATBWOOO, V. H. N., ntul Mrs.
t'A entcrlnlneil nl dinner Inst nlnlit lie-
"i . (Jjnqe nl .viniuiuiiii. urai Kucain in
JT .1 onil Dnlloit Itnirlson, of Kan rmn-
2i The dinner wnt rIvcii In lionor of Mr.
Ifiwn h0 ls "l,el""nB somo tllno l"!r, ns
.t of NftVUl lOlisiruciur huh .ins. uiuc-
Kf h. rfiiiril loKCllier were Mr. nntt Mrn.
Hiddletoii, Mr ntul Mr. r-Ymik
Kr. nnd Mr Hobcrt John Hughe, Mr.
In Aim" Kvnnsiiti, Dr. and Mrs. Tliomns
. ... ...! tlno ttxnrV !lf. .tllull U'nl.
u-pjjrart, iiir- "" "
!". ..jn.v lltnlcn HutolllliPntt nml her chit-
Ju.vt gone to Attanllo City for the Unstcr
l. n..aniir tJ Coxc. who litis been Biiimrf.
-i fortnight In Atlnntlo City, will spend
& I Sunday nml Knster thcro nlso.
IffiL iitmnder Mnrkny-Hmlth nnd her ilnunh-
Kfllt9l ln J"'ow Ynrlt lia'"& J"sl iclurneil
' - , ,t' in Orinonij, Ma.
"I ., .... ..Ill 1m irltnll nt tl.ft ltll-
fcjouja Hotel on ThurBilny tilRht, April 8,
E J until 1 o'clock Bupper will .bo served
tit o'clock.
K A ll.nnlrn ...III rrl,n n atntiont.t
Urt, ueorga j "i "" " -"-
?.firnoon nt Brooke House. Mrs. Ilyron
ffiioqlton will receive. Mrs. Brooko nn-'L.-j
iimi this tea which kIio had Intended
ilji tomorrow una necn imsiiiuncu im unci.
. ind Mrs Pnvld Lewis wilt bIvo a
ISt'wty ttt t,in J,nB,J nl"1 WiB Pfr'orm"
'.. rrldflv. Anrll n, ollnwoil by supper.
tk Ul wl" ,CIlVo for Nw York lomor-
if (o Pnrt tno wreii-ciiii hs mo miem ui
( De Lanccy Nlcotl.
tfi,i noberta fliown Downlnii, who hns been
-I.iinr Lent nt Miss Walker's School nt
jjfaood, wl" return to her home on Satur-
vjj. Alice K New come, of White Plnlns, N.
fwtio delivered nn nldrcss bofoio tho mem
krt of the Pickens Fellowship at the Hotel
rTiton last night, will, during her visit here,
Bj!u guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Sessler,
MjUTfrtord, Pa.
Kri William J Balrd, of S12 Pino stieet, who
lfl Nw York, will teturn tomorrow.
SS "
,Ur. nd Mrs. Knoch Stuart Hogers ami their
jnWr, Miss Adele P. TJoRers. of 226 South
i itrfet, left for California ycstcidiy.
ilrrjngements are under wiiy for the annual
UaTJt of the classes of the Philadelphia
titdes School, 12th and I.ocual streets. A (Into
Krly In April Is expected to be arranged. The
wamlltte In chnrgp Is Arthur Olsen, chalr
bu; EJwIn 3 Knight nnd Isadora Hlntsteln
fftoramlttea conslstliig of Hany Kdnlmnn,
Islrraan; How aid Nickel nnd Merrltt Ash Is
pllng plops for a smoker nnd ontertnlnment
rlni the month of April for Clnss A of the
nine tchool, and Class If will have nn cnter-
ent during the Easter season. One of tho
fkrljlt features of the affair will be a minstrel
fjfjlfc The officers of V Class nre: William
JfjSllMjred, president; Arthur Zippier, vlro
Rw4at; Robert Gordon, secretary; William
QjfJ, treasurer; Fredcilck Glenn, review cor
noondent. Wt. and Mrs Iferbert C. Clark, of 313 South
U ftreet, will entertain at dinner tonight.
ijmVD-Mr. and Mis. Walter S. Malck wllj
fail the -week-end nt Atlantic City.
(If, Hi Mrs. Henry Baker have moved to
Wjrnd, where they have bought a largo
& Mrs. Baker formerly lived In Bnln, and
KLfrtauently visited In CynwMi ns the guest
Wer slater, Atrs Frederick C. Newbourg, Jr.
l(li Myrtle Johuslone, of Cynwyd, entertained
HMonday eieiilng at her homo. Tho guests
Oia Miss Ursula Sceburger, Miss Naomi
foltman, Miss Adele Blair, Miss nebecca Gold
TO Sre Buckley, Ktewart Unities, J. 1. ),
Hftftell Kraut, puko Itnmaoy MoKlnney and
IJlUTMr. ami Mis. John G. Fleck will give
tjjaea at the Cynwyd Club on April 6.
lra. Mary A. Hartley, of Edgehlll road, en
ffijlatd her sewlncr eluh nt llinrhenn ves.
"IS! 'Among tho members are Mrs. J. Ham-
BWphsnSon. Mrs Cnlvln P. r!hlM Ifrn
brt J, Tlly, Mrs. Frederick C Newbourg,
fcfcU". Walton, Mrs. Stephen B. Tlly. Mrs.
iBPh V. Little, Mrs. J. Charles Palry, Mrs.
m S. Ebubach, Mrs. E. Clark Rawlins, Miss
JeCalvey, JtrB prni,k Rpphiirupr. Mrs. Genres
Mlva and Mrp. A. W. rjekford.
liJiox-Mrs, Kdgar B, Howard nnd her
Sjjj chllijren have returned to Merlon flfU'
I month's stay Bt Hot fiprlnsa. Va,
2B MHam H, I'atterson, of the "Mttle
;? House, and. her little daughter, Mlsa
Sg Patterson, will leave net week for
, Conn., hero they will visit Mrs.
O'trom, Mrs. Patterson's sister.
' Itufus Scott, of 6611 Wissahlckon ave-
Sfelll leave today for Hot Springs, Va., for
mn May,
fc- Barah A. Sinn, of Wlster street and
r avenue, Is spending aome time In At
Md Mrs. Walter P. Praul. of 907 Greene
2$ entertalnad at dinner last evening In
f ot Mr, and Mru. William J. MeCIos.
and Mrs. J, Udmund. Broiwon, of 49 Wt
tgw avenue, who have been spending a tew
, " Atlantlo City, havo returned to their
runic J. Kr.nm ...... ..,.,..,.... ...,.'
m -r .i.iim, m ma ui(ieiiuKAcii ,im"i'
14. iM Vllln tf.t 1n T IT i. .1...
v '- - iiipiiua hi ow uin "ij'i
91l U White, of Thorn's lane. U vleltlUS
K m Ewt Palestine, 0,
Qarollne Oiborna will elva a danes lit
W VMk (or tiia mmtr e( tho ssnior
t" m Stevens School at the Old YorK
iVf Club,
HPIll party who attended the dance at
f" 't night included Mr. and Mra.
r C OoUhao, Wr and Mrs, William
' Wr and Mrs. Arthur Hardlne and Miss
Mr nnd Mm William West Krnuler, Jr.. and
fnmlly, who hne been upeiiillnK thf winter nt
their town house, 5112 Ppiuro street, will moe
to Tncklngloti, their country home, on Meet
InKhouso rond, JenKlntown, on Apill " for tho
sprltiK nnd early summer.
A miislcaln for the lictiollt of the Ahlngton
Memoilnl Hoipltnl and Christ Home, Itntboro,
will bo held this nfternoon at 3 O'clock, nt the
home of Mrs. ''mice Polem, In Wyncote A
BlKer offeilng will ha tnken, nlid tho program
will bo ns follows: Mrs. I'elors, plnnlt. Mrs
ttusscl, soprano, nnd Mfl. Bntezell, contrnlto
ft) "Dlo JotiRleitrln" ("The Jugglers' I. Mok
owskl; (2) "The Veal's at the Spring Mrs
H. II. A. Beach; (3) "A Birthday." Huntington
Woodman; (I) "IthnpBodlo HongrnHf, No 2
I.lszt; (M "Uuido" (Chlncco llieme), AreniKv .
()"Tho Fairy's l.ullnhy," Allco Adelaide Need
ham; (7) "My llenrt nt Thy Sweet Voice,"
"Samson nnd Uelllnh," Hnllit Knrns; (S) "Flro
Muslo" ("Dlo Wnlkuro"), Wngner.
Mis. I.nurn f). Binwu, of MontRomer. ne
nue, Hlklns I'nrk, will hn tho hostess nt n lea
tomorrow nfternoon, from 2 until S n'lloek.
Among Mrs. Brown's guests will ho Mr-!.
Thomns C. Poole, Mrs. Kinnk lCllgorc. .Mrs.
I'nul Pliy, Mrs. lleutlnr, Mrs. Thomas Jnckson,
Mis John Costello nml Mis. John Cnrson.
Mr. nnd MrH. Joseph Nlcholl, ot .125" b'nnsom
street, gave a, birthday party to their duugh
ter, Mlos Mary Nlcholl.
Among thosn present were Miss Knthcrlno
Alexiindcr, Miss Helen Alexander, Ml9 Anna
Wnltfrs, Miss Helen Wnttcrn, Miss Mnrle Hns
sen, Miss Anna Hassen, Mlsa Mmlo McGuirk
nml Mrs. Mary MiGulrk. Mlk. McGuhk gnvo
several solos on Iho plnno. which had been pre
sented lo Miss Nlcholl by hrr parents ns a
hlrthdny gift.
Mrs. Clara U Mntitgriiiicry, 22il Soutli .'.Olh
stieel, gnvo n limcheou nt hor home cstelday
In honor of Sin A. II. Montgoinery, of Ger
mantnwn, her daughter-in-law, and Mrs. I. T.
Hppclsheimcr, of Washington, IJ. C. Her
Riieats weio Mrs. William Heauvoau, Mrs. Wil
liam Griggs, of Mnrchanvlllis, N. J.; Mlci 'IVssa
Klnslny, ot Canada; Mi. George Wharton, of
Atlantic City; Miss May 'AlontKiimery and Miss
Jcanno Montgomery.
Tho tnblo was tastefully decorated with pur
ple nnd white ribbons nnd garlands ot cai
niitloiia. Tho f.nois were gold thimbles. Fol
lowing the luncheon a muslcaln was given, fol
lowed by dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sliuiinhnii, of 4.-. Noith
Concstngu street, entertained at a dlnner-danco
In honor of Miss C.itheilno Coylo, of Atlantic
City. The following guests wcro present: Miss
Soplilo llliigp. John CojIp, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnny
Summers, Miss May Biiahnmu, Parke Stein,
Hiss CatliPiIno lteedle, I'.lchnril Wiogg, Miss
l.oulso Hmith, James Ball, Miss Pegglo Cooper,
Fredeilck Crcssy, of Atlantlo City; Allieit Gar
lett nnd Miss Gertrude Allauhy.
Miss Pilsullla Connolly, of 321 Tasker street,
has Just returned from a visit to Woodbury
Heights, whcio she vus entertained by Mr.
nnd Mrs. Joseph MoEUvalne, formerly of West
Mrs. H. Chllds Hodgens, ot 213S West
Pnssyunk avenue, In the Glrard Estate, will
entcrtoln the members of the Civic Club of the
4Sth Ward tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
Purlng tho business meeting there will bo an
election of olllccrs for tho coming yenr. A
paper will bo read by Mrs. Thomas Hurd.
Muslo nnd light refreshments will follow.
Mrs. Joseph Payne, of 1103 South 15th street,
will entertain "l .Monday afternoon at a de
lightful liinrhnoii. BnsUntH of spring flowers
and maidenhair ferns will fonn tho nrtlstlu
decorations. The guests will Include Mips
Bessie Hunter, Mis Wllloughby. Mrs. Vnne.
Mrs. A. Calhoun, Mrs. I.conaid, Mrs. Windsor
nnd Mrs. Hoiffrrt.
Miss Hose Borkon, of 1931 South stieet, will
entertain on Monday ovcnlng. There will be
nn atti active supper for six, nt which daffodils
and while ropes will be artistically combined
In tho decorations. Tho favors will be dainty
llttlo figures dressed as brides and resting on
white satin pincushions. Tho guests, who will
be members of her sewing circle, will Include
Mis. Samuel Mellln, Mrs. John Hutchinson,
Mrs. William Webber, Mrs. Jane Clark nnd
Mrs. William Clark.
Mies I.aurn M. Hutton, of 1S5I Wllllngton
street, wbh hostess at n "500" caul party last
evening, when her guests were Miss Gwendolyn
Talor, Miss Kvelyn P. Jnrden, Miss J.orrlliB
Bernet, Miss Leah P. Conway, Mr. nnd Mrs
William H. Wentz, Mr- and Mrs. A. Lynn
Walker, Mr. ami Mrs, P. Jules Lafore, Lewis
12. Hale. Clarence A. Hutton. Ellwood K. Acker,
Jr., Harry O. C. Williams und Harry Roberts.
The Gamma Sigma Girls, chaperoned by Miss
F.llzabeth Allison, held their annual reunion
last Mk at llB Ulttenhouse. During the din
ner announcement of the engagements of sev.
eral of the girls wag made. Dancing and music
marked the evening. Thoso present were Miss
Florence M. Alllaon. Miss Edna J, Bewlghouse,
Miss Nellie Dougherty, Miss E. Alvlna Fischer,
Mlsa Kdna M. Fischer, Miss Estella Hagan,
Miss Oprtrude S. Hagan, Miss Irene U, Murphy,
Miss Marie Murphy. Miss Florence W Smith,
Miss Eleanor M. Sawjer and Miss Margurita
A "Sunshine Club" has been organized by
Ca?s No, 3, "f the Sunday School of Cook
jnan Methodist Episcopal Church, Lehigh ave.
nue and J!th street. Meetings will be belJ
monthly at the homes Df the members, who
are Mlas Jrma Maateller, Miss Jeanette Ttunzer,
Miss Malda Evans. Miss Virginia, 1X111. MI89
Lillian Halpbi Miss Clara Bauseh, Miss Helen
Cooper end Mlss Grace Welsh. The officers
are Mlsa Sadie Erwln, president! Mis J5dn4
gpmera, secretary, and Miss Mildred Ama,
One 0 the series of Interesting; meeting
btng held In the FalrhlH Meeting Hoys;, Ger
inantown avenue and Cambria street, will take
placo tonight, neuben B. tester, a noted
speaker In the Society of Fi lends, will make
an address on "The Need of Itellgloua Amo
elation and Fellowship." This will be follows
by a talk on "How to Work H Out,'' by Al
bert Lawton, of New York.
Mi-3. Taylor has licon cntoi'tnininK cxtonsivoly this winter. She ia ((pending tho
winter nt thu Ahline. Mr. nml Mrs. Taylor Rave a dinner recently in 'honor of
Sir William McNnurfht, a member of the Canadian Parliament.
St. Lukc'8 Hospital in Tokio to He 15en
cflcinry of Fair Held April 11.
Much Interest Is being manifested In the fair
to he held at the lionm of Mis. Hobcrt V.
I Do.viiIhk', h2l l.oaist stieet, nil thu afteriioon
of Tuesday, April G, by the Junior Auxlllniy of
the Chinch of Holy Trinity. Tho buuellclaty
will bu Saint Luke's Ho-spHnl, in Tokio, Japan,
for which tho Junior Auxiliary of tho Diocese
of Pennsylvania has agreed to raise a large
Miss Helen Tower, Mlts Ocrtiudo Tower and
Miss Maig.irct Herwinil will bo in clMrgo of
the (lower booth, nnd thu fancy work table
will be conducted by Miss Cecile Howell, .Miss
Eleanor Arnott and Miss Roberto. Downing
Miss HcIlii Siiuplo and .Mlsa Anna lillplu will
lituq ihnrgo of the cake and cninjy tnble; MIlh
Mpigueilto Mllno and Mlr.s ('. Beatrice Fox. nf
tho gardening; Miss Edith PIc.tsmttou and Mlsi
Margaret Clnwciin, the books, Miss Kathcriuo
Seeler, Mlbh Adelnldo Flngg, Miss Floieiun
Miuzoy and Miss Elizabeth Miller, the useful
nrtlcles. Miss Corlnno Fiecinan, .Miss Catlieiino
Lennlg, Miss I.oulso Grey nnd Miss itachd
Fltlor, the 10-23-cent table.
The grab-bag will bo In chargo nt Miss L.
Einley Cook, Miss Nancy Cook, Miss Ellae
Klapp, JIlss Susan Doughten nnd JIIbs Maile
Doughten. Miss Frances Itandall and JIIss
Alice Atlcc will dispense lemonade, with tho
nsslstnnrn of a number of younger girls ns,
nldes, Including Miss Frances Scott, Miss Emily
Bnrtlett, Miss Margaret Prlchurd, Miss Eiiso
Clurk, Miss Helen Mooro nnd Miss Mary Fiero.
In nccord.inco with tho object for which they
nro working, tho young ladles will be in Jap
anese garb.
Airangcmenta aio well under way for the
annual baiaur to bu held Aptil 12 In St. Domi
nic's Hull for the heiiellt nf thu new hclmol
building. 'J he a flair Ih under tho pcisoinl ill
rectlou of tho Ite, James Coakluy, und the dif
ferent societies ot the t'hiiioh .no eiieigctlLvlly
working to niako this bazaar a memorable one.
The. Knights of Columhu.) will have a booth 111
the shape of a boat, which will be culled Sunt"
Maria; tho li, V, Sodality nre planning u Jap
anese construction; thcro will bo a fancy table
belonging to tho beneficial soqiety, and an Ilisli
Cftbjn which promises to be very unique, nnd
Interesting, Good music will be furnished, In
which the talented membera of the younger
set will participate.
The members of the Union I'lub were enter
tained by Mis. Fianklin Cartledge at her home,
3102 Decatur street. Many of tho members were
present and a great deal of sewing, which la
done by tho club for charity, was accomplished.
1'hoto by Uerceau.
Mr. Curtis will be remembered as
Miss Grace Maxwell. Her marriage to
Mr, Curtis took place in Lansdowne on
March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis will
sail on Saturday for Buenos Aires.
wb.erp they will llv
The Next Concert of This Very Up-to-tlato
Club Will He Held Match .10.
Mrs. Willlnm It. Mount has auanged a most
nttiactlvo program lor Ibe concert of the Mnll
neo Musical Club at tin1 lloosevelt on Tucsihiy
nftcinnou, March ,TO. A featuro will be tho pl.i
tng of ilutu on two pianos by Mis. I.. Howard
I Wintherley and Mrs. Mount. Mrs. l.lnch and
I Mrs. Butterworth aie to be the piano accom
panists for tho conceit.
Tho piognim will include: Piano solos"!
Alouetto" (Hnlaklrew), "Etude, Op. SV (Aren
ik), l..nlnlu (iurtrude King.
Songs "Morning" (WooiIiuhu), "The Stai"
(Itogeis), Helen F. Voshnge.
Pl.ino solo "Polonnlso" (MoszkowsUli. Mrs.
Joseph II. Stopp
Songs "Floods of Spring" (Itnchmanlnorf),
"Finm thn Land of the Sky-blue Water" (Cad
m nn, licitilio Flint Collin.
I'l.ino mlos "Roninnco" (Schuott), "Giillew"
(Schumann), "Alntu Peipetuo" l.ManDowoll).
Mis. I.. 1 1 nun nl Wcntheiley.
Scenes fiom "Carmen," In coslume (Bizet),
Mis. John Dunn. Jr. and William Dowdell.
Piano solos Preludo from "First Modem
Suite" (MaeDowell), "Meditation" (Tschnlkow
sldl, Elizabeth Gcst.
Songs "A Gay llmtoilly" (llnwley), "My
Garden" (C. Linn Seller), Edna Hoipe Iloseu
thnl. Piano solo-"l)ilftlns" (Filml), Mario Halt.
Songs "Trunin Duri'li die Pneinmciung"
(Strauss), "Wlegenlled" (llumpeiilnck), Anna
Lama Johnson.
Duos for two pianos "Molodlo" (MoszUowski),
"Scherzo" (Arensky), Mrs. U'cathcrley nnd Mrs.
The Junior Christian Kmlenvnr Society of the
Temple llniitlst Cliurtb, 22d nnd Tioga btieets,
will kIio a novel ami uttiactivc entri talnmcnt
tonlsht In the IpcIuio iooiii. Tho piogram will
Inilude a Jaiunese fnu di III and a little sketch,
"The Dieum of .Mother Goose." Tlie children
who will liiltH pint me .Mlsa Florence liberie,
Miss Glaibs i:baie, Miss Klizalieth Dllks, Miss
lleltm Miillln, Miss Gladys IloweiK, MIms Made
leine Jones, Miss Myrtle Tlndnll, Miss Alice
Ochs, Miss .Mary Jonas, .Miss Minerva lllllo
gas, Miss Dllzabeth ZonUler, Miss Marian .on
dler, Harold Saurmnn, Itaymond Tlndnll, Ar
thur Zondler and Wan en Graf. Miss Bthyl
Fiiiestonc will be heard In several piano solos.
At the birthday patty given by Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hnll Connelly, of (iD West Venango street, for
their daughter, Mls.i Chrlsslc Connelly, the
guests Included Miss Sarah Barnes, MUh
Kminn Nicknl, Miss Ruth Hunter, Miss Mil lam
Hnusman, Miss Hilda Beck, Miss May Hnl
llngsworth, Miss Iris f'ale, Miss Klsle Geilach,
Miss Helen Geary, Miss Hdlth Kramer, Itobert
I Keir, Samuel Peny, Paul Beck, Carl Bltterllck.
Bernard llalllday, Henry Gourley, Frederick de
Frances, William Hunter and Stanley Bayer.
I The decorations wer pink and white, the (low
j era used being sweet peus.
Class No. 11 of tho Ann Carinlchael Presby
terian Chinch will gUe a musical and dramatle
entertainment ln the lecture hall of the church
I on Tuesday evening. April 8.
The event of tonight In this section will ha
the annual banquet of the Board of Trade of
the 21st Wan!, which will take place at 6:30
o'clock at Woodvale, Wissahlckon, the club
house of the American Bildge Company. John
F L Morris, the genial chairman of the coin,
mlttee, will act as toaatniasler. Prominent
among the speakers will be Governor Brum
baugh, or his representative; Dr. Henry Ifouclc,
Secretary of Internal Affairs; Prof. Francis
JL Green, of the West Chester State Normal
School; Senators James I'. MuNlchol and Edwin
If, Vare; John V- Connelly, chairman of the
Finance Committee; William F. Vare, William
C, Jacobs, Superintendent of Schools, and Dr.
William N. Davidson, of Pittsburgh, There
will be an excellent program of musical seleo.
tlons by George Waph, Philip Hirst, Frederick
Seliaff, MUs Isabel Galbralth, Miss Hosa Barry
and Charles Gardiner. The committee having
the affair In charge Includes Nathan L. Jones.
George E. Dorwart. Joseph C. Morrle. Jacob
Sheldrake, William W, Kester and Clarence L.
Turner. The officers of the association are:
William F. Dixon, president: John S. Turner,
secretary, and Joseph C Morili, treasurer.
About 2QQ Invitations have been accepted.
Sprint flowr will b combined with ferns and
julnis l (be decorations.
j link nvehue, hns Issued Invllntlons for
the mniilagp of her daughter, Mis. Kvn At.
Gatikel, to Frank Sterner, of -HM Fleming
stieet, on Wednesday night, Match 31, lit her
honip. The bride's attendants! will be her sis
ter. Miss Lillian Vniisunt, maid nf honor, Ml
Mav Kellj, flower girl, mid Miss Knllmillie
Wilght ond Muster Montgomery Uniikel. rib
lion beaters. Mr. Sterner will havo Chailts
Parson for his best rnnti. Tlie reremony Will
j be followed by a reception.
Mi nnd Mrs. Frank J. Muer. of 42W Penn
stieel, will relcbrnto their "Olh wedding annl
veisaij on Sutuiday evening. The guests will
bo Mr. nnd Mis. Joseph Hvnus. of Slioeinnker
Mllt. Iliirrv Uelulinlil, Dr. John H Castor,
Ham J Nell, of Boston: Willlnm Jones, J.
WnltPi Bromley, Frntik Itennle, Lleutctinnt
Jilin llaiiv, John I. Fox, Herman VeillU,
Geoige I'vniiH, Miss .toilette Blehler, Miss Helen
Slim, Miss Marie Wilson, Miss Helen Simpson,
Mls Paulino MptKgor, .Miss Bertha Kohler, of
V.KK llaibor. Miss l.lllle Saunders, Miss Flor
ence Miller, Miss I'lsle Kteluder. Joseph John
Hon will render several musical solos
A piomcuadc, concert and dance In nld nf the
L.ulv nt Merry Cluinh will be held n tho
Bpllovuc-Strutford Wednejilny, April 7. Games
mart prompt!) nt 9 o'clook Tho games will
be plnjed In order, euchie, "500" and bridge.
Handsome prizes will be awarded. Li Favorlta
A Miolnl oignnlzatlon, known In the Northeist
ns ho "Seven Gerinan Brothers," met last
week in the home of John Bechtle, 8119 North
Ii out stieet. After a series of card games,
musical entertainment was furnished the
The Vesla nub of the 3st Waid celebrated
lis 4"tii nniilvcisni) lact week at Its club
hnutsi Covers weio laid loi 20J guests Songs,
speeches, iiiu-lc and ihuclng filled the evening
with merilmcnl. Maglsfrntp John Mecleary,
piesldent nf the organization, letohl Its history
in t most nriglnnl niaiuipr. The olllcers for
the par are: John Mecleaiy. piesldent; Jesso
I'allatt, vice president, John Dcibyshire, sec
retary, and Geoige II fiouse, treasuicr.
The secoiul grand annual outing of the T.
11. McBcvItt hoolnl and IlPtiellclnl Association
vlll bo held Apill 11 nt its Country Club, Gmnd
nveiiuu and Ashtoii mad
Geotgo L. .IncHsnii, of 2iVS K.iBt Cumberland
street, well known and active In social circles
In Kensington, will leave for Newport. It. I ,
Tuesdnj to enter the tialnlng school of, llio
Culled Statt3 nav, ns jenninn of the third
Tom Itllcy, pioniliienl In social nml ntliletlc
elides uinong the younger set In the noitheast,
will leave shoitly to Join tho United States
raviilr). ltlle is the holder of many liand
hamo tiophles, won under the colon of tho
Cnmbiln A. C. in stieet runs nnd other forms
of spoit.
A baaur will be given In the basement of
the new Chun h of the Ascension, V and West
moielaod htreets. ftom April 12 lo April 17.
The various s-ocietles of the chinch nro co
opeinting to make tho affair a Rival success
Bnlcrtalnment of nil i,orts will bo furnished to
umuto (he young and old. Moving pictures
will be one of the main attractions.
A leceptlon will be given next Sunday by
William Franz on the occasion of the christen
ing of ills V-hottom motorboat, which will be
lunched Into tho waters of the Delauaie at
BrlihVibuiK During tho sinnner Mr. Frnnz
cniiluinldatea n till In the new boat lo Charles
ton, S. C.
Ml. M Mitchell, "WIS Kensington nvimue. en
lei tallied last week at her home. Tho tables
vvuio beautifullj deioi.ued and the favors were
most unlmie. Hntertaluineiit whs furnished by
M. Ilonlcks and Miss Mltchnll. The guests
v.eio Miss Kllzabeth Hughes, J. P. Voting. Miss
A. Troulllne, Miss Mario Lnch, Miss Bitter,
John McOovcrn, Waltor Masteison and arover
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Coyle, of ISOl North
Swanson stieet, are lecelvlng thn tongratula
tlons of their friends on the birth of n daugh
ter, Mrs. Cojle prior to her mnrilago wns Miss
Mary K Young and plajed n most prominent
part in social activities in the Noitheast.
Mrs John Badcllffe, of Lansdowne. enter
tained at bildge josterdny afternoon, when her
guests were Mrs. Chailes Gullck, Mrs Louis
Suhwaitz, Miss Amy Murle llexamei, Miss
Kleunor Beetem. Mlts I'.lhel Kneass, Miss
.- . l r. l,n.. Maa,.. M ., llnV '
r.ieauor iuim .u. w .-.",,. .-... ...w
Signor, Miss Jnne Curinn, Miss Minnesota K.
Ciolg. Mis, Fred Oelg, Miss Emily Clllkon, Mrs.
Lafora and Miss Catrle Beck.
Mr. and Mrs William Buckpian, of UM Muln
rtreet, gavo a reception to mark the 50th an
niversary ot their wedding. Many guests were
pietent and many beautiful sifts were received.
Mr, Iluoknmn Is the kecietary of the Darby
School Board and cx-presldent of the Darby
File Company No. J.
MUs Mary Zlegler, of Fast Greenwood ave
nue, entertained the Alpha Beta Delta Sorority
at her home last evening. The member pres
ent were Miss Marlon Gaucher, Miss Majorle
Young. Miss Myrtle Cialg, MM iffilen Daven
port, Miss Helen Held, Miss Dorothy Humphries,
Miss Miriam Hart. Miss Lillian Bloodsvvorth
and Miss Alma Underbill.
An extra Friday evening dancing class, ar
ranged as an Faster festivity, will be held In
the New Century Club, Friday evening, April
19. Since the oung people will be home from
school for the holidays, bringing with them
holiday guests, the dance will be unusually
Mr- and Mrs. Worrall B Clnrkeon, of St
Paul, Mlnn.i Mrs. William B, McCloy and Miss
Helen. MeCtoy, of Brooklyn,. N, Y., are guests
of Mrs- James P. Clarkson, Mr and Mrs.
Clarkson are on their way home from Florida,
After being away for three sears, John Pres
ton Doughten. vice consul at Kobe. Japan, Is
en route (or horns on the lndru Mr Doughten
has come from Jspsn by the way of the Pana
rv CaniJ.
Quartet will entertain the guests prior to the
, A delightful birthday patty wns given to
?-e-ir-old Frank McMurry, $60 North Orkney
' street. Voting nnd old mingled together among
Ihe gU"stH Miss Mltn Oeleellnan proved to be
1 nn ndept perfnrinei on the piano nnd played
tinting the singing nf Miss An nice Wilcox, Mfss
Apnea Wilcox, miss Amelia Mimy nnu pjiss
Margaret Hunakker. Othcis present were JJIS
Vliglnla Klefe, Miss Catherine Conrnd, Joseph
."lepkal, Miss Kthel Wilcox, Miss Ida Wilcox.
Cliilrle.s Blchards, Miss Lizzie Cooley, pdwnrd
Coolev, Miss Nellie Dufton. Mls-s Ktliel Durton.
Charles Fritz, Carlton Kmcley, I'rederlck Bab
etistellicr, Mltfs Amelia Kuggaber, Willie Connor,
Jotflph Sneene), Miss ftegena Sweeney, Mlsn
Marie Oelselinnn nnd Victor Gelselmnn.
Ml s. V. r MeDade entertained last Week s,
daintily arranged pnrty at her home, 3220 Vet
Ailzona street. Dancing, music, songs and reel
Intlons marked the evening. The house was
appropriately decorated with festoons and
TIip guests piesent were Mr. and Mrs. George
Hniinln. Mr. Kicker. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lark In,
Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill. Jack WeBt, Mr. and Mrs.
Killgorc, Miss MoDonough, Mr. and Mrs, Ed
word MeDade. Sidney Adams, Willlnm Dietrich,
Miss Call, Miss Tlllle Flneslnger. D Bowers,
Frank Donnelly, Miss Anna Kinkier. Herbert
Holland, Hdvvnrd McCnuIey, Stephen Hair,
Ficderlck Graft nnd Miss Butli Smith.
Miss Vida St. Clair Smith, supervisor of muslo
In tho Chester public schools, Is attending the
convention of National Music Supervisors at
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoffman, of Madison
stieet, have returned finm a visit to relatives
at Hanover, Pn.
Roheit D. Hancc has relumed to his homo n
Detroit, Mich . after being entertained for a
week by Charles A. Foley, ot Mudlson Btrset,
MIsh Vcldn Mllburn, of West 5lh street, Is
enjoying n fortnight's sojourn at Atlantic City,
Bcnjnmin F Grnflon. of the Stli Ward, has
returned from a week's trip through Mnryland.
Chestnut St. Z&
Home of Wprbl's
Ortnlest Photoplays
Afls 1:30 to A-.nn 10e. ir,c, 2.1c. Including Sats.
Kienlngs 7.30 to 10:30 lOc, J,1e. a Fw'50c.
IncludliiR HaturdAys.
itu ma WEniti
(jl i I tfM.t. CAt.N'R
TWtCtJ riAlt.V- 2 10 nnd 8-30 P VI
(lientent Poar Play r:ver Written
ACADEMY OK MUSIC Thursday Evg., Starch 23
Will Sins
AMlstcd by
Mrnibers nf the Philadelphia Orrheatra.
TltKets. Jl r,l 1155 t0O, 1f,q,
llrppea. HIP (Jhealnut Street
2Sc s. fine
All Sent
TWICE DAILY, 2:30 and 8:30
wYr The Mask & Wig Club
Public Seat Sale Tomorrow A V
See MarveKiua Pltturea of Desert of Sahara
and ilia Mldnlihl Bun
25c. 50e. T5c. 11.00 at lirppa'a. 1110 Chaatnul.
XJ J Jj Ml rcnllnuoin Vaudtvlll
11:30 A. M to 11.30 f, H.
HAUHINaTON ItEY.NOl.DH CO. or Teo In tfi
Kngllah Comedlallu
Jna Cook, Mallla k Hart Co.l Law k Mollll i(unt
Inn, llrovMi i. UcConnack i Kalma A Co,; Stya Ar
Bo; Oihera
T -r-mn TONIUUT AT lii 15
In Her Nan Kankul Tiliini,h
" A-M I X U P"
piU.r Moioco rresema i. Hartley Inor'
1214 Market
Ilu'-Klii'a Kun' , Utttfra
"Pd I'RuleG"
U A. M I" l "
11 A U m JltlS V U,
So Ural a Rcaarvad.
ALICE DOVKY Csmmandlm OSIear
Next WeW Marguerite Clark In tjretn (Jrato
""cross keys theatre"
t A"DT?TPTf ,,a,t Wwlia, Uvtmnga t 8.ij
(jrAlvivlvi' Ma.tlne Vil and Hat at M.14
"voVW.7 $z baldpate
Piul4r WW
Today 2 itD, T 9
E: t-ONtY
MJirt 4
LoriK dEAitniE a.
pwih, jauaniNu fictUKKa-
I) U M 0 N T S W& fctaft'S"
Uurlgufr I'U.vJY MY HEAHT'
TRpcADERp Tb gw;r
Oa cTMn walmt. tun rtwy?